<slack1256> is the hydra queue or logs available on the web?
<pie__> oook i thinj i got that working
<pie__> finally fixed a bunch of python stuff i was doing wrong. should have been installing from unstable
<pie__> hm. why are my channels not in my own nix_path by default? i only have roots channels
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<joehh> pie__: was that in relation to matplotlib? was there anything in particular you had to do?
<joehh> packages to add etc/
<pie__> joehh, well im using python36 so thats why
<pie__> idk about your problem sorry :/
<pie__> are you sure your code is good?
<joehh> no worries - just wasn't sure
<et4te> hydra keeps going and trying to build gcc even though I've done a nix-channel add / update for unstable.. is there an extra step required?
<joehh> yeah - trivial test code that works on windows/ubuntu
<joehh> I'm going to randomly add packages such as wxPython etc to see what I need
<pie__> well my plot isnt showing up either
<joehh> :)
<joehh> possibly in other environments a default config file is provided that selects the backend
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<joehh> got it - needed to add a matplotlib.use("WX") after my import matplotlib, but before any plotting code
<tomberek> What's the latest on getting an ARM cross-compiling environment on either NixOS or on Ubuntu runnig Nix?
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<pie__> joehh, i think we may be using the wrong backend
<pie__> oh damn lol im slow
<joehh> :)
<pie__> ugh still not working
<joehh> odd - I had it working and have now lost it again
<pie__> woo finally got something
<joehh> the following works with WX: https://paste.debian.net/977858/
<joehh> I believe I had it working with GTK3Cairo and GTK3Agg, but seem to have lost it in my curtting and pasting
<Infinisil> joehh: Won't ever happen to me, I have a filesystem snapshot every 5 minutes
<Infinisil> :D
<joehh> :)
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* Infinisil recommends zfs yet again
<joehh> maybe I was running the wx version the whole time - kind of difficult to tell the difference at a glance
<joehh> paste above does not work - getting confused with scripts... :(
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<johnramsden> Does anyone have ethminer or any type of etherium miner running on nixos? I have unsuccessfully tried to install ethminer and was wondering if anyone else had gotten it working.
<johnramsden> *ethereum
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7Lm6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dcd6467 Peter Hoeg: xxd: init at 8.0.0442
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0345aed Peter Hoeg: mfcj6510dwlpr: use new xxd package instead of vim
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45248be Peter Hoeg: cryptominisat: use new xxd package instead of vim
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<clever> johnramsden: what error did you have when you tried?
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<johnramsden> clever: I was getting a stream of 'no version information available' messages. I don't know if I need to set something up for my graphics card, but ethminer https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer didn't mention anything.
<clever> ah
<clever> no idea about that error
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<johnramsden> clever: Are you mining?
<clever> not currently
<clever> but i used to mine btc many years ago
<clever> was able to get about 0.2 via cpu mining before i cooked a server
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<johnramsden> clever: Makes a good spaceheater
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Infinisil opened pull request #27601: znapzend: 0.15.7 -> 0.17.0 (master...znapzend-updated) https://git.io/v7LOk
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<Infinisil> :)
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: You here?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #27601: znapzend: 0.15.7 -> 0.17.0 (master...znapzend-updated) https://git.io/v7LOk
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<dhess> Hi all.
<dhess> I have a machine that needs xbin.usb to be included in the initrd image. How can I ensure that happens in NixOS?
<dhess> In Debian, it comes from firmware-misc-nonfree.
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<dhess> maybe hardware.enableAllFirmware
<dhess> jesus, that brings in stuff like fontconfig. :\
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<dhess> Nope, that didn't do it.
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<hyphon81> The Unity3D editor has been already in the nixpkgs. I should have noticed sooner.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7LCe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b087618 John Ericson: Revert "stdenv: Store one package per line in nix-support/propagated-*"...
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: I'm here now :-)
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<rauno> hey, has anyone implemented docker login with credentials with nix configuration?
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Ahh nice
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Regarding home-manager, the browserpass module couldn't find the browserpass attribute just before and I have no idea why
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Just a home.nix with programs.browserpass.enable = true;
<Infinisil> fails
<Infinisil> And the module path is included in modules/default.nix
<Infinisil> Ohh, it's the pkgs.browserpass that it can't find..
<Infinisil> Never mind
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Are you using Nixpkgs unstable or 17.03?
<chominist[m]> I can't download flash using the mirror for firefox
<chominist[m]> And it seems the issue isn't closed
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: It wasn't available in 17.03, so I included -I nixpkgs=path/to/nixpkgs, my local version is using nixos-unstable which worked
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I just did a (WIP) PR for htop :D
<srhb> When exactly does cache.nixos.org *start* caching a package for, say, nixos-unstable? When the tests pass (ie. when the channel is advanced anyway?) Or when the package is first built from master (whether or not the tests succeed and the channels advanced?)
<Infinisil> I too would like to know that
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Cool! I'll try to have a look at it later today :-)
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<LnL> when it's built
<srhb> LnL: Then I suppose the next question is: When is it removed?
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<srhb> I would sort of expect the channels to be the ones to keep cached builds alive
<LnL> not at all at the moment AFAIK
<srhb> Oh.
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: About the htop fields. It's not possible to do exactly what you want (as far as I know). But you could set the type to something like `listOf (enum (attrNames htopFields))` and that should check the values, including giving nice error messages...
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<dhess> Anyone here know how I can make sure a certain firmware file is included in the generated initrd for NixOS?
<dhess> I need xbin.usb from non-free firmware
<et4te> i've been trying to get Hydra to build something, everytime it tries to build gcc.. Is that normal? I've tried setting NIX_PATH and binaryCaches but nothing seems to change it
<et4te> using: git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels.git as the jobset input
<et4te> (unstable)
<et4te> and nixpkgs=http://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz
<ikwildrpepper> et4te: think you need to set : use-substitutes = 1
<ikwildrpepper> in hydra.conf
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<ikwildrpepper> ah, there is also a nixos option for it in hydra-module.nix
<ikwildrpepper> services.hydra.useSubstitutes = true;
<rycee[m]> dhess: The `hardware.firmware` option may be what you are looking for…
<dhess> rycee[m]: Doesn't that just ensure that the firmware is installed in /run/current-system/firmware ?
<dhess> rycee[m]: xbin.usb is actually present there, it's just not getting rolled up into the initrd image
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<rycee[m]> dhess: The `hardware.firmware` option is also used for various other things: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/1698bda6b3acc600fbd8e1cf6577c68ec5f2e852/nixos/modules/services/hardware/udev.nix#L302-L315
<methylsalicylate> does setting the "home" value (let's say, "/home/user") in users.extraUsers.user deletes "/home/user" in case it already exists?
<rycee[m]> But I guess these are not enough to make it available in initrd.
<bachp> Does someone know if, when I enable autoUpgrade in my nixos config, the machine automatically reboots if necessary (e.g. kernel update?)
<LnL> I don't think so
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<bachp> LnL: Would it be possible to detect if a restart wad required?
<srhb> methylsalicylate: Not to my knowledge.
<srhb> dhess: You might want to open an issue on this, if you haven't already. At the very least it's nonobvious how to achieve what you're doing.
<LnL> bachp: maybe, diff the kernel version in /run/current-system with uname or something
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<bachp> LnL: I think kernel upgrades would be the only reason a restart would be required, but I could be wrong
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<dhess> srhb: thanks. I opened an issue that covers it, along with a couple of other problems I'm having on this NVIDIA Tegra TX1 board.
<bachp> I'm thinking about implementing something similar to coreos, where each machine get a lock from e.g. etcd or cobsul and then reboots. This way only one machine at the time would reboot.
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<dhess> Hmm looks like I want boot.initrd.prepend
<dhess> so, like, boot.initrd.prepend = [ "${firmware}/nvidia/tegra210/xusb.bin" ];
<dhess> or something like that
<dhess> actually I have to cpio it first
<dhess> maybe not. Anyway, nixos/modules/hardware/cpu/intel-microcode.nix does something similar to what I want.
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<dhess> yeah, cpio then add the resulting image to boot.initrd.prepend
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<srhb> dhess: I can't find your issue. What's it called?
<srhb> dhess: I'm blind. Thanks :)
<dhess> np ;)
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<dhess> I've actually got a stable system up and running. Main problem is it only sees 1 of the CPUs at the moment. But it's functional.
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<et4te> ikwildrpepper: what does that do? useSubstitutes i mean?
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<et4te> nvm i found it
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<lukego> Hey dhess :)
<dhess> lukego! Hi buddy! :)
<dhess> lukego: look, you've turned me into an inveterate NixOS user :)
<lukego> Cool :) yeah I'm hooked too. On the server at least. I switched to Chromebook+NixOS for a while but back on the Mac now :)
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<dhess> lukego: Yeah, I went through my Linux-on-the-desktop phase. Too old for that shit now :)
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<dhess> lukego: Congrats on the Snabb stuff. It looks amazing. I look forward to my next switch running it.
<lukego> Thanks. It's fun. This year I am working on tooling. Nix-based IDE. Have to see if anybody else ever wants to run it :)
<dhess> IDE for Snabb?
<lukego> Yeah. Or really more like a bunch of diagnostic tools including deep JIT visualizations. Solving that problem that anybody can write a Snabb/LuaJIT application but very few people can consistently write a fast one.
<dhess> Is this what you're using Pharo for?
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<lukego> Yeah. So the UI will be a homogeneous Pharo application, where you can hack Smalltalk code to add new visualizations etc, and the backend will be a heterogeneous zoo of tools/languages/etc managed by Nix.
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<dhess> Wow, sounds ambitious. That will be interesting to see.
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<lukego> I'm imagining that there will be 10x more hacking on the backend, with special things for each application, while the frontend should be a bit more stable e.g. a small number of visualizations can go a long way (e.g. Nix produces a directory full of SVG files and a generic viewer browses those.)
<rpifan> hello
<dhess> lukego: Why Pharo rather than something Lua-based, since you presume the user can already write Lua for the Snabb side?
<dhess> just looking for a reason to play with Pharo? ;)
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<lukego> Could be so :). Here is my rationalization though. The tools should be much more general than only for Snabb - something you can extend to any application, like Emacs. So Lua will not be a prereq for other people. Then that using Lua for GUI seems very low level e.g. I will be taking a Tk/GTK/Qt/etc binding and doing everything from scratch.
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<lukego> Pharo is nice because there are some excellent high-level frameworks from the university of Bern (just around the corner from me) that I can build on. Researchers working on how to quickly and easily make visualizations of application data structures
<dhess> right.
<lukego> The crowd-pleaser would be to do something web-based, with d3.js etc, but personally I'd rather put my hand in a blender :)
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<dhess> lukego: I'll have to look into that, too, then. I'm interested in visualizing code and the workings of a VM as well.
<dhess> lukego: hehehe I'm with you 100% on that
<lukego> Here's an example of how I am visualizing some intermediate representation code from the JIT: https://github.com/raptorjit/raptorjit/pull/63#issuecomment-310138536
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<lukego> There is a backend/frontend split where Nix preprocesses the data to reduce the amount of code that is needed in the frontend. e.g. nix converts the funky DWARF debug information into JSON so that I can slurp it in and directly understand C objects (like GDB does) without having to put a DWARF parser or libdwarf dependency into the GUI app.
<dhess> lukego: that looks really interesting and possibly relevant to my own plans. Thanks for the pointer.
<lukego> http://github.com/studio/studio is the IDE project homepage. still early days without *quite* having a runnable GUI yet.
<lukego> "watch this space" :)
<lukego> I need to find a better term than "IDE" btw. This is really on-the-side tooling like Intel Vtune, etc, and not supposed to be handling basic stuff like editing source code etc. Everybody already has tools that they like for that stuff.
<dhess> It's like a process visualizer.
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<lukego> I'll add that one to the candidate list :-)
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<dhess> it's not very catchy :)
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<mudri> manveru, schoppenhauer: did you work out the Ruby runtime dependencies issue yesterday?
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I'm polishing it up now
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I may have overengineered it a bit, but considering htop crashes when something is even slightly wrong I'd consider it ok :)
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I'd say it's done now :)
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Sweet :-)
<rycee[m]> Do you know what happens if you change the settings inside htop? Will it overwrite the link that home manager created?
<manveru> mudri: nope
<manveru> mudri: using path dependencies in Gemfile is quite hard...
<mudri> Is bundlerEnv a recent addition to nixpkgs or something?
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: It won't do anything (because it's ro)
<manveru> nah, it's been in for quite a while
<manveru> just doesn't support all possible gemfiles
<mudri> Wait, what's the actual problem?
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Cool, that's fine. Having a look at the PR now. An ambitious module! :-)
<manveru> mudri: gem 'something', path: '../something'
<manveru> those kinds of dependencies aren't handled
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: htop applies the settings on quit, so you can actually change it while running, but it will be the same when restarting again
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Indeed :D
<manveru> because ../something is relative, and bundler even converts absolute paths to relative ones
<manveru> which doesn't work in the nix store
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Yeah, I think that behavior is what I would find intuitive. Many thanks for the contribution!
<manveru> i'll try doing a sed tonight to replace those relative paths with absolute ones in the Gemfile and Gemfile.lock, but maybe i have to patch bundler itself
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: The fact that it only keeps the changes for a run is actually perfect. Because everytime you change even a single option (which I do a lot), the file changes, which gets really annoying with source control
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Was fun!
<manveru> mudri: why are you interested?
<mudri> manveru: so just gem 'something' from a repository should work fine?H
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<manveru> sure
<manveru> that's been working for over a year now
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I didn't change the modes 1-4 into actual words because that would only make the config longer, I just included the description of the 4 modes in the description attr
<mudri> How? The stuff in the manual was unclear.
<Infinisil> 4 is small enough for that
<manveru> mudri: using https://github.com/manveru/bundix
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Oh hold on, I didn't make an enableOption, coming right up
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Hmm, I see `enable = mkEnableOption "Enable htop"`
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Yeah, but I'm not using that option
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Just fixed it
<rycee[m]> Ah, right :-D
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Will do!
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<LnL> isn't mkEnableOption deprecated?
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<Infinisil> LnL: I thought it was the other way around
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<LnL> hmm looks like it wasn't merged
<Infinisil> LnL: What was the alternatiev?
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<LnL> just mkOption, there was a discussion about it a while back
<Infinisil> LnL: But that's like exactly why mkEnableOption exists
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<Infinisil> I've seen a few times people going from mkOption to mkEnableOption because of this reason
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<LnL> the discussion wasn't as one sided as I remember, but I agree with copumpkin's point https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/18803#issuecomment-248512508
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<LnL> anyway, looks like it's not going anywhere
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<Infinisil> LnL: Eh, the points are pretty lame imo
<GlennS> I have a pull request to Nixpkgs that I need to change. Is it better to add a second commit, or to replace the existing commit with a corrected version?
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<Infinisil> LnL: mkEnableOption is probably the least of our concerns on making nixpkgs easier. And it's such a small thing, you can learn in 10 seconds what it des
<Infinisil> does*
<mudri> manveru: I followed what was there, and it doesn't work. http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/89Y6Quy_?nix
<mudri> (Error at the bottom.)
<LnL> Infinisil: it's the same as adding mkStringOption imo, you can do it but you don't gain anything by doing that
<Infinisil> GlennS: I think usually you'd keep pushing more and more commits and then before it gets merged you'd squash them together into one
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<Infinisil> LnL: Well sure, but now we already have mkEnableOption. The discussions about mkEnableOption vs mkOption probably wasted already more energy than what it's worcth
<LnL> yeah like I said it's probably not going away :)
<LnL> just misremembered
<Infinisil> :)
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<LnL> GlennS: it's fine to amend changes, unless it's something nontrivial then it can be useful to see what changed
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<GlennS> ok, thanks Infinisil and LnL
<GlennS> In this case, it's simple so I'll amend it and add a comment to the pull request saying what I changed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] konimex opened pull request #27608: neofetch: 3.0.1 -> 3.2.0 (master...neofetch) https://git.io/v7LM6
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<ij> Is there any reason why this would be slow? https://github.com/siers/zn/blob/master/nix/default.nix
<ij> = 4 minutes
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<manveru> mudri: hey, sorry was at lunch
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<manveru> mudri: if you want to package an application, buildRubyGem might be the better option
<manveru> if it's a gem anyway
<manveru> you need bundlerEnv if you want to run stuff like rake tasks or rails servers from the commandline
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<kuznero> Hi All!
<Isorkin> How to add to service fail2ban custom export PATH Need add path /nix/store/yz9p21vwvfc00f3i5lvdyp3glyhx8yvm-nftables-0.7/bin/
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<symphorien> systemd.services.fail2ban.path = [ pkgs.nftables ];
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<Isorkin> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7LQz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a3007a3 Peter Simons: mpg123: update to version 1.25.4
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<kuznero> Why I cannot use latest ghc821 in my setup? Here is my haskell.nix: https://github.com/kuznero/dotfiles/blob/2970c711b31fe55c1a8b9e9e60198ea619fb51c2/devel/haskell.nix
<kuznero> While building it gives me the error: Setup: Encountered missing dependencies: process >= && <1.5
<kuznero> I guess while configuring Cabal-
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<nh2> domenkozar clever: I discovered that ld-wrapper still takes 10 seconds overhead per executable in bash for large Haskell projects, even on master
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<niksnut> wow
<hodapp> O_O
<niksnut> shell considered harmful
<symphorien> what is ld-wrapper ?
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<domenkozar> nh2: let's open a separate issue
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<nh2> niksnut: by now I honestly think that the reliance on bash is nix's biggest technical problem
<nh2> domenkozar: will do
<domenkozar> nh2: you mean like anything we do with computers nowadays :D
<LnL> let's change it all to perl :p
<niksnut> that would actually be a significant improvement
<nh2> domenkozar: outside nix I can at least run away from it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 4 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v7Lbc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 969d7b0 Eelco Dolstra: gnumake380: Remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 8cfe774 Eelco Dolstra: gnumake40: Remove unused version
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 9f345ce Eelco Dolstra: gnumake41: Remove unused version
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<domenkozar> I'll never forget when niksnut/shlevy ported perl to C++ in Nix
<domenkozar> someone said
<niksnut> but then, *any* language would be an improvement
<domenkozar> "wait, you changes a memory safe language for non-safe one?"
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<domenkozar> changed*
<niksnut> domenkozar: actually a fair point
<domenkozar> yes
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<LnL> true
<dbe> it's also about the only fair point you can make about that
<domenkozar> yes that's why pragmatism won
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<nh2> is there a technical reason why nix doens't use Python in the places where it now uses bash, like in all those wrapper scripts?
<nh2> (I should say "why nixpkgs ...")
<niksnut> to be pedantic, Nix does not rely on bash
<niksnut> Nixpkgs does
<nh2> yes I just corrected
<joepie91> specifically, the default builder, I believe
<niksnut> sorry
<domenkozar> nh2: it's just the question of the person who wrote those scripts to pick what's his/her go-to scripting language
<NickHu> I'm trying to call callCabal2nix on a src obtained from fetchFromGitHub, but the problem is the github repo actually has the haskell module in a subdirectory - is it possible to change to that directory before passing the src to callCabal2nix?
<domenkozar> actually having shellcheck for stdenv in Nix would be a huge improvement
<nh2> domenkozar: I was wonering if there's an argument of portability or minimum dependencies
<nh2> wondering
<domenkozar> NickHu: --subpath was added to cabal2nix so you'll have to teach callCabal2nix function about it
<LnL> I think that's definitively one reason
<domenkozar> nh2: it does make boostrapping easier
<niksnut> the one big advantage of bash is that it's the one language that everybody knows
<nh2> domenkozar: even shellcheck wouldn't help with the fact that bash doesn't make it easy to write non-quadratic appends. Python at least has sane defaults and easy to use constructs for that
<nh2> niksnut: I'd argue that 99% of people I know "don't know bash" (me included) because they make heavy mistakes all the time
<nh2> nixpkgs included (see 200-second overhead per link we had before ryantrinkle's patch; at least now its "only" 10 seconds)
<NickHu> actually if anyone could point me to where fetchFromGitHub is defined that would be great; I see fetchgit has a postFetch parameter, which I think I could just put a "cd directory" in
<dbe> nh2: I guess that setting up packages is enough of a crowd-sourced thing that everyone does their own thing there; as long as it's reproducible then I guess it's cool. Many packages use scons and whatnot and you have to deal with those too, so, you know...
<NickHu> I wonder if fetchFromGitHub is the same
<domenkozar> bash wins at stockholm syndrome
<dbe> nh2: err, well, maybe you're talking about the internal scrips that set up the stages, not the per-package stuff
<domenkozar> NickHu: git grep "fetchFromGitHub ="
<LnL> I think it's in all-packages.nix
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<nh2> dbe: I'm talking about things at the level of `ld-wrapper` specifically currently. domenkozar, do you know if that level is already past the bootstrapping stage where bash may give an actual technical benefit?
<LnL> since it's just a "simple" function
<NickHu> domenkozar: I tried that but I only got two results... Turns out I had typo'd to fetchFromGithub lol
<NickHu> Yeah, you're right LnL
<domenkozar> nh2: afaik it's part of stdenv
<niksnut> afaik, quadratic behaviour in bash is fairly easy to prevent by using array rather than string concatenation
<domenkozar> but not sure at what stage
<niksnut> i.e. args+=("--arg")
<LnL> yeah, I think the ld-wrapper mainly appends strings
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<niksnut> also, foo+=" bla" is much faster than foo="$foo bla"
<domenkozar> nh2: that's why guix exists, Scheme all the way down
<domenkozar> but then people will argue if Scheme is a good choice :)
<LnL> the rpath stuff uses "$rpath $1"
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<nh2> niksnut: I couln't find documentation if += on bash guarantees an exponential buffer growth or not
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<hyper_ch> nh2: why would one use python over bash? :)
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<hyper_ch> niksnut also, foo+=" bla" is much faster than foo="$foo bla" -- is is much faster?
<nh2> (I assume from the smiley that this is a rethorical question)
<niksnut> x= ; time for ((i = 0; i < 10000; i++)); do x="$x $i"; done => 3.7s
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<niksnut> x= ; time for ((i = 0; i < 10000; i++)); do x+=" $i"; done => 0.07s
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7LAm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging aa4a92d Eelco Dolstra: cc-wrapper/ld-wrapper: Minor speedup in string concatenation...
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<LnL> that's a bigger difference then I was expecting
<dbe> hey, yeah, that's pretty good.
<hyper_ch> niksnut: hmmm, interesting
<NickHu> Okay so I modified haskellSrc2nix to understand the --subpath argument, but I'm looking for a non-destructive way to change callCabal2nix (i.e. not touch its interface)
<hyper_ch> since both were bash internals I wouldn't have thought it matters much
<NickHu> Currently, it takes two arguments: name and src
<domenkozar> NickHu: make a new function and share the internals between the two
<domenkozar> where the new function has an attribute set of parameters passed to cabal2nix
<domenkozar> so it can be extended in the future
<NickHu> domenkozar: Something like callCabal2nixWithSubpath?
<domenkozar> more like callCabal2nixWithOpts
<NickHu> So I guess it ought to take arguments in the same order, except with an additional set of options as the last argument..?
<domenkozar> yup
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<domenkozar> did clever figure out why are our tests freezing?
<NickHu> Does something like this work? http://lpaste.net/357165
<NickHu> I don't really know how inherit works
<LnL> inherit opts; == opts = opts;
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<domenkozar> yeah this won't work
<domenkozar> more like
<domenkozar> self.haskellSrc2nix { inherit src name ops; }
<NickHu> ah I see
<domenkozar> opts*
<NickHu> I need it to call haskellSrc2nix itself
<ottidmes> I thought I saw a tool mentioned to bootstrap NixOS in an existing system. I do have an example of using kexec by clever, but I was curious about this other tool as well, that is, if it exists.
<domenkozar> there are a couple
<domenkozar> ugh, I need to start updating cookbook.
<nh2> ottidmes: this one worked well for me last week: https://github.com/jeaye/nixos-in-place
<ottidmes> I will bookmark them, so I will not forget about them again, thanks!
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<NickHu> What is the last argument to callCabal2nix supposed to be anyway? I always see it called with the empty set passed in, but I can't see it in the function signature
<NickHu> It seems without passing in the empty set at the end the expression doesn't evaluate or something
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<NickHu> Also, it seems I can pass overrides in it, but I don't know where this argument is defined
<domenkozar> I recommend first learning the basics of the language
<FRidh> So now we're having a mass-rebuild on master because of b087618ac06256cb3c06278e7eaba45841f4ea91 but this hasn't been pushed/merged to staging. Staging kind of finished building, but there are still several odd failures. How about merging simply merging the two at this point? Both branches are partially broken anyway.
<gchristensen> FRidh: _ouch_
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<domenkozar> FRidh: didn't our most awesome ttuegel fix staging?
<gchristensen> (ttuegel is quite stressed right now, by the way, due to breakage on his system)
<FRidh> domenkozar: most of it yes. go doesn't build though, and I've had some packages that just fail to build without giving any reason.
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<NickHu> Oh I see it's a curried argument to mkDerivation
<NickHu> I don't have a problem with the language, but the nixos API documentation is horrible/nonexistent
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<domenkozar> we need a proper CI
<domenkozar> and a proper git branching workflow
<domenkozar> then all this will be history
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* domenkozar sips more coffee
* gchristensen sips coffee and thinks about a brave new world where we "proper CI"
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<domenkozar> FRidh: /nix/store/xilxav9i6xkrra3vclmlm7zwbbvr46qv-go-1.8.3/share/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: too many errors
<domenkozar> this gives some clues
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<gchristensen> a major blocker that I found w.r.t. proper CI is how do you compare 2 builds, where you're building 40,000 pieces of software? if you break 3 packages, is that the updater's fault? what about security / time-sensitive patches?
<domenkozar> well that has to do with branching workflow
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/8d9c8383f9 (from 23 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03)
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<MoreTea> gchristensen, the build system should drop everything else if a time-sensitive thing comes along
<LnL> I think it depends
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth closed pull request #26839: fetchMavenArtifact: prevent leaking nix hash to jar name (master...fetchmavenartifact-do-not-leak-hash) https://git.io/vQObr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth closed pull request #27514: Set virtualisation.libvirtd.qemuOvmf to false (master...patch-2) https://git.io/v7e50
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<gchristensen> two feature requests for hydra that I'd like to propose but can't yet: (1) there should be a higher level "bump to front of queue" which says this is most important no matter what anyone else says, restricted to certain users. this way, a critical security patch rebuild can be bumped to the front of the queue and not displaced by another eager tester
<gchristensen> (2) much less important, a way to trick the autoscaler in to scaling up for a bit :) see also #1
<LnL> that reminds me, can somebody cancel http://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1378032, I thought staging was fixed
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<gchristensen> this feeds in to my organizational bug report: a private copy of nixpkgs on github or something, which should come with a private bug tracker for security issues, set up in Hydra as a private job. this way we can pre-build and pre-test security issues without having them leak publicly, but when they do leak they'll already be in the cache
<gchristensen> LnL: done
<LnL> thanks, no point in running that since I can't compare with anything properly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27564: setroot: 1.4.4 -> 2.0.1 (master...upd/setroot) https://git.io/v7krm
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<ikwildrpepper> gchristensen: I don't think we can have private repos on the current nixos org account
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<gchristensen> because it is unpaid?
<ikwildrpepper> and switching it to paid account is probably also a bad idea, as we'd need to pay per user in the org
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<gchristensen> ouuch
<ikwildrpepper> we can make separate org for it, or use e.g. gitlab
<ikwildrpepper> gitlab has free private repos, if I remember correctly
<gchristensen> yeah they do
<TimePath> or ask for a freebie?
<gchristensen> however, I think if we're seeking entry in to the oss-security list, having our private bug tracker not even be paid-for would be maybe frowned upon
<gchristensen> (much less our own hosted infra)
<gchristensen> but I don't know what they really expect to be honest :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7tkr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1dd6e7d Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.13-rc1 -> 4.13-rc2
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<domenkozar> hmm
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<joepie91> gchristensen: ikwildrpepper: I have no idea whether this is desirable or not, but fwiw, feel free to use https://git.cryto.net/ :P
<joepie91> since that's running anyway
<gchristensen> I think if we're using some otherwise not popular hosting system we'll host ourselves
<gchristensen> they're rightfully quite paranoid about the issues
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<joepie91> sure, that works too :P
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<nh2> clever: have you ever encountered this: I have a machine that cannot fetch stuff via an ssh subsitutor: https://gist.github.com/nh2/053c587cb1feadefd13eba618895284f
<nh2> it just claims that it can't fetch the package, even though it's there on the other machine. And it works when the command is run from a different machine. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the ssh-agent socket shown in the strace
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<ixxie> I would add it myself, but I am not entirely clear about what some of the fields should be
<ixxie> like, who 'Founded' NixOS
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<ixxie> I first thought I would say Eelco Dolstra, but I see on the site the first prototype was developed by Armijn Hemel
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<pie_> ixxie, you could just cite the authors of the first nixos paper or something
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<pie_> (for starters anyway)
<dash> ixxie: eelco dolstra developed nix, nixos was built from that
<dash> ixxie: see bottom of https://nixos.org/nixos/community.html
<ixxie> yeah I am aware dash
<copumpkin> niksnut can probably clarify :)
<copumpkin> we need a Nix historian
<pie_> xD
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<ixxie> copumpkin: Nixtorian
<ixxie> one must always pun with Nix whenever possible
<ixxie> clearly
<hyper_ch> so due to the Dutch we hav now nixos
<ixxie> I still wonder if the name is a pun
<ixxie> probably is
<nh2> yeah, just write "The Dutch", and add nixos to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Dutch_inventions_and_discoveries
<ixxie> hmmm
<ixxie> NixOS has rolling security releases yes?
<nh2> it would go well just under Python, Vim and Blender
<ixxie> oh hmm
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<ixxie> I misunderstood that
<nh2> also apparently the Dutch haven't invented anything major since Blender in 1995 apparently so it really is time
<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: we don't need historians, we have witnesses
<copumpkin> ixxie: yeah it's a pun
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: \o/
<ikwildrpepper> perhaps I should write some memoires about the good ol' days
<ikwildrpepper> and niksnut and armijn too
<nh2> ixxie: I guess the right answer for that column is "0.5 years", is that right gchristensen?
<copumpkin> I'd read 'em
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: anyone else been around since the beginning?
<ikwildrpepper> martin bravenboer, but he is not active (except at LB)
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<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: my memoires could describe some piece of 'nix' history that is hanging at the LB office: https://home.machina.nl/nextcloud/index.php/s/T9WjmY1Vrxrgfb0/download
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<ikwildrpepper> that poster has also been there since the beginning
<mudri> manveru: then I went to lunch ;-). Anyway, buildRubyGem sounds reasonable, though a gem feels like overkill for a quick script.
<gchristensen> It would be really cool to get the early years documented
<ixxie> copumpkin: I think its suppose to mean something like "how long are security updates rolled out for a stable version", or no?
<mudri> I'll just do it and see...
<gchristensen> ixxie: we do security releases on stable at least until the next stable release, and usually for a few months after
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<nh2> ixxie: looking at Ubuntu's row, that's exactly what it means
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<copumpkin> ixxie: I think I missed something :)
<nh2> so according to what gchristensen said that should be somewhere between 0.5 and 0.7 years or so
<niksnut> so we invented stroopwafels and capitalism
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<ikwildrpepper> niksnut: didn't we invent slavery as well?
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<ikwildrpepper> 'we'
<gchristensen> stroopwafels and nix hmmm
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<copumpkin> klompen?
<ixxie> capitalism?
<ixxie> what's upstream?
<gchristensen> what do you mean?
<ixxie> for the "forked from" column
<gchristensen> link?
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<gchristensen> oh, nothing, we are our own thing, not a fork
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<ij> How should I add /etc/services into a container? Should I create it myself or there's some attribute to include?
<ixxie> bam! listed!
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<gchristensen> ixxie: one thing: it is 17.03 not 17.3 :)
<ixxie> aha
<ixxie> hold on
<copumpkin> ixxie: ikwildrpepper might be a founder too?
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: are you a founder?
<ixxie> fixed
<gchristensen> ixxie: we also have a surprising amount of usage on super computers
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<gchristensen> ixxie: we're on at least one or two members of the TOP500
<copumpkin> also, NixOS has been around for far longer than 2013
<gchristensen> 2003 I think
<copumpkin> I thought the first release was at least 5 years earlier
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<gchristensen> ixxie: thank you for getting us listed :D
<copumpkin> :D
<copumpkin> Feb 2004
<gchristensen> let's OS like its 2004 again
<LnL> whoa so few files
<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: what's a founder?
<copumpkin> ikwildrpepper: I dunno, whatever the wikipedia page means by it :)
<ixxie> I thought first stable release
<copumpkin> niksnut: omg https://github.com/NixOS/nixos/blob/e019265ec958f836b0290d07afbf5fe2e1c3d14a/fill-disk.sh the very first nixos-prepare-root.sh :P
<gchristensen> ixxie: that would prevent, say, arch from having a start date
<ikwildrpepper> copumpkin: I was there when Armijn worked on nix-based services (start of nixos)
<ikwildrpepper> and we used it for our stratego buildfarm
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<ikwildrpepper> (both nix and the services stuff)
<copumpkin> speaking of stratego
<copumpkin> the new Nix UI needs a drv pretty printer built into it :D
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<ixxie> okay updated to 2003
<ikwildrpepper> hehe yeah
<copumpkin> since someone killed the stratego-xt expression
<ikwildrpepper> pp-aterm RIP
<niksnut> NixOS as we know it is from 2006
<ikwildrpepper> best tool ever, thank Martin for that
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<copumpkin> niksnut: what was it before 2006?
<ikwildrpepper> no modules, right
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<LnL> I recently learned nix-store can print drv attributes
<copumpkin> does that mean pierron arrived in 2006?
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<copumpkin> LnL: you can also import a drv from nix :O
<copumpkin> but you don't get all the attributes in it
<niksnut> modules were added by pierron later (2008/2009 iirc)
<copumpkin> I'd love to see a timeline of Nix history
<LnL> you can?
<copumpkin> LnL: try it!
<niksnut> the ICFP 2008 paper describes NixOS without the module system: https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/nixos-icfp2008-final.pdf
<LnL> pretty sure I have before but it gave a syntax error
<pierron> niksnut: I was a user in late 2007, and an intern at Delft in 2008
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<NickHu> wow nix was at ICFP?
<pierron> copumpkin: before modules, we had a single big file will all options.
<niksnut> the JFP paper is based on the ICFP paper, with addition of modules: https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/nixos-jfp-final.pdf
<pierron> copumpkin: and tons of Nix files which were looking at the content of options and trying to use them all over the place.
<copumpkin> fun!
<ixxie> Maybe I will flesh out the NixOS Wiki article in a week or two
<niksnut> pierron: were you also in utrecht for a while? or stratego user day or something
<ikwildrpepper> stratego users days! w00t1
<pierron> niksnut: I went to the stratego user day, during the fire alarm test, but this was already in Delft.
<ikwildrpepper> niksnut: yeah, pierron was there in 2006
<niksnut> ah, the fire alarm test :-)
<niksnut> memories
<copumpkin> :O
<pierron> not to be confused with the library fire :/
<niksnut> I guess the fire alarm tests were a good thing given that the architecture building burned down
<ikwildrpepper> :D
<joepie91> heh
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<pierron> oh, I thought this was the library, not the architecture building.
<joepie91> copumpkin: fwiw, I already made a drv parser in JS :P
<copumpkin> ooh
<joepie91> but I just realized I haven't published it on npm yet because the docs aren't done yet
<joepie91> it's a fairly boring PEG parser really: https://git.cryto.net/joepie91/node-drv/src/master/src/drv.pegjs
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<joepie91> will probably write docs and publish tomorrow
<copumpkin> :D
<ixxie> (as an aside, for those interested in computing history, heres a riddle: which came first, the CLI or the OS?)
<joepie91> copumpkin: oh, and it has both an AST parsing mode and 'semantic' parsing mode, the latter understanding what the position of each value means: https://git.cryto.net/joepie91/node-drv/src/master/src/index.js#L52-L77
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<joepie91> ie. producing a named JS object
<copumpkin> niksnut: radical proposal: as much as I hate JSON, switch the .drv format to JSON in 1.12
<copumpkin> then we can use standard tools on it :P
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<joepie91> though for a pretty-printer you'd want AST parsing probably
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: had a chance to catch up with https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27427 ?
<pbogdan_> copumpkin: I made https://github.com/pbogdan/nix-derivation-pretty but haven't tested / used it much
<niksnut> copumpkin: even more radical: get rid of .drv
<joepie91> copumpkin: if JS tooling is undesirable for some reason, should be fairly trivial to port that parser to a PEG generator in any other language as well :)
<pbogdan_> also https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25371 has few other suggestions
<MoreTea> niksnut, what do you propose as an alternative :)?
<copumpkin> niksnut: hah, I have a ticket for that but no details :D https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/780
<Sonarpulse> I'd like to a) make everything propagated-* related accept \n and ' ' as deliminator when reading b) make nixpkgs just use '\n' when reading, c) bump the min version of nixpkgs
<Sonarpulse> *min version of Nix in nixpkgs
<Sonarpulse> then there is no breaking change
<niksnut> MoreTea: the alternative is to simply not materialize derivations on disk, but to just send an in-memory representation of derivations to the daemon (basically BasicDerivation and buildDerivation() already do this)
<Sonarpulse> OTOH, accepting '\0' or ' ' when reading would just be weird
<gchristensen> niksnut: would that make embedding the nixpkgs revision in to fetchurl's user agent a reasonable thing to do?
<niksnut> Sonarpulse: you mean "when writing"?
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: un-revert my printLines change
<copumpkin> ixxie: I like how that page list RHEL as inactive
<Sonarpulse> so nixpkgs unstable and 17.09 only write newline-delimited files
<copumpkin> oh, it's listing RHL as inactive, not RHEL
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: but since those nixpkgs can read with either deliminator, mixing packages from older nixpkgs still works
<niksnut> gchristensen: not sure. Having a virtual drvPath that doesn't change too much might still be useful
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<copumpkin> what's the best intermediate solution to this nix-shell screwup in master?
<copumpkin> assume I can't just nix-env -iA bashInteractive before running nix-shell
<copumpkin> is there something I can do from inside the expression?
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse?
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: hmm
<Sonarpulse> well I backported the PR
<LnL> we could check $BASH_VERSION and recommend people to run nix-env -iA nixpkgs.bashInteractive
<Sonarpulse> to Nix
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I still don't have a release that contains it :)
<LnL> but that's not ideal ofcorse
<copumpkin> I have a lot of build infrastructure that's failing with the new version
<copumpkin> because I use nix-shell all over the place
<copumpkin> expecting it to work without jumping through hoops
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: I could revert it two
<copumpkin> there isn't something I can do inside the expression to make it work?
<Sonarpulse> *too
<copumpkin> like put in an explicit reference to bashInteractive from there?
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: oh
<Sonarpulse> probably in nativeBuildInputs
<Sonarpulse> err wait, nah that's too late in the pipeline
<Sonarpulse> you seen DavidEGrayson's posts?
<copumpkin> yeah
<Sonarpulse> PATH = [ "${bashInteractive}/bin/bash" ]
<Sonarpulse> we agree aught to work
<Sonarpulse> just minor disagreement on whether to special-case PATH or not
<copumpkin> ah okay
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: also if you look at nix-shell
<Sonarpulse> the initial script is all bad
<copumpkin> so there's nothing I can do easily right now without finding a way to sandwich nix-env -iA bashInteractive before I ever run nix-shell?
<Sonarpulse> you could just edit nix shell a la my backport instead
<copumpkin> this is on a ton of automated build infrastructure
<copumpkin> "just edit X" or "just run X" isn't super feasible
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: seeing that a revert still causes a mass-rebuild, yes I suppose there is nothing instantaneous and easy :/ sorry
<copumpkin> I'll just figure out how to get bashInteractive into scope before it
<copumpkin> (this is the CentOS case btw, not macOS)
<Sonarpulse> ah
<Sonarpulse> yeah installing system wide could be risky
<Sonarpulse> if some jank old script relies on weird set -e for example
<copumpkin> yay impurity
<Sonarpulse> (bash no understand Either monad, keep on changing definition of `set -e`)
<copumpkin> how painful would it be to revert?
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: well at this point staging and master already won't cleanly merge
<copumpkin> because I'm basically going to have to tell everyone my team to run a command when this change hits them, or reinstall nix
<copumpkin> both of which feel kinda shitty
<Sonarpulse> and it might be an easy revert on master
<Sonarpulse> it will be a difficult revert on staging
<Sonarpulse> I rather just revert on master
<copumpkin> can we just do a minimal change of local -n to the eval thing you don't like
<copumpkin> retaining the rest of the functionality?
<copumpkin> just reverting on master will push the pain down the road to the staging merge though, right?
<Sonarpulse> well, I hope we can release a new nix version by then
<Sonarpulse> writing the eval stuff correctly isn't easy
<copumpkin> but the new nix version is still an awkward solution
<Sonarpulse> I forgot about lib/minver
<Sonarpulse> it's not with that
<copumpkin> like I'm still going to have to tell everyone on my team (and all my build infra) to update to a new version of nix
<Sonarpulse> that's going to happen sooner or later with 1.12 anyways?
<copumpkin> I dunno, I'd rather stick with the most compatible thing until we have reasonable expectation that most users are on a version that doesn't rely on impurities
<Sonarpulse> with minver you can let Nixpkgs tell them?
<Sonarpulse> I rather revert than eval
<Sonarpulse> how long do you suspect that "most users" will be?
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<copumpkin> I'd expect lots of folks to update to 1.12 :) just seems crazy to me to force a ton of folks to update to get basic functionality because of what should've been a minor refactor
<copumpkin> like lots of wasted time for lots of people everywhere
<copumpkin> I've already wasted several hours on this thing
<copumpkin> that's before I'm asking everyone else to do the same thing. I have nixpkgs pinned to a version before this change went in right now
<copumpkin> for the entire team
<Sonarpulse> I don't need to immediately land this stuff
<copumpkin> but I also need some more recent stuff and now I'm stuck making a choice between spreading the time wastage to everyone else or not getting the new things I need
<Sonarpulse> I assume somebody can make my release.nix hydra job work
<copumpkin> what's that?
<Sonarpulse> perma-pending
<MoreTea> hmm, is it possible for some other tool than nix to generate .drv's without requiring write permissions on /root?
<MoreTea> I would be interested in a "bazel2nix" tool that takes BUILD files and spits out .drv files
<MoreTea> instead of .nix files, that is.
<copumpkin> you'd want .drv and not .nix?
<copumpkin> that's surprising
<Sonarpulse> MoreTea: there is a ninja2nix
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I can ask it to evaluate
<copumpkin> oh it says pending
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: yeah I have all the creds I need
<copumpkin> no idea why it's been pending for so long
<MoreTea> Sonarpulse, cute
<LnL> Sonarpulse: are you sure you can use system as an imput?
<Sonarpulse> do I just need to bump number of shares?
<Sonarpulse> LnL: hmmmm
<Sonarpulse> I just cargo culted that
<Sonarpulse> but perhaps from the wrong job
<LnL> try supportedSystems [ "x86_64-linux" ]
<niksnut> tbh, whether we use newlines or spaces seems kind of a bikeshed issue
<LnL> inputs are similar to --arg AFAIK
<niksnut> yes, newlines may be slightly nicer, but not really worth the breakage
<copumpkin> it feels like another issue like the widespread user expectation thing
<niksnut> so I'm fine with adding support for newlines to Nix, but at the same time it would be best not to rely on it in nixpkgs in the near future
<copumpkin> like, get a change into nix, wait until it's widely adopted
<copumpkin> then make the change in nixpkgs that relies on that change
<copumpkin> (bringing it back to the local -n thing)
<copumpkin> it's not ideal but the cost/benefit of the current break and fix and hope folks upgrade feels all wrong
<Sonarpulse> well, let's revert all the things
<Sonarpulse> some of ttuegle's changes are seperate
<Sonarpulse> so will need to filter carefully
<Sonarpulse> domenkozar niksnut: can we revert on master directly? cancel the eval last night?
<nh2> niksnut: the bash change you pushed to staging, is that currently being built? I'm not quite sure how to determine that rom the hydra site / where to look
<Sonarpulse> sifting through staging is more work
<niksnut> that shows the revision
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: editted the config to match staging and trunk, hope that works
<nh2> niksnut: would that page also show builds currently in progress?
<niksnut> builds in progress can be seen here: http://hydra.nixos.org/machines
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: is there any rhyme or reason to how shares are allocated?
<niksnut> sort of
<niksnut> important jobsets (like the release branches) are supposed to have more shares
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: also how long does eval pending usually last?
<copumpkin> this doesn't seem like it would be a shares issue
<Sonarpulse> well separately
<copumpkin> if it's been pending for a couple of weeks
<nh2> niksnut: is there a page that can give me a rough idea how "far" the staging build is that you kicked off?
<Sonarpulse> all these mass rebuilds make the actual cross stuff I do quite painful
<copumpkin> what's causing them?
<Sonarpulse> the mass rebuilds?
<copumpkin> I haven't been changing the stdenv much recently
<copumpkin> (on the darwin side)
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<niksnut> Sonarpulse: staging is checked only once per day
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: the polling you mean
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: right now almost everything I do for cross is a mass rebuild
<Sonarpulse> it sucks
<Sonarpulse> I would really like to get all my stuff in for 17.09
<copumpkin> :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #27613: html-tidy: 5.2.0 -> 5.4.0 (master...tidy) https://git.io/v7tVk
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<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: that is certainly a down side to working so close to core
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I hear that there are hacks to get ccache into nix builds
<copumpkin> and yes when I was developing the darwin stdenv it was miserable
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: indeed, and it is unavoidable
<copumpkin> until we slimmed down the stdenv, it was 3 llvm+clang builds per stdenv
<Sonarpulse> OTOH the propagated- change at least is orthogonal
<LnL> copumpkin: oh man that's annoying
<Sonarpulse> I had no idea it was even a breakging change as stdenv/setup.nix already slurped the entire file
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: I know everyone always asks you about 1.12 and it must be annoying, but I haven't followed that stuff much and have no idea even roughtly when to expect it: 17.09? 18.03? 18.09?
<Sonarpulse> the propagated change is not important
<copumpkin> LnL: you should've seen when I decided to kill bootstrap-tools references in the final stdenv :P big clumps of torn out hair all over the house :P
<Sonarpulse> but the non-old bash stuff is easy
<Sonarpulse> as working with eval just makes my debug cycles even longer
<Sonarpulse> s/easy/necessary/
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<niksnut> 17.09 seems unlikely
<niksnut> Sonarpulse: ^
<Sonarpulse> right, makes sense to me too
<Sonarpulse> OTOH if we release a 1.11.14 now, can we require it for 17.09?
<Sonarpulse> is that enough delay?
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<LnL> I have a small nix-profile change if 1.11.14 is going to be released soon
<Sonarpulse> :) if we have a enough small non-breaking changes, requiring 1.11.14 becomes more reasonable
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I still don't get the local -n vs. eval
<copumpkin> it looks from your diff like the meat of it is replacing
<copumpkin> eval "local -a dummy=("${$var[@]}")"
<copumpkin> which isn't pretty
<copumpkin> but I don't see the awfulness
<copumpkin> we'd been doing that for years
<Sonarpulse> the merged diff?
<copumpkin> don't get me wrong, I'd rather not :) but in the ranking of "rather nots" it's lower than the alternative
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to gcc-6: https://git.io/v7twW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 d65e528 Eelco Dolstra: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into gcc-6
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<niksnut> Sonarpulse: it should also be possible to upgrade from the previous NixOS release
<niksnut> so requiring 1.11.14 is problematic
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: doesn't upgrading already download new Nix and restart if necessary?
<copumpkin> that's NixOS
<copumpkin> we have a lot of non-NixOS users :(
<niksnut> Sonarpulse: yes, but that's the fallback-of-last-resort :-)
<niksnut> (iirc)
<niksnut> I'm worried about these "Too many heap section" errors on hydra...
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: maybe I've overblown it, but keeping track of bash's word splitting takes a fair amount of mental engery without eval
<copumpkin> it's just all a trade-off, right? like, is it more mental energy than disentangling the reverts in master? or forcing all users to jump through hoops for basic nix functionality on a tiny minor upgrade?
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<copumpkin> like I'm not saying we should never switch away from local -n
<copumpkin> just that we phase that after the nix change has been in for a few months
<copumpkin> I mean swithc away from eval, to local -n :)
<Sonarpulse> :) well, I'll take a look at adding back eval then
<copumpkin> I mean, if you think it's hopeless, I'll trust you on that, but of the three options it seems like the smallest to my uneducated eye
<Sonarpulse> is less scary with eval than I remembered
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<LnL> don't you need to set the _REEXEC_... for nixos-rebuild or is it the other way around?
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: glad to hear that! :D
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: might you have any time to expedite a few reviews today?
<copumpkin> this evening after work
<Sonarpulse> cool
<copumpkin> if the review is undoing the -n I can do it sooner :D
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: well I had one branch that adds back more quotes
<Sonarpulse> which I was going to land first as it makes everything easier to read
<Sonarpulse> even though the quotes don't do anything cause bash is weird
<Sonarpulse> but I can swap the order
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<copumpkin> I'd do it ASAP so we can get hydra to push out a nixpkgs-unstable that isn't broken on a big swath of deployed platforms that use it :)
<copumpkin> niksnut: have any thoughts on this?
<copumpkin> it should just be swapping the local -n with the eval dummy thing again, right?
<copumpkin> I'd be happy to start bootstrapping on my macOS box with such a commit the moment you submit a PR
<copumpkin> and then approve it the moment it passes :D
<niksnut> copumpkin: thoughts on what?
<Sonarpulse> I got a meeting now
<copumpkin> niksnut: the s/local -n/eval dummy/ pseudo-revert in master
<Sonarpulse> ttyl later
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: ciao!
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<niksnut> "pseudo-revert"?
<copumpkin> i.e., undo just the local -n part of his changes
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<copumpkin> the bit that breaks everything
<copumpkin> and replace it with the old-school eval mechanism
<niksnut> are you talking about the newline/space thing?
<copumpkin> nah, the local -n thing not being support on macOS or centos in nix-shell I've been moaning about for the past few days :)
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<copumpkin> they're sort of similar in that they could both be fine if we had some nix changes in a release that lots of folks were running
<niksnut> sorry, I get confused by all the breakage going on :-)
<copumpkin> but until then, I'd stay more conservative about such changes
<copumpkin> so e.g., get the bashInteractive + nix-shell thing into nix, wait for a few months
<copumpkin> then switch eval to local -n again
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<niksnut> copumpkin: sounds good
<Sonarpulse> cool
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: I can make a quick PR switching local -n back to dummy eval
<copumpkin> if you're in a meeting
<Sonarpulse> I'm back
<Sonarpulse> just got back
<Sonarpulse> save your efforts for review :)
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<copumpkin> \o/
<copumpkin> can even leave the local hook in place
<joepie91> error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position
<joepie91> whee
<copumpkin> it's just s/var/dummy/ and replacing the local -n line with the old eval line
<copumpkin> joepie91: my favorite error message
<joepie91> tremendously helpful, too :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #27614: stdenv-setup: Add quotes that don't do anything for consistency. (staging...stdenv-quotes) https://git.io/v7tiv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #27615: fix haskellPackages.cuda and some tools dependent on cudatoolkit (master...cuda) https://git.io/v7tir
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jfrankenau opened pull request #27616: borgbackup: 1.0.10 -> 1.0.11 (master...update-borg) https://git.io/v7tib
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<et4te> guys i have the following release.nix + default.nix: https://gist.github.com/et4te/9c33ff2c21005d263ee3dbf88a0b8719, keep getting 'nixpkgs not found in default.nix line 2'. how do I actually pass that through? the package seem to build local
<et4te> i guess the question is confusion over how inherit etc works
<Sonarpulse> niksnut copumpkin : ok https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27614 just adds some more quotes for vcunat
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<copumpkin> I did it anyway
<Sonarpulse> sure
<copumpkin> can PR it if it looks okay
<copumpkin> running a build now
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: ah
<Sonarpulse> hehe this is ironc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #27617: fix accelerate, updating to git versions (master...accelerate) https://git.io/v7tPQ
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<Sonarpulse> so in that specific instance
<Sonarpulse> guess what
<Sonarpulse> asdf=var[@]
<Sonarpulse> "${!asdf}"
<Sonarpulse> totally words :D:D:D
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<Sonarpulse> pick your poison!
<copumpkin> that's the thing that breaks everything as far as I can tell :)
<copumpkin> I'll take the thing that we know worked :D
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: I think there is more local -n too
<Sonarpulse> look at findInputs now
<copumpkin> this is just master
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<copumpkin> I'd do the same thing to staging
<copumpkin> but I really want to just get a build into hydra so we can fix nixpkgs-unstable
<joepie91> for future reference; setting up the Mozilla Rust overlay for systemPackages is done like this: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/fdebf0bbc1cfc26fe90807029c92a608 (after cloning the nixpkgs-mozilla repo)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #27618: stdenv/setup.sh: undo `local -n` change (master...no-local-n) https://git.io/v7tXA
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<copumpkin> Sonarpulse_: filed an official PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27618
<LnL> why didn't you just use nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import ./mozilla-overlay.nix) ];
<joepie91> LnL: because there were no such instructions and this is the first approach I found that worked :)
<joepie91> overlays are, uh, a little underdocumented at the moment
<Sonarpulse_> copumpkin: is that a clean revert? I t looks like it.
Sonarpulse_ is now known as Sonarpulse
<copumpkin> almost, I left your `local hook` in between the lines
<copumpkin> so it probably won't merge cleanly
<LnL> joepie91: oh, well something like that should work :)
<Sonarpulse> into staging?
<Sonarpulse> I'll deal with that
<copumpkin> yeah I haven't tried, but I assume it won't
<joepie91> doesn't matter much anyway, I had this packages.nix anyway
<joepie91> so it was fairly trivial to add this option
<copumpkin> anyway, still building stdenv on macOS, will let you know how it goes
<Sonarpulse> maybe mention commit hash in just merge commit then, so you don't need to redo local test? :D
<joepie91> anyway, recent Rust now \o/
<LnL> Sonarpulse: copumpkin: let me know if I can help build something
<copumpkin> joepie91: 1.18?
<joepie91> 1.19
<copumpkin> LnL: I'll fire up a beefy CentOS box and see if that breaks at all too
<copumpkin> joepie91: in nixpkgs?
<joepie91> ie. current stable
<joepie91> no, mozilla overlay
<copumpkin> oh
<joepie91> nixpkgs has 1.15
<copumpkin> it has 1.17
<joepie91> not on 17.03 :P
<copumpkin> been wanting an upgrade for a while
<copumpkin> oh
<copumpkin> :)
<joepie91> figured that if I was going to give up stability guarantees, I might as well go all the way and use the overlay
<joepie91> heh
<joepie91> (nixpkgs stability guarantees, that is)
<copumpkin> :)
<joepie91> code unfortunately still does not compile...
<joepie91> aha.
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<copumpkin> niksnut: it's always struck me as weird that the bootstrap has no external dependencies but the nix installer does
<copumpkin> like I have to install bzip2 on CentOS to run the installer, but the bootstrap ships a super minimal static busybox that avoids all that
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<copumpkin> gchristensen: ^ O guru of the installer
<gchristensen> what? crap, what did I sign myself up for
<copumpkin> :D
<gchristensen> well so we don't have access to the busybox yet
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<gchristensen> I think the only thing we could do is embed a copy of bzcat in the install.sh for each arch we have install tarballs for
<copumpkin> yeah, I guess kinda ugly
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<copumpkin> or a pure bash decompressor
* copumpkin barfs
<gchristensen> and big: 20K
<ToxicFrog> Or stop bzip2'ing the tarball :D
<gchristensen> copumpkin: does centos have zcat? :)
<copumpkin> yeah
<gchristensen> that could work
<copumpkin> I know what
<copumpkin> curl http://path/to/bzip2.z | zcat
<copumpkin> :P
<copumpkin> gz
<gchristensen> _cries_
<copumpkin> I wonder if ld-linux.so can accept elf files from stdin
<gchristensen> curl https://nixos.org/nixos/install.iso | dd if=- of=/dev/*
* copumpkin fails
<copumpkin> cat `which echo` | /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /dev/fd/1 hi
<niksnut> copumpkin: never really thought about it, but yeah, it would be possible to turn the installer into a self-contained self-extracting executable
<Sonarpulse> niksnut: recall I did that associate array thing?
<Sonarpulse> for findInputs memoization?
<niksnut> copumpkin: but of course, it wouldn't be possible
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<Sonarpulse> if ${var[$pkg]}; then continue; fi # already seen
<niksnut> *portable
<Sonarpulse> basically
<Sonarpulse> that will also break on Darwin
<hyphon81> Hello. In my environment, matplotlib crashed with segmentation fault in libopenblasp-r0.2.19.so. "nix-shell -p python3Packages.numpy -p python3Packages.matplotlib -p qt4 -p python3Packages.pyqt4"
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<Sonarpulse> It shouldn't break on CentOS, however
<hyphon81> Running plt.show() and obtainning segmentation fault in libopenblasp-r0.2.19.so.
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<copumpkin> niksnut: unless we came up with a pure bash (without local -n :P) decompressor :D
<copumpkin> of course it's only as portable as the underlying closure tarballs anyway, so don't really need to go overboard
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<aristid> why is the channel stuck? :(
<copumpkin> the tubes are clogged
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<copumpkin> aristid: which channel?
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<aristid> copumpkin: unstable-small
<joepie91> well, unstable has been stuck for a whilke
<joepie91> while*
<copumpkin> ah, nixos-unstable :)
<aristid> i don't use any of that fancy stable stuff
<hyper_ch> unstable for 20 days... unstable small for 12 days or so
<aristid> unstable forevah!
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<hyper_ch> aristid: I keep bugging peopler here as well about this
<aristid> i mean, wkennington hasn't broken booting for quite some time, even in unstable! so there's no reason not to use it :)
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<copumpkin> aristid: he just gave up on nixpkgs/nixos :P
* copumpkin <3 wak-work
<aristid> copumpkin: that would explain it
<aristid> what's wak-work?
<copumpkin> that's wkennington
<copumpkin> https://github.com/triton/triton is his current project
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<aristid> oh why did he make his own nix-based distro?
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<copumpkin> aristid: disagreements about how stuff should be done I think
<hyphon81> Hmm... Is it my libopenblas.so broken?
<aristid> copumpkin: hmm ok
<aristid> i notice the directory hierarchy is a bit different
<aristid> copumpkin: it's clearly a fork of nixos, but not marked as such in github, weird
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<gchristensen> I like his structure better9
<copumpkin> yeah, they revamped the whole thing
<copumpkin> no more darwin support, etc.
<aristid> gchristensen: the pkgs/all-pkgs/f/foo ?
<Sonarpulse> where is wkennington
<aristid> gchristensen: but that's weirdly not done for all packages
<Sonarpulse> I left an issue open
<Sonarpulse> to discuss cross thing
<gchristensen> aristid: yeah
<Sonarpulse> IMO my changes these past few months have been even more invasive :D
<Sonarpulse> just less files moved around
<Sonarpulse> but there is some things I want to take from there
<aristid> "Added cmake’s ninja generator support in cmake hooks" <- i like this one
<aristid> :D
<Sonarpulse> after which I see less point of a fork
<Sonarpulse> Surely I've no proved that the oldest nastiest parts of nixpkgs can be changed/broken upstream :D
<aristid> i guess the way to help out with the broken channel is to do a git-bisect on the failing tests!
<aristid> i love git-bisect
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<hyphon81> If you have a time, please attempt it. Could you reproduce it? https://gist.github.com/hyphon81/baf7309b14395af35c12abe110c94d8d
<aborsu> Hello, trying to create a package using fetchFromGithub, how can I get the hash from the revision (other than making a bad hash and watching the logs when nix crashes)?
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<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: $ nix-shell -E "(import ./. {}).stdenv"
<copumpkin> [nix-shell:~/nixpkgs]$
<Sonarpulse> :D
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: on staging
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: that's my CentOS box happy again :) macOS build still running
<copumpkin> ? that's my PR
<Sonarpulse> I cannot MacOS at all :(
<Sonarpulse> sorry, split sentance
<Sonarpulse> dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/lib/system/libsystem_symptoms.dylib
<Sonarpulse> Referenced from: /nix/store/49g980lqdsy92rji8bw3qlj7qk24a82f-bootstrap-tools/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
<Sonarpulse> Reason: image not found
<copumpkin> this MBP isn't building as fast as it could because it's decided to hard freeze when I give it too many concurrent builds
<Sonarpulse> :/
<Sonarpulse> classic Apple
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: that symptoms thing should've been resolved ages ago
<copumpkin> just reinstall nix
<Sonarpulse> oh ok
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: do you have store path for new nix?
<Sonarpulse> so I can nix-store -r?
<Sonarpulse> and then nix-env -i?
<Sonarpulse> channel is old old old
<copumpkin> can you evne run nix-store?
<copumpkin> why not just curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | shj?
<Sonarpulse> I thought!
<Sonarpulse> then I'll have to wipe
<Sonarpulse> I was on 1.11.12
<copumpkin> I'm on /nix/store/zqkqnhk85g2shxlpb04y72h1i3db3gpl-nix-1.11.11
<copumpkin> how are you on 1.11.12 and still having the symptoms issue
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] LnL7 opened pull request #1484: extend NIX_PATH in nix-daemon.sh (1.11-maintenance...extend-nix-path) https://git.io/v7t5W
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<LnL> old nixpkgs?
<copumpkin> but nix itself is happy?
<copumpkin> just the ancient channel is not?
<Sonarpulse> hmm
<Sonarpulse> let me go back and see
<aristid> so uh, i can't reproduce the failing tests on hydra
<aristid> they seem to pass fine for me
<aristid> what could cause that?
<Sonarpulse> now this is a bastardized half-grahamc install ;D:
<hyper_ch> triton - another fork :)
<copumpkin> when in doubt, blame gchristensen. That's what I do
<copumpkin> :)
<Sonarpulse> well, the gchristensen half is the good half :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] therealpxc opened pull request #27620: pythonPackages.yapf: 0.11.0 -> 0.16.3 (master...yapf) https://git.io/v7t5Q
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<aristid> gchristensen: why did you break hydra? :(
<copumpkin> that's more like it
<gchristensen> copumpkin: what have you done! :o
<aristid> hmm
<aristid> i'm using stable nix
<aristid> maybe that's why?
<gchristensen> if it is my fault, copumpkin broke it first
<aristid> gchristensen: i can blame you both equally if it makes you feel better :)
<gchristensen> it really doesn't
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<gchristensen> we all contribute what we can :P
<aristid> i think i can reproduce one of the failing tests
<aristid> at least it's hanging for like a minute now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] LnL7 closed pull request #1085: use /nix/var/tmp as default tmpRoot (master...darwin-nix-tmpdir) https://git.io/vPz4m
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: what was the cause of that problem?
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<Sonarpulse> I am now on 1.11.13 daemon and user
<aristid> gchristensen: i want the channel to update so everybody can benefit from my fix to the wireguard module to allow you not to store your private keys in the /nix/store! :)
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: nixpkgs has a libSystem in it that mentions that library and it doesn't exist in 10.12
<copumpkin> or something
<aristid> also, when will 1.12 become the default? :)
<Sonarpulse> aristid: by 18.03 maybe? :/
<gchristensen> aristid: we all do
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<copumpkin> niksnut: if it helps, I've been running nix 1.12 in my EC2 AMIs at work (lots of bootups!) for the past couple of months with no issue
<copumpkin> haven't done much "user" testing
<LnL> I've been using it on osx for about a week now
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<dshin> does nix package manager support nvidia opengl on ubuntu?
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<dshin> im having some driver conflicts
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<gchristensen> hard to believe it is almost time for 17.09
<gchristensen> about this time I switch to unstable to start hunting for problems
<aristid> gchristensen: ah, maybe the thing to blame you for is that you didn't switch to unstable yet, so that's why there are still problems! :)
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<copumpkin> I thought we agreed it was my fault
<gchristensen> yeah I mean I don't run unstable for a reason
<copumpkin> turns out I was wrong about gchristensen
<copumpkin> you can blame the blame of gchristensen on me
<Infinisil> gchristensen: The failing test :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nckx closed pull request #27616: borgbackup: 1.0.10 -> 1.0.11 (master...update-borg) https://git.io/v7tib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #27622: haproxy: 1.7.3 -> 1.7.8 (master...update/haproxy-1.7.8) https://git.io/v7tAK
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<aristid> gchristensen: i don't know, it's not that bad... most problems i have with unstable is that it doesn't update the channel quite often - i guess the tests do catch most stupid issues
<gchristensen> yeah, I just don't like running an insecure os locally
<Infinisil> LnL: Ohh, just noticed that nix-vim is by you :D
<LnL> yup
<Infinisil> LnL: Just found a case that doesn't work correctly heh
<aristid> gchristensen: fair enough :P
<LnL> Infinisil: feel free to open an issue :)
<LnL> or contribute if you like viml
<aristid> so this is weird: the nixos-unstable-small channel appears to be on a newer revision than the last hydra run for it that succeeded
<Infinisil> LnL: I have never done anything viml, but I'll have a look
<Infinisil> LnL: It's an expression like this that's failing: "${${foo.bar}}baz" (baz has wrong color)
<LnL> well don't look at the source if you don't like regexes then :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] adisbladis opened pull request #27623: python36: 3.6.1 -> 3.6.2 (master...python362) https://git.io/v7tpq
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<Infinisil> LnL: Too late :O
<Infinisil> Is it possible to use an actual parser for vims syntax highlighting?
<Infinisil> Because damn, those regexes..
<LnL> pff a parser, who needs that
<LnL> not that I know of sadly
<Infinisil> Damn
<Infinisil> I guess it's possible to implement LSP, which would be nice
<taktoa> Infinisil: this is relevant: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1102
<LnL> syntax isn't even the hard part, indentation is super tricky
<Infinisil> taktoa: That looks promising
<Infinisil> LnL: I'm still wondering sometimes what the best indentation should be
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<Infinisil> Sometimes nix-vim screws a bit with me :P
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<copumpkin> any objections to merging straight to master? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27618 (niksnut?)
<copumpkin> I'd want to merge to master and then force evaluate nixpkgs trunk
<copumpkin> on hydra
<copumpkin> joachifm: ^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] Ericson2314 opened pull request #1485: utils: Disambiguate between normal and malformed EOF in nix::readLine. (master...utils-clarity) https://git.io/v7tjw
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<FRidh> pushing more of these mass rebuilds to master will only create larger delays
<copumpkin> FRidh: you get why I want it though, right?
<copumpkin> I really just want to revert the channel
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<copumpkin> but I don't have an easy way to do that
<FRidh> There's currently 4 large sets that are being built
<copumpkin> I get it
<gchristensen> cancel the old ones
<FRidh> copumpkin: I understand, and wish those breaking changes would have been reverted as well, but on staging.
<copumpkin> FRidh: me too, but wishing won't get us anywhere right now :)
<copumpkin> I just want a nix install / channel update to not break a bunch of users
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<domenkozar> for such cases we might need to rollback the channel
<FRidh> copumpkin: if you want to get us somewhere you should pause the gcc6 and haskell builds and revert changes on staging.
<copumpkin> I'd be okay cancelling some evals but I don't think I have such powers
<copumpkin> can they be paused?
<domenkozar> we can just bump the builds in a queue
<copumpkin> I only have minimal powers on hydra
<domenkozar> as long as you tell me which one :D
<gchristensen> I can also help
<copumpkin> well, I want to merge this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27618
<copumpkin> unless someone thinks there's a better way to fix the channel
<copumpkin> I'd also be okay reverting the channel, but I imagine only one person has that power
<copumpkin> maybe 2
<copumpkin> and I don't think we've done that before
<LnL> I don't think staging is in a state where we can merge in when the val is finished right now
<copumpkin> yeah, that was my concern
<copumpkin> I think that's probably going to be a gnarly merge too
<gchristensen> maybe we should organize a video chat
<domenkozar> sec
<copumpkin> not saying this is a good situation to be in, I just think merging this fix to master is probably our best bet to fix things quickly
<gchristensen> between People With Power To Do Things in order to get this solved
<copumpkin> I'm actually in a meeting with some folks from work right now, so can't meet :)
<domenkozar> slacker
<copumpkin> :P
<domenkozar> :P
<gchristensen> what're we paying you for? :D
<copumpkin> this is actually important for my work
<domenkozar> ok I'm going to merge that for master
<domenkozar> and cancel all other stuff
<domenkozar> seems most least impactful
<gchristensen> maybe eelco can temporarliy increase build capacity too
<copumpkin> sounds good to me
<domenkozar> to converge to a stable state
<gchristensen> I might be able to get us a second t2 for a day
<domenkozar> here we go
<copumpkin> thanks domenkozar
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #27618: stdenv/setup.sh: undo `local -n` change (master...no-local-n) https://git.io/v7tXA
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* domenkozar purs some wine
<domenkozar> pours*
<aristid> copumpkin: so you actually knew what caused the channel breakage?
* Sonarpulse wants to hop on spin bike to power extra server node
<aristid> anyways, i'll still finish my git-bisect
<Sonarpulse> aristid: me
<copumpkin> hmm? we might be talking about different stuff aristid
<gchristensen> domenkozar: hmm I was with you on the coffee before, but it is too early here for wine
<aristid> copumpkin: the channel not evaluating due to failing tests
<Sonarpulse> not *evaluating*?
<domenkozar> we have good wine so it's always time for wine
<copumpkin> aristid: this is due to impurity in nix-shell and Sonarpulse liking modern bash features
<aristid> Sonarpulse: i mean the tests failing, whatever :D
<Sonarpulse> ok
<copumpkin> aristid: I'm concerned about nixpkgs-unstable, not nixos-*
<Sonarpulse> aristid: also another due to impure nix-env
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: $1.25 per hour for a T2, you can Sponsor A Builder
<aristid> copumpkin: oh, then it's different indeed
* copumpkin grins
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: just paypal me the amount you want to sponsor :)
<aristid> copumpkin: it's really easy to miss the difference between those 3 characters!
<domenkozar> clever: have you figured out why nixos tests timeout?
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: know how long these things take?
<aristid> domenkozar: i'm git-bisecting it! :)
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: our current capacity, we can build a mass rebuild in ~24hrs IIRC
<domenkozar> aristid: it was something in staging branch
<domenkozar> so that should take long to bisect :P
<aristid> domenkozar: ok :D
<clever> domenkozar: i tracked it down to mke2fs hanging in stage-1, but it refused to reproduce once i straced it
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I think it is because the disks were being hammered at 50-100M/s write activity, and 10-50M/s read.
<aristid> domenkozar: at least i can still watch youtube videos because i have a build server now \o/
<clever> domenkozar: i was able to reproduce it 2 or 3 times when my system was basically idle, so high disk load isnt a hard requirement
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<aristid> clever: i have one test which is consistently hanging
<aristid> clever: nixos.tests.nat.standalone.x86_64-linux
<clever> aristid: where is it hanging for you?
<aristid> router# [ 9.048500] dhcpcd[639]: forked to background, child pid 737
<aristid> server# [ 9.120876] dhcpcd[711]: eth0: Router Advertisement from fe80::2
<aristid> server# [ 9.121979] dhcpcd[711]: eth0: adding address fec0::5054:ff:fe12:3456/64
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: btw that darwin bootstrapping problem
<Sonarpulse> on 1.11.13 now
<gchristensen> anyone else want to pitch in for extra build capacity? $1.25/hr, I've already got 24 build-hours committed :)
<Sonarpulse> deleted the boostrap tarball derivation
<clever> aristid: ah, that sounds like a different problem , after stage-2
<copumpkin> ?
<Sonarpulse> the missing dylib one
<Sonarpulse> when I try to go on darwin build my quotes PR
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<aristid> clever: ok, that's annoying
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<LnL> gchristensen: sure
<copumpkin> Sonarpulse: what's your channel?
<clever> aristid: the problem i was focusing on was in stage-1, it didnt even get as far as mounting the rootfs
<copumpkin> that's what will cause this
<gchristensen> LnL: how many hours? :)
<Sonarpulse> nixpkgs-unstable
<aristid> gchristensen: per hour of what?
<gchristensen> server time
<domenkozar> Sonarpulse: how is ld-wrapper hate-apple fix doing?
<LnL> dunno how much do we need?
<Sonarpulse> domenkozar: ld seems to be crashing
<gchristensen> dunno :P last I checked it takes about 24hrs to do a full mass rebuild if not a lot else is going on
<adisbladis[m]> gchristensen: I'll happily throw some money your way :) Where to send it?
<aristid> domenkozar: i like the name of the fix
<aristid> gchristensen: like is it one beefy machine, or?
<domenkozar> Sonarpulse: jesus
<LnL> aristid: that's an understatement :)
<gchristensen> aristid: $1.25/hr gets us a nice box https://www.packet.net/bare-metal/servers/type-2-virtualization/
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<Sonarpulse> domenkozar: well to be precise, failing without any -v printout as to why
<Sonarpulse> not sure
<Sonarpulse> shlevy and I were going to take a look
<gchristensen> 24 physical cores, 256GB ram, 2x10gb bonded nics, 1.7T storage
<Sonarpulse> but I've been busy atoning for my nixpkgs breakage sins on the early side for EU time
<aristid> gchristensen: shouldn't that be 48 physical cores? :) it says it's a two socket machine
<Sonarpulse> so when I get back to such things not sure what his workday will be at
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<Infinisil> But can it run Crysis?
<domenkozar> I have used weeder to get our dependencies down
<domenkozar> so we might have a week
<aristid> gchristensen: ah it's not the big core count xeon :D
<domenkozar> :D
<aristid> gchristensen: at work we only have the 2x22-core type xeon machines :D i love seeing my software take up 70+ cores and use them to full utilization
<gchristensen> aristid: nice, we have a 96 core build box too -- the type 2A -- much slower clock speed though
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<aristid> gchristensen: yeah it's probably not really optimal to standardise on the huge core count version, but whatever
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<aristid> gchristensen: 96 core... that's a xeon e7 then?!
<aristid> gchristensen: who buys e7s?
<gchristensen> Cavium ThunderX
<aristid> oh
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<copumpkin> domenkozar: so you've triggered a new eval and cancelled old builds?
<domenkozar> yes
<copumpkin> thanks :)
<copumpkin> <3 <3
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<joepie91> gchristensen: I can irregularly pitch in when the freelance business is good :P
<gchristensen> (back in 25 minutes)
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<joepie91> (which unfortunately is not right now)
<copumpkin> gchristensen: happy to throw money at it if it's easy to spin up and throw into the mix
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<copumpkin> I expect the autoscaling EC2 instances things would probably be easier
<gchristensen> we already do that
<copumpkin> yeah, I just don't know what triggers it
<gchristensen> # of jobs
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<copumpkin> niksnut: need a magic bitcoin address that turns up the # of hydra nodes based on how much money gets sent to it :P
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<gchristensen> how about our own cryptocurrency called buildcoin (lol)
<xplat|work> so, like, say i want to use nix to build some containers, but my dev box is not nixos
<joepie91> copumpkin: that actually sounds pretty neat and doable
<xplat|work> how would i do this?
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<joepie91> "builds too slow? throw in some BTC!"
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<copumpkin> xplat|work: linux?
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<taktoa> nixcoin
<joepie91> gchristensen: and you mine buildcoins by submitting nixpkgs PRs? :P
<taktoa> lol
<aristid> copumpkin: maybe make an ICO, scam uuuh i mean "attract" a lot of buyers, and use all funds to buy hardware for hydra!
<joepie91> (I am not entirely serious)
<xplat|work> yeah, it's debian stretch actually
<joepie91> (this is unfortunately a necessary footnote)
<clever> aristid: oops, the site was hacked within 5 minutes of launch, the hacker got all of our funds!
<copumpkin> xplat|work: so dockerTools should just work
<Sonarpulse> joepie91: bu bu bu we need to build all those PRs!
<joepie91> clever: that has got to be one of the most shameful tricks I've ever seen
<gchristensen> you have to _pay_ buildcoin to submit a pr
<joepie91> lol
<aristid> domenkozar: btw will the foundation ever make a financial report? :P
<aristid> gchristensen: i think you should be able to make security fixes for free, but adding a new package is BTCBTCBTC
<xplat|work> copumpkin: the docs i found on dockerTools were a little sparse. and ideally i'd also run nix in a container so i could isolate the build-deps
<et4te> does anyone know which key hydra uses to clone repositories? Machine hosting hydra can clone repos with id_rsa.pub within ~/.ssh, however Hydra appears not to use this because build fails with host key verification error
<gchristensen> host key verification is _NOT_ ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
<clever> et4te: sudo -u hydra -i, then ssh into the target host to populate ~/.ssh/known_hosts
<clever> et4te: there is also a nixos option to pre-populate it system wide
<aristid> gchristensen: you guys should totally add some machines with these: http://ark.intel.com/products/120491/Intel-Xeon-Gold-6152-Processor-30_25M-Cache-2_10-GHz
<clever> et4te: programs.ssh.knownHosts
<clever> et4te: refer to 'man configuration.nix'
<gchristensen> aristid: https://nixos.org/nixos/community.html has information on how to make such a donation :)
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<aristid> gchristensen: i meant your company.
<aristid> gchristensen: and not as a donation, just as a part of the lineup.
<aristid> gchristensen: i wouldn't be a customer though, because i don't need such things privately :P
<gchristensen> aristid: oh I don't work at packet :)
<aristid> gchristensen: huh, you seem to have some kind of relationship with them though?
<LnL> heh :)
<clever> bbl
<gchristensen> aristid: I'm quite good at writing proposals to businesses and developing those relationships
<aristid> anyways, i'm not going to resume my donation to the nixos foundation until it has better (any, really) reporting.
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse, LnL, adisbladis[m], copumpkin -- looks like we're going to scale up in alternative means for now, I'll let you know later if we're going to go the T2 route
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: ok sounds good!
<et4te> clever: thanks for the info, so its hydra rather than root user whose SSH key matters when cloning repos? I'm not sure what known hosts do here, the scenario i have is simply getting hydra cloning from private repos. So I just added ssh keys (public) to bitbucket expecting it to work as normal.
<gchristensen> but if you want to send me cash anyway ... :P
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I'm seeing a lot of idle macs and no builds on them from nixpkgs:trunk. Should I be concerned?
<et4te> honestly i wouldn't be averse to donating some BTC or something
<et4te> so that documentation is improved
<gchristensen> et4te: the user's SSH key has nothing to do with this error, as I've told you many times
<copumpkin> gchristensen: thanks :)
<et4te> gchristensen: yes but I didn't understand your answer
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<et4te> gchristensen: hence why I asked the question multiple times
<gchristensen> why didn't you say so? :P
<xplat|work> et4te really here you need to be looking at the docs for ssh, rather than for hydra or nixos
<et4te> its hard to know what you don't understand at first, thats why
<gchristensen> you said you didn't understand, so you knew you didn't understand, so you should have told me you didn't understand :)
<et4te> lol
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<et4te> xplat|work: that may be the case but its with running hydra that the issue arose, and thus i thought it would be ok to ask here
<xplat|work> it is ok to ask here afaik
<xplat|work> i'm just telling you which docs have answers
<symphorien> is there an equivalent of builtins.tryEval but for building instead of evaluating ?
<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: (forgot to ping back) I am building the tip of staging + one commit
<Sonarpulse> boootstrapp tools is /nix/store/49g980lqdsy92rji8bw3qlj7qk24a82f-bootstrap-tools/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
<xplat|work> basically files beginning with id_ are the ones for verifying the identity of the *user* whose .ssh directory it is, and known_hosts is used to verify the identity of the machines they ssh into
<Sonarpulse> I see the comment in there explaining what happend
<Sonarpulse> very odd
<Sonarpulse> oh, time for ppl here to eat --- poor timing on my part my bad
<xplat|work> copumpkin: so i want to build nix expressions that build containers, but i also want to do the building in a container
<sphalerite[m]> Anyone know a good self-hostable service that's similar to owncloud but not a PHP nightmare to maintain? Maybe something with an existing NixOS module?
<et4te> so yea, generating a key to ~/.ssh for id_rsa + id_rsa.pub for the _hydra_ user solved the problem
<LnL> xplat|work: nix runs fine in a docker container
<et4te> thank you clever
<xplat|work> LnL: is there a good image to start with? i found nixos/nix but people have reported that some things from nixpkgs don't build right in it
<LnL> don't know what the state of that image is, but I made https://github.com/LnL7/nix-docker
<copumpkin> xplat|work: why do you care about running the build itself in a container? nix has its own sandboxing mechanisms
<copumpkin> xplat|work: but building the container image with nix should be pretty easy using dockerTools.buildImage (like http://lethalman.blogspot.com/2016/04/cheap-docker-images-with-nix_15.html)
<aristid> domenkozar: i guess i'm lucky, the bisect is almost finished
<aristid> despite staging
<et4te> gchristensen: so yeah the users SSH key had everything to do with this error btw
<gchristensen> that is not what host key verification failures are
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I don't think the latest evaluation is doing anything for darwin :(
<gchristensen> but perhaps you solved that problem while doing something else
<et4te> well, generating an SSH key solved the host key verification problem...
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<gchristensen> ok, if you insist, I'm not interested in debating it
<et4te> nope, i generated an SSH key for the hydra user, and added the id_rsa.pub to bitbucket
<et4te> i'm just letting you know
<xplat|work> LnL: i guess the main issue with nixos/nix is it's nix-on-alpine and the version of alpine is outdated enough that a lot of modern ssl certs are unrecognized
<LnL> ah, my image uses cacert from nixpkgs
<copumpkin> argh, we have a ton of new failures on trunk: http://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1378129
<LnL> xplat|work: it's actually also built with the dockerTools :)
<aristid> copumpkin: due to your change?
<copumpkin> no
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rvl opened pull request #27624: hyper-haskell: init at [WIP] (master...hyper-haskell) https://git.io/v7qk7
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<copumpkin> not as far as I can tell
<copumpkin> did someone relaunch the perl build?
<gchristensen> I think so
<domenkozar> yes
<copumpkin> :D
<copumpkin> what was the failure before? I was poking at the log and accidentally closed the tab
<copumpkin> and now the log is gone
<LnL> copumpkin: the darwin cctools are building from trunk
<copumpkin> oh cool
<gchristensen> something about getopt long
<LnL> everything else is just waiting to get through the bootstrap bottleneck
<copumpkin> I still find it super unintuitive how it picks a random package to attribute dependencies to
<copumpkin> like it's haskellPackages.hinotify
<LnL> yeah
<et4te> there was a mention in a talk about hydra about intensionality, is that intensionality as in Lucid?
<gchristensen> it is because hydra just picks a random start attr to build and tries to build it
<et4te> actually sry the talk was about nix
<copumpkin> I know :)
<copumpkin> I just think it's unintuitive
<gchristensen> yeah
<LnL> hold on folks I'm building a haskell package!
<gchristensen> it'd be neat if there was a graph analysis that found the root and started from there
<copumpkin> et4te: intensional: https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf
<copumpkin> gchristensen: yeah
<LnL> an overview of the running steps would also be nice
<copumpkin> et4te: basically it's a different model for the hashing/dependencies in nix
<LnL> that makes more sense then a build when rebuilding
<copumpkin> et4te: not actually implemented in any released version of nix
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<sphalerite[m]> Is there a simple way to describe the difference between the intensional and extensional models? I've taken a shot at reading the thesis but didn't really understand that part.
<et4te> sure, extensional is closed world, intensional has an implicit context
<sphalerite[m]> `# curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
<sphalerite[m]> bash: curl: command not found`
<sphalerite[m]> >_>
<aristid> so apparently this commit broke the NAT test: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/3a891c67fc87b3c591e75ca78af1c8d9b33445c5
<sphalerite[m]> `# curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
<et4te> as in, as far as i understand it extensionality is simply description of structure, like an n dimensional matrix whereas intensionality is a mapping of possible worlds, but simplified values with arbitrary contexts
<sphalerite[m]> bash: curl: command not found`
<sphalerite[m]> \>_>
<aristid> i don't quite understand why
<aristid> sphalerite[m]: you need to have curl in your linux install...
<niksnut> sphalerite[m]: intensional == totally content-addressed nix store (so a store path hash equals the hash of the contents of that path)
<dash> sphalerite[m]: hash-of-inputs vs hash-of-outputs, basically
<niksnut> right
<sphalerite[m]> aristid: yeah I realise that, but I didn't realise that curl isn't installed by default in a debootstrapped debian :p
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<dash> sphalerite[m]: wget more likely to be there than curl
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<sphalerite[m]> I see. Sort of.
<sphalerite[m]> dash: indeed it is there. Oh well, I've installed curl now.
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<sphalerite[m]> Will the installer script set up a multi-user install if run as root?
<sphalerite[m]> `sh: sorry, there is no binary distribution of Nix for your platform` :(
<sphalerite[m]> What does platform mean in this case?
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<sphalerite[m]> I thought there were binaries available for ARM
<gchristensen> our installer doesn't handle that yet :/
<LnL> you can create tar of the closure and copy that to the host to boostrap
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<sphalerite[m]> ooh ok
<sphalerite[m]> But where do I get the ARM binaries and their closure?
<LnL> you can download it from a cache with nix-store -r
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<LnL> eg. nix-store -r /nix/store/36n4gjxwln1v9i660g4nn4z6ibq1xvx7-nix-1.11.13 for aarch64-linux
<sphalerite[m]> And how do I get the derivation? :p
<LnL> and then nix-store -qR /nix/store/36n4gjxwln1v9i660g4nn4z6ibq1xvx7-nix-1.11.13 | tar -czf nix-closure.tar.gz -T -
<copumpkin> the latest nixpkgs:trunk linux build is looking pretty screwy
<aristid> i really don't understand why fixing the build of re2c would break the nixos NAT test
<LnL> perl keeps failing
<LnL> recipe for target 'manifypods' failed
<LnL> not sure what that's about
<copumpkin> it isn't failing on my local machine :(
<aristid> copumpkin: and now the committ that seemed to succeed is failing too
<aristid> oh you're talking about perl
<LnL> hmm it didn't rebuild yet
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<NickHu> Guys what's the latest advice for getting nixos running on a scaleway server? I've heard things about kexec
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<sphalerite[m]> I don't know if anyone's installed on scaleway specifically though
<LnL> not sure either, but I've used clever's kexec script before and it worked perfectly
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<NickHu> Great, thanks guys
<NickHu> Is this kexec stuff a new/recent discovery or something?
<sphalerite[m]> kexec has been around for a long time
<sphalerite[m]> I don't know when clever started playing with it though
<domenkozar> copumpkin: :(
<domenkozar> is that a regression on master?
<copumpkin> not sure, trying to build perl on my beefy AWS instance now
<copumpkin> against master
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<wak-work> aristid: copumpkin: funny, i don't think i've really changed booting in triton in a long time either
<aristid> wak-work: are you _using_ triton tho? :)
<wak-work> yeah i dont use any upstream nixos
<wak-work> i can't anymore
<copumpkin> why "can't"?
<wak-work> configuration options have diverged
<wak-work> packages i use aren't packaged / up to date
<copumpkin> ah fair enough
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<gchristensen> bummer that we split :(
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I'm really confused
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<copumpkin> so I git checkout 838a6b747c1420f071d48ac90a51654e3821e79e
<copumpkin> which is the input to that eval
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<copumpkin> I nix-build -A perl
<copumpkin> and I get a differtent hash from hydra
<copumpkin> e.g., look at http://hydra.nixos.org/build/56939931
<copumpkin> Build of /nix/store/7ywsdc18bc367s7jaf3backpjv4hv6g4-perl-5.24.1-devdoc,
<copumpkin> /nix/store/qjnpdx6bls5gykg8l6gb39bswd9bbryv-perl-5.24.1-man,
<avn> maybe would be nice, to backport cool stuff from triton back to nixpkgs
<copumpkin> /nix/store/cn2ic2xkrn8dlmqp9h8xb97ydfkz82xz-perl-5.24.1
<copumpkin> mine gives me /nix/store/9q6j66q3ga7q6r89n33bxjh7p6nii76s-perl-5.24.1
<clever> copumpkin: what about: nix-build -A perl --arg config '{}'
<copumpkin> same
<aristid> gchristensen: at least wak-work didn't replace nix with scheme :)
<copumpkin> it's a fresh box with no config
<clever> copumpkin: and -A perl.decdov ?
<gchristensen> aristid: meh, gnu's gonna gnu
<copumpkin> fun permutation
<wak-work> aristid: fuck that
<clever> perl.devdoc
<copumpkin> /nix/store/s9pscagqfvnvphfw9jwxqlgv1sj8v6px-perl-5.24.1-devdoc
<copumpkin> all different
<clever> copumpkin: yep, let me check that hydra url
<aristid> wak-work: true, we should replace nix with haskell instead *trololol*
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<copumpkin> I thought Go was the rage nowadays
<copumpkin> sounds like the perfect language for specifying packages
<copumpkin> >_>
<wak-work> aristid: i would be okay with that but ghc is heavvvvvy
<copumpkin> wak-work: hugs!
<Infinisil> aristid: I'm all for it
<copumpkin> simple C implementation of Haskell
<copumpkin> nobody maintains it but maybe they should :)
<Infinisil> "simple" implementation of Haskell..
<clever> copumpkin: i'm guessing its one of the perl's in the bootstrap of stdenv
<Infinisil> I don't know if that exists
<wak-work> copumpkin: it's called core :p
<copumpkin> it's as close to simple as we're going to get for Haskell :)
<LnL> hmm, does that actually exist ghc just for core?
<wak-work> i mean you could build just core
<copumpkin> then you still have to produce core :D
<wak-work> yeah
<wak-work> that's the replacement for nix
<wak-work> lol
<clever> copumpkin: the path for 'at' in the nixpkgs rev does match up, checking its --tree
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<clever> copumpkin: yeah, i can confirm 2 perls in the closure of at, and the hydra failed on the one that isnt in the perl attr
<copumpkin> oh lovely
<copumpkin> but I can build at
<clever> copumpkin: and checking --tree, i can confirm the 2nd perl that is failing, is under stdenv-linux-boot -> binutils -> bison -> perl
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<copumpkin> must be some sort of impurity somewhere?
<copumpkin> I'll rerun with sandbox
<clever> i think that perl is build against the bootstrap binutils
<clever> and is used to build the bison and binutils that become the final stdenv
<copumpkin> aha, getting the failure now with sandbox
<copumpkin> actually no different failure
<copumpkin> but same perl
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<copumpkin> build-use-sandbox isn't working, complains about operation not permitted o.O
<clever> is this on a nixos machine?
<copumpkin> nah, CentOS
<clever> the build must run as root (or nix-daemon as root) for sandboxes to work
<wak-work> and sandboxed builds dont work?
<LnL> my gcc is still building
<wak-work> clever:
<clever> it needs root to setup the sandbox and drop privs
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<wak-work> yeah
<copumpkin> oh yeah
<copumpkin> makes sense, forgot default linux installer wasn't multi-user
<wak-work> is there a multi-user one?
<copumpkin> sigh, error: the group ‘nixbld’ specified in ‘build-users-group’ does not exist
<wak-work> yeah
<copumpkin> wak-work: the macOS one just switched thanks to gchristensen
<wak-work> gotta add all the nix users
<wak-work> yeah i use this on ubuntu 14.04
<copumpkin> I just want to run a build with sandbox
<copumpkin> wah
<clever> copumpkin: you need to create a nixbld1 user and put it into the nixbld group
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> user namespaces :P
<clever> any time nix has root, it will want to do that, even if sandboxes are off
* sphalerite[m] uploaded an image: file1500931347652.jpg (144KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/jSibpNxQozQJRzpFoAVDPwJS>
<clever> user namespaces just make it more determisistic, so the build doesnt know which build user its on
<sphalerite[m]> Some interesting errors while trying to build nix... :D
<clever> sphalerite[m]: run "reset" in that terminal
<clever> sphalerite[m]: you ran cat on a binary file, and it changes the font settings
<copumpkin> clever: but then I wouldn't need to create a top-level nixbldX user
<clever> copumpkin: it still needs a nixbldX user on the host, to map the usernamespace to
<clever> copumpkin: user namespacing works by mapping a real uid on the host to a fake uid in the guest
<sphalerite[m]> clever: I did not run cat on a binary file, I ran make on nix :p and reset seems to have broken it further
<clever> sphalerite[m]: weird
<copumpkin> can't I just have a single nix builder user though that way?
<clever> sphalerite[m]: what about 'ctrl+c' then 'reset' ?
<clever> copumpkin: yeah, just a single nixbld1 is fine
<sphalerite[m]> broken it further as in blanked the screen, now the cursor is in the top left and the tty doesn't respond to any keypresses anymore
<clever> sphalerite[m]: :O
<clever> sphalerite[m]: you know about SAK?
<clever> the linux version of ctrl+alt+del to login
<sphalerite[m]> I can still switch ttys though
<sphalerite[m]> I do not know about SAK
<clever> this lets you hard kill everything in the tty, returning control to the login prompt
<clever> ALT-SYSRQ-K
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #27625: hydra: 2017-06-22 -> 2017-07-24 (master...hydra-upgrade) https://git.io/v7qCW
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<sphalerite[m]> I can kill it from another tty though
<copumpkin> clever: gah, I was able to build that perl fine
<copumpkin> even with sandbox
<copumpkin> :(
<clever> copumpkin: what if you restart the job on hydra?
<copumpkin> I think domenkozar already did that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #27626: hydra: 2017-06-22 -> 2017-07-24 (NixOS-17.03) (release-17.03...hydra-upgrade-17.03) https://git.io/v7qCo
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<clever> the logs on hydra dont show signs of that
<copumpkin> oh
<copumpkin> I don't have a job to restart
<copumpkin> it attributed teh failure to this: http://hydra.nixos.org/build/56956532
<copumpkin> I can restart that, but will it restart perl?
<LnL> yes
<copumpkin> okay
<clever> it will just build the entire closure of that job
<clever> and repeat anything that has failed
<LnL> ^
<clever> but other jobs that failed due to perl wont be restarted
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<clever> if you confirm that the perl is fixed, restart all failing jobs in http://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1378129
<LnL> yeah even if they where rebuilt as part of the closure
<sphalerite[m]> http://ix.io/yGa interesting build log...
<sphalerite[m]> I think I need to badblocks the SD card
<clever> sphalerite[m]: weird, nix-store --verify --check-contents ?
<sphalerite[m]> clever: I don't have nix there yet :(
<clever> ah
<sphalerite[m]> I'm trying to build it
<clever> ah yeah, /usr/, i see
<sphalerite[m]> from debian
<sphalerite[m]> on chromeos
<clever> what arch?
<clever> ahh, arm?
<sphalerite[m]> armv7l/armhf
<sphalerite[m]> yeah
<clever> i have a tar of that
<sphalerite[m]> ooooh!
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<sphalerite[m]> Still, I should check that the SD card isn't bad before continuing
<clever> sphalerite[m]: you know the source of nixos.org/nix/install ?
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<clever> sphalerite[m]: how it has a list of tar's for every platform?
<sphalerite[m]> For a limited definition of every, yeah?
<clever> every supported platform
<aristid> is there a way to tell the nixos test suite to run a test more than once?
<clever> i have a tar for arm, that that script could accept
<sphalerite[m]> nice
<clever> dang, had
<clever> the nw hydra hasnt built it yet, and i deleted the jobset from the old hydra
<niksnut> fyi, the hydra spot instance provisioner is back up
<clever> i'll restart that hydra job
<clever> sphalerite[m]: https://hydra.angeldsis.com/build/59300 if you want to keep an eye on it
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: has anyone mentioned that nix-profile-daemon.sh uses a coreutils-only argument to stat?
<Sonarpulse> while the topic of the day is my new Bash features, figured I'd mention it :D
<sphalerite[m]> clever: thanks!
<nh2> aszlig: I have a situation with nixops where I set up a Hetzner but specified a nonexistent device for a partition. Now it's stuck in `Starting / Obsolete`. I don't seem to be able to tell it to start anew from rescue mode. Do you know what to do in this case?
<copumpkin> niksnut: yay! any idea what the perl failure is?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #27625: hydra: 2017-06-22 -> 2017-07-24 (master...hydra-upgrade) https://git.io/v7qCW
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<copumpkin> niksnut: the latest nixpkgs:trunk evaluation is failing basically all of the linux builds because a bootstrap perl fails for a reason I can't reproduce locally
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<Infinisil> Sonarpulse: What new bash features?
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: namerefs
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: almost mapfile
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: Associative arrays
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<Infinisil> Sonarpulse: associative arrays = hashmap?
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: well its a Map<String, String>
<Sonarpulse> "Associative arrays" normally means a shitty array of key-value pairs
<Sonarpulse> but not sure what Bash does in practice
<Infinisil> Sonarpulse: I think PHP calls this array lol
<Sonarpulse> :D
<clever> both php and lua allow strings and int as keys in an array
<clever> lua even allows objects to be keys
<clever> lua also allows 0 to be a key, but the iterator starts at 1
<Infinisil> clever: But then it's not an array anymore, but a map
<clever> yeah
<niksnut> copumpkin: link?
<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: bash allows allows "sparce arrays"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7q4o
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 7dc735e Bas van Dijk: hydra: 2017-06-22 -> 2017-07-24...
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<Sonarpulse> copumpkin: something on staging must have broke darwin boot
<Sonarpulse> I'll bisect it
<copumpkin> niksnut: note the sudden thousands of linux failures on http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/trunk.
<copumpkin> niksnut: I requested a restart on the build that perl was billed to
<Sonarpulse> those 38 derivations better be very proud of themselves!
<copumpkin> so you can't see the actual logs
<clever> lua and php dont really treat the 2 things as seperate concepts
<clever> Infinisil: tis wifi lags too hard to have a convo, lol
<copumpkin> niksnut: but if i checkout the exact same hash on my linux box and run build with sandbox, I can build it just fine
<clever> copumpkin: also, the problem has only happened once on hydra so far
<copumpkin> I dunno
<copumpkin> top three evaluations
<clever> it cached the failure between them and assumes it will keep failing
<clever> it has no automatic retry
<copumpkin> fair enough
<copumpkin> but I can't uncache that :)
<copumpkin> the retry button isn't strong enough, it seems
<clever> under the admin menu at the top
<clever> clear failed builds cache
<copumpkin> I don't have such a menu
<clever> but its global
<clever> the main hydra may have more strict permissions
<clever> ive always had full access
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #27626: hydra: 2017-06-22 -> 2017-07-24 (NixOS-17.03) (release-17.03...hydra-upgrade-17.03) https://git.io/v7qCo
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<copumpkin> I dunno, I don't think I dop
<copumpkin> even though my user claims to be in the admin role
<niksnut> copumpkin: looks like the restart fixed it?
<niksnut> do you happen to have the original log?
<Infinisil> Why is HSTS not enabled for nixos.org? You guys keep sending http hydra links :(
<gchristensen> well there is one reason why we don't have HSTS
<copumpkin> niksnut: the error was almost exactly https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1413917
<copumpkin> niksnut: during the build of the bootstrap perl
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Which is?
<clever> niksnut: Makefile:445: recipe for target 'manifypods' failed
<gchristensen> Infinisil: we keep sending http links
<gchristensen> we need to first stop use HTTP anywhere before enabling HSTS
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<wak-work> huh?
<wak-work> no it just redirecvts
<Infinisil> Yeah
<Infinisil> It should work
<wak-work> the browser automatically forces the http link to https
<wak-work> which works fine
<copumpkin> niksnut: http://hydra.nixos.org/build/56956532 hasn't succeeded yet
<Infinisil> HSTS just redirects to HTTPS when accessing over HTTP
<Infinisil> wak-work: Not for me
<gchristensen> oh hmm :)
<wak-work> Infinisil: i meant in the hsts case
<clever> Infinisil: thats just a server side redirect, HSTS does it client side, and stops you fro turning it off
<Infinisil> I see
<clever> HSTS locks htt[s on for the domain, and stops dumb users from ignoring ssl errors
<niksnut> though that doesn't say everything
<copumpkin> niksnut: yeah, so I guess the original log is lost? it was the GetOpt message I linked to though
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<copumpkin> http://hydra.nixos.org/build/56956532#tabs-buildsteps still shows it as failed
<copumpkin> but the log link is succeeded
<copumpkin> o.O
<clever> niksnut: i still have the failed log open in a tab
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<copumpkin> weird that it's /build
<copumpkin> like relative to the root
<copumpkin> is that a perl thing?
<clever> that is weird
<niksnut> no, that's a new nix thing
<copumpkin> oh, sandbox builds with deterministic temp folder name?
<niksnut> yes
<copumpkin> nice L:)
<niksnut> it's possible that makes perl barf
<niksnut> not all build machines have this yet
<copumpkin> well, it didn't the second time around
<copumpkin> and also there have been other builds since that was merged haven't there?
<copumpkin> oh
<copumpkin> !
<copumpkin> nah, the successful log has /build in it
<niksnut> however, I'm fairly sure I've built perl locally in a sandbox several times recently
<niksnut> ah
<niksnut> it's probably a parallel build issue...
<copumpkin> ah, a missing makefile dep?
<copumpkin> but wait, doesn't hydra run with --cores 1?
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<niksnut> really all makefiles will fail at some point with -j
<niksnut> no
<copumpkin> hmm
<copumpkin> niksnut: so will hydra recover now that the perl build is alive again?
<copumpkin> or does it need a jolt?
<clever> may need to go up to the eval and restart all aborted jobs
<copumpkin> I'm never quite sure when something gets cached as a failure and won't retry
<gchristensen> if you restart an individually failed job it'll restart
<gchristensen> if something (A) depends on a job (B) that failed and you restart the failed job (B), you also have to restartA
<copumpkin> but all the things depending on it and the intermediate build steps will also restart?
<copumpkin> ah, so we need to restart the entire thing
<clever> copumpkin: the eval has a dedicated option, "restart all aborted jobs"
<copumpkin> "Restart all failed builds"?
<copumpkin> that's all I see
<clever> that one also works
<gchristensen> yeah
<clever> depends on what state they are in
<Infinisil> Umm, is also for others the case that nixos.org uses HTTP?
* copumpkin presses that button
<copumpkin> Infinisil: it does use http unless you ask for https
<copumpkin> probably good to redirect and HSTS it all
<Infinisil> copumpkin: Well.. That seems pretty bad..
<copumpkin> the threat being that someone observes you reading nixos manual or intercepts your conection and convinces you to install something that isn't nix, while making you think it is nix?
<Infinisil> At least the presented installer script uses https explicitly.. but still, it's 2017
<copumpkin> I don't deny that it'd be nicer to do https everywhere
<clever> copumpkin: what about the url's to the installer iso's?
<copumpkin> there's just a bajillion things to do and limited folks who can administer the site, all of whom have lots of other things to do :)
<gchristensen> Infinisil: you can send prs to the nixos-org-configuration repo (or similarly named)
<copumpkin> https on cloudfront
<Infinisil> gchristensen: This https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage?
<gchristensen> no
<joepie91> Infinisil: there's a nixops repo
<Infinisil> Ah
<joepie91> that one I think, yeah
<joepie91> that defines the nixos.org infra :)
<Infinisil> Ah it's using httpd, which I believe doesn't have a convenient HSTS option
<gchristensen> Infinisil: the #1 way to get things done in the NixOS community is to do them :)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I'm a bit hesitant about such an important thing as the website
<copumpkin> now I'm confused at the jobs on here that completed months ago: http://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1378129
<copumpkin> it's tricky with nixos-org-configurations
<copumpkin> because we mostly can't run them ourselves
<gchristensen> Infinisil: if you make a PR it won't get deployed
<Infinisil> copumpkin: That too yes
<copumpkin> you change the code and can't really make sure it'll work
<gchristensen> automatically, it'll be reviewed and then tested and deployed, and if it doesn't work it'll be reverted
<clever> copumpkin: if the job points to a storepath from a previous job, they share the same build#
<copumpkin> you can speculatively change something
<clever> copumpkin: and so it wont even show it as having finished in a cached state
<gchristensen> if you don't make a PR, it won't get deployed until someone else does it :P
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<copumpkin> clever: sure, but with mass rebuilds I wouldn't expect any build to last that long
<copumpkin> oh I see, they're fixed-output
<Infinisil> Who is paying for nixos' servers btw?
<clever> copumpkin: and because it was previously finished, hydra was able to flag it as done, without building curl
<gchristensen> Infinisil: they're provided by numerous companies
<copumpkin> also from foundation donations
<copumpkin> a lot of the macs came from donations to the foundation
<gchristensen> several are on the bottom of https://nixos.org/nixos/community.html
<Infinisil> I see :D
<clever> copumpkin: one oddity in nix, is that fixed-output derivations need a build of curl from the right arch
<clever> copumpkin: so if the build isnt done yet, and you used the arm fetchurl, it has to build an arm curl to dl it
<wak-work> huh?
<Infinisil> Is Eelco the only person with full access to everything?
<wak-work> fixed output should always be the host arch
<wak-work> assuming that's possible
<gchristensen> Infinisil: no
<clever> wak-work: (import <nixpkgs> { system = "armv7l-linux": }).fetchurl will demand an arm build of curl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #27627: nixos/zookeeper: escape cfg.extraCmdLineOptions (master...zookeeper-escape-shell) https://git.io/v7quJ
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<clever> wak-work: but it can reuse an x86 "build" of the tar, if one happens to be in the store
<clever> the problem, is that you can only define one way to create it
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<clever> so hydra cant pick the best one automatically
<wak-work> clever: is that reference a cross build?
<wak-work> idk how nixpkgs works anymore for cross compiling
<clever> the above nix expression is a native build
<clever> everything will be done on an armv7 build slave
<wak-work> yeah that makes sense then
<wak-work> idk what else you would want
<clever> the x86 is probably faster, and hydra could download it without involving any build slaves
<clever> but mixing the arches right can be tricky
<wak-work> well yeah if you had a system for seeding fixed-output stuff
<copumpkin> wak-work: if/when you get around to forking nix itself, you can call it tritonix
<wak-work> lol
<wak-work> we have some patches on top
<wak-work> but im trying to avoid anything major
<copumpkin> what patches?
<wak-work> they might not even be necessary anymore
<wak-work> i've been working on one to actually implement all of the fetchurl functionality in nix
<copumpkin> what for?
<wak-work> so you don't have to bootstrap it
<copumpkin> like the builtins.fetchurl?
<copumpkin> oh
<wak-work> yeah
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<wak-work> extending builtins.fetchurl to not suck
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<copumpkin> well, the eval-time one or the <nix/fetchurl> ?
<clever> <nix/fetchurl> cant unpack a tar, only a nar
<copumpkin> yeah
<wak-work> yeah
<wak-work> fetchurl can't either in trition
<wak-work> oh wait
<wak-work> yeah it can
<wak-work> jkl
<clever> so you need to provide a nar that contains a pre-built tar
<wak-work> no
<wak-work> why are you unpacking in fetchurl typically?
<clever> if you want to create the bootstrap tools, like the initial gcc for building stdenv
<wak-work> you mean to unpack the bootstrap tools?
<clever> yeah
<wak-work> that's not done in fetchurl though
<clever> yeah, right now its a busybox and a shell script
<clever> and the busybox supports ash, xz, and tar
<wak-work> yep
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<catern> hey #nixos
<gchristensen> hi catern
<catern> I want to pass a list of key-value pairs to a builder script
<Infinisil> catern: Good evening
<clever> catern: every attribute on a derivation becomes an env variable at build time
<catern> clever: but
<catern> I want to build it programmatically
<copumpkin> catern: if you want something more structured, you can also spit out some JSON into the builder and have something inside it consume it
<catern> oh, hmm
<copumpkin> you can also do that
<catern> I guess I can just use args@{ stdenv, etc. }
<copumpkin> mkDerivation ({ /* some attrs */ } // some-expression-producing-attrs)
<catern> then // args
<catern> (oh i didn't mention that that list of key-value pairs is my arguments)
<catern> i'll do it
<catern> thanks #nixos
<clever> sphalerite[m]: my armv7 gcc has started ubilding again
<catern> oh right
<catern> the issue is that I also want the list
<catern> er, I want both the list, and the names in the list
<catern> er...
<clever> yeah, it can be tricky to know which env vars where added
<clever> json might be simpler
<LnL> clever: talking about arm builds, did you increase the build timeout in hydra?
<catern> I have deps "foo", "bar", and "baz", and I want to both have the derivation paths corresponding to them, and the names themselves, because the names are meaningful to my build system
<LnL> mine keeps aborting
<catern> hmm, should I extract the name from the derivation path?
<clever> LnL: ive seen my hydra run a build for 48 hours before, and pass
<clever> catern: nix-repl> lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsFlatten (k: v: "${k} = ${v}") { a="a"; b="b"; })
<clever> "a = a\nb = b"
<LnL> I get the timed out after 7200 seconds of silence when building with hydra
<clever> catern: using this, you can turn a set into a series of shell commands
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<clever> LnL: ah, my arm build of llvm didnt go silent for that long
<clever> it was chatty the whole 48 hours, lol
<LnL> :/
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<catern> clever: neat, but scary
<Infinisil> I wondered about this for a while now. nixos.org/nix /nixpkgs and /nixops all have direct links to the manual at the header, but nixos.org doesn't, you need to click "Get NixOS" and then "Next Step: Manual"
matt__ is now known as lostInTheMatrix
<taktoa> Infinisil: nixos.org/nixos/manual
<Infinisil> Very inconvenienc
<Infinisil> taktoa: Yeah, but it's not in the header of nixos.org as with all others
<taktoa> oh wait nevermind, I get what you were saying
<taktoa> yeah
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<lostInTheMatrix> hi I can't do anything with nox/nix-env since I now always have "Upstream has ceased free support for grsecurity/PaX." though I don't think I enforce grsec. Full log http://paste.ubuntu.com/25165845/ (17.03 upgraded from 16.XX). Googled the pb but couldn't find a solution :'(
<gchristensen> lostInTheMatrix: hmm can you share your config please?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #27596: virtualbox: 5.1.22 -> 5.1.24 (master...virtualbox_5_1_24) https://git.io/v7Ijp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #27586: dpdk: 16.07.2 -> 17.05.1 (master...dpdk_17_05_1) https://git.io/v7I61
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7q2L
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c355fd8 Tim Steinbach: cryptodev: 1.8 -> 1.9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 907fa51 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #27583 from NeQuissimus/cryptodev_1_9...
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<lostInTheMatrix> gchristensen: sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/25165884/ my configuration.nix
<gchristensen> lostInTheMatrix: can you share your hardware-configuration.nix too please?
<lostInTheMatrix> gchristensen: sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/25165893/
<gchristensen> lostInTheMatrix: and how did you see this error? what command did you run? can you paste all of the output?
<lostInTheMatrix> gchristensen: thanks for the help. The full output was already in http://paste.ubuntu.com/25165845/ . It happens when I do $ nox <program>
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<gchristensen> ohh weird I don't know about nox
<et4te> gchristensen: you were right earlier. There were two errors, the host verify failure happened as you said because of known_hosts
<gchristensen> I know :)
<lostInTheMatrix> hum with nix-env I seem to be able to install (thought It failed too, but that might be because of another problem)
<et4te> :}
<gchristensen> lostInTheMatrix: https://github.com/madjar/nox/issues/64 :/
<lostInTheMatrix> gchristensen: nox = https://github.com/madjar/nox
<gchristensen> et4te: sorted now, though?
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<et4te> gchristensen: yeah working beautifully! :D
<gchristensen> I'm very glad :)
<et4te> is there a way to pay for documentation to be produced
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<lostInTheMatrix> nice find. I think the problems happened with nix-env too so I didn't check nox tracker but now nix-env seems fine so I can live with it (even if it's weird). thanks for the help
<et4te> like via BTC or something
<et4te> maybe 'donation' would be the more appropriate term
<gchristensen> et4te: unfortunately we're not setup to accept donations in exchange for specific work
<catern> hey #nixos, I have a strange silly proprietary package manager which I would like to hackily convert into Nix. should I write converter from its package specification into default.nix files? or should I write a Nix expression which reads its package specification and returns a derivation?
<catern> which would be more idiomatic?
<gchristensen> catern: the converter route
<gchristensen> et4te: but we're very happy to help you write documentation ... :)
<catern> i rescind my last comment about idiomatic, because i definitely know the converter is more idiomatic
<catern> do you still say converter, if I just care about the best way? :)
<et4te> gchristensen: ah oke. well sure when I understand things I will try to contribute
<gchristensen> et4te: you can open issues for underdocumented things
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<gchristensen> et4te: from there I guess you could put a Bugbounty on it, but I don't know if many people do that
<gchristensen> oh I can't even find a bounty thing for it
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<Infinisil> et4te: Did you encounter anything specific that was underdocumented?
<et4te> Infinisil: hydra.useSubstitutes was not obvious and non trivial to find out about
<et4te> the naming confused me because i was looking for something that fixed the binaryCache problem
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<et4te> jobsets in hydra, i haven't found a clear description of them anywhere really and how they relate to a package
<NickHu> Fwiw, the kexec thing doesn't work on scaleway, at least not anymore
<NickHu> It doesn't find any drives
<catern> what is the best language for generating Nix code?
<NickHu> I think scaleway changed recently - all their drives are /dev/nbd rather than /dev/vda now
<Infinisil> et4te: While I haven't used hydra a lot, it seems that the docs are indeed very sparse
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<Infinisil> catern: No idea, what are you planning to do?
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<copumpkin> rather than generating nix code, I'd generate json and consume it with nix code
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<copumpkin> most of the time you have a more restricted data model than what nix can express
<copumpkin> and json fits better and is easier to generate in other languages
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<c74d> Can one access the default value of a NixOS option when setting that option?
<NickHu> Actually, saying that, it might be because this is the first bare metal server I tried instead of vcloud for the discrepancy
<Infinisil> c74d: You can use `nixos-option services.openssh.enable`
<c74d> hm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] georgewhewell opened pull request #27628: add libcurl to radarr + sonarr wrappers (master...add-libcurl-to-sonarr-radarr-wrapper) https://git.io/v7qwo
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<c74d> Infinisil: you mean, I could parse the output of `nixos-option` to get the default value?
<Infinisil> c74d: Ah you mean programmatically
<c74d> yes
<Infinisil> c74d: Well you can evaluate arbitrary nix with nix-instantiate: nix-instantiate --eval -E '(m: m + 2) 3'
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<Infinisil> c74d: Figured it out: nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}).options.services.openssh.enable.default'
<c74d> I was reading the source of nixos-option
<catern> Infinisil: convert from a proprietary package format (like I was asking about above)
<gchristensen> Infinisil: are you really not going to put in a PR for https redirection?
<catern> copumpkin: wouldn't that be equivalent to writing Nix that reads the package specification?
<c74d> oh so it's really just option_path.default
<Infinisil> catern: Ah sry, understood it a bit different
<copumpkin> catern: I suppose :)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: I have been very active recently regarding open source (for my standards), maybe later
<gchristensen> bummer :( ok
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Well I actually don't know what I need to change to make it work even
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<Infinisil> I would've just changed http to https in a single line
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<gchristensen> that sounds like a good improvement already :P
<Infinisil> I don't know how to enable HSTS with apache
<Infinisil> gchristensen: There's also this: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/issues/26
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<c74d> Infinisil: thanks; using `options.[…].default` seems to work, with `options` being provided as a module argument (this is in configuration.nix)
<c74d> I didn't think it would be so simple
<Infinisil> c74d: Ahhh I see, I thought you wanted to access it from the command line
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<Infinisil> c74d: But yeah, it's pretty simple otherwise, that's what options is for
<Infinisil> (more or less)
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<gchristensen> indeed, Infinisil
<taktoa> catern: language-nix, hnix are available for haskell
<taktoa> cabal2nix is a good example of an application that does what you're trying to do
<catern> yeah
<catern> I thought Haskell was probably the option
<catern> probably the answer*
<catern> it's difficult for me to use it in my circumstance though :(
<Infinisil> catern: No Haskell experience?
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<catern> Infinisil: admittedly that's true but I have lots of experience in other typed functional languages... no, the actual issue is that I need to keep the dependency graph for my generator small
<Infinisil> catern: Why do you need to keep it small?
<catern> because it will be a build dep for everything else
<catern> so, bash it is! :)
<Infinisil> catern: I would totally use anything other than bash
<Infinisil> 1GB GHC installation, so what, may the people without 1GB of memory not be able to build it then
<catern> :)
<simpson> catern: Seriously, do the JSON route; it is *far* easier when you have a common lingua franca for data.