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<rotaerk> bisecting nixpkgs, so tiresome
<srk> how come
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<rotaerk> because I end up needing to test nixpkgs commits that aren't fully in the binary cache
<trcc> What is the purpose of running things inside the nix-shell instead of the terminal (using on mac)?
<rotaerk> so I end up building GHC or GCC from scratch
<rotaerk> trcc, nix-shell sets up your environment as specified in your shell.nix
<rotaerk> for instance, you can set it up such that all your development tools are available within it
<rotaerk> and all the libraries you depend on are available
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<trcc> rotaerk: thank you. Howeer, within the shell I am invoking cabal build. And this seems to use the regular cabal. I do not even have to add e.g. a haskell module to the shell.nix file
<trcc> it is enough to have it in the cabal file
<clever> rotaerk: i once did a bisect like that, and ran into all kinds of trouble
<trcc> is that because it is using a general envrionment?
<clever> rotaerk: it turns out, anything not in the cache worked, and anything in the cache failed, so the bisect just failed to locate the problem entirely
<rotaerk> hah
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @NeQuissimus pushed to master « linux: 4.18-rc3 -> 4.18-rc4 »: https://git.io/fNUvd
<clever> rotaerk: the problem was that the nix sandbox broke the package, and i had the sandbox off at the time
<rotaerk> nice
<clever> the package was testing for things like /etc/mtab, to detect what your distro is doing
<clever> the nix sandbox had none of the options
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<clever> so it hard-coded itself to open the path "unknown" at runtime
<rotaerk> fortunately, I don't think I'm in a situation like that
<rotaerk> I just get impatient waiting for each build
<rotaerk> trcc, well, if you have cabal installed in your general environment, it will be accessible to nix-shell (well, by default; I think there's a way to hide it?)
<rotaerk> but if you want a reproducible development environment that doesn't depend on what you have installed globally...
<rotaerk> nix-shell is useful for that
<rotaerk> heck you can have different nix-shell environments side-by-side, each with different versions of cabal accessible to tthem
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<trcc> I am mainly interested in the a reproducable environment for the haskell packages. Not so much cabal
<rotaerk> trcc, you mean, you want an environment in which a particular set of haskell packages, of specific versions, are accessible for building with cabal?
<trcc> yes
<rotaerk> yep, that's something you can setup with nix-shell
<rotaerk> that's what I'm doing
<trcc> do you have any repo publicly available?
<rotaerk> I do, but it's not implemented in the simplest possible way, so might not be the best to learn from
<rotaerk> but I'll link it...
<trcc> the official docs just presents a general environment, that adds cabal and ghc to user profile (https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-create-a-development-environment)
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<rotaerk> let me know if you have any questions about it
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<trcc> Thank you rotaerk.
<trcc> I probably will later on
<trcc> What is the process of creating a new project? Cause now I did cabal init, and then created shell.nix from cabal init. But this leaves me with a global cabal and global packages
<rotaerk> "created shell.nix from cabal init"? how
<trcc> cabal2nix
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<trcc> the cabal file genereated from cabal init
<rotaerk> oh k
<trcc> But this seems to be the wrong way around
<rotaerk> well, all of my nix files were written manually. cabal2nix is something that I call dynamically from within them
<rotaerk> rather than storing the cabal2nix result itself in my source
<rotaerk> there
<trcc> ahh
<trcc> where do you specify your cabal version?
<rotaerk> note that the main folder contains nothing nix-related; it's just a haskell project
<rotaerk> well, the general approach I take is to pick a version of nixpkgs as a foundation and reference that specific version (as opposed to using <nixpkgs>, which relies on whatever version I happen to have installed)
<rotaerk> and then I apply overrides on top of that
<rotaerk> i don't currently override the cabal version, so I'm using whatever version comes with this version of nixpkgs
<trcc> okay. Thank you. I am trying to set up my project using nix for the frist time. So the development environment is being set up.. takes a bit of time
<rotaerk> it's got a learning curve
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<fractalcat> #pipe
<fractalcat> gah
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<tnks> I've been using cabal new-build with Nix for a while, but there's something that's been bothering me. I can use Nix to lock down all my Haskell dependencies. But there's a few tools that Cabal insists on pulling down to compile like alex, happy, c-language, and syb.
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<joepie91> ,locate libX11.so.6
<{^_^}> Found in packages: xlibs.libX11
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<joepie91> ,locate libXrandr.so.2
<{^_^}> Found in packages: xlibs.libXrandr
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43270 → ufoai: 2.4 -> 2.5 → https://git.io/fNUIV
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<kalbasit> I'm having an issue with my locale, when `LC_ALL` is not set, `rofi` exits with the error `Failed to set locale` but I set `LC_ALL=$LANG` I get a warning instead: `setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_US.UTF-8)`. Running on NixOS 18.03 with `i18n.defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"`
<kalbasit> I have no mention of `LANG` or `LC_*` in my home dir, just that system-wide defaultLocale setting
<kalbasit> here's my `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`: https://gist.github.com/kalbasit/6ef25af5a3d2f0bf2ff70828a7861fdd
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<joepie91> well, Star Ruler 2 is turning out to be an absolute nightmare to package...
<joepie91> what a mess
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<joepie91> I'm now actually having to fix a shader to make it not break
<joepie91> :|
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<joepie91> it works!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @7c6f434c merged pull request #43230 → gf2x: 1.1 -> 1.2 → https://git.io/fNfmn
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vaibhavsagar opened pull request #43271 → all-cabal-hashes: update snapshot to Hackage at 2018-07-03T07:36:18Z → https://git.io/fNUmT
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<Lisanna> What order does hydra evaluate jobs in?
<Lisanna> I've got a bunch of tests where each test is a job, and those test drvs are also constituents in some other jobs. But hydra starts building the aggregate jobs first, which makes it hard to keep track of the job progress
<Lisanna> since the test jobs don't get their result marked until the very end
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<Lisanna> ah, well, not the *very* end, but it does seem to be a bit scattered
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<jasom> can I install a 32-bit version of firefox-52 ESR (for the purposes of running Java applets)
<Lisanna> seems like hydra will only associate a derivation as a built step of a single job, rather than all the jobs that actually have it as a build step
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<`_> so we have two people using nixops to deploy to the same box
<`_> every time person A deploys, person B cannot because ssh gets rejected
<`_> vise versa
<`_> ideally we can both deploy, without having to do a `destroy` `delete` `create` to recover
<`_> is it possible to share the initial ssh keys?
<`_> by the way this is 2 people sharing a tmux session back to spice up your life
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<kalbasit> I finally figured out the locale issue. It's basically due to my system is running NixOS-18.03 but my user is running unstable. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/38991#issuecomment-384238296
<{^_^}> #38991 (by peti, open): glibc 2.27 breaks locale support
<andi-> > pkgsi686Linux.firefox-esr
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/y45zs8lrgpa8ai1maf952glicsk4ri7c-firefox-60.1.0esr>"
<andi-> jasom: ^
<andi-> > pkgsi686Linux.firefox-52-esr
<{^_^}> attribute 'firefox-52-esr' missing, at (string):153:1
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<andi-> > pkgsi686Linux.firefox-esr-52
<{^_^}> "<derivation /nix/store/888150apxbic9bxcdbb3vp7ay46hh70a-firefox-52.9.0esr>"
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<`_> Is there a way to simply check that the syntax of a nix expression is valid?
<`_> Without actually evaluating it?
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<elvishjerricco> `_: `nix-instantiate --parse`
<`_> elvishjerricco: thank you
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<angerman> hey elvishjerricco shouyld we start looking into merging your stuff into nix-tools?
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<elvishjerricco> angerman: If you think so. Only reason I haven't opened a PR is because of that hackage-db fork
<elvishjerricco> Just haven't gotten around to addressing peti's concerns
<angerman> well, open a PR and we can discuss the progress there?
<elvishjerricco> Sure
<angerman> I'd just hate to have this lost :D
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<angerman> elvishjerricco: I'm also currently building it with `cabal new-build --allow-newer --constraint="hnix==0.4.0"`, which feels rediculously stupid :-)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @IvanMalison opened pull request #43273 → liblxqt: 0.12.0 -> 0.13.0 → https://git.io/fNUZt
<elvishjerricco> :P
<angerman> *but*, I'm back in nix land, so I'm using it more again.
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<elvishjerricco> angerman: I guess I should probably document my blobs of code... :P
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<vaibhavsagar> what's nix-tools?
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<sphalerite> I want to get rid of packageOverrides. Commentary would be appreciated! https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43266
<{^_^}> #43266 (by lheckemann, open): Deprecate packageOverrides?
<lfish> hello. I installed a texlive.combined.scheme-basic with nix-env and texlive.combined.scheme-full with /etc/nixos/configuration.nix. The linked programs are those installed with nix-env, how do I get things to be the other way?
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<angerman> vaibhavsagar: https://github.com/angerman/nix-tools this one.
<vaibhavsagar> thanks!
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<vaibhavsagar> this is so that cross-compilation is easier?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr opened pull request #43274 → androidndk: Use `callPackage` to support overriding the `fullNdk` option → https://git.io/fNUnu
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<angerman> vaibhavsagar: so that we have nix expressions that model conditionals in cabal files properly.
<angerman> and yes, that makes cross compilation easier.
<vaibhavsagar> cool, I see
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<colemickens> ??? why does my uptime say 27 minutes... but I don't have any reboot logs in jouranlctl??
<colemickens> and it's weird because my uptime is almost perfectly in sync with time elapsed since midnight.
<colemickens> But all I have for 27 minutes is normal sshd/smbd spam...
<sphalerite> colemickens: mine looks like "up 16 days 11:41"
<sphalerite> did you maybe miss the days?
<colemickens> No, I triple checked to make sure I wasn't crazy...
<colemickens> $ uptime 00:31:49 up 4:49, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
<sphalerite> the first bit is the time of day
<sphalerite> it's the bit after "up" that's the uptime
<sphalerite> so your uptime is in fact 4 hours and 49 minutes
<sphalerite> so your diagnosis of it being in sync with time elapsed since midnight is correct 😉
<colemickens> welp, let's rewind the simulation and pretend I said nothing.
<colemickens> :/ thank you...
<sphalerite> no worries, everyone has their share of thinkos :D
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #38324 → znc: add uriPrefix option → https://git.io/vx6H4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUCf
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<kalbasit> I added Kubernetes to my NixOS-18.03 with `services.kubernetes.roles = [ "master" "node" ];`, however k8s is not starting and I see this in the logs: `kube-proxy[1101]: E0710 00:43:08.638543 1101 proxier.go:1667] Failed to execute iptables-restore: exit status 1 (iptables-restore: invalid option -- '5'`
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<{^_^}> #58956 (by liuhuiping2013, closed): iptables-restore invalid option in kube-proxy
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<kalbasit> I'll try version 1.9.8
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<manveru> kubernetes could use a test too :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 52 commits to staging-18.03: https://git.io/fNUWa
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 2 commits to staging-18.03: https://git.io/fNUWX
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #42888 → nghttp2: backport fix for CVE-2018-1000168 [18.03] → https://git.io/fSGIg
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<srhb> kalbasit: Oh, I didn't realize 18.03 had hit that.
<srhb> kalbasit: In general, I think k8s is in a much better shape in nixos-unstable. 18.03 was sort of short on maintainers.
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<srhb> kalbasit: I actually added a workaround for that bug at some point, I thought it was in 18.03... Hm.
<kalbasit> srhb: do you have a link to the workaround?
<kalbasit> I'm new to NixOS so overriding pkgs is still a challenge for me
<srhb> kalbasit: I'll see if I can dig it out. iirc I just pinned the older version of the iptables scripts :)
<kalbasit> that'd be great, thank you
<kalbasit> otherwise, I could also just update kubernetes, wouldn't it work?
<{^_^}> #36739 (by srhb, closed): nixos/kubernetes: Patch kube-proxy for iptables 1.6.2 compatibility
<srhb> kalbasit: Not sure, kubernetes is updated in nixos-unstable but iirc it required more changes to the modules
<kalbasit> I see
<srhb> kalbasit: Perhaps steveeJ can help, I think he's using it actively still
<srhb> And johanot too, but he's not around
<kalbasit> srhb: can you help me with syntax I need to add it to `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`?
<srhb> kalbasit: Add what exactly? A newer kubernetes?
<kalbasit> the patch you gave me
<{^_^}> #36739 (by srhb, closed): nixos/kubernetes: Patch kube-proxy for iptables 1.6.2 compatibility
<srhb> kalbasit: Sure
<kalbasit> have done that in my .nix/config.nix but not globally yet, so unsure of how the syntax would go
<kalbasit> srhb: thx
<srhb> kalbasit: Essentially you'll want to use the nixpkgs.overlays attribute and write an overlay function. Let me whip it up...
<srhb> kalbasit: And it's not global as much as it is *specific* to configuration.nix
<kalbasit> I see
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<kalbasit> this is my attempt, which does not work, but I guess I'm thinking too much `.nixpkgs/config.nix`
<kalbasit> srhb: thx!
<srhb> kalbasit: I think yours would work if not for the "rev" typo
<kalbasit> oh
<kalbasit> have not tried it, will do though I'm curious :)
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<srhb> kalbasit: I prefer overlays to packageOverrides wherever I can get away with it.
<srhb> kalbasit: Since it allows me to refer to both the package set prior to the override (super) and the modified packageset (self)
<kalbasit> I don't fully get the difference, but no worries I still have a lot of learning to do
<srhb> That's the main difference really...
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<kalbasit> oh I see
<kalbasit> srhb: I'm getting `undefined fetchpatch`
<kalbasit> is it `pkgs.`?
<srhb> kalbasit: self.fetchpatch :)
<srhb> Sorry, my bad, didn't test it :P
<kalbasit> oh cool!
<kalbasit> no worries, all god
<kalbasit> s/god/good/
<kalbasit> lol 1AM typos
<srhb> kalbasit: The nice thing about this is that if you ever modified fetchpatch, it would now get your changes here as well :)
<kalbasit> oh nice
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<srhb> Very composable.
<kalbasit> srhb: is there any book out there, or just the manual?
<srhb> Just the manual and some scattered blog posts
<srhb> Well, the manualS
<srhb> All three :P
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<kalbasit> I read the NixOS one today and been playing around with Nix for a few days
<srhb> kalbasit: Cool. :) The manual that contains most of this information is the nixpkgs manual.
<kalbasit> the syntax is a bit hard to grasp but eventually it'll sink in
<kalbasit> cool, will check it out, thx!
<srhb> kalbasit: It's a *very* simple syntax, deceptively so, you'll get it :)
<adisbladis[m]> kalbasit: Have you done any lisp before?
<kalbasit> adisbladis[m]: not lisp, scheme
<kalbasit> I'm familiar with functional languages
<kalbasit> but it's more, how to override, where does this go or where does this comes from
* srhb nods
<srhb> The *semantics* of nixpkgs and NixOS, not nix the language, can be quite a bit trickier :-)
<adisbladis[m]> Then it should come very easy :)
<kalbasit> also takes a while to get where to put `let` and and what were this weird dots `{ pkgs, ....}` it all takes a while lol
<kalbasit> srhb: very true
<srhb> kalbasit: Did you do the nix language interactive tutorial?
<kalbasit> gotta spend some time in Nixpkgs,
<srhb> kalbasit: afaik it covers everything in the quite small language quickly.
<kalbasit> srhb: no haven't where is it?
<srhb> kalbasit: https://nixcloud.io/tour/
<srhb> Half an hour or so, and it's really thorough and small :)
<kalbasit> that's awesome! Thx @srhb
<FireFly> Hm, I should do thay
<FireFly> that* even
<srhb> For some reason it loads really slowly the first time, but it does work :P
<kalbasit> cool
<kalbasit> anyway gotta crash, nighty all!
<kalbasit> thx @srhb for the help!
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub merged pull request #43261 → ocamlPackages.iri: init at 0.4.0 → https://git.io/fNJ8Q
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @pSub pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNU8u
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<manveru> srhb: that's because it's nix in the browser... it downloads the whole blob compiled via emscripten :)
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<srhb> manveru: Oh!
<srhb> manveru: Cool tidbit :D
<manveru> i think it's nix 1.1 though, but doesn't matter much
<manveru> i mean, nix 1.11
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda opened pull request #43276 → Fix flexget → https://git.io/fNURB
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @roberth merged pull request #42923 → Add `pkgs.haskell.lib.packagesFromDirectory` utility → https://git.io/f7mm9
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tilpner opened pull request #43277 → gomuks: 2018-05-14 -> 2018-7-10 → https://git.io/fNUEL
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<nschoe> Hello everyone, I'm having an issue with a Qt Project. I'm having difficulties getting used to developping with nixOS, I thought this would make my life easier, but it doesn't :/ ^^ So I have a shell.nix file, with a simple "buildInputs = [ pkgconfig cryptopp qt5.full qtcreator gdb ];". The idea is to enter the environment with `nix-shell` and from there launch qtcreator and dev fron there.
<nschoe> This worked for a bit, but recently, I ran some `nix-channel --update` and some `nix-collect-garbage` (not sure if this is related, but I think so). Yoday I enter my `nix-shell` dev env as usual, this time it downaloded / unpackqd afew packages, which seemed odd, but "why not"
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43115 → linux: Temporary fix for issue #42755 → https://git.io/fNefV
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUu4
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<nschoe> And now when I try to run `qtcreato` it says "Cannot update Qt version information: /nix/store/wi32b30w1an36l7r19vi4v9g2liznspg-qt-full-5.10.1/bin/qmake cannot be run." And when I run `which qmake` from inside the dev environment, I get "/nix/store/v521qbyfwv3png4bliwgz693v2534ynd-qt-full-5.10.1/bin/qmake". Notice that it's not the same hash.
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<nschoe> Then I launched a few `grep` command to find the first hash, and it appears all over the "QtProject" directory, which is where the qtcreator's settings are saved.
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<nschoe> I have lots and lots of hits about the old hash. I believe that my `nix-collect-garbage` destroyed the old qt-full-5.10 hash, form that it seems to me that it's all very fragile in my case: my dev environement depends on me not running the garbage collector. How is this possible, I'm sure I'm missin something.
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<nschoe> (Sorry this was a long message, but I wanted to explain the issue clearly ^^)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUu9
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<nschoe> The TL;DR is that I have 2 questions: 1) what should I do to have a reliabe dev environement? Apparently shell.nix + nix-shell doesn't seem to be safe (do I have to nix-build in order to get a result/ that points to the hash?) and 2) how can I fix the fact that tcreator doesn't find the libraries / qmake executable anymore?
<nschoe> Thanks in advance :)
<adisbladis[m]> nschoe: Yes, store paths without a garbage collection root will be collected
<adisbladis[m]> You can manually add a gc-root
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<nschoe> adisbladis[m], okay this is what I feared: so running `nix-build` and keeping the `result/` directory should help?
<adisbladis[m]> nschoe: Yes that's enough
<adisbladis[m]> You may also want to look into nix-shell/nix-store --add-root
<adisbladis[m]> I have some direnv + nix magic to add roots for all nix-shells I enter
<adisbladis[m]> And then you can use `nix-collect-garbage --older-than`
<adisbladis[m]> `nix-collect-garbage -d` will still remove "everything" regardless of roots
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<nschoe> adisbladis[m], okay thanks for the tip. I never use the `-d` option, it's too nuclear for me :P
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNUz4
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #43268 → Drop gnome3.gconf → https://git.io/fNJxt
<nschoe> adisbladis[m], so from now, I'll run `nix-build`. But now the tricky part: if I do this, I'm stuck with thi sfrozen version.
<adisbladis[m]> nschoe: nix-shell -add-root will help with that :)
<nschoe> I can't update or anything. And I thought it was the purpose of nix and nixOS to allow those kinds of things. But here the issue is that (the way I understand it), qtcreator store the fullpath of the libraries / executables it uses, so the momen tI change version, the hash will change and nothing ill everg work.
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUzg
<nschoe> adisbladis[m], yes that part I understand now. But what about my message just above?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43277 → gomuks: 2018-05-14 -> 2018-7-10 → https://git.io/fNUEL
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @tilpner to master « gomuks: 2018-05-14 -> 2018-7-10 (#43277) »: https://git.io/fNUz1
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<sphalerite> nschoe: you may need to remove stale build files that nix is unaware of/which aren't aware of nix
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<sphalerite> I don't know which build system you're using, but typically this will be stuff in your gitignore
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @offlinehacker opened pull request #43278 → kail: init at 0.6.0 → https://git.io/fNUzy
<sphalerite> or your build directory if one exists
<sphalerite> you should only need to do this when you've updated your nixpkgs
<nschoe> sphalerite, the issue doesn't seem to be stable build files, but qtcreator's preferences.
<nschoe> sphalerite, the problem is that when I try to open qtcreator it says "/hash-to-qmake" cannot be run.
<nschoe> It complains that qmake is not found.
<sphalerite> ah that's a pain. It should just look it up in $PATH rather than using an absolute path :(
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<sphalerite> maybe it will work if you set it to just "qmake" rather than an absolute path in the settings?
<nschoe> sphalerite, I can try. The issue is that I grepped the QtProjects directory and there are *tons* of references to /nix/store/... so.. I'm afraid nothing will work :/
<sphalerite> ah, what a pain
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<sphalerite> yeah in that case, at least with qt creator, nix will not be fun :(
<nschoe> Damn ^^
<nschoe> sphalerite, this is even weirder: when I launch qtcreator and go to the settings, it detects that the current Qt version is invalid (the path disappeared) but I can't change it, so it doesn't detect the new version of Qt :/ Is smth broken here?
<sphalerite> yes, qt creator :p </subjectiveopinion>
<sphalerite> If you don't have lots of custom settings that will be a pain to restore, you could try removing all the relevant dotfiles
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « xmobar: explicitly list the enabled extensions »: https://git.io/fNUga
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<joepie91> lol
<nschoe> sphalerite, I see.
<nschoe> Thanks for answering my questions :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar closed pull request #43236 → pulseeffects: init at 4.1.3 → https://git.io/fNfGY
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji opened pull request #43279 → [18.03] linux-hardened: Adjust for Linux 4.17 → https://git.io/fNU2Z
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar pushed to master « nixos/udisks2: use upstream unit »: https://git.io/fNU2c
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jtojnar merged pull request #43222 → nixos/udisks2: use upstream unit → https://git.io/fNvAs
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<wucke13> Why does the first thing complain about feature not available in stable version but the second one works just fine? https://pastebin.com/xvswCK8v
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<hodapp> hmmm. Blender has a lot of add-on packages and some of them need paths to (in theory) other things that would be in the Nix store... I wonder if anyone has tried to make Nixpkgs handle this
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<hodapp> though I guess this isn't really a big problem since it's still possible to install them directly from Blender
<Yaniel> mm... blender.withPackages when
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<hodapp> you a Blender user?
<Yaniel> casual
<Yaniel> but yes
<hodapp> I bounce between avoiding it and using it...
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<hodapp> if Blender's method of installing add-ons (if you do it manually) is just dumping the files in some directory this would seem to be feasible to make Nix do
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<hodapp> and a lot of them have configuration that may depend on specific packages (e.g. Blenderseed needs to know where Appleseed is), so there'd need to be some kind of custom configuration it could set
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<Yaniel> I haven't used extra addons much
<Yaniel> so far it's been enough to dump them in ~/.config/blender/add-ons
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<Taneb> Is it possible to start a nix shell that has a shell.nix's stuff plus some extra packages?
<hodapp> oh, bleh, I think it stores add-on configuration in ~/.config/blender/.../config/userpref.blend which is one of Blender's usual monolithic binary blobs
<hodapp> so maybe this won't work for any add-on requiring configuration :[
<freeze_> hi, I'd like to use the nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/with-extensions.nix expression to install different extension sets in nix-shells (i tested, it worked), but all the wrapper scripts are called "code", I'd like to customize this file name and also add a --user-data-dir param in it. the solution I imagine is patching the .nix file to add those two things, but I don't know if there is some pattern/guideline for this ?
<etu> <vscode/with-extensions.nix>
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<freeze_> @etu, @{^_^}, yes I know this file, but I would like to be able to customize it (in a way I don't think overlays can help)
<hodapp> {^_^} is a bit and I think etu was just using said bot to look the file up
<etu> freeze_: I just used the shorthand to find the file :p
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @markuskowa opened pull request #43280 → pstoedit: patch to ensure gs-9.22 compatibilty → https://git.io/fNUwN
<freeze_> oh I see
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<etu> I see, it makes a wrapper script that just adds a flag to the binary for where to look for extensions
<etu> I'm not sure how to override that thing :/
<Taneb> Is it possible to use nix to install fonts on not-NixOS? (In particular, Ubuntu with multi-user nix)
<joepie91> Taneb: I'd imagine that it'd be possible with some buildEnv and fontconfig path hackery, but I'd have no idea how specifically :)
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<freeze_> @Taneb I think you can modify the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to add the <dir>/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/.../share/font</dir> ?
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: What would you like to customize the "code" name to?
<freeze_> basically I have projects using haskell and others js, so I'd prefer some hscode and jscode "aliases" just for clarity
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<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Something like this incantation: `vscode-with-extensions.overrideAttrs(oldAttrs: {buildCommand=oldAttrs.buildCommand + "mv $out/bin/code $out/bin/jscode";})`
<adisbladis[m]> If I understand you correctly?
<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: hum I never used overrideAttrs so I don't know if this injects the renaming stuff at the good place
<adisbladis[m]> If you want to add command line args and such I suggest looking at makeWrapper https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#ssec-stdenv-functions
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: In this case `vscode-with-extensions` is not a normal derivation but `runCommand`
<adisbladis[m]> So there is only buildCommand really to override
<adisbladis[m]> Normally I would have put this kind of thing in `postInstall` or `postFixup`
<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: so I would get a script to inject the --user-data-dir plus the "code" script that is build by the vscode-with-extensions
<freeze_> ok, didn't check what "is" a runCommand
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: It's just a very simple way to make a derivation
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<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: and as the with-extension already takes a param to list the wanted extensions, how to I handle the two calls ?
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<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Look at the usages of `wrapProgram` around nixpkgs
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<adisbladis[m]> `(vscode-with-extensions.override {vscodeExtensions=[];}).overrideAttrs(oldAttrs: {buildCommand=oldAttrs.buildCommand + "mv $out/bin/code $out/bin/jscode";})`
<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Something like that
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<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: so to sum up: I create a new derivation depending on with-extensions and call wrapProgram to inject my new param and then I don't really need to rename it, because it will take the name of my new derivation ?
<freeze_> oh it is simpler
<adisbladis[m]> It's much simpler :) You override vscode-with-extensions, and overrides can be chained :)
<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: then I just bundle it in some function "mkCustomVscode" in my overlay, and I can use it for my different needs
<adisbladis[m]> Yeah sounds reasonable
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<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: thank you
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<infinisil> <with-extensions.nix>
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<adisbladis[m]> freeze_: Np :)
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<dami0> hi, i've tried setting the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, http_proxy, https_proxy and CURL_NIX_FLAGS, but i can't do a nix-rebuild switch to install packages. this worked during install, is there some more correct way of setting the http proxy?
<worldofpeace> Can someone review/merge :P #43166 and #43167 ?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43166 (by eadwu, open): vscode-extensions.ms-python.python: 0.8.0 -> 2018.6.0
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43167 (by eadwu, open): vscode-extensions.ms-vscode.cpptools: 0.16.1 -> 0.17.6
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed commit from @talyz to release-18.03 « linux: Temporary fix for issue #42755 »: https://git.io/fNUXO
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<dami0> nevermind, figured it out. ye olde "figure it out 5 seconds after asking someone else"
<adisbladis[m]> worldofpeace: I'm not using vscode myself. How can I test these?
<worldofpeace> adisbladis[m]: getting it right now, one sec
<nlytend> Hi, how do i enable 'anthy', i want to enable japanese input
<nlytend> Installing ibus-engine.anthy does nothing, i thought it would show up in gnome language settings
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<adisbladis[m]> nlytend: I think you need to add it to your ibus input methods https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#ibus
<adisbladis[m]> worldofpeace: Huh? No nice one-liner? ;)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill closed pull request #43270 → ufoai: 2.4 -> 2.5 → https://git.io/fNUIV
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<sphalerite> nlytend: try the option i18n.inputMethod.ibus.engines
<sphalerite> infinisil: :o your github username is still uppercase :p
<worldofpeace> adisbladis[m]: typed this insanely fast for you https://hastebin.com/tanekubico.scala
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dotlambda pushed to master « ghostwriter: 1.6.2 -> 1.7.0 »: https://git.io/fNUMq
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<gchristensen> dang, nix-diff can't diff two very different nixos configs
<nlytend> Ty adisbladis, sphalerite
<adisbladis[m]> worldofpeace: Thanks. That made my testing easier
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43166 → vscode-extensions.ms-python.python: 0.8.0 -> 2018.6.0 → https://git.io/fNviG
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUMi
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43167 → vscode-extensions.ms-vscode.cpptools: 0.16.1 -> 0.17.6 → https://git.io/fNviZ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUMS
<worldofpeace> adisbladis[m]: np, thank you :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @timokau opened pull request #43281 → [WIP] sage: 8.2 -> 8.3 → https://git.io/fNUDM
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh merged pull request #43276 → Fix flexget → https://git.io/fNURB
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 3 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUyI
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<freeze_> worldofpeace: adisbladis[m] : is there a reason why there are only 3 extensions in the nixpkgs repo ?
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<worldofpeace> freeze_: Packaging all of the vscode extensions would be pointless
<freeze_> worldofpeace: yes but maybe the most popular ? hackage, pip &al contain more stuff for example
<worldofpeace> freeze_: the nix syntax one makes sense. I'm sure no one would mind adding a few more as long as they're maintained.
<freeze_> ok I'll think about it then ;)
<etu> freeze_: PR's are in general welcome :)
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<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: I have almost a working solution for the vscode stuff ... I try to add a call to substituteInPlace but can't figure out where to put it in the override chain
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<freeze_> etu: I just need to take the time to scrash my main machine and install it with nixos, atm I just play with a few vms to feel more comfortable with this lovely beast
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<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @zimbatm opened pull request #43 → add graham and zimbatm to the bastion host → https://git.io/fNUSF
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/c5f7795803d (from 47 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed to master « knot-dns: 2.6.7 -> 2.6.8 (maintenance) »: https://git.io/fNU9X
<nschoe> Hi, is there any chance someone here used nixOS, ROS and Qt at the same time? :D (I remember acowley helped me with nixOS and ROS, maybe I have my chances?)
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « bump version number to 2.9.3 »: https://git.io/fNU9h
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 0 commits to refs/tags/2.9.3: https://git.io/fNU9j
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<worldofpeace> There's supposed to be periods at the end of meta descriptions?
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<freeze_> adisbladis[m]: Ok I did it with a sed
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed to release-18.03 « knot-dns: 2.6.7 -> 2.6.8 (maintenance) »: https://git.io/fNUQT
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @FRidh pushed 63 commits to staging: https://git.io/fNU7g
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Ma27 opened pull request #43282 → nixos/ohMyZsh: allow multiple derivations in `ZSH_CUSTOM` → https://git.io/fNUdD
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « git-annex: drop uncompilable support for Webapp and S3 »: https://git.io/fNUFm
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @offlinehacker closed pull request #43135 → dockerTools.buildImage: passthru image name and tag → https://git.io/fNvYZ
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<timokau[m]> How can I force a rebuild with `nix build`? I'm almost certain there was a flag for that, something to do with validating reporducibility .
<gchristensen> --check
<symphorien> --check
<gchristensen> symphorien++
<{^_^}> symphorien's karma got increased to 1
<symphorien> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 12
<symphorien> for symmetry :)
<gchristensen> :D
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<timokau[m]> Thanks :D Although that only works with `nix-build`, not with nix 2.0
<timokau[m]> Thanks :D Although that only works with `nix-build`, not with nix 2.0
<timokau[m]> (Which apparently still lacks a manpage?)
<gchristensen> `nix build`'s interface is still beta and subject to change
<LnL> that's somewhat intentional since the interface isn't stable yet
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « Remember to run tests without $HOME defined. »: https://git.io/fNUNY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #43274 → androidndk: Use `callPackage` to support overriding the `fullNdk` option → https://git.io/fNUnu
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNUNl
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @OliverEvans96 opened pull request #43284 → Typo in nixos/tests/taskserver.nix → https://git.io/fNUNp
<timokau[m]> I didn't know that `nix build` is still in beta, I thought all of nix 2.0 was stable
<timokau[m]> Although its probably a very good idea to stabilize and ship it for one version before setting the exact interface in stone
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<gchristensen> timokau[m]: unfortunately it is hard to communicate that
<gchristensen> grahamc@Morbo> nix build --help | tail -n1
<gchristensen> Note: this program is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @iimog opened pull request #43287 → rPackages.rhdf5: fix installation → https://git.io/fNUAl
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « graphiz: add missing test suite dependency on system's graphviz tools »: https://git.io/fNUxM
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<ryantm> gchristensen: What do you think of https://github.com/NixOS/ofborg/pull/191 ?
<{^_^}> #191 (by ryantm, open): add hydra links to GitHub comments
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @bkchr opened pull request #43288 → plasma-workspace: Add patch for missing systemmonitor exec line → https://git.io/fNUhU
<gchristensen> I don't like it much, because of the chances of 404s
<gchristensen> it is possible to be a not very strong signal
<gchristensen> I think it would be nicer to build before and after the commit
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b273e63752f (from 87 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
<timokau[m]> gchristensen: Re expermental: Maybe the "nix 2.0 is now stable" blog post didn't make that point clear enough. Maybe I'm just misremembering though. Either way, its a good idea.
<gchristensen> because, then, too, much better signal can be provided: specifics on how the closure size has changed, if it could build before / could build now, build time differences, build closure changes, etc
<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @zimbatm opened pull request #44 → terraform: introduce DNS resource definitions → https://git.io/fNUhj
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<ryantm> gchristensen: You're saying even if it doesn't 404 it might not be a good signal, right?
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> because then you have to know what you're looking for and how to find it, and then to know what it means
<ryantm> gchristensen: well, building before and after sounds great, and build caching might mean it's often pretty quick.
<ryantm> gchristensen: I'll go ahead and close that PR.
<gchristensen> true
<gchristensen> maybe we can fetch data from the Hydra API (or add data to the Hydra API so it is useful)
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<timokau[m]> I'd like linking to the hydra jobset for another reason: The PR creator is very likely interested in the package and might want to subscribe to the hydra job. And navigating hydra and finding the job yourself is very confusing.
<gchristensen> that should probably be solved in hydra, then
<timokau[m]> Then again it would be even better to automatically email maintainers about hydra failures (wasn't that the case? Is it still? I haven't gotten an email for a while)
<gchristensen> ofborg shouldn't be trying to solve Hydra's UI issues
<timokau[m]> True, that'd be a hack
<gchristensen> doing some 404 checking, it looks like S3 is the best backend out of S3, CloudFront, GCP, Azure
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<gchristensen> for a nixos cache
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<srk> [6~\
<adisbladis[m]> gchristensen: Latency wise or for some other reasons?
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<gchristensen> mostly, yeah
<gchristensen> Nix issues lots of requests and the faster the 404 the better
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<adisbladis[m]> That's currently only true for us/eu
<adisbladis[m]> Asia/australia/nz has pretty horrible nixos cache latencies currently
<gchristensen> yeah, it is naturally a region-specific question/answer. best would be a s3 bucket per region your user has. second to that, cloudfront in every region they offer
<gchristensen> per region you have users*
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43244 → drone-cli: add package → https://git.io/fNfgb
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTv0
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @orivej opened pull request #43290 → qt511.qtbase: fix darwin build → https://git.io/fNTfe
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<ryantm> I'm probably going to add a link to Hydra in nixpkgs-update PR messages. It seems especially relevant for updating packages (rather than just adding them), and I can check if the page is a 404 before including the link.
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<gchristensen> ok, cool
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis merged pull request #43288 → plasma-workspace: Add patch for missing systemmonitor exec line → https://git.io/fNUhU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @adisbladis pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTfw
<cocreature> Hey, when I install firefox-devedition using "nix-env -iA nixos.firefox-devedition-bin", I get "firefox-devedition" symlinked to ~/.nix-profile/bin but also "firefox" which seems to come from the unwrapped derivation. a) why is that the case? I don’t think dependencies are symlinked into the environment in general. and b) is there a way to avoid this? I would like to have both regular firefox and
<cocreature> firefox-devedition installed side by side
<ryantm> Whether or not it actually contains super useful information, I think the PR reviewers are looking at it, so I'd like to make it easier for them to get to it.
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<Taneb> What's the best way to define a Hydra project that builds a branch of a Github repo that is not associated with a PR?
<gchristensen> Taneb: after the repo URl in the input, just add a space, then the branch name
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43195 → hwdata: 0.312 -> 0.313 → https://git.io/fNvym
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTJZ
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<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b273e63752f (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43189 → jgmenu: 1.0 -> 1.1 → https://git.io/fNvMz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTJ2
<sphalerite> (pinging here just the one more time) I want to get rid of packageOverrides. Commentary would be appreciated! https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/43266
<{^_^}> #43266 (by lheckemann, open): Deprecate packageOverrides?
<gchristensen> just one more time? you only opened it 0 days ago
<dami0> hi, how can i find out all the configuration variables a package has?
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<tilpner> By looking at the source, unfortunately
<sphalerite> gchristensen: last time I'm spamming it here without any further reason to discuss it :)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Synthetica9 opened pull request #43291 → julia: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.4 → https://git.io/fNTUJ
<ryantm> sphalerite: It seems like an important enough thing that I wouldn't be opposed to you posting it here once a day for a week.
<gchristensen> just make sure you hit different timezones
<sphalerite> gchristensen: that's the idea of posting it 3 times within 24 hours :)
<dami0> tilpner: aaaah, i was looking at just the expression, thanks
<tilpner> dami0 - nix edit -f '<nixpkgs>' hello
<sphalerite> ryantm: yeah, I figured that if I don't get any major criticisms on the idea I'll start a PR implementing it
<tilpner> That makes it a little quicker
<tilpner> (Sometimes)
<dami0> that gave me the expression, but there's a configurable.nix file that actually has all the options
<ryantm> sphalerite: Sounds good; I'm objecting to you calling it spam.
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat pushed 3 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNTUz
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vcunat merged pull request #43279 → [18.03] linux-hardened: Adjust for Linux 4.17 → https://git.io/fNU2Z
<sphalerite> fair enough :D
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<dami0> tilpner: i've searched the entire github repo, but stuff like vimrcConfig is only ever used, never defined. what am i missing?
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<tilpner> dami0 - GitHub search is terrible
<dami0> xD
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<tilpner> dami0 - Try https://search.nix.gsc.io/
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<tilpner> gchristensen - Maybe generate permalinks? ^
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer closed pull request #43263 → [wip] Remove binary blobs → https://git.io/fNJae
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<tilpner> dami0 - Oh, I misunderstood your question. vimrcConfig is just an attribute set, it doesn't need to have corresponding options
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<gchristensen> tilpner: what do you mean?
<tilpner> gchristensen - Clicking on linenumbers in search.nix.gsc.io opens a GH URL. Pasting those into chat may result in logs bitrotting over time as the repo evolves. Permalinks would improve that situation
<gchristensen> oh, so linking to the commit-version instead of branch-version?
<tilpner> gchristensen - But I was assuming search.nix.gsc.io was a self-written thing, which may not be the case
<dami0> tilpner: thanks, i think i'm starting to get it. so considering only vimrc is defined there but no other stuff, would i need to extend the vim-utils.nix file to then make a derivative package of vim that specified custom filetype.vim files?
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<gchristensen> tilpner: its by Etsy, actually: https://github.com/etsy/hound but maybe somebody wrote a patch for that
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<gchristensen> unfortunately the author of Hound no longer works at Etsy and Etsy doesn't do active maintenance, so it is half-way to abandonware
<gchristensen> but it is _very good_ so worth manually applying PR patches :)
* tilpner didn't find such a PR, or an issue for it
<gchristensen> me either
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<tilpner> dami0 - If you want to keep a consistent interface, that would be the easiest option. You could then PR that change so you don't have to maintain a copy of the vim expr
<tilpner> (AFAICT)
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<kalbasit> srhb: I switched to the unstable channel, when I install kubernetes now (overlay removed of course) I see the error `/nix/store/62fqqskmfgiihzq772rsx3d3bl60z6ph-kubernetes-1.10.5/bin/.kube-addons-wrapped: line 158: awk: command not found`
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @domenkozar pushed 2 commits to refactor-cabal2nix: https://git.io/fNTIP
<kalbasit> and I get `kubelet.go:1359] Failed to start ContainerManager failed to get rootfs info: failed to get device for dir "/var/lib/kubernetes": could not find device with major: 0, minor: 28 in cached partitions map`
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<shapr> greetings! I installed another drive in my laptop, is there an easy way to install nix on a separate drive from within my existing ubuntu?
<shapr> er, nixOS specifically?
<shapr> I'd like to dual-boot
<clever> shapr: uefi or legacy booting?
<shapr> uefi, figured I'd chain from /boot on my primary drive
<clever> if using uefi, then you can just entirely ignore the ubuntu drive, give nixos its own efi system partition and rootfs, and then youll have an option for both in the UEFI menu
<shapr> oh, that does sound simpler
<shapr> that would also let me swap this drive to another system and it'd work fine
<clever> it relies in the efi vars in the nvram being setup right
* shapr reallocates partitions
<clever> so another machine will refuse to boot it by default
<shapr> oh?
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @eliasp opened pull request #43293 → hetzner-kube: init at version 0.3.1 → https://git.io/fNTLI
<clever> uefi is a pain like that
<shapr> :-/
<clever> but there is a removable option to get around it
<shapr> well, I want to try full nixOS without abandoning the safety of my comfortable ubuntu rut
<clever> shapr: if you set this flag, then it will configure the drive as a removable one
<shapr> so if I can just get it installed easily and quickly, I can pave it and redo it later
<clever> so the uefi firmware will think its a usb stick
<clever> and then it always comes up as an option
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<shapr> clever: I'd rather start with simplest install for now, and redo later if I need to
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<shapr> what would you suggest for simple, easy, get it working now?
<shapr> I've seen several Haskell employers are using nix+amazonka, that's the direction I want to try
<shapr> that is, nix to AWS
<clever> just a normal uefi install
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<shapr> so, boot from usb and point it to the new drive?
<clever> yeah
<shapr> ok, thanks
<clever> uefi boot from the installer on usb, and then do a normal uefi install against the "new" drive
<blob_> Hello. where are the fonts stored in nix os?
<blob_> thanks
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<clever> shapr: id also recomend that the efi sys partition be at least 512mb, maybe 1gig
<shapr> that's fine, I'm installing on a terabyte drive
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<shapr> does the nix install process do partition creation or formatting?
<clever> shapr: that has to be done manually
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<clever> you need to partition, format, and mount everything under /mnt, then run nixos-generate-config --root /mnt, edit /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix, and then nixos-install --root /mnt
<shapr> ok, works for me
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<betaboon> and then you have to checkout your awesome git repo, with all your awesome nix-expressions that create your system just the way you always wanted :D
<acowley> Does anyone have an approach they're happy with for emacs packages given that they don't get updated in nixpkgs very often anymore?
<acowley> I have a few specific definitions that I create manually when I know I need an update, but I'd like it to be somewhat more automated.
<gchristensen> we should update them
<acowley> I think there's lingering uncertainty about how to manage emacs packages
<infinisil> They aren't updated? I thought there was some auto-update thing going on
<infinisil> auto-generated i mean
<acowley> There was for quite a while rather nasty conflict between melpa-stable and melpa, and things sort of fizzled from those discussions when everyone became marginally satisfied with their current setups.
<acowley> At least that was my impression.
<acowley> We have auto-generated package lists, but they're several months old.
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<infinisil> Ah that one, yeah I've been annoyed by that too previously, but how it's now I like it
<infinisil> melpa is preferred over melpa-stable now
<acowley> Yeah, I got mine squared away, and didn't help prod things along
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<acowley> But I think Thomas mentioned on twitter a while back that he's not entirely happy with things the way they are.
<ldlework> acowley: yeah, I use straight.el instead
<infinisil> #36423
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/36423 (by matthewbauer, merged): emacs: use unstable melpa for dependencies
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<acowley> Yeah, that PR fixed things up.
<ldlework> I don't like the idea of specifying my packages in Nix, and then respecifying them in my emacs config
<acowley> I think there are lingering issues with packages that have executable components (most prominently pdf-tools).
<acowley> ldlework: I find it's okay because my nix specifications are very terse
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<ldlework> still always two places to update
<acowley> ldlework: In nix, I for the most part just name every package. But that naming provides a convenient opportunity for applying patches. Then I use use-package in my emacs.el to configure things. It's slightly redundant, but I quite like the snapshot aspect nixpkgs provides.
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<acowley> I don't update the use-package parts
<johnw> acowley: same here
<acowley> I don't actually update anything manually
<acowley> Except for the custom patches part
<ldlework> straight.el is like nix for emacs, but in elisp. it uses straight.el to get the packages from melpa and the like
<acowley> But that seems essential
<johnw> it wouldn't be very hard though to come up with a Nix module that allows you to specify use-package declarations using Nix
<ldlework> I don't understand how you dont update the use-packages part
<ldlework> if you add a new package, you have to tell nix and emacs about it
<acowley> ldlework: Oh, for adding things, yes. I thought you meant package updates.
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<ldlework> where as if you use straight.el, use-package will cause the package to be installed
<acowley> ldlework: Yes, that duplication is an irritant.
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<ldlework> acowley: if you're already using using-package, I don't see the point in having nix install the emacs packages
<infinisil> Personally I'm using my own emacs modules using the modules system, they work without NixOS
<ldlework> like, not in terms of preference, but I don't see any utility whatsoever
<acowley> johnw: I actually like the separation as it makes it so easy to switch how I provide the packages!
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<acowley> ldlework: Compared to use-package installing from melpa, I enjoy the aforementioned opportunity for applying patches during the installation phase. Compared to mangaging my own clones, I like being able to rollback everything if something goes sideways.
<ldlework> i have never needed to apply a patch to an emacs package I guess
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<acowley> I'm not disputing there are many ways to do all of this. But I was wondering if anyone who is using nix for emacs packages has a personal workflow that involves creating their own melpa snapshots.
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<acowley> ldlework: I have several! Sometimes it's a patch that hasn't made it to master yet, sometimes it's to customize something the package doesn't expose in a convenient way... like tweaking a theme or something.
<ryantm> oops, that's stable
<ldlework> acowley: it is elisp, that can go in your emacs config :)
<infinisil> <melpa-packages.nix>
<acowley> ldlework: Not if it's a local let-bound variable as themes often use to simplify their internal definitions.
<ldlework> not sure, I was able to customize my emacs theme from right inside my config
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<acowley> ldlework: How would you customize base00 here? https://github.com/waymondo/apropospriate-theme/blob/master/apropospriate.el#L42
<ldlework> another problem I forsee is, no one can use your emacs config
<ldlework> and you can reuse it on OS'es other than nixos
<ldlework> can't*
<ldlework> acowley: I didn't mean to debate you on this, honestly :)
<acowley> I use my emacs config in other OSes, use-package downloads packages from melpa if they're not already installed
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @mulderr opened pull request #43295 → odpic: 2.4.0 -> 2.4.2 → https://git.io/fNTqd
<acowley> But if something goes wrong there, I'm in a bit of trouble because I don't have a hash that identifies my entire package set.
<acowley> infinisil: What Thomas mentioned before was the idea of having a melpa2nix or something that takes a user's list of packages and generates nix expressions from a given melpa checkout.
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<acowley> infinisil: I don't think either of us ever followed up on the idea. It seems like a way of relieving anyone from having to update all snapshots. But if any patching is needed to address nix concerns (e.g. pdf-tools), things may get complicated.
<acowley> ldlework: It's fine, I've been through many iterations of my emacs config over the years and expect to go through many more!
<infinisil> acowley: Something like we do for hackage could work
<jasom> andi-: thanks, I'll try that tonigh
<acowley> infinisil: I think so, yes
<infinisil> Having the base layer autogenerated, but allow for different mods on top of that
<ldlework> acowley: same. do you have a link?
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<acowley> ldlework: It's here, but it's formatted to work with outshine, so doesn't render nice-and-org-y on github: https://github.com/acowley/dotfiles/blob/master/emacs
<dami0> tilpner: thanks, when i understand nix enough, i'll surely do it. i'm surprised noone did a .nix filetype for vim already
<acowley> ldlework: But I've found that the most useful thing in terms of sharing with other folks is sharing snippets rather than the whole config. I do the same in the reverse direction, too. You will find various johnw-isms in my configuration files.
<ldlework> acowley: have you see emacs-nougat?
<ldlework> build your config out of org-mode #+include-ed snippets for great collaborative justice
<acowley> That looks like a great idea
<ldlework> been using with a few others to good success
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<acowley> The examples look a little barren
<tilpner> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 13
<tilpner> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 14
<tilpner> :)
<ldlework> acowley: yeah, need more people using it
<ldlework> what's there was basically the reusable parts of my existing config broken out into snippets
<ldlework> acowley: and we need a convention for parameterizing the snippets and so on
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43287 → rPackages.rhdf5: fix installation → https://git.io/fNUAl
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTYL
<ldlework> it was just an experiment, but I think it was a success. now just needs activity.
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-18.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/315da196c6a (from 71 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-18.03-small)
<acowley> ldlework: Org's include feature is a little iffy for parameterization. Things like macros don't always work as one might hope.
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<acowley> ldlework: That said, it's org so it's fixable.
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<ldlework> acowley: we have just been using setq-default in the snippet
<ldlework> acowley: you do setq before the import if you wanna override
<ldlework> I'm not an elisp genius...
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<ldlework> but that -does- work :)
<acowley> That's at *least* half the battle :P
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<ldlework> acowley: there were two people who were constantly tracking changes from my emacs config who were complaining that I was constantly iterating the parts they had stolen. they don't complain anymore because that's solved.
<ldlework> if johnw used this, it would be a revolution in emacs config sharing :)
<ldlework> I'm always hesitant to take things from people like johnw because no doubt they will improve it later and the chances of me noticing and updating my own copy is very very low
<johnw> hah, so true! :)
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @domenkozar pushed to refactor-cabal2nix « Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.Hackage: expose parsePackageData »: https://git.io/fNTYb
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<{^_^}> Channel nixpkgs-18.03-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/315da196c6a (from 80 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-18.03-darwin)
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<worldofpeace> Can I make wrapPythonPrograms wrap something in lets say libexec?
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @domenkozar opened pull request #357 → Refactor cabal2nix lib api → https://git.io/fNTsx
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm merged pull request #43227 → Add dnscrypt-proxy2 package. → https://git.io/fNffJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @joachifm pushed commit from @waynr to master « dnscrypt-proxy2: init at 2.0.15 »: https://git.io/fNTGf
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<sphalerite> what's a good program I can use to just display a live feed from a V4L2 device and allow snapshotting it?
<sphalerite> Tried cheese just now but some weird issues, the window it opens doesn't display anything and I get a bunch of error messages
<goibhniu> vlc?
<clever> sphalerite: i think vlc can do it
<clever> mplayer too
<sphalerite> will try, thanks!
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<sphalerite> yep it works, thanks!
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<gchristensen> hey so how do I get cabal?
<clever> gchristensen: are you in a shell from haskellPackages.mkDerivation?
<nixdummy> I'm trying to hackily manage windows programs/settings with nix. Is there an easy way to specify that a package is for WSL instead of regular linux? I don't see any flags in stdenv.hostPlatform that would differentiate the two.
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<gchristensen> clever: I think so, its a shell.nix generated by cabal2nix
<clever> gchristensen: that only has the cabal library, not the binary, you need to run Setup.hs
<gchristensen> I want to run `cabal test`
<clever> either `runhaskell Setup.hs configure` or compile it with ghc, then run it
<clever> `runhaskell Setup.hs test`
<cocreature> I tend to just install cabal globally
<infinisil> clever: You sure he doesn't just want to install `cabal-install`?
<clever> that can break things, because it wont be the same version as what the nix expressions want
<bpye> Agh, I asked this the other day. I'm trying to use import to seperate out some config values that need to be referenced multiple times, how do I get this working correctly? Currently it seems they can't be seen in my config
<infinisil> bpye: With your nixos config?
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<cocreature> clever: the version of cabal-install that you use, does not determine the version of Cabal that will be used to compile your Setup.hs file
<gchristensen> thank you a lot, clever!
<bpye> Wait I'm silly, I worked it out, yeah infinisil
<clever> cocreature: but if you ignore the Setup.hs entirely, and run `cabal configure` + `cabal build`, it may be the wrong version of cabal
<cocreature> clever: are you sure about that? afaik for a build-type Simple, you are basically saying that the version of Cabal doesn’t matter and for build-type: Custom, it will actually compile your Setup.hs with the correct version (i.e. the one that is brought in scope by your nix shell)
<cocreature> at least this has literally never caused problems for me but maybe I’ve just been lucky :)
<clever> cocreature: i have seen it break for others before, when they manually installed cabal-install with nix-env, and then tried to manually build in a shell
<cocreature> hm weird
<clever> cocreature: id expect it to only break a few years down the road, when the cabal in nix-env has aged, and your using a much newer nixpkgs for the nix-shell
<makefu> gchristensen: i continued a bit regarding the intercepting proxy thing, it looks like the version i get with nix (after nix-shell -p curl) is not able to connect through the proxy. This is curl -vvvv of the working call https://paste.krebsco.de/NKkQ7TXt and this is how it looks with the nix version: https://paste.krebsco.de/aifqU3jY
<cocreature> oh right, if the version of cabal-install is _older_, I could imagine that you run into problems
<cocreature> I’ve only tried with newer or equal versions of cabal-install
<clever> cocreature: but Setup.hs will always use the library that the nix-shell provided, so its always perfect
<cocreature> sure but interacting with Setup.hs manually can be annoying for more complex workflows (e.g. multipackage projects)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @jensbin opened pull request #43299 → terraform-provider-ibm: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 → https://git.io/fNTCU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 20 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTCt
<infinisil> Bot can now link to directories as well, e.g. <top-level> <modules/misc>
<infinisil> If ya ever need it, in addition to files: <setup.sh> <hello/default.nix>
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<jD91mZM2> Hi! How do you package something that uses the dep package manager for Go?
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<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti merged pull request #357 → Refactor cabal2nix lib api → https://git.io/fNTsx
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 4 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTW4
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed 0 commits to refactor-cabal2nix: https://git.io/fNTWB
<lewo``> jD91mZM2: there are tools dep2nix and go2nix v2
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<jD91mZM2> Oh, awesome, thanks!
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<rindolf> Hi all! nix takes 71% of my VM's disk. How can I trim it?
<gchristensen> nix-collect-garbage
<maurer> rindolf: nix-store --gc
<maurer> or that
<rindolf> thanks
<dtz> Sonarpulse: from another channel, but thought you'd chuckle: > the problem is that simple questions like "what target tuples does the compiler support?" and "what is the correct target tuple for me to use?" can only be answered by reading the compiler source code, or by copying what other people are using and hoping that's right.
<dtz> haha actually nevermind it's even less funny after copying it
<dtz> :(
<rindolf> maurer: gchristensen : both cmds didnt help me
<maurer> rindolf: That probably means that you either have roots still pointing to old generations or old builds
<maurer> are you using the system for dev, or is it just being used a normalish machine?
<goibhniu> rindolf: how big is your disk?
<rindolf> goibhniu: 9.8 gb
<gchristensen> nix-collect-garbage -d
<maurer> Might want to pass a time to that -d >_>
<maurer> but I suppose it's a VM anyways
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<rindolf> gchristensen: it is now down to 67%
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43194 → http-prompt: 0.11.1 -> 0.11.2 → https://git.io/fNvD7
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTlc
<clever> rindolf: root is needed for -d to get rid of all unused paths
<rindolf> clever: i am root
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<goibhniu> rindolf: have you got obsolete ./result links from using nix-build perhaps?
<goibhniu> depending on what you've installed, you could simply have 7GB of packages
<manveru> rindolf: `nix-store --gc --print-roots | grep -v memory` :)
<manveru> i really wonder where those memory gcroots come from...
<LnL> stuff that's still running :)
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<manveru> ah :D
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<manveru> is that new?
<clever> manveru: nix1 did it, but silently didnt tell you about them
<LnL> don't think so
<manveru> ok
<clever> which lead to confusion, nix-store --query --roots said a path had no roots
<clever> but --delete said it had roots keeping in in-use
<srk> cool, was wondering about that yesterday as well
<manveru> LnL: btw, do you have some kind of presentation of nix for macos users? gonna do a talk in our company next week
<manveru> i'm pretty worried that the nix setup might go wrong in very strange ways again :|
<nixdummy> Is there an easy way to specify that a package is for WSL instead of regular linux? I don't see any flags in stdenv.hostPlatform that would differentiate the two.
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<symphorien> rindolf: you might be interested in https://github.com/symphorien/nix-du
<manveru> nixdummy: meta.platforms = platforms.windows; ?
<LnL> manveru: not really, I point people to an internal installer that does some extra setup and I made that single-user for simplicity
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<manveru> yeah, single-user would be awesome
<manveru> is that something you can share?
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<LnL> manveru: wanted to avoid potential darwin -> nix-daemon vs linux -> single-user issues
<manveru> i can probably hack the installer myself if needed, just asking :)
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<LnL> just disable the darwin the condition
<LnL> it's all still in there
<manveru> ok, thanks
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<manveru> while multiuser is better in theory, i just found it very hard to debug, and for newbies it's impossible
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<LnL> err, the next one
<manveru> got it
<gchristensen> hrm, maybe we should undo it
<nixdummy> manveru: what is that checked against? I don't see a windows option in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/systems/doubles.nix and stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows = false
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<samueldr> nixdummy: pretty sure WSL is linuxy enough that current nix and nixpkgs won't distinguis
<manveru> nixdummy: that's based on exec format, afaict, so in the WSL it might well be false
<LnL> gchristensen: what about single user by default, but include a section on the page about --daemon and why you should really be using it instead
<manveru> since it's ELF, not PE
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<gchristensen> LnL: I could see that
<manveru> LnL: i'm very much in favor of that :)
<samueldr> when implemented, nix#2269 will need to be updated
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2269 (by samueldr, open): Manual: Updates install notes for one-liner
<LnL> or replace it with some kind of 'upgrade to nix-daemon' workflow, but that might be a bit harder to implement
<manveru> for now just using --no-daemon seems fine for me
<samueldr> it may be a good idea to save installer settings (monotonically increasing version, parameters) to help migrating installations in the future?
<samueldr> may make it safer to do some assumptions?
<worldofpeace> cocreature: You didn't have to do that :P
<rindolf> nix-env -e foi does not give an error
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<rindolf> nix-env -e kde does nothing too
<cocreature> worldofpeace: sorry, I thought I might make life for you a bit easier :)
<clever> rindolf: only names listed in `nix-env -q` can be removed with `nix-env -e`
<nixdummy> samueldr + manveru: unfortunate. thanks for the help, though.
<rindolf> clever: i see
<rindolf> clever: how do i purge qt/kde?
<clever> rindolf: remove every package that depends on QT
<clever> rindolf: can you gist the output of `nix-store -qR ~/.nix-profile` ?
<PyroLagus> so, i see on howoldis that unstable is 3 days old because of an osx test. does that just block updates for osx or also for linux?
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<clever> PyroLagus: thats nixpkgs-unstable, which is used outside of nixos (ubuntu, debian, darwin, and so on)
<clever> PyroLagus: nixos-unstable only does linux testing, and tests more OS related things, to ensure nixos can still boo
<clever> t
<PyroLagus> ah, so for nixos installs only nixos-* is relevant?
<clever> PyroLagus: yeah
<clever> PyroLagus: and if you install nixos from nixpkgs-unstable, you risk breaking the install
<PyroLagus> okay, cool
<clever> about a year ago, grub was broken, and corrupted the grub config file
<clever> nixos-unstable correctly refused to update
<PyroLagus> i thought the nixpkgs-* stuff also applied to nixos systems
<clever> then all of the users with nixpkgs-unstable came out of the woodwork :P
<clever> that bug also broke the ability to rollback via the grub menu
<clever> rindolf: qt isnt installed in nix-env, so it cant be removed
<clever> rindolf: kde is also not present there
<dtz> lol, userbase estimation by packge fault injection
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<rindolf> clever: but khelpcenter works
<clever> rindolf: what does `type khelpcenter` return?
<rindolf> clever: /run/current-system
<clever> rindolf: then its installed via configuration.nix, not nix-env
<clever> you need to change the configuration.nix option that installed it
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<rindolf> clever: ah
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<chpatrick> hi, do you know how or if it's possible to get a multi-package haskell repl with shellFor?
<cryptocat1094> Did someone rename m4 to gnum4?
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<cocreature> chpatrick: just put multiple packages in the packages attribute
<chpatrick> cocreature: ok but what do I do in the shell? cabal repl doesn't do the right thing
<cocreature> chpatrick: ah that’s what you mean. you have to use raw ghci for that sadly
<clever> chpatrick: you need to use haskellPackages.mkDerivation, not shellFor i believe
<clever> chpatrick: or ghcWithPackages
<chpatrick> ah that's a problem
<chpatrick> there's quite a lot of complicated cabal/Setup.hs stuff going on
<chpatrick> that I guess would be quite difficult with ghci
<clever> chpatrick: this is a derivation that gives you ghc + ghci, that supports datadog, lens, and data-default
<chpatrick> clever: right but in my case I have package A that depends on package B, and I'd like to work incrementally on both
<chpatrick> which works with stack I believe
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<clever> chpatrick: ah, nix doesnt really play nicely with that model at all
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<cocreature> hm yeah, not sure how you handle that with custom Setup.hs. without that it’s not too bad
<clever> chpatrick: when changing B, you must re-open the nix-shell, which does a full rebuild of B
<{^_^}> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/dae9cf6106d (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
<chpatrick> clever: yeah that's what we have now
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<chpatrick> but it would be nice to to not have that full rebuild
<clever> chpatrick: i have plans to make a tool to generate an A+B cabal file, that you can then treat as 1 package
<cocreature> you don’t need to reopen the full nix shell, it’s sufficient to relaunch "cabal new-repl"
<chpatrick> it's a server -> common <- client situation
<clever> but thats all i can think of right now
<rindolf> nix seems horribly complicated so far
<nh2[m]> can anybody remind me, where can I get the pubkey to put into `trusted-public-keys` from on a NixOS machine / where is it stored?
<clever> nh2[m]: one sec
<cocreature> which if you use -fobject-code won’t recompile all modules
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<nh2[m]> clever: no I mean if I make my own server build something from source, isn't it supposed to sign it with some own key?
<clever> nh2[m]: you have to generate your own keypair, thats described in the nix-store man page
<clever> nh2[m]: and you need to set secret-key-files = /etc/nix/signing.sec
<clever> nh2[m]: with that set, nix can sign things it builds
<nh2[m]> clever: ah so it's off by default, I see
<clever> only root needs read access to the secret
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<rindolf> now it ran out of RAM
<nh2[m]> clever: OK cool, and is there a command with which I can sign all things it has built until now, in retrospect?
<clever> rindolf: what command ran out of ram?
<clever> nh2[m]: nix sign-paths
<nh2[m]> or would I nix-build these things, it'd skip the build and only do the sign?
<rindolf> clever: nix-env -u
<clever> rindolf: that has to eval all of nixpkgs to find everything by name, and can use a lot of ram
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43188 → libdwarf: 20180129 -> 20180527 → https://git.io/fNvM3
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTR9
<clever> nh2[m]: run it with --help to see the args
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer opened pull request #43300 → [wip] haskell: add core libraries logic to remove libraries from GHC → https://git.io/fNTR7
<nh2[m]> clever: perfect, your help/time ratio is over 9000 as usual! Thanks a lot
<clever> nh2[m]: nix verify can also check signatures, and nix copy-sigs can download signatures from the binary cache
<manveru> rindolf: that's why it's usually recommended to handle packages decoratively... not via ad-hoc nix-env manipulations :)
<clever> nh2[m]: nix1 didnt save the cache.nixos.org signatures, but nix2 can
<manveru> *declaratively
<rindolf> manveru: what?
<manveru> the last part is mostly interesting for you i think
<manveru> i.e. just keep the names of all packages you want in your file, and install that, when you want to update, just install it again
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<cocreature> is there a more granular version of require-sigs? i.e. something that allows me to not require sigs for certain caches without turning it off completely?
<clever> cocreature: why cant you just sign things on the cache?
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<mkaito> I'm writing a derivation for a ruby app. I'm using lib.cleanSource, but there are a few specific folders that I want to exclude from the derivation. How would I do that? There doesn't seem to be a function for that.
<cryptocat1094> So, M4 has the right artifact name but not the right package name. What would be the best fix?
<gchristensen> I think you can pass ?trusted=1 to the end cocreature
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<cocreature> clever: because it’s not my cache
<clever> mkaito: i think builtins.cleanSourceWith lets you extent the filter
<cocreature> gchristensen: thanks, I’ll try that!
<{^_^}> [cabal2nix] @peti pushed to master « cabal2nix.cabal: tentatively bump version to 2.10.0. »: https://git.io/fNT0B
<mkaito> clever: is there an example somewhere of how to use that? sorry, I'm dense.
<mkaito> clever: thanks I'll see how far that gets me :)
<clever> mkaito: i believe you give it the same function you would have given to filterSource
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<clever> mkaito: an example of one is on lines 14-27
<mkaito> that should get me started, thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @leviking opened pull request #43301 → Updates hamachi version to work with newer linux version → https://git.io/fNT0A
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @rardiol opened pull request #43302 → hyperrogue: init at 10.4j → https://git.io/fNT0p
<{^_^}> [nixos-org-configurations] @zimbatm opened pull request #45 → docs: add the resource inventory → https://git.io/fNTEe
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43303 → ghc861: use llvm6 so we're using supported LLVM version → https://git.io/fNTEY
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<srk> clever: do I need to set something else apart min-free / max-free options for auto gc to run?
<clever> srk: nope
<srk> hmm, doesn't look like it works
<clever> srk: any time the free space goes under min-free, it will run a garbage collection, aiming to hit max-free bytes free
<clever> srk: it will check any time nix adds anything to the store
<clever> srk: what did you set the values to?
* srk pasting
<clever> srk: that is set to trigger a GC when you have under 2mb free
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<srk> uh
<srk> right
<clever> 204 min-free = ${toString (1024*1024*1024*3)}
<srk> one more *1024
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<clever> you can also just have nix do the math for you
<clever> the above is for 3gig
<srk> make sense :D
<srk> s
<clever> 205 max-free = ${toString (1024*1024*1024*6)}
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<srk> thanks, I was up for too long yesterday it seems
<clever> srk: once it does trigger, it will compute max-freed - current-free, and run nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 1234 on the result
<srk> yeah. cool
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti merged pull request #43303 → ghc861: use llvm6 so we're using supported LLVM version → https://git.io/fNTEY
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTuf
<clever> srk: ignoring savings from --optimize, fs overhead, and fs compression, it will hit max-free bytes free when done
<srk> got my hydras running pretty well yesterday, with signing and stuff.. managed to add armv7l and one builder as well
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<clever> optimize can result in a GC deleting something and gaining nothing, but still stopping early
<srk> the rest of the armv7 boards need nfs or nbd root, gonna be fun
<clever> FS overhead and FS compression can result in it gaining too much free space
<clever> srk: ive gotten my raspberry pi's to iscsi boot before
<pip3000> hi! when i do a sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback, should my configuration.nix also be reverted to the previous version?
<clever> srk: and i have also made them boot entirely with tftp, with only a bootcode.bin on the SD card
<manveru> pip3000: no
<srk> clever: cool, with not-os?
<clever> pip3000: nope, you need to manually track its changes and undo it yourself
<clever> srk: the tftp setup is not-os
<clever> srk: the iscsi was full nixos
<pip3000> ok thx
<srk> clever: so nixos supports iscsi/nfs roots?
<clever> srk: i wrote a nixos module for iscsi root support
<srk> great
<srk> clever++
<{^_^}> clever's karma got increased to 10
<srk> x100
<pip3000> @clever what is the recommended way to manually track changes
<clever> srk: it pre-dates the network support in the initrd, so it may need updating
<srk> and for iscsi server?
<clever> pip3000: i keep a git repo at /etc/nixos/nixcfg/ with 1 file for each host, and then configuration.nix is just the bare-minimum required to boot, and imports = [ ./nixcfg/hostname.nix ];
<srk> my previous farm was running of nbd with patched nbdserver..
<clever> srk: i ran tgtd on gentoo, i tried to do some fancy things with the tgtd nixos module but it never worked 100% right
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @peti pushed to master « hackage2nix: cosmetic (avoid use of tabs) »: https://git.io/fNTuE
<srk> right, I might even settle for nfs as that's very easy to export and manage from zfs
<clever> srk: zfs/xfs totally break 32bit nixos over nfs
<srk> oh wow
<clever> srk: the inode numbers dont fit into a 32bit field, and half the packages on nixos tread EOVERFLOW as an empty directory
<clever> srk: so all of your builds claim file not found, when the file clearly exists
<clever> it only happens when a 64bit capable FS is shared to a 32bit client over NFS
<srk> I see
<clever> for xfs, it happens with any volume over 2tb in size
<clever> not sure what the trigger is with zfs
<clever> pip3000: in addition to the git repo, i also have this line: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/core.nix#L119-L121
<clever> pip3000: that saves a complete copy of the directory containing core.nix at /run/current-system/nixcfg
<clever> pip3000: so after a rollback, i can look in there to see what the old config was
<clever> pip3000: and in addition to that, i also have zfs snapshots enabled, so i can diff any file on the entire machine, over almost any time-period
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<clever> srk: and here is the incantation i used for the not-os image: [root@router:/tftproot/try2]# nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/rpi3-netboot -f not-os/release.nix -A rpi_image -I nixpkgs=./nixpkgs/ --set
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTuA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Infinisil merged pull request #43184 → mkdocs: 0.17.4 -> 0.17.5 → https://git.io/fNv1S
<pip3000> thanks clever
<clever> srk: the above command will build the rpi_image derivation of release.nix, then create a new generation of the rpi3-netboot profile, pointing to the result
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<srk> clever: got something similar! :)
<srk> [root@nvn:~]# cat gwgimme
<srk> NIX_PATH=/etc nix-build --cores 0 /etc/nixpkgs/nixos -I nixos-config=gw.nix -A config.system.build.sdImage -o gw
<srk> for building pi3 images with lorawan gateway software
<clever> srk: in my case, it saves every build in a nix profile, so i have rollback support
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<srk> works quite well but needs caches to be able to switch on pis directly
<clever> Jul 10 20:00:01 router tftpd[17438]: tftpd: trying to get file: 9080d9b6/start.elf
<clever> Jul 10 20:00:06 router tftpd[17500]: tftpd: trying to get file: 9080d9b6/kernel7.img
<clever> Jul 10 20:00:29 router tftpd[17554]: tftpd: trying to get file: 9080d9b6/root.squashfs
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<srk> running 4.17.4 kernel btw
<clever> srk: in my setup, the rpi firmware uses its serial# to uniquely address a tftp directory
<srk> cool
<clever> srk: so every pi can have its own image
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<srk> bootcoode.bin is uboot?
<srk> or that's done directly by the pi3 firmware?
<clever> thats the rpi3 firmware
<srk> aha, cool, want to try that
<clever> bootcode.bin starts the dram controller, and then requests start.elf over tftp
<srk> so even on pi3 boot without sd card is not possible without bootcode.bin, right?
<cryptocat1094> Hadn't that been RE'd?
<clever> the docs claim that is possible, but a bug in the boot rom stops it from working on mine
<srk> yeah
<srk> if they could just put eeprom on the board so we could reflash it /o\
<clever> if you have an sd card with ONLY bootcode.bin (it must not have ANY other file), then it will act like it has no card at all, and try other enabled modes
<clever> srk: it does support booting from a serial flash chip
<srk> oh wow
<clever> srk: look at the NAND and SPI sections
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<clever> the boot rom is capable of loading bootcode.bin from both of those
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<srk> we're kind-of playing with the idea of sdcard emulation on ice40 due to this but this might change everything
<clever> but there is no published bootcode.bin that is capable of loading start.elf from there, and there is no documentation on the pinout required
<srk> ah, great
<clever> srk: there is also the compute module, which has an eMMC chip soldered onto the SD bus
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl opened pull request #43304 → ocamlPackages.xtmpl: 0.16.0 -> 0.17.0 → https://git.io/fNTzx
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<clever> srk: oh, and for the model A's and compute module, you can boot over USB, with the rpi rom acting as a usb slave
<srk> interesting
<srk> not that cheap tho
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<clever> srk: the compute module is more for when you want to make a custom device, and dont need half the junk on an rpi
<clever> srk: the compute module saves you from having to deal with the fine pin-pitch and picky signal routing of ram lines, so you can just work with "low-bandwidth" usb and hdmi
<srk> ls1046a looks quite nice and it's 64bit, I like the dimm form factor of such boards
<srk> is there a pi3 compute module?
<cryptocat1094> https://github.com/christinaa/rpi-open-firmware This seems to be about as good as we have so far.
<clever> srk: this is the tool used to boot the compute module over usb
<srk> I see
<clever> srk: i believe there is a 64bit compute module
<betaboon> does anyone have a solution for using slimlock when suspending or hibernating ?
<srk> interesting
<clever> srk: 1gig of ram, 4gig of eMMC, 1.2ghz quad core
<srk> what would you use as a data backplane?
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<clever> srk: the address bus isnt on the connector
<srk> cryptocat1094: that's pretty cool, even in its current state
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<clever> srk: the connector on the compute modules gives you access to hdmi, gpio, the camera and lcd connectors, a single usb port, jtag and composite video
<srk> still limited to USB2 until you pull-out some craziness like HDMI networking :D
<clever> srk: i have considered abusing the LCD and camera connectors as high-bandwidth
<srk> we did as well! few years ago :)
<clever> srk: there is something else, let me find it
<srk> but why dance around crappy hardware when you can build solid boards on your own
<srk> not easy but doable
<clever> srk: i think the SMI was a 12 bit wide memory region, meant for driving certain types of displays
<grp> I've fixed an issue in a module. Before going through the hassle of testing every combination to see if this change doesn't break anything, I'd like to ask: is there some test suite I can run against it? I've seen nixpkgs/nixos/tests but I still haven't found how to run them
<clever> so you could address the framebuffer on an external chip
<clever> grp: run `nix repl nixos/release.nix` and try to evaluate the tests attribute set, and navigate thru it
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<srk> clever: nice
<clever> srk: once you know the attribute path, you can just `nix-build nixos/release.nix -A tests.foo`
<srk> but SMI is not exposed, right?
<clever> srk: its on the main gpio header i believe
<srk> brb
<clever> srk: it looks like they have since added a linux driver to allow userland to access the SMI
<clever> and to drive NAND flash over SMI
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<grp> clever: found the attribute: tests.containers-extra_veth, now what?
<clever> grp: run nix-build against that, or use :b in nix repl
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<grp> clever: I'm getting "expression does not evaluate to a derivation, so I can't build it". Googled for it but haven't found anything useful so far
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<clever> grp: when you eval that in nix repl, what does it print?
<grp> nix-repl> :b tests.containers-extra_veth
<grp> error: expression does not evaluate to a derivation, so I can't build it
<clever> without :b
<clever> grp: its a set, containing one derivation for every platform nixos supports
<grp> it seems to ask for a lot of parameters thet should be provided by the environment like { aarch64-linux =
<clever> grp: release.nix is normally ran by hydra, and should test the module on every platform at once
<clever> you want to add .x86_64-linux to the end, to test it only on linux
<srk> clever: is that exposed on rpi?
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<clever> srk: i believe at least some of it is, i was probing the SMI with a scope while trying to get it to do something
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<srk> ok
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<bpye> New stupid question, if a package can take an argument, for example https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/p2p/qbittorrent/default.nix#L4 how do you change from the default value?
<srk> .override
<srk> mpv = super.mpv.override { jackaudioSupport = true; };
<srk> ,override
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<srk> maybe no
<srk> t
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<srk> ,help
<{^_^}> Use `,` to list all commands, `,foo = Foo!` to define foo as "Foo!", `,foo =` to undefine it, `,foo` to output "Foo!", `,foo somebody` to send "Foo!" to the nick somebody
<{^_^}> override defined
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<srk> :l
<clever> srk: and now my pi wont boot again
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<srk> how come?
<clever> unknown
<clever> it either doesnt get to the rainbow, or it hangs at the rainbow
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<srk> eh, sucks
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<clever> srk: also, a handy thing with netboot: Jul 10 20:47:06 router tftpd[24595]: tftpd: trying to get file: 9080d9b6/armstub.bin
<clever> srk: you can see files that dont exist, which the firmware is trying to read
<clever> some of them are not documented
<srk> I have three pi zeroes, one doesn't output anything on uart, two other don't do usb for some reason, lovely :D
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<srk> lol
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<srk> ,:l
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<clever> srk: aha, it blinks status 7 times
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<clever> 7 Blinks means that kernel.img isn't found.
<srk> uu, didn't even know this is a thing
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<clever> srk: also, tftp says it loaded kernel7.img, and it was found
<srk> weird
<srk> ln -s kernel7.img kernel.img?
<clever> srk: this model only loads kernel7.img
<srk> yeah, just found out the meaning
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<clever> and the ftp logs also show not-found files it tried to open
<srk> would it load uboot?
<clever> i dont think i have a uboot built for this nixpkgs
<srk> like.. why not righr
<clever> but i can revert the only thing i changed
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<clever> [root@router:/tftproot/try2]# nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/rpi3-netboot --rollback
<clever> switching from generation 27 to 26
<srk> epic :)
<srk> you should put that on the wiki
<infinisil> > :l
<{^_^}> :l needs an argument
<infinisil> um, I should remove that, :l is no good
<clever> srk: still 7 blinks
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<clever> srk: also, just removing " iomem=relaxed" from cmdline.txt, caused it to not even read kernel7.img!
<clever> srk: and changed the filenames for the overlays
<srk> heh, fun
<clever> -r--r--r-- 16 root root 810 Jan 1 1970 ../9080d9b6/overlays/pi3-disable-bt.dtbo
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<clever> the dtbo is the correct one
<srk> infinisil: :r looks more scary :D
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<infinisil> Indeed..
<srk> clever: ah, that's rpi kernel, right?
<clever> srk: the dtbo is a device tree blob overlay
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<clever> and i'm using a kernel from nixpkgs
<srk> so the overlays are available in upstream now?
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl merged pull request #43291 → julia: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.4 → https://git.io/fNTUJ
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vbgl pushed commit from @Synthetica9 to master « julia: 0.6.2 -> 0.6.4 »: https://git.io/fNTr1
<clever> srk: i'm building this image with a clone of the firmware repo nearby
<clever> [root@router:/tftproot/try2]# diff -r /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/rpi3-netboot-2{6,7}-link/ -u
<clever> srk: and a diff confirms that the only change is in cmdline.txt
<srk> cool
<clever> so it makes no sense for it to have such a different file pattern being loaded
<bpye> I'm a little confused, how do I set the channel I want to be on when using nixops? I appear to be deploying packages from nixpkgs-unstable unintentionally?
<srk> like, I was struggling a bit with dtbs recently, recompiling kernel to be able to use pps input and /dev/spidevs
<srk> need to find a better way
<clever> bpye: # nixops modify -d router -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/ce0d9d638de.tar.gz deployments/router_deployment.nix
<clever> bpye: i lookup the rev of a channel i want to use, and then run this with the rev
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<srk> would be nice to have this per machine! :)
<clever> srk: changing absolutely nothing on the netboot server, replugging the the rpi, and watching tftp, results in it loading the 1st file pattern again
<bpye> Is there some way to set that in the deployments file itself?
<srk> there's even a PR for that iirc
<clever> bpye: not currently
<srk> ^^
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<{^_^}> #665 (by grahamc, open): Support multiple versions of nixpkgs in one network
<srk> off by one
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43306 → ghc{843,861}: add musl variants of "llvm-targets" → https://git.io/fNTos
<srk> infinisil: I wanted to implement factoids for lambdabot similar to how gthx or kthx does it on #reprap channel but no luck with lambdabot so far :D
<bpye> Oh wow I see
<bpye> This has been a missing feature for some time :(
<clever> srk: got distracted, then i found the pi sitting at kgdb (kernel debugger), with a thermometer in the corner
<clever> srk: its overheating to the point of malfunctioning, lol
<clever> "2018-07-10 18:11:55 bedroom temp: 27.88c(82.18f), kitchen: 26.94c(80.49f), living room: 26.94c(80.49f), outdoor: 21.25c(70.25f), server: 29.94c(85.89f) VCC: over 4.5 volts portb: 00000000"
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 merged pull request #43290 → qt511.qtbase: fix darwin build → https://git.io/fNTfe
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @LnL7 pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNTor
<srk> compiling? :D
<clever> srk: simply at boot
<clever> its malfunctioning, before it can even load the kernel
<srk> ah :D
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<bpye> The release-18.03 branch should be current stable right?
<clever> bpye: no
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<tenten8401> Pretty sure you have to go to nixpkgs-channels
<clever> bpye: that is what hydra is testing, and may become the current stable
<clever> tenten8401: correct
<clever> bpye: the branches on the nixpkgs-channels repo mirror the channels exactly
<bpye> Had no idea that repo existed :)
<tenten8401> Also, would anyone know what's up with PR #42075 by chance? Been waiting for Lutris to get a package for a while and it seems to be failing because "taskset/cpuset not available on your platform", despite working on other distros.
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/42075 (by Chiiruno, open): lutris: init at 0.4.18
<tenten8401> it's been on hold for a while because we can't seem to figure it out
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<clever> srk: [root@router:/tftproot/try2]# nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/rpi3-netboot --switch-generation 27
<clever> switching from generation 26 to 27
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<ambro718> My system fails to boot when I power it on without a monitor connected, and if I connect the monitor subsequently there is nothing to see. It used to work some time ago. Is it possible that a nixos upgrade broke it?
<ambro718> it is quite an issue since this is supposed to be a router
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<ambro718> I know there is quite some disk activity so I am guessing that the OS is starting to some point
<clever> ambro718: hdmi or vga?
<clever> or dvi
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<ambro718> clever: connecting a dvi monitor and powering on solves it, but there is a vga connector on the motherboard too
<ambro718> I have no way of diagnosing what happens since the network doesn't even start
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<ambro718> and nothing to see on monitor
<clever> ambro718: after it fails to boot, connect a monitor and reboot, then run `journalctl -b -1`
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<clever> that will show the logs from the previous bootup
<ambro718> yeah just got that idea
<ambro718> tomorrow though, for now I'll just leave it running
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<clever> srk: i put the rpi ontop of the desk fan, since its overheating before it even gets to start.elf
<clever> srk: lets take this to #nixos-aarch64
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<Edes> hey, does anyone have any experience with replacing arch with NixOS while not destroying an EFI partition with windows on it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43301 → logmein-hamachi -> → https://git.io/fNT0A
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNT6l
<clever> Edes: i think you can share the efi partition between both systems
<Edes> I'm following the tutorial, do I just mount the boot partition instead of creating one
<clever> Edes: yeah, mount the existing efi partition to /mnt/boot after mounting your rootfs to /mnt/
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #43248 → spoofer: init at 1.3.2 → https://git.io/fNfwA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo pushed 2 commits to master: https://git.io/fNT62
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed to master « nixos/tests/taskserver: fix eval »: https://git.io/fNT1h
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43299 → terraform-provider-ibm: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 → https://git.io/fNTCU
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @jensbin to master « terraform-provider-ibm: 0.10.0 -> 0.11.0 (#43299) »: https://git.io/fNTM5
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<ambro718> how can I disable systemd-backlight@.service?
<infinisil> ambro718: systemd.services."systemd-backlight@".enable = false
<infinisil> Probably
<ambro718> thanks
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43280 → pstoedit: patch to ensure gs-9.22 compatibilty → https://git.io/fNUwN
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @markuskowa to master « pstoedit: patch to ensure gs-9.22 compatibilty (#43280) »: https://git.io/fNTSR
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43237 → virtualbox: 5.2.8 -> 5.2.12 (18.03) → https://git.io/fNfGA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed 4 commits to release-18.03: https://git.io/fNTSy
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43215 → cfr: 0.130 -> 0.132 → https://git.io/fNv7J
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @r-ryantm to master « cfr: 0.130 -> 0.132 (#43215) »: https://git.io/fNT9s
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @Chiiruno opened pull request #43308 → hydron: init at 2018-07-11 → https://git.io/fNT9P
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43304 → ocamlPackages.xtmpl: 0.16.0 -> 0.17.0 → https://git.io/fNTzx
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @vbgl to master « ocamlPackages.xtmpl: 0.16.0 -> 0.17.0 (#43304) »: https://git.io/fNT9Q
<vajralambda> in the nix manual, it refers to all-packages.nix. I couldn't find a link in my home, but there are two versions available on /nix/; how can I get to the correct version?
<clever> vajralambda: you cant edit either one, the entire /nix/store is read-only
<clever> vajralambda: if you want to edit things, you need to clone nixpkgs from github
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<infinisil> vajralambda: <all-packages.nix>
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji merged pull request #43212 → pyre: init at 0.0.8 → https://git.io/fNvHA
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji pushed commit from @teh to master « pyre: init at 0.0.8 (#43212) »: https://git.io/fNTHw
<vajralambda> Nice! I actually like that it's read-only! :)
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<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @xeji closed pull request #40809 → adding new package: pyre-check (untested) → https://git.io/vphKB
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<countoren> Hi, is there a way to get the vimrc derivation from a custom vim derivation made from vimUtils.makeCustomizable???
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<clever> countoren: i dont see any easy way to do it from the nix side, what do you want to do with it?
<countoren> i want to feed it to a vim installation im getting from github
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<countoren> clever: well i can just take the my_vim.text and get it from there but it does not feel right
<infinisil> countoren: What's your attempt?
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<clever> countoren: the derivation returned by `pkgs.vim_configurable.customize { ..}` is just a pkgs.writeTextFile call, to generate a $out/bin/vim with contents like "#!/bin/sh\nexec /nix/store/9p4kzfi2kg5hfhh1j3dbjz96arpcd4b3-vim_configurable-8.0.1451/bin/vim -u /nix/store/39wqqljfmvhv2v59k59jkn80pa4n02k9-vimrc \"$@\"\n"
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<clever> countoren: so its not really possible to access the config derivation in an automated manner
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<countoren> there is a function that i can use to create this vimrc?
<clever> countoren: you would need to look into how nixpkgs generates it
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<countoren> btw is it possible to build macvim with vimUtils?
<countoren> in darwin
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<clever> countoren: pkgs.vim_configurable.customize can still build on darwin
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<countoren> clever: yes but i was not able to run GUI vim/macvim from there
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<countoren> clever: this is my nixpkgs: https://github.com/countoren/nixpkgs
<clever> nix-repl> :b vimUtils.vimrcFile { customRC = "foo"; vam.pluginDictionaries = [ { names = [ "vim-nix" ]; } ]; }
<clever> countoren: this generates a vimrc config file
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<countoren> oo cool!
<clever> makeCustomizable just calls the above function on the config you gave it
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @dtzWill opened pull request #43309 → radare2: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0; radare2-cutter: 1.4 -> 1.5 → https://git.io/fNT7j
<countoren> clever: yes this is what i was searching for
<countoren> clever: thanks
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