gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.09 release managers: vcunat and samueldr | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<gchristensen> sheesh, andi- ...
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<gchristensen> ok andi-, I'm seeing in the build log of an Aborted build that it actually Timed Out... but for whatever reason Hydra isn't getting the message.
<andi-> so we now have the other edge case for timeouts? Lower then the 10h we thought it would be?
<gchristensen> looks like the timeout it is tripping on is 4hrs, looking in to why ...
<gchristensen> oh well that'll do it
<andi-> gchristensen: thank you, feeling terrible not being able to help with that. :)
<gchristensen> if you don't have the tools to research it, you can hardly be expected to research it :) don't!
<andi-> Did you lower the buildCores to a lower amount recently? That would explain why they finish slower
<gchristensen> so right now we're only discussing aarch64 buidlers. I Haven't changed their configurations recently.
<gchristensen> ok andi-, packet-t2a-1 had buildCores set to 0, -2 had it set to 1. I'm going to set both to 4. sgty?
* andi- wonders about that 0
<andi-> sounds better at least :)
<gchristensen> cores=0 means use however many
<andi-> yeah that sounds like it could lead to trouble
<andi-> lets see if things improve
<gchristensen> we'll make them both have similar configs and then we can do Science by changing only one node
<gchristensen> -1 and -2 are now running with 4 cores.
<niksnut> aminechikhaoui: I think we need to revert (or disable by default) the use of TransferManager, it's causing frequent hydra-queue-runner aborts: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2493
<{^_^}> nix#2493 (by edolstra, 2 days ago, open): Unhandled exception in AWS TransferManager thread
<andi-> gchristensen: nice, you annotated the graph. That just popped up here.
<gchristensen> oh, cool!
<gchristensen> it feels surprising that AWS's TransferManager is doing the wrong thing
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<gchristensen> andi-: reload and look at the pink one?
<andi-> as soon a firefox unfreezes o.O
<gchristensen> I broke it anyway
<gchristensen> ok fixed
<andi-> I only see packet-t2a-2:9100 in there, did you start another exporter there?
<gchristensen> ehh for some reason grafana isn't showing the annotation for both nodes which were deployed at the same-ish time
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<gchristensen> globin, LnL -- maybe y'all have advice?
<Mic92> yet another hacktoberfest troll https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/49448
<{^_^}> #49448 (by ishanka97, 1 minute ago, open): Importing new code base
<niksnut> what the hell is up with these spam PRs
<niksnut> anything for a free t-shirt
<gchristensen> it isn't even a very good t-shirt.
<Mic92> It is not completly bad. Some people spend more effort https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/49427
<{^_^}> #49427 (by mztriz, 12 hours ago, open): make-system-tarball.sh: double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
<Mic92> also I don't know what if the event was the motivation for that.
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<Synthetica> Oh well, itll all be over the day after tomorrow. For next year: can't we ask DigitalOcean to blacklist nixpkgs in the list of popular repos?
<Mic92> Atm the spam is easy to filter.
<Mic92> I think it also motivate some other people to publish their fixes.
<arianvp> gchristensen: could you perhaps add me to ofborg?
<arianvp> I've opened a PR :)
<globin> gchristensen: is there still an issue? if yes I'm not sure what you mean?
<gchristensen> globin: https://status.nixos.org/grafana/d/hkRCcV0mk/instance-metrics?orgId=1&from=1540893003473&to=1540893549817 there is a purple-pink annotation showing for packet-t2a-1 based on the annotation query changes(system_version[1m]) which should be triggering two annotations
<LnL> gchristensen: I'm still wandering around London, I'll be on the train in a few hours
<gchristensen> ohh awesome! done anything fun today?
<LnL> not today, mostly just checking out and drinking coffee :p
<gchristensen> nice
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<disasm> those annotations are pretty cool showing where you made changes to the cores!
<gchristensen> I did that by hand, to keep track of it
<globin> gchristensen: ah sry, have never used them..
<gchristensen> no worries
<srhb> Anyone tracking this anywhere? https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined#tabs-errors -- or know what the offending commit is.
<gchristensen> hrm, I'm surprised ofborg doesn't catch that
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<gchristensen> ok so the two aarch machines have stabilized at about 50% cpu -- an improvement over the 100% pegged cpu :)
<andi-> now that aborting issues has to go away and then things will be beautiful (again) :-)
<gchristensen> also eelco has fixed a couple bugs in Nix
<andi-> I just saw that thing with the transfer manager change
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<aminechikhaoui> niksnut: yeah sure, but looks like you fixed it already ?
<aminechikhaoui> btw I didn't deploy that yet to our hydra :D it was a one time thing
<aminechikhaoui> oh you just made it configurable
<niksnut> yes
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<Profpatsch> TIL: openjdk has a dependency on polkit, and polkit has a dependency on spidermonkey.
<Profpatsch> Both Runtime of course.
<domenkozar> all java roads lead to script
<clever> Profpatsch: ive looked into the spidermonnnnnnnnnnnnejy stuff before, and policykit uses "javascript" to define the policies, and then runs it under spidermonkey to evaluate the policy
<drakonis1> polkit is the worst
<gchristensen> I'm going to break down and add the MLX NIC configs to the linux kernel options.
<gchristensen> I don't like it, but also waiting for a kernel compile vs. shaving a second off hydra... to deploy hydra... is silly
<gchristensen> # Then do test your change by building all the kernels (or at least# their configs) in Nixpkgs or else you will guarantee lots and lots# of pain to users trying to switch to an older kernel because of some# hardware problems with a new one. <-- nice
<Synthetica> Is there a reason Cuda isn't being updated?
<Mic92> gchristensen: nix-review?
<gchristensen> hrm?
<Mic92> gchristensen: to test all kernels. I usally have also some remote workers to distribute the load.
<gchristensen> ah, cool
<gchristensen> Mic92: are you available to do that on this PR? :) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/49470
<{^_^}> #49470 (by grahamc, 1 minute ago, open): kernel: enable MLX5_CORE_EN when possible
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<Mic92> gchristensen: nix-review scheduled
<gchristensen> thank you! :)
<domenkozar> :)
<gchristensen> :) MLX is sooo nice.
<domenkozar> they open sourced their drivers
<domenkozar> and spec
<andi-> they are also really nice to talk to if you need something special.. 10/10 would do again :-)
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<domenkozar> does anyone have something like build $PATH from evaluated attributes by nix-build?
<gchristensen> ouuside of nix?
<domenkozar> ye
<domenkozar> PATH=$(ls result*/bin | tr ' ' :)
<domenkozar> :P
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<domenkozar> btw, 18.03 depends on Nix 2.0 features, but doesn't require Nix 2.0 for evaluation
<domenkozar> am I getting this right?
<LnL> only the nixos tests do AFAIK
<domenkozar> this is insane
<domenkozar> :O
<{^_^}> #36268 (by NeQuissimus, 34 weeks ago, closed): closure-info broken on nixos-rebuild
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