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<andi-> Another round of chromium \o/
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<yorick> gchristensen: we translate the stack.yaml into builtins.fetchGit calls, but they are missing the rev. stack is doing a full fetch as well
<yorick> missing the ref*
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<Synthetica> Would it be possible for ofborg to display when no other packages depend on the package altered in a PR?
<sphalerite> Synthetica: it almost does, with the rebuild-amount. Is that not good enough?
<Synthetica> sphalerite: The 1-10 range is still kinda coarse I'd say
<gchristensen> why?
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<yegortimoshenko> hi! could someone from nix core team review fetchGit full clone patch? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2409
<{^_^}> nix#2409 (by yegortimoshenko, 3 weeks ago, open): Make fetchGit do full checkout if ref = "*"
<gchristensen> yegortimoshenko: can you link me to docs about specifying git dependencies?
<yegortimoshenko> gchristensen: for stack specifically?
<gchristensen> yeah
<yegortimoshenko> gchristensen: the latest (master) docs are here: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/doc/pantry.md that includes both `stack.yaml` and upcoming stack freeze format that the former resolves down to
<gchristensen> yeah, this seems like a bad bug in Stack
<yegortimoshenko> it's almost every tool, tbh
<yegortimoshenko> cabal.project, mix, rebar3, even yarn
<yegortimoshenko> clojure's deps.edn
<domenkozar> anyone seeing more "error 7 while decompressing xz" lately?
<clever> domenkozar: ive sometimes seen that with nix 1.11 when curl fails to download, so xz receives an early eof
<domenkozar> Using nix 2.1.1
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<domenkozar> could be the new fastly?
<clever> maybe, check what -vvv says, and if you can reproduce it
<domenkozar> could be my connection, will see if it persists
<cransom> wd
<cransom> oops. pardon me.
<clever> domenkozar: is your fiber still glued into its socket?
<domenkozar> :D
<domenkozar> I don't want to check those spagetti
<clever> for me, one end of the fiber is at the top of a pole, and the other is inside the house, so nobody should ever be touching either end
<domenkozar> here the box is in middle of garage
<domenkozar> and it has no doors
<clever> :'(
<gchristensen> andi-: I think one reason chromim takes so long sometimes is all the tests
<gchristensen> when tests run, context switches go way up
<domenkozar> gchristensen: fastly seems cool, but do we get any benefits from switching over?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: we don't pay for it, it is sponsored :)
<domenkozar> isn't cloudfront free?
<domenkozar> well it makes S3 cheaper
<gchristensen> no, we pay a lot for bandwidth out
<domenkozar> afaik S3 bandwidth out is like 0.09$
<domenkozar> while with cloudfront it's 0.085$
<gchristensen> assuming an effective cache rate, fastly should be quite a bit cheaper for us
<andi-> gchristensen: even the "normal" compilation seems slower on the box.. Yesterday when the epyc machine was full of "stale" jobs and basically just building chromium it was also incredible slow.. I think my 6y old desktop did better :/
<gchristensen> andi-: hrm, what time?
<domenkozar> gchristensen: but still need to pay for traffic S3<->fastly?
<domenkozar> which was the cost for cloudfront before
<andi-> gchristensen: must read backlog. In public transit right now.. Will ping you later about it.
<gchristensen> domenkozar: yes, but should still be much lower since they will fetch much less frequently than users fetched
<domenkozar> gchristensen: so we'll save on better caching?
<gchristensen> no, we're saving because the CDN part is free
<gchristensen> so we will save on every cache hit
<domenkozar> ah :)
<yegortimoshenko> fwiw, wasabi is $5/tb/mo and free egress :-)
<domenkozar> I wouldn't trust wasabi with a stick :)
<domenkozar> they have some weird stuff going on
<gchristensen> same, that rate isn't making them money and isn't going to last
<yegortimoshenko> perhaps
<domenkozar> they are either cheating
<gchristensen> it would cost significant money and time to move the binary cache, and moving to a budget provider seems like a bad choice
<domenkozar> or they are reducing redundancy
<domenkozar> or they'll go bankrupt
<domenkozar> all of which is a no-no
<ekleog> so if I understand now, the cache is 1. built on hydra at hydra.nixos.org, 2. stored on S3 at cache.nixos.org, 3. cached by cloudflare, 4. cached by fastly, 5. delivered to the users? :D
<ekleog> 3 cache layers, we'll soon be able to overcome x86 in number of caches
<ekleog> s/x86/recent intel processors/
<aminechikhaoui> no, builds are done in hydra, pushed to s3 and fastly is used as a CDN for the s3 bucket
<gchristensen> no more #3
<domenkozar> so is it now
<domenkozar> cloudfront -> fastly
<domenkozar> or s3 -> fastly? :)
<yegortimoshenko> s3 -> fastly
<domenkozar> using cloudfront could still save 5%? :)
<ekleog> if fastly mostly hits, it'd double the price
<ekleog> because data would need to be fetched first from s3 then from cloudfront
<yegortimoshenko> cloudfront is free, you only pay for egress, so it wouldn't be double the price
<ekleog> well, you'd pay egress from s3 and egress from cloudfront instead of just egress from s3
<domenkozar> cloudfront model is that you get overall discount on egress
<ekleog> assuming fastly hits as much as cloudfront, at least
<yegortimoshenko> egress inside aws is free, too
<domenkozar> ekleog: no, s3<>cloudfront is free
<domenkozar> it's withing aws
<ekleog> oh, didn't know
<domenkozar> s3<>fastly is 0.09$
<domenkozar> s3<>coudfront<>fastly is 0.085$
<yegortimoshenko> domenkozar: yup, you're right. if there was cloudfront between s3 and fastly, it would be $0.085 not 0.09
<ekleog> so yeah, using cloudfront could still save a bit?
<domenkozar> maybe fastly integrates better with s3
<domenkozar> anyway :)
<domenkozar> btw I've been working on binary cache view for each cache
<domenkozar> preview on staging for cache foobar: https://foobar.stagix.org/
<domenkozar> now ties github trust to the cache
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<domenkozar> niksnut: ^^
<niksnut> I'm working on reviving that btw
<domenkozar> \o/
<domenkozar> early cutoff!
<domenkozar> niksnut: was the experimental branch originally working?
<niksnut> ?
<domenkozar> intensional store model has a git branch, I wonder if that was "working" at some point
<domenkozar> btw video of build systems a la carte is online
<domenkozar> requires some haskell knowledge
<domenkozar> and audio is distorted in first 30s
<domenkozar> niksnut: in other news, you got it right a decade before haskell :-)
<LnL> oh I should watch that, I generally like his talks
<LnL> btw, the hercules is pretty exciting :)
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<domenkozar> LnL: thanks :)
<LnL> I understand people are not happy about the decision but I thought the project was basically dead
<domenkozar> we got lots of positive private feedback
<domenkozar> but very few public :)
<LnL> and a ci system that isn't made to build _all of nixpkgs_ is kind of missing
<yegortimoshenko> people kinda use buildkite for that for now
<domenkozar> it's vaporware atm so I think once folk see that we're onto something they'll be onboard :)
<domenkozar> turns out building a CI is tons of work
<clever> another haskell guy i know claims he can rewrite hydra in a day, lol
<clever> i doubt he can
<domenkozar> probably I'm really bad at haskell working on this since April
<domenkozar> but happy to hire him for a day :D
<LnL> clever: including the language extensions? :D
<domenkozar> clever: oh I see the catch, his daily rate is $1M
<simpson> The core-most functionality of Hydra, and the stuff that people generally want for themselves, could probably be written in a day.
<domenkozar> I'll be quiet :)
<simpson> But what Hydra does for the Nix community at large probably takes as long to write as Hydra has taken.
<clever> simpson: yeah
<Synthetica> But that's the same as saying you could rewrite anything in a day, just because you could get some of the core functionality down
<yegortimoshenko> simpson: you can write `nix-build` git hook in a day
<yegortimoshenko> github webhook*
<domenkozar> nix build --builders
<domenkozar> done
<simpson> Synthetica: There are some things that *can* be written in a day, and basic invocation of Nix is one of them.
<infinisil> Coding Minecraft In 24 Hours Amazing Speedcoding!
<domenkozar> simpson: we have for example evaluation errors per attribute
<yegortimoshenko> :-)
<domenkozar> that was a few days :-)
<clever> infinisil: how much research did he have to do prior to that though :P
<clever> semi-related, ive had bugs before, that i could swear ive already fixed, yet i couldnt find any trace of the code on any machine, so i just retyped the entire fix from memory
<clever> and i have to wonder, did i fix it in a dream? lol
<infinisil> Hehe
<LnL> lol
<simpson> I know and hate that feeling.
<simpson> Because I can never remember what the actual fix is!
<clever> the freaky thing is that i had every line of the fix memorized
<clever> yet it was just missing on all copies of the source
<simpson> Oh, huh. That's starting to sound like the Tetris Effect.
<Mic92> Any concerns regarding having dywedir as a nixpkgs member? He is the human version of r-ryantm: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?page=5&q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+author%3Adywedir&utf8=%E2%9C%93
<LnL> I usually have the reverse, vaguely remember fixing having fixed something before, but when I look at the code I find horrible code with an obvious bug
<clever> simpson: yeah
<LnL> your own code from a year ago is the worst :p
<clever> LnL: i see that every time i open my config.nix lol
<clever> nix code from the early days, when i was still learning nix
<manveru> domenkozar: i'm building my own CI for Nix atm too :P
<yegortimoshenko> manveru: is it public? :-)
<manveru> the public version is pretty old unfortunately, as i had to tweak it a lot to work in our infrastructure
<manveru> but i shall make a clean version this week :)
<yegortimoshenko> i've had https://github.com/serokell/derivery but it's essentially glorified `nix-build` that listens for github webhook events and posts logs to gist, it's pretty bad. hercules sounds way more integrated/interesting
<manveru> yeah
<manveru> mine handles PR status and distributes builds and updates the binary cache
<manveru> so the thing i'm working on atm is a good UI
<yegortimoshenko> does it stream logs? :-) i found that suprisingly hard to do, and weirdly enough, i haven't found any standalone log streaming services or applications to
<manveru> yeah, what's so hard about it?
<LnL> streaming logs is annoying
<manveru> you basically just write to websocket... it's not super performant, but good enough for my use
<manveru> granted, that's the point where i had to give up on crystal, because it was just impossible to implement there without hitting segfaults :P
<manveru> but the go rewrite wasn't hard
<manveru> anw, i think this is the wrong channel
<manveru> yegortimoshenko: i plan to present everything at NixCon and try to get it polished until then
<yegortimoshenko> cool! i'll watch in on yt right after then :-)
<manveru> don't really want to compete with Herkules, but given our IT departments fear of anything not hosted inside our DCs, i doubt we'd ever be able to use it
<LnL> how do you guys handle caching vs trust and development builds?
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<andi-> I spent a bit of time reading (&greping) hydra and nix code to figure out how the build timeout is transmitted from hydra to the daemon. I found the wopBuildDerivation code in the nix repo and what looks like the counter-part in hydras build-remote.cc. The protocol seems to have a mismatch there. Hydra sends the silenTime & buildtimeout while the daemon expects the BuildMode... Am I missing another layer?
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<andi-> ahh, it talks to nix-store --serve.. disregard my comment then.. sometimes writing things down makes you realize what is actually happening..
<LnL> are you sure it's that operation?
<andi-> it wasn't.. it is in a different part of the nix repo.. I found this comment and the protocol also matches: case cmdBuildDerivation: { /* Used by hydra-queue-runner. */
<LnL> ah, that's serve-protocol.cc I think
<andi-> nix-store.cc ;-)
<LnL> after it receives the commands, but that's not what goes over ssh I think
<LnL> or am I misremembering
<andi-> the linked hydra code is the part that goes via SSH as far as I understood (doesn't have to but can go through SSH). I am now tracing the calls within the nix repo from nix-serve.. It's kinda fun to read that stuff finally..
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<gchristensen> speaking of hydra questions, when using a "Git checkout" input source, does the checkout have a .git dir?
<yegortimoshenko> don't see anything that would remove it, and last time i used hydra i think it was there, but i might misremembering things.
<gchristensen> hmm only if deepclone is set
<andi-> awwhh. I think I might know why the timeouts aren't working... the store connection is opened (to the local daemon) whenever nix-store --serve is being invoked. Only after the store connection is open it reads the jobs/ops from stdin (SSH). Since the options (including timeouts) are only sent on initial openStore() the received values never make it to the actual build daemon...
<andi-> so sending options a 2nd time would be a hack around that..
<LnL> gchristensen: no, not in my experience
<gchristensen> yeah, same, though it does if deepClone is specified
<LnL> deepClone?
* samueldr thinks this looks like a nix store
<gchristensen> yeah you can pass args just space-separated
<samueldr> (the file path)
<LnL> oh like the branch?
<gchristensen> yeah
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