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<sophiag> ToxicFrog: can you either describe the syntax for that or link me to an example? I'm currently defining my haskell env (with additional packages that aren't in LTS) in packageOverrides, but with no versions specified
<Sonarpulse> LnL: you working on rustc for i686 to unstick nixpkgs-unstable?
<ToxicFrog> sophiag: so, the big caveat here is that I've never done this to haskell packages, so if you already know how to use packageOverrides in general there's probably nothing new I can show you
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<Sonarpulse> good luck!
<ToxicFrog> sophiag: but here's some packageOverrides specifying custom versions for things:
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<ToxicFrog> sophiag: and here's a local-packages file using overrideAttrs to make a custom dosbox variant, so I can have both normal dosbox and debug dosbox installed at the same time:
<ToxicFrog> The latter is used via something like:
<ToxicFrog> let localpkgs = import ./localpkgs.nix pkgs; in { environment.systemPackages = [ ... localpkgs.dosbox_debug ... ]; }
<sophiag> well, a lot of the battle would be figuring out how to specify a version for LTS (i think i can probably remain fast and loose with the additional packages i've added), but to be clear here's a recent copy of my configuration.nix:
<sophiag> would i just add something like "version = ... ;" after line 71?
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<drtop> is there a way to bundle severalpackagesinto a single command? i want users to be able to install several tools by just typing nix-env -i thingPlatform
<gchristensen> drtop: you could usee buildEnvv
<ToxicFrog> sophiag: I honestly have no idea. I've never touched LTS/haskell at all.
<drtop> gchristensen: where is buildEnv documented?
<sophiag> ToxicFrog: ok, thanks anyway. i'll see if any haskellers drop in
<sophiag> on a different note, does anyone know if there's been progress on the virtualbox problem delaying updates to the unstable branch?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26563: greybird: 3.22.3 -> 3.22.4 (master...upd.greybird)
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<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: any luck testing gcc?
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: which ticket should I add my comments to?
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<gchristensen> commented :)
<Sonarpulse> thanks!
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<ison111> Is there any way to tell mod_wsgi (which is a module for httpd) to use the nix-shell instead of just calling python? I need it to call nix-shell so I can add some modules to python
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd2976b Peter Hoeg: syncthing: 0.14.29 -> 0.14.30
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<jtojnar> How can I add gnomeExtensions.dash-to-dock to systemPackages? I set to but I still “get undefined variable ‘gnomeExtensions’”
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<clever> jtojnar: has no effect on what the current build will use
<clever> jtojnar: it just sets what the cronjob will update to later on
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<jtojnar> is there some way to upgrade the channel manually?
<clever> by running nix-channel --add
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<clever> read its man page
<clever> it should be something like: nix-channel --add nixos ; nix-channel --update
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<jtojnar> oh, I thought it was only meant for user profiles
<clever> when ran as root, it can also manage the channel nixos uses
<jtojnar> neat, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 773cc7c Josef Kemetmueller: pythonPackages.hug: Disable on python2...
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<catern> wait so
<catern> I'm still not sure what the best practice is to build a package from local source
<catern> (package is emacs)
<catern> should I copy the default.nix out of nixpkgs?
<catern> and try to adapt it...?
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<MP2E> catern: yep that's generally what I do. copy the default.nix out to its own folder and edit the src field to point to the directory on your local fs for some quick development then make sure to either override the existing emacs package in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix or put it under a new derivation name
<catern> seems like it's easier to just clone nixpkgs and modify it
<MP2E> here's an example of my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<catern> MP2E: yes, but that's not working properly
<catern> I started off trying to fix errors by adding "with import <nixpkgs> {};"
<catern> but that seems insufficient?
<catern> currently I get "cannot auto-call function without default value (stdenv)"
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<MP2E> going to need some more context, what commands are you running ? what file is "with import <nixpkgs> {};" in?
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<MP2E> also what are you trying to do to emacs? just build as a nixos package except off of a local source directory instead?
<MP2E> just making sure i understand
<catern> yeah I have some local patches
<MP2E> ah
<catern> I'm running nix-build
<catern> I've just copied default.nix into my emacs checkout
<catern> and replaced src with a fetchgit of ./.
<MP2E> patches make it even easier, in that case, I'd recommend cloning nixpkgs and going into the emacs default.nix file and adding 'patches = [ ./your-patch-name-here,patch ./you-can-add-more-than-one ]
<MP2E> and just putting the patches in there
<MP2E> same directory as default.nix
<catern> yeah I mean, right now I'm just tweaking the package in my local nixpkgs clone
<catern> that seems very easy
<catern> I wish software came with a default.nix :)
<MP2E> ah! yeah me too, nix is very nice to work with
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<calvertvl> is there a good example package I can look at for an application with optional X11 support ? preferably something that on nixos would use the state of services.xserver.enable
<clever> calvertvl: packages with nixpkgs cant detect what nixos options you have enabled
<clever> calvertvl: you would need to either make 2 versions and have the user pick the right one, or make a nixos module
<clever> or make it an argument, and let the user .override it later
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<calvertvl> clever: thanks
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<davidak> why is the linux kernel only compiled on one core? it would be much faster to use all
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<clever> davidak: what is build-cores set to in /etc/nix/nix.conf?
* clever heads to bed
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<davidak> clever: build-max-jobs = 4
<davidak> build-cores = 1
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<davidak> so i should change nix.buildCores
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<unlmtd> has anyone done self-signed kernels for secure boot yet?
<unlmtd> nixos could actually make the whole thing a lot smoother than other distros
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<YellowOnion> anyone family with the steam package, and could help me make a package for steamcmd?
<YellowOnion> familiar*
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<YellowOnion> IDK why I get "bad interpreter", I think it's the lack of 32bit support in nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc0ce6b Rok Garbas: rofi-pass: 1.4.3 -> 1.5.0
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<ison111> YellowOnion: I just tried running it, are you talking about "/bin/bash: bad interpreter"? If so then you should just have to change the shebang at the beginning of the script to "#!/usr/bin/env bash"
<YellowOnion> ison111, Oh right
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<YellowOnion> ison111, nevermind, linux32/steamcmd is a 32bit binary that doenst run
<YellowOnion> "no such file or directory"
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<LnL> is it a precompiled binary?
<YellowOnion> yes
<YellowOnion> not having multilib is annoying
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<ison111> I think you can fix it with "patchelf". I just got it to run and start updating. Seems to give another error though
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<ison111> YellowOnion: Yeah it looks like you can get it to work but then the updater overwrites "steamcmd" again and then tries to run it so it reverts the fix. There might be some way to stop that though
<YellowOnion> probably checksums the file to check its up to date.
<YellowOnion> ison111, what do I do with patchelf?
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<trikl> How can I do so that cmake's FindQt4 module finds QtCore? I've tried adding kdelibs and qt4 as propagatedBuildInputs, without success
<trikl> Other applications in pkgs/applications/kde/ don't seem to have this issue
<sphalerite> YellowOnion: Steam works a bit differently from most other packages. It creates an environment where /usr exists and is bound to the libraries in the nix store
<sphalerite> YellowOnion: steamcmd would probably need to run in a similar environment
<YellowOnion> sphalerite, yeah that was my though, currently using wine with the windows version becuase there wasn't a linux binary until recently
<YellowOnion> of the game that is.
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<sphalerite> I don't know the details of how it's set up but you can probably draw inspiration from steam's package
<YellowOnion> yeah, it's very complex, and I'm not sure what half of it does.
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<LnL> YellowOnion: then you have to patch the glibc interpreter
<sphalerite> trikl: generates successfully for me in 'nix-shell -p cmake qt4 gcc'
<sphalerite> And putting qt4 in buildInputs should be enough
<sphalerite> I think
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<LnL> YellowOnion: use stdenv_32bit.mkDerivation with something like patchelf --set-interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)" $out/bin/foo
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<YellowOnion> LnL, I don't think you can patch the binary, they check the checksum.
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<sphalerite> trikl: Any chance of an MCV example of your problem?
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<LnL> YellowOnion: and you can't build it from source I assume
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<YellowOnion> LnL, considering moving to a more familiar OS to be honest, too much work for just a hobby server.
<YellowOnion> I cant even get wine to work at the moment, says I have the wrong version
<YellowOnion> dispite it working with another exe
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<sphalerite> YellowOnion: Moving to a different OS is probably easiest, given that there doesn't seem to be any "prior art" on running SteamCMD in nixos. I tried it at one point as well but can't remember how far I got, just that it definitely wasn't working fully
<YellowOnion> I've had a few issues with nix that has made downtime worse like for example nginx just silently fails if theres an error in the config dipsite nginx having tools for validation
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<trikl> sphalerite: Here is what I'm trying to do
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<sphalerite> trikl: How do you compose it? callPackage doesn't work on it
<trikl> You must use the callPackage defined in pkgs/applications/kde/default.nix
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<sphalerite> trikl: I believe the applications in there use qt5 and not qt4
<sphalerite> oh wait no you specified qt4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 537944e Jörg Thalheim: gajim: 0.16.7 -> 0.16.8
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<trikl> sphalerite: No, you are right, they use Qt5 :S
<trikl> But adding qtbase and as build inputs doesn't seem to work either
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<peti> niksnut, ikwildrpepper: is confused and won't evaluate this jobset any more:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9cad707 Domen Kožar: Fix #26441: avoid infinite recursion
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<niksnut> disk full
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<trikl> sphalerite: gotta go, thanks for the help!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #26529: pythonPackages.thefuck: init at 3.18 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26557: pythonPackages.django: 1.11.1 -> 1.11.2 (master...update_django)
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<7IZAANFWF> [nixpkgs] qknight pushed 1 new commit to master:
<7IZAANFWF> nixpkgs/master 79dd4de Profpatsch: Ultrastar (#26524)...
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<14WABAFHR> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26524: Ultrastar (master...ultrastar)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26566: nixos-artwork: do not leak nix hashes to filenames /share/artwork/gnome/ (master...artwork-fix)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 88b291f Eelco Dolstra: canonicalisePathMetaData(): Ignore security.selinux attribute...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to 1.11-maintenance:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 35ea3d6 Eelco Dolstra: canonicalisePathMetaData(): Ignore security.selinux attribute...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 5ac7088 Eelco Dolstra: Bump version
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<GlennS> Is setting system.stateVersion in my machines.nix the right thing to do if I want Nixops to deploy a particular version of Nixos?
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<GlennS> I finding I can set it to anything - including gibberish - and it has no effect.
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<sphalerite> GlennS: AFAIU nixops doesn't support deploying different versions of NixOS
<sphalerite> At the moment
<gchristensen> GlennS: no, stateVersion is used in only a few places:
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<GlennS> ah, thanks
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<GlennS> so it looks like what I actually need is just the appropriate import statement then
<gchristensen> sorry?
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<gchristensen> GlennS: what is your end goal?
<GlennS> I have one machine which I am deploying via nixops
<GlennS> I want to lock it to 17.03 stable
<GlennS> or just 17.03 I suppose
<gchristensen> do you have more than one machine in the nixops network?
<GlennS> no
<gchristensen> ah!
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<gchristensen> NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=foo nixops deploy will do it
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<GlennS> oh that's an easier way
<gchristensen> my problem in that issue is I want some machines on stable and some on unstable
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<nixy> How can I test if distributed builds are working as intended? I seem to be having some trouble getting them to work, but I am not getting any helpful errors
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<gchristensen> nixy: on your remote box, do you see any login attempts?
<gchristensen> in the sshd logs
<nixy> No
<nixy> I feel like I probably have this set up wrong but the Distributed Builds section of the manual is a little fuzzy for me
<gchristensen> that's okay, it is rough on everybody
<gchristensen> (1) are you using the nix daemon?
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<nixy> No, and NIX_REMOTE is unset
<MoreTea> gchristensen, could you (idempotently) create an issue for having multiple nixos releases in nixops?
<MoreTea> I think that it's an artificial limitation
<gchristensen> MoreTea: LOL
<gchristensen> nixy: have you created a machines file?
<gchristensen> MoreTea: sure ( ) how about I idempotently implement a resolution too? ( )
<nixy> I haven't heard of a machines file. I saw it mentioned once as like /etc/nix/machines but I don't know what it's supposed to do
<gchristensen> nixy: ah! it describes your remote systems
<gchristensen> nixy: if you need an actual example, I can provide one of course :)
<nixy> So looking at the documentation I was able to create something like that in my home directory that the NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS variable points to
<nixy> Something like ` x86_64-linux /Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa 1 1`
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<gchristensen> might want to add 2 trailing spaces to the end therefor the supportedFeatures and mandatoryFeatures
<gchristensen> not sure if you have to, but it is what nixos does
<nixy> I did that, but it didn't make a difference so not sure if that matters
<nixy> So right now, I have NIX_BUILD_HOOK, NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS, and NIX_CURRENT_LOAD all set. This should be all I need right?
<nixy> I don't think it matters, but I am also doing this on Darwin not on NixOS
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<nixy> Hmm, wait. Would it fail if my ssh key has a passphrase?
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, nixe
<MoreTea> *nice
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<MoreTea> haha, we should use nixe as nice nix!
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<nixy> gchristensen: What nix commands should these settings affect anyways? I am trying to use this with NixOps which prints a message acknowledging them but are there any other commands that respect this?
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<nixy> Oh. It works if I give nix-build `--argstr system x86_64-linux` it will work.
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<LnL> gchristensen: you don't need the spaces, it's just because of the interpolation in the nixos module
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<nixy> So it looks like NixOps isn't indicating that the build should be for x86_64-linux. Anyone have any idea how I could do that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy closed pull request #1409: Add support for the curl netrc file in nix-channel/nix-pull. (1.11-maintenance...1.11-maintenance)
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<sphalerite> clever: The image you helped me build recently works in a VM but doesn't seem to support EFI systems. Any idea how I could get it working with EFI as well, or is that uncharted territory?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #26568: flashplayer: -> [Critical security fixes] (master...flashplayer-
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vaartis opened pull request #26569: perlPackages: init packages needed for bugzilla (master...bugzilla-perl-mod)
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<jophish> ha, what's this: error: implementation cannot deal with > 32-bit integers
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26569: perlPackages: init packages needed for bugzilla (master...bugzilla-perl-mod)
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<domenkozar> anyone knows a better way to check if nixos attribute exist? Using tryEval atm
<FRidh> first hasattr?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #26570: pythonPackages.netcdf4: add missing cython dependency (master...fix-python-netcdf4)
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<joehh> how do people deploy software developed/compiled in nix?
<joehh> nix-copy-closure?
<joehh> something else?
<domenkozar> self hosted hydra
<LnL> you can also create a binary cache for the closure with nix-push
<domenkozar> FRidh: not sure that works
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<clever> sphalerite: how was the image built again?
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: like nixos module attribute?
<joehh> and do you create your own channel?
<domenkozar> gchristensen: yes
<gchristensen> hasattr _should_ work I think ...
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<clever> sphalerite: ah, let me double-check that code
<clever> sphalerite: first issue i notice, it ignores the value of installBootloader:
<clever> sphalerite: it will always install one
<clever> sphalerite: second, because its just running switch-to-configuration boot, you just need to put the right statements into your config
<sphalerite> clever: I suppose I'd also need to add an ESP, which would put the task beyond the capacity of make-disk-image.nix, right?
<clever> sphalerite: line 10-ish, boot.loader.grub = { efiInstallAsRemovable=true; efiSupport = true; };
<clever> plus that
<clever> sphalerite: yeah, i dont see any capability for it to make an ESP, you may need to modify it directly
<sphalerite> Right, I thought as much. Just wondering if you knew about any existing code for that :)
<sphalerite> Thanks!
<clever> sphalerite: the stuff to make the iso boot on cd/usb, with legacy/efi might be of use
<sphalerite> Yeah, I had a look at that but it seems fairly ISO9660-specific
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<clever> sphalerite: the isohybridMbrImage is also of importance, it makes an image that is both an mbr partitioned disk, and an iso9660 disk
<clever> so you can dd that iso to a usb stick, and it will be a valid disk
<sphalerite> Yeah, dding to a USB stick is the use case I want to support
<clever> ah, thats currently being handled by a special isohybrid
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<freusque> hello, is anyone encrypting or moving ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops around as part of their workflow?
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<simpson> freusque: I include that folder in my backups. I hear it's important.
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<domenkozar> freusque: we backup it hard :)
<freusque> okay, thanks guys :-).
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<MoreTea> quick question: does someone know how to make go use cacerts?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 264ec92 taku0: flashplayer: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0032e55 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #26568 from taku0/flashplayer-
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<MoreTea> I'm trying to create a tiny wrapper for glide. it's cloning git repo's perfectly fine, but fails on the ones that are supposed to go over HTTP
<MoreTea> the error ==> [ERROR]Update failed for Cannot detect VCS
<domenkozar> iirc there was an issue for that
<MoreTea> yes
<MoreTea> adding NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; to the environment makes it work
<MoreTea> heh, I love how simple it is from time to time to add a packagemanager to nix
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<tilpner> Is there any good way to package a Rust nightly application yet?
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<S0rin> Hey, I am upgrading to the HEAD of the master and I have an error, I would like to investigate about it
<S0rin> 'cannot copy /nix/store/sj1psbij342r12xv61fx6jcxwapkkj3g-gnome-dark-2015-02-27/share/artwork/gnome/Gnome_Dark.png to /boot'
<S0rin> It is in the end of the upgrade so all the thing went well
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<S0rin> And I have plenty of free space on /boot
<S0rin> /dev/md126 966M 98M 803M 11% /boot
<S0rin> Does anybody have an idea on where to look ?
<S0rin> I run a raid 1 on /boot but did upgraded succesfully before
<S0rin> pbogdan: oh will check thank you
<S0rin> pbogdan: Yes it look like it thank's
<S0rin> An other question I come from gentoo and used a lot of personnal overlay to fix, upgrade, test things is it possible to do something similar in nix ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #26571: firefox, firefox-bin: 53.0.3 -> 54.0, firefox-esr: 52.1.2esr -> 52.2.0esr [Critical security fix] (master...firefox-bin-54.0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26572: mplayer: Use system ffmpeg instead of vendored version. (master...fix/mplayer-external-ffmpeg)
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<dtzWill_> S0rin: I'd suggest using overlays:
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<dtzWill_> S0rin: although I tend to hack on a local clone of nixpkgs for many things, but that's partially because overlays didn't exist when I started :).
<S0rin> dtzWill_: Oh nice wil read that thank you :)
<dtzWill_> no problem, GLHF! Come back if you have any questions or get stuck :)
<clever> freusque: i saw somebody in here a few months ago that encrypted the nixops state file with gpg, and stored it in git
<freusque> clever: yeah I'm considering tarsnapping it. But I don't really need the backup thing, its' more of a security concern here, and I will just start to use tomb
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<jgeerds> Where is the priority information saved when using "nix-env --set-flag priority 100 $foobar" ?
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<jgeerds> Ah, got it! nix-env creates a new user environment and the flag information is saved in the manifest.nix file
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #26573: hostapd dependency fix for (master...hostapd_device_dependency)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26573: hostapd dependency fix for (master...hostapd_device_dependency)
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<kezepema> I would like to convert NixOs for arm7 architecture. I know there are some projects around, but I would like to know if it is feasible. I am looking for a manual to accomplish it. Doe one of you have suggestions?
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<jgeerds> kezepema, there's a NixOS fork called triton: - I think they're working on arm7
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<simpson> kezepema: I have heard of folks succeeding with ARMv7 but I believe that it is on a board-by-board basis.
<kezepema> Thanks jgeerds! I'll check Triton
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<jgeerds> kezepema, to be honest I would rather see some arm7 work in NixOS and not in a fork :-/
<kezepema> jgeerds: I suppose you mean build nixos arm7 from scratch instead of recompiling Nixos x86_64 to armv7?
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<jgeerds> kezepema, I mean that such great features like arm7 support shouldn't go in a fork of NixOS (or at least its a sad state). I think NixOS is a much bigger project than triton
<MoreTea> hm, how does one set multiple env vars for systemd jobs?
<tilpner> Mic92 - Hey, do you think it would be sensible to allow packages to specify a custom Rust registry commit instead of fixing it in all-packages.nix/rust-packages.nix?
<kezepema> jgeerds sure, I think nixos support for arm7 is important because of all popular board like Banana, Rpi and so on. Do you think building NixOs from scratch to support arm7 is better than convert existing x86_64 Nixos to arm7?
<simpson> kezepema: NixOS works on those popular boards but it's not well-documented.
<goibhniu> kezepema: have you seen
<goibhniu> (note the warning at the top)
<disasm> MoreTea: like so: environment = { PATH = "/run/current-system/sw/bin"; USER = "disasm" };
<kezepema> Thanks goibhniu! Yes I tried these images. No success however.
<goibhniu> kk cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #26574: mendeley: 1.17.9 -> 1.17.10 (master...update/mendeley-1.17.10)
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<MoreTea> disasm, thanks
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> can anyone help debug a nix-shell -i + haskell problem? it's trivial I'm sure but I don't know haskell
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<catern> so I'm in "nix-shell -p haskellPackages.ghc haskellPackages.diagrams"
<catern> and trying to run
<catern> but it fails with
<catern> Hilbert.lhs:1:3: error:
<catern> Failed to load interface for ‘Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine’
<catern> and Hilbert.lhs:5:3: error: Failed to load interface for ‘Diagrams.Prelude’
<LnL> catern: you have to use ghcWithPackages
<Mic92> tilpner: mhm. Then you have to download the registry multiple times. Is your purpose to avoid merge conflicts?
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<catern> LnL: ah thanks
<catern> hmm...
<tilpner> Mic92 - It's mostly because my applications always have a Cargo.lock that's too new, because I develop against the online, then use an ancient "05-15" registry which of course doesn't have the versions I need
<catern> sbaugh@sbaugh-sandbox ~ $ nix-shell -p haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellPackages.diagrams --show-trace
<catern> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘buildInputs’ of the derivation ‘shell’ at /nix/store/yqzcgsqa61z0dsay6vj70bz3v8kbw983-nixpkgs-17.09pre108299.ec9a23332f/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders.nix:7:14: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /nix/store/yqzcgsqa61z0dsay6vj70bz3v8kbw983-nixpkgs-17.09pre108299.ec9a23332f/nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/trivial-builders.nix:7:14
<tilpner> Mic92 - And it's quite painful to (or I have not found the correct way) generate a Cargo.lock against an older
<catern> what's causing this?
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<Mic92> tilpner: you use use this for development?
<LnL> you need a function: haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: [ p.diagrams])
<Mic92> tilpner: are you aware of:
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<tilpner> Mic92 - I don't use buildRustPackage for development, but I want to use it to install a version of that application anyway
<tilpner> Mic92 - I wasn't aware of that PR, though I found the Pijul repo independently and tried to use generate-nix-pkg to package my application
<catern> LnL: oh, right, of course!
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<MoreTea> Is there a list of newer google compute bootstrap images?
<MoreTea> Deploying the unstable breaks with the packages nixops on gce
<MoreTea> I can't find where that is defined in the source code
<Mic92> tilpner: you should be able to override fetchcargo and therefor rustRegistry of your package. We could also add an attribute to make it easier to specify a custom hash. But for nixpkgs I would default to a single registry, if no custom hash is provided. What do you think?
<Mic92> MoreTea: I generated gce images myself using ./nixos/maintainers/scripts/gce/
<Mic92> MoreTea: custom images can be used the following way:
<MoreTea> thanks
<MoreTea> that still works?
<MoreTea> I wanted to do a presentation on nixops in an hour, and found out that my gce example broke...
<ikwildrpepper> how does it break?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26572: mplayer: Use system ffmpeg instead of vendored version. (master...fix/mplayer-external-ffmpeg)
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<viric> niksnut: how far is nix to run in windows without cygwin? msys would give a single filetree (/ root), but no fork. Could nix have an implementation without fork()?
<Mic92> MoreTea: It worked in my presentation a month or so ago
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26566: nixos-artwork: do not leak nix hashes to filenames in /share/artwork/gnome/ (master...artwork-fix)
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<Mic92> MoreTea: if you use you can also upload your image to a bucket using your google cloud credentials.
<ikwildrpepper> MoreTea: we usually test nixops with the latest release (17.03) in this case
<MoreTea> I'll give this a shot first
<Mic92> MoreTea: default images are specified here: nix/eval-machine-info.nix
<Mic92> in nixops
<ikwildrpepper> ah, the default is still 16.03
<MoreTea> yes :D
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<ikwildrpepper> will move that to 17.03, and then move the image list to nixpkgs, like for ec2
<MoreTea> broke on the setuid stuff
<ikwildrpepper> MoreTea: ah
<MoreTea> "rm: cannot remove '/var/setuid-wrappers': Device or resource busy"
<ikwildrpepper> MoreTea: workaround: nixops ssh-for-each -p -d <name> -- umount /var/setuid-wrappers
<MoreTea> so any 17.03 image should be ok then.
<MoreTea> oh, will try that next if it fails ;)
<ikwildrpepper> was about to push a fix for that in nixpkgs/nixos as the cleanup code of /var/setuid-wrappers does not work when upgrading from 16.03
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Oh yes, a default is still needed, I just want the ability to choose a newer version without duplicating stuff from nixpkgs
<MoreTea> @Mic92, don't care about perfect citizen right now, I want my demo at to work :D
<ikwildrpepper> MoreTea: the workaround will work, but needs deploy after the ssh-for-each is needed to activate your system properly
<MoreTea> yes, I understand
<tilpner> Mic92 - Are you sure I can override fetchCargo? It seems like it imports fetchcargo.nix from build-support/rust/default.nix
<MoreTea> I'm depending on a pre-build 17.03 image, mentioned in the link mic92 gave before.
<MoreTea> copying closure... :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #26570: pythonPackages.netcdf4: add missing cython dependency (master...fix-python-netcdf4)
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<MoreTea> disk to small :')
<MoreTea> bumping rootDiskSize
<niksnut> viric: no idea on windows
<MoreTea> viric, I don't think that many people care about windows support.
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<MoreTea> Would be pretty cool if we _could_ run there.
<ibrahims> hello, `nix-env -i pkgname` can't find the pkgname set in `packageOverrides` in `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix`. it used to work. am i missing something?
<MoreTea> you can try the nix-env -iA $PKG_NAME with the attribute key name of the package?
<ibrahims> oh yes. that was it. thank you :)
<MoreTea> np!
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<Mic92> tilpner: you are right. this has to explictly passed instead.
<viric> MoreTea: I use it quite a lot on cygwin
<MoreTea> viric, that's pretty cool :)
<Mic92> viric: did you tried to run it on the new linux compatibility layer of windows?
<MoreTea> ikwildrpepper, your unmount trick worked indeed, thanks!
<viric> Mic92: nah
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<MoreTea> have got to run
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<Mic92> viric: apt and pacman is already there.
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<cyraxjoe> shlevy: thanks for the merge
<cyraxjoe> I guess it would be released at 1.11.12
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<viric> Mic92: with effort, can be done. Sure
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<MoreTea> is there a way to GC just one derivation path?
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<gchristensen> nix-store --delete <path> IIRC?
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, cool, thanks :)
<MoreTea> Alternatively i'll just add some nonsense variable in mkDerivation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #26575: ddcutil: init at 0.8.2 (master...ddcutil)
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<eacameron> clever, or anyone: I need a lot of storage on the cloud, like maybe 1200TB. Any recommendations?
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<simpson> eacameron: Google Cloud Storage buckets have effectively no size limit, as long as you can afford it.
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<eacameron> simpson: I guess that's what I'm asking. What's a good cost-effective solution for that kind of storage?
<eacameron> S3 would require like $15k/month for that.
<simpson> Sure, and GCE would cost $12k. It's a non-trivial amount of stuff. What's your access pattern like?
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<eacameron> simpson: Rare. It would be essentially keeping video originals for archival purposes.
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<simpson> eacameron: GCS Coldline would be $8.4k/mo. I don't know what the cost of owning the drives yourself is like, so I don't know how low it can go.
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<eacameron> simpson: Amazon Glacier would be $4.4k/mo
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<simpson> eacameron: Buying and owning the hard drives, back of napkin, requires a $110k capital investment and a $3k/mo upkeep.
<simpson> Glacier sounds pretty impressive! I *still* don't know how it's affordable for them.
<simpson> Like, the optical-drive theory sounded so solid, but apparently it's not the case.
<eacameron> simpson: :O That's insane
<simpson> eacameron: 1.1PiB of data is nothing to sniff at!
<eacameron> simpson: Apparently!
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<eacameron> I've been uploading 66GB to S3 for the last 12 hours. I thought 66GB was nothing. But now I'm thinking otherwise.
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<eacameron> Granted, I'm on residential upload speeds (6-8 Mbps) but S3 itself isn't terribly fast.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b7f4e04 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.mparser: 1.2.1 -> 1.2.3
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<disasm> eacameron: it's possible your being trottled by your isp because of the amount you've uploaded in a short period of time. You might potentially be down at like 256 kbps or something.
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<eacameron> disasm: Good thought. I'm at 700kbps. It's abysmal.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3628ce4 Pascal Wittmann: intel-gpu-tools: 1.18 -> 1.19
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fcf2050 Pascal Wittmann: jasper: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.13, fixes CVE-2017-6850
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 420e291 Pascal Wittmann: jasper: 2.0.12 -> 2.0.13, fixes CVE-2017-6850...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michaelpj opened pull request #26576: pandas: add 'which' dependency (master...pandas-which)
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<mbrock> anyone with experience of setting up a custom binary cache with both Linux and OS X builds?
<mbrock> I'd like to do it in some simple way, especially because I don't have an OS X build server
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<mbrock> and I'd also just like to know what's the simplest way to do a custom binary cache
<Sonarpulse> RIP channels
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<mbrock> ahh, I guess it's all just about `nix-push` into a wwwroot. That's really nice
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<vith> how do i globally override nodejs with nodejs-8_x? so far i only figured out how to do it for one dependent package at a time like this: (yarn.override { nodejs = nodejs-8_x; })
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi closed pull request #9242: Add support to postfix service for regexp-based alias files (master...postfix-regexp-aliases-master)
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<pxc> is there a minimum kernel version for Nixpkgs?
<Mic92> pxc: probably glibc sets the lower bound.
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<pxc> Mic92: how do I find out what that is? look at the current version of our glibc package?
<Mic92> pxc: glibc 2.25
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<Mic92> pxc: But there could be other factors I am not aware of though.
<pxc> Mic92: so Nix even though it packages its own glibc requires glibc 2.25 or newer because only one copy of glibc can be in memory at a time?
<Mic92> pxc: because that is the version of glibc all current packages are compiled against it at the moment.
<Mic92> You can try an older version, but than you have to compile everything on your own
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<pxc> Mic92: how do I do that? I want to use Nix on RHEL 6 because all the packages installed on it are super old
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<pxc> Mic92: also where should I look in the Nixpkgs source to see what version of glibc is in stdenv?
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<Mic92> pxc: nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc
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<Mic92> pxc: also the glibc version of your installation does not matter
<Mic92> only if the glibc in nixpkgs plays nice with the kernel
<Dezgeg> it's a compile-time option to glibc to set the minimum required kernel
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<Mic92> pxc: "--enable-kernel=2.6.0"
<Mic92> pxc: nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/common.nix
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<Dezgeg> `file` on a nixpkgs binary claims "for GNU/Linux 2.6.32", I can't recall though if that is to be trusted...
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<pxc> Dezgeg: that's the kernel this thing is running, so maybe Nix will just work. I want to install without root but I think I need at least Linux 3.8 for nix-user-chroot
<Mic92> Dezgeg: sounds correct
<pxc> maybe the old pivot_root method will work
<Mic92> pxc: you have not permission to create /nix ?
<Mic92> *no
<pxc> Mic92: yeah, it's on a server used for development at my workplace. It's like my second week so I don't want to be mucking around as root
<Mic92> pxc: you can run use it as user, once you have created /nix and chowned to your user
<Mic92> proot which kind of works
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<pxc> yeah, I used to use proot at my university before nix-user-chroot was available. Thanks for the link, I'll try that
<pxc> eventually I want to convince the people here to have a multi-user Nix setup on that server for everyone to use but for now I just need to install newer versions of a few programs without breaking things for others or drawing attention to myself from the IT people lol
<Mic92> pxc: are you in High performance computing?
<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> do I really have to run the nix-daemon as root?
<Dezgeg> yes
<gchristensen> catern: what about that leaves you concerned?
<pxc> Mic92: I am not in HPC
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<pxc> btw Mic92, I'd like to take a moment to give you props since we're chatting. You're really responsive on Github and I really appreciate it. It makes contributing nice
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<catern> gchristensen: well having anything running as root is bad
<gchristensen> hrm seems too black and white to be true
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<catern> gchristensen: yeah you're right
<catern> gchristensen: but I'm trying to sell my company on using Nix
<catern> and my industry is very extremely paranoid
<catern> but also short-sighted :)
<Dezgeg> well, in the nixos use case at least nix-daemon is the one who installs all the binaries on the systems, so compromising that will necessary allow compromising root
<catern> so running nix-daemon as root is hard to sell, but nix-daemon as normal user, plus a setuid helper, is palatable
<gchristensen> are you wanting to use _nix_ or _nixos_?
<catern> is that possible to do?
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<catern> gchristensen: just Nix, hosted on Debian
<Dezgeg> I think it's actually possible run nix-daemon without root, but you lose build sandboxing
<LnL> doesn't it also need root for the build users?
<gchristensen> I imagine so
<catern> but I thought there was a nix-setuid-helper?
<Dezgeg> you can run the daemon but without the dedicated build users, I think
<catern> was that killed off at some point?
<gchristensen> the only thing that search turns up
<Mic92> pxc: this will probably reduce a little over the next time as I'm more busy with my job now.
<gchristensen> catern: may I ask what industry? (you may also feel free to comment inprivate)
<pxc> Mic92: that's fair. RL gets in the way of my Nix contributions, too. Nonetheless, your involvement is appreciated :-) Hope the job is going well
<gchristensen> catern: one thing to consider is you don't strictly need the nix daemon to use nix
<catern> gchristensen: finance, but specifically a company that has had a wayward employee steal code before, so is now scarred and paranoid :)
<gchristensen> aye
<gchristensen> catern: indeed, you can build everything externally and just ship nar's
<gchristensen> nix-copy-closure
<catern> gchristensen: yeah but I definitely want to be multi-user, right?
<catern> I mean
<catern> our boxes are sometimes multi-user, so I think multi-user always is a sound plan
<Mic92> pxc: it is research in an interesting domain, so I think so.
<pxc> Mic92: looks like is no longer registered. where else can I find a static build of proot?
<gchristensen> catern: I mean, it sounds like this is going to be hard one way or another
<Mic92> pxc: I would compile from source on the target platform:
<gchristensen> catern: they may want to do a security audit of nix
<pxc> Mic92: sounds good, going forward w/ that now
<Mic92> pxc: otherwise I would ask for a symlink /nix -> /home/pxc/.nix-store
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<gchristensen> catern: I mean, I'd love them to do a security audit of nix too :P
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<pxc> Mic92: looks like you need proot to build proot statically
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<Mic92> pxc: the version in nixpkgs is not.
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<Mic92> pxc: you can also use nixpkgs to compile a static one, I just saw
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f59104b Peter Simons: vcsh: patch broken parser for $GIT_VERSION_MINOR
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<Mic92> there is an enableStatic flag
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<pxc> Mic92: I'm on Darwin on this machine; I might have to just do this at home tomorrow
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26578: cntlm service: cleanup non working config options (master...cntlm-service)
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<Mic92> < nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; proot.override({enableStatic = true;})'
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<clever> eacameron: AWS also has a special option, where you mail them a physical harddrive, and they will add it to S3
<dtzWill_> QQ latest kernels cause insta-panic on my system, think I've traced it down to this (similar patches for other kernel versions):
<dtzWill_> should be in latest/next kernel release, not sure of timetable but just FYI I suppose... :). Maybe helps someone
<dtzWill_> hooray for "boot.kernelPatches" functionality haha
<dtzWill_> also for being able to just boot configs from the past trivially ^_^ ♥ NixOS
<clever> eacameron: ah, they have changed the process a bit, they will basicaly ship you a micro S3 server, and you do the upload over the LAN, and then return the server back to them
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 98c38d5 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 27.4.22 -> 28.4.14
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2343b55 Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 27.4.22 -> 28.4.14...
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<eacameron> clever: that's interesting.
<pxc> huh. So I was able to get PRoot binary, but now I'm getting an error about a missing library
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<eacameron> Is there a generic file-watch tool? I want to effectively "watch '*.hs' 'rebuild'"
<clever> eacameron: simplest thing i can think of is to make a nix expression for building, and then just "watch nix-build", nix will hash the sources, and only build if the hash changes
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<pxc> any ideas?
<clever> eacameron: ah, and AWS has 80tb and 50tb models of the snowball, but you can connect several boxes at once
<eacameron> clever: That's very interesting indeed. I assume you can then access those same files via an API after they've uploaded them internally?
<dash> it also comes in truck size now I hear ;-)
<gchristensen> yeah they'll also drive a truck to you
<clever> eacameron: yeah, i believe it just becomes normal objects in S3 once you return the box
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<clever> also interestingly, the shipping label is just an e-ink display
<tilpner> Mic92 - Sorry, I kind of went away earlier... What's the plan now to get any registry version? Does this need further consideration, or can I just try and PR something?
<clever> so the box can modify its own shipping label
<eacameron> clever: That's nothing. Pretty soon the box will have four blades and actually fly itself to the facility ;)
<clever> :D
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<eacameron> clever: The irony is that internet speeds are too slow to just not use a box in the first place.
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<gchristensen> eacameron: irony?
<gchristensen> never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes
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<eacameron> gchristensen: LOOOL
<eacameron> gchristensen: I see you optimize for throughput over latency
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<clever> sneakernet
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<eacameron> I just had a billion dollar idea.
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<eacameron> Uber + snowball = internet
<clever> :O
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<dash> eacameron: fill mine up with cat pictures please
<eacameron> Now, enable runners to carry SSD drives and you've got some crazy stuff going on.
<eacameron> dash: That'll be the default scrubbing algo after transfers finish
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vaartis opened pull request #26579: apache-httpd: fix mod_perl by refering to apacheHttpdPackagesFor (master...httpd-fix-mod-perl)
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<clever> eacameron: only issue will be the latency
<eacameron> ISO-CATSCRUB: write random cat pictures over the drive 42000 times
<eacameron> clever: If you run faster you get a bonus. Now you've got internet *and* a weight loss program
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<gchristensen> cuba's internet is largely sneakernet
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<eacameron> I'm taking this to some VCs next week
<eacameron> Cuban VCs
<eacameron> Ok, I'm baffled that there is no all-purpose file watching utility.
<eacameron> I just want something like xargs, but it watches some files and then runs a command instead.
<clever> eacameron: maybe search for an inotify cli tool and that could be used
<Mic92> tilpner: I think a pull request, to allow users to override the registry checksum for a single package (default to nixpkgs checksum if unset), sounds good to me.
<Mic92> checksum an rev of course
<pxc> Mic92: I think pivot_root install might be broken on systems that use LDAP auth. I get an error about a missing file (pastebin above). It doesn't appear to be in the Nix store that gets unpacked from the tarball for installation
<Mic92> checksum and rev of course
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<eacameron> clever: Excellent advice:
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<Mic92> pxc: can you strace that?
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<Mic92> eacameron: there is also for services
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<pxc> Mic92: yes, pending...
<eacameron> Mic92: Ah, interesting.
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<ben> Is there a way to write in a nixos configuration that I definitely don't want a specific package to be installed, like preventing accidentally pulling in X on a headless system?
<clever> ben: override X to null
<Mic92> ben: there is als a headless option
<clever> Mic92: yeah, but not everything obeys it
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<Mic92> ben: ./nixos/modules/profiles/headless.nix
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<Mic92> maybe good enough
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<clever> Mic92: oh, that headless profile sounds usefull in my kexec stuff
<Mic92> clever if you ssh, yes
<Mic92> I am surprised you did not know about this.
<clever> Mic92: i had seen a different option somewhere that turns x off in many things
<clever> cant find that different option now
<Mic92> clever: this will recompile too much
<clever> Mic92: this one turns other x stuff off, and removes x11 from dbus
<clever> yeah, it depends on how extreme you want to disable things
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<eacameron> clever: Ok so it works but it's hacky and still way more work than it should be: ```while true; do inotifywait -qr -e modify -e create -e delete .; echo Something!; sleep 1; done```
<Mic92> pxc: please redo with strace -f
<clever> eacameron: heh
<Mic92> to follow forks
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<clever> pxc: i also like makign heavy use of "strace -ff -o logfiles"
<clever> the -ff makes it append the pid to the filename, so the logs dont get interleaved
<eacameron> clever: This requires that you set up the watchers on each iteration. It's not very efficient that way. The sleep 1 is a debounce
<Mic92> sysdig is even cooler, but requires a kernel module
<Mic92> I use it for container debugging or weird buildsystems
<clever> eacameron: yeah, it would help if there was a program that would run X on every event, and not quit
<Mic92> eacameron: are you trying to automatically rebuild something?
<eacameron> clever: I could easily make one but making it available to the masses would be hard
<eacameron> Mic92: Yes
<clever> Mic92: ive run the entire nix-daemon and a whole build under strace before
<gchristensen> oh man clever
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Alright, I'll try, but I'm not really how to do it. I would like a function that gives me a rustRegistry for a given src. Is that okay to put into all-packages? It's not technically a package, so where would it go?
<tilpner> *not really sure
<Mic92> clever: well, try to debug a docker in a docker, which is doing docker's continous integration tests
<clever> Mic92: oh god, lol :D
<LnL> oh boy
<ben> deploying to ec2 with nixops seems to involve a lot of downloading to and uploading from my laptop :(
<pxc> Mic92: is this better?
<tilpner> (So really just expose rust-packages.nix)
<clever> Mic92: my case was pretty fun as well, programs claiming files dont exist, when they clearly do
<clever> Mic92: turns out, the problem was inode numbers that dont fit inside 32bits
<ben> I guess I need to start with a bigger instance to build the others on
<Mic92> clever: 128bit is good enough for my life time
<clever> Mic92: on 32bit kernels, there are seperate stat and readdir functions, for 32bit or 64bit ints
<clever> Mic92: and many programs in nixos (and a lot of other distros) are compiled to only use the 32bit one, and also treat EOVERFLOW as "the directory is empty"
<Mic92> clever: isn't fix in glibc with big files support for years?
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<clever> Mic92: you need to compile with a -D flag, to transparently swap it over
<clever> Mic92: but it also changes the bit size of a typedef in glibc
<clever> Mic92: and if any program was relying on that typedef being 32bits for some internal on-disk data...
<Mic92> clever: if you compile against musl, you do not even have to specify this
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<Mic92> its the default
<clever> Mic92: also, you must use that typedef if you want to copy an inode from a stat result to your own storage
<clever> so if you dont do that, you loose bits
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<clever> Mic92: have there been any changes in the area of a musl stdenv?
<Mic92> clever: I have to reinvent the will, when porting this to rust. As it uses libc wrapper to access all the system stuff
<Mic92> clever: I have not even tried this oe
<Mic92> one
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<eacameron> clever: Mic92: For posterity:
<clever> eacameron: nice
<clever> eacameron: i gist so much crap that i often have trouble finding the stuff i saved, lol
<eacameron> clever: It's like Evernote for programmers
<gchristensen> I used to have a bot delete unstar'd gists of mine :|
* eacameron has his second billion dollar idea of the day
<clever> has helped to dig gists out, as long as i set the topic well or know the name of the files
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<gchristensen> whoa
<Mic92> eacameron: I am pretty sure there is already a make + file watch support. I just cannot remember the name
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] twhitehead opened pull request #26580: Theano cleanup (master...theano-cleanup)
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<tilpner> What's the Nix idiom for if x == null then fetchGit { ... } else x?
<pikajude> it's like
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<pikajude> x or fetchGit { ... }
<clever> gchristensen: i now have an entire window in chromium, with gistbox, and 20 to 40 gists open, of stuff that was important when i opened it
<pikajude> or maybe that's just for attributes
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<LnL> nice, last time I had to use the global search to find one of my own gists
<tilpner> pikajude - Passing a set to a function I can use x ? fetchGit { ... }, but I don't know if that's pretty
<pikajude> me too
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<Mic92> tup does
<eacameron> Mic92: Oh interesting. I think you're right.
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<pxc> Mic92: sorry to nag if you're already looking but did you see anything informative in that second strace output or not?
<clever> pxc: my first guess is that someting in /etc is telling libc to load ldap, so it can properly lookup users and such
<clever> pxc: but the nix ELF files have a non-standard rpath, and cant search /usr/lib
<Dezgeg> maybe LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to /usr/local/lib?
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<Mic92> pxc: can your run readelf --dynamic on that nix-store?
<Mic92> pxc: ah wait a sec
<Mic92> this is nsswitch
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<Mic92> pxc: take a look at /etc/nsswitch.conf
<Mic92> there should be ldap
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 38b7d55 Eelco Dolstra: Remove redundant debug line
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1dcadad Eelco Dolstra: Add 1.11.10 release notes...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master a10951d Eelco Dolstra: OS X -> macOS...
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<Mic92> tilpner: there are other non-packages in all-packages.
<tilpner> Mic92 - I've been wondering for the last few minutes if we can get away without putting rev into the runCommand name of the registry
<tilpner> Mic92 - Not every registry src needs to be fetched from git, so not every registry would have a revision
<Mic92> tilpner: you would have to override src otherwise to use a different fetcher
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f909c4 Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.0 -> 7.0.1
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<tilpner> Yes, I've done that, but now I can't use rev in the runCommand name anymore
<Mic92> tilpner: the way I would implement that, is adding new arguments to nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/rust/default.nix
<tilpner> Ideally I could hash the src that's passed in and use that hash in the name
<Mic92> which gets passed down the stack
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6324d2f Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.0 -> 7.0.1...
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<tilpner> That is exactly what I have done so far, plus some changes to all-packages
<Mic92> tilpner: you could also expose fetchDeps, to allow people to overwrite it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pjones opened pull request #26581: pythonPackages.intelhex init at 2.1 (master...pjones/intelhex)
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<Mic92> `import ./fetchcargo.nix` in a let statement is really an anti feature
<MagneticDuck> Hmm, do we have a non-kludgey way of adding a file to the store that is too large to hold in memory?
<MagneticDuck> But it's not clear how to remount the nix store on a running system.. ?
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<MagneticDuck> Oh, nevermind about the problem with remounting.
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<Mic92> tilpner: added some comments
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<tilpner> Mic92 - Did you see the replies?
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<Mic92> tilpner: can you make this a pull request?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tilpner opened pull request #26582: Expose custom Rust registry versions (master...rust-registry-version)
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<Mic92> tilpner: good then the review gets a bigger audience
<tilpner> Mic92 - src would not be shadowed, only version would be?
<Mic92> tilpner: version = "2017-05-31"; is an assignment
<Mic92> src = if overrideSrc != null then overrideSrc ...
<Mic92> would evaluate the other variable
<tilpner> But src = if src != null then src would work, right?
<lassulus> x
<Mic92> tilpner: this is a noop then
<tilpner> I omitted the else branch. Is that still a noop?
<Mic92> tilpner: this should work
<tilpner> I got syntax errors even with src ? (fetchFromGithub ...)
<Mic92> { runCommand, fetchFromGitHub, git, version ? "2017-05-31", src ? ( fetchFromGitHub { ... }) }: maybe?
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<tilpner> I thought that might be unidiomatic, putting that much into the argument set. Shall I change it?
<Mic92> I guess it is ok
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<pxc> Mic92, clever: is there any way for me to work around this without modifying /etc/nsswitch.conf? can I add openldap to the closure for installation as a one-off somehow? (sorry if I missed your answer; our net connection went down here)
<Mic92> pxc: you could set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to libopenldap
<pxc> Mic92: that sounds super obvious now that you say it :-( I'll give that a try
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #26550: purescript: fix closure size on OSX (master...purescript)
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<Mic92> pxc: you might want to isolate openldap
<Mic92> pxc: /usr/lib is probably not a good idea
<pxc> Mic92: like just add the path to the binary, or copy it somewhere?
<pxc> Mic92: meaning add the full path to the .so file
<Mic92> pxc: LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain directories, you can symlink your library to a seperate directory
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<pxc> Mic92: I didn't think to check before. I saw now that LD_LIBRARY_PATH was already set. I unset it and now I'm getting a different error, this about the extended attrs on env-manifest.nix
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<Mic92> pxc: this is a nix bug. your user is not allowed to remove this particular attribute. selinux could be probably black listed.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbbx6spp opened pull request #26583: ply: init at v1-beta1(9e810b1) (master...init-ply-package)
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<Mic92> pxc: it even is in the newest version
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<pxc> Mic92: I've never installed Nix from source myself before. How do I get the tarball for installation?
<Mic92> pxc: you can also wait a little bit, until the build is ready
<pxc> Mic92: I want to become better versed in this stuff. Do you usually wait for Hydra?
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<Mic92> pxc: it seems to be already built:
<Mic92> maybe the website is not updated that often
<pxc> Mic92: the link is no good. :-(
<pxc> I can never find builds anymore since the s3-ification, even though that was a long time ago
<clever> hash mismatch in downloaded path ‘/nix/store/4fr5rgsizd5q72fr8lsixvb274awg6nk-python3-3.4.4’: expected ea884d66d0bb30285413f36359e4b98bac384160bc307102425c95f54d0802c0, got 9dbbe49f1d8a9f9b25b57b8ee218bca9039d9bb7298b6cd554aee45405f51ea7
<clever> oh wait nvm, i see the problem
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<clever> i'm trying to repair a corrupt path, from my own binary cache (aka, localhost)
<clever> yep, "--option binary-caches" fixed it
<clever> and nearly all of the .pyc files are different
<clever> something with root got ahold of them!
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<clever> i vaguely remember helping somebody in here with the same issue a few weeks ago
<Mic92> clever: there is a bug, when you use python packages in a nix-shell as root I think
<clever> Mic92: but nixos also mounts /nix/store with a read-only bind mount to prevent such things
<Mic92> because nix-store gets mounted rw at some point
<Mic92> clever: there is an open issue for that
<clever> ah
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<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 563 Aug 25 2016 __init__.cpython-34.pyc
<clever> yep, non-1 timestamps!
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<clever> aaannnd its in the closure of the active nixos!
<clever> cant GC that
<clever> [root@router:/tmp]# nix-store --verify --check-contents --option binary-caches --repair
<clever> this one should fix it all, at the cost of a lot of IO
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<lil_dummy> why does nixos always tell me, after an install, "unable to fork - cannot allocate enough memory" despite having plenty of disk space?
<clever> lil_dummy: thats a memory thing, not a disk thing, do you have swap enabled?
<lil_dummy> clever: yeah I should, how can I check
<clever> lil_dummy: what does "free -m" say?
<lil_dummy> under "free" is 295
<clever> memory or swap?
<lil_dummy> clever: under available is 561
<lil_dummy> oh that was memory, one sec
<lil_dummy> swap is all 0's lol
<clever> then you dont have swap enabled
<clever> run swapon on a swap partition
<lil_dummy> ck nice now I have 3557
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<lil_dummy> clever: so now I should be able to run my nix-env command and will be a happy camper?
<clever> yep
<clever> also, nix-env -iA uses less memory then just -i
<lil_dummy> yeaaaah it worked thanks a bunch! I swear I ran swapon during install but guess not
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<Nobabs27> was the party about updating removed from the manual?
<Nobabs27> I guess so
<Nobabs27> wait wrong manual
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<mellowmaroon> Is there a way I can add all packages necessary for OpenGL?
<mellowmaroon> I'm trying to run some Java OpenGL examples, but I think I'm missing some package dependencies
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<mellowmaroon> ...would it just be "hardware.opengl.enable = true"?
<clever> mellowmaroon: that puts the opengl libs into /run/opengl-driver
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<mellowmaroon> clever: I guess I'm not really sure what all I need installed...
<clever> mellowmaroon: what is the error?
<mellowmaroon> The relevant part is this: " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
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<mellowmaroon> That's when I try to run the examples in IntelliJ
<mellowmaroon> But, I tried installing that package, and it didn't change anything
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<mellowmaroon> That is, I installed libXxf86vm through Nix
<clever> installing libraries will never fix library not found errors in a nix system
<clever> normally, you must add the library to the package that needs it
<clever> but java is an edge case, where you must add the library to LD_LIBRARY_PATH when lauching it
<mellowmaroon> clever: What exactly do you mean?
<clever> programs compiled with nix will never look for libraries in a global directory
<clever> so installing a library wont fix the problem
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<mellowmaroon> ah ok
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<clever> you normally have to patch the program to know where the library is
<clever> but java/python are an edge case, where you dont know what libraries it will be using later on
<clever> so you need to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to add things
<mellowmaroon> so, do I need to modify IDEA to include a line like this?
<clever> mellowmaroon: either modify idea, or set that env variable correctly before launching idea
<Nobabs27> this was after a sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
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<mellowmaroon> clever: Got it. I'll try the second way, and if it works, I'll make my own IDEA package. Thanks :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pjones opened pull request #26584: blackmagic init at 1.6.1 (master...pjones/blackmagic)
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<clever> Nobabs27: did you do anything odd with the activation scripts?, can i see more of the error?
<Nobabs27> clever: Activation scripts? that's all of the error I can get, or do I need to go to syslog?
<clever> Nobabs27: are you able to pick an older generation from grub?
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<Nobabs27> clever: yes I am
<clever> Nobabs27: ok, boot that up and then gist the configuration.nix file and the output of sudo nix-channel --list
<Nobabs27> kk
<Nobabs27> clever: whats the command for gist again, to make it check the user and such?
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<clever> Nobabs27: gist --login