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<IsaacA[m]> since I'm not sure how I'd tie it into my existing username yet
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<IsaacA[m]> just figured I'd let you know incase you needed me to test anything kdenlive related
<samueldr> hi, you probably should add a higlight to "tenten" in your client, if it does
<samueldr> at least for a small while :)
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<samueldr> (I don't think I'll have anything kdenlive specific to test for a while, though maybe the Qt fix can also work for your issue?)
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<IsaacA[m]> I have no clue how I'd do that, still learning this whole thing
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<IsaacA[m]> Is there a way to run AppImages inside of NixOS?
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<tenten8401[m]> testing
<tenten8401[m]> ah alright, I'll just keep my display name as tenten8401 then
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk opened pull request #44038 → WIP: elk: 6.2.4 -> 6.3.0 → https://git.io/fN4tD
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<Myrl-saki> Is there a function that takes traverses through propagatedBuildInputs?
<Myrl-saki> Okay, crap, I feel stupid now. That's all implemented in BASh, IIRC.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fN4qu
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<Myrl-saki> /buffer 36
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<elvishjerricco> Hm. Trying to use github prs feature of hydra, I'm getting this: `access to path '/nix/store/v4cjv3z8f7xzjwmbjaf0ihny2ayiz38p-github-pulls-sorted.json' is forbidden in restricted mode`
<elvishjerricco> Anyone know what that's about?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @endgame opened pull request #44039 → haskellPackages.blank-canvas: Move fixes to configuration-common.nix → https://git.io/fN4qw
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<Myrl-saki> holy crap, python is killing me.
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<Myrl-saki> A lot of python programs rely on PYTHONPATH for extensibility. I can't even test them on environment.systemPackages, and need to use wrapper scripts and whatnots.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #44040 → Revert "meson: 0.46.1 -> 0.47.0" → https://git.io/fN4qp
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<tertle||eltret> Myrl-saki: can u use a nix-shell?>
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<Myrl-saki> tertle||eltret: Yeah, that's actually how I figured the problem out.
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<Myrl-saki> tertle||eltret: It worked under nix-shell
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<tertle||eltret> why not just use that then?
<Myrl-saki> tertle||eltret: Can't use the nix-shell method on prod.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eadwu opened pull request #44041 → polybar: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 → https://git.io/fN4ms
<Myrl-saki> tertle||eltret: I guess I technically can, by nix-shelling the drv instead.
<tertle||eltret> idk, i dont do much programming, but i just learned about nix shell last night :D
<tertle||eltret> i would ask the other guys what they do
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: what u thimlk
<samueldr> not sure what the question is
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<samueldr> but for development purposes, most users use nix-shell
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<tertle||eltret> what about for production?
<samueldr> ideally, no, since it will bring a bit of overhead, and forces some behaviour
<samueldr> but I'm no expert here
<samueldr> I mean, there are worse things in prod everywhere in the world I'm sure :)
<elvishjerricco> Uh. So I tried updating my hydra version to something from master and got `/nix/store/mspgzdfmlxjs8pcbnhkhyfkz42wq8yj2-hydra-2018-07-07/bin/.nix-prefetch-git-wrapped: line 160: cd: too many arguments`
<tertle||eltret> samueldr: thats for sure...u should see whats in production at my job
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #44042 → traefik: 1.6.2 -> 1.6.5 → https://git.io/fN4Yf
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ljli opened pull request #44043 → vscode: fix keymapping.node rpath → https://git.io/fN4YT
<bongsun> can someone help me override the ghc version used by xmobar in configuration.nix? ghc 8.6 seems to cause segfaults
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk merged pull request #44039 → haskellPackages.blank-canvas: Move fixes to configuration-common.nix → https://git.io/fN4qw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN4YL
<bongsun> i just copied how darcs was defined in all-packages.nix but nixos-rebuild fails
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<Fare> borodust, sorry, I don't think I did foreign libraries in CL on NixOS, but others might have done it.
<Fare> On the other hand, I did do foreign libraries for Gerbil Scheme on NixOS, so it's possible.
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<elvishjerricco> Is it safe to delete Hydra's `scm` directory? I think mine might be corrupted in some way...
<elvishjerricco> Nope, that was not the problem...
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<elvishjerricco> Has something to do with git submodules though. Hydra was doing my submodules happily before I tried to update it :/ But the script that's failing seems completely unchanged.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #44045 → wxGTK30: -> 3.0.4 → https://git.io/fN4Oh
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<tertle||eltret> system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(tertl3): "nixpkgs-18.09pre146267.bac995cd9f0", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
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<osa> Just a quick question. I'm thinking about installing nixos as I am getting bored of Arch and want more control over my system (like with source-based distributions). Currently deciding between NixOS (unstable channel) and Gentoo (unstable ~amd64 branch). Are packages updated at about the same rate in both distributions? I like bleeding edge, but hopefully with infrequent breakages :)
<tenten8401[m]> osa: from my experience in unstable they're usually pretty quick to bring updates, although that's subjective and based on which packages get attention obviously
<tenten8401[m]> however as of recent they've been having some breakages in the master nixpkgs and it's gone ~10 daysish without updates
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<tenten8401[m]> however, that can also be viewed as a good thing since the packages are being built and tested before they're released
<tenten8401[m]> unstable has a lot less testing than stable though
<osa> I don't run anything too crazy, just Gnome 3, Firefox, kdenlive, etc. I was looking at the latest GNOME discussion and saw that Wayland might be arriving soon too (without extra commands). Do you think NixOS is reasonable to learn without much experience with nix? Is it configurable like Gentoo?
<osa> And yes, that is good that they're being tested. I
<osa> I'd rather have less updates for stability than absolutely bleeding edge.
<tenten8401[m]> I started with no experience with Nix and found it pretty easy as long as you're not making packages with no nix experience
<samueldr> be clear, when saying "breakage", it's that there are no updates available, not that it breaks systems
<tenten8401[m]> ^^
<tenten8401[m]> I will say, Kdenlive is currently broken in unstable though (at least, the rendering part is)
<tenten8401[m]> broken as in installs fine and works fine but you try to render and it doesn't work
<tenten8401[m]> I think samueldr was messing with it some
<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: I might actually have something of a fix
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<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: want to heat up your CPU?
<osa> Thanks samuel for clearing that up. Hmm, I'll track news for kdenlive.
<tenten8401[m]> samueldr: sure thing
<tenten8401[m]> I've got a Ryzen 5 1600 so I doubt it'll be that bad, does nix.maxJobs allow for multi-threaded compiling?
<samueldr> hmm, wait, no, that won't do it right now :)
<samueldr> I forgot I targetted willfully an *old* commit to increase the chances of Qt breakage :D
<tenten8401[m]> rip, let me know when it's ready
<samueldr> (but with a nix-shell --pure WITHOUT environment, it worked fine!)
<osa> Will the appimage version of Kdenlive work on NixOS?
<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: actually, I'm waiting for this cleanup to finish building, and then I'm rebasing on unstable
<tenten8401[m]> osa: it's an issue with the nix packaging I'm pretty sure, not kdenlive itself. I have not had much luck with appimages at all
<nathyong_> How can I use `buildFHSUserEnv` with gcc5? I've added it to my `targetPkgs` but there seem to be conflicts with different libraries when I pull in binutils
<osa> tenten8401[m]: Ok, thanks. I'll watch for updates! Wish me luck with the install
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<samueldr> hm
<tenten8401[m]> if you'd like a template to go off of for your NixOS configs, feel free to take inspiration from: https://github.com/tenten8401/NixOSConfigs
<samueldr> couldn't tell them that the version with 18.03 seems fine though
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<tenten8401[m]> it's relatively basic but it works
<tenten8401[m]> ah rip he left
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<tenten8401[m]> I haven't tested on 18.03 yet
<tenten8401[m]> I wonder if osa is still online in freenode
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<tertle||eltret> why is nix on the same version as ubuntu?
<tertle||eltret> it hasnt been out that long?
<tenten8401[m]> NixOS 18.03 and Ubuntu 18.04 weren't released that far apart
<tenten8401[m]> use unstable for the newest versions
<samueldr> 18 is for 2018, 03 is for march, 04 for april
<samueldr> :)
<tertle||eltret> oh i see!'
<samueldr> it's calendar-based version
<samueldr> according to wikipedia, NixOS: Initial release2003; 15 years ago
<tenten8401[m]> also, samueldr , I'm pretty sure osa was intending to use unstable anyways so I'm not sure the 18.03 version would've helped
<nathyong_> Actually, how does wrapping versions like gcc work, anyway?
<samueldr> :) just as a mention that it's not long been broken
<tenten8401[m]> yeah, I think he went offline... tried DMing him with no response
<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: yes they went offline
<samueldr> (at least on IRC, it's possible to tell)
<samueldr> (quit vs. part are different)
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<tenten8401[m]> maybe he'll come back someday
<samueldr> probably, hopefully
<samueldr> I now wonder how different is the 2003 NixOS
<tenten8401[m]> inb4 no wifi drivers, no sound, and the inability to browse the modern web
<samueldr> I'm more interested in the internals than the actual software
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<samueldr> I know how a 2003 distro would look like :)
<clever> tenten8401[m]: ive pulled up the first commit on nixpkgs, thats not nix ....
<samueldr> what do you mean "that's not nix"?
<nathyong_> /quit
<samueldr> o/ 'morning(?) clever :)
<clever> samueldr: the syntax
<nathyong_> ._. I'll see myself out
<clever> samueldr: let me grab a link
<tenten8401[m]> so is there not a desktop Riot client packaged for NixOS yet?
<tenten8401[m]> am I stuck with using the web ui for now?
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<clever> tenten8401[m]: i see a riot-web package
<tenten8401[m]> clever: it's like the nextcloud package and only intended for webserver use if I'm not mistaken
<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: there's quaternion, I think
<samueldr> (I've been using it as a Qt test app)
<tenten8401[m]> it's not very fully featured at all
<samueldr> (as it's not got many dependencies)
<samueldr> ah, not used it, only started it :D
<tenten8401[m]> although it isn't laggy as crap either so there's that
<tenten8401[m]> may just use that for the time being
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<samueldr> and now, to re-do a 20 minutes compilation because I forgot to do something
<clever> > pkgs.riot-web.meta.description
<{^_^}> "A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web"
<clever> tenten8401[m]: that package looks what you want
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<tenten8401[m]> as far as I can tell from the .nix it's not an actual desktop client
<tenten8401[m]> but rather just made for webserver use
<clever> ah
<clever> > pkgs.riot-web.meta.path
<{^_^}> attribute 'path' missing, at (string):162:1
<clever> > pkgs.riot-web.meta.position
<{^_^}> "/var/lib/nixbot/state/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/riot/riot-web.nix:20"
<tenten8401[m]> it's about as barebones as a package gets
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<clever> damn, lol
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<samueldr> yeah, that's not the electron wrapper
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<tenten8401[m]> yeah, it'd be nice if it was. Maybe I can submit a package request
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<elvishjerricco> How do you refer to the `config` of another system's configuration in nixops again?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #44046 → perlPackages.SOAPLite: 1.11 -> 1.27 → https://git.io/fN4GU
<samueldr> hmm, anybody knows a Qt-using binary that's deeper than /bin (share/whaever) in nixpkgs?
<samueldr> preferably graphical so I can test my fix for plugin loading
<clever> elvishjerricco: nodes.hostname i believe
<elvishjerricco> clever: Hm. Everything I try with that gives me infinite recursion :/
<clever> elvishjerricco: can you gist what you are trying and the stack from --show-trace ?
<elvishjerricco> Where foo has no dependency on `bar`
<elvishjerricco> I didn't test that this exactly gives infinite recursion, but my config is much too complicated to gist :P
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<clever> elvishjerricco: why do you want to refer to another machines nixpkgs config?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Ok, yea that yields infinite recursion with `foo = {}`
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Because that machine's config is a mess of `imports`, and tracking down all the things that set `nixpkgs` to factor them out would be hard. So since I want this machine to have the same overlays, this was the easiest way
<clever> elvishjerricco: note that this will also copy nixpkgs.pkgs, which is likely going to cause more problems
<elvishjerricco> clever: Ah. Ok so I'll try with just `overlays`
<samueldr> I need to rebase still, but I'd like comments about that approach if possible https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/release-18.03...samueldr:wip/stricter-qt-platform-path
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<elvishjerricco> This also has infinite recursion
<clever> elvishjerricco: that is strange, i would not expect it to fail like that
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<elvishjerricco> clever: I guess I'll just try factoring out all my overlays
<clever> elvishjerricco: something that may help is the defaults machine
<elvishjerricco> clever: What's that?
<clever> elvishjerricco: any config you set on defaults, applies to every machine in the cluster
<clever> so you only have to define options and set global stuff in one place
<elvishjerricco> clever: Oh that's intriguing
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea that'll probably be the end-game
<tenten8401[m]> is there a way to make NixOps configurations portable? as in I don't have to create a new deployment every time?
<elvishjerricco> tenten8401[m]: What would you do instead?
<tenten8401[m]> I was thinking just cd into a directory and run nixops deploy
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<tenten8401[m]> and like if I was deploying to digitalocean, I'd probably run into issues when using on multiple computers since it'd try and deploy a new VM every time
<ldlework> yo johnw
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<tenten8401[m]> I just feel like nixops data shouldn't be stored in ~/.nixops, but rather the folder the deployment is in
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<tertle||eltret> gn all
<tenten8401[m]> 'nite
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* samueldr waits for build to complete
<samueldr> just rebased to 18.03, next to unstable
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<elvishjerricco> Hm. With a nixops machine of `targetEnv = "container"`, is it possible to enable `nix-build`-ing in the container?
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<kalbasit> is there a way to customize the location of the system build `/nix/store/05bzz2fc39w202gzkc9bvr31f2zmlvxd-nixos-system-hades-18.09.git.7ffed91faf7`? I'm trying to figure out how to customize the label of the entry in `systemd-boot` to include the sha of my own git-repo where nixpkgs actually live as a submodule and I traced it to
<samueldr> kalbasit: this? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#nixos.label
<kalbasit> samueldr: oh nice, so it can also be a command? That'd be prefect, I'll try it out, thank you!
<samueldr> I didn't really read the description, wow, it's been butchered up :)
<kalbasit> it's an environment variable, I just copied that description to my editor and making it a script to try
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<elvishjerricco> Is there a way to make `networking.nat.externalInterface` just use whatever the active internet connection is?
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<samueldr> good to know
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<typetetris> `nix-build` always wants to check with cache.nixos.org I think, how can I convince it to try building offline first?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samueldr opened pull request #44047 → WIP: +RFC: Loads qt plugin paths as registered... → https://git.io/fN4cw
<samueldr> oof
<{^_^}> #44047 (by samueldr, open): WIP: +RFC: Loads qt plugin paths as registered...
<samueldr> with that much text, I'm sure nobody will review the PR :)
<tenten8401[m]> Sweet, I'll have to try it tommorow
<samueldr> to test, you can: checkout that commit inside a folder, nix-shell -p kdenlive when cd-ed into that directory, and it... hopefully will work?
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<tenten8401[m]> I'll get back to you tommorow and test it
<samueldr> do note that you will have to build A BUNCH of things...
<samueldr> no worries, do test, though I just tested -p kdenlive and... nothing was rebuilding? so I need to verify whether it uses qt 5.6
<tenten8401[m]> Should be fine as long as it's relatively easy
<samueldr> hm, 5.10, weird
<samueldr> oh, right, `nix-shell -I nixpkgs=$PWD -p kdenlive`
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<tenten8401[m]> Let me know how it works for you
<samueldr> all qt stuff I tried worked fine, I'll be letting this build when I stop for tonight
<clever> samueldr: something else ive seen fail hard, is propagated user env packages
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<samueldr> clever: not sure I follow
<{^_^}> #30775 (by cleverca22, open): nix-env silently collides propagated-user-env-packages
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<clever> samueldr: if you install package X with nix-env, it will silently also include qtbase in your ~/.nix-profile/
<clever> samueldr: and if X and Y want different versions of qtbase, it silently gives only 1
<samueldr> great, I wanted to do this initially, found no documentation, so I went with what I did
<clever> then things break hard
<samueldr> glad I didn't find that :)
<samueldr> technically, with this, nothing needs to be linked from qt plugins
<clever> samueldr: i have even seen this break the entire desktop environment (you cant login at all) twice
<samueldr> clever: any comments about my approach?
<clever> because an old qt app was in the profile, and the new qt from plasma looked in ~/.nix-profile and exploded
<clever> havent read over yours yet
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<samueldr> I'm definitely not surprised about what you're saying, after sleuthing and finding out how things work
<clever> one thing that could be improved on the issue i saw
<clever> qt uses $out/lib/qt-5.9
<clever> but then the libs break when you mix 5.9.0 and 5.9.1!
<clever> why not just use $out/lib/qt-5.9.1 ??
<clever> then they wont collide, and both will be available and working
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<samueldr> clever: it definitely would be an improvement
<samueldr> 100% possible to implement separately AFAICT
<samueldr> whatever I did will work the same way whether that change is made or not, without even changing code I think
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<clever> but i feel that propagated-user-env-packages sort of breaks the entire point of using nix
<clever> and it feels like QT is using that, so that you can nix-env -i a plugin and then all apps find it
<clever> but does any such plugin even exist in nixpkgs?
<samueldr> clever: then I feel like you feel
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<samueldr> I feel this doesn't make "nix sense" to allow that
<clever> just remove support for dynamic plugin loading, and wrapProgram the plugin paths, or patch the search logic directly
<samueldr> patched the search logic
<samueldr> does running wrapProgram again on an already wrapped program work?
<clever> you can probably now delete the propagated-user-env-packages and not loose anything (other then machine-breaking bugs)
<samueldr> didn't try, but I have (wrong?) memories it doesn't
<clever> samueldr: currently, it makes a mess of ...foo-wrapped-wrapped-wrapped i think
<clever> but it does technicaly "work"
<samueldr> technically working is fine :)
<clever> there has been talk of having it improved to parse the old wrapper, and add to it
<samueldr> but yeah, I strived to *not* wrapProgram because... I had no way to know in a generic fashio what was or wasn't a qt program
<clever> yeah, that can be a problem
<samueldr> I was thinking also about libexec things
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<elvishjerricco> What exactly does `networking.nat.forwardPorts` do? I don't really know much about NAT, but my guess was that it would reroute any connections to "localhost:${sourcePort}` to "${destination}". However, this appears not to be the case. `curl localhost:3000` does not curl my destination instead.
<clever> elvishjerricco: it wont include connects to localhost, or from the nat'd box itself
<clever> elvishjerricco: only connects to its external ip, coming in over the external interface
<elvishjerricco> clever: Ahh. So `networking.nat.externalIP` and `networking.nat.forwardPorts.*.loopbackIPs` can influence this?
<clever> elvishjerricco: if you select an option here, and clicked on declared in, you can see how it works: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#forwardports
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea, the problem was that I don't really understand the vernacular of these options' descriptions :P
<clever> it sometimes helps to skip the description and go to the implementation
<clever> line 51 loops over every forwardPorts entry
<clever> and line 57 looks over every loopbackIPs
<elvishjerricco> clever: Well, being relatively unfamiliar with networking details, that wasn't much help either :P
<clever> so for every combination of both of those options, it will run 58-78
<clever> for each combination, it will generate 3 iptables commands
<clever> the first will match all outbound packets targeting the loopback ip, forwarded port/protocool, and use DNAT to redirect it to the destination of the forwarding
<clever> the 2nd will i believe apply to all patches coming into the wan interface, before routing has been applied, and check that its targeting a loopback ip, port, and proto, then DNAT it again
<clever> and the 3rd will check all packets after routing has been computed, and will apply an SNAT
<clever> also, this looks different from how i remember it a few months ago...
<clever> ah, nixos didnt have a .loopbackIPs option when i had setup my router
<clever> elvishjerricco: it was MUCH simpler back then, and didnt support connections from itself
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Hm... Yea this is all a bit over my head still :P How would I go about binding my local 3000 port to a destination such that I can curl localhost:3000, or curl <external ip>:3000 from outside?
<clever> elvishjerricco: this is the bulk of the config for my router at home
<clever> if you know my public ip, you can connect to any of those sourcePort's, and it will forward you to the destination in my LAN
<elvishjerricco> clever: Oh I see
<clever> i hadnt seen the loopbackip changes, but they appear to be backwards compat, and the old config still works
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<elvishjerricco> Ok, yea this seems to work. In all, my setup is a desktop with a nixos container running hydra in it and an EC2 server. The EC2 server runs an openvpn server that my desktop connects to and an nginx server that proxies the desktop's 3000 port to force HTTPS.
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<elvishjerricco> it's convoluted, but I didn't want my hydra state on my local system; I wanted it nice and contained
<typetetris> Ah `nix-build --substituters "" .` is what I need.
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<elvishjerricco> Anyway, now I'm back to this error in Hydra
<typetetris> `nix-build --option substituters "" .` actually `nix-build --substituters` is wrong.
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<elvishjerricco> Which ultimately seems to come from Hydra messing up with git submodules on a GitInput
<clever> elvishjerricco: one min
<clever> elvishjerricco: you need hydra-nix-prefetch-git.patch and gawk to fix submodules
<clever> elvishjerricco: and line 13 to make hydra use the patched version
<elvishjerricco> clever: Whoa. Is there an issue / PR open on Hydra for this?
<elvishjerricco> Is that patch ultimately just replacing Hydra's nix-prefetch-git with the one in nixpkgs?
<clever> i believe so
<clever> they forked off a while ago and the hydra one just got old
<elvishjerricco> clever: Hm. Someone should fix that in hydra
<clever> i see 3 open PR's about prefetch problems
<clever> cant remember who i got this fix from
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<clever> but if i dig thru the git history...
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<clever> elvishjerricco: i got it from https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/pull/339
<{^_^}> input-output-hk/iohk-ops#339 (by krisajenkins, merged): Adding a patch which fixes hydra's support for git submodules.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #44048 → dbxml: init at 6.1.4 → https://git.io/fN4lt
<elvishjerricco> clever: Seems there's a much smaller patch here: https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/pull/552
<{^_^}> hydra#552 (by joranvar, open): nix-prefetch-git: Fix git submodule checkout
<clever> older though, and different user
<clever> i'll see if i can poke krisajenkins again about upstreaming the fix
<elvishjerricco> clever: Another, slightly more general fix: https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/pull/570
<{^_^}> hydra#570 (by kquick, open): Fix nix-prefetch-git for syntax variations.
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<etu> Any ideas how to get rid of this warning: "warning: Nix search path entry '/home/etu/.nix-defexpr/channels' does not exist, ignoring" it started happening when I switched from using my nixpkgs checkout as my channel
<etu> And insert questionmark somewhere there
<clever> etu: use `sudo -i` and then `nixos-rebuild ..` not `sudo nixos-rebuild`
<etu> clever: It shows up when I use nix-shell as my own user :/
<clever> etu: what if you run `nix-channel --update` as your own user?
<etu> Oh, good idea, now it went away. I didn't think of that since I don't have any channels added to my own user.
<clever> etu: since you have no channels, it made an empty channels profile
<etu> clever: Thanks :)
<elvishjerricco> clever: Ah there we go. Hydra seems to be happy now. Thanks :)
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<periklis`> Does anyone know why default parameter values referring to preceding parameter in the same list don't work with ellipsis? (e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/44049)
<{^_^}> #44049 (by periklis, open): emacs-package updates: No propagation of pname as default to ename for self-declared packages
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.astroid: fix build »: https://git.io/fN44L
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kamilchm closed pull request #43815 → deoplete-nvim: 2018-06-17 -> 2018-07-16 → https://git.io/fNnhy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #44042 → traefik: 1.6.2 -> 1.6.5 → https://git.io/fN4Yf
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg merged pull request #43531 → binutils: Enable new dtags in a way that works with binutils 2.30. → https://git.io/fNmPG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed commit from @Rotaerk to staging « Enable new dtags in a way that works with binutils 2.30. »: https://git.io/fN4R9
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<dtz[m]> \o/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #44050 → amazon-ecr-credential-helper: init at 0.1.0 → https://git.io/fN4E2
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* goibhniu had some fun with the botnet enthusiast yesterday ... http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/raw/0B1eS-C_
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<bkchr[m]> dtz: when will you merge your fix for meson?
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<elvishjerricco> Ugh. I can't seem to fix hydra-queue-runner saying `error: AWS error checking bucket 'webghc-nixcache-93e0e959-21f5-11e8-a6a3-7085c256cd34': Access Denied`
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<clever> elvishjerricco: how did you configure the access keys?
<elvishjerricco> clever: ~/.aws/credentials
<clever> elvishjerricco: for which user?
<elvishjerricco> clever: hydra-queue-runner
<clever> elvishjerricco: so the creds are now in `/var/lib/hydra/queue-runner/.aws/credentials` ?
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<clever> elvishjerricco: and that file is owned by hydra-queue-runner?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yes and yes
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<clever> elvishjerricco: and is the region set correctly in the hydra config? https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/pull/352/files#diff-d164bc05da9475caf99ae31f786560e9R81
<elvishjerricco> clever: .... no
<elvishjerricco> :P
<elvishjerricco> Thanks
<elvishjerricco> clever: I didn't need to have that before I updated hydra though
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<clever> when i set things up in that PR, i found it refused to work without the region being set
<elvishjerricco> clever: Well now I'm just trying it with `nix ping-store` and it's still not working with that
<elvishjerricco> nix ping-store --store s3://webghc-nixcache-93e0e959-21f5-11e8-a6a3-7085c256cd34?region=us-east-1
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<clever> elvishjerricco: and have you double-checked that the accesskey works when you run it thru s3cmd ?
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea. I can do e.g. `aws s3 cp ./foo s3://webghc-nixcache-93e0e959-21f5-11e8-a6a3-7085c256cd34/foo`
<elvishjerricco> I can do that as the hydra-queue-runner user
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<clever> elvishjerricco: my next step would usually be to get strace logs, but those will include the secret keys
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 2 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fN4gH
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<clever> elvishjerricco: any difference if you run ping-store with -vvvv ?
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<clever> elvishjerricco: ive also got a .aws/config file, that sets the region
<clever> [default]
<clever> region = eu-central-1
<elvishjerricco> clever: The first thing in the -vvvv output that looks like an error is: `CurlHttpClient [...] Returned http response code 403`
<elvishjerricco> I have that too
<clever> elvishjerricco: when i ping-store with -vvvvv, i can see paths to the credentials file, and the keyid
<elvishjerricco> clever: Whoops, I used one too few vs
<clever> can you pastebin a censored copy of the log output?
<clever> i'm never sure how many v's are needed, so i just spam them, lol
<clever> most programs silently accept too many, and just go to the max log level
<clever> as silently as max logging can be, lol
<elvishjerricco> clever: When I strace'd it, I saw `openat(AT_FDCWD, "/var/lib/hydra/queue-runner//.aws/credentials", O_RDONLY) = 3`
<elvishjerricco> Not sure if 3 means anything
<clever> 3 is the file handle for the file it just opened
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<elvishjerricco> with that 5th v, I see more stuff, including the credentials path
<clever> it will then do a read against 3
<clever> can you pastebin the output with 5 v's and i can diff things?, feel free to censor out the keyid
<clever> elvishjerricco: what kind of ACL does that accesskey have?
<elvishjerricco> clever: The last line of this bit is where it diverges from another machine I have where my personal user is able to do this https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/G6unm9X3/
<elvishjerricco> I'm getting "Failed to reload configuration." here, but on my other machine it starts spitting out "found profile default" and the secret key it found
<clever> AWS: [DEBUG] 2018-07-24 09:25:43 Aws::Config::ConfigFileProfileFSM [140549153786816] found profile default
<clever> AWS: [DEBUG] 2018-07-24 09:25:43 Aws::Config::ConfigFileProfileFSM [140549153786816] found access key
<clever> same on this end
<elvishjerricco> clever: Holy crap
<elvishjerricco> it's a typo
<elvishjerricco> in my credentials file
<elvishjerricco> -_-
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<elvishjerricco> You'd think there'd be a sane error message for that
<clever> how did `aws s3` work then? lol
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<elvishjerricco> ... yea wtf
<elvishjerricco> the typo is that I used : instead of =
<clever> ah
<clever> i just ran `aws configure` and answered its prompts
<elvishjerricco> Yea I ruled out typos because `aws s3` worked
<clever> the CLI tool may be more flexible in its parsing of the file
<elvishjerricco> I guess the CLI tool isn't dogfooding its C++ lib
<elvishjerricco> though maybe the CLI tool is written in another language
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yep. Fixing the typo fixed it -_-
<elvishjerricco> clever: Thanks for the help. -vvvvv was a good tip
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<elvishjerricco> Alright, progress. Now I've got `error: access to path '/nix/store/xncgqvxlh0z1nf6fkw8wsjaxxs061nkc-nixpkgs/lib/systems/examples.nix' is forbidden in restricted mode`
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<elvishjerricco> I think this is because I'm essentially doing `"${(import ./nixpkgs {}).path}/lib/systems/examples.nix`
<elvishjerricco> Er, `import "${(import ./nixpkgs {}).path}/lib/systems/examples.nix"`
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<elvishjerricco> But i'm not sure why that would not work
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<clever> elvishjerricco: theres a bug in one of the hydra versions, that just doesnt allow any IFD
<elvishjerricco> clever: This is with the latest master I believe
<__monty__> Can one myEnvFun/buildEnv expand another? Actually, with buildEnvs it seems obvious but what about myEnvFun?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44020 → python3.pkgs.black: 18.4a0 -> 18.6b4 → https://git.io/fN82B
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44043 → vscode: fix keymapping.node rpath → https://git.io/fN4YT
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<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea, I think it's just this issue: https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/537
<{^_^}> hydra#537 (by ck3d, open): broken imports during job eval
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fN4rX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44031 → networkmanager-vpnc: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.6 → https://git.io/fN8je
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44032 → networkmanager-vpnc: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.6 → https://git.io/fN8jv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN4ry
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<Izorkin> How to change function php = (callPackage <nixpkgs> {}).php56.override { openssl = libressl; }; to function without override
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<clever> Izorkin: why are you doing callPackage <nixpkgs> ?
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<clever> you probably just want pkgs.php56
<etu> Izorkin: Huh? What do you want to accomplish?
<Izorkin> need use custtom function callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // self // override);
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<etu> why?
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<Izorkin> my custom pkgs variant - https://pastebin.com/tHCeHbfP Need change calling package from custom ./pkgs/packname/default.nix to <nixpkgs> packname.
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<sphalerite> joepie91: it seems that disabling virtualbox host fixed my tinc/tun issue
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<etu> Izorkin: But you have the variable pkgs there that contain <nixpkgs>. Why just not use pkgs.php56?
<Izorkin> pkgs.php56 use function callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith pkgs; need use callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // self );
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #44041 → polybar: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 → https://git.io/fN4ms
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed to master « php: libtidy -> html-tidy »: https://git.io/fN4XI
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Enzime opened pull request #44051 → minicom: Add macOS support → https://git.io/fN4Xt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @borisbabic opened pull request #44052 → postman: 5.5.3 -> 6.1.4 → https://git.io/fN4Xc
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<Izorkin> etu: not idea?
<etu> Izorkin: I have no idea on what you're up to :p
<etu> Izorkin: So I don't know what to answer to help you
<Izorkin> I need to replace the php openssl with libressl
<etu> oh
<etu> I thought you said that you wanted the line you pasted but without an override and then I was very confused
<joepie91> sphalerite: ?!
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<etu> Izorkin: Something like this: https://ptpb.pw/kOmd/nix ? (untested code)
<sphalerit> joepie91: confusion as to what I'm talking about or why it would happen?
<joepie91> sphalerit: latter
<joepie91> that really should not occur
<Izorkin> etu: while evaluating the attribute 'php56.overide' at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:151:7: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position
<sphalerit> joepie91: indeed... But ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
<etu> Izorkin: maybe change self.php56.overide to super.php56.overide, I never remember this...
<srhb> etu: think of self as the attribute set you are currently building and super as the one you're building it _from_
<srhb> etu: so you're saying self.foo = self.foo -- infinite recursion.
<etu> srhb: That makes sense
<srhb> "self" is supposed to be a mnemonic for that. :)
<etu> self is the "scope" inside of the overlay then?
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<etu> That would also mean that the self.libressl would need to be super.libressl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kamilchm opened pull request #44054 → ponyc: 0.24.0 -> 0.24.2 → https://git.io/fN4ye
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<clever> etu: self includes all future overlays as well, when there is a list of them
<etu> clever: Oh, yeah. That makes sense as well.
<__monty__> How do I bypass "substituter has no valid signature for..." again?
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<srhb> __monty__: Be a trusted user --options require-sigs false iirc
<__monty__> srhb: Oh, I'll give that a go, I think I just resorted to copy-closure last time.
<srhb> __monty__: Oftentimes I find people don't need to bypass it, but rather sign their stuff and add the key :-P
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<__monty__> That sounds like work though : >
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<srhb> :-)
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<Izorkin> etu overlay not worked, php builded with openssl
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<archaeron> hi. has someone used stack2nix before and knows what could go wrong if it tells me "called without required argument 'primitive'". There is no example on stack2nixes github
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43664 → goBuildPackage: Add -x to the go build command if NIX_DEBUG >= 1 → https://git.io/fNsJL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fN49a
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<srhb> archaeron: It sounds like it's expecting a package primitive as an argument, but it's being called without it. Probably because it doesn't know about it from whatever the package set that calls it has.
<srhb> (Though I don't really know how stack2nix works)
<archaeron> <srhb>: I feel like I'm calling it with that package, but I don't understand everything of nix just yet. I'm calling it with pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc841.callPackage
<archaeron> and thought that would pass the right packages in
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<clever> archaeron: can you link your current code on github?
<archaeron> <clever>: I can make a gist
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<srhb> archaeron: Yeah, assuming primitive is in ghc841 that sounds right to me :)
<archaeron> <srhb>, <clever>: here is the gist: https://gist.github.com/archaeron/d5238eb1fe5285a0df6328738b5571fe
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<clever> archaeron: you didnt tell nix-shell which derivation to load
<clever> archaeron: so it is trying to load EVERY SINGLE PACKAGE IN STACKAGE
<clever> i think, wait
<clever> re-reading things...
<clever> the stack.nix shouldnt be ran with haskellPackages.callPackage
<archaeron> should I just call it with pkgs.callPackage?
<archaeron> or with import?
<clever> archaeron: try just `import ./stack.nix {}`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ljli opened pull request #44055 → vscode: fix keymapping.node rpath → https://git.io/fN4HM
<archaeron> <clever>: shouldn't it only load my package, because of the stackPackages.callPackage?
<Izorkin> How to use custom function callPackage with php = pkgs.php56 { openssl = pkgs.libressl; } ?
<clever> archaeron: yeah, and where did app.nix come from?, stack2nix should include your app in stack.nix
<archaeron> app.nix came from a call to cabal2nix
<clever> archaeron: stack2nix is already generating that for you, in stack.nix
<clever> archaeron: stackPackages should contain an attribute named after your package
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<archaeron> okay, I'll update the gist with the changes I understood from you so far :)
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<clever> archaeron: also, you want to run `stack2nix .. > stack.nix` inside the `nix` dir
<clever> if you give it `.`. then it expects all sources to be inside the nix dir
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<archaeron> <clever>: i'm trying this out. takes some time
<asymmetric> does anyone have experience nixifying maven projects? having trouble wrapping my head around packaging https://github.com/kframework/k
<srk> Izorkin: not sure about but check this PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43900
<{^_^}> #43900 (by FRidh, open): php: get rid of composableDerivation
<archaeron> <claver>: but thank you already!
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<archaeron> <clever>: sadly I still have the same error :(
<clever> archaeron: what is the error?
<clever> primitive still?
<archaeron> yes
<nbathum> asymmetric: as I understand it, to nixify that project k, you'd need to take each dependency, and nixify that, and the dependencies of those, and so on, until you reach the end of your dependency graph
<asymmetric> nbathum: that's what i was trying to avoid by using https://github.com/NixOS/mvn2nix-maven-plugin
<clever> archaeron: what about nix-build -A api ?
<nbathum> ofc there is mvn2nix. i hadn't seen that yet
<asymmetric> but it's kind of abandoned i believe
<archaeron> clever: returns the exact same nix/stack.nix:2871:33 called without required argument 'primitive', error
<nbathum> what error are you running into?
<asymmetric> there's a custom maven repo that doesn't contain the .sha1 files
<asymmetric> and i've been trying to tell maven to use the central maven repo whenever possible (because those should contain the sha1 files)
<asymmetric> but i haven't succeeded
<nbathum> ahh
<asymmetric> this is the custom repo in the top pom.xml: https://github.com/kframework/k/blob/master/pom.xml#L31-L45
<nbathum> yeah I thought maven resolved things in an order like "local, central, other repos defined in project"
<asymmetric> but even if i add the central repo explicitly, at the top of the list, it still seems to break at the same point
<asymmetric> it's breaking in the API submodule. it's as if that submodule was force-fetching from the custom repo for some reason
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @dtzWill to staging-next « Revert "meson: 0.46.1 -> 0.47.0" »: https://git.io/fN45F
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar closed pull request #44040 → Revert "meson: 0.46.1 -> 0.47.0" → https://git.io/fN4qp
<mkaito> anyone know how I can reproduce this locally? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/77598025/nixlog/14/tail
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<clever> archaeron: can you also gist stack.nix ?
<cmacrae> Yo LnL o/ Real quick one: if I add 'mpv' to my systemPackages when using nix-darwin, it can't play video, as it complains there's a problem initiating the vido output device. Yet, when I install just usingg 'nix-env -i mpv' from the same channel, it works. Any ideas as to why these would differ?
<joepie91> cmacrae: are you starting it from the terminal in both caseds>
<joepie91> cases*
<archaeron> <clever>: stack.nix is huge :)
<clever> archaeron: i know it is, i read that file on a weekly basis
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<cmacrae> joepie91: Yes indeed
<LnL> cmacrae: hmm, not really
<cmacrae> But... I literally just worked out what the problem was
<joepie91> no idea then :/
<cmacrae> Haha
<archaeron> <clever>: it's updated
<Izorkin> srk: thats variant with overays worked, thanks
<cmacrae> Don't worry guys, user error ;) 'nix-env' was getting it from unstable. I just updated my systemPackages to use the unstable channel for mpv, and it works
<cmacrae> Nothing like a good bit of rubberducking!
<clever> archaeron: thats not huge :P
<clever> archaeron: my stack2nix file is 91,196 lines long, and yours is only 4111!
<archaeron> that only makes yours "huger" :D
<clever> archaeron: the scientific package wants primitive
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<angerman> has anyone tried to provision hetzner cloud server (cx11) with nixes?
<joepie91> ugh, error reporting in Nix
<angerman> nixopsI meant.
<joepie91> why are these errors always completely non-actionable...
<angerman> joepie91: they are not. But it takes quite a while to make sense of them :(
<clever> angerman: of note, i have a script to convert almost any linux machine into nixops, as long as you have root and the kernel has kexec enabled
<mkaito> cmacrae: LnL I have the same problem with `alot`. It refuses to find bundled themes when installed via systemPackages, but works fine when installed via nix-env.
<joepie91> error: assertion failed at /nix/store/524rglrm4v48hc7bpmjdvsc91ppwfk87-nixos-18.03.132915.d6c6c7fcec6/nixos/pkgs/development/libraries/phonon/backends/vlc.nix:15:1
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<joepie91> that looks unactionable to me :)
<Plato[m]> Can I easily find out why a package is installed? I have gcc installed, but it isn't in my system packages list.
<joepie91> presumably something is conflicting between stable and unstable stuff, idk
<angerman> clever: that doesn't do the provisioning via nixops though right?
<clever> archaeron: i'm thinking your version of stack2nix is bugged, and isnt including primitive in the generated file, can you try building stack2nix from source?
<srhb> mkaito: Something like this perhaps: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (nixos {}).bootStage1}'
<clever> angerman: correct, it just installs nixos onto an existing linux machine
<srk> joepie91: assert withQt5 -> qtx11extras != null;
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<angerman> clever: the hetzner backend does some infection/takeover as well. It just doesn't support their cloud offering itseems.
<archaeron> <clever>: I tried all three methods of building stack2nix. on multiple computers
<archaeron> it always crashed
<mkaito> srk: thanks. seems to also fail when I run `nix-build nixos/release-small.nix`
<joepie91> srk: this is a rebuild of a configuration that worked totally fine before
<clever> archaeron: what methods and what errors did it crash with?
<srhb> mkaito: Anything relying on stage-1.nix
<joepie91> so from an end user perspective, this tells me absolutely nothing
<angerman> clever: I wonder which is smarter, a script that just takes over any machine or the custom logic already in the hetzner backend.
<{^_^}> #44040 (by dtzWill, closed): Revert "meson: 0.46.1 -> 0.47.0"
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<srk> not quite explanatory, true
<angerman> clever: also there is some cloud-init logic which could potentially be abused.
<joepie91> seems it's failing somewhere in tomahawk
<joepie91> okay, so tomahawk is just totally broken in stable
<clever> angerman: i think the hetzner script uses the lustrate option in the initrd, so your forced to use whatever partitioning the hoster gave you
<clever> angerman: but my kexec method doesnt have that limit, so your free to zfs it up
<mkaito> srhb: interesting. I would have never caught that.
<archaeron> clever: via nix, stack and vagrant. I'll try to find the outputs
<tilpner> clever - Not sure about context, but nixops hetzner uses nixpart for partitioning from rescue
<clever> tilpner: ah, it may have changed since i last looked at it
<mkaito> srhb: oh it's on staging-next? so ETA mid August? -_o
<clever> tilpner: but that relies on the hoster providing a rescue env, while my kexec trick doesnt
<srk> joepie91: looks good on unstable
<srhb> mkaito: Nah, hang in there.. :0
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<angerman> clever: where's yoru script? I could just give yours ago on a 2.50EUR cx11 server... ;-)
<mkaito> srhb: oh I think the "big rebuild already on staging" is my fault lol I updated mesa.
<tilpner> clever - Sure. nixops on Hetzner only worked once for me, then I used kexec :)
<tilpner> ,wololo
<tilpner> ^ added it there too
<mkaito> rofl wololo good one
<angerman> tilpner: so why doesn't the hetzer backend use the kexec one then? :-)
<joepie91> srhb: seems the package is basically just broken and unmaintained
<clever> angerman: just nix-build the tarball, upload it to a machine, unpack to /, run /kexec_nixos, and then ssh back in
<clever> angerman: and optionally, set the defaults in configuration.nix right, and use justdoit to perform the install
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<srhb> joepie91: Was that for me?
* srhb is confused
<angerman> clever: right, getting the `configuration.nix` right is going to be the tricker part :-)
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<clever> angerman: there are also 2 configurations at play
<tilpner> angerman - I have NixOS on a CX11. Ping me if you don't get it working (but gone now)
<asymmetric> nbathum: any luck with the maven thing? :)
<angerman> tilpner: if you ahve a sample configuration.nix at hand that would be lovel
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed 26 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fN4bm
<clever> archaeron: when did you last trying building stack2nix from nix?, it had some changes just 21 hours ago
<archaeron> I have the newest master: 9aef6210dd8385a449847711797840f69a40c88a
<mkaito> srhb: for what it's worth `nix-build nixos/release-small.nix` fails, while `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (nixos {}).bootStage1'` does not fail.
<srhb> mkaito: Is your '<nixpkgs>' the source directory in question?
<archaeron> clever: we might have managed to build it on another computer (the newest stack2nix that is)
<mkaito> srhb: uhm no
<srhb> mkaito: Then that makes sense. :-)
<mkaito> I see :D
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<srhb> mkaito: with import ./. {} instead will do the thing
<srhb> mkaito: In the source root.
<mkaito> yep correct
<mkaito> I should write these things down
<mkaito> this is literally my job lol
<nbathum> asymmetric: I'll have to look at it later today
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<asymmetric> ok, thx :)
<asymmetric> has anyone used mavenix? https://github.com/icetan/mavenix
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<Denommus> I'm getting this error when trying to run nixops deploy: error: file 'nixpkgs/nixos/lib/testing.nix' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at /nix/store/c00x8z5c334xkv73qg1cvf159078h8wv-nixops-1.6/share/nix/nixops/eval-machine-info.nix:9:13
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « arena: package initial version 1.1 of the Chess GUI »: https://git.io/fN4NE
<Denommus> I'm not under NixOS, btw
<d1rewolf__> tilpner, qutebrowser is really nice so far. I appreciate the tip. If it had the equivalent of firefox's containers it'd be just about perfect
<d1rewolf__> I haven't hit any ad block issues so far
<mkaito> Denommus: what's the output of `nix-channel --list`
<clever> Denommus: your <nixpkgs> in $NIX_PATH may need to point to a newer nixpkgs
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<Denommus> mkaito: one second, I'll check
<Denommus> should I add nixos-unstable?
<clever> Denommus: dont see that helping
<clever> Denommus: what about `nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A lib.version --eval` ?
<Denommus> my $NIX_PATH is empty for some reason
<mkaito> Denommus: `nix-channel --update`
<Denommus> should it?
<mkaito> no
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<clever> an empty $NIX_PATH will definitely break things
<mkaito> isn't that set in that one file you're supposed to import in your shell?
<Denommus> yes, I thought I imported it, but it seems I didn't
<mkaito> well there you go
<DeltaEvo> Hello i'm trying to build an armv7l installation sd card image. I use to do it a Raspberry Pi with archlinux ARM on it and Nix 2.0 but i'm having a strange error about curl that cannot resolve hosts. Full error https://hastebin.com/uzodatinet.coffeescript
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « stockfish: update to version 9 »: https://git.io/fN4Ag
<Denommus> that's weird, because I have /etc/profile.d/nix.sh and /etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh, and zsh is configured to source everything under /etc/profile.d
<Denommus> oh well
<Denommus> I'm going to ask for help in #archlinux, I guess
<clever> DeltaEvo: can you pastebin the output of: `nix show-derivation /nix/store/rxdndspww2lprbvrwk3ivjrmmkb8cda9-https.patch.drv ; cat /etc/resolv.conf`
<Denommus> but thanks for the help, for now I can manually add those to my ~/.zshenv
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<pie_> hey folks, 1) is it possible to create a root for the currently running nix-shell?
<pie_> 2) i used ghcwithhoogle to get the gl haskell package, but its not showing up in my hoogle
* pie_ nudges infinisil ?
* infinisil nudges pie_ back
<pie_> :D
<pie_> this is my script https://bpaste.net/show/55da70ca1029
<archaeron> clever: we managed to buildstack2nix on a mac in a vagrantbox and sent it to my linux machine to use :D it looks like it's working. Thank oyu for all the help!
<infinisil> (i have no idea)
<clever> archaeron: ah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar merged pull request #44009 → Merge staging-next into master → https://git.io/fN8I3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @FRidh to master « Merge staging-next into master (#44009) »: https://git.io/fN4hl
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<ryantm> Is fetchFromGitHub preferred over fetchurl?
<clever> ryantm: fetchFromGitHub works on the hash of the contents of the tar, while fetchurl works on the hash of the tar itself
<ryantm> My thought is that it should be since it would let us fix a bunch of GitHub src fetching if it gets messed up somehow
<clever> ryantm: and i think github is generating the tar dynamically from the git repo
<clever> so in theory, the hash of the tar can change, even if the contents of the tar havent
<ryantm> Sounds like another reason to prefer fetchFromGitHub
<clever> fetchFromGitHub also has a flag to fetch submodules (it will switch to fetchgit behind the scenes)
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<tilpner> angerman - I'm back. Do you still need the config?
<tilpner> d1rewolf__ - Good to hear :)
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1caae7247b8 (from 4 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<DeltaEvo> clever: Tanks, here is the output https://hastebin.com/iwuwurakay.bash
<angerman> tilpner: sure, why not. I'm probably getting around to it properly only tomorrow.
<clever> DeltaEvo: and as root: `netstat -anp | grep 53`
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<clever> DeltaEvo: resolv.conf is configured to use localhost as a dns server, but localhost is not running a dns server, so all dns is broken on that machine
<DeltaEvo> clever: the curl utility provided by Armlinux ARM works on the urls on which nix seems to fail
<tilpner> angerman - I use two different variants, based on clevers version. One does the install fully automated, the other just gets you the tools needed to do it manually. Which one do you want?
<DeltaEvo> Aw
<clever> DeltaEvo: edit resolv.conf to use and it should all be fixed
<DeltaEvo> I will correct that then, thanks
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<angerman> tilpner: I'll go with the kexec one.
<clever> DeltaEvo: oh wait, line 3, systemd-resolve is listening, on, lol
<clever> id still expect that to fail though
<tilpner> angerman - They're both kexec :/
<angerman> tilpner: well, automated sounds best.
<DeltaEvo> clever: Seems to wor by changing the nameserver, so .... I will try to see what the problem with systemd-resolve but thanks <3
<clever> DeltaEvo: yep
<angerman> tilpner: I was more concered about the FS layout and other kext stuff that might need tweaking in the nixos/configuration.nix on cx11 instances.
<tilpner> angerman - Oh, no. You don't get enough space to do interesting partition layouts
<angerman> tilpner: well, I'm find with everything bein in / :-)
<angerman> tilpner: for reference I've done something similar to a jiffy box; and that was somewhat painful.
<clever> tilpner: i prefer to just put zfs on everything now
<tilpner> clever - Yes, I noticed :)
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<Denommus> can I use mkDerivation from a nixops deployment configuration?
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<clever> DeltaEvo: pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation
<Denommus> clever: thanks
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<Denommus> wait, I know why $NIX_PATH wasn't being set! It's because I'm running ZSH over an Emacs daemon, it probably didn't run my zsh profile file, hahaha
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<cmacrae> Is there any means of installing the Docker daemon via Nix on macOS? It'd be nice to have my whole Docker install managed via nix-darwin
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<tilpner> angerman - Ah, I had a left-over experiment that caused inf-rec. I'll just test this and pack it up afterwards
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<angerman> tilpner: great!
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<lostman> how can I refer to one of the binaries from buildInputs using full path? i have buildInputs [ ccache ... ] and want to create symlinks to ccache binary. for that, I need to know its full path
<srhb> lostman: "${ccache}" <-- this is a string containing the store path of ccache
<lostman> srhb: tried that but it says undefined variable 'ccache'
<srhb> lostman: Then your buildInputs probably was more like buildInputs = with pkgs; ... or something
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<srhb> lostman: Share your expression :)
<lostman> srhb: ah that's it! need to do ${pkgs.ccache} :D
<lostman> many thanks!
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<d1rewolf__> tilpner, do you happen to use gmail with qutebrowser?
<LnL> cmacrae: no, but the linuxkit builder could probably be integrated
<tilpner> d1rewolf__ - I don't
<tilpner> d1rewolf__ - Ask #qutebrowser
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<{^_^}> [nix] @lheckemann opened pull request #2305 → copyPathsToStore: honour keep-going → https://git.io/fNBqY
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.pytest: fix setupHook .pytest-cache »: https://git.io/fNBmv
<d1rewolf__> tilpner, done. thanks
<cmacrae> Okay, thanks LnL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 5 commits to haskell-updates: https://git.io/fNBmG
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNBmC
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBmW
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<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2305 → copyPathsToStore: honour keep-going → https://git.io/fNBqY
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBYn
<sphalerite> woooo that was a quick merge
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.importlib: remove »: https://git.io/fNBYE
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.can: fix build »: https://git.io/fNB3c
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.pylint: 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 »: https://git.io/fNBGq
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<tenten8401[m]> samueldr: did you ever get that kdenlive thing working?
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<infinisil> sphalerite: whoa indeed
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<infinisil> Nope
<kalbasit> I'd like to get myself into that list to speed up my PRs but not sure where to add myself, it's unclear
<kalbasit> samueldr: maybe you'd know since I saw you being added not too long ago?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @borisbabic opened pull request #44058 → trackpoint: Make the device name configurable → https://git.io/fNBnA
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<dtz[m]> is `ibus` still broken on master? :(
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<samueldr> tenten8401[m]: didn't build it finally, kind of forgot, though I don't see any reasons for it not to work
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<samueldr> kalbasit: you may be talking about ofborg, https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg
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<kalbasit> samueldr: yes I want to add myself to the known users list so I can issue commands, I know trusted users go in config.public.json, but why is there two config files for known users?
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<kalbasit> I see, thank you.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed to master « arena: fix evaluation blocking typo »: https://git.io/fNBC1
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<TheBrayn> anyone here using gnome-keyring without gdm/gnome? I have trouble getting it to work with i3, I have security.pam.services.lightdm.enableGnomeKeyring = true but it doesn't look like gnome-keyring is running
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<ryantm> I fixed the evaluation-blocking typo @peti pushed to master, probably we'll have to asked OfBorg to re-eval stuff..
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<stranger___> clever: could you please ask GrahamcOfBorg bot to make a build of https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43971 ?
<{^_^}> #43971 (by gnidorah, open): pakcs: 1.14.0 -> 2.0.2
<stranger___> {^_^}: build 43971
<stranger___> lol
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<samueldr> nah, different bot, {^_^} doesn't take those kind of order :)
<stranger___> )
<clever> stranger___: not sure if it will actually make a difference, since fridh already requested an eval after your last push
<srhb> Build vs eval?
<stranger___> clever: i thought it should be "build"
<BennoFnfstck[m]> is it normal for nix-daemon to consume >400mb of ram during nixos-rebuild ?
<clever> i dont remember all of the commands for ofborg
<clever> BennoFnfstck[m]: is there anything haskell related in your configuration.nix?
<stranger___> clever: thx!
<samueldr> for the record, build needs an attribute list to build: https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg#build
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<clever> *doh*
<samueldr> (unless automatic build started for a trusted user https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg#automatic-building )
<BennoFnfstck[m]> clever: this is after evaluation
<BennoFnfstck[m]> during building phase
<BennoFnfstck[m]> and it's a nearly empty configuration.nix
<clever> BennoFnfstck[m]: thats when ghc is likely to use the most ram, ah, not sure then
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<samueldr> oh, we probably queued two build :/
<clever> BennoFnfstck[m]: for each storepath nix downloads, it keeps the entire thing in a single std::string in ram
<clever> until it has fully downloaded it
<stranger___> nice :D
<clever> samueldr: yeah, i see 2 replies, heh
<stranger___> poor ofborg
<BennoFnfstck[m]> clever: ugh..... that would explain why it's hard to use nix on rpi with only 1g of ram...
<Denommus> how could I make a derivation for plain source, like HTML?
<samueldr> BennoFnfstck[m]: clever there's a patch/workaround for this issue though
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<clever> BennoFnfstck[m]: nix-env -i is also somewhat worse on an rpi
<clever> !-iA
<clever> ,-iA
<samueldr> ,-A
<{^_^}> You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
<clever> ah
<samueldr> (did the same mistake the other day)
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<zclod> hi I'm trying to use a python package recently added to nixpkgs but if I try to enter a nix-shell with that package it show "attribute missing"
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<zclod> I tried a nix-channel --update but it didn't work
<clever> zclod: single or multiuser nix?
<zclod> i've installed nixos
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<zclod> i did sudo nix-channel update
<clever> zclod: then nix-channel --update has to be ran as root to have an effect
<clever> ah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ryantm pushed to master « arena: fix more evaluation blockers »: https://git.io/fNBlr
<clever> can you pastebin your nix file, and the error?
<zclod> the shell.nix?
<clever> yeah
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<zclod> it's the deap package that create problems
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<clever> zclod: what does `sudo nix-channel --list` report?
<TheBrayn> how do I force nixos to regenerate a systemd-boot config in /boot/loader for the current generation if I switch the boot partition?
<clever> TheBrayn: its in the nixos-rebuild man page, --install-bootloader
<TheBrayn> thanks
<zclod> I checked and in this file /nix/store/j9pkgkir93id1amw8xaf9sbf9rbd3p78-nixos-18.03/nixos/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix the package isn't listed, but i don't know how to update it
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed 5 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fNB8o
<TheBrayn> and do I need grub for a windows dualboot? I can't find anything about dualbooting with systemd-boot
<maurer> You can do it with systemd-boot. Also, I don't know what you googled, but just pulling up "systemd-boot windows" yields several relevant results
<clever> TheBrayn: for efi, each os puts its own bootloader into the efi system variables, and then you can select at the firmware level
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to python-unstable « python.pkgs.pytest-flake8: fix tests »: https://git.io/fNB4Z
<stranger___> clever: ok "swi-prolog: add JDK to build dependencies to enable JPL" commit made swiProlog and so pakcs to depend on unfree jdk and not build on hydra as consequence :-(
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<clever> stranger___: openjdk is an option
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<stranger___> not sure how well it will work
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @FRidh to python-unstable « python.pkgs.pytest-flake8: disable test, fix build »: https://git.io/fNB4K
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<srk> ,locate libgl.so
<{^_^}> Couldn't find any packages
<clever> ,locate libGL.so
<{^_^}> Found in packages: libglvnd, primusLib, libGLU_combined
<srk> hmm, yeah
<srk> pkgs.libGL looks like the right one
<stranger___> clever: ah that's aarch only
<stranger___> interesting
<stranger___> jdk8 = if stdenv.isAarch32 || stdenv.isAarch64 then oraclejdk8 else openjdk8 // { outputs = [ "out" ]; };
<clever> weird
<clever> stranger___: does openjdk not build on aarch?
<stranger___> dunno the reason, probably
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<clever> > (import <nixpkgs> { system = "aarch64-multiplatform"; }).openjdk8
<{^_^}> Unknown kernel: multiplatform
<clever> > (import <nixpkgs> { system = "aarch64-linux"; }).openjdk8
<{^_^}> No bootstrap for system
<clever> stranger___: i think openjdk needs a pre-compiled javac to bootstrap itself
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<coconnor> morning all! (well... close enough)
<coconnor> hrm. did I not make that swi-prolog dependency optional? don't recall..
<coconnor> ah indeed. not optional
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<drakonis> not sure if this came up
<stranger___> coconnor: hi
<stranger___> clever: hah pakcs build timed out because of ghc "building of '/nix/store/0qgyy754cvsdg57s0kfvapjd4pd4nl2w-ghc-8.4.3.drv' timed out after 3600 seconds"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @periklis opened pull request #44060 → Fix pname to ename propagation if null → https://git.io/fNB2k
<joepie91> drakonis: seen it, only just read it, and I can relate to the experiences described there
<joepie91> (I do know that there are concrete benefits to the configuration model, but not as a result of a fantastic beginner experience :P)
<neonfuz> When using a date as a version number, should the date of the latest change be used? or the date the pull happened?
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<Plato[m]> What's the deal with nixos-unstable? Hasn't seen an update for 11 days!
<neonfuz> nixos (not nixpkgs) needs to pass certain tests before it's updated
<neonfuz> so some tests are probably failing
<joepie91> neonfuz: date of 'release'
<neonfuz> okay
<neonfuz> btw what's the process of getting a pull request accepted into nixpkgs, just wait really?
<samueldr> neonfuz: if you feel it's been too long before *anyone looked*, you could always ask here with the PR number
<samueldr> (but sometimes, a couple days can go by as PRs are almost always looked at in batches, and opened PRs can push down your own)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #44027 → zeromq: 4.2.3 -> 4.2.5 → https://git.io/fN85G
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBaF
<neonfuz> alright, it's been a couple days but I did have some fixes I just made to it now
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43996 → refind: 0.11.2 -> 0.11.3 → https://git.io/fNlKw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBap
<Denommus> I'm getting this error when trying to deploy with nixops: https://i.imgur.com/jf5J1e4.png
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<drakonis> joepie91, i get the feeling that it'll be easier for the other distros to catch up than nix the community getting out of its comfort zone
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to haskell-updates « Remove all build restrictions to test what builds »: https://git.io/fNBwT
<joepie91> drakonis: possibly. this isn't necessarily an issue, at least not to me, since I'm more interested in the concepts behind Nix being implemented well, than Nix' implementation specifically
<joepie91> but it's a realistic possibility that something will steal Nix' thunder
<joepie91> potentially with a suboptimal implementation that is nevertheless more accessible due to eg. better docs
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<joepie91> (snaps/appimages are already sort of doing this)
<drakonis> i'm not sure how there could be an suboptimal implementation
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<drakonis> snaps/flatpaks/appimages you mean
<joepie91> drakonis: iirc Debian(?) was considering implementing some of the concepts of Nix, but not enough to actually get any of the reproducibility/etc. guarantees
<drakonis> yes i'm aware of debian
<drakonis> uhhh
<drakonis> say what now
<joepie91> different 'reproducible'
<joepie91> reproducible systems, not reproducible packages
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « cachix: build on supported platforms »: https://git.io/fNBwi
<joepie91> my point here being that it's not uncommon for theoretically-optimal systems to get outrun by 'half-implementations' of the same concept that are documented/UI'ed/etc. better even though they don't provide the most interesting properties
<joepie91> /guarantees
<joepie91> and that at that point the perceived difference between the optimal and suboptimal solution is too small for users to still care about the optimal solution
<drakonis> as vagrant cascadian is an reproducible builds developer
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<drakonis> debian might get there before nix does
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<acowley> Is anyone (other than nix and guix) doing anything interesting with the configuration language?
<drakonis> debian has plans to do that at some point in the future
<acowley> It's always disapointing when the recipe file language is super ad hoc
<drakonis> i think there's also debos for spinning up configurable system images
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<acowley> debos is yaml?
<drakonis> yes
<drakonis> it can also unpack those images into the filesystem which is fairly interesting
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<Denommus> Failed to stop -.slice: Operation refused, unit -.slice may be requested by dependency only.
<Denommus> what is this?
<d1rewolf__> can someone remind me how to view a package's contents?
<d1rewolf__> what files it creates?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBo4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNBoR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ljani opened pull request #44061 → avahi: add support for extraConfig → https://git.io/fNBoD
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<drakonis> how hard did i derail the channel
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<d1rewolf__> drakonis, it's really quiet around here o.O
<drakonis> hmm, then can i carry on with it?
<d1rewolf__> drakonis, what exactly?
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<drakonis> my message
<d1rewolf__> drakonis, sorry... I am missing context I guess....wonder if my irc client messed up
<d1rewolf__> because i've no idea what you're talking about ;)
<d1rewolf__> how does guix compare with nix?
<growpotkin> Hey I have a few questions about nix-shell. If y'all wouldn't mind enlightening me I would really appreciate it.
<d1rewolf__> growpotkin, we'll do our best ;)
<growpotkin> thank you :D
<growpotkin> Okay so I have been using NixOS for a while now, and done all the nix pills. I feel like I have a pretty good grasp of things but nix-shell is tripping me up a little bit.
<growpotkin> I would like to setup a little default environment to work on haskell projects
<growpotkin> so I put together a short shell.nix. My issue is in all the examples I see online I see people using "pkgs.haskell.ghcWithPackages"
<growpotkin> to put together a ghc with the included packages.
<drakonis> d1rewolf__, that's not about guix though
<growpotkin> I have a feeling that this option is maybe depreciated, or that I have not set it up correctly on my system
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<drakonis> its about other distributions catching up with nix
<drakonis> i mean that other distributions may catch up with NixOS/GuixSD
<cocreature> growpotkin: do you want to work on a cabal project?
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<growpotkin> No I am just trying to play with some simple code and "runhaskell"
<d1rewolf__> drakonis, how do nix and guix compare tho out of curiosity?
<cocreature> growpotkin: ghcWithPackages is definitely not deprecated. what problem are you running into?
<growpotkin> but my ghc needs some extra libraries like "text". I have tried including them as "buildInputs" in my shell.nix but they don't seem to be accessible by ghc.
<drakonis> guix is what you can call the rewrite from ground up
<d1rewolf__> I'd like to know what the package contents are of keybase-gui. how can I view this?
<cocreature> growpotkin: try something like "nix-shell -p 'haskell.packages.ghc843.ghcWithPackages(pkgs: [pkgs.text])'"
<drakonis> rather, its nix with a fresh start and lisp
<cocreature> d1rewolf__: build it and look at the store path?
<d1rewolf__> cocreature, is there a way to do it without building?
<growpotkin> direwolf thank you!
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<growpotkin> I had tried that exact syntax earlier but using "haskell.packages.ghc.ghcWithPackages". It seems that the version number is required
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<cocreature> d1rewolf__: not really, where do you expect the list of files to come from? you can ofc rely on somebody else to build it for you and fetch it from a cache
<cocreature> (which is what nix-build will do if it’s in a cache you’ve configured)
<cocreature> growpotkin: if you want to use it without a version number, it’s "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages" iirc
<d1rewolf__> cocreature, I see your point. thanks
<cocreature> but imho specifying the version number is a good idea
<cocreature> d1rewolf__: there is also nix-index but I’ve never gotten that to work for me and afaik it just works by downloading things from the cache so it’s not any different
<growpotkin> d1rewolf__: is there a good place to define common environments like that to make them more accessible? I could do a shell alias but I am sure there is a "nixy" way to do it.
<drakonis> o boi, nixy way
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<d1rewolf__> cocreature, nix-index is more for locating files, not listing contents, right?
<d1rewolf__> fwiw, nix-index works for me (just used it to find kbfs)
<d1rewolf__> nix-index to index
<d1rewolf__> and then nix-locate kbfs
<growpotkin> there is always a "nixy way" ;)
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<drakonis> i mean, as long as it doesn't become something like "the arch way" which is some community stand in for "do everything in the most painful/time-wasting way
<growpotkin> I guess I'm just asking if I should be copying and pasting a shell.nix or default.nix all over the place, or if there is some nix-shell flag that can reference a little library of user defined environments.
<drakonis> well ok
<drakonis> that's fine
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43859 → appleseed: Fix non-executable items and Python bindings → https://git.io/fNCdv
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBiO
<cocreature> drakonis: yeah I guess so but to do that it probably also has to list the contents of each path so I could imagine that it might have an option for listing them. but I’m just guessing here
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<samueldr> cocreature: nix-index uses a list taken from hydra builds
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<Pneumaticat[m]> would it be a bad idea to copy `secring.gpg` to other systems using home-manager
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @kalbasit opened pull request #44062 → kubetail: init at 1.6.1 → https://git.io/fNBPu
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<drakonis> http://bootstrappable.org/ relevant
<drakonis> system bootstrapping and reproducible builds, hm.
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<growpotkin> is there a way to configure autocd (like in zsh) for nix-shell?
<infinisil> growpotkin: I heard direnv can do that
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<drakonis> all i have to say here is "JOLLY CO-OPERATION"
<growpotkin> thank you
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<infinisil> Hey, could someone check out this PR to fix up Minecraft? The current version doesn't have sound working, would like to get this merged: #43774
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43774 (by Infinisil, open): minecraft: clean and fix up
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 opened pull request #44063 → ycmd: 2018-06-14 -> 2018-07-24 → https://git.io/fNB1g
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk pushed to master « libtensorflow: support building on OS X and add optional cuda support »: https://git.io/fNBMK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dezgeg pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBMF
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<d1rewolf_> guys, in this post (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12337488) someone mentions a "work underway for a similar unified interface for nix" in a discussion re guix vs nix. This was from 2016. Was this work completed?
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<tilpner> d1rewolf_ - I'd guess that's the "nix" command?
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, that's what I was wondering...but does that command really replace all the other "nix-" commands?
<tilpner> Not quite. It's also not stable yet
<d1rewolf_> tilpner, oh, ok. thx. is there a road map somewhere?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #44054 → ponyc: 0.24.0 -> 0.24.2 → https://git.io/fN4ye
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBy3
<tilpner> I don't know of one, and I can't find one either
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<d1rewolf_> tilpner, ok, thank you
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #44015 → nixos/networking: include local Unbound in resolv.conf → https://git.io/fN8GH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNByQ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43977 → mpv: 0.28.2 -> 0.29.0 → https://git.io/fNl8p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBSw
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<pie_> hey folks, 1) is it possible to create a root for the currently running nix-shell?
<pie_> 2) i used ghcwithhoogle to get the gl haskell package, but its not showing up in my hoogle
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43945 → closurecompiler: 20180610 -> 20180716 → https://git.io/fNWhM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNB93
<__monty__> pie_: So you did something like nix-shell -p ghcWithHoogle {[gl]}?
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<__monty__> Woops, it's late. I'm sure someone else can help you better than I can. nn peoples
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #44051 → minicom: Add macOS support → https://git.io/fN4Xt
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBH3
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<infinisil> ryantm: Whoa, the "Compare changes on GitHub" button is super nice!
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<infinisil> ryantm++
<{^_^}> ryantm's karma got increased to 2
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<iqubic> How hard is it to install GHCJS on NixOS?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43903 → fix pidgin-with-plugins build → https://git.io/fNWPw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBHK
<clever> iqubic: nix-shell -p 'haskell.packages.ghcjs.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; [ lens ])'
<clever> done :P
<iqubic> Why do I need lens? And should I install ghcjs globally?
<clever> lens is just an example
<clever> you must give nix a list of packages that you want to use
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<maurer> And no, you probably don't want to install ghcjs globally, since you have to do ghcjs.ghcWithPackages to get what you want usually
<iqubic> How do I integrate this with emacs?
<clever> and installing it wont work right, because you need to constantly reinstall it to add/remove packages from ghc
<clever> iqubic: run emacs inside nix-shell
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<maurer> iqubic: I don't use emacs, but my usual solution with vim and similar stuff is I make a shell.nix that pulls in the right dependencies, and contains a per-project vim configuration
<iqubic> clever: That sound like a pain.
<iqubic> maurer: I see.
<maurer> It's possible there's a better way, but I don't know it
<iqubic> But I'm running EXWM. So I can't really use that method.
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<maurer> In that case, the best answer I have for you is to nix-build a ghcjs, then add a named indirect root to it, and reference that path in emacs
<maurer> which is not a great answer, I'll admit
<maurer> Either that or if you manage your exwm configuration within nix (e.g via emacsWithPackages) you can likely specify the ghcjs as a parameter to that
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<clever> nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; haskell.packages.ghcjs.ghcWithPackages (ps: with ps; [ lens ])' -o ghcjs-with-lens
<clever> then you can run ./ghcjs-with-lens/bin/ghc to compile ghcjs stuff that needs lens
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<pie_> re: hoogle, this is my script https://bpaste.net/show/55da70ca1029
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43829 → vscode-extensions.ms-python.python: 2018.6.0 -> 2018.7.0 → https://git.io/fNczh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBQr
<RetardedOnion> is there someone else interested in ungoogled-chromium?
<pie_> is that even possible?
<pie_> :p
<RetardedOnion> https://github.com/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium . so maybe. probably. i dont want firefox to tank my system so i use this
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @averelld opened pull request #44064 → Jetbrains updates → https://git.io/fNB7T
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<maurer> RetardedOnion: I will note that is likely not especially safe in the long run - it's currently a version behind stable on its master branch, which means even if you followed _its_ updates faithfully, you would be behind on security updates
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<maurer> Unlike FF, google does not issue LTS versions, so chromium forks generally run into this problem
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<RetardedOnion> i dont use it because of its "security", i use it because it doesnt tank my system. i have a few hundred tabs open most of the time and firefox just breaks there. regular chromium eats noticably more ram
<RetardedOnion> if you have any other patchset recommendations for me: go for it. i dont think i can get away from anything chromium based too soon
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<maurer> I mean, I just use vanilla chromium, but you don't seem to be interested in that
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<simpson> Hi! Possibly stupid question: When using `gcloud` from Google's SDKs, I need some components installed. Is there a way to do that?
<maurer> I was just making sure you were aware that the version lag in chromium forks tends to be significant, and result in running software with known exploits
<RetardedOnion> eats noticably more ram. idk why or how to stop it. i just have 32gb and i reach the end of it way faster with regular chromium
<clever> RetardedOnion: open the chrome task manager and see what is using it all
<maurer> simpson: Are you using the packaged version of gcloud, or trying to run it directly from google?
<andi-> Firefox with around a hundred tabs runs quiet well on my 4y old midrange notebook..
<simpson> maurer: I'm using `google-cloud-sdk` from nixpkgs on OSX, with nix-darwin set up.
<RetardedOnion> andi-: how?
<andi-> Maybe its the usage? I just leave them there..
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<maurer> simpson: I think, though I don't know, that you'd need to run the gcloud component install command during installation
<maurer> Sorry, not going to be much help
<simpson> maurer: That sounds plausible. But I bet that it wants to do network stuff.
<RetardedOnion> andi-: i have an r7 1700 at 3,8ghz and with my normal usage, firefox is unbareably slow.
<simpson> "You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is managed by an external package manager."
<coconnor> wow that was harder than I expected: finally have a libvirt vm of kubuntu to compare against nixos' kde
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<coconnor> pulseaudio setup is definitely different.. hrm
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<maurer> It wouldn't be pure, but in theory you could probably run the component install _before_ that line
<simpson> Meh. I don't want purity, I want Google's SDK to not be shit.
<andi-> RetardedOnion: I have been "back" to Firefox since 2016ish and no problems.. It wasn't as fast as chromium but now there is no reason to switch anymore.
<maurer> Yeah, probably just edit that file in your personal nixpkgs/overlay
<maurer> and at line 62, add your component installation
<simpson> Hmmm. I'm skeptical, but let's give it a whirl.
<RetardedOnion> andi-: i said "unbareably". so i mean click something, wait 20 seconds. ram usage isnt much better as well
<andi-> Not a problem here.
<RetardedOnion> guess ill buy an i9 and 2tb ram.
<simpson> maurer: Nope, gcloud really wants a working $HOME and is upset that it can't write to /homeless-shelter/. What a whiner! It does claim to have installed everything, though. Is there an easy way to deal with /homeless-shelter writes?
<maurer> You can export HOME to point at something else, that's where it's finding homless-shelter, but that makes me worried for what the actual application will do
<maurer> (since it will probably want to read from HOME)
<maurer> RetardedOnion: There are chromebooks that run on 4G RAM. You may be experiencing a problem, but it's not a totally-fundamental-to-chrome problem.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43641 → libmysofa: init at 0.6 and enable in ffmpeg-full → https://git.io/fNOjK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBdk
<RetardedOnion> my problem is my usage. i get it.
<simpson> RetardedOnion: NoScript is your friend, I bet. Are there specific pages causing problems?
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<RetardedOnion> its still kinda sad that every browser i tried that isnt chromium breaked even with my usage
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<tilpner> RetardedOnion - I was using >300 tabs in FF just fine. Switched to qute for unrelated reasons
<RetardedOnion> simpson: i dont have specific pages that cause problems. i tried noscript and some alternatives .
<clever> i have 700+ tabs open regularly with normal chromium
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch merged pull request #43980 → Skarnet software: Rename attributes & split outputs → https://git.io/fNl4V
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBdB
<RetardedOnion> clever: how much ram do you have?
<clever> it only has problems at startup, once it stabalizes, it runs fine
<clever> RetardedOnion: 32gig of ram, 32gig of swap, and sometimes it fills both fully
<simpson> RetardedOnion: Okay. I'm afraid that I can't reproduce, although I'm not on the same hardware, so I suspect that it's either your hardware or more likely something else also running in the BG.
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<tilpner> clever - How do you manage tabs? Is it still the horizontal bar at the top?
<RetardedOnion> clever: my poor nvme ssd:D
<clever> tilpner: yes
<RetardedOnion> tilpner: you can open different windows
<clever> tilpner: i also have vimium installed in chrome, if i hit T i can then search all tabs by title
<tilpner> Ah, search makes more sense
<clever> i have a bad habbit of opening a new window, opening the reddit front page, middle-clicking 20-30 links that look interesting, reading 5, and then never closing it :P
<RetardedOnion> i dont use bookmarks. i simply open a new window for every bookmark folder a normie would do. so i have around 20 windows open at every time
<simpson> maurer: Huh. So, good news; I did a HOME=/tmp/shame/ and it looks like the SDK did install stuff to itself. So maybe I'll work on a bit of a patch to enable building several components into the install.
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<simpson> Thanks for the help.
<simpson> maurer++
<{^_^}> maurer's karma got increased to 1
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44065 → treewide: Remove some crossAttrs → https://git.io/fNBd7
<tertle||eltret> what program can i install that lets me configure wifi adpater with GUI?
<tertle||eltret> its an older usb adapter
<tertle||eltret> lsusb doesnt even work
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<RetardedOnion> tertle||eltret: do you use networkmanager?
<RetardedOnion> wait it doesnt show in lsusb?
<tertle||eltret> lsusb isnt installed
<tertle||eltret> how to install it?
<samueldr> nix-shell -p usbutils --run lsusb
<tertle||eltret> also, whats a good GUI for network manager program
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<RetardedOnion> kde does the networkmanager integration very well.
<samueldr> network-manager, has a TUI, nmtui, otherwise nm-applet gnome3.networkmanagerapplet has nm-applet
<samueldr> (and yeah, if you installed a DE, it probably has network manager integration already configured)
<tertle||eltret> i cant find it in KDE?
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<RetardedOnion> if you have networkmanager enabled in your configuration.nix it works automatically
<tertle||eltret> one sec, gotta use this ethernet cable
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<RetardedOnion> tertle||eltret: put networking.networkmanager.enable = true; and add your user to the networkmanager group via extragroups
<tertle||eltret> i will try it again, my pc just froze up
<tertle||eltret> what is extragroups?
<tertle||eltret> useradd?
<clever> tertle||eltret: a nixos option
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<RetardedOnion> where you defined your user in configuration.nix you can add the line extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" "libvirt"]; to put your used in the group libvirt, networkmanager and wheel for sudo
<tertle||eltret> ok, and then what?
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<clever> tertle||eltret: nixos-rebuild switch
<RetardedOnion> tertle||eltret: maybe --upgrade
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<tertle||eltret> it says i cant use netowrkmanager with networkwireless
<RetardedOnion> soooo.... why dont you deactivate networkwireless?
<RetardedOnion> just comment it out and run it again
<tertle||eltret> idk i thoguht maybe i need it
<RetardedOnion> networkmanager handles it
<tertle||eltret> ok
<tertle||eltret> then i should get an icon in the tray right?
<RetardedOnion> if you did everything correctly yes
<clever> you may need to logout and log back in
<clever> thats the only way to apply group changes to yourself
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<tertle||eltret> oh ok
<RetardedOnion> ,paste
<{^_^}> Use a website such as http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/ or https://gist.github.com/ to share anything that's longer than a couple lines
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44065 → treewide: Remove some crossAttrs → https://git.io/fNBd7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 7 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBbT
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<RetardedOnion> wait you cant curl to github? waaaat?
<samueldr> RetardedOnion: there is the `gist` too which can be used
<samueldr> tool*
<tertle||eltret> its working, thanks guys
<samueldr> > pkgs.gist
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/c75sc55782vfdi0vsf0fi9vbrjqh8yn6-gist-4.6.2>"
* colemickens can someone merge this? https://github.com/NixOS/patchelf/pull/149
<clever> i always gist --login on new machines, then use `gist -p foo.nix` to upload files, and `gist -u <url> foo.nix` to update a gist
<{^_^}> patchelf#149 (by ezquat, open): Fix issue #66: ignore 0th section header when sorting, don't overwrite NOBITS
<samueldr> clever++
<{^_^}> clever's karma got increased to 15
<RetardedOnion> why make it so complicated? whatever. i will just use ptpb or nixpaste when i can remember the domain
<samueldr> complicated? it's literally `gist` instead of an arcane curl invocation
<clever> RetardedOnion: gist supports several files, syntax highlight on nix, updating, comments, and deleting
<RetardedOnion> yeah but why make it different when it works fine.
<samueldr> and --login is optional
<clever> updating helps for many things
<clever> syntax highlight often reveals user problems instantly
<RetardedOnion> oh ok. it doesnt work fine enough.
<clever> samueldr: github removed the option for annonymous gists
<samueldr> oh, I must have been mis-remembering
<tertle||eltret> forgetting?
<RetardedOnion> that is something else. simple=/=easy, misremembering=/=forgetting
<samueldr> ˌmisrəˈmembər/ verb remember imperfectly or incorrectly.
<samueldr> 2
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/afffbe50fbb (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 opened pull request #44066 → treewide: Remove some more crossAttrs → https://git.io/fNBbh
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<tertle||eltret> .ud mis-remembering
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<tertle||eltret> so what file uses the nix language?
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<RetardedOnion> tertle||eltret: every .nix you can find
<tertle||eltret> oh ok
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #44066 → treewide: Remove some more crossAttrs → https://git.io/fNBbh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 6 commits to master: https://git.io/fNBAU
<tertle||eltret> i did alittle of that with my test.nix
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ysndr opened pull request #44067 → fix: atom crash on Glib-GIO-ERROR → https://git.io/fNBxi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #42060 → Remove legacy cross, add aliases → https://git.io/vhP6E
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