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<equalunique> is kent on?
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<gchristensen> equalunique: who is kent?
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<myklam[m]> Hi I'm very new to NixOS, and I've just installed it on my machine. I'm having some troubles getting the wi-fi connected, and I'm hoping somebody can help me. When I try to connect to my network using wpa_supplicant, but I get the error that says: "wlp3s0: Failed to initialize driver interface"
<myklam[m]> The driver I need is for the Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter. I think it's ath9k! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
<equalunique> gchristensen: Kent Overstreet is the lead developer for
<gchristensen> equalunique: huh, why would kent be here?
<equalunique> gchristensen: Interested in adapting the build tools in his project for NixOS
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<catern> equalunique: are you saying that you are interested in doing that? but that doesn't mean he would be here...
<equalunique> gchristensen: He and I are messaging over Patreon and I suggested we talk about it here. He had questions about using nix to build that I couldn't answer on my own.
<gchristensen> oh neat
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<boomshroom> The last time I heard bcachefs here, it sounded mostly like propaganda, but when I looked into it more, it did seem legitimately interesting.
<equalunique> gchristensen: Totally. His usual development machines are disconnected and in storage because he's currently moving. I offered up my machine. I would have given it to him with debian on it, but the nixos install was already there, and I didn't have time to mess with the EFI variables to prep it for a debian install... so here we are. One powerful NixOS box with two people SSH'd into it. Hoping to get bcachefs to build.
<gchristensen> :D awesome
<equalunique> He ran into an issue: The bcachefs test runner uses debuild to build a dpkg package for bcachefs-tools - not sure how to adapt this to NixOS
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<equalunique> Also I haven't heard back from him since he said he was working on a nix derivation for ktest
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<equalunique> Anyone got experience using kbuild / ktest on NixOS?
<taktoa> is doHaddock = true no longer the default on 17.03?
<taktoa> for haskell packages
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<catern> oh neat, NixOS should be the kernel hacker's distro of choice :)
<boomshroom> catern: Because of the ability to reboot an earlier version if you bork your kernel? :P
<taktoa> catern: yeah, especially if I can incrementalize the linux kernel derivation with some secret sauce I have coming out soon
<boomshroom> Speaking of kernel hacking, Nix can run on other kernels like BSD, but does NixOS support BSD kernels? If so it should be possible to have 2 kernels running the same OS.
<catern> boomshroom: other distros have that too
<taktoa> the extent to which NixOS could support BSD kernels is hampered by heavy integration between the NixOS module system and systemd
<catern> taktoa: woah, incremental derivations? tell me more
<taktoa> I'm pretty close to done writing a haskell library that implements the syntax (parser) and semantics of the Ninja build language
<taktoa> I've also written a prototype program that converts a ninja build graph to derivations
<catern> ooh! that's exciting!
<boomshroom> catern: Other distros might support multiple kernels, but do they support multiple kernels on the same installation?
<catern> I plan to do something similar for Bazel
<taktoa> and since there's a ninja-based builder for the kernel, we could do that
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<taktoa> catern: this is actually my project for my internship at Awake Networks; part 2 will be writing cabal2ninja so we can have incremental Haskell builds
<catern> :D
<taktoa> catern: Bazel supports generating Ninja IIRC
<catern> very nice dude
<boomshroom> What kind of granularity are we looking at? Every rule is a separate derivation?
<taktoa> well, every build edge is a derivation
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<boomshroom> Ok, I'm not well versed in build tools.
<taktoa> boomshroom: then yes, what you said is approximately correct
<catern> taktoa: so ideally you'll be done at the end of the summer? :)
<taktoa> yes, that is the plan
<catern> taktoa: are you converting to derivations on disk, or in memory? you have to intermediate by sticking files on disk, right?
<taktoa> yeah, right now it's pretty terrible about that
<taktoa> catern: here's an example of what I'm doing
<catern> taktoa: "right now" as in there's some prospect of improvement?
<taktoa> catern: yes, there is a lot of room for improvement
<taktoa> though it still builds pretty quick
<catern> also, doesn't Nix have the problem of needing to copy things into the store? do you have anything planned for that?
<catern> as in, you build it in one place then have to copy it somewhere else
<catern> oh, I guess you can just build it right into the store
<catern> hmm
<taktoa> yeah right now it does need to always copy
<catern> but can't you just have the builder output it right into the store?
<catern> also it's kind of funny to convert Ninja to Bazel, when Ninja is supposed to be a low-level builder :)
<catern> er
<catern> Ninja to Nix*
<taktoa> yeah the original idea was GHC -> Makefile -> Nix
<taktoa> since ghc -M is pretty much the only way to get the module graph
<catern> it would be really cool if Nix could be as fast as Ninja
<taktoa> cabal knows nothing about modules
<catern> i.e. we could have things generate Nix derivations instead of Ninja files
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<catern> it's very interesting to me since I will need to generate Nix from Bazel eventually
<taktoa> yeah
<catern> I haven't actually read the chapter of Eelco's thesis on using Nix for low-level builds
<catern> do you think we would write Nix directly? or generate Nix? it seems like Nix maybe doesn't have enough abstraction to make writing build stuff concise?
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<catern> (certainly it's better than Make, but is it as good as modern build systems?)
<boomshroom> Something that I've thought about is building an executable file entirely within Nix without dropping to bash or a compiler and just using functions like builtins.toFile.
<taktoa> catern: sorry was brb
<catern> that is fine, I only just asked :)
<equalunique> hey catern/taktoa/boomshroom - do either of you have any experience doing kernel module development on NixOS? I'm looking for some guidance
<taktoa> catern: the best way I've come up with is that you generate (e.g.: JSON) data that a nix expression reads
<taktoa> and converts to derivations
<boomshroom> equalunique: Nope. My kernel experience is from attempts to roll my own.
<catern> equalunique: sorry, I don't, I'm pretty new to Nix
<boomshroom> And I've only been using NixOS for a few weeks.
<taktoa> equalunique: I don't have any experience beyond trying and failing to set up grsecurity a few years ago
<catern> equalunique: you might be able to get some part of the way with buildfhsuserenv stuff?
<equalunique> Thanks catern!
<catern> equalunique: well, also
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<catern> equalunique: you should be able to just drop into a nix-shell for the kernel package, and hack away
<taktoa> yeah that is true
<taktoa> drop into a nix-shell and run genericBuild
<taktoa> then once it fails to install you edit files and rerun make
<catern> actually, can't you just do this completely statefully? get the sources for the current kernel, build it, insmod the module
<catern> that's how I've done kernel development, I don't see why that wouldn't work with Nix
<catern> oh, but you want ktest
<equalunique> ktest, yes
<equalunique> know anything about that?
<catern> tricky, I've never used it
<catern> so I guess the issue is that you want to automatically build a kernel, install it, run tests, and repeat?
<catern> which necessitates some kind of derivation which builds your modified kernel
<catern> no idea :)
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<equalunique> I'll keep looking further into it. Appreciate the input. I'm attempting to help someone else with it. Maybe if they were here in the chat room, they could speak about it with more specificity.
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<boomshroom> It looks like could be equivalent to and systemd.timers could be equivalent to cron.timers which would generate a crontab. At least this is what I gather from scanning the manual and Wikipedia.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #26736: Improve nixos test debug (master...improve-nixos-test-debug)
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<catern> no opinions about ?
<equalunique> catern: I took a quick cursory view and noticed your mention of Unikernels. I have something relevant...
<catern> okay that's it
<catern> i'm deleting the unikernels section
<catern> that's literally the only thing anyone has reacted to
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<equalunique> lol
<equalunique> Check this out:
<catern> Unikernels Are Not That Important
<equalunique> okay well they are cool and buzzwordy
<catern> the primary content of the post is the container bashing
<catern> so the unikernels just distracts
<boomshroom> I thought kernels were supposed to run userspace applications. Mine can at least. (not much more though.)
<catern> so it's deleted now
<catern> unikernels are categorically different anyway
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<catern> the rest of the techniques are on top of Linux, unikernels are like VMs on top of a hypervisor
<catern> are like VMs, they are on top*
<boomshroom> can a nix expression read the contents of a file.
<boomshroom> ?
<equalunique> Some of the language based build tools are cross platform. Maven for example works on many operating systems. For Nix and especially Guix, it's a more limited situation. Is that worth pointing out? Also, do you want to mention Ubuntu Snap or Fedora DNF?
<equalunique> catern: ^
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<equalunique> catern: flatpak and OSTree too
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<boomshroom> Hmm... NixOS doesn't seem as stable as advertised.
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<equalunique> booshroom: what happened?
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<boomshroom> equalunique: My computer seemed to softlock. I could still move the mouse and windows were still updating, but the keyboard stopped working and internet stopped.
<equalunique> booshroom: see what the errors might be using journalctl -xe
<equalunique> I have a radeon driver bug on one of my NixOS systems where sometimes I must kill the xserver process.
<equalunique> Haven't put in the time to capture the details of the problem. There's a similar issue for NixOS systems using gdm/gnome3 and Nvidia driver.
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<catern> equalunique: I mentioned all those things (snap, dnf, flatpak, ostree)
<catern> whoops not dnf
<catern> okay not ostree either
<catern> but both of these neatly fit in existing categories
<boomshroom> equalunique: It appears journelctl doesn't extend past the last reboot.
<boomshroom> When I mentioned my keyboard not working, it wouldn't even take a ctrl-alt-f2.
<boomshroom> And now rust nightly doesn't seem to want to compile.
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<myklam[m]> Anybody here use vscode?
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<catern> why aren't the more recent releases showing up here?
<boomshroom> Is there a way to convert a string to a list in a nixscript? I seem to be able to do string indexing using substring, but I'm just wondering if there's a more efficient way.
<boomshroom> Also, how can I get overridable arguments in an overlay?
<boomshroom> I'm pretty sure I have all the tools to make a brainf*ck interpreter in Nix.
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<boomshroom> How does builtins.match work? What I want to do is make an if-else chain if match is like in Rust, then it should do what I want.
<boomshroom> playing with it in the repl seems to indicate its string comparision that returns null if not equal and [ ] if equal
<boomshroom> Ok, it's regex matching.
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<inflames> anyone succeeded in installing teamviwer 12?
<inflames> viewer*
<boomshroom> Is it possible to convert between a character and a number in Nix?
<boomshroom> How can I write a foreign function that I can call from Nix?
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<nixy> boomshroom: Are you trying to write a program in Nix? What are you trying to do here?
<boomshroom> nixy: Why yes I am. :D A brainfuck interpreter to be specific. I'm pretty sure I can even handle the branching and it's all tail recursive. The input and output are my only concern.
<nixy> boomshroom: I am pretty sure Nix is a bad choice for that. It is a DSL and isn't designed for general purpose usage.
<nixy> I once entertained that idea as well, but couldn't figure out a way to run nix programs in a way that accepted input
<simpson> Just put your input in a JSON file and import that.
<boomshroom> nixy: That's exactly why I'm using it. It's too boring to make a bf interpreter in a normal language. Currently, I/O is provided through 2 strings propagated through the program, but the tape is a list of integers because it needs arithmetic. I could make the I/O a list of numbers as well, but that would be less user friendly.
<nixy> I should correct myself, I couldn't find a way to run Nix programs in a way that accepted input from the shell
<boomshroom> simpson: When I say convert characters and numbers I mean "1" <-> 49, not "1" <-> 1.
<boomshroom> "Hello" = [ 72 101 108 108 111 ]
<simpson> boomshroom: Ah, ASCII. Sounds like a PITA TBH; just use numbers. It's not like Brainfuck has characters.
<boomshroom> nixy: That's why I pass it in as an argument.
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<boomshroom> simpson: That is an option, but not one I'd like.
<dash> boomshroom: if you're going to do things that are terrible, that's kind of an arbitrary line to not want to cross
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<boomshroom> dash: :P
<dash> what you're doing isn't "user friendly" in any way
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<dash> this is a good exercise though
<dash> if you're going to use computers very much it's good to develop a capacity for dealing with things that are gratuitously bad
<boomshroom> One other advantage to using lists is I can use head and tail.
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<boomshroom> "error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position"
<boomshroom> Curses; foiled by the recursion checker!
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<eacameron> Anyone use nixos as a server for thin clients?
<clever> eacameron: i was network booting my laptop and 2 raspberry pi's over iscsi, and i had nixos as the iscsi target at one point
<eacameron> clever: How'd that go? I'm thinking of setting up a computer lab for a charity org
<clever> ah, i had a dedicated zvol for each client, so they could persist changes
<clever> would you want the clients to have a full r/w disk, or read-only?
<eacameron> They'd need a home folder
<clever> that could just be nfs, and mount the same /home to everything, and let the username do the rest
<clever> 2017-06-20 08:19:57< clever> [root@router:/tftproot/try2]# nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/rpi3-netboot -f not-os/release.nix -A rpi_image -I nixpkgs=./nixpkgs/ --set
<clever> oh, wrong cmd
<eacameron> LOL
<clever> ah, i didnt paste one for the other netboot
<clever> eacameron: the netboot target in here, makes a directory with 3 files, netboot.ipxe, initrd, and bzImage
<clever> and the entire rootfs is contained within the initrd
<clever> eacameron: so you could copy this expression, insert a custom module on line 109, and then enable a full gui
<clever> then using a modified form of the above nix-env, you can build that, and keep generations so you can undo
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<eacameron> That'd be sick.
<eacameron> I have a lot of learning to do though. I barely understand this stuff.
<clever> eacameron: main cost with this method, is that your entire rootfs is held in ram, and has to download at bootup
<clever> i also have a gist with more info
<eacameron> Meh...RAM is cheap these days
<clever> step 1, enable network booting in the clients, they will ask the dhcp server for the config
<clever> oh, wrong gist, lol
<clever> i have too many gists, lol
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<clever> no, not that one either, what was it called, lol
<eacameron> Hahaha
<clever> there it is!
<clever> step 2, line 12 of this dhcpd.conf will detect people network booting
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<clever> and then lines 8 and 12 together, say to download and execute undionly.kpxe over tftp, from a server at .2.61
<clever> that file comes from the ipxe package (its already in nixpkgs)
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<clever> that will get ipxe running on the client, which will re-query dhcp, and this time, set the user-class to ipxe
<clever> step 3, the dhcp server now gives a different answer, on line 10
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<clever> this contains variable substitutions that ipxe will perform, then it fetches the given url over http
<eacameron> sheesh
<clever> step 4, boot.php (you can just rewrite it into any server-side scripting, or use a static file)
<clever> this will decide what os the pc should boot, based on the mac address and your favorite db
<clever> (i just hard-coded it all)
<clever> in the case of line 20, it points the client to the file made by
<clever> which itself, could be inside a profile managed by nix-env
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<eacameron> That's pretty sweet.
<clever> and that script is handled here
<clever> which just loads the kernel+initrd from the current dir
<clever> line 82 of the previous file also handles embeding a squashfs with the nixstore into the initrd
<clever> you can even download pre-built netboot images from a hydra
<clever> at this point, the only thing to consider is the network bandwidth when downloading 278mb initd's over http
<eacameron> Yah but the clients will not reboot often
<clever> depending on how many clients boot at once, you may want to put in a load balancer, either inteligent http redirects, or just some dns round-robin
<clever> and if your internet is fast, you could load some of those files over the web, just beware of mitm
<clever> and also, if you configure iscsi, you could specialy boot some systems from a different image entirely:
<eacameron> My laptop is about to snuff out but you've got me interested in how this could work
<clever> this line will boot a normal nixos install from a zvol, on my laptop
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<clever> as in, the zvol has a full grub in the MBR, and boots as if it was a hdd
<clever> but its 100% over the network
<eacameron> wow!
<clever> i didnt even enable network support in grub
<clever> ipxe has a mode, where it hijacks the legacy bios api for the hdd
<eacameron> haha...hence legacy
<clever> so any "dumb" os (grub, dos, and so on) will just work over iscsi
<clever> thats enough to get the kernel+initrd loaded
<clever> this file puts iscsi rootfs support into the initrd
<clever> ipxe is also capable of chainloading the internal hdd's of a machine, i believe
<clever> so you could set the systems to always network boot, then boot.php could tell it to boot the local hdd anyways
<clever> then you can just change an entry in the db, to mess with the boot order, remotely
<eacameron> Haha...would love that
<clever> and using a modified netboot image, you can boot it into a nixos installer with ssh pre-configured
<clever> remotely reinstall
<clever> then change the boot order back
<clever> eacameron: have you seen how kexec works?
<eacameron> clever: You've shown me bits and pieces.
<clever> ah, then you may have seen this before:
<eacameron> Yep that's it
<clever> i just took the kernel+initrd from the ipxe netboot, and ran it with kexec instead
<eacameron> Aha
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<eacameron> sry battery about to die. but I'll be back later for the rest of the story :P
<clever> kk
<eacameron> You should write a book
<eacameron> lol
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<clever> i need to start a blog
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<clever> wb?
<vaibhavsagar> clever: I would read your blog
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<ison111> I just can't seem to figure out how to use makeWrapper. The only explanation I can find is of the function itself, not where it goes. Is there any decent documentaion? All I'm trying to do is add some python modules to httpd (and possibly also change mod_wsgi from python2 to python3)
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<LnL> not sure if it's documented in the manual, but it probably should be
<nixy> Do you put commands for GRUB options in configuration.nix or hardware-configuration.nix? Just wondering what other people prefer
<nixy> derp, not commands but defining GRUB options
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<boomshroom> nixy: my impression is that hardware-configuration.nix gets auto generated and overwriten, so I would say configuration.nix or a third file imported from configuration.nix.
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<nixy> I am pretty sure hardware-configuration.nix is only auto generated the first time, when installing the system.
<nixy> I could be very wrong about that though, as I haven't looked at any code
<boomshroom> Oh, well, I still personally try to avoid modifying it.
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<nixy> I guess my question is more along the lines of do you consider GRUB configuration as part of the `soft` configuration of your system or the `hard` configuration of the underlying hardware
<nixy> Just being all philisophical without much reason here
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<boomshroom> I don't use grub and all the configuration for my boot _manager_ is 2 lines that were auto generated in configuration.nix
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<nixy> What boot manager do you use? This was sparked by cloud-provider specific grub settings I have to use for certain providers
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b8297ff Peter Hoeg: bundler: 1.15.0 -> 1.15.1
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<boomshroom> systemd-boot. I still remember the good ol' days when it was called gummiboot. My only problem with it is the lack of folders or hidden options.
<nixy> Last time I used that it was still gummiboot :y
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<guillaum1> Ho can I try gcc7 inside a nix-shell on nixos? I'm using the channel 17.03, but from what I understood, I may be able to get stuff from nixpkgs at the same time?
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<clever> nixy: you also have the option to run nixos-generate-config again after installing, to update that config
<clever> nixy: personally, i just delete that file and add its entries to configuration.nix on most systems, i know what i'm doing and dont need it to auto-generate everything for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3f054d Jörg Thalheim: dino: 2017-06-13 -> 2017-06-21
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<tommyangelo[m]> Is there a method for using a local git repo as pkgs source? I followed this one: but it does not seem to be working, as I noticed some packages are not being updated.
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<nixy> clever: Interesting. I didn't know you could manually regenerate it, but I suppose you would want to be able to do that for hardware changes.
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<clever> nixy: yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d3ceacc Jörg Thalheim: nerdtree-git-plugin: init at 2017-03-12
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<symphorien> tommyangelo[m]: nixos-rebuild -I nixos=/path/to/repo build should do the trick if I remember correctly
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<clever> symphorien: tommyangelo[m]: i believe it needs to be -I nixpkgs=/path/to/repo
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<jophish> Hmm, there are some paths missing in /nix/store/trash
<jophish> and collect-garbage doesn't work
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<justanotheruser> How can I install panda3D for python3? It isn't on pypi so I can't mkPython. It's download is here it's deps are listed elsewhere on their website if needed
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<jophish> heh, I rebuilt and deleted the path and it's al lfine
<goibhniu> justanotheruser: you have a few options, you could package it, try to create a nix-shell environment that lets you run it or create an FHS environment to run it ... packaging it would be great
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<justanotheruser> I'm not sure how to packages it :/
<justanotheruser> package*
<goibhniu> it seems to have its own build script
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<goibhniu> could be tricky
<justanotheruser> hmm, I'll try to create in in a nix-shell env first
<goibhniu> yeah, cool
<tommyangelo[m]> symphorien, clever: thanks! Will that make the change persistent though?
<pietranera> Does anyone using pypi2nix here knows whether one can specify pipy download URL for private pipy repositories?
<clever> tommyangelo[m]: nope
<justanotheruser> sorry, whats fhs
<justanotheruser> no explanation on the page it seems
<clever> tommyangelo[m]: you would need to use nix.nixPath in the configuration.nix to control what lands in $NIX_PATH after its built
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<tommyangelo[m]> clever: I have this: nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=/etc/nixos/nixpkgs" "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" ];
<tommyangelo[m]> so I just need the rebuild I guess
<clever> tommyangelo[m]: yeah, if you build once with -I nixpkgs=/etc/nixos/nixpkgs, then it will use the value in the config, which is the same
<kriztw> justanotheruser: it stands for
<kriztw> it basically builds a chroot with /usr, /bin and all the normal stuff
<kriztw> for when it is too tricky to build things properly with nix
<justanotheruser> ah super cool, thanks
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<LnL> pietranera: don't think so
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<pietranera> LnL :(
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<pietranera> I was afraid that that was the answer
<pietranera> thanks LnL
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<gchristensen> you can provide overridepackage overrides, will that help?
<pietranera> yes, I am trying. I am quite new to nix though. It has its onw learning curve ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] roberth opened pull request #26741: Arelle: init at 2017-06-01 (master...arelle)
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<gchristensen> you bet it does!
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<justanotheruser> To build an installer, either rpmbuild or dpkg-deb must be present on your system!
<goibhniu> justanotheruser: I guess the whl option would be the one
<justanotheruser> omg dpkg exists for nixos? wtf?
<justanotheruser> goibhniu: should I just install dpkg instead?
<goibhniu> or maybe there's an option to not create such a package
<goibhniu> nah, you can't really use dpkg to install stuff on NixOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vanschelven opened pull request #26742: xfce.terminal: 0.6.3 -> (master...master)
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<justanotheruser> yes, I can create a whl
<justanotheruser> though I can't build stuff with pip in nixos right? I would need to define a package which uses the whl file?
<justanotheruser> I have written packages that use pypi, so I assume I can do similarly and just reference the local file
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<gchristensen> justanotheruser: you can install dpkg but dpkg can't do what dpkg usually does
<justanotheruser> oh
<justanotheruser> hmm... curl: (37) Couldn't open file /home/justanotheruser/panda3d/panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
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<clever> justanotheruser: what command did you run to trigger that error?
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<justanotheruser> clever: I tried to activate a nix-shell env which contains panda3d which is defined as so should I use mkPython to make a python package which has
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<clever> justanotheruser: can you gist the .nix file nix-shell was loading?
<justanotheruser> is defined as
<clever> ah
<justanotheruser> clever: I think what I pasted is the meat of the issue
<clever> srcURL = "file:///home/justanotheruser/panda3d/panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl";
<clever> yeah, the build runs inside a chroot like sandbox
<justanotheruser> yes, this file exists
<clever> so it cant access /home
<justanotheruser> oh
<clever> you might be able to do src = ./panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl;
<justanotheruser> clever: I created a .whl file for panda3d which is a python module.
<clever> thats how most nix stuff handles this situation
<justanotheruser> what is .? the env folder?
<clever> in nix, you can have bare paths, which must start with either ./ or /
<clever> and if you use ./ it will be relative to the file that path is inside
<justanotheruser> oh
<justanotheruser> lets see
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<clever> and then srcSHA wont be needed either
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<justanotheruser> Warning: Transient problem: timeout Will retry in 1 seconds. 3 retries left.
<justanotheruser> that line follows trying ./panda3d/panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
<justanotheruser> the expression I pasted is in ~/trying ./panda3d/panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
<justanotheruser> woops
<justanotheruser> it's in a default.nix that has in the same directory panda3d
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<clever> the path also needs to not be quoted
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<justanotheruser> what do you mean?
<justanotheruser> if it's not in quotes, it fails to evaluate the expression
<clever> what error does it fail with if you dont quote it?
<clever> given what you have said, it should work with just src = ./panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl;
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<justanotheruser> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘env’ of the derivation ‘pyenv’ at /home/justanotheruser/pyenv/default.nix:3:3:
<justanotheruser> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘env’ of the derivation ‘pyenv’ at /home/justanotheruser/pyenv/default.nix:3:3:
<justanotheruser> ah, I was using srcURL
<justanotheruser> src doesn't fail to evaluate
<justanotheruser> ok, so now it's complaining it doesn't know how to unpack the archive do not know how to unpack source archive /nix/store/01cc5p7wpg7ddb0g1g9pj65vpr7cp00p-panda3d-1.10.0-cp35-cp35m-linux_x86_64.whl
<justanotheruser> maybe theres something I need to flag in mkPython, sec
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<clever> what does a whl file normally contain?
<clever> you may just need src = ./.;
<gchristensen> iirc buildPythonPackage can be told to accept a wheel
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<justanotheruser> clever: "Wheels are the new standard of python distribution"
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<justanotheruser> yes, you need format = "wheel";
<justanotheruser> yay!
<justanotheruser> package is at least superficially installed, will need to see whether it works properly. Thanks you guys
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5521b54 Franz Pletz: openvpn: 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d97649c Franz Pletz: openvpn: 2.4.2 -> 2.4.3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f237eeb Domen Kožar: moreutils: address comment on 14a320ace869a5f1eba3b2e26441e8b62802267e
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<justanotheruser> sorry for asking so many questions today. I am running into another issue at run time in python: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<justanotheruser> Do I need something in propagatedNativeBuildInputs?
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<FRidh> justanotheruser: the problem with installing binary wheels is that it can contain binaries that are linked against other libraries, like you have now.
<FRidh> You might have to use patchelf on the provided libraries to make them find their extensions.
<justanotheruser> oh
<justanotheruser> any idea where libstdc++ lives?
<symphorien> in gcc
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<justanotheruser> how do I find its path?
<FRidh> justanotheruser: I suggest you try and build from source. Fetch the latest release from their GitHub page, use `buildPythonPackage`, pass `format="other";` and use a custom buildPhase and installPhase
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<justanotheruser> FRidh: ah ok. I built wheel, but I will do that
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<FRidh> "Alternatively, you can add the --wheel option, which will produce a .whl file that can be installed into a Python installation using pip"
<justanotheruser> yes, that is what I did
<FRidh> justanotheruser: actually you can also just use `buildPythonPackage` and only override the buildPhase with that custom line to build the wheel. That should be sufficient, it will then install the wheel.
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<justanotheruser> no format = "other"?
<justanotheruser> do you want buildPhase = "python3 makepanda/ --everything --no-egl --no-gles --no-gles2 --no-opencv --wheel";
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<justanotheruser> trying that
<justanotheruser> (with no format = "other")
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<gchristensen> !m fpletz[m]
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, fpletz[m]!
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<gchristensen> if anyone around has interest and experience in how the nixos tests work, I'd <3 a review:
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<raunov> hi
<raunov> im a bit struggling with nixos installation, specifically i get struck when installer tries to mount /dev/root onto /iso but the usb device i booted from gets disconnected, reinserting it mounts it for few moments and then unmounts..any idea ?
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<justanotheruser> FRidh: /nix/store/f3wan424j5p0a06p02byvn4gq5g2x234-stdenv/setup: line 887: pushd: dist: No such file or directory
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<hyper_ch> why would installer try to mount onto /iso ? you're not using /mnt for installing as installdir?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cfdb976 Franz Pletz: unrar: 5.4.5 -> 5.5.5 (security)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 79cd5b1 Franz Pletz: unrar: 5.4.5 -> 5.5.5 (security)...
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<raunov> hyper_ch: installer is do it..
<raunov> when booting system from iso (virtual cd-rom)
<hyper_ch> really? weird
<hyper_ch> I booted from usb stick
<raunov> it's the stage 1
<clever> raunov: how did you flash the usb with the iso?
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<justanotheruser> is there a package in nixos that contains dist?
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<raunov> isn't actually a usb, it's a server with iRMC and virtual media redirection
<justanotheruser> oh, gotools... I'm not sure that's what I want
<clever> raunov: ah, is it emulating a cdrom or a usb stick?
<raunov> yep
<clever> that was an "a or b" question, not a yes/no question
<hyper_ch> clever: semantics :)
<raunov> it says usb mass storage but has CDROM in name :)
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<hyper_ch> so it's a hybrid :)
<raunov> i guess it's usb for the system
<hyper_ch> (actually, sounds more like usb)
<raunov> tried mounting it under centos (same system) and didn't had any disconnect or issues browsing it there
<clever> raunov: something else you might be able to use is this:
<clever> raunov: instead of mounting the installer over virtual usb, it just copies the whole thing to ram from another linux
<goibhniu> justanotheruser: can you see what's on that line? /nix/store/f3wan424j5p0a06p02byvn4gq5g2x234-stdenv/setup: line 887
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<clever> goibhniu: just run "nix-store -r /nix/store/f3wan424j5p0a06p02byvn4gq5g2x234-stdenv" and you can fetch that exact build from the binary cache
<clever> goibhniu: its near the cd into $sourceRoot
<justanotheruser> goibhniu: I have no idea why it's referring to that line, it's blank
<goibhniu> ah, nice, thanks!
<justanotheruser> goibhniu:
<raunov> thanks clever will try it out
* hyper_ch still thinks dding the iso onto a usb stick is the simplest way
<justanotheruser> sorry, I did 886. 887 is the blank line following the fi
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<goibhniu> justanotheruser: ah, so I think the installPhase is expecting there to be a dist directory with the built package
<justanotheruser> hmm, maybe I should try not building with --wheel
<justanotheruser> let me try that
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<raunov> hyper_ch: probably not as im not even near the system, that's why using the virtual thing
<clever> goibhniu: that cd happens after the unpackPhase has finished
<clever> goibhniu: its what cd's into the directory made by unpackPhase
<hyper_ch> raunov: ah, good luck
<goibhniu> hrm, but the error message says that it has built successfully and is trying to install
<goibhniu> can you post your expression justanotheruser?
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<FRidh> justanotheruser: check where it puts the wheel. setuptools typically creates a dist folder and puts the wheel in there
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<justanotheruser> FRidh: when I ran it from cli, it put it in the run path.
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<FRidh> justanotheruser: then create the dist folder and put it in there
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<justanotheruser> in panda3d?
<justanotheruser> or in the same path the expression is in?
<justanotheruser> in ./dist or ./panda3d/dist
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<symphorien> append to the buildPhase : mkdir dist; mv blah.whl dist
<justanotheruser> okie doke
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<justanotheruser> buildPhase = "python3 makepanda/ --everything --no-egl --no-gles --no-gles2 --no-opencv --wheel; mkdir dist; mv .*panda3d.*\.whl$ dist";
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<symphorien> you can use '' '' quotes instead of " " so that your script can span on several lines
<justanotheruser> ty
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #26743: hugo: 0.23 -> 0.24 (
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<samae> how can I use fetchurl at the root of a nixops expression?
<domenkozar> pikajude: around?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #26746: pypi2nix: 1.6.0 -> 1.8.0 [backport] (release-17.03...release-17.03)
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<mbrgm> has anyone some experience with packaging lisp packages for nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master be4a4ef Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-04-26 -> 2017-06-21
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 14732f8 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-04-26 -> 2017-06-21...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7bd918b Domen Kožar: hydra-evaluator: depend on jq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2b31e72 Domen Kožar: hydra-evaluator: depend on jq...
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<warbo> hello, I'm running some tests with 'nix-shell --pure -p dep1 dep2 ... --run test-script', but the test script needs an env var set
<domenkozar> --run "FOO=a test-script"
<warbo> is there a way I can do this with one of the packages (-p ...)?
<warbo> heh, there's a little more indirection involved unfortunately
<domenkozar> you could create a setup hook from a package
<domenkozar> that sets a var in stdenv
<warbo> I had a brief look at setup hooks, will take another look
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #26748: KDE PIM Applications (master...kdepim-wip)
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<ryantrinkle> is there a way to see what nix-daemon is currently working on? assuming, e.g. that you've lost the original nix-build process
<symphorien> you can look in /tmp for the name of the build dirs, it will give you the name of the derivation
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<disasm> how often are tests ran in nixos/tests?
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<disasm> and my next question is how do you manually run a test?
<ryantrinkle> symphorien: that's a good idea
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<copumpkin> who do I talk to if there's a typo on the nixcon 2017 site?
<copumpkin> I don't actually know who's organizing it
<gchristensen> it seems weird nobody knows who is organizing it
<copumpkin> niksnut: I wanted to run an idea by you about measuring binary cache downloads, if you're around
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<niksnut> copumpkin: ?
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<copumpkin> niksnut: oh if you recall a while ago I mentioned that I wanted to track binary cache downloads on the client, download start times, end times, what's being downloaded, hits, misses, speeds, etc... with the old substituter pl files I could do that fairly easily but in 1.12 that's all native code. In 1.12, I'm thinking of a binary cache "wrapper class" that can wrap the existing binary cache classes but tracks stats. I don't know how I'd ask
<copumpkin> for it though... possibly a custom protocol marker at the beginning of the binary cache string?
<copumpkin> something like "stats+http://my.binary.cache/"
<niksnut> that sounds kinda overkill, I would just add some logging to BinaryCacheStore
<niksnut> or HttpBinaryCacheStore
<copumpkin> oh that's what I'd originally proposed but you thought it was too special-purpose :)
<copumpkin> and I also pla on using s3binarycachestore
<copumpkin> but yeah, I could definitely do that and just add a flag to turn on the log messages (or have them go to a special place because they're intended to be consumed by a machine)
<niksnut> well I didn't say it should be merged :-)
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<copumpkin> well, I mostly just want to be able to track this sort of thing. Willing to do whatever it'll take to make that happen :P
<niksnut> you can just do it as a local patch
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<niksnut> not really against adding it to nix, but it raises all sorts of questions like where to log too (syslog, ...)
<copumpkin> sure, I mostly would like to minimize deviation from upstream though, and this does seem potentially useful for more folks
<copumpkin> yeah, true
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<copumpkin> niksnut: is a protocol/system for this sort of thing. If I just added an optional config option for zipkin traces (I'd try to avoid adding a new dependency to nix if I can), does that seem somewhat palatable? the project has thousands of stars on github so it's not exactly esoteric
<copumpkin> obviously subject to PR review and such. Just want to avoid doing work that we know ahead of time won't be merged :)
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<simpson> This is reminding me that a Prometheus hydra_exporter (or hercules_exporter? I can dream~) is a thing I should eventually write.
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<copumpkin> basically the idea is that I have lots of machines that run lots of nix operations on a regular basis and I'd like to be able to keep stats on how their binary cache usage is going
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<niksnut> copumpkin: that sounds much heavier than just calling syslog()
<copumpkin> yeah I guess a structured syslog log would be fine
<copumpkin> willing to do anything much :)
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<pietranera> hello, is there a way to get the version of a nix package other then from its `name` attribute?
<pietranera> I am playing with nix-repl and can't seem to find a `version` attribute used consistently
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<gchristensen> no
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<gchristensen> the version attribute is just a convention
<pietranera> OK, thanks gchristensen
<pietranera> So the only reliable way of getting the version is using `name` I guess?
<pietranera> If so, is there any builtin function to help extract the version from the name?
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<FRidh> pietranera: lib.getVersion
<pietranera> cool! thank you so much FRidh :)
<pietranera> I am muddling through all the docs and sometimes it's hard to find the correct answer. ^^
<FRidh> pietranera: a lot of these things are also not in the docs. Aside from the manuals it helps going through the expressions in lib
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<pietranera> thanks for the tip FRidh
<pie_> why isnt there a proper version attribute or something?
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<srhb> pie_: Proper how?
<FRidh> pie_: Would it make sense to have one? A version of a source typically refers to only exactly that state of the source. But with something that is build...?
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<spinus> hello, I'm trying to run nixops with libvirt/kvm, I have just targetEnv="libvirtd" and headless=true and got issue: ‘['virsh', '-c', 'qemu:///system', 'create', '/tmp/nixops-tmpdP6FU8/master-node-domain.xml']’ failed on machine ‘master-node’ (exit code 1)
<spinus> Anyone had an idea what can be wrong?
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: for testing the repl on 1.12, will I need to upgrade daemon too?
<Sonarpulse> or is just per-user nixUnstable sufficient?
<LnL> you should be able to use nixUnstable with a stable daemon
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<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: not really sure :)
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<copumpkin> I'm glad the nix logo rotates on the nixcon site
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<clever> Sonarpulse: but you may need to build the repl against unstable
<clever> Sonarpulse: nix-shell -p '(nix-repl.override { nix = nixUnstable; })' i think
<Sonarpulse> clever: oh this was the new `nix repl` though
<Sonarpulse> is that it's own derivation?
<Sonarpulse> didn't think so
<clever> ah, nvm then
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<clever> and yeah, the old nix-repl doesnt appear to be compatible
<Sonarpulse> basically, it boils down to whether `nix repl` or the deamon is doing the eval
<clever> the api has changed
<clever> the eval is always done as your user, and it pushes the contents of .drv files up to the daemon
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<clever> and the daemon will enforce that the <hash> in /nix/store/<hash>-name.drv matches the hash of its own contents
<Sonarpulse> clever: ah
<Sonarpulse> so then bug is still unfixed
<Sonarpulse> I think the issue is SIGINT isn't becomming a c++ exception
<Sonarpulse> and we only un-black-hole with C++ exceptions
<Sonarpulse> does darwin have anything like signal fd?
<justanotheruser> /nix/store/a5zbx856hyfgz2isz0j60i8w44i6av09-python3-3.5.2/bin/python3.5m: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
<clever> Sonarpulse: at least on linux, there is also a seperate stack for signal handlers:
<justanotheruser> what causes this problem?
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<clever> Sonarpulse: and i think the sigint from ctrl+c may go to several threads, so a different thread could catch it, then write a byte to an internal pipe
<justanotheruser> this is the definition I'm dealing with
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<clever> justanotheruser: try inserting an "ls -ltrh" call before the python3, and then use it to look around
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<justanotheruser> clever:
<justanotheruser> what am I looking for?
<clever> the makepanda directory does exist
<justanotheruser> am I supposed to create a in here?
<copumpkin> niksnut: with the syslog approach I could also do it for regular derivations and track start/end/duration/size (to allow us to compute download speeds, even though not terribly useful for non-fixed-output derivations) times for all sorts of stuff
<clever> so now try to ls it
<Sonarpulse> clever: the internal pipe trick being an alternative to signalfd?
<clever> Sonarpulse: yeah, it may also work on other platforms that lack signalfd
<justanotheruser> not understanding what I'm looking for, this is the contents
<Sonarpulse> gotcha
<FRidh> justanotheruser: doCheck = false;
<FRidh> it tries to run the tests, and by defaults wants to use `python test`, but in this case you do not have a
<justanotheruser> oh
<clever> ah
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<FRidh> hmm, possible improvement there is to check if the file exists and if not raise a helpful error
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<copumpkin> nice bot, gchristensen
<Sonarpulse> thanks
<grahamc> Thanks copumpkin, also check out
<copumpkin> nice
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<Sonarpulse> clever: that link is dead?
<copumpkin> worked for me
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<FRidh> crap, the sqlalchemy bump seemed to have caused quite a rebuild
<hodapp> blaaah. do I try to figure out how to install Cask, or do I turn its usage into nix-shell?
<clever> FRidh: ive noticed it affecting llvm and a few other things
<copumpkin> how does sqlalchemy affect llvm? :O
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<clever> maybe that was a fluke related to a nearby change
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<clever> | | | | | | +---/nix/store/rl22ayalrc93s8jp71rzqkadf6w5gbg3-llvm-4.0.0.src.tar.xz.drv
<clever> | | | | | | +---/nix/store/rxzcwnbfb4i94qijz40236gfrpscas2j-python2.7-Sphinx-1.5.2.drv
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<clever> copumpkin: strange, the dep-tree on my hydra says it does affect llvm
<clever> ah, and the llvm attribute is 3.9.1
<copumpkin> that'll be annoying, if changing random python packages will cause a bootstrap on darwin
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<FRidh> I recall now we encountered that before.
<copumpkin> I thought llvm depended on python but without any python packages
<clever> yeah, llvm_4 on linux depends on SQLAlchemy
<copumpkin> will need to look more carefully
<clever> via Sphinx
<copumpkin> ah, the man pages
<copumpkin> ugh
<hodapp> has anyone by chance tried to install this on NixOS?
<copumpkin> and enableManPages is enabled by default
<copumpkin> I wonder if we disable them during darwin bootstrap
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<FRidh> yes
<copumpkin> oh I see, cool
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<FRidh> for older versions of llvm we didn't build any man pages
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<copumpkin> I see
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<LnL> I disabled the manpages on darwin
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<LnL> still have to fix it properly
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<copumpkin> cool :) what's proper?
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<copumpkin> I don't have a clear picture for what a good fix is here
<LnL> I'm hoping we can build it in a separate drv without having to rebuild llvm itself
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<copumpkin> oh that would be nice
<LnL> and then just add = man;
<copumpkin> cool
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<copumpkin> so it would pretend to be a separate output but would be a separate drv
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<copumpkin> that sounds like it would fit in nicely with all the other stuff
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e89e96a Jörg Thalheim: linux_4_11: renable CONFIG_UPROBE_EVENTS...
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<disasm> the kubernetes test is failing to run for me: (I'm on unstable)
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<dredozubov_> Hi! I have a fresh installation of nixos. Sudo doesn't seem to work for my user which have a extraGroups = [ "wheel" "networkmanager" ]; attribute in configuration.nix
<dredozubov_> i also did nixos-rebuild switch after that
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<dredozubov_> hm
<dredozubov_> don't know what i did, but it works now ;\
<pietranera> has anyone tried to install conda/miniconda ( on NixOs? The installer fails misteriously when it tries to intall its own python 3.6.
<simpson> pietranera: It might be easier to get things working with Nix instead of Conda.
<pietranera> It complains about "python: no such file or directory" while the python executable is actually there.
<pietranera> I have been trying to make things run in NixOs for the holw afternoon and failed miserably.
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<pietranera> ^ @ simpson
<simpson> pietranera: I have no idea how to Conda, sorry.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gentoofreak opened pull request #26749: libopus: 1.1.5 -> 1.2 (master...libopus-1.2)
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<hodapp> I read that as "how to Canada" @_@
<hodapp> I should make coffee.
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<justanotheruser> I made the build changes that were asked (here is my definition: ) but I still get ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<BlessJah> does NixOS guarantee that particular config will always work against particular channel?
<BlessJah> I receive "the list of hardware.enableAllFirmware contains non-redistributable licensed firmware files." upon rebuild, however I haven't modified configuration.nix in weeks
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<disasm> dredozubov_: probably opened a new terminal. Linux only checks groups on initial creation of a login session.
<dredozubov_> disasm: i thought so as well
<disasm> pietranera: what are you trying to install?
<disasm> pietranera: have you tried pypi2nix? I use that for a number of python projects I have setup locally here.
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<pietranera> disasm I have a project that depends on scipy, numpy, pandas, lxml and django. I have tried to use pypi2nix to generate a derivation but it fails to build scipy. And it takes 40 minutes every time I try.
<pietranera> I am probably doing something wrong.
<BlessJah> also: "This requires nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree to be true."
<BlessJah> # grep -r allowUnfree /etc/nixos/
<BlessJah> /etc/nixos/packages.nix: nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = false;
<pietranera> but am running out of time as I need to be able to build this and fix some broken tests by the end of the week. @ disasm
<BlessJah> argh, sorry, temporary blindess
<BlessJah> (question if it's ok to introduce breaking changes in channel still holds)
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<disasm> pietranera: nix-shell -p python36Packages.scipy python36Packages.numpy python36Packages.pandas python36Packages.lxml
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<disasm> forgot django: nix-shell -p python36Packages.scipy python36Packages.numpy python36Packages.pandas python36Packages.lxml python36Packages.django
<disasm> that should get all those deps in your python path
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<pietranera> disasm I am trying that now, thanks
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<pietranera> disasm that seems to have worked. I really hoped I could use pypi2nix though as there are a lot of pinned dependencies that I would like to, well, keep pinned.
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<disasm> pietranera: ok, lets do that route, can you pastebin me your requirements.txt?
<pietranera> disasm you are very helpful, but I am about to leave unfortunately.
<disasm> pietranera: ok, another day :)
<pietranera> I think I am close to get something workable, even with nix-shell -p etc. etc.
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<pietranera> thank you :)
<pie_> clever, any luck with civ? :D
<disasm> you're welcome!
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<clever> pie_: i need to keep a better todo list, lol
<sphalerite> Any more feedback/+1s/a merge for this?
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<pie_> clever, i have a ton of problems right now, my friend keeps yelling at me about keeping todo lists
<pie_> i usually end up having a directory with a bunch of text files that i add to with nano lol
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<pie_> not much organization but it serves its purpose (if i bother checking them...)
<clever> heh
<clever> i have an old irc channel i never took off auto-join, that i just paste random junk to
<pie_> lol
<sphalerite> I have a whiteboard that I write my TODOs on
<clever> said irc channel has logs going back 4 years on this machine alone
<clever> and has a total of 9000 lines!
<sphalerite> o.o
<clever> 14 20:58:22<@clever> 4g bare, 16g bolt
<clever> a random note from 2013, no clue what its about, lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz opened pull request #26750: cc-wrapper: add stackcheck hardening (Stack Clash) (master...fix/stack-clash-hardening)
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<bennofs> libvirt requires xen to build? :o
<disasm> pie_: vimwiki :)
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<disasm> bennofs: I found that interesting too :)
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<digitalmentat> I'm attempting to run a nixos-test with a custom kernel that has a lot of features stripped out; I discovered the features that the qemu-vm builder checks for and added them, but I'm now seeing the VM bootup failing
<digitalmentat> the error is `mount: mounting store on /mnt-root/nix/.ro-store failed: No such device`
<digitalmentat> wondering if anyone has experienced this before or knows what might be missing in our kernel config
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<gchristensen> digitalmentat: I think it uses the 9p filesystem?
<clever> it uses the 9p driver with the virtio backend
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<digitalmentat> ah thanks for the link clever
<digitalmentat> gchristensen, yeah I see that, is there a specific kernel module we might need configured for that?
<clever> digitalmentat: that module is also used by "nixos-rebuild build-vm"
<clever> so you can just -I nixos-config=foo.nix, override the kernel, and then run it outside the test framework for more control
<digitalmentat> I'm also seeing we do not have KVM_GUEST turned on for the kernel too, I'll bet that might cause problems
<clever> yeah, it may need something like kvm to even be able to talk to virtio channels
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<disasm> well folks, I finally got all this working for my talk tomorrow... Kubernetes + etcd + flannel. Lots of private SSL keys in the repo, but it's only for a demo for DevOps State College meetup. Lots of clean up if you wanted to use in production: If you're in the central PA area, RSVP Is here:
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<domenkozar> chris rossi is the organizer? :)
<domenkozar> say hi to him
<domenkozar> disasm: ^^
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<disasm> domenkozar: you know Chris Rossi?
<gchristensen> disasm: oh state college? do you live around there?
<disasm> about 10 minutes outside, Pennsylvania Furnace
<gchristensen> I know the area, I used to spend a week or so in S.C. every summer, my grandparents lived in Foxdale
<disasm> Haha, small world! Well, if you come visit, we'll have to grab a cup of coffee at Rothrock sometime :)
<gchristensen> mmm yeah rothrock has good coffee. *looks to see how far a drive it is*
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<gchristensen> it'd be tough to make it... copumpkin: want to meet up in State College tomorrow? :P
<disasm> domenkozar: he doesn't recognize you, sorry :) Where have you met him before? He's my direct report, lol :)
<copumpkin> rather far away from me, alas :)
<copumpkin> 5+ hour drive
<gchristensen> same, but
<disasm> copumpkin: where are you located?
<copumpkin> richmond, va
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<gchristensen> it is actually nicely equidistant for us
<copumpkin> hah, I also don't have my own car :)
<copumpkin> so that's an expensive uber
<copumpkin> or a long road bike ride
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<gchristensen> :D
<gchristensen> state college airport is awfully fun to fly in to, though
<disasm> yeah, state college seems pretty central. I've been trying to drum up interest in hosting a conference here some time. Maybe if that ever takes off, you'uns can come for a visit :)
<gchristensen> last I went the person who checked me in patted me down and put the stairs up to the plane
<copumpkin> yeah with more notice I could probably make it!
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<gchristensen> we could do a nixos retreat in the berkshires ... :)
<disasm> NixCon State College anyone? :)
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<disasm> ooh, that would be fun!
<disasm> if it's state side, I could probably convince my company going to a nixos retreat would be beneficial :)
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<gchristensen> I mean berkshires, MA
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<gchristensen> disasm: does $work use NixOS?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #26751: python-dogpile-cache: do not depend on dogpile_core (master...python-dogpile-cache)
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<disasm> gchristensen: no clients using it yet, but I'm pushing for it :) My work laptop runs nixos, does that count?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #26752: pythonPackages.pygraphviz: fix build (master...graphviz)
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<copumpkin> disasm: going to nixcon? that's the only true indication!
<copumpkin> :D
<Sonarpulse> RIP halloween
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<copumpkin> don't worry, there will be a pumpkin there
<Sonarpulse> :D
<gchristensen> copumpkin: oh I was thinking I'd name my pumpkin growpumpkin
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<copumpkin> :)
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<boomshroom> Hello!
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<BlessJah> chmod u+s /nix/store/lgn6r1wxb07lxxvmc05qpdz90fhma66b-lxc-2.0.7/libexec/lxc/lxc-user-nic
<BlessJah> chmod: changing permissions of '/nix/store/lgn6r1wxb07lxxvmc05qpdz90fhma66b-lxc-2.0.7/libexec/lxc/lxc-user-nic': Operation not permitted
<BlessJah> is this supposed to happen on nixos-rebuild?
<clever> BlessJah: no, setuid binaries arent allowed in the store, and the store should be fully immutable
<copumpkin> who's trying to chmod?
<BlessJah> then CI should've caught this
<BlessJah> makefile
<copumpkin> if it's a derivation it should tell you
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<BlessJah> builder for ‘/nix/store/7p9057dl41yg8n59a5r3kfrj20249pcc-lxc-2.0.7.drv’ failed with exit code 2
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<clever> BlessJah: hydra did catch it:
<clever> it has since been updated to 2.0.8
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<BlessJah> I don't know how CI works for nixpkgs, but aren't those systems meant to prevent such things?
<clever> BlessJah: most things in nixpkgs arent flagged to block the channel updates
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<BlessJah> they're checked after the merge?
<clever> BlessJah: there are currently 700 failing builds in nixpkgs, the channel would never update if it waited for 100%
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<clever> BlessJah: only a subset of the builds (see above link) are required for the channel to update
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<copumpkin> there's some discussion about the proper granularity for a channel
<BlessJah> by "channel update" you mean "push to endusers"?
<copumpkin> which IMO is far too chunky right now
<clever> BlessJah: yeah
<copumpkin> does anyone recall someone looking into separating dockerTools.buildImage into sensible separate layers recently?
<BlessJah> shouldn't CI reject such change before it got merged?
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: yes!
<clever> i believe in this case, the old nix was allowing the setuid
<clever> but a recent security update in nix broke lxc, after it was merged
<Sonarpulse> this case is interesting
<Sonarpulse> because my dream CI would not solve
<clever> so the CI at merge time would have never caught it
<copumpkin> disasm: was that you doing docker layers, or am I misermembering?
<clever> nix changed the rules
<Sonarpulse> but plenty of other things would be
<Sonarpulse> so I think it's OK
<disasm> copumpkin: wasn't me, but I would be interested in what they're doing :)
<Sonarpulse> I don't have a solution for new Nix builds that doesn't involve invalidating all cached binaries
<clever> Sonarpulse: i have been testing out the PR and github status stuff in hydra, and it could easily cover a lot of this
* Sonarpulse very excited
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<Sonarpulse> that would be an excellent stop gap until hercules is ready
<BlessJah> clever: oh the "bug was there, our tests failed to catch it", been there, done that
<BlessJah> issue probably cannot be solved
<clever> BlessJah: more that the tests got more strict
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: the issue that when we upgrade Nix
<Sonarpulse> things might seem fine cause build is cached
<BlessJah> yep, that's what broke the build
<Sonarpulse> then when build changes
<Sonarpulse> *derivation changes and rebuild is needed
<Sonarpulse> only then do we notice the tighter sandboxing breaks the derivation
<Sonarpulse> the invalidate build solution is
<Sonarpulse> 1) deploy release candidate to
<Sonarpulse> 2) invalidate all old builds
<Sonarpulse> 3) rebuild the world
<Sonarpulse> 4) on pass, release release candidate
<Sonarpulse> but even I think that's a bit draconian for nix itself
<Sonarpulse> and we have many many many build
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<disasm> Sonarpulse: that happens once every 6 months though, right?
<clever> yeah, about 28,000 jobs on nixpkgs
<Sand3r> Hi there, are there any issues with
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26753: jetbrains.{ruby-mine,webstorm,datagrip,phpstorm}: 2017.1 -> 2017.1.4 (master...jetbrains-update-2017.1.4)
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<Sonarpulse> disasm: well i want to release nix more often
<Sand3r> I have timeouts...
<Sonarpulse> like every 2 weeks!
<disasm> Sonarpulse: I'm not opposed :) How often are you thinking?
<clever> disasm: any time something low-level like glibc or gcc gets changed, nixpkgs will mass-rebuild as a side-effect, and then things like lxc might get noticed
<disasm> or someone notices and files an issue on github
<clever> they would be using the cached build most likely, and not notice
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<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: not necesarily release, but rebuilding over and over (given spare cycles) would be nice
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: If CI was strict
<Sonarpulse> even without the draconian Nix thing
<disasm> oh, because the derivation doesn't change for that package, just a side effect.
<Sonarpulse> nobody would be able to merge a PR while Nix broke the world
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<Sonarpulse> I think that would be suitably annoying
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 6 hours ago, history:
<Sonarpulse> so that people would prioritize fixing nix / changing nixpkgs
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<disasm> Which also means it's not a *big deal* to end users, we just might get hit with a whole bunch of similar problems if there's a glibc change that forces a rebuild.
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: such change could be postponed until nixpkgs are fixed
<Sonarpulse> right
<Sonarpulse> everyone that wants to merge a PR
<Sonarpulse> would be incentivized to fix fallout
<Sonarpulse> most nix changes should not break existing derivations
<Sonarpulse> and all nixpkgs changes will not break nixpkgs
<Sonarpulse> that seems good enough to me
<BlessJah> I mean merged nixpkgs, not the PRs
<BlessJah> the system already has lot's of external dependencies
<Sonarpulse> hmm?
<BlessJah> the priority is to fix existing deriviations so breaking change in nix could be merged
<BlessJah> PRs would be fixed in the meantime
<Sonarpulse> hmm
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<boomshroom> Off topic: Does anyone know of any sane LLVM bindings? Ideally for Rust, but I'm willing to try other languages as long as the bindings are idomatic.
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<Sonarpulse> boomshroom: rustc's own bindings
<Sonarpulse> are a separate crate I think
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<BlessJah> nah, the build is still failing
<andromeda-galaxy> I'm trying to develop something with GHC head, and would like to try building some dependencies - but they all fail because of incorrect base version bounds. Is there an easy way to jailbreak all packages inside of pkgs.haskell.packages.ghcHEAD? I'm also likely to try to use an overlay to add my own haskell.packages.ghcDev using a locally built and patched-by-me ghc, is there a good way to do
<Sonarpulse> haskell's llvm-general is quite something too I IIRC?
<andromeda-galaxy> that (potentially incorporating that jailbreak)?
<Sonarpulse> andromeda-galaxy: override mkDerivation?
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: there are external dependencies that can cause derivation to fail (i.e. upstream vendor renaming their *-3.6.tar.gz to *-3.6.0.tar.gz)
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: yeah if upstream breaks an URL we download
<Sonarpulse> that's annoying
<Sonarpulse> long time I hope IPFS or similar solves that
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<BlessJah> or monitoring urls so you'd at least notice the problem?
<Sonarpulse> that seems like a lot of work
<BlessJah> it depends, it could be as easy as creating jobs that would abort right after download step
<andromeda-galaxy> Sonarpulse: the one from make-package-set.nix? I'm not quite sure how to do that (still learning how to use nix)
<BlessJah> for current and past channel... ough
<Sonarpulse> andromeda-galaxy: hmm it's not on the tip of my tongue
<Sonarpulse> maybe I can find an example
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: yep, that might be a lot of work
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<disasm> yeah, I'm with Sonarpulse here, monitoring upstream projects for breaking urls I don't think is worth it. Nix is doing what it needs to do if it fails to do a build because a tarball a) doesn't exist anymore b) was moved or c) was modified. All 3 of those cases the build should fail and a bug should be opened for the maintainer to fix.
<simpson> There should be a tool that *can*, when run, check the URLs.
<BlessJah> disasm: "monitoting? users are my monitoring" :>
<simpson> This is what Wikipedia does, for example. There's a tool that can check cited links for validity and freshness, and automatically substitute links. But it's opt-in and requires an operator.
<simpson> Er, a user who operates it, not a `sysop` role user.
<andromeda-galaxy> Sonarpulse: thanks!
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<Sonarpulse> right IPFS solves that problem much more naturally
<Sonarpulse> just GC roots things
<Sonarpulse> no need to update links
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<simpson> IPFS isn't a panacea; you still need *somebody* to actually have the file pinned or cached.
<disasm> I've been meaning to play with IPFS...
<Sonarpulse> right
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<Sonarpulse> but that's not worse than today
<Sonarpulse> if everyone forgets
<Sonarpulse> it will be forgotten
<BlessJah> you might also run into licensing issues every now and then
<Sonarpulse> IPFS should be like damn ready by now
<Sonarpulse> I am not sure why they aren't more done
* Sonarpulse blames go
<Infinisil> Filecoin is happening soon
<Sonarpulse> what about git fetch?
<Sonarpulse> IPNS was supposed to do that
<Sonarpulse> but I don't see anything
<Sonarpulse> filecoin before git integration is cart before the horse
<Infinisil> Why?
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: how does IPFS works and what are benefits for participants?
<Sand3r> Anyone? Is down?
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: IPFS is bittorrent where torrents can refer to other torrents
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<Sonarpulse> basically
<Infinisil> Sand3r: I'm curretly updating through, so nope
<disasm> BlessJah: the biggest benefit to ISP's is caching traffic cutting down on their total traffic amount. Imagine everyone in a neighborhood watching the same episode of the latest tv show all at once... The way it is now, that's a lot of wasted bandwidth.
<Sonarpulse> so you can do directed acyclic graphs
<Sonarpulse> not just flat blobs
<simpson> Sonarpulse: I personally was disappointed by
<Infinisil> I actually don't know how good IPFS' locality is, I believe it's pretty hard to do with DHTs
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<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: how do I know which nodes store blob I'm looking for?
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<simpson> FRidh: Possibly stupid question (also a little late in the evening, sorry!) is there a doc for how to write a from-scratch Python application to work in nixpkgs?
<LnL> ipfs is interresting, but I don't understand how it's availability works
<Infinisil> simpson: Why were you disappointed by this?
<Infinisil> LnL: What do you mean exactly?
<simpson> Infinisil: Because it's 2017 and if I'm going to have a global store, I'd like it to be content-oblivious and capability-safe.
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<simpson> I don't want others to read my files, and I don't want others to know where my files are without me giving them the key.
<Infinisil> simpson: IPFS is just a (relatively) low level protocol, you can do anything on top of it, including encryption
<Sonarpulse> yeah it's meant to be layered
<Sonarpulse> features are bad
<Infinisil> One thing I'd like of IPFS is anonymity though, you can't layer that on top of it
<simpson> Sonarpulse, Infinisil: How would I store a file in IPFS without letting anybody know that I've done so? I'd like to upload a file, turn off my computer, and then send the key to select receivers.
<Sonarpulse> simpson: private routing on top
<simpson> Compare and contrast: Tahoe-LAFS operators only know that somebody has uploaded something of an approximate size; they cannot tell what the thing is.
<simpson> Sonarpulse: Too expensive; let's all do NDN instead~
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<Sonarpulse> hmm?
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: oh, ipfs is actually crowdfunded storage, nothing more, nothing less
<Infinisil> simpson: Or just asymmetry encryption, using gpg or something
<clever> simpson: one issue ive noticed with ipfs, is that you have a long-term keypair, and while online, you are storing a pubkey=ip record in the DHT
<Sonarpulse> I don't mean the routing would be done in ipfs
<Sonarpulse> so i guess not on top
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<Sonarpulse> but out of band "access my secret index"
<clever> simpson: so anybody that knows your pubkey can find your ip, and track you, world-wide
<clever> simpson: and you are also reporting the set of object hashes you currently have in your ipfs store
<BlessJah> popular content like cats or memes will stay, unpopular (like simsons backups) won't
<simpson> Infinisil: Yeah, a tool that encrypted and then broke up the file into pieces and turned the key into a short string, that'd be great. That'd also be exactly Tahoe-LAFS.
<simpson> clever: Hilarious!
<Sonarpulse> BlessJah: better to think croudfunded CDN
<Infinisil> IPFS currently doesn't provide anonymity yes, the developers are currently focusing on more important aspects, but anonymity is an eventual goal
<Sonarpulse> most areas I hold out for the nice thing
<Sonarpulse> but on this front
<Sonarpulse> I'm soooo desparate
<simpson> Sure. And that makes it a security-second product, not a security-first product, which is why I'm disappointed.
<Sonarpulse> I take more of a "worse is better" approach
<BlessJah> still, popular content will be available, useless won't
<simpson> Sonarpulse: Okay, I'll take you seriously. You're desparate and I want to sell cloud-based storage. What kinds of features do you want?
<Infinisil> simpson: There are lots of aspects of security, anonymity is just one of them, data integrity is another, which is IPFS' strength
<BlessJah> bitcoint convinced people to do pointless calculations and was able to monetize them
<Sonarpulse> simpson: all I want is ask for hash and get the thing, and I think I'm willing to expose myself for that
<simpson> Infinisil: Capability theory is big these days. (You're in #nixos and Nix is a POLA system, halfway to being cap-safe.) I want to be able to upload to IPFS and get a *filecap*, which is a string that is both necessary and sufficient to read the file.
<Sonarpulse> sometimes I think better everybody know what git repos I fetch
<Sonarpulse> than just github
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<Sonarpulse> at least there's no information disparity then
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<simpson> Sonarpulse: Okay. Over HTTP, the answer is no; if I offered that, then I'd be opening myself up to massive abuse. (Actually, the answer in a few months will be "yes, but bring your own domain please.")
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: they won't know if you happen to know hashes you need and download them from random people
<simpson> Sonarpulse: If you're willing to use a custom storage client, then the answer is "yes, and it's free, and see for more information."
<Sonarpulse> loooking at that
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<Sonarpulse> simpson: does tahoe LAFS do dags or just flat data?
<Sonarpulse> i need dags too
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<simpson> Sonarpulse: Right now, it does blobs and mutable directories.
<BlessJah> Sonarpulse: you can have DAG on top of flat data
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<Sonarpulse> simpson: mmm
<simpson> I have a plan to do not just DAGs, but arbitrary immutable graphs. Still thinking on the design, but it should be hackable onto Tahoe-LAFS without any backend API changes.
<Sonarpulse> this is more a stylistic than substantive criticism
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<Sonarpulse> but grrr I hate mutable directories
<Sonarpulse> I hate the file system abstraction
<simpson> Well, it's more that they're RO directories with a RW cap.
<Sonarpulse> I am not a network / security person
<Sonarpulse> but FS skeumorphism makes me sad
<Infinisil> Sonarpulse: I feel like databases for everything are the future
<simpson> For example, the HTTP product I'm trying to get out to a wider audience takes an RO directory cap, and publishes it at a given domain. I don't have the RW cap, so I can't write into your directory. I can only read.
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<Sonarpulse> simpson: why not handle rw vs ro for nodes (dirs) and leaves (files) the same?
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<Sonarpulse> what about sets and arrays rather than string-keyed maps for children?
<Sonarpulse> what about arbitrary data as keys?
<BlessJah> simpson: how is write access handled by tahoe?
<simpson> Sonarpulse: Historical reasons. Tahoe started out as a backup product sold by a Bay-area startup; they open-sourced and community-oriented it after their bust.
<Sonarpulse> right
<simpson> BlessJah: If you have a writecap, you can write. Otherwise, you can't write.
<BlessJah> how can I modify encrypted, easure-coded chunks?
<simpson> Sonarpulse: Directories are stored as "inodes" which list out the caps of the contents of the directory and some magic numbers.
<Sonarpulse> that's tahoe-lafs proper?
<Sonarpulse> to be clear
<simpson> BlessJah: Chunks are immutable unless you have an SSK mutable filecap.
<BlessJah> is tahoe distriubted and public like IPFS, or private?
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<simpson> BlessJah: It's relative to a "grid". I aim to provide a globally-accessible grid with a free public tier.
<Sonarpulse> simpson: similarly as a PLer
<Sonarpulse> I feel like if we right enough libraries for this stuff
<Sonarpulse> everyone can have the exact system they want
<justanotheruser> I made the build changes that were asked (here is my definition: ) but I still get ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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<simpson> Sonarpulse: Totally agreed. I would like to think that my efforts are largely a windup to providing some real-world NDN tunneling.
<BlessJah> simpson: then ro and rw distinction is guaranteed by whoever owns the nodes
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<Sonarpulse> glad to hear I am not alone
<Sonarpulse> old school systems people suck at code reuse
<Sonarpulse> and thus they spend way more time debating things
<Sonarpulse> rather than breaking up their ideas into smaller and smaller pieces
<simpson> BlessJah: Oh! Kind of, but the storage nodes can't do anything worse than corrupt a chunk so that it's unusable.
<Sonarpulse> until there is nothing to argue about
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<BlessJah> simpson: what stops RO person from bribing node owners to upload modified chunks?
<simpson> BlessJah: Not sure. #tahoe-lafs?
<BlessJah> nah, just trying to figure out if system is interesting enough to learn more about it
<simpson> Well, I don't know the answer. I think it's "no." We can ask the core developers.
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<BlessJah> they might've used public key encryption where private key is required for writes though
<BlessJah> that'd work
<simpson> You're on the right track. Each cap is partially derived from an authenticated hash of the contents of the file, so the only way for this to happen is with files that are explicitly mutable behind-the-scenes, like RO dircaps or SSK filecaps.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bc47794 Michael Raskin: quicklispPackages: update...
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<Infinisil> NixOS question: Oftentimes when rebuilding, the systemd-udev-settle service fails to start, it does work when trying it again. Anybody seen this before or knows what's the problem?
<simpson> Infinisil: I see it regularly and don't know why it happens.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 eb2ce87 Jan Tojnar: doc: Fix some typos...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f827d49 Ambroz Bizjak: kdevelop: 5.0.4 -> 5.1.1...
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<Infinisil> Well at least it's not only me
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<Infinisil> Why oh why is firefox using 30% cpu when not even being visible
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<BlessJah> oh, didn't they fork lot's of threads so it'd be harder to track the resources usage?
<Infinisil> I heard they'd use 4 processes
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<Infinisil> Can only see 2 though (one main and one forked)
<BlessJah> chromium is eating 10G of ram
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<BlessJah> spread over 81 processes and 1k threads...
<Infinisil> Lol, how many tabs?
<BlessJah> little over 100
<Infinisil> About 80 threads for firefox here with 10 tabs
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<Infinisil> Is there some way to include a file as source code in a nix file?
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<BlessJah> make separate derivation with said file maybe?
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<Infinisil> So like a templating engine thing? So the nix file would have some place with ##FILE##, then use `sed` or something to replace that part with the read file
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<Infinisil> My end goal is to be able to have config files (such as the ssh config) in my config folder, but use nix syntax to template stuff, such as loop through all hosts to create shortcuts.
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<clever> Infinisil: you can use builtins.readFile to read a file and then manipulate it
<clever> Infinisil: there is also import from derivation, just make a derivation that contains a nix file, then import it
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<BlessJah> oh, I'm fighting with this issue for few weeks already
<BlessJah> ~500 loc config that I want to template
<disasm> justanotheruser: you need in buildInputs I think.
<clever> disasm: it should be in the env by default
<Infinisil> BlessJah: Some problem with that?
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<BlessJah> dunno how to do it
<shlevy> domenkozar: How familiar are you with iohk's stack2nix?
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<disasm> justanotheruser: what command are you running?
<Infinisil> My config folder is so behind with commits, lots of files changed, but didn't commit in weeks
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<disasm> Infinisil: haha, been there, done that :)
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<Infinisil> I need some more convenient command, like `config "Changed blablabla"` that does `cd configdir, git add -A, git commit -m "..."`
<Infinisil> Or `config` that opens the configdir in vim and upon exiting asks for the commit message and commits
<BlessJah> Infinisil: what you actually need is ~/.bashrc with `git status --ignored --short` ^^
<disasm> Infinisil: vi hook when writing file to run :Gcommit?
<Infinisil> disasm: Need to test configs, wouldn't want a commit on every write
<Infinisil> The idea is that I'd do all my editing in vim, and when I'm done testing, I exit vim and it gets committed
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<disasm> hmm, maybe :Gcommit on quit?
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<disasm> Infinisil: something like autocmd VimLeave *.nix :Gcommit (untested)
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<gchristensen> ok last chance, I'm going to merge unless someone here has opinions on perl / the nixos tests / how debuggable the nixos tests are
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<Infinisil> I was just thinking of really simple bash script: "cd ~/config; vim .; git commit"
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<Infinisil> Oh and a `git add -A`
<disasm> Infinisil: maybe just create a shell alias called nixconfig that does that?
<Infinisil> Yeah I might do that. Need to clean up my config first though heh
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<jbaum98> is there a way to override environment.etc.localtime.source?
<jbaum98> if i want to link from some other place for /etc/localtime?
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<fpletz[m]> joachifm: just noticed the linux_hardened config, very cool! thanks!
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<Infinisil> jbaum98: Does setting this property in the system config not work?
<fpletz[m]> !m joachifm
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, joachifm!
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<jbaum98> Infinisil: i get an error: The unique option `environment.etc.localtime.source' is defined multiple times
<Infinisil> jbaum98: Ahh, hmm
<jbaum98> Infinisil: alternatively, can i just disable that entire timezone module?
<Infinisil> jbaum98: No idea
<jbaum98> Is there a way to disable the entire timezone module?
<disasm> fpletz[m]: can you link that linux_hardened config? I'm interested :)
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<Infinisil> What is 'linux_hardened'?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 56435c1 Graham Christensen: nixos tests: retry: Count down to 0, and pass remaining attempts to the sub...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 348785e Graham Christensen: nixos tests: waitUntilTTYMatches: Log TTY contents on last try...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b83301 Graham Christensen: nixos tests: waitForText: output the detected screen content prior to the last attempt...
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* gchristensen looks forward to more debuggable nixos test failures
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7469eb9 Daiderd Jordan: stress: enable on darwin
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<Infinisil> I'd think increased security, but I don't know what exactly
<LnL> gchristensen: nice
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<fpletz[m]> disasm: to use it in your NixOS config: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_hardened;
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<fpletz[m]> Infinisil: that's just linux 4.11 with the following extra config:
<fpletz[m]> I'm thinking about packaging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #26755: lxappearance: fix gtkrc-2.0 saving (master...master3)
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<Infinisil> fpletz[m]: Well security is always nice, why wouldn't this be the default setting though?
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<disasm> ooh, so that's a replacement for grsecurity. That would be awesome fpletz[m]
<gchristensen> Infinisil: security is a sliding scale of tradeoffs
<fpletz[m]> disasm: they are porting some grsec features, yeah, not sure if I trust them yet though :)
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<fpletz[m]> Infinisil: I have yet to look up some of the config options but these probably have a hefty performance impact or might break userspace software
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<Infinisil> I see
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<clever> jbaum98: may be of use
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<jbaum98> clever: thank you!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master febe37a Franz Pletz: webkitgtk: 2.16.3 -> 2.16.4 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd3f2e6 Franz Pletz: linux_hardened_copperhead: init at 4.11.6.c
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<fpletz[m]> grahamc: I fear we have to bump webkitgtk from 2.14 to 2.16 on 17.03 \o/
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<gchristensen> fpletz[m]: is that the big breaking change release? I don't remember :/
<fpletz[m]> gchristensen: I hope you mean 2.4, that's the bad version a few packages are still stuck with
<gchristensen> that's the one I'm thinking about.
<gchristensen> if we've gotta we've gotta
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<joachifm> fpletz[m]: cool. the reason I've stayed away from copperhead is all the drama around it ...
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<fresheyeball> hello out there
<fresheyeball> is there a way I can rollback an environment?
<fresheyeball> is there a nix-env --rollback?
<fresheyeball> wait there is exactly that
<fresheyeball> nevermind
<puffnfresh> haha fresheyeball
<fresheyeball> hey puffnfresh
<fresheyeball> how you been?
<puffnfresh> good, started a new job within Atlassian
<puffnfresh> just reviewed some Nix code a few seconds ago :)
<fresheyeball> thats suprising to hear
<puffnfresh> we have an internal platform as a service thingo
<puffnfresh> uses Docker images, so we're using Nix to build those
<gchristensen> puffnfresh: atlassian already does so, or is starting to do so?
<fresheyeball> puffnfresh: any Haskell?
<puffnfresh> gchristensen: I've done it for an internal tool before, we are going to do it for all of
<puffnfresh> fresheyeball: yes, not used much, but Haskell is in production
<gchristensen> puffnfresh: brb, celebrating
<puffnfresh> fresheyeball: Marketplace is 99% Scala and scalaz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ec3cb5f Franz Pletz: webkitgtk: remove unreferenced 2.12 and patch...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 81fc645 Volth: webkitgtk: 2.14.11 -> 2.16.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c18c454 Franz Pletz: webkitgtk: 2.16.3 -> 2.16.4 for multiple CVEs...
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<jbo> puffnfresh: oh hi - was just reading your blog -- congrats on the job.
<jbo> puffnfresh: any chance you could explain your FHS script a little more from ? -- guessing I need to add buildFHSUserEnv to a local nixpkgs repo somehow(? I'm new to this)
<puffnfresh> buildFHSUserEnv is a function in nixpkgs
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<puffnfresh> you can copy/paste that first bit of code into a file
<puffnfresh> then build it like:
<puffnfresh> nix-build myfhsenv.nix
<puffnfresh> and you'll end up with a "result" symlink in the current directory
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<jbo> puffnfresh: cool, thanks
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<jbo> puffnfresh: brilliant -- that got me a step closer to running the binary I've got -- need to fiddle with the deps a little. *thank you*
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<puffnfresh> wooo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5389caa Franz Pletz: utillinux: 2.29.2 -> 2.30
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 29a485a Franz Pletz: libev: 4.22 -> 4.24
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6338c50 Franz Pletz: Merge branch 'master' into staging
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<jbaum98> here's a not precisely nixos problem: i'm trying to use an archive at this url
<jbaum98> every time i download it, it's shasum changes
<jbaum98> i'm guessing this is a timestamp; is there a way to strip this timestamp information to get a fixed shasum part so that i can use it with nix?
<joachifm> jbaum98: try a fetcher that derives the sum from the archive contents
<jbaum98> joachifm: such as? i was using fetchurl
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<joachifm> jbaum98: fetchzip
<Infinisil> A package I'm trying to get into nixpkgs has its CMakefile in ./src, how can I tell nix-build to do its thing there instead?
<wak-work> yeah, chromium sources get regenerated every time with new timestamps
<wak-work> you have to clamp their timestamps with a fetchzip
<wak-work> and by that i mean the chromium gerrkit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch closed pull request #26433: generators.toPretty and traceValSeqN (master...traceValSeqN)
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<Infinisil> Argh, why does `configurePhase` in nix-shell do something different than nix-build
<Infinisil> Specifically the "fixing cmake files" part, it doesn't do that in nix-shell, but does in nix-build
<manveru> does nix-shell even do configurePhase?
<pie_> ugh, halp, what are the correct strings for this nix-shell -p libgtk-x11 glib goocanvas libcurl gthread
<pie_> (fr starters libgtk is not the right one)
<pie_> or rather: configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.18.0 glib-2.0 >= 2.22.0 gthread-2.0 >= 2.22.0 goocanvas >= 0.15 libcurl >= 7.19.0) were not met:
<Infinisil> manveru: I really don't know why it wouldn't do that
<manveru> Infinisil: usually you have to run configurePhase in nix-shell to use it
<manveru> you can do that in the shellHook afaict
<Infinisil> manveru: I'll try that
<manveru> see man nix-shell for that and search for configurePhase
<Infinisil> Nope, same result: "No configure script, doing nothing"
<manveru> did you run unpackPhase?
<manveru> see the manpage :)
<Infinisil> Ahh, nope
<manveru> nix-shell starts you from zero, but you can follow all the steps
<Infinisil> Ahh I need to change to the unpacked directory
<Infinisil> Still doesn't work :(
<manveru> :(
<manveru> what package?
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<manveru> can you pastebin it?
<Infinisil> Trying to add it, here is the nix file:
<Infinisil> nix-build gives an error in the configure phase, that it can't find the CMakeList file (because it's in the ./src directory), but nix-shell doesn't
<clever> Infinisil: try doing "cd src" inside the preConfigure hook?
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<manveru> maybe add cmake?
<manveru> oh it's there
<Infinisil> Ah yes that gets me a bit further, clever
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4d93d25 mimadrid: sqlite3: 3.17.0 -> 3.19.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7c0f6f4 aszlig: pyopenssl: 16.2.0 -> 17.0.0 and fix tests...
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<Infinisil> Alright now it complains that it can't find BuildUnix.cmake, this package uses a flag (-D TARGETOS=Unix) for that instead
<Infinisil> It's really hard to debug this for me, I don't even know how to configure this phase
<Infinisil> It's in the configurePhase somehow, but it's "fixing cmake files.."
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah closed pull request #26755: lxappearance: fix gtkrc-2.0 saving (master...master3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0977c17 Franz Pletz: sqlite3: 3.19.2 -> 3.19.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5e2df70 Franz Pletz: libmicrohttpd: 0.9.53 -> 0.9.55
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<Infinisil> Where is the source for mkDerivation?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2306897 Jörg Thalheim: iana-etc: 2.30 -> 20170328...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b8ac2b3 Jörg Thalheim: iana-etc: 20170328 -> 20170417...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 25a8ba5 Jörg Thalheim: iana-etc: 20170417 -> 20170512...
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<Infinisil> I get it now, to replicate nix-build's exact behaviour, you need to do `source $stdenv/setup; genericBuild` in nix-shell
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 6 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4150f5e Franz Pletz: cc-wrapper: add stackcheck hardening (stack clash)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6a850d2 Franz Pletz: coreutils: fix tests depending on setuid/setgid bits
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 16aa923 Franz Pletz: exim: patch CVE-2017-1000369 (stack clash)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26757: upx: 3.93 -> 3.94 (master...update/upx-3.94)
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<dtzWill> oh yay iana-etc bits are finally on 17.03
<dtzWill> wooooo
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<clever> Infinisil: nix-shell already sources setup for you
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<clever> Infinisil: let me also link the cmake hooks