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<infinisil> The PR has been opened rfcs#33 :)
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/33 (by Infinisil, 4 minutes ago, open): [RFC 0033] Deprecation (Looking for co-author)
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<shlevy> niksnut: Trying to restart a failed build (https://hydra.nixos.org/build/80989222) and it's just sticking in "aborted", any idea why that might be?
<gchristensen> shlevy: it is propagated from another build, you have to restart the other one first
<gchristensen> which I did, but not sure why it didn't work ;)
<shlevy> At one point it worked to restrt the leaf
<shlevy> But yeah :|
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<shlevy> Oy, /nix/store/p9iwgb0fb31r9vnf90mwin9jwyjgvhzi-extra-1.6.9 is even in the cache now
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<LnL> I also had a job that couldn't be restarted on my instance a while back IIRC
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<domenkozar> _rvl: around by any chance?
<domenkozar> I'm wondering how to use go2nix :D
<andi-> domenkozar: whats the question there? I used it a few times and it was fairly simple (create gopath, clone the repo, run go2nix in that folder, profit)
<domenkozar> following go2nix readme?
<andi-> domenkozar: yes, basically as described there
<domenkozar> looks pretty scary coping stuff around
<andi-> It seems to be designed for people actively developing go that have a working GOPATH already. I usually do it like this: `mkdir -p /tmp/go/src/github.com/owner/repo; export GOPATH=/tmp/go; git clone $repo /tmp/src/github.com/owner/repo; cd /tmp/src/github.com/owner/repo; go2nix save` Easy enough and doesn't require a permanent GOPATH setup
<infinisil> Something like that should be part of the readme
<domenkozar> or just part of the tool :)
<domenkozar> trying..
<domenkozar> andi-: I think you're missing go get step
<andi-> well you have to do almost the same for rust, python etc.. you have to have a working copy and probably a development setup ;-)
<andi-> domenkozar: I do
<andi-> domenkozar: It was just out of memory. I think you want a `go get ...` or `go install ...` (those 3 .'s are intended)
<domenkozar> I get so impatient when we have tools used in nixpkgs
<domenkozar> that don't have a basic readme that works
<LnL> everything in the go ecosystem seems to assume you have GPOATH
<domenkozar> that's cargoculting guys :D
<domenkozar> can't load package: package .: no Go files in /home/ielectric/dev/nixpkgs/datadog-agent
<andi-> It was a huge barrier for me when I first started using Go.. I guess it is blindness after that for most pople
<domenkozar> I always get this message on "go get"
<andi-> domenkozar: you want that GOPATH layout for the sources and the sources MUST be in there
<LnL> there is only GOPATH and git clone
<domenkozar> aaaaaaaaaaah
<domenkozar> that's what I should be using
<domenkozar> aaaaaaa
<domenkozar> :D
<LnL> edit: git clone from master
<domenkozar> hangs at second line
<domenkozar> ah doesn't support hg
<{^_^}> nixcloud/dep2nix#12 (by domenkozar, 8 seconds ago, open): Hangs on 'hg' type repo.
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<samueldr> any tips or trick to reduce the risks of the top-level `src` causing issues like fixed in #46383 ?
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/46383 (by samueldr, 1 minute ago, open): [WIP] qt5.*: Fixes modules src being subtly broken.
<samueldr> this was an extremely subtle bug
<samueldr> (well, I say that, but it becomes obvious when looking at the logs and such)
<LnL> so (args: ...) gets called with callPackage?
<samueldr> I assume so
<samueldr> I haven't traced it all
<samueldr> (and my fix actually doesn't fix it when `src` is in all-packages, which I badly tested`
<LnL> no I think that's not it, callPackage only works for named arguments
<samueldr> I probably have the source of the issue mis-diagnosed, but I'm 100% that `src` is used there
<samueldr> look at the second and third lines https://hydra.nixos.org/build/80999781/nixlog/1
<samueldr> and once removed from top-level, it's not an issue anymore :/
<LnL> ^ stuff like that is bad
<samueldr> I believe the goal is to re-use the same stuff for the three Qts
<LnL> I'm not really a fan of generalizations like this or the generic.nix with (args // { ... })
<LnL> putting the extra arguments in a separate function is much clearer
<samueldr> yeah, but right now we probably have to work with what's in the Qt5 ecosystem, otherwise it's a rewrite/refactor which won't happen right now :)
<LnL> ^ none of the others do that so they probably get pkgs.src
<LnL> but I don't really know anything about qt stuff except for the darwin patches
<samueldr> there's a note in the commit introducing this regression that they are using that repository as the new source as qtwebkit isn't maintained by upstream anymore
<samueldr> all others have their source in the respective sources listing per-version
<samueldr> generated by fetch-kde-qt.sh
<samueldr> though!
<samueldr> if instead of passing it like that, it was merged with the imported srcs it should probably work
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<LnL> yeah, having both src and srcs seems a bit strange
<samueldr> at a glance it seems to work; allowing the previous code to be used
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<samueldr> LnL: for reference this is the fix I'm proposing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/46383/files
<samueldr> where all changes outside 5.11/default.nix are reverting changes from the 5.11 upgrade to the generic qtModule and qtwebkit files
<LnL> right, but what about qtbase?
<LnL> btw, lots of these would break if we add a "version" package https://search.nix.gsc.io/?q=version%20%5C%3F&i=nope&files=&repos=
<samueldr> yeah, I didn't touch qtbase since that wasn't changed :/
<samueldr> and yeah, I also understood how bad that whole thing is
<samueldr> this is the minimum viable change to unfuck things for ZHF 18.09
<samueldr> though I would MUCH prefer that not being even possible
<LnL> it only works by accident then, either because always src gets overriden or because srcs get priority and it's not used
<samueldr> it always was like that, and yes, by accident
<samueldr> I say always, but what I mean is that the three qtbase all do the same thing
<LnL> yeah, leave it since it works but maybe open an issue for it so the qt maintainers know about it
<samueldr> that was my intention
<LnL> ok :)
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<samueldr> still touching up the dependency failures, but got them wrangled up in the report so one can search for fixes with high impact
<samueldr> opening up the x86_64 linux table, searching for qtwebkit, one can see what it should hopefully fix
<samueldr> (and for the record, I'm caching all the data downloaded from hydra, so the hit should be minimal at worst)
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<xeji> samueldr: nice report!
<samueldr> thanks!
<samueldr> for those that missed it, later tonight I'll be producing one for ZHF :)
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