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<simpson> Holy fuck, I forgot how much easier Haskell is with Nix. Amazing.
<slabity_> I'll brb
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<Infinisil> simpson: The haskellWithPackages thing?
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<simpson> Infinisil: Even just nix-shell and $(cabal sandbox init) works perfectly on the first try.
<simpson> Well, the second try, since I had to go look up which GHC can satisfy `base == 4.8.*` because the GHC team hasn't just given up and synced those numbers to their release numbers already.
<simpson> It *is* documented, technically:
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<Infinisil> I can't wait for nix to take over the world
<Infinisil> Oh btw, is it safe to say that every nix package builds on every Linux distro?
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<simpson> No, because some packages are broken or non-Linux.
<Infinisil> Yeah yeah, I don't mean those
<Infinisil> Because I'm gonna be recommending people to use nix to install some software if they're having problems with their distro and it's available in nixpkgs
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<clever> ah
<clever> ive given up on installing things with emerge on gentoo, its too slow, but i cant always change the os right away
<clever> so i just use nix on all of my old gentoo boxes
<Infinisil> That's a win-win situation
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<Infinisil> Question: This package has a cli part and a gui part, whereas the cli is a dependency of the gui. Both are built from a single source. What's the best way to package these?
<ebzzry> Infinisil: ping. I got dc’d yesterday.
<clever> a: make a single package that just builds both and puts them into $out
<Infinisil> Right now I'm using a default.nix file which does `callPackage ./cli.nix`, where the cli.nix file is the package for the cli
<clever> b: make a single package that builds both, but puts the gui stuff in the $gui output, via outputs = [ "out" "gui" ];
<clever> c: make 2 packages, which it sounds like youve done already
<Infinisil> So with b), can I put stuff in both $out/bin and $gui/bin and it is available from PATH?
<clever> it will only be in path if you install foo.gui and foo.out at the same time
<clever> but if you only install foo.out, the gui can be deleted by a GC
<clever> and then it wont depend on things like libX11
<clever> so it uses up less disk space
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #26766: openldap: 2.4.44 -> 2.4.45 ; minikube: 0.19.1 -> 0.20.0 (master...minikube_openldap)
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<Infinisil> Hmm, maybe I could do option a), but have an argument `includeGUI ? true`
<clever> that can be done, but would possibly result in having to recompile it, if the binary cache doesnt have both variants
<Infinisil> Hmm true..
<Infinisil> When doing multiple outputs, would users need to install it using nix-env -iA nixos.scyther.gui / nixos.scyther.cli ?
<clever> the tricky thing there, is that nix-env will think one is an upgrade for the other
<clever> and always remove the pre-existing one
<Infinisil> Eww
<clever> but you could then make a 3rd package, using buildEnv and arguments
<clever> that will conditionaly merge the cli and gui (either outputs, or seperate packages)
<clever> that operation is fast, so it can be re-built on the end-users machine
<clever> chrome and firefox plugins work in a similiar way
<Infinisil> Oh, so cli package, gui package, and a package that combines them with `includeGUI ? true`
<clever> yeah
<clever> and that 3rd one could just return the un-modified cli in the false case
<Infinisil> Ah yes, thanks I'll try that
<clever> if includeGUI then (buildEnv { name = "foo-with-gui"; paths = [ cli gui ]; } else cli
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0737359 Tim Steinbach: openldap: 2.4.44 -> 2.4.45
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 56761c9 Tim Steinbach: minikube: 0.19.1 -> 0.20.0
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<Infinisil> Thanks, I think this is gonna work
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<Infinisil> Works already :D
<clever> :D
<Infinisil> Now I have one more problem: I should include multiple versions (latest from master, latest release and some other branch), how would I make these available idiomaticly?
<clever> some packages have a foo and a foo-unstable attribute
<clever> but there is no way to make nixpkgs always build from master
<Infinisil> Hmm
<Infinisil> I could make it another argument: `version ? "1.1.3"`, then check if its one of the supported ones and build that one
<Infinisil> Non-default versions don't need to be built by hydra
<clever> you can also just set meta.hydraPlatforms
<clever> that controls which platforms hydra will build it for
<clever> and if its an empty list, none
<clever> then it can be in the main attribute list as foo-unstable, but not pre-built
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<Infinisil> Ah yes
<clever> and if hydraPlatforms is missing, it defaults to meta.platforms
<clever> which restricts where nix will even try to build it
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<clever> so you could prevent nix from building the package on arm, or darwin
<Infinisil> Oh that reminds me, I should also make this package work on Darwin, it's supposed to work on it as well
<clever> another fun thing to setup, is darwin build slaves
<Infinisil> Which are?
<clever> ensure nix is in the $PATH on non-interactive shells (try ssh mac "nix-store --help")
<clever> then configure nix.buildMachines on your nixos box
<Infinisil> Oh that's pretty fancy
<clever> the first 2 options
<clever> then you can do nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A foo --argstr system x86_64-darwin
<Infinisil> Can't use it though, I'm dual booting
<clever> this will force it to build a darwin version, ignoring the current host
<clever> in my case, i dont own any mac hardware, so i use
<Infinisil> I see
<clever> but in your case, you could do it from a linux VM inside the mac
<clever> or flag a linux VM as a linux build slave, so the mac can still do linux builds
<Infinisil> I'll just get it to work on linux first, darwin comes later
<clever> then you can build for either platform, while booted into mac
<clever> a mac guest in a VM would be harder
<ebzzry> Infinisil: back to my nix-shell question earlier, how can I make work for an input like: ./lisp --noinform --eval '(progn (format t "Hello, world!") (quit))'
<Infinisil> ebzzry: That doesn't work?
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<Infinisil> Ah yeah it doesn't, hold on
<ebzzry> Infinisil: clone that repo, then please try it. =)
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<Infinisil> Ugh I hate bash scripts, such an ugly language, string handling is the worst
<ebzzry> Infinisil: yup!
<Infinisil> Yeah, I've been wanting to have a closer look at turtle
<Infinisil> ebzzry: Maybe this helps you further: escaped=$(printf "%q" "$@")
<Infinisil> This escapes all special chars, maybe that's gonna work
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<ebzzry> Infinisil: let me try that
<ebzzry> Infinisil: where should I plug that?
<Infinisil> I have no idea
<Infinisil> Lol
<ebzzry> Infinisil: =)
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<Infinisil> Maybe you could just loop through all arguments and build up a string like this
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<Infinisil> Oh and if you don't know already, do `set -x` at the beginning to see what's happening and getting called
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e08459 Tim Steinbach: linux-hardened-copperhead: 4.11.6c -> 4.11.6d
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4a4860 Pascal Bach: virtualbox: 5.1.18 -> 5.1.22
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6fb9f89 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #25368 from bachp/virtualbox-5.1.22...
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<pie_> stallarium fails to build from unstable for some reason
<Infinisil> Alright dude, I'm giving up on this bash fucking "string" handling, what a piece of bullshit this is
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<jbaum98> is there a way to add your own custom modules to nixos?
<jbaum98> like if i've written one, how do i enable it
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<clever> jbaum98: just put it into the imports list of configuration.nix
<clever> jbaum98: and also, configuration.nix itself is a nixos module
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<justanotheruser> I'm running into an import error at python run time stating "ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". I get it from importing a module that is part of the panda3d python package. This is my definition to install panda3d, let me know if you see the cause of the issue please, I am indeed including the "freetype" package.
<kanzure> hm.
<kanzure> justanotheruser: do you actually have and if so does setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH help
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<kanzure> er, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/whatever python3
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<jbaum98> clever: ahh thank you
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<Infinisil> ebzzry: Using Haskell:
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<justanotheruser> kanzure: I was having trouble with earlier, now the module I'm trying to build references it properly after adding pkgconfig. Both and are in the nix store, however only libstdc++ is in the nix store for the environment this module is being built in, it looks like. Maybe I should just include another environments LD_LIBRARY_PATH, however is there a more correct
<justanotheruser> solution?
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<justanotheruser> Trying another envs libfreetype I get ImportError: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
<justanotheruser> so I guess some env has some package which has 32 bit libfreetype as a dependency?
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<justanotheruser> I'm surprised it doesn't just include the library when I build it... I mean, nixos.freetype is what I want for libfreetype right
<clever> justanotheruser: did you install freetype with nix-env?
<justanotheruser> no
<justanotheruser> here is the expression
<clever> where did you specify freetype?
<justanotheruser> it is a dependency of panda3d
<clever> how did you pass it to panda3d?
<justanotheruser> hmm?
<clever> you have to pass it into the panda3d derivation somehow
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<clever> or it will never use it
<ison111> Where do I add additional dependencies when doing a package override? I added it to buildInputs but it didn't seem to work
<clever> ison111: which override method did you use?
<ison111> clever: global. using nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides
<clever> ison111: did you use overrideDerivation or overrideAttrs?
<ison111> clever: Oh, overrideAttrs
<justanotheruser> clever: doesn't specifying it as a buildInput in buildPythonPackage do that for me?
<clever> justanotheruser: nope
<justanotheruser> oh
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<justanotheruser> then how does it know to use libstdc++?
<clever> justanotheruser: you need to add the ${freetype}/lib/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<justanotheruser> clever: ok, so do postInstall = "wrapProgram $out/bin/python3 --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : ${pkgs.freetype}/lib"?
<clever> justanotheruser: you need to wrap the shell script that runs python3 on the python file
<justanotheruser> why do I have to do this for this dependency and not all the others?
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<clever> justanotheruser: because python is strange
<justanotheruser> I'll give you that
<clever> justanotheruser: for both python, and java, you cant patchelf the RPATH of the elf file, because its an input, not your output
<clever> so you have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH when running it
<justanotheruser> for c programs, is the postinstall patchelfing?
<justanotheruser> generally
<clever> gcc will just set the right headers from the start
<justanotheruser> oh right
<Infinisil> Why oh why do I get a dns error when looking up my servers domain on, but other dns work?
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<clever> Infinisil: oh, maybe thats why ive been seeing weird dns issues on this end
<Infinisil> Also with only google's dns?
<clever> yeah
<Infinisil> Well that's a reason more to avoid google :D
<clever> i run my own recursive caching server, on nixos
<clever> and have set it up for somebody else recently, their router was returning ipv6 results for an ipv4 query
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<clever> causing things to just fail in wonky ways, because it had no v6 addr
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<Infinisil> Oh, yeah I'd like to use my own one too when I get around configuring it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #26748: KDE PIM Applications (master...kdepim-wip)
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<clever> Infinisil: services.bind.enable = true; is all you need, lol
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<Infinisil> One thing I need is access to my router, its website redirects to the domain, which is handled by the router directly
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<Infinisil> Somehow, I don't fully get it why
<justanotheruser> clever: is there any way I can store the state of the build at a certain step, and only run it again if that step of the expression has been changed?
<clever> Infinisil: ah, networking.extraHosts is the cheap way
<justanotheruser> Every time I build Eigen it takes a while
<clever> justanotheruser: you would need a seperate derivation for every step, and then link them all up in nix
<clever> this is an example i had throw together many months ago
<justanotheruser> neato, I'll try this out
<justanotheruser> ty again
<Infinisil> I just learned about iperf today, pretty cool, gonna have to write a nixos module for that and make a PR
<Infinisil> `iperf -s` on server, `iperf -c` on client, it tests throughput
<clever> main issue ive run into, is v2 vs v3
<clever> some of my servers only have one or the other, and many of them rename the binary to remove the ver number
<Infinisil> I see, it's not compatible?
<clever> yeah
<clever> you have to run the same version on both ends
<Infinisil> I would have thought it would just choose the lowest supported versions by both ends
<clever> isnt that flexible
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<Infinisil> Now I just need a web interface to that so I can check it on any platform :D
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<Infinisil> Man, there's so many things to learn, web dev is on my to-learn list as well
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vandenoever opened pull request #26777: libopus: 1.1.5 -> 1.2 (master...opus)
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<nixy> clever: Well with Nix it would be pretty easy to run the same version on both ends ;)
<clever> yep
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<Infinisil> Oh hey clever, here is the WIP scyther package for now:
<Infinisil> If you're interested
<ison111> clever: So is overrideAttrs the right one to use for buildInputs?
<Infinisil> ison111: Yes, if you want to override buildInputs (which is an attribute of the derivation)
<ison111> Infinisil: Is that how I can add additional dependencies though? I added one that way to a package with a global override but it didn't seem to work.
<clever> ison111: how did you try building the package?
<clever> what command did you run?
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<ison111> Just with nixos-rebuild switch, is that what you meant?
<clever> ah, can you gist the contents of configuration.nix?
<ison111> clever: There's a lot of comments in there though sorry. But I did the override starting on line 48.
<clever> ah, that looks like it should have worked
<clever> but, will adding pillow to the buildInputs actually affect the build?
<clever> ison111: what are you expecting it to do?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 4 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f4b4edc Franz Pletz: coreutils: fix tests depending on setuid/setgid bits...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b972c0e Franz Pletz: exim: patch CVE-2017-1000369 (stack clash)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6c026fe Franz Pletz: linux: patch CVE-2017-1000364 (stack clash)...
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<Infinisil> Good question, maybe some compiler flag needs to be added
<clever> i have a feeling that you need to instead modify the pythonpath within apache
<ison111> clever: Well I just want to run an apache server with mod_wsgi, but I need a bunch of python libraries which it can't find. So I'm trying to just add the python libraries I need as dependencies. Right now that's just a small test to see if I can add the PIL library, but it still says it can't find it.
<clever> ah
<clever> but its failing at runtime, not build time
<clever> so you need to configure apache, so it configures mod_wsgi correctly
<clever> see the above link
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<ison111> clever: Oh wow, I didn't even know that existed. Thanks. I have one more issue though, I need it to use python3 instead of python2. I noticed in the mod_wsgi nix file that it has "python2" in its buildInputs. So I guess I can add python3 to it using ++ the way I did in my configuration.nix file, but is there a way to remove "python2"? Maybe some kind of -- operator?
<clever> ison111: mod_wsgi.override { python2 = python3; };
<ison111> clever: ah, thanks
<clever> this will pass it python3, under the attribute name python2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fa6fd34 aszlig: github/pr-template: Add note about NixOS tests...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 63fb845 aszlig: virtualbox: Rebase hardened.patch on top of 5.1.22...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #26778: fish: 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mt-caret opened pull request #26779: networkmanager: fix arping path (master...networkmanager)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #26782: rrdtool: 1.7.0 -> (master...rrdtools-1.7.0-git)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bzizou opened pull request #26783: [openmpi] 1.10.1 -> 1.10.7 (master...openmpi)
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<joachifm> looks like glibc is now broken on i686 and aarch64 (re ongoing rebuilds)
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<boomshroom> Hello, sorry about earlier.
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<boomshroom> I'm trying to setup a shared configuration between my desktop and my laptop and currently I have separate branches for each with a master branch for common changes. Is there a better way to do this?
<boomshroom> I'm also wondering about how much can go in
<boomshroom> I'm also wondering about how much can go in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix as I'm trying to keep most of the configuration user-side rather than system-side.
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<boomshroom> For file layout, I have a common configuration.nix, the generated hardware-configuration.nix, and a platform-configuration.nix, which is hand-written and different between systems.
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<boomshroom> I take it there aren't many people around this time of night.
<tommyangelo[m]> currently compiling libreoffice- but it seems stuck at "checking for references to /tmp/nix-build-libreoffice- in /nix/store/gzibdnv3i5svxzzcg6i0017in86bgywa-libreoffice-". How long should that take
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] markus1189 opened pull request #26784: ammonite: disable remote logging by default (master...ammonite-disable-remote-logging)
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<berce> I 'm trying to get a smartcard reader working. In debian, it would need package libarc38u. Can you help me to make it available in nixos?
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<goibhniu> hi berce, have you read this already?
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<berce> yes
<goibhniu> cool, have you written an expression?
<berce> I was hoping for guiding like: start from this package and replace the url.
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<goibhniu> usually the readme will say what extra buildInputs you need, or you can also check a build script from some other distro
<qknight> hey. i'd like to install nixos on digitalocean but we can't find the tool to create a cloud-config. <- this is the manual we are following
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<berce> goibhniu: I 'm looking at hello. It looks really simple. I know nix is brilliant, but is it brilliant enough to know where the library files have to be put?
<goibhniu> berce: it will make a fair attempt
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<goibhniu> berce: best to try it out and ask if you run into any issues
<berce> goibhniu: I 'll give it a try. Thanks.
<archebian> What should I do when I get cmake errors?
<archebian> I'm trying to add a package to nixpkgs
<goibhniu> archebian: what's the error?
<qknight> archebian: have a look at other cmake projects already in nixpkgs
<archebian> In file included from /tmp/nix-build-bytecoin.drv-0/bytecoin-1d48dc274048787b7a95814e216c61a1a7307ef1-src/src/CryptoNoteCore/SwappedMap.cpp:18:0:
<archebian> /tmp/nix-build-bytecoin.drv-0/bytecoin-1d48dc274048787b7a95814e216c61a1a7307ef1-src/src/CryptoNoteCore/SwappedMap.h: In member function 'void SwappedMap<Key, T>::close()':
<archebian> /tmp/nix-build-bytecoin.drv-0/bytecoin-1d48dc274048787b7a95814e216c61a1a7307ef1-src/src/CryptoNoteCore/SwappedMap.h:198:3: error: 'cout' is not a member of 'std'
<archebian> std::cout << "SwappedMap cache hits: " << m_cacheHits << ", misses: " << m_cacheMisses << " (" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << static_cast<double>(m_cacheMisses) / (m_cacheHits + m_cacheMisses) * 100 << "%)" << std::endl;
<qknight> archebian: use a pastebin
<archebian> roger that
<archebian> thanks
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<qknight> archebian: can you compile the project inside a nix-shell -p g++ cmake (among the other dependencies?)
<archebian> ive never used nix-shell before, all my codings been from configuration.nix
<archebian> here is my .nix for custom package
<archebian> i import it into package environment with (import bytecoin.nix)
<qknight> archebian: use nix-shell also, it is great for ad-hoc hacking and playing with code
<archebian> do you know how i should figure out what its dependencies would be?
<archebian> ok i will check it out
<archebian> thanks
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<archebian> how can I get a list of available builtInputs?
<qknight> archebian: give me a sec, compiling now
<archebian> nice
<qknight> archebian: nix-env -qaP lists all buildinputs possible
<qknight> archebian: in general you look at similar packages and copy from there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #26785: scyther: init at 1.1.3 (master...scyther)
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<archebian> are the package names build inputs?
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<qknight> archebian: the attribute names
<archebian> but what about when I pass to buildInputs, the build needs it but its not listed in nix-env -qaP
<archebian> and theres times other things I can install don't show up, such as discord and vim_configurable
<qknight> archebian: i'd use git clone on the src and point src = fetchgit { ... } to src=/tmp/cloned; and hack on the code
<qknight> archebian: also use nix-build -K (keep) so you can inspect the code
<archebian> nice thank u for showing me that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26752: pythonPackages.pygraphviz: fix build (master...graphviz)
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<qknight> archebian: my guess is that the source base does not compile on other linuxes either because changes in g++ and such
<ikwildrpepper> anyone here using declarative hydra projects?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 00101eb Volth: jetbrains updater: use perlPackages.LWPProtocolhttps
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7fa29f3 Volth: a little simpification (use File::Slurp)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a260532 Volth: fixed regexp, it did not match the last block
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<qknight> anyone using digitalocean with nixos?
<qknight> i wonder if we need nixos-infect manually at all
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f0d812 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.spyder: remove maintainers...
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<ikwildrpepper> qknight: I use DO with nixops
<ikwildrpepper> I think that uses nixos-infect
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<qknight> ikwildrpepper: paul and me are just trying to deploy something there and we are currently reverse engineering the stuff
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: since the nixops documentation doesn't cover how to deploy or even set that token
<ikwildrpepper> hm weird, perhaps the docs on are not up to date, let me check
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<qknight> archebian: i think it only lacks: #include <cstdint>
<qknight> archebian: i think it only lacks: #include <iostream>
<qknight> archebian: sorry (pasted the wrong stuff cstdint is not required)
<qknight> archebian: so simply patch the source and try with that
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<ikwildrpepper> qknight: I think we have just set DIGITAL_OCEAN_AUTH_TOKEN
<ikwildrpepper> that's it
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: yes, we found that out like 5minutes ago as well
<qknight> ;-)
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: but it is not in the docs, right?
<ikwildrpepper> it is in the options
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: but it'd like it to be mentioned in the nixops docs as well
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aa3f37c Peter Jones: pythonPackages.intelhex init at 2.1
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<ikwildrpepper> we can add a mention to the digital ocean section
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26581: pythonPackages.intelhex init at 2.1 (master...pjones/intelhex)
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<mmmrrr> Can someone tell me: where do the .desktop files live for packages installed from /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ? :)
<qknight> ikwildrpepper: can you commit?
<qknight> cool!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5c2d4ef Markus Hauck: ammonite: disable remote logging by default
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69ca7b1 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #26784 from markus1189/ammonite-disable-remote-logging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master be2b6c2 Alexandre Peyroux: gramalecte: init at v0.5.17
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<jophish> b
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<jophish> I think that I have some leftover locks which are preventing builds
<jophish> restarting the daemon doesn't seem to work
<jophish> Apparently the machine has been restarted since this started
<gchristensen> you might have some build dirs remaining? maybe show the gc roots and delete the old dirs
<jophish> there are two roots, in /run/user/1003
<jophish> for the .drv file
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<jophish> Removing those didn't help
<jophish> I've told the intern to make a documentation improvement to the package and compile again :)
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<pietranera> Hello, this may be a silly question, but how to I update the system packages in NixOS (a la nix-channel --update && nix-enc -u)?
<pietranera> s/nix-enc/nix-env/
<goibhniu> hi pietranera, `nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade`
<goibhniu> nix-env will only update the packages in the user profile
<pietranera> goibhniu thanks, I knew that nix-env would not work but couldn't figure out the nixos command. Thanks!
<goibhniu> cool, you're welcome!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 8 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 167b27b Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.19
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7673cd0 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5148757 Peter Simons: haskell-hspec-core: break infinity dependency cycle...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 bff2ea5 Peter Simons: haskell: fix logic error in generic builder introduced in 00892b7e4ed2e8eb52227db8e8312a06bd1d6699...
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<python476> hi
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 75872f3 Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: security 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c76f8d9 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: maintenance 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7c1a165 Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: security 2.4.2 -> 2.4.5...
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<Infinisil> Nice, nix is yet again on HN's frontpage
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* gchristensen unblocks HN to go see
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<Infinisil> The comment by atemerev resonates with me: Nix' syntax isn't very nice, I'd prefer something more Haskell like
<gchristensen> that seems like an effective way to scare off more people
<Infinisil> At least you'd have good documentation with Haskell.. Could use the whole hoogle stuff
<gchristensen> so you're not saying haskell-like, you're saying directly use haskell?
<Infinisil> I'm not sure
<Gravious> Infinisil, :D
<Infinisil> I would like it to be full Haskell, but that's not really possible with backwards compatibility
<gchristensen> also seems very tough to put haskell so deep in the build chain
<Infinisil> Maybe
<Infinisil> Oh and the new cli design looks neat (mentioned in the HN post):
<gchristensen> you can get that via nix-shell -p nixUnstable
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<Infinisil> Damn, I'm still amazed how nice nix solves everything, you just said "do nix-shell -p nixUnstable", whereas in anything other than nix you'd need to do all that shitty dependency installing
<Infinisil> So glad I found nix
<gchristensen> <3
<gchristensen> I saved my coworkers a day and a half of work by making a nice shell.nix for a project we're starting
<Infinisil> Nice, what was it?
<gchristensen> it sets up go and a few dependencies like protobuf / protoc / language-plugins
<gchristensen> and it automatically detects (using some clever trickery if I may say so) if you've cloned the repo to the wrong place
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<Infinisil> Why would it matter that you cloned something in a specific place?
<Infinisil> I don't have the full picture I guess
<gchristensen> Go's GOPATH requires you clone your project to $GOPATH/src/
<Infinisil> Ahhh I see
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<Infinisil> I haven't looked into Go very much, I'm not sure what to think of its library management
<gchristensen> so I have something like this: and if the directoryStructureIsSane it exposes the development shell, and if it isn't sane it exposes a `diagnosticEscapeHatchShell` which provides instructions on how to fix it
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<gchristensen> I'm actually really really proud of this :D
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<Infinisil> Very nice!
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<Infinisil> There's no hasSuffix in builtins I assume
<gchristensen> I didn't find one, but maybe
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<Infinisil> Imagine being able to use Haskell for Nix, you'd have so many libraries available :o
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<Infinisil> Seems like you got it from there somehow
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2fee075 rnhmjoj: pythonPackages.pygraphviz: fix build and add python.pkgs.graphviz...
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<pie_> Infinisil, ikr? :P
<gchristensen> Infinisil: lol I didn't
<gchristensen> I came up with it on my own, but shockingly close :)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Haha, damn
<pie_> hail nixos
<Infinisil> HAIL NIXOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26785: scyther: init at 1.1.3 (master...scyther)
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<Infinisil> I still need to put nixos on my now-windows machine, but I'm afraid of all the boot problems im gonna get
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<gchristensen> qknight: ping
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<Isorkin> how to view installed all system packages?
<Infinisil> nix-env -q
<Isorkin> indefini: this command view install packages by user
<Infinisil> Ah
<Infinisil> Well if you used configuration.nix you can just look there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ntruessel opened pull request #26789: chromium: 59.0.3071.86 -> 59.0.3071.109 (master...update-chromium)
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<Infinisil> Where would one put bash/zsh completion files in $out?
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<ris> hello world - any darwin people here?
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<ris> ohlook
<ris> theres a special channel
<ris> will ask there
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<r444> how do i enable parallels guest tools in guest nixos?
<Infinisil> A special channel for nix on darwin? I doubt there's much going on there
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<r444> but what do i do with it?
<r444> Infinisil: it feels really-really dead
<Infinisil> r444: See also here:
<Infinisil> r444: Just put hardware.parallels.enable = true in
<Infinisil> x
<r444> thanks
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<Ankhers> -- Is there a way to refer to the erlang derivation that is inside my args variable?
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<r444> can i search nixpkgs for the target binary i need instead of expr/derivation names?
<r444> e.g. I need a genisoimage binary
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<ij> If you want to use some nix file, do you figure out how to use it just by looking at source and usually not by searching for examples?
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<Infinisil> Ankhers: I don't know exactly what you mean, but you can just use `args.<whatever you want from args>`, assuming the thing you want is an attribute of it
<Ankhers> Infinisil: Thanks!
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<Infinisil> ij: I often try to find examples, can't find them most times. Most options are simple to use though, so it's not much of a problem
<r444> any ideas hot to continue?
<r444> how to continue*
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<Infinisil> r444: The hash is different, I think it needs to be the same
<Infinisil> r444: Your iso has rbq207irjl9hmvglkjdhbmafif2148b0, while the build expects vaacf0z6a7v2ysxs11qnwwasnvjlcfs8
<r444> hmmm
<r444> i got mine from the parallels desktop itself
<Infinisil> r444: Either get the right iso, or change the hash to what you got
<r444> how do i do the latter?
<Infinisil> What does your nix file look like?
<r444> can't seem to find the iso
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<r444> i don't have a nix file for this, it's configuration.nix + nixpkgs
<Infinisil> Ah, so you're modifying a clone of nixpkgs? Where is your `test` package?
<r444> hardware.parallels.enable = true; in configuration.nix
<r444> i've not modified anything yet
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<r444> i don't think `nixos-rebuild test` mentions a package name, if that's what you're implying
<Infinisil> Oh, also I mixed up sha256 hash with output hash before
<Infinisil> Ahh lol, yeah
<Infinisil> Hmm
<r444> i followed the nixos-rebuild output
<r444> made the iso from parallels desktop(it allows you to mount the installer into VM)
<r444> and did the command from the nixos-rebuild output
<Infinisil> You need to somehow override the prl-tools package
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<Infinisil> Maybe with the src attribute
<r444> ah, ok, so i have to do overridePackages somewhere
<r444> is there a common way to structure configuration?
<Infinisil> Ah yes it's actually very much this
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<Infinisil> Do you mean regarding overridePackages?
<r444> I'll need to write an override somewhere, but I suspect configuration.nix will get clumbersome very fast
<r444> yes, I'm wondering if there's a common practice/convention for that
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<Infinisil> You could put it in a separate file and then include it
<r444> how do people version it?
<Infinisil> Version what? configuration.nix?
<r444> git repos with scripts that copy the contents to /etc/nixos?
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<r444> configuration.nix and the rest of custom configuration
<r444> It feels like I'm about to invent a wheel
<r444> reinvent*
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<Infinisil> I personally use symlinks for now
<r444> so you point the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to your repo or something?
<Infinisil> Like I have a git repo in /home/infinisil/system and /etc/nixos/configuration.nix is a symlink to /home/infinisil/system/nixos/mac-config.nix
<Infinisil> Also hardware-configuration.nix so it can be used with nixos-generate-config
<r444> I wasn't sure if it'll work with nixos-rebuild and the rest of the machinery
<r444> ok, good to know
<Infinisil> Regarding the parallels thing, you might be able to just replace this hash with the correct one to make it work:
<Infinisil> Hmm actually maybe not
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<Infinisil> You see, the whole file is known to work with exactly that iso, the hash is there to make it reproducable. If you're lucky your iso works without modifications. But I'd try to get the correct one
<Infinisil> I don't know much about parallels or where these iso come from
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<r444> I tried to google it
<r444> i have no clue how to get that iso
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<Infinisil> I searched too, I have no clue what Parallels Tools for Linux even is
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<Infinisil> Can't find anything
<disasm> Infinisil: parallels is an osx hypervisor, like virtualbox. parallels tools is the daemon that runs and handles driver level stuff. I have parallels on my mac here, but I have yet to try nixos in it. Haven't rebooted into OSX in over a month.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 40 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c4ba2e3 John Ericson: cc-wrapper: Remove `*` for `*`...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 459f1c6 John Ericson: cc-wrapper: Learn about target prefixes...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d70e726 John Ericson: cc-wrapper: Simplify and correct logic to chose dynamic linker library
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<r444> Infinisil: daemon that allows you to interact with a host OS
<r444> i want to share some folders
<Infinisil> Ahh
<r444> basically i want to launch emacs in my host OS X, use tramp to get to nixos VM
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<r444> have no clue how to make it work though
<r444> I feel kinda stupid describing my issue on parallels forums, because it's obvious from the answers i get, they have no clue about nixos.
<disasm> I think you can just override the version and the hash
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<Infinisil> Wait so you want to run nixos inside OSX using Parallels?
<r444> Infinisil: yes
<disasm> do you have the prl-tools-lin.iso file r444?
<r444> disasm: not really, i was able to mount the disk by the parallels desktop on the host system
<r444> then i made an iso out of it without the second thought
<Infinisil> You could really just try overriding version and hash, maybe it'll work
<r444> I'll try that, looking up the documentation right now
<r444> not super familiar with nixos
<r444> (more like not at all)
<Infinisil> Wait actually I don't think you need to override the hash
<Infinisil> Hold on
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<disasm> r444: check /Applications/Parallels
<r444> good idea
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<disasm> r444: then scp it to your nixos VM
<disasm> and run nix-store --add-fixed sha256 prl-tools-lin.iso
<r444> i want to compare sha256 first
<disasm> I believe that should output the sha256
<r444> does it make sense to compare it with the sha256 from the file itself?
<disasm> I don't think that's needed
<Infinisil> I think you could override source like: nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { prl-tools = (pkgs.prl-tools.overrideAttrs (old: { src = ./prl-tools-lin.iso })) };
<Infinisil> This just uses a local file for source
<r444> oh cool
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<Infinisil> Let me know if it works, I'm not sure myself
<r444> there's syntax error somewhere
<r444> i'm trying to figure it out
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<Infinisil> Ah, after the path there needs to be a ;
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<Infinisil> Oh and another one
<Infinisil> nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: { prl-tools =
<Infinisil> (pkgs.prl-tools.overrideAttrs (old: { src = ./prl-tools-lin.iso }))
<Fuuzetsu> Infinisil: w.r.t. "Imagine being able to use Haskell for Nix, you'd have so many libraries available :o" yes but the thing is that you usually don't need these libraries. What do you want libraries for? No immediate uses come to mind that would offset the insane price of moving to it. It's still possible to use Haskell here however. You can write your Haskell script then use nix's "runCommand" to invoke it, passing parameters from nix.
<Fuuzetsu> You can use the output of your Haskell code however you wish. You can even output a nix expression and evaluate that.
<Infinisil> Damnit
<Fuuzetsu> I do this in some project (client's so private) and it works great.
<Infinisil> r444: After every assignment (blabla = blabla;) there needs to be a ;
<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: Good point
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<r444> oh, i found the missing ;
<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: Well now that I think about it once more, the stuff that nix has in its library (nixpgks/lib) and in pkgs is actually very much enough, you're right
<r444> error message is .... meh at least
<Infinisil> r444: Yeah it's not easy to find sometimes
<Fuuzetsu> Infinisil: I actually only 2 days ago realised that nix doesn't support floating point. After years of using it; and only because I read about that somewhere, not because I tried to use it...
<r444> the error after `nixos-rebuild test` looks the same as before
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<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: Heh, yeah floating point doesn't have much use in nix
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<Fuuzetsu> my use-case was parsing and processing some YAML FWIW; if it was JSON then we have a built-in for that (though processing would be a pain anyway)
<Infinisil> r444: Seems like the override didn't do anything then
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<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: Why did you need to parse yaml at build time?
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<r444> disasm: i see the sha and it's different
<Fuuzetsu> parsing stack.yaml and extracting local packages, dependency overrides and extra-packages then overriding the package set with those
<r444> any pointers how to proceed from there?
<Sonarpulse> Fuuzetsu: havee you ever talked to domenkozar about that?
<Fuuzetsu> so we build Haskell package but use information from stack.yaml to make sure it's closer to "stack build" or whatever
<Fuuzetsu> Sonarpulse: about what precisely? parsing stack.yaml? no
<Sonarpulse> also hi, long time no see
<Infinisil> I se
<Fuuzetsu> hey; don't really come on IRC much these days (years?)
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<Sonarpulse> years :D
<Infinisil> r444: If the override was applied, the hash wouldn't be checked I'm pretty sure, don't really know
<Infinisil> Hi Sonarpulse :)
<r444> I just pasted the snippet into the configuration.nix
<Sonarpulse> and yeah. parsing stack.yaml
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<Fuuzetsu> nope, just wrote that stuff in-house when I needed it, no public solutions as far as I saw (though I expect many home-grown ones)
<disasm> r444: can you gist configuration.nix?
<Infinisil> r444: Ah I see
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<r444> disasm: yep, one moment
<Infinisil> I think that's the problem, but don't know how to fix it
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<Sonarpulse> Fuuzetsu: I think domen's stuff would postdate yours, but might be public already
<Fuuzetsu> mine's "trivial" and incomplete so didn't bother releasing
<Fuuzetsu> would be interested in what he has
<r444> Infinisil: so you say it's the other thing that should be overriden?
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<disasm> yeah, that's the problem...
<Infinisil> I really have no idea why overriding does nothing
<disasm> r444: ok... I have a solution I think, one sec
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<r444> Fuuzetsu: Sonarpulse: we did that recently, not sure how it compares though
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<Fuuzetsu> let me build it and find out what it actually does
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<Infinisil> disasm: one sec has passed about 500 times now :P
<Filystyn> how to safetly remove user and make new one ;-)
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<r444> Fuuzetsu: i'm not sure though, I'll ask my colleague who did it
<r444> we've used some bash to do that before
<Infinisil> My hate for bash is increasing every day
<r444> he says it's raw, but requires some testing
<r444> s/raw/should be working/g
<r444> bash is hellish, sure
<Filystyn> bash is fine man
<Filystyn> jsut not for everythign ;-)
<r444> i find it ok for calling binaries and doing nothing else
<Infinisil> Here is a list of things I find bash ok for:
<Fuuzetsu> []
<Infinisil> Dito
<simpson> [system shell, user shell]
<copumpkin> offlinehacker: have you looked much at helm/nix possibilities?
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<Infinisil> Well ok, but I'd like something else to replace that eventually
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<r444> disasm: any ideas regarding parallels issue?
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<disasm> r444: that config.hardware makes this hard...
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<r444> I think I have to go away for a few hours soon
<r444> is it ok if I'll get back to you with this later(or possibly tomorrow)?
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<r444> I'm pretty frustrated at this point
<disasm> I'm thinking copy this whole file to /etc/nixos
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<disasm> change prl-tools = to an override of the package
<disasm> get rid of options, get rid of the mkIf
<disasm> and then do an import of that file into configuration.nix
<Infinisil> That could work
<disasm> that's the only thing I can think of
<Fuuzetsu> what are you trying to do?
<disasm> Fuuzetsu: override the parallels src
<Fuuzetsu> can I see your configuration.nix with that?
<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: We tried this, but it doesn't do anything:
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<Fuuzetsu> yes that won't do anything
<disasm> because the let prl-tools = in there
<Infinisil> But how can one override this then?
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<r444> Fuuzetsu: I want to use nixos as a guest within parallels desktop, but to share folders and stuff like with host I need to install parallels tools
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<r444> i have an iso parallels expects me to mount in a guest linux system
<Fuuzetsu> boot.kernelPackages.prl-tools = pkgs.prl-tools.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = …; });
<Infinisil> Ahh yeah that looks better, wouldn't this give the error "attribute defined multiple times"?
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<r444> error: attribute ‘extend’ missing, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/system/boot/kernel.nix:26:31
<Fuuzetsu> no, it's taking " prl-tools = config.boot.kernelPackages.prl-tools;"; and `config` is an attribute passed in and you're defining it in there; even if it was, you can force it and do various stuff
<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: Ah yeah, makes sense
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<Fuuzetsu> r444: you sure you set `boot.kernelPackages.prl-tools` and not `boot.kernelPackages`?
<Fuuzetsu> hm
<Infinisil> Well my next move would be to just clone nixpkgs and change this very file yourself (putting the path for src)
<r444> the only thing i've changed is the value of src = ...
<Infinisil> Then use -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs
<r444> i've replaced ... with a path
<disasm> Infinisil: but then you have to manage updates yourself
<Fuuzetsu> let me put that in my config and mess with it
<disasm> r444: can you gist it again?
<r444> do you mean configuration.nix?
<disasm> I probly have about a half hour or so left on some of these jobs running on my laptop before I can reboot into osx and try something.
<disasm> r444: yeah
<Infinisil> disasm: I doubt it's even gonna work, because those patches and stuff may not apply to the version he has
<Infinisil> disasm: I would do that to just test if it's gonna work before investing any more time
<r444> disasm: ^
<Fuuzetsu> aha I have an idea, just trying first
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #26792: Automated Emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates)
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<disasm> Infinisil: what patches?
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<Fuuzetsu> boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest // { prl-tools = pkgs.prl-tools.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { src = … ;});};
<Fuuzetsu> maybe?
<disasm> ah yeah, xorg version might end up being different and what not.
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<r444> Fuuzetsu: it got a bit farther
<r444> builder for ‘/nix/store/1hdghnwnphqlxwj4zklvarvpngsiir6k-prl-tools-lin.iso.drv’ failed to produce output path ‘/nix/store/vaacf0z6a7v2ysxs11qnwwasnvjlcfs8-prl-tools-lin.iso’
<r444> i see this though
<r444> cannot build derivation ‘/nix/store/qw4bp1yhfgykzxshf8j4y8vggzv999yx-prl-tools-’: 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<r444> ...
<r444> error: build of ‘/nix/store/fx0zc8j4dy1jchi43zz82lpn02kjxrfb-nixos-system-nixos-17.03.1371.76d649b594.drv’ failed
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<disasm> r444: can you gist the whole output?
<Fuuzetsu> seems like it failed to build prl-tools: that means your override worked, now to just fix your build
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<r444> gotta go away for a few hours
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<r444> I'll annoy you a bit later or tomorrow, ok?
<disasm> r444: are you on parallels 10 or 11?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hirnpfirsich opened pull request #26793: Fix/spotify update (master...fix/spotify-update)
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<r444> 12
<Infinisil> Fuuzetsu: "just"
<r444> my nickname may be dredozubov, don't be alarmed if it will be different :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hirnpfirsich closed pull request #26793: Fix/spotify update (master...fix/spotify-update)
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<r444> thanks for the help, see you
<Infinisil> See ya
<disasm> see ya!
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<Infinisil> Damn, that PR by hirnpfirsich got resolved quickly
<Filystyn> hello
<Filystyn> can someone tell me what causes tjis problem
<Filystyn> one huge fucking linking cluster fuck
<Infinisil> Filystyn: Anything to reproduce it? Or what are the errors?
<Filystyn> giving
<Filystyn> lookie
<Filystyn> just at soem point happened maybe i need some hard *resest* lol
<Infinisil> That looks pretty bad..
<Filystyn> this happens only with clem
* Fuuzetsu is the one that package Clementine
<Filystyn> but it worked fine untill i installed many DE
<Fuuzetsu> packaged*
<Fuuzetsu> haven't touched it in long time..
<Filystyn> to see which one i prefered
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<Filystyn> or maybe this is coincidence
<Filystyn> :o
<Filystyn> also
<Fuuzetsu> you should report that to the clementine developers
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<disasm> yeah, that seems like a bug. It could potentially be caused by something in your config you didn't have before, but malloc() memory corruption means something isn't being allocated correctly causing corruption in memory, or you have bad RAM, one of the two.
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<Filystyn> nah i have 8 giga ram
<Filystyn> this is just fuckign segfault
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<Filystyn> and the linking problem was solved it was other program tho
<Filystyn> i compiled it in bad way
<Filystyn> sorry for the mess;-)
<disasm> although no ones replied to that, not a good sign.
<Filystyn> hmm
<disasm> Filystyn: what version do you have?
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<Filystyn> was there new nixos?
<disasm> I mean of clementine?
<Filystyn> 17.03.1298.5bafc71b61 (Gorilla)
<Filystyn> I would gladly evolve to unstable
<Filystyn> i thought i was useing one
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<disasm> it's 1.2.3 in unstable too
<Fuuzetsu> don't know if anyone has been updating it
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<Fuuzetsu> it's at 1.3.1 on github so guess not
<Fuuzetsu> (clementine is, not nixpkgs)
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<simendsjo> I haven't been able to upgrade NixOS for a while as ghc-syb-utils haven't been able to build. I found a github issue for this that said that it had been fixed and would be available in a matter of days. It has now taken some days longer, and it looks like nixpkgs doesn't build properly (if I interpret Hydra correctly). Is there something I can do to work around this and upgrade my system despite this problem? Unfortunately, I don't know
<simendsjo> enough nix to help resolve the issues.
<disasm> the only difference between unstable and stable is it adds optionals for ipod mtp cd and cloud
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<Fuuzetsu> 1.3.x has tons of fixes, I'd suggest packaging and trying that.
<disasm> simendsjo: are you on unstable?
<Fuuzetsu> simendsjo: which issues are these? can you link? why is ghc-syb-utils blocking your system, is it a dependency for something you're using?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] hirnpfirsich opened pull request #26794: spotify: -> (master...fix/spotify-update)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #26795: root: 6.09.02 -> 6.10.00 (master...root_6.10.00)
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<sphalerite> Idea: would it be feasible and useful for binary caches/remote stores to provide deltas from previous versions in addition to complete packages? As I imagine it, it would save a lot of download on mass-rebuilds
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<kugelblitz> how can i get ldconfig to run on nixos? It complains that /nix/store/HASH-glibc-2.25/etc/ is on a readonly filesystem
<sphalerite> kugelblitz: depending on what you're aiming to do, you could just pass the -C argument to put the cache elsewhere
<sphalerite> For improving program load performance, the model doesn't really work for NixOS AFAIU. would be a better solution but I don't know how to implement it
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<kugelblitz> sphalerite, like nix-shell -C "out=/some/writable/path" ?
<sphalerite> kugelblitz: no, ldconfig -C /some/writable/path/
<kugelblitz> ah
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<sphalerite> kugelblitz: reason for the concept not really working being that nixos doesn't have a systemwide library search path from which a cache could be generated meaningfully, as each executable has its own search path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 26e1664 Langston Barrett: flask-restplus: update to 0.10
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb0851d Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #26714 from siddharthist/flask-restplus...
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<kugelblitz> ah hm I just wanted a list of libraries which gcc can link to
<sphalerite> ah right, in the nix-shell?
<kugelblitz> when i do a nix-shell -p SOMELIBS then i want to see which ones are actually there
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Regarding your idea: Aren't binary caches not very bad for diffing? I feel like every single version would have an incremental update that's just as big as the whole thing
<kugelblitz> yep
<Infinisil> s/binary caches/binaries/g
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<sphalerite> kugelblitz: best I can think of is ls $(printf "%s/lib " $nativeBuildInputs)
<sphalerite> Infinisil: but in the case of a mass-rebuild it would often just be library paths changing, while most of the program code stays the same
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ah I see
<acowley> Is anyone familiar with building qt5 applications these days?
<acowley> I have a thing that used makeQtWrapper, and I'm not sure how to get it working since the refactoring that removed makeQtWrapper
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<acowley> As of now, on darwin I get: This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa"
<acowley> in "".
<sphalerite> Infinisil: and I think that would be especially useful in packages that contain a lot of data (particularly games) that doesn't depend on the build inputs to the game's derivation at all
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: I feel like zfs could work for that, the whole snapshot and incremental send/receive thing
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<sphalerite> acowley: I think it's just not been removed, just moved into qt5
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<acowley> sphalerite: Not in my nixpkgs :/
<acowley> I'm on nixpkgs-unstable from yesterday
<acowley> I think things are supposed to work automatically now, but I must have left something out of the derivation for this thing that used to work
<sphalerite> oh, in that cacse I don't know
<acowley> I see, there's a custom mkDerivation now
<acowley> Which is a problem for me as I'm already using a custom mkDerivation. Previously I'd wrapQtProgram myself
<acowley> This is an interesting (eh) design problem
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<sphalerite> mkDerivation should be more composable
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<acowley> Yes in so far as it's probably better than bash, but no in that it's too popular a place to inject custom arguments.
<acowley> E.g., given another customized mkDerivation (something that manipulates arguments and calls stdenv.mkDerivation), how to compose the two?
<sphalerite> Or rather: perhaps custom mkDerivations should be implemented as a transformation function that is composed with mkDerivation but can also be used on its own
<acowley> Yeah
<acowley> Precisely
<sphalerite> Doesn't even sound too difficult. But I don't know what I'm getting into here :p
<kugelblitz> sphalerite, thanks for the hint, did not know about $nativeBuildInputs
<acowley> sphalerite: I think you're right, it's just a tiny refactoring
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<acowley> sphalerite: But looking at what's there now, I don't think it will solve my immediate problem
<sphalerite> kugelblitz: it would be buildInputs but for some magic that mkDerivation does
<sphalerite> acowley: could you not refactor qt's custom mkDerivation like that, PR it, and use your branch in the meantime?
<acowley> sphalerite: Yes, I will PR the refactor if I can determine it's the problem
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #26796: fossil: 1.36 -> 2.2 (master...fossil)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d79b476 Matthew Daiter: erlangR20: init
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b0b5911 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #26764 from mdaiter/erlangR20...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 54a370f Daiderd Jordan: beam-packages: add erlangR20
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26797: erlang: remove erlangR16 and all versioned variants from all-packages (master...erlang-versions)
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<acowley> If I add qtbase to propagatedBuildInputs I get a segfault rather than a missing plugin error. I think that's all the progress I'll make today.
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<LnL> might be something related to
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<acowley> LnL: You got it!
<acowley> I could have sworn I had already baked this into the qt5 support code in nixpkgs
<LnL> a segfault and something with frameworks is usually that in my experience :)
<acowley> When I was doing the qt5 on darwin work last year this was an issue
<acowley> LnL: Yeah, I think I had forcibly unacquired that wisdom
<LnL> I made some changes to fix it for the simple cases
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<LnL> copumpkin had an idea to fix it, but can't find the issue
<copumpkin> oh
<simendsjo> disasm, Fuuzetsu: I'm on stable. I think it's a dependency for ghc, although I haven't checked. The github issue:
<copumpkin> yeah forgot I was going to do that
<copumpkin> :)
<LnL> heh
<copumpkin> I can describe it if you'd like
<copumpkin> I started doing it
<copumpkin> and then got sad about the ld-wrapper
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<copumpkin> probably best to just describe the idea on there actually
<LnL> yeah, "rpath hackery" :D
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<acowley> Well, I +1'ed the hooray emoji on that issue, so I've done my part
<acowley> :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #26153: cc-wrapper: propagate outputs (
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<acowley> copumpkin: That sounds surprisingly reasonable!
<LnL> yeah, that sounds like it should work
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<disasm> simendsjo: it's on master, but doesn't look like it's even staged for 17.03 from what I can tell
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<disasm> peti: is getting backported to 17.03? If not, simendsjo is interested in how to override doCheck to get it to build.
<noffle> hello. I'm running the nixos livecd and noticed that wifi commands like iwlist and iwconfig seem to not be present
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<Neo---> noffle, I don't have iwlist, but you might get (some at least) information from nmcli?
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<peti> disasm: Hmm, back-porting that single change is going to be difficult.
<Neo---> noffle, e.g. nmcli device wifi list
<atemerev> Hi! I am trying to build a python package; it includes a few dependencies not listed in pythonPackages (e.g. sseclient). I have added the dependency to pythonPackages and then to propagatedBuildInputs, but it still not found during the build process:
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<disasm> peti: can you give simendsjo some help? I know nothing about ghc :)
<noffle> Neo---: ah ha, that did it!
<atemerev> Collecting sseclient>=0.0.14 (from dcos==1.9.0)
<noffle> thank you
<atemerev> Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sseclient>=0.0.14 (from dcos==1.9.0) (from versions: )
<noffle> wasn't familiar with nmcli
<Neo---> atemerev, I need to run now but maybe this helps you:
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<Neo---> i think you need the buildEnv
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<Neo---> eh, buildInputs and extraLibs set up
<Neo---> anyway, I need to run, hope it's any use! :)
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<Neo---> noffle, no problem :)
<Neo---> noffle, pro-tip: you can short that to nmcli d w l ;)
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<noffle> nice
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<peti> disasm: pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix is the place to look at.
<disasm> atemerev: I see you listed yourself as the maintainer for those packages, are you trying to add these to nixpkgs?
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<disasm> simendsjo: I think you can do something like this: ghc-syb-utils = overrideCabal super.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; });
<disasm> thx peti for the pointer.
<atemerev> disasm: yes, eventually
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<disasm> atemerev: so are you adding those to your nixpkgs fork?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26798: ios-cross: Just properly use the cc-wrapper (master...ios-cross-stdenv)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f43ae98 John Ericson: ios-cross: Just properly use the cc-wrapper...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a240313 John Ericson: Merge pull request #26798 from obsidiansystems/ios-cross-stdenv...
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<simendsjo> disasm: Where do I put this? I see overrideCabal is defined in haskell-modules/lib.nix, but I'm still very much a newbie with nix.
<atemerev> disasm: to my clone, firstly
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<disasm> simendsjo: depends on how you're installing the package. if it's via nixos-rebuild, it would go in configuration.nix.
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<disasm> atemerev: so after you add those packages, they need to go in pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
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<disasm> then you should be able to run something like nix-shell -I nixpgs=/path/to/nixpkgs -p pythonPackages.dcos-cli
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<simendsjo> disasm: I get a problem where overrideCabal isn't defined. Tried searching through the documentation, but I couldn't find overrideCabal in the nixpkgs Haskell documentation.
<Sonarpulse> peti: were getting close to the point where I'd open a PR for my cross changes to the haskell infra
<Sonarpulse> there's still a few more systems fixes I'll need to hydra can actually test the stuff
<Sonarpulse> but if you like, I can open the PR first for style, etc
<peti> Sonarpulse: Hmm, just open the PR whenever it suits your needs. I'll need a few days to actually read the changes anyway.
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<Sonarpulse> exactly
<Sonarpulse> I'll do that then
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<disasm> simendsjo: try haskell.lib.overrideCabal
<disasm> simendsjo: err pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal
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<chrishill> Hi. Is there a stable version of Firefox in Nixpkgs? I think I only got nightly installed, but I would like to try the stable.
<chrishill> Is it something like firefox-51?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #24983: [WIP] Cross compilation changes, with enphasis on (haskell) GHC HEAD (master...cross-haskell)
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<simendsjo> disasm: Sorry for wasting your time, but I'm stuck :/ My latest attempt: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [(pkgs.haskellPackages.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; }))];
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<Infinisil> chrishill: Firefox is always called Nightly by default when it's not distributed by mozilla
<MP2E> hi there, have been trying to use nix-copy-closure with another machine, both running latest nixpkgs master as of an hour ago. If I try --from to copy over ssh, I get the error 'got EOF while expecting 8 bytes from the remote side'
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<MP2E> weird thing is that logging in with just SSH works. nix-store works once I log in
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<MP2E> also nix-copy-closure works normally if I put both pcs in the same LAN and use a local IP
<gchristensen> unfortunately I got approval from Mozilla to distribute the officially named Firefox version but they reconsidered after I asked for _written_ approval :(
<MP2E> but doesn't work with an IP outside the network, despite being able to SSH in still
<Infinisil> chrishill: You can enable the official branding but you need to compile it yourself then (takes quite a while). I'm currently doing that
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Ohh, weird
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<chrishill> Infinisil: I’m having problems with Netflix and it’s DRM videoplaying system. I suspected that being nightly was the problem. It at some point prompted me to go to Firefox’s site and download Firefox, while in Firefox.
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<chrishill> Infinisil: so compiling it with the official branding might fix that, you think?
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<Infinisil> chrishill: I'm pretty sure the official branding doesn't anything other than firefox's GUI
<Infinisil> doesn't affect*
<gchristensen> chrishill: if you don't mind, I use google-chrome for DRM videoplaying
<makefu> can somebody other than bennofs confirm the origin of `nix` from the hackernews-comment stating " I believe that this meaning is even intentional, the original author of nix (Eelco Dolstra) is from the Netherlands. The name comes from the fact that by default, nothing is available in build environments in nix. " ? i'd love to add this trivia to the wiki
<Infinisil> Why would firefox not work for that though?
<chrishill> gchristensen: good thinking, thanks!
<chrishill> Sheesh, I had too much tunnel vision to think of that myself
<Infinisil> makefu: You could write Dolstra an E-Mail
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<chrishill> Infinisil: I think it’s an issue with the Nix installation, since it works on my APT installed firefox on my desktop but not on the Nix installed Firefox on my laptop
<chrishill> It gives a pretty bland and bad error message
<gchristensen> makefu: you could open an issue asking on nixos/nix
<disasm> chrishill: In the Add-ons Manager tab, select the Plugins panel. Is Widevine Content Decryption Module provided by Google Inc enabled?
<makefu> gchristensen: ok i will open a ticket and add the reference to the wiki ;)
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<Infinisil> makefu: Wait, what wiki? The unofficial one?
<makefu> !
<makefu> i would not even know where to add it in the official documentation
<Infinisil> It's not really documentation really, just history
<Infinisil> The normal wiki would be better for that I think:
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<makefu> how about `everywhere`, it s just such a nice piece of trivia
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<Infinisil> where everywhere = [ wikipedia, ?? ]
<dtzWill> makefu: it's in one of the papers, "The name Nix is derived from the Dutch word niks, mean-
<dtzWill> ing nothing; build actions do not see anything that has not been explicitly declared as an input."
<dtzWill> 1 sec i'll link it to you
<MichaelRaskin> Well, on the Wikipedia mere provable truth will not preserve it from deletionists unless you force some media to ask Eelco Dolstra this question
<makefu> dtzWill: great!
<dtzWill> from "Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment", fwiw, page2 it's the footnote
<Infinisil> dtzWill: Nice!
<MichaelRaskin> A paper is primary source, and Wikipedia loves secondary, no?
<dtzWill> took me entirely too long to recognize that as a joke, lol
<MichaelRaskin> I guess I could stretch the joke by looking up a Talk page where this exact question was seriously discussed
<LnL> :p
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<MichaelRaskin> I mean primary vs. secondary for stuff like that; can you cite a rock band homepage for the album publishing dates, for example?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #26799: haskell infra: Fix cross compilation to work with new system (master...cross-haskell)
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<Sonarpulse> peti: ok, tear it to shreds!
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<chrishill> disasm: that add on might have been the problem. I tried disabling all add ons. But if that one needs to be running...
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<Infinisil> A kinda unrelated question: Is is somehow possible to mathematically have encrypt something and guarantee it can't be decrypted before some date?
<MP2E> just tried nix-copy-closure --to to see if it's just --from having an issue, that gives me a different error : "program /nix/store/*hash*-openssl-1.0.2l-bin/bin/openssl failed with exit code 1 at /nix/store/*hash*-nix-1.11.11/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Nix/ line 44"
<MP2E> pretty odd
<MP2E> followed up by 'unexpected end-of-file'
<MichaelRaskin> Infinisil: not really
<MichaelRaskin> It does depend on your definition of encryption, in some sense
<Infinisil> MP2E: Rerun it maybe, I often get unexpected EOF because of bad network connection, rerunning it fixes it every time
<MichaelRaskin> It is possible to split a file into two files stored on different devices so that seizing one is not enough to say anything about the file, except size
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: if it requires all the CPU time in the world until that day to crack it, and you throw away the key :D
<gchristensen> Infinisil: no, because the current date is an input that can always be faked
<dash> Infinisil: yes, here's how it works
<dash> Infinisil: ah, Sonarpulse understands it.
<nixos-users-wiki> "FAQ" edited by makefu
<Sonarpulse> :D
<Infinisil> Sonarpulse: Yeah, but that doesn't practically work
<Sonarpulse> sorry
<gchristensen> that is The Only Way
<Infinisil> Hmm...
<gchristensen> because the date isn't a mathematical construct, but an input to the equation
<dash> build a stone megastructure that won't unlock until the sun shines on the keyhole
<dash> align to local latitude etc
<gchristensen> the local latitude of the date you want it to unlock*
<dash> this only works if the future date is less than a year away
<Infinisil> Okay okay, there's no nice way
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<Infinisil> One thing I find really cool is how blockchains can do a proof that something happened *before* some date, I'm trying to find other similar things
<dash> Infinisil: put the key on a flash drive, hide it in a crypt and raise a lich guardian to kill adventurers before the appointed day
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<Infinisil> :')
<dash> now that I mention it, I might just do that anyhow
<dtzWill> xD
<Infinisil> Is it possible to proof that something happened *after* a certain point in time?
<dash> Infinisil: sure
<gchristensen> blockchain is built on lots of people agreeing something happened
<MichaelRaskin> A problem with «mathematically impossible» is also that we don't actually know even P vs. NP
<Infinisil> dash gchristensen: How would you do it?
<dash> Infinisil: selfie with a newspaper
<gchristensen> so the people verifying things all just agree "yep, this thing says it is done and it isn't this date yet"
<simendsjo> disasm: Finally got it to compile by putting the following in the packages list: (pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal pkgs.haskellPackages.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; })). Unfortunately, I got the same error as before. Tried doing a collect and rebuild, but the same error again.
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: fake blockchain histories are pretty easy to create, though
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<gchristensen> and the assumption is that if enough verifiers agree then it is true enough to move forward
<MichaelRaskin> This only works if there is no global net partition event
<gchristensen> yeah and a lot of other stuff, the blockchain is an ecological disaster
<Infinisil> gchristensen: This gives a guarantee that something happened before a certain time I think
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<Infinisil> Our assumption is that blockchains work as intended
<MichaelRaskin> Infinisil: but you can be partitioned from blockchain
<gchristensen> what is a date other than a point in time
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<clever> MichaelRaskin: but with the difficulty of the chain as high as it is, any partition is going to suffer so badly it wont progress at all
<MichaelRaskin> clever: that is the point
<clever> MichaelRaskin: you would need to partition the entire internet nearly 50/50 by hashing power
<MichaelRaskin> If you want to use blockchain history as proof of date, I will fake a blockchain history where China has been literally nuked
<MichaelRaskin> Which means I need to mine _one_ block (at current difficulty), then difficulty goes down, fast
<MichaelRaskin> From formal verification point of view, this is a formally correct history
<clever> i believe there is also another point, that when given 2 chains of the same length, prefer the chain that has had a higher difficulty
<clever> and also, the time it took you to make that 1 block will set you behind time wise a decent amount, until you can get the difficulty down enough to cheat and make more blocks then you should
<MichaelRaskin> clever: my point is that if you rely on blockchain as proof of time, you _require_ unfiltered network access
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<MichaelRaskin> And if you trust your network access, you can as well just check
<clever> yeah, you would need to eventualy hear about the other fork and correct things, or hard-code a minimum difficulty for the chain to be acceptable
<clever> and i wouldnt really use a blockchain as a replacement for ntp, the resolution is far lower
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<Infinisil> Oh and regarding proofing something happened *after* a point: Assuming "happened" means "we knew the data that produced hash x", this is impossible, because we can't look into the future, it wouldn't make any sense
<MichaelRaskin> And when I hear «encryption» and «mathematically» and «guaranteed» in the same phrase, I go check Scott Aaronson's blog to see if there is any major paper on P vs. NP. The answer has always been «no» so far…
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<disasm> simendsjo: sorry, I know nothing about haskell, someone else here might be able to help you.
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<simendsjo> Ok, thanks so far. I tried moving it to packageOverrides (adding the following: haskellPackages.ghc-syb-utils = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal pkgs.haskellPackages.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; });), but now I get errors like `ghcWithPackages missing`.
<clever> simendsjo: haskellPackages.ghc-syb-utils = doesnt work in an obvious way, it does haskellPackages = { ghc-syb-utils = ...; };
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 06271b6 aszlig: krita: Fix build dependencies...
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<clever> simendsjo: which overwrites the entire haskellPackages set, with a new one containing just a single attribute
<clever> simendsjo: there is also haskellPackages.override which handles internal references to ghc-syb-utils for you
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<clever> simendsjo: haskellPackages = haskellPackages.override (super: self: { ghc-syb-utils = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal super.ghc-syb-utils (drv: { doCheck = false; }); }); i think
<LnL> simendsjo: use something like this
<clever> *doh*, i have super and self backwards in my example
<LnL> or haskellPackageOverrides
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<simendsjo> I really have no idea what I'm doing here... This is how far I've gotten. Need to read a couple of days if I should understand why this doesn't work:
<simendsjo> .. that is, it builds, but it still run the tests.
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<simendsjo> Finally: Glad someone didn't record me trying to get this working :) Thanks for all the help. Perhaps an example like this (using overrideCabal) should be in the documentation.
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<Infinisil> I feel like a website for nix examples would be nice
<Infinisil> One where you could add an example along with some tags
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<Infinisil> Every used function package could get indexed so you can search for either tags or functions (e.g.
<Infinisil> function and* package*
<Infinisil> wait no, <s>package</s>
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<mellowmaroon> I was able to fix a lot of my java issues by only having oraclejdk/jre installed, instead of both it and openjdk
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<justanotheruser> how do I use ${pkgs.libtiff} in the command line?
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<justanotheruser> also, why was the nixos wiki shut down?
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<Infinisil> justanotheruser: How are you intending to use this in the command line? I bet you're trying to do something this was not intended for
<justanotheruser> Infinisil: ls
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<goibhniu> justanotheruser: the wiki was overwhelmed by spambots, so much of the content was moved to the manual, there's also a new github wiki:
<justanotheruser> ty
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<Infinisil> justanotheruser: Ah I see
<Infinisil> I actually don't know of an easy way to get the path of a package
<Infinisil> nix-env -q something something probably
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<dtzWill> justanotheruser: nix-build '<nixos>' -A libtiff
<dtzWill> should do the trick
<Infinisil> What I often just do when I need to find out where an executable comes from is `realpath $(which hello)`
<dtzWill> i do that too, since once it's installed I don't want the path of /any/ version but the path of the one that I execute when I run the command... :)
<LnL> yep, nix-build prints the path on stdout
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<Infinisil> Isn't there some better way?
<justanotheruser> dtzWill: ty
<Infinisil> I feel like that's a bit abusive of nix-build
<LnL> using nix-build guaranties that it actually exitsts
<Infinisil> Well it works, so whatever
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<justanotheruser> hmm, my program is telling me "ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
<LnL> if you just want to print it you can use nix-instantiate --eval -A hello.outPath
<justanotheruser> and it looks like within the libtiff path, there is no
<Infinisil> LnL: Ah nice
<Infinisil> justanotheruser: Can you gist it?
<LnL> but ls might say that it doesn't exist :)
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<justanotheruser> Infinisil:
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<LnL> justanotheruser: try libtiff.lib
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<LnL> or libtiff.out
<justanotheruser> LnL: where, in my ln line?
<LnL> not sure why a lib* package has bin as it's default output
<justanotheruser> yep, it's libtiff.out
<justanotheruser> how do I see what the possible attributes of a package are?
<justanotheruser> libtiff.out, libtiff.bin libtiff.lib
<justanotheruser> etc
<Mateon1> How does npm with node-gyp look like on nixos? I'm trying to build a package that depends on keyboard-layourt, which fails due to missing X11/Xlib.h - how can I fix that, preferably without packaging a massive npm monstrosity?
<Mateon1> keyboard-layout*
<Infinisil> justanotheruser: You could use nix-repl for that
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<Infinisil> Commands: :l <nixpkgs> , libtiff.outputs
<Infinisil> When you tab after libtiff. you get suggestions as well
<LnL> yeah, that's what I did, nix-repl '<nixpkgs>', libttiff.<tab>
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<sphalerite> justanotheruser: you can also use the tab completion provided in zsh, not sure about bash but there is completion on nix-shell and nix-env for zsh
<justanotheruser> not sure what you mena by that, but I'll look at the commands for nix-repl
<justanotheruser> sphalerite: oh yeah? Maybe I should get that extension
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<LnL> the zsh tab completion is almost as good as nix-repl now
<sphalerite> LnL: almost?
<LnL> well it doesn't work for complex expressions
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<Ralith> now if only zsh didn't break horribly whenever I ssh in from a remote system
<sphalerite> Ralith: how?
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<LnL> never had any issues with that
<sphalerite> ^
<Ralith> /nix/store/ghgv7545gy8c4pa5b63jqpfahd4amkmd-set-environment:23: can't find terminal definition for xterm-termite
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<Ralith> and yes, I have the terminfo installed
<Ralith> it's some dumb search path issue that's been known for ages
<Ralith> you can work around it by re-exporting TERM manually, which invokes some shell magic and makes it find it, but it's super obnoxious
<Ralith> since you have to do that on every single login
<sphalerite> Ralith: but I don't have that issue
<Ralith> hurray for you?
<ToxicFrog> I also don't have that issue, but all of my terminals report as "xterm-256color", IIRC
<sphalerite> Ralith: can you show me a way to reproduce it?
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<Ralith> ssh into a nixos system from a terminal that needs its own terminfo
<Ralith> such as termite
<Ralith> when the remote shell is zsh
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<sphalerite> Where is the terminfo installed?
<sphalerite> In cases where it doesn't work
<sphalerite> or: can you point me to a bug report?
<Ralith> where it's supposed to be
* Infinisil doesn't even know what terminfo is
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: it's a thing for programs to look up information about a terminal.
<ToxicFrog> Like what features it supports, or what sequences you have to send to it for various commands.
<ToxicFrog> Sadly, not everything is a vt220.
<ToxicFrog> Ralith: that bug lists two workarounds you can use to not have to manually set TERM each time
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<sphalerite> oh yeah that one
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<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: if you've ever run into "termcap" (terminal capabilities), that's what terminfo replaced.
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<justanotheruser> Why isn't this legal? nix-repl> builtins.attrNames nixpkgs.nix-zsh-completions error: value is a function while a set was expected, at (string):1:20
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.attrNames nix-zsh-completions
<clever> this works for me
<clever> what did you do to set nixpkgs?, it doesnt exist by default
<chrishill> I can't install google-chrome. error: No Chrome plugins are available for your architecture.
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<chrishill> Does anyone have any experience with that?
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<justanotheruser> clever: imported it
<justanotheruser> what you just ran gives me error: undefined variable ‘nix-zsh-completions’ at (string):1:30
<clever> justanotheruser: with what command exactly?
<justanotheruser> I restarted nix-repl
<clever> chrishill: you need to set chromium.enableWideVine = true; in your nixpkgs config
<clever> justanotheruser: you have to load nixpkgs with either nix-repl '<nixpkgs>' or by running :l <nixpkgs> in nix-repl
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<justanotheruser> my environment.systemPackages includes nix-zsh-completions
<justanotheruser> ok
<clever> nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> wont work, because that returns the function at the top of nixpkgs
<clever> you have to call the function with arguments before you can access the packages within
<justanotheruser> yep, that worked, thanks!
<chrishill> clever: Thanks!
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<chrishill> clever: I still get the same error for some reason. This is my .nixpkgs/config.nix: { allowUnfree = true; chromium.enableWideVine = true; }
<sphalerite> Anyone know anything about debugging tab crashes in firefox?
<sphalerite> is crashing for me
<clever> chrishill: and are you installing chromium?, nix-env -iA nixos.chromium
<clever> sphalerite: ive been having a lot of tab crashes in chromium lately, when they get to 1 or 2gig of usage, the process just implodes on itself
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<sphalerite> clever: I'm pretty sure this isn't a memory issue, it's a static page and fairly small
<clever> sphalerite: at least in chrome, i can open the chrome task manager, and see the usage for every process, and which tabs are tied to it
<clever> the gpu process alone is using 1.3gig
<sphalerite> clever: it also crashes at a very specific moment, when I'm scrolling up the page
<sphalerite> clever: in firefox there's about:performance
<clever> ah, sounds different then
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<chrishill> clever: I was trying to installe google-chrome. I'll try that one as well
<chrishill> clever: nope, that didn't work. But never mind, it's not important. :)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: That link isn't crashing for me, using firefox 54
<sphalerite> Infinisil: even if you scroll through the page?
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: it occurs with both firefox and firefox-bin for me
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<Infinisil> Yup, working fine
<Infinisil> Is it a plugin that's causing it maybe?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: nope, tried it in "safe mode" and in a new profile
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Which version of firefox?
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<sphalerite> 54.0
<sphalerite> both firefox-bin and firefox
<sphalerite> I guess it'll get taken care of eventually
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<sphalerite> Firefox needs more rust :p
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<clever> sphalerite: the tooltips on that site are nearly unusable due to bugs in my gpu driver!
<sphalerite> clever: lol
<clever> sphalerite: my gpu seems to paint the tooltips before the pixel data has been filled in, so it always paints garbage on the 1st try
<sphalerite> clever: with or without a compositor?
<clever> i have to hide, and then re-show the tooltip
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I can't wait for firefox to get more efficient, I really need that sparse battery power
<clever> no compositor
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<clever> but that site doesnt make it possible to just hide a tooltip, it constantly changes it as you move the mouse
<sphalerite> Infinisil: not sure how much more efficient it'll get, but at least there'll be fewer null-pointer-dereferences
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<Ralith> clever: why are you so sure that's a bug in the driver and not in the application
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<clever> Ralith: because it happens to every app with tooltips
<sphalerite> Could also be a bug in the library
<clever> i believe
<Ralith> that just means it's probably a gtk bug :P
<clever> yeah, the lines are blurred a bit
<sphalerite> I think gtk does at this point assume there's a compositor
<sphalerite> what if you run compton? Are the tooltips better then?
<Ralith> I doubt it
<clever> but another strong piece of evidence, the WINDOWS wallpaper was visible on the XFCE desktop after a reboot
<Ralith> haha damn
<sphalerite> hahahaha
<clever> because it rendered the buffer before xfce had loaded the image
<clever> and junk from a previous reboot was in there
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<Ralith> I have the tooltip issue on intel ivy bridge but only in chromium, everything else works fine
<sphalerite> so which driver is it?
<clever> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Bonaire XTX [Radeon R7 260X/360]
<clever> 376 videoDrivers = [ "ati" ];
<Ralith> maybe an X bug
<clever> i believe this is the open source one, the only other crippling fault it has, is that Xorg crashes hard if i unplug an active monitor
<clever> and X also likes to auto-activate any monitor i hot-plug
<clever> so i must be very carefull near the video cables
<sphalerite> I think I've sesen it before too, but I'm on intel graphics
<MP2E> compton is a life safer :P I was dealing with the worst visual tearing in xmonad til I enabled it
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<clever> the closed-source driver is worse, any attempt to turn on dual-monito crashes xorg hard
<clever> and xfce restores dual-monitor upon login, crashing xorg hard
<sphalerite> well AMD aren't really trying with their proprietary drivers, are they?
<clever> yeah
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<clever> i also discovered some unique nixos problems with the open-source drivers before
<clever> one of the components in the mesa pathway, was merged into another project
<clever> but the auto-generated stuff in xorg packages, just got an http dir listing, and built everything in it
<clever> so nixos kept using the outdated repo, that had been long forgotten
<sphalerite> meanwhile nvidia aren't trying with their proprietary driver, nor are they cooperating in the slightest with the nouveau folks :(
<clever> because of that, xterm framerates where horid, "ls -ltrh" took minutes to output
<sphalerite> clever: ouch
<clever> i suspect it was forcing a vsync between every line of text, or possibly every character
<sphalerite> oh yeah, I've had to use windows a bit recently
<sphalerite> powershell's performance is abysmal
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<clever> oh yeah, and windows cant even keep up with my typing speed, lol
<clever> i often hammer out complex sequences of control codes in screen, using ctrl and shift
<clever> and if i do it too fast on windows with putty, it misses keystrokes
<sphalerite> >_>
<Infinisil> gross
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<Infinisil> Oh hey, an idea: Normally you'd use bash for runtime stuff in your nix config. bash is interpreted and slow. But if we use haskell or any other compiled language, it's possible to compile all these scripts at build-time!
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<Infinisil> Making them much faster than bash
<clever> Infinisil: only cost is the 1gig you need just to install ghc
<MP2E> I think haskell hasn't been brought into nix due to concerns about bootstrapping and closure size, but I would like to see it used some :p
<MP2E> yeah
<clever> gcc and c/c++ would be cheaper, but then you run the risk of segfaults
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<Infinisil> clever: Ghc is installed anyways on my machine
<clever> Infinisil: and i think i have 7 copies of ghc 8 on mine
<clever> but not everyone can afford to waste space like that, lol
<clever> i have a netbook with nixos that barely has enough room for 2 generations of nixos
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<clever> i had to disable Xorg and fully GC it, before it could finish a nixos-rebuild
<clever> a single copy of ghc would consume over 25% of the disk space
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<Infinisil> Lol
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<Infinisil> Could use another machine to build it still
<atemerev> OK, I have figured out how to add dependencies to dcos-cli python package, it is compiling now. However, it includes the actual "dcos" binary which I don't know how to get installed. This is what's in the sources:
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<clever> remote build slaves wont do, since nix wants to download the deps to the local box, then push it out to slaves
<clever> Infinisil: so it would have to be a nixops target
<Rotaerk> MP2E, what do you mean by "haskell hasn't been brought into nix"?
<atemerev> How it usually works for python binaries?
<Rotaerk> I mean, it's there in nixpkgs
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<clever> and even then, you must ensure zero references to ghc at runtime, or the 2nd nixos wont fit
<clever> and then its imposible to upgrade
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<MP2E> Rotaerk: I mean as in we don't use Haskell in nix the package manager
<MP2E> and also to clarify, I think the team has stated some very good reasons why, closure size is a concern when you're talking about adding an entire gigabyte
<MP2E> it'd just 'be nice one day'
<Rotaerk> ah, haskell as opposed to nix expressions
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<Infinisil> Why is GHC so big anyways?
<atemerev> Does anybody know how to declare Python application binaries with pyinstaller? Can't find any example...
<Infinisil> Well actually I get it
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<dash> Infinisil: to scare away predators
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26802: fetchnixpkgs: init (master...fetchnixpkgs)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #26803: rkt: 1.26.0 -> 1.27.0 (master...rkt_1_27_0)
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<Infinisil> How can a zsh completion file from a package be included zsh? Like where does the package need to install the file in $out?
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<ekleog_> I'd guess $out/share/zsh (potentially with /site-functions), given ls -lah /run/current-system/sw/share/zsh/site-functions gives this path here
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<ekleog_> (got to go so can't help more than that, sorry and good luck :))
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<Infinisil> ekleog_: Thanks!
<Infinisil> See ya
<LnL> Infinisil: $out/share/zsh/site-functions
<Infinisil> LnL: Gonna try it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #26804: erlang: change default to R19 (master...erlangR19)
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<atemerev> Hi again -- now I am stuck with wrapProgram. Using pyinstall, I have generated the binary, but it is in the _source_ directory, not in the output. How do I install it in PATH?
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