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<boomshroom> Hello, I'm back from this morning.
<Infinisil> Welcome back
<boomshroom> I noticed the reddit thread I posted didn't get any attention and I'm still unsure of what can go in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix.
<Infinisil> boomshroom: I'd like to know too, updooted by me
<boomshroom> In addition to my question about config.nix, has anyone had success with game controllers like the Steam Controller or Gamecube Controller? I posted a reddit thread about those a while back and they never got any discussion.
<Infinisil> I do have a steam controller, but I don't plan on using it on NixOS right now
<Infinisil> Well I guess that's the problem with unpopular distros (or anything really)
<MP2E> I have the nintendo gamecube to usb adapter working with dolphin-emu on nixos
<MP2E> no idea if it works with other emulators or anything though
<Infinisil> The more popular it gets the more people are having problem with a certain thing, and eventually someone that can fix it will have that problem, and he fixes it, so everyone in the future benefits from it
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<boomshroom> The Steam summer sale in on right now and I'd like to try out some of my new games with my Steam Controller. Side note: I find it amazing how well steam works in NixOS! Though it didn't seem to make .desktop files for the newly installed games, though it did when I first tested it a while ago.
<Infinisil> Nice to know, I eventually want to install nixos on my powerful pc (which runs windows for now) and play games on it
<boomshroom> MP2E: Given that both the Steam Controller and the Gamecube Controller Adapter require custom UDev rules, it's likely that that will help.
<MP2E> excellent! likely all you need to do is copy your custom udev rule into services.udev.extraRules
<adelbertc> has anyone tried installing nixos on an x1 carbon? any guides out there?
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder why they don't just make it a USB keyboard
<boomshroom> MichaelRaskin: The steam controller does masquerade as a usb keyboard, but it also masquerades as a mouse and any further configuration depends on Steam.
<boomshroom> MP2E: Is the 'GROUP="wheel"' necessary? It's not included in the Arch Linux or Dolphin instructions. The rest matches.
<MP2E> it ended up being necessary for me, without it I could only get dolphin-emu to recognize the gamecube adapter if I was running as root
<MP2E> my user below is also a member of wheel so I just used that to get it working for them.
<MP2E> maybe tha'ts changed now though, I made this back in 2015 heh
<MP2E> it's more or less 'just worked' since then
<Ralith> MP2E: you should use TAG+="uaccess" instead of GROUP
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<MP2E> will do!
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<Ralith> iirc the tricky thing with the steam controller is that steam needs uinput access
* arkad
* dev
* simpson
<arkad> lol
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<Infinisil> Great, I wanted to add a node package, but it's not working, not what do I do
<Infinisil> I have not a single clue about npm
<Infinisil> But there is some phantomjs-prebuilt package which errors
<Infinisil> I'd like to just patch that to phantomjs, but I don't know how
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<boomshroom> Steam complaining that I'm not in big picture mode is a good sign.
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<Infinisil> big picture mode is the worst
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<Infinisil> Alright I'm off, see ya
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<eqyiel[m]> is there a way to tell nix that a package in systemPackages should 'shadow' another? for example, make the whois that ends up in /run/current-system/sw/bin/whois be the one from pkgs.whois rather than pkgs.inetutils?
<manveru> eqyiel[m]: order matters :)
<eqyiel[m]> manveru: hm, I have them sorted alphabetically, does that mean that I should place pkgs.whois before pkgs.inetutils so that it ends up before whois from pkgs.inetutils?
<manveru> yeah
<manveru> that's how PATH is built
<manveru> well, basically anyway
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26831: plv8: init at 2.0.3 (master...plv8-init-2.0.3)
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<manveru> there's also some way to set priorities, but i've never used that
<Ralith> manveru: what's PATH got to do with anything? /run/current-system/sw/bin/ is a single entry.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26832: nailgun: init at 0.9.1 (master...nailgun-init-0.9.1)
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<manveru> well, this was for buildInputs, but the effect should be the same
<Ralith> why should the effect be the same?
<lambdafan> test
<lambdafan> Hi Gang. Is this the latest instructions to install nixos on linode, or does anyone know of something more updated?
<Ralith> eqyiel: afaik you'll want to wrap lowPrio around inetutils
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<eqyiel[m]> Ralith: thanks, I'll give that a try
<manveru> Ralith: sorry, i must've remembered wrong
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<eqyiel[m]> Ralith: that was it exactly
<eqyiel[m]> cheers
<Ralith> \o/
<Ralith> I think there's a whole continuum of priorities available if needed
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<rcschm> hi, i am using node2nix to install purescript npm package but i am getting the errors in
<rcschm> the offending line is const {BASE_URL, SOURCE_URL} = require('.');
<rcschm> however if i do use straight npm, it installs fine. so it looks like the const are not be init properly with node2nix somehow. any suggestion how to get over this is appreciated.
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<Ralith> rcschm: try passing -6 to node2nix
<Ralith> it defaults to nodejs 5 which is kind of dated
<Ralith> er, 4
<rcschm> i thought i did have 6.
<rcschm> let me recheck
<Ralith> your paste contains "npm ERR! node v4.8.1"
<rcschm> yes, i had it pointed to 6 in the place where it didn't pick up.
<rcschm> let me try changing that and see if it is the issue.
<rcschm> thanks Ralith:.
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<ramsdenj> Is anyone else having trouble updating on 17.03? Every time I try to run nixos-rebuild I get: error: getting attributes of path ‘/nix/store/lq48xvds987zlvvnpjwnnaxzi4m6vdq4-openldap-2.4.44-dev’: No such file or directory
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<hyper_ch> nox is still broken
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<sphalerite> boomshroom: re controllers, I use my PS4 controller with my laptop on the regular. Works like a charm both via USB and via bluetooth
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 649a036 Volth: nailgun: init at 0.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b7fd8f Jörg Thalheim: nailgun: use makeWrapper
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cbd6492 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26832 from volth/nailgun-init-0.9.1...
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<sphalerite> Bought the PS4 controller specifically even though I don't have a PS4 because it works well with linux even wirelessly :)
<sphalerite> (also because it's a nice controller IMHO)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a59dc61 Roman Volosatovs: maintainers: add rvolosatovs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca69972 Roman Volosatovs: pythonPackages.spotipy: init at 2.4.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4abb292 Roman Volosatovs: pythonPackages.spotipy: requests2 -> requests...
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<Filystyn> Guyss tbh after swaping to nix from debian I am very pleased with this system. I used it half year now? And I am extreamly satisfied.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26826: pythonPackages.uritools: init at 2.0.0 (master...init/uritools)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6aad18a Jörg Thalheim: pythonPackages.uritools: keep alphabetic order
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<Myrl-saki> Errr
<Myrl-saki> Running this under nix-shell doesn't put ${out}/bin to PATH?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26825: pythonPackages.pylast: 0.5.11 -> 1.8.0 (master...update/pylast)
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<Myrl-saki> Weird, it actually did. Sorry.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: how exactly?
<sphalerite> oh ok
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait. It didn't. I didn't run as PURE.
<Myrl-saki> as --pure*
<Myrl-saki> The command ran was `nix-shell .`
<sphalerite> Are you trying to get a shell with myrddin in it, or for building myrddin?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Both.
<Myrl-saki> Oh
<Myrl-saki> no.
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: The former.
<sphalerite> The former is nix-shell -p 'import ./.'
<sphalerite> the latter is nix-shell .
<Myrl-saki> error: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders.nix:7:14
<Myrl-saki> Oh. I needed to execute the function.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ebaed8 Roman Volosatovs: mopidy-local-images: init at 1.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3913522 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26828 from rvolosatovs/init/mopidy-local-images...
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<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: oh yeah, whoops. So import ./. {} rather than just import ./.
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<sphalerite> Does anyone know how to debug a build that fails, but works just fine in nix-shell --pure?
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<sphalerite> It's a cmake build, and it can't find one of the shared libraries it's built (even though it's clearly there, checked using --keep-failed)
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<Myrl-saki> Also, I haven't actually checked the guy's source code yet, but he may have hardcoded gas and ld into it. How should I fix that? Should I include binutils into the output? If so, how to do that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c7bc8b4 Frederik Rietdijk: kdeconnect: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fdf1812 Frederik Rietdijk: yakuake: fix build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fcd5804 Frederik Rietdijk: konversation: 1.6.2 -> 1.7.2 and fix build
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<Filystyn> should i compile with nix-shell even simple things as gcc program -o p ?
<Myrl-saki> I found the hardcoded part. How do I replace it with $binutils/bin ?
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<sphalerite> Filystyn: personally I would, so I don't get gcc installed in my profile confounding nix-shell builds
<sphalerite> Filystyn: but it's really up to you
<Filystyn> kthx
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: depends on what language it is mostly, you could use substituteInPlace in postPatch to replace it if there aren't any occurrences of the string that shouldn't be replaced
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: bash.
<sphalerite> yeah I'd probably go with that then
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26795: root: 6.09.02 -> 6.10.00 (master...root_6.10.00)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a9c9040 Ivan Jager: libatomic_ops: Provide alternate URL...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0ae147c Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26771 from aij/fix/libatomic_ops...
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<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] calvertvl opened pull request #26834: calibre: 2.84.0 -> 3.1.1 (master...upgrade-calibre-to-3.1.1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f319442 Jörg Thalheim: keepassxc: fix 4.9 compatibility
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 24e9ec3 Jörg Thalheim: marble: fix src hash
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 33e4afa dywedir: tiled: 0.18.2 -> 1.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master de21c43 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26829 from dywedir/tiled...
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<mojjo> hi! has anyone used racket on nixos? I installed the package and it works. However it seems that the documentation is not included. Emacs racket-mode tries to look for it inside /nix/store/ibwa...dsdj-racket-6.8/share/doc/racket/ but this directory is empty..
<trikl> Why does qt56.qtbase come with lib/qt5/plugins/platforms/ while qt58.qtbase doesn't?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26740: gsl: 2.3 -> 2.4 (master...update_gsl)
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f506b72 Jörg Thalheim: krita: 3.1.3 -> 3.1.4
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<sphalerite> mojjo: the racket expression has a parameter "disableDocs" which is set to true by default. If you install 'racket.override {disableDocs = false;}' it should porbably work
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<mojjo> sphalerite: nice, I'll try it..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0eb34ac Julien Dehos: opencv: add openblas support
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ef00ca Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26733 from juliendehos/opencv...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9721c54 Peter Simons: git-annex: replacing optparse-applicative needs a deep override...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b4973a5 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] unaizalakain opened pull request #26835: qgo: init at unstable-2016-06-23 (master...init_qgo)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26690: tdesktop: 1.0.27 -> 1.1.7 (master...telegram-update)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #26836: geogebra: 5-0-361-0 -> 5-0-369-0 (master...update/geogebra)
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<yorick> what's the current state of emacs? any ways to manage packages?
<gchristensen> sure yorick, what version of nix/nixos?
<yorick> gchristensen: unstable
<yorick> (nix 1.11.8)
<gchristensen> nixos-unstable? nixpkgs-unstable?
<yorick> nixos-unstable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c610f99 tilpner: Expose custom Rust registry versions...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a10cc8 Jörg Thalheim: rustRegistry: switch to mkDerivation...
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<gchristensen> yorick: try reading this diff:
<yorick> gchristensen: thanks!
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<gchristensen> you're welcome!
<instantepiphany> Hey, what's the best way to check nixos cache server status? I am trying to install nixos on my desktop and it keeps failing to download `.nar` files. I think it might be my isp doing something strange, trying to troubleshoot.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6e52efe Unai Zalakain: qgo: init at unstable-2016-06-23
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a93225f Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26835 from unaizalakain/init_qgo...
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<mmmrrr> Is it possible, with nix-shell on nixos, to run services like a database in isolation? :)
<mmmrrr> Or do I have to utilize containers for that purpose?
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<gchristensen> instantepiphany: try running
<gchristensen> mmmrrr: inside nix-shell you could run `mysqld` with a custom config of course, but it won't be nixos-easy
<sphalerite> gchristensen: did you manage to reproduce the touchscreen gnome crash btw?
<instantepiphany> gchristensen: thanks! Will do.
<sphalerite> mmmrrr: you could also mess about with user namespaces but I'm not sure there's any tooling that makes that easier
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<MichaelRaskin> It all also depends on how much isolation you expect
<sphalerite> ^ for strong isolation the only solution remains a VM
<MichaelRaskin> And then you start wondering if KVM is strong enough or maybe Xen has smaller attack surface
<sphalerite> Then you think "they're still running on the same hardware" and decide to run it on separate machines
<sphalerite> :D
<mmmrrr> basically I'd like to keep the base setup as clean as possible, so in this case it's not too much about isolation really ;) It's only for development, so I think for a tad better isolation I would turn to containers instead of a full blow VM :)
<gchristensen> this is running a thing in nix-shell, surely this is a development-level thing
<mmmrrr> gchristensen: precisely ;)
<sphalerite> mmmrrr: what exactly do you want to isolate?
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<MichaelRaskin> A bit of unshare can also let you get separate TCP port namespaces easily
<mmmrrr> sphalerite: mysql/mariadb in this specific case
<sphalerite> mmmrrr: that's what you want to run in isolation, but what I'm asking for is which resources you want to isolate
<MichaelRaskin> But last time I did that, it just… happenned to grow to 105 lines in shell to be nice
<MichaelRaskin> (for network isolation)
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<sphalerite> btw is anyone working on upgrading GNOME to 3.24?
<mmmrrr> sphalerite: sorry - would you mind to elaborate a bit more? Specifically: what would be an example "resource" in this scenario?
<FRidh> what value to use for binary-cache-public-keys when using distributedBuilds?
<MichaelRaskin> mmmrrr: for example, «TCP port assignment»
<MichaelRaskin> mmmrrr: or maybe «file path»
<sphalerite> mmmrrr: what do you want to *achieve* through the isolation? Greater build purity? Less filesystem pollution? (in both cases that would be the filesystem resource) Running multiple instances with the same config without their ports clashing (network isolation)?
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<gchristensen> they just want to run a mysqld just when developing theeir project
<gchristensen> and be project-specific
<mmmrrr> sphalerite: The goal is less filesystem pollution and, as gchristensen pointed out, a "per project" configuration for development.
<gchristensen> you can do it with calling `mysqld` with a custom config file pointing to your project dir (preferrably a subdir) as the datadir
<sphalerite> (caveat: I haven't done this) my approach would probably be to use nixos containers and machinectl shell into them
<mmmrrr> So that I can change into my repository, type nix-shell, and be done with it (without having to spin up a VM/container/etc.). gchristensen: I will do just that I think :-) thanks!
<sphalerite> Oh yeah, any reason not to share a single database server across all the projects?
<gchristensen> you might want to use `foreman` or whatever is cool these days to handle starting and stopping the db, or even just a ./ and ./
<sphalerite> shell hooks + trap exit to start and stop the MySQL server on entering and exiting the nix-shell :D
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<gchristensen> could be, but would need to add extra caution around duplicate nix-shells
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<mmmrrr> sphalarite: not in this case, no. I just tend to over optimise and want to test out what is possible with nix and what is not ;)
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<mmmrrr> but anyway: thanks to all of you! This is a great community, I really appreaciate that ^_^
<sphalerite> mmmrrr: I think a single database server for all the projects would be more efficient :p
<FRidh> keep getting error: cannot add path ‘/nix/store/290c1rh6jcrxdw5cxgyvgvxqzsa34gvq-gfortran-5.4.0-man’ because it lacks a valid signature
<FRidh> when using distributed builds
<FRidh> even turned off checking for signatures
<FRidh> note this is with nixUnstable on both machines
<gchristensen> FRidh: have you added an extra binary cache to the builders? :/
<FRidh> gchristensen: I didn't add the remote builder to the list of caches
<gchristensen> did you add any extra binary caches to the config of any of the nodes, and somehow the cache isn't being signed?
<gchristensen> might be time to add a nixos-on-ZFS test case in installer.nix :) (also: wouldn't it be neat if our manual could have some automatically generated "common installations" instructions based on the installer.nix tests?
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<FRidh> gchristensen: the node has one additional cache but that cache is signed and setup correctly
<FRidh> let me push my configs
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<gchristensen> "You can create up to 100,000 projects." sheesh, gitlab, why such a tight restriction?
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<Dezgeg> nix-builder-home should be a trusted user or you should connect as root
<gchristensen> Dezgeg++
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<gchristensen> cool, fadenb
<qknight> hey. who is using 'nixops' from mac os x again? because i totally can't get it to deploy anything because it fails to use the external build host
<gchristensen> qknight: do you use the nix-daemon on osx?
<ndrei> Hi guys, just switched from Arch and only missing piece in my setup is Vmware, is there any recommended setup for it?
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<ndrei> basically, Vmware has an installer, I'm guess what I'm asking is what is the most straigthforward way to isolate it without a big involvement upfront, I'm just getting started
<gchristensen> qknight: surely 20s isn't long enough for you to leave :P
<qknight> gchristensen: i'm not sure. i've been following these two guides:
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<qknight> gchristensen: haha!
<sphalerite> ndrei: doesn't look like it's been done before so it's probably not going to be simple.
<gchristensen> ok, qknight: it isn't deal but you need to have at least one virtualbox-based builder locally
<ndrei> sphalerite: thanks, the answer I was fearing :), heh
<sphalerite> ndrei: Especially considering that it probably requires kernel modules (assumption based on the fact that virtualbox does)
<gchristensen> from there nixops will automatically use it as a remote builder and should solve the problems
<ndrei> sphalerite: great opportunity to learn more about nix though :D
<sphalerite> and about what a pain dealing with proprietary software is. Any reason you can't use kvm?
<ndrei> I'm kind of surprised nobody has done it, although I do anticipate it being pretty complex, the installer is probably doing a bunch of things.. anyway, is there some sort of guide you'd recommend?
<ndrei> It's for an OSX host, for Xcode compilation...
<ndrei> *guest
<instantepiphany> gchristensen: of note, "curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server" in curl_test. Do the connect fails mean I don't have ipv6 setup properly, if so could that be what is causing my "nixos-install" issues?
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<FRidh> Dezgeg: gchristensen: thank you, that seems to be working. My laptop will be very happy not having to run any more simulations :)
<gchristensen> instantepiphany: no, it should be fine
<gchristensen> FRidh: nice! good :)
<hyper_ch> ha, finally I can tell systemd to umount a mounted dir before shutting down the vpn :)
<gchristensen> nice, hyper_ch :)
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<hyper_ch> times of manual umounting
<hyper_ch> or waiting 180s for timeout, are things of the past :)
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<gchristensen> instantepiphany: hmm it looks fine ... can you send exactly what the errors are when you do the nixos-install ?
<instantepiphany> gchristensen: Then those results would indicate that everything in nixos land is probably fine, and it is my connection somehow?
<instantepiphany> Sure
<hyper_ch> options = [ "noauto" "user" "uid=1000" "gid=100" "username=none" "password=none" "iocharset=utf8" "x-systemd.requires=openvpn-XXXX.service" ];
<ndrei> sphalerite: thanks anyway, I'll probably write a package for it then, cheers
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<instantepiphany> gchristensen:
<sphalerite> ndrei: aaah, that sucks. Generally the steps for getting an executable to run are A, patching its interpreter (so it gets run with /nix/store/...-glibc-.../lib/ rather than /lib/, and B, adding an RPATH or setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that it will find the libraries it depends on
<instantepiphany> I get this error exactly every time, except the file it is trying to download is different each time.
<sphalerite> ffs why did he leave x)
<gchristensen> instantepiphany: please run curl > test.nar.xz
<gchristensen> (on your installation box)
<instantepiphany> gchristensen: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7948 Jun 25 12:02 test.nar.xz
<instantepiphany> That worked fine.
<gchristensen> looks like the correct size :| I'm running out of ideas :/
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<instantepiphany> Hmmm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed515c8 Franz Pletz: weechat: 1.8 -> 1.9
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<instantepiphany> What possible difference could be causing it to fail in nixos-install and not with plain curl? I am running 17.03 live cd/w plasma 5
<qknight> gchristensen: i got a nixops deployment (on a differet machine) and i wanted to use that as build host
<qknight> gchristensen: i've added a channel on this other nixops deployment (my build host) but there is a permission issue in /run/user/0)
<qknight> /nix/store/j1svg3hk44s1p10lakxi6k5mkzljp6cm-nix-prefetch-git: line 232: cd: /run/user/0/nix-build-vcs-fbe9fb6.drv-0: Permission denied
<qknight> gchristensen: i assume now that this Permission denied is the same we see on the mac os x 'nixops deploy -d test'
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<instantepiphany> How can I run the appropriate nix-build command that nixos-install calls? I want to try using --keep-going on nix-build.
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<LnL> nix-build '<nixos/nixos>' -A system -k
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<instantepiphany> LnL: Thanks, will try that.
<qknight> gchristensen: i'm giving up on using a machine created via nixops as a build host for my mac os x machine. there is an error i don't understand. even nix-build does not work out of the box as there is some problem with /run/users/0 temp directory creation
<qknight> gchristensen: i will now install a local virtualbox machine
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<gchristensen> qknight: it has to be part of the same network you're trying to deploy to, it is some automatic magic in nixops to make this work
<qknight> gchristensen: no i don't think so
<qknight> gchristensen: the only requirement on the build machine is that it must be accessible via ssh and that is the case
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<gchristensen> I mean, ok, but I've read the source code to nixops and am pretty sure about this
<gchristensen> b/c if the network has a virtualbox VM in it + you're on OSX w/out a daemon, it automatically configures the vbox vm as a build host
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<gchristensen> hmm... nothing in there about vbox, I'm confused
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<hyper_ch> vbox?
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<instantepiphany> I am pulling my hair out... I have never had trouble with an OOTB nixos install. Still getting these errors. With nix.extraOptions.binary-caches-parallel-connections = 10, it fails after downloading one package, consistently. With the same option set to 1, it downloads 4-6 packages before failing.
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<instantepiphany> Never mind, it fails after 1 package with that option set to 1 as well. NFI at this point.
<qknight> gchristensen: we will now play with a local Virtualbox installation on mac os x
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26838: mopidy-local-sqlite: init at 1.0.0 (master...init/mopidy-local-sqlite)
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<qknight> gchristensen: a sidenote: the ready to download virtualbox image was bricked after 'nixos-rebuild switch'
<gchristensen> :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26839: fetchMavenArtifact: prevent leaking nix hash to jar name (master...fetchmavenartifact-do-not-leak-hash)
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<instantepiphany> Wait, could my system time being wrong somehow cause nixos-install to fail? (Specifically retrieving files from
<gchristensen> how wrong is it, and in which direction? :)
<instantepiphany> It is behind by ~10 hours.
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<gchristensen> mmm I would be surprised if that broke it, but maybe try fixing it?
<instantepiphany> I get a bunch of errors trying to do that through KDE settings.
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<instantepiphany> Running nix-build '<nixos/nixos>' -A system -k as LnL suggested builds successfully, but am I right in thinking that that builds the current /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, and not the target system at /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<LnL> yes
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<instantepiphany> It only had to download runtime-deps, but it worked.
<LnL> nix-build '<nixos/nixos>' -I nixos-config=/mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix -A system
<instantepiphany> Thanks!
<instantepiphany> Ok, it seems to be downloading everything it needs now. Does that help point out what the problem is? Why would that command work, and not nixos-install?
<gchristensen> its a dang mystery to me
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<instantepiphany> Well, it at least solves my install problem, because then nixos-install should just get HITS from the store, and not need to download anything further. But I hope this doesn't persist after booting into my install.
<gchristensen> fingers crossed for sure
<qknight> gchristensen: seems to be a general nix error -> the deployment now uses a VirtualBox machine and we installed via iso file
<tilpner> Mic92 - Why did you close #26582? Was there an alternative solution?
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<qknight> gchristensen: the error of nix-build is: /nix/store/j1s...-nix-prefetch-git: line 232: cd: /run/user/0/nix-build-vcs-fbe9fb6.drv-0: permission denied
<qknight> gchristensen: btw, this is not related to nixops currently. this is a normal nixos machine where we tried to build
<gchristensen> I'm not sure how you get that error, I'm not sure I've seen it before
<qknight> gchristensen: i see this error quite often and i didn't yet find a patch for it. would you like to have a login to the virtualbox machine and look around?
<qknight> gchristensen: i'm out of ideas and this has been a stopper for a while noew
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<qknight> gchristensen: maybe i have to enable useSandbox = true;
<sphalerite> so I'm trying to debug the GNOME crash on touch events. Is there a way to get debugging symbols for gtk3, ideally without rebuilding a bunch of stuff?
<qknight> gchristensen: oh useSandbox = true; really makes a difference
<gchristensen> interesting!
<qknight> indeed
<gchristensen> I've never used nix without the sandbox
<qknight> gchristensen: which is a good idea. i wanted to create a PR soon to propose to make sandbox the default (except for mac os x)
<qknight> gchristensen: but i wasn't sure where to file that PR. in nix? in nixpkgs?
<gchristensen> I've merged such a PR in the past, but it was reverted :P maybe if we keep trying
<gchristensen> nixpkgs
<qknight> we should!
<qknight> maybe this time i should merge it
<qknight> ;-)
<qknight> to simulate a bigger userbase
<gchristensen> I mean I think the problem is the performance hit, IMO it isn't enough to justify leaving it off
<qknight> gchristensen: i've been talking to aszlig, profpatsch or uwap (don't recall whom exactly) and the summary was that the performance hit isn't that great anymore
<gchristensen> that is what I thought
<qknight> gchristensen: can you find me your old PR about your nix's default change/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0ee624c Tim Steinbach: Revert "linux: 4.9.33 -> 4.9.34"...
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Oh, sorry, I expected GH to display that it was merged as usual, not to be merged manually
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<hyper_ch> hmmm, is this windows source code leak actually something good?
<gchristensen> depends on your perspective :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 280f0db Tim Steinbach: Revert "Revert "linux: 4.9.33 -> 4.9.34""...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c1ad03b Tim Steinbach: Revert "linux: patch CVE-2017-1000364 (stack clash)"...
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<hyper_ch> I fear it could put thousands of linux/open source devs out of commission because they're laughing too loud?
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<gchristensen> "bootLoader = "systemd-boots";" nice typo in the installer tests
<Mic92> tilpner: I had to rebase it
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Yes, I saw the commit, but it wasn't clear that it was merged from just the PR page :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lluchs opened pull request #26842: vivaldi: add support for proprietary codecs (master...vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs)
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<Mic92> hyper_ch: it was not the first time
<hyper_ch> 2004 - window 2000 IIRC
<Mic92> hyper_ch: actually the code quality of the nt kernel is better then the linux kernel IMHO.
<hyper_ch> how so?
<hyper_ch> and I thought Linus was rather tough on quality
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<Mic92> hyper_ch: well, microsoft has peer review too.
<hyper_ch> but do they have a Linus?
<gchristensen> they have a multi billion dollar company to protect
<gchristensen> microsoft is a good os
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<gchristensen> makes a good os*
<hyper_ch> it's good for gaming :)
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<MichaelRaskin> I think the only MS project that is high quality per se is their compilers
<MichaelRaskin> Actually, the optimisers of their compilers
<Mic92> Does not mean I prefer to work on Windows, because I prefer a system, where I can fix any bug myself, if I have to.
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: and their research team does incredible work in that regard
<Mic92> gchristensen: currently making an internship their :)
<gchristensen> ohhh?
<Mic92> *there
<gchristensen> nice! I'm a huge fan of their projects
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<Mic92> In Cambridge, not Redmond.
<MichaelRaskin> Their research team is never allowed to ship anything, even if the research prototype works better than the actual shipped product
<gchristensen> that is an unfortunate reality
<Mic92> MichaelRaskin: Are you sure about this, I currently talked with people doing that
<MichaelRaskin> Well, maybe with F# they haven't run out of their research goals yet, so they can just publish research updates to it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #26844: stdenv: load default inputs and functions before setup hooks (staging...stdenv--inputs-order)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a714e3 Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2017-06-23
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a10c8a9 Michael Alan Dorman: org-packages: 2017-06-23
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 40e1779 Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2017-06-23
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<bennofs> What is the fastest way to get started with working on a project on NixOS that wasn't designed to be used with Nix? Example:
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<bennofs> it's some mix of python & npm used for downloading assets, without a
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<Infinisil> bennofs: You might get it to work by installing the dependencies and fixing some paths manually, but it would be better if you could package it up nicely and add it to nixpkgs
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<Infinisil> Might not work though, hard to say
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<sphalerite> bennofs: use pypi2nix with requirements/main.txt to get the python deps, then enter a nix-shell with that and npm. Use npm install to get the node deps.
<sphalerite> I think.
<sphalerite> sorry, nodejs not npm, npm isn't in nixpkgs on its own :)
<bennofs> IME pypi2nix almost never works 100% :(
<bennofs> stuck on "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 542: ordinal not in range(128)
<bennofs> for django-password-reset
<sphalerite> wrong python version is my guess
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<bennofs> in python, what encoding does open() default to?
<sphalerite> Depends on the version, the parameters, maybe also the locale and/or the script's encoding
<bennofs> >>> locale.getpreferredencoding()
<bennofs> 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'
<bennofs> o.o
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<sphalerite> noice
<bennofs> We should really make build environments support UTF-8 :/
<bennofs> 'export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive'
<sphalerite> +1
<bennofs> the haskell builder already does it by default
<bennofs> perhaps that's why the haskell builder is so much more reliable "just works" :D
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<bennofs> although I have no idea how this needs to work on Darwin?
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<sphalerite> adding the LOCALE_ARCHIVE and LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 exports to django-password-reset in requirements_override.nix makes it work for me
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<sphalerite> Don't we use glibc on darwin?
<sphalerite> (I have no idea)
<bennofs> sphalerite: i don't know anything about darwin
<bennofs> hmm, will I get more visibility if I post to nix-dev or if I create an issue on nixpkgs about this?
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<sphalerite> bennofs: looks like it's apple's libc (pkgs/os-specific/darwin/apple-source-releases/Libc)
<sphalerite> I think the mailing list might be a bit more visible?
<sphalerite> I certainly pay more attention to it
<Infinisil> Ohh, I haven't ever thought of using the mailing list, I should do that
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<Infinisil> Also I should use man configuration.nix more often, much faster than the website and doesn't require connection
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<sphalerite> I'm subscribed to the mailing list and often reply to stuff but I've never made my own post in it x)
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<sphalerite> bennofs: actually the LOCALE_ARCHIVE setting can be left out if you just add glibcLocale to the buildInputs instead because it has a setup hook that does it
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<bennofs> sphalerite: I wonder if it would be possible to build a glibcLocaleMinimal, that has only a en_US.UTF-8 locale and nothing else?
<sphalerite> bennofs: that's exactly what glibcLocale defaults to :p
<bennofs> oh, I thought glibcLocale included all locales?
<bennofs> ah, my bad. I think I set LOCALE_ARCHIVE to /run/current-system/whatever for testing, and that included all
<sphalerite> There's probably something in the i18n modules to do exactly that too
<sphalerite> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f5665e9 Maximilian Bosch: geogebra: 5-0-361-0 -> 5-0-369-0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 90d3a03 Joachim F: Merge pull request #26836 from Ma27/update/geogebra...
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<sphalerite> ugh, build failures that I can't reproduce in nix-shell
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<bennofs> sphalerite: what's the error?
<sphalerite> missing an object file
<sphalerite> make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'legacy/gsm-resources.o', needed by 'gnome-system-monitor'. Stop.
<sphalerite> I presume it's related to gsm-resources.c being generated
<bennofs> ugh
<sphalerite> I'm going to diff the config.log from the nix-build build and the nix-shell build
<sphalerite> aah, it might be the --disable-dependency-tracking that nixpkgs adds
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<bennofs> sphalerite: won't nix-shell add that as well? (assuming you use genericBuild in nix-shell)
<sphalerite> no, I used ./configure directly >_>
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #26845: microcode-intel: 20161104 -> 20170511 (master...microcode-intel)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 252e9ec Gabriel Ebner: microcodeIntel: 20161104 -> 20170511
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<sphalerite> huh, nope. Seems to be --disable-static
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 72 minutes ago, history:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner closed pull request #26845: microcode-intel: 20161104 -> 20170511 (master...microcode-intel)
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<FRidh> bennofs: +1 for a glibcLocaleMinimal package. Actually, we need to support a C.UTF-8 locale but glibc doesn't provide one. Most distro's have one already but we don't. For Python 3.7 we definitely need it.
<sphalerite> but the glibcLocales is already minimal by default
<FRidh> oh, I was under the impression it wasn't.
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<bennofs> sphalerite: hmm
<bennofs> sphalerite: nix-shell --pure -p glibcLocales glibc --pure --command 'locale -a | wc -l'
<bennofs> 821
<bennofs> doesn't seem very minimal to me
<sphalerite> It includes exactly en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8 by default (I don't know what the /UTF-8 at the end means)
<bennofs> 109M /nix/store/fmp6hi6x306s61npw24i97ksb037v8nc-glibc-locales-2.25
<sphalerite> that's weird
<sphalerite> all-packages.nix doesn't change the list of supported locales from the default in pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/locale.nix
<sphalerite> s/locale.nix/locales.nix/
<sphalerite> oh wait no I'm stupid and didn't see the additional "allLocales" parameter :|
<sphalerite> also I may have just finished upgrading GNOME to 3.24
<sphalerite> At least it builds
<bennofs> FRidh: does python3.7 require C.UTF-8? I think it simply behaved "as-if" the locale was set to that?
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<FRidh> With this change, any *nix platform that does not offer at least one of the C.UTF-8 , C.utf8 or UTF-8 locales as part of its standard configuration would only be considered a fully supported platform for CPython 3.7+ deployments when a suitable locale other than the default C locale is configured explicitly (e.g. en_AU.UTF-8 , zh_CN.gb18030 )
<bennofs> FRidh: ah, I hadn't read it in full. thanks
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<bennofs> FRidh: does python2 not require locale data?
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<bennofs> what does distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('pytest-runner')
<bennofs> mean?
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<FRidh> bennofs: the error you mentioned before happens only with Python 3.x if I am correct.
<FRidh> and you have a missing dependency
<FRidh> add it as a buildInput
<hyper_ch> FRidh: ping
<bennofs> FRidh: oh you're right, it only happens with python3
<FRidh> its a bytes/string thing
<FRidh> i guess
<hyper_ch> FRidh: regarding nox - I am on unstable yet it doesn't work... hasn't worked for the last week, maybe even longer...
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<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Hasn't worked for me either..
<bennofs> FRidh: btw, I think i just found one reason for why I Haskell packaging feels more reliable than python: with Haskell, if I autogenerate expressions for my own project (for example different versions etc), then those expressions can still benefit from nix-specific patches necessary because Haskell separates the "auto-generatable" part from the necessary overrides. WOuld such an approach be feasible for python
<bennofs> as well?
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: FRidh says it's fixed in unstable :( but not for me
<bennofs> FRidh: for example, right now, I pypi2nix one project and the build of pip-tools failed. If I look at the nixpkgs expr, I can see that I need to disable tests to make it build. I shouldn't have to do this stuff manually
<FRidh> hyper_ch: not fixed, I just cannot reproduce it at the current revision.
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<FRidh> bennofs: you mean like pypi2nix does?
<hyper_ch> FRidh: but how are you on a different revision when we're both on unstable?
<FRidh> bennofs: how does haskell packaging solve the last issue you mentioned?
<bennofs> FRidh: i mean to separate the regular parts (source url, pkg name, deps, hash etc) from the "irregular" ones (like nixpkgs-specific patches, such as disabling tests that require network).
<bennofs> FRidh: with Haskell, I can auto-generate a different package set, but then apply all the overrides from configuration-nix.nix to automatically get all nixpkgs-specific patches (assuming that the necessary patches don't change too much between different versions, this works fine)
<FRidh> bennofs: yes, so that's how pypi2nix does it, right
<bennofs> FRidh: ah right. but I would like if the packages that already are in nixpkgs also used this approach
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<FRidh> bennofs: I think it would be nice, as soon as upstream provides dependencies like is done for Haskell. Taking the pypi2nix approach has the issue that you would have to generate a package set for each interpreter version and platform combination
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<FRidh> and then you run into the issue that there's no way to "lock" the state of PyPI.
<LnL> yeah, I use some custom expressions I made but it doesn't have any dependency information
<bennofs> python just drives me nuts. how can you work without dependency specifications? how does pip do it?
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<LnL> it executes some arbitrary python code defined by the package
<LnL> which sometimes also has dependencies
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<FRidh> yep, and it does so until everything is installed, however, not guaranteeing you're going to get a working environment.
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<sphalerite> well, you do get dependency specifications in python
<sphalerite> just that they're generated from whatever works :D
<sphalerite> (virtualenv + pip freeze)
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<hyper_ch> FRidh: nixpkgs is different from nixos-unstable?
<FRidh> sphalerite: that's for applications
<FRidh> hyper_ch: yes
<LnL> sphalerite: that doesn't include build time requirements
<bennofs> why is there both requirements.txt and install_requires? what's the difference?
<hyper_ch> FRidh: that's too complicated for me... thx though for your time :)
<FRidh> is setuptools requirements and is for Python libraries
<FRidh> requirements.txt is for environments
<sphalerite> oh yeah
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<FRidh> and some day we're going to get pipfile which is also for environments
<bennofs> tox.ini setup.cfg requirements.txt yeah we definitely need another file...
<sphalerite> ♥
<sphalerite> Also, why does linux cache writes on USB mass storage devices :(
<FRidh> and a pyproject.toml
<bennofs> wtf
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<FRidh> which is to tell which build system is supposed to be used....setuptools....flit...enscons, or whatever
<FRidh> most arguments to setup() in can now be listed in setup.cfg, that's nice at least
<bennofs> FRidh: why does it list numpy? that seems more like just an ordinary dep to me? o.O
<bennofs> (just the first file that came up when googling for pyproject.toml)
<FRidh> bennofs: numpy headers
<FRidh> setuptools needs to import numpy before it can actually build
<bennofs> FRidh: so now we need to differentiate packages based one whether they have native deps or not? ...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26848: Minio service (master...minio-service)
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<LnL> wat
<bennofs> FRidh: oh... then, why can't i just say: I depend on numpy, please setuptools setup everything for me (including header paths etc).
<bennofs> FRidh: so now every project depending on numpy needs to copy that 6 line snippet?!
<FRidh> bennofs: well, that pyproject.toml doesn't support because there's of course no main index with all the packages in the worold
<FRidh> that = native deps
<FRidh> bennofs: people do a lot of other things with cython and numpy in their ;)
<bennofs> FRidh: well, I would have imagined that numpy just has some sort of manifests that specifies c compiler settings to be used for packages that depend on it
<bennofs> so those get propagated automatically
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bennofs pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 883148e Benno Fünfstück: pip-tools: fix build
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<bennofs> FRidh: like, as an user, I shouldn't have to care about such things like headers etc: I should just be able to depend on numpy, and have it work (import, cython, w/e else is common). Of course, only as long as the package I depend on is also a python package
<bennofs> this stuff is almost as bad as autotools :/
<FRidh> bennofs: if you just import from numpy, then you can. But if you compile against something in numpy, then you need to specify that in your (and soon your pyproject.toml)
<bennofs> FRidh: yes, but why is using it from cython so much different? Can't setuptools simply be made to know about cython, and set include paths for me automatically?
<Infinisil> can't wait for more projects to adapt nix
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<Infinisil> I cringe every time I see "to compile, x, y and z are required, then blablabla"
<qknight> i wonder if it is possible to run `qemu-x86_64 hello` on mac os x like done for arm binaries on x86 demonstrated <- here
<FRidh> bennofs: they could, but what if I now introduce a new tool, say something like cython. Should setuptools then also be updated to know about it?
<sphalerite> why would nix-build -I nixpkgs=. nixos/release.nix -A iso_minimal in a nixpkgs checked out on nixos-unstable with no local changes ever cause building rather than downloading the image from the binary cache?
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<FRidh> image failed to build on hydra?
<bennofs> FRidh: if your new tool becomes popular enough that it is commonly used, then yes
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<sphalerite> FRidh: but then surely the channel shouldn't have advanced?
<bennofs> FRidh: but there probably won't be soo many tools that are popular
<FRidh> bennofs: no, but you do want to have the possibility to use other tools. This is the reason we're getting pyproject.toml. Nowadays, almost all package use setuptools, but with pyproject.toml we can get new build systems
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<bennofs> FRidh: yeah, I'm not arguing that it shouldn't be possible. but it definitely shouldn't be the common case
<FRidh> like flit which is fine for 95% of the projects out there
<FRidh> ok
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<bennofs[m]> FRidh: flit is cool. I hope 95% are going to use it
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<andromeda-galaxy> how do you use Proxy#? making a function that matches on (proxy# :: Proxy# t) doesn't work, you get an error about matching lifted with unlifted types
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 60e19e7 Volth: plv8: init at 2.0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 239920d Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26831 from volth/plv8-init-2.0.3...
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<sphalerite> andromeda-galaxy: wrong channel? :D
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<andromeda-galaxy> sphalerite: oops yeah, sorry - thought I was in #haskell
<sphalerite> :)
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<sphalerite> Is there a newbie's guide to hydra somewhere? I find navigating it very confusing
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<gchristensen> but I too find it confusing
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<boomshroom> Good morning!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ddf7c6e Eric Bailey: lilypond-with-fonts: fix quoting
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea5330c Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26118 from yurrriq/update/pkgs/misc/lilypond-with-fonts...
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<boomshroom> Today, I'm thinking about how much NixOS depends on systemd. From my understanding, systemd is the main obstacle for supporting NixOS with alternate kernels.
<boomshroom> Nix, itself already runs on FreeBSD, and it should be possible to build a full NixOS system on FreeBSD with enough work.
<dash> boomshroom: sounds good
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<boomshroom> I like options and with what I've heard of BSD, it would be cool to try it out without completely reinstalling a new system.
<boomshroom> I don't think I would be able to make all the changes on my own, which is why I'm asking here what steps would need to be taken.
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<gchristensen> from what I understand nixpkgs also had nice bsd support, but the contributors stopped maintaining it
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<boomshroom> Hmm. At some point Nixpkgs got a derivation to build the GNU HURD kernel.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl opened pull request #26849: skrooge: 2.7.0 -> 2.8.1 (master...skrooge-2.8)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 37ec462 Bjørn Forsman: bcache-tools: add name to the source store path...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b71f5e3 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/bcache: /bin/sh -> ${bash}/bin/sh...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d0ad6a7 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/bcache: add services.udev.packages = [ bcache-tools ]...
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<gchristensen> hmmm I can't manage to make my installer test work, it installs to zfs but can never import the pool "cannot import 'rpool': no such pool available" on reboot
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<nh2> is there an equivalent to NixOS services configs (which are "inputs") that are "outputs" of the service? For example, let's say I have `services.myService = { enabled = true; hostnames = ["a" "b"]; }`. Could I make some derived values, e.g. `services.myService.numHosts`, so that it would return 2 in this case?
<gchristensen> nh2: you could make an option where the default value is computed by the value of hostnames
<nh2> gchristensen: that would allow the user to set it though, right? Thus making it possible to specify invalid configurations, like { hostnames = ["a" "b"]; numHosts = 1; }
<nh2> what I'm looking for is some read-only values that are derived from the options, that the user cannot set
<gchristensen> yeah not sure
<ekleog_> I seem to remember something like `private = true`
<ekleog_> (in the option config)
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<ekleog_> hmm, I guess by defining it with `internal = true;` in the `mkOption` you should get what you're looking for
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<nh2> not sure I understand though what the comment means, "Whether the option can be set only once"
<ekleog_> oh this one indeed
<gchristensen> nh2: actually maybe use `apply` annd make a function that assertts it isn'tt set
<DIzFer[m]> Isn't it enough to obtain the length of the list?
<ekleog_> (internal actually seems to be only 'let it out of the doc')
<gchristensen> (ie: asserts it isn't used)
<ekleog_> nh2: so you can set it readOnly and just after the option definition add a config option where you compute it from the value of hostnames
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<ekleog_> (should be easier than writing an `apply` function, I guess)
<DIzFer[m]> do you need it to be an actual option? I see several examples of `len = builtins.length $list`
<gchristensen> I agree with DIzFer[m]
<sphalerite> Is there a particular reason that "${someIntegerValue}" is not allowed and toString needs to be used instead?
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<nh2> DIzFer[m]: no, because that was just a simple example to explain what I'm looking for. My real-world use case is more complicated, where the computation of the value I want to make read-only is derived from 5 other options and something very internal to the module, that I want to be defined in 1 place only so that people can't make mistakes when its computation is replicated into multiple files that use it (e.g. a consensus service where the readon
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<nh2> (let me know if this message was cut off)
<gchristensen> "consensus service where the readon"
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<nh2> ah I knewit
<nh2> ... where the readonly output variable would be a list of servers eligible to become master, computed based on certain criteria)
<gchristensen> I'd go the apply route then
<gchristensen> apply = x: throw "Option value is not writable because whatever.";
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<nh2> gchristensen: do you know if the "readOnly" prop that ekleog_ and I found does that? This is the commit that added it:
<nh2> ekleog_: what exactly did you mean with "just after the option definition add a config option where you compute it"? Do you mean simply to set `default`? Or would that not be enough
<ekleog_> nh2: it should do it, though maybe with a less clear error message
<ekleog_> also, what I was saying was basically to not set `default` (which I'm not sure would work by making it read-only, though that's to be tested I guess), but to set { options.myoption = mkOption { ...; readOnly = true; }; config.myoption = my_computation; }
<ekleog_> this way you enforce it to be set once and then let readOnly handle the non-redefinition from the user's part
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<nh2> ekleog_: wait wait there might be something in here I don't understand about NixOS modules yet. You're sayin gthat in my `config = { ... stuff with services.*... etc ... }` I can simply _assign_ config.myoption?
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<gchristensen> probably not a great idea but yes
<nh2> sorry, I mean "asssign myoption="
<nh2> as we're already in the config dict
<nh2> gchristensen: and that then goes into the "global" machine `config`?
<ekleog_> well, the config = { }; block in NixOS modules is exactly the same as what you put inside your configuration.nix (there is a specialcase: if neither options. nor config. is setup then everything goes into config.) ;)
<ekleog_> the module system basically merges all files into one, typechecks and applies the end-configuration
<nh2> ekleog_: I'm coming from a slightly weird angle: I have never used configuration.nix on any system, I only use nixops
<ekleog_> oh, I've never used nixops, so couldn't help you on that, sorry
<nh2> ekleog_: I don't think it makes a big difference, I just mentioned it to show that I'm not particularly familiar with a system-wide configuration.nix
<nh2> ekleog_: so basically can I put anything inside `config`, e.g. could I say `config = { asdf = 1; }`, or does `asdf` have to be some `mkOption` of some module for that?
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<ekleog_> you could put anything inside `config`, but at the end of the merge phase the module system "typechecks" everything and makes sure every option set in `config.` corresponds to an option defined in `options.` and has the right type
<ekleog_> so it would trigger an assertion failure inside the module system at that point
<ekleog_> gchristensen: btw, I don't get why you think readOnly is not a good idea?
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<gchristensen> well b/c it allows setting once
<gchristensen> but it might work
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<ekleog> oh ok :)
<nh2> ekleog gchristensen: OK, I will play around a bit with this new information and check what works, thanks a lot!
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<gchristensen> *grumble* my zfs installer test can't seem to pass
<grumble> *grumble*
<c74d> gchristensen: do you think "can be set only once" means something other than "… such as by a module wishing to export a value without letting anyone else set it"?
<gchristensen> grumble knows what I'm talking about
<gchristensen> c74d: I think it is possible for your module to lose the race of being first to set it
<c74d> ah
<gchristensen> which would generate an error as desired, but might be a confusing error
<Mic92> gchristensen: oh, you also tried to build one?
<gchristensen> yeah
<Mic92> gchristensen: my one finished installing, but failed to find importing at boot
<gchristensen> following known-good steps, but no go... exactly!
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<gchristensen> very similar to mine
<Mic92> gchristensen: do you know, how I can get a debug shell in the vm test?
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<gchristensen> like an interactive console? I don't know how
<gchristensen> I know how to poke an ssh hole in, but that doesn't help
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<Mic92> maybe adding an ssh server and network.
<Mic92> or serial console
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<Mic92> primeos: do you develop android with the platform sdks from androidenv.platforms?
<Mic92> *android apps
<nh2> what is a good approach to reducing closure size? My nixops closure is currently 7 GB, so uploading it to 5 machines takes almost 5 minutes. I guess the first approach would be to see which derivations need how much space? How would I go about that?
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<Mic92> primeos: If yes, I would be interested, what how my environment has to look like that android-studio picks the sdk up.
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to get nix-instantiate --eval to print a string out directly rather than with quotation marks and escapes?
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<nh2> sphalerite: I don't know the answer but I have a workaround: `echo '"asdf"' | jq . --raw-output`
<tilpner> The chapter on containers [ ] says "This means that a user with root access to the container can do things that affect the host". Is this "root access to the container" (so regular root on the host), or "root access in the container"? Would it be a problem for someone inside the container to gain root privileges?
<tilpner> With Docker, there's the same warning, to not give untrusted people access to the Docker socket on the host, but it's not a problem to give away root access inside containers
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<sphalerite> nh2: haha nice
<Mic92> tilpner: I think a root user can remount nix store as read/write, but I am not 100% sure.
<sphalerite> tilpner: it might be safe but nixos makes no such guarantee so I wouldn't rely on it
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<sphalerite> and yes it does mean root access *in* the container
<Mic92> I currently play with an implementation using username spaces, but I have still to fight with some bugs
<Mic92> then root in the container is no root on the host.
<tilpner> So Dockers root inside containers is not the host's root, but NixOS containers' root is the host's root? (Does it use nspawn?)
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<sphalerite> tilpner: iirc, Docker's root inside the container is in fact root on the host but has a restricted set of caps so it can't (barring bugs) escape
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<nh2> tilpner: it does use nspawn. I think what Mic92 meant is that the filesystem namespaces are (by design of nixos containers) not fully separated, to allow the container to see the hosts /nix/store, and thus, the container can currently remount it with write permissions
<Mic92> nh2: no I mean usernamespaces
<Mic92> there are no filesystem namespaces, but mount namespaces
<sphalerite> I think nh2 was referring to 21:10 < Mic92> tilpner: I think a root user can remount nix store as read/write, but I am not 100% sure.
<nh2> yes I was referring to that
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<sphalerite> tilpner: but yeah, root inside a docker container *is* in fact root outside the docker container too. It's the capability dropping and seccomp filtering that makes it safe (modulo bugs and insecure config)
<Mic92> this could be also avoided with user namespaces
<tilpner> sphalerite - "As of Docker 1.10 User Namespaces are supported directly by the docker daemon. This feature allows for the root user in a container to be mapped to a non uid-0 user outside the container, which can help to mitigate the risks of container breakout"
<sphalerite> FWIW I don't really trust docker,
<sphalerite> tilpner: allows for it, but it isn't done by default.
<tilpner> Oh, do you know why it's not enabled? (And how I can check?)
<sphalerite> tilpner: at least not on the debian server I use docker on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Mic92> tilpner: enabling it by default would break peoples configuration
<simpson> sphalerite: Ha, fixed by updating a vendored dependency. Go is hilarious~
<sphalerite> tilpner: docker run -ti --rm debian sleep 1h and in another terminal ps -f $(pgrep sleep)
<tilpner> Huh, "root 24805 24786 0 21:20 pts/2 Ss+ 0:00 sleep 1h", seems to be off
<sphalerite> simpson: libnetwork is a docker-specific library. but yeah
<tilpner> Where do I find more information on this, and how do I enable it?
<tilpner> Mic92 - What would it break specifically?
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<Mic92> tilpner: you have not the same amount of privileges.
<sphalerite> tilpner: --userns option for docker run and friend
<sphalerite> s
<Mic92> tilpner: even if you would enable user namespaces, it would still be displayed as root
<Mic92> but you seed different uids in the host
<sphalerite> Mic92: it would not be displayed as root in the example I wrote because there the ps is running in the host not the container
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<Mic92> ok did not read properly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c43a2d3 Peter Simons: git-annex: the overrideScope must be applied first to avoid bug
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<sphalerite> Mic92: which privileges are lost by UID remapping that docker doesn't already take away by defualt?
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<sphalerite> nh2: the jq workaround isn't pretty but it works well, thanks :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 4z3 opened pull request #26854: security-wrapper: run activation script after specialfs (master...wrappers-after-specialfs)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26855: aerospike: init at (master...aerospike-init-
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<Infinisil> What is the difference between shellInit, interactiveShellInit and loginShellInit?
<Infinisil> Where would I put what?
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<ToxicFrog> Huh
<ToxicFrog> [root@thoth:~]# nix-collect-garbage --print-roots
<ToxicFrog> error: unrecognised option ‘--print-roots’
<ToxicFrog> from `man nix-collect-garbage`:
<ToxicFrog> SYNOPSIS: nix-collect-garbage [--delete-old] [-d] [--delete-older-than period] [--print-roots | --print-live | --print-dead | --delete] [--max-freed bytes] [--dry-run]
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26856: gitlab-runner: 9.2.0 -> 9.3.0 (master...gitlab-runner-9.3.0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jerith666 opened pull request #26857: krfb: add new qtx11extras dependency (master...krfb-qtx11extras)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley opened pull request #26858: python-gflags: 2.0 -> 3.1.1 (master...python-gflags-3.1.1)
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<Baughn> Shouldn't hardware.cpu.*.updateMicrocode default to true?
<Baughn> I'd assumed it did. Only randomly happened to check.
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<sphalerite> Baughn: microcode is unfree, hence it's disabled by default iiuc. Not sure thuogh.
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<sphalerite> oh, its licence is "unfreeRedistributableFirmware" so not excluded by default
<sphalerite> So I suppose it's just a matter of nobody having implemented autodetection so that nixos-generate-config puts the right one in hardware-configuration.nix. I don't really know though.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd63daa aszlig: chromium: Add installation of
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<Infinisil> So what does this option do? Baughn sphalerite ?
<Infinisil> It seems like something I want to enable
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<Baughn> It installs manufacturer-supplied firmware update at boot time, typically to fix CPU bugs.
<Infinisil> Sounds good, I enabled it for now and am hoping I can still boot :)
<Baughn> See the current brouhaha about Skylake bugs.
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<Infinisil> Ahh yeah I saw that
<gchristensen> Mic92: figured something out!
<Infinisil> Running an older processor though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<Infinisil> I'm so glad I'm running zfs snapshots every 5 minutes, because I just messed up all the spaces/tabs in configuration.nix
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<gchristensen> Mic92: /dev/disk/by-id doesn't have anything in it when the new system boots...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] emmanuelrosa opened pull request #26859: thunderbird: 52.2.0 -> 52.2.1 (master...thunderbird-52.2.1)
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<Infinisil> gchristensen: by-uuid does though
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<gchristensen> in the nixos qemu test env?
<Infinisil> Oh, that I don't know
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<Infinisil> Didn't know the context
<gchristensen> no worries :)
<gchristensen> things are a bit funny in this env, breaking a test we've been trying to make
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<Infinisil> I feel like nixpkgs should split out all other package sets such as nodePackages, haskellPackages into separate repos. nixpkgs is a bit convoluted with these
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<gchristensen> that has been mentioned
<gchristensen> it means hydra wouldn't be able to build them
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<LnL> gchristensen: that's probably because the disk doesn't have a serial
<tilpner> Mic92 - It seems I want --userns-remap=default as part of virtualisation.docker.extraOptions, but I'm not quite sure how it works. Have you used this on NixOS by any chance?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<LnL> that's one of the things that's used for the id IIRC
<gchristensen> could be
<gchristensen> I don't know
<LnL> I've seen that before with libvirt/vmware
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<Infinisil> gchristensen: Why wouldn't hyrda be able to build separate repos? Is there some fundamental hydra principle that prevents that?
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<tilpner> Mic92 - It works now! :) "100000 32604 32584 0 00:02 pts/2 Ss+ 0:00 sleep 1h", instead of uid root
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<LnL> gchristensen: yep, it's empty
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<clever> Infinisil: the issue, is that both the end-user, and hydra, have to use the revision pairs of nixpkgs, and nodepackages
<clever> Infinisil: if the end-user has a pair that hydra didnt build, it wont be in the cache
<Infinisil> clever: I see, hmm
<Infinisil> So if I were to write my own language with a package manager and I decide to use nix for that, it would be best to also put it in nixpkgs?
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<clever> Infinisil: partly depends on how many users you plan to give it to, and if you want/need binary cache support
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<Infinisil> clever: If I don't need that I think my options are: an overlay, a fork of nixpkgs, anything else?
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<Infinisil> Or a fresh repo that just collects all packages
<Infinisil> Which is really just a less-powerful overlay I think. An overlay would probably be the best option
<clever> an overlay would be simplest
<Infinisil> And a self hosted hydra and cache server could still be run I'd guess
<clever> but it would only provide binaries to a user running the same overlay rev + nixpkgs rev that hydra ran
<Infinisil> Oh right, well maybe that doesn't work then
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5727863 Pascal Bach: gitlab-runner: 9.2.0 -> 9.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a425264 Franz Pletz: Revert "cc-wrapper: fix darwin"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d42f502 Franz Pletz: Revert "cc-wrapper: add stackcheck hardening (stack clash)"...
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<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: unfortunately, I was unable to fix the llvm_4 failure with the stackprotect hardening, I've reverted that change for now in staging so we can get it finally merged into master… could you please trigger another evaluation?
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<fpletz[m]> looking at the glibc failure on i686 now… this looks even weirder :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cleverca22 opened pull request #26863: toxvpn: 20161230 -> 2017-06-25 (master...update-toxvpn)
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<Infinisil> How could I have nix build a derivation that has $out/<reponame>/<repocontent> for some repos? I tried with buildEnv, but that interleaves all repocontents
<clever> Infinisil: plan a: make each individual repo output its files to $out/<reponame>/
<Infinisil> I guess I could just have a custom script that does this, but I thought maybe there was some builtin function for that
<clever> so when buildenv interleaves them, it already has the right dir structure
<Infinisil> clever: Is it possible to override $out?
<clever> what is currently making it?
<Infinisil> Oh maybe just the "out" attribute
<clever> overrideDerivation wont do out right
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<Sovereign_Bleak> Trying to compile a LaTeX doc but I'm getting an eulenc.def not found from fontspec.
<Sovereign_Bleak> The only info I could find was a solution to fedora users to run dnf.
<Sovereign_Bleak> Prefixed to the def file.
<Infinisil> Sovereign_Bleak: I can't help you much, the only thing I know is that I needed texlive.combined.scheme-full for everything I need to be there
<Sovereign_Bleak> Infinisil: Isn't that like 3 gigs of stuff?
<Sovereign_Bleak> Dear God.
<clever> Infinisil: yeah, thats one way to do it, but you can probably also use the postUnpack of the fetch
<Infinisil> Sovereign_Bleak: Yeah it's pretty big
<Sovereign_Bleak> I have zero experience with LaTeX but am I wrong in saying it appears to be massively bloated and hopelessly arcane? I'm just trying to export my .fountain screenplay and somehow I'm dragging in the whole of LaTeX.
<Sovereign_Bleak> I'll check out clever's possible solution.
<clever> Infinisil: if you leave fetchSubmodules at the default of false, it will internally call fetchzip
<clever> Infinisil: and i believe fetchzip just calls fetchurl, then unpacks
<clever> so you should be able to add a postFetch to the fetchFromGitHub
<Mateon1> I'm packaging a tiny executable, the default builder doesn't work well, so I wrote a ./, but inside that script, nothing seems to be available. I can't use tar, so I can't unpack the source
<clever> Mateon1: setting builder is almost never what you want
<Mateon1> I can't find any information on this, anywhere
<clever> Mateon1: at what point does the default builder fail?
<Mateon1> clever: It's a cmake project which doesn't want to build any other way
<clever> Mateon1: adding cmake to the buildInputs will automaticaly make nixpkgs run cmake with the right flags
<Mateon1> With everything default, "CMake error: The source directory /tmp/nix-build-arss-0.2.3.drv-0/arss-0.2.3-src does not appear to contain CMakeList"
<Mateon1> That's because it's inside $src/src
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<clever> Mateon1: ah, then just add postUnpack = "cd src";
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<clever> or maybe preConfigure = "cd src";
<clever> cant remember which one it was
<clever> that will modify the default builder to work around the problem, and reuse everything else
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<Mateon1> preConfigure is a thing? I thought I had to use preConfigurePhases, which didn't work well for me
<clever> its just preConfigure
<Mateon1> Ah, right, now the second error
<Mateon1> I managed to get to this point before with hackish copying
<Mateon1> "CMake Error at ...: file INSTALL cannot find /tmp/nix-build-arss-0.2.3.drv-0/arss-0.2.3-src/src/arss"
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<clever> can you gist the nix file you have so far?
<Mateon1> It seems it expects the binary to be dumped into that location
<clever> you might need dontUseCmakeBuildDir = true;
<Mateon1> Oops, hold on
<Mateon1> I'm having some issues
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<Mateon1> Okay, fixed
<Mateon1> That link should resolve now
<clever> yep
<clever> dontUseCmakeBuildDir = true;
<clever> yep, this is all it needed to finish build