<Sonarpulse> boomshroom: conservative, liberal, ndp, greens would be righ to left then?
<boomshroom> A lot of people are unsure of what's going to happen as we haven't had 2 parties working together like this before. It's not quite a coalition.
<Sonarpulse> not formally you mean?
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<boomshroom> Liberals are right in BC, left federally. NDPs are more left than Liberals, and I think Greens are most left, but might be to the right of NDP.
<Sonarpulse> I recall liberals, and I guess nbp by process of elimination, splitting vote during harper years
<Sonarpulse> boomshroom: sounds like same ordering everywhere, just no conservative in BC, and maybe right shiftward on absolute scale accordingly?
<boomshroom> Possibly. FPTP is a terrible voting system that encourages only 2 parties.
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<Sonarpulse> well, I am in the US
<Sonarpulse> at least you have parliamentary
<Sonarpulse> FPTP does suck
<boomshroom> And that's why only have the Democrats and Republicans. Any 3rd parties would steal votes from their closest ally.
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<simpson> The so-called "spoiler effect". See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duverger's_law
<boomshroom> If I installed packages with nixos, but deleated and replaced nixos for my user while keeping nixos on root, how do I update the packages from the new channel?
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<clever> boomshroom: when you do nix-env -iA nixos.firefox, the 'nixos' tells it which channel to use
<clever> so you can just name any channel you have
<boomshroom> They're already installed and I want to change which channel they update from. nixos no longer appears in nix-channel --list.
<clever> nixos is still a valid channel, --list wont show root's channels
<clever> and if you try to install something you already have, it will be updated to the version you referenced
<boomshroom> So I have to do it manually for all my packages? I take it I can specify which packages to build in ~/.config/config.nix?
<clever> if you use a buildEnv in config.nix, you can do nix-env -iA nixos.stuff1 to install a chunk from the nixos channel
<clever> then nix-env -iA unstable.stuff2, to unstall a second chunk from the unstable channel
<clever> install*
<boomshroom> clever: thank you. And nix-env -q ".*" seems to list all my installed packages.
<clever> yep, but that shows names, not attribute paths, and it doesnt know which channel things came from
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<boomshroom> Is there a config.nix equivalent of environment.systemPackges?
<clever> writing a buildEnv based package
<clever> boomshroom: line 12 onward creates a custom package called mystuff, that contains a large list of things
<clever> i can then nix-env -iA nixos.mystuff to atomicly apply that
<clever> if you want to use that with different channels, then you can just make 2 buildEnv's
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<boomshroom> clever: thank you.
<boomshroom> Just going through my installed packages and feh (my wallpaper manager) doesn't specify imagemagick as an optional dependency.
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<Sonarpulse> boomshroom: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26388 merged
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHoh1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 200ac02 John Ericson: binutils: Modernize derivation...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e854685 Ross MacLeod: gcc*: Remove cross argument and instead use hostPlatform and targetPlatform
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 35ed21d John Ericson: gcc*: Replace stdenv.is* with {host,target}Platform.is*...
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<boomshroom> Sonarpulse: Nice!
<Sonarpulse> well i mean i have merge access so nbd :P
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<boomshroom> If I'm making a derivation that's just a single bash file, how do I make it executable so the modifications can be made?
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<clever> boomshroom: do you have an example expression your starting with?
<boomshroom> clever: an extremely basic one. The derivation is just to install one bash file from gist.github.com and wrap it so a particular binary can be found.
<clever> boomshroom: if your copying it to $out/bin/ then you can just chmod it at the same time
<boomshroom> I noticed. Do I need to copy if do wrapProgram?
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<clever> yeah
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<bhipple> Hi guys, is there a policy on handling fetchUrl cases where a license has to be accepted and the web server returns the tarball after the POST?
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<bhipple> I'm looking at upgrading the AMD APP SDK from 2.8, and wondering how the previous packager discovered the URLs: http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/opencl-zone/amd-accelerated-parallel-processing-app-sdk/
<clever> bhipple: either use requireFile like java does, or require the user to fill some info in like factorio does
<bhipple> I saw the factorio one. Pretty neat :D
<clever> yeah, ive not seen any other package do that kind of thing
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<bhipple> requireFile will have required that someone did something like nix-prefetch-url manually?
<clever> or open the site in a browser, accept the license, and download it manually
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #26436: amarok-kf5: init at 2.8.91-20170228 (master...p/amarok) https://git.io/vHKeP
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<bhipple> Ah nice, requireFile prints out a helpful error message for the user. This is perfect; thanks @clever
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<boomshroom> Feh seems to be automatically included with the xserver (or at least i3) but doesn't depend on imagemagick despite needing it for svg backgrounds. How should I go about adding an optional dependency to something installed automatically?
<clever> boomshroom: feh is also required because the 'none' display manager doesnt support backgrounds automaticly
<clever> so feh just cant be removed without reworking that code
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<boomshroom> clever: I'm using sddm, so I have a display manager and a window manager. I don't see how not supporting backgrounds on i3 is a big deal. It's not like the same kind of people who would install something simple like gnome or kde.
<clever> is feh causing any problems?
<boomshroom> No, unless I uninstall imagemagick, then yes.
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<clever> ah
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<clever> sounds more like a problem in the feh package then, it doesnt correctly depend on imagemagick
<sdll> Team, could you please help me with nix-shell? Choosing previously executed commands with the up-down arrows seems to be broken.
<sdll> The problem comes up, when, for example, "nix-shell -p bash --pure" is run, and then, if I want to execute previous command, it is instead concatenated with whatever current command I was typing, producing ugly results (it concats the prompt). If, however, "nix-shell --pure" is run, there is no such a problem.
<boomshroom> Ya, I was thinking of modifying it, but not everyone uses svg backgrounds, so if it's enabled by default, then several people would be installing a heavy dependency that they don't need. It's the same as what I did to i3blocks.
<sdll> Similarly, I cannot do commonplace editing. If a backspace is pressed, there are just whitespaces added to the line
<clever> boomshroom: might be better to just document the need for imagemagick then?
<boomshroom> By default, my change to i3blocks installs all the dependencies for all the packaged scripts, while allowing the user to specify which packages to use and only install their dependencies if so.
<sdll> There is no such a problem in a console
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<sdll> It turns out that the problem is due to rxvt_unicode
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<boomshroom> My computer crashed trying to reinstall my packages.
<boomshroom> What are some of the tradeoffs between the various ways to install packages? Between the nixpkgs repository, overlays, and standalone files, there's no shortage of ways to add a package.
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<boomshroom> Another thing is that I'm interested in sharing /nix on my laptop between NixOS and OSX. I've heard of people doing this, but wouldn't it mess up the profiles?
<dmj`> boomshroom: that’s dangerous
<boomshroom> I figured it would be, but I've seen some posts asking about a shared store between multiple OSes.
<mdash> You can share /nix/store
<clever> but the db.sqlite must be linked to /nix/store, or it can gc things another os is using
<clever> and the gcroots have to be aware of the profiles from the other os
<clever> its tricky to get right
<clever> simpler to just allow copying between the systems
<mdash> Yes
<boomshroom> On something like my laptop, the idea of only storing 1 of shared packages is appealing as it's a little strapped for storage space.
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<clever> is the laptop running both mac and linux?
<boomshroom> clever: Yes. I installed linux on it after missing it when away from my desktop.
<clever> ah
<clever> then its similiar to one of my early nixos installs
<clever> i had x86-64 nixos, and arm nixos on the same rootfs
<clever> half of the solution, is to have 2 different instances of the /nix/var/nix/profiles/ folder, and to bindmount the right one on bootup
<clever> then the profiles for each OS remain seperate
<clever> and then i think i had to symlink each profile folder under /nix/var/nix/gcroots/
<clever> that should allow multiple arches to share the store and keep all profiles seperate
<boomshroom> Long story short: Don't until nix makes it easier. Though I suppose the fact that I have a different username for each installation might make it easier.
<clever> that might help
<clever> it might even be enough to entirely eliminate the problem
<clever> boomshroom: do you have a 2nd system with nix?
<boomshroom> clever: I installed nix on the mac installation before installing NixOS. And I switched to NixOS on my desktop.
<clever> in theory, you could use nix-copy-closure to copy the closure of your mac ~/.nix-profile/ to any machine with nix
<clever> then boot into nixos on the mac, and nix-copy-closure it back
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<clever> then just cp -r the per-user/${macuser}/ folder into the nixos version of /nix/var/nix/profiles/
<boomshroom> I do have multiple linux installations on my desktop with a shared /home partition and the same username, but I set the home directory so each installation gets its own. I'm curious if nix supports anything similar.
<clever> then you can just mount the /nix/ partition of nixos to the mac, and it will probably work
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<boomshroom> What filesystem would you recommend? I'm using btrfs for NixOS itself but it's not available on mac. HFS+ is doable, but the wikipedia article doesn't speak kindly of it and journaling would have to be disabled.
<clever> does mac support ext4?
<boomshroom> Wikipedia says "?"
<boomshroom> So probably not
<clever> ext3?
<boomshroom> Partial with ext2fsx (journal not updated on writing)
<clever> heh
<boomshroom> In addition, I had trouble getting the ext2 drivers to work on the most recent version of mac.
<clever> might be tricky to find an fs both support, that also has uid and +x
<boomshroom> I was able to get ZFS to work, but licensing issues prevent it from being packaged with linux.
<clever> i run zfs on all of my nixos machines
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<boomshroom> clever: Oh! How are you enjoying it and do you know how it compares to btrfs?
<clever> it works great on most systems, only has trouble under high memory loads
<clever> lol, like that
<clever> a midnight cronjob always borks zfs
<clever> but only because i'm using a crap-ton of memory and swap isnt doing its job
<drakonis> boomshroom, btrfs is the linux people copy thing of higher quality version of zfs
<drakonis> addendum: its still crap at the moment
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<drakonis> there's bcachefs
<drakonis> seems to be better than btfs
<drakonis> btrfs
<drakonis> http://bcachefs.org/ the page also makes fun of btrfs
<boomshroom> drakonis: btrfs is better than ntfs. ;)
<drakonis> is it?
<drakonis> anything is better than ntfs tbh
<drakonis> you do want bcachefs when it goes upstream
<boomshroom> Is FAT16 better than NTFS?
<joehh> all of my icons in nautilus look like plain text document, is there a packageI'm missing?
<joehh> or some sort of config?
<drakonis> boomshroom, no
<boomshroom> Haha, made you lie! 8D
<drakonis> so yeah, bcachefs is what btrfs is supposed to be, because btrfs ended being linux devs copy unix
<drakonis> sun developers
<drakonis> this case
<boomshroom> That said, I am looking into bcachefs.
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<drakonis> a dude with a thousand bucks is doing a better job than three dozen dudes
<drakonis> one person.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vaibhavsagar opened pull request #26437: Unbreak thumbor (master...unbreak-thumbor) https://git.io/vHKIH
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<juniormint> good evening folks. I've been playing around with nixos-container.pl recently. Is there a way to configure extraBinds (like you can in the declarative container config https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/7993)
<boomshroom> drakonis: looks interesting. Have you considered adding bcachefs utilities to nixpkgs to make facilitate its use by others?
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<drakonis> hmm, not yet.
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<drakonis> i'm not too hot with derivation writing yet
<boomshroom> Well you've already found the best place to get help with it.
<drakonis> hah
<drakonis> yes
<juniormint> nvmd folks I found a narrow answer to my bind question here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18355
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<boomshroom> For my single bash file derivation, I can't chmod the file until I move it away from the initial download, but if I don't chmod it right away, fixShebangs won't activate.
<clever> boomshroom: can you gist your expression?
<clever> the default fixupPhase is what patches everything, but youve overridden that
<clever> just put everything into installPhase
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<bdimcheff> is cups broken for anyone else on unstable?
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<boomshroom> clever: Thanks. And if anyone wants the nix-package-search linked from NixOS Weakly a while back, feel free to download the overlay to install on your own machine.
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<bdimcheff> getting this kind of stuff printing a test page: https://gist.github.com/bdimcheff/e6a7f354de5bd8bff5e6f75b84a97267
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<boomshroom> drakonis: Many of the points on the patreon page for bcachefs are very compelling and I'm even thinking of trying it out on 1 or more of my systems.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHKt5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e864345 Franz Pletz: irssi: 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3 (security)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHKtA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f82ae7c Franz Pletz: nixos/firewall: clean up rpfilter rules properly...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vHKqJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b96ba3a Lancelot SIX: libgcrypt: 1.7.6 -> 1.7.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8eddc20 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #26359 from lsix/update_libgcrypt_1_7_7...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a64194f Tim Steinbach: openssl: 1.1.0e -> 1.1.0f
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d110e8d Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #26434 from NeQuissimus/openssl_1_1_0f...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1800838 Benjamin Staffin: synergy: 1.7.6 -> 1.8.8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc1473e Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #26432 from benley/synergy-1.8.8...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5788bd8 Franz Pletz: synergy: broken on darwin
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<slack1256> is recursively calling nix-shell not supported? is that intended?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jgertm opened pull request #26439: hplip: introduce nettools dependency (master...jgertm/fix-hplip) https://git.io/vHK3p
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<nixy> slack1256: Why would you need to do that?
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<slack1256> nixy: to avoid doing exit , nothing much
<nixy> It looks like it doesn't support it, but I can't say for sure why. I get 'bash: shopt: progcomp: invalid shell option name'
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 445b107 Vladimír Čunát: openssh: fixup build on Hydra...
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<myguidingstar> hi all, I have "nix-shell -p python27Packages.gst-python --pure" but still got "ImportError: No module named gst"
<myguidingstar> what was wrong?
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<FRidh> myguidingstar: have you checked the contents of that package?
<layus> Hi, I need to install anaconda (python) distribution on NixOS. Anyone ever attempted that ?
<FRidh> have a look at the site-packages folder
<symphorien> shouldn't you use python.withPackages ?
<makefu> myguidingstar: check that the pytion you are using is really python27
<makefu> python*
<FRidh> layus: yep. Last I tried it didn't work because they relied on /bin/bash but maybe it changed. See also https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26245.
<clever> [nix-shell:~]$ ls /nix/store/0zx8799kbvlybwy43vs0bf8r9n56d7gy-python-2.7.13-env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gi
<clever> makefu: i think this might have something to do with it
<clever> myguidingstar: oops, wrong m name above
<FRidh> indeed
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-shell -p '(python27Packages.python.withPackages (p: [ p.gst-python ]))'
<FRidh> gi is a bit strange requiring some more setup if I am correct
<layus> Thanks FRidh ! I need this running this afternoon :-(. I hope I can get it to work :-)
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<myguidingstar> clever, the "withPackages" command above still results in a "ImportError: No module named gst"
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<FRidh> myguidingstar: check how other expressions use this package. They'll likely do some more setting up since this is gi.
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<myguidingstar> FRidh: I don't really understand what that "gi" thing means, but I'll try :D
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<myguidingstar> I guess the first step to take is to look into the file nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix
<FRidh> myguidingstar: pure misery is what it means
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<FRidh> git grep gi-python to find expressions that use it
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<layus> FRidh, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/26245 uses buildFHSUserEnv to package conda. Is it also how you tried, or did you use "normal" python packages.
<symphorien> myguidingstar: apparently gi things need special wrappers : https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks/wrap-gapps-hook.sh
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<FRidh> layus: I tried by *just* installing it and fixing the installer where possibly. I just checked again, and it seems they put in a couple more checks (which you could circumvent). In any case, when I tried all packages also used /bin/bash. I guess the approach with buildFHSUserEnv is best.
<symphorien> and I think you should try to import gst as from gi.repository import Gst
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: pong
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<cmacrae> Sup people o/
<cmacrae> Anyone got a nice solution for managing NPM packages declaratively?
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<goibhniu> FTR, I couldn't get sd-image-armv6l-linux.img to boot on the Raspberry Pi Zero W
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] KentJames opened pull request #26442: Add astropy to nixpkgs. (master...master) https://git.io/vHK2c
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<ij> Which one of these inputs is the most likely to give me access to the git executable during build-time? I tried buildDepends, buildTools, but it's not being found. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-builder.nix
<ij> I'm calling git via shell, so assuming PATH's correct, it should find it.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #26443: conda: init at miniconda 4.3.11 (master...conda) https://git.io/vHKaS
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<FRidh> layus: ^
<goibhniu> hi mbrgm I noticed from the logs that you also looked into using the RPi Zero ... did you have any luck?
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<clever> ij: also keep in mind, nix will usualy delete the .git folder for sources
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] KentJames closed pull request #26442: Add astropy to nixpkgs. (master...master) https://git.io/vHK2c
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<ij> clever, Okay, makes the goal useless, but it's still weird that I couldn't make git visible to the build.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] KentJames opened pull request #26444: Added astropy to nixpkgs. (master...master) https://git.io/vHKwc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vHKwj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a996fe8 gnidorah: fstrim: Add service
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging fad6fc3 Eelco Dolstra: icu: Trivial improvement
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 338cdea Eelco Dolstra: Merge branch 'master2' of https://github.com/gnidorah/nixpkgs into staging
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<tanonym> How will NixOS take it if I were to resize the / partition and install Ubuntu next to it?
<gchristensen> just fine, but you'll want to enable nixos' grub option to detect other operating systems
<tanonym> Which option is that? (Look at the options page of nixos.org)
<gchristensen> boot.loader.grub.useOSProber :) sorry I meant to go look it up before
<tanonym> boot.loader.grub.useOSProber = true; ?
<gchristensen> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHKK0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0996ea8 Eelco Dolstra: NixOS VM tests: Don't create a setgid group in vde_switch...
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<tanonym> Okay. Decided to test out a Ubuntu variant (Bodhi Linux)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHKKi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7648f52 Eelco Dolstra: NixOS VM tests: Don't create a setgid group in vde_switch...
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<tanonym> Hopefully Ubuntu won't drive me spare after having used NixOS as my general OS :D
<gchristensen> has it before? :)
<tanonym> Pretty much any non-NixOS distro has ended up driving me spare or borking beyond repair on me.
<gchristensen> yeap... :)
<tanonym> I've been spoiled by atomic rollbacks :D
<tanonym> I am developing a real dislike of the FHS :D
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<tanonym> Maybe I should make the second install GoboLinux instead, though that seems a poor-man's NixOS :D
<tanonym> I love that I can install GNOME3 have it break completely, toss it out and rebuild going back to my default DE
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> me too
<goibhniu> tanonym: you could also install Guix and OStree, for some variety :D
<goibhniu> *GuixSD
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<tanonym> I may well still play with Gobo, or make it into my setup on a portable flash drive. GuixSD looks interesting. I'll check out OStree as well.
<sphalerite> I briefly tried out GuixSD a while back, just didn't feel as good as NixOS :/
<gchristensen> it doesn't have that zesty unfree depth to it
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<tanonym> I think it's still in the earlier stages at the moment, since they need to duplicate the functionality in guile as well.
<tanonym> Haha
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<goibhniu> Foresight (with conary) was something along the same lines too ... I think it's dead now
<tanonym> Being FSF-kosher might be causing some issues as well ;)
<layus> Thanks FRidh ! I got it working, but your solution is cleaner.
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<tanonym> Well, definitely some new additions to GoboLinux since I last looked at it in the 016.1 iteration. I'll take it for a spin as well :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah reopened pull request #26296: autorandr: 855c18b -> ee77c35 (master...master3) https://git.io/vH0Jx
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<MarcWeber> Anybody using YouCompleteMe with clang? It doesn't find the header files such as stdio.h.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] KentJames closed pull request #26444: Add astropy to nixpkgs. (master...master) https://git.io/vHKwc
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<sphalerite> I'm pretty sure it's the language more than the freedom :p
* goibhniu notes that the GuixSD website is gorgeous <3
<sphalerite> that it is
<sphalerite> unusual for a gnu project :P
<goibhniu> or any project, for that matter :D
<tanonym> Yeah, the lack of fugly UX is a change :)
<tanonym> It looks like something from openSUSE, Ubuntu or Fedora :D
<sphalerite> From what I've seen guix has also had a nice UI from the beginning
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<sphalerite> Which can't really be said for nix x)
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<jophish> tanonym: Ubuntu + nix as a package manager isn't too bad
<jophish> It's (sadly) what I'm using
<goibhniu> oh! that's a nice bot!
<sphalerite> So it is! Nice idea gchristensen
<goibhniu> gchristensen++
<jophish> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
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<tanonym> Hm, I might try that. Or SUSE because I'm actually more familiar with that distro. Well, I might learn my way around Ubuntu as it is a popular distro.
<gchristensen> :D it worked!
<jophish> tanonym: the only things I have installed with apt are chromium and nvidia drivers
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<sphalerite> jophish: why chromium?
<tanonym> Well, occasionally rough around the edges and even ugly as NixOS can be it more than makes up for it by making tinkering fairly risk-free (at worst a reboot to an older generation or a rollback command).
<jophish> sphalerite: installing with nix to see if it works now
<jophish> sphalerite: seems to work :)
<tanonym> I'm considering grabbing a Budgie spin of openSUSE or Unity Ubuntu and drop nix on top of it and install everything else not in the default through nix instead of apt.
<jophish> I'm sure there was a reason, but I can't remember why
<jophish> I'm sure there was a reason, but I can't remember why, possibly graphics driver issues
<tanonym> Vivaldi hangs out in unstable, and unfree, right?
<sphalerite> Sooo... I installed nixUnstable in my user env, now I can't uninstall it: http://ix.io/wAG
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<tanonym> That's unusual.
<tanonym> I thought one of the advantages of Nix was that you can toss it if you have to without trashing the host system.
<domenkozar> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
<gchristensen> (my bot can send webhooks too, btw)
<gchristensen> (oh gosh please don't just hammer away, curling my server in a loop)
<domenkozar> gchristensen: is it based on howoldis?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: roughly https://gist.github.com/grahamc/337e8874a8d63ffbd40ae20ea30d3ccd (I've made a few changes I can't access right now)
<tanonym> I need to drag my lazy butt into learning how to do themeing for Enlightenment Desktop. Icons are missing and it bugs my OCD :D
<gchristensen> (check out lines 59 through 73 for sweet IRC bot action)
<tanonym> And I need to get an integrated look. Some of these older GTK apps can be really fugly.
<domenkozar> lol
<gchristensen> domenkozar: it was written in anger :P
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<sphalerite> tanonym: I'm on NixOS so I definitely can't throw nix out :p but I'm not sure if nixUnstable is even the reason I can't remove it
<sphalerite> It is. Or was. /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-env -e nix worked.
<domenkozar> gchristensen: yes I see, to prove how easy it can be
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<gchristensen> yeah, it doesn't need to be perfect or resilient or even well made
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<gchristensen> (though for a few hours after I turned it on last night, I was a bit worried about it breaking and sending #nixos lots of spam :) )
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #26445: openscenegraph: 3.2.3 -> 3.4.0 (master...osg340) https://git.io/vHKME
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<sphalerite> Oh yeah, in delightful bashy hacks: https://github.com/lheckemann/presremote <100 lines to remote control presentations with my phone
<gchristensen> omg haha
<sphalerite> I don't think it actually complies with the HTTP spec but it works with my phone so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<aloiscochard> hey all, I'm trying to build/package the following library: https://github.com/arrayfire/arrayfire unfortunatly I'm failing at the very begin of the build with a "cannot find crt1.o: No such file or director", I feel like I am missing something fundamental, is there an existing package I could use as example? thanks!
<gchristensen> haha, who cares sphalerite -- this is awesome
* tanonym digs out the Nix documentation on how to nixify source from git.
<tanonym> Created bootable USB drives of Gobo 016 and GuixSD
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<tanonym> Now to see if there is a way to create a more newbie-friendly GUI for installing and configuring NixOS that I can test out on my Mom and see if it works :)
<sphalerite> gchristensen: for your IRC bot maybe ii http://tools.suckless.org/ii/ would be useful too
<clever> aloiscochard: are you doing the build under nix-shell
<sphalerite> It would be nice if more software could be controlled with text commands on FIFOs/sockets
<clever> sphalerite: toxvpn is currently controlled with text commands over a unix socket, but i was thinking about adding dbus to it
<tanonym> FIFO=first in, first out?
<aloiscochard> clever: yes I am, I'm writing a `default.nix` that I start with `nix-shell`. Colud that be the issue?
<sphalerite> tanonym: yes — in this context also known as a named pipe
<clever> aloiscochard: that should work, do you know how the package is calling gcc?
<sphalerite> tanonym: a filesystem object representing a one-way communication channel where one program can open it for reading and another for writing, and the output of the writer goes into the reader
<sphalerite> tanonym: just like a pipe as used in the shell really, but attached to a filesystem path
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<sphalerite> clever: that's nice. I like DBus in principle but I feel it would be a lot more powerful if it were easier for a user to discover actions they can take and invoke them
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #25990: grib-api: Provide python bindings (master...provide-grib-api-python-bindings) https://git.io/vHkWJ
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<clever> sphalerite: yeah, almost every dbus based thing ive tried to query has been imposible
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHKDw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master abdaf5a Josef Kemetmueller: eccodes: Provide python bindings
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9ed3ad1 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #25992 from knedlsepp/provide-eccodes-python-bindings...
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<avn> sphalerite: dbus is just simple RPC
<sphalerite> clever: I like to use multiple sessions, but the only way I know to do this with SDDM from the commandline is "dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DisplayManager /org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 org.freedesktop.DisplayManager.Seat.SwitchToGreeter"
<clever> sphalerite: pulseaudio for example, seems to reimplement their own dbus server, on a non-standard socket
<sphalerite> d-feet is very nice for discovering this stuff, but so much mousing
<clever> sphalerite: and the main dbus api only gives you the path to the non-standard socket, that no library will accept
<avn> clever: really? As I know they use normal dbus as well
<clever> avn: the only thing i was able to get over the normal dbus api was the path to that socket
<sphalerite> yep, same as far as I can see
<avn> Hmm. My knowledge can be bit outdated then ;)
<avn> My dbus socket path is fixed anyway, because I use systemwide pulse
<sphalerite> Maybe it's to avoid putting lots of traffic on the session bus
<sphalerite> (or system bus as the case may be)
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<sphalerite> I don't know enough about D-Bus to know if what I just said was completely wrong :D
<sphalerite> does dbus-fuse exist yet? :D
<clever> lol
<aloiscochard> clever: I'm trying to find something about that, but I don't see anything special. It's a cmake build I'm trying to understand. Could that be gcc got called with some flags that make it fail or something?
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<avn> sphalerite: I was badly surprised, that system dbus haven't built-in per-user dispatching.
<clever> aloiscochard: possibly, nix also has support to handle cmake for you, what happens if you run nix-build on the file instead?
<FRidh> copumpkin: LnL: is buildFHSUserEnv supported on Darwin?
<avn> So I was need use some ad-hoc with "/my.service/users/%s" % (getlogin())
<LnL> Fridh: I doubt that
<sphalerite> avn: isn't that what the session bus is for?
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<avn> sphalerite: I was need ability to control daemons run in user sessions (various) from other central service
<aloiscochard> clever: the `default.nix` is not complete, in the sense that I was just providing the build env and then running command by hand, so I can not try nix-build. I will read more on cmake native support for nix, thanks!
<sphalerite> avn: then that "ad-hoc" solution seems like the right one to me
<clever> aloiscochard: just adding cmake to the buildInputs will make it automaticaly run cmake with the right flags in the configurePhase
<clever> aloiscochard: you can also get that by manualy running cmakePhase i believe, in nix-shell
<avn> sphalerite: some sort of REST to dbus adapter with /users/%s/somecall routing to .Somecall() on user's dbus
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<clever> aloiscochard: ah, its cmakeConfigurePhase
<sphalerite> avn: per-user dispatch would as far as Ican imagine would be pretty confusing
<aloiscochard> thanks a lot clever !
<clever> avn: i have also seen horribly done dbus services, there was a car entertainment center that had dbus running over bare tcp, on the internet, and it had a method to run a command as root
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<sphalerite> ouch.
<sphalerite> When will car manufacturers start offering cars where the lack of an internet connection is a specifically advertised feature?
<clever> in that case, the port was firewalled off at the teleco, so it could only be accessed by other cellular users on the same telco
<clever> which means, malware in one car is free to spread to all other cars, but the big bad internet cant get in :P
<sphalerite> Great fix
<avn> clever: Well, we avoid publically available dbus port ;) So we have webservice, which do some authorization and checks
<clever> there was also a dedicated cpu acting as a bridge between the main OS cpu, and the CAN bus
<clever> so you couldnt directly fiddle with the ECU
<sphalerite> If I wanted a car, I'd want one with a fancy entertainment system and stuff but no internet connection :x
<clever> and you had to reboot the radio into flashing mode to reprogram that second processor
<clever> however, they ran a shell script from writable media, while in flashing mode
<clever> so you can remotely reflash the entire radio
<sphalerite> or maybe at best have internet connection NAND engine running wired in the hardware
<clever> and then just turn off the safetys they had put in the CAN bridge
<clever> the issue in that car, is that the 3d is always on
<clever> even if your not paying for it
<clever> the captive portal just wont let you thru until you pay
<sphalerite> Modern cars are terrifying
<clever> oh, and the wpa passphrase on the wifi hotspot is seeded with the unix timestamp at bootup
<clever> before ntp has had a chance to do its thing
<clever> so the seed is the uptime
<clever> the wifi is also always on, and gives you access to the dbus
<goibhniu> tanonym: regarding user friendly NixOS ... I reckon it's enough to give end-users one "update" button to press, which pulls your latest configuration file for them and updates ... they can ask you if they want to install any extra software ... easier to manage for lay-people than any other distro IMO
<clever> so i could walk up to that car, guess the wpa password in ~200 tries, then dbus root your radio
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<clever> sphalerite: :D
<sphalerite> (shamelessly stolen from @SwiftOnSecurity, my exclusive source for that kind of stuff)
<tanonym> Yeah, I was just thinking something like they can search for software from something that looks like a browser and have it tweak the configuration.nix or nix.config filie as appropriate (a simple version of what YaST does)
<clever> lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] danbst opened pull request #26446: zoom-us: init at 2.0.91373.0502 (master...zoom-us) https://git.io/vHKS5
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<goibhniu> tanonym: that would be nice alright. I guess I believe that normies don't even want to install software.
<sphalerite> TIL sh has a readonly keyword
<clever> tanonym: i started something similiar that would allow full config of nixos
<sphalerite> oooh, where?
<tanonym> Given the number of "how do I install X" threads you can find around the forums? They do, but the simpler you can make it for them, the better.
<clever> this shows the full tree of options, with descriptions, and you can paste them into a tree of config
<clever> it will then serialize out to a configuration.nix file
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<tanonym> NixOS even has the advantage that users can install without priveleges.
<tanonym> It avoids the clashes that can happen otherwise
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<goibhniu> a web interface for configuring a NixOS system would also be amazing for servers, or creating downloadable disk images
<clever> goibhniu: yep, that was part of the plan, you can either use it for servers, or localhost it for new users
<LnL> FRidh: I see /proc and bind mounts so no
<goibhniu> beautiful!
<ixxie> awesome clever :) I see you are making headway on that project
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHK96
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 23ca0dd Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: maintenance 3.5.10 -> 3.5.13...
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<goibhniu> the one-click install thing (which I think doesn't work at the moment) is also potentially awesome for a cross-distro online "app store"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26447: ImageMagick: 6.9.8-6 -> 6.9.8-9 (master...pkg/up/ImageMagick) https://git.io/vHKH8
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<ij> pbogdan, pkgs.git should've been used instead of just git indeed! // cc clever
<clever> ij: ooohh, yeah, 'git' inside a with haskellPackages; gives you the haskell package called git
<ij> Follow-up: why don't I have to declare it in the f function arguments? Works without it. http://sprunge.us/iFgH
<clever> ij: inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;, this gives you access to the pkgs attribute
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<ij> So I've declared everything as a dependency?
<clever> you just brought the pkgs variable into scope
<clever> only the things listed inside the derivation become a dependency
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<clever> nix uses lazy evaluation, and will only eval the parts of pkgs that you reference, and only the derivations you reference directly become part of your closure
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<ij> How does it gather the list of deps? Does the callPackage I'm using pass them further or there's no escaping them being declared?
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<clever> ij: run nix-instantiate on the nix file, then nix-store --query --tree or nix-store -qR
<clever> ij: that will show the entire build-time closure
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<clever> and if you run the same query commands on the result that nix-build makes, you can see the runtime closure
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<ij> Very cool.
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<aloiscochard> I'm trying a build a package (arrayfire) that requiere OpenGL, I tried to add `xorg_sys_opengl` in buildInputs but I keep getting error saying it's not found... while it did works for other lib (like freeimage). Is there something specific to get OpenGL include?
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<clever> aloiscochard: mesa should contain the opengl headsers/libs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHK7Y
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 66faa42 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.11.3 -> 4.11.4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHK7r
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01fc1a8 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.70 -> 4.4.71
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<tanonym> Well, that went as expected: network issues.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHK79
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c7abd69 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.30 -> 4.9.31
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHK7d
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f9e4256 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.30 -> 4.9.31...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 dd9ce14 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.4.70 -> 4.4.71...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ddd1f85 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.11.3 -> 4.11.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHK7A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9823d1d Lancelot SIX: libgcrypt: 1.7.6 -> 1.7.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0c8509b Tim Steinbach: openssl: 1.1.0e -> 1.1.0f...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d3b66f9 Tim Steinbach: openssl: 1.0.2k -> 1.0.2l...
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<tanonym> This notebook is very persnickety about network and Linux. At least the setup with NixOS is behaving itself so far.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #26448: jing-trang: use jre_headless (master...jing-trang-headless) https://git.io/vHK5U
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to see the closure size of the tools necessary for building a derivation taking into account their availability in binary caches?
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<FRidh> LnL: ok, thanks for checking. I don't think it was needed for darwin anyway, only NixOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vHKdG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 833bc78 Vladimír Čunát: shadow: fixup setuid/setgid build problems, hopefully
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<tanonym> Ooh, Liri looks interesting.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26449: klavaro: fix meta (master...pkg/fix/klavaro) https://git.io/vHKd2
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<tanonym> Arch Linux provides builds for it. Now to figure out how to install it myself in NixOS
<tanonym> :)
<sphalerite> tanonym: liri?
<kojiro> I see a slack client at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/slack/default.nix, but not in `nix-env -qaP | grep slack` -- is that client deprecated? How can I install it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26450: firefoxPackages: tor-browser: use gtk2 by default (like tor-browser-bin does) (master...pkg/fix/tor-browser) https://git.io/vHKdi
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<goibhniu> kojiro: I guess you need to set allowUnfree
<kojiro> goibhniu: I have that in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix already
<goibhniu> kojiro: ah, for nix-env need to put that in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26451: perl: Image-ExifTool: 9.27 -> 10.48, add alias to all-packages.nix (master...pkg/up/exiftool) https://git.io/vHKdy
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<goibhniu> ^you need
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<goibhniu> kojiro: but you can install it in your systemPackages
<kojiro> aha
<kojiro> cool, thanks
<goibhniu> you're welcome
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26452: libtiff: 4.0.7-6.debian -> 4.0.8-2.debian (master...pkg/up/tiff) https://git.io/vHKdb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #26453: ranger: add imagePreviewSupport option and make previews work out of the box (master...pkg/fix/ranger) https://git.io/vHKFL
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<kojiro> I have no such file. I assume it should take the same nix expression language that other .nix files do. Can I just make one that looks like `{ config, pkgs, ... }: { nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; }`?
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<goibhniu> kojiro: it can just be { allowUnfree = true; }
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-env -iA nixos.slack
<clever> kojiro: if you try to just install it, the error tells you exactly that you need to put in a file, and where the file is
<kojiro> clever: ah, that's...
<kojiro> clever
<clever> you can check off #3, #4, and #5 in that comment
<kojiro> heh
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<goibhniu> https://liri.io ? ... looks interesting ... it uses OSTree
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<aloiscochard> clever: ty!
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<sri2> Hi guys, I am trying to figure out how to mount a samba share. Cant seem to find anything on it. Any idea how to do it?
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<goibhniu> hi sri2 can you do it manually? ... e.g. `mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,password=PASSWD // /mnt/share`
<jophish> no sum types in nix is sometimes very painful
<jophish> have to write everything church encoded
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<sphalerite> jophish: what do you mean? "Value" is basically one huge sum type...
<joko> Hello, I would like to evaluate a nix expression I am using as part of a jobset, is nix-repl the right tool?
<clever> joko: it can help greatly in debugging
<sphalerite> joko: I don't know anything about hydra but I think you'd want nix-instantiate --eval
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<clever> joko: if you want to run the exact same command hydra does, i have that in an issue somewhere
<joko> So, I have this nix file: https://git.joko.gr/joko/etc-nixos/src/master/jobs.nix and I would like to extend it. More specifically I am testing an option like usesStableNixpkgs to include / exclude some of the machines
<joko> clever: pretty useful, thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26448: jing-trang: use jre_headless (master...jing-trang-headless) https://git.io/vHK5U
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vHKjJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1aac1fe Vladimír Čunát: util-linux: fixup setuid/setgid build problems...
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<joko> I wanted something easier (I hope), my jobs.nix file generates machines.deadpool.system and machines.munch.system, and Hydra evaluates them... Any easy way to just output these names?
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<clever> joko: you can add arguments to the jobs.nix file like any other file, so { usesStableNixpkgs ? false }:, and then in hydra, you can set that as a nix expression
<joko> clever: indeed that was my intention, I was just asking so that I limit the list of machines
<clever> joko: like the supportedSystems argument here: http://hydra.earthtools.ca/jobset/arm/nixpkgs-arm-unstable#tabs-configuration
<clever> joko: ah, line 18, your currently reading a machines file
<clever> joko: you can either pass that machine list directly in via an argument, or throw in an if statement to change the file
<joko> Exactly and I have an mkOption in each of them
<joko> But since my nix-fu is low, I would like to debug this first
<sri2> goibhniu: Hey thanks. That worked. Should have tired that first :p
<clever> yeah, just jobs = import ./jobs.nix { usesStableNixpkgs = true; } in nix-repl and then you can tab-complete on jobs.
<goibhniu> sri2: nice!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #26447: ImageMagick: 6.9.8-6 -> 6.9.8-9 (master...pkg/up/ImageMagick) https://git.io/vHKH8
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<joehh> hi, i'm trying to use plex on nixos, but plex is failing to start
<joehh> anyone have any experience running plex under nixos?
<joko> clever: it works, many thanks! Now let's raise my nix-fu :D
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<sphalerite> joehh: are you using the nixos options to run it? https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#plex
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<joehh> yes, services.plex.enable = true;
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<joehh> using journalctl, I see the main process ended
<sphalerite> Then I don't know, sorry
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<joehh> oh well - maybe someone else will
<joehh> thanks anyway
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<goibhniu> can you run the process manually joehh?
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<joehh> good idea, I guess I just run the scripts that are specified in the service file
<goibhniu> yeah, you'll probably have to set the same variables etc.
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<mbrgm> goibhniu: never installed nixos on rpi0, but on opi0... although this was just a POC and I never went beyond booting the system... I have to admit for embedded systems I'm currently sticking to buildroot, as it gets me faster to where I want to go (which are minimal, fast-booting systems)
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<joko> Any way to reset a variable without closing nix-repl?
<jophish> sphalerite: heheh, basically I want ADTs in nix
<mbrgm> goibhniu: I'm convinced that nixos could be used for building completely configured system images as well, but the amount of effort I'd have to put into this was too high for me. if you're working towards a similar goal, let me know, as I'm very interested!
<joehh> looks like someone has been here before: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/24090
<joehh> looks like I've got passed that point
<joehh> thanks all
<jophish> How can I set an explicit dns server for nixos?
<jophish> without getting it from dhcp
<jophish> ah, networking.nameservers
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<goibhniu> mbrgm: awesome thanks! I'm afraid this is my first foray into ARM at all, so I won't be able to help much. I'd love to have NixOS on some ARM board though ... I get the feeling aarch64 will be usable soon enough. If there's a particularly well supported platform, I'll just get that.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DeltaEvo opened pull request #26454: Teamspeak (client: -> 3.1.4, server: -> (master...teamspeak) https://git.io/vH6Jy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21922: [WIP] rust: add update script (master...rust) https://git.io/vMr9c
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<mbrgm> goibhniu: iirc (is some time ago now) I flashed the armv7 image from the wiki page and added uboot, but I don't recall how I did it exactly, sry...
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<goibhniu> mbrgm: no worries, there may well be some trick I'm missing
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<mbrock> at least on Darwin, Boost in nixpkgs doesn't compile most of the libraries statically, because the `enableStatic` default parameter evaluates to false. This breaks at least one Boost-using package (`solc`) and my friend says he tried building some different Boost-using packages on Darwin and they all seemed to fail for the same reason
<mbrock> I'm trying right now to rebuild solc with `boost.override { enableStatic = true; }`, will see if it works
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<sphalerite> Not really nixos-related, but does anyone know a nice tool for making making diagrams less painful? I wanted to help someone with a diagram for a paper they're submitting soon and they're using LibreOffice Draw and achieving any sort of consistency is an absolute nightmare
<sphalerite> I'd like to be able to write my diagrams as code I suppose
<sphalerite> Maybe a Haskell library for SVG would be close to what I want
* sphalerite looks for one
<dash> sphalerite: ditaa?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I use dot / graphviz for most things and bought OmniGraffle Pro for use cases it doesn't do well
<dash> sphalerite: draw.io?
<gchristensen> I tried LucidChart but I really didn't like it
<sphalerite> dash: is there a painless way to do ASCII art though? :P
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<dash> sphalerite: emacs artist-mode
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<gchristensen> !seen globin
<gchristensen> [0__0]: !seen globin
<gchristensen> ...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vH6ce
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3b83c23 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.bootstrapped-pip: upgrade pkg_resources, fixes #26392...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH6cT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e249d6e Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.characteristic: 14.1.0 -> 14.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #26455: pythonPackages.ipaddress: 1.0.16 -> 1.0.18 (master...ipaddress) https://git.io/vH6ca
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: yeah graphviz is a start, but it doesn't allow defining a "style" for edges and nodes and then applying it to all of them, instead it becomes a copy-and-paste nightmare
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<sphalerite> dash: draw.io seems to be somewhat alright to me, but AFAICT it doesn't provide much in the way of tools for consistent styling — the copy and paste style things are nice but I'd like to be able to name a style and tie it to the objects I'm styling
<gchristensen> it doese too
<sphalerite> it does?
<gchristensen> yep
<sphalerite> Teach me the wonders :o
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vH6Cm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8b6f7b6 Michiel Leenaars: pythonPackages.ipaddress: 1.0.16 -> 1.0.18
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26455: pythonPackages.ipaddress: 1.0.16 -> 1.0.18 (master...ipaddress) https://git.io/vH6ca
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: look at this default example: https://graphviz.herokuapp.com/
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: nice! I had no idea >_>
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrock opened pull request #26456: boost: enable static libraries on Darwin (master...master) https://git.io/vH64g
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH6BT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db0235c Vladimír Čunát: knot-dns: quick bugfix 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vH6RQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d22ed21 Jan Malakhovski: libtiff: 4.0.7-6.debian -> 4.0.8-2.debian
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ae6df00 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
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<joko> Is there any way to access a system's configuration through its derivation?
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: managed to reproduce the diagram with much less pain and it looks much better ♥
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: so glad to hear it :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vH6EC
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e9da05e danbst: zoom-us: init at 2.0.91373.0502...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7179b01 danbst: zoom-us: little fixes after review by @k0001
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5365166 Shea Levy: Merge branch 'zoom-us' of git://github.com/danbst/nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy closed pull request #26446: zoom-us: init at 2.0.91373.0502 (master...zoom-us) https://git.io/vHKS5
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<danbst> joko: nope, but workarounds do exist
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<sphalerite> Is the bluetooth module for pulseaudio in nixpkgs somewhere?
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<clever> sphalerite: i dont remember the exact config i used, but i believe i had it working in nixos a year or 2 ago
<clever> sphalerite: the range was horid, it had constant dropouts, and it buffered any lost packets, causing the latency to get worse every time it had a dropout
<sphalerite> ouch
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<sphalerite> Well I'll give it a shot anyway, but I have no idea where the module lives :/
<clever> sphalerite: i have since switched to a wireless headset with a proprietary RF protocol (the dongle claims to be a usb sound card + usb HID)
<clever> sphalerite: logitech g930
<clever> most of its features just work out of the box of nixos, but you cant reprogram the buttons, and the low battery warning is gone
<sphalerite> Ah, pulseaudio is built without bluetooth support by default so I'll need to override it
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<sphalerite> is nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides still the Right Way to override packages systemwide or can overlays be used systemwide too? The NixOS manual doesn't mention overlays at all :/
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<clever> i saw an issue a few weeks back about nixos loading the overlays (it would fail if the overlay had a syntax error), but ignoring them entirely
<sphalerite> Nice
<sphalerite> huh, I tried setting packageOverrides but it doesn't seem to have tried rebuilding pulseaudio :|
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vH6gT
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b828377 Eelco Dolstra: nix: Make all options available as flags...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master aa952d5 Eelco Dolstra: nix: Add --help-config flag
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 1865719 Eelco Dolstra: Don't show flags from config settings in "nix --help"
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<clever> sphalerite: hardware.pulseaudio.package
<sphalerite> oh, I can just set hardware.pulseaudio.package
<sphalerite> hah
<clever> i was using that to try and get more grunt out of the sound card on my motherboard
<clever> the hardware is capable of doing 3 output streams at once, optical output, headphone on front, headphone on back
<sphalerite> Well I suppose that's the issue solved in this specific case, but what about the general case? Does packageOverrides not work anymore or was I just doing something wrong?
<clever> but pulse wasnt aware of all of that
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<clever> sphalerite: which attribute did you override?
<clever> and also, the description, you probably dont even need an override
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<sphalerite> clever: I think it's because I overrode pulseaudio rather than pulseaudioLight
<sphalerite> but I used the option .package and now it's working fine
<sphalerite> quality is good and everything
<clever> and the description says you can just set package to pulseaudioFull
<clever> part of my problem might have been from me using the oldest bluetooth headset possible, lol
<clever> it was back from the era when a "smartphone" ran palmos
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<sphalerite> That would explain it I think
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<clever> oh, that phone didnt even have wifi
<sphalerite> there's an older bluetooth audio protocol that only supports really crappy quality
<clever> and its "tethering" was ppp over bluetooth serial
<sphalerite> a2dp is better
<clever> i'm not sure, but i think the phone quality mode sounded worse, but allowed packet loss?
<clever> and the music mode had support for stereo, and resent lost packets
<clever> music mode also turned off the mic
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH6Vc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b5f3f5 Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 6.5.2 -> 7.0...
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<drakonis_> can i use vagrant?
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<sphalerite> drakonis_: yes
<drakonis_> hmm, how
<sphalerite> I don't know :D
<drakonis_> wow rude
<drakonis_> it keeps bitching about vbox
<bennofs> drakonis_: paste the error message somewhere
<drakonis_> i forgot where i can send my pastes
<sphalerite> drakonis_: according to the manual "Virtualization: KVM is the preferred virtualization solution. Xen, Virtualbox, and VMWare are unsupported and most likely require a custom kernel. " so using qemu might help if that's an option
<sphalerite> ix.io is nice for pastes
<sphalerite> or paste.debian.net or gist.github.com
<drakonis_> its not built for qemu fyi
<sphalerite> nor is nixos built for virtualbox
<drakonis_> now that's a false equivalence.
<drakonis_> vagrant isn't built for qemu
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<sphalerite> Looks like a permissions issue. Can you launch virtualbox VMs from virtulabox's own GUI?
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<sphalerite> You might need to give yourself permissions to use virtualbox, probably by adding yourself to whatever group owns /dev/vboxnetctl
<drakonis_> i'm using vagrant fyi
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<drakonis_> vboxnetctl doesn't exist
<sphalerite> it doesn't? Then why does it say permission denied and not no such file or directory?
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<sphalerite> I realise that you're using vagrant, but vagrant won't get very far launching virtualbox machines if virtualbox doesn't work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vH6oT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d69cdaa Jan Malakhovski: klavaro: fix meta (#26449)
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<sphalerite> What does ls -l /dev/vboxnetctl say?
<drakonis_> hmm
<drakonis_> vboxusers
<sphalerite> 19:27 < drakonis_> vboxnetctl doesn't exist
<sphalerite> Yes it does :)
<sphalerite> Add yourself to vboxusers, log out, log back in, then try again
<sphalerite> you may also want to look at https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#virtualisation.virtualbox+addnetwork
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<nixos-users-wiki> "nix command cookbook" edited by Mic92 https://git.io/vH6oF
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<[0x4A6F]> Hey, is there a way to change from arch=x86 to arch=x86_64 without reinstalling?
<clever> [0x4A6F]: ive done it once before
<spinus> I think you could try to do nixos-rebuild switch with currentSystem arg set to new arch
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<clever> [0x4A6F]: to start with, you need a 64bit build slave configured in configuration.nix, so it can do a 64bit build of the os
<Dezgeg> it would be easy the other way around but that way it's difficult enough that reinstalling is the better option
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<Mic92> [0x4A6F]: otherwise it should be possible to just rerun nixos-install from iso
<Mic92> probably faster
<clever> yeah, if you just run nixos-install without formating, it will reuse the current config
<drakonis_> no worky
<drakonis_> logged in and out
<drakonis_> still not
<clever> drakonis_: does the "id" command say your in the right user?
<[0x4A6F]> Mic92: Yeah, I know this option. But would like to switch in place.
<spinus> clever: would you mind sharing you dist-build config? I was checking the docs the other day but I didn't get manage it to work
<clever> [0x4A6F]: if you add a 64bit build slave, you can do this: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.toplevel --argstr system "linux-x86_64", i believe
<clever> [0x4A6F]: that will create a 64bit instance of nixos
<clever> [0x4A6F]: i then had to read the result/bin/switch-to-configuration script, find the install-grub script, which is #!'d to the 64bit perl, and manualy run the 32bit perl against it
<drakonis_> yesw
<clever> drakonis_: what does "ls -l /dev/vboxnetctl" say exactly?
<[0x4A6F]> Okay clever, how do I setup this buildslave?
<clever> [0x4A6F]: it can be any linux 64bit machine with nix installed
<clever> preferably on the local network
<gleber_> Is there any tutorial/manual how to set up Nix sandboxing for nix-build on Ubuntu?
<[0x4A6F]> Okay, thanks.
<clever> gleber_: i just manualy copy how i see it setup on nixos, look at the nix.conf file and setup build-chroot-dirs, build-users-group, build-use-chroot, and also create some build users in the nixbld group, and run nix-daemon as root
<drakonis_> back later
<drakonis_> gotta run
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<gleber_> clever: sounds like something which can be made automatic :)
<gleber_> clever: thanks for the tldr
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<clever> gleber_: the build-chroot-dirs is the only part that may need more explaining, it contains the path that gets symlinked to /bin/sh, and the closure of /bin/sh, the one of the few impuritys that nix inject into the sandbox
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Installation guide" edited by danbst https://git.io/vH6ij
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<danbst> [0x4A6F]: there's an easy option. First, change your kernel to 64-bit, but set system 32 bit. Reboot, now you have 64-bit NixOS where you can build everything else
<danbst> [0x4A6F]: this works only if 64-bit kernel is in binary cache
<danbst> [0x4A6F]: otherwise build-slave, remote-build and so on...
<danbst> [0x4A6F]: wait, I had a unpublished blog post...
<[0x4A6F]> danbst: Then I'll wait for this draft, thanks.
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<[0x4A6F]> Merci.
<danbst> [0x4A6F]: if you'll find it usefull and working, I'll move it to wiki
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<[0x4A6F]> Yes, will report back.
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<clever> danbst: hmmm, yeah, that just might work, but nix will need a bit more convicing afterwards
<clever> danbst: the 32bit build of nix believes the host to be 32bits, and will refuse to run a 64bit gcc
<clever> but if you nix-store -r a 64bit nix, you can add that to $PATH temporarily to unlock 64bit builds
<danbst> clever: hm. That looks like a bug. Shouldn't Nix be upgraded to 64-bit as well?
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<clever> danbst: the example in your gist only upgrades the kernel
<clever> and until you manualy force nix to be 64bit, it wont let you do 64bit builds
<Mic92> danbst: digitalocean already mention nixos-infect
<clever> and you cant run the 64bit stuff on a 32bit kernel
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<Mic92> the project also mention to be written and tested for that.
<danbst> clever: what I've described was two-stage. First upgrade kernel, then change `nixpkgs.system`
<clever> danbst: yeah, but when you change nixpkgs.system, your using a 32bit nix to build a 64bit nixos
<clever> danbst: and the 32bit nix still thinks the kernel is 32bit only
<danbst> Mic92: right, didn't notice. Though I've used nixos-infect to infect Hetzner ^) so it can become a replacement for nixos-in-place in future
<Mic92> danbst: ah ok
<clever> danbst: ive also made a kexec trick that can potentialy be used on any cloud provider with >1gig of ram and MBR booting
<sphalerite> [0x4A6F]: out of curiosity, why do you want to do it without booting an installer?
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<clever> Mic92: ah, nice
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<Mic92> clever: it would be helpful to link to https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/session.md in the readme as well
<sphalerite> On the topic of boot hacks, does anyone know of a better way to achieve this? https://gist.github.com/lheckemann/4bbdea1195561be93eb2538200eceff1 it works, but it feels wrong. The objective being to have an image that can be dd'd to a USB stick to make it bootable and have data persistence
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<Mic92> sphalerite: you could use nixos-install
<Mic92> clever: mention that i think.
<sphalerite> Mic92: not to an image iirc
<danbst> clever: I have to admit, I'm not that clever to continue this discussion. Also, my wife... mm.. *destroyed* that laptop, so I don't care about 32-bit anymore :)
<clever> heh
<clever> i had to go thru the 32->64bit conversion because i was on xmas vacation with half a gentoo install
<yorick> what are good binary cache settings? I keep getting blacklisted, it seems
<yorick> with parallel-connections=3 and maxjobs=8
<clever> i was in the middle of moving it to a backup server when i had to leave, and that left it without a /usr/bin and stuff
<sphalerite> Mic92: that is, I can't build it with nix. Or I haven't found a way to
<clever> but the gentoo still booted, and had a /nix/store that "worked"
<clever> so i mutated it into 32bit nixos (oops, didnt notice the arch!), then mutated it again into 64bit nixos
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<boomshroom> Hello!
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<boomshroom> I'm currently building an arm cross compiler to use in nix-shell. At the moment, I'm just using -p, but with how long it takes to build, I would like to prevent it from being GCed. My understanding is that I can make a shell.nix and use nix-instantiate, but I'm not completely sure how to make one that evaluates to a shell environment.
<Mic92> boomshroom: you can use nix-build instead
<Mic92> if you do not delete the resulting `result` symlink, it won't be garbage collected
<Mic92> boomshroom: an alterantive is described here: https://github.com/direnv/direnv/wiki/Nix#persistent-shell
<boomshroom> Well, I want the build tools in my path when using nix-shell, and I just personally don't like result links just lying around.
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<boomshroom> Mic92: Thank you. A reddit thread I found that seemed to have a solution linked to the old wiki.
<Mic92> boomshroom: feel free to add it to the new wiki
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<clever> sphalerite: i just had a thought, what if, instead of creating an extra partition in the disk image at buildtime, what if you created it at boot time, from stage-1?
<clever> sphalerite: then it would always consume the entire usb stick, rather then having a fixed size that has to be extended
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<clever> sphalerite: though another better option, is to skip the read-only squashfs entirely, let me find that expression
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<clever> sphalerite: make-disk-image will do what it says on the tin, it has a wide range of options, and it basicaly does nixos-install into a .img file
<clever> sphalerite: you can then dd that to a usb stick and it will boot like a normal nixos install, with full generations and nixos-rebuild support
<sphalerite> clever: I think I tried that but couldn't get grub installed on the image
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<sphalerite> I definitely like the idea of creating the ext4 filesystem at boot though, it also makes the image much smaller
<clever> sphalerite: there is also the truncate command, which will just set the size, potentialy making it sparse
<clever> though nix isnt aware of sparse files, and will still serialize it as a crap-ton of nulls
<clever> sphalerite: what expression did you use?, i could build it and have a look
<[0x4A6F]> error: a ‘x86_64-linux’ is required to build ‘/nix/store/mh9v9cmmd5bfja9jrscmb9kzikcr9gxm-Xresources-Xft.drv’, but I am a ‘i686-linux’
<clever> [0x4A6F]: is the kernel 64bit capable?, what does uname -a say?
<sphalerite> clever: I think I misplaced that particular attempt. I'll see if I can remake it
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<[0x4A6F]> Linux nix100 4.9.30 #1-NixOS SMP Thu May 25 13:45:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<clever> [0x4A6F]: you will need to run "nix-store -r" on the storepath for a recent 64bit build of nix
<clever> like /nix/store/sgvy8zr5zx8qp0j22ws5szykki4aw6yv-nix-1.11.9
<clever> that will download it from the binary cache
<clever> then add it's /bin to the start of $PATH
<clever> and run _NIXOS_REBUILD_REEXEC=1 nixos-rebuild boot
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<clever> nixos will also default to the arch that nix was built for, so the nixpkgs.system probably isnt required
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<sphalerite> clever: I think I got stuck on what to put in fileSystems when I wanted to use make-disk-image
<clever> sphalerite: ah
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<clever> sphalerite: line 11 of the gist i linked
<sphalerite> ah yes, I see. Thanks
<sphalerite> Would probably be useful to allow setting the label in the parameters for make-disk-image
<clever> yeah, if it collides with a real nixos install, bad things will happen
<clever> the usb stick may boot the rootfs on the hdd
<sphalerite> oh yeah, and I think I might have solved that one but remained stuck on boot.loader.grub.devices
<clever> it has to be something like /dev/sda or vda during the install
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<clever> i would lean towards vda, so it will fail at runtime later on
<clever> rather then overwriting the 1st sata drive!
<sphalerite> I don't want it to fail at all though :p
<ixxie> clever, I was thinking last week that since they are revamping the CLI to somehow clarify standards about the uses for default.nix, shell.nix and release.nix
<sphalerite> oh right, it would just be rebuilds that would fail, wouldn't it? I think that's acceptable
<clever> sphalerite: only rebuilds that change the grub version
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<clever> ixxie: one thing i often see people doing, is running nix-build or nix-shell on a default.nix that needs callPackage
<ixxie> like, if we have nix build, shell, env and ops woul have build.nix, shell.nix, env.nix and ops.nix?
<ixxie> I donno if this makes any sense
<ixxie> but it sure would me understand it
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<ixxie> it would be even cooler if all of those could just be generated automatically from one basefile
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<sphalerite> build and env would use the same expression I believe
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<clever> shell.nix isnt really needed very often
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<sphalerite> build and shell
<sphalerite> or build and shell*
<clever> you can do a lot of that logic within default.nix using lib.isInNixShell
<ixxie> so env, build and shell would all use build.nix
<sphalerite> Not sure what the new commands do exactly :D
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<ixxie> clever - can you do all of that logic?
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<clever> /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix: inNixShell = builtins.getEnv "IN_NIX_SHELL" != "";
<clever> ixxie: nix-shell just sets an env var before eval'ing the nix expression, and you can test for that and behave differently
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<ixxie> clever: but lets generalize and ask, for managing the different use cases we listed earlier, is there a library of tools for making the default.nix handle all those cases?
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<clever> nixops needs a very different layout for the file
<clever> but shell/build/env can all share the same file
<ixxie> so it makes sense to set their default to build.nix
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<ixxie> and release.nix for ops and nixos?
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<stanibanani> is there a way to check, in the configuration, if the configuration being built for a vm? as in "nixos-rebuild build-vm" ?
<clever> sphalerite: vm's have this module added to the list
<clever> stanibanani: checking for the precenses of the .vm attribute might be the simplest way
<clever> (config.system.build ? vm) will return a boolean
<stanibanani> oh alright, thanks!
<clever> though that is also the attribute path for the final bash script for launching things
<clever> so it might cause infinite recusion if you try to reference its value
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<[0x4A6F]> clever: this is not an unstable nix? nix-store --repair -r /nix/store/sgvy8zr5zx8qp0j22ws5szykki4aw6yv-nix-1.11.9 -> error: path ‘/nix/store/sgvy8zr5zx8qp0j22ws5szykki4aw6yv-nix-1.11.9’ does not exist and cannot be created
<clever> [0x4A6F]: oh, that might be a patched version i have
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A nix --arg config '{}' --argstr system x86_64-linux
<clever> /nix/store/py2rbw8840758zmpvniniq4h1i27d06i-nix-1.11.9
<clever> [0x4A6F]: this forces my nix to build a 64bit version of nix, and ignore everything in config.nix
<clever> so my patches are absent from that hash
<clever> oh, you might also be able to do that directly on your end
<sphalerite> clever: well, that seems to have worked! At least it built — still need to try booting it
<clever> since it will be in the cache
<clever> sphalerite: check my qemu args in the insane.nix for an example
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<stanibanani> clever: hmm, no infinite recursion, it worked perfect
<[0x4A6F]> clever: still error: a ‘x86_64-linux’ is required to build ‘/nix/store/1j6mpsrlcsyr6ch67fk9x1kjc7cqnb59-append-initrd-secrets.drv’, but I am a ‘i686-linux’
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<clever> [0x4A6F]: did you add the new nix's bin folder to the start of $PATH and run nixos-rebuild with _NIXOS_REBUILD_REEXEC=1?
<[0x4A6F]> yes
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<clever> [0x4A6F]: how about this command? /nix/store/py2rbw8840758zmpvniniq4h1i27d06i-nix-1.11.9/bin/nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.toplevel
<sphalerite> clever: and it boots in the VM! Next step is to try the dd thing with the USB stick. Thanks for the help!
<clever> sphalerite: yep
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<[0x4A6F]> clever: error: attribute ‘toplevel’ in selection path ‘config.system.toplevel’ not found
<clever> oops, config.system.build.toplevel
<clever> i knew i was forgetting something
<[0x4A6F]> :)
<clever> you can also "--argstr system x86_64-linux" to force 64bit without having to set it inside the configuration.nix file
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<[0x4A6F]> /nix/store/qmf1vrpc8km1mcl32vvvip6n2m09clzk-nixos-system-nix100-17.09pre108553.0011f9065a :) nice. And now for the boot generation
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<[0x4A6F]> seems to work after an nixos-rebuild boot
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<clever> you could have also done ./result/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
<clever> internally, nixos-rebuild just calls that for you, on the result of nix-build
<[0x4A6F]> Thanks clever, you are - as always - very clever.
<Sonarpulse> who knows about nuke references?
<clever> Sonarpulse: ive used it for a few things before
<sphalerite> Sonarpulse: I know a bit about it
<Sonarpulse> and things like docker or installer images
<Sonarpulse> great
<Sonarpulse> how does one nuke the references without breaking the store in the images?
<clever> you cant, only option i can see is to compress the image
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<Sonarpulse> mmm
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<Sonarpulse> clever: it's actually for danharaj so passing the baton
<danharaj> clever: hi. i'm generating singularity containers with the singularity-tools expression, but the output images have a copy of the nix store in them and this seems to be picked up as run-time dependencies, which makes nix-copy-closure very inefficient
<danharaj> i was wondering if the work on creating docker images has managed to overcome this issue
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<clever> danharaj: yeah, ive noticed the same problem with all disk images, the only solution ive seen is to run some compression over it so the paths are not readable by nix
<danharaj> clever: oh, that's not the worst situation. thanks for the tip
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vH6j2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 905790c Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.16
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0b58fdb Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f11d5c1 Peter Simons: haskell-doctest: fix build with ghc-7.4.x
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<gleber_> Ankhers: can you test https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26381 on OS X?
<gchristensen> gleber_: how do I test?
<gleber_> gchristensen: nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review pr 26381"
<gchristensen> thanks! I can't believe I forgot about nox-review :D
<gleber_> :D
<gchristensen> I wish nox-review passed `--no-gpg-sign` to git when it applies the patches
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #26457: nextcloud: 11.0.2 -> 12.0.0 (master...nextcloud-12) https://git.io/vHiv5
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<gleber_> Is there a standard procedure in nixpkgs to get reviewers assigned and to get attention of someone who can merge a PR?
<FRidh> just @ mention them
<gchristensen> LnL7 is a good reviewer for this sort of thing, I think
<gchristensen> the suggested reviewers on the right is good, too
<gleber_> FRidh: how do I know who they are? :)
<gleber_> ack
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<gchristensen> and then pinging away here and asking for reviewers is good :)
<pikajude> is there any way to figure out whether the current platform is wsl
<FRidh> hmm, time to bump the maintainer file topic
<LnL> gleber_: I'll start a new eval :)
<gleber_> LnL: thanks!
<LnL> err, ok what's the proper way to add a secondary ip?
<LnL> whatever I do now isn't right
<LnL> gleber_: oh half of them already built about an hour ago and passed
<gleber_> LnL: on travis? Yes, but these builds did time out
<LnL> no, my on hydra
<gleber_> I have them still building in background on Ubuntu and NixOs, for few hours now, still did not fail
<gleber_> Ah!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ikervagyok opened pull request #26458: minecrat-server: 1.11.2 -> 1.12 (master...minecraft1.12) https://git.io/vHifX
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<LnL> that's nixos and darwin
<Ankhers> Running it now.
<LnL> some of them failed, but I ran out of disk space
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<gleber_> LnL: finally it finished on my NixOS https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/sUQUvt3w/
<LnL> oh, you built all the beam packages? :o
<gleber_> LnL: that's what nox-review did
<LnL> n/m, those are not toplevel
<sphalerite> clever: do you know of a way to get /etc/nixos/configuration.nix in the image?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor opened pull request #26459: nixos/acme: support "full.pem" (for lighttpd) (master...nixos-letsencrypt-full-pem) https://git.io/vHiUk
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<Ankhers> Well, I believe it has gotten past Erlang 16, which is where it died previously.
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<gleber_> Ankhers: yay! Previously it died because I have, mistakenly, disabled darwin-clang-specific patch
<Ankhers> lol. I would have never caught that :(
<gleber_> it was actually stupid oversight - I used "patchPhase" instead of "prePatch" in one spot, which have disabled "postPatch" in another spot...
<gchristensen> guh
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<gchristensen> rollback at the bootloader level is great until you break grub :P
<Sonarpulse> gummiboot!
<Sonarpulse> less2break
<MichaelRaskin> I dunno, my GRUB config generator gives a backup config for every generation (GRUB per se is UEFI)
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<gleber_> LnL: exactly!
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<clever> sphalerite: yeah, one min
<sphalerite> clever: how do you manage to know everything?
<clever> sphalerite: you will need to populate installer.cloneConfigIncludes with a list of nixos modules, all of them land in the imports section of the generated configuration.nix
<clever> sphalerite: my brain works in weird ways, ive memorized a large chunk of the nixpkgs source, yet i cant remember when i last ate
<gleber_> there seem to be no autoconf 2.59 in nixpkgs, while erlang_basho_R16 seem to prefer it. I have never really worked with autoconf. How risky is it to use wrong autoconf version? How do I assess if the risk has materialized or not?
<clever> gleber_: there is an autoreconfHook, just add it to your buildInputs, and it will do everything for you
<gleber_> clever: trying it out
<gleber_> hmm... do {pre,post}{Patch,Build,...} automagically accumulate? e.g. when a parent tuple defines one and a child tuple defines the same: would they both run?
<gleber_> an example of what might not be necessary if this is the case: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26381/files#diff-e0a307f3f5e2d368e1b15c025e2696d4R60
<clever> gleber_: depends on what context they are being set in, can you gist an example?
<sphalerite> clever: also: if I want to have the system resize the partition to fill the USB stick on the first boot, I presume that would require putting fdisk and e2fsprogs in the initramfs, and scripting it to do that? Do you know any steps I could take to avoid accidentally destroying the host machine's partition table?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26460: nixos-artwork: add more wallpapers (master...fix.nixos-artwork) https://git.io/vHiLT
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<clever> gleber_: ah, lines 57 and 63 are inserting the prepatch/postpatch you pass to erland, into its own pre/post hooks
<samae> What's the status of nixpart?
<clever> so it would have normally ignored yours, or overwritten the erlang ones, but they modified it to play nicely
<samae> Can I expect it to work in simple case?
<gleber_> clever: ok, so there is no magic here. thanks
<clever> danharaj: for small scale things, there is builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext, but i cant see how that would be used against an entire disk image
<clever> danharaj: an example of its use: https://github.com/cleverca22/not-os/blob/master/base.nix#L115
<clever> danharaj: the derivation on line 110-116 contains the storepath of the system.build.toplevel derivation, but doesnt depend on it at build-time (or runtime), and it wont be made available inside the build sandbox
<danharaj> clever: nice, undocumented builtin :)
<clever> danharaj: internally, every string in nix has context invisible attached to it, a list of derivations that string depends on
<clever> danharaj: and if those strings are used in the creation of a new derivation, it will magically know what the build-time dependencies are
<clever> and the context carries over after any string manipulation
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<clever> unsafeDiscardStringContext just discards all of that, turning it into a plain string
<danharaj> clever: so when it is said that nix infers runtime dependencies from finding hashes in the nixstore within an output, this is the mechanism being referenced?
<clever> that happens afterwards
<clever> nix knows the storepaths of the build-time inputs, and will then grep the output for those paths
<clever> to find a subset, the runtime deps
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<samae> aszlig: cf my preceding questions
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<gleber_> i'm off. LnL, i'll happily address your comments on the PR tomorrow during the day :)
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<LnL> I'll try to look at it in a bit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vHiqX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 44a9f37 Edward Tjörnhammar: libretro: add parallel-n64 core
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<Ankhers> Does Nix do any form of concurrent building? Or does it do everything serially?
<tilpner> Ankhers - Look at nix.maxJobs
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<jefdaj> hi all! i just got access to a big compute cluster and am trying to compile nix in my user folder on it
<jefdaj> it almost works, i think
<jefdaj> but i get an error related to pthreads: https://github.com/jefdaj/nix-no-root/blob/master/error.txt
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<jefdaj> it's probably something simple related to CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS right? i'm just not good with C stuff
<jefdaj> i've tried using -pthread and -lpthread in each of the FLAGS vars, before or after the rest
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #26461: flat-plat: 20170515 -> 20170605 (master...upd.flat-plat) https://git.io/vHiYh
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<clever> jefdaj: you may need -L/lib64/
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<jefdaj> i noticed that in some of the build output, but can't find a corresponding folder in ~/nix-boot where i'm compiling stuff
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<jefdaj> should there be one? i just have bin, lib, include, man, share, libexec, etc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/vHiOW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 18e4687 Jörg Thalheim: systemd-nspawn: fixes evaluation error...
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<clever> jefdaj: i think the copy of nix in ~/nix-boot/ will be linked against the host libs
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<clever> and that nix will then be used to do a proper nix build of everything (gcc, glibc, nix)
<jefdaj> oh that makes sense, there is a system /lib64
<jefdaj> thanks i'll try that
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<aszlig> samae: it should work for simple cases, but there is still the stateless issue regarding UUIDs... in the meantime my pull request to blivet has been accepted upstream, so this should be easily fixable for more complicated things such as lvm, dm, luks and btrfs volumes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas opened pull request #26462: firefox-*-bin: updates (master...firefox-bin-update) https://git.io/vHi3c
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<samae> aszlig: should I understand that btrfs partitions with subvolumes are a no-go?
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<Ankhers> tilpner: Thanks.
<jefdaj> clever: nope, still the same error unfortnately
<jefdaj> this is my current set of flags LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -I$NIX_DIR/include -L$NIX_DIR/lib -L/lib -L/lib64 -pthread"
<jefdaj> and same for CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
<sphalerite> clever: I think the next step on my USB experiment will be to try using btrfs instead of ext4 to get the root filesystem compressed, as the image compresses from 3GB down to 950-odd MB
<jefdaj> i just noticed it says "/lib64/libpthread.so.0: could not read symbols: Invalid operation"
<jefdaj> which implies it did find that and try to use it right?
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<jgedarovich> howdy ya'll, does anyone know if it's possible to have a nixpkg load a kernel module during installation or does that have to be done seperately in configuration.nix (for nixos)? thanks!
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<clever> jgedarovich: you can sometimes edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix right from the installer, and "nixos-rebuild test" the installer env
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<jgedarovich> thanks clever I'll give that a try.
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<aszlig> samae: they're currently not implemented as they lack support for setting UUIDs from blivet... at least the version i'm using in the nixpart branch (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/nixpart)
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<drakonis> how am i supposed to run virtual machines on nixos
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<drakonis_> okay nevermind i solved my problem
<drakonis_> but python based frontends are horribly broken
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<base9> Hey, does anyone have a bluetooth speaker as an audio sink working on their system? I'm facing a Dbus permission issue (issue #20864) and so far none of the workarounds have worked.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vHiBQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 02aa326 Michael Weiss: slop: 4.1.16 -> 6.3.41
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a745009 Michael Weiss: maim: 3.4.47 -> 5.4.63
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