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<gonz_> Thanks. I'll have a look at these. :)
<worldofpeace> In that example it's using `overrideAttrs` I think you need `callPackage`
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<worldofpeace> gonz_: Here's one I have for a python library called `peewee` https://hastebin.com/esugugamer.swift
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @samueldr opened pull request #42852 → dbeaver: 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2 → https://git.io/f6U4V
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<kalbasit_> worldofpeace have any idea on how to override a Go package, such as https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/cluster/minikube/default.nix ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42855 → Idris: Wrap with IDRIS_CC → https://git.io/f6Sn7
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<worldofpeace> Guest29364: There's no specifc way for Go pkgs directly.
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<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: Lost you there. You can use `overrideAttrs` I think
<kalbasit_> yea, I'm trying to change to my older nick, but I think I still have a ZNC server running somewhere hogging it lol.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #42856 → tor-browser: 52.8.1esr-7.5-1 -> 52.9.0esr-7.5-2 → https://git.io/f6p6A
<kalbasit_> in any case, I tried overrideAttrs, I can't get it to work
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #42857 → toxvpn: use default libtoxcore → https://git.io/f6p6p
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<kalbasit_> worldofpeace: here's my current config https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/b3f07eb1daa6032b60413fa9efb9a0fd
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: Happy to help here.
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: Is the `bazel_0_14_1` override working?
<kalbasit_> yes it is
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: Have any errors?
<kalbasit_> no it just builds minikube 0.26 instead
<samueldr> I'm not well-versed enough with overrides to know why, but yes what kalbasit_ says seems right
<samueldr> I used the `version` parameter to double-check
<samueldr> (to minikube)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @oxij opened pull request #42858 → rspamd: 1.6.6 -> 1.7.4 → https://git.io/f6j9R
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @scolobb opened pull request #42859 → icicles: 2018-04-16 -> 2018-07-02 → https://git.io/f6jQd
<worldofpeace> ^ yeah did it too.
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: can you remove `version` and use `name = "minikube-0.25.2"
<worldofpeace> ;
<kalbasit_> let me try
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<worldofpeace> wait
<worldofpeace> nvm
<samueldr> builds with the new name, but `minikube version` :)
<kalbasit_> yep I've got the same thing
<kalbasit_> builds 0.25.2 but get 0.26 anyway
<worldofpeace> Yeah make sure your not just using 'minikube` because your not calling it that.
<samueldr> worldofpeace: (I personally tried it using a .nix file with the override and nix-build)
<worldofpeace> I put the `rev = "v0.25.2";` and i think it's working.
<kalbasit_> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/cb7f7742652acdf3086b3d132163b5ea2c2328eb#diff-09be12689ff6016911c9d325fd2ca8f4 seems to also have change the local-kube version which suggests that I have to override that var as well
<kalbasit_> worldofpeace: where did you put the rev at exactly?
<kalbasit_> (noob here, sorry)
<worldofpeace> You'll have to override that as well.
<worldofpeace> And at line 29
<kalbasit_> oh
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<samueldr> worldofpeace: don't want to seem harsh, but you sure this will build 0.25.2? `version` is already 0.25.2, and while locally I get a 0.25.2 URL from github, it seems to still not result in 0.25...
<worldofpeace> samueldr: No :P This piece of software has a lot going on I think.
<worldofpeace> samueldr: You're not harsh
<samueldr> I used `${builtins.trace version version}` and it does look as expected
<samueldr> which makes me think there's maybe something with how go packages are built
* samueldr tries something dumb
<worldofpeace> samueldr: Totally
<worldofpeace> deps?
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<samueldr> okay, so using *something else* than minikube as `src` doesn't build (as I said, dumb) so it's somehow still using the minikube checkout at the right tag (presumably)
<worldofpeace> when you say 'right tag' you mean the one we want or the other?
<samueldr> seemingly downloads 0.25.2
<Myrl-saki> samueldr: Ping. I have a nixpkgs-18.03 which might work for 3.0 kernels.
<samueldr> Myrl-saki: interesting, with cross-builds there's not much caching, so it may be right to have an additional overlay for this
<samueldr> I don't have a samsung device on-hand, and they use a custom bootloader, so I can maybe help you port my project to it, but there's a lot of unknowns
<samueldr> though the good news is that armv7 is tested to boot
<samueldr> (as in, android boot.img generates properly and boots)
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: I think what I've told you works aside that you need to also override the localkube.
<Myrl-saki> samueldr: Nice. I also got pmOS to boot. I think I've said this yesterday?
<kalbasit_> worldofpeace: yea I just done that, it still reports the 0.26.0 version though.
<kalbasit_> I'll just have to test it out locally and see what version of kubernetes will I get with it
<samueldr> Myrl-saki: yes, and that's an important point to have done as you have a known working state
<Myrl-saki> samueldr: Yep.
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: who and what is reporting 0.26.0?
<Myrl-saki> samueldr: I'll message you once I have more free time.
<samueldr> Myrl-saki: so it's possible to build the kernel and transplant it into the working pmOS thing
<samueldr> and vice versa, test a nix-built initrd with a known working kernel
<worldofpeace> kalbasit_: nvm that
<samueldr> worldofpeace: kalbasit_: `preBuild = builtins.replaceStrings [oldAttrs.version] [version] oldAttrs.preBuild;`
<worldofpeace> mmm huh
<samueldr> totally logical that that `version` is 0.26.0 (as is in nixpkgs)
<samueldr> isn't really logical that `src` seems to not be really used
<kalbasit_> oh I see
<kalbasit_> so this preBuild should be at the same place where version/src is set in my config?
<samueldr> preBuild is part of the attributes in the derivation, so yes
<samueldr> what this line I shared does is replace all v0.26.0 with v0.25.2
<samueldr> I'd chalk that issue on a surprising behaviour from that package and not a buildGoPackage issue
<kalbasit_> cool
<kalbasit_> testing it now
<samueldr> I did get `minikube version` minikube version: v0.25.2
<samueldr> I haven't tested that localkube-binary works with this
<samueldr> maybe, maybe not
<samueldr> I think what'll happen is that you'll have a more up-to-date localkube than the real v0.25.2 from nixpkgs
<kalbasit_> awesome!! it works on my side as well
<kalbasit_> I'm going to test minikube now
<kalbasit_> I mean localkube
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<worldofpeace> New golden rule in my head. If in doubt read the expression very carefully.
<samueldr> well, once I realised *something* latched on the older version, I looked at the expression
<samueldr> # on the word, hlsearch on vim made it obvious
<samueldr> I had to wait for the build to finish and check the version number before sharing
<samueldr> that was a long wait
<worldofpeace> samueldr: I guess it's not a troll https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/42850#issuecomment-401654390 or just very ashamed :P
<samueldr> yeah I saw, more like completely lost :/
<worldofpeace> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/desktops/gnome-3/default.nix <-- If anyone can explain what's basically happening here, it would be nice :)
<samueldr> any particular question?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ldesgoui opened pull request #42860 → murmur service: prevent failure launch by waiting until network is available → https://git.io/fignh
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<samueldr> I'm not 100% positive I understand, but it looks like it's mostly a way to allow overriding parts of the gnome set?
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<worldofpeace> Let's say I wanted to add another package set to nixpkgs. Like how? :D
<samueldr> let's hope github will cooperate
<samueldr> (all-packages.nix is too big)
<samueldr> yeah, gets cropped before
<worldofpeace> lib.makeScope maybe?
<samueldr> that's how gnome-3 is implemented
<samueldr> you're looking to add pantheon, right%
<worldofpeace> Yep. Whole thing.
<samueldr> I would look into the deepin, enlightenment, and gnome-3 to see how they differ
<samueldr> and possibly in plasma's
<samueldr> updated the gist
<samueldr> there will probably be different implementations
<samueldr> next, I would ask, probably jtojnar (as they said it's okay to ask them), about the pros and cons of the different approaches
<worldofpeace> Pantheon I don't think has like a clear seperation of things.
<worldofpeace> Isn't he in the czech?
<samueldr> I don't know! though with the wonders of technologies, it's apparently possible to talk to people multiple timezones away ;)
<worldofpeace> Lol
<worldofpeace> I've been actually using cans until i found irc ;)
<samueldr> looks like `deepin` works as gnome does, but in a less roundabout way, though I may have misunderstood a subtlety
<samueldr> enlightenment's looks much different
<samueldr> xfce4 uses lib.makeScope
<worldofpeace> Hmm, I really need to get how `lib.makeScope` actually works
<samueldr> plasma works a bit differently
<samueldr> it has a special mkDerivation that does generic stuff https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/desktops/plasma-5/default.nix#L76
<samueldr> which is interesting when a bunch of software is all built the same wa
<samueldr> same way*
<worldofpeace> I like that
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<worldofpeace> It's all going to be meson soon for them I think.
<samueldr> though, it makes grokking the whole plasma implementation in nixpkgs different than other DEs (which may be a con for that approach)
<samueldr> (though, I really like that approach, I probably would have called the function differently than mkDerivation though)
<samueldr> (but I'm not as much a seasoned nix dev)
<worldofpeace> Me either but I learn very fast
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<worldofpeace> I'll take it a headache at a time. Thank you.
<worldofpeace> Astute should be your middlle name :D
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<cheshircat> Hey, is there any documentation for getting ocaml packages packaged with nix, or should I just fumble around with stuff that exists in nixpkgs? The package I'm trying to add is patoline, which isn't on opam and build with a makefile, but has ocaml dependencies
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<cheshircat> I've managed to compile it statefully with opam, but I'm having trouble getting it to work with the nixified ocaml dependencies
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/14a9ca27e69 (from 14 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-unstable)
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<kalbasit_> is there anything special to use Virtualbox besides `nix-env -i virtualbox` ?
<kalbasit_> I can't see the kernel modules
<kalbasit_> so I probably have to enable it in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` and add the vbox modules to `boot.kernelModules`?
<samueldr> kalbasit_: in configuration.nix, virtualisation.virtualbox.host.enable
<samueldr> because there's much more than just modules and virtualbox
<kalbasit_> oh nice
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<kalbasit_> and awesome for the search tool, did not come up to it before
<Lisanna> OK, the way I'm going to pin nixpkgs is by just making it a submodule in my channel's git repo
<kalbasit_> samueldr: what does programs.virtualbox.enable do ?
<Lisanna> then hydra doesn't need to eval an import of a builtins.fetchTarball
<samueldr> kalbasit_: have you followed the link when you open up the option row?
<kalbasit_> oh I only had to click on it
<kalbasit_> facepalm
<samueldr> this will generally bring you to the right file
<samueldr> ah, you didn't open it :)
<samueldr> here's the implementation
<kalbasit_> yea I did not click on it
<samueldr> the gory details
<kalbasit_> I gotta put some effort to the details, the language is not very familiar to me, Haskell?
<samueldr> ah, you'll need to also add your user to the vboxusers group
<kalbasit_> yea I have that part already
<kalbasit_> that goes for any distro nowadays
<Lisanna> kalbasit_ Nix has its own language - it's just called "Nix" :p
<kalbasit_> I smell Skylark :p
<kalbasit_> idea came from Bazel (blaze) 's language?
<kalbasit_> I'd love to read Nix's history, I'll google a bit :)
<samueldr> kalbasit_: if you didn't know, there's a 2006 thesis https://grosskurth.ca/bib/2006/dolstra-thesis.pdf
<kalbasit_> I did not know about this, thank you!
<samueldr> it's not a newfangled thing :)
<samueldr> and more here https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/
<kalbasit_> to me it is lol. Been too wrapped up in Arch world
<samueldr> though it's not new, it doesn't have the mindshare some feel it should deserve :)
<kalbasit_> there's quite the learning curve to it
<kalbasit_> but I think it's worth the time and effort
<samueldr> I'm not sure there's anyone that really put a moderate amount of effort that's really gone back out
<kalbasit_> the worst thing for me is when I get to work and " Good morning, oh shit my system is broken again, I'll be hiding in a conf room for a few days :@"
<kalbasit_> samueldr: true
<samueldr> I just loved it how I was able to get back working in under an hours when my SSD failed last year
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<samueldr> (not catastrophically, but enough to need to use my spare laptop)
<samueldr> clone config, get right project files, continue working
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42861 → [WIP] Idris packages clean ups and updates → https://git.io/fPJl4
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<infinisil> Phew, I worked a while on this PR now ^^
<worldofpeace> Bless me the channels are advancing nicely.
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<infinisil> Whoa you're right, nixos-unstable updated 4 times in the last week :O
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<worldofpeace> Someone's most likely done something good
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<Lisanna> ugh, hydra still doesn't support git submodules?
<Lisanna> oh well, was going to need to hack on hydra myself anyways
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<elvishjerricco> Lisanna: I have a project using git submodules that hydra builds just fine
<Lisanna> elvishjerricco strange, I don't see any commits in hydra that would have fixed this issue
<Lisanna> elvishjerricco "/nix/store/k0704k0sbd6a0vigd5f487ksb73plmyr-hydra-2017-11-21/bin/.nix-prefetch-git-wrapped: line 160: cd: too many arguments"
<Lisanna> this patch from clever fixes it apparently: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/pull/339/files
<Lisanna> trouble is hydra uses its own internal buggy version of nix-prefetch-git rather than the normal one that everyone else uses
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peterhoeg pushed to master « krename: 20170610 -> 5.0.0 »: https://git.io/fP0xD
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<hyper_ch2> working with professionals: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/02/cisco_ucs_hyperflex_disk_firmware_problem_could_kill_clusters/ “While the HyperFlex HX Data Platform software protects against drive failures, there is a potential for the cluster to fail after multiple, simultaneous drive failures.”
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<kalbasit_> how to list dependencies of a package I'm about to install? I'm trying to override attribute for helm to install version 2.9.0 and getting this error https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/146791e58529bc6f428c7daec6b2e015
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<kiloreux> I am getting "error: while evaluating the attribute ‘pkgs’ of the derivation ‘group_packages’"
<kiloreux> "cannot convert a function to JSON"
<kiloreux> Does anybody know what this mean ?
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<Lisanna> is there a reason why there aren't any uses of releaseTools.sourceTarball that don't use the nixpkgs built-in distribution phase (they all define their own)?
<srhb> kiloreux: Seems fairly clear to me. You're trying to convert a function to JSON somewhere.
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<kiloreux> Not really for me. I have juist copied the nix expressions from the nixpkgs repo.
<srhb> kiloreux: Perhaps you could pastebin what you're doing
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<kiloreux> srhb, Here is it https://pastebin.com/XKkRNiED
<kiloreux> php56packages and ./php I just copied them from nixpkgs
<srhb> kiloreux: Uuuh. From where? Also, that wouldn't just work.
<srhb> kiloreux: And php56 and php56Packages aren't paths that are generally linkable.
<srhb> kiloreux: Are you trying to get a filesystem tree of every php package and php as well?
<kiloreux> Yes, that's what I am trying to do.
<srhb> kiloreux: It's gonna be a fair bit more complicated than what you're doing. Essentially you'd want to use php and phpPackages from your imported nixpkgs, not some out of tree inclusion.
<kiloreux> srhb, Do you have any example on how I could achieve that ?
<srhb> kiloreux: But then, you'd want paths = [ php ] ++ phpPackages. However, phpPackages is an attrset, not a list of paths. So you'd need to convert it to a list of paths first. But then quite a few of those attributes don't even evaluate (at least not with php5) so you're going to have to filter them out first.
<srhb> kiloreux: No, it's quite a bit of work
<srhb> But that's some of the steps
<kiloreux> I see. Thank you srhb <3
<srhb> kiloreux: Honestly, there's not that many php packages, you might be better off including the ones you want explicitly.
<kiloreux> how do I include them ?
<kiloreux> Like explicitly ?
<srhb> kiloreux: Here I've included apcu explicitly: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/jdloWlPX?nix
<srhb> (Simplified a bit to work on my end, change as necessary...)
<kiloreux> srhb, Perfect, thank you very much. Saved me sometime trying to figure it out.
<kiloreux> srhb, that solved my problem. Thank you very much again.
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<srhb> kiloreux: Sure thing.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bennofs closed pull request #27313 → add system.copySystemNixpkgs nixos option → https://git.io/vQDCX
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<Lisanna> why were the rhel packages removed from the vmTools?
<kiloreux> How can I find the path of a nix package ?
<LnL> nix-build prints the store path
<kiloreux> LnL, I am using nix-env and I need to find it anytime (Like long after I installed the package)
<LnL> ah, readlink -f $(which hello)
<Lisanna> wow, they were removed just because they were "unsupported" (whatever on earth that means)
<Lisanna> );
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<Lisanna> ugh, so I basically need to maintain my own nixpkgs in order to add all of those back in
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<clever> Lisanna: you can also use an overlay to add them back, and thats simpler to maintain
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 137 commits to staging: https://git.io/f1qkQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb opened pull request #42862 → dhall-json_1_2_1: Bump dhall dep → https://git.io/f1qj4
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<Lisanna> clever really?
<Lisanna> but these aren't top-level packages, they're internal attrsets in vm/default.nix
<clever> Lisanna: you could overwrite vmTools with super.vmTools // { more attrs };
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f13x4
<{^_^}> [nix] @edolstra merged pull request #2158 → search.cc: improve UX for `nix search` → https://git.io/vpSro
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<Lisanna> clever oh wait, vmTools is just one big recursive attrset
<Lisanna> so I could literally just stick the extra ones in there
<Lisanna> and they should get picked up
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @elitak opened pull request #42863 → livepeer: init at 0.2.4 → https://git.io/f1Zs0
<Lisanna> self: super: { vmTools.rpmDistros.rhel7x86_64 = { ... }; }
<Lisanna> I could literally just do that, right?
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<srhb> Lisanna: No, that will lose you the other attributes. Do what clever suggested with // :)
<Lisanna> srhb oh right, 'cause that'll make vmTools and rpmDistros an otherwise empty attrset
<Lisanna> so I have to merge them manaully
<srhb> Lisanna: Right :)
<Lisanna> Ok, so a bit more complicated, but doable!
<Lisanna> and much better than maintaining my own patches on top of nixpkgs
<srhb> For sure.
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<Mic92> What channel does travis' nix image use by default?
<booglewoogle> hey guys, still trying to build https://github.com/FasterMelee/Ishiiruka with "nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./fastermelee.nix {}'" on this nix-expression https://pastebin.com/cgCSRx6A, getting this error (at 100%! :( ). Another wall I've hit and can't seem to find useful ideas in the net. anyone got a hunch?
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<booglewoogle> oh, this is the error https://pastebin.com/8mxWMTDb
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<mpickering> You need to understand why that errors happens
<mpickering> Is cmake looking in the wrong place for something?
<mpickering> once you understand why it is going wrong, people can advise how to fix it
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<mpickering> Probably look in "Externals/cubeb/cmake_install.cmake" to see what it is doing
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #42852 → dbeaver: 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2 → https://git.io/f6U4V
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f1BOT
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #42853 → dbeaver: 5.1.1 -> 5.1.2 (18.03) → https://git.io/f6U2s
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/f1BC4
<booglewoogle> hmm, yeah, that's where I'm hitting the wall though. how would you go about finding out?
<booglewoogle> oh, okay
<mpickering> Look at Externals/cubeb/cmake_install.cmake
<mpickering> then use -K to keep the build directory when it fails
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f1BNQ
<booglewoogle> oh nice, didn't know about -K. on it, thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « R: update to version 3.5.1 »: https://git.io/f10nn
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @teto opened pull request #42864 → wireshark: export QT_PLUGIN_PATH in shellHook → https://git.io/f10nP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42572 → radare2-cutter: 1.3 -> 1.4 → https://git.io/f4HTL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f10nH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb merged pull request #42843 → add hmetis package → https://git.io/fwlgV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f10n7
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<mpickering> srhb: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42822 merge please :) ?
<srhb> mpickering: I was just looking at that :)
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<srhb> mpickering: Trying to convince myself that those really are identical ^^
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<mpickering> It doesn't compile anyway..
<srhb> mpickering: I'm only thinking of the rec python vs self.python bit :)
<srhb> Seems like a matter of taste mostly
<mpickering> I don't think so
<mpickering> This post explicitly lists them as an anti-pattern
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #42822 → Update Python documentation overlay → https://git.io/fud9y
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/f1ajL
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<mpickering> Well there we go
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<Mic92> I guess this needs to be backported?
<srhb> oh lol, merge failed
* srhb demands that github implements locking :-)
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<mpickering> Mic92: The overlay is broken anyway - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/42823
<mpickering> But I didn't know how to fix it
<wucke13> Hey there, how do I compile nix 2.0.4 from source with libsodium support on an non nixos machine?
<srhb> mpickering: It seems irrelevant which package is used in that example. Why not replace it with any other smallish one? :)
<Mic92> mpickering: then the backport can wait for a valid example.
<mpickering> I know nothing about the python packaging to do that intelligently
<srhb> Any (small,ubiquitous (so it doesn't go away)) package.
<srhb> Hehe, same.
<mpickering> I just know it seems somewhat like Haskell packaging and someone was asking on IRC about the overlay so I tested it
<Mic92> wucke13: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/release.nix#L215 on ubuntu it is called libsodium18
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar merged pull request #42862 → dhall-json_1_2_1: Bump dhall dep → https://git.io/f1qj4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @srhb to master « dhall-json_1_2_1: Bump dhall dep »: https://git.io/f16TP
<Mic92> wucke13: that one might be also interesting: https://github.com/Mic92/nix-fpm-multiuser/releases
<wucke13> Thanks!
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<theo> hi team
<theo> I'm writing a window manager but I'm fairly new to NixOS packaging and I'm having trouble setting up wm as a nixpkg
<theo> I've looked at how 2bwm has been packaged and I've adopted a similar style but as wm is not in the nixpkgs repositories it doesn't quite work
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ookhoi opened pull request #42865 → github-gentoo-compromized_cannot-download_boehm-gc-7.6.0-sys_select.p… → https://git.io/f1PDf
<srhb> theo: You can add your package to your nixpkgs as an overlay until it's included upstream (if that's the intention)
<srhb> theo: Also, most services are bettered by parameterizing the package they use so it's easily configurable.
<Mic92> NUR
<theo> srhb: an overlay? what does that entail
<srhb> theo: The manual has a great section on this, one moment...
<theo> it's only a hobby project for now so it's not like I'd like to get it included in the official repos just yet
<Mic92> theo: you can also add it here: https://github.com/nix-community/NUR
<srhb> theo: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays -- essentially overlays allow you to add/modify/remove packages in your nixpkgs without including them in the nixpkgs proper tree.
<srhb> theo: They are lists of functions that modify nixpkgs.
<theo> Mic92: it's still very basic so I'm not looking to share it just yet
<theo> srhb: thanks, I'll take a look. I did much reading of the manuals but didn't find that page in particular
<srhb> theo: trivially, ... self: super: { myHello = super.hello }; -- is an overlay that adds a myHello package that is an exact duplicate of the hello package
<srhb> theo: Definitely worth a read :)
<theo> srhb: my goal at the moment is to have windowManger.<my window manager name>.enable = true; in my /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and have X use my window manager
<theo> will overlays be able to achieve this?
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<clever> theo: overlays cant set nixos options, only make changes to packages in nixpkgs
<Mic92> theo: then you need to define your own module, which is also possible.
<tilpner> Mic92 - How does the locking work? Does it require a PR for every update, or does it update periodically? (Or does it not use the locks at all?)
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<theo> Mic92: I've adapted 2bwm's 2bwm.nix module for my own wm, but I don't know how to include my module in my system
<Mic92> tilpner: at the moment I use travis's cron feature, that update all repositories that evaluate properly
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<Mic92> However I am looking for a push-based approach, that updates faster
<tilpner> Mic92 - Ah, I see. You'd still run into the fetchurl ttl, but I guess 1h is fine-ish
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<clever> theo: add it to the imports list in configuration.nix
<ij^> I can't use the ruby's "curb" gem installed with a "bundle install" inside a "nix-shell -p curl", because of a "symbol __resolv_context_get_preinit, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference" when I run the rails server. Full error: https://clbin.com/VkxKJ
<clever> theo: everything you put into imports is a nixos module
<tilpner> Mic92 - What's the current interval for that travis cron?
<Mic92> tilpner: unfortunaly a day, that's why I want to migrate to different option. But I first wanted to get something working.
<theo> clever: ah thanks for the tip, I'll try that now. I read what you said about overlays on the wiki as well, thanks for the clarification
<Mic92> this is the smallest interval supported
<Mic92> I could probably use the API to increase this
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Why does it use fetchGit?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #42866 → Fix buildPythonPackage example → https://git.io/f1Dnd
<tilpner> (As opposed to fetchTarball or fetchFromGitHub)
<Mic92> tilpner: with locking did you mean the individual repositories or the NUR repo itself?
<theo> clever: I remember the issue now - I have manager to package and install my window manager using nix-env so my user has access to it
<theo> clever: but it is not accessible globally and my configuration.nix doesn't know about it
<theo> clever: any ideas how to let the package be known globally?
<tilpner> Mic92 - The individual repos. I was curious about the time that passes between me pushing something to my repo, and being able to talk about nur.repos.tilpner.* on IRC
<theo> clever: I tried cloning nixpkgs, adding my package and using nixos-rebuild switch -I nixpkgs=/path/to/my/nixpkgs but that threw up all sorts of errors and I don't want to maintain a local copy of nixpkgs
<Mic92> tilpner: yeah, at the moment the latency is still bad. But I want to implement https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/hooks/#pubsubhubbub
<Mic92> or provide an url to queue updates
<srhb> theo: package is solved by overlay, module with imports.
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Yes, please don't lock it into GitHub any more than necessary. It should support non-GH URs
<tilpner> (higher latency by default is okay)
<tilpner> Mic92 - Why does the packageOverrides snippet use fetchGit? (As opposed to fetchTarball or fetchFromGitHub)
<theo> srhb: I read the man page you linked but I'm not sure I've quite got my head around it
<theo> srhb: I can't see how this would help me package the wm
<Mic92> tilpner: I thought it updates faster, also I did not benchmarked it.
<ij^> I maybe figured out why — ruby's installed with an older glibc into $HOME/.rbenv/…, but I've updated nixos, so bundler now takes a fresher one from system.
<tilpner> Mic92 - Unless it keeps a cache of bare git repos somewhere, I don't see how. I'd expect fetchFromGitHub to be faster
<Mic92> tilpner: builtins.fetchGit does have a cache afaik.
<LnL> yes, but it's not ideal for multiple repos
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<Mic92> NUR only promotes fetchGit for NUR itself, not the including repositories
<tilpner> Mic92 - Still, the .tar.gz of master is 12K currently, the caching wouldn't help much
<tilpner> (But I have not timed it, so who knows)
<tilpner> (In a quick test, fetchTarball feels faster)
<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/cf204a70127 (from 52 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<tilpner> And I feel like UX could greatly benefit from allowing for fetchTarball within repos.json as well
<Guanin> Hi, I've got an application that requires files in a relative directory to the binary. Would it make sense to just create a symlink for that files out of the nix storage? (So that the derivation contains the binary and a symlink `config`, which points e.g. to /var/lib/foo_config)
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<Mic92> tilpner: I would prefer to have some kind of version control on the downstream side.
<tilpner> Mic92 - What's the advantage of that?
<Mic92> transparency
<booglewoogle> hey, trying another route now with a nix-shell to be able to granulate the build steps. now i'll get this error https://pastebin.com/rsX4WSed (Xrandr not found -- Checking for module 'xi>=1.5.0' --   No package 'xi' found) with this default nix https://pastebin.com/wR4kfpYX , which includes xorg.libXrandr. anything wrong about the default.nix so it can't find the library?
<Mic92> and going back in time
<tilpner> Mic92 - Going back in time can be prevented with git repos too
<Mic92> I cannot prevent people from force pushing, but I don't expect many people from doing that.
<tilpner> Unless you make that part of the verification process, then I see the benefit
<tilpner> E.g. "new revision must be child of old revision"
<Mic92> `git bisect` should be possible in most cases
<Mic92> This is not about security, but safety
<tilpner> I don't expect many people to use the tarball route for untransparency either
<tilpner> There should always be a version-controlled repo on the other side (but not always git), I just don't see the advantage of fetching that repositories when I could just fetch a checkout
<Mic92> NUR fetches a checkout.
<tilpner> By fetching the repository, no?
<Mic92> for github it fetches the zip archive.
<tilpner> Oh
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<Mic92> But there is no generic way to resolve version control systems to archive urls.
<tilpner> That's why I wondered about allowing users to provide archive urls directly
<tilpner> But I didn't see your github.com optimisation
<tilpner> Couldn't https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/blob/master/default.nix#L13-L16 be replaced with a call to fetchFromGitHub?
<Mic92> fetchFromGithub is just a call-out to fetchzip
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<Mic92> But I did not want to parse the github url first into owner/repo
<Mic92> the problem with archive urls, is that they cannot be pinned.
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<Mic92> maybe we some clever template urls.
<Mic92> that include hashes
<tilpner> It seems like it's passing a .tar.gz URL to fetchzip?
<tilpner> And I guess it would also the submodule problem (which I'm not sure is a good idea)
<Mic92> fetchzip figures out the right compressor based on the filename at the url.
<tilpner> *also solve
<tilpner> So the question really is whether to change your .zip to fetchFromGitHubs .tar.gz
<LnL> yeah, fetchzip is really fetchunpack
<Mic92> https://github.com/nix-community/NUR/pull/18 submodule support is incomming here.
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<LnL> not just zip files
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<Mic92> I accept support for other methods as pull requests, but I will probably not implement them myself. There are other items higher in the priority list.
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<Lisanna> with the releaseTools.rpmBuild function & friends, is there a way to deal with building an RPM that depends on another RPM that you have built with the same mechanism?
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<Lisanna> diskImageFun takes an extraPackages argument, but it's a list of strings that refer only to the distro's normal package distribution
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<Lisanna> Oh, looks like I can just wrap the base distro disk image with fillDiskWithRPMs
<Lisanna> :D
<Lisanna> this is too easy...
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<ij^> Why is it that after having no gcc, "nix-shell -p hello --run 'gcc --version'" shows a gcc present?
<clever> ij^: nix-shell uses stdenv.mkDerivation, which provides a gcc
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<ij^> Ah. Well, I need to pass gcc6 to ruby-build scripts, but -p gcc6 doesn't work.
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<clever> ij^: it may help to look at how gcc7Stdenv is defined
<clever> 6209 gcc7Stdenv = overrideCC gccStdenv gcc7;
<clever> 6210 gcc8Stdenv = overrideCC gccStdenv gcc8;
<clever> ij^: nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (overrideCC gccStdenv gcc6).mkDerivation { name = "name"; buildInputs = []; }' i think
<clever> yep
<ij^> ah! tricky
<clever> the gcc6Stdenv is missing for some reason, but its trivial enough to just make it on the fly
<booglewoogle> the nixos beauty is starting to unfold for me
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<booglewoogle> trying my luck again: does anybody have an idea as to how this error https://pastebin.com/rsX4WSed can be possible when building from this nix-shell https://pastebin.com/wR4kfpYX (xorg.libXrandr included, from how I understand the nix-shell system so far)?
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<clever> booglewoogle: try adding pkgconfig to the buildInputs
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @alyssais opened pull request #42868 → bundler: 1.16.1 -> 1.16.2 → https://git.io/fMcnU
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #42798 → tree-wide: users.extraUsers -> users.users, users.extraGroups -> users.groups → https://git.io/f4A24
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fMcnB
<booglewoogle> oh man, yes! thanks a bunch
<booglewoogle> one step further
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<tilpner> Mic92 - You mention sharing modules. Do you have an example of using them?
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Would nur.repos.*.modules be an attrset of paths or an attrset of functions? (Only paths seem to work, but your example imports them)
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<tilpner> (I see the example in your readme, but I wonder if it works)
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<Mic92> tilpner: it works
<tilpner> Huh. I get infinite recursion even for an empty module
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<tilpner> self: super: { dummyModule = { ... }: {}; }
<Mic92> this is a overlay not a module
<tilpner> Without imports = [ pkgs.dummyModule ]; it builds fine, but infinite-recursion without it
<tilpner> Yes, I specified an overlay to make sure NUR is not at fault
<Mic92> you have to use `imports` as documented
<tilpner> * but infinite-recursion with it
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<tilpner> Mic92 - I did! But it seems I get infrec by importing any module from pkgs. imports = [ ({...}:{}) ]; works though
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @thoughtpolice pushed to master « foundationdb: add 5.2.5 release, and new 6.0.0 snapshot »: https://git.io/fMoW4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar opened pull request #42869 → heroku: 3.43.16 -> 7.5.7 → https://git.io/fMoW2
<booglewoogle> phew. now getting this error https://pastebin.com/4dzJ6J2M (gtk libs not found) - still when building in a nix-shell with this default.nix https://pastebin.com/hzYTSe1n , which includes all sorts of gtk libs I could find in nixpkgs. :(
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar closed pull request #25983 → heroku: 3.43.16 -> 6.6.14 → https://git.io/vHTEY
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/cf204a70127 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<clever> tilpner: the value of pkgs depends on the value of imports
<clever> tilpner: so the imports cant reference pkgs
<tilpner> clever - Then how does Mic92 manage it? Is that because of the difference of packageOverrides vs overlays?
<clever> imports = [ nur.repos.mic92.modules.transocks ];
<tilpner> Mic92 - In your example "{ ... }: { imports = [ nur.repos.mic92.modules.transocks ]; }", where does "nur" come from?
<clever> tilpner: that example didnt say where nur is coming from
<tilpner> I was assuming pkgs.nur, but... yeah, I should've asked again
<infinisil> Wondered about that too, this might give some neat infinite recursion if done with the { pkgs, ... } pkgs
<tilpner> specialArgs would probably work, but then the special nur would be using a different nixpkgs than the rest of the system :/
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @ldesgoui opened pull request #42870 → pscircle: init at v1.0.0 → https://git.io/fMbC5
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<infinisil> tilpner: Oh, maybe _module.args.nur = ... would work
<theo> self: super:
<theo> {
<theo> VidyoDesktop = super.callPackage ./pkgs/VidyoDesktop { };
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<theo> oops, sorry
<tilpner> infinisil - With what value though? If we use callPackage, doesn't nur depend on pkgs too?
<theo> well now that I've accidentally pasted it I may as well ask: I've seen this as syntax for adding a custom packages with overlays, but how would this be included in a configuration.nix?
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<tilpner> infinisil - Even imports = [ (pkgs.callPackage ../nur {}).modules.dummy ]; inf-recs
<infinisil> Oh right..
<infinisil> Yeah specialArgs is the only thing that would work probably
<tilpner> infinisil - The alternative is imports = [ ((import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ../nur {}).modules.dummy ];, but that's ugly and fragile
<infinisil> And it doesn't use your overlays
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<tilpner> It does here
<tilpner> But yes, probably not portable
<infinisil> the ones in nixpkgs.overlays I mean, which however is the reason this whole thing gives inf rec to begin with
<kiloreux> If I have a custom installPhase the postInstall step is never executed. Is this by design ?
<tilpner> infinisil - I don't set nixpkgs.overlays, so that's okay
<infinisil> tilpner: It still needs to traverse all modules to notice that though, but it can't when a module depends on pkgs itself
<tilpner> Right
<infinisil> pkgs needs evaluated nixpkgs.overlays, which needs to traverse all modules to collect all overlays, which would need to evaluate pkgs to get the NUR module, etc.
<infinisil> It's unfortunate..
<tilpner> kiloreux - Add "runHook postInstall" to the end
<kiloreux> Thank you tilpner
<tilpner> It's not just overlays, also nixpkgs.localSystem
<tilpner> (And config of course)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #42871 → ocserv: init at 0.12.1 → https://git.io/fDeHb
<infinisil> Ah right
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<Mic92> tilpner: packagesOverides
<aminechikhaoui> hm how to tell `nix build -f build.nix --builders <foo>` to try to substitute stuff using the target builder ?
<symphorien> aminechikhaoui: builders-use-substitutes = true
<aminechikhaoui> thanks
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<tilpner> Mic92 - That doesn't work either :/
<infinisil> Mic92: Yeah, same problem
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<Mic92> sorry, I don't have time right now to look at this
<infinisil> Well the import <nixpkgs> {} one should work
<tilpner> Mic92 - Do you use them in your own config? If so, could you please update your dotfiles repo with it?
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<Mic92> tilpner: It only worked for me by accident because I was using let nur = (import (builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://github.com/nix-community/NUR"; })) {}; in
<Mic92> that in turn does triggers an import in the default.nix: { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
<Mic92> I am not sure if there is a way that does not require that import
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<nschoe> acowley, hi, just wanted to thansk for your help on setting ROS with nixOS. I have been running it inside a docker container, as you suggested, shared the X11 socket. This seems to works perfectly. At least for learning :)
<nschoe> acowley, also I was trying to find a Haskell package and I saw your name on `roshask` so I might bother you again in the future 'bout that =)
<Mic92> I have removed the incorrect documentation for nixos modules for the moment.
<booglewoogle> can someone explain to me the difference between building this nix-expression https://pastebin.com/BtY5x44v with "nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./fastermelee.nix {}'" and building the same release by hand in this nix-shell https://pastebin.com/5gmDAxgd ? from what I understand, they do the same thing, they fail at very different steps though:
<booglewoogle> - the former reaches 100% and then can't find "/tmp/nix-build-FasterMelee.drv-0/source/include" (is there a way I can edit the CMakeLists.txt before the build starts when using nix-build?)
<booglewoogle> - the latter can't find the gtk-libraries, using the same inputs as the former though?
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<symphorien> nix-build runs in a sandbox, usually
<adamt> Hiya. Is it possible to just calculate the output path, without actually building anything?
<symphorien> to edit files, use a patch or sed the files in postPatch for example
<symphorien> adamt: nix-build "<nixpkgs>" -A hello --dry-run
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<booglewoogle> hum, okay. thanks!
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<tilpner> Mic92 - It might be possible to provide a path to a modules attrset using just builtins and copied functions from lib
<shlevy> Any rust users around?
<tilpner> Yes-ish
<srhb> adamt: or eval the outPath attribute
<adamt> symphorien: What about a more nix 2.x way? :P (also, that does seem to work for hello, but when building a local nix expr it doesn't print the output path when using --dry-run for some reason. Hmm.)
<adamt> srhb: Aha.
<Mic92> tilpner: if you have a better solution, I would appretiate a pull request. At the moment we can still break things.
<shlevy> Running into a problem building 'ring' with carnix on macOS, some kind of unsupported asm directives, and I'm pretty lost on what the issue is... upstream docs suggest macOS is supported
<adamt> srhb: Is it a toplevel attr of the result?
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<srhb> adamt: It's a top level attribute of the derivation, usually
<Mic92> shlevy: we also had problems with some sse tests in rustc.
<srhb> adamt: eg. nix eval -f '<nixpkgs>' hello.outPath
<tilpner> Mic92 - It would be a special-case for nixpkgs-less things, and it adds some complexity to implementation and usage. Answering the question of whether the usecase justifies that, is up to you. I can try locally though
<adamt> srhb: That works perfectly. Thanks a lot.
<srhb> adamt: :)
<shlevy> Mic92: Thanks, taking a look
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<LnL> I didn't really understand why that test failed
<shlevy> Hmm I'm a bit scared that that patch had any effect at all
<shlevy> Isn't it just deleting two comments?
<LnL> yes, disabling the doctest in the process
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<shlevy> Oh I see
<shlevy> Turning a docstring into a normal comment?
<LnL> yeah
<shlevy> Doubt it's related... This is some assembler issue
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<srk> nschoe: hey, what you mind sharing the instructions for ROS? would give that a shot
<Mic92> LnL: did https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/40356#issuecomment-390473734 compiled on your machine without it?
<Mic92> *outside the test suite?
<LnL> Mic92: what's the status of 1.27?
<Mic92> LnL: I did not had a further look into it.
<LnL> no, but it failed because it's only allowed in nightly builds
<srk> nschoe: *would
<Mic92> If you can make progress on it, just push on my branch. I probably will not make any progress with it this week.
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<efx[m]> What command must I execute to install a package exported by nix copy --to tmp/mycache? I need to do this manually as the servers do not have network access to each other.
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<efx[m]> additionally, does nix copy --to /tmp/mycache create a local binary cache?
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<LnL> Mic92: I'll probably be busy with darwin stuff, but if that bootstrap issue is fixed I'll can try building without the simd patch
<tilpner> Mic92 - Dependency on nixpkgs is solveable, but installation as pkgs.nur or nur is not, at least not without adding to specialArgs. And I don't know a way to do that, that could reasonably be added to your README
<tilpner> (Installation + usage imports)
<infinisil> If I ever become ruler of the world I'm going to ban infinite recursion
<infinisil> You'll have to write all programs in a total programming language and prove that there can't be infinite recursion
<Mic92> tilpner: the dirty trick could be (with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.callPackages (...))
<LnL> efx[m]: there's a difference between --to /tmp/foo and --to file:///tmp/foo, the first is a store while the second is a binary cache
<tilpner> Mic92 - My first thought after seeing NUR was to share hacks/not-quite-good-enough-for-nixpkgs modules
<efx[m]> ooh, iLnL: ah, thanks for the
<efx[m]> clariclarification
<Mic92> tilpner: my intention was to reduce the maintainance efforts that has to be centralized in nixpkgs.
<Mic92> and to give experiments better discoverability.
<tilpner> Sure, that goes for the packages side, and it will fulfill that purpose
<tilpner> But it might not be easy to use for sharing modules
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<tilpner> Even tx0.co/1l inf-recs. Someone please correct me, but I think that'd be required for imports = [ nur.* ]; to work
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<Mic92> tilpner: that seems to be the only solution, but does not work well with nur: https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/22/files#diff-3a4972879b71cb7724e90e002641cf0cR130
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<hodapp> infinisil: but how would you make the interpreter for that language?
<infinisil> hodapp: It will be a compiler, and it should be self-hosted, so that you can prove itself total
<infinisil> s/you/it
<tilpner> Mic92 - I see two other way, but none of them are good :/
<tilpner> Mic92 - 1. Allow <nur/repos/tilpner/modules/auto-tinc.nix>, by preprocessing NUR into a single tarball and setting nix.nixPath appropriately
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<tilpner> Mic92 - 2. Set specialArgs during evaluation, perhaps adding an interface for that to nixos
<tilpner> 1. would also have speed advantages in general, until it gets too big, of course
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<Mic92> tilpner: what are special args?
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<tilpner> Mic92 - It's an attrset passed to lib.evalModules. The arguments in there can be used in imports
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @srhb pushed to master « Revert "foundationdb: add 5.2.5 release, and new 6.0.0 snapshot" »: https://git.io/fDSlg
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<aminechikhaoui> Any idea what's the solution for the hydra-queue-runner barfing about "Host key verification failed" of a newly added machine ?
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<aminechikhaoui> note that I'm able to ssh from outside the queue runner, and the host is in known_hosts
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<clever> aminechikhaoui: which user did you run ssh as?
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<aminechikhaoui> clever: root
<aminechikhaoui> ah wait I think I need the queue runner user
<clever> aminechikhaoui: yep, `sudo -u hydra-queue-runner -i`
<clever> aminechikhaoui: or use programs.ssh.knownHosts in configuration.nix to configure the known_hosts globally
<clever> i like programs.ssh.knownHosts, because it eliminates the risk of a mitm on the 1st connection
<shlevy> Hmm
<clever> and i keep that in a git repo of nixos configs, so all hosts automatically known all other host keys, from the first install
<shlevy> it looks like ring is expecting target.os() to be "macos" but it's actually "darwin"
<shlevy> Is that a rust change or something weird about our config?
<aminechikhaoui> clever: cool, thanks for the suggestion
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.google_cloud_speech: update propagatedBuildInputs »: https://git.io/fDx9D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.google_gax: remove deprecated package »: https://git.io/fDhNQ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.google_gax: remove unused expression »: https://git.io/fyesU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ekleog closed pull request #34823 → VMs module (see RFC 0012) → https://git.io/vAt8B
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #41823 → meguca: 2018-05-26 -> 2018-06-11 → https://git.io/vha6X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 15 commits to master: https://git.io/fyJl0
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<shlevy> Anyone know if P-E-Meunier on github is anyone here? :)
<goibhniu> pemeunier looks promising :D
<shlevy> :) thanks
<tilpner> Note that [pemeunier] idle: 9 days, 07 hours 12 minutes 16 seconds, signon at: Sat, 23 Jun 2018 09:32:20
<LnL> pretty sure I've talked to him in here
<shlevy> pemeunier: Looks like CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS is getting set wrong on macos (it gets set to "darwin" instead of "macos"). Looking into the docs for that var now, just wanted to let you know and see fi you have any thoughts on the right way to figure it out for all platforms
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<shlevy> Ok from https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-forge/issues/101 lookslike there's no formal documentation of this yet
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<LnL> shlevy: didn't somebody make a pull request to fix that?
<shlevy> Maybe so :D
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<LnL> guess I forgot to merge it
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #42874 → Add pkgsCross & pkgsLocal → https://git.io/fyWRL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fyWRn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42865 → github-gentoo-compromized_cannot-download_boehm-gc-7.6.0-sys_select.p… → https://git.io/f1PDf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fyW97
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy pushed commit from @marsam to release-18.03 « buildRustCrate: Set target_os to "macos" on darwin »: https://git.io/fyloF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @shlevy merged pull request #33137 → buildRustCrate: Set target_os to "macos" on darwin → https://git.io/vbFDV
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fygEP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42832 → bazel: fix darwin build on hydra → https://git.io/fwlk8
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed to master « eclipse-plugin-jdt-codemining: init at »: https://git.io/fyVJN
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42854 → python: grpcio: 1.12.1 -> 1.13.0 → https://git.io/f6M1h
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @numkem to master « pythonPackages.grpcio: 1.12.1 -> 1.13.0 (#42854) »: https://git.io/fy6B6
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rycee pushed to master « josm: 13878 -> 13996 »: https://git.io/fyPLE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #42842 → barrier: fix compilation on Qt 5.11 → https://git.io/fwlEa
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<aminechikhaoui> Any idea why there is a limit on how much disk space/store paths to free up from hydra.nixos.org builders https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/blob/6a602ec00dd56c7b83c7d69a421d9f40e9ff3b2b/delft/build-machines-common.nix#L19 ? is it to avoid unnecessary binary cache requests to pull the paths again ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42875 → texlive: Propagate biber binary → https://git.io/fy1XE
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42840 → pythonPackages.backports_shutil_get_terminal_size: 1.0 -> 2018-06-30 → https://git.io/fwl0H
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @timokau to master « pythonPackages.backports_shutil_get_terminal_size: 1.0 -> 2016-02-21 (#42840) »: https://git.io/fy1dS
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<clever> aminechikhaoui: the goal is to get 128gig free, and keep anything that remains, so it can still act as a cache
<clever> aminechikhaoui: but the new min-free and max-free in nix.conf work better, doing a larger gc less often, rather then a small gc every day at the same time
<clever> min-free = 3221225472
<clever> max-free = 6442450944
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @aszlig pushed to master « nixos/hadoop: Replace users.extra{Users,Groups} »: https://git.io/fyyBC
<clever> that triggers a gc with 3gig free, and aims to get 6gig free
<clever> but it has some bugs involving gcroots and sometimes breaks builds
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fyS2m
<mroutis> anyone using nixpkg with ruby/ruby on rails? I'd love to use nix to manage my ruby versions, but I'm afraid to face a lot of issues with bundix (never tried it, tho), any recommendations?
<LnL> clever: have you used those
<aminechikhaoui> clever: ok thanks
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<clever> LnL: i have them enabled on 2 or 3 of my machines
<clever> LnL: import-from-derivation sometimes triggers a GC and eats stuff the build needs, but hasnt computed the path to yet
<clever> LnL: it has also caused builds to fail randomly, by deleting something thats in use by a building derivation
<clever> aminechikhaoui: oh, min-free also lets you go a lot lower, because it will auto-gc at the start of any action on the store, so you dont need to keep enough free to survive the next 24 hours
<clever> aminechikhaoui: but you still need enough free to complete max-jobs in parallel
<aminechikhaoui> clever: ok I'll probably experiment with that
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<manveru> mroutis: while i'm admittedly biased, why don't you try bundix? :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #42876 → recoll: Add support to build without QT → https://git.io/fyFDw
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<mroutis> manveru: <3 didn't expected to find a contributor; being honest, I don't feel prepared to "solve"/"debug" any possible errors during the transition (bundler -> bundix) phase
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<mroutis> also, I haven't heard of any member of the rails community using bundix, so I felt kind of pushing to far outside the classic "convention over configuration"
<mroutis> I'll give it a try, now that I don't feel it like an isolated effort :P
<manveru> well, there are members of the nix community using rails... if that counts :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fyARU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #42863 → livepeer: init at 0.2.4 → https://git.io/f1Zs0
<mroutis> totally, manveru, thanks for the encouragement
<manveru> np, just let us know if you hit any issue
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c6884523e94 (from 61 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42877 → nixos/systemd-boot: Add consoleMode option → https://git.io/fyARV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MP2E pushed commit from @Chiiruno to master « dolphinEmuMaster: 2018-06-22 -> 2018-07-02 »: https://git.io/fyAR6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @MP2E closed pull request #42686 → dolphinEmuMaster: 2018-06-22 -> 2018-06-27 → https://git.io/f4dd9
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<nschoe> Hi all, just to confirm: the package 'autoconf' should not be installed in the user's profile right? When it's needed for dev, it should be put into a shell.nix and sourced, am I right?
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<LnL> yes, imho
<cocreature> Hey, I am trying to use callCabal2nix in combination with fetchFromGitHub but it still seems to apply revisions from hackage. is there a way to disable this?
<nschoe> LnL, okay thanks.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #42827 → source-han-code-jp: init at 2.011R → https://git.io/f2UCG
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<Lisanna> Ugh, need some help with overlays
<Lisanna> I'm trying to overlay an additional distro on vmTools.rpmDistros so that I can get it to show up in diskImageFuns (diskImageFuns is an attrset produced from the contents of rpmDistros). Unfortunately I have my overlay structured like this:
<Lisanna> self: super: { vmTools = super.vmTools // { rpmDistros = super.vmTools.rpmDistros // { ... }; }; }
<Lisanna> which means that I'm more or less just overlaying a new rpmDistros on top of the old one inside the old contents of vmTools, so diskImageFuns is always going to be the old one!
<Lisanna> and if I try to grab diskImageFuns from self.vmTools I get an infinite recursion ):
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iimog opened pull request #42879 → rPackages.rhdf5: fix installation → https://git.io/fSYn7
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<mpickering> that looks like it should be ok?
<mpickering> I sometimes add a constant attribute to the set when I do this
<mpickering> so I can easily query something to see if it is applied at all
<Lisanna> mpickering so the final version looks like: "self: super: { diskImageFuns = self.vmTools.diskImageFuns; vmTools = super.vmTools // { rpmDistros = super.vmTools.rpmDistros // { ... }; }; }"
<Lisanna> that fails with infinite recursion
<Lisanna> hmm, ok
<mpickering> simplify it at first, remove some of the super.blah //
<mpickering> just overwrite the set, check that works
<mpickering> then make it more complicated bit by bit
<mpickering> what are you trying to evaluate?
<Lisanna> well, if I expose self.vmTools.diskImageFuns under a different name (diskImageFuns'), it shows up
<Lisanna> Trying to evaluate nixpkgs.vmTools.diskImageFuns.myCustomDistro
<Lisanna> (the thing I'm specifying in the { ... }
<Lisanna> "it shows up" = diskImageFuns' shows up
<Lisanna> but it's the old version
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<Lisanna> i.e., it's not getting updated from my modification to rpmDistros
<Lisanna> diskImageFuns has a direct dependency on the value of rpmDistros
<Lisanna> wait, do I need to explicitly override stuff in overlays for that to work? i.e., is it always going to just pick up the old values for all attributes?
<Lisanna> re-reading the overlays example and that's looking like what's going on here
<Lisanna> ...oh, overlays are probably only applied one layer deep
<Lisanna> so if I override something at the top-level (vmTools) it will appear as changed in self, but overriding stuff below the top level won't propagate the effects the same
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui merged pull request #921 → Ignore evaluation errors in destroy and delete operations, fixes #917 → https://git.io/vxbtQ
<{^_^}> [nixops] @AmineChikhaoui pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSORr
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<Lisanna> Trying to figure out if https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/33258 would help me here
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<mpickering> Right so nixpkgs.vmTools.diskImageFuns is the old version
<mpickering> Because you don't modify it at all
<mpickering> why are you not trying to use nixpkgs.diskImageFuns?
<Lisanna> mpickering what do you mean?
<mpickering> You don't modify `vmTools.diskImageFuns` at all with your overlay
<Lisanna> mpickering oh, I mean, I am considering doing that, but I'd have to more or less copy and paste the existing implementation
<Lisanna> and swap out the references
<Lisanna> I want to add something to rpmDistros and have the change automatically propagate itself to vmTools.diskimageFuns, like it would if I wasn't trying to manipulate something two layers deep
<Lisanna> since this would work fine for package dependencies at the top layer of nixpkgs
<Lisanna> so, trying to think of possible solution that don't involve copying and pasting the existing code for vmTools.diskImageFuns and tweaking it slightly
<mpickering> The problem here is how the vm/default.nix is designed
<Lisanna> yeah, I guess there's no really easy answer here
<Lisanna> since it's a recursive attrset
<Lisanna> there's not really a way to "overlay" stuff on a basic dumb recursive attrset
<mpickering> If instead the reference was self.rpmDistros
<Lisanna> and have that change the evaluation of other stuff in that attrset automatically
<Lisanna> yeah
<mpickering> and there was some kind of fixpoint then what you are doing would work
<mpickering> I don't know how to set that up immediatley
<Lisanna> so vm/default.nix would need its own overlays system more or less
<Lisanna> in order for me to be able to get what I'm trying to achieve here
<ldlework> Are those really kernel-managed containers though?
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<Lisanna> ldlework they're virtual machines
<Lisanna> built on top of the magical vmTools.runInLinuxVM derivation
<Lisanna> oh well, thankfully it's only a few lines of copying and pasting
<ldlework> oh crap
<ldlework> I was scrolled up... way WAY up.
<ldlework> lol
<Lisanna> ^^
<mpickering> perhaps if you add a "self" parameter
<mpickering> and then use "mkExtensible"
<mpickering> that would work
<abcrawf> Can anyone help me out with https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla/issues/95? Is anyone else running into that failure?
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<Lisanna> OK, it's showing up now
<mpickering> what did you do?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 merged pull request #42874 → Add pkgsCross & pkgsLocal → https://git.io/fyWRL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ericson2314 pushed 6 commits to master: https://git.io/fSsia
<mpickering> right, that's also one way
<Lisanna> mpickering is there a better way that doesn't involve directly modifying nixpkgs src?
<mpickering> Don't think so
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<mpickering> Looks to me that recursive attribute sets should be avoided really
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<Lisanna> mpickering hey, it's better than if half of this stuff was in a let statement
<Lisanna> then I'd be completely screwed
<Lisanna> cool, it worked!!!
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<mpickering> Lisanna: I feel like the nix language is too low level, it should help people more do the right thing
<mpickering> good it works for you
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<Lisanna> yeah, it might be nice if recursive attrsets implicitly came with some abilities to override their contents in a way that is meaningful for affecting its self-references
<ldlework> Nixlang is pretty intense as far as learning goes.
<mpickering> You mean like an object orientated language Lisanna :) ?
<Lisanna> lol
<Lisanna> I'm sure guix has a solution to this problem...
<mpickering> I already knew haskell well so the fact that it's functional and relies on fixpoints actually made it easier for me
<Lisanna> nix is honestly my first functional language... I learned about fix points and let statements from their implementations and usage in nix
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<mpickering> I'm serious.. the denotational semantics of object orientated languages end up looking a lot like how nix is designed
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<Lisanna> yeah
<Lisanna> attrsets become sort of these ad-hoc immutable objects with methods
<Lisanna> stuff like python3.withPackages
<matrium> hi, it seems like ghcjs is broken when compiling packages with primitive- Hence I'm trying to override the the primitive package to, following the instructions from Gabriel Gonzalez' nix-haskell tutorial. But I'm just getting the error "builder for '/nix/store/jjab8qnhfams3ws0f00i7kzb5xq624xd-primitive-' failed with exit code 1" and can't trace down the root
<mpickering> matrium: paste what you have
<matrium> *trying to override it to
<mpickering> What is the error?
<mpickering> It's possible it just doesn't work with
<matrium> and https://pastebin.com/NUEggLdN for the rror
<ldesgoui[m]> hey, I pushed a PR but the eval bot complains about access to a gitlab .git URI being forbiddt during access mode, I'm using fetchGit with just the Url and the rev. Anything I can do to fix?
<mpickering> the error is your project failing to build
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<ldesgoui[m]> (my PR is pscircle init #42870)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42870 (by ldesgoui, open): pscircle: init at v1.0.0
<mpickering> Is that really how Gabriel suggests to do overrides urgh
<mpickering> I prefer to make a new package set when doing an override to avoid this 5 layer deep set
<mpickering> and people should use overlays rather than packageOverrides, anyway, not your fault
<matrium> mpickering: the error for the dependencies is that they are missing the primitive package
<mpickering> miso is definitely not a dependency of primitive
<matrium> cannot build derivation '/nix/store/h6rh7fvagllbjwyyyqric4h4c9lbc0f3-aeson-': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed commit from @peti to release-18.03 « ghc: add version 8.4.3 »: https://git.io/fSsPj
<matrium> cause primitive fails
<mpickering> matrium: Compile with -j1?
<mpickering> It's a good guide but I don't like that way too much. It's so verbose.
<mpickering> I have to head out sorry
<matrium> ok, thank you anyway!
<matrium> -j1 didn't give a more verbose error message
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c6884523e94 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
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<Nissim> Hii all
<Nissim> i am new to nix os ans would like some help please.
<tilpner> With what?
<gchristensen> go ahead and ask :) we're here to help!
<Nissim> I am 16 and new to nixos, got this project to do for uni.
<Nissim> how do i find the 256Sha for a repo on gitlab
<tilpner> Try nix-prefetch-git
<tilpner> ,tofu
<{^_^}> To get a sha256 hash of a new source, you can use the Trust On First Use model: use probably-wrong hash (for example: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) then replace it with the correct hash Nix expected.
<Nissim> can we not do that from bash? i mean like doing this: shasum -a 256 code.tar.gz ?
<tilpner> No, .tar.gz is not deterministic
<tilpner> (But nix-prefetch-git can be used from CLI)
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<Nissim> how do i use nix-prefetch-git i cannot find the download link, you mind sharing please.
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<tilpner> nix-shell -p nix-prefetch-git
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<Nissim> okie downloaded nix-prefetch-git, and doing building in a moment.. thanks Mr tilpner
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<gchristensen> not safe to assume Mr around these parts :) best to just use nicknames and skip mr / mrs / ms
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #42880 → coreutils: 8.29 -> 8.30 → https://git.io/fSsDa
<Nissim> sure gchristensen.. i'll do that.
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<Nissim> now having another problem: do not know how to unpack source
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<worldofpeace> gchristensen: dang right, do not assume! :P
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<mpickering> matrium: But j1 will tell you more precisely what failed
<infinisil> Nissim: Share your nix expression
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<kalbasit> Given the inherit reproduciblity of Nixos, is there any value of using Btrfs as opposed to ext4 on a laptop?
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<tilpner> kalbasit - NixOS can help you get a reproducible system, but doesn't really help keep your data safe
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<tilpner> And I guess you would get compression, encryption, deduplication, and data eating
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @domenkozar pushed to master « dhall-nix: fix build »: https://git.io/fSs9j
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<johnw> matthewbauer: ping
<kalbasit> tilpner: true
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<matthewbauer> yes?
<matthewbauer> johnw: ?
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<Lisanna> shoot, relaseTools.rpmBuild uses up vmTools.buildRPM's preBuild attr without providing its own ):
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<mpickering> It looks like this stuff was not really built for overriding was it ha
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<Taneb> I'm getting an error when I run nix-collect garbage
<Taneb> error: reading directory ‘/nix/store/trash/fpmrx0gack1b5ckxczl4s26d9xw0rsm9-ghc-8.0.2-with-packages/share/doc/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/tagged-0.8.5/html/src’: Input/output error
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<Lisanna> UGH
<matrium> mpickering: the problem was an error in the primitive.nix
<mpickering> ok
<Lisanna> this is so dumb lol
<matrium> but now I'm stuggling with some failing tests in other referenced libraries
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<Lisanna> ugghh I wish I could just upstream fixes to nixpkgs
<Lisanna> would make this sooo much easier
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<Lisanna> oh no, releaseTools.rpmBuild overrides the attrs in the wrong order
<Lisanna> )))):
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<Lisanna> lol, someone has literally already gone down this exact path
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil opened pull request #42881 → Zotero: Fix → https://git.io/fSs78
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<worldofpeace> Can we speed up this pr here https://git.io/f4SBU (mesa update)?
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<infinisil> #42467
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42467 (by mkaito, open): mesa: 18.0.3 -> 18.1.2
<worldofpeace> * facepalm
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<mkaito> worldofpeace: it's on staging waiting for a suitable world rebuild time.
<mkaito> rebuild takes over a day on my beast workstation. Hydra is gonna have fun.
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<tnks> can't find builtins.hasContext in the docs.
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<worldofpeace> mkaito: Thanks, It looked like it was still waiting for changes to be made
<tnks> what exactly is "context"?
<mkaito> worldofpeace: no, FRidh just forgot to review his change request. probably busy or something.
<worldofpeace> mkaito: definitely
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<mkaito> feel free to bump the PR or something. I've started to run my system off a fork where I cherry pick from PRs I like, just so I don't have to wait for nixpkgs.
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<mkaito> which is really only an option if you don't mind recompiling everything yourself, which I don't.
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<infinisil> tnks: I think I figured it out
<infinisil> tnks: Strings can have a context, which is a set of derivations representing the dependencies of that string. Nix uses it to determine dependencies
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<infinisil> tnks: So e.g. when I declare a string "cp ${pkgs.hello} $out", Nix will add the hello derivation to the strings context to know that if this string ever gets used, hello shall be a dependency of it
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<infinisil> And you can't use strings with context in certain scenarios, e.g. in a derivation name
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<infinisil> > hello.outPath
<{^_^}> "/nix/store/188avy0j39h7iiw3y7fazgh7wk43diz1-hello-2.10"
<infinisil> > builtins.substring 11 (-1) hello.outPath
<{^_^}> "188avy0j39h7iiw3y7fazgh7wk43diz1-hello-2.10"
<infinisil> > runCommand "${builtins.substring 11 (-1) hello.outPath}" {} "touch $out"
<{^_^}> the string '188avy0j39h7iiw3y7fazgh7wk43diz1-hello-2.10' is not allowed to refer to a store path (such as '!out!/nix/store/c271aryv5jzm0aq640lb7gw0102id5f5-hello-2.10.drv'), at /nix/store/cc5d0bfpbw5r...
<infinisil> But there's a builtin to discard the context:
<infinisil> > runCommand "${builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.substring 11 (-1) hello.outPath)}" {} "touch $out"
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/ba0b8nv32zwjd4vqqv4zb7h38s9yb11b-188avy0j39h7iiw3y7fazgh7wk43diz1-hello-2.10>"
<infinisil> tnks: And it works
<infinisil> > builtins.hasContext (builtins.substring 11 (-1) hello.outPath)
<{^_^}> true
<infinisil> > builtins.hasContext (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext (builtins.substring 11 (-1) hello.outPath))
<{^_^}> false
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<Guanin> (asked it earlier already) I've got an application (phantombot) that requires files in a directory relative to the binary (not changeable without patching a lot). What is the best approach to build a package for this? put a symlink to a directory in /var/lib/ in that place?
<infinisil> ,context = Nix strings can have a context representing a set of derivations this string depends on. E.g. "foobar ${pkgs.hello}" has the hello derivation in its context, "foobar" doesn't have any context.
<{^_^}> context defined
<worldofpeace> mkaito: I've tried forking nixpkgs and having your own patch set on top of it. Always ended up having to compile something which I don't have time for.
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<mkaito> that's why it hasn't been merged
<mkaito> half the world depends on mesa
<mkaito> a mesa update causes a world rebuild, which takes a very long time
<mkaito> the basic idea is to group up world-rebuild-causing patches so Hydra doesn't have to do the same monster rebuild more than once.
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<infinisil> Guanin: Yeah that's the best way I know of
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<nh2[m]> is there a command like `nix build nixpkgs.libsodium` that instead of creating a `result` symlink, it just prints the store path?
<symphorien> Guanin: if it annoys you you can use libredirect but this is not the most beautiful way.
<nh2[m]> actually what I want is to just get whatever `nix-env -iA` would install for a given package, its store path
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<Guanin> Thanks infinisil and symphorien
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<Guanin> Of course, the best way would be to make that directory changeable, but that would probably be way to much work :/
<infinisil> nh2[m]: --no-link
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<infinisil> Guanin: You could just use a defaulted argument to your package file
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<infinisil> { stdenv, libfoo, statePath ? "/var/lib/foo" }: ...
<Guanin> Yes, that would probably be the way to go right now :)
<Guanin> Thank you
* infinisil checks if other packages do this, because he thought there were some
<nh2[m]> infinisil: actually `nix build` doesn't seem to create `result/`, some other command I ran before must have created it
<nh2[m]> infinisil: --no-link also doesn't print any store path
<nh2[m]> in other way, is there a shorter way of doing this: nix-store --realise $(nix-instantiate --expr '(import <nixpkgs> {}).libsodium.dev')
<infinisil> nh2[m]: nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A hello
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<infinisil> Yet another reason not to use the new nix command :P
<nh2[m]> infinisil: perfect!
<infinisil> Guanin: There is nix itself which takes `stateDir ? "/nix/var"`
<infinisil> But I can't find any others
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<Guanin> I'd guess that the reason for this is not comparable to my problem, but it should probably work with that approach. I'll try it in the next few hours :) Thanks so far
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<infinisil> :)
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<infinisil> NixOS on the frontpage of /r/unixporn, don't see that everyday https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/8vi79a/herbstluftwm_daily_driver_red_phoenix/
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<infinisil> Oh and if you visit that subreddit, make sure not to forget to partake in the unixporn survey 2018 https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/comments/8v3853/the_2018_unixporn_survey/
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<infinisil> Last year NixOS wasn't very popular, I'm optimistic for it to get a couple more people this year :P
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<joepie91> infinisil: probably doesn't help that it's not in the list of distros to pick
<joepie91> :P
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<worldofpeace> I'm finding a lot of arch users switching and liking it (which makes sense)
<Baughn> A puzzle:
<Baughn> I have a 32-thread machine, but only 32GB of memory.
<infinisil> Heh yeah
<infinisil> Here are the distro results from last year: https://i.imgur.com/b5yMecQ.png
<infinisil> NixOS is there with 14 Users \o/
<joepie91> 'only'
<joepie91> :)
<Baughn> If I leave nix.conf' max-jobs low, then builds take very long indeed. Build parallelism is sorely needed; most builds aren't themselves parallelised.
<Baughn> But if I leave cores (as in `make -j $CORES`) low, then the system goes underutilized any time it's waiting for a single, parallelizable build.
<Baughn> If I turn them both up, however, then I run out of memory.
<Baughn> (Also nixos-generate-config leaves both at 32, which seems unfortunate.)
<Baughn> In short, I suppose I want jobs to be scheduled in a smarter manner, maximizing average throughput without OOMing my system.
<Baughn> Hmm~
<Baughn> I've built a scheduler to do that once before.
<Baughn> But this would be deep in the guts of Nix, right?
<infinisil> Hmm I mean how would you know what derivations take a lot of memory?
<infinisil> Or do you mean it should just temporarily cancel other derivations to make the one requiring lots of memory work?
<infinisil> That might work
<Baughn> If enableParallelBuild is set, then it takes lots of memory. :V
<Baughn> But that's not quite what I mean. I guess my ideal state would be:
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<Baughn> While setting up a build, we scan the derivations and build a dependency tree. This happens already, presumably.
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<Baughn> This can be modelled as a DAG. What we want to do is optimize a particular graph problem I don't know a name for, where we have a system that's N 'slots' wide (N being min(#ofcores, ram/2GB) or something), and we want to feed that entire DAG in order through said system. It's a scheduling problem, in other words.
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<Baughn> Mapping the graph to a 2D grid, we want to minimize the *height* while making the width always <= N.
<Baughn> Or, as a heuristic, we want to maximize the average fill of the system.
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<Baughn> What makes the problem complicated is that *some* nodes have variable width. Anything that has enableParallelBuild set can be reshaped between being tall and being wide...
<Baughn> ...
<Baughn> This is not a good model. :P
<Baughn> The optimization criteria is clear enough. I want builds to finish as quickly as possible, without OOMing, which means not running too many instances of GCC simultaneously.
<Baughn> ...but still as many as can fit.
<Baughn> That seems like the right branch of math, thanks. :D
<Baughn> I was forced to reinvent half of that from scratch. Nobody could point me in the direction.
<hodapp> if you topo-sort the DAG and monitor how many slots are left, you can sort of step through the graph one node at a time and only proceed if you have enough slots for what's next
<infinisil> A lot of stuff can be modeled with flow graphs
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<Baughn> One fun hack, though...
<Baughn> We could patch the kernel to, for the nix-build namespace, leave processes suspended after exec until explicitly started by the scheduler.
<Nissim> hello all, looking for some help with flask HTTPBasicAuth on nixos
<Nissim> my app is a python flask app but it will not run as it is looking for flask and HTTPBasicAuth. would any one know please how to install these packages on nixos.
<LnL> have you looked at the python section in the nixpkgs manual?
<hodapp> but if said DAG is topo-sorted, there are multiple valid ways to still topo-sort, and at any given point you have a set of nodes that could be run next, and you should be able to optimally choose that based on the slots it will occupy
<infinisil> hodapp: the "optimally" is the problem
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<Baughn> infinisil: I'm not sure the theorem is directly applicable, but it's at least in the right direction. Thanks.
<hodapp> infinisil: whether it's even *a* problem sort of remains to be seen practically
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @copumpkin pushed to master « boto{core,3}, awscli: upgrade »: https://git.io/fSGeB
<Baughn> Even a simple heuristic would improve on the current, 'damn the torpedoes' state.
<Baughn> 32*32 threads is too many.
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<hodapp> now, if you can determine per-edge/per-node "slots" required, you may be able to turn that DAG into a flow network...
<Baughn> I guess I'll at least take a poke at the source code.
<hodapp> and max-flow/min-cut may be applicable... trying to think exactly how
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<Baughn> The # of slots needed is either 1, if enableParallelBuild is not set, or 1-N if it is.
<Baughn> I mean, at the moment it's a fixed N for the latter... but there's no reason it has to be.
<hodapp> oh, I thought you were looking to things like RAM usage too
<Baughn> I don't think ram usage is a major concern.
<Baughn> It only runs out because I'm getting literally 32*32 instances of compilers in memory, worst case.
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<Baughn> Ooh. That looks very useful.
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<hodapp> though, may need a bit of restructuring to be a flow network. in the form they give there, you'd be doing something closer to having N 'machine' nodes that you're trying to decide the assignments of, I think
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<hodapp> if I get a chance later, will dig out my algorithms textbook and look at some of the examples they had there...
<Baughn> I'll go with the simple heuristic at first, I think. That's something that should be implementable without too much ado -- if any of this is.
<infinisil> Pretty sure this problem might be NP-complete
<infinisil> A lot of problems are
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<hodapp> toposort can get you pretty far still for a heuristif
<hodapp> heuristic*
<infinisil> I mean it doesn't really optimize for anything though, it just calculates an ordering of dependencies
<Baughn> A greedy algorithm did the work quite well last time.
<hodapp> I'm not calling toposort an optimization algorithm, I'm saying that it makes a lot of quick-and-dirty optimization very easy
* Baughn notes that the tests currently *fail* for Nix.
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<nh2[m]> can I disable the "impure path ... used in link" check? I want to build a nix package on Ubuntu against Ubuntu's libc
<Baughn> nh2[m]: You can include it as an explicit input.
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<Baughn> Of course that'll copy it.
<nh2[m]> Baughn: how would I go about that? Right now I just do `export CC=/usr/bin/gcc` in `preConfigure`
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @smaret opened pull request #42885 → gildas: 20180601_a -> 20180701_a → https://git.io/fSGfQ
<Baughn> nh2[m]: Honestly, it's unlikely to work.
<Baughn> Let's take a step back. *Why* do you want to link against Ubuntu's libc?
<Drakonis> glibc you mean
<Drakonis> nearly every distro uses it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #42886 → ocamlPackages.zarith: 1.4.1 -> 1.7 → https://git.io/fSGfA
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<nh2[m]> Baughn: because otherwise my program doesn't run. I want to build against libsodium and use nix to build me one. I can't use nixpkgs's libsodium because that is built a newer glibc than my Ubuntu has, so it uses a symbol that my Ubuntu's glibc doesn't have. I also can't link everything against Nix's glibc because for that I would have to convince my entire build tooling to use nix's libraries
<nh2[m]> so my idea is: Use nix's convenient way of declaring sources and build steps, to build an .so file that works with my Ubuntu's glibc
<Baughn> Mm. Not sure you can do that.
<Baughn> There's a lot of machinery in Nix that exists explicitly to prevent you.
<Baughn> Nix generally works better if you go all-in, rather than try to mix. I usually say that with the intent of pointing people at NixOS, but compiling everything against nixpkgs is a good start.
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<nh2[m]> Baughn: I mean NixOS is fine and well, but nix has the explicit goal on working on non-NixOS as well, and technically there doesn't see to be any reason to prevent people to opt out of purity it to use it as a glorified EBUILD system
<nh2[m]> though I'm cetainly aware nobody may have cared yet
<nh2[m]> but sometimes it's just that undocumented flag that you've never heard of that solves it ;)
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<symphorien> there is a nativeStdenv, maybe try using it insteaf of stdenv (wild guess)
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<nh2[m]> symphorien: where is that? I cannot find that with grep
<nh2[m]> I'm not even sure why `impure path ... used in link` is appearing at all. It's in ld-wrapper.sh and I'm explicitly setting `LD=/usr/bin/ld`
<ocharles_> Hello. Has anyone packaged Emacs 26?
<nh2[m]> the `NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=` var certainly sounds very promising
<tilpner> > emacs26.version
<{^_^}> "26.1"
<ocharles_> huh, can't seem to find that no matter how hard I search
<ocharles_> thanks tilpner!
<ocharles_> thought it must have been done by now...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej merged pull request #41902 → SDL2: do not propagate private dependencies → https://git.io/vhoCP
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGUj
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<nh2[m]> symphorien: `export NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY=` gets me past the purity check (yay!) but I get another error `./conftest: relocation error: /nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib/libc.so.6: symbol __tunable_get_val, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file ld-linux-x86-
<nh2[m]> 64.so.2 with link time reference` in libsodium's autoconf
<nh2[m]> do you know of any instructions how to use that native stdenv?
<nh2[m]> like am I supposed to just replace `pkgs.stdenv` by something that contains the native stdenv?
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<nh2[m]> if yes, where would that value sit in the nixpkgs attrset?
<symphorien> no sorry
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<PolarIntersect> How do people handle external USB disks on NixOS? Just mount manually into their home directories?
<samueldr> I'm a bit lazy in both ways, and use gnome-disks to mount them
<samueldr> lazy since I didn't setup a neater way to mount
<nh2[m]> I think the current issue happens because nix passes it `"-L/nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib", "-rpath", "/nix/store/2kcrj1ksd2a14bm5sky182fv2xwfhfap-glibc-2.26-131/lib",` so that makes it pick nix's glibc for the ./conftest tool
<samueldr> and lazy since I don't use udisksctl on the CLI
<PolarIntersect> Ah. I thought maybe people did that, but I don't use gnome because it requires running gnome-desktop now
<samueldr> I don't know (haven't verified) how much gnome-disks brings in from gnome
<PolarIntersect> Would be lovely if I could run my WM in gnome but that doesn't work w gnome3
<PolarIntersect> samueldr: I think it just reiies on their being a gnome session
<samueldr> ah, I'm not talking about their service for mounting, I'm talking about a specific tool
<samueldr> `nix-shell -p gnome3.gnome-disk-utility` if you want to check
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<samueldr> it's then called gnome-disks
<samueldr> `nix-shell -p gnome3.gnome-disk-utility --run gnome-disks` even
<symphorien> <PolarIntersect> Would be lovely if I could run my WM in gnome but that doesn't work w gnome3 << you can do this with xfce https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Xfce#Using_as_a_desktop_manager_and_not_a_window_manager
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42881 → Zotero: Fix → https://git.io/fSs78
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed commit from @Infinisil to master « zotero: fix (#42881) »: https://git.io/fSGko
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<samueldr> PolarIntersect: and to be clear, I'm not using gnome, I'm using a xsession script which starts awesome (among other things)
<samueldr> you could also, via the CLI, use `udisksctl`
<samueldr> it uses the right mechanisms behind the scenes to mount it just like any DE would with automounts
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #42887 → Libsecurity closure reductions → https://git.io/fSGII
<wirew0rm> PolarIntersect: I use udiskie (with home-manager you can just do 'services.udiskie.enable = true')
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #42858 → rspamd: 1.6.6 -> 1.7.4 → https://git.io/f6j9R
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c closed pull request #40414 → rspamd: 1.6.6 -> 1.7.3 → https://git.io/vpS5r
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c pushed 5 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGIE
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @symphorien opened pull request #42888 → nghttp2: backport fix for CVE-2018-1000168 [18.03] → https://git.io/fSGIg
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sorki opened pull request #42889 → pps-tools: init at v1.0.2, enable for chrony, gpsd, ntp → https://git.io/fSGIr
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sorki opened pull request #42890 → ipmicfg: 1.27.1 -> 1.28 → https://git.io/fSGIA
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sorki opened pull request #42891 → lib: add float option type → https://git.io/fSGLe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sorki opened pull request #42892 → uboot: add ubootNovena → https://git.io/fSGLm
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 opened pull request #42894 → python37: fix darwin build → https://git.io/fSGLR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #42848 → python.pkgs.asyncssh: fix tests → https://git.io/foKsu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.asyncssh: fix tests (#42848) »: https://git.io/fSGLi
<pikajude> ok so my haskell package is in a bad state because it depends on base-compat 0.10.*
<pikajude> but the default one in nixpkgs is 0.9
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<pikajude> and to build any package that depends on mine, I have to overrideScope to base-compat 0.10.3
<pikajude> is this common
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<tnks> infinisil: cool. I think I figured out some of that too in the meantime, but it's good to have some verification.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42887 → Libsecurity closure reductions → https://git.io/fSGII
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 70 commits to staging: https://git.io/fSGtR
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @sorki opened pull request #42896 → nixos/gpsd-service: add services.gpsd.nowait option → https://git.io/fSGtb
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fragamus opened pull request #42897 → add bliss package → https://git.io/fSGqe
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<infinisil> pikajude: haskell.lib.doJailbreak changes a haskell package to ignore version bounds
<Myrl-saki> brotli.sh: line 28: 29015 Bus error nix copy --to $cacheURI $outPath
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<pikajude> yeah, but it doesn't build with 0.10 afaik
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<pikajude> packages written for base-compat 0.9 don't build properly with ghc 8.4.3 usually because there are some conflicting exports
<pikajude> so i'm assuming i should actually make it depend on 0.9 and worry about upgrading later
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42891 → lib: add float option type → https://git.io/fSGLe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGm8
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #42892 → uboot: add ubootNovena → https://git.io/fSGLm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGmo
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<Lisanna> does anyone have a handy list of all the different kinds of hydra build products?
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<LnL> not that I know of, looked through https://search.nix.gsc.io/?q=hydra-build-products last time
<Myrl-saki> Second try at buillding Nix...
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<Myrl-saki> Okay...
<Myrl-saki> I think I needed to sudo my nix-uild
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<Myrl-saki> Because everything seems passing now.
<LnL> oh! product.type == "channel", that's a thing aparently
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<Myrl-saki> Nopeee it failed.
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<Lisanna> LnL I think that's the type that releaseTools.channel uses
<Lisanna> that's how you get hydra to publish a channel for you
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<Myrl-saki> Where is Nix defineedd
<Myrl-saki> Err
<Myrl-saki> Rather, where is pkgs.nix set to pkgs.nix
<Myrl-saki> all-packages.nix doesn't seem to have it
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<Myrl-saki> Okay, I at least know where its called now.
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<Myrl-saki> I mean where the underlying code is defined
<Lisanna> Myrl-saki the derivation for nix?
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<LnL> Myrl-saki: tools/package-management/nix
<Myrl-saki> Lisanna: Nah, I meant where pkgs.nix is set to the derivation.
<Myrl-saki> inherit (callPackages ../tools/package-management/nix { ...
<Myrl-saki> LnL: Thanks, that also works.
<Myrl-saki> Oh cool. TIL, there's versionAtLeast.
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<Myrl-saki> I needed to know what Nix I'm downloading.
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<Myrl-saki> Well, crap.
<Myrl-saki> I'll have to move the Nix expression forward.
<Myrl-saki> Err
<Myrl-saki> The Nixpkgs
<Myrl-saki> now I have to do a full system rebuild.
<Myrl-saki> ; ^ ;
<Myrl-saki> Welps. I'm disabling the checks lol
<Myrl-saki> Also, is `nix-build` accepting a /nix/store/.drv a Nix 2 thing?
<Myrl-saki> For Nix 1, I had to use nix-store --realise
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<infinisil> Myrl-saki: $(nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A nix1)/bin/nix-build $(nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A hello)
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<infinisil> Given an error for me, but works with normal nix-build, so I guess it's a Nix 2.0 thing :P
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: That's actually what I did.
<Myrl-saki> Oh okay. :P
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: About dying due to not a symlink?
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<infinisil> The fact that you can just run such a command is such a good selling point of nix
<infinisil> Myrl-saki: Yeah not sure what the means
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<LnL> nix-store -r $(nix-instantiate ...)
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: I didn't know it was a Nix 2.0 thing, so I did `ln -s /nix/store/foo.drv /home/myrl/foo.drv; nix-build /home/myrl/foo.drv` and it works lmao
<infinisil> LnL: Yeah, but apparently Nix 2.0's nix-build can do nix-store -r 's job
<LnL> yep
<Myrl-saki> I 100% thought my Nix was broken. :P
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: LnL: THanks.
<infinisil> I have yet to see Nix being broken even once
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: Nix, the binary, or Nix the "ecosystem"?
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<LnL> I have, was using my branch to 'fix' distributed builds
<infinisil> I did discover a weird semantic in the Nix evaluator I think should be changed: nix#2109
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2109 (by Infinisil, open): imports don't resolve symlinks absolutely, leading to unexpected behaviour
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: I had my /nix/store broken once because the power plug is on the same level as my chair, and my chair has wheels. And this probably happened like once a day.
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<infinisil> Congrats :P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #42856 → tor-browser: 52.8.1esr-7.5-1 -> 52.9.0esr-7.5-2 → https://git.io/f6p6A
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGOo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #42857 → toxvpn: use default libtoxcore → https://git.io/f6p6p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSGOi
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #42681 → redo: 1.2 -> 1.3 → https://git.io/f4dHc
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSG3I
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<infinisil> Hey, does anybody remember that PR which would have added over 700 NixOS options?
<infinisil> I fail to find it
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<joepie91> infinisil: something auto-generated or other wasn't it?
<infinisil> Probably (I wouldn't wanna write 700 options manually)
<samueldr> infinisil: an older PR, something newer?
<infinisil> Older
<joepie91> infinisil: maybe 'generated' would help as a search term?
<samueldr> before or after ofborg's reign of terror^W helpfulness
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #42845 → nixos/security.sudo: Document ordering of extraRules → https://git.io/frzqB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fSG30
<joepie91> lol
<infinisil> samueldr: Before :P
<samueldr> aw, then don't know if tags will help
<infinisil> Or maybe it was on a mailing list
<samueldr> oh, labels go up farther than ofborg's starting date :)
<samueldr> infinisil: think it was closed?
<infinisil> I should search for unmerged PR's that change nixpkgs/nixos, sorted by biggest amount of changes
<joepie91> infinisil: also search for comment count
<infinisil> samueldr: Probably closed
<joepie91> this sounds like something that'd attract some controversy :)
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<samueldr> I love how sorting by most commented... doesn't really work
<samueldr> 47, 67, 59, 49
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<infinisil> LnL: NICE!
<infinisil> LnL++
<{^_^}> LnL's karma got increased to 2
<samueldr> > EDITED: reduced the number of options from 1152 to 756
<{^_^}> <LAMBDA>
* samueldr sweats
<infinisil> ...