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<qwerty_asdf> I can't find anything in the manual .. unless I missed it
<samueldr> kiloreux: I'm doubting it's that line specifically, just reading the cmakelists, if you're on nixos... it checks for a path (in the if) that's probably not present on nixos
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<samueldr> though, probably something like `substituteInPlace src/CMakeLists.txt --replace "/lib/systemd/system" "$out/lib/systemd/system"` in postPatch
<samueldr> though it MAY break the if in creating a directory that *definitely doesn't exist yet*
<samueldr> so either replace beforehand the if condition (--replace /lib/systemd/system /) or create $out/lib/systemd/system before the check is done?
<samueldr> (untested)
<samueldr> qwerty_asdf: doesn't look like there is anything about qutebrowser outside of its derivation, so looks like there isn't a better way (yet)
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<kiloreux> samueldr, the patch way perfectly solved my problem. Thank you very much <3
<qwerty_asdf> ooo okay, I'll just run the script inside the derivation dir. I thought maybe there was a general config package option to run scripts in derivations. Thanks
<qwerty_asdf> :)
<samueldr> kiloreux: did you do two replaces? create the systemd folder? did the install install the files as expected (or was it then a no-op?)
<kiloreux> I just deleted that part. Since I will need to start it manually anyway. So I created a patch that deletes that part in CMakeLists
<samueldr> good to know
<kalbasit> in `~/.config/nixpkgs` the recommended way of adding a new package (that does not exist in nixpkgs) is through an overlay at `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/<name>/default.nix` ?
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<samueldr> » If the path is a directory, then we take the content of the directory, order it lexicographically, and attempt to interpret each as an overlay by:
<samueldr> » Importing the file, if it is a .nix file. Importing a top-level default.nix file, if it is a directory.
<samueldr> so yeah, it should work, kalbasit
<samueldr> but that default.nix file should *contain an overlay* and not the derivation
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<samueldr> so it will look like 12.2, the `self: super: {...}` thing https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays
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<dhess> Ugh, now I'm running into the problem where you can't build a container with NixOps on macOS
<dhess> even though literally every other type of deployment.targetEnv works fine from macOS
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<kalbasit> samueldr: I see, I'll give it a shot, thx
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<kalbasit> samueldr: so if I have a new pkg, not an overlay, should it go in `.config/nixpkgs/pkgs/<name>/default.nix` instead?
<kalbasit> or an overlay is always necessary to add it there?
<clever> kalbasit: an overlay is still needed to make nixpkgs actually read the new package
<samueldr> what you could do, kalbasit, is have .config/nixpkgs/overlays/my-awesome-stuff/package-name/default.nix, and then in .config/nixpkgs/overlays/my-awesome-stuff/default.nix you `self: super: { package-name = self.callPackage ./package-name; }`
<clever> samueldr: missing a {} on the callPackage
<samueldr> right clever!
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<samueldr> > self: super: { package-name = self.callPackage ./package-name {}; }
<{^_^}> <LAMBDA>
<samueldr> (just like how callPackage is used in <pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix>)
<kalbasit> got it
<qwerty_asdf> woops sorry
<kalbasit> I do not have to `super.package-name =` ? super is inferred in `package-name =`
<clever> super is an argument being passed in, and it cant be modified
<qwerty_asdf> ?https
<clever> you are returning a new set of packages to override
<kalbasit> ohhh got it
<kalbasit> thx clever
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<dhess> clever: got any NixOps configs with container targetEnv's ?
<clever> dhess: only ec2 and none
<dhess> ok thanks
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<tobiasBora> Hello,
<tobiasBora> I'm not sure to see why, but when I do "environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.sslh ]; services.sslh.enable = true;", I don't have sslh running (don't appear on netstat), and "systemctl status sslh" returns that the service does not exist...
<tobiasBora> any idea why?
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<clever> tobiasBora: did you nixos-rebuild?
<tobiasBora> yes
<clever> tobiasBora: what output did it print?
<tobiasBora> clever: http://paste.debian.net/1034007
<clever> tobiasBora: what is the content of deploy.sh?
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<tobiasBora> clever: it's just a rsync to my rasp and then it runs "nixos-rebuild --fast switch"
<clever> tobiasBora: and what is the contents of configuration.nix?
* tobiasBora is trying without the disabled modules
<tobiasBora> clever: http://paste.debian.net/1034008
<tobiasBora> and sslh: http://paste.debian.net/1034009
<tobiasBora> Note that on the last run, ./disabled_modules.nix was enabled, but I checked and sslh was not part of the disabled modules
<tobiasBora> ohhh actually I'm very stupid
<tobiasBora> it was actually disabled
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<tobiasBora> (I messed things up between commented and uncommented)
<tobiasBora> looks better now
<kalbasit> clever: samueldr: so my `all` overlay now looks like this https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/b5d34e1f63286e202306da1ac881bb8c is there a better way of doing the `all = with super.pkgs; buildEnv {`, which has the purpose of installing all the packages I need in my profile?
<clever> tobiasBora: you also dont need to put it into the systemPackages
<tobiasBora> ok, I need to enable the firewall also I guess
<clever> tobiasBora: systemd actively ignores all things in systemPackages
<clever> kalbasit: you can just do `with super;` to start with
<clever> kalbasit: super and self are both package sets, nearly identical in function to pkgs itself
<tobiasBora> clever: I putted it here because initially it was not working, so I thought it was the reason. But I don't understand, why don't I have an error when I run "services.sslh.enable = true;"?
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<kalbasit> clever: cool!
<clever> tobiasBora: the lack of an error is odd, can you double-check the files on the rpi and see if rsync is to blame?
<clever> kalbasit: id also recomend using self, not super in line 32
<hodapp> bleh. anybody know offhand if it's possible to build Boost with both Python 2 and Python 3 bindings?
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<clever> kalbasit: super will give you the version without all the changes this overlay is doing
<tobiasBora> clever: I checked, and the rsync did the job
<kalbasit> clever: I found that out the hard way lol, I just changed it to `super` and it failed, but worked with `self`
<clever> tobiasBora: what exactly did you do to disable the modules?
<samueldr> pkgs is an attribute of pkgs, so pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs works (don't know it works though)
<clever> > pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.hello
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/188avy0j39h7iiw3y7fazgh7wk43diz1-hello-2.10>"
<tobiasBora> clever: I imported the file ./disabled_modules.nix, that contains {...}{disabledModules = [ ... ]}. When sslh was still disabled, I had in the list one line containing "services/networking/sslh.nix".
<kalbasit> clever: samueldr: so pkgs is defined in itself? cool
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<clever> tobiasBora: when disabledModules works correctly, it will fail claiming services.sslh.enable is not a valid option
<samueldr> I wanted to check if they were the same, but
<samueldr> > pkgs == pkgs
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected '=', at (string):93:9
<samueldr> uh
<samueldr> > (pkgs == pkgs)
<{^_^}> assertion failed at /var/lib/nixbot/.cache/nixbot/nixpkgs/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:8784:12
<samueldr> can't compare them du to assertions
<clever> samueldr: i think thats recursively resolving every single attribute in the set
<samueldr> probably!
<tobiasBora> clever: Hum... I should have a pretty recent version (I installed the rasperry pi something like 5 days ago)
<tobiasBora> I tried one more time to disable it, and indeed, no error, and sslh was not running anymore.
<clever> tobiasBora: it might be that your own sslh.nix is being disabled by the same flag?
<clever> rename it?
<kalbasit> can I make `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` load the overlays I have in `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays`?
<clever> kalbasit: you have to put a list of (already imported) overlays in nixpkgs.overlays
<clever> kalbasit: nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./overlay1.nix) ];
<kalbasit> oh
<kalbasit> let me try that, thx
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<jtojnar> how do I use overrideScope? With https://paste.gnome.org/phczjjsym I get elementary-greeter/default.nix:1:1 called with unexpected argument 'stdenv'
<clever> jtojnar: i think your using enableDebugging wrong, not overrideScope
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<clever> 368 # intended to be used like nix-build -E 'with <nixpkgs> {}; enableDebugging fooPackage'
<clever> 369 enableDebugging = pkg: pkg.override { stdenv = stdenvAdapters.keepDebugInfo pkg.stdenv; };
<clever> nvm, that is the correct way to use enableDebugging
<clever> i was thinking of keepDebugInfo
<revskill> Hi, i gove the issue: waiting for locks or build slots...
<revskill> what to do now ?
<clever> jtojnar: try removing eself:
<clever> revskill: what command did you run?
<jtojnar> clever: oh right, the expression does not accept stdenv
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<jtojnar> worldofpeace: ^
<revskill> i build Haskell project with stack
<infinisil> > 1 == 2
<{^_^}> false
<infinisil> > "foo" == "bar"
<{^_^}> false
<jtojnar> worldofpeace: that is another issue with custom mkDerivation helpers
<tobiasBora> clever: it was a good idea, but nope... If it can help, it says "stopping the following units: sslh.service [...] removing user ‘sslh’" when I disable it
<revskill> clever: the problem is with packages blas and liblapack :|
<clever> revskill: what command did you run?
<revskill> stack build
<clever> revskill: do you have build slaves configured?
<revskill> no, i just use stack integration with nix
<clever> revskill: nixos or normal linux?
<revskill> because the library requires lapack to build
<revskill> on Macosx
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<clever> revskill: can you pastebin the output of `ps aux` ?
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<revskill> clever: here u are: https://pastebin.com/PadXfwa0
<revskill> the problem is with liblapack package only
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<clever> revskill: can you also pastebin the full output when it fails?
<clever> jtojnar: oh, maybe elementary-greeter doesnt accept a stdenv argument
<jtojnar> clever: yes, it does not
<worldofpeace> cuz I was really lazy
<jtojnar> now trying this https://paste.gnome.org/pjtiiqeaf
<worldofpeace> yeah
<clever> i dont even see an elementary set in my end
<clever> revskill: that is not an error from `stack build`
<revskill> these derivations will be built:
<revskill> /nix/store/fr90npdmdms9a095c54rw32m8zxypr0i-atlas-3.10.3.drv
<revskill> /nix/store/a9r13a83krrkqafdcis3kp3gbxivbvvx-liblapack-3.8.0.drv
<revskill> waiting for locks or build slots...
<kalbasit> is `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` changeable?
<clever> kalbasit: yes
<jtojnar> clever: worldofpeace has it in a private branch
<clever> revskill: what is the content of `/etc/nix/nix.conf` ?
<revskill> clever: there's no error
<revskill> it's just hang forever
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<clever> revskill: its already building something, according to `ps aux`
<jtojnar> worldofpeace: yes, the last snippet seems to work
<worldofpeace> It's not 'private' it's in my fork
<worldofpeace> jtojnar: Yay!
<revskill> $ cat /etc/nix/nix.conf
<revskill> build-users-group = nixbld
<revskill> max-jobs = 32
<revskill> cores = 1
<revskill> sandbox = false
<revskill> binary-cache-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= ryantrinkle.com-1:JJiAKaRv9mWgpVAz8dwewnZe0AzzEAzPkagE9SP5NWI=
<revskill> binary-caches-parallel-connections = 40
<clever> revskill: thats what a pastebin is for
<revskill> ahhh sorry !
<clever> revskill: it appears to be currently building atlas, and it should start the next build when that finishes
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<revskill> clever: Thanks for the info, i'm making my coffee
<jtojnar> I just do not undestand why the function accepted by makeScope's overrideScope has the arguments swapped (compared to overlays and haskell's overrideScope)
<kalbasit> clever: how to change the location of `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`?
<clever> kalbasit: nixos will search for <nixos-config> in $NIX_PATH
<acowley> jtojnar: That has also infected emacs configuration, iirc. It's terrible :()
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<kalbasit> oh I see it now `nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`
<kalbasit> and where does that come from ?
<kalbasit> I mean the `NIX_PATH` on NixOS
<kalbasit> clever: got it, thank you!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43646 → utillinux: 2.32 -> 2.32.1 → https://git.io/fN3Co
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<tobiasBora> Hum... Any idea why I have tons on connections from myself to myself that looks like: tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
<clever> tobiasBora: time_wait means the connection was already closed
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43647 → busybox: 1.29.0 -> 1.29.1 → https://git.io/fN3W3
<tobiasBora> clever: ok thanks... Don't know why I have that muched closed connection, but I guess it's not dangerous
<clever> tobiasBora: youll have to catch one in the established state to know what exactly is causing both ends
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to release-18.03 « spidermonkey: fix i686 error on 38 »: https://git.io/fN3W4
<tobiasBora> clever: Hum... Strange, I've always around 2 connections on this port, but the input port always change...
<clever> tobiasBora: thats how the network stack works
<clever> the client picks a random port for its end
<clever> and the server port is fixed
<tobiasBora> clever: yes sure, but I mean, if the input port changes, it means that I have people that try to connect
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<clever> the input is
<clever> so its coming from inside your machine
<clever> or you have a serial killer in the other room :P
<tobiasBora> ahah
<tobiasBora> indeed. I was thinking that sslh may hide the input ip, but that's stupid
<tobiasBora> now, let's figure out which process opens this ^^
<clever> sslh is probably creating its own copy of every connection
<tobiasBora> clever: the thing is that I should not have a single connection... All my connections are using port 22
<kalbasit> so in a nix file, I have a `let p = ../..;`, how to convert the `p` to an absolute path?
<clever> > toString ./.
<{^_^}> "/var/lib/nixbot/.cache/nixbot/nixpkgs/nixpkgs"
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<clever> all paths are absolute automatically
<clever> toString returns the input path
<clever> > "${./.}"
<adisbladis[m]> > let p = ./.; in "${p}"
<clever> and treating it as a string will copy it into the nix store, and return the path of that copy
<adisbladis[m]> Works too
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/ylx01k4c0y59538hsqfbwly8cxm1kcr9-nixpkgs"
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/ylx01k4c0y59538hsqfbwly8cxm1kcr9-nixpkgs"
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<kalbasit> I see
<kalbasit> not sure what's wrong, but see https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/493201e0cda1c431d284bcae64703b35 (../.. is actually located at `/home/kalbasit/.nixpkgs`), I have manually exported NIX_PATH so nixos-rebuild finds the right path, `nixos-rebuild test` fails with the error `error: illegal name: '.nixpkgs'`
<kalbasit> I'm trying to avoid hardcoding the path as I plan to move it to `.config/nixpkgs` and my username could change as well
<clever> kalbasit: the path refered to by ../.. must not begin with a .
<dhess> Anyone know why trying to build a container for an x86_64-linux host would try to evaluate pkgsi686Linux? Specifically here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/6ea4c3d335c9c7cf121125f41820bb00aa3043b2/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix#L154
<infinisil> kalbasit: You can use builtins.path to get it to work:
<infinisil> > builtins.path { path = <nixpkgs/.git>; name = "gitdir"; }
<dhess> The container has nothing in it.
<dhess> as in, no explicitly-configured services
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<{^_^}> "/nix/store/h226bj0hdq6yydrxawas3hxb4zaayrwr-gitdir"
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<clever> dhess: i think your doing a darwin build of the container, not a linux build
<dhess> clever: I am building from macOS, it's true. But there's a patch for NixOps (which I have applied) which fixes that for others.
<clever> dhess: the patch probably didnt fix containers
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<dhess> and I'm wondering if those who are using it just haven't upgraded to a recent nixpkgs with support for cross-compling, or something
<dhess> clever: the patch is explicitly to fix building containers with NixOps on macOS
<clever> ah
<clever> dont know then
<dhess> that's not to say it's correct! :)
<dhess> Just that it apparently works for many others, so I'm not sure why it's failing for me.
<dhess> and I thought it was strange that a container build would try to evaluate pkgsi686Linux in the first place
<dhess> since there isn't i686-specific software in this container config.
<axel_parolta> Has anyone successfully configured i3 and xfce to work together?
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<rotaerk> doing some exploration into libGL and such; I'm a fish out of water at this point
<clever> rotaerk: the libGL stuff is a bit crazy, due to how it has to support multiple GPU's
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<dhess> Hmm I wonder if somewhere in my config nixpkgs.pkgs is getting set, which makes nixpkgs ignore nixpkgs.localSystem.system and nixpkgs.system
<clever> rotaerk: for gui programs, the version of nixpkgs you built the project from has to be fairly similar to the nixpkgs the host OS was built from
<dhess> maybe overlays?
<clever> dhess: overlays dont set nixpkgs.pkgs
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<dhess> clever: ok that's good to know
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<rotaerk> clever, hmm interesting; I'll try upgrading nixos and see if that helps at all
<dhess> There's this bit in nixos/modules/misc/nixpkgs.nix, which is probably where the assert is coming from: pkgs_i686 = cfg.pkgs.pkgsi686Linux;
<clever> dhess: that only gets ran if you refer to the pkgs_i686 argument in any nixos module
<dhess> oh because of laziness?
<clever> dhess: can you pastebin the backtrace from --show-trace ?
<clever> yeah
<dhess> see that's what's odd, because I'm not explicitly calling that and the container literally has no services configured at all. It's just the bare minimum container configuration for NixOps.
<dhess> let me check the backtrce
<dhess> looks like it's coming from the "bonds" attribute in networking
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<rotaerk> I'll be so ... unburdened, if this fixes it
<rotaerk> I've spent the past couple weeks detoured from the project I want to be working on, trying to get this building
<clever> dhess: i notice that the networking module is refering to a argument option by the name of utils!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43648 → bind: 9.12.1-P2 -> 9.12.2 → https://git.io/fN3lq
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<dhess> clever: meaning what?
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<dhess> is utils a derivation?
<clever> dhess: i no longer have every line of nixpkgs memorized!!
<dhess> package?
<dhess> oh hehehe
<rotaerk> although I suppose I wouldn't have found and fixed that binutils bug if I hadn't done this
<clever> nixpkgs/nixos/modules/misc/extra-arguments.nix: utils = import ../../lib/utils.nix pkgs;
<dhess> rotaerk: I hate when that happens. Yak shaving the bane of my existence.
<rotaerk> heh
<clever> dhess: ah, utils is just a random collection of functions uses commonly in nixos, but not nixpkgs
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<dhess> yeah just found that too
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<rotaerk> darn, no luck
<rotaerk> though I'm on the stable channel, not unstable
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<rotaerk> wonder if there's an easy way to check if a given commit is included in stable
<clever> rotaerk: open that commit on the nixpkgs-channels github, if you paste a rev, i can give an example
<rotaerk> 6bf1421f13d667c2997b67728cf777c6a70716a5 is the commit I'm looking for; visible in NixOS/nixpkgs github
<clever> rotaerk: its currently only present in nixos-unstable, but there might be a backport commit in a stable branch
<clever> the backport commit would have a different hash
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed to master « clojure: Fix bin wrappers »: https://git.io/fN3l7
<clever> so this trick only works for things that where commited before the fork
<rotaerk> yeah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43649 → whois: 5.3.1 -> 5.3.2 → https://git.io/fN3l5
<clever> the state of this file, at the commit you linked
<clever> now just change the branch in the UI
<clever> nixos-18.03 lacks it
<infinisil> Or: git fetch channels (assuming you have that as a remote), `git branch --contains 6bf1421f13d667c2997b67728cf777c6a70716a5 -r | rg 'channels/.*'`
<rotaerk> hmm I see.
<infinisil> Shows nixos-unstable, nixos-unstable-small and nixpkgs-unstable for me
<clever> infinisil: still has the same problem that backport commits have a different hash
<rotaerk> think I will need to switch to the unstable channel, then
<infinisil> clever: Oh yeah
<rotaerk> if I want this to work
<infinisil> Damnit git
<infinisil> clever: pijul doesn't have that problem
<rotaerk> never heard of that *googles*
<rotaerk> dammit, don't introduce me to something that's going to make me hate what I'm currently using
<infinisil> Hehe
<rotaerk> do you guys usually use unstable or stable, on machines where you do development?
<infinisil> With pijul a branch is just a *set* of changes, and you can add the same change (identified by hash) to different branches
<infinisil> clever: ^
<rotaerk> I'm thinking unstable isn't going to be THAT bad, since it's not arch and you can roll back if you need to
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<dhess> rotaerk: I use nixos-unstable-small typically, and I run Hydra builds against that channel on as much of my software as possible to see if it's "safe" before deploying it
<dhess> except on macOS where I use nixpkgs-unstable
<clever> dhess: something i was thinking of today, is to make a nix expression so hydra builds my entire deployment
<clever> dhess: let me throw one together...
<dhess> clever: somewhere I have some notes about Hydra'ing my NixOps deployments; not actually deploying them, just building the closures
<rotaerk> hmm k
<dhess> it might be something you said a few months back
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<clever> dhess: i also have notes on that
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9475c75895e (from 13 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<dhess> I've also recently refactored all of my NixOps networks so that I can swap in a different "state" overlay. Eventually I want to use that to deploy to VirtualBox networks before deploying to production hosts, at least as much as is feasible.
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<dhess> well now I have a choice to make: start deploying containers, which would make a lot of my future work easier, but lose the ability to deploy from macOS; or don't deploy containers, replace some modules from NixOS with my own versions to support multi-instance services (like unbound), and retain the ability to deploy from macOS.
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<dhess> I guess I should do the container thing and meanwhile try to figure out why the macOS stuff isn't working.
<rotaerk> "Nix Hydra is the world's only purveyor of eggcentric apps backed by both teenage girls and venture capitalists. Proud creators of Egg Baby and Hot Guy Alarm Clock."
<rotaerk> lol
<dhess> or option 3 is to switch to Kubernetes :)
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<rotaerk> dunno if I'll do the hydra testing; this is just my PC; I'm not a server admin
<Lisanna> hydra isn't updating my declarative jobsets in a very timely manner. the .jobsets build finished 14 minutes ago, but the displayed jobsets still have the old config
<iqubic> rotaerk, get back to #haskell where you belong. LOL
<dhess> won't some crazy NixOS person please start a VC-backed company to integrate NixOS, Terraform, and Kubernetes please.
<rotaerk> I will, once I can get my nix package to actually work :P
<iqubic> Whst package?
<dhess> rotaerk: yeah if you're not comfortable with server admin you should probably stay away from Hydra :)
<iqubic> And is this nixos?
<dhess> comfortable/happy/etc.
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<rotaerk> that
<iqubic> Why are all the #haskell folks flocking here?
<rotaerk> but watch this upgrade to unstable magically fix all that
<iqubic> Do you know how to do that?
<dhess> iqubic: there was a decent amount of Nix interest at ZuriHac this year.
<dhess> from people who haven't used it (much) yet
<iqubic> What is ZuriHac? I don't know that convention.
<dhess> A Haskell conference in Zurich each summer.
<iqubic> Ah. I see. I really need to attend some conferences. However, I live in Seattle, Washington, USA. Most conferences happen in Europe as far as I can tell.
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<rotaerk> Hmm, well I'm on my phone now... The upgrade to unstable just closed X and put me on the console saying <<< NixOS Stage 1 >>>
<rotaerk> seems unresponsive
<dhess> There are indeed a lot of haskell conferences in Europe.
<iqubic> I am however attending a summer camp focused around AI, ML and the Python Tensorflow library
<clever> rotaerk: same thing happened to me, it killed something dbus related and broke the entire gui
<rotaerk> Guess I'll hard reboot
<clever> rotaerk: pressing the power button normally triggers a normal reboot
<iqubic> dhess: and plenty of other coding things.
<clever> rotaerk: no need for hard
<rotaerk> Oh k
<iqubic> clever: can I make it so that pressing power button does nothing.
<iqubic> I have accidentally hit that on my laptop more times than I care to admit.
<rotaerk> Sounds like something that would create more problems than it would solve
<iqubic> I lose far too much work to that. I wish I could change that.
<clever> iqubic: i have done that on gentoo before, but i dont remember how
<iqubic> rotaerk: what would?
<iqubic> clever: I was hoping there would be a simple configuration.nix option to do it.
<rotaerk> Oh you want to still be able to hold it to force it to power off
<iqubic> No.
<rotaerk> You just don't want a simple press
<rotaerk> To reboot
<iqubic> I don't want a simple press of the button to trigger a hard reboot.
<iqubic> But yeah pressing and holding it to trigger a hard reboot is something my computer does automatically, regardless of the OS being used.
<clever> thats a firmware feature
<iqubic> I dual boot Win10 and NixOS.
<clever> and thats also how you corrupt files
<iqubic> What is the firmware feature? Hard reboot by pressing and holding?
<dhess> clever: and is, say, nas.nix part of a NixOps deployment, as well?
<clever> iqubic: yes
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<clever> dhess: yeah, check the deployments directory
<dhess> one thing I have struggled with is a clean separation of NixOps stuff and pure Nixpkgs/NixOS stuff
<dhess> clever: ok cool, I'll have a look
<iqubic> Can I prevent simple single press of the power button from doing a shutdown?
<dhess> oh I see, you just import it
<dhess> good idea
<dhess> I will try that myself
<clever> dhess: most of these where origianlly normaly nixos machines, that i migrated to nixops
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<rotaerk> \o/
<rotaerk> the upgrade to unstable fixed it
<rotaerk> thanks, clever
<iqubic> rotaerk: Nice.
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<iqubic> rotaerk: need any more help with anything?
<rotaerk> not at the moment :P
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<clever> dhess: preparing a 2nd commit now...
<samueldr> putting `ignore` instead of `suspend` to HandlePowerKey may do it? (read logind's manpage)
<samueldr> `man logind.conf` in fact, not just logind
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<iqubic> thanks clever.
<iqubic> samueldr: thank you too.
<dhess> clever: Awesome, I will steal that with impunity for my own Hydra builds :)
<clever> dhess: now i create a project in hydra, direct it towards https://github.com/cleverca22 and nixos-configs/spec.json, and wait
<iqubic> What even is Hydra?
<clever> iqubic: the CI system for nix
<iqubic> I don't know what CI is. I'm a bit of a n00b still
<dhess> clever: "with errors" :(
<dhess> iqubic: "continuous integration." Basically, a build system that monitors your repos and fires off a build when there's an update
<clever> dhess: i have git submodules in nixos-configs, and this version of hydra doesnt support that
<iqubic> dhess: How useful is that?
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<dhess> iqubic: sooooooooo useful.
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<iqubic> dhess: Why doesn't everyone use it than?
<clever> iqubic: i can configure hydra to auto-build anything i want, against the latest version of any (and even every) channel
<dhess> Hydra+Nix have completely changed the way I develop software.
<dhess> iqubic: because it's a PITA to configure.
<clever> dhess: my hydra-configs also support PR building
<dhess> clever: yeah I used your previous configs to write my own. I haven't integrated the PR stuff yet into my own flows but it's on the list.
<iqubic> I should set-up CI for my WM (EXWM) at the least. That's being hosted on Github, so I doubt it would be too hard, but IDK.
<iqubic> Anyways I have to go now.
<dhess> iqubic: yeah all of my Haskell packages are set up on my Hydra.
<dhess> In addition to all of my pure NixOS stuff
<dhess> and soon, thanks to clever's new stuff, my NixOps deployments!
<iqubic> I'm not sure what NixOps is.
<iqubic> Is that nixos on the cloud?
<iqubic> Actually, I really must be going now.
<dhess> Not exactly. It's just a way of deploying NixOS to a fleet of servers .
<dhess> could be cloud, could be local
<clever> iqubic: i use nixops to manage my NAS and router, both are within the house
<clever> [clever@system76:~/nixos-configs]$ nixops deploy -d house
<dhess> clever: do you have any clever tricks for switching a laptop between a config that assumes you have remote builders available, and one that assumes you're, say, on a plane with no remote access?
<dhess> I mean, there's the obvious "rebuild --switch" but I have to remember to do that before I get on the plane :)
<clever> dhess: sudo rm /etc/nix/machines
<dhess> heheheh
<dhess> ok fair enough
<clever> dhess: nixos will automatically repair it at the next rebuild-switch or boot
<dhess> oh interesting, I would have thought that nix-daemon would read and cache that
<clever> thats one file it doesnt seem to cache
<dhess> I guess you could HUP it in any case
<rotaerk> the fact that there was something in nixpkgs that was impacted by the environment bugs me
<rotaerk> though I'm guessing it's a necessary compromise for some reason
<clever> rotaerk: nixpkgs has to load the libGL in /run/opengl-drivers/ to match what your gpu needs
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<rotaerk> hmm I wonder if I should have my project reference nixpkgs-channels rather than nixpkgs
<clever> rotaerk: that only matters if you reference a branch
<clever> you can just pick the rev from a channel, and fetch it from nixpkgs
<rotaerk> ah
<clever> dhess: hydra has been re-deployed, now eval'ing
<clever> dhess: still failed?!
<dhess> :(
<clever> Jul 17 00:19:00 nas hydra-evaluator[13174]: /nix/store/fxlvm8c0dv46ciq6cbfrm6kkg12c2vwk-hydra-2017-11-21/bin/.nix-prefetch-git-wrapped: line 187: awk: command not found
<clever> dhess: ah yeah
<dhess> is there some length limit to a container name in NixOS? My container "test-container" is running as container@test-co.service :\
<clever> dhess: does it have the same shortened name in /etc/systemd/system/ ?
<dhess> On the host? It doesn't show up there at all.
<dhess> Only container@.service
<clever> dhess: read that .service file
<clever> it should contain a script that refers to another dir
<clever> and uses the value after the @ to compute the full path
<dhess> clever: oh cool!
<dhess> clever: "test" doesn't show up in that container@.service file at all. It's my understanding that systemd will automatically apply the name as an argument for a script like that
<dhess> /script/service/
<dhess> Jul 17 03:20:24 hoover systemd[1]: Started Container 'test-co'.
<dhess> it's clearly running it as 'test-co' rather than 'test-container'
<clever> dhess: yeah, it looks like it is being truncated
<dhess> wtf
<dhess> that is bizarre
<clever> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/containers/%i.conf
<dhess> DOS all over again
<clever> dhess: and if you check in this dir?
<dhess> yeah test-co.conf
<jackdk> 7.4 instead of 8.3. progress
<clever> lol
<dhess> what on earth is going on
<{^_^}> [nixos-channel-scripts] @matthewbauer opened pull request #20 → Add netboot to mirror-nixos-branch.pl → https://git.io/fN34S
<dhess> Does anyone actually use containers in NixOS? :D
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<clever> dhess: i sometimes do when i run services for a friend and dont fully trust the service's security
<dhess> ohh it might be a systemd unit name limitation
<dhess> hmm not likely
<bongsun> i also use containers but not declaratively with systemd-nspawn. its nice to have a debootstrapped folder to test what isnt available yet in nixpkgs.
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<clever> dhess: i cant see where that name truncation is coming from
<dhess> yeah I guess I should have asked, more specifically, does anyone use *declarative* containers with NixOS
<dhess> clever: it is so weird.
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<clever> dhess: this maps over the config.containers set, and creates a containers/${name}.conf for each key in the set
<dtz> can we not completely break staging please? >:| :( :'(
<rotaerk> lol
<clever> dhess: the nas has successfully built itself on hydra, no job took over 5 seconds, and it was mostly recreating config files without the secrets
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<samueldr> dhess: I tried to use declarative containers at first, but hit issues with services not reliably restarting on config change :/
<clever> dhess: it has also done the same with the router
<samueldr> maybe it's my custom service
<dhess> clever: awesome
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<dhess> samueldr: it seems there are other issues as well, like "nixops reboot <container>"
<samueldr> (though I don't use nixops at all)
<dhess> I would have thought this stuff had been more plumbed out by now
<clever> dhess: so it will now be pre-building (and blowing all my free space) both machines every time nixpkgs updates
<dhess> clever: sweet
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<dhess> I'll try to do the same with my configs over the next few days
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<bongsun> so i picked up an odroid xu4 and im now realizing that booting arm machines isnt as straightforward as intel ones with blobs etc.
<bongsun> does anyone have a working configuration.nix for an odroid xu4 with hdmi working?
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<dhess> it's not the hyphen -- calling my container "blahblahblahblah" also gets shortened to "blahbla"
<dhess> the hostname on the container is set properly. It appears this is just some kind of "machine ID" for systemd-nspawn to use
<srk> bongsun: I only run it headless. does it run with mainline kernel btw?
<dhess> Unfortunately, using NixOps to deploy a new container with a new name did not stop the old container
<dhess> ugh
<clever> dhess: nixos wont restart containers upon making declarative changes
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<bongsun> srk: hey thats cool, im only able to run ubuntu with kernel 4.14 with the stock images. did you get far without a UART cable? i just ordered one and could >week to arrive.
<dhess> I guess that makes sense. I should probably have to tell NixOps to destroy it.
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<srk> bongsun: no, I only run these boards headless so I have plenty of USB->UARTS :D I've promised to update pull request adding support for it - now it looks like only kernel is needed, uboot is stock - Linux nixodroid 4.14.29 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT Thu Jan 1 00:00:01 UTC 1970 armv7l GNU/Linux
<dhess> clever: is this filed as an issue somewhere?
<clever> dhess: not that i know of
<dhess> well it looks like there are a lot of declarative container issues :)
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<dhess> clever: played around with Kubernetes at all?
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<clever> dhess: nope
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<takeda> is there an equivalend of fetchTarball function that similarly to fetchurl checks provided hash (of the archive not its contents) and works with cleanSource? I basically want a command that would extract archive to a directory, because before I start the actual build I just wanted to analyze the contents of the archive to extract some information about it
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<kalbasit> so in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` I import another file that sets `security.pki.certificates`, How can I append to the existing value after the import? What I tried is this: https://gist.github.com/9debee38e1d577df27dfa8dabaae1624 but I get infinite recursion error
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ac7d8d22d2e (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<clever> kalbasit: all list based options append automatically
<kalbasit> oh awesome!!
<kalbasit> clever: thx
<clever> kalbasit: also, because of the rec on line 7, your not even referencing the value defined elsewhere
<clever> kalbasit: line 44 refers to the value on line 44 directly
<clever> rec is almost never what you want
<kalbasit> clever: that was my attempt yes. Oh I see
<kalbasit> rec is still confusing to me
<clever> it allows you to refer to other attributes in the current set
<clever> > { a = 42; b = a; }
<{^_^}> { a = 42; b = 10; }
<clever> there was an a already defined elsewhere
<clever> > rec { a = 42; b = a; }
<{^_^}> { a = 42; b = 42; }
<clever> now it ignores the old a, and uses the a within the set
<clever> > rec { a = 42; b = a; } // { a = "but it takes place before any other operator"; }
<{^_^}> { a = "but it takes place before any other operator"; b = 42; }
<clever> so its imposible to modify a after rec has copied it
<kalbasit> I see
<kalbasit> what's the `//` mean?
<iqubic> How hard is it to set-up CI on Nix?
<kalbasit> is it merge set?
<clever> it merges 2 sets, overwriting any attributes that collide
<kalbasit> I see, cool!
<kalbasit> thx clever
<iqubic> kalbasit: if an attribute foo is found in both sets, the value of the second set becomes the final value.
<bongsun> thanks srk
<kalbasit> iqubic: got it, thx :)
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<iqubic> clever: Is it hard to set-up CI on NixOS?
<bongsun> srk: one last thing, when building the images did you have to do nix-build on another arm machine?
<srk> bongsun: looking at it right now and it looks like it should work with armv7l-multiplatform image
<clever> iqubic: not that hard
<srk> ,arm
<{^_^}> arm defined
<iqubic> clever: do you have a good tutorial I can look at?
<srk> iqubic: look for hydra-tutorial :)
<bongsun> srk: yeah i did have a look at that link. thanks will run the build on the stock debian image.
<srk> bongsun: cross "compiling" images is not yet supported but quite close
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<bongsun> srk: that would be indeed be awesome when its ready
<srk> oh yes :)
<iqubic> srk: If I want to do CI on NixOS, do I have to use Hydra?
<iqubic> Just trying to figure out my options here.
<srk> iqubic: no, it really depends
<srk> there's for example https://github.com/ocharles/micro-ci/
<clever> iqubic: hydra would allow caching things between builds, while travis would loose that cache on every build
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<iqubic> clever: What does that mean? why do we want things cached?
<clever> iqubic: do you want fast or slow builds?
<iqubic> I'd like fast.
<clever> then you want something that can cache the builds
<iqubic> I'd also like asynchronous builds too.
<iqubic> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXV0Y5Bn-QQ I'm going to watch this talk from NixOSBerlin.
<clever> i need to head to bed now, its 1am
<iqubic> Peter Simons - Hydra: Setting up your own build farm (NixOS)
<iqubic> Night clever.
<iqubic> thanks for the help.
<iqubic> what things make sense to build with Hydra?
<srk> any derivation :)
<srk> you can build your own nixpkgs, custom nixos images ..
<srk> deployments, custom packages
<iqubic> So should I put all of my environment.systemPackages under Hydra?
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<srk> well, yeah, you can let it build pretty much the same configuration you use on your pc
<srk> and know ahead it's safe to switch
<iqubic> Just because I can do it doesn't mean I should do it.
<srk> well I want to do that for quite long as I'm running master so this would be handy
<srk> hydra gives me hard time sometimes tho, not sure I'll stick with it
<iqubic> So is it worth the time and effort it takes to put all of my packages .
<srk> depends :)
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<srk> try setting up hydra first to see if it's worth
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<iqubic> I wii.
<iqubic> I will.
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<Mic92> manveru: you are welcome
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d1eaa5b6510 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
<Lisanna> iqubic also, hydra documentation in general sucks - I can answer lots of questions about it
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<iqubic> Lisanna: do I need a spare server in order to use Hydra? Like I need a different machine around to be the build server?
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<Lisanna> iqubic not really
<Lisanna> you can use localhost as a build server
<Lisanna> that's what I do
<iqubic> Cool. I only have one machine available, so I was a bit worried.
<iqubic> I'll just tell hydra to use localhost as my build server.
<Lisanna> iqubic "localhost builtin,x86_64-linux - 72 1 kvm,local,big-parallel"
<Lisanna> there's an example machine line for using localhost (note the "builtin")
<Lisanna> also note "local"
<iqubic> I haven't set-up hydra ever, so this might be a challenge.
<Lisanna> ^ things that are not obvious to someone first setting up hydra #652
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/652 (by lovek323, merged): guile: remove gcc_s dep, skip check on darwin
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<iqubic> So I have no idea how Hydra works
<iqubic> And the tutorial assumes that I have a second machine to function as a build server.
<iqubic> Or something. I'm really not too sure now.
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<iqubic> Do I need to generate an ssh key if I'm using localhost as the build server?
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<ghasshee> does anyone know how to hibernate in Nixos?
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<LnL> iqubic: hydra isn't really intended for local builds so yes
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<jackdk> systemctl hibernate?
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<ghasshee> Yes, for that command, I think I should pass some argument to kernel or initramfs ... but I do not know how to ..
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<adisbladis[m]> ghasshee: You shouldn't have to.
<adisbladis[m]> ghasshee: And btw, if you close your laptop lid systemd will put the laptop to sleep for you
<adisbladis[m]> So if everything works as intended you shouldn't really have to do much
<etu> (That's suspend though)
<ghasshee> sleep is working fine, but not hibernate in my laptop..
<adisbladis[m]> etu: Oh. Sorry, I mixed them up.
<etu> Well, these two things have a history of being buggy. Suspend is quite fine on most laptops nowadays. I haven't used hibernate since I've started with Full Disk Encryption.
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<ghasshee> In archlinux I remember I passed 'resume=/dev/myswap' to kernel via GRUB and it didn't consume battery quite at all.
<etu> ghasshee: For instance for hibernate you have to have an unencrypted swap on your drive etc.
<iqubic> LnL: I need an ssh connection even if I'm going to be using local host as the build server for hydra?
<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: Yes.
<iqubic> What benefits does hydra give me that straight up NixOS doesn't?
<ghasshee> yes.. encryption is now too high level for me now, I will try later .. :-)
<ghasshee> @etu
<iqubic> Like why would I go through the pain of setting up Hydra if I'm just an "average" nixos user?
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<adisbladis[m]> ghasshee: Actually encryption is very easy on nixos :) If the config generator detects an encrypted partition that's saved to your config
* etu has used LUKS since adisbladis[m] told him to about 10 years ago
<adisbladis[m]> :)
<iqubic> Woah, you guys have known each other for 10 years?
<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: Just about I think
<iqubic> Now I feel like the new kid on the block, having only been using IRC for the past 2 years.
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<ghasshee> adisbladis[m]: Oh, really, that sounds greate :-)
<ghasshee> great
<etu> iqubic: yeah, something like that. I don't keep count of when I first met everyone I know :p
<iqubic> How long has IRC been around? Have you guys all been on IRC for like a long time?
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<dramforever> IRC must have been around since like forever ago
<etu> The first standard for IRC seems to be 30 years old this year
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<dramforever> I mean, how could we be still talking in plaintext in 2018 if it weren't because of something that old?
<dramforever> (Similar arguments goes for programming)
<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: 15-20 years I think?
<adisbladis[m]> Something like that
<iqubic> Well now I feel really young.
<iqubic> I mean, I am only 18...
<etu> iqubic: But me and adisbladis[m] kinda hanged out in person for several years as well on irc. Not much in person lately due to locality :)
<iqubic> I really did miss the glory days of computing. Darn.
<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: 10 years difference then. I'm 28
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<Ashy> for a while i was worried irc wasnt getting enough new blood joining anymore
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<iqubic> It isn't. At least I don't think it is.
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<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: These are the glory days of computing :)
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<andi-> IRC is my only mainstream messenger.. Its great and for the last 15ish years it never let me down :)
<adisbladis[m]> Things are mostly getting better
<etu> iqubic: No worries, time flies, you'll learn things and contribute to things you like and enjoy and before you know it there will be other people feeling young :)
<adisbladis[m]> andi-: Lately I've adopted matrix too. It's pretty darn great.
<sphalerite> adisbladis[m]: I like matrix in principle but not so much in practice. Search doesn't really work at all, performance is awful, and there's still no decent plain-text client AFAIK
<iqubic> etu: I'm not planning on leaving IRC behind for a long time.
<iqubic> adisbladis[m]: What is matrix?
<andi-> I have issues with matrix in regards to logging and how much it stores... Basically every few seconds when you retrieve new data it writes to the database. Collects all your IPs for no reason etc..
<adisbladis[m]> sphalerite: Weechat has support
<etu> iqubic: https://matrix.org/
<sphalerite> adisbladis[m]: not including encryption.
<adisbladis[m]> sphalerite: What. I didn't know that.
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<sphalerite> idk maybe that's changed. But last I checked it didn't support it.
<adisbladis[m]> iqubic: It's like XMPP(jabber) for the new generation
<iqubic> bluetooth headsets are still being a bit of a pain.
<andi-> As an operator of an IRC service it is easy to not have any user data. As soon as you have matrix (or a bridge to IRC for matrix) you are deep into the logging all conversations business..
<ghasshee> andi-: lol
<sphalerite> oh and rooms aren't encrypted by default
<adisbladis[m]> andi-: Yeah I know :) Me and etu used to host quite a large one back in they day
<adisbladis[m]> Though most servers back then was pretty bad about leaking user info all over the place
<adisbladis[m]> Ours was heavily patched
<etu> yeah, that was great fun
<andi-> I am still somewhat involved in one and the matrix bridge is a headache..
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<etu> It was fun when we hit a bug in the software that we couldn't have more than 255 people (I think it was) online at once, so we reached out to upstream and they had no idea that any network "that big" actually used their software :D
<iqubic> what software was it?
<adisbladis[m]> etu: Was it ngircd?
<etu> adisbladis[m]: I think it was, but it was also like 8 years ago we had that running
<adisbladis[m]> Yeah I don't really remember exactly
<etu> Some of the privacy patches reached upstream iirc
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<etu> adisbladis[m]: Yeah, look at this. It looks like stuff we patched: https://github.com/ngircd/ngircd/blob/master/doc/sample-ngircd.conf.tmpl#L154-L156
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<ij> Can I cast a string to a path?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 3 commits to staging: https://git.io/fN3ga
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43508 → haskell: Pass `dontStrip` to cabal. Fixes #43506 → https://git.io/fNmnq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN3gr
<adisbladis[m]> ij: builtins.toPath
<ij> Do we have a nix evaluator in this channel?
<adisbladis[m]> ij: Yes : )
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<etu> > builtins.toPath "./."
<{^_^}> string './.' doesn't represent an absolute path, at (string):159:1
<adisbladis[m]> > builtins.toPath "/tmp/aoeu"
<{^_^}> "/tmp/aoeu"
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<adisbladis[m]> etu: toPath must get an absolute path
<etu> adisbladis[m]: I noticed that :D
<ghasshee> > boot
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/5vlbah65l42fnxaxp8n3sm4jh7aky1zl-boot-2.7.2>"
<ij> > builtins.typeOf (builtins.toPath "/tmp/foo")
<{^_^}> "string"
<etu> > bultins.toPath "/tmp/aoeu/../aoeu/"
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'bultins' at (string):159:1
<etu> > builtins.toPath "/tmp/aoeu/../aoeu/"
<{^_^}> "/tmp/aoeu"
<etu> :)
<Tim__> hi there, could someone help me in setting up userns-remap for docker please?
<ij> adisbladis[m], it canonicalizes the path, but it's still a string
<ij> > builtins.typeOf /foo/bar
<{^_^}> "path"
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<ghasshee> > stdenv
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/bcrwa5b8z54xrl95ipfrq6nqhb0530yi-stdenv-linux>"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43384 → aws-rotate-key: init at 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fNI2T
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN32t
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<ghasshee> > boot.consoleLogLevel
<{^_^}> attribute 'consoleLogLevel' missing, at (string):159:1
<sphalerite> > (import <nixpkgs/nixos>).options.boot.consoleLogLevel
<sphalerite> aww
<srk> :D
<srk> crunching
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<sphalerite> > <nixpkgs/nixos>
<sphalerite> > <nixpkgs>
<sphalerite> > /
<sphalerite> > 5
<sphalerite> did I break it?
<sphalerite> > builtins.toPath "/tmp/aoeu/../aoeu/"
<sphalerite> I think I broke it
<sphalerite> infinisiiiiiiiiiil
<sphalerite> infinisil:
<srk> :D
<etu> :D
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<Myrl-saki> What's the current standard for building Rust packages on Nix?
<Myrl-saki> I guess I should check the librsvg expression?
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<isHavvy> Myrl-saki: That, or the mdbook expression.
<Myrl-saki> rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
<Myrl-saki> isHavvy: Thans.
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/bac995cd9f0 (from 60 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fN3rw
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jfrankenau opened pull request #43653 → scantailor-advanced: 1.0.15 -> 1.0.16 → https://git.io/fN3oN
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<rui> Is anyone familiar with this error? When I try to build stuff, it says
<rui> "the user nixbld11 in the group 'nixbld' does not exist"
<rui> I just nixos-rebuilt to an updated repo after a long time
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<srhb> rui: Familiar, no, but it sounds like the number of build users changed incoherently.
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<etu> rui: I guess that nixbld11 is present in /etc/group but not /etc/passwd or something like that
<srhb> Bumping nix.nrBuildUsers beyond whatever the highest id in /etc/group is might help as a quick fix.
<rui> Thanks. That seems to be right
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<freusque> Hello there! I want to declaratively set "nixpkgs" in the NIX_PATH.
<freusque> I'm trying to put something in nix.nixPath
<freusque> like "nixpkgs=${pkgs}"
<freusque> but of course that doesnt resolve to the nixpkgs source, but the package set
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<freusque> Is there an attribute for the source? my 'pkgs' variable contains a pinned version, whose source I'd like to have in <nixpkgs>.
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<tilpner> > path
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/.cache/nixbot/nixpkgs/nixpkgs
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<tilpner> But note that nix.nixPath doesn't immediately take effect
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<freusque> tilpner: thank you
<tilpner> I've had more luck having a fixed NIX_PATH, and then symlinking pkgs.path into that location automatically
<freusque> using what?
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<tilpner> Uhm... a module that ultimately ends up creating an activation script
<freusque> :'D
<sphalerite> noooooo not an activation script D:
<tilpner> sphalerite - I know it's unsafe-ish, but it works so well!
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<freusque> by 'not immediately' you mean that you need to re-login, correct?
<sphalerite> what's wrong with a service?
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<tilpner> sphalerite - Okay, what's the advantage?
<tilpner> sphalerite - It might work, actually, but if both run as root... what do I win?
<tilpner> Activation scripts handle rollbacks well and don't make other things wait
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<tilpner> Not sure what wantedBy I would have to set to get a service to run similarly early
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<sphalerite> activation scripts do make other things wait…
<tilpner> Yes, but not much. After nixos-rebuild I can be sure my modules has taken effect
<tilpner> With a service, I don't know. I was annoyed by having to manually daemon-reload and restart, but that was admittedly for a user service
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<manveru> zimbatm: looks like ruby can't be built without zlibSupport anymore because it's needed to unpack the stdlib gems
<manveru> should we remove the option?
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<freusque> mmh after using pkgs.path, I get infinite recursions in lib/modules.nix:163
<freusque> sounds familiar?
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<freusque> it was due to module imports in hardware.nix
<freusque> using <nixpkgs> there works
<infinisil> sphalerite: Huhh..
<freusque> but using pkgs.path causes that.
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<infinisil> I guess it's time to step up my {^_^} game and actually give some more thought to testing and reliability
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tarigo opened pull request #43655 → qtcreator: 4.5.0 -> 4.6.2 → https://git.io/fN3yZ
<infinisil> Which is unfortunate, because I don't have much time anymore, gotta study!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tarigo closed pull request #43537 → Update Qt Creator to version 4.6.2 → https://git.io/fNmHo
<sphalerite> infinisil: I wanted to make a contribution to nixbot recently but I haven't managed to get it building yet
<sphalerite> I did nix-shell -p stack2nix --run "stack2nix . > stack2nix.nix"
<sphalerite> then ran nix-shell, but it fails to build the deps
<infinisil> Oh yeah, I'm not surprised, the code is mainly online just to have it online
<infinisil> I recently also pushed the stack2nix.nix file
<infinisil> Maybe try again with that
<sphalerite> oh that's useful :p
<infinisil> And pinned nixpkgs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hamhut1066 opened pull request #43656 → postman: refactor out icon dependency → https://git.io/fN3yA
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<crmlt> Hi, can this patch be included in nixos kernel packages? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=14047
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<sphalerite> crmlt: that doesn't look like a kernel patch to me
<crmlt> drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nvkm/engine/device/base.c is inside kernel source
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* infinisil is confused
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<Yaniel> that file is not referenced by this patch though
<Taneb> crmlt: what's the context for that?
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<crmlt> this regression is present from kernel 4.15 still through 4.18 and it prevents to run X11 on NVIDIA MCP89 GPUS
<crmlt> oh sorry wrong link
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<FRidh> crmlt: I don't see why not. Can you open a PR?
<crmlt> FRidh: np
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<infinisil> crmlt: also include some explanation as to why this is neede
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<adisbladis[m]> And if you know when it's expected to be removed that would be helpful too (leave a comment above the patch)
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<sphalerite> infinisil: there's a lot to build D:
<infinisil> there are a bunch of unnecessary deps..
<sphalerite> oh but it's building cabal as well..?
<infinisil> is it?
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<sphalerite> hm a total of ~7500 derivations in the closure
<sphalerite> err no
<sphalerite> 889
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<infinisil> sphalerite: Note that nobody can actually run the bot without one of gchristensen's magic passwords for {^_^}
<infinisil> I'll make it to run with different frontends in the future
<sphalerite> I was planning on working out how to run it just for myself
<sphalerite> can't be *tooooo* complicated can it?
<sphalerite> or I could run my own {^_^}
<infinisil> I think so
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<infinisil> oh also, there are hardcoded paths in some places lol
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* infinisil goes sit in the box of shame
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #43613 → kde-frameworks: 5.47 -> 5.48 → https://git.io/fNO4c
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN3Qi
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @nh2 opened pull request #360 → If both package.yaml and cabal exist, prefer package.yaml. → https://git.io/fN3QP
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #43614 → kde-applications: 18.04.2 -> 18.04.3 → https://git.io/fNO4B
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN3Q1
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<sphalerite> I will judge you most severely ;)
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<garbas> bkchr[m]: sorry regarding https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/pull/101 i should have seen your PR being there fist
<{^_^}> mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla#101 (by bkchr, closed): VidyoDesktop: Fixes missing libidn by using 1.34
<garbas> first*
<mpickering> I am trying to use buildPythonPackage, the error is "No matching distribution found for six==1.9.0"
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<infinisil> mpickering: The package seems to be having a dependency on *exactly* version 1.9.0, which is not good for nixpkgs. The way to resolve this is to patch the source to use `six>=1.9.0`
<infinisil> Upstream if possible
<mpickering> is there an equivalent of jailbreaking for python?
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<bkchr[m]> garbas: yeah np :)
<infinisil> mpickering: Not that I know of
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<garbas> bkchr[m]: i just noticed that you are also from berlin. did we meet already? /me hopes this is not already another embarrasing situation that my memory put me in
<qyliss> Has anybody got a working development environment for a ruby gem using nix-shell?
<qyliss> Yeah, I can’t get that working
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<bkchr[m]> garbas: No, I don't think that we ever met ^^
<infinisil> ,dnw qyliss
<{^_^}> qyliss: "It doesn't work" literally only has 0 bits of information useful for debugging, please be more specific: What doesn't work? What's the error?
<infinisil> :P
<qyliss> I’m typing!! :P
<infinisil> np, just wanted to get a chance to use dnw lol
<qyliss> hehe
<infinisil> ,dnw = "Does not work" isn't very helpful: What doesn't work? What's the error?
<{^_^}> dnw defined
<qyliss> anyway, doing that tries (and fails) to install the gem I’m working on, which isn’t what I want — I want a development environment for the gem, so I think I want all the dependencies, but not the gem itself
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo opened pull request #43657 → buildGoPackage: add shellHook attribute → https://git.io/fN3dk
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #43525 → markdown-pp: init at 1.4 → https://git.io/fNmVZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed commit from @zgrannan to master « markdown-pp: init at 1.4 (#43525) »: https://git.io/fN3dW
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<infinisil> qyliss: Have you read the last section of the linked chapter? " The first one allows one to quickly drop into nix-shell with the specified environment present. E.g. nix-shell -A sensu.env would give you an environment with Ruby preset so it has all the libraries necessary for sensu in its paths"
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<infinisil> Where are data files supposed to go? $out/share/???
<infinisil> Used exclusively by the program in $out/bin
<etu> fish puts file in $out/share so it seems reasonable
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<rui> I use i3, and also do 'gnome3.enable = true' to use stuff like gnome-control-center
<rui> But now gnome-control-center doesn't work. After nixos-rebuilding yesterday
<infinisil> etu: Oh yeah and haskell apparently does too, but with a derivation name postfix, so $out/share/<name>/
<rui> It opens an almost empty window
<qyliss^work> infinisil: I still get errors
<qyliss^work> one is that the entry for my gem in gemset.nix doesn't have a source
<qyliss^work> which I think is https://github.com/manveru/bundix/issues/10
<{^_^}> manveru/bundix#10 (by nyarly, open): Empty set for "gemset" gem
<qyliss^work> I can go in and delete that entry, since I don't want to install it anyway, but then it comlapins that it can't find my gemspec
<qyliss^work> (Which, rereading that issue, may be the same thing)
<cocreature> rui: how are you launching it?
<rui> Just running gnome-control-center. Either from the terminal or from the i3 launcher
<rui> cocreature: no sudo. It used to work.
<cocreature> rui: which shell are you using?
<rui> zsh
<cocreature> zsh has a messed up XDG_DATA_DIRS in nixos which causes gnome-control-center to not show a lot of stuff https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/33219
<{^_^}> #33219 (by tiramiseb, open): XDG_DATA_DIRS reinitalized to an incomplete value by zshenv
<rui> cocreature: oh, I would have never guessed this could come from zsh. Thanks, I'm checking it out
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<cocreature> rui: sadly I don’t really know of a good solution. I have the same problem with fish and I have a function that sets up at least part of XDG_DATA_DIRS https://gist.github.com/cocreature/d3c25fb62189316d3a3efbb93519c4a1
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<ij> is it possible to make a path dynamically in nix? Or is "./foo" or "/foo" the only way to make data of path type?
<gchristensen> ./. + "foo/bar" works
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<rui> cocreature: I see, thanks. How annoying.
<ij> gchristensen, haha, wow
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<ij> gchristensen, also "/" + ./. isn't ./. + "/"
<gchristensen> it isn't
<gchristensen> but we knew that, "/foo" + "/bar" != "/bar" + "/foo"
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<ij> yeah, i mean the type changes
<ij> I made no sense earlier, sorry :D
<infinisil> > "/" + ./.
<{^_^}> "//nix/store/6q77ybb8khhlqvq6jj7bcybxjn909bf7-nixpkgs"
<infinisil> > ./. + "/"
<{^_^}> /var/lib/nixbot/.cache/nixbot/nixpkgs/nixpkgs
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @michaelpj opened pull request #65 → Add readme section on using fetchgit → https://git.io/fN3NV
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<tfc[m]> hey there. does anybody use nix-build in the gitlab CI? it is very easy and straight-forward to use the nixos docker image and run nix-build on every pull request, but i am worrying about caching the /nix/store folder. does anybody have some thoughts and/or experience with that?
<srhb> tfc[m]: Maybe bind mounting in the nix daemon socket and the store itself?
<srhb> Building sensible gc roots may be tricky.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog opened pull request #43658 → chromium: do jumbo builds → https://git.io/fN3Nx
<tfc[m]> srhb: not sure if that is even possible with gitlab ci... i mean bind mounting stuff into them
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<ij> gchristensen, I want to use the type difference to treat data differently, but if someone had a string path, one couldn't cast it :(
<gchristensen> ij: what is your goal?
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<ij> I want to pass either a string or a list of (string or path), so I could strings read from files (i.e. get a [string]) and concat those.
<Dezgeg> something like the readPathsFromFile function does?
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<ij> Dezgeg, not quite
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko pushed to yegortimoshenko-patch-2 « common/cpu/intel: modesetting is the default »: https://git.io/fN3A5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus merged pull request #43639 → curl: 7.60.0 -> 7.61.0 → https://git.io/fNOpA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed commit from @dtzWill to staging « curl: 7.60.0 -> 7.61.0 »: https://git.io/fN3Ab
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko pushed to fix-tests « Fix tests »: https://git.io/fN3xC
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko opened pull request #66 → Fix tests → https://git.io/fN3x4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @flokli opened pull request #43659 → virtualbox: 5.2.12 -> 5.2.14 → https://git.io/fN3p4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « home-assistant: 0.73.1 -> 0.73.2 »: https://git.io/fN3pg
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: I still don't understand what you say here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26561#issuecomment-354862897
<nh2> itsn't it that `override` takes a {}, not a function (old: {}) ?
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<Enzime> can someone get GrahamcOfBorg to recompile this PR for me? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43523
<{^_^}> #43523 (by Enzime, open): Fix Synergy building on macOS
<gchristensen> you bet!
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #66 → Fix tests → https://git.io/fN3x4
<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fN3pH
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @michaelpj opened pull request #67 → Some suggestions for CONTRIBUTING → https://git.io/fN3p5
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<elvishjerricco> nh2: It can take either
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: hmm I get `error: value is a function while a set was expected`
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: btw I'm using your snippet *in an overlay definition*, should that be OK/
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: never mind, I had a typo: "self: super:\nself: super"
<elvishjerricco> nh2: Ah the woes of dynamic typing :P
<nh2> elvishjerricco: yeah it's super counter-productive, especially because it says just `error: value is a function while a set was expected` without any error location.
<joepie91> doesn't look like a dynamic typing issue to me?
<elvishjerricco> joepie91: They passed a function of four args where a function of two args was expected and got a runtime error. Furthermore, override uses dynamic typing to allow different types to be passed to it, which can make situations like these hard to reason about (although in this case it was a red herring)
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<joepie91> that seems like an error reporting problem, not a dynamic typing problem
<joepie91> it would have still been just as wrong without dynamic typing
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #43660 → [18.03] home-assistant: mark as insecure → https://git.io/fN3jW
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @patrl opened pull request #43661 → Package scuttlebot → https://git.io/fN3j8
<joepie91> and it failed loudly, so aside from the questionable error reporting (which is a broader issue in Nix, and not really related to the typing model) I really don't see how dynamic typing introduces any 'woes' there
<Enzime> gchristensen: thanks :)
<Enzime> can you also build this PR? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43612
<{^_^}> #43612 (by Enzime, open): mpv: build and install macOS App Bundle
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<Enzime> gchristensen: "build enzime" I'm not a Nix derivation yet :p
<gchristensen> :)
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: so just to double check, is this the way you would define an overlay that changes a Haskell package?
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<nh2> final:
<nh2> previous:
<nh2> with final.haskell.lib;
<nh2> {
<nh2> haskellPackages = previous.haskellPackages.override (old: {
<nh2> overrides = previous.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (self: super: {
<nh2> aeson = ... ;
<nh2> });
<nh2> });
<nh2> }
<Enzime> >}:;
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: is this how you do it?
<elvishjerricco> nh2: When I'm trying to be conscious of the extend problem yea. If I'm just doing things quickly and carelessly I just use extend since it's more concise, works fine often, and fails loudly.
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<elvishjerricco> nh2: Worth noting you can feel free to use final.lib.composeExtensions rather than previous.lib.composeExtensions. Shouldn't matter at all, but it's a cheap way to potentially be more correct.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nanexcool opened pull request #43662 → Update maintainer-list.nix → https://git.io/fNseZ
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: thanks. And when I want to use `callCabal2nix` in such an overlay, would I get it from final, self, or does it not matter?
<elvishjerricco> nh2: you'd want to get that from `self`
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43644 → ksonnet: init at 0.11.0 → https://git.io/fN3IJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNseg
<gchristensen> holy guacamole I just built chromium in 38 minutes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo closed pull request #42596 → ksonnet: init at v0.11.0 → https://git.io/f4Qk9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #43663 → esptool: 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0 → https://git.io/fNseo
<srhb> gchristensen: Careful, liquid nitrogen in a home setting can be quite dangerous.
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<d1rewolf_> hi guys. Trying to get full disk encryption going following https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Full_Disk_Encryption. I can follow the steps and generate hardware-configuration.nix, but when rebooting I am not prompted for encryption phrase and filesystem isn't mounted. any ideas what I'm missing?
<gchristensen> srhb: its on one of these monsters :D https://www.packet.net/hardware/amd/
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<etu> srhb++
<{^_^}> srhb's karma got increased to 9
<srhb> gchristensen: want!
<srhb> :3
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<gchristensen> I'm going to try compiling it again, this time letting it use all the cores on the machine -- see if I can cut it to less than 30min
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<d1rewolf_> anyone else using a luks partition with nixos?
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<gchristensen> d1rewolf_: I followed these directions to get luks : http://grahamc.com/blog/nixos-on-dell-9560
<nh2> elvishjerricco: OK, no I just need to fix an
<nh2> error: cannot coerce null to a string, at /nix/store/w1fndb8swaamrf7amgjjvxfp12nifl2d-2c07921cff84dfb0b9e0f6c2d10ee2bfee6a85ac.tar.gz/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/make-package-set.nix:131:71
<nh2> I'm suspecting I'm using `callCabal2nix` wrong.
<nh2> What is its third argument, usually passed as {} ?
<Raybih> , nontrinitarian denominations comprise a minority of modern Christianity.
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, that looks good...I'll try it. thanks!
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<Taneb> Running Hydra with "spike" as a build machine, I get the error "possibly transient failure building '/nix/store/jw1525wgk8pky990ylrgpiqd0ixwnjli-bash43-029.drv' on 'nix@spike': opening lock file '/nix/var/nix/temproots/1856': Permission denie"
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<Taneb> *denied
<Taneb> I don't think that file exists on either the VM running hydra or the build machine
<Taneb> So I think it's something trying to make that file can't
<elvishjerricco> nh2: Its third argument is just there in case you want to override the arguments to the generated default.nix
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<elvishjerricco> What version of nixpkgs are you on?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsvB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.4.130 -> 4.4.141 »: https://git.io/fNsvE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.9.112 -> 4.9.113 »: https://git.io/fNsva
<nh2> elvishjerricco: `2c07921cff8` which is a recent master
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.14.55 -> 4.14.56 »: https://git.io/fNsvr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to release-18.03 « linux: 4.17.6 -> 4.17.7 »: https://git.io/fNsvK
<nh2> elvishjerricco: inside an overlay haskell override like discussed above, should this be legal (in the position where I put `aeson`)?
<nh2> pretty-relative-time = self.callCabal2nix "pretty-relative-time" (final.fetchFromGitHub { ... }) {};
<nh2> ?
<elvishjerricco> nh2: Looks like it thinks pkgs.glibcLocales is null for some reason. No idea how that would happen
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<elvishjerricco> Yes that looks right
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<elvishjerricco> > pkgs.glibcLocales
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/xzmjq8xbf2187i3aph379bfk8sw0zh3h-glibc-locales-2.27>"
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<elvishjerricco> > pkgs.buildPackages.glibcLocales
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/xzmjq8xbf2187i3aph379bfk8sw0zh3h-glibc-locales-2.27>"
<nh2> elvishjerricco: the thing above I wrote seems to cause the issue. Note for me `pkgs = (import <nixpkgs> {}).pkgsMusl`, as I'm working on the musl stuff
<elvishjerricco> Oh that could do it
<elvishjerricco> > pkgs.pkgsMusl.glibcLocales
<nh2> so somewhere in the combination of musl + overlays + haskell .override there seems to be an issue that it goes via this glibc thing. But I don't know where
<elvishjerricco> nh2: Yea the problem is that callCabal2nix relies on the glibcLocales thing. Not sure if it should... But if the pkgsMusl stuff doesn't provide that derivation, that would break callCabal2nix
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: do you know what it uses this locales stuff for? And can I comment it out or override something so that it doesn't?
<elvishjerricco> nh2: No, I don't really know much about the LOCALE_ARCHIVE environment variable or why cabal2nix would care about it
<elvishjerricco> Or if musl provides an alternative
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo opened pull request #43664 → goBuildPackage: Add -x to the go build command if NIX_DEBUG >= 1 → https://git.io/fNsJL
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: filed as https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43665
<{^_^}> #43665 (by nh2, open): callCabal2nix doesn't work with musl-native
<nh2> dtz: ^
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<nh2> elvishjerricco: but `callCabal2nix` is pure in the sense that it only generates a literal nix expression, right? So I could take callCabal2nix from a glibc package set instead of the musl one, use it to generate the expression, and then build that expression Haskell package with musl?
<Taneb> Separate to my hydra woes: writeShellScriptBin (from trivial-builders.nix in nixpkgs) fails for me with an error about something being a directory inexplicably
<dtz> nh2: I think I just never got that far previously--other nixpkgs references to using glibcLocales w/haskell on musl are conditional but this isn't
<dtz> might be as easy as ... well, 1 sec
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<nh2> dtz: haha you have set yourself a high bar of expectations, because so far every time you said "1 sec" I you got the solution shortly afterwards indeed ^^
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<nh2> dtz: do you understand what LOCALE_ARCHIVE actually is/does?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43617 → hub: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.0 → https://git.io/fNOK9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsUw
<nh2> comments must have been a bit out of fashion when `LOCALE_ARCHIVE` was added to `haskellSrc2nix` to fix ... something?
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<dtz> nh2: well it probably helps w/glibc! But IIRC musl has some other locale thing that I'm not even sure took off? MUSL_LOCPATH
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<{^_^}> #5904 (by Fuuzetsu, closed): [HaskellNG] Go back to forcing locale
<Baughn> I installed Nix on a Chromebook: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/SbhFhFOT/nix.png
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<Baughn> Well, via Crostini. It was entirely painless.
<gchristensen> wow, cool!
<nh2> dtz elvishjerricco: so I suspect that this is very related to some other thing I'm working on in GHC & co: That many Haskell build tools break when you don't force the encoding: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3988
<{^_^}> commercialhaskell/stack#3988 (by nh2, open): stack and ghc don't work well on Windows when the user name has non-ASCII chars in it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43666 → haskell-modules: only include glibc locales when using glibc → https://git.io/fNsT8
<dtz> nh2: interesting
<Baughn> gchristensen: No customization needed; this Just Works. Though it does still require a Pixelbook on the dev channel. Give it a couple months.
<dtz> nh2: well musl is utf8 by default :3 lol
<Baughn> I'll probably send a few PRs to make the graphics work, once virtio-gpu... works.
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<dtz> (nh2: please take a look at the PR when you can, I haven't tried with your example or anything)
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<nh2> dtz: will try now
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<dtz> no hurry :D
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko closed pull request #44 → improve test scripts → https://git.io/fNskr
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<{^_^}> [nixos-hardware] @yegortimoshenko pushed 0 commits to fix-tests: https://git.io/fNskH
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<nh2> dtz: is there a trick how I can apply a nixpkgs patch to my local nixpkgs, e.g. with `fetchpatch` or so?
<dtz> nh2: if there is a nice way I'd lke to know it as well!
<dtz> usually just throw it in yet another branch/tag and try not to cry too loudly
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<dtz> but seems solvable if it's something folks would like
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<gchristensen> I do that!
<nh2> dtz: is your change expected to build me `hackage-db hopenssl language-nix aws-sdk-cpp boehm-gc bazaar nano python2.7-gevent` ?
<gchristensen> ^ I pin nixpkgs and fetch patches to apply to it
<gchristensen> note: don't actually use .patch URLs like I did, it is extremely unstable :)
<nh2> gchristensen: why is it unstable?
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<gchristensen> because the comparison to master changes approximately 100 times a day
<ma27> bas van dijk proposed this approach last nixcon as well IIRC: https://github.com/basvandijk/nixtodo/blob/master/nixpkgs.nix
<gchristensen> those commit .patch URLs are a good choice
<dtz> nh2: I am unsure what you're saying/asking; are you saying it causes things to rebuild you don't expect? or
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<nh2> dtz: yeah why does it build boehm-gc, bazaar and nano, those aren't even Haskell packages
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<dtz> idk guess they're needed
<dtz> haha I mean presumably they're needed w/glibc version too they were just happily cached already or something?
<dtz> (if not then there's a problem)
<nh2> dtz: it's also building nix now
<dtz> I was gonna say those sound like nix deps
<ma27> which PR are we talking about?
<nh2> unfortunately I can't see what the build plan is, nix-build doesn't show it, maybe it doesn't show it when callCabal2nix is used?
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<{^_^}> #43666 (by dtzWill, open): haskell-modules: only include glibc locales when using glibc
<dtz> oh callCabal2nix .... does it need 'nix'? xD
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<dtz> hmm maybe not
<fgaz> anyone else getting a cert error on https://cache.nixos.org/ ?
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<gchristensen> fgaz: we're working on resolving the problem, it isn't an expired cert, but the cert has been untrusted by browsers
<gchristensen> however the safety of the Nix binary cache isn't fundamentally based on the TLS connection being safe
<infinisil> How do I format a diff between 2 directories that aren't tracked by git in a git style?
<nh2> dtz: it seems cabal2nix does depend on nix:
<nh2> nix-store -q --tree /nix/store/a2xsfwmvls75jljcmkh860g8n46pjc0f-cabal2nix-2.9.3.drv
<nh2> /nix/store/a2xsfwmvls75jljcmkh860g8n46pjc0f-cabal2nix-2.9.3.drv
<nh2> ---/nix/store/0wxf57zdm40975swl50aqs2rx54jrx84-nix-2.0.4.drv
<gchristensen> so it looks very bad, but is much less bad than it looks fgaz
<infinisil> Trying to have that for an unpackPhase style patching
<dtz> nh2: oh okay :)
<fgaz> gchristensen: But it does prevent me from downloading packages :-P
<gchristensen> fgaz: it shouldn't, I think you're probably experiencing a different problem
<nh2> but I don't know where that dependency is declared
<nh2> (dtz ^)
<ma27> infinisil: in case you like ugly stuff, just do a git init and git commit and then diff with your changes
<gchristensen> fgaz: can you describe your problem some more,and provide error messages?
<fgaz> gchristensen: warning: unable to download 'https://cache.nixos.org/pamhil7fw3ykcx69yxzagzaf0zhzn6hx.narinfo': SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (51); retrying in 327 ms
<infinisil> ma27: Yeah I thought of that, was hoping for an alternative :3
<gchristensen> fgaz: does `env | grep -i proxy | wc -l` show anything?
<ma27> nh2: how about investigating these trees with something like `nix why-depends`
<nh2> infinisil: `diff -ruN onedir otherdir`
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<fgaz> gchristensen: 0
<Dezgeg> git diff --no-index
<gchristensen> fgaz: can you describe your system ?
<dtz> gchristensen: <3 ty re:patching
<infinisil> Dezgeg: Ah there we go, thanks!
<fgaz> Well, I'm behind some of those public wifis with http authentication
<nh2> dtz: your PR seems to be working excellently
<fgaz> gchristensen: This is not urgent in any way though! Sounds like you're busy fixing the cert
<nh2> dtz: let me try build my whole thing and then I'll tell you
<gchristensen> fgaz: I'm not currently fixing the cert...
<gchristensen> fgaz: are you running nixos? if not, what are you running?
<fgaz> nixos
<gchristensen> can you run nix-info for me?
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<fgaz> gchristensen: system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(root): "nixos", channels(fgaz): "", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos
<gchristensen> cool, what happens if you run: curl https://cache.nixos.org/nix-cache-info
<fgaz> StoreDir: /nix/store
<fgaz> WantMassQuery: 1
<fgaz> Priority: 40
<gchristensen> :thinking: it should work, then :)
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<fgaz> gchristensen: wait, HOW
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<nh2> gchristensen: it's a symantec cert (net::ERR_CERT_SYMANTEC_LEGACY in chromium)
<fgaz> Did you just hack into my machine or something? :D
<gchristensen> nh2: I know, this is a different problem
<gchristensen> nix-daemon doesn't care about the symantec detrust but they still got an error from nix-daemon about the cert
<nh2> fgaz: maybe symantex certs were untrusted by Chromium's and Firefox's internal CA lists, but not your OS one that curl uses
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<gchristensen> this is an error from their nix-daemon, not their browser
<nh2> ah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #43667 → python36: 3.6.5 -> 3.6.6 → https://git.io/fNstv
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #43649 → whois: 5.3.1 -> 5.3.2 → https://git.io/fN3l5
<gchristensen> fgaz: so... can you fetch packages now?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNstI
<fgaz> nh2: I tried with curl too 5 minutes ago and it didn't work
<fgaz> gchristensen: yup, thanks!
<gchristensen> oh, you were probably still being intercepted by your wifi network
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<fgaz> gchristensen: only on that domain?
<gchristensen> well, DNS caching and what-not
<fgaz> Hmm right
<pie_> hi guys, how can I fix this?: https://bpaste.net/show/9f9ffcb899cf , the error: variable $src or $srcs should point to the source
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43666 → haskell-modules: only include glibc locales when using glibc → https://git.io/fNsT8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsta
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<infinisil> Damnit I can't get my patch to apply, says HUNK failed
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<infinisil> But I give up for now
<gchristensen> maybe try a beefcake instead of a hunk
<hyper_ch2> you can't give up so easily
<dtz> nh2: top-level cabal2nix adds 'nix' and 'nix-prefetch-scripts', FWIW
<dtz> nh2: wasn't looking for it but was in the area xD
<pie_> (im calling it via callpackage)
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<infinisil> hyper_ch2: Eh, I don't even know what the package does, I only saw the PR
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<johanot> pie_: invoke fetchgit with an attrset of { url; rev; sha256; }
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<hyper_ch2> infinisil: :)
<pie_> johanot, but how can i give a local directory a url?
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<srhb> pie_: You probably meant to use builtins.fetchGit ?
<gchristensen> pie_: you can do just src = /mnt/data/sync/Sync/cc-mod-tools2/hask3/hashcons
<srhb> Or that :)
<srhb> Unless you source filtering is something you want
<srhb> s/you/the
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<pie_> gchristensen, ugh thats what i originally tried but same error
<pie_> im pretty sure i ran into this last week but cant remember how i fixed it, if at all
<pie_> ill try again
<gchristensen> pie_: are you calling nix-build from within a nix-shell?
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<pie_> nix-shell -v -I "nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz" shell.nix
<pie_> where shell.nix is:
<gchristensen> yeah, but, are you calling nix-build when you are inside of a nix-shell?
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<pie_> gchristensen, maaaaybe?
<pie_> i dont think so
<gchristensen> is that a yes?
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<pie_> pretty sure im not in a nix shell right now
<johanot> pie_: All of the above alternatives can be used... Alternatively, a fetchGit url like : file:///path/to/stuff is supported
<gchristensen> b/c if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv <- detects you're in a nix shell and gives you a thing you can't build
<gchristensen> and that thing you can't build will be a thing without a $src, and will result in that build error
<gchristensen> I fought this fight for like an hour just yesterday '(
<pie_> thats seems kind of horrible
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<gchristensen> maximum agreement
<pie_> well it looks like it gives drv.env
<gchristensen> yeah so ... is the env var IN_NIX_SHELL set?
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<pie_> gchristensen, doesnt look like it
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<pie_> ugh
<pie_> Setup: This package description follows version 2.2 of the Cabal
<pie_> specification. This tool only supports up to version
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<pie_> halp
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<gchristensen> unfortunately you've exhausted my knowledge of haskell
<gchristensen> + nix
<gchristensen> maybe try deleting "if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv" and adding back in just "drv"
<pie_> x)
<pie_> thats how i got this far
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<pie_> aaaand now it built, wtf? xD
<pie_> (i just ran it again, nothing else)
<betaboon> hello #nixos. i got a question regarding nixops. is it possible to set a route53-record to a s3bucket ?
<pie_> oh i cd-d into the dir
<pie_> so, it works if i run it directly but fails if i use callpackage
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<hyper_ch2> WD is closing factory.. but I do like WD-spinning rust for mass storage
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<slabity[m]> I'm trying to learn NixOps, but I'm a bit confused. In section 3.1 of the manual (Deploying to VirtualBox) there are two separate files, `trivial.nix` and `trivial-vbox.nix`. How exactly does NixOps handle this? Does it just merge the two `webserver` sets together? Could I use one file with all the information? Can I use more than two?
<slabity[m]> I understand one is the logical configuration and the other is the physical deployment, but is this enforced?
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<gchristensen> slabity[m]: those two configurations merge, yes
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<gchristensen> you could use as many files as you want :) as long as you create them like "nixops create ./trivial.nix ./trivial-vbox.nix ./your-other-files.nix -d trivial"
<slabity[m]> Thanks. That makes a lot more sense.
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<clever> gchristensen: nixops also allows you to make a tree of files, similar to imports in nixos
<gchristensen> clever: I know, but not trying to overwhelm them :P
<manveru> :D
<nh2> dtz: OK cool thanks for clearing it up
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<slabity[m]> A tree of files? Like you just do `nixops create ./my-dir -d system` and it will load all the files in? Or just using `imports = [ ... ]` like normal?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 9 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNs3c
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #43624 → treewide: either fix or disable tests → https://git.io/fNOS8
<clever> slabity[m]: you can put require = [ ./trivial.nix ./trivial-vbox.nix ./your-other-files.nix ]; into a single nix file, and then run `nixops create` on that single file
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<clever> and its recursive like imports, so you can make a tree of files, that require more
<slabity[m]> Oh cool. I can definitely incorporate that.
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<slabity[m]> Now to just... Slowly switch every machine I have to nix
<slabity[m]> Probably take a few weeks
<gchristensen> :D
<clever> i still have a gentoo in the house, and a few ubuntu in the cloud
<Guest84592> Hey all, I am attempting to use nix with buildkite for CI, but I am getting this error: error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path
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<clever> drbrule: NIX_PATH is blank by default, you need to set it yourself
<drbrule> hmm
<drbrule> not sure what to set it to/
<clever> drbrule: and you really want to set it to a specific revision, so the nixpkgs doesnt change without warning
<pie_> the one thing i dont like about nix is it kind of seems like lots of magic incantations
<drbrule> so I thought I did that by pining nixpkgs https://github.com/Gabriel439/haskell-nix/tree/master/project0
<clever> drbrule: something like this would be a good start: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/dae9cf6106d.tar.gz
<slabity[m]> pie_: Agreed. Documentation is a bit lacking
<drbrule> I copied release1.nix, used cabal2nix, and ran "nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git > nixpkgs.json"
<pie_> slabity[m], or something.
<clever> drbrule: your bootstrap nixpkgs needs a NIX_PATH
<d1rewolf_> pie_, as someone on the verge of switching over to nix, could you give a for example?
<drbrule> what does that do?
<d1rewolf_> I'd like to go in eyes wide open ;)
<clever> drbrule: it loads nixpkgs from $NIX_PATH
<clever> drbrule: then uses that to download the nixpkgs defined in the json
<nh2> dtz: for the couple Haskell exes I'm trying to build statically now, the only missing piece seems to be linking sqlite statically. The nix package doesn't have libsqlite3.a, if I build it manually with autoconf on Ubuntu, it's in `lib/`. Any idea what disables it or skips copying it?
<drbrule> but nixpkgs isn't downloaded yet, right?
<drbrule> so why would specifying a path help?
<pie_> d1rewolf_, i just feel like that sometimes :p
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<clever> drbrule: if you do the export i gave above, then it will find the bootstrap nixpkgs
<d1rewolf_> pie_, what do you find most magic about it?
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<logzet> It is possible to enable TRIM for swaps by adding the "discard" option to the fstab, how do I do this on nixos? SwapDevices does not have a field for mount options…
<d1rewolf_> I really wish that nixos used something aside from Haskell. I understand the functional nature of haskell probably helps, but learning haskell just to hack on nixos is meh :-/
<drbrule> ok so I set an env var NIX_PATH to what?
<gchristensen> d1rewolf_: nixos doesn't use haskell
<clever> 2018-07-17 11:53:19 < clever> drbrule: something like this would be a good start: export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/dae9cf6106d.tar.gz
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<drbrule> ahhhh
<drbrule> ok
<clever> nh2: by default, nixos doesnt do very much static linking
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<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, really? I'm sorely mistaken then
<drbrule> so can I set this to rev?
<d1rewolf_> I could've sworn this was the case
<drbrule> or master
<slabity[m]> logzet: There's a variable called `services.fstrim.enable`
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<clever> drbrule: its best to set it to a single rev, so it doesnt change
<drbrule> hmm ok
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<gchristensen> d1rewolf_: are you referring to the code which looks like https://github.com/Gabriel439/haskell-nix/blob/master/project0/release1.nix#L2?
<slabity[m]> logzet: It will automatically take care of trimming SSDs
<nh2> clever: but there must be something that turns the generation of the `.a` file off manually, because it's not even in the .libs build directory after `make` on Ubuntu
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<nh2> sorry I mean on nix
<nh2> and it is there on Ubuntu
<drbrule> One last question, should I pick a rev through github?
<drbrule> Not sure where to choose that link
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<clever> nh2: let me find it...
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<clever> drbrule: i put the latest rev from nixos-unstable in the url
<drbrule> should I pick from https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/releases
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, I'm not sure where it happened, but somehow on my journey to nixos I developed the notion that it used haskell. I guess I was completely wrong :)
<drbrule> yeah but I need to know how to update in the future
<nh2> the configure flags don't really look static/dynamic realted
<nh2> related
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<clever> nh2: default flags in the stdenv
<gchristensen> d1rewolf_: :) nope, no haskell! also -- just like I tell the haskell users about learning C++, you, too, can learn Haskell! you are smart enough and capable enough.
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<pie_> gchristensen, so... nix-shell -v -I "nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz" -p "with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.callPackage ./hashcons/shell.nix {}" fails, but running the shell.nix directly works fine??
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43668 → zimg: 2.7.4 -> 2.7.5 → https://git.io/fNssM
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, lol...thanks ;-)
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<logzet> slabity[m]: I mounted the other partitions with discard, so only the swap is missing.
<logzet> fstrim enbables periodic trim, doesn't it? Doing both does no harm, does it?
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, I'm afraid i'd be learning a hammer without any nails to hit ;)
<gchristensen> I know that feeling
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<drbrule> So where in github can I find lists of revs to choose from?
<clever> nh2: try this: sqlite.override { stdenv = makeStaticLibraries stdenv; }
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<clever> drbrule: i used https://howoldis.herokuapp.com/
<logzet> Btw I was just save by nixos's generations, I specified an invalid mount option on /, the first time I really needed the rollback ☺
<drbrule> for real? is there not a better way?
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<clever> drbrule: you can also check the branches on nixpkgs-channels
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<nh2> `configureFlags="--disable-static $configureFlags"` in the generic builder
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<drbrule> I am sorry, please hold my hand here. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels doesn't seem to list the archive for tarballs, where can I see that?
<drbrule> just trying to fiigure out where to find a listing of tarballs to set NIX_PATH to
<clever> drbrule: the download link in the top right corner
<nh2> clever: what you said should certainly work on the stdenv level (makeStaticLibraries env) but that would make it build *only* static libs. I'd expect I could also just set `dontDisableStatic = true;`
<nh2> clever: yes seems to work, with `sqlite_static = pkgs.sqlite.overrideAttrs (old: { dontDisableStatic = true; });` I get both .so and .a
<infinisil> Huh, does patchelf not work with `patchelf $file --some-args`?
<infinisil> Does it have to be `patchelf --some-args $file`?
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<drbrule> Sorry to kill the horse, but I still don't understand where in github I can copy a pinned nixpkgs tarball
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<gchristensen> drbrule: (1) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/commits/nixos-18.03 (2) click the '<>' button on the top commit
<drbrule> ok got it
<gchristensen> (3) click Clone or Download, (4) copy the URL for the "Download ZIP" button, change the end from .zip to .tar.gz
<drbrule> got it, thank you I really appreciate it
<gchristensen> yep
<clever> i find it "simpler" to just memorize every type of URL github can do, and shove revs in as needed, lol
<gchristensen> and if you ever want to update that URL, you can follow the directions and they'll work later :) (though they'll change every 6mo as new stable releases are made, so in a few months it'll be 18.09 etc.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43669 → aliases: (re)add forceSystem → https://git.io/fNsZO
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<rydnr> Hi guys
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsZ4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43645 → glava: adjust syntax in patchelf command → https://git.io/fN3I4
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<rydnr> I have an old box (nix 1.10). I don't know how to upgrade. nixos-rebuild switch fails with error: current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43670 → Recurse on hydra → https://git.io/fNsZ0
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<betaboon> does anyone know how to use a s3bucket in a route53-recordset using nixops ?
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<rydnr> But I now get "This version of Nixpkgs requires Nix >= 1.11, please upgrade:"
<clever> rydnr: revert the schema change, and then run...
<clever> > "nix-store -r ${nix}"
<{^_^}> "nix-store -r /nix/store/rbvqani25sypvz5j6hdzbhafpmkhnv1l-nix-2.0.4"
<clever> rydnr: that will download nix 2.0.4
<clever> rydnr: then add its bin dir to $PATH, at the start
<clever> rydnr: then nixos-rebuild boot --fast
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43672 → Create config builder to handle default config values → https://git.io/fNsnc
<rydnr> Everything was fine, but the last step still tries to use the old nix.
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<rydnr> clever: nixos-rebuild boot --fast still says "This version of Nixpkgs requires Nix >= 1.11, please upgrade:"
<infinisil> > "${stable.nix}"
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/j1mjqwvlhfmhpj3nrzap4zb221s2ciqw-nix-2.0.4"
<clever> rydnr: what does `which nix-build` print?
<rydnr> clever: /nix/store/rbvqani25sypvz5j6hdzbhafpmkhnv1l-nix-2.0.4/bin/nix-build
<clever> rydnr: and is this in root or via sudo?
<rydnr> clever: root
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<clever> rydnr: try _NIXOS_REBUILD_REEXEC=1 nixos-rebuild boot --fast
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<rydnr> clever: it's installing packages now
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<clever> yay
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yorickvP opened pull request #43673 → sdcc, gputils: add gputils → https://git.io/fNscq
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<rydnr> clever: it finished with no error. However, running nixos-rebuild switch gives me the error "current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7". I'm running now "_NIXOS_REBUILD_REEXEC=1 nixos-rebuild switch".
<clever> rydnr: `nixos-rebuidl boot` sets up grub to run the new version when you reboot
<clever> so you need to reboot next
<rydnr> ah ok
<clever> switch can get funky with such major version changes
<clever> so i try to use boot instead
<rydnr> Thank you very much. You've saved my day.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @erikarvstedt opened pull request #43676 → openvpn: add option 'configFile' → https://git.io/fNsc7
<infinisil> clever++
<{^_^}> clever's karma got increased to 12
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<rydnr> clever: another question, if I may. I've been using nixos from some time now, but I still find intimidating using nix-shell and building custom packages. I read some blog posts some time ago. Any suggestions on where to start (again)?
<clever> rydnr: it may help to read something like <setup.sh> and learn how the stdenv works
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<rydnr> clever: setup.sh ?
<infinisil> clever: That seems to be broken whoops
<infinisil> Oh lol
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<clever> rydnr: ^^^
<gchristensen> not sure ...word...? is the best matcher :$
* infinisil is losing trust in his nixbot
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<rydnr> clever: thanks, I will start there.
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<infinisil> ,pills
<infinisil> rydnr: Have you read those? ^^ They seem like a better start if you're unfamiliar with packaging stuff
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley merged pull request #40080 → keybase-gui: fix kbfs mount path check → https://git.io/vpotF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley pushed commit from @brainrape to master « keybase-gui: fix kbfs mount path check (#40080) »: https://git.io/fNsCH
<rizary> anyone use nix on bash on windows ever occured the "warning: SQLite database '/nix/var/nix/db/db.sqlite' is busy (SQLITE_PROTOCOL)" loop?
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<benley> oooh does nix-on-bash-on-windows actually work at all now?
<rizary> idk, i just remember i have installed it on my windows os. I remember back then I can install some packages (but i'm not sure), so I try it again.
<gchristensen> apparently so!
<rizary> and got that loop.
<gchristensen> is there a emacs nix-mode which works in let blocks?
<dtz> nh2: if you didn't find already a) you can set "dontDisableStatic = true;" to disable the generic builder's --disable-static , and b)there might be some helper that does that for you although honestly might as well just overrideDerivation yourself
<gchristensen> right now I just use text-mode whenever I'm in a let block and it isn't ideal
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<nh2> dtz clever: No I already succeeded, used `sqlite_static = (pkgs.sqlite.overrideAttrs (old: { dontDisableStatic = true; })).out;` in this case and managed to build another huge Haskell app statically :D day success
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<dtz> dtz<3 yep
* dtz can never remember which of overrideDerivation / overrideAttrs is the deprecated one lol
<dtz> errr nh2 <3 yep
<dtz> lol
<dtz> one of them is I thought :3
<dtz> anyway \o/
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<rydnr> infinisil: thank you. Annotated.
<dtz> oh maybe it's overrideDerivation :3. idk.
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<nh2> dtz: "overrideAttrs" is the new good one as far as I remember
<dtz> okay :D ty
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<{^_^}> nix-mode#42 (by yorickvP, merged): better `nix-indent-line`
<dtz> someone needs to tell the nixpkgs tree that
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<dtz> :P (by `rg overrideDerivation |wc -l` and such)
<gchristensen> oh heck yes!
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<iqubic> What benefits would the average user gain from Hydra?
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<gchristensen> none
<benley> none unless you want your own CI server
<benley> like if you would consider running Jenkins for your own use, you might have a use for Hydra
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<iqubic> Why would someone decide to use Hydra in the first place? What benefits does it give you?
<gchristensen> Hydra is a Nix-based continuous build system, released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version. It continuously checks out sources of software projects from version management systems to build, test and release them. The build tasks are described using Nix expressions. This allows a Hydra build task to specify all the dependencies needed to build or test a project. It supports a
<gchristensen> number of operating systems, such as various GNU/Linux flavours, Mac OS X, and Windows.
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<iqubic> Why would one want a continuous build system. This confuses me.
<gchristensen> if you build 5,000 packages of your own every day you probably don't want to run nix-build yourself
<iqubic> So as an average user I don't need Hydra?
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<gchristensen> 15:58 <iqubic> What benefits would the average user gain from Hydra?
<gchristensen> 15:58 <gchristensen> none
<gchristensen> :)
<iqubic> cool. Thanks.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley opened pull request #43677 → keybase-gui: fix kbfs mount path check (#40080) → https://git.io/fNslr
<dhess> Anyone around who's using ZFS+encryption on NixOS?
<infinisil> ,ask
<{^_^}> Just ask your question. It's the best way to know if anybody can help.
<dhess> That's a bit patronizing. :\
<gchristensen> dhess: hopefully not ZFS's encryption :)
<benley> dhess: I am
<benley> dhess: seems to work!
<dhess> gchristensen: well that's one of the reasons I'm asking. Not sure how stable it is.
<gchristensen> not stable:)
<infinisil> dhess: sorry but it's a very common thing on IRC :)
<dhess> benley: have you used LUKS before with NixOS?
<gchristensen> from #zfsonlinux's topic: "Native encryption is not production ready, keep backups (but it works great)"
<benley> yes, I used to use LUKS with ZFS on top of it
<dhess> benley: cool and do you use NixOps as well?
<benley> For the past few months I've switched to native zfs encryption on my laptop for the root filesystem and so far it's going well
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<benley> Nope sorry, I don't use NixOps
<dhess> benley: OK, thanks. I want to use it on a fileserver, so it needs to boot unattended and then mount the encrypted ZFS filesystem when the key(s) are deployed to /run/keys, like autoluks does with NixOps.
<gchristensen> dhess: will you have good backups?
<dhess> gchristensen: yes sir.
<gchristensen> good :)
<benley> I would be cautious about using it for a fileserver unless there's a _real good_ backup plan :-)
<qwerty_asdf> This may be real dumb, but is there is a difference between nixos.unstable & nixpkgs.unstable?
<benley> on my laptop I just accept the risk that it may explode :-P
<benley> qwerty_asdf: different set of tests required to pass before the channel gets updated
<gchristensen> ,which channel
<Taneb> iqubic: as an example of where someone would use Hydra, at work we use Hydra as our build server. It automatically builds pull requests and runs tests, and GitHub waits for it to approve stuff before it gets merged. It also builds and runs a hoogle server
<gchristensen> ,channel
<{^_^}> gchristensen: Did you mean channels?
<{^_^}> Largest Nix-related channels: #nixos, #nixos-dev, #nix-darwin, #nixos-chat, #nixos-aarch64, #nixos-wiki, #nixos-borg, #nixos-security, #nix-core
<gchristensen> ,which-channel
<Taneb> (or at least, it would do all that if I hadn't broken it)
<dhess> benley: I know there's been the one major issue since the encrypion stuff was merged, but I haven't heard of any others.
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<benley> the one big downside for me at this point is I can't just use zfs send | ssh ... zfs receive to do backups, because my fileserver is not running the unstable zfs with encryption support
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<qwerty_asdf> thanks a ton benley gchristensen :)
<gchristensen> benley: not to mention the part that sort of backup wouldn't be sufficient, probably, for a not production ready FS feature
<infinisil> gchristensen: Huh, either I didn't port it from factoids or I overwrote it with ,channels or something else
<benley> gchristensen: oh yeah, that's a very good point
<{^_^}> which-channel defined
<dhess> benley: oh, so with zfs send/receive, if the source filesystem is encrypted then the destination one must also be?
<benley> dhess: yeah, I believe so.
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<dhess> huh, that's surprising.
<benley> dhess: it doesn't decrypt during transmission, it just sends the blocks, and the receiving end needs to know what to do with it
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<dhess> I would expect it should be an option to decrypt during transmission, anyway.
<dhess> maybe that's in the works.
<gchristensen> I doubt it
<benley> It's been a couple of months since I read up on this stuff - maybe
<gchristensen> the reason send/receive is fast and nice is its just a diff of trees
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, following your "nixos on dell" to get luks working. When I list /dev/mapper, I only see "control"...no other files/drives. Any idea why?
<benley> anyway at the moment I mostly rely on dropbox / gdrive / github to sync data off of my laptop instead of having traditional Proper Backups of it
<dhess> gchristensen: ok that's a good point, but it should still be available an option, IMO.
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<gchristensen> d1rewolf_: sounds like you didn't implement this: $ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/nvme0n1p2
<gchristensen> $ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 cryptkey
<infinisil> dhess: Maybe ask #zfsonlinux, they know stuff!
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<dhess> infinisil: Thanks. Most of my immediate questions are regarding the integration with NixOS and NixOps, specifically, so this seemed like a better place to start.
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<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, ah, yes. luksOpen does make my encrypted partition show up there. thanks.
<d1rewolf_> but only that partition and control. no other drives. perhaps that's no big deal
* d1rewolf_ continues to read
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<infinisil> dhess: Yeah, I mean more in regards to what stuff is in development
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, out of curiosity, what's nix-shell -p emacs do versus just running emacs directly?
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<gchristensen> I don't have emacs installed in that article
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #43643 → lua5_3: 5.3.4 -> 5.3.5 → https://git.io/fN3Ub
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, I'm more interested in what/why you would use nix-shell in this case, but reading more... ;)
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, I have yet to use nix-shell for anything
<gchristensen> I don't use nix-env
<benley> anyone know what the correct procedure is for backporting fixes to nixos release-* branches?
<gchristensen> benley: is that a policy question or a mechanics question or both? :P
<benley> both, I think. I've got the PR open, that part is easy enough: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43677
<{^_^}> #43677 (by benley, open): keybase-gui: fix kbfs mount path check
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, where would be the best to go to learn the differences of using nix-shell vs nix-env?
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<gchristensen> probably the nix manual
<benley> the change is merged to master and I'm pretty sure it belongs in release-18.03, I'm just not sure whose approval I ought to seek before merging it there.
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, probably right ;-) sorry for the silly question
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc merged pull request #43677 → keybase-gui: fix kbfs mount path check → https://git.io/fNslr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @grahamc pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNs4r
<benley> https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#idm140737315692160 the manual does mention backports
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<benley> ha ncie, thank you for merging that
<samueldr> it's generally expected the commits are cherry-picked with -x
<samueldr> (which you seem to have done right :))
<benley> hehe yes - I also pasted that same link a few lines up :-)
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<samueldr> sorry, missed it
<benley> no worries.
<samueldr> so, you're one of those... manual readers
<infinisil> Neat, I didn't know about -x
<samueldr> good to have you around :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #43678 → Backport signal-desktop to stable (18.03) → https://git.io/fNs4p
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, so the differences between nix-env and nix-shell would be in the nix manual, not the nixos manual, correct?
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<gchristensen> right
* d1rewolf_ nods
<d1rewolf_> thanks
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<gchristensen> its a shame the Nix ecosystem didn't adopt a naming scheme of Jupiter's moons
<benley> samueldr: even better, I'm one of those ... manual content contributors
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<samueldr> ;)
<benley> (occasionally)
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<milanos> hey
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #43647 → busybox: 1.29.0 -> 1.29.1 → https://git.io/fN3W3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNsBz
<Taneb> Speaking of manual content contributors, could I get someone to take a look at this PR? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2291
<{^_^}> nix#2291 (by Taneb, open): nix-channel documentation: don't suggest deprecated function
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #43646 → utillinux: 2.32 -> 2.32.1 → https://git.io/fN3Co
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNsBK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill merged pull request #43648 → bind: 9.12.1-P2 -> 9.12.2 → https://git.io/fN3lq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNsBi
<milanos> I a bit confused on how to configure sudoers.d. I'm looking at the configuration.nix manual and I dont know how to implement the following commands:
<milanos> <user> ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/alcove/priv/alcove and Defaults!/path/to/alcove/priv/alcove !requiretty
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<aminechikhaoui> milanos: you should be able to set that in security.sudo.configFile
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43659 → virtualbox: 5.2.12 -> 5.2.14 → https://git.io/fN3p4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsRl
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko merged pull request #43673 → sdcc, gputils: add gputils → https://git.io/fNscq
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @yegortimoshenko pushed 7 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsRE
<nek0> hi folks. I am trying to fix monodevelop for nixos, but I run into build errors I can not resolve myself. Can anyone of you help me?
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<infinisil> nek0: I don't know, but it would be helpful if you posted the errors :)
<nek0> of course.
<dhess> Anyone here using bpfilter with NixOS?
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<dhess> I'm planning to replace my OpenBSD firewall with a NixOS-based one and I would soooo like to avoid using iptables
<nek0> here is the last stanza from the buildlog of monodevelop: https://hastebin.com/popitewexa
<dhess> Dezgeg[m]: around?
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, so when you say you don't use nix-env, you're saying just at that point in the article you don't have emacs installed, so instead of doing an nix-env -i emacs, you use nix-shell -p emacs to download a binary cache of emac and run temporarily.
<d1rewolf_> is that correct?
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<gchristensen> right
<gchristensen> but also, I don't use nix-env ever, really :)
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<LnL> I bet you do, you just don't realize ;)
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, really? that's interesting. so what...you just manipulate your config and rebuild every time you want to have a package stay permanently, but otherwise you use nix-shell -p to run it temporarily?
<gchristensen> exactly, d1rewolf_ :)
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<d1rewolf_> is there a benefit of operating in this way or a drawback to using nix-env?
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<gchristensen> I find nix-env confusing and frustrating
<d1rewolf_> if you install a package with nix-env, does it handle manipulating your configuration.nix for you so that it will be reproduced along with your environment, or is it just installed locally with no changes to configuration.nix?
<gchristensen> just local, no change
<LnL> the only things in my user profile are packages that are in the 'trial period'
<d1rewolf_> ok, so the benefit of doing it your way, gchristensen, is that you always know you can reproduce your environment with just your configuration.nix
<Dezgeg> dhess: yes
<gchristensen> exactly, Dezgeg
<gchristensen> d1rewolf_:
<d1rewolf_> LnL, by profile, you mean packages installed through nix-env and not part of your more permanent config? so the workflow on your end is to nix-env install them, but if you continue to use, add them to your configuration.nix and rebuild?
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, cool. that's exactly what I want, so I will travel down your path ;)
<clever> d1rewolf_: and also remove them from nix-env
<betaboon> hm. nixops is not currently capable of setting route53recordsets to point to a s3 bucket
<d1rewolf_> clever, ah...so one you add them to your configuration.nix, you should nix-env -e them before rebuild?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #43679 → ntl: 9.11.0 -> 11.2.1 → https://git.io/fNsEe
<clever> d1rewolf_: yeah
<clever> d1rewolf_: you can also `nix-env -q` to list what is currently installed in the user profile
<clever> d1rewolf_: and roots profile is also available to all users
<d1rewolf_> clever, ok, great. thanks. is there a drawback/risk of adding it to the configuration.nix, rebuilding, yet leaving it also installed with nix-env?
<LnL> d1rewolf: yep, and I don't really install project specific packages either
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<clever> d1rewolf_: the one in nix-env has priority, so you wont be getting any updates configuration.nix brings in
<d1rewolf_> ah, k.
<d1rewolf_> sweetness. I can't wait until I have my configurations figured out so I can install ;-)
<d1rewolf_> thanks guys
<d1rewolf_> (and gals)
<gchristensen> d1rewolf_++ have fun!
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, already am ;)
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<nek0> infinisil: Do you know some c#?
<gchristensen> clever: remember that weird mystery problem yesterday with the hashes?
<clever> gchristensen: yeah
<gchristensen> clever: my host and the build host disagree about the hash, but neither have an all-zero hash
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<clever> gchristensen: can you run `nix-store --query --hash` on the problem storepath, on both machines?
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<dhess> Dezgeg: is there a newer version of the aarch64 installer than the one here? https://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/tmtynkky/nixos-arm/installer/
<gchristensen> clever: but it is building a FS image for OpenStack with what seems to be a VM, and the mismatch error comes when copying from the remote builder to the VM inside of it
<clever> gchristensen: is 9plan at play?
<gchristensen> clever: http://ix.io/1hvp
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<infinisil> nek0: I do not
<gchristensen> copying to "local" is happening inside a nix-build on the remote linuxkit builder
<infinisil> nek0: You could open an issue for it
<clever> gchristensen: and if you run this on the linuxkit machine: nix-store --query --hash /nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131
<clever> gchristensen: what does it return?
<nek0> infinisil: yes, but the maintainer of the package is unwilling/unable to do something about it.
<infinisil> Is there an issue already?
<gchristensen> clever: on the remote, sha256:1advm2fxdvi... on my mac machine, sha256:1l5kld8dcqjw...
<{^_^}> #37751 (by sjau, open): Monodevelop fails to build
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<clever> gchristensen: sha256:1l5kld8dcqjw is the correct hash according to https://cache.nixos.org/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap.narinfo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @leo60228 opened pull request #43680 → msbuild: init at 15.6 → https://git.io/fNsuZ
<clever> gchristensen: i suspect that either the remote slave has a corrupt copy of glibc, or you built your own before hydra, and the build is not deterministic
<dhess> gchristensen: when linuxkit runs a VM, I assume that VM is software-only, i.e., no vmx or similar support from the CPU?
<clever> gchristensen: try to rsync them into the same machine, and then run `diff -ru` on the 2 to see how they differ
<infinisil> nek0: I see, well let's just hope somebody who knows how to solve the error finds it :)
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<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, as your kernel boots, you get prompted for your luks passphrase? I have followed your instructions, but I don't get prompted and the filesystem never gets mounted, even though it's in hardware-configuration.nix
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #43681 → lightdm: 1.24.0 -> 1.26.0 → https://git.io/fNsu8
<cocreature> nek0: 127 is /bin/sh’s way of saying “command not found” so a first attempt would be to add git to buildInputs
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<infandum> I'm having some trouble setting up xmonad as a window manager in nixos. I'm new to nixos. I have my ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs set up and the xmonad.enable and xmonad.enableContribAndExtras set to true, but when I try to compile my xmonad config it says that it could not find the module XMonad etc (all of the other modules). I've looked everywhere online and haven't found a working solution.
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<infinisil> infandum: How are you compiling it?
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<srhb> infandum: xmonad --recompile should work
<dhess> Dezgeg: sweet, thanks!
<srhb> afair
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<nek0> cocreature: the error message I get is here: https://hastebin.com/popitewexa
<srhb> infandum: less $(which xmonad) might be enlightening. It's a wrapper that has its own ghc with its own pkgdb
<infandum> infinisil, srhb: I'm doing xmonad --recompile and thats the error that pops up (Could not find module 'XMonad', could not find module 'XMonad.Action.CopyWindow, etc.)
<davidak> should i do a nix-channel --update before nixos-install?
<srhb> infandum: which xmonad, please
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<srhb> infandum: Sounds like you may have installed a different xmonad.
<infandum> srhb: /run/current-system/sw/bin/xmonad
<srhb> Oh, hm.
<infinisil> infandum: And you did a nixos-rebuild switch?
<infandum> Yeah
<cocreature> nek0: no idea about that sry, I don’t use mono
<infandum> I want to reiterate that those two values are the only xmonad and haskell values in my configuration.nix
<qwerty_asdf> infandum: did you define your extraPackages in your configuration.nix? ie. windowManager.extraPackages = haskellPackages: [ ... <packages> ];
<qwerty_asdf> ill share a pastebin of what that piece of configuration looks like if you want
<clever> gchristensen: any update?
<infinisil> qwerty_asdf: It shouldn't be necessary to import the xmonad module, should be included by default
<gchristensen> clever: blocked on two things: my hands ache, and the remote doesn't have `scp` . working on it :)
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<infandum> qwerty_asdf: No I don't have that. I tried that with the xmonad packages in the past according to the internet but that did not work either
<clever> gchristensen: ah
<srhb> infandum: Just to confirm, that path is not actually a binary, right?
<d1rewolf_> gchristensen, never mind. think i've got it
<srhb> infandum: It should be a small wrapper script
<srhb> infandum: bash, that is
<infandum> srhb: let me check
<clever> gchristensen: one option is to tar it up on the remote end, then `ssh remote 'cat foo.tar' > foo.bar`
<infandum> srhb: It's a bash script
<infandum> Also, I'm on the stable channel
<qwerty_asdf> hmm, i had to I think ... I'm going to check if I actually need the explicit imports
<infandum> The latest one
<srhb> infandum: Puzzling. The extraContrib... option ought to make sure that ghc pkgdb has those packages.
<infinisil> infandum: What's in the script? Can you gist it?
<srhb> And of course, xmonad should definitely be there.
<infandum> srhb: It's not just extra, though it can't even find the XMonad module
<d1rewolf_> hmm...now I get prompted for the luks key and it takes it, but then the boot stops at "Started Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon". Any ideas?
<infandum> infinisil: It would be a little difficult to copy from the computer, but it has two exports with NIX_GHC and XMONAD_XMESSAGE with an exec in a nix store bin xmonad
<gchristensen> clever: only diff is the copy has locales and the remote doesn't
<clever> gchristensen: id run `nix-store --delete` on the remote one, and then try the build again
<infinisil> infandum: Well it would be possible with the gist script, but that won't help much. See the path in NIX_GHC, run the command `/nix/store/<thehash>/bin/ghc-pkg list`
<infandum> Wait a second, I have a build script in my .xmonad for when I have it on arch, it isn't looking at that, is it?
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<infinisil> Well it depends on xmonad, nix doesn't do anything special
<infandum> Omg that was it
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<infandum> I forgot about that script, didn't realize xmonad automatically looks at it
<srhb> It was trying to run ghc from within the program itself? ah
<srhb> That makes sense.
<infandum> In my arch installation I have a build script that xmonad can use to rebuild itself with stack
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<infandum> I forgot it uses it automatically if it's in .xmonad, I guess
<infinisil> srhb: That could probably be patched in xmonad to work with nix's ghc
<infandum> so it preferred that over nix
<srhb> infinisil: Yes, but why tough
<srhb> infinisil: :)
<infinisil> srhb: Why what?
<srhb> Why patch it.
<iqubic> What are we trying to do here?
<srhb> It doesn't add anything to the nix functionality.
<infinisil> srhb: It just removes a hurdle from other distros, and xmonad is patched to work with nix already :)
<srhb> infinisil: Is it? I didn't realize.
<iqubic> Why did you have to patch xmonad to work with nix?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos opened pull request #43682 → nixos/switch-to-configuration: Never stop system.slice → https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43682
<infinisil> srhb: Yeah, the NIX_GHC specifically
<srhb> Ah, right, for --recompile
<infinisil> and XMONAD_MESSAGE
<infandum> Nice, everything works now, thanks everyone!
<infinisil> Hmm okay I guess it might be harder to patch that build script
<infinisil> :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43683 → Revert "unixtools: link instead of copying" → https://git.io/fNsz5
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<infinisil> I should finish my nix builder for xmonad configs, then you won't have to invoke --recompile and you'll get reproducible builds
<infinisil> And no dependency on ghc at runtime
<d1rewolf_> I'm trying to mount a luks partition at boot. I have it working, and it prompts me for the passphrase, but then the boot doesn't progress past "Started Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon". how should I troubleshoot this?
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<d1rewolf_> ctrl+alt+fx to a tty doesn't seem to be working
<infinisil> Lol, this code triage thing gives a 404 when you click on the "Send me a new issue" link and have javascript disabled
<infinisil> And it sends an email instead of just redirecting you to the issue..
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<d1rewolf_> although I'm in a virtualbox vm, so it may mucking with the ctrl+alt+fx
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<d1rewolf_> booting a previous configuration which doesn't mount the partition works fine
<clever> d1rewolf_: virtualbox may have checkboxes in the menu to hold ctrl and alt
<clever> d1rewolf_: dang, i checked and it doesnt, only options to insert some combos
<d1rewolf_> clever, i booted up in another configuration. right "ctrl", which in virtualbox represents "ctrl+alt", plus a fn key, successfully switches to a tty when booted into the working configu
<clever> d1rewolf_: but if you have a dedicated usb keyboard, you could forward that in
<d1rewolf_> in the config which hangs on boot though, it doesn't, which leads to be believe the vm may be frozen in that state
<clever> d1rewolf_: ah
<d1rewolf_> what would be the best way to get error messages? doesn't journalctl give you some sort of way to see errors from previous boots?
<infandum> Do you recommend running on the stable or unstable in configuration.nix
<d1rewolf_> or is there somethign nix-specific I could run to determine what's going on?
<clever> d1rewolf_: `journalctl -b -1` will filter it to the prebious boot
<d1rewolf_> root
<d1rewolf_> clever, I'll try that. thanks!
<samueldr> for ctrl+alt+Fx in virtualbox, old the modifier key (default to right alt) and Fx, so RALT+F1
<d1rewolf_> booted up again. it made it past RNG, and froze after "Reached target Swap"
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, on mine that's right ctrl
<samueldr> to see if the modifier works, RALT+HOME should show the menu (unless it's only when the menubar is hidden?)
<samueldr> oh, rightctrl I mean duh :)
<samueldr> it's that on mine too
<d1rewolf_> it will work in the properly booting config, but not in the borked one :-/
<clever> d1rewolf_: what changes where made to the config?
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<d1rewolf_> clever, just adding the luks partition. I'm tracking down the old config to diff
<clever> d1rewolf_: can you screenshot it when its hung and upload that somewhere?
<d1rewolf_> clever, sure
<d1rewolf_> where are old configs stored?
<clever> d1rewolf_: they arent, thats why i keep my config in a git repo and also have zfs snapshots
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos merged pull request #43678 → Backport signal-desktop to stable (18.03) → https://git.io/fNs4p
<infinisil> infandum: If you don't like stuff occasionally breaking I recommend stable
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed 11 commits to release-18.03: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/796b2b524daf...f9f9657e9e7d
<d1rewolf_> clever, https://imgur.com/a/98zBKtZ
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<clever> d1rewolf_: dang, nothing obvious to me, all i can think of is to try and enable a serial console
<clever> d1rewolf_: one min
<gchristensen> clever: did you say 1l5k is the right hash?
<clever> gchristensen: yeah
<clever> d1rewolf_: https://imgur.com/a/Kv37fMB and run `socat stdin tcp-listen:1234` in another terminal
<gchristensen> clever: cool, a nix-store --repair-path fixed it up :)
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<clever> d1rewolf_: that will route com1 to the terminal
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<clever> d1rewolf_: then you need something else...
<d1rewolf_> clever, right...some kernel boot param correct?
<clever> d1rewolf_: yeah, hit e at grub, and add console=ttyS0 to the kernel, then f10 to boot
<clever> now all the console spew is in a terminal, and i have a login prompt when it finishes booting
<d1rewolf_> clever, thanks! I'll give it a shot
<clever> local-echo is still enabled though, so passwords will leak in that shell
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<acowley> I can't remember: is there a way to cherry pick a commit from a public git repo to be used as a patch?
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<d1rewolf_> clever, thanks very much. Have a 2PM meeting but will try right after
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43161 → config.skipAliases: also disable vim, git, xfce and gnome3 aliases → https://git.io/fNvKw
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsa3
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<acowley> clever: Thank you! Can I list that in a patches attribute?
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<clever> acowley: you probably want to run fetchpatch over that url first
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<clever> grep nixpkgs for fetchpatch to find examples
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<d1rewolf_> clever, ah,...getting somewhere (had to try before meeting). I'm off now but will report later. thanks!
<gchristensen> clever: however! nix-build is still failing with the 00's error on the vm inside the vm
<clever> gchristensen: do you know if its running qemu inside linuxkit, to generate the nova image?
<gchristensen> clever: it is
<clever> gchristensen: the qemu uses 9plan to mount the host nix store, and a closure export to limit its db.sqlite to just the closure of that build
<clever> gchristensen: and that closure export lacks hashes
<clever> so it has to nix-store --verify --check-contents inside the build every single time
<gchristensen> yeah that seems totally reasonable, but this same build works when I run it on a linux machine
<acowley> clever: Thanks again, that's just what I needed!
<clever> gchristensen: i have also run into 9plan bugs, where a directory has totally wrong contents, try to ls glibc inside the derivation, inside qemu, if you can
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<gchristensen> ehhhh
<gchristensen> unfortunately I've run out of time on this on
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « androidStudioPackages.beta: -> »: https://git.io/fNsVE
<gchristensen> thank you a lot for your help, clever
<clever> yep
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #43683 → Revert "unixtools: link instead of copying" → https://git.io/fNsz5
<Ankhers> Would people prefer to use a standable executable for *2nix, or would it be better to provide a plugin to the languages build tools?
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<pstn> Is anybody versed enough in `ip route` to tell me why `ip route replace` is the right thing to do here? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/8bcec815bdecdb7a6094ec538860c08b23410378/nixos/modules/services/networking/wireguard.nix#L232
<dhess> oh god, there's another project named linuxkit?
<gchristensen> dhess: huh?
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<dhess> gchristensen: uhh.. never mind maybe? I think I'm confused. I thought that puffnfresh's linuxkit thing was different
<gchristensen> dhess: he started it, I picked it up, we pushed it to the finish line together :)
<dhess> gchristensen: I was confusing linuxkit with hyperkit
<gchristensen> ah
<dhess> maybe. I'm not sure actually.
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<dhess> gchristensen: so maybe you can clarify for me. This linuxkit-builder thing is intended to be used as a remote builder for Nix/nixpkgs on Darwin, right?
<gchristensen> yeah
<dhess> and it uses hyperkit for virtualization, right?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<dhess> so where does linuxkit fit in?
<orbekk> pstn: replace makes it idempotent. the routes are persistent across service restarts, so if you use ip route add it will fail the second time it runs
<gchristensen> linuxkit calls hyperkit and vpnkit
<sphalerite> ooooh, I didn't know about ip route replace
<dhess> That's the part I don't get. I look at https://github.com/linuxkit/linuxkit and I don't see how it has anything to do with, say, vpnkit
<sphalerite> good to know. I always found it annoying using ip route add and then not being able to repeat the command and having to change it to "change" (which of course doesn't work if it doesn't already exist)
<orbekk> sphalerite: yeah... ditto :)
<gchristensen> dhess: with linuxkit and a few more LoC I can take this linuxkit builder and make it work on a windows machine
<gchristensen> dhess: b/c linuxkit makes it easy to do the same thing on windows
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<gchristensen> dhess: we barely use linuxkit
<gchristensen> unfortunately gotta go, though
<gchristensen> Sorry, I can't type much right now. I have Cubital Syndrome (https://www.houstonmethodist.org/orthopedics/where-does-it-hurt/elbow/cubital-tunnel-syndrome/) and I seem to be having an especially bad time of it right now.
<dhess> but.. what does that have to do with Nix and nixpkgs?
<dhess> ok oh well
<dhess> sorry to hear that about your wrists
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<dhess> oh ok, I guess linuxkit in linuxkit-builder just replaces what docker does for nix-docker
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Pneumaticat opened pull request #43686 → rdocker: init at unstable-2018-07-17 → https://git.io/fNsok
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<dhess> actually it sounds like it replaces docker and the Alpine linux base for nix-docker
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<dhess> or whatever the base is for nix-docker
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<gchristensen> no
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @acowley opened pull request #43687 → pcl: boost167 compatibility → https://git.io/fNsow
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<d1rewolf_> clever, [FAILED] Failed to mount /boot. that seems to be the culprit ;) thanks for the help
<clever> d1rewolf_: yep
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<infinisil> Hey, does anybody know how hackage-packages.nix gets its specific version numbers for certain packages?
<Pneumaticat> would it be a good idea to run NixOps for a laptop? I find myself enticed by the idea of unifying my configuration, but also worried about if I need to install something while away from my home network, for example
<d1rewolf_> clever, it's interesting that the error wouldn't show up on the main boot screen tho
<clever> Pneumaticat: i run nixops on my laptop, and i have a VPN setup, so it can still reach all the machines in the cluster
<clever> d1rewolf_: yeah, that is rather strange
<Pneumaticat> clever: oh that's a good idea! Do you run the VPN on the laptop all the time, or only when you deploy config?
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<clever> Pneumaticat: at all times
<clever> Pneumaticat: the vpn doesnt change the default gateway, so i can choose to use it or not on a per-connection basis
<clever> Pneumaticat: i simply have 2 IP's that work for reaching some machines, and 1 IP always works
<Pneumaticat> clever: oh, that's nice! I may try to replicate that ;)
<clever> Pneumaticat: services.toxvpn = { enable = true; localip = "10.x.y.z"; }; and then run toxvpn-remote and its help sub-command to link the peers up
<Pneumaticat> clever: oh wow, toxvpn looks cool! :B Thanks for the info
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<Pneumaticat> I have a long way to ascend on the nix ladder ;)
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<dhess> gchristensen: in that case, may I humbly suggest that the project is poorly named ;)
<gchristensen> dhess: 2018-05-29 16:50:57 gchristensen Nix friends, I have a project to create a small Linux VM on your macOS machine very simply. Right now it has a terrible name, "nix-linuxkit-builder". I need a snappy name. any suggesntions?
<gchristensen> :P
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<dhess> hehe
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<tilpner> gchristensen - Did you not like the perfectly non-confusing lunixkit?
<dhess> hyperkit-builder is better, though it is hard to come up with something that catpures exactly what it does, succinctly.
<gchristensen> yea
<samueldr> hyperkit ties it into the underlying tech, *-for-hyperkit and I want he shed to be purple
<samueldr> the shed*
<samueldr> (always depending if it's intended to be a more generic API that could be applied to other techs)
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<d1rewolf_> g0!!0l3!!m1ss
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<gchristensen> uh oh
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: need a couple password resets now probably
<d1rewolf_> lol
<tilpner> Mic92 - If nix-community/NUR#39 is merged, can I no longer include a GPLv3 script in my repo?
<d1rewolf_> yep
<{^_^}> https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/pull/39 (by tilpner, open): repos: add 'tilpner' repo
<d1rewolf_> just going to change sports teams ;)
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<kalbasit> how to work with nodejs on Nix? for instance I need to `npm install -g doctoc` but of course I get permission denied since the node_modules is located in the `/nix-store`
<d1rewolf_> kalbasit, that must be an faq around here...i've see it a good bit
<d1rewolf_> (don't know how to fix tho, sorry)
<samueldr> kalbasit: either you configure npm so -g installs to your home or avoir -g
<samueldr> avoid*
<slabity[m]> If I have a file 'network.nix' that contains just '{ network.description = "My network"; }', and then run 'nixops create network.nix -d network', then why does it say the description is "Unnamed NixOps network"?
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<kalbasit> I see
<samueldr> I personally avoid -g, which creates a node_modules folder, within it there's the .bin folder, so for webpack it becomes ./node_modules/.bin/webpack
<samueldr> (I'm not following node conventions, I add a "bin" directory to my projects with "binstubs" that redirect to those tools)
<cxkzm> iset
<cxkzm> woops ignore that
<kalbasit> samueldr: I see, I'll probably do the same
<kalbasit> thx
<samueldr> (I'm tracking down the doc for -g in your home, for completion's sake)
<samueldr> oh, and kalbasit, I'm always doing that inside a nix-shell
<juhe> \o/, running nix-repl gives me "error: Nix database directory '/nix/var/nix/db' is not writable: Permission denied", should I run the nix-repl as root?
<kalbasit> samueldr: I thing you are looking for https://topaxi.codes/use-npm-without-root-or-sudo-rights/
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<tilpner> ,nix-repl juhe
<{^_^}> juhe: To use nix-repl with Nix 2.0, either use the new `nix repl` or `NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix-repl`. Just using `nix-repl` gives an error because it is linked to Nix 1.x which requires NIX-REMOTE to be set correctly, while Nix 2.0 doesn't (and unfortunately it wasn't kept for backwards compatibility)
<samueldr> it was less verbose I think
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<juhe> tilpner: thx!
<kalbasit> samueldr: I need access to `doctoc` in my dotfiles to generate the table of contents, I'll probably write a script that uses `nix-shell` to pull node and install doctoc before using it
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<samueldr> oh, if it's not for a project, but for a tool to use in your day-to-day life, there's something else that should be done
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<samueldr> yes!
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* samueldr will create the appropriate wiki page with the information
<kalbasit> samueldr: true, but I only need it in my dotfiles, so it should be probably there. For my day to day, I'll probably follow the link I pasted above. I use yarn though so I still have some R&D for that
<kalbasit> samueldr: that'd be great, it's a bit confusing for noobs like me
<samueldr> oh, kalbasit, I usually use yarn too :)
<kalbasit> samueldr: cool!
<samueldr> here the default.nix provides the shell https://github.com/samueldr/ofborg-viewer
<samueldr> release.nix is for building using yarn2nix and nix
<d1rewolf_> when I run "nixos-rebuild switch" I'm dropped to a prompt stating to enter my root password for maintenance...as if a boot had failed. How can i track down the error that's causing this? where does nixos-rebuild log to?
<kalbasit> samueldr: awesome! thank you.
<slabity[m]> Okay, NixOps does not seem to be reading any files I pass into it. Anyone run into this before?
<Mic92> tilpner: Is the script part of the build description or is it going to be deployed?
<tilpner> Mic92 - It is used as src, and then copied to $out/bin (and wrapped)
<Mic92> tilpner: that should be ok.
<Mic92> we have the same policy in nixpkgs
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<tilpner> Mic92 - In what case would it not have been okay? What if it was used by the builder?
<samueldr> kalbasit: won't this create stray package.json and lock files?
<kalbasit> yes it did
<samueldr> (it may not be an issue for you)
<kalbasit> samueldr: I'm still going to have to figure that out
<kalbasit> unless you know a way :)
<Mic92> tilpner: yes. patches to the software are also excluded: https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/pull/39#issue-202025683
<samueldr> kalbasit: pretty sure you'd *somehow* add it to the nodejs packages available in nixpkgs
<samueldr> (a thing I haven't done yet)
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<samueldr> (or make it availble in your overlays or to your derivation)
<tilpner> Mic92 - Wrong link?
<infinisil> Mic92: Btw my PR is almost ready now, can you take a look again?
<kalbasit> samueldr: I could not find any package provided by nodejs, not even `neovim`. Do you have any example of one?
<flexw> hello, is it possible to create and install a shell script as a program in configuration.nix? If yes how can I achive this or read about it?
<Mic92> tilpner: no, I was referring to the pull request template description
<srhb> flexw: environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.writeScript "myscript" ''echo hello'') ]
<samueldr> kalbasit: `nix-shell -p nodePackages.webpack`
<samueldr> but I don't know (yet) how it works in nixpkgs :)
<kalbasit> oh nice
<flexw> srhb: thank you, I will try that :)
<samueldr> if your shell completion work, you should be able to nodePackages.[tab] them
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Ah, okay. I read that, of course, but it wasn't explicit enough for me to be sure :)
<Mic92> infinisil: How would passing `lib` works, if it is not passed by the user?
<kalbasit> samueldr: thanks for the tip, that worked
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @primeos pushed to master « tdesktop: 1.3.7 -> 1.3.10 »: https://git.io/fNsPC
<kalbasit> samueldr: weird I can't list them in https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html
<samueldr> (it's normal IIRC)
<samueldr> (though unintuitive)
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<kalbasit> very, yea
<infinisil> Mic92: You mean for building packages in ones repo without NUR? Then you probably want to do { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, lib ? pkgs.lib }
<Mic92> here it only says `lib`
<Mic92> ah wait a second
<infinisil> Mic92: Yeah that's for call-by-NUR
<Mic92> infinisil: got that now.
<infinisil> Mic92: This one could have a lib ? pkgs.lib though: https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/pull/27/files#diff-04c6e90faac2675aa89e2176d2eec7d8R150
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<hodapp> huh, so it *is* possible to build Boost with multiple Python versions at once, but I'd have to hack up my own derivation to do it
<gchristensen> clever: more weirdness!
<clever> gchristensen: ?
<flexw> :q
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<gchristensen> clever: I added a real linux machine as a target remote-builder, where I've run nix-build on the project locally andit worked.
<gchristensen> clever: this time, iana-... failed with a mismatch. I copied all the source to the remote builder and ran nix-build there, and it worked fine.
<hodapp> I guess I can modify pkgs/development/libraries/boost/generic.nix to do so and make it configurable, but I feel like this is a file that hundreds or thousands of things rely on so I'd have to be very careful
<clever> gchristensen: weird
<hodapp> anyone know of anything else in Nixpkgs that can use multiple Python versions simultaneously?
<gchristensen> clever: any ideas? :$
<sphalerite> hodapp: neovim I think?
<hodapp> sphalerite: thanks, will take a look
<sphalerite> not sure though
<clever> gchristensen: is any of this building against master?
<LnL> gchristensen: more invalid paths?
<gchristensen> clever: release 18.03, 411cc559c052...
<gchristensen> yeah, LnL
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<hodapp> sphalerite: cool, pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/wrapper.nix seems to indeed do this
<clever> gchristensen: what path is coming up wrong now, and what is the hash on each end?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rembo10 opened pull request #43689 → polybar-git: init at 2018-06-23 → https://git.io/fNsXs
<LnL> gchristensen: do you have some more details, is this the same machine?
<samueldr> oh, kalbasit, there is also `npx` for nodejs 8+
<kalbasit> samueldr: oh, nice!
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<kalbasit> samueldr: I wish npx is provided by Nix, it does not seem to be though
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<samueldr> use `nix-shell -p nodejs-8_x`
<samueldr> should be there, just tried it to document in the wiki page
<gchristensen> LnL, clever: ix.io/1hwC
<gchristensen> same hash onmy local machine and the target machine
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<clever> gchristensen: and if you make an override to run the same query inside the qemu instance?
<gchristensen> LnL, clever: ix.io/1hwD
<gchristensen> clever: I don't think qemu has started yet?
<kalbasit> samueldr: oh!! dude that's awesome!!
<clever> gchristensen: usually, the mkfs is ran inside the qemu, as is the nix copy
<gchristensen> clever: in this one it has obviously started: ix.io/1hwE
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<clever> gchristensen: ahh, so it appears to be making a storedir inside a storepath
<clever> then copying to an image later
<gchristensen> clever: yeah, but nixos-install happens prior to the vm starting
<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> but recursive nix is not finished
<clever> so you cant access db.sqlite or nix-daemon when doing `nix copy` inside nix-build
<clever> so it must be doing something funky to allow that
<gchristensen> I didn't write this, this is from nixpkgs' stable
<clever> gchristensen: nix show-derivation /nix/store/wdjkc55pv4vqnld5j3zrz9schzyxc4hx-nixos-disk-image.drv
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<gchristensen> yeah, just looking for anything secret :)
<LnL> yeah, uses the closure stuff
<clever> gchristensen: yeah, thought so, its loading a closure into a fake state dir, then copying to a 2nd store
<clever> gchristensen: after line 181, try to query the hash of iana
<gchristensen> ok
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<samueldr> kalbasit: if you want to peek https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Node.js
<kalbasit> samueldr: on it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @lukeadams closed pull request #34558 → [WIP] Doxygen Docs for Nixpkgs Internals → https://git.io/vNxqL
<Lisanna> srhb wait... you don't need to put the script in $out/bin?
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<infinisil> When I create a systemd timer that runs *hourly*, will it run right when it's installed the first time?
<infinisil> Or will it wait for e.g. 10:00 oclock?
<clever> infinisil: after setting it up, run `systemctl list-timers`
<infinisil> clever: I'm not actually setting one up, just wanting to know when it will run
<gchristensen> clever: you jinxed it and it works now :P
<clever> infinisil: i think it will wait
<infinisil> Oh yeah, hourly is just an alias for *:00:00 after all
<magnetophon> I keep getting "error: while setting up the build environment: getting attributes of path '/etc/hosts': Permission denied", when I try to do a "nixos-rebuild" including certain packages, even with a minimal config. Full details here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/41651#issuecomment-405702448 Any ideas how to troubleshoot further?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNsMG
<gchristensen> clever: is it possible this "fixed" it?
<gchristensen> nix-store --query --hash on those paths is emitting the proper hash
<clever> gchristensen: it feels more random, and any slight changes cause the problem to move to a different path
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<tilpner> Is there any way to force fetchTarball caches to be dropped?
<clever> tilpner: the cache is in ~/.cache/nix/tarballs
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<tilpner> clever - Thank you! :)
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<benley> Welp, now I see why nixos-rebuild isn't using the new `nix build` command instead of nix-build
<sphalerite> why is that?
<benley> I went to try and convert it and discovered that it uses like _every possible feature_ of nix-build, and many of them are not available in `nix build`
<sphalerite> like what?
<LnL> benley: it's also not stable yet so scripts shouldn't use it
<gchristensen> well that and also it ins't good to make...whatlnlsaid
<sphalerite> LnL: but nixos-install uses it
<benley> --add-root --indirect --no-out-link ... that might be it
<benley> LnL: oh that's a good reason too
<benley> anyway it will be cool when nixos-rebuild can use the new shiny
<gchristensen> sphalerite: we know for certain which nix nixos-install is using
<sphalerite> benley: --add-root --indirect is default behaviour for both nix build and nix-build
<gchristensen> uglier with the nixos-rebuild I think
<LnL> it is?
<LnL> :/
<sphalerite> gchristensen: nixos-rebuild builds its own nix…
* gchristensen has no idea what he's talking about
<benley> huh ok. Well, perhaps the real reason is for compatibility with nix 1.x -> 2.x transitions?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43690 → osquery: 3.2.8 -> 3.2.9 → https://git.io/fNsDk
<gchristensen> clever: it hasn't moved to any path at all
<clever> gchristensen: it may have moved to a path not being copied
<gchristensen> hrm. what is "it" that we're talking about?
<clever> gchristensen: the problem
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « jdepend: add myself (pSub) as maintainer »: https://git.io/fNsDW
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<ma27> does anybody want to test this (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43690) with OSX and Nix? Upstream claims that they support XCode now, but I don't have the hardware to confirm this with Nix %)
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<infinisil> Great, my link matcher doesn't work with ) after the link..
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<gchristensen> clever: do you think lots of GC's everywhere might re-expose it?
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<clever> gchristensen: possibly
<gchristensen> :(
<gchristensen> this is a frustrating thing
<sphalerite> benley: oh and nix build has --no-link too
<Dezgeg> the all-zeroes hash?
<sphalerite> but it's not useful because you can't get the path out of it
<sphalerite> just using the result symlink is better anyway because of GC safety :)
<benley> sphalerite: ha. I guess there's another command you could run to get the store path for the thing you built?
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: yeah
<sphalerite> benley: `readlink result`
<sphalerite> :)
<Dezgeg> it's probably coming from an old EC2 image or something
<benley> lol ok yes
<juhe> To fix kicad-unstable's ngspice simulation (libngspice.so library is not found), I see two possibilities, one is using wrapper and LD_LIBRARY_PATH, another one is to make a patch to kicad's sources to specify where to look for the library. Which one is better? (I tend to like the latter more.)
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: I don't have any EC2 systems here, would that still be possible?
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<Dezgeg> some other vm image?
<gchristensen> the remote builder, the openstack image, and my local machine are all built from nixos 18.03 v411cc559c5052fe...
<gchristensen> minus that first v
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<gchristensen> 411cc559c052feb6e20a01fc6d5fa63cba09ce9a
<infinisil> Alright so I reverted nixbot to a state where it wasn't as fragile lol (the only feature it doesn't have anymore is the channels and automatic updates of nixpkgs), things shouldn't be laggy now, should respond rather quick. And I fixed the url thing as well. I'll let nixbot be like this for a while until I can figure out how to properly test and deploy software with haskell :)
* infinisil will shut up about that bot now
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<Dezgeg> you should check the initial openstack image
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<samueldr> ,runtimeDeps juhe
<{^_^}> juhe: In order of preference: Patch source OR ((if it uses PATH -> wrap with new $PATH) AND (if it uses dlopen, (patchelf --set-rpath in postFixup OR wrap with new LD_LIBRARY_PATH)))
<samueldr> so yeah, patch it if you can :)
<sphalerite> manveru: I just figured… if you put the chrootDeps thing in <nix/config.nix> in your derivation somewhere it'll probably pull in the deps so you can use them for the botostraping
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<sphalerite> manveru: and maybe `builtins.storePath config.shell` would work as well, not sure though
<BlessJah> is there good way to provide users PATH to systemd user unit?
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<andi-> BlessJah: $HOME/.nix-profile/bin ?
<BlessJah> user unit that is a file dumped into .config/systemd/user, not created via configuration.nix
<andi-> not sure if that solves all the edge cases
<benley> BlessJah: iirc you'll want to run `systemctl --user import-environment` somewhere
<BlessJah> ~> type cat
<BlessJah> cat is /run/current-system/sw/bin/cat
<puffnfresh> dhess: I originally wrote the builder to use HyperKIt but it was tricky to execute (e.g. you had to pass in the correct modules, do process management, open VPNKit, etc.)
<benley> BlessJah: assuming you want to have $PATH set in the environment when the unit starts up
<andi-> benley is prbably right
<puffnfresh> dhess: all LinuxKit does, is makes this easy
<benley> BlessJah: `systemctl --user import-environment PATH` in login scripts somewhere probably
<manveru> sphalerite: that works indeed :)
<BlessJah> benley: well I'd like to avoid having that to import-environment in bashrc
<benley> ah
<manveru> sphalerite: thanks man, that's really cool
<flexw> hello again, if I create a derivation with stdenv.mkDerivation in environment.systemPackages the derivation gets build but the reulsting executable is not in my path so that I can execute it in the shell. How can I get this to work?
<benley> I've started putting things in services.xserver.displaymanager.sessionCommands to have commands run before systemd user units come up, for gui sessoin stuff
<manveru> sphalerite: i think i'm finally grasping the low-level details of how nix works, after over 2 years or using it... :P
<sphalerite> manveru: there is a lot to it :D I think I'm nearing my 2-year nix anniversary myself!
<BlessJah> benley: import might have one big disadvantage: doesn't get populated until I log in (in case I wanted to run units after reboot)
<juhe> samueldr: ok, thx!
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<manveru> sphalerite: turns out teaching nix to other people actually made me look into the details for the first time... but after all i'm still fascinated by the complexity of nixpkgs
<sphalerite> :)
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<benley> BlessJah: very true
<benley> BlessJah: one possibility could be installing the user units globally, but only activating them per user, like you can do with the nixos emacs module?
<BlessJah> I'd preffer to keep it in $HOME
<BlessJah> time to figure out how $PATH is populated in NixOS maybe?
<benley> hm ... use one of the various nix homedir manager tools to generate your systemd unit file via nix so you can populate $PATH at that point?
<benley> (or not need to populate it maybe)
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<testuser> hi, how can I run the nix-shell in order to get into the awesome-3-5 environment, so I can run lua, them do "local awful = require("awful")" ?
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<manveru> testuser: `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' awesome-3-5`
<manveru> testuser: `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A awesome-3-5`
<manveru> sorry :)
<dhess> oooh NixOS boots on my Jetson TX2 now.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43691 → termtie: factor wrapper out into its own file → https://git.io/fNsHm
<dhess> puffnfresh: ok cool, thanks for the clarification.
<manveru> hmm
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<manveru> testuser: doesn't seem to have awful
<andi-> dhess: cool, how much hackery was required? :-)
<dhess> andi-: so far none, but I've only just gotten to the installer prompt.
<dhess> let's connect ethernet and see if that comes up
<BlessJah> nvm, prefixing commands with /bin/sh -c 'exec ...' should solve that
<manveru> testuser: are you sure it's part of awesome?
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: I made my own openstack image
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<gchristensen> Dezgeg: did something with these 0's end up in the cache?
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<testuser> manveru, yes it is
<manveru> neither awful.lua nor awful.so are in the nix store
<testuser> manveru, basically it's a folder inside /nix/*-awesome-3.5.9/, but the rc.lua seems to import it as I specified.
<testuser> manveru, that much I'm aware, but I'm not sure how it's possible that the rc.lua is importing it with "local awful = require("awful")"
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<manveru> hmm
<manveru> good question :)
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<tenten8401> Can't tell if this is NixOS specific or not, but is anyone else having issues creating 64-bit wineprefixes with wine staging? I feel like the verison packaged might be 32-bit only or something because with WINEARCH=win64 it still continues to create 32-bit prefixes
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<mightybyte> How can I find out whether something would be cached without actually trying to build it?
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<manveru> testuser: i see it in the awesome tarball
<testuser> manveru, where is the tarball?
<manveru> `/nix/store/l5r5fdjriar12agb4xmw8fn7846xnqqq-awesome-3.5.9.tar.xz`
<testuser> manveru, I've extracted that tarball, but awful.so is not in it?
<manveru> no
<sphalerite> testuser: you may want to have a look at the awesome executable. It's probably a wrapper script that sets LUA_PATH or similar
<manveru> i think it's the init.lua.in
<manveru> maybe that gets compiled into something?
<sphalerite> testuser: if you copy that you should probably be able to get awful in a lua REPL
<manveru> i'm not very familiar with lua
<testuser> manveru, me neither
<Dezgeg> gchristensen: yes, check the nix database contents of the image, they are probably coming from there
<Dezgeg> initial nix database contents, that is
<Dezgeg> deploy a new vm from that image or something
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<gchristensen> hrm
<gchristensen> seems like it should be impossible
<Dezgeg> or mount the disk image
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: does it make sense that it would sometimes work?
<gchristensen> like it worked on machine A when I built directly on machine A, but didn't work on machine A when I used A as a remote builder for machine B
<andi-> With carnix is there a way to run tests of my project? I can't find a references to tests in buildRustCrate :/
<Dezgeg> B could have had one of those affected store paths so A didn't have to build it
<tenten8401> I have a sneaking suspicion that the NixOS wine version is 32-bit only
<tenten8401> I've tried about everything I can find and it's refusing to make a 64-bit prefix
<manveru> tenten8401: you used wineWow?
<tenten8401> what's that?
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: machine B is a macos machine :/
<tenten8401> I'm using wineStaging currently
<Dezgeg> the checksums might correct themselves when copying from A to B
<manveru> testuser: and you're on a x86_64 system?
<Dezgeg> not sure on that one
<mightybyte> disasm: In the example you gave for ssh caching, why did you use "binaryCaches"? I'm doing "man nix.conf" and don't see that option listed.
<infinisil> tenten8401: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Wine
<gchristensen> hopefully I'll be able to replicate the problem now
<testuser> manveru, yes
<tenten8401> infinisil: Thanks for that, I didn't realize you needed to override it
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<Dezgeg> if the paths with the null hashes are the ones included in the initial openstack image, that's the most likely cause
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43692 → Avoid using alises, disallow aliases in release → https://git.io/fNs7p
<gchristensen> it happened before I tried to use the openstack builder, when I was using my linuxkit builder, Dezgeg
<Dezgeg> hmmh
<gchristensen> and the linuxkit builder is definitely not using cached paths
<testuser> manveru, some good explanation about init.lua: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3849642/lua-question-on-modules
<gchristensen> *almost* definitely
<Dezgeg> from cache.nixos.org?
<gchristensen> (on a call, one sec)
<sphalerite> testuser: as far as I can see the lua modules are in /nix/store/<hash>-awesome-4.2/share/awesome/lib
<sphalerite> testuser: so if you run lua with LUA_PATH set to that maybe it will work
<tenten8401> I feel like the wine package should really come with builds for a 64-bit system and a 32-bit system by default instead of having to override it
<tenten8401> since the 64-bit build comes with 32-bit support as well
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<testuser> sphalerite, I'm doing: "LUA_PATH="/nix/store/4ifqpn2c7g450h2kam5k33jj832s46ih-awesome-3.5.9/share/awesome/lib:$LUA_PATH" lua", however the require("awful") is still not found
<sphalerite> testuser: I think lua uses a semicolon ; rather than : as the path separator, does it work with that instead?
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<testuser> spacefrogg, yeah I figured, just testing now, it seems that it finds the path, but fails regardless: http://dpaste.com/3ESGBQK
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<infinisil> testuser: Agreed, not sure why they don't
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<testuser> sphalerite, seems like it didn't recognize init.lua, but finds the directory instead
<testuser> sphalerite, seems like the path requieres "?.lua" at the end - weird
<infinisil> tenten8401: Whoops that was meant for you ^^
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<testuser> sphalerite, that doesn't work either
<sphalerite> testuser: the mysteries of lua!
<aanderse-laptop> has anyone used mod_perl with apache on nixos? i'm trying to figure out how to properly set the environment apache will have with respect to perl includes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43693 → Remove `pythonPackages.flask_cache` → https://git.io/fNs5j
<makefu> anybody has lirc running as a daemon? i am not sure how to proceed to get the daemon running for the mceusb device i have
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43694 → pythonPackages.trezor: disable build → https://git.io/fNsdh
<manveru> is there any easy way of getting the .drv corresponding to a nix path other than grepping all .drvs?
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<wpcarro> I'm having some difficulty following along with the Nix Pills tutorial. Is it likely that some of the APIs have changed since that was written?
<clever> manveru: nix-store --query --deriver
<manveru> thanks :)
<clever> wpcarro: what errors are you getting?
<sphalerite> wpcarro: we try to keep it up to date. Are you following the version on the nixos website?
<sphalerite> !pills
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<LnL> manveru: the drv might not exist anymore tho
<manveru> that's fine
<manveru> just trying to figure out how my 17MB statically compiled go binary turns into a 235MB docker image :)
<LnL> because go
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# du --max=0 -hc $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) | sort -h
<clever> manveru: run this on the storepath for your compiled binary, then pastebin the result
<wpcarro> sphalerite: I didn't notice a version online. This is what I'm following along with: https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/
<LnL> it has a tendency to retain references to the compiler, keeping everything in the runtime closure
<sphalerite> wpcarro: right yeah that's the right one. What's not working?
<sphalerite> clever: btw --max-depth can be abbreviated to -d as well. I usually write it as du -chd0 :)
<wpcarro> sphalerite: let me try and reproduce some of the issues so I can be more specific. Most of the stuff has worked, but I'd say I've encountered ~5+ errors when trying to follow along
<wpcarro> Apologies for not having more information at hand. Wanted to first verify that I should *expect* to be able to follow along
<sphalerite> wpcarro: it's great to get feedback for this sort of thing so we can fix it :)
<sphalerite> no worries
<manveru> uh... wtf
<manveru> yeah
<wpcarro> sphalerite: what version of nix etc is that tutorial asserting on? Does it mention that somewhere that I missed?
<sphalerite> manveru: yeah this is why buildGoPackage (iirc) uses removeReferencesTo to get rid of the reference to the go compiler
<wpcarro> Looking like I'm on 2.0.4
<elvishjerricco> I think Nix should have a concept of content hash dependencies. i.e. a store path should be able to declare that some of its runtime dependencies must have certain content hashes. If you try to substitute a store path but you have the wrong hashes on those dependencies, the path will be rejected, and you'll have to build from source.
<manveru> so it includes not only the go compiler, but also gcc, perl, and python?
<LnL> manveru: its the pkg stuff in GOPATH
<sphalerite> wpcarro: it was written for a 1.x version but it should be updated for anything that's changed
<wpcarro> sphalerite: ok nice... will report back
<elvishjerricco> This would be useful for Haskell derivations, where building a package locally causes dependents substituted from a cache to break
<LnL> manveru: and every version control system you can imagine for go get
<manveru> fun
<manveru> lemme see how this removeReferencesTo works
<LnL> -_-
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<LnL> basically replaces paths with eeee and hope stuff doesn't break
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<sphalerite> it's beautiful
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<LnL> what's the worst that could happen, you said you didn't need it :)
<sphalerite> better than nukeReferences which gets rid of ALL the store paths :D
<manveru> much nicer :D
<wpcarro> sphalerite: I repro'd one issue that I remember having. https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/enter-environment.html. Couldn't find `nix.sh` at the path specified in 3.1
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<wpcarro> Also had trouble running the `su - nix`. That part seemed unclear to me
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to master « pythonPackages.simpy: init at 3.0.11. »: https://git.io/fNsNd
<sphalerite> wpcarro: the `su - nix` is for logging in as the test user which… I think was meant to be set up in pill 2 but maybe that got edited out at some point or something
<wpcarro> sphalerite: yea I couldn't run the `source ...` command that pill 2 recommended
<wpcarro> bc of the missing `nix.sh` file
<sphalerite> wpcarro: as for nix.sh, this should exist if you've installed nix. If you're on nixos the environment for using nix is already set up so you don't need to source it
<wpcarro> and I didn't know what to put as the password when prompted in the `su - nix` command
<sphalerite> yeah that's normal if you haven't actually set up a nix user
<clever> wpcarro: su always asks for the root password
<sphalerite> this is plainly the pills' fault
<sphalerite> clever: no it doesn't
<sphalerite> clever: it asks for the password of the user you're logging in as
<clever> ah
<wpcarro> sphalerite: I'm on OSX - not NixOS
<wpcarro> assuming those are mutually exclusive...
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<sphalerite> aaah I think the installer defaults to a multi-user install nowadays which means… I don't know exaclty what that means
<sphalerite> can you run `nix-store`?
<wpcarro> mhmm
<wpcarro> all of the nix-commands we're available to me so far
<wpcarro> nix-env, nix-store, etc
<sphalerite> alright then you can just skip that step
<sphalerite> the source nix.sh one
<wpcarro> ok... was a little concerned to not see nix.sh in the profile though
<wpcarro> I was under the impression that nix was somehow bootstrapping itself or something
<sphalerite> yeah if it's a multi-user setup it lives… somewhere else. Not sure how this actually works on non-nixos
<sphalerite> possibly /nix/var/nix/profiles/default
<sphalerite> `which nix-store` should tell you
<clever> and darwin has a second nix-daemon.sh that you source instead
<wpcarro> `/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-store`
<wpcarro> It's ok that that part is opaque though... I'm getting off of OSX asap
<sphalerite> in any case you don't need to source anything if it's already in your PATH
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<wpcarro> ok nice... I'll search around for some other stuff that tripped me up
<wpcarro> was afraid I had a bad install or something
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<wpcarro> I'm afraid I won't have the time to run through the steps (1-9) today that tripped me up. Perhaps later this week, in which I'll post the findings here
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed to release-18.03 « pythonPackages.simpy: init at 3.0.11. »: https://git.io/fNsAQ
<sphalerite> wpcarro: that's great! If you have a github account maybe reporting them against the repo https://github.com/nixos/nix-pills would be better so that it's persistently and obviously documented and it doesn't just disappear into the depths of my passive memory and the IRC logs ;)
<wpcarro> sphalerite: even better!
<LnL> wpcarro: what I've noticed is really hard to get right with the nix-pills is a good balance between examples to explain what's going on and showing stuff that actually works everywhere
<wpcarro> LnL: it might be helpful to have nix-pills be pinned to nix versions and OSs. Seems like some MacOS users are experiencing similar issues to me RE: pill 7
<wpcarro> But maybe branches of the nix-pills repo could be dedicated for docs that certainly work with given nix versions on certain OSes
<wpcarro> idk... or maybe even a Docker image that the NixPills can be run in for non-NixOS users
<__monty__> I'm not really a fan of the nix pills. They're a fine rough overview of nix but they were mostly useless to me to actually do anything with nix.
<wpcarro> __monty__: they're helping me gain confidence in Nix's inner-workings. Thankfully my company is looking to adopt Nix and we have an experienced user already trailblazing. I'm playing catchup and pills are serving me alright
<LnL> wpcarro: yeah, 7 is a great example
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<__monty__> I go by the manual, code in nixpkgs and asking lots of questions here. But if it works for you all the better.
<sphalerite> ♥ #nixos
<iqubic> Why is it that a single nix-build might create 3 different result symlinks?
<LnL> __monty__: that's not the goal, I think they are great but what you're talking about is something that's a pretty weak spot in terms of documentation
<samueldr> multiple output derivations
<iqubic> result, result-2, result-3
<iqubic> samueldr: I see. I'm actually quite confused.
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<clever> iqubic: you pointed nix-build to an attribute set containing 3 attributes
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<samueldr> oh, that's not what I thought
<LnL> iqubic: that are not outputs but 3 different derivations
<sphalerite> yeah if you give it a multiple-output thing it gives you result-dev and similar
<iqubic> I just tried using node2nix to try and build an NPM thing, and I got three results
<LnL> if you nix-build a list or a set it will build everything in there
<iqubic> I have very little clue what node2nix actually just did.
<clever> iqubic: what do the 3 symlinks point to?
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<iqubic> node-http-server, node-shell-http-server, and node-tarball-http-server
<clever> iqubic: and can you gist the nix file you ran nix-build on?
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<iqubic> Feel free to look at the *.nix files here.
<iqubic> I'm trying to use node2nix to build that particular package.
<iqubic> And it mostly worked I guess.
<clever> iqubic: you need to pass one of: -A tarball, -A package, or -A shell
<clever> depending on what you want to build
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<iqubic> I'm not sure what the differences are.
<iqubic> I'm not even sure how node2nix found three different things to build.
<clever> tarball, is the tarball containing your source
<clever> shell is only for nix-shell use
<clever> package is your package
<clever> all 3 of them are the same thing
<leo60228> Hello, I'm trying to update Eagle. It has not been updated in several years, and there have been 2 new major versions, and an ownership change, since then. It appears to have switched to Qt; I'm getting "Could not initialize GLX" whenever I try to start it, though. Here's my expression: https://hastebin.com/qikiwaqofe.nix
<iqubic> I guess I just want the package version.
<iqubic> Because I want to be able to use this inside and outside of nix-shell.
<iqubic> Does node2nix always create three different derivations to build?
<clever> iqubic: yes
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<iqubic> How do you make a package that is only useable in nix-shell?
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<clever> iqubic: it likely lacks a build phase
<leo60228> It appears to be looking for libGLX_indirect.so.0, that's not in any package, but libGLX.so.0 is
<iqubic> So I haven't actually installed anything have I?
<iqubic> Like I need to use nix-env to install this to my store, right?
<clever> iqubic: correct
<iqubic> nix-env -i -f 'default.nix' -A package
<iqubic> I just ran that and it seems to have worked correctly.
<leo60228> Wait, it finds libGLX already...
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<leo60228> Why is it looking for libGLX_indirect?
<iqubic> clever: Is that all I need to do to install this package?
<rizary> Hey guys, does nix.conf has the same behavior with configuration.nix for non-nixos user? I mean I try to install docker in my non-nixos machine, and when I see how easy the configuration in nixos, I try to configure it in my non-nixos machine. But I can't get it working.
<sphalerite> rizary: no, nix.conf is for configuring nix
<clever> iqubic: you can also: nix-env -f default.nix -iA package
<sphalerite> rizary: configuration.nix is for configuring nixos, and requires the rest of nixos to be built essenitally
<rizary> Hmm I see..
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<iqubic> clever: that's the same thing, just re-arranging the position of the flags from what I did: nix-env -i -f 'default.nix' -A package
<elvishjerricco> sphalerite: I'd love it if we could use the nixos modules on other systemd linuxes
<leo60228> Is there anyone who works on the OpenGL packages here? It looks like one of them should be providing libGLX_indirect.so.0, but none is, according to nix-locate.
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<elvishjerricco> Just the bare minimum for creating systemd units with nix
<sphalerite> elvishjerricco: yeah that would be cool, although I use nixos on all my machines so I don't personally need it. And I'm still looking for a job, so I don't have a place where I might need that professionally :p
<sphalerite> otherwise I might have done that by now, because it would indeed be nice
<clever> iqubic: pretty much
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<iqubic> well... "which https-server" works, and gives me a valid path. I assume that I have installed this properly.
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<zduch4c> hello
<iqubic> Hey there.
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<juhe> How to reference attribute of function patermeter from overlay? E.g. kicad-unstable has ngspiceSupport, how to access it from overlay?
<zduch4c> on my project, i do `nix-shell -p SDL2 SDL2_image' to launch my environment... after i try to compile it (of course with -lSDL2 and -lSDL2_image) the compiler starts spouting this bs: https://p.teknik.io/Raw/h4Jz0
<sphalerite> juhe: you mean how to change it? Or how to get its value?
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<zduch4c> any idea how to fix it up?
<sphalerite> juhe: you can change it using override, e.g. kicad-unstable.override { ngSpiceSupport = true; }
<juhe> sphalerite: how to check it's value from overlay
<sphalerite> juhe: as for reading it, I don't think you can
<clever> zduch4c: SDL is being stupid, the headers are in $out/include/SDL2/ and you must manually add -I${sdl2}/include/SDL2 (or use pkgconfig)
<juhe> sphalerite: oh, ok...
<clever> zduch4c: they are trying to fix the problem of sdl versions conflicting with eachother in the same /usr/include, which nix entirely prevents
<zduch4c> mhm
<zduch4c> thanks
<rizary> sphalerite: so you're saying that in order to make it possible, we somehow need to make nix able to access non-nixos systemd?? Would you show me how to see code implementation on nixos systemd?
<juhe> sphalerite: I wanted to add a patch depending on that value. If that is not possible I need to find a different way.
<sphalerite> rizary: no, nix doesn't do that stuff
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* rizary nod
<sphalerite> rizary: nixos-rebuild does most of the work, calling nix to build the system config
<sphalerite> then it calls the activation script and such
<iqubic> nixos systemd is the same as regular systemd. There is no distinction between "nixos systemd" and "non-nixos systemd"
<sphalerite> juhe: it might be possible actually, I just don't know how and haven't ever seen it done before
<maurer> I mean, there's a teeny bit of difference because in non-nixos systemd, you're expected to be able to perform some configuration operations by removing and adding symlinks in etc I think...
<juhe> sphalerite: ok
<maurer> but the daemons should be compatible
<iqubic> So the default port of http-server is already being used by the haskell hoogle documentation server. What other ports should I use?
<iqubic> I'm thinking I want to use 3030, but I'm not sure if a regular non-root user can use that port number.
<sphalerite> iqubic: completely up to you
<clever> iqubic: non-root can use any port over 1024
<sphalerite> iqubic: iirc ports above 1024 are available to non-root
<iqubic> Cool
<zduch4c> ok itw orks thanks clever
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @flokli to release-18.03 « virtualbox: 5.2.12 -> 5.2.14 »: https://git.io/fNsjV
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<iqubic> If I edit the code in a directory and then re-run nix-build and nix-env, will I get the new version of the executable?
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> you don't need to run nix-build separately
<sphalerite> nix-env will build as necessary
<iqubic> I know.
<iqubic> nix-env -f 'default.nix' -iA package
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<iqubic> Will that pick up new changes to the code in that directory?
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<sphalerite> if the nix expression refers to that directory
<sphalerite> yes
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<sphalerite> if it fetches it from github or something then no
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<iqubic> It isn't fetching anything from github.
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<iqubic> I took an existing node package, forked it, built it with node2nix, then built it, then made some minor changes to the code (changing default port) and then built again.
<iqubic> I was wondering if the second build would have the default port changed, and it looks like the answer is yes.
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<sphalerite> it does depend on the generated expressions. I'm not sure what node2nix does
<sphalerite> but the easiest way to find out is to try I guess :)
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<logzet> Is anyone running Virtualbox with the extension Pack? I enabled enableExtensionPack via an override and it seems to be contained in the result (libexec/applications/virtualbox/ExtensionPacks/Oracle_VBoxDTrace_Extension_Pack). But VirtualBox does not detect the pack.
<clever> logzet: when i hit the gui button to install the extensions, it just downloads an iso at runtime
<clever> logzet: i never enabled any overrides for it
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<iqubic> sphalerite: node2nix is a way to deploy node packages on nix. I'm using it as an alternative to "npm install -g https-server"
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<iqubic> I have to go now.
<logzet> clever: I'm trying Oracle's Extension Pack (mainly for USB 2.0), is there a chance that you are talking about the guest additions?
<iqubic> clever: thank you for helpping me get node2nix working.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji closed pull request #43662 → Update maintainer-list.nix → https://git.io/fNseZ
<clever> logzet: yeah, i'm talking about the guest additions, i have dynamic resizing and clipboard sharing working
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<logzet> Vbox does not download an iso for the extensions (at least for me)
<clever> logzet: vbox left the guest ISO's in /home/clever/.config/VirtualBox/VBoxGuestAdditions_5.2.8.iso
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<iqubic> sphalerite: I just tried the thing and it looks like my code modifications were picked up.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel merged pull request #43609 → Emacs package updates → https://git.io/fNOmp
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ttuegel pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNGvT
<logzet> clever: I'm trying to install the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack (it is needed for USB2/3 and some other features)
<logzet> (The guest additions iso is something else)
<iqubic> I thought there were configuration.nix options for this kind of thing.
<clever> logzet: ah, checking closer, my VM is configured with a 1.0 controller
<clever> logzet: and it correctly tells me that it needs an extension pack if i select 2.0 or 3.0
<logzet> iqubic: There is an enableExtensionPack flag, I enabled it with override. VBox does not detect it though…
<Lisanna> erhm... I have the meta.schedulingPriority of one of my jobs set to 200 (all the other ones are 100), but it feels like hydra started it *last*
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<Lisanna> ...do I have schedulingPriority backwards
<clever> Lisanna: i dont think so
<Lisanna> So, bigger number = starts sooner?
<Lisanna> time to read the source code...
<clever> Lisanna: i believe its tied into the scheduling shares
<Lisanna> clever my jobset has fewer shares than jobs - about 600 jobs (300 of them will be cached results), and 100 shares
<logzet> clever, iqubic: Since I don't see a way in the gui to point VBox to a pack, I'll open an issue on gh
<Lisanna> and 48 nix build slots total
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c17decb15cf (from 12 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43626 → xfce4-13.xfce4-power-manager: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 → https://git.io/fNOSM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « xfce4-13.xfce4-power-manager: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (#43626) »: https://git.io/fNGvS
<clever> logzet: what config are you using to try to enable the extension pack?
<dhess> ugh, kernel panic on the Nvidia TX2
<dhess> oh well, back to the TX1
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<dhess> the fan never came on, that might be why
<logzet> clever: (virtualbox.override { enableExtensionPack = true; pulseSupport = true; }) in user packages in addition to virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enable = true;
<clever> logzet: can you gist the full configuration.nix?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43628 → xfce4-13.xfce4-panel: 4.13.2 -> 4.13.3 → https://git.io/fNO9k
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « xfce4-13.xfce4-panel: 4.13.2 -> 4.13.3 (#43628) »: https://git.io/fNGfk
<logzet> clever: I just refactored my config into multiple files (inspired by this IRC ;) ), give me a sec
<logzet> clever: I just noticed that both VBox derivations (overriden and default) end up in the system and cause a lot of conflicts when rebuilding
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<logzet> That may be the issue
<clever> logzet: you should not ever be putting vbox into the systemPackages
<clever> the nixos module adds that for you
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « xfce4-13.exo: 0.11.5 -> 0.12.2 (#43630) »: https://git.io/fNGf6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43630 → exo: 0.11.5 -> 0.12.2 → https://git.io/fNO99
<logzet> clever: But how do I customize the package then, or is it impossible at this moment?
<logzet> clever: Youre right ☺
<clever> logzet: thats what package overrides/overlays are for
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<clever> logzet: they let you modify the pkgs set that the nixos module uses
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « xfce4-13.libxfce4ui: propagate libICE libSM (#43629) »: https://git.io/fNGfF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43629 → xfce4-13.libxfce4ui: propagate libICE libSM → https://git.io/fNO92
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<logzet> clever: How?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43621 → xfce.gtk-xfce-engine: fix build when withGtk3=true → https://git.io/fNOyx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @volth to master « xfce.gtk-xfce-engine: fix build when withGtk3=true (#43621) »: https://git.io/fNGfh
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43696 → ristretto: 0.8.2 -> 0.8.3 → https://git.io/fNGJe
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<clever> logzet: there is a dedicated virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enableExtensionPack = true; option in the nixos module itself
<clever> logzet: the module will use that to override virtualbox for you, just before the module uses it
<logzet> clever: Ahh, I didn't find it because it is not listened in https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#virtualbox , maybe because it is missing a description?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43663 → esptool: 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0 → https://git.io/fNseo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @dotlambda to master « esptool: 2.4.1 -> 2.5.0 (#43663) »: https://git.io/fNGJ3
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<logzet> I know that the package index on the website is incomplete, but I didn't know until now that the options are also incomplete…
<clever> logzet: mkEnableOption uses the string given to it to generate a description
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<clever> logzet: git blame says the option was added 3 months ago
<clever> so its not in the website, which is for 18.03
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<clever> which forked ~4 months ago
<Lisanna> OK, so larger schedulingPriority number does appear to correspond to "higher priority"
<Lisanna> but scheduling shares take precedent
<Lisanna> I wonder... if having fewer scheduling shares than jobs in my jobset could be causing this
<logzet> I just got the error message saying that the option is missing before I read your answer, time to switch to unstable (at least for a test)
<logzet> Or is there a chance that I get away without unstable for this?
<clever> logzet: id just switch to unstable
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<samueldr> logzet: what's the option you want?
<samueldr> missed the "real question"
<logzet> enableExtensionPack for VirtualBox
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<samueldr> hmm
<samueldr> it's not under unstable I think
<samueldr> or let me rephrase
<samueldr> it should work with 18.03
<samueldr> but it's a nixpkgs config and not a nixos option
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<logzet> samueldr: Indeed, I never stumbled across nixpkgs configuration flags before. Thanks for the pointer ☺
<logzet> VBox is already compiling
<samueldr> so you had the bit about doing a prefetch (don't remember the full text) :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #43697 → libcardiacarrest: 11.0-6 -> 12.1-6 → https://git.io/fNGJS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43698 → thunar: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.1 → https://git.io/fNGJ9
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<logzet> samueldr: Yep, already did that in my previous attempt to get it working.
<logzet> That part is actually user friendly, it gives you the command you need to run
<samueldr> user-friendly for users that read ;)
<logzet> Well, you don't get far on nixos without that skill ^^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43699 → tumbler: 0.2.0 -> 0.2.1 → https://git.io/fNGJ5
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #43700 → treewide: more fixes to tests → https://git.io/fNGJd
<samueldr> but yeah, I think with that config you should be set
<samueldr> logzet: true
<trevthedev> hmm
<trevthedev> openmw says it's version 43.0 nixpkgs
<trevthedev> yet when installed it's just 42.0
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<logzet> clever, samueldr: Thank you for your help
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43701 → xfdesktop: 4.13.1 -> 4.13.2 → https://git.io/fNGUv
* samueldr now thinks it may be necessary to also index nixpkgs config
<samueldr> I mean, like what is needed for the virtualbox extensions pack
* logzet thinks that it is a good idea
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #43702 → glib: use tested version when `doCheckByDefault` is set → https://git.io/fNGUT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43703 → xfconf: 4.13.4 -> 4.13.5 → https://git.io/fNGUO
* logzet would also like the package index to include unfree packages as some are commonly used. Maybe with a hint that they are unfree
<logzet> samueldr: Or at least some hint in the manual that these things exist
* logzet may have also read over that
* logzet may have also read over that part
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43704 → xfce4-13.xfce4-volumed-pulse: 0.2.2 -> 0.2.3 → https://git.io/fNGUC
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth opened pull request #43705 → xfce4-settings: 4.13.1 -> 4.13.4 → https://git.io/fNGUH
<romildo> What is the link to the page that lists the latest releases (commits) of nixos-unstable and other nixos versions? I had it on my bookmarks, but it has been lost.
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<gchristensen> two I know of
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<romildo> gchristensen, thanks.
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