gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.09 release managers: vcunat and samueldr | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
<samueldr> :( #48025
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/48025 (by samueldr, 17 seconds ago, open): nixos/doc: Actually fix partitioning instructions.
<samueldr> (not really down, I just thought I was better than that :))
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<gchristensen> hehe, that is hard :)
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<gchristensen> andi-: I deployed the Nix deadlock fix to Ike
<andi-> gchristensen: \o/
<andi-> now we just have to figure out why sometimes (on the same machines) chromium is able to compile for >10h and most of the time it just times out and blocks the channel bump..
<niksnut> maybe we should just remove chromium from the channel? it's always slowing down the channel
<gchristensen> I'm really confused by why it can build in a short time under some circumstances, but then gets hung up on Hydra
<andi-> I am tempted to say yes.. Then again there are a lot of users depending on it and those will end up complaining about the (incomplete; from their perspective) bump :)
<andi-> nixos-18.09-with-chromium as new channel? ;)
<gchristensen> x.x
<gchristensen> we could mark the epyc machine to only build big-parallel jobs and set the max-jobs to 1, and cores to 48
<andi-> I wouldn't say only big-parallel since there isn't that many jobs that would run there then.
<andi-> I guess the problem is that we have other machines that are (and should be able to) handling big-parallel jobs so it doesn't become a SPoF
<gchristensen> we could set the max-jobs to 2 and cores to 24 and by luck of the draw it'll get hard jobs
<gchristensen> hydra could learn about "strongly-preferred-features" :)
<andi-> another nice feature would be able to have "bigger" jobs, e.g one job that weights 2,4,8,... jobs but then we would also need different core allocation code and adjusted hydra?
<{^_^}> nix#2307 (by ledettwy, 10 weeks ago, open): Consumable system features
<andi-> interesting approach... not sure if that wouldn't be a bit of hack too much
<Mic92> fpletz: something you can put into your network talk https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-container-and-ip-failover/1095 There is no module to enable forwarding for routers.
<manveru> should we maybe remove "NixOS is a relatively young Linux distribution" from the about page?
<gchristensen> definitely
<manveru> i guess compared to yggdrasil everything's young, but still :)
<Mic92> Yeah, the `Status` section needs an status update.
<fpletz> mic92: yeah, also with networkd the ip allocation for containers can be dynamic (though I haven't tried that yet)
<fpletz> mic92: also, I should probably open a PR with my WIP networking changes soon, nearly finished but some feedback before the talk would probably be nice
<Mic92> fpletz: feel free to include me and andi-
<fpletz> which reminds me, the wireguard module should also be ported to support networkd
<fpletz> thanks for adding wireguard support to networkd, mic92 :)
<gchristensen> nice!
<Mic92> fpletz: there is a open pull request for this but the tricky part is to support wireguard keys from files outside the nix store.
<Mic92> Maybe we should create those files at runtime before networkd starts.
<fpletz> and andi- added vrf support to networkd - been using it for a while now on my laptop so no regular program uses any uplink interface other than my vpn :)
<fpletz> oh, really? nice, will look that up first
<andi-> fpletz: wow, I have to tell you the story how that was merged once I had a few beers... Its terrifying ;)
<andi-> Tldr: maybe not systemd ;)
<dhess> So the Hydra is building haskellPackages on aarch64 now, but because of the single-job workaround that's needed for this, the GHC build is timing out: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/82539913/nixlog/1/tail
<fpletz> the biggest fnord for me was that the manpage mentioned the wrong name for the table option :P
<dhess> Any way to get the timeout bumped up for aarch64 builds so that we can get a working GHC?
<fpletz> andi-: you will be at nixcon, right? %)
<gchristensen> dhess: ghc: slow with 1 core, slow with 96 cores ... :)
<dhess> heheheh
<andi-> fpletz: yes
<dhess> samueldr: re: your comment earlier about tracking GHC builds in Hydra, I'm sorry I missed your question from earlier. I forgot that ZNC has me idling in this channel.
<dhess> Anyway, as you can see, I'm already on it :)
<samueldr> dhess: :D it was mostly in jest, but with hope that you could check
<dhess> gchristensen: BTW GHC 8.4.3 finishes in "just" 9 hours on the community builder
<dhess> so that's actually progress, as bad as it may otherwise seem
<gchristensen> the community builder is much more powerful
<dhess> samueldr: yeah it's in my interest to get this working, so I'll stay on it at least until it's building regularly
<gchristensen> a far better machine
<dhess> gchristensen: just curious, why did you add the old community builder to the Hydra pool and make the new one available to the community, rather than the other way 'round?
<dhess> For the better parallelism on the old one?
<gchristensen> two reasons: the community builder can do armv7l, and so we have 2x the same machine
<dhess> ohhh right, the arm thing. Though I would argue that if/when armv7l is working on that thing, it would be good to have armv7l in the binary cache as well!
<gchristensen> armv7l is working on it, but it won't be added to hydra
<dhess> Anyway, not complaining, just curious
<dhess> gchristensen: how come?
<gchristensen> it isn't worth adding, I think, because we can't get a replacement armv7l machine if this one fails. so we could do a lot of work to make it build, have it fail the next day, and throw away all that work
<dhess> well I'll just fight one battle at a time and stick to getting aarch64 GHC building on the official Hydra for now :)
<gchristensen> I'd rather offer it up as a sort of "no promises" community builder
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<bgamari> Is anyone familiar with the Nix sandboxing implementation?
<bgamari> It seems to be breaking domain name resolution
<bgamari> looking at the implementation it appears to fiddle with NSS
<bgamari> in particular preloadNSS
<andi-> bgamari: you are trying to do network within the sandbox?
<bgamari> andi-, well, it seems that curl is
<bgamari> andi-, all invocations of nixos-rebuild as root seem to fail
<bgamari> with domain name resolution issues
<bgamari> on my box
<bgamari> disabling sandboxing seems to help
<andi-> bgamari: what derivation did cause the failure?
<andi-> or do you have anything more (a paste somehwere)?
<bgamari> yet if I run the same command line without sudo things work fine
<bgamari> and previously I observed that adding --option sandbox false to the sudo command line resolved the issue
<bgamari> although I am unfortunately having trouble reproducing this
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<ogle> Is there a way to enumerate all of the shared objects on my system similar to `ldconfig -p`?
<samueldr> niksnut: your recent push about closure size reduction, is it relevant for -stable? do they improve the situation for the installer images?
<niksnut> yeah, I think they should be safe to cherry-pick
<niksnut> actually I cherry-picked them *to* master from my 18.09 branch
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<bgamari> andi-, ideas?
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<andi-> bgamari: sorry, no :/
<andi-> hydra is running out of memory when evaluating 18.03: https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/release-18.03#tabs-errors :/
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<bgamari> andi-, it's quite mysterious
<bgamari> I'm actually seeing it on two machines
* bgamari doesn't even know how to characterise the issue
<andi-> I wish you good luck. I must go to bed now.. :/
<andi-> Good night
<{^_^}> Night!
<bgamari> cheers
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