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<infinisil> Hey, I just made a quick demo for how Nix could be used as Futharks future package manager, for https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammingLanguages/comments/90fnop/the_future_futhark_package_manager/
<infinisil> Suggestions welcome :)
<drakonis> who was it that i got into a slapfight over nix being futhark's package manager?
<drakonis> it was dumb and awful
<drakonis> in hindsight
<infinisil> No idea, what was the problem with it?
<drakonis> what's worse is that i can't even remember why
<infinisil> Damnit
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43938 → jsonnet: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.2 → https://git.io/fNWA9
<infinisil> Well futhark apparently can't have include paths..
<infinisil> I worked around that, but it would be nicer if it supported that lol
<drakonis> that's weird and terrible???
<drakonis> library collision troubles?
<infinisil> Probably
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<infinisil> I guess it won't happen because futhark has windows support
<infinisil> But hopefully the creator takes a closer look at it, instead of disregarding it at first sight
<drakonis> maybe have sublevels instead of pathing to a library
<drakonis> similar to python
<infinisil> No idea about that
<drakonis> module importing and such
<drakonis> uh
<drakonis> i think python has a place that drops libraries and then they're imported either whole cloth or through modules
<drakonis> which go into some subfolder
<infinisil> Uh huh
* infinisil nods
<drakonis> hm yes
<drakonis> you got it hmm
<infinisil> Well I have to go now, see ya!
<drakonis> WELL OK
<infinisil> Haha
<drakonis> this sounds like the world's weirdest exchange
<infinisil> Truly
<infinisil> Ah, it feels nice to close 20 terminals after a long day
<infinisil> Too lazy to close the 200 firefox tabs though
<drakonis> is this a challenge
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<sophiag> anyone disabled muxless hybrid graphics with acpi_call?
<drakonis> i have 500 tabs open
<infinisil> Amazing, here is your medal-of-many-tabs
<drakonis> i accept this honor
<ldlework> lol
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43939 → graylog: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6 → https://git.io/fNWxo
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43940 → gtkwave: 3.3.91 -> 3.3.92 → https://git.io/fNWxH
<tertle||eltret> is there a decent GUI for nix-env?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43941 → gp2c: 0.0.10pl1 -> 0.0.11 → https://git.io/fNWxp
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<samueldr> pretty sure there aren't
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43907 → far2l: 2018-02-27 -> 2018-07-19 → https://git.io/fNW1X
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWpn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNWpl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Mic92 merged pull request #43897 → todiff: 0.5.0 -> 0.6.1 → https://git.io/fNW6L
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43942 → feh: 2.27 -> 2.27.1 → https://git.io/fNWpz
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<petersjt014[m]> hi:
<petersjt014[m]> I'm (still) trying to get nixos running on an rpi zw--I got the img file written, but all I'm getting is a pattern of a long flash of the led followed by a very short one. anyone know what that means?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43943 → focuswriter: 1.6.14 -> 1.6.15 → https://git.io/fNWpA
<srhb> PeterRomfeld[m]: Unfortunately, right now I don't remember which people are the right ones to poke for RPi support, but I know they are here. It's very timezone dependant, so please try your luck at different hours and I'm sure you'll get a result. I'll try to remember your nick if I recall who the right people are :)
<samueldr> petersjt014[m]: I think :)
<samueldr> just a quick checklist: you used the armv6l image from dezgeg?
<petersjt014[m]> yeah
<petersjt014[m]> one sec while I get the hash
<srhb> Woops, yes, sorry, wrong tag.
<clever> petersjt014[m]: you can lookup what the blink pattern means online
<clever> petersjt014[m]: how many blinks is it doing?
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<petersjt014[m]> It's on a cycle. one that lasts about a quarter-second, then one really quick one, with about a second inbetween
<clever> 2 flashes: The SD Card cannot be read.
<clever> petersjt014[m]: if you remove the SD card entirely, then reconnect power, does it blink the same way?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed commit from @volth to master « treewide: fix build with disallowed aliases (#43872) »: https://git.io/fNWhm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43872 → fix build with disallowed aliases → https://git.io/fNW4s
<petersjt014[m]> remove it while powered?
<clever> turn off the power, remove the card, turn on the power
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<petersjt014[m]> no, no activity at all.
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<clever> petersjt014[m]: if you put the sd card back into a reader and do `fdisk -l /dev/sdX` what does it list?
<petersjt014[m]> one sec...
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed to master « Revert "Revert "release: disallow aliases"" »: https://git.io/fNWhZ
<petersjt014[m]> erm...what is -l supposed to do? the implementation seems to be different on osx
<clever> petersjt014[m]: list
<clever> petersjt014[m]: you can probably also just `fdisk /dev/sdX` and then run the print command within it (its probably just p)
<petersjt014[m]> one sec, gonna pastebin it
<petersjt014[m]> pastebin.com/LRE2CFQ6
<clever> petersjt014[m]: looks pretty normal, i would expect that to boot
<samueldr> that's a fresh `dd`, without changes?
<petersjt014[m]> hmm
<samueldr> (doing the basic did you turn it off and on, sorry if it's patronizing)
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<petersjt014[m]> yeah. I get the bilking pattern above almost instantly
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<petersjt014[m]> my raspbian card works fine, so it's prob not the pi
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43944 → facter: 3.11.2 -> 3.11.3 → https://git.io/fNWh2
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<tertle||eltret> i broke my install
<tertle||eltret> deleted user, now I cant login :/
<clever> tertle||eltret: do you not have a root password?, have you tried booting an older generation from the bootloader?
<tertle||eltret> yes I tried
<clever> tertle||eltret: using grub or systemd-boot?
<tertle||eltret> oh yeah i forgot about root
<tertle||eltret> i never login to that from the splash screen, but it worked
<tertle||eltret> i think nvidia isnt working with root login
<clever> tertle||eltret: try ctrl+alt+f1 and then login from text mode?
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<tertle||eltret> clever:it worked from the login
<tertle||eltret> im in as root
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43945 → closurecompiler: 20180610 -> 20180716 → https://git.io/fNWhM
<clever> now you can undo the changes to configuration.nix to re-add yourself, nixos-rebuild switch, and possibly run `passwd username` to set the pw again
<tertle||eltret> does it matter if u use declarative and imperitive method to add the same user?
<clever> i prefer to always use declarative
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<tertle||eltret> how to add myself to sudoers file in config.nix?
<clever> tertle||eltret: add yourself to the wheel group, example linked
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43946 → cutemaze: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4 → https://git.io/fNWhb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joncfoo opened pull request #43947 → rustracer: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.14 → https://git.io/fNWhj
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<sophiag> clever: while i'm catching you on here, are you aware of problems with grub and muxless graphics?. i'm stuck with a laptop with a muxless nvidia card for now and figure i'll try to enable prime either using the instructions on the wiki or when it's automated in 18.09, but suspect my bootloader config may interfere so wondering if i shoudl prefer systemd-boot instead
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<clever> sophiag: for efi booting, there are dedicated functions provided by the firmware for drawing to the screen, i would expect that to not cause any gpu driver problems
<clever> sophiag: and if it did cause problems, i would expect every bootloader to have the same problems
<clever> for legacy booting, i believe grub uses the same legacy bios calls dos would have used, and i has not messed with advanced stuff like pci passthru for me, so it should also not cause issues with wonky drivers
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<sophiag> hmm, okay. i was just trying to find the issue where someone mentioned that possibly interfering
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<{^_^}> #19775 (by lheckemann, closed): Option hardware.amdHybridGraphics.disable does not work
<clever> sophiag: from the first comment, it sounds like a race condition, the systemd unit just needs to wait a bit longer
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<clever> sophiag: and for the comment a few down about linux vs linuxefi, just read the grub.conf file in /boot and see which one its using
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# grep linux /boot/grub/grub.cfg
<clever> linux ($drive1)//kernels....
<clever> looks like its still "linux"
<sophiag> the op makes a comment further down about "having heard" grub causing issues with hybrid graphics
<clever> sophiag: that comment implies that its less to do with what grub did to the GPU, and more what grub isnt forwarding to the linux kernel
<clever> yeah, thats the comment i mentioned
<sophiag> right, and that sounds similar to what i've been experiencing with muxless nvidia + grub. it boots into tty and switching services.xserver.videoDriver to intel was causing cpu stalls...
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<clever> the comments i read dont mention any cpu stalls, have you tried testing ssh?
<sophiag> i don't have the ability to at the moment
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<sophiag> to be clear, i didn't disable nvidia in hardware
<sophiag> although this issue doesn't mention muxless. i've mainly been following #24711
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24711 (by ghost, open): Nvidia, Bumblebee, Hybrid Graphics, Nothing Working on NixOS 17.03
<sophiag> it seems i could upgrade to 18.09 and use that method, try the one under nvidia on the wiki now, or try disabling nvidia in hardware similar to amd in the issue that mentioned systemd-boot
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<tertle||eltret> why cant i install renosie on this box?
<clever> tertle||eltret: is it giving an error?
<tertle||eltret> no, it installs, but i cant find the executable
<tertle||eltret> usually its available from shell
<clever> sophiag: the power of nixos config is amazing, i switched my desktop from nixos-unstable to 18.03, and then even 17.09 today, trying to narrow down a problem
<clever> sophiag: with only very minor changes to my configuration.nix, i was able to downgrade the whole machine to 17.09 effortlessly
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43948 → capstone: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5 → https://git.io/fNWjR
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<clever> sophiag: sadly, 17.09 also shows signs of the same problem, so its either a long-standing issue in the linux kernel, or a config issue in configuration.nix itself
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<sophiag> clever: my rebuilds are extremely slow at the moment. otherwise i likely would have diagnosed it further now that i've found this new information (i've had to boot off a 16.09 build for over a year just to get a display manager to load)
<clever> sophiag: i did have to reduce my own rebuilds down to 1 core
<sophiag> to run them in the background?
<clever> in my case, the issue is a weird voltage control problem with the cpu, that leads to the motherboard dumping 80 amps into the poor cpu, which then overheats to the point of the machine cutting power
<clever> and just doing a rebuild was making it get dangerously close to overheating again
<sophiag> wow
<sophiag> that makes muxless nvidia sound tame
<clever> i started to suspect a linux problem, after i noticed windows at max load barely used 20 amps in the same monitoring util
<clever> so either linux is doing something seriously wrong
<clever> or windows is doing something seriously wrong, and can only use 10% of my cpu's power :P
<sophiag> yikes
<clever> sophiag: https://imgur.com/piR9KwZ
<clever> sophiag: the amps and volts on the cpu, when idle, and then starting a stress test to max out all cores
<clever> notice the amps going literally off the scale, lol
<sophiag> yeah, that's scary...
<clever> under windows, with max load, the voltage wont even leave 0.86v
<clever> linux is just jumping all over the place while idle
<clever> i initially thougth 80 amps was normal, because i only tested linux, and the math matches up with the TDP of the cpu
<angerman> great :( I manage to lock up my remote builders to th epoint where they say "waiting for locks or build slots..."; even though nothing is happening on the remot uilder.
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<clever> angerman: the local machine keeps track of how many builds are being ran
<clever> angerman: let me find the state...
<angerman> reboot usually helps; but that's kinda stuipid.
<angerman> clever: but reboot shouldn't help in that case, should it?
<sophiag> that's the part where nixos can't really deliver, at least in my experience. it's likely not a kernel version issue, but some module that's difficult to pinpoint
<clever> angerman: i think nixos keeps that state on a tmpfs
<clever> angerman: so its lost at reboot
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<clever> sophiag: i initially thought it was a recent channel update, because it never went into thermal shutdown prior to this summer
<angerman> clever: but that's rebooting the builder. Hmm...
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<clever> sophiag: but even 17.09 was failing, but thats during winter...
<clever> sophiag: so its still plausible that the overheat bug was caused in fall of 2017, and it took until summer to notice
<tertle||eltret> any ideas clever sophiag
<clever> tertle||eltret: all binaries must be patched by nix before they can run
<clever> tertle||eltret: so installing things the non-nix way will always fail
<tertle||eltret> ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
<tertle||eltret> damn
<clever> tertle||eltret: nix-env -iA nixos.renoise to install the nix package of it
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43949 → acpid: 2.0.29 -> 2.0.30 → https://git.io/fNWjo
<tertle||eltret> there is no nix packaghe of it
<tertle||eltret> its wierd propietary and obscure
<clever> tertle||eltret: i just installed it using nix
<tertle||eltret> but gentoo has a package for it
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<clever> tertle||eltret: it is packaged, and the above will install it
<tertle||eltret> oh, maybe the website is old
<clever> > pkgs.renoise.meta.description
<{^_^}> "Modern tracker-based DAW"
<tertle||eltret> wow
<samueldr> tertle||eltret: the website tracks 18.03 (stable) and has unfree packages removed from the index
<clever> > pkgs.renoise.meta.license
<{^_^}> { free = false; fullName = "Unfree"; shortName = "unfree"; }
<clever> its unfree, so it will always be hidden on the website
<clever> angerman: AutoCloseFD lock = openLockFile(currentLoad + "/main-lock", true);
<clever> currentLoad = store->stateDir + "/current-load";
<tertle||eltret> what does -iA do?
<samueldr> ,-iA tertle||eltret
<clever> tertle||eltret: installs the package refered to by an attribute path
<samueldr> ,-A tertle||eltret
<{^_^}> tertle||eltret: You'll usually want to use nix-env -i with -A. It's faster and more precise. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/nix-env_-iA for details.
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<clever> angerman: check `ls -ltrh /nix/var/nix/current-load`
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<angerman> clever: lets see when it locks up again.
<clever> angerman: it looks like its no longer on a tmpfs, but deleting those files should reset its memory of in-use build slaves
<tertle||eltret> no output?
<samueldr> ,unfree
<{^_^}> You cannot install your unfree software? See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/unfree
<clever> tertle||eltret: you need to enable unfree packages in config.nix
<samueldr> you'll need to configure it for your user in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
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<samueldr> (even if configured at the system level)
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<clever> angerman: ah, on closer inspection, nix uses fcntl(fd, F_SETLK on the lock files in /nix/var/nix/current-load
<clever> angerman: and the locks are opened with O_CLOEXEC
<clever> angerman: so once the process that was using the build slave quits, the lock should be auto-released by the kernel
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43950 → bcftools: 1.8 -> 1.9 → https://git.io/fNWjy
<angerman> I think I can reproduce it when I kill it during a "copying to ..."
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<samueldr> I took a couple minutes to update and unbreak this alternative listing https://nix.samueldr.com/explorer/?channel=nixos-unstable&query=renoise&unfree=true
<clever> ,locate renoise
<{^_^}> Couldn't find any packages
<clever> hydra probably doesnt build it, so no index
<samueldr> yeah
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<samueldr> hydra doesn't build unfree, so anything unfree is also (un)helpfully (but understandably) hidden from nix-index
<clever> samueldr: busybox probably should also be hidden from nix-index, lol
<clever> half the command-not-found results tell you to try installing busybox, which just horribly breaks the machine
<samueldr> yes lol
<samueldr> or at least, all its linked binaries, keeping `busybox` itself in?
<clever> the default version in the busybox attribute could be changed, as long as the initrd uses an override to re-enable that
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<samueldr> busybox, but with links, would help also those who want it piece-meal?
<tertle||eltret> what is hydra?
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<clever> tertle||eltret: the CI system for nix
<samueldr> clever: I needed `strings` for something, this brings the whole binutils-unwrapped, piece-by-piece busybox would have helped me in that case
<sophiag> i feel like i should know this, but... will gcing slow down rebuilds vs. pruning builds i know are broken?
<clever> samueldr: you can also run "busybox strings foo" to run the strings sub-command
<samueldr> yeah, also
<clever> samueldr: by default, a normal `nix-collect-garbage` will delete anything not currently in use, which may include build-time tools, and anything source like
<samueldr> sophiag: ^
<clever> sophiag: and then youll probably spend an extra 10-20mins re-downloading from the binary cache, depending on your modem speed
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<sophiag> i actually have good bandwidth now (well, for an american) but someone mentioned last night why builds are slower now and it was a bit too hand-wavy for me to understand
<sophiag> but regardless, i still have to gc after deleting generations if my goal is to free up disk space right?
<sophiag> oh, except i can use nix-store -gc instead
<clever> sophiag: one min
<clever> sophiag: i was digging around in the nix source a month ago and discovered the min-free and max-free options
<clever> any time i reach 3gig of free space on /nix/store, it will start a gc, and it will stop when it gets to 6gig free
<tertle||eltret> how do I do step 2 here?
<clever> tertle||eltret: a: thats a "lovely" packaging idea, b: then how did i install it without a licenses? lol
<tertle||eltret> u got the demo version
<tertle||eltret> u can export to mp3
<tertle||eltret> cant*
<clever> tertle||eltret: you need an entry in your config.nix packageOverrides, that does renoise = pkgs.renoise.override { releasePath = /path/to/something; };
<clever> ah
<clever> tertle||eltret: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/b8f9f73372fe4585d29706c7a9fd83c8 line 12 is an example doing the same type of thing to steam
<sophiag> clever: ah, i already knew about that (i think). given where i'm at now with hardware issues i just prefer to delete generations rather than set a gc limit
<clever> sophiag: the automatic GC wont touch generations, so you still have to manually delete those
<sophiag> like rn, most are from 18.09 and i'm not using it so there's no point in keeping them
<sophiag> right. i just forgot i can gc from nix-store afterwards
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43951 → acme-sh: 2.7.8 -> 2.7.9 → https://git.io/fNleJ
<sophiag> i thought you were going to fetch a link to why builds are larger/slower in more recent versions
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43952 → batctl: 2018.1 -> 2018.2 → https://git.io/fNlek
<kalbasit> hey all, anyone using Bazel on NixOS here?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @r-ryantm opened pull request #43953 → autorandr: 1.5 -> 1.6 → https://git.io/fNleL
<tertle||eltret> cant*htop
<tertle||eltret> packageOverrides, that does renoise = pkgs.renoise.override { releasePath = /path/to/something; };packageOverrides, that does renoise = pkgs.renoise.override { releasePath = /path/to/something; };releasePath
<angerman> are there any substantial changes between `nix-build` and `nix build`?
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<clever> angerman: nix-build treats the free argument as a filename, nix build needs a -f for the filename
<clever> angerman: nix build uses the free argument as either an attrpath or an expression, based on some weird logic, but nix-build needs -E or -A for that
<clever> i find the nix-build api to be more predictable, but nix build is the only one with the better progress UI
<angerman> clever: but conceptually they should do the same right?
<clever> but once you know the quirks, you can translate between the 2 easily
<samueldr> (for now, nix-build is the one you should use for scripts)
<angerman> I'm just a bit confused because `nix-build` seems to be slower?
<samueldr> (nix commands are not set in stone API-wise)
<clever> yeah, they should be interchangable, once you know how to translate the args
<clever> angerman: nix-build prints all log output to stdout, which may eat some cpu, -Q will silence it
<clever> nix build is more silent by default
<angerman> Also `nix-build` somehow fails to find some derivation on a binary cache, that `nix build` apparently does find.
<angerman> I'm severely confused by the behaviour right now.
<clever> they should use the same library behind the scenes, so that shouldnt be possible
<angerman> So I've been playing with cachix, (because my upload to packet.net server is just too reduculously slow). And I've pushed the derivations, but `nix-build` kept copying it to the builder, whereas `nix build` seemed to not need to copy it.
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<clever> angerman: one difference that could exist, is the modes for nix copy closure
<tertle||eltret> like this >?
<clever> angerman: there is a special flag, that will allow or dis-allow the remote machine to do the binary cache work on its own
<sophiag> the builds i'm seeing in profiles are now mapped to generations quite differently than in the past. i assume this is because i had to copy a new db schema into an old version of nix earlier today :/
<clever> angerman: the default for that flag may differ between the 2 tools
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<clever> tertle||eltret: you are missing the pkgs: { and } for packageOverrides
<clever> tertle||eltret: refer to lines 6 and 28 of my example
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<angerman> clever: that could be it potentially. I've seen `nix-build` run the `querying...` in the beginning. I don't see it do that right now.
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<clever> angerman: also of note, both tools must have the entire set of inputs locally, before they contect the build slave
<clever> angerman: and then it can decide between uploading the local copy, or having the remote machine hit up a binary cache
<angerman> clever: well all I cahnge is the `-f` and `-A` flags.
<clever> AutoCloseFD uploadLock = openLockFile(currentLoad + "/" + escapeUri(storeUri) + ".upload-lock", true);
<clever> angerman: i also see a seperate lock file for uploading to build slaves
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<clever> printError("somebody is hogging the upload lock for '%s', continuing...");
<clever> and this gets printed if it blocks for 15mins, lol
<clever> auto substitute = settings.buildersUseSubstitutes ? Substitute : NoSubstitute;
<clever> angerman: ah, found it
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<clever> angerman: --option builders-use-substitutes true
<clever> angerman: if that is enabled, then the build slaves will prefer fetching directly from a cache, rather then letting you upload
<tertle||eltret> i dont get it clever
<clever> tertle||eltret: line 5 should be
<tertle||eltret> ur file is too filled with other stuff
<clever> packageOverrides = pkgs: { renoise = pkgs.renoise.override { releasePath = /path/to/something; }; };
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<tertle||eltret> ty clever
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<angerman> clever: ohh, it *does* in fact fetch *some*, just not all... that's the weird part.
<angerman> clever: and those it did *not* fetch, I ensured were there by pushing them to cachix again. So either my cachix index is corrupted (but why would `nix build`, as opposed to `nix-build` work then...)
<clever> angerman: note that both ends will cache the negative replies from the binary cache
<clever> angerman: so if you try something, push, then try again, it wont re-check the binary cache
<angerman> clever: how do I force invalidate the cache?
<clever> for the remote end, it has to be in nix.conf
<clever> angerman: you can also just `rm -v /root/.cache/nix/binary-cache-v5.sqlite*`
<clever> nix will automatically recreate that if its missing, and then re-query every binary cache
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<angerman> clever: all right, I was just too eager :-)
<clever> angerman: there are also some bugs in nix to do with the positive caching
<clever> angerman: if you delete soemthing from the binary cache, it will 404, but the positive cache says it exists, so nix will refuse to just build it locally
<clever> without wiping the cache, it will take 30 days to correct itself
* clever heads off to ebd
<clever> bed*
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<angerman> thanks!
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<boomshroom> How many here play Borderlands 2 or TPS?
<boomshroom> I'm trying to access one of the special offers and it seems to look for the ssl certificate "157753a5.0", but NixOS only gives 2 bundles and none individually.
<boomshroom> And it seems both bundles point to the same file.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43954 → exercism: 2.4.1 -> 3.0.5 → https://git.io/fNleA
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<iqubic> Swap on ZFS is weird.
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<iqubic> Anyone in here use emacs to software development?
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<sophiag> i use emacs
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<siraben> How do I add a user to the NixOS installation?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @zgrannan opened pull request #43956 → skypeforlinux: 8.18.06 -> → https://git.io/fNlv6
<sophiag> siraben: users.extraUser.siraben = {..}
<siraben> sophiag: Where in the manual is this?
<siraben> I want siraben to have sudo powers as well
<sophiag> then you need to add yourself to wheel
<siraben> And that can be done later?
<sophiag> there's a good example there
<sophiag> i think you can add users to groups imperatively
<sophiag> but you could also just do it as in that example
<samueldr> siraben: chapter 7. User Management https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-user-management
<sophiag> i'm trying to build an ocaml package and it can't find gmp.h even if i run opam from inside nix-shell. i have gmp installed globally. could this be a path issue?
<siraben> "The fileSystems option does not specify your root file system"
<siraben> When I run nix-install
<siraben> nixos-install
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<sophiag> siraben: that's usually generated in hardware-configuration.nix
<sophiag> are you importing it in your configuration.nix?
<siraben> How do you mean?
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<sophiag> i have `imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix]`
<siraben> Yes I have that.
<sophiag> and what's your fileSystem in hardware-configuration?
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<sophiag> it should just be `fileSystems=."/" = { .. }`
<siraben> sophiag: Yes I see boot
<sophiag> hmm. are you using the same partition for root?
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<sophiag> i don't see any image..weird
<siraben> Must be a glitch
<siraben> in imgur
<sophiag> i think this is more me being the weird one...i boot grub using legacy. i think with uefi you may need to specify a different root fileSystem on the same disk, but am not sure
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<siraben> I'll nuke the installation and start again
<sophiag> it does seem like it should have generated that file correctly
<sophiag> if reinstalling doesn't fix it then someone more experienced should be able to answer this for you
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<siraben> Ah it works now
<sophiag> woohoo!
<siraben> I think the issue was that I ran "nixos-rebuild switch" as in the link you sent me
<siraben> haha
<sophiag> and you had other changes in your config?
<siraben> and i changed the config a bit
<siraben> Adding "boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;"
<siraben> And boot.loader.grub.device = "nodev";
<sophiag> yup, familiar with that myself :p
<siraben> Pretty painless otherwise.
<siraben> The first time I installed NixOS I forgot to enable the graphical interface, d'oh!
<sophiag> nice. i remember it being aggravating when i first installed it
<siraben> I guess it's because I installed GuixSD before
<siraben> And learned to use cfdisk
<siraben> So partition was easy
<siraben> I think they should recommend the use of cfdisk, it's more "graphical"
<siraben> With the ascii-art boxes
<sophiag> i forget the name of the library it probably uses
<sophiag> like htop, gparted, etc.
<sophiag> damn, well i'm still trying to get dune/jbuilder to find globally installed ocaml packages i don't seem to be able to install with opam :/
<Yaniel> ncurses is the library
<sophiag> ^ thanks
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43952 → batctl: 2018.1 -> 2018.2 → https://git.io/fNlek
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43951 → acme-sh: 2.7.8 -> 2.7.9 → https://git.io/fNleJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43949 → acpid: 2.0.29 -> 2.0.30 → https://git.io/fNWjo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfO
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43948 → capstone: 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5 → https://git.io/fNWjR
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlf3
<siraben> Nix doesn't have non-free packages by defaul, right?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43946 → cutemaze: 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4 → https://git.io/fNWhb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfs
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43944 → facter: 3.11.2 -> 3.11.3 → https://git.io/fNWh2
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43943 → focuswriter: 1.6.14 -> 1.6.15 → https://git.io/fNWpA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43942 → feh: 2.27 -> 2.27.1 → https://git.io/fNWpz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfn
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43940 → gtkwave: 3.3.91 -> 3.3.92 → https://git.io/fNWxH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfc
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<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Right. Easy to turn on, though,
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<siraben> I try to avoid them when possible.
<siraben> So the installation finished but I can't boot up to it
<siraben> It boots up with a super grub2 rescue iso though
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43947 → rustracer: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.14 → https://git.io/fNWhj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlf2
<neonfuz> whenever I run nixos-rebuild (with sudo) I get this message 6 times
<neonfuz> "warning: Nix search path entry '$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels' does not exist, ignoring"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43939 → graylog: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6 → https://git.io/fNWxo
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfV
<neonfuz> any idea what's wrong?
<Jason_Grossman> neonfuz: Getting that once is expected, and I wouldn't worry about getting it multiple times.
<neonfuz> why is that expected?
<neonfuz> and I don't know what user it's trying to run that as, but ~/.nix-defexpr/channels exists as both my main user and root
<Jason_Grossman> neonfuz: Oh in that case I guess it's not expected.
<siraben> How do I install the GRUB entry in Nix?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43925 → neovim-unwrapped: 0.3.0 -> 0.3.1 → https://git.io/fNWdr
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43922 → owncloud-client: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 → https://git.io/fNW5C
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlf1
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43920 → ola: 0.10.6 -> 0.10.7 → https://git.io/fNW7r
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfD
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43918 → passExtensions.pass-import: 2.2 -> 2.3 → https://git.io/fNWQd
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfy
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43914 → peru: 1.1.3 -> 1.1.4 → https://git.io/fNWHB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfS
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43913 → picard-tools: 2.18.9 -> 2.18.10 → https://git.io/fNWHL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfH
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlf7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43912 → powershell: 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3 → https://git.io/fNW97
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43899 → tlaplusToolbox: 1.5.6 -> 1.5.7 → https://git.io/fNWiu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlfd
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43921 → opencollada: 1.6.62 -> 1.6.63 → https://git.io/fNW7F
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlJY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @danieldk opened pull request #43957 → gitea: 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 → https://git.io/fNlJZ
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43958 → ocamlPackages: bigstringaf init; angstrom update; httpaf init → https://git.io/fNlJg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @endgame opened pull request #43959 → haskellPackages.doctest-discover: Disable tests → https://git.io/fNlJV
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to master « python.pkgs.z3: provide bindings for z3 package, fixes #42603 »: https://git.io/fNlJP
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to see which processes' memory is in swap?
<sphalerite> siraben: assuming you mean nixos, nixos-rebuild switch
<siraben> Is there a guide to double boot nixos with debian?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Sorry for the indirect answer, but it depends on your boot loader. Once you've got your boot loader sorted out, double booting is very easy.
<siraben> GRUB boot loder
<siraben> loader
<siraben> So I'll try installing debian first in a VM
<siraben> And NixOS on top of that?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I don't know any specific guides for NixOS and grub - sorry - but there are lots of grub guides. (I don't know the best. I don't use grub.)
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Do that if it's fun, but the hard bit will be setting up grub.
<sphalerite> siraben: not that I know of. The easiest way is probably to use systemd-boot instead
<Jason_Grossman> Yeah, systemd-boot is very simple.
<Jason_Grossman> At least, as far as boot loaders go. They're all a bit weird IMO.
<sphalerite> since that just has its entries as individual files in a directory, so you can easily share that directroy between the two OSes
<siraben> Or what if I use reFind?
<sphalerite> rEFInd can't boot nixos directly AFAIK
<sphalerite> because of the kernel command line stuff it needs to pass
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: refind can start systemd-boot, which in turn starts NixOS, and refind can also boot Debian of course. I've tried it that way. I found it too confusing, but YMMV.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #43960 → gptfdisk: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 → https://git.io/fNlJj
<siraben> Or maybe I can just install NixOS first and then tell debian to use the remaining free space
<siraben> Because I know how to partition the former but not the latter.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: That sounds good to me.
<sphalerite> partitioning isn't the problem, it's getting the boot loaders to cooperate
<sphalerite> but if you haven't installed either of them yet, yeah that sounds like a sensible approach and I'd recommend using systemd-boot for both
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Right.
<siraben> sphalerite: Not sure how to do that for debian, I use the graphical interface
<siraben> For some reason I can't boot NixOS in the VM
<siraben> But it sees it in a grub rescue disk
<siraben> But I can see it in*
<Dezgeg> I think someone here said in the past that systemd-boot can automatically locate other EFI bootloaders
<sphalerite> how is it failing to boot in the VM?
<siraben> "No bootable media found!"
<siraben> Something along those lines
<siraben> After rebooting from installation
<sphalerite> huh
<sphalerite> fwiw there are VM images with it already installed available at https://nixos.org/nixos/download.html
<sphalerite> not sure why this would happen though
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<Jason_Grossman> Anyone else failing to get an IP address for nixos.org at the moment?
<Jason_Grossman> Oh wait - I think the problem is with my browser.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #43961 → python.pkgs.pyyaml: 3.12 -> 3.13 → https://git.io/fNlU3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging « python.pkgs.pytest: setupHook to prevent creation of .pytest-cache folder, fixes #40273 »: https://git.io/fNlUG
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: yep working fine for me
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Working fine for me now too.
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Thanks though.
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<sphalerite> zram is magic.
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Interesting. I've been looking for a good ram disk.
<sphalerite> it's great for getting past peaks in RAM usage, but not if you globally don't have enough RAM of course
<siraben> I like how I can customize the packages at install time.
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<siraben> Deterministic system config
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: but thanks to zram I did manage to build ghc on an ARM server with 2GB of RAM :D
<sphalerite> siraben: isn't it wonderful? :D
<sphalerite> Wait till you see the rollbacks :p
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<siraben> I learned of these features from GuixSD
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<siraben> But unforunately its insistence of only free software meant that I couldn't install it on a macbook pro
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes!
<siraben> So I decided /some/ non-free software is needed because I'm not going to buy a new computer haha
<siraben> Hmm is it just me or is running nix-env -qa | grep emacs a bit slow?
<Linus[m]> Yeah I like guix in principle, not least because it also uses a language that's widely supported by existing tooling
<Linus[m]> siraben: it's not just yoi
<Linus[m]> Try `nix search` instead :)
<siraben> Linus[m]: are you Linus Torvalds :p
<Jason_Grossman> My worry with Guix is that it requires Nix (not to run, but to build), and so Guix is only going to work well as long as both the Nix AND Guix teams are healthy.
<Jason_Grossman> So Nix seems like a safer bet, unless some wealthy organisation decides to underwrite Guix development.
<siraben> but the GNU project wouldn't allow such influence I suppose
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<siraben> How is Nix financed? Donations?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Sure they would - this happens often. The big org would have to play by GNU's rules though.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Nix is financed by us sending beams of love to the lead developers.
<sphalerite> siraben: no, it's me
<sphalerite> :p
<tilpner> What happened to sphalerit?
<tilpner> siraben - There are also donations: https://nixos.org/nixos/foundation.html
<sphalerite> tilpner: the matrix irc bridge broke and lost all the config
<siraben> Ok Nix is installed in the VM, I'll install debian now
<siraben> But Nix uses its own DSL? Guix uses Guile
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I'm NOT an expert, but I doubt that experimenting with boot loaders in a VM is the same as experimenting with boot loaders on bare metal.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Right.
Linus[m] is now known as sphalerit
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Well I plan to nuke my machine before doing the whole thing
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: But since Guix requires Nix, we have the situation (at least for the moment) where Guix is only healthy if its developers understand both guile AND Nix. So I'm worried that might not be stable. I hope it is though.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Good.
<tilpner> sphalerite - Rip. I wish it was easier to host small-scale IRC<->Matrix bridges :/
Jason_Grossman is now known as sphalerite`
sphalerite` is now known as Jason_Grossman
<siraben> Is it hard to make a GUI installer for Nix?
<siraben> Why don't distros have it more often?
<sphalerite> siraben: apparently.
<siraben> At least Nix's process it easier than Guix
<sphalerite> Since there none of the graphical installers in existence are maintained
<sphalerite> s/there//
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I think the problem with a GUI installer would be that you HAVE to understand your configuration.nix, so there's something to be said for making you edit it from the get go. OTOH, I would love it if there was a GUI installer that did disk partitioning for you.
<tilpner> siraben - There has been some discussion. The problem is, that there's no graphical assistance after that installaton
<siraben> What about calamares?
<Jason_Grossman> tilpner: Right.
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Yes automatic partitioning would be good
<siraben> The closest I know of is cfdisk
<siraben> Which is pretty "graphical"
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Actually I think there's a double problem. (1) Nobody's spent the time on it (calamares might help with that), and (2) the policy problem that you have to learn to edit configuration.nix.
<siraben> Why not learn off Debian's installater?
<siraben> installer*
<tilpner> siraben - So if someone went through the fancy graphical installer, they will be dropped in a system with a bunch of Nix they've never seen before, and a "Good luck!" card
<Jason_Grossman> tilpner: Exactly.
<sphalerite> siraben: because debian's installer is actually kind of terrible? :p
<siraben> sphalerite: Really? I find it very intuitive
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<Jason_Grossman> I found installing NixOS really difficult at first BUT learning to do it was the same process as learning what I'd need to use it later.
<siraben> Just click buttons and so on
<siraben> Yeah true, but many users aren't willing to learn to use the console just to install an OS
<sphalerite> iirc (I haven't installed anything other than nixos in quite a while now) fedora's is a lot nicer
<sphalerite> siraben: yes, but nixos isn't ready for those users in general yet
<siraben> On the other end we have proprietary installers like macOS and Windows
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: If you don't want to use the console, you're better off being kept well away from Nix, by force if necessary.
<siraben> macOS is pretty simple, Windows is a privacy nightmare
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Haha fortunately I can handle the console
<Jason_Grossman> Right!
<Jason_Grossman> I was replyding to "many users aren't willing..."
<siraben> Yeah.
<Jason_Grossman> (I meant "replying" but actually I prefer the new spelling I just invented.)
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<sphalerite> siraben: it's still very much a power user OS. It's also great for non-power users who have a power user to maintain it for them. But yeah
<siraben> Is Ubuntu very "popular" because of the non-free software?
<siraben> Sad
<tilpner> There is also sporadic discussion about a graphical system configuration manager. If that was mature (enough to be tested), a graphical installer would make much more sense
<siraben> sphalerite: Yeah over time I found that I want more control over my computer
<siraben> It's funny that the ISO provides you with KDE but not a graphical installer
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Do you happen to know how to configure zram on NixOS to run but NOT to make swap space? I know that's not your use case.
<sphalerite> siraben: and another thing I think is that there's just not much commercial interest in getting nixos to that point. There are plenty of people making money running nixos on their servers, and they're obviously interested in keeping that running smoothly and well
<tilpner> siraben - Enabling KDE is much simpler than maintaining a good graphical installer
<siraben> Yes.
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: I'd say just make a systemd service that creates it, unless you need it available really early on during boot
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: but why would you want to use it for something other than swap?
<sphalerite> if it's for a temporary filesystem, chances are you're better off using zram swap + tmpfs
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Because I have too much memory! It's being wasted.
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<sphalerite> since that can completely bypass the compression when memory pressure is low enough
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Ah, yes, zram swap + tmpfs is a good idea. Thanks.
<sphalerite> your memory being wasted is quite unlikely
<ambro718> How would one inject a patch into clang derivation and get a modified llvmPackages?
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: how much does the `free` command show as "Free" just now?
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Currently, almost all of it is completely wasted. Easy to see using top etc.
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: `free` shows 2/3 of it as free.
<sphalerite> how much do you have?
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: It's not important - I don't have a really good use for a ram disk - but it would be nice to have the option of using it as disk.
<Jason_Grossman> I have 16 GB, which is the amount I needed when this computer was running MacOS!
<Jason_Grossman> NixOS is so much more frugal that I don't need it all any more.
<sphalerite> Anyway, chances are that when a lot of memory is free, either A) you only started the system recently, B) you recently ran something that consumed a lot of RAM, C) (unlikely) you really don't use a lot of RAM
<Jason_Grossman> It's C).
<sphalerite> having headroom is really valuable for performance though because of disk caches
<Jason_Grossman> You might say that something that's true can't be unlikely - interesing philosophical topic.
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: You're running NixOS on a Mac?
<sphalerite> I bet that if you removed half the RAM your system wouldn't perform nearly as well.
<siraben> What did you do to get wifi working?
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Ah, yes. One thing I should really do is configure ZFS to use more of my memory. That's too much trouble though.
<siraben> Does NixOS have ZFS support?
<sphalerite> yes
<siraben> wow
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: All I had to do was enable unfree programs. It might depend on your model though. Most Macs work just fine, but I doubt all of them have been tested.
* sphalerite runs nixos on a mac with zfs :p
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: What is your model?
<siraben> sphalerite: I hear good things about ZFS
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Oh yes. Very very good ZFS support. Much easier to use ZFS on NixOS than on any other linux I've tried.
<sphalerite> but yeah the BCM4331 is a nasty monster.
<init_6> siraben: the same as any other distro
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: 2012 MBP.
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Same here, 2012 13 inch
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes - I switched away from MacOS mainly to have stable ZFS.
<siraben> Meanwhile I have a family 2013 retina model with macOS + Ubuntu + Windows
<siraben> I'm scared to touch the partitions further
<Jason_Grossman> init_6: ZFS works just the same as on any other distro EXCEPT for kernel updates. For that, I've found NixOS much better than other linux distros.
<ambro718> "complex" features are usually either very easy to use on NixOS or a terrible PITA - depening on whether someone did all the work writing packages and nixos modules, or you have to do it yourself
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Surprisingly the upgrade to APFS didn't break my triple boot
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Up to you. If you think you're going to love NixOS then you should overwrite a partition with it, IMO.
<siraben> So I'm trying to dual boot with Debian
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: I have 16GB of RAM in my big laptop, running zfs with no config changes, and zfs uses RAM generously. Have you changed the config at all to make it more conservative?
<siraben> ZFS + Linux is a thing? I have been brainwashed by the debian people
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Oh, interesting. No I haven't. How strange.
<siraben> I thought only freeBSD people had ZFS
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes ZFS + Linux is fine. The only problem is keeping it updated, and NixOS is good at that.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: No, many linux distros have it.
<sphalerite> siraben: /j #zfsonlinux
<sphalerite> siraben: thing with zfs is the licencing issues
<siraben> Oh that's why
<siraben> Is Emacs documentation "non-free" in NixOS as in debian?
<sphalerite> it *may* be illegal to redistribute builds of zfs-on-linux
<Jason_Grossman> Linux distros' lawyers mostly (although not entirely) say that they can't make ZFS one of the defaults, for licensing reasons, but there's no problem at all in installing it.
<siraben> Ok
<siraben> ext4 for nw
<siraben> now
<siraben> But ZFS is superior, right?
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: I'm pretty sure nobody thinks it's illegal UNLESS you bundle the linux and ZFS parts in the wrong way. Distributing them separately is fine, and packaging ZFS for linux is also fine.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes.
<sphalerite> siraben: it has many features that ext4 doesn't. But there are still situations where you would want to use ext4
<sphalerite> for instance if you don't have enough memory
<siraben> 4 GB ram?
<sphalerite> from what I've heard a zfs-based system is unusable on 2GB of RAM
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: 8 GB is plenty. I THINK 4 GB should be fine but YMMV.
<siraben> + 4 GB swap
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: How is battery life on that thing? Do you have hibernation?
<siraben> Oh by the way, can I replace KDE with GNOME?
<sphalerite> ye
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: I'm really interested to know why our ZFS behaviour is so different. Can't think of any way to find out though.
<sophiag> ugh, okay i finally have to gc. i'd prefer to prune generations and call nix-store --gc, though. the problem is i think having upgraded nix before rolling back left me with per-user profiles, which has affected the way i see generations. nix-env --list-generations is very different from what i see in grub, which matches my profiles
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes, that's all fine. (Didn't used to be, but it's great with 18.03 and unstable.)
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes, using gnome is pretty easy.
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Can you share a configuration script that does that?
<ambro718> How do I do .overrideDerivation on one of the llvm packages (e.g. llvm) such that other llvm packages (e.g. clang) will depend on the modified thing? See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/compilers/llvm/5/default.nix
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: I'm guessing mostly because nobody actually enforces GPL compliance for this kind of thing
<sophiag> ah, okay so i'm only seeing user profiles in generations. hopefully i can just switch to root and prune as needed
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: because AFAIU it is a GPL violation to link the CDDL code against it and then redistribute that
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Sure. Link to a pastebin please.
<sphalerite> (linking it yourself and not redistributing is fine)
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Well, there's a lot you can read about this, and I believe it supports what I've said, but whatever.
<sphalerite> siraben: just services.xserver.desktopManager.gnome3.enable = true; should do it
<siraben> Don't I have to install gnome3?
<siraben> Or will it do it automatically?
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: Oh, sorry, I should have read ahead. We're agreeing. The problem is linking.
<sphalerite> siraben: that installs gnome :)
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: The whole point is that installing and configuring are the same thing.
<siraben> sphalerite: Wow!
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Wow!
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes, you just grokked Nix!
<siraben> Why is it called a "functional" package manager?
<siraben> Is it related to functional programming?
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: no, the problem is redistributing binaries covered both by the GPL and the CDDL. Linking it and keeping the results to yourself is also fine
<sphalerite> siraben: yes. nix is a functional language
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: See above.
<siraben> sphalerite: But is it pure?
<sphalerite> Jason_Grossman: linking isn't the problem though ;)
* siraben thinks of Haskell
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: No.
<sphalerite> siraben: mostly :p
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Well Haskell isn't pure either, is it?
<sophiag> ^ that
<sophiag> :D
<siraben> It's strictly pure
<siraben> You use monads to wrap up "impure" interfaces
<siraben> Like I/o
<sophiag> IO is not a monad
<siraben> Yes you could make it impure if you want
<siraben> The IO monad
<sphalerite> yes, but exceptions and unsafePerformIO make the language not strictly pure
<sphalerite> even though people usually behave well so their code is pure
<sophiag> i'm halfway trolling, but only by not explaining myself
<siraben> upenn teaches functional programming to undergrads?
<sophiag> IO is actually not a monad
<Jason_Grossman> I'm not complaining about Haskell, but I don't think the "pure"/"impure" distinction is helpful if you take it literally.
<sphalerite> siraben: so does my uni
<sophiag> Jason_Grossman: same
<sphalerite> damn it's not really my uni anymore but my alma mater. Holy crap.
<siraben> sphalerite: Which uni?
<sphalerite> University of Strathclyde
<sphalerite> a kind of poor introduction to Haskell in 2nd year, a good introduction to Haskell in 3rd year, and a mind-bending class on Agda (with Conor McBride) in 4th year
<Jason_Grossman> sphalerite: That's interesting. I thought it was mainly the older universities that taught Haskell. Maybe it's because Strathclyde is in (in? near?) Glasgow.
<siraben> Can't wait to learn CS in uni, it absolutely sucks in high school
<srhb> Stratchclyde has Conor McBride...
<srhb> Or had, at least.
<Jason_Grossman> :-)
<sphalerite> srhb: still has
<sphalerite> as mentioned, I had him teaching me Agda
<srhb> Nice :)
<siraben> ooo dependent types
<srhb> UoCopenhagen used to have functional programming as the very first intro to programming course
<srhb> Standard ML.
<siraben> I think functional programming is much easier to learn than imperative
<sophiag> sphalerite: i may have one of those classes saved on youtube
<siraben> sphalerite: How do I do it post-installation?
<sphalerite> siraben: put it in your configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild switch
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<siraben> Oh it's just like Guix
<srhb> :-p
<sphalerite> yes, guix took a lot of inspiration from nix :D
<siraben> I haven't used rollbacks before, what's a use case?
<{^_^}> #41798 (by Izorkin, open): ssh: add crypto options
<srhb> siraben: You broke your system..
<srhb> siraben: You regretted an upgrade
<siraben> But how does it manage to keep all the past data?
<siraben> e.g. in macOS there's "time machine"
<sphalerite> by not having it all in a shared namespace
<siraben> It's not the user files, but the packages, right?
<sphalerite> it doesn't keep mutable data like that, but software and config
<sphalerite> yes
<srhb> siraben: Packages and configuration.
<siraben> Ok.
<siraben> Which is what I usually want.
<sphalerite> if you want rollbacks of your data, zfs to the rescue ;)
<siraben> What are you using to backup your systems?
<srhb> I use borg backup. I'm not completely satisfied.
<sphalerite> zfs snapshots + zfs send to put them in safe places
<siraben> I want a tool that doesn't have much of a learning curve
<srhb> sphalerite: That's probably nicer...
<srhb> siraben: Then I definitely do not recommend borg... :-)
<sphalerite> well zfs ertainly does have a learning curve
<siraben> Currently using Deja Dup
<sphalerite> I'd suggest continuing to use that, and maybe eventually working out zfs.
<siraben> Maybe I should learn how to use duplicity
<sphalerite> the series of articles at https://pthree.org/2012/04/17/install-zfs-on-debian-gnulinux/ is great for learning zfs. Just replace the first article with boot.supportedFileSystems = ["zfs"]; ;)
<sphalerite> I'd recommend sticking with deja dup until you want to switch to zfs personally. But I'm biased towards zfs because it's awesome
<siraben> Ok finishing the Debian install
<siraben> Hoping that this dual boot works
<siraben> And how do I expand the partition if I decide to delete debian?
<sphalerite> even if it doesn't work ootb you should be able to get it to work
<sphalerite> boot into installer, rejigger partitions, resize2fs
<sphalerite> assuming you want to expand the partition forwards.
<sphalerite> Moving partitions is more of a pain.
<siraben> Nix is great
<sophiag> siraben: tbh popping back in here and watchng you being excited about installing is giving me hope
<srhb> sophiag: Just wait for the new laptop... :-P
<sophiag> haha. it's not just that, tho
<sophiag> idk, now i'm going through and trying to get all my versions of ocaml packages aligned :p
<srhb> :)
<siraben> sophiag: Oh I've passed that installation process
<siraben> Currently trying a double boot in Debian
<siraben> In a VM
<coot> Hello, I am getting this error while building a package. When I do nix-shell to the environment `cabal new-build` builds it just fine. How I can debug why `nix-build` is not findiing packages? Thanks! https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/sJkLcr2p/
<sophiag> there's a decent chance i may have to just run nix on debian if this really screws up my work
<sophiag> there are shockingly few ocaml devs using nix :(
<clefru> isn't good old startx not supported under Nix? The Xorg log is full of "Warning, couldn't open module" looking like that the module search path's are not correctly set
<sophiag> so it's basically a commitment to maintain a lot of packages myself
<sphalerite> clefru: I've heard various things about it. Some people use it successfully iirc but I'm not sure who
<srhb> I'd say "no, it's not supported (by default)"
<srhb> There are hacks, but they are a bit ugh.
<sophiag> omg...i'm being told my gpg key doesn't exist
<clefru> sphalerite: probably they have this option set to generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf
<clefru> cause I don't..
<clefru> I am just trying to run more than one X session at the same time, and slim isn't really good for that.
<clefru> I'd be ideal to spawn an X session on demand like we do with agetty when switching to a console vt7/vt8/vt9
<sphalerite> according to MichaelRaskin who doesn't seem to be here right now, startx doesn't work on nixos and it's all systemd's fault
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<sphalerite> FWIW I use sddm and create additional sessions by telling sddm to
<sophiag> i know it's impossible pruning old generations and calling nix-store --gc could delete my gpg key, but um...any ideas how to find it?
<sphalerite> dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DisplayManager /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.Seat.SwitchToGreeter
<srhb> sophiag: find / -name ... ?
<sphalerite> sophiag: wait why would your gpg key be in the nix store?
<sophiag> it wouldn't. hence confused
<sphalerite> oh but it's missing?
<clefru> sphalerite: sddm interesting. never heard about it.
<sphalerite> clefru: I think it's the KDE community's display manager of choice
<sophiag> sphalerite: i only use it for pass and pass is telling me it doesn't exist. it obviously just can't find it
<clefru> sphalerite: got a .nix snippet to share on how to active it?
<srhb> sophiag: It usually lives in ~/.gnupg
<srhb> fwiw
<sophiag> ah right
<sphalerite> clefru: services.xserver.displayManagers.sddm.enable = true;
<srhb> sophiag: gpg --list-secret-keys doesn't show it?
<sphalerite> clefru: usually you'd use your desktop's "switch user" thing to get it, but I use i3 which doesn't have such a thing. So I have a key binding to run the command I put above
<sophiag> woah, weird. gpg has it
<srhb> pass must be very confused indede.
<sphalerite> is 16.09 old enough that gpg2 wasn't the default maybe?
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<clefru> sphalerite: thanks that's very useful (xmonad here)
<sphalerite> And it confuses the old gpg because using 18.03 made gpg2 migrate to the new keyring format?
<srhb> Sounds like a good hypothesis
<sophiag> sphalerite: i do get that warning constantly
<sophiag> so weird it switched now, though
<sphalerite> clefru: you can also use dm-tool (from lightdm) for it, although then you need to have lightdm on your system
<sophiag> ah ok. so i have both gpg and gpg2 installed...
<sphalerite> pass is probably using gpg
<sophiag> oh, pass just uses an environment variable for the key
<sophiag> there's also gpg options
<clefru> sphalerite: perfect! I got multi session X running using your dbus-send trick!
<clefru> sphalerite++
<{^_^}> sphalerite's karma got increased to 9
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<clefru> Thank you so much :)
<sphalerite> \o/
<clefru> the gnome3 session doesn't spawn from sddm.. but I'll probably debug this myself.
<clefru> hitting return on the password changes the cursor and the user got gnome3 processes running, but nothing on the desktop
<hyper_ch> clefru: any idea why this happens? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43797
<{^_^}> #43797 (by sjau, open): ZFS root pool import in initrd slow - 2 min 25 secs
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<clefru> hyper_ch: I have noticed that my pool sometimes takes extremely long to import. I don't have a good root cause. I always attributed it to lots of write pressure before reboot hitting the ZIL, and zpool import settling the ZIL. but I didn't verify the hypothesis
<hyper_ch> clefru: manually importing the pool from the grub shell takes 2-3 secds
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<sophiag> sphalerite: were you referring to kbx vs. gpg.lock?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 79 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlT2
<clefru> hyper_ch: how about setting boot.debug1devices .. type random stuff in the shell for a few sec and then hit "exit" to resume normal boot?
<clefru> hyper_ch: that could point towards this early entropy stuff mentioned... it seems plausible to me that the kernel collects entry from input devices.
<clefru> *entry=entropy
<hyper_ch> clefru: if it was an entropy issue then wouldn't manual pool import not work either?
<clefru> hyper_ch: you have to type on the keyboard for that.. that could be enough of entropy.. not sure to be honest on how the entropy pool works
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Which package provides the wireless firmware for Macbooks?
<clefru> but yeah, I noticed my imports under 4.16/17 being slow
<clefru> hyper_ch: you are using encryption don't you? so you type your password, right?
<siraben> sphalerite: Wow you were right about that line changing everything, GNOME is installed and working
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<sphalerite> siraben: I'm not even sure about what I was referring to
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<sphalerite> sophiag: ^
<sphalerite> sorry wrong hl :p
<siraben> sphalerite: gnome3 installation
<hyper_ch> clefru: yes zpool import tankSubi ; zfs load-key -a
<sphalerite> siraben: yeah I got that, glad to hear it :)
<siraben> Ok after seeing NixOS work like this I'm not going back to Debian!
<siraben> Going to migrate right after my backup finishes.
<sphalerite> woooooo
<siraben> Yee
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<siraben> Hah I like this comment:
<siraben> " # I like fonts. Sue me."
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 425 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNlTd
<sophiag> ha. i do have a bunch of fonts in my config
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 116 commits to staging-next: https://git.io/fNlTN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlTh
<sophiag> still confused about how to fix this gpg issue. i have two private keys and revoc certs (vaguely remember why). one revoc cert matches the gpg-id in pass
<sophiag> i've never had to look at the actual keyring before
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #43960 → gptfdisk: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 → https://git.io/fNlJj
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @dywedir to master « gptfdisk: 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 »: https://git.io/fNlkf
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz merged pull request #43953 → autorandr: 1.5 -> 1.6 → https://git.io/fNleL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fpletz pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « autorandr: 1.5 -> 1.6 (#43953) »: https://git.io/fNlkT
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #43962 → rustup: 1.11.0 -> 1.13.0 → https://git.io/fNlkl
<sophiag> gpg and gpg2 both have the same key listed...
<ambro718> How to temporarily make a derivation use a specific path as one of its build inputs? Tried this: mypackage = pkgs.callPackage { ... mything = /home/user/mything; }; where /home/user/mything is a symlink pointing to some store path (produced by nix-build -o)
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<sphalerite> ambro718: it depends on how mything is used, I think you probably have to put in the expression that resulted in mything
<ambro718> sphalerite: it is used such that normally a derivation is passed, according to the common patterns in nixpkgs. Is there no way to set it to an existing build output?
<sphalerite> ambro718: not in a completely general way. It depends on how it's used
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<sphalerite> usually the result of applying mkDerivation contains a bunch of attrs beyond the output path
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<sphalerite> so you can't just replace the whole set with just a path that doens't have any of this extra info
<clefru> sphalerite: do you use gnome3 with sddm?
<sphalerite> no, I use i3 with sddm
<clefru> ok, cause the nixos xsession does not work when called from sddm.
<clefru> xsession +script
<sphalerite> weird. Anything relevant in the journal?
<clefru> $USER/.xsession-errors has https://pastebin.com/0sGAAu0z
<clefru> looks like systemd(1) isn't there, also the parsing of the session type "gnome3" results in the windowManager="gnome3"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda merged pull request #43961 → python.pkgs.pyyaml: 3.12 -> 3.13 → https://git.io/fNlU3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « python.pkgs.pyyaml: 3.12 -> 3.13 (#43961) »: https://git.io/fNlkX
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<sophiag> ugh, i really need to sleep and i just want pass to work :/
<sophiag> very confused as to what's going on with it
* tilpner uses pass on NixOS, but without revocations
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging « parity-ui: fix after merge »: https://git.io/fNlkQ
<sophiag> it doesn't appear to have been revoked
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<sophiag> i think it's related to a change in my NIX_PATH
<sophiag> trying to launch nix-shell gives me:
<sophiag> warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs' does not exist, ignoring
<sophiag> error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:13
<srhb> sophiag: sudo nix-channel --list ?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to staging-next « parity-ui: fix after merge »: https://git.io/fNlkA
<clefru> sphalerite: looks like the xsession script is somehow broken when invoked from sddm. the same script works when called from slim. the top of the script talks about different calling conventions. If I hack together a custom .xsession then gnome3 launches.. so it's certainly the script not doing it's thing correctly..
<tilpner> sophiag - Did you recently change NIX_PATH? From what value, to what other value? Did you make sure it takes effect by logging in again?
<sophiag> srhb: it's as it was yesterday. no channels i user. only in root
<srhb> sophiag: and does root have one called nixos?
<sphalerite> clefru: nice…
<sophiag> yes
<sophiag> i think the problem is related to switching profiles so i could delete generations
<srhb> sophiag: Does it actually have contents?
<sphalerite> sophiag: this might be related to the db hackery that went on yesterday
<sphalerite> sophiag: does sudo nix-channel --update fix it?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43963 → ocamlPackages.labltk: init at 8.06 → https://git.io/fNlkp
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<sophiag> sphalerite: i did use pass since then tho
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<sphalerite> sophiag: yeah I mean for the nixpkgs not being found thing
<sophiag> let me try to update. i think srhb is on to something
<sophiag> ugh, updating gets rid of that error but pass still can't find my key
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<sophiag> even if ran from inside nix-shell, which is what i was trying
<sophiag> (although also was halted with dev work due to that msg)
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<sophiag> i really think it's a profile issue
<sophiag> at the same time a bunch of changes from my rebuild went into effect. chrome crashed because it upgraded. and i seem to be in lightdm based on the cursor
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #43964 → home-assistant: 0.73.2 -> 0.74.0 → https://git.io/fNlIk
<sophiag> but haven't rebuilt since yesterday
<sophiag> it's pretty much just default (my user) and system (where i actually build from)
<sophiag> so i switched it to system and back to delete generations and ran nix-store --gc
<sophiag> after that, all this...
<sophiag> oh shit
<sophiag> i'm on nix 2.0.4
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to master « parity-ui: fix after merge »: https://git.io/fNlIt
<sophiag> oh, the stateVersion
<sophiag> but should that trigger an upgrade?
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* sophiag assumes no one in here has tried bumping it forward from what they're actually running considering how nuts that sounds typing it out...
<sophiag> i wish i could just force pass to spit out any diagnostic info
<sophiag> gpg2 seems like it upgraded seemlessly
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<sophiag> omg
<sophiag> i fixed it! i just had to kill all the gpg-agent servers
<sophiag> wtf..
<Izorkin> nur-packages - https://pastebin.com/eQna176n how to fix error - error: undefined variable 'libressl_2_6_3' at nur-packages/default.nix:16:51
<sophiag> if only every problem i solved i had an explanation for...
<tilpner> Izorkin - Insert rec at line 2
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @worldofpeace opened pull request #43966 → lollypop-portal: add version → https://git.io/fNlIg
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<Izorkin> tilpner: not work, curl build wint openssl, not libressl_2_6_3
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<tilpner> I can't confirm that. curl.override { openssl = libressl_2_6; } builds just fine here
<tilpner> curl 7.60.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.60.0 LibreSSL/2.6.5 zlib/1.2.11 libssh2/1.8.0 nghttp2/1.32.0
<Izorkin> tilpner: how to use pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/custompkgs + override ?
<sphalerite> Izorkin: any particular reason you're defining your own libressl rather than using the one from nixpkgs?
<tilpner> (pkgs.callPackage ...).override { ... } would be the naive way, without knowledge about what your pkgs/curl is
<tilpner> I don't see why pkgs.callPackage ... { openssl = libressl_2_6; } shouldn't work though
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<tilpner> (Assuming your pkgs/curl is reasonably close to the nixpkgs version)
<Izorkin> tilpner: for example
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<Izorkin> tilpner: curl = (pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/curl).override { openssl = libressl_2_6_3; }; thats not work, how to fix?
<tilpner> Try curl = (pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/curl {}).override { openssl = libressl_2_6_3; };
<Izorkin> tilpner: curl = (pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/curl {}).override { openssl = libressl_2_6_3; }; - builded with openssl. curl = pkgs.curl.override { openssl = libressl_2_6_3; }; - builded with libressl
<tilpner> But pkgs/curl takes an argument called "openssl", right? How are you verifying?
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<Izorkin> tilpner: begins to build curl, without builded libressl_2_6_3
<tilpner> Let the build finish, check with curl -V
<tilpner> Maybe it's cached already
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<Izorkin> tilpner: curl 7.61.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.61.0 nghttp2/1.32.0 - no libressl
<tilpner> Paste pkgs/curl/default.nix to gist.github.com
<tilpner> -.-
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<Izorkin> wuth all files
<Izorkin> *with
<FRidh> oh, pip 9 for years, then pip 10 a couple of months ago and now pip 18
<nlyy> hi, writing dependecies for a nix expression, should i list the package name exactly as in nix package search?
<tilpner> Izorkin - curl1 is built without openssl *and* without libressl
<Izorkin> tilpner: found error, neeed add sslSupport = true
<tilpner> Exactly
<Izorkin> thanks
<__monty__> clever: Can toxvpn establish a tcp connection?
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<fuzzy-id> hey, can someone help me with the expression i need to get the latest kernel from the 4.17-line in a single .nix file?
<fuzzy-id> i.e. i copied linux-4.17.nix to /etc/nixos, edited the version and sha-sum
<fuzzy-id> how can hook this file into boot.kernelPackages?
<fuzzy-id> my current attempt is
<fuzzy-id> with pkgs; recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor (callPackage ./kernel.nix {}));
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<siraben> I'm *this* close to getting NixOS working perfectly on my MacBook Pro
<siraben> Partitioning and booting went well
<siraben> But I don't have wireless.
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<siraben> I've enabled the non-free packages and installed broadcom_sta
<siraben> But still to no avail, what am I doing wrong?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #43966 → lollypop-portal: add version → https://git.io/fNlIg
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNltC
<GiGa|Laptop> Does anyone have any suggestions as to why my track pad's right click is considered a left click?
<Izorkin> tilpner: how to override package on this variant - php = php56; inherit (pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/php {}) php56; ?
<GiGa|Laptop> Seems I have to use two fingers now to attain a right click, but I don't know why
<manveru> GiGa|Laptop: isn't that the standard for synaptics?
<GiGa|Laptop> Never used to be on my laptop
<GiGa|Laptop> If I boot my config from March it behaves how I'd expect
<manveru> hmm, there was a switch from synaptics to libinput?
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<manveru> services.xserver.libinput.clickMethod ?
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<tilpner> Izorkin - It is unclear what you are trying to do. I also don't know the contents of pkgs/php
<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: if you're on unstable yeah I think there was a switch to libinput as the default
<joepie91> manveru: yes, I believe it was 18.03 that switched to libinput as the default
<tilpner> Izorkin - It doesn't seem to support the same style of overriding. You can still use overrideAttrs though
<tilpner> (But I am unfamiliar with the composableDerivation used by php, so I may be wrong)
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<GiGa|Laptop> sphalerite: yep' I'm on unstable. How do I change the behaviour to be what I'm expecting please?
<sphalerite> idk that much, sorry :P
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<GiGa|Laptop> sphalerit, no worries
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @volth closed pull request #362 → libudev -> udev → https://git.io/fNWD8
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<nlyy> can someone help me with this nix pkg: https://defuse.ca/b/wwjm2gn0XkmSfCcbWNAzSU
<GiGa|Laptop> Line 5
<nlyy> i am a newbie
<GiGa|Laptop> nlyy, Line 5 doesn't seem to finish - it's just got a comma waiting for another package name.
<GiGa|Laptop> nlyy: if that's your complete list then remove the comma and add a closing brace }
<nlyy> how do i build the pkg, it requires cmake, then make?
<GiGa|Laptop> Might also need a semi colon on line 28 after that closing brace
<GiGa|Laptop> Have a look at another similar example in NixPkgs
<GiGa|Laptop> that's how I got started (and I'm still pretty new myself)
<nlyy> sure, ty
<Izorkin> tilpner: help. php = pkgs.php56.override { openssl = libressl_2_6_3; }; ./result/bin/php -i | grep SSL - > OpenSSL Library Version => OpenSSL 1.0.2o 27 Mar 2018 How to find error?
<GiGa|Laptop> nlyy: something down here:
<GiGa|Laptop> I don't know anything about the package you're trying to add, but you'd also need to add it to the toplevel list of packages
<tilpner> Izorkin - I already told you, that can't work
<Izorkin> ok
<tilpner> Izorkin - You must reimport pkgs/development/interpreters/php with an overriden openssl, take the php56 from there
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @basvandijk opened pull request #363 → libNixName: map tensorflow to libtensorflow → https://git.io/fNlqW
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<manveru> is there some way to use `with` in a nix repl for more than one statement?
<nlyy> ty GiGa|Laptop
<LnL> manveru: :a
<manveru> oh, thanks :)
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<manveru> i decided to use your docker container for teaching nix after all
<LnL> ah, instead of an install on the host?
<manveru> yeah
<LnL> that's kind of what I intended it for initially
<manveru> that container is just so useful for many things :)
<manveru> btw, latest tag is not 2.0.4 yet
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<LnL> huh
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<LnL> oh I see
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<nlyy> i am definitely putting the wrong dependencies
<worldofpeace> nlyy: I think I tried packaging that but ran out of time
<manveru> seems like the repl still has a the bug where it adds a space to each history entry
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<nlyy> hopefully i will get this done b4 i run out of patience worldofpeace :)
<manveru> nlyy: you looked at other gtk apps?
<worldofpeace> nlyy: you need `gobjectIntrospection` as a `nativeBulidInputs`. drop gcc and wxGTK31, and use gtk3 instead.
<nlyy> manveru i looked at that!
<manveru> so what's the error?
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<worldofpeace> nlyy: I couldn't help myself and might have done it for you, I've been building elementary apps for weeks so it's cool. https://gist.github.com/worldofpeace/96b6ae6fa25b55cea4128aa54f284377
<sphalerite> worldofpeace: elementary as in elementaryos?
<worldofpeace> sphalerite: yeah I've pretty much got the whole desktop packaged for nixos
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<jD91mZM2> Oh that's cool!
<sphalerite> nice
<worldofpeace> see https://github.com/worldofpeace/nixpkgs/tree/elementary . I should be done by the juno release
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<tilpner> worldofpeace++
<{^_^}> worldofpeace's karma got increased to 2
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<manveru> wow, nice :D
<manveru> worldofpeace++
<{^_^}> worldofpeace's karma got increased to 3
<worldofpeace> jtojnar++
<{^_^}> jtojnar's karma got increased to 3
<nlyy> this is the error ""error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('stdenv')
<worldofpeace> cause he's been helping me a lot with it
<manveru> nyanloutre[m]: ah :)
<manveru> uhm
<nlyy> nice job worldofpeace++
<manveru> wrong one
<infinisil> ,callPackage nlyy
<{^_^}> nlyy: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<worldofpeace> infinisil: was just trying to remember the bot command
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<infinisil> ,callPackage = If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<{^_^}> callPackage redefined, was defined as: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<infinisil> :)
<worldofpeace> that looks less abstract :P
<nlyy> ah ty infinisil
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @fuzzy-id opened pull request #43968 → mfcl8690cdw: init lpdr and cupswrapper at 1.0.2/1.0.3 → https://git.io/fNlmG
<nlyy> how do i remember that lol
<worldofpeace> my zsh autocomplete history does that one for me
<nlyy> worldofpeace what's the diff between fetchFromGithub and fetchurl
<worldofpeace> nlyy: it's only for fetching from repos from github
<nlyy> if there is a commit then?
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<__monty__> nlyy: fetchUrl is more general.
<worldofpeace> you can specify the commit as the 'rev', in what i sent you I'm using the version tag as the rev
<nlyy> ah
<nlyy> Nice
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<Akii> Ohai :) I'm currently trying to "install" a yarn package on nixos. The package itself, when built with `yarn build` would spit out a SPA so no node application or the like. While googling I found yarn2nix which I got to work in that it downloads a bunch of dependencies into node_module but other than that it seems to not do much
<d1rewolf> can someone remind me of the command to get a nix-shell with pkgs included to explore/eval?
<Akii> my current plan is to 1) fetch sources from git, 2) build and then 3) have nginx point to the built sources to serve the application
<manveru> d1rewolf: nix-shell -p ?
<d1rewolf> manveru, sorry, not nix-shell. nix-repl
<manveru> nix repl '<nixpkgs>'
<manveru> i'm just writing a tutorial for it :D
<d1rewolf> that's it. couldn't remember the '<nixpkgs>' part
<manveru> also in the repl you can use :l <nixpkgs> to load them
<d1rewolf> manveru, great! If you need a proof reader, let me know ;-)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed commit from @matthewbauer to release-18.03 « Merge #43538: fetchpatch: quote excludes »: https://git.io/fNlYe
<manveru> i shall :)
<manveru> should be done soonish
<manveru> i still think nix should be called graph manager instead of package manager...
<d1rewolf> is there a reason nix-repl requires root privileges?
<manveru> uh...
<tilpner> ,nix-repl
<{^_^}> To use nix-repl with Nix 2.0, either use the new `nix repl` or `NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix-repl`. Just using `nix-repl` gives an error because it is linked to Nix 1.x which requires NIX-REMOTE to be set correctly, while Nix 2.0 doesn't (and unfortunately it wasn't kept for backwards compatibility)
<Akii> hmm maybe I've to use node2nix
<manveru> tilpner++
<{^_^}> tilpner's karma got increased to 7
<manveru> Akii: did you write a default.nix for yarn2nix?
<manveru> and you'll need a package.json if you want an executable as result
<d1rewolf> interesting. when I do nix-repl as non-root, i get "error: Nix database directory ‘/nix/var/nix/db’ is not writable: Permission denied". if I do sudo nix-repl, I get a repl prompt
<manveru> uh, also, which yarn2nix do you use?
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<manveru> d1rewolf: is that `nix-repl` or `nix repl`?
<Akii> manveru yap got all that
<siraben> Hi all, why am I getting "name collision in input Nix expressions"?
<d1rewolf> manveru, "nix-repl"
<d1rewolf> with the dash
<manveru> so you're on nix 1?
<manveru> with single-user install?
<Akii> if I get this right, I'm pulling the yarn2nix from the git master
<manveru> jup
<manveru> that looks good
<d1rewolf> "sudo nix-repl" gives me nix version 1.11.16. "nix repl" gives me 2.0.4
<d1rewolf> manveru, installed from latest iso. how do I check my nixos version?
<d1rewolf> post-install?
<manveru> nix-info
<d1rewolf> system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<Akii> the output I get is an empty bin/ and a node_modules/ folder
<manveru> so yeah, you don't need nix-repl anymore in your systemPackages
<manveru> Akii: what does your package.json look like?
<Akii> wait
<d1rewolf> manveru, ah...that's right. I did add that
<d1rewolf> sigh
<Akii> could it be that my package is _inside_ node_modules?
<manveru> it should be
<manveru> add a bin entry to your package.json to get the executable in the result
<manveru> nobody reads the small print ;)
<Akii> thanks, I'll try that
<siraben> What is the cause of "name collision in input Nix expressions" when I run "nix-env -i ..."?
<infinisil> ,nix-repl d1rewolf
<{^_^}> d1rewolf: To use nix-repl with Nix 2.0, either use the new `nix repl` or `NIX_REMOTE=daemon nix-repl`. Just using `nix-repl` gives an error because it is linked to Nix 1.x which requires NIX-REMOTE to be set correctly, while Nix 2.0 doesn't (and unfortunately it wasn't kept for backwards compatibility)
<infinisil> Not sure if you missed that ^^
<manveru> some people ignore the bot ;)
<infinisil> Ah right
<manveru> siraben: you already have a package installed that has, for example, an executable with the same name
<siraben> manveru: What could that be caused by?
<siraben> I attempted to switch to nixos-unstable, not sure
<manveru> try looking in `nix-env -q`
<manveru> can't tell without more of your error message :)
<manveru> usually it's when some package name changed and you used imperative package management
<siraben> manveru: I just see the packages I installed
<siraben> "imperative package management"?
<manveru> running nix-env -i for everything you install
<manveru> instead of listing the derivations in a file and letting nix do it
<siraben> warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping '/home/siraben/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos'
<manveru> ah, that's not an error
<siraben> manveru: I do use nix-env -i for packages
<manveru> we should really have a FAQ for that warning...
<siraben> Yeah I tried searching, nothing came up.
<siraben> So what is it?
<manveru> like that?
<siraben> manveru: Yeah I read that too
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<siraben> What do I do?
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<manveru> can you run `nix-shell -p nix-info --run nix-info`?
<siraben> Output from "nix-channel --list": nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable
<manveru> and `sudo nix-channel --list`?
<siraben> manveru: It's installing stuff
<manveru> no, it just builds and runs it :)
<manveru> it won't be put into your profile
<siraben> system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(siraben): "nixos", channels(root): "nixos-18.03.132915.d6c6c7fcec6", nixpkgs: /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<siraben> Sorry flood
<manveru> ok
<manveru> that's just one line, no worries
<manveru> it's made for IRC debugging ;)
<siraben> Haha
<manveru> anyway, that means you have two channels called nixos
<nlyy> how can i build and install a single package from 'foo.nix' infinisil?
<manveru> one in your user, one in root
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<manveru> i'd delete the user one, or use nixpkgs instead
<siraben> I ran nix-channel --remove nixos
<siraben> Yay
<manveru> nlyy: nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}' -A singlepackagename
<siraben> By the way, how do I make the output from the install more verbose? I'd like to see the progress of the download like apt does
<siraben> Thanks manveru
<manveru> nlyy: and then nix-env -i ./result
<siraben> By the way, anyone using the GNOME desktop environment in nixos?
<manveru> siraben: which install?
<siraben> manveru: nix-env -i
<manveru> that's not really an option atm
<siraben> I can't seem to make paper-icon-theme visible in gnome-tweak-tools
<manveru> you can try `nix build`ing it before, that has a more useful progress display
<manveru> so something like `nix build nixpkgs.hello; nix-env -i ./result`
<siraben> Is the texlive-full package in Nix called texlive-combined-full?
<nlyy> manveru the 'nix-build...' command does not work
<nlyy> error: attribute 'bookworm' in selection path 'bookworm' not found
<manveru> what attribute names do you have?
<nlyy> what's an attribute?
<Akii> manveru not sure this is what I want or I'm not getting it. I'd just need to execute `npm build` or not?
<manveru> > builtins.attrNames { hi = "there"; }
<{^_^}> [ "hi" ]
<siraben> What are some useful packages to prolong battery life on a laptop?
<siraben> Apart from powertop
<manveru> cpufreq?
<Akii> or well `yarn build` :D
<manveru> Akii: no, yarn2nix should do that for you
<siraben> The installation of texlive-combined-full is going quite long, is it normal to be "wgeting" things?
<manveru> siraben: yes, it's friggin huge
<siraben> If I cancel it with C-c will it clean up accordingly?
<nlyy> i have pname and version
<manveru> siraben: on the next garbage collection
<siraben> Ok so what's an appropriate texlive size?
<manveru> nlyy: no, you only return the derivation
<nlyy> yea
<nlyy> and how do i link that in my env
<siraben> How do I get exFAT support?
<manveru> siraben: the textlive-combined is about 5GB here
<manveru> i didn't even bother with full
<siraben> So which one did you download?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I believe you need:
<Jason_Grossman> extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.exfat-nofuse ]; # TEST THING WHEN CONVENIENT
<Jason_Grossman> You don't need the comment!
<manveru> :D
<siraben> Haha, thanks Jason_Grossman
<manveru> nlyy: as before, `nix-env -i ./result` after the build
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<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Can I apply the settings or do I have to restart after nixos-rebuild ?
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<i-am-the-slime> So I can't install purescript.
<i-am-the-slime> I suspect that's because it tries to build with ghc 8.4.3 instead of 8.2.2 or something.
<i-am-the-slime> Can I force it to use another ghc version instead?
<siraben> Why can't I edit /etc/shells?
<nlyy> ty manveru
<siraben> I'd like zsh as my shell, but chsh won't let me
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Don't know. As you can see, I haven't tested it.
<nlyy> i think i understand now
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: You probably shouldn't be editing anything in /etc.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: You need programs.zsh.enable
<siraben> So I should update my configuration.nix every time I install a package?
<manveru> exactly
<manveru> that's how you install packages usually :)
<siraben> So in my config file I put extraUsers.siraben { ... programs.zsh.enable = true; }; ?
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes. There's an alternative way, which is imperative, but I wouldn't recommend it.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes.
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: What is the "imperative" way?
<Jason_Grossman> Wait, no.
<Jason_Grossman> programs.zsh.enable is the whole thing; it's not in extraUsers.
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<siraben> So I put that in configuration.cnix?
<siraben> .nix*
<Jason_Grossman> Yes.
<siraben> programs.zsh.enable = true;
<Jason_Grossman> And then - I haven't tried this, but I think you also need,
<Jason_Grossman> users.siraben.shell = pkgs.zsh;
<tilpner> users.users.siraben.shell = pkgs.zsh;
<worldofpeace> ^
<Jason_Grossman> Ah, yes.
<siraben> How do I even organize my configuration.nix? It's confusing now!
<robstrr> Hey, Is it possible to _directly_ generate a nixos virtual machine image based on a specific sha ? I know it is possible to deploy with nixops to a vm, but iirc there are just two prebuild vm's
<tilpner> siraben - I was going to send this to you earlier, but you left: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware/tree/master/apple/macbook-pro
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<siraben> Oh thanks tilpner
<siraben> For some reason wireless works now on my macbook pro
<siraben> Has a hard time connecting initially though.
<manveru> robstrr: yes... but i'd have to search the logs...
<robstrr> manveru: thank you, do you remember the date, I can try to find :)
<siraben> Can I just import my installed packages into configuration.nix automatically?
<siraben> The packages I installed with nix-env -i
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<Jason_Grossman> siraben: Yes. Although then you should uninstall them from your user profile, or you'll get confused later.
<Jason_Grossman> On second thoughts, I'm not sure what you mean by "automatically".
<d1rewolf> is it safe to refer to /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash in scripts or config files where you can't use "env bash" ?
<siraben> I'll just work with configuration.nix for now
<siraben> Jason_Grossman: Well with a command
<siraben> But not every time I install something
<siraben> And then "clear" my packages so that ones that aren't in the configuration.nix file are deleted.
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: I do that by hand.
<Jason_Grossman> Otherwise you'd need a program to parse your configuration.nix - sounds fragile to me.
<siraben> How do I make sure my system is exactly as specified in the configuration.nix?
<Jason_Grossman> sudo nixos-rebuild switch
<Jason_Grossman> sometimes followed by a reboot if you want to be absolutely sure.
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<Jason_Grossman> Usually a reboot isn't necesasry though.
<siraben> I'm getting error: The option `extraModulePackages' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist.
<Jason_Grossman> My fault.
<Jason_Grossman> It's boot.extraModulePackages.
<robstrr> manveru: thank you !
<Jason_Grossman> You might want to get used to looking up options on the web though. Especially if you're getting your tips from me!
<Akii> manveru so what is the bin if there is no bin? :S My yarn package is not something executable
<siraben> What about error: The option `filesystems' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist.
<siraben> This one is a hard one
<siraben> I can't find a coherent answer on the web
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<Akii> do I have to do something special in `server.js`?
<siraben> Oh d'oh!
<Jason_Grossman> siraben: What does it say on the web about that option? I haven't seen it used ever.
<siraben> Because I typed filesystems.exfat = true;
<Jason_Grossman> Well that was a fair guess.
<siraben> And it said something about tasks/filesystems/exfat.nix
<siraben> So I thought it would be enabled by that option
<Jason_Grossman> Need to get used to looking constantly at:
<Jason_Grossman> and
<d1rewolf> is it safe to refer to /run/current-system/sw/bin/bash in scripts or config files where you can't use "env bash" ?
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<d1rewolf> (sorry...wiped my scrollback accidentally so thought I'd re-ask)
<siraben> Ok so nixos really is different from Debian when it comes to configuration
<siraben> Everything seems to be done with configuration.nix
<siraben> Which actually would solve so many headaches!
<srhb> siraben: That's the idea :
<srhb> :)
<siraben> What window managers are people using here?
<srhb> xmonad, personally.
<d1rewolf> siraben, you have no idea how nice having on config is across machines ;)
<d1rewolf> i'm using i3 with i3-gaps
<siraben> d1rewolf: And that was available with the the packages in nix?
<siraben> Never got i3-gaps to work on debian, but really wanted to
<d1rewolf> siraben, yes
<d1rewolf> siraben, it works very nicely on nixos. hang on
<siraben> d1rewolf: Can you paste your configuration?
<siraben> pastebin
<d1rewolf> siraben, add this to your configuration.nix:
<Jason_Grossman> I'm using stumpwm.
<d1rewolf> that's all it takes
<siraben> d1rewolf: Wow can't imagine what I'd have to do in debian to make it the same.... "sudo make install"!
<d1rewolf> siraben, yeah, nixos makes it very easy
<d1rewolf> guys, I note when I launch vim on nixos, the default setting is to go into visual mode when selecting text with the mouse instead of letting me copy/paste to the X clipboard
<d1rewolf> do you happen to know what reverses this setting?
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<d1rewolf> siraben, here's my entire config, although i have some includes: https://pastebin.com/Sw3PsvXe
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « zkfuse: add license »: https://git.io/fNlOP
<witchof0x20> Would anyone happen to know how the header field for luks devices works? (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/system/boot/luksroot.nix#L285) I have a secondary LUKS drive with a detached head. The header image is stored on the root partition as /root/header.img. I've tried setting it to `/root/header.img` or `/mnt-root/root/header.img` but neither seem to work (I get "waiting 10
<witchof0x20> seconds for header [path] to appear.... failure")
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<siraben> Sorry timed out
<siraben> Hmm the wireless is still a little buggy
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<siraben> d1rewolf: And how do you configure brightness and volume controls?
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<d1rewolf> siraben, I use i3, so I may keys via that
<siraben> Anyone else get wifi to work reliably on macbook pro?
<Enzime> siraben: which MBP do you use?
<siraben> mid 2012
<d1rewolf> what's the appropriate configuration.nix setting to specify a user's shell as something other than bash?
<siraben> Like zsh
<d1rewolf> siraben, right
<siraben> I'd like to know too
<siraben> I want to get https://ohmyz.sh to work
<ben> err, thats not a permalink
<Enzime> you can use either
<Akii> getting warmer
<Enzime> users.defaultUserShell
<Enzime> or
<Enzime> users.extraUsers.<username>.shell
<ben> https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#users.users.%3Cname%3F%3E.shell
<siraben> Is there a graphical interface for nix or do I just need to use the shell?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #43969 → Python packages: major updates → https://git.io/fNl3e
<d1rewolf> ben: that's it. thanks. I keep forgetting to look at nixos.org/nixos/options.html. is there a similarly easy way to do this on the command line (explore options)?
<ben> i don't know :(
<Enzime> siraben: what wireless card do you have in your MBP?
<d1rewolf> how can one explore things like users.users via nix-repl?
<tilpner> siraben - Have you tried the module I linked earlier?
<siraben> Hey I think this version of deja dup is old, it doesn't support encrypted backups
<d1rewolf> I'm betting you have to :l something, but not sure what
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<d1rewolf> Enzime, I wonder how users.extraUsers differs from users.users.<name?>.shell
<ben> extraUsers is an alias for users iirc
<d1rewolf> ben, ah...I think you're right. something lingering from older nixos iirc?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @basvandijk opened pull request #43970 → haskell: fix build of all tensorflow packages → https://git.io/fNl3O
<Enzime> are we meant to be using users.users now?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNl3s
* d1rewolf thinks so but isn't sure
<Enzime> siraben: have you tried: sudo iwconfig wlp2s0 txpower 10dBm
<Enzime> check out this thread
<siraben> Enzime: Ok I'll try that command
<Enzime> siraben: is your wireless unreliable?
<Enzime> I wouldn't change things unless you're having issues with it
<siraben> Enzime: No it more like doesn't connect well
<Enzime> siraben: the signal strength is low?
<Enzime> or it connects slowly?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #43969 → Python packages: major updates → https://git.io/fNl3e
<siraben> Authentication is bad
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNl30
<Enzime> what do you mean?
<siraben> It sees my network as no password, when it has WPA2
<siraben> Then asks me repeatedly for a password
<Enzime> very odd...
<siraben> Until the wireless interface seems to disappear entirely
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « zerofree: add license »: https://git.io/fNl3u
<siraben> And suddenly reconnects
<siraben> Can't reproduce consistently though
<d1rewolf> siraben, have you tried using nmcli?
<siraben> Just rebooted and it connected as soon as I logged in
<Enzime> d1rewolf: this seems to be a well known bug with the wireless drivers
<d1rewolf> I see
<Enzime> doubt changing tools to connect to wireless will change it
<Enzime> quite possible though
<d1rewolf> I haven't run into it personally
<siraben> I'm trying to install texlive-combined-tetex but I get this error:
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<Akii> oh boy, I successfully read a nix file and adapted it
<siraben> Line 63
<siraben> Something about priority errors
<Enzime> siraben: try running md5sum on both files
<Enzime> to see if they're the same
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « ympd: add license »: https://git.io/fNl3o
<Akii> oh em geee
<siraben> Enzime: Yes they're exactly the same
<Enzime> siraben: can you show us the output of nix-env -q
<siraben> Sure
<siraben> Oops why is it hidden
<Enzime> siraben: that's fine, the link works fine
<Enzime> I think it just means it's hidden from the sidebar
<siraben> Yeah
<siraben> But it's just a pacakge list
<siraben> nvm
<Enzime> siraben: I have a feeling you shouldn't install both
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « yakuake: add license »: https://git.io/fNl31
<Enzime> texlive-combined-medium-2017 texlive-combined-tetex
<siraben> Oh I tried to install both
<Akii> beginning to understand why nix is so awesome O.o
<Enzime> but I can't confirm as I haven't used texlive
<Enzime> Akii: 👍
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @gnidorah opened pull request #43971 → pakcs: 1.14.0 -> 2.0.2 → https://git.io/fNl3M
<siraben> What's the short way to uninstall packages
<siraben> nix-env --uninstall ...
<mightybyte> I have a Haskell project and nix-build is failing with this:
<Enzime> nix-env -e texlive-combined-medium-2017
<mightybyte> "This library cannot be built using profiling. Try invoking cabal with the --disable-library-profiling flag."
<mightybyte> Anyone know how to fix this?
<Jason_Grossman> Enzime: I don't seem to have iwconfig. Is it part of some other package?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « yad: add license »: https://git.io/fNl39
<siraben> Is there a PDF version of the manual available/
<siraben> ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « xwiimote: add license »: https://git.io/fNl37
<siraben> How can I get libreoffice 6.0?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « xurls: add license »: https://git.io/fNl3b
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<Enzime> siraben: try libreoffice-fresh
<jD91mZM2> siraben: You can get it from the unstable channel
<jD91mZM2> Never mind
<Enzime> Jason_Grossman: nixos.wirelesstools
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 189 commits to python-unstable: https://git.io/fNl3p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh opened pull request #43972 → Python packages: major updates → https://git.io/fNlse
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #43823 → pipenv: 2018.5.18 -> 2018.7.1 → https://git.io/fNcIR
<alexteves> Can I add a (docker) pullImage to configuration.nix somehow?
<{^_^}> moretea/yarn2nix#66 (by Akii, open): Document workflow for compiled SPAs.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « xrestop: add license »: https://git.io/fNlsk
<Akii> thanks again manveru
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<manveru> Akii: cool :)
<siraben> trace: warning: The option `system.stateVersion' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' has been renamed to `system.nixos.stateVersion'.
<siraben> What is this scary warning
<siraben> It's in full red
<jD91mZM2> Seems like it's just a deprecation warning
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #43973 → tesseract: split outputs → https://git.io/fNlsq
<jD91mZM2> Rename the configuration.nix's system.stateVersion option to system.nixos.stateVersion
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to master « fix eval »: https://git.io/fNlsY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #43974 → execline: split outputs and copy docs → https://git.io/fNls3
<siraben> Enzime: error: selector 'libreoffice-fresh' matches no derivations
<siraben> Because nix search libreoffice shows three packages
<siraben> What do I do?
<siraben> Oop looks like I'm upgrading to unstable
<siraben> I changed the channel
<Jason_Grossman> Enzime: Thanks.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « xmoto: add license »: https://git.io/fNlsn
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<siraben> How do I set the channel to unstable in configuration.nix ?
<siraben> I did it with a shell command,
<siraben> Set the channel to unstable I mean
<tilpner> alexteves - The image can be installed with your system, but it can't be imported at the same time
<tilpner> alexteves - You can however create a service that imports it, after the daemon is online
<siraben> How do I check what non-free packages are installed?
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<selfsymmetric-mu> siraben: Weirdly enough I don't think you can set your channel in your configuration.nix. I've always found that a bit odd. I mean that seems like something that you'd want to define, instead of relying on some state outside of your configuration. :/
<siraben> Wow ok that's weird.
<Jason_Grossman> You can tell configuration.nix to download a specific tarball. That has a similar effect. (And the tarball is cached - it doesn't dl it again every time you rebuild.)
<Jason_Grossman> It doesn't seem to be the standard way to do things though.
<Jason_Grossman> The standard way is to set your channel using sudo nix-channel.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « a52dec: add license »: https://git.io/fNlsb
<Jason_Grossman> selfsymmetric-mu: I'm not positive, but maybe the idea is that you have to have some channel defined before configuration.nix can be interpreted. So setting the channel inside configuration.nix would mean changing the channel - and that would be a dangerous thing to do in the middle of configuration time.
<alexteves> tilpner: ah thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « aalib: add license »: https://git.io/fNlsp
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<d1rewolf> for those of you using i3, I've installed font-awesome-ttf, but i3blocks still doesn't show the icons on nix for some reason. Any ideas? for that matter, vim doesn't render them either, but that may be expected
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « axel: add license »: https://git.io/fNlGV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « axis2: add license »: https://git.io/fNlG6
<jD91mZM2> d1rewolf: I think fonts need to be installed through a separate `fonts.fonts` option, instead of environment.systemPackages
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlGX
<jD91mZM2> That way they get added to the font config
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed to master « barcode: add license »: https://git.io/fNlGy
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<d1rewolf> jD91mZM2, thanks. trying that now. if you place it in fonts.fonts, do you still need to install it in systemPackages or is that redundant?
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<jD91mZM2> d1rewolf: You don't :)
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<d1rewolf> jD91mZM2, that fixed it. great...thanks!
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<nlyy> is there any way to make nix-prefetch-url faster?
<d1rewolf> guys, is it safe to use the path /run/current-system/sw/bin in scripts?
<d1rewolf> will that always stay the same?
<manveru> d1rewolf: what kind of script? :)
<manveru> hum
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<manveru> seems like fetchTarball fails if there's no `tar` in $PATH
<samueldr> the path will be the current system, though if your script is a long-running process, that system may not be the one the script was built for
<samueldr> (and it's probably an anti-pattern to rely on it inside nixpkgs)
<d1rewolf> manveru, for example, a systemd service file expects a path to an executable
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<d1rewolf> manveru, so can I use /run/current-system/sw/bin/something safely in that case?
<manveru> in that case your systemd service should depend on that package
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<manveru> and you can simply do "${nameofpackage}/bin/nameofbinary" in your service
<manveru> so you never have to worry whether you installed it or not :)
<d1rewolf> manveru, I'm not generating the service with nix
<manveru> well, then i guess that's the best you can get
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<d1rewolf> another example...alacritty's config...i'm using its login setting and specifying a path to zsh. can I assume /run/current-system/sw/bin/zsh will always be accurate?
<d1rewolf> manveru, I guess I'm asking...will that path always be set by nixos? the /run/current-system/sw/bin?
<manveru> i don't think it'll change anytime soon
<d1rewolf> manveru, cool. thanks ;)
<manveru> is anyone here using spacemacs?
<manveru> might be a bit OT, but i'm trying to track down this bug: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/11070
<d1rewolf> does nixos have any features for creating containerized forks of the current running os? let's say I'm working on a development project and want to have a sort of chroot that I can install packages to, etc, without effecting my main install?
<{^_^}> syl20bnr/spacemacs#11070 (by manveru, open): auto-completion keybindings broken in vanilla config
<d1rewolf> I can imagine many ways of rolling your own with nix, but curious if something already exists I'm not aware of
<manveru> yeah
<manveru> there's nixos-shell, nixos-container, and extra-container
<manveru> depending on your preference
<d1rewolf> nixos-container....oh man
<manveru> that's the one you already have :)
<d1rewolf> I want to run through the streets yelling "NIXOS CHANGED MY LIFE!!!"
<manveru> it's just not very convenient to use... that's why extra-container exists as a kind of wrapper
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<d1rewolf> seriously. I told my wife yesterday I haven't felt so good about my computer set up in years ;)
<manveru> and nixos-shell uses the nixos-container as well, but gives you a kind of nix-shell setup on top
<d1rewolf> she wondered why i had this relaxed look on my face ;)
<manveru> lol
<tilpner> manveru - Can you link to extra-container?
<manveru> indeed
<d1rewolf> someone really needs to create some nixos swag. I'll buy it and wear it proudly ;)
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<manveru> swag is linked in the topic i think
<tilpner> Thanks!
<d1rewolf> manveru, sweet. thanks!
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<manveru> ah, no
<manveru> this one donates profits to the nixos foundation
<d1rewolf> thanks. I hope they make future swag include the name...people need to see/hear "nixos" ;)
<manveru> but that's really tiny :(
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<samueldr> it's also not the righ lambdaflake
<manveru> it's the old logo?
* samueldr wonders who owns that store
<samueldr> yes
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<Akii> noob question: within nixos, where do I put "persistent" files? As an example: I've a service that needs an sqlite file.
<Akii> I created a system user and set its home to /var/lib/my-service
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<bluesfreak72> Hi there. I'm relatively new to nixos. I'm trying to switch from the plasma5 desktop to the i3 window manager. Here is a pastebin of my configuration.nix: http://ix.io/1i5S . Can anybody spot what I'm doing wrong?
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<tilpner> bluesfreak72 - What is the symptom/error?
<tilpner> It seems you may be trying to run X as root, which is not a good idea in general
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @volth reopened pull request #26839 → fetchMavenArtifact: prevent leaking nix hash to jar name → https://git.io/vQObr
<bluesfreak72> i3 doesn't show up in the drop-down menu in sddm and with the config file as is, it still loads plasma5.
<tilpner> You ran "sudo nixos-rebuild switch", and it completed without errors?
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<bluesfreak72> *FACEPALM* I guess that would help. I forgot that command. It's been a while sine I played with it.
<tilpner> Heh, yes. Your configuration is not read automatically
<tilpner> (By default. I guess autoUpgrade would)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jensbin opened pull request #43975 → ldmtool: init at 0.2.4 → https://git.io/fNlnj
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @volth reopened pull request #362 → libudev -> udev → https://git.io/fNWD8
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<sphalerite> Akii: /var/lib is good
<Akii> sphalerite cool, thanks!
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<tilpner> Did I do something wrong, or does nixos-generate-config fail to populate boot.initrd.mdadmConf?
<tenten8401> anyone know if there's a way I can enable the nct6775 kernel module for CPU temperature readouts with Ryzen?
<tenten8401> would it be as simple as adding it to boot.kernelModules?
<tenten8401> I can't seem to get a temperature reading out of it unless I run sensors-detect from lm_sensors though
<sphalerite> tenten8401: if you can load it using modprobe nct6775, yes
<tenten8401> sphalerite: I can modprobe it but I don't actually get any option to read from it unless I `sudo sensors-detect` every time
<sphalerite> so modprobing it doesn't make the sensor available?
<sphalerite> hm
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<tenten8401> actually... now it doesn't seem to be working at all with sensors-detect
<d1rewolf_> what's the purpose of the result symlink left behind by nixos-rebuild?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: it should only be left behind by nixos-rebuild build
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: since nixos-rebuild build doesn't update the system profile, it leaves the result symlink so that there's a GC root referencing the newly built system generation
<sphalerite> nixos-rebuild switch and boot shouldn't create it
<YegorTimoshenko[> is there a way to subscribe to nixpkgs-channels advances? push would be ideal, but rss feed would also work, anything machine-readable
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @hlolli closed pull request #43930 → add fetchclojar → https://git.io/fNWbk
<tenten8401> actually, it does work after sensors-detect, program I was using needed to be restarted
<tenten8401> let me reboot with the boot.kernelModules set
<sphalerite> YegorTimoshenko[: gchristensen runs a thing where you can subscribe via rabbitmq iirc, you'd have to talk to him to get the events though and he's away until Wednesday
<YegorTimoshenko[> sphalerite: i'll talk to grahamc then, thanks!
<sphalerite> YegorTimoshenko[: {^_^} also reports channel advances here on IRC, it's a bit of a hack but you could use that
<sphalerite> that's push as well :D
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<samueldr> YegorTimoshenko[: there's also this: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/
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<sphalerite> YegorTimoshenko[: you can also pull the info from https://channels.nix.gsc.io/ , the READMEs show what he considers polite use of it :)
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<tenten8401> alright scratch what I said about temperature reading not working after a reboot... turns out I was modprobing the wrong module
<tenten8401> rebooted and now I have a reading in my little temperature monitor widget
<sphalerite> \o/
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<YegorTimoshenko[> sphalerite: rabbitmq would be ideal (both machine-readable and push), so i'll wait until grahamc is back :-)
<tenten8401> I was trying to modprobe the specific sensor in my motherboard which didn't exist as a module, but rather as several sensors grouped under one module
<sphalerite> YegorTimoshenko[: actually the README mentions it as webhooks, so maybe it's not amqp after all. But yeah
<sphalerite> tenten8401: aaah
<d1rewolf_> guys, I need to find what would typically be provided as /usr/share/dict/words on on ubuntu. How can I track down the package that provides this?
<YegorTimoshenko[> sphalerite: there was some discussion about having some middleware to emulate github webhook api, last time grahamc talked about this rabbitmq had github event payloads in it
<sphalerite> ,locate share/dict/words
<{^_^}> Found in packages: netbsd.dict
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: ^
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, ah, I see. is there a way to incorporate the new build after the fact somehow? Are you expected to use the result symlink to look around and verify?
<sphalerite> you can use nix-locate to search package contents locall
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: yes, you can do `result/bin/switch-to-configuration switch` I believe
<sphalerite> which is like nixos-rebuild switch but without the building stage, since you already have the system built
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, nix-locate doesn't seem to exist for me
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA nix-locate
<sphalerite> :)
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, error: attribute 'nix-locate' in selection path 'nix-locate' not found
<sphalerite> ,locate nix-locate
<{^_^}> Found in packages: nix-index
<sphalerite> oops, my bad, the package is called nix-index :)
<sphalerite> ,nix-locate
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, cool. thanks ;)
<tenten8401> is anyone here able to render videos in kdenlive on the latest unstable?
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<tenten8401> kdenlive used to work properly, but now it's saying it's missing the Qt plugin "xcb"
<samueldr> tenten8401: what's the issue like? not latest unstable, but recent unstable channel yesterday I was able
<sphalerite> tenten8401: I think it expects ffmpeg to be on the PATH, it worked for me last time I tried it, I think I was running it in nix-shell -p kdenlive ffmpeg
<sphalerite> tenten8401: oh right, yeah that's a common issue across packages that use qt
<samueldr> I think it's now a dreaded Qt issue :(
<tenten8401> Hmm. :/
<sphalerite> tenten8401: they need to be installed in the profile, and all the packages in the profile need to agree on the qt version
<samueldr> this happens when there are packages using different Qt side-by-side, and is a known issue
<tenten8401> could it be that I have "qt5Full" installed?
<samueldr> this, uh, could do it
<tenten8401> removing now since I never even used it
<sphalerite> yeah you shouldn't have that installed anyway
<samueldr> you generally don't want to install libraries
<tenten8401> I was hoping to do some Qt development
<sphalerite> ,library
<{^_^}> Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<tenten8401> I guess a nix-shell would be better for development anyways
<sphalerite> ,library = Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages, use nix-shell instead. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
<{^_^}> library redefined, was defined as: Don't install libraries through nix-env or systemPackages. See https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/Libraries for details.
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<sphalerite> yes exactly, that's how it works with nix :)
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<tenten8401> I forget nix-shell exists sometimes
<tenten8401> is the NixOS cache down?
<tenten8401> getting a "Couldn't connect to server" spam when rebuilding
<sphalerite> someone else said that earlier. Probably AWS having issues.
<tenten8401> fun
<tenten8401> I can wait, it's not like I'm actively trying to render anything
<sphalerite> it's fine for me just now, but outages tend to be intermittent and geographic
<tenten8401> yeah it just now fixed itself
<samueldr> not the first time I read that today
<samueldr> same thing, fails, then works right after asking :)
<tenten8401> still seems to be failing to render but I haven't restarted or anything
<tenten8401> I'll try it later after a restart
<sphalerite> what else do you have in your profile? It might be affected by that too
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti merged pull request #362 → libudev -> systemd → https://git.io/fNWD8
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlWZ
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<sphalerite> easiest way to get it to work is probably to uninstall everything else (nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -irA kdenlive)
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<sphalerite> then you can nix-env --rollback after using it to get everything you had back
<sphalerite> (or even just after starting it)
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<samueldr> is this affected by the environment, I'm not sure; if so, could nix-shell --pure help?
<sphalerite> samueldr: no, you have the same problem with qt applications that aren't installed at all
<sphalerite> iirc
<samueldr> just tried it --pure -p kdenlive
<samueldr> different results that makes me think it could be environment based
<samueldr> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""
<samueldr> the `in ""` part screams "environment" to me
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<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, nix-env -qaP '.*netbsd.*' matches no derivations, but you said it's netbsd.dict?
<sphalerite> hm, {^_^} did
<sphalerite> hm, running nix-locate locally shows `scowl` as containing share/dict/words.txt
<d1rewolf_> ok, thanks. so once I have the package name, how can I query for general info about it?
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<jD91mZM2> I've been looking for a package like that too, but I didn't know there even was one?
<d1rewolf_> like debian's apt-cache showpkg
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<jD91mZM2> nix-env -qaA nixos.keepassxc --description
<d1rewolf_> jD91mZM2, cool, thanks
<jD91mZM2> But with nixos.keepassxc as whatever package attribute you wanna query
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<d1rewolf_> if looking from nix repl, what attribute tells the most information about the package (description I guess)
<d1rewolf_> ah, pkg.meta.description
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: `nix search` is a bit nicer and shows descriptions as well :)
<sphalerite> unfortunately we don't have the same sort of detail in descriptions for nixpkgs as is available in debian's repos
<juhe> sphalerite: nix search: nice!
<juhe> is there a plan to have a "nix channel" instead of "nix-channel"?
<andi-> sphalerite: mhm, I don't think the long descriptions of Debian are of particular interest most of the time. Isn't it more about the bundled binaries/files? What do you think is missing?
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, cool thans!
<d1rewolf_> thanks
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<jD91mZM2> juhe: I think nix 2.0 is trying to move away from channels?
<jD91mZM2> In favor of NIX_PATH
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<juhe> jD91mZM2: ok, didn't know that, I think it makes sense (if looking from point of having git repos (possibly different ones) at different NIX_PATHs).
<d1rewolf_> what's the appropriate way to view the contents of a package?
<sphalerite> juhe: I'm not sure about the exact details of what it will look like, but I do believe the `nix` command is slated to eventually replace all the functionality of nix-env, nix-store etc
<catern> where is python 3.7 :(
<jD91mZM2> nix-index, I guess. Since nix is somewhat source based I think you can't just get the binary contents
<juhe> sphalerite: that seems a good idea, one tool to rule them all :-)
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<d1rewolf_> also, for things which aren't managed by nix, what's the appropriate way to reference the path to it? for example, scowl installs dict in /nix/store/v3288g691g56d4rknwi9d8k4akhmbhnn-scowl-2017.08.24/share/ instead of /usr/share. Is there an abstraction I can use to refer to this in non-nix files?
<sphalerite> andi-: the long descriptions are useful for searches, for one. What do you mean about bundled binaries/files?
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<juhe> sphalerite: and I like to have it similar to other tools, e.g. git
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<andi-> sphalerite: basically aren't people often searching for "what package provides XXXX" instead of yet another calculator (which is also valuable)
<jD91mZM2> d1rewolf_: environment.pathsToLink lets you specify what to link
<jD91mZM2> environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/dict" ]l
<jD91mZM2> s/l$/;
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43970 → haskell: fix build of all tensorflow packages → https://git.io/fNl3O
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNlWj
<MP2E> hmm I'm running nixos-rebuild on the latest nixpkgs master and i'm stuck on this somewhat cryptic error : https://pastebin.com/WEJffbp4
<d1rewolf_> jD91mZM2, ah, that's new to me. thanks!
<MP2E> basically says that extra-utils isn't allowed to refer to libidn2
<MP2E> but it's strange, going through git log real quick doesn't show me any obvious changes to libidn2 or extra-utils in the past 2 weeks, since i last rebuild fine
<MP2E> rebuilt*
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<d1rewolf_> interesting, I can't find pathsToLink in the manual
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: if you have scripts and such referring to it, you'd probably want to build them with nix and substitute the path in
<sphalerite> for anything to share, at least
<sphalerite> if it's individual you can keep a symlink to words wherever you want.
<sphalerite> You could even create /usr/share/dict/words as a symlink to it :p
<sphalerite> Just that it's kind of nasty and won't be compatible with other nix-based systems
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, it's individual, but a symlink would break on upgrade
<d1rewolf_> right?
<sphalerite> d1rewolf_: no, it just wouldn't get updated
<juhe> d1rewolf_: I sometimes use "git grep <search-term>" in nixpkgs.git, to find where/how it is used. Sometimes there's also documentation.
<sphalerite> as long as it's correctly made into a GC root the file won't disappear
<samueldr> tenten8401: have you rebooted/fixed kdenlive?
<sphalerite> right dinner time
<d1rewolf_> sphalerite, so /nix/store/v3288g691g56d4rknwi9d8k4akhmbhnn-scowl-2017.08.2 that hash won't change?
<samueldr> tenten8401: I have something to test if you still have the `because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin` error
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<sir_guy_carleton> the kde-plasma5 displays system box instantly crashes on me; has anybody else encounted something similar?
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<Plato[m]> Strange. I've got a file that uses nix-shell in the shebang line which requires `python3Packages.yapf`. When I run it, I get yapf version 0.21.0. But the one I've already got installed (via system packages) is 0.22.0
<Plato[m]> I have no idea where that old version comes from.
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<Akii> sir_guy_carleton completely crashes or just the window manager?
<Akii> (= window decoration)
<FRidh> Plato[m]: if the nix-shell shebang doesn't specify an explicit nixpkgs, then likely your user is on a different (/older) channel than root
<nschoe> Hi everyone, is there a tutorial / doc page for Arduino / Arduino IDE under nixOS? I am regularly having an issue when the IDE complains '~/.arduino15/packages/xxx/g++: no such file or directory'. I usually wipe the ~/.aruidno15 directory and re-install, but this is cumbersome.
<Plato[m]> FRidh: Ah, I see, that makes sense.
<nschoe> I remember asking here, but I cannot find it back, and I think there's something tricky going on with the Arudino IDE under nixOS
<Plato[m]> FRidh: Yep, nix-channel --update fixed it. Thanks!
<nschoe> RetardedOnion, hum, yes but this is just the package list.
<nschoe> RetardedOnion, I have the IDE installed, and it works-ish. But every now and then, it complains that some path to g++ doesn't exist, yet it does.
<RetardedOnion> nschoe: why dont you install it from the repo or have a look into the nix expression?
<nschoe> RetardedOnion, I have it installed already =)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dasJ opened pull request #43976 → sieve-connect: Init at 0.89 → https://git.io/fNll9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to haskell-updates: https://git.io/fNllH
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<RetardedOnion> is there an easy way to get a newer kernel? i am worried about modules like acpi_call and tp_smapi. if it is easily doable, i would be going mainline
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<samueldr> RetardedOnion: there are a couple kernel versions packaged
<samueldr> did you end up going unstable?
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<RetardedOnion> samueldr: yes and it is great. i noticed that it87 isnt packaged. might be funny for my desktop where i need the acs patch as well
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<RetardedOnion> can i just add the patch via boot.kernelPatches? there is no dkms on nixos, right?
<samueldr> you would set it up using boot.kernelPackages https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#boot.kernelpackages
<samueldr> I think you're right, no DKMS for nixos
<samueldr> and yes, boot.kernelPatches allows you to do $stuff to the kernel
<samueldr> it's even possible to (ab)use it to change a kernel config
<RetardedOnion> so i need nixos.linuxPackages_4_17.acpi_call for example if i would be going for 4.17?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 0 commits to haskell-updates: https://git.io/fNllb
<fresheyeball> anyone been successful serving haddock docs built with nix-build?
<fresheyeball> for some reason all the links are file:// protocol links
<samueldr> RetardedOnion: yes
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to haskell-updates « hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update »: https://git.io/fNl8e
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<RetardedOnion> samueldr: thank you. i also noticed there is an linuxPackages_latest which is even nicer. thank you so much. i need to get ungoogled-chromium running and maybe even it87 stuff and then i will switch
<ben> your irc nick is kinda bad
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<RetardedOnion> ben: thank you for your support. appreciate it.
<nh2[m]> dtz: I built 95% of Stackage statically, and also get some success when it comes to binary-reproducible output: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43795#issuecomment-406888727
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<fresheyeball> what to do when a tool being used by nix-build expects a home folder?
<samueldr> fresheyeball: really depends, for what reason does it expect a home folder?
<fresheyeball> samueldr: it is looking for a config file it doesn't actually need
<__monty__> ben: Tbh, it's a lot more distinctive than yours though : )
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<ixxie> Is there any kind of authentication infrastructure in NixOS?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « hackage-packages.nix: avoid broken reference to libudev »: https://git.io/fNl8O
<ixxie> I mean, is there an easy way to hook some authentication system into various modules installed on the system
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<fresheyeball> samueldr: I am going to try just setting $HOME to $PWD
<elvishjerricco> I love `nix log`
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<fresheyeball> elvishjerricco: hey will
<elvishjerricco> hello isaac!
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<sir_guy_carleton> Akii: only the dialog box crashes. i just appears and quickly leaves afterwords
<makefu> ixxie: PAM is quite potent, as long as your services supports it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley merged pull request #43616 → git: optionally build gnome-keyring and libsecret credential helpers → https://git.io/fNOrF
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley pushed to master « gitFull: build libsecret credential helper (#43616) »: https://git.io/fNl81
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley merged pull request #43938 → jsonnet: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.2 → https://git.io/fNWA9
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @benley pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « jsonnet: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.2 (#43938) »: https://git.io/fNl8H
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<qyliss> Does anyone use NixOS with a Linux-libre kernel?
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<sir_guy_carleton> looking at journalctl, this seems to be error that goes with the failure http://termbin.com/kns0
<RetardedOnion> qyliss: you might be searching for guix if you want to go full libre
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<qyliss> I’m aware of guix, but I already know how to use Nix and can share configuration with my Mac
<nschoe> how do I enter a nix shell with "g++"? It keeps either taking the ++ as a regex or doesn't find the package if I espace with '\'.
<qyliss> I can deblob the kernel myself, just wondered if somebody had done it already
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #43977 → mpv: 0.28.2 -> 0.29.0 → https://git.io/fNl8p
<samueldr> nschoe: the gcc packages have g++ in, how are you invoking nix-shell?
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<samueldr> (you could also use stdenv which will have g++)
<Jason_Grossman> qyliss: I don't know much about it, but I like your idea.
<cocreature> ,locate g++
<{^_^}> Found in packages: gcc, gcj, gccgo, gfortran, gcc_debug, ccacheWrapper, gcc-unwrapped, and 6 more
<d1rewolf_> could someone point me to the docs for environment.pathsToLink
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#environment.pathstolink
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43894 → Adding ryantm to Haskell codeowners → https://git.io/fNWoN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNl4J
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, cool..thanks ;)
<RetardedOnion> when nix-rebuild compiles something, where can i specify max used threads?
<nschoe> samueldr, ho, okay.
<nschoe> samueldr, `nix-shell -p g++` or `-p "g\+\+"`
<nschoe> samueldr, and I have tried creating a shell.nix file with `buildInputs = [ g++ ];` in it, but it doesn't work
<samueldr> yeah, that's not a valid attribute for nixpkgs AFAIK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch closed pull request #43974 → execline: split outputs and copy docs → https://git.io/fNls3
<samueldr> > pkgs."g++"
<{^_^}> attribute 'g++' missing, at (string):162:1
<samueldr> > pkgs."gcc"
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/38picpf5cl6d7lj38h8191vmxlxjbgq3-gcc-wrapper-7.3.0>"
<samueldr> > pkgs.gcc
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/38picpf5cl6d7lj38h8191vmxlxjbgq3-gcc-wrapper-7.3.0>"
<nschoe> samueldr, I tried "gcc" and indeed, "g++" is inside it.
<nschoe> samueldr, so thanks:)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr opened pull request #43978 → sddm: 0.17.0 -> 0.18.0 → https://git.io/fNl4m
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<nschoe> samueldr, but actually I haven't solved my issue, maybe you could help: I'm running `ldd` on an executable, and I have "libstdc++.so.6 => not found" inside
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti merged pull request #363 → libNixName: map tensorflow to libtensorflow → https://git.io/fNlqW
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNl4O
<samueldr> and uh, if someone did something bad and added "g++" as an attribute it would be -p '"g++"' AFAICT
<nschoe> This is why I was trying to fire a nix shell with g++ inside. So I did with gcc instead, but I still have "not found". How can I solve this?
<samueldr> nschoe: that's an XY question it sees, what's the end goal?
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, interestingly, those defaults aren't linked on my system. For example, /sbin doesn't exist
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: if there are non in the inputs, there will be none linked I think
<samueldr> d1rewolf_: applying the function that links /sbin 0 times will lead to 0 sbin
<nschoe> samueldr, the end goal is that I have installed the Arduino IDE and added the esp8266 board, but when I try to compile a sketch it complains that ".arduino15/packages/esp8266/tools/xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc/1.20.0-26-gb404fb9-2/bin/xtensa-lx106-elf-g++: no such file or directory"
<d1rewolf_> samueldr, gotcha ;)
<samueldr> ah, so using non-nix-built binaries in nixos, nschoe, right?
<nschoe> So I tried with `ls` and I can see this "xtensa-lx106-elf-g++" executable. **but** when I try to execute it by hand, with `./xtensa-lx106-elf-g++` I get this "no such file o directory" again
<d1rewolf_> jD91mZM2, I noticed you used "/share/dict" instead of "/usr/share/dict" in your earlier example. any reason why?
<samueldr> I'm not sure the state of the art in this situation, as a quick fix, try runnin the arduino IDE using steam-run
<nschoe> samueldr, hum, possibly. I'm not sure: I did install the IDE from nixOS, I don't know about this executable. I guess if it's in this location, it is not built by nixOS indeed :/
<samueldr> steam-run uses a FHS environment to mimic a more common linux environment
<iqubic> Anyone here use emacs to do web development?
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<nschoe> samueldr, okay, ... what's a steam-run? o_O sorry
<samueldr> nschoe: give me 2 minutes, digging up the info (if you don't find it meanwhile_
<d1rewolf_> hmmm...adding environment.pathsToLink = [ "/usr/share" ] seems to have done nothing.
<nschoe> I'm, on it ^^
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<d1rewolf_> can someone explain exactly what environnment.pathsToLink does?
<samueldr> nschoe: it uses buildFHSUserEnv https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-fhs-environments
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<iqubic> I wish there was some way to tell emacs that it has to run nix-shell first, then have it run my JavaScript linter.
<samueldr> it's the only FHSUserEnv I know off the top of my head in nixpkgs, which is why I asked you to try this one
<nschoe> samueldr, I'm instlling steam-run-native right now to test.
<nschoe> samueldr, ok
<nschoe> samueldr, and (while it fetches path), I can't solve my problem by finding the way to have this libstdc++ so that the executable works?
<samueldr> what *could* be done, if the arduino IDE has that habit of loading external toolchains, and if it's hard to re-build or patch them accordingly, is to run it under an FHS user environment
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<samueldr> nschoe: that's probably some patchelf shenanigans
<samueldr> (I don't exactly know how)
<nschoe> samueldr, okay, thanks for your help ;)
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<noctux> hello, I'm a new user and sort of impressed by nixos. However, I feel very bad about having my X running as root, and I cannot really believe that I'm alone with that. The closest I've found is https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Using_X_without_a_Display_Manager which seems like a giant hack. Is there any alternative solution that I haven't come across?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dywedir opened pull request #43979 → yakuake: fix meta → https://git.io/fNl4g
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Profpatsch opened pull request #43980 → Skarnet outputs → https://git.io/fNl4V
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<fresheyeball> is there a way to make nix build output like nix-build
<fresheyeball> ?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @marsam opened pull request #43981 → 1password: 0.4.1 -> 0.5 → https://git.io/fNl4x
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric opened pull request #43982 → Take me (viric) out of most maintenance → https://git.io/fNl4h
<viric> \o/ finally
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<samueldr> this leaves you with how many packages?
<samueldr> (only statistically curious)
<ajs124> Hey, I've added support for some features I use to exim (see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/master...ajs124:exim_mysql_dovecot), but I think it conflicts with the LDAP support. Can someone help me with the regex?
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<sphalerite> d1rewolf: the hash of scowl may change from one version to the next, but the existing one won't disappear as long as you've got a gc root attached to it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @viric opened pull request #43983 → Openssl in coreutils makes *sum programs much faster (RFC) → https://git.io/fNlBR
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<viric> samueldr: four or so :)
<viric> samueldr: software I wrote, mostly.
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<viric> samueldr: I might have removed even some of my programs... I'll double check
<viric> I think I didn't remove any extra of what I wanted
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<das_j> Hey, is there a way to change the modification time of files inside the nix store?
<clever> das_j: nope
<das_j> clever: Well, okay that's sad
<das_j> Is there a GitHub issue or something?
<clever> das_j: its part of making everything pure and reproducable
<clever> das_j: all files must have a timestamp of 1 unix time
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<das_j> Hm, makes sense somehow, but still annyoing. dovecot thinks my sieve scripts need to be recompiled, because the time of the compiled version is equal to the source file
<das_j> I'll just move the files somewhere else
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<clever> das_j: sounds like it would be better to disable the automatic recompile, and have it compiled once by nix
<das_j> I haven't found an option to do that
<clever> it may need to be patched to allow it
<das_j> I'll just ask the developer if this is a off-by-one problem when comparing the modification times
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed to master « fix eval »: https://git.io/fNlBx
<{^_^}> dovecot/pigeonhole#4 (by griff, open): When binary and script have same mtime they should be seen as up-to-date
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<viric> das_j: equal timestamp means not up to date; it's common in GNU Make too
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<sphalerite> noctux: I've opened https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43984
<{^_^}> #43984 (by lheckemann, open): X server runs as root
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<noctux> sphalerite: thanks! I've subscribed to the issue
<viric> GNU Make uses some trick about timestamps so all is detected properly, iirc, like altering the result timestamps so they are after the inputs
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<manveru> LnL: can we modify nix-docker to add gnutar and gzip so fetchTarball works again?
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<LnL> it has everything for fetchTarball/fetchGit AFAIK
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh closed pull request #43979 → yakuake: fix meta → https://git.io/fNl4g
<manveru> unfortunately not :|
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<manveru> there's no git either
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<manveru> not sure why...
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<manveru> is that also in lnl7/nix:2018-07-17 ?
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<LnL> no, those are the base images
<manveru> ah :D
<manveru> ok, thanks
<manveru> time to pull the new latest
<manveru> let's see if it works this time
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<RetardedOnion> is there a quick way to add patchfiles to a package like with boot.kernelPatches?
<LnL> hello.overrideAttrs (drv: { patches = drv.patches or [] ++ [ ./foo.patch ]; })
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<LnL> manveru: the base images contain the absolute minimum to get nix working, the second layer more than doubles the size
<manveru> yeah, i thought they were just different tags for the same set
<manveru> i used my own fork for a long time, so i forgot
<LnL> I don't version that second variant tho
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<nly> Noob question, can I install an app in such a manner that it only has access to binaries I specify at install time? And if I install new tools the app should not see it.
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<RetardedOnion> LnL: thanks for the answer. can i add this to systemPackages in my configuration.nix?
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<manveru> nly: via makeWrapper you can wrap the package to set PATH to a subset
<manveru> ofc it still has access to your filesystem unless you put it into a container...
<nly> Ahh
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<nly> If worldofpeace is here, the package 'bookworm' needs 'unzip' and 'pdftohtml' to work
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<manveru> only at buildtime though?
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<fresheyeball> is there such a thing as the opposite of shellHook?
<fresheyeball> a hook to cleanup when leaving the shell?
<manveru> maybe a trap on EXIT?
<fresheyeball> manveru: what do you mean?
<manveru> fresheyeball: `cleanup () {touch clean}; trap cleanup EXIT`
<manveru> hmm, no
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<manveru> that fires when the nix-shell is done initializing :|
<manveru> or maybe it's my nix-shell caching messing it up
<manveru> fresheyeball: try it anyway :)
<nlyy> flightgear compiled. nice
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<fresheyeball> worked!
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<nly> [02:30] manveru: only at buildtime though? No I was asking about limiting access once the app is installed.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @snaar opened pull request #43985 → lesspipe: add missing dependency on 'file' → https://git.io/fNl07
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<sphalerite> nly: flightgear worked for me last time I tried it in spite of not having those deps
<sphalerite> nly: but a PR with your changes would certainly be welcome!
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<tertle||eltret> hi
<tertle||eltret> u do systemctl start display-manager
<tertle||eltret> then type rm / -r
<tertle||eltret> then hit f9
<tertle||eltret> sike
<tertle||eltret> what should i set up on my nix box?
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<RetardedOnion> tertle||eltret: your pc. also: i am not sure if rm -r / is destructive in nix, but i am pretty sure that is not a command you should be trowing around.
<tertle||eltret> i was just kidding
<tertle||eltret> sorry guys
<tertle||eltret> u know, the whole jumping off the bridge thing
<aristid> tertle||eltret: it's not a joke anybody here appreciates, i'm pretty sure
<aristid> tertle||eltret: it's more for #15yearoldboys
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/15 (by aszlig, closed): virtualbox: Fix build for kernel 3.5.0.
<tertle||eltret> okay okay, keep it above the belt
<tertle||eltret> i want to install x2go on my nixos
<tertle||eltret> but i haavent been able to
<fresheyeball> I have a weird one
<fresheyeball> I have a script that I create with pkgs.writeScript
<dmj`> is peti around?
<fresheyeball> and if I eacho it with '' echo ${myScript} ''
<fresheyeball> it echos the path to the nix store
<fresheyeball> but if I alias it
<fresheyeball> '' alias my-script=${myScript} ''
<fresheyeball> it runs the script right away!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43986 → travis-conditions: init at 1.0.2 → https://git.io/fNluk
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<jonreeve> Hi everyone. I just installed NixOS for the first time. I'm not sure what the best way of installing GUI packages is. I can install packages either by adding them to configuration.nix, or by running nix-env -iA, but then they don't seem to appear in my KDE launcher. Any ideas?
<RetardedOnion> jonreeve: give them some time (or reboot). at least it works for me. i am very new as well so dont take me too seriously
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<kiloreux> I want to convert my python requirements.txt file to nix. So that I can use everything on nix but I can't figure it out tried "pypi2nix" but have been running into some errors.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @risicle opened pull request #43987 → cloudfoundry-cli: 6.36.1 -> 6.37.0 → https://git.io/fNlzK
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @veprbl opened pull request #43988 → mupdf: fix on darwin → https://git.io/fNlgZ
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<tertle||eltret> am i right that you cant build from source in the normal way on nix?
<nekroze> I am trying to write a nix package, and in my install phase I need to reference a file in qtwebengine package and do so like this "${qt5.qtwebengine}/translations" however translations is not there because it is going to the qtwebengine-5.11.1-bin nix store item instead of the non -bin version that has the file I want. How do I select the not -bin version?
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<nekroze> tertle||eltret: yes and no. You cannot just starting pulling sources and running make as, by default, build tools like make and gcc are not installed globally. You could install them with "nix-env -iA nixos.stdenv" however this gets messy fast and is not at all idiomatic nixos usage.
<nekroze> tertle||eltret: I would recommend having a look at nix-shell which can give you a temporary and isolated environment with build tools specific to the program you are trying to compile
<tertle||eltret> oh i see, thank you nekroze
<nekroze> tertle||eltret: then once you have a handle on it working in nix-shell you can tidy it up a bit and create a nix package out of your nix-shell
<tertle||eltret> so is gcc in nix-shell?
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<nekroze> tertle||eltret: not always but mostly, gcc (and make and binutils etc) are provided by stdenv which is often used as the basis for any nix-shell environment
<nekroze> tertle||eltret: let me see if I can find you a decent example
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<nekroze> tertle||eltret: https://www.sam.today/blog/environments-with-nix-shell-learning-nix-pt-1/ looks like it will get you going
<nekroze> how can I use the non -bin suffixed (and subset of files) version of a package in the nix store from my nix-build?
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e20106f31ad (from 11 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<tertle||eltret> i dont get it nekroze wehre did that cosway come from?
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<siraben> Hi all, how do I resolve this error when I run "sudo nixos-rebuild switch" ?
<tertle||eltret> oh uits included by default
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<nekroze> siraben: try "nix-channel --update"
<samueldr> (with a bit of sudo)
<samueldr> nixos-rebuild uses root's channels IIRC
<nekroze> tertle||eltret: not by default but because of the buildInputs declaring cowsay it is available in the shell
<nekroze> samueldr: then "sudo nix-channel --update" ?
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<samueldr> yea :)