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<Infinisil> atemerev: Something like
<Infinisil> mkdir -p $out/bin
<Infinisil> makeWrapper src/path/to/bin $out/bin/<name>
<clever> and once again, github search fails
<clever> it cant find the definition of wrapProgram
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<clever> and neither can, odd
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<LnL> it's an alias for makeWrapper IIRC
<clever> yeah, but the only documentation is the source
<Infinisil> github search is the worst
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<clever> "function wrapProgram" only found <function>wrapProgram
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] nh2 opened pull request #1422: Fix potential crash/wrong result two hashes of unequal length are compared (master...fix-potential-hash-comparison-crash)
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<nh2> Infinisil: never use github search, it will only make life miserable
<Infinisil> I should get used to using grep in my local clone
<nh2> Infinisil: or `rg` if you're not using `git grep`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 87fab3d John Ericson: Merge some merged cross-compilation PRs into into staging
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26805: Make cross compilation elegant (staging...cross-elegant)
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<Infinisil> nh2: ripgrep?
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<nh2> Infinisil: yes
<Infinisil> Haven't used it, gonna install it
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<dtzWill> +1 for ripgrep, especially for nav'ing nixpkgs source
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<Infinisil> Oh I just tried it a bit, very nice indeed
<Infinisil> nix-env -e nixos.grep
<homelessrobot[m]> rip, grep
<Infinisil> Lol, is that the reason for that name?
<homelessrobot[m]> i hope not, i mean, it isn't really a grep killer
<Infinisil> Why not?
<Infinisil> What can grep do that rg cant?
<nh2> I think that was the reason for the name
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<homelessrobot[m]> idk, but it seems to be focused on searching filesystems rather than streams of text
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<nh2> so far for me it was quite good at searching through pipes too
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<nh2> what does one do when `gdb` says `No stack.`? It says tat for me when I try to debug a nix crash
<Infinisil> Reading the github Readme for ripgrep, one thing it can't do are non-regular Regexes
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<homelessrobot[m]> yeah after looking at the readme, it does seem that 'better grep' is the overall goal. so it probably is why it has that name
<gchristensen> rg is very nice, I'm not sure about it replacing grep any time soon... which is fine.
<gchristensen> burntsushi (maker of rg) had to make basically their entirely own stack to make it fast
<Infinisil> Ah yeah, I'll still be using `./barf | grep hello`
<Infinisil> Probably you could set up an alias that calls rg on stdin and formats it like grep
<gchristensen> I feel there is a certain amount of "why bother"
<Infinisil> Yeah
<homelessrobot[m]> especially since you still need to keep grep around for things that depend on it
<gchristensen> not that we follow SUS very closely anyway, to stay compatible with at least some of SUS :P
<Infinisil> SUS?
<gchristensen> Single Unix Specification
<homelessrobot[m]> sounds ominous
<Infinisil> Ohh never mind what I said before:
<Infinisil> `echo "hi there" | rg the`
<Infinisil> hi there
<Infinisil> `echo "hi there\ntest" | rg the`
<Infinisil> hi there\ntest
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<Infinisil> Well my demo failed
<gchristensen> printf "hi there\ntest" | rg thte
<Infinisil> but it works just like grep
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<gchristensen> or: (echo "hi there"; echo "test") | rg the
<Infinisil> `printf "hi there\ntest" | rg the`
<Infinisil> hi there
<Infinisil> Even shows line numbers when in a tty, unlike grep
<Infinisil> Alright, I won't actually use grep anymore, rg is faster to type too
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<arkad> what package is rg in?
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<Infinisil> ripgrep
<arkad> thx
<arkad> i like how it highlights the returned pattern in different color than entire line
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<Infinisil> Yeah it's pretty neat
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<clever> grep also has --color
<clever> which is enabled on most distros, via an alias, but not on nixos
<arkad> indeed, so rg just returns a line number as well
<clever> grep can also do that
<arkad> do u know the command?
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<clever> -n, --line-number
<clever> Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file.
<arkad> thx I was being lazy
<clever> $ grep wrapProgram -nH --color ~/apps/nixpkgs/ -r
<clever> /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs/maintainers/scripts/nixpkgs-lint.nix:15: wrapProgram $out/bin/nixpkgs-lint --set PERL5LIB $PERL5LIB
<Infinisil> rg's output has line numbers, is layed out much better, grouped by file
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<clever> -n and -H are enabled by default if you use -r
<Infinisil> Maybe it's also achievable with grep, but having nice defaults is a plus
<Infinisil> Nice defaults + promise to be much faster + the fact it's written in Rust = a new rg user :D
<clever> once you know the flags, you can just alias grep="grep -nH --color"
<clever> and it will always be a default
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<arkad> whats Rust?
<arkad> other than a video game
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<Infinisil> clever: Have you seen the output of rg? Running `grep -r hello .` vs `rg hello` in nixpkgs for example
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<clever> Infinisil: ah, biggest difference i can see, is that rg does filename\n then line:text pairs
<clever> while grep always does file:number:text triplets
<arkad> so what can I do with Rust?
<clever> i often find myself greping grep output, so i prefer the grep way
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<Infinisil> clever: Yeah, I really like rg's way
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<disasm> clever: yup... git grep foo|grep bar|grep baz :)
<Infinisil> arkad: Just look through the website, it has a lot of resources
<arkad> I just wonder if its something I should spend time learning. I mainly build websites and run servers.
<clever> disasm: exactly
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<arkad> I'd really like to learn Haskell
<gchristensen> ~ probably not ~ for those specific use cases, but I'd say learn it if you want too -- learning new languages always makes your skills better
<Infinisil> arkad: Rust has something much different from other programming languages, that alone makes it worth learning I think
<Infinisil> arkad: Which is rusts memory management model
<Infinisil> Haskell is also very nice, also quite different from most languages
<Infinisil> I personally can also very much recommend learning Idris, it's such a beautiful language, similar to Haskell, but much more powerful
<arkad> unrelated to nixos, does anyone know how I can change the color of my nick name?
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<arkad> checking out Idris now
<gchristensen> jesus, Infinisil :P
<clever> give found myself wanting to use haskell's $ in nix a few times
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<Ralith> lol
<clever> gchristensen: and now ghc ate enough ram to break tab-completion, lol
<gchristensen> Infinisil: "oh, you like flying kites? you should try the space shuttle!"
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Heh
<clever> gchristensen: for example, i recently had to write builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile foo)
<Infinisil> I really wanna have a closer look at Shen (also a programming language), looks very interesting
<clever> gchristensen: and i thought for a moment of doing it as builtins.fromJSON $ builtins.readFile foo
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<gchristensen> clever: I've thought about that too, but I like that ('s and )'s are a bit more accessible
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<arkad> idris not in nixpkgs?
<arkad> i only see a vim plugin
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<clever> arkad: i see an entire idrisPackages attribute
<clever> idrisPackages.__unfix__ idrisPackages.contrib idrisPackages.idris idrisPackages.overrideDerivation idrisPackages.with-packages
<clever> idrisPackages.override idrisPackages.base idrisPackages.callPackage
<Infinisil> It's in haskellPackages
<Infinisil> nix-env -iA nixos.haskellPackages.idris
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<Infinisil> arkad: Idris is quite a tough one if you don't have any previous experience with Haskell or similar though
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<arkad> so a nix-env -qaP doesn't actulaly show ALL packages?
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<arkad> ive been having trouble understanding why some software isn't listed when I run that... I know it doesn't list unfree software by default, but it seems to filter others out as well...
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<Infinisil> arkad: I think it'll only list top-level packages, to query haskellPackages/nodePackages/<foo>Packages you need nix-env -qaP -A nixos.haskellPackages
<Infinisil> The amount of derivations would be huge if it would recurse into every attribute
<Infinisil> I believe that's the reason it works like that
<Infinisil> But I do agree that idris could be in the top level
<clever> pkgsi686Linux would also double the size of the package list
<clever> that contains a 32bit version of everything
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<Infinisil> Maybe I'll do a PR that adds idris to top level
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<arkad> how do I recurse into attributes when running nix-env?
<dash> arkad: hmm. what are you trying to accomplish?
<slabity> So I'm trying to add the mozilla overlay to my configuration.nix, but I get an infinite recursion error. Here's the relevant portions of my configuration.nix:
<slabity> And here's the repo that I'm fetching for it:
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<clever> slabity: what happens if you try this?
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<rcschm> hi, i am trying to brind in with but it no Makefile, doing nothing.
<rcschm> is that an autobuild project which should be just the default?
<clever> it has a, not a configure
<rcschm> thanks for help.
<clever> so you need to generate the configure script first
<clever> rcschm: add autoreconfHook to the buildInputs
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<rcschm> thanks. let me try that.
<clever> fetchFromGitHub = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub also does absolutely nothing
<clever> and you dont need automake or autoconf, and probably libtool in the buildInputs, autoreconfHook will bring them in automatically
<slabity> clever: Still infinite recursion
<clever> slabity: oh right, missed something when switching it around
<clever> slabity: refresh the gist
<rcschm> clever: thanks. it has an error as in
<slabity> clever: it's saying rustOverlay isn't a nixpkgs overlay
<clever> slabity: does that error give a line number?
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<clever> rcschm: i think they are forcing it to be a 32bit compile, and nix gives it 64bit only tools by default
<slabity> while evaluating anonymous function at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix:337:32, called from /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/lib/modules.nix:337:19:
<slabity> The option value `nixpkgs.overlays.[definition 1-entry 1]' in `/etc/nixos/packages.nix' is not a nixpkgs overlay.
<rcschm> let me try that.
<clever> slabity: the overlays list must be a list of functions, that take 2 un-named arguments
<clever> rust-overlay.nix is a file, that contains exactly such a function
<clever> slabity: adding import now puts the function in that variable, rather then the path
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<slabity> Oh, I see
<slabity> Then I can do the import for the mozillaOverlay
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<slabity> Oh, I guess not
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<clever> and lists in nix are picky
<clever> [ import rustOverlay ] is a list of 2 things, a function and a string
<clever> not an application of a function on a string
<slabity> Ooh. I think it's working
<rcschm> clever: it seems to be the case. the compilation went further than before. however it seems to get stuck at another place and i am not sure if it would fail or succeed yet.
<slabity> clever: Hey, it works! Thanks for your help.
<clever> rcschm: can you gist the output of "ps -eH x" ?
<clever> slabity: yep
<slabity> clever: So my question, is why do I need `mozillaOverlay = "${mozillaPkgs}/default.nix";`. Why do I need the default.nix?
<clever> slabity: nothing in my gist refers to mozillaOverlay or default.nix, so both can be removed
<clever> rcschm: ah, mlton is chewing up a ton of cpu doing something
<slabity> clever: Oh, well it works on the mozillaOverlay too
<rcschm> does it get stuck?
<clever> slabity: the default.nix loads a specific version of nixpkgs, and applies the overlay to it for you
<clever> rcschm: its probably compiling something
<slabity> clever: So let's say I have two different versions of a program installed (the nightly and the stable), how can I switch between the two?
<rcschm> ok let me run for awhile and see then.
<clever> slabity: if you put the overlay in nixpkgs.overlays, then the main pkgs on line 1 will contain the overlays, and you have no way to not use them
<slabity> clever: They're both from the same overlay: rustChannels.nightly.rust and rustChannels.stable.rust
<clever> slabity: if you used the fixed version of line 13, and delete line 20, then you can use to refer to the version of foo in the overlay
<clever> and to refer to the version in nixpkgs
<slabity> So I can't install both at once?
<clever> if the have the same names in the bin/ folder, then you cant install both at once
<clever> you would have to use nix-shell -p to load one or the other
<slabity> Oh. That's disappointing.
<clever> nix does allow conflicting versions to co-exist in the /nix/store/
<clever> but it doesnt magicaly make conflicting versions play nicely in the same $PATH
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<clever> and things like compilers arent supposed to be installed with nix
<clever> compilers should only be loaded with nix-shell or nix-build
<slabity> clever: So if they're in my store, I won't need to download them? I can just use "nix-env -i <version>" to swap them?
<clever> that will make a mess of your profile generations
<clever> better to use nix-shell -p rustChannels.nightly.rust
<rcschm> finally it failed with
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<clever> rcschm: looks like some of the inputs for the install phase are missing
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<rcschm> you mean the libraries?
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<clever> /nix/store/f9iqkg05c1m6kyjzhqk5339j523f93b1-coreutils-8.27/bin/install: cannot stat 'basis/MLB/RI/*.o': No such file or directory
<clever> rcschm: something it wanted to install wasnt compiled
<rcschm> $ ./configure
<rcschm> $ make mlkit
<rcschm> $ make bootstrap
<rcschm> $ make mlkit_libs
<rcschm> can it be that it needs
<rcschm> the above steps.
<clever> rcschm: ah, put the 3 make ones inside the buildPhase
<rcschm> you mean?
<rcschm> copy and paste the above in buildPhase?
<rcschm> let me try that.
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<arkad> what distro was NixOS originally built in?
<arkad> was it slackware or centos or what?
<eacameron> How do I install fonts?
<dash> arkad: windows 95 i think
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 276adb9 Peter Hoeg: heimdall: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
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<arkad> lol
<arkad> i thought it was slackware
<arkad> im trying to figure out the best supplied xenserver template to build my nixos one from
<arkad> guess ill just use debian
<arkad> install nixos then export it to its own template file
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<arkad> by the way about searching for packages with nix-env you explained why I dont see every package by telling me it doesnt recurse so thank u
<rcschm> clever: it went through fine finally. thanks for your help.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 68a4dc8 Peter Hoeg: heimdall: add OSX docs too
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ajevans85 opened pull request #26807: crashplan: 4.8.2 -> 4.8.3 (master...crashplan-4-8-3)
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<hyper_ch> oh, I see we have now newer systemd
<hyper_ch> which means additional mouont options should be working now "x-systemd.requires=openvpn-XXXX.service"
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<Svarog> is nixos 17.03 currently broken? i haven't been able to updade nixos for roughly a week, keeps failing to build glusterfs
<FRidh> Svarog: that package could be broken
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<Svarog> hmm is there a way to tell what is it that i'm installing that requires glusterfs? i am pretty sure i haven't selected that package for installation
<LnL> nix-store -q --tree $(nix-instantiate '<nixos/nixos>' -A system)
<Svarog> oh interesting
<Svarog> thanks LnL
<LnL> I got the error because I'm using an overlay with qemu from unstable
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<Svarog> hmm it seems it's required for xen, which is required by libvert
<Svarog> i'm on the stable branch, so it's broken there as well
<LnL> what release are you using?
<Svarog> 17.03
<LnL> oh, and you don't have any special overrides?
<Svarog> 17.03.1316.412b0a17aa is what i'm currently running
<Svarog> no overrides
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<LnL> let me check
<Svarog> about to try disabling virtualisation.libvirtd
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<GiGa|Laptop> Hello :)
<GiGa|Laptop> When 17.03 was released there were problems with Gnome3 and GDM, notably that if you got to the login screen it would lock up the whole system
<GiGa|Laptop> Does anyone know if those issues are now fixed in 17.03? I'd like to upgrade from 16.09 but do need to be able to use the system afterwards ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a087e5a Jörg Thalheim: lttng-modules: 2.9.1 -> 2.9.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 088ab90 Jörg Thalheim: lttng-ust: 2.9.0 -> 2.9.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc6e5dc Jörg Thalheim: lttng-tools: 2.9.3 -> 2.9.5
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<dweller> on unstable, im installin nixos using nixos-install to usb drive, /nix/var/nix/profiles/system links to closure file, which breaks nixos-install script, as it's looking for /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration
<dweller> any way to workaround this, or should i look for another pendrive for stable iso? :>
<Svarog> GiGa|Laptop, i'm using 17.03 with gnome and gdm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e2de6d Jörg Thalheim: iwd: 2017-04-21 -> 2017-06-02
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<Svarog> the only current issue i'm aware of is that touchscreen support is broken
<Svarog> in that any touchscreen even will crash the whole gnome session
<Svarog> but aside from that gnome and gdm work
<Svarog> event*
<Svarog> i should clarify by gnome i mean gnome3
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<Svarog> dweller, not sure i can help but i'm curious, are you making a live cd or are you using a live cd to install nixos onto a usb drive?
<dweller> im using existing system on my laptop to boostrap system for my vm host/nas
<dweller> well, im trying
<Svarog> so making a live cd?
<dweller> kind of
<gleber_> Ankhers: I'm looking at, and I am not sure I understand the question in your last comment. Can you elaborate?
<Svarog> i've been trying to do something similar actually, i didn't even realize you could use nixos-install from a running system
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e67dd4a Jörg Thalheim: glusterfs: do not set setuid in install...
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<LnL> Svarog: ^
<Svarog> instead i've been customizing scripts to build a live cd to then use to bootstrap a new machine and then use nix-copy-closure to get stuff across
<Svarog> oh
<Svarog> thanks LnL :)
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<GiGa|Laptop> Svarog, Did you have issues when you initially upgraded?
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<Svarog> with 17.03 beta i did, 17.03 release no
<GiGa|Laptop> interesting, I've never managed to get it working, even in a VM
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<GiGa|Laptop> Maybe I'll do a channel update and give it another go
<Svarog> yeah give it a try
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<GiGa|Laptop> I'm also looking in the manual for a way to remove specific configurations (i.e. the ones I know are broken) but I can't see that?
<dweller> heh
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<dweller> apparently nixos-install requires you to have at least one channel added
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<Svarog> GiGa|Laptop, nix-env
<Svarog> specifically nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations shows you current generations
<Svarog> and --delete-generations <generations> deletes specific generations
<Svarog> i don't know if there is a better way but that's what i've been using
<Svarog> i had a hard time finding that too, if i remember correctly
<sphalerite> ^ and you'll also need to rebuild to make sure you don't have references to removed generations left in the bootloader
<Svarog> dweller, wouldn't you have a channel defined already in your existing system?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<dweller> Svarog: nope, im using local git clone
<dweller> from unstable
<sphalerite> any reason not to use the unstable channel?
<butchery> I used to use a git clone for custom versions and packages but switched to using a channel + overlay...
<dweller> butchery: i thought about it, but i had no time to check it
<GiGa|Laptop> Svarog & <sphalerite>, Thanks :)
<butchery> works great for me, I stay on a stable channel, added nixpkgs as a remote and use git checkout to add in any unstable packages I want, I'd recommend it personally
<jbo> Hi there - I'm trying to save profiles in mate-terminal, which stores them in `dconf`. `nixos-rebuild switch` wipes dconf. Is there some way to define dconf entries in my configuration.nix ?
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<sphalerite> jbo: I don't think nixos-rebuild switch should wipe dconf...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #26810: nixos manual: segment into pages (master...manual-chunking)
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<jbo> sphalerite: well - every `nixos-rebuild switch` causes my terminal profile to get lost
<sphalerite> jbo: where do you even get mate-terminal from?
<sphalerite> Svarog: gnome doesn't work at all for me on my regular installation, not sure why, but I'm going to try booting a live system with GNOME to see if it crashes on touchscreen events too
<gchristensen> jbo: when you start mate-terminal does the output of the terminal process output something about a memory backend?
<jbo> mate.mate-terminal
<jbo> gchristensen: no
<gchristensen> jbo: what version of nixos?
<Svarog> sphalerite, weird, are you using stable or unstable? i haven't had any problems with stable since 17.03 got released and i'm running it on 3 different machines plus a vm
<jbo> I get an error about dbus -- 'org.a11y.Bus not found' nothing else.
<Svarog> as for the touchscreen issue, i created a ticket for that couple of weeks ago
<Svarog> i think you or someone else here suggested that
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<jbo> gchristensen: I'm on unstable actually -- let me try an upgrade
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<sphalerite> Svarog: It's probably stuff specific to my configuration
<gchristensen> when I run mate-terminal I get "(mate-terminal:24794): dconf-WARNING **: failed to commit changes to dconf: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name ca.desrt.dconf was not provided by any .service files"
<gchristensen> ^ I get that when creating a new profile
<sphalerite> gchristensen: you'd need to install dconf and restart your dbus session daemon
<jbo> gchristensen: ahh - I've been modifying the default one
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<jbo> ... maybe it makes sense that the default gets reset, but that new ones are preserved (?)
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<sphalerite> I don't know, are new ones preserved? :)
<gchristensen> jbo: have you installed dconf? do you see similar errors?
<jbo> sphalerite: <upgrading> ;)
<jbo> gchristensen: I have dconf installed. I don't recall seeing that error before I installed it either. That said, dconf read /org/mate/terminal/profiles is coming back empty (source:
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<jbo> gchristensen: scracth that -- `dconf list <>` shows the new profile
<gchristensen> fascinating
<jbo> ... dconf ... is a re-implementation of the Windows registry (??)
<gchristensen> maybe it is a good thing we just delete it all on nixos-rebuild switch ;)
<LnL> gchristensen: any idea what's up with the i686 failures on 17.03?
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<arkad> does anyone know how to find out what package a certain command lives in?
<arkad> for example, the route command is inside the nettools package
<arkad> so how would I find out what package ifconfig is in?
<jbo> arkad: I've been searching the nixpkgs github repo ..
<arkad> k thx jbo
<arkad> turns out ifconfig is also in nettools
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<gchristensen> LnL: hmm looking
<gchristensen> LnL: on 1369660 ?
<pbogdan_> arkad: also check out
<sphalerite> Svarog: yep, crashes for me too when I touch it
<gchristensen> yeah but look at newly failed jobs on ..660:
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<LnL> yes, that's probably the eval
<gchristensen> a glibc patch caused the world to break on i686
<gchristensen> fpletz[m]: ping?
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<gchristensen> fpletz[m]: glibc on 17.03 is failing to build on i686, in this patch diff: 9b948ea...b049392 -- can you take a look?
<Svarog> sphalerite, ah right
<sphalerite> it's weird though that this sort of bug hasn't been fixed by now
<Svarog> yes
<Svarog> i'm not sure if it's a general gnome bug or not
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<Svarog> if it's happening in other distributions as well it may well be a gnome issue
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<gchristensen> how about this for weird -- touch screens in gnome work fine for me
<Svarog> gnome 3?
<gchristensen> yeah
<Svarog> hmm
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<gchristensen> share your relevant config and I'll rebuild with it
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to (from 76 minutes ago, history:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gleber opened pull request #26811: erlang: use makeExtensible (master...erlang-makeExtensible)
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: oh? And you're on the same machine as me, right?
<gchristensen> yep
<Svarog> hmm there is nothing special in it - just having services.xserver.destkopManager.gnome3.enable = true and services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.enable = true is what i have in there to enable gnome
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bramd opened pull request #26812: brltty: 5.4 -> 5.5 (master...fix/brltty-5.5)
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<Svarog> i'll see if i can write a minimal configuration that replicates it, with basically nothing else just gnome 3
<sphalerite> gchristensen: nixos 17.03?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gleber opened pull request #26813: stdenv: add stawman docs for `makeOverridable` (master...stdenv-add-docs-makeOverridable)
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<sphalerite> Svarog: I've got a live image here that does along with the expression to generate it :p
<Svarog> oh
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<sphalerite> and the config is just the regular live system config plus a user and the settings you mentioned
<Svarog> ah
<sphalerite> I'm going to see if I can boot into it using clever's kexec stuff rather than writing it to a USB every time
<Svarog> ooh what's that?
<gchristensen> if you want to get real fancy ...
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<Svarog> sounds like something that could come in handy
<gchristensen> IIRC qemu can simulate touch screens
<Svarog> interesting
<Svarog> gchristensen, does the on-screen keyboard come up when you touch the screen?
<gchristensen> no
<Svarog> also interesting
<Svarog> it could be that the bug was not fixed but that they keyboard was just somehow disabled
<Svarog> i'd be happy with that workaround if i could figure out what setting disables it
<Svarog> didn't know there was one (or at least couldn't find one so far)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26813: stdenv: add stawman docs for `makeOverridable` (master...stdenv-add-docs-makeOverridable)
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<gchristensen> I haven't done anything to disable it fwiw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26814: freetype: add option to disable subpixel rendering (master...freetype-option-to-disable-subpixel-rendering)
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<bkchr> Hi, does anyone know why the channels are not updated in the last days?
<Svarog> which channels?
<bkchr> unstable-small
<Svarog> oh ok
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<Svarog> hmm not sure, 17.03 was updated yesterday if not today, i'm pretty sure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26778: fish: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #26811: erlang: use makeExtensible (master...erlang-makeExtensible)
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<bkchr> yeah and unstable small on 18
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<sphalerite> clever does some amazing stuff
<sphalerite> hm, but when I add GNOME it wants to build all of it
<sphalerite> even gtk
<Svarog> oh
<sphalerite> clever: any idea why it would want to build it rather than using the binary cache?
<gchristensen> bkchr: nixos-unstable-small has been updated qquite regularly
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<plll> Hey, what would the NixOS equivalent of the following be?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 621a114 Bruno Bzeznik: openmpi: 1.10.1 -> 1.10.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 909fb24 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26783 from Gricad/openmpi...
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<gchristensen> plll: services.udev.extraRules will let you set those rules
<gchristensen> plll: maybe hardware.pulseaudio.extraConfig for the other one?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 29 hours ago, history:
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<plll> Thanks gchristensen! I am curious if it would work with the extraConfig string literal, as I'm referencing a filename in the services.udev.extraRules.
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<GiGa|Laptop> Svarog, No dice with Gnome3 :(
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<gchristensen> plll: ohh the secondfile is being reference by the first
<GiGa|Laptop> With both SDDM and GDM I can get a login screen, but when I login the system hangs (GDM) or X locks up (SDDM)
<tokudan> how can I get nixos to automatically mount zfs datasets when the pool is imported during boot?
<GiGa|Laptop> If I enable Bumblebee the whole system locks up (can't even reboot with "magic sysreq"
<gchristensen> plll: I'd save the rme-babyface-pro.conf at /etc/nixos/rme-babyface-pro.conf and in extraRules do ENV{PULSE_PROFILE_SET}="${./rme-babyface-pro.conf}"
<Svarog> oh, hmm - all the systems i've tried just had intel or amd graphics - haven't tried anything with an nvidia card
<Svarog> does wayland work with closed-source drivers yet?
<Svarog> i wonder if that might have something to do with it seeing how gnome3 uses wayland
<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: nvidia nvidia proprietary driver?
<sphalerite> Svarog: no, it absolutely does not
<GiGa|Laptop> sphalerite, yes
<GiGa|Laptop> I could tell bumblebee to use nouveau?
<gchristensen> I think bumblebee says do not use it with nouveau
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<GiGa|Laptop> gchristensen, won't do that then
<GiGa|Laptop> I can share my config if that'd help?
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<gchristensen> oh... hmm... maybe I'm thinking a different driver - should do your own research probably.
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<GiGa|Laptop> "Bumblebee supports both Nvidia proprietary driver and Nouveau."
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<Svarog> i've had no luck with nouveau in the past and at least on a gtx 960m had to blacklist it to even get things to boot
<Svarog> haven't tried recently though, and haven't tried nixos at all on anything with an nvidia card
quazar is now known as MADAGASCAR
<GiGa|Laptop> Do I need to define services.xserver.videoDrivers at all? Given I have 2 cards in this laptop I've had to set it to [ "intel" "nvidia" ] before
<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: nvidia proprietary driver simply will not work
<GiGa|Laptop> I just don't understand why the lock up occurs on entering Gnowe3. I can login to XFCE OK
<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: blame nvidia
<GiGa|Laptop> sphalerite, darn them
<plll> I'll give it a shot. Thanks again gchristensen!
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<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: your choices are basically nouveau (performance will probably be crap), using only the intel graphics (similar), or using a desktop environment that doesn't rely on wayland (because nvidia live in the past)
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<GiGa|Laptop> Gnome3 relies on wayland now?
<sphalerite> nvidia's driver claims to work with wayland but fact is it doesn't
<sphalerite> To some extent, yes, I don't really understand what the deal is though
<sphalerite> clever: worked it out, it's because dbus is built with --without-x
<GiGa|Laptop> That's a pain
<GiGa|Laptop> OK, just bouncing to try new config
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<sphalerite> clever: which in turn is due to environment.noXlibs = mkDefault true in profiles/minimal.nix
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<MichaelRaskin> What are you doing with your notebooks that performance of Intel built-in GPU is not enough…
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<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: personally, games. As a workaround I usually just lower the screen resolution and graphics settings until they run smoothly
<GiGa|Laptop> Winning combination seems to be using the nouveau driver
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: but being able to play my games in 4K would be awesome :p
<GiGa|Laptop> Don't think Steam works with it though :(
<MichaelRaskin> Oh
<MichaelRaskin> I think Nouveau performance is not that bad
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<MichaelRaskin> And in some cases you can even have Nouveau+Intel collaboration without Bumblebee
<sphalerite> iirc nouveau has performance problems because it doesn't support power management so the GPU is stuck at the lowest clock rate
<GiGa|Laptop> MichaelRaskin, I wouldn't be able to get Steam to operate using the Nvidia card though without Bumblebee
<Svarog> MichaelRaskin, also 3d modeling, rendering, gpgpu development - all of those benefit from having a geforce or a radeon
<GiGa|Laptop> either way, I can't get Steam to even open
<GiGa|Laptop> Thanks for your help so far forks
<GiGa|Laptop> *folks
<Svarog> GiGa|Laptop, what graphics card are you using?
<GiGa|Laptop> Svarog, GeForce GTX 950M
<Svarog> interesting
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<Svarog> didn't think nouveau would work with it
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: PM isn't working from NV50 onwards so anything post-2006 will have that propblem
<MichaelRaskin> I think Nouveau has wildly varying level of support for different generations
<GiGa|Laptop> It's certainly operating
<MichaelRaskin> Hm, it's interesting what actually works and doesn't work for my configuration
<GiGa|Laptop> At least I'm able to get a desktop environment and everything hasn't hung
<sphalerite> MichaelRaskin: yes, my generation isn't supported at all because it requires a signed driver -_-
<sphalerite> or something along those lines
<Svarog> oh
<Svarog> what do you have sphalerite?
<sphalerite> Svarog: GTX 1050
<Svarog> oh
<MichaelRaskin> I have to configure at least Nouveau ofloading because Lenovo cannot do Optimus correctly
<MichaelRaskin> If only Asus produced anything with a large enough battery, sigh
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<GiGa|Laptop> MichaelRaskin, Opitmus as in the system that uses Bumblebee?
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<MichaelRaskin> Optimus as in the system where there is Intel GPU and Nvidia GPU
<MichaelRaskin> Asus connects all the video outputs to Intel, then you can offload some of the work to Nvidia
<MichaelRaskin> Lenovo connects built-in LCD to Intel and all external outputs to Nvidia
<MichaelRaskin> But the niche of notebooks with actual battery and actual CPU is small enough that Lenovo can basically fill it all …
<GiGa|Laptop> MichaelRaskin, that's what I've got on this laptop
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<GiGa|Laptop> Don't know if I've configured offloading though - do I need to?
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<sphalerite> Why does nixos-rebuild switch want to build glusterfs..?
<sphalerite> GiGa|Laptop: bumblebee = offloading
<Svarog> sphalerite, for me it was virtualization
<GiGa|Laptop> sphalerite, ah right, ta
<Svarog> after i disabled virtualisation.enable it stopped
<MichaelRaskin> Well, there is also offloading _without_ Bumblebee configured via XRandr
<MichaelRaskin> Requires slightly more care
<MichaelRaskin> To set up initially, but it is more reliable _if_ it agrees to work at all
<Svarog> err
<Svarog> virtualisation.libvirtd.enable
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<Svarog> hmm as for why it is being rebuilt - probably because it fails to build and so it's not in the binary cache
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<Svarog> LnL pushed a fix a bit earlier for the stable branch i believe
<sphalerite> aah ok
<LnL> yeah, it wasn't ported yet
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<sphalerite> brb trying kexec magic
<Svarog> ah cool
<LnL> you can remove it when 17.03 updates
<Svarog> for now i've just disabled virtualisation
<Svarog> don't need it right now
<Svarog> kind of just had it enabled cause it's handy to have
<Svarog> also seems it's only needed for xen, qemu and kvm are controlled by enableKVM which works fine
<LnL> qemu pulls in xen I think
<sphalerite> I had libvirtd enabled which was causing it for me
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<Svarog> hmm doesn't libvirtd.enableKVM pull in qemu?
<Svarog> cause that works
<LnL> could be, didn't check
<Svarog> that defaults to true even
<Svarog> unlike libvirtd.enable
<sphalerite> presumably it doesn't have any effect unless libvirtd.enable is set]
<Svarog> aah
<LnL> yeah, probably
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<sphalerite> Oh yeah, the kexec magic didn't work :(
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<aanderse_> trying to use gdb with c++ but stl pretty printing isn't working. anyone know how to get it working?
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<sphalerite> aanderse_: does it print out a warning at the beginning about some path not being trusted?
<aanderse_> sphalerite: no
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: right, finally got an easy way to reproduce the issue
<sphalerite> nixos-rebuild build-vm -I nixos-config=config.nix (config.nix is )
<sphalerite> ./result/bin/run-nixos-vm -device nec-usb-xhci -device usb-host,vendorid=0x04f3,productid=0x24a1 -m 4G
<sphalerite> oh yeah, and sudo setfacl -m u:username:rw /dev/bus/usb/001/004
<sphalerite> modifying the IDs and bus path as appropriate if necessary
<sphalerite> then log in and touch the screen
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b8658f6 Bjørn Forsman: fetchgit: support "git@server:repo" URLs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #26695: fetchgit: support "git@server:repo" URLs (master...fetchgit-gitolite-url)
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<aanderse_> so info pretty-print only shows 1 pretty printer
<aanderse_> when i run that command from within gdb
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<aanderse_> but i see pretty printers under /nix/store/*-gdb*
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<sphalerite> aanderse_: where under those paths?
<aanderse_> /nix/store/89bjrnjb8c9vvhzb92fz832x6fwg3kbj-gcc-5.4.0-lib/share/gcc-5.4.0/python
<aanderse_> ok i was just able to get it to work now
<aanderse_> but
<aanderse_> this is some hacky shit
<aanderse_> i created a .gdbinit file in $HOME
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<aanderse_> had to manually insert the path that i just mentioned
<aanderse_> and not only that...
<aanderse_> but manually import and call the "register" function
<aanderse_> here is the full .gdbinit file:
<aanderse_> so that makes it work :\
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69153f1 Masayuki Takeda: networkmanager: fix arping path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #26779: networkmanager: fix arping path (master...networkmanager)
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<sphalerite> aanderse_: when I try to debug something I get this warning
<aanderse_> yeah i definitely don't get that
<sphalerite> huh
<aanderse_> you running like apparmor or selinux or something?
<sphalerite> no, this is a warning from gdb
<sphalerite> Which flags is your application compiled with?
<aanderse_> built with cmake, CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug
<sphalerite> (debugging-related ones)
<sphalerite> ah
<sphalerite> I usually compile with -g3 -ggdb when I want to debug stuff, I don't know if that adds extra information which would cause it to try to load the extra info in my case and not in yours
<sphalerite> nope, I get the same if I don't add those flags
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<NickHu> Does anyone know if there's a way to launch steam in a separate Xserver, like with xinit steam -- :1 or something/
<aanderse_> hmm i think i need to increase the debug level on this anyways
<aanderse_> i just saw "value optimized out" :\
<sphalerite> NickHu: personally I have a separate user for running steam and switch using the display manager's switching functionality
<sphalerite> aanderse_: oh yeah that's a pain
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<NickHu> sphalerite: Care to elaborate on that?
<sphalerite> NickHu: I'm using SDDM, if you're on KDE or GNOME I think it should have an option to switch user together alongside logging out
<sphalerite> For my main user I use i3 so I don't have that, but I can still reqeust a swithc via D-Bus
<NickHu> Ralith: I googled for Rimworld and NixOS and it seems like you got it working..? Game seems to work perfectly but freezes without fail after a couple of minutes
<sphalerite> Which I do using dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DisplayManager /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.Seat.SwitchToGreeter (with an alias of course)
<NickHu> sphalerite: yeah, I use XMonad - how can you request a switch via DBus?
<NickHu> Ah
<NickHu> oh lol apparently I'm not using any display managers
<sphalerite> That won't work with slim, but slim is bad and needs to go anyway
<sphalerite> You're probably using slim?
<sphalerite> That's the default DM for nixos, and it doesn't have the D-Bus interface
<sphalerite> or generally do many of the things a modern DM is supposed to do
<NickHu> Could you recommend anything lightweight?
<sphalerite> There isn't really anything really lightweight AFAIK, it's basically lightdm (with pluggable greeters, but only a gtk-based one implemneted), gdm (gtk) and sddm (qt)
<sphalerite> sddm does nicely for me, but it depends on how lightweight you need/want it to be
<NickHu> Does gdm pull in all of gnome?
<sphalerite> no, I don't think so
<sphalerite> yeah, only gtk AFAICT
<NickHu> Might go with lightdm anyway seeing as it seems to be more popular
<NickHu> Could you walk me through how your steam user is set up?
<sphalerite> I switched to sddm from lightdm because of its logging oddities
<sphalerite> NickHu: just a regular user in configuration.nix, not much to it, and I've installed steam in its profile
<sphalerite> but with lightdm you have the little nicety of being able to use dm-tool switch-to-greeter rather than that DBus command which is a bit of a mouthful
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<NickHu> What's considered a good wm for steam/video games? Openbox?
<manveru> NickHu: i use i3 for everything
<manveru> tbh i think any wm will work... not many games care about it
<sphalerite> I use full-on KDE for my steam user
<sphalerite> back when I wasn't using nixos, I think I used LXDE which I think uses openbox?
<NickHu> manveru: I think what is happening is my window manager is causing incompatability
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<manveru> which game?
<gchristensen> I use sddm and i3 and steam has worked for me in the past (but I use steam probably oncce every 3 years)
<manveru> i have around 100 games installed, and none of them has an issue with the wm
<sphalerite> I have two copies of steam actually
<NickHu> manveru: rimworld
<sphalerite> one of them is the windows one, because windows tf2 crashes less in wine than the native linux one -_-
<manveru> damn, i haven't tried rimworld yet :)
<manveru> but that's unity engine i think?
<NickHu> I've had these kinds of issues with XMonad in the past
<NickHu> I'm given to understand that i3 has great compatability
<NickHu> But, I don't fancy switching
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<gchristensen> I'm not sure why i3 would be more or less compatible with something, what do you use?
<manveru> yeah... i've been using autotiling wms since wmii or so
<manveru> anyway, try starting steam in a console, then see the output
<manveru> it might be some other issue
<gchristensen> oh xmonad, yeah, they seem pretty much identical in their limited featureset and approach of "don't do anything extra" so I'm not sure why i3 would be better than xmonad for steam
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<NickHu> manveru, already did that, coming up with nothing
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<butchery> anyone have alacritty working on nixos? theres an issue open but hasn't been touched in a couple months
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<gleber_> I can't find a way to install a man page from a derivation. There seem to be no explanation in nixpkgs docs. Any pointers?
<gchristensen> gleber_: which oneE?
<gchristensen> gleber_: sorry, where is it in nixpkgs?
<gleber_> There's a rebar3.1 file which should be installed as a man page, I am not sure how to teach nix to install it
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<gchristensen> I think it'd go to like $out/share/man/man1/
<gchristensen> or $out/man/man1/
<sphalerite> butchery: having a go at building it right now
<gchristensen> check out pkgs/os-specific/linux/alienfx/default.nix, gleber_
<gleber_> gchristensen: doing
<NickHu> Steam does some sort of magic chroot thing - is it possible to open a terminal or something like that inside of it to run things manually?
<gleber_> gchristensen: awesome, thanks!
<manveru> NickHu: check out the steam-run package
<gchristensen> you're welcome :) fwiw I grep`d for 'man' and `cp` and picked through the results until I found one that looked relevant :)
<gleber_> gchristensen: ack, I just assumed there's some special mechanism for it :)
<gchristensen> not an unreasonable assumption :P
<gchristensen> is basically my lifeline for helping in #nixos hehe
<NickHu> fwiw in case anyone sees logs for getting rimworld working, all I needed to do was pass a game launch option of -force-opengl in steam and it works perfectly now
<NickHu> Perhaps something to do with intel graphics and a hardware incompatability
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I see the channel updates graphs are still the JavaScript-only ones…
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: busy few weeks for me :/ I could send you the source to the script that makes it, you have access to all the data I have w/ the data I've published
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<sphalerite> butchery: with the nixpkgs-mozilla overlay, nix-shell -p rustStable.{rustc,cargo} cmake gcc pkgconfig freetype expat fontconfig --run 'cargo build --release -j9' seems to have compiled it, but it won't run yet
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<S0rin> Hey, I am searching information to install munin on a nixos server mostly on configure the plugins
<sphalerite> butchery: got it running with some horrible hacks, but running nonetheless
<sphalerite> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; lib.makeLibraryPath (with xorg; [libX11 libXcursor libXxf86vm libXi])' | tr -d '"'):/run/opengl-driver/lib/ ./target/release/alacritty
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I may not have a setup to trial-and-error the language/framework your backend is written in…
<butchery> sphalerite: good to hear, I'm just compiling now with something similar, theres an issue on alacritty abouty LD_LIBRARY_PATH too, does it run alright?
<sphalerite> butchery: seems to
<sphalerite> butchery: Can you link me the issue? I doubt it's the same one unless it's specifically about nix or guix
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<butchery> Yeah its about nixos, but someone on the nixos issue about alacritty indicated the fix there didn't work either way
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #26817: Qt 5.9 (master...qt-5.9)
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: its a shell script: it is called like: I understand if you don't want to invest the time to understanding it / make it work, but I know it is frustrating I haven't done it _yet_, and I'd be even more frustrated if I wasn't able to try
<gchristensen> and help
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<gchristensen> if you make improvements I'll gladly take them, if you don't, I won't be fussed
<MichaelRaskin> Ah, shell
<MichaelRaskin> That's nice
<gchristensen> (if you hack on it, please disable the IRC bot portion on line 149 :P
<gchristensen> a wget --mirror on should easily get you all the data & history I have
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<butchery> sphalerite: that worked like a charm but wow thats hacky...what a wild ride
<sphalerite> butchery: haha
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<sphalerite> butchery: I don't know about you but for me scrolling really doesn't work well in it
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<sphalerite> and by "really not well" I mean "basically useless"
<sphalerite> Well, that was fun. Back to st :D
<butchery> I think scrolling, etc is left to tmux by design, I'm tossing up between alacritty and st actually :P
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<sphalerite> butchery: same with st, but alacritty doesn't seem to be passing the scroll events to the terminal process properly
<butchery> weird, its working nicely for me...but I'm having problems with other things, scrolling is ok though
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<sphalerite> regardless, for my purposes st is perfectly fine so I'll consider using alacritty if someone else packages it for nixos and the scrolling problem is fixed
<butchery> yeah it does sort of seem more trouble than its worth right now, which is a shame because it seems like a nice project
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26818: llvm-packages: get rid of extra build depedencies for manpages (master...llvm-manpages)
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<LnL> copumpkin: ^
<gchristensen> nice, lnl
<LnL> still not sure if the solution is smart or just a hack :)
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: hm, you don't have any two-timestamp datasets yet
<gchristensen> I know :( I haven't even added that, I'm sorry. If you add that I'll deploy it ASAP and start collecting data
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<MichaelRaskin> I wanted to quickly hack the one-week-ago gnuplot script instead of make_graph function and say it is already an improvement
<gchristensen> I'll take any improvements you send :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma reopened pull request #26743: hugo: 0.23 -> 0.24 (
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: well, I thought if there are quick hacks to implement, but apparently no
<gchristensen> aye :/
<sphalerite> Idea: nixos-rebuild should default to -Q and show the logs of any failed derivations
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<Sonarpulse> we'll see
<gchristensen> nice Sonarpulse
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hectorj opened pull request #26819: fix typo in comment (master...patch-1)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3a68f0b Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.11.6 -> 4.11.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b06cb59 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.33 -> 4.9.34
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 66a5e0c Yann Hodique: hugo: 0.23 -> 0.24
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0d72dfd Yann Hodique: hugo: fix github repo owner
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 40ccf99 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26743 from sigma/pr/hugo-0.24...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6bb5e99 Hector Jusforgues: perl-packages: fix typo in comment (#26819)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 5 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 89aadc3 timor: kernel: enable audio jack reconfiguration...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 233c29a Jörg Thalheim: linux_4_11: renable CONFIG_UPROBE_EVENTS...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 274bc99 Tuomas Tynkkynen: kernel: Don't build self-test modules...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #26820: hugo: 0.24 -> 0.24.1 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 85b9ff2 Volth: rrdtool: apply upstream patch to fix file permission...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1be7323 Yann Hodique: hugo: 0.24 -> 0.24.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da15252 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26820 from sigma/pr/hugo-0.24...
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26782: rrdtool: 1.7.0 -> (bugfix in upstream) (master...rrdtools-1.7.0-git)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #26821: mailhog: init at 1.0.0 (master...mailhog)
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<trikl> I'm trying to build a small kde application that uses qt4:
<trikl> This is what I get:
<trikl> Is it that cmake doesn't pass wrap g++ with the qt4 dir correctly?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d7fd7e Samuel Leathers: mailhog: init at 1.0.0 (#26821)...
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<trikl> I think it might be an issue related to automoc?
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<gchristensen> man, github bot has been busy today
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<hyper_ch> ha, noticed we have now systemd v233... that means the custom mount options should be available now
<hyper_ch> so that I can umount a share that was mounted through the vpn
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<disasm> Thanks Mic92 for the merge!
<ben> What's the shortest command I can type into bash to get a store path starting from an attribute name in nixpkgs?
<ben> eg. i want to check where zlib lives, but I feel dirty doing echo /nix/store/*zlib*
<MichaelRaskin> What side-effects are allowed?
<ben> ideally my system should still boot afterwards
<MichaelRaskin> Depending on your config, nix-build -A hello
<MichaelRaskin> And it should only spam a symlink in the current directory
<ben> right, and pass <nixpkgs> i guess
<ben> cheers, that looks convenient enough
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<simpson> It will get you the "right" zlib every time, more importantly.
<ben> I guess in practice I'm not gonna want to do this for store paths that don't exist anyway
<simpson> Because you can, and will, have multiple different builds of a library, and you want to pick the one that lines up the best with your other libraries. (Both for bug reduction and for memory usage reduction.)
<MichaelRaskin> You can add --no-out-link, but that's too long
<gchristensen> I'm curious why you're looking for zlib like this
<simpson> gchristensen: My guess: Dynamic language FFI needs zlib location.
<ben> nope, I just wanted to have a look at zlib.h
<gchristensen> sounds good!
<ben> but it's a thing I've caught myself doing a few times
<MichaelRaskin> And of course on my system it is enough to say @ zlib @
<gchristensen> cool, just making sure we're not solving the Y of an X-Y problem :)
<MichaelRaskin> Which is really short, but requires all the magic to live inside the @ shell script (I do have it)
<ben> ultimately we are but I'm in the mood to check out all the Ys I can think of rn
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<gchristensen> haha ok ben
<ben> I'm playing with ld to link things manually, which I usually don't do as a spoiled user of modern compiler setups
<ben> I guess I could be setting up a shell environment with all the paths in the environment already
<MichaelRaskin> So, you are mining iron ore to do yak shaving properly?
<ben> :D
<gchristensen> or a default.nix with stdenv.mkDerivation where you can do ${pkgs.zlib}/...
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<ben> thats probably how id set up the shell environment :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c0cdf58 Daiderd Jordan: plex: fix preStart permissions
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<MichaelRaskin> nix-shell may be doing a large part of what you want
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c841128 Daiderd Jordan: plex: fix preStart permissions...
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<gchristensen> yeah I think the cool thing about nix is it is usually easier to do it the nix way
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<ben> Maybe I should just teach my shell to evaluate ${} substutions in the context of nixpkgs instead of shell variables
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: does nix-shell have an option to also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Because for some cases of FFI that would be convenient
<gchristensen> see also what MichaelRaskin does :P
<MichaelRaskin> Nope. By the moment you can comfortably understand what the hell my scripts are doing, you already have a slightly different opinion what they should be doing, and so have your own set of scripts
<clever> MichaelRaskin: you could probably write a setup hook to do that
<boomshroom> I'm just wondering if people have had a chance to see I would really like to know what is suitable for my user config rather than the global configuration.
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<MichaelRaskin> clever: well, that should be easy, but then it also requires a separate shell script (this hook) and I can just continue to use @/@+/… that I already have
<Ralith> Nick Hu: yes, the game has a longstanding bug with a known workaround; I open a nix-shell with and then run ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/RimWorld/
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<clever> boomshroom: you can make a common.nix for both systems, then inside configuration.nix do imports = [ ./common.nix ];
<clever> boomshroom: then share the common.nix between them
<Ralith> you could probably tidy that up into a single installable wrapper script
<ben> You could just not store your system config in /etc/nixos, and put it into ~/nixos-config or whatever, and also make it a git repo managed by your normal user
<ben> re: not saying sudo to work on it >:U
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<boomshroom> clever: I know that, but I like doing things user local so 1. I don't have to use 'sudo', 2. if I manage to get my dad to get an account on my system, 3. so I could reuse the config on non-NixOS systems.
<ben> What kinda things is it you want to do?
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<boomshroom> ben: have as much as I can in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix and move that file between my desktop, my macbook, and my account on my university computers.
<ben> My config.nix is pretty small, I guess
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 09c1768 Daiderd Jordan: plex: 1.5.5 -> 1.5.7
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<boomshroom> I'm going to be going to work soon, so I'd like to move discussion to the subreddit so I can read it on my break or when I get off work. Thank you.
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<MichaelRaskin> ~~~~
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26757: upx: 3.93 -> 3.94 (master...update/upx-3.94)
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<boomshroom> sorry I have to leave. Bye! :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26734: statifier: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.4 (master...statifier-1.7.4)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8506fc3 Igor Sharonov: languagetool: fix arguments passing
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c09d4ae Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26729 from igsha/languagetool...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26707: rust-bindgen: 0.24.0 -> 0.25.5 (master...rust-bindgen)
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<NickHu> ralith: Just so you know, that doesn't resolve for me
<Ralith> "doesn't resolve?"
<NickHu> Anyway, turns out I had an even more subtle issue that happened to have the same effect, which I fixed by using jemalloc as detailed here:
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<NickHu> The url
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<Ralith> what is that supposed to mean
<sphalerite> The hostname in the URL doesn't resolve to an IP address, I'm guessing
<Ralith> I doubt that's it
<Ralith> DNS is working fine
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 80ace73 Martin Wohlert: libopus: 1.1.5 -> 1.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5dc7314 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26749 from gentoofreak/libopus-1.2...
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<7JTABIGJ3> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26749: libopus: 1.1.5 -> 1.2 (master...libopus-1.2)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26777: libopus: 1.1.5 -> 1.2 (master...opus)
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<NickHu> ralith: not for me
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<Ralith> again, what does that mean?
<NickHu> exactly what sphalerite said
<NickHu> I can't resolve for some reason
<Ralith> what DNS server are you using? what is its response?
<NickHu> (Using google dns)
<clever> the google dns servers have been having issues lately
<clever> ive seen a number of people not getting the right reply back
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<Ralith> yes, looks like google DNS is broken; I'm seeing SERVFAIL from them
<Ralith> you should switch to a reliable provider
<clever> prior to yesterday, google was a reliable dns provider
<clever> but i also run my own recursive caching dns, its as simple as services.bind.enable = true;
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<sphalerite> I like
<clever> bbl
<NickHu> damn apparently the jemalloc thing doesn't fully work either - I got an hour in without a crash though so that's progress
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea440ea John Children: antlr4_7: init at 4.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8f9d3bf Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26594 from jchildren/master...
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<dtzWill> wish more people from github used IRC O:)
<dtzWill> suppose having those discussions publicly (and organized) has value, but at times it's strange to discuss things that way :)
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<hyper_ch> you can discuss on github? oO
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<crst> Hi
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<clever> hyper_ch: anoyingly, ive found usefull documentation, in a thread on a commit
<clever> so you basicaly have to search the comments on every commit if you want to find the juicy details
<hyper_ch> I let the smart people do that :)
<hyper_ch> and sometimes also the clever people ;)
<MichaelRaskin> If you want thigs to be searchable, you should at least use an issue
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 4z3 opened pull request #26822: Bitlbee facebook (master...bitlbee-facebook)
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<crst> hey hyper_ch :) you're here, too, lol
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<crst> I'm trying to install minimal into a vm. How can I change the keyboard layout?
<hyper_ch> crst: I'm in many places
<Infinisil> crst: `setxkbmap`
<Infinisil> crst: I mostly only use `setxkbmap -layout up -variant dvp` (programmer dvorak) and `setxkbmap -layout up` (normal us)
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<Infinisil> s/up/us/g
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<Infinisil> Oh and similar option if you want to set this in configuration.nix, see here:
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<Infinisil> And here:
<Infinisil> Oh, but you may not want to use x11
<Infinisil> For that there's this: . The option consoleUseXkbConfig seems promising
<Infinisil> I'll enable this myself actually, didn't know it existed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 03aed4c Tim Steinbach: linux-copperhead: 4.11.6.d -> 4.11.7.a
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 76e019a ajevans: crashplan: 4.8.2 -> 4.8.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6741b3a Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26807 from ajevans85/crashplan-4-8-3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26762: creduce: 2.6.0 -> 2.7.0, now uses LLVM 4 (master...update/creduce)
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<crst> Infinisil: command not found. That means I have to edit configuration.nix. Typing is pure horror here, lol. I'd need `setxkbmap -layout 'ch(de),us' -variant mac`. Can I maybe already ssh into freshly booted minimal iso? I'd need a running ssh, ip and default pw. Can I install packages in this state already?
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<copumpkin> LnL: omg exciting! will take a look later, out and about now
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<LnL> ideally we wouldn't have to build it twice, but I couldn't get that working nicely
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<Infinisil> crst: don't know. While setting up my machine I almost got used to another keyboard layout it took so long and didn't know how to change it :P
<crst> Infinisil: yeah that's right, one get's used to it after a while :D
<Infinisil> crst: Are you swiss btw?
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<crst> Infinisil: I'm german. I was living in Switzerland for quite a while and I love the swiss keyboard layout. But tying into the vm without copy paste on a different layout is always such a pleasure.
<hyper_ch> everybody loves de_CH :)
<hyper_ch> it's only a matter of time until the large canton in the north joins the swiss republic :)
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<Infinisil> Why though? I found it really inconvenient some time ago when I was using it. The additional ae, ue, oe puts lots of symbols in a difficult spot
<crst> yeah, it's the best. Perfect for writing in de, fr, it, en, even programming works quite ok. I hope it would join :)
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<Infinisil> Ahh
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<Infinisil> Well I'm almost never writing anything other than english
<Infinisil> And code
<Infinisil> That's why I switched to programmer dvorak :D
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<hyper_ch> (isn't that the same - english/code)
<manveru> nope
<Infinisil> I'd say that code is a superset of english
<manveru> i love jp layout, best for coding :)
<manveru> (in ruby, anyway)
<hyper_ch> en_CPlusPlus
<hyper_ch> en_Ruby
<hyper_ch> doesn't japanese keyboard use kanji?
<manveru> no
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<manveru> how would you fit millions of kanji on a keyboard
<LnL> is there a way to get a list of all of the activation scripts?
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<hyper_ch> there's not a million kanji... just a few thousands ;)
<LnL> all of the snippets are combined with the apply of the option
<Infinisil> Lol, keysource*china*
<manveru> well, i was exaggregating a bit, but there are over 10k kanji for sure :)
<crst> hyper_ch: are you swiss?
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<Infinisil> LnL: I don't really follow you, some more context?
<Infinisil> crst: Me and him are both Swiss :)
<manveru> Infinisil: they build keyboards man :P
<hyper_ch> crst: there's some rumors going around like that
<crst> Infinisil: de_ch?
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<hyper_ch> crst: also there's a lot of people thinking I'm from china
<manveru> Infinisil: i'm using but not sure that's easy to read
<hyper_ch> configuration.nix?
<crst> hyper_ch: lol, in real life or IRC?
<LnL> Infinisil: nix-instantiate --eval -E 'with import <nixos/nixos> {}; config.system.activationScripts'
<hyper_ch> crst: irc.... CH -> China -- obviously...
<LnL> that's useless because it's already combined there
<crst> hyper_ch: lol
<MichaelRaskin> But obviously China is ZH!
<Infinisil> Fun fact, when the national TLD's got registered, Switzerland fought with China over the .ch one
<hyper_ch> oh now, I'm not from ZH... nobody likes people from zurich
<Infinisil> My university is in Zurich (ETHZ)
<hyper_ch> it's not a university, d'oh
<hyper_ch> it's a "high school"
<crst> hyper_ch: They've put me occasionaly in Sweden, or Swaziland instead of Switzerland :)
<hyper_ch> never swaziland... but sweden was common - even in Australia
<crst> Infinisil: Polyterasse
<hyper_ch> aren't you a bit old to attend high school? :)
<crst> hyper_ch: Swaziland is rare, that only happened once
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<Infinisil> LnL: You could try with nixos-option system.activationScripts, recently that command didn't really do anything for me though, maybe it works for you though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9929e83 Kai: add support for profiles (#26318)...
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<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Is it really a high school? I'm studying computer science there
<LnL> nixos-option kind of does the same thing
<hyper_ch> Hoch Schule - High School
<crst> hyper_ch: people from zurich are just the worst :)
<hyper_ch> they are
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<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Oh and I'm only 21 years old ;)
<hyper_ch> well, I pondered between computer science, economics and law back in the day
<Infinisil> hyper_ch: So you chose CS considering you're here now?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz opened pull request #26823: -> (master...master)
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<hyper_ch> Infinisil: I didn't
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<Infinisil> :O
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz closed pull request #26823: -> (master...master)
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<hyper_ch> if I did do CS, then I would know all the stuff and I wouldn't come here and asking everybody to have pity and help me :)(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz opened pull request #26824: spotify: -> (master...master)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c6fbc7 Der Pfirsich: spotify: -> (#26794)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 916970f Der Pfirsich: spotify: -> (#26794)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26824: spotify: -> (master...master)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 267ea50 tv: bitlbee-facebook: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c0303c7 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26822 from 4z3/bitlbee-facebook...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 39cd4cf tv: bitlbee-facebook: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1...
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<Infinisil> Does anybody here use Powerlevel9k for your terminal? I'm still trying to find a terminal and a font that doesn't have misalignment issues with Powerlevel9
<Infinisil> k
<hyper_ch> never heard of powerlevel9k
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<hyper_ch> I'm happy with konsole
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<Infinisil> gonna have a look at it now
<hyper_ch> it's part of the kde suite
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<Infinisil> Yeah I found it
<Infinisil> Btw, there was some discussion about ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix before, is there some documentation on this file?
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<Infinisil> Damnit, I probably found some documentation, but it's in the not-anymore-existant wiki -.-
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0d1a1a4 Thomas Tuegel: plasma-workspace: no propagatedBuildInputs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 22b10ba Thomas Tuegel: qt5: 5.8.0 -> 5.9.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69438a3 Thomas Tuegel: khotkeys: fix intermittant parallel build failure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6916f24 Bjørn Forsman: treewide: enableParallelBuild -> enableParallelBuilding
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<qknight> CVE-2017-1000364 <- do we have a patch for that in 17.03 yet?
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<leothrix> I goofed up and forgot to update nixos for a long time and can't upgrade due to python2.7-pyopenssl complaining about ssl certs expiring, is there a manual way to upgrade ca-certificates?
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<qknight> leothrix: the certs are in /etc/ssl and in theory you could just alter those statefully i assume
<qknight> leothrix: verify that by using: strace -f -e open -s 400 nixos-rebuild build 2>&1 | grep '/etc/ssl'
<qknight> leothrix: if it returns anything, then there is a good chance that the certs are used from there
<clever> and if you see any symlinks into the store, copy the contents out of the store, delete the symlink, then put the copy in place
<qknight> clever: yeah!
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<Infinisil> Question: For a while now I used my local nixpkgs checkout because the release-17.03 channel still doesn't have some change I need, specifically in the znapzend module. Is there some better way for that or do I just have to wait for 17.09?
<qknight> Infinisil: you have to wait
<qknight> Infinisil: but you should rebase your changes from time to time to still get security updates
<Infinisil> Who decides what goes in release-17.03 anyways? The change I need it pretty trivial
<Infinisil> qknight: Yeah I'm doing that for new
<qknight> Infinisil: we only put security stuff in there and new stuff gets into master and then in 17.09
<Infinisil> s/new/now/
<qknight> Infinisil: what is your change? PR?
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<Infinisil> In 17.03 the autostart doesn't work
<qknight> i think i could merge that
<qknight> aszlig: what do you think?
<Baughn> nixos-rebuild --target-host requires root on the target.
<Baughn> Can I get it to use sudo?
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<qknight> Infinisil: is it all the 5 commits or only the top one?
<Infinisil> qknight: It's pretty much only bug fixing
<pie__> i cant install this any idea why?
<pie__> $ nix-env -viA nixos.python36Packages.python-libxdo
<Infinisil> qknight: All 5 would be great, but the latest one by me isn't really needed
<pie__> error: attribute ‘python-libxdo’ in selection path ‘unstable.python36Packages.python-libxdo’ not found
<qknight> Infinisil: the 'init at 0.15.3' basically adds the service in the first place. isn't it already in 17.03?
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<Infinisil> qknight: Yeah it is, but autostart doesn't work and restarting on failure doesn't either
<Infinisil> qknight: But if updating release-17.03 is really only thought for security updates that's okay then, I'll just have to wait a few months :P
<leothrix> Well, strace didn't see anything looking at /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt and replacing it on the off-chance didn't fix anything either, so my system may be hosed
<Infinisil> leothrix: I believe there is some way to build your system from a different machine, that might work
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<ben> can you just like
<Baughn> Yeah. nixos-rebuild --target-host and --build-host.
<ben> set your system time to before they expired
<Baughn> But at least --target-host requires root.
<Baughn> --build-host might now, though.
<Baughn> *not
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<qknight> can i deploy to linux x86_64 from a mac os x laptop using nixops?
<leothrix> It looks like this is a known issue I'll probably just wait on:
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<pie__> soo yeah anyone have any ideas about my package problem?
<Infinisil> Argh, why does linux-config fail to build after I rebased on 17.03
<Infinisil> pie__: Nope
<Infinisil> pie__: Maybe it just isn't in nixpkgs?
<pie__> Infinisil, i figured that python**packages is just some kind of wrapper?
<gchristensen> ok2`: are you using a daemon?
<Infinisil> pie__: I once thought that too, but somehow that's not true
<pie__> ah.
<Baughn> Okay, now I want a --download-rather-than-copy-if-possible flag to nixos-rebuild. :S
<Baughn> Infinisil: Stackclash?
<Infinisil> pie__: I mean nixpkgs needs to be reproducible, that means fixed hashes, which means nix people need to manually update packages to make sure they still work. Or something like that
<Infinisil> Baughn: What do you mean by that?
<pie__> tue
<pie__> true
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<Baughn> Infinisil: It's the usual reason why everyone is cherry-picking and rebasing things today.
<Baughn> Since the actual bugfix kernel is hung up on hydra evaluation.
<Infinisil> Baughn: I don't quite get you still
<Baughn> Never mind.
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<Infinisil> Well, how am I going to update now
<Infinisil> I thought 17.03 should Just Work (tm)
<Infinisil> Or nix in general
<Infinisil> Maybe I messed something up with git, lets see
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<qknight> Infinisil: if you got your stuff reworked, i will merge that change you want with a cherry-pick from master. so do a master PR for the change you want and then we'll see if it also applies to 17.03
<qknight> Infinisil: <- turns out that there are many many changes which are not security fixes
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<Infinisil> qknight: I might do that, thanks :)
<qknight> Mic92: i've seen you do merges on 17.03 and i'd like to merge a fix for znapzend. what do you think, can i just do that?
<qknight> Mic92: and which branch is the right one, 17.03 or 17.03-small?
<Infinisil> qknight: I too would like to know what 17.03-small is
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26825: pythonPackages.pylast: 0.5.11 -> 1.8.0 (master...update/pylast)
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<Infinisil> Oh, lol, this might be the reason most travis builds fail, citing the logs: The log length has exceeded the limit of 4 MB (this usually means that the test suite is raising the same exception over and over).
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<qknight> Infinisil: in general 17.03-small is a subsection from 17.03 without a huge dependency chain so fast rebuilds are actually 'fast'
<Infinisil> qknight: I see, so only the most important stuff is there?
<qknight> Infinisil: kind of server stuff, no X and so on
<Infinisil> Nice to know
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<qknight> Infinisil: is you are done, write an email to
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<_Vi> How do I fix ugly fonts in Nix-installed applications?
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<Infinisil> qknight: Huh what?
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<qknight> _Vi: have a look at the fonts stuff
<qknight> Infinisil: i'm not often on IRC so i might miss it
<_Vi> qknight, What shall I nix-env -i for this and what to launch?
<Infinisil> qknight: Ah I see, I'll remember it
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<Baughn> _Vi: You need to change the fonts setting in nixos/configuration.nix
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<Infinisil> _Vi: Are you using nixos or nix only as a package manager?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26826: pythonPackages.uritools: init at 2.0.0 (master...init/uritools)
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<_Vi> Infinisil, I am supplementing Debian with packages from Nix (X server and kernel is from host).
<_Vi> Infinisil, OpenGL problem is already resolved, now fonts...
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<Infinisil> I don't know much about non-nixos nix
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<Infinisil> There are some fonts available in nixpkgs:
<Infinisil> And most applications allow you to change the font in some way
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26827: pythonPackages.spotipy: init at 2.4.4 (master...init/spotipy)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26828: mopidy-local-images: init at 1.0.0 (master...init/mopidy-local-images)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dywedir opened pull request #26829: tiled: 0.18.2 -> 1.0.1 (master...tiled)
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<_Vi> Just installing qt5ct made it look better...
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<mongoixp> Hello, i just installed NixOs and I have the followig question how to use the nixpkgs repository? The way i understood was that you clone the repository and to install a package use nix-env on its .nix file, sort of like the BSD ports
<Infinisil> mongoixp: If you don't develop for nixpkgs you don't need to clone the repo
<Infinisil> Just nix-env -iA nixos.<packagename> to install a package for your user
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<mongoixp> Infinisil, I was trying to make rms sad by installing non-free software I think that's why I wasn't seeing for what I wanted.
<mongoixp> thanks bro
<Infinisil> mongoixp: If you want to install non-free software with nix you need allowUnfree = true; in your configuration
<MichaelRaskin> For nix-env it is in different place as compared to allow for configuration.nix
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<MichaelRaskin> Actually, for a single nix-env invocation you can even set an environment variable NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix-env …
<Infinisil> MichaelRaskin: Didn't know about that env var :o man pages don't mention it
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<MichaelRaskin> Advanced users can even specify a whitelist of non-free software that can be installed without broad permissions, but that requires writing a (simple) Nix function
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<Infinisil> MichaelRaskin mongoixp: Ah, here it is:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvolosatovs opened pull request #26830: mopidy-mpris: init at 1.3.1 (master...init/mopidy-mpris)
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<mongoixp> Infinisil, MichaelRaskin, thanks guys
<nixos-users-wiki> "FAQ" edited by makefu
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<Infinisil> mongoixp: No problem
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* Infinisil just learned how to update a single file to the one from master with git commands
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<simpson> Nice.
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<Infinisil> Well I pretty much just used the example in man git-cherry-pick, but still
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<mongoixp> Soo I am trying to install spotify and it can't fetch the url, The url was changed in the nixpkg git repo just a few hours ago and it isn't on the channel, so how can I be stupid and patch the expression?
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<Infinisil> mongoixp: What url got changed?
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<mongoixp> Infinisil, the binary url. The change:
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 32 hours ago, history:
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<Infinisil> mongoixp: You mean the hash? I don't see any url change
<Infinisil> mongoixp: So you want to have this change right now, because you believe it's gonna solve your problem?
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<gchristensen> Infinisil: the url changed because verssion changed, which is used in the definition of the URL
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<Infinisil> gchristensen: Ah I see
<gchristensen> mongoixp: which version of nixos?
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<Infinisil> Weird, the old version actually gives a 404
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<gchristensen> they drop their versions practically immediately
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<Infinisil> Does cache that?
<gchristensen> no, because it is unfree
<gchristensen> nor is it (AFAIK) undistributable
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I think you overstacked negations
<gchristensen> you're right
<gchristensen> nor is it (AFAIK) redistributable
<Infinisil> Ohh, well that's a pretty bad combo for nixos