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<Infinisil> catern: There is also jq ( which enables you to easily query/manipulate json data
<simpson> jq is 2017's awk.
<Infinisil> Indeed
<nh2> and it's not bash
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<Infinisil> I'm actually a bit sad that pass( is written with bash.. and doesn't use github..
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<gchristensen> oh its by zx2c4, neat
<taktoa> I love jq
<Infinisil> Well it's not that bad, pass is pretty much just a wrapper for gpg and git
<nh2> Infinisil: maybe even that will be fixed at some point. He already verified WireGuard with a Haskell tool
<zx2c4> uh what
* gchristensen waves
<zx2c4> youre upset im not on github or that i wrote a bash script or what?
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Damn you're here
<zx2c4> re:github -- i use free software to host my free software. (i also maintain cgit)
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<taktoa> catern: you might be able to do `nix-instantiate --parse` + JSON to get the best of both worlds
<zx2c4> re:bash -- pass is just "stick your passwords in a gpg encrypted file in a directory tree". i wrote a tiny script for this and used it for a long time. at some point i put it on the internet, and then people got excited
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Yeah, but issues and PR's and stuff are pretty nice. Have you thought about using GitLab?
<taktoa> there should be a kythe indexer for nix
<zx2c4> seems like for a small dinky thing that just manages...files in a directory tree... bash should be sufficient
<zx2c4> i prefer mailing lists for patches and issues
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Agreed
<zx2c4> same flow as the linux kernel
<zx2c4> which is, of course, what git was actually designed for
<Infinisil> zx2c4: At least you're not using Google groups ugh (*cough* nixos mailing list *cough*)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan opened pull request #27629: Envoy: init at 1.3.0 (master...envoy-staged)
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<zx2c4> haha
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<zx2c4> yea everything is on
<zx2c4> (and code is on )
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Thanks for writing pass btw! Using it a lot and it has worked pretty much perfect so far
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Yeah saw that
<nh2> yeah lots of pass users in here
<zx2c4> sometimes i think about rewriting it in C
<zx2c4> but then it stops being just a quick and dirty script
<zx2c4> and then whats the point
<zx2c4> gpg kind of sucks anyway
<hexa-> oh yes, indeed
<Infinisil> Heard that lots, haven't used it so long that I could express my opinion about it though
<hexa-> loving pass especially since I can encrypt passwords for teams and use revision control :)
<Infinisil> Doesn't it get easier once you 'master' gpg?
<zx2c4> yea i mean its not too hard to learn
<catern> taktoa: interesting idea!
<zx2c4> its just crypto from the 1990s
<zx2c4> and a massive complicated implementation
<catern> okay, okay, maybe I will indeed generate JSON
<copumpkin> "sometimes i think about rewriting it in C. but then it stops being just a quick and dirty script" -> yeah, it turns into a buffer overflow cum format string vulnerability :)
<zx2c4> haha
<nh2> and UI from 2100 when humans are long dead
<Infinisil> There must be something better than gpg now, right?
<zx2c4> there are a bunch of random things that try to reimplement parts
<zx2c4> but everybody has gpg
<zx2c4> so my reasoning on pass is just like
<Infinisil> We have blockchains now :DDD
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: ooo. That looks really nice. I'm not sure if it looks nice enough for me to convert my existing keepass db to it, though.
<copumpkin> Infinisil: oh yeah, I was wondering what the 140GB folder on my computer was
<zx2c4> "use the filesystem, and something that's around like gpg, with bash and git and whatnot, and then the thing will remain uncomplicated and reasonable secure" vs "invent something new, and make a beautiful minimal implementation with spaceage cryptography"
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<zx2c4> so in the absence of motivation for the latter, i went with the former
<zx2c4> which seems to be _good enough_ for storing passwords
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Sometimes I wish it wasn't using files though
<hexa-> and it behaves unixy, if I don't like pass I can easily take my passwords and move on
<zx2c4> for the info leak?
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<zx2c4> i think soembody else made "pass-tomb" -- a plugin that puts the whole thing in some container
<zx2c4> I run mine out of ctmg -- -- another quick&dirty bash script
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Yes and also because sometimes you want to query something more complicated, maybe assign tags, maybe sort them into categories, a schema for username/email/whatnot would be nice. A database would provide lots of possibilities
<zx2c4> oh, yea
<zx2c4> but
<zx2c4> you can use the filesystem for this too
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: we have stuff like keepassx for that already, though
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<zx2c4> Site/accountname/{field}
<hexa-> passwords are usually attached to a host, so I rely on reverse notation
<ToxicFrog> (and sorting into categories/tags can already be done; use directories for categories and dirs-of-symlinks for tags)
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<Infinisil> zx2c4: Sure, but it won't ever be as powerful as a database
<zx2c4> yea
<zx2c4> certainly
<zx2c4> so for more powerful databasey things, you probably dont want something quick&dirty with the filesystem
<gchristensen> niksnut: : how much traffic does and get?
<zx2c4> which is a totally reasonable need for some folks
<Infinisil> I don't know how encryption with a database works though, with files it's pretty easy
<zx2c4> but i'd rather have the convenience of files. i dont have to worry about weird formats or weird manipulation tools or whatever
<ToxicFrog> Infinisil: the way keepass handles it is the entire database is an encrypted file
<ToxicFrog> When you open it it decrypts the whole db in memory
<Infinisil> zx2c4: There are some tools that allow you to choose between multiple store formats, maybe something like this could work
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: you seem to know about keepass
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<nh2> zx2c4: I think the approach was pretty good given the circumstances and came at the right time -- for me at least, it solved my password issues in exactly the way I wanted in terms of simplicity and behaviour (sure, I'd prefer something memory-safe as a replacement for gpg and something sane as a replacement for bash from a technical perspective, but from a user perspective I don't see them)
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: it's my password manager of choice
<Infinisil> ToxicFrog: I see
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: is keepass easy enough that my girlfriend could use it? and which of the keepass{,x,2,whatever} is the one to use these days?
<ToxicFrog> And it occurs me to that one thing that might stop me from using `pass` is no phone client :/
<Infinisil> ToxicFrog: There's a pretty good iOS client
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: false! there is a phone client
<zx2c4> theres an android and an ios client
<zx2c4> maybe multiple
<Infinisil> The iOS client is actually surprisingly well done
<zx2c4> ive never used it i should take a look
<zx2c4> i cant figure out the need for password managers on the phone
<zx2c4> all the apps on my phone
<zx2c4> auto login
<zx2c4> i sign in once, and then i'm set
<zx2c4> ive never needed it there
<zx2c4> maybe i dont use enough apps or something?
<gchristensen> ok Infinisil here goes
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<Infinisil> zx2c4: Browser logins, sites i rarely use, browser changing, logins that expire, etc.
<gchristensen> zx2c4: maybe your passwords aren't painfully long enough
<Infinisil> Yeah my passwords are all random bits, won't want to type that in :P
<zx2c4> they are long, but when i need to login that one time, i just use `pass -q` to get a qrcode on my screen, scan that, and then use it from there {LOL at universal paste buffer vuln}
<gchristensen> oh :)
<nh2> zx2c4: for me the use case of pass-on-the-phone is for emergency mode. If I'm somewhere without my laptop and I have to fix something via some other computer or even SSH from my phone, I can retrieve the passwords if I have to
<Infinisil> zx2c4: But then I also need a qr scanner, and always access to my laptop (which is admittedly most of the time, but still)
<nh2> Infinisil: which one is the iOS client?
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: KeePass is pretty straightforward, it has a bunch of power user features but you don't need to know them to use it for password management. I've introduced non-technical friends and family to it without issues. It's probably not the cleanest/simplest password manager out there but it's cross-platform and FOSS.
<nh2> Infinisil: thanks
<Infinisil> Ohh, passforios is available in the App Store now :D Last time I checked I had to build it myself
<zx2c4> another way is just using sendkeys over adb
<zx2c4> to make your laptop type into your phone
<gchristensen> :o
<ToxicFrog> As for which one, KeePass2 runs on all mono platforms, KeePassX/XC run on all *nix platforms
<zx2c4> Mono!
<Infinisil> gchristensen: You wanted to tell me something?
<ToxicFrog> They use the same on-disk format
<ToxicFrog> Er, mono and/or .NET
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<zx2c4> i thought there were a couple different formats?
<ToxicFrog> There's two formats, KP1 and KP2
<ToxicFrog> KPX supports both
<ToxicFrog> KP2 supports KP2 and can import KP1
<zx2c4> so KP1,2 is the original app
<zx2c4> and then KPX is somebody's *nix fork?
<zx2c4> or rewrite?
<ToxicFrog> Rewrite.
<ToxicFrog> Same on-disk format, different implementation.
<ToxicFrog> KP1 didn't run on anything but windows, so KPX originated as a linux version of it.
<ToxicFrog> (IIRC)
<ToxicFrog> KP2 targets .NET and thus runs on *nix systems with mono installed as well as on windows, and at the same time KPX (now KPXC) expanded to target OSX.
<ToxicFrog> They support the same features but have some UI differences.
<Infinisil> gchristensen: \o/
<zx2c4> interesting okay thanks for the overview ToxicFrog
<gchristensen> Infinisil: you could have figured it out :) I just copy pasted from that website
<ToxicFrog> There's also KeeWeb, which is a pure JS implementation
<ToxicFrog> And thus runs in the browser with no installation needed
<zx2c4> yikes
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<zx2c4> i think ill pass on that
<ToxicFrog> I have no idea how secure/stable it is, I haven't used it, but it looks pretty slick
<zx2c4> the browser is not a very friendly place
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Yeah I would've done the same. What do you think of migrating to nginx though?
<gchristensen> meh
<gchristensen> offers almost no value, is probably error prone and difficult
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I actually don't know much about apache vs nginx, but I heard tha nginx was the future. Also nginx has superb nixos options
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: it's not, but on the plus side it looks like it has a much less cluttered UI than KP2/KPXC
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> nginx has taken off in popularity
<gchristensen> but I'd rather people spend time improving docs, moving to nix 1.12, updating patches, fixing bugs, than migrating apache to nginx :P
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Heh, that's your standard argument but it's true
<ToxicFrog> Oo, found a KP to pass importer.
<gchristensen> I'd have a different position if apache was actually causing us harm
<ToxicFrog> I may give pass a shot, it looks like a UI that will work better with my normal workflow if I can get gpg-agent to play nice over ssh.
<ToxicFrog> (at the moment I'm using kpcli + keepassdroid)
<zx2c4> wtf why does keepass2 implement their own csprng?
<zx2c4> also looks like kpx and kp2 support different ciphers
<zx2c4> i didnt see any chacha20 support in kpx
<zx2c4> but i se it here in kp2
<zx2c4> yikes and random 96-bit nonces are not good
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<ToxicFrog> I don't know enough to answer that question.
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<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: I'm not sure he's looking for an answer :P
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Damn, just looking at your website, you wrote a hell of a lot of open source stuff, I'm impressed
<zx2c4> Infinisil: glad you dig it
<cstrahan> zx2c4: hey, I didn't know you hanged around here :). do you use Nix{,OS}?
<zx2c4> okay, uh, i think im gonna pass on keepass
<zx2c4> cstrahan: no, but im kind of jealous of people who do, and i think at some point ill probably take the plunge
<zx2c4> i follow its development
<Infinisil> zx2c4: What are you using instead?
<gchristensen> we're always happy to help people get going ):
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<cstrahan> :P
<gchristensen> erm ... :) *
<zx2c4> Infinisil: see my /whois
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<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: wait what is kpxc?
<nh2> when today I cherry-picked that stdenv change, that made for a nice Gentoo-like experience
<zx2c4> (we can take this conversation into #pass or something if doing it here is obnoxious)
<gchristensen> zx2c4: maybe we can tempt you over with a nixos/developer cloak :P
<zx2c4> haha
<zx2c4> some day some day
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<Infinisil> Before I used NixOS I didn't even know I needed it
<Infinisil> zx2c4: Alright I have no idea what you mean by /whois
<zx2c4> yea i imagine once the declarative functional bug bytes you, you dont go back
<zx2c4> oh, on irc, if you type "/whois zx2c4" you'll see im a gentoo dev
<Infinisil> Your website spews a 404 for /whois. And my `whois` doesn't work for some reason
<zx2c4> s/bytes/bites/
<Infinisil> Oh lol
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: KeePassXC, a fork of KeePassX that's still under active development (KPX stopped getting updates a year or so ago)
<Infinisil> zx2c4: So, what OS *are* you using? whois didn't give me that
<gchristensen> lol gentoo
<gchristensen> he's using gentoo
<Infinisil> :O
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<gchristensen> from nickserv: "freenode -- | [zx2c4] (sid204921@gentoo/developer/zx2c4): Jason A. Donenfeld"
<gchristensen> or not from nickserv, but from the network
<Infinisil> I see
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<Infinisil> (totally missed zx2c4 message about using gentoo)
<zx2c4> :D
<copumpkin> hey, we're a source distro, you're a source distro
<copumpkin> all friends
<zx2c4> a meddlesome outsider
<zx2c4> :)
<gchristensen> although I like to joke that nixos is the only distro to rebuild _more_ than gentoo :0
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<nh2> gchristensen: I would laugh if I weren't waiting for my build to finish for 8 hours now
<nh2> :D
<Infinisil> gchristensen: What does this tell me about gentoo? That it updates a lot?
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: okay so keepass{x,xc}'s crypto does not inspire confidence
<gchristensen> Infinisil: gentoo is famous for recompiling because they don't have binary packages -- users compile everything.
<ToxicFrog> zx2c4: in what way?
<zx2c4> it looks like keepass2 tried to rectify some issues at he beginning of tht his year with their kp4 format
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I see
<zx2c4> but even then im not super impressed
<gchristensen> Infinisil: nixos recompiles _more_, because if a simple teeny tiny shell script in stdenv changes, _everything_ rebuilds whereas that doesn't happen on gentoo
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: no authenticated encryption
<ToxicFrog> "authenticated encryption"?
<zx2c4> yea. it turns out it's not enough to encrypt something. you also have to add an "authenticator tag" -- usually 16 extra bytes -- that demonstrate that the encrypted text wasn't tampered with
<gchristensen> :)
<copumpkin> zx2c4: GCM can do it "inline"
<Infinisil> gchristensen: This needs changing, I gave up building the hello package after about 2 hours because I couldn't be bothered
<ToxicFrog> I kind of assumed that tampering with the ciphertext would result in the cleartext no longer being a well-formed database
<zx2c4> yea so GCM is an authenticated encryption construction that does it all for you
<gchristensen> Infinisil: exactly
<zx2c4> usually it appends a 16byte tag itself
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: maybe, maybenot
<copumpkin> because it turns out you can screw up adding a MAC by hand pretty badly
<zx2c4> there have been lots of attacks of people really cleverly messing with ciphertext
<zx2c4> rearranging blocks and so forth
<zx2c4> to create wellformed outputs
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<zx2c4> so you start then going down this path of "how could we design a format such that it'd be impossible for an attacker to mess with any cipher text and get a well formed output?"
<ToxicFrog> Aah.
<zx2c4> and the answer to that question inevitably winds up looking the same as using a cryptographic authenticator
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* ToxicFrog nods
<ToxicFrog> Makes sense.
<ToxicFrog> That said -- that's not part of my threat model. If someone has write access to ~ I'm already completely hosed.
<zx2c4> yea, right
<zx2c4> most full disk encryption isn't authenticated either, in fact
<ToxicFrog> My threat model is "someone steals my phone/laptop and tries to extract my passwords from the KP file"
<zx2c4> right
<zx2c4> so yea thats the thing, and taps into what i was saying earlier
<zx2c4> the threat model of password managers usually isnt that insane
<zx2c4> which is why something sort of crappy that uses gpg (like pass) is probably good enough
<zx2c4> (gpg uses signing, which is sort of like an authentication tag, but different)
<Infinisil> There must be some sort of more convenient interface to gpg
<zx2c4> where things would probably stop being so nice, though, would be if you were synchronizing your database with some untrusted server -- like amazon or whatever -- and things were tampered there
<ToxicFrog> If they can make arbitrary edits to stuff in ~, they have a lot of easier attack vectors, including installing a malicious version of kpcli, gpg-agent, and ssh-agent to ~/bin that I probably won't notice until it's too late.
<zx2c4> yea, of course. if your world is totally local, then arbitrary file modification means code execution anyway, so whatever
<ToxicFrog> And since the KP file is stored entirely locally, "someone compromises the keepass service and serves me a modified password file" isn't a threat either, because there is no keepass service to compromise, unlike, say, lastpass.
<zx2c4> i think some people, though, use dropbox to "sync" their kpx file
<ToxicFrog> Probably.
<ToxicFrog> What's the attack vector there, though? Like, assume dropbox is compromised, and you can edit the KP ciphertext to produce well-formed but different cleartext -- what does this get you?
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<zx2c4> in some cases, an attacker could actually use this to decrypt data!
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<ToxicFrog> o.O
<ToxicFrog> Do tell!
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<zx2c4> sounds insane, but there's an attack called an oracle attack
<zx2c4> the most well known one is the "padding oracle"
<zx2c4> basically, if the attacker can get somebody to answer the question "is this file well formed after decryption?",
<zx2c4> then he can twiddle one byte at a time
<zx2c4> to eventually decode blocks
<zx2c4> change a byte, ask the question, cahnge the byte, ask the question
<ToxicFrog> Aah.
<zx2c4> and in certain schemes, this works catastrophically well
<ToxicFrog> Hmm. This would probably require modifying the file and then seeing if the user restores it from backup (and having some way to tell if they've opened it or not)
<ToxicFrog> (by default KP creates a lockfile adjacent to the database when opening it, so that's easy if you control dropbox)
<zx2c4> yea. i doubt that kind of thing would be feasible with dropbox
<zx2c4> but maybe there's some crazy vector
<zx2c4> where kp2 tries to re-open after failure
<zx2c4> something nuts like that
<zx2c4> but a bit impractical probably
<zx2c4> where you see this kind of thing in practice is for example
<Infinisil> Semi-related: I'm excited for the upcoming Filecoin + IPFS stuff, would work very well for password stores
<zx2c4> if a web server sends you a aes-cbc-encrypted cookie, and forgets the authtag
<zx2c4> and then gives you a "503" error if the cookie you send back isnt well formed
<zx2c4> in this case you can play that game in a totally automated way
<zx2c4> in the literature, the web server in this example is the "oracle", indicating whether or not your modification was a good one
* ToxicFrog nods
<ToxicFrog> Cool.
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<Infinisil> I have an upcomming exam about this kind of stuff heh
<ToxicFrog> Re dropbox, it would probably be infeasibly slow but theoretically possible; dropbox does versioning and automatically uploads new files, so you can tell if the file was opened or not by watching for the lockfile get created, and if you assume the user will use dropbox's "roll back" command if the cleartext is no longer well-formed, you'll see that server-side too.
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<copumpkin> clever, niksnut: failed again! this time the non-bootstrappy one
<gchristensen> link?
<gchristensen> can you reproduce it?
<copumpkin> no
<gchristensen> oh the perl one
<gchristensen> rebuilding
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<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> I wonder why it started happening all of a sudden though
<copumpkin> no changes in perl recently
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<zx2c4> Infinisil: hah cool bout exam
<zx2c4> ToxicFrog: thats a good point
<zx2c4> im sure if youre dropbox server you can push the client to do all sorts of shady things too
<gchristensen> especially with that kext on osx
<copumpkin> gchristensen: and now it passed, sigh
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<gchristensen> lucky break :/
<copumpkin> I guess I'll restart failed builds again?
<gchristensen> the perils of using nixUnstable on hydra
<copumpkin> hard to even say if it's nixUnstable
<gchristensen> you can or I can
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<hyphon81> My openblasCompat package was broken. After reinstalling it, it is running fine.
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<gchristensen> "Queued: 41,112" :D
<gchristensen> scaled up to 12 spot instance builders too... nice.
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<mightybyte> I just reinstalled nix on my mac and now I'm getting this error.
<mightybyte> error: couldn't change to directory of ‘/nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/socket’: No such file or directory
<mightybyte> Anyone know how to fix that?
<hyphon81> It is hard the package binary broken caused in Nix. I followed dependencies for the openblasCompat package and deleted dependent packages all.
<mightybyte> gchristensen: I was told that you were the person to talk to about this.
<hyphon81> Is there better method?
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<grahamc> mightybyte give me 5min and I'll be back.
<imalsogr`> mightybyte: grahamc = gchristensen :)
<mightybyte> grahamc: Cool, thanks.
<Infinisil> Whoa why are you using 2 nicks gchristensen ?
<clever> i think one is on matrix
<clever> mightybyte: what user owns the /nix/store dir?
<mightybyte> clever: root
<clever> mightybyte: is nix-daemon running?
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<gchristensen> mightybyte: you fully erased nix from your system before reinstalling?
<gchristensen> yeah it sounds like the daemon isn't running
<mightybyte> gchristensen: Yes, I believe I fully erased everything.
<clever> mightybyte: ps aux | grep nix-daemon
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<mightybyte> I went through a couple steps of restoring backup-before-nix files
<gchristensen> good enough for me -- the installer is quite thorough at searching for remnants.
<mightybyte> clever: That ps command does show that nix is running.
<clever> mightybyte: does it say when nix started?
<mightybyte> clever: ~2 hours ago
<clever> and you also reinstalled nix 2 hours ago?
<mightybyte> ...which may be before I completely removed stuff
<clever> thats what i was thinking
<clever> that daemon pre-dates everything being deleted, including the directory it cant get into
<jtojnar> how does `envHooks` work? I cannot find it in neither nix or nixpkgs source code
<clever> the launchd unit has to be restarted
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<mightybyte> clever: So just kill it?
<clever> there is a launchctl command for that
<clever> gchristensen: what was it?
<copumpkin> looks like a bunch of our mac builders are dead
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<gchristensen> mightybyte: I'd just kill it :)
<mightybyte> It's not listed in `launchctl list`
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<copumpkin> sudo launchctl list?
<copumpkin> I think launchctl will only show you user services by default
<mightybyte> copumpkin: Already killed it. :P
<copumpkin> oh ok
<clever> mightybyte: ls -ltrh /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket/
<clever> mightybyte: the directory should exist now
<mightybyte> clever: No such file or directory.
<gchristensen> mightybyte: what does ` sudo launchctl list | grep nix` say
<clever> ps aux | grep nix-daemon
<clever> did launchd start a replacement?
<mightybyte> clever: Nope
<mightybyte> Ok, I got it started again with launchctl
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<mightybyte> sudo launchctl start org.nixos.nix-daemon
<clever> gchristensen: might want to add a command to ensure it kills any old nix-daemon upon install
<gchristensen> clever: I tried :)
<clever> gchristensen: i think the entire /nix was deleted, with the daemon running, so launchd didnt start a new one
<mightybyte> It looks like it's working now.
<mightybyte> Thanks!
<clever> gchristensen: maybe just a killall nix-daemon near the start
<gchristensen> mightybyte: cool :) do you happen to know how you started it before?
<mightybyte> No clue
<gchristensen> clever: or just exit if it is already running
<gchristensen> if we just kill it we can't promise it won't come back incorrectly later
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<clever> gchristensen: i'm guessing it was a previous multi-user install, that had been "rm -rf /nix"'d
<clever> gchristensen: so the daemon was running, but the store was kaput
<mightybyte> gchristensen: It might have happened when I tried to install nix by running this script.
<gchristensen> yeah but if we have multiple .plists in /Library/LaunchDaemons/ we can't really guess which one it might've come from, and it may point to some magic paths
<gchristensen> like /nix/var/nix/profiles/...
<clever> gchristensen: but if /nix doesnt exist, nix-daemon better not be running!
<gchristensen> I know
<gchristensen> but think about the next restart
<gchristensen> mightybyte: good to know! thank you :D
<mightybyte> gchristensen: After the first attempt to install nix via the website's script failed, I decided to give try-reflex a try.
<clever> heading off for the night
<gchristensen> night clever :)
<gchristensen> mightybyte: how did it fail?
<mightybyte> Don't remember :/
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<mightybyte> I think it failed because I had not completely removed the old nix.
<gchristensen> oh interesting, I hope it told you how to fix it :)
<mightybyte> Well, when I ran "curl | sh" it didn't do a very good job.
<gchristensen> I'm sorry to hear that :/ I wish you knew what happened so I could fix it for next time
<mightybyte> It was only when I actually downloaded the install script and executed it from my machine that the instructions were more obvious.
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<moet> i just installed nix on osx
<gchristensen> mightybyte: we might be about to find out what went wrong
<moet> `nix-channel --list` doesn't output anything... shouldn't it tell me what channels are subscribed?
<gchristensen> moet: you may not have any user channels, but may be subscribed by default to the root user's channels: `sudo nix-channel --list`
<moet> ahh.... i think i encountered this same thing six months ago
<moet> thanks!
<mightybyte> gchristensen: Woo hoo! The thing I was trying to install with nix installed! Looks like I'm good to go now.
<gchristensen> you're welcome :)
<gchristensen> mightybyte: good to hear :) I'll see about adding a check for the nix-daemon already running ...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan closed pull request #27347: osquery: init at 2.5.2 (master...osquery-new)
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<gchristensen> I wish my mac system was "pristine" so I could test a more normal install
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<copumpkin> Mac VMs!
<copumpkin> \o/
<copumpkin> my VM is running 10.13 so I can't test your installer
<copumpkin> but you could get a different version
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<copumpkin> speaking of which I should probably backport the change
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #27630: Fix Darwin stdenv to work on 10.13 (backport to 17.03) (release-17.03...backport-high-sierra-17.03)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] grahamc opened pull request #1486: Test to see if nix-daemon is running already (1.11-maintenance...detect-already-running)
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<gchristensen> mightybyte: ^ check that PR :)
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<Infinisil> I'm asking here too, even though it (probably) isn't strictly nix-related: How can it be that nslookup and dig return the new correct ip, but curl and my browser still use the old (incorrect one)? I noticed it being wrong and then corrected it
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<adisbladis[m]> Infinisil: Are you using a caching resolver?
<adisbladis[m]> nslookup and dig wont use your resolver iirc
<Infinisil> adisbladis[m]: I'm using my server as a nameserver
<Infinisil> I'm pretty sure nslookup and dig do look at them (in /etc/resolv.conf)
<Infinisil> It just doesn't update to the newest one
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<adisbladis[m]> Anyway.. Browsers usually come with their own caching so that might be the browser problem.. Idk why curl would fail in that manner though
<tilpner> Infinisil - What happens on $ dig @domain.of.your.server
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Returns the correct one
<Infinisil> dig
<Infinisil> curl -v shows it's trying to connect to (which I entered previously and then realized it's wrong)
<tilpner> What does 10800 IN A mean?
<Infinisil> tilpner: Ohh
<Infinisil> I'd guess the 10800 would be seconds it's valid for
<Infinisil> I'll try lower it
* Infinisil doesn't know how to lower it..
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<tilpner> I was more wondering about the If you think the TTL is the issue, don't change anything for three hours (that's how I solve all my DNS issues...)
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Ohh, it should be
<Infinisil> It's my local router
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<Infinisil> it does a weird thing where it redirects to, and if the router isn't also your dns server then you can't get to the admin panel
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<Infinisil> I'll just wait a couple hours
<Infinisil> But it kinda annoys me that I don't understand why it doesn't work
<copumpkin> just add an entry to /etc/hosts?
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<Infinisil> copumpkin: Ah, yes I could do that
<justanotheruser> Hey, I'm trying to get a USB mic/headphone working. Is using pavucontrol a good way to do that? When I try to use it, it hangs on "attempting to establish a connection to pulse audio". I have libpulseaudio installed.
<Infinisil> copumpkin: That's actually pretty nice, did'nt know about that
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<copumpkin> :)
<Infinisil> justanotheruser: Seems like the pulseaudio daemon isn't running, you can check with `systemctl --user status pulseaudio`
<justanotheruser> you're right
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<Infinisil> justanotheruser: Did you do `hardware.pulseaudio.enable = true;`?
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<et4te> arrrrf so now getting host verification failure on build slaves.. I tried adding known hosts / setting keys on all slaves and all users i could think of except for the build users but basically all private pulls which happen from a nix package fail whereas pulls from hydra succeed.
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<butchery> has anyone got nvidia-docker running on nixos?
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<hyper_ch> Infinisil:
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<sphalerite[m]> clever: FWIW the errors were indeed due to the SD card being hosed. Need to get a new one before I can proceed :(
<dalaing> is there a way to use a NixOS module from nixkpgs-unstable on a machine running primarily with nixos-17.03?
<dalaing> I can bring packages in, just scratching my head about how to do the same for services
<sphalerite[m]> clever: and I'm getting gateway timeouts on your hydra
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<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Hmm?
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<Infinisil> Damnit, for some reason I'm getting a ton of DNS queries for on my server.
<Infinisil> I just configured the DNS server, but I have no idea how that would happen
<butchery> so nvidia-docker uses, is there any documentation on why nixos doesnt have / any advice on what to do about it?
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<adisbladis[m]> butchery: There is some related stuff in which might be of use to you
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<sphalerite[m]> Do we have something like debootstrap? I'd like to set up a chroot with nix
<butchery> yeah, I'm just looking at that but the only doc seems to be a comment saying "Don't use /etc/, for non-NixOS systems" so I'm now wondering if theres any real reason for just NixOS specifically...I'm able to generate, but nvidia-docker has the location hard coded so maybe generating one and patching nvidia-docker is the way to go, I'm still investigating
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<kuznero> Hi All!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 251043e Patrick Callahan: pythonPackages.yapf: 0.11.0 -> 0.16.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7f1ec2d Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #27620 from therealpxc/yapf...
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<hyper_ch> Infinisil: you're using swisscom?
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<butchery> new problem entirely, nvidia-docker fails if the volume directory and the driver directory are on different devices...doesn't seem to like /nix/store...pretty much at a loss now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27613: html-tidy: 5.2.0 -> 5.4.0 (master...tidy)
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<kuznero> Have a strange problem - when packing haskell app in docker container (dockerTools) and running as container got `Network.BSD.getProtocolByName "tcp"` raising exception saying cannot find tcp protocol in the system. Am I missing some sort of package like inetutils to be added to my docker image?
<kuznero> iproute package perhaps?
<kuznero> Or perhaps one of the "High performance TCP/IP stack" packages?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27627: nixos/zookeeper: escape cfg.extraCmdLineOptions (master...zookeeper-escape-shell)
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<butchery> turns out nvidia-docker passes the host nvida binaries through to the docker container, on nixos they're patched with patchelf during install so they dont work in the container...even if I get past this its to the point where I have no idea if this can be cleanly packaged on nixos : (
<kuznero> Didn't help adding linuxPackages.ofp to get tcp stack in... :(
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<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Yeah, we're living on the countryside and it's the best internet we can get (over 4G)
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: no sunrise?
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<kuznero> ok, problem with tcp protocol was solved by adding alpine layer to the image...
<Infinisil> hyper_ch: I think swisscom was the only provider that had a truly unlimited 4G option for home usage last time I checked
<Infinisil> And it's not too expensive
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra closed pull request #1486: Test to see if nix-daemon is running already (1.11-maintenance...detect-already-running)
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<18VABR5PO> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to 1.11-maintenance:
<18VABR5PO> nix/1.11-maintenance 9a04bc6 Graham Christensen: Test to see if nix-daemon is running already...
<18VABR5PO> nix/1.11-maintenance 2488364 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1486 from grahamc/detect-already-running...
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<hyper_ch> Infinisil: qoqa had in december a really nice offer:
<hyper_ch> sunrise unlimited calls, 4g, a lot of unlimited calls to european countries... 1 or 2gb mobile internet in EU and an additional sim card (data only) for a tablet for only CHF 55/M
<hyper_ch> that's what I'm using now... before I was with orange/salt on a similar deal....
<adisbladis[m]> I have the same problem in my home.. Either 8M ADSL or "600Mbps" 4g (unlimited)... The choice was fairly obvious
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<adisbladis[m]> Worst part is I live ~30minutes by bus from an internet exchange... Still no fiber
<hyper_ch> 1gbps fiber is nice :)
<adisbladis[m]> Gonna be moving soon though, at least 100Mbps fiber :)
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: They have that at my parents place.. Cost is around 16EUR per month
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: - seems there's evey december a sunrise offer... at least the last two years it was :)
<hyper_ch> adisbladis[m]: gigabit inernet for € 16/M? oO
<hyper_ch> I pay like € 60/M for gigabit
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<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Sweden... The whole building goes to the ISP together and gives them exclusive rights for about 5-10 years
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<adisbladis[m]> You can get very preferential pricing that way
<hyper_ch> adisbladis[m]: well, my town decided to deploy fiberoptic to every apartement
<hyper_ch> then swisscom came and complained that they'd be at a disadvantage that way
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Ahh but it's open market fiber? So any ISP can connect?
<hyper_ch> so an agreement was made where every apartement gets 4 fibers, 2 of them are for swisscom only for the next 30 years and swisscom pays 60% of the costs
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Poor them... They have to compete just like everyone else does
<adisbladis[m]> This cannot stand!
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Hmm, strange deal
<hyper_ch> since the other 2 are free, I can have up to 3 different providers.... I chose now Init7 which offers gigabit for CHF 777/y
<hyper_ch> adisbladis[m]: it's good.... the cost per inhabitant for fiber would be like € 900
<hyper_ch> with that deal, 60% pays swisscom, 40% pays the town
<hyper_ch> swisscom didn't have any plans to deploy fiber here
<hyper_ch> until we decided to deploy one for everyone
<hyper_ch> then swisscom came crawling
<hyper_ch> "we decided" - the mayor and the administration wanted to do that and then it was voted on by the people and approved
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: You are still paying less than I would for gigabit fiber
<adisbladis[m]> Hong Kong ISP market is incredibly broken
<hyper_ch> I pay less than what I paid before with dsl 75/7.5
<hyper_ch> unfortunately I still ahve to wait with internet for my office
<hyper_ch> it's opened to the market only if a block has been finished upgrading to fiber
<hyper_ch> so, despite having fiber already in the office, the neighbourhood the office is in, isn't opened for the market for another 2 months
<hyper_ch> (i'll survive)
<butchery> AU is also totally buggered, I pay about 150AUD (about 100euro) for 100Mb but get closer to 40Mb-20Mb, you guys make me jelous
<hyper_ch> AU was good in 1996 for mobile and internet
<hyper_ch> my first mobile and first internet I got 1996 in AU
<hyper_ch> but now it seems AU has fallen really behind
<hyper_ch> butchery: btw, it's really hard (currently) to make full use of gigabit internet... :)
<butchery> We privatized, let Telstra have an infrastructure monopoly for years, and then when we had a decent plan to modernise it got gutted by a change in government, basically only because when they were in opposition they ran againt it
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Back in the day when I had 100Mbps I was saturating it 24/7 ;)
<butchery> hyper_ch: I know but I'd like to try ; )
<hyper_ch> adisbladis[m]: well, I try to download Linux ISOs from the ETH Zurich.... but I can't get over 60-70 MB/s
<hyper_ch> and the ETH should have great internet access
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: Ah mine was mostly upload
<hyper_ch> as said, it's really hard to max 1gpbs
<hyper_ch> maybe if I'd use multiple sources to download it's easier
<adisbladis[m]> hyper_ch: With torrents then?
<adisbladis[m]> Should be easier
<hyper_ch> oh well, doesn't matter... stuff gets downloaded quickly
<hyper_ch> and also backups from diff. servers to my home are quickly
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<hyper_ch> and soon backups from home to the office are quickly
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<FRidh> adisbladis[m]: you're in Gbg?
<adisbladis[m]> FRidh: I'm from Stockholm but living in Hong Kong since a few years
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<FRidh> adisbladis[m]: aha ok. These city networks here in Sweden are amazing. Indeed super cheap.
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<sphalerite[m]> My family lives a fair bit outside Gbg, and gets speedy internet there too
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<spear2> is there something like psensor (displays a system CPU/GPU, etc. temperature graph) for NixOS?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ace5535 Vincent Laporte: gst_all_1.gst-libav: set meta.platforms to unix
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master efad0d5 Vincent Laporte: julia: 0.5.1 -> 0.5.2
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<ikwildrpepper> spear2: looks like there is something called psensor in nixpkgs-master
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<ikwildrpepper> not in 17.03 though
<spear2> ikwildrpepper: okay, that must be why i couldn'd find it with searches? either with `nix-env -qaP` or from
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<ikwildrpepper> spear2: you can install it from nixpkgs master in your user env, to try
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #27631: cups-filters: 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0 (master...cup-filters-0.15)
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<ikwildrpepper> nix-env -iA psensor -f /path/to/nixpkgs-master-clone
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<spear2> ok thnx, still getting set up with my declarative config
<LnL> or -f if you don't have a local checkout
<ikwildrpepper> spear2: also possible from declarative config btw, you can just import nixpkgs master: (import /path/to/nixpkgs-master {}).psensor
<spear2> ty
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<foxmean> hello, I'm new NixOS user.
<foxmean> I wont your help on one problem. For now, I'm finished installation process. But during install I type root password mismatch and now I cannot loging to system.
<foxmean> Are there any solution to this problem (change the root password)?
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<Infinisil> foxmean: Did you set your password at the end of the installation process?
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<foxmean> I've try to login root with empty password, but it doesn't work. And I've try to change root password in GRUB like debian 9 But it doesn't work. (It cannot boot at all)
<NickHu> Is it really okay for travis to terminate because the log gets too large?
<foxmean> @Infiniail I've set that but it's not match and the setup process was end, then I've try to boot and it was go well except cannot login.
<foxmean> Now. I've plan to install again, but I want to know may be there are bettet way?
<sphalerite[m]> foxmean: if you boot the installer again you can reset it from there by mounting the target system again and rerunning nixos-install, or just chrooting into it and running passwd
<sphalerite[m]> (Rerunning nixos-install won't do the whole installation again)
<foxmean> @saphalerite[m] thank you so much. I'll try that.
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<domenkozar> can someone update me on perl issue?
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<LnL> from yesterday?
<butchery> so, finally got nvidia-docker working on nixos but it involved a bit of finessing. Not sure how to finish up packaging it, is it ok to make an issue with my current progress or is that bad form?
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<adisbladis[m]> butchery: The usual way to go about that from what I have seen is make a PR put WIP in the title
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #27633: docker: lowercase image name and tag (master...docker-lowercase)
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<LnL> is there a way to add a gcroot like nix-build -o for a store path?
<stubborn_d0nkey> The manual links here all 404
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #27634: docker: do not import configuration from the base image (master...docker-remove-config)
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<adisbladis[m]> Anyone have any pointers how to use fetchfromgit if you need authentication?
<adisbladis[m]> Only my user has the key necessary and I'd like to keep it that way
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<domenkozar> LnL: yes
<domenkozar> aha it works now
<LnL> rebuilding worked, might be related to a nix change but don't think it was clear yet
<domenkozar> 26k builds to go
<domenkozar> sigh
<domenkozar> error: cannot create symlink ‘/tmp/result’; already exists
<domenkozar> FAIL: tests/
<domenkozar> the nix+macos impurity is still there
<LnL> hmm, I thought /tmp wasn't hardcoded in the tests
<domenkozar> cherry-picked a fix from master
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to 1.11-maintenance:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance 04532ee Eelco Dolstra: Fix test failure...
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<LnL> ah it wasn't backported
<domenkozar> it was fixed in 2016 :D
<LnL> heh
<LnL> nixos-rebuild seems to be ignoring my -I
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<LnL> :/
<spear2> is `feh --bg-fill <image>` the right way to set a desktop background? (in display manager session commands)
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<spear2> i can see the image in the background of urxvt terminals (through the transparency), but the main desktop is black when no window is open
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bendlas opened pull request #27635: cdemu: 3.0.x -> 3.1.0 (master...update-cdemu)
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* LnL facepalm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to gcc-6:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 dac08b2 Eelco Dolstra: clucene-core: Fix build on gcc 6...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 ecaef62 Eelco Dolstra: cdrdao: Fix build on gcc 6...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bendlas opened pull request #27636: pypy: 5.6 -> 5.8 (master...update-pypy)
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<Infinisil> LnL: I thought so
<Infinisil> But I gotta know what it was
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo closed pull request #25786: pythonPackages.elasticsearch: 1.9.0 -> 2.4.1 (
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<LnL> I had an override for the package in my configuration that I forgot about
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo closed pull request #25749: pythonPackages.dulwich: 0.14.1 -> 0.17.3 (
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<Infinisil> LnL: Ahh
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<Infinisil> Setting up my dns server, I found it quite odd that the zone files are in /var, as opposed to included in the system config
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<LnL> btw what was the vim syntax issue again?
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<Infinisil> LnL: "${${}baz}"
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<Infinisil> It works correctly without the dot
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<clever> sphalerite[m]: that hydra is a bit slow, just try again
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<gchristensen> oh the mass rebuild is progressing nicely
<gchristensen> half done since last night
<FRidh> Now if only we would stop building i686 packages.
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<gchristensen> 17.09 is coming up
<gchristensen> it could be the last release to support i686
<ikwildrpepper> could be?
<ikwildrpepper> or should be?
<gchristensen> I was trying to be much more diplomatic :P
<ikwildrpepper> hehe
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<gchristensen> fpletz and I were talking about having an infrastructure discussion at nixcon
<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper, FRidh: either of you want to send mail to the list about i686 / 17.09 to gather feedback?
<ikwildrpepper> nope :) /me stays away from politics :p
<ikwildrpepper> but am all for removing i686 :D
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<gchristensen> I can see it now, the year is 2027, nixos builds for x86_256, x86_64, i686, and in an odd turn of events ppc. The channel has not budged in six months.
<domenkozar> last time we raised the question a few people said they are using i686
<symphorien> I do
<domenkozar> then it becomes a question what's the policy/ratio that's reasonable
<gchristensen> I thought people said they'd _like_ to use it on i686, not that they actually did.
<gchristensen> symphorien: you actually doO?
<ikwildrpepper> I think niksnut has some old laptop still that run i686 :D
<symphorien> do you think that if you stop to build i686 on hydra nixpkg i686 will stop building without most people noticing ?
<gchristensen> yeah I think so
<symphorien> just like linux people often break darwin build and vice versa
<gchristensen> what is a user in the hand worth, vs.two channel updates in the bush?
<domenkozar> people could still maintain i686
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: we could have separate channel for i686
<domenkozar> as some other do for weird platforms
<symphorien> now I use it as a handy cross compilation toolchain for binary analysis tools that only work on 32 bits binary
<domenkozar> things just wouldn't be fixed for them
<FRidh> note that there are some (popular) packages that require i686 packages
<gchristensen> this isn't about not building any i686
<symphorien> and I used to use it on my university outdated 32 bits machines
<symphorien> nix enabled me to have up to date software
<domenkozar> probably cheaper to donate some hardware to people
<domenkozar> :D
<domenkozar> than to maintain software
<symphorien> without recompiling everything
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: free 64bit machines for i686 users!
<symphorien> here are may use cases, gchristensen
<symphorien> -a
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: yes!
<domenkozar> onelaptopperchild
<gchristensen> symphorien: listening
<FRidh> gchristensen: indeed, and that's why we should be clear about that.
<gchristensen> symphorien: re university machines: I'm comfortable ignoring that use case, because it is a "used to" and I used to use i686 too :)
<gchristensen> symphorien: so you cross-build tools to i686 but your systemt is x86_64?
<symphorien> used to is until spring, but I understand
<symphorien> yes
<symphorien> I am not sure it is proper cross building
<gchristensen> ok, that should continue working
<symphorien> but I mean, I am on ubuntu (not my choice) and nix-shell --argstr linux-i686 -p gcc lib1 lib2 --pure "gcc myfile.c" is easier than installing the i686 version of ubuntu packages without breaking my system
<gchristensen> we'll still build a few things with i686 (skype for example) but not 20,000 packages with i686
<symphorien> I see
<symphorien> some sort of nixpkgs-stable-small
<gchristensen> no, I don't think we'd make a new channel for it
<symphorien> you just intend to build the dependencies of things like skype, then ?
<LnL> yeah, what about just building the small channels for i686 and dropping it for the rest
<gchristensen> small channels are small to advance quickly, the only reason to build it on i686 is to see if it fails, and we don't want our small channels to be a i686 canary
<LnL> right
<LnL> well the question with adding a separate channel is who will maintain that?
<gchristensen> b/c we'll still build _some_ i686 packages, we'll still be building stdenv and the much of the toolchain, but not the massive graph that branches from that
<gchristensen> isn't that right FRidh ^?
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<FRidh> gchristensen: yes, but. Most if not all of those i686 packages are proprietary. Those are therefore not build by Hydra so that would mean it also wouldn't build their dependencies. I think we should therefore explicitly list packages or something.
<gchristensen> good idea
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<LnL> I have a script that gathers all the attributes for a closure
<FRidh> or just keep building wine32, then you would implicitly get many of these dependencies
<symphorien> maybe you could try to build nixos tests and their dependencies as well
<symphorien> no idea if it the closure is big
<gchristensen> that is an idea
<FRidh> yes. We could build nixos-small, but there is no small set for nixpkgs.
<adisbladis[m]> Speaking of the rebuild.. What is the point of having python 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 around?
<LnL> that's why I was talking about the small channel
<adisbladis[m]> Wouldn't it make more sense to just have 2.7 and one from the 3.x series?
<gchristensen> FRidh: we could only do it for nixos-* disable i686 for nixpkgs
<FRidh> adisbladis[m]: yes in my opinion we should drop 3.3 and 3.4 because both are in security-fix only mode. Note that we do not build their package sets, just the interpreters, and that hardly takes time.
<adisbladis[m]> FRidh: Ahh, not as bad as I thought then.
<adisbladis[m]> FRidh: Why just 3.3 and 3.4? Why not 3.5?
<FRidh> adisbladis[m]: They don't take much work to maintain either. 3.5 is still actively supported.
<FRidh> gchristensen: seems like a good trade-off to me. Let's see what for feedback we get on the list.
<bendlas> is anybody else having trouble with starting virtualbox?
<gchristensen> I'd be comfortable doing that _for_ 17.09, as it'll still _run_ but it'll push build time to the users
<gchristensen> instead of a hard cliff they'll get a firm nudge
* bendlas sent a long message: bendlas_2017-07-25_11:31:11.txt <>
<FRidh> Could staging be paused since master (that had a mass-rebuild) hasn't been merged into it.
<LnL> the jobset could be disabled
<butchery> how would I go about getting the location / version of the nvidia drivers in a package? Adding linuxPackages.nvidia_x11 to buildInputs seems to rebuild it, I'd ideally want to refrence the exact installed version by services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ]
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<LnL> but merging master into staging would be the correct thing to do
<spacefrogg> gchristensen: If I may hook into your discussion. Pushing build time of i686 to user's is particularly hard for them, as these machines tend to be very slow.
<gchristensen> I know
<gchristensen> it isn't wonderful
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: can you reach out to ttuegel see what he'd like to do?
<gchristensen> re staging (cc LnL / FRidh)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8844c47 Jörg Thalheim: alacritty: 2017-07-08 -> 2017-07-25
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<gchristensen> spacefrogg: the alternative we're discussing (maybe you saw) is not building much of anything for i686 and it'll likely soon not work
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<spacefrogg> gchristensen: Yes, sacrificing CI is not a good idea, I see.
<domenkozar> gchristensen: we need to build it first to see what's up
<spacefrogg> Splitting off and leave i686 support to enthusiast, maybe?
<gchristensen> spacefrogg: yeah, but if we build at least a small portion of i686 for a release or so it'll be an easier transition
<gchristensen> and hopefully they'll decide to get a more modern system in that release ...
<spacefrogg> What is the problem with the current situation? Is i686 blocking advancing the channel?
<gchristensen> it adds ~20,000 jobs to compile
<MoreTea> which translates to time & monies basically
<LnL> it basically makes a rebuild take twice as long
<gchristensen> and so it slows everything down for very limited userset
<gchristensen> and so it slows everything down in support of a very limited userset*
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<JagaJaga> Hi! My touchpad is determed as "ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse". How to make system see that it's a Synaptics TouchPad?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra created gcc-7 (+1 new commit):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-7 ca8aa5d Eelco Dolstra: Use GCC 7 by default
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<gchristensen> we've discussed dropping i686 3 times now :) right around release time
<FRidh> next up: documentation :P
<LnL> I think we should probably stop building *everying* for i686
<gchristensen> yes
<TimePath> keep building a compiler at least?
<gchristensen> yes
<LnL> we could add a separate i686 release.nix with a smaller list of jobs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27635: cdemu: 3.0.x -> 3.1.0 (master...update-cdemu)
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<gchristensen> I think it'd be easy to have a tested job for i686 but not build all of nixpkgs
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<LnL> yeah, this only builds the packages for my python overlay for example
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27633: docker: lowercase image name and tag (master...docker-lowercase)
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<gchristensen> niksnut: thank you for merging the installer PR. I'm not rushed to get it out. Do you have any thoughts on the HSTS PR? if you're anxious, one idea I had was to comment out the HSTS bits, only do the redirects, then when do HSTS a few days later in case we get error reports
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<niksnut> HSTS PR?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #27638: [WIP] cde / cdesktopenv (master...cde)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah closed pull request #27638: [WIP] cde / cdesktopenv (master...cde)
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<spacefrogg> gchristensen: For honesty reasons, one should not stop CI for i686 without officially dropping support for it, as both effectively come to the same result after some time.
<gchristensen> spacefrogg: it wouldn't go quietly
<gchristensen> it'd be like a "reduced support" period before being "unsupported"
<spacefrogg> While support is dropped effectively for everything outside the "small" channel?
<gchristensen> in my proposal: we'd stop building those things, yes, but PRs fixing those things would be accepted
<spacefrogg> Without proper testing infrastructure...
<spacefrogg> Well, when the path is clear.
<gchristensen> we'd still build the tests for i686
<gchristensen> so the systems will still boot and run and not erase your bootloader and some packages will still be built out of the box
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jfrankenau opened pull request #27639: firejail: -> 0.9.48 (master...update-firejail)
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<spacefrogg> Sure, psychologically, a partly broken system is more frustrating than a completely broken one.
<spacefrogg> So the path of abandoning i686 support should be clear from the start. Including a deprecation timeline, I'd suggest.
<gchristensen> but non-essentnial packages wouldn't be built automatically. this is really similar to what we do already. we don't hold up the channel if an arbitrary i686 packages are broken, only if the tests pass
<gchristensen> the only difference is we'll stop building those i686 packages we already don't depend on to release
<ikwildrpepper> we could just give i686 separate channel and give i686 builds superlow prio :D
<ikwildrpepper> (sorry, just trolling)
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<spacefrogg> Is hydra capable of cancelling outdated builds, yet?
<gchristensen> sure
<spacefrogg> Automatically, I meant.
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<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> why?
<gchristensen> it seems like you think I'm trying to be dishonest about what I'm doing
<spacefrogg> Hm, because that is the main problem of super low priority builds, they never finish.
<gchristensen> and I'm not
<spacefrogg> I'm sorry? I don't think any of that sort.
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<gchristensen> "For honesty reasons" is what I based that on
<spacefrogg> I apologize. I used this term in the sense of communications management towards the concerned user base.
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<gchristensen> ah okay
<gchristensen> yes we'll definitely want to clearly communicate what we're doing :)
<spacefrogg> Good. :)
<gchristensen> and I'm actually proposing a more difficult task. it'd be easy to just drop i686 on the floor and walk away, trying to add some reduced level of support for a time requires much more effort
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<spacefrogg> Exactly, that was why I was referring to the possible frustration level regarding reduced support.
<spacefrogg> It may be even more frustrating to users than having no support at all.
<spacefrogg> Going into the direction of "unmatched expectations"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a7f4c87 Jörg Thalheim: vim-plugins: update set
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<gchristensen> I disagree, it is possible to continue working with nixos in the proposed state on i686, but it'll take _some_ effort.
<gchristensen> dropping it entirely means you're screwed and if you're a business depending on it, there is nothing to be done
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<gchristensen> or if you're a user, you're screwed
<gchristensen> this at least build stdenv and toolchain (easily several hours on a native i686 system) and keeps you limping along for a while
<copumpkin> oddly there seem to be several idle mac boxes even though the darwinqueue is yuge
<gchristensen> copumpkin: I don't think hydra's queue runner is smart enough to find work for starved resources, but goes in order of the builds
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<copumpkin> hmm, I'm struggling to imagine that :)
<copumpkin> there are 4 active mac jobs right now across all the machines
* copumpkin shrugs
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<gchristensen> I thought the queue was a not very smart list of drvs to build
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<TimePath> I'd say an important i686 package to keep working would be cups
<TimePath> I have a printer the vendor only supplies an i686 driver for
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aba21d9 Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins.command-t: 2017-07-11 -> 2017-06-23...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6e00673 Tim Steinbach: accelio: Remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4a4a33f Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #27582 from NeQuissimus/remove_accelio...
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<copumpkin> domenkozar: no objection from me. I on
<gchristensen> can we wait for now?
<copumpkin> yeah, not in a rush to overload hydra more than it is now :)
<gchristensen> fix the current disaster before making it harder
<gchristensen> <3
<LnL> forgot to look at that yesterday, but I reviewed the original changes so should be fine
<copumpkin> especially with its weird behavior and half the mac builders being frozen
<LnL> yeah, that's not ideal :/
<spacefrogg> gchristensen: I'll be more specific. Sure, it is possible to supply an arbitrary level of support. But one has to make sure that communication and support match up in the user's mind. I always found debian a highlight in this regard especially their communication on the deprecation of PA/RISC.
<copumpkin> something funky going on with the queue runner I think
<copumpkin> as well as with the individual machines running builds
<MoreTea> Release sprint for NixOS 17.09 -->
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<gchristensen> spacefrogg: yes I do agree :) would you like to take ownership of making sure the communication is awesome?
<copumpkin> note how many of the macs have been running jobs for literally days
<MoreTea> niksnut and ikwildrpepper will probably be there
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<gchristensen> oohh niksnut -- looks like the same nix-store --serve --write situation on mac2, mac6, mac8, and m ac9
<LnL> oh?
<spacefrogg> I would sure stay around with advice and goodwill. :) I am no official and will stop commenting as soon as it becomes a burden to you. Is there somebody in charge of community communications?
<gchristensen> builders have been getting stuck like this, packet-t2-2 did that yesterday. they just hang in nix-store --serve --write "forever"
<gchristensen> spacefrogg: nope :) what does it mean to be official?
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<gchristensen> for the most part, it is official if someone does it :P
<LnL> is there's some sort of issue with that, might also have run into that before
<gchristensen> not sure, here is a eu-stack dump:
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<copumpkin> I think niksnut is looking into it
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<justanotheruser> Infinisil: sorry, just saw your message. I ended up getting the mic working with alsa.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ankhers opened pull request #27640: elixir: 1.5.0-rc.2 -> 1.5.0 (master...update_elixir_rc)
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<domenkozar> :D
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<joepie91> so, if I have the following two things:
<joepie91> 1. /nix/store/lpwm4gcsda53g26jp6rxz4x13l8lywzg-libXdmcp-1.1.2.drv
<joepie91> 2. /nix/store/lpwm4gcsda53g26jp6rxz4x13l8lywzg-libXdmcp-1.1.2-dev
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<joepie91> (note, one is a .drv, the other is an output)
<joepie91> what is the formal name for each of these things?
<joepie91> (the hash is the same, as this is dummy data)
<gchristensen> joepie91: I think the .drv is a "store derivation" (see the def. for derivation) and the -dev is a "store path" or it could be the "output path" in the context of creating the output
<joepie91> hm, your link seems to call it a 'store object'
<joepie91> derivation: A description of a build action. The result of a derivation is a store object.
<joepie91> but...
<joepie91> Store objects can be sources (objects copied from outside of the store), derivation outputs (objects produced by running a build action), or derivations (files describing a build action).
<joepie91> so, 'derivation output' then I guess?
<spacefrogg> gchristensen: First, it does mean being regarded as official. ;) Second, having the responsibility for certain aspects of NixOS and access rights to fulfill that responsibility.
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<gchristensen> spacefrogg: sure, but you can still help with the communications, we can help you make sure it says the right things
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<ocharles> Ok, how am I being stupid?
<ocharles> "Error: no AMI defined for EC2 machine blah"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to gcc-6:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 b9c403c Eelco Dolstra: stdenvLinux: Remove bootstrapTools from closure...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 70d4d22 Eelco Dolstra: cc-wrapper: Add a "man" output...
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<ocharles> I have deployment.ec2.instance-type = "t1.micro", in region us-west-1
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<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: deployment.ec2.instanceType ?
<ocharles> oh yes, that's what I have
<ocharles> IRC typo
<ikwildrpepper> could you try with t2.micro?
<ocharles> that gives me "<Response><Errors><Error><Code>InvalidAMIID.NotFound</Code><Message>The image id '[ami-587b2138]' does not exist</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>ac36451f-61ad-4e43-a34e-dc29c38cea3e</RequestID></Response>"
<domenkozar> ocharles: also what nixpkgs commit
<ikwildrpepper> wow, that's weird
<ocharles> 17.03.1556.4d1e1d07f9 (Gorilla)
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: I can try in about 20-30m
<ocharles> let me just try updating my channel
<ocharles> ok, that is up to date
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<ocharles> doing a switch --upgrade now
<domenkozar> ocharles: strange, the ami should be ami-10754c76
<ocharles> I did nix-channel --update, that should be enough, right?
<domenkozar> ah no
<domenkozar> it should be ami-587b2138
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<Myrl-saki> How ot have multiple sources?
<domenkozar> ocharles: the ami is on amazon community place
<ToxicFrog> Myrl-saki: as in multiple channels? Or a mix of channels and local checkouts and stuff?
<domenkozar> ocharles: maybe amazon permissions don't allow using public amis?
<ocharles> domenkozar: ok, do I have to do something to get it?
<Myrl-saki> I mean how to fetch multiple URLs in a nix script
<ocharles> hm, maybe
<ocharles> let me add more privs to this user
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<ocharles> added full admin rights and still no go
<domenkozar> ocharles: nixops --version
<ocharles> 1.5.1
<ocharles> what region is that ami in?
<ikwildrpepper> us-west-1
<ikwildrpepper> and it is is set to public
<ocharles> suggests community amis are region specific
<ocharles> hrm
<ikwildrpepper> trying in a few moments with your example
<Myrl-saki> Wait, in mkDerivation, is `src` just a standard?
<ocharles> if I try eu-west-1, I get this:
<ocharles> <Response><Errors><Error><Code>VPCResourceNotSpecified</Code><Message>The specified instance type can only be used in a VPC. A subnet ID or network interface ID is required to carry out the request.</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>b8609fa9-bb9d-4269-8d13-d6782ada3fd8</RequestID></Response>
<Myrl-saki> a de-facto standard*
<ocharles> that uses ami-10754c76
<MoreTea> ocharles, lots of things are per-region
<domenkozar> most of aws stuff is per region
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: that is probably because t2 only works in vpc, and you might still have an EC2 Classic account
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<domenkozar> yeah old accounts might see different regions even compared to newly created ones on aws
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: could you run 'aws ec2 describe-account-attributes' on your account?
<MoreTea> (I have a colleague that used to work on AWS, and he states that your eu-west-1d can be someone elses eu-west-1c, they have like 20 A-Z actually to which the logical names map, randomly)
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<ikwildrpepper> yes, AZ's are not the same for all accounts
<ikwildrpepper> but regions are
<ikwildrpepper> and same regions for everyone, except for Gov
<domenkozar> you see different list of regions based on when you created the account
<domenkozar> anyway, sorry for offtopic
<MoreTea> ikwildrpepper, lol, that would be fun
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: I have never seen that
<Daemonik> When I download a CentOS or Gentoo ISO or USB image file there is a file next to these files ending in _.asc or _.sig to run "gpg --verify" against so I know I'm not downloading poison. Why is this not the case with NixOS? How can I verify that a NixOS _.iso is legit?
<ocharles> ikwildrpepper: sure thing
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<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: ah, looks like we do not generate PV grub images anymore
<ikwildrpepper> (all new instance types are hvm)
<ikwildrpepper> yeah, that's EC2 classic account, so that explains the VPC error (if not default VPC is set on the account)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b3b1ae6 Tuomas Tynkkynen: quota: init at 4.03
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1597af Tuomas Tynkkynen: dateutils: Fix whitespace
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd248fa Tuomas Tynkkynen: xfstests: 2017-03-26 -> 2017-07-16
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<ocharles> ok, so do I need to change an option somewhere?
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<clever> ec2 classic?
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<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: so for now, you cannot use pv grub instance types (pvGrubGroups = [ "c1" "hi1" "m1" "m2" "t1" ];) unless you explictly give it an ami (e.g. 16.09 pv image)
<gchristensen> a shame, the m1.mediums are nice -- and very cheap
<gchristensen> on spot
<ikwildrpepper> checking the logs, if we did this on purpose
<ocharles> thanks ikwildrpepper
<domenkozar> yes
<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: cheap yeah
<gchristensen> $0.001/hr on the spot market :)
<ikwildrpepper> but I get a lot of broken instances on the older instance types
<clever> dang, irc is unreadable in this app, i'll be back later
<domenkozar> btw did anyone ever find the information how much does it cost to ddos an amazon instance?
<domenkozar> I mean without other infrastructured tied in (ELB, etc)
<domenkozar> -d
<ocharles> we aren't ready to use spot instances yet, so no need for that
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: ddos an amazon instance?
<ocharles> ikwildrpepper: but I'm not using a pv grub instance types, am I? I'm on t2 not t1
<ikwildrpepper> why would you want to do that?
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: well, the t2 error is due to the fact you are not deploying to a VPC
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: I'd like to know how much it costs someone to ddos my instance
<ocharles> ok, time to read what a vpc is :)
<domenkozar> VPC is where all AWS stuff becomes fun
<domenkozar> and makes sure you're not jobless :)
<ikwildrpepper> aminechikhaoui is working on implementing deploying vpc resources in nixosp
<ikwildrpepper> nixops
<ocharles> haha
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: but we already have some support already
<domenkozar> although very limited
<ocharles> so what exactly has changed? previously I just did what I have in my nix file and I was good
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: only for deploying instances to existing vpc's
<ikwildrpepper> not to deploy the actual vpc
<domenkozar> right, provisioning wasn't done by nixops
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: nixpkgs changed
<ikwildrpepper> nixpkgs 17.03 doesn't include pv grub images anymore
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<ikwildrpepper> niksnut: do you remember why you didn't add PV images for 17.03?
<ikwildrpepper> looks like the script should still generate them (nixpkgs/nixos/maintainers/scripts/ec2)
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<ocharles> so this t2.medium in us-west-1, but we just have to work out why it can't see the AMI
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: you can use an explicit ami based on 16.09 for now
<ocharles> or would I just get the same error as I finally get in eu-west-1, about it only being available for VPCs
<ikwildrpepper> ./modules/virtualisation/ec2-amis.nix: "16.09".us-west-1.pv-ebs = "ami-04e8bb64";
<ocharles> ok, and it's ok to deploy 17.03 onto that?
<domenkozar> wouldn't it be easier to just assign a VPC?
<ocharles> presumably, I just don't know what that is
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: ec2 classic accounts don't have a default vpc, nor a automatically created one, so ocharles would need to create one first
<ocharles> I don't mind doing that
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: it should have a wizarg
<ikwildrpepper> wizard
<domenkozar> ocharles: or even simpler, create a new AWS account
<domenkozar> those are the two options I'd pick
<ikwildrpepper> I think AWS can convert the account the VPC
<ocharles> this is works account that already has plenty of production data, so I don't see that being simpler
<ocharles> I don't really want to have two billable AWS accounts
<ikwildrpepper> but creating a VP shouldn't be too hard
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<ikwildrpepper> (with the wizard)
<ocharles> with the VPC, do I need to add it to my nix expression?
<ocharles> we apparently do have a vpc
<ocharles> at least the vpc dashboard lists a vpc-foo entry in us-west-1
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: yeah, you can set subnetId in your deployment.
<ikwildrpepper> note that not all VPC's give instances a public IP address by default
<ocharles> ok, cool - let me with that
<ikwildrpepper> so you might need to set deployment.ec2.associatePublicIpAddress as well
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<ikwildrpepper> (unless you have direct network access to the VPC using a vpn)
<domenkozar> ikwildrpepper: btw, have you ever implemented cross-region vpn?
<ocharles> I probably want the former, as this is a public web server
<ikwildrpepper> domenkozar: no, I have VPC/VPN
<ikwildrpepper> have -> hate
<ikwildrpepper> :)
<domenkozar> good, me too
<ocharles> it's weird that us-west-1 can't find the ami. unfortunate, as that's where the vpc is. But I'll set one up in eu-west-1 now to try
<ocharles> hurrah, deploying
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to gcc-7:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-7 e34a139 Eelco Dolstra: Merge branch 'gcc-6' into gcc-7
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<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: I think vpc stuff is complicated
<ikwildrpepper> I liked the simplicity of ec2 without vpc :D
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<gchristensen> boy has that ship sailed
<niksnut> I want that ship to return
<domenkozar> and the sad part is, VPC can't go cross region
<domenkozar> although GCE does have that
<domenkozar> :(
<ikwildrpepper> but other than that, EC2 is very nice :)
<domenkozar> so as soon as you have multiple regions, VPC-VPN is such a pita
<ocharles> i feel like chemistry dog today
<ocharles> or an old man
<ikwildrpepper> I love it how it often just gives me 2000 machines
<ocharles> back in my day we just had servers and ip packets!
<srhb> ocharles: *snort*
<srhb> I long for those days
* ocharles continues to wait patiently for ssh
<ocharles> oh, I bet the subnet is blocking my ip to ssh in
<ocharles> this one has a pretty secure security group thingy
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: if you use default sg, make sure to open up ssh in the 'default' sg
<ikwildrpepper> :)
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<copumpkin> omg I'm so glad VPC exists
<aminechikhaoui> ocharles: also make sure you have a route in your route table to an internet gateway
<Myrl-saki> How do I run something as a background in a package?
<Myrl-saki> (Or should I not?)
<ocharles> I'm just reading the docs on VPC now. Lot sof moving parts
<copumpkin> but yes, you need to manage all the networking programmatically to not hate yourself
<MoreTea> ocharles, I dislike the AWS docs compared to GCP.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #27641: snowman: init at 2017-07-22 (master...feature/snowman)
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<ocharles> what is GCP?
<MoreTea> google cloud platform
<ocharles> oh, right
<MoreTea> train has arrived, have to run
<ikwildrpepper> I hate GCP
<ocharles> I don't know anything about that :)
<ikwildrpepper> especially the support
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<gchristensen> the support is atrocious
<ikwildrpepper> google support in general is horrible
<gchristensen> ^
<copumpkin> wait, Google support is a thing?
<gchristensen> I mean, no
<copumpkin> oh okay
<copumpkin> had me scared for a moment
<gchristensen> they say they have it but it isn't real
<niksnut> hehe
<ikwildrpepper> not that AWS support is awesome, but at least they respond :p
<niksnut> I can't even use GCP for private stuff
<gchristensen> they gave me $500 to use for hydra builders but wouldn't tell me how to use it, and their support wouldn't reply
<copumpkin> gchristensen: twist: it was a google interview question
<ikwildrpepper> 500 total or per month?
<copumpkin> to see if they wanted to hire you
<gchristensen> total lol
<ikwildrpepper> that's the standard 500 dollar you get when you are interested in google cloud
<gchristensen> oh hmm no you're right, it was per month
<copumpkin> ah, the "free tier" equivalent?
<copumpkin> niksnut: any sudden revelations on what's going on with all those mac builders?
<niksnut> no
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<copumpkin> niksnut: not sure what you did, but all the multi-day jobs on the macs are gone and replaced by fresh builds \o/ \o/
<ocharles> ok, I needed to associate a public ip address, but now I'm all good
<ocharles> does that mean nixops can only deploy to machines with a public ip?
<copumpkin> keep in mind that a public IP address only works in a subnet with an IGW (even though you can associate them with instances even if there's no IGW)
<ikwildrpepper> ocharles: nixops can only deploy to machines it can reach
<copumpkin> and of course you need a route to the IGW
<ocharles> ikwildrpepper: well that much seems obvious :)
<ocharles> I guess I'm just wondering how I'd manage, say, a private postgresql server that I don't want on the public web
<LnL> copumpkin: I think my hydra might be stuck in the same way
<ocharles> it seems my only option is to give it a public ip, but then aggresively limit access with a security group
<copumpkin> ocharles: you set up a VPN/direct connect into your VPC
<ocharles> oh, right
<copumpkin> or just a bastion of some sort
<copumpkin> which I guess you could see the VPN as a fancy version of
<ocharles> thanks for the help all!
<GlennS> Anyone know what the likely cause of a Travis CI job taking 45m and timing out would be for a Nixpkgs pull request?
<GlennS> does I need to rebase my pull request onto a newer master or something?
<GlennS> *do I
<simpson> GlennS: Don't worry about Travis unless you know that your PR needs to pass Travis.
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<GlennS> ah, ok
<GlennS> problem solved then :)
<dash> I'm trying to build some annoying C++ thing that wants to statically link stuff, is there a convenient toggle in stdenv.mkDerivation for building libraries as static?
<dash> (so I can override a bunch of its deps that way)
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<dash> aha, "dontDisableStatic"
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<joepie91> testing my .drv parser...
<joepie91> what better way to test a parser than to let it parse your entire Nix store? :D
<copumpkin> first evaluate your entire nixpkgs :)
<copumpkin> then you should have all sorts of unusual drvs
<joepie91> hahaha
<joepie91> copumpkin: I do actually have hardware constraints to mind :P
<joepie91> 32k/41k derivations parsed...
<joepie91> no errors so far
<joepie91> I had one bug early on that's now fixed
<joepie91> Completed 41163/41163 derivations...
<joepie91> real4m24.186s
<joepie91> mostly I/O-bound
<joepie91> user0m43.401s
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mkreidenweis opened pull request #27642: chromedriver: 2.29 -> 2.31 (master...update-chromedriver-to-2.31)
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<joepie91> copumpkin: done!
<joepie91> including fairly extensive documentation :P
<joepie91> (which people should feel free to reuse for any other documentation purposes of the .drv format...)
<seequ> nixos-install failed with 'Failed to check file system type of "/boot": No such file or directory'
<seequ> Any clue what'd cause that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] viric pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f338e99 Lluís Batlle i Rossell: zstd: 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0
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<ToxicFrog> seequ: did you create a boot directory in the --root you're installing nixos to?
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<seequ> I didn't.
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: on nixops network if a spot instance request goes away nixops can't destroy the resource. do you know of a fix? it is very annoying, I have dozens of spot-requested instances that I can't get rid of
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<Daemonik> Why aren't NixOS ISOs signed?
<seequ> ToxicFrog: I apparently missed that I need to mount /mnt/boot
<domenkozar> Daemonik: signed in what way? they are automatically generated so it's hard to sign them
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<ToxicFrog> seequ: yeah, otherwise it has no idea what you want for a boot partition. I think this is mentioned in the docs, but if not, it should be.
<Daemonik> domenkozar, then have your build server sign them
<seequ> ToxicFrog: It is. Noticed it when re-reading it
<domenkozar> Daemonik: what threat attack does that prevent?
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<magnicida> hi!
<magnicida> is it possible to start a nix-shell environment that on top of that adds additional packages?
<magnicida> i am trying "nix-shell ./shell.nix -p some-extra-package" but it doesn't work :(
<domenkozar> magnicida: nope, just what you have in shell.nix
<Daemonik> domenkozar, Would be very easy for a state or otherwise clever actor to prepare a poisoned _.ISO and insert it via MITM. SSL PKI is broken so the SHA256 hash on the site isn't so great. Have you not watched Jacob Applebaum's 2013 talk To Protect & Infect?
<domenkozar> -p generated a nix file on-the-fly
<Daemonik> NixOS is interesting and attractive because of its community's focus on reproducible builds.
<domenkozar> Daemonik: MITM between what two parties?
<Daemonik> All of the other distros including Gentoo and CentOS provide GPG signatures. FreeBSD does this too.
<Daemonik> MITM between a NixOS user and the NixOS website.
<magnicida> domenkozar: the thing is, I want to easily change the compiler I get in the environment (gcc5, 6, clang38, ...)
<copumpkin> the ISOs probably exist in a nar somewhere, which is probably signed
<Daemonik> Or cloudflare
<Daemonik> Cloudflare is an untrusted third party.
<Daemonik> excuse me, cloudfront
<magnicida> i guess i could provide various versions in the shell.nix that just change the compiler
<copumpkin> too much cloud*
<magnicida> and use -A
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<magnicida> but I don't know what the tersest way in Nix language is to say "this is exacly like that plus this input"
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<srhb> magnicida: Usually more arguments.
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<srhb> magnicida: As in, think of the shell.nix file as a function that, given some argument(s) produce the environment that you want.
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<magnicida> oh yeah, the import .asdasd.nix { my argument } syntax
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<magnicida> how do I pass the arguments when invoking nix-shell?
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<magnicida> I guess then I would just have one derivation, the module is parametrized over the compiler, and when I pass nix-shell then I have to pass the compiler somehow
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<Infinisil> mightybyte: --arg and --argstr
<srhb> I think Infinisil meant magnicida :)
<Infinisil> Ohh right
<Infinisil> Heh
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<srhb> magnicida: The default haskell derivations produced by cabal2nix take a compiler argument by default.
<srhb> magnicida: So I can go nix-shell --argstr compiler ghc812 for instance
<srhb> magnicida: And of course you could use all sorts of logic to decide on what to do based on the arguments.
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<Infinisil> magnicida: Just tried it out, this works:
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<magnicida> i think i am starting to get it--i had some trouble understanding how things are parametrized but now I realized its all just functions
<magnicida> thanks a lot for your patience, it was really helpful--Infisil that example is great!
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<Infinisil> Glad I could help :)
<srhb> Note that passing those arguments might be a little awkward.
<srhb> (Since an "extra package" is usually not a string)
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<magnicida> I must say i am very impressed with both guix and nix. I am now writing nix formulas for my C++ libraries, so they can be easily tested on Travis in a sane way
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<gchristensen> nix expressions :)
<gchristensen> very cool! we're (of course) very happy to help
<Infinisil> srhb: It could be made a string though, actually
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 099ce92 Robert Helgesson: gpsbabel: remove failing tests for mac and aarch64
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b88217 Robert Helgesson: perl-CryptX: 0.044 -> 0.050
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46383f4 Robert Helgesson: perl-Perl-Critic: 1.128 -> 1.130
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<srhb> Yup.
<Infinisil> By just doing pkgs.${name}
<Infinisil> It was kinda eye opening the first time I realised that ${} can be used in other places than strings
<magnicida> if you use ${X} outside of a string (outside some quotes "") you turn a string into an identifier?
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<dash> Ugh. Multiple outputs from derivations is a nice idea but now i'm trying to build a cmake-using thing that expects dynamic and static libraries to be in the same lib/ :-(
<Infinisil> magnicida: It's really the same in strings vs non-strings, "hello ${foo}" is "hello baz" and hello.${foo} is hello.baz
<srhb> magnicida: Think of it as antiquotation
<Infinisil> Hmm, what happens when foo isn't a string though..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 47821f1 Eelco Dolstra: cc-wrapper: More quadratic performance fixes...
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<srhb> Infinisil: Depends on the context.
<Infinisil> srhb: Yeah, it just fails where one would expect it
<Infinisil> to fail
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<copumpkin> you know what would be a very valuable service from community volunteers who don't feel confident writing Nix but want to help? Going through hydra failures and categorizing/ranking failure causes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea63fd4 Peter Simons: multi-ghc-travis: update to latest git version...
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<srhb> copumpkin: I think all that's stopping people from doing that is probably the lack of a good guide :)
<Infinisil> srhb: It's hard to make guides to debug, I believe that comes mainly from experience
<srhb> Sure.
<srhb> Often I bet just extracting the last relevant information would be good.
<srhb> Which I think a lot of people can do.
<Infinisil> srhb: True
<Infinisil> I'm surprised this doesn't happen automatically though
<seequ> How can I get "fi" as my keyboard layout. I have it set on i18n.consoleKeyMap and services.xserver.layout, but it's still using the us keyboard.
<Infinisil> copumpkin: I actually don't know what's harder, doing what you said or writing nix expressions.. nix is pretty easy..
<seequ> There was meant to be a question mark somewhere. :
<Infinisil> seequ: Have you rebuilt and restarted the display-manager?
<seequ> Rebooted entirely.
<seequ> After nixos-rebuild switch
<seequ> Which didn't error
<Infinisil> seequ: Hmm, maybe check the imperative way first if that works: setxkbmap -layout fi
<seequ> Yup, worked.
<sphalerite[m]> clever: I'm not very good at navigating hydra, could you point me to a successful arm build of nix from yours? The one you started yesterday had a failed dependency
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b286fa Guillaume Maudoux: cups-filters: 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0
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<sphalerite[m]> Actually I see no such builds have been successful recently...
<seequ> Infinisil: using gnome3 + i3 + lightdm, btw
<sphalerite[m]> or ever for that matter
<magnicida> another question: what does <nixpkgs> mean exactly? I man: the <>, what do they mean from a Nix language point of view?
<sphalerite[m]> magnicida: it means "nixpkgs on the search path"
<sphalerite[m]> magnicida: see NIX_PATH in
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<magnicida> so <EXPR> does look for EXPR.nix and evaluates to 'import ...EXPR.nix'?
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<magnicida> oh no, it does not do the import, that is why we still put "with import <nixpkgs>"...
<LnL> nix-instantiate --eval -E '<nixpkgs>' will show you what it resolves to
<magnicida> ok
<magnicida> aha, thanks!
<sphalerite[m]> magnicida: no. <expr> will look for NIX_PATH entries of the form expr=/some/path OR /some/path where /some/path/expr exists
<sphalerite[m]> And evaluate to that path. It will not import anything
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<mpickering> If I see this warning "warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory", have I done something wrong?
<Infinisil> mpickering: Probably
<Infinisil> mpickering: When using a path expression in your nix file, it imports that whole folder into the nix store
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<Infinisil> mpickering: E.g. if you use '../.' in ~/test/default.nix it will import all of $HOME into the store
<mpickering> I stopped it now and will just use fetchGit instead
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<Infinisil> mpickering: Why so? importing paths is nothing bad
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<mpickering> Because it was taking over 5 minutes and my machine started swapping
<mpickering> I had ../ghc as the path
<Infinisil> mpickering: Well, does that path contain more than 256MB?
<mpickering> Does that mean, the total contents of the folder is > 256mb? Then probably yes
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<seequ> Can I sommehow build a completely fresh os (users and all) without reinstalling?
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<seequ> Originally installed with the wrong locale, and that's kind of annoying.
<Infinisil> mpickering: Using fetchgit wouldn't make any speed difference, it would probably be even slower
<FRidh> copumpkin: some of that could be automated really nicely. For example, it would be nice to have a view in Hydra that shows what reverse dependencies cannot be build package a package fails. That would right away show you what the most important failures are.
<mpickering> But it won't have to deal with all the build products which were in that folder
<copumpkin> FRidh: yeah, I've often wanted to find red crosses vs. black ones
<Infinisil> seequ: All the config of nixos is either in configuration.nix or in your home folder
<seequ> I know.
<Infinisil> mpickering: I feel like you're doing something nix wasn't intended for
<seequ> The root home folder still has folders with the wrong language and they are used somewhere.
<Infinisil> You shouldn't include built products, this is only mass duplication in your case
<mpickering> Infinisil: I have a modified version of GHC which I want to use to build some packages so I am overriding the src attribute of the ghcHEAD derivation
<Infinisil> bbl
<domenkozar> /buffer 50
<domenkozar> meh
<sphalerite[m]> mpickering: it would probably work if you excluded .git which I presume is included in your copy of ghc?
<sphalerite[m]> or whatever other VCS it uses
<sphalerite[m]> not sure if it uses that other one?
<mpickering> how can I do that?
<sphalerite[m]> Regardless, the issue is likely to be that you're importing the entire history of ghc into your store rather than just what you actually want to compile
<mpickering> There are also lots of build products and binaries so I just made a clean tree and removed .git
<sphalerite[m]> Using the filterSource builtin. There's a handy function (lib.cleanSource) in nixpkgs that will take out common cases like .git
<sphalerite[m]> oh right
<sphalerite[m]> And that's still too big?
<seequ> Infinisil: Hmm, actually I'd just need to rebuild the user folder.
<mpickering> using cleanSource it is still too big
<et4te> Infinisil: another thing that cost me serious hours... the builders in hydra dont work with private repos. A temporary fix i found was to use local sources instead for the private packages, but it took a long time to figure out what was going on.
<sphalerite[m]> mpickering: Aw. fetchgit is probably your best option then -- you can still point it at your local copy to stop it from downloading all of it again though.
<mpickering> actually this is stupid, I have already built the binary already. Is there someway I can point ghcWithPackages to use it rather than build it again from source?
<mpickering> almost certainly not is my guess
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0f536de Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: update
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f35140f Daiderd Jordan: vim-plugins: add ale
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ba3ab41 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #27594 from LnL7/vim-updates...
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<sphalerite[m]> you probably can. It's also likely to be a lot more painful than just compiling ghc with nix nad going from there
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<mpickering> Is there an idiomatic way to filter out certain directories?
<mpickering> say inplace and testsuite
<Infinisil> et4te: I believe there's a github issue regarding private repos
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: mpickering: Ah right, fetchgit can also use a local version, forgot about that
<Infinisil> Wait, but doesn't that import the whole thing into the store nonetheless?
<Infinisil> Wouldn't it then be about the same speed?
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<mpickering> How do you use it locally?
<mpickering> You set url to be the directory the repo is in?
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<Infinisil> mpickering: I think so
<Infinisil> Oh, there's fetchgitlocal actually
<joepie91> copumpkin: any thoughts on `drv`, btw?
<Infinisil> ./pkgs/build-support/fetchgitlocal/default.nix
<copumpkin> not yet, sorry :) at work and haven't looked
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: You here?
<rycee[m]> Aye.
<mpickering> Infinisil: this nearly works but not with submodules
<copumpkin> can anyone figure out how xen depends on pandoc, based on this tree?
<sphalerite[m]> mpickering: builtins.filterSource, which is what cleanSource uses :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #27640: elixir: 1.5.0-rc.2 -> 1.5.0 (master...update_elixir_rc)
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<mpickering> sphalerite[m]: I know that but was asking about writing the predicate
<joepie91> copumpkin: alright, no worries; let me know when you have time to look at it :)
<sphalerite[m]> oh right, not really AFAIK. There's some potentially useful stuff in nixpkgs/lib/sources.nix but not that much
<sphalerite[m]> There was some talk of implementing gitignore support the other day, which would be very nice
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Aye.
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Was just wondering, how do you feel about putting premade non-specific modules into home-manager (or something else)? E.g. I just cobbled together a webdav contact/calendar server thing and it would be nice if other wouldn't have to struggle as much as I did and just do premades.webdav.contacts = true or something like that
<copumpkin> LnL: oh thanks! turns out I was being stupid and had 17.03 on my local working copy from my backport yesterday
<copumpkin> and I couldn't find any reference :D
<LnL> heh
<Infinisil> Part of that would be to also manage some initial state. E.g. create the directory it needs
<LnL> was probably added for the docs or something then
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b770953 Justin Wood: elixir: 1.5.0-rc.2 -> 1.5.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c013a9 Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #27640 from ankhers/update_elixir_rc...
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Hmm, not sure if I follow. You developed your own contact/calendar server and want to put it into home manager? Do you have the code on github?
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Or you have made some service for Radicale or whatever?
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I'm using radicale + nginx
<Infinisil> But it required a whole bunch of config stuff
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<Infinisil> Basically what I think of is a config that's an abstraction layer higher
<Infinisil> E.g. setting `theme = "black"` would use a dark theme for every program that can do it
<Infinisil> So you wouldn't need to set all of them yourself
<sphalerite[m]> So I've built nix in debian and added a nixbld group and some users to it. Yet nix-store -r complains about the group having no members. WHat's up with that?
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Just an idea
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Right, yeah. I've thought a bit about themes and such but haven't come to any good conclusion. In principle I don't mind putting such things into HM but I think its best to be a bit restrictive about too grandiose things :-)
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I feel like more of a high-level config could eventually lead to having a GUI configurator and more adoption by common folks
<rycee[m]> But yeah, it would be sweet to set an option like `theme.colorScheme = "Tomorrow Night"; theme.toolkitTheme = "Vertex Dark";` and it setting up my Emacs, Terminal, GTK, QT, etc accordingly.
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Indeed, and nixpkgs modules are the perfect infrastructure for that
<rycee[m]> For the specific case of contact and calendar server I've been meaning to create a service module for radicale. I would be a bit wary of also including nginx in that mix.
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<gchristensen> niksnut: did you have thoughts on that HSTS ticket? (
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<sphalerite[m]> yeah why the nginx in the mix?
<et4te> Infinisil: yes it is, it doesn't affect public repos
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: I'm thinking of a more high-level approach, where the user could just say "I want my own contacts server" and it does the thing.
<seequ> Can you describe additional files for /root/ in configuration.nix?
<et4te> Infinisil: but there should be a way fro the builders at least to be able to do fetchgitPrivate
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<sphalerite[m]> Infinisil: yes I understood that
<sphalerite[m]> but why did you use nginx for your setup?
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: Taking it to the extreme, this could be extended to create digitalocean droplet for you, installing nixos there and deploying the nginx + radicale server there
<Infinisil> sphalerite[m]: The options for nginx are pretty nice
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<Infinisil> enableACME especially
<Infinisil> Could also totally use apache, or just radicale without any proxying going on actually
<dhess> Dezgeg: around?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #27645: darwin stdenv: Ensure libSystem reexports the right libraries (staging...libSystem-reexport-purity)
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<Infinisil> Is mguenter from github here? Maybe a different nick/?
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Oh another high-level config thing example: synaptics touchpad settings to be as close to Apple's one
<Infinisil> synaptics has so many settings..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #27646: Openmw tes3mp (master...openmw-tes3mp)
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: I think for that case you could have a synaptics module, for example under `services.synaptics` with an `services.synaptics.preset = "apple";` option or whatever. I don't think that would be a problem, the user can then always override the other options if they'd like.
<Infinisil> Or even: Have options to reflect the standard DE's and applications of distros, so <person that doesn't like the 'look' of nixos> can just set `preset = "ubuntu"`
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: True
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: The preset would just be a lower priority
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<dhess> Anyone here build aarch64? I cannot figure out why the hell the kernel build takes 12+GB
<dhess> I'm running out of space on my poor little SD cards
<dhess> arm7vl does not have this problem
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<pikajude> "The .jobsets jobset must only have a single job named 'jobsets' at /nix/store/irx741vl329393bcrz8ckjc6fpiwf7c1-hydra-2017-07-24/bin/.hydra-eval-jobset-wrapped line 616."
<pikajude> @_@
<pikajude> what does it mean
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<LnL> is that for a declarative jobset?
<gchristensen> fpletz: we should probably make these:
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<pikajude> it is
<pikajude> oh, ok
<pikajude> i just got a bit confused
<pikajude> so, you have to create a spec.json that points to a nix file
<pikajude> the nix file produces a json file that produces more nix files
<pikajude> that's why i was confused
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<aristid> nobody seems to care, but i'm trying to test for the spurious nixos test failures now by using a patch that runs the test 30 times in a row, and git-bisect-run
<gchristensen> I assure you we care
<gchristensen> it is difficult to fix them, any work you do making them more stable is extremely well appreciated
<pikajude> seems a bit backward, tbh
<dhess> wow, *just* made it with that aarch64 kernel build before /tmp ran out of space. And thank god, because it took about 8 hours :\
<copumpkin> gchristensen++, aristid++
<pikajude> why do there need to be two steps of procuding JSON files
<pikajude> instead of just providing a JSON file with jobsets
<aristid> thanks gchristensen and copumpkin :)
<pikajude> producing even
<copumpkin> dhess: curses! I'll have to add some more `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/spacefiller`
<dhess> copumpkin: it sure seems like that's what's going on with these aarch64 kernel builds!
<aristid> dhess: tmpfs?
<copumpkin> isn't hydra producing aarch64 kernels now?
<copumpkin> or are you tweaking yours?
<dhess> I have an arm7vl build host with the same amount of disk and it gets tight, but not like this
<LnL> the last build failed I think
<copumpkin> ouch, I don't envy building kernels on ARM
<dhess> copumpkin: I did one stock and one tweaked. Neither one hit the cache
<gchristensen> its terrible
<copumpkin> what takes longer, gcc or the kernel?
<dhess> aristid: no, I ended up mounting /tmp on the eMMC
* copumpkin challenges dhess to a GHC build on ARM
<dhess> so it had about 14GB free
<dhess> and just squeaked by
<aristid> copumpkin: you're just mean! :D
<dhess> copumpkin: wow, is that worse than the kernel? Hard to imagine
<dhess> GHC is also not very nice. I haven't attempted that yet on this aarch64
<copumpkin> for a while GHC had to hop through 3 compilers to get to 8.x
<copumpkin> I don't know if it still does
<dhess> Trying to get an SMP-capable kernel running first
<copumpkin> each of the 3 had a couple of bootstrap phases
<dhess> copumpkin: it does. But I have a hacked derivation to skip that :)
<dhess> I've actually filed an issue on it
<LnL> I thought it where more then 3
<copumpkin> oh goodie
<copumpkin> I might be misremembering the details
<dhess> My hacked derivation downloads the Debian binary and uses that to bootstrap
<dhess> in upstream nixpkgs you can't even build GHC for arm (either variant) because there are no arm binaries for the bootstrap version (7.6.3 I think)
<dhess> no GHC binaries available for arm from for any version until 7.10.3 or so
<dhess> anyway, I just grab the .deb and use that
<dhess> Anyway I think I'm about to have an SMP-capable Jetson TX1 running aarch64. Just waiting for this NixOps deployment to finish
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<dhess> And I have a Jetson TX2 on the way. 8GB of ram and pretty decent quad-core CPU. Should be a good aarch64 build server
<dhess> assuming it boots :)
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<aristid> copumpkin: an integration of git-bisect-run with nix-build, such that it would for example automatically skip if any build dependency failed, would be cool!
<niksnut> gchristensen: HSTS looks good to me
<gchristensen> alright! :D
<gchristensen> let's do it :D
<aristid> what's HSTS?
<gchristensen> erm I mean
<aristid> nice
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<aristid> does anybody know what caused the many failures in the last 3 evaluations?
<gchristensen> is there nice vim tooling like there is for emacs? the docs suggest there isn't
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<LnL> vim_configurable, dut I don't think it's in the manual yet
<gchristensen> oh nice
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<et4te> on a nix-prefetch-git i'm getting the following error: fatal: No url found for submodule path 'pkgs/zero/zero-client' in .gitmodules
<et4te> after adding pkgs/zero/zero-client to a custom nixpkgs
<et4te> when I add the repo to .gitmodules then prefetch fails as well
<et4te> does this mean nix-prefetch-git fails in the presence of submodules?
<et4te> or its something nixpkg related?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 98cff3f John Ericson: darwin stdenv: Ensure libSystem reexports the right libraries...
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<seequ> Can I enable +clipboard for vim_configurable?
<symphorien> isn't it on by default ?
<seequ> symphorien: Apparently so. Wasn't on vim, so didn't expect it to be on vim_configurable
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<symphorien> vim configurable has more things on by default
<symphorien> mine has +clipboard without specific configuration
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<catern> hey #nixos, is there a way to have a fixed-output derivation coming from a local path?
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<sheenobu> what are you trying to accomplish?
<catern> i.e. say I have some path in the local filesystem, and I know its hash, so I want to load sources from it to perform a build (but get the optimization of not performing the build when it's already been done and has its output in the store)
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<joachifm> catern: specifying outputHash doesn't work?
<gchristensen> catern: just like, using the path, will make it a fixed output
<gchristensen> nothing special to be done with a local path
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<catern> hm?
<pikajude> does nixpkgs have a helper function for generating a hydra declarative spec.json
<catern> but, I mean, there's fetchurl { url, md5 }
<pikajude> using builtins.toJSON maybe
<catern> and I want fetchpath { path, md5 }
<gchristensen> catern: you don't need to "fetch" a local path
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<sheenobu> yeah you can just point to the path. src = /path/to/file IIRC
<catern> okay one issue is that I don't want to hardcode the path, I want to pass it in to another function
<sheenobu> and then it will calc the hash, store it in /nix, and ensure it doesn't need rebuilding when changing
<gchristensen> that's fine, just pass in the path
<catern> the other issue is that if I use path literals, it will always perform the hash calculation
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<catern> it will always load the files from disk and calculate their hash
<gchristensen> and that is slow?
<catern> yes
<gchristensen> oh I see :)
<catern> (because it's actually a network filesystem)
<gchristensen> oh my
<sheenobu> OH! The meat of the problem
<catern> well hey this is the same reason why fixed-output derivations have hashes in the first place :)
<dash> "network filesystem" is a pernicious lie :(
<sheenobu> what are you trying to accomplish: use src from a network filesystem.
<catern> dash: yeah
<catern> it's not my fault :(
<catern> this is just a pre-existing api at $DAYJOB
<catern> it's actually a content-addressable filesystem
<sheenobu> content-addressable filesystem? something proprietary?
<catern> though I expect I'll need to provide my own hashes, because Nix has its own way of hashing things
<catern> sheenobu: yeah
<catern> it's a terrible internal thing that I hope to delete ASAP :)
<catern> gchristensen: ah! interesting! right! I'm an idiot!
<gchristensen> :)
<sheenobu> oooo gchristensen . and the dep fetching won't run again until you change the hash
<gchristensen> yeah
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<gchristensen> your build phase would be like cp ${./whatever} $out
<sheenobu> s-m-r-t
<symphorien> so there is no check ?
<sheenobu> +1 gchristensen
<catern> let's see
<gchristensen> symphorien: sorry?
<sheenobu> oh that doesn't work here?
<symphorien> If you change the file underneath, it won't fail ?
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<joachifm> it just returns whatever it finds in the store with that checksum
<gchristensen> symphorien: it will fail
<sheenobu> symphorien if it's in /nix/ already it'll fetch from that. if it's not in /nix it'll try to fetch and get a checksum fail
<gchristensen> if it hasn't been fetched already
<catern> that is great and I'm embarrassed I forgot it. but maybe you can have say if there's one more bit of magic... I already have hashes for the contents of these paths. but the hashes are calculated in a different way from Nix's NAR-based calculation. is there anything I can do to avoid needing to recalculate the hashes for Nix?
<symphorien> ah ok
<gchristensen> catern: what kind of hashes do you have?
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<catern> not sure really :) maybe hashes of the sources after being tarred up?
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<sheenobu> what were the hashes? i closed my laptop (Gotta setup weechat)
<sheenobu> i'm just curious
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<pikajude> jesus this is such a nightmare
<pikajude> "{UNKNOWN}: invalid keys in declarative specification file at /nix/store/12mhs2h73lx3az5f2gncwsgdvw9lk2b9-hydra-perl-deps/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.24.1/Catalyst/Model/DBIC/ line 526"
<pikajude> i think declarative hydra needs a biiiiit more work
<LnL> I've not even tried it before
<pikajude> it definitely has promise
<pikajude> it just seems a bit obtuse
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<Olgierd> srhb: spotify works, thanks a bunch <3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b33b400 Franz Pletz: ddccontrol: disable bindnow hardening...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0357e2f Franz Pletz: ddccontrol: disable bindnow hardening...
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<sheenobu> i was able to get unstable running on my stable machine via nix-channel add unstable, then nix-env -iA unstable.spotify. that said i'm not sure if it is defaulting to nixos or unstable when i nix-env -i ?
<sheenobu> eh i gotta run again. i can't weechat it
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<nh2> clever: do you know if there's an equivalent to RPATH that links straight the the .so file instead of into a dir? I just did some measurements for ghc an found that statting 160k files (which is exactly what happens when you have 400 haskell deps as dynamic libraries) takes 0.7 seconds on my system, so a dynamic executable that has those will always start up that slowly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ea1410d georgewhewell: broadcom-sta: add patch for kernel 4.11+...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 040921d aszlig: broadcom_sta: Add patch for supporting Linux 4.12...
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<seequ> Hmm. I have `services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];`, but X can't find 'nvidia' drivers on startup
<seequ> Any clue why?
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<nh2> clever taktoa[m]: Also take the above into account for the #nix-incremental topic, as if `ghc --make` is not used, then each TemplateHaskell invocation will likely incur the penalty, so each single file built and using TH will have a default 0.7 second penalty if the project has many dependencies (a common thing these days)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taktoa opened pull request #27648: lib/string: added parseDomain and parseEmail (master...feature/parseEmail)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0051247 Volth: tinc service: add CLI tools to the $PATH...
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<seequ> More precisely: LoadModule 'nvidia' fails with 'module does nt exist, 0'
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<sphalerite[m]> Aaah, compiler bootstrapping on ARM... SO much fun
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 34c0ba4 John Ericson: stdenv-setup: Add quotes that don't do anything for consistency....
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<LnL> yeah
<ocharles> My created ec2 machine with nixops has a disk size of 3gb - what should I be looking at to change that?
<ocharles> seems to show how to add extra mount points, but it's /nix/store itself that's not big enough
<nh2> ocharles: I would be surprised if nixops can already resize EBS volumes (is your disk an EBS volume), because resizing EBS is a relatively new feature of AWS
<ocharles> Right, but it provisions the initial EBS, no?
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<grahamc> Deployment.ec2.initialebsvolumesize or something like that ocharles
<ocharles> oh, it is that one
<ocharles> cool, thanks grahamc - i'll try that
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<ocharles> deployment.ec2.ebsInitialRootDiskSize I think
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<grahamc> Sounds right
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<ocharles> whoop, thanks grahamc!
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<grahamc> You're welcome :) had to solve that today too
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: I opened an issue about that (linking through absolute paths rather than rpath) a couple of months back it's possible, just not implemented
<sphalerite[m]> on linux that is -- on macOS it's already done through absolute paths
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: instead of using an associative array in stdenv/setup
<Sonarpulse> to memoize
<Sonarpulse> I can just define some already_seen_FO_SLASH_BAR_SLASH_BAZ
<Sonarpulse> etc
<Sonarpulse> ....I suppose that keeps the O(1)?
<Sonarpulse> but is gross and litters env vars
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<nh2> sphalerite[m]: that's excellent news, can you give me a short summary of what I have to do to give it an explicit path? Also, will the resulting link just be a "hint", so still be overridable with LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: It's not implemented in nixpkgs's machinery yet, so you'd need to pass absolute paths to the linker manually instead of using `-l<library>`
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: and no, it would not be overridable using LD_LIBRARY_PATH at that point. LD_PRELOAD would still work though.
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<sphalerite[m]> That stuff is all discussed in the issue comments though
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: I'm getting a bit lost in the amount of comments; what feature/flags to ld is the magic that has this effect?
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: passing absolute paths instead of -lXYZ
<sphalerite[m]> so rather than -lreadline, /nix/store/...-readline-1.2.3/lib/
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: ah, so passing explicit .so to `ld` doesn't do the same as `-l` does, but instead makes it do this "default path link"? I always assumed `-l` just finds files and then passes them normally (or so at least `man ld` suggests)
<sphalerite[m]> Yeah no, it's not the same
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<nh2> sphalerite[m]: OK thanks, that is very useful info
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<sphalerite[m]> Huh, actually they seem to be producing the same result for me in a test I did just now
<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> is there a Nix function for reading a file out of a derivation?
<nh2> catern: builtins.readFile
<catern> no, that's for reading the contents of a path
<catern> I guess the question then is, is there a Nix function for converting a derivation into a path? :)
<catern> I don't think there is, and I think it's for a deep reason... but I don't understand the deep reason :)
<sphalerite[m]> catern: string interpolation.
<sphalerite[m]> I think builtins.toString might do the trick as well, not sure though
<nh2> catern: in other words, when you see "${mypackage}/bin/myprogram", isn't that what you're looking for?
<catern> oh hmm true
<catern> you're right
<catern> okay, so that's cool
<catern> but now, how do I convert a string to a path?
<catern> so I can read it with readFile :)
<taktoa> builtins.toPath
<sphalerite[m]> catern: string ~= path
<catern> ah
<catern> I see
<sphalerite[m]> you can use builtins.readFile on a string. Although this sounds like a case of import-from-derivation which is strongly discouraged
<catern> don't any of these cause unwanted strictness?
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<catern> sphalerite[m]: import-from-derivation?
<taktoa> catern: phased nix
<catern> yeah!
<sphalerite[m]> Yeah, having evaluation depend on the result of realising a derivation
<taktoa> i.e.: compute a nix value based on data that needs a build to exist
<catern> it seems like I could construct phased Nix from this
<catern> is that bad?
<catern> it would be really useful for me
<taktoa> phased nix == import-from-derivation
<pikajude> how do I get hydra's log tail view to automatically reload the log every few seconds
<sphalerite[m]> catern: what do you mean by phased nix?
<taktoa> also if you're interested in making an incremental build with this, we should talk
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: and in the case where the "hinted" so location doesn't exist, what does it do, does it then search the search paths?
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<sphalerite[m]> nh2: no. It's not a hint, it's "the library is here". It's "if the library is not here this program will not run."
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<nh2> sphalerite[m]: hmm OK. So that approach only works if you really know ahead of time where the lib will be
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: but we do, in nix. We have all those directories in the RPATH
<sphalerite[m]> and the linker searches them at link time
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: yes, I was asking in the general case, hoping it would solve my non-nix dynamic linker problems as well
<sphalerite[m]> and the paths are in the resulting binary so nix knows that it depends on those library paths
<sphalerite[m]> Oh. Nah :p
<sphalerite[m]> LD_PRELOAD is useful though
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: I came to this topic from, the remainders of which will also be fixed by your approach
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<sphalerite[m]> oh wow
<sphalerite[m]> The problem with the link-time absolute paths approach is that basically none of the build systems support it
<sphalerite[m]> Which is why people seem to be leaning more towards having this be a patching step that happens in the fixup phase rather than doing it at link time
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<sphalerite[m]> in which case, AFAIU, that issue wouldn't be fixed
<nh2> sphalerite[m]: I just wrote up a ticket to have GHC support it:
<catern> sphalerite[m]: I'm just talking about what taktoa said
<catern> taktoa: it's not incremental Nix I care about
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<nh2> sphalerite[m]: I would definitely prefer if upstream build systems supported it; I think the less patching, the better, and this feature would clearly be useful for other use cases too
<catern> taktoa: it's automatically generating Nix expressions from the package definition files from a different package management system
<catern> sphalerite[m]: why is it discouraged to have evaluation depend on the result of realising a derivation?
<taktoa> catern: it means you can't evaluate nixpkgs without building shit
<sphalerite[m]> nh2: thing is it's not really suited for the traditional package manager setup, only for more exotic stuff like nix. So while it's certainly possible to introduce support for it it's not likely to show up in the smaller NIH build systems
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #27649: python3: Add C++ compiler support for distutils (master...fix-python3x-distutils)
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<catern> taktoa: why can't it still be cached?
<sphalerite[m]> catern: usually the stages from nix source to outputs are completely distinct -- evaluate then realise.
<taktoa> catern: it will be cached
<catern> taktoa: if I have a fixed-output derivation as my input, then my output should be deterministic
<catern> so I shouldn't need to build
<taktoa> but it has to build the first time
<sphalerite[m]> catern: if evaluation depends on realisation of some other stuff, it becomes much much more expensive
<catern> even if I actually inspect the fixed-output derivation
<catern> sphalerite[m]: what I don't get is why it actually has to become more expensive
<taktoa> honestly I think IFD is demonized more than it should be, but idk
<catern> (IFD?)
<taktoa> import-from-derivation
<taktoa> the feature we're talking about
<catern> oh
<sphalerite[m]> I'd say it's great that it exists and people are welcome to use it but it definitely has no place in nixpkgs
<taktoa> yeah, I can agree with that
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<sphalerite[m]> it's not "nobody should ever use this", more "there are some major caveats which should be considered carefully before using it"
<catern> sorry for being a noob but I still don't get why IFD requires that you build the derivation you are importing from
<taktoa> you have to build it the first time
<catern> even the first time
<catern> because, suppose it's a fixed-output derivation
<catern> then your evaluation should be deterministic, right?
<sphalerite[m]> catern: so you want to read a file that doesn't exist?
<sphalerite[m]> sure it's deterministic, but it still depends on the output of building
<catern> sphalerite[m]: no, I expect Nix to be lazy and not evaluate me if I'm not needed
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<taktoa> yes, that will work
<sphalerite[m]> that's still the case
<taktoa> but hydra evaluates everything in nixpkgs
<catern> okay
<catern> and then the further feature I expect is
<sphalerite[m]> but if you do evaluate it, it needs to build it before it can finish evaluating it.
<sphalerite[m]> Fixed-output has nothing to do with it really
<catern> I expect Nix to, for any function that has known inputs, compute the hash of (inputs, function), and download that hash instead of actually computing the function
<catern> isn't that still possible even in the presence of IFD? which means, you don't actually need to build the inputs
<catern> (what I mean is, isn't it still possible to do that, even if the function does IFD?)
<taktoa> Nix doesn't cache evaluation
<taktoa> only builds
<catern> oh hmm
<catern> even if the function returns a derivation I guess?
<catern> (of course)
<catern> so is that the blocker for IFD then?
<taktoa> catern: think of Nix as a string templating language on top of a primop that creates a drv file (which consists of the data necessary to build something)
<catern> hmm
<taktoa> i.e.: a drv file has a set of output paths, a set of input drv paths (that must be built first), a map of environment variables, a path to an executable, and a list of arguments
<catern> right... I see...
<catern> Nix functions don't go into the store
<taktoa> yeah
<catern> the only thing that goes into the store is, er... derivations and realized derivations (if that's the right terms)
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<catern> hmm
<taktoa> yes, that seems correct to me
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<sphalerite[m]> to me too, FWIW :D
<catern> hmm
<taktoa> I do think that there's a lot of room for improving how Nix evaluates stuff
<catern> so what is the best way to handle the situation where I want to build software from another packaging system? is "regenerate Nix expressions whenever package specs change" really my only option?
<catern> that is why I wanted to do IFD in the first place
<taktoa> either way works
<catern> so I could load package specs
<taktoa> "regenerate Nix expressions" is what you do if you want to upstream it
<catern> it will never be upstreamed since it's a terrible proprietary package system that I want to kill ASAP :)
<taktoa> then just use IFD, nbd
<catern> hmm... I still don't get it though
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<taktoa> IFD becomes a problem when you are using Hydra and when you have a project at the scale of nixpkgs
<taktoa> it's fine if you're doing something small and local
<Ralith> has anyone ever seein a case where "g++ -o foo bar.o" causes bar to have all of's DT_NEEDED entries? is that expected behavior, and if so, can it be suppressed? It's breaking my build because's RUNPATH is not being copied, which of course means foo then has no idea where to find the copied DT_NEEDED libraries.
<catern> to ask it again concretely: if I want to deploy a derivation that is built using IFD, does that mean all the derivations that are imported from, must be downloaded to the host I am deploying to?
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<catern> (in this case, those derivations are fixed-output derivations to provide sources)
<catern> because that's what I want to avoid at all costs... given the large amount of sources I have, it's not practical for me to have the sources downloaded on to each deployed host
<catern> taktoa: sphalerite[m]: btw thanks for the patient guidance :)
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<taktoa> catern: depends on what you mean by "deploy"
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<taktoa> if deploy == nix-copy-closure, then no
<catern> deploy == evaluate a nix expression
<taktoa> if deploy == nix-build it on the remote, then yes
<catern> yeah
<catern> being able to nix-build things seems like a pretty desirable feature...
<taktoa> part of the confusing part here
<taktoa> is that even if you've "wrapped" a Nix value with undesirable dependencies in a fixed-output derivation
<taktoa> it will still have those dependencies
<taktoa> because every derivation has a .drv and a .out
<taktoa> the .out dependency graph for a fixed-output derivation may not include the IFDed stuff
<taktoa> but the .drv dependency graph will :(
<catern> i am not really sure of the relevance?
<taktoa> I'm just saying that you can't, for example, wrap a bunch of IFD-using derivations in a fixed-output derivation that combines them all together
<taktoa> so as to maximize cacheability
<catern> hmm
<catern> I see
<taktoa> if you do that, the IFD-using derivations will still need to be on the system for the build to proceed
<gchristensen> niksnut: maybe we can deploy the HSTS thing tomorrow? :)
<catern> argh
<catern> this IFD problem seems a lot like the monorepo problems that copumpkin was thinking about (and I also am thinking about)
<catern> where if you put the default.nix with the source code
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<catern> that means to deploy, you've got to put the source code on the box you're deploying to
<catern> v. painful
<catern> hm
<catern> so okay
<catern> given that this is a proprietary system wherein I am like a god, I can resolve this in some way, maybe you can say whether this is a terrible way... I can lift out the proprietary package information from the actual package, and store it separately
<catern> and then access it separately
<catern> well, wait a second! can't I do that with Nix, too?
<catern> I could have the source of each package as a fixed-output derivation, then another derivation which just contains the proprietary package information
<catern> then I can do IFD on that derivation which contains the package information
<catern> wouldn't that avoid downloading the sources?
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<catern> er - the derivation containing the package information would be generated from the fixed-output derivation containing the package source
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<catern> i'm maybe overly excited, but this seems like the perfect fix!
<catern> at least for my use case...
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<catern> and other use cases too, actually! because then, while you would still need to download some additional package information to use nixpkgs, it would just be package information and not the entire source of some package
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<Sonarpulse> oops
<catern> hmm
<Sonarpulse> this thread seems relevant to me
<Sonarpulse> IFD has no problems that aren't silly and easily solvable
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<Sonarpulse> catern: you are saying the 2nd derivation extracts the default.nix and chucks the rest?
<Sonarpulse> that is fine
<catern> Sonarpulse: yes
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<catern> Sonarpulse: is it a good idea? I am just a noob, I can't tell
<Sonarpulse> catern: yes it is!
<Sonarpulse> sorry for not saying so before
<Sonarpulse> IMO ideally if we had a content addressable store
<Sonarpulse> /nix/store/asdfasdfasdf-foo/bar/baz <=> /nix/store/qwerqwerqwerwer-baz
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<Sonarpulse> i.e. we can normalize paths into store items as other items, without duplication
<Sonarpulse> and thus don't need that
<Sonarpulse> but until then, your idea is works great!
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<gchristensen> gosh I love working with brilliant people
<catern> where do you work gchristensen? :)
<gchristensen> I mean the nix/nixpkgs/nixos community :)
<multun> hey there :) is there any guide about the nix internals up on the internet ?
<nh2> which C++ version does the stdenv support?
<copumpkin> multun: how it works or the actual implementation?
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<copumpkin> multun: the nix pills series goes over "how it works" in pretty good detail
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<copumpkin> multun: not very much out there about the nix codebase
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<multun> aw awesome
<multun> thanks, I'll read it :)
<copumpkin> nh2: on macOS, we use clang4
<gchristensen> but it isn't so big, only 30kLOC
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<copumpkin> multun: there's another 15 or so of them after that
<multun> that's *exactly* what I was looking for
<multun> thanks again !
<gchristensen> the pills are truly excellent, I wish I had read them soonere
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<multun> are these articles linked somewhere on the nix website ?
<gchristensen> no idea :/
<catern> Sonarpulse: an extra nice thing for my use case is that I can not only extract a default.nix, but I can actually generate it at that time
<nh2> copumpkin: and on the others? I'm wondering if I can use std::filesystem
<catern> Sonarpulse: or be cleverly backwards-compatible by, if there is already a default.nix, just extract it out
<copumpkin> nh2: gcc5 on linux stdenv. I assume it works with 17
<erictapen> I'm expierencing a weird issue on nixops. I want to deploy to my host system (not a VM but my real laptop) and it says "Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).". If i try ssh root@ it works. Has anyne an idea how to debug this?
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<globin> nh2: you can always add a different gcc/clang version to nativeBuildInputs if you need something special
<nh2> globin: I want to write a program that works in the stdenv / nix bootstrap though
<copumpkin> :O
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<copumpkin> nh2: what is it?
<erictapen> I never specified any special ssh keys for nixops
<copumpkin> whoa writing a parser in something other than bash? that's wild!!
<copumpkin> we can't allow that
<nh2> !copumpkin
<taktoa> lmao
<nh2> copumpkin: how do I use the "great work" bot
<dash> nh2: !m
<taktoa> !m copumpkin
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, copumpkin!
<copumpkin> :)
<nh2> !m copumpkin
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, copumpkin!
<copumpkin> I hereby choose to be known exclusively for my snark in #nixos
<nh2> erictapen: is it possible that you simply didn't need it so far because you used cloud deployments?
<nh2> those install your pubkey automatically on instance creation
<erictapen> nh2: nope, only had physical machines so far
<erictapen> nh2: just did an strace on nixops ssh and discovered, that it is using an id file in my /tmp ...
<nh2> erictapen: strace would have been my next suggestion
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<nh2> copumpkin: OK here's a good one for bash lovers and very related to why on nix everything links slower: How long does this take (guess without checking): `for i in {1..1000000}; do X=1; done`
<erictapen> What amazes me, is that I did'nt stumble into that problme before
<gchristensen> nh2: I dunno, not thath long
<nh2> 1.2 seconds
<gchristensen> ok
<nh2> and how much RAM does that need
<nh2> two hundred megabytes
<gchristensen> I'm guessing a good bit
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> should I be distressed by that? :P
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<nh2> I find it distressing (at least the part that these facts make me wait forever to have my executables built when they build instantly on other OSs)
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