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<infinisil> Synthetica: Nice!
<infinisil> Synthetica++
<{^_^}> Synthetica's karma got increased to 1
<sphalerite> FRidh: I don't understand how my poezio thing would cause merge conflicts, since it's just folding two of the full package expressions in python-packages.nix into a single line?
<sphalerite> i.e. everything other than those two is unaffected…
<infinisil> Synthetica: I think you may be able to replace hasUsefulRef with freeVars, which I recently improved in a PR: https://github.com/haskell-nix/hnix/pull/363
<{^_^}> hnix#363 (by Infinisil, 5 weeks ago, merged): More precise freeVars
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<FRidh> sphalerite: likely it won't cause many, if any. There has been a lot of code moving in python-packages.nix.
<FRidh> on staging
<sphalerite> ok so I still rebase it?
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<LnL> do we have a gitattributes entry for python-packages.nix like we have for all-packages.nix?
<LnL> it doesn't use the default merge strategy IIRC
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<infinisil> I'm not sure what you mean by that, there's no authenticity at all with HTTP. An attacker would just have to compromise your network and ofborg's network to inject a fake hash
<infinisil> And with Let's Encrypt it goes through a self-signed certificate first. While I haven't looked too deeply into this process, I think we may assume that HTTPS certificates from Let's Encrypt are indeed valid and not half-assed
<ekleog> infinisil: LE does the job by testing your domain over http
<ekleog> basically, an attacker that compromises LE's network can create a fake https cert
<ekleog> what I'm saying is, basically this is the same thing, and I'd even think our hashes would be more secure than HTTPS if we forced a proportion of rebuilds at random (so people would notice what doesn't build) -- but that last point is for after the reproducibility build effort lands
<ekleog> (well, LE can do the job by testing over self-signed https too, but that's not better than http from an integrity pov)
<ekleog> (also, all that is assuming no CA is compromised, which is not necessarily true)
<ekleog> basically, yes I agree https is marginally better than http for our use case, but I don't think it's significantly better :)
<infinisil> ekleog: Got any links on that? I've never heard of let's encrypt being insecure like that. I guess it makes sense to some extent (gotta start with http), but I had a feeling there were Smart (tm) ways to get around that
<ekleog> well, it's just as insecure as any other CA :)
<ekleog> (most CAs do automated management)
<infinisil> Ah yeah that's a good point
<infinisil> ekleog: It's basically TOFU though
<ekleog> typically, StartSSL only required receiving unencrypted mails sent to the admin@[dns] email address, iirc
<ekleog> yup
<infinisil> And if a bogus cert was created on first use, wouldn't this get detected eventually?
<ekleog> well, at a time it wouldn't have been detected for a while (eg. google certs have been frauded in iran, iirc)
<ekleog> now there are certificate transparency logs, that allow one to check the certificate they receive is in the transparency logs for more confidence
<infinisil> Yeah I read about that
<ekleog> and people are supposed to monitor the cert transp logs to check no fraudulent cert is issued for their domain (and at worst the offending CA can be held responsible)
<infinisil> Okay, so https has still some flaws, but I still think it's strictly better than http and should be used if available
<infinisil> I'm still curious why that PR switched that url from https to http though
<ekleog> now, that's similar to what we do with nixpkgs hashes (the logs are the git repo), except we have fewer builders than a typical website has users, I guess
<ekleog> oh totally agree with you about https>http, tbh I'd love it if http just vanished
<ekleog> encrypting everything makes encrypted stuff less suspicious
<ekleog> and yeah, I don't know why it switched to http either :/
<infinisil> I'm hopeful that we can drop all kinds of insecure protocols in a couple decades
<infinisil> Am actually just taking a network security course this semester, currently about TLS 1.3, and oh boy, it does sound pretty good
<ekleog> does it still have the 0RTT mode? :/
<ekleog> but yeah, browsers dropping tls1.0 and 1.1 is great :)
<infinisil> Yeah sure does, but needs to be used carefully
<ekleog> yeah, 0RTT mode is the thing I'm convinced will be misused by almost everyone who implements it
<infinisil> To be exact: Only use 0RTT for idempotent messages, because it can be used for replay attacks
<infinisil> That's the only flaw I think
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<ekleog> well, it's also not-encrypted
<ekleog> which is already a Bad Thing(tm)
<ekleog> like, I don't know many protocols where a non-negligible portion of the initial message is not confidential but the rest totally is
<infinisil> I'm pretty sure it is encrypted
<ekleog> hmm actually maybe I'm wrong about it indeed
* ekleog can't remember, it's been ~6 months since I last searched about tls1.3
<ekleog> oh 0rtt is enabled only on session resumption
<ekleog> so that's what (I misremembered|changed)
<infinisil> Yeah
<infinisil> TLS1.3 is actually fully verified in the Tamarin prover :O
<ekleog> so I withdraw my complaint about tls1.3, though I still feel like this feature will likely cause tears at some point :)
<infinisil> ekleog: Agreed
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<roberth> Ericson2314: would you mind having a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/47430 ?
<{^_^}> #47430 (by roberth, 2 weeks ago, open): pkgs.extend for adding overlays
<gchristensen> roberth++
<{^_^}> roberth's karma got increased to 1
<roberth> thanks graham, how does that work?
<gchristensen> karma? the number goes up, never goes down, and doesn't count for much beyond a thank-you (unless you get many points, and then I'll mail you a t-shirt or something :P)
<Synthetica> Free t-shirts? Oh my
<gchristensen> ,loot
<{^_^}> [2018-05-26 20:24:58] <gchristensen> 25 points gets you a sticker, 100 points gets you a t-shirt, 1000 verified points gets you a free trip to nixcon *restrictions apply, must be verifiable points, given by grateful people, in channels I'm in
<roberth> gchristensen++
<{^_^}> gchristensen's karma got increased to 39
<roberth> {^_^}++
<{^_^}> {^_^}'s karma got increased to 140
<gchristensen> the good news is {^_^} doesn't like stickers or t-shirts, and is very cheap to deliver to nixcon ;)
<Synthetica> Do they have 19' t-shirts? (Assuming {^_^} is running on a blade :P)
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