gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-dev to: NixOS Development (#nixos for questions) | https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixos/trunk-combined https://channels.nix.gsc.io/graph.html | 18.09 release managers: vcunat and samueldr | https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-dev
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<thoughtpolice> Ugh. I think I've asked this before but, if I want to change the version scheme of a package (I didn't choose the original one), but e.g. lib.versionLessThan is invalid for the new scheme -- is there anyway to fix this? IIRC the issue is something like 'nix-env -u' won't properly upgrade when it thinks the new build is "less than" the old one
<thoughtpolice> Or is it just stuck that way forever
<thoughtpolice> Namely, I want to change something like "2018.08.08" to "0.8pre<revCount>_<sha256>", closer to the traditional scheme we use
* samueldr has epochs in mind, but that might be an archlinux thing
<samueldr> not unix epoch, but something that was used to fix that issue
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<matthewbauer> anyone willing to merge staging into master?
<matthewbauer> it should be ready to be - https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1480774
<matthewbauer> at least on commit 9c4b11e9a060de2175aef4d36881f97812ab17fe
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<samueldr> anyone knows of blocking issues for an eventual 18.09 release? I know that for my use 18.09 has been just fine
<samueldr> but I hardly represent all use cases
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<Mic92> matthewbauer: +1 people are already going after me for not updating alacritty also it is in staging for a while.
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<LnL> Mic92: staging contains some major darwin changes so I guess I should do it, or at leastbe involved
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<ekleog> (triage) looks ready to me https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/46674
<{^_^}> #46674 (by haslersn, 2 weeks ago, open): mkspiffs: init at 0.2.3
<domenkozar> LnL: any thoughts about https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/45042
<{^_^}> #45042 (by kirelagin, 6 weeks ago, open): dyld: Symbol not found: ___CFObjCIsCollectable
<domenkozar> is impure security the way to go? :)
<LnL> I don't know much about the libsecurity packages
<LnL> but using the Security framework is fine if we can't update and it also works on older versions
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<Mic92> LnL: I will upgrade alacritty also on master based on my own fork, so we can have this version in 18.09 as well - This will be a simple merge conflict when merging staging -> master.
<{^_^}> #47591 (by Mic92, 1 minute ago, open): alacritty: 2018-08-30 -> 0.2.0
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<LnL> Mic92: huh! alacritty Success on x86_64-darwin, since when is that?
<Mic92> LnL: no idea. I cannot remember what the error was in the first place.
<Mic92> but it also used to work somewhere in between.
<LnL> it never worked AFAIK
<LnL> and I tried to fix it once, but it looked pretty hopeless
<LnL> oh nice
<LnL> adding frameworks definitely wasn't enough when I tried
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<samueldr> ah, found a blocker: #47602
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/47602 (by samueldr, 1 minute ago, open): Tracking issue for partitioning instructions issues
<gchristensen> is parted in the closure?
<samueldr> I don't know yet, depending on feedback, alternative solutions, etc, I will be looking after work
<gchristensen> I'm +1 on parted
<samueldr> I will be blunt: I don't understand why one would use an archaic interface like the one fdisk has :/
<samueldr> (assuming alternatives are not lacking features)
<gchristensen> because you can just mush np1\n\nawq and call it done!
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<samueldr> then, no closure size difference
<gchristensen> yeah, so we should just do it
<samueldr> yeah, the issue is still open for comment if anyone has reasons *not* to go forward with parted
<samueldr> (my experience is limited in the area, I always use cfdisk to partition)
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<Mic92> one more pr for hacktoberfest
<Mic92> well, I have not even upstreamed the nixpkgs stuff I did for my server.
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<ekleog> zimbatm: can we re-enable the issues on the RFCs repository? I think having a way to host discussions on pre-RFCs (like Rust) would help, as writing a RFC just to host a discussion isn't really convenient :)
<zimbatm> how about posting them on discourse instead?
<zimbatm> I agree that the RFC discussion is a bit unwieldy
<zimbatm> I've been ready the one about GPG signing for 30min now
<ekleog> well, I'm thinking about splitting current RFC discussion, and was thinking it'd make sense to keep it into the RFC repository to minimize the context switchs people have
<gchristensen> those comments are _so_ long :P
* ekleog pleads guilty
<ekleog> anyway… time to sleep here, will let you decide on whether to turn on issues, add a pre-RFC section to discourse, do nothing or anything else :)
<ekleog> 'night!
<{^_^}> Night!
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<zimbatm> I don't have admin on the repo so that solves the question :p
<gchristensen> niksnut: bump on https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2456 (+backport)
<{^_^}> nix#2456 (by grahamc, 3 days ago, open): Update docs to describe how s3:// URLS does in fact support endpoint, region, and profile for upload
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<niksnut> gchristensen: thanks, done
<gchristensen> thanks!
<niksnut> building a 2.1.3 release...
<gchristensen> ooh
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