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<Azaiel> Good evening, I was wondering if there were any NixOS devs or contributors that could /msg me? I had some information I wanted to pass along.
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<gchristensen> I'd love to find a way to publish Nix docs faster than once per release
<infinisil> gchristensen: Well, if they were written in Markdown, they would be automatically viewable on github, just sayin
<gchristensen> that is not a useful avenue of discussion
<infinisil> Probably everybody is tired of the "switch to markdown" argument by now, and xml seems to be set in stone because of that. I just wanted to mention that that would be a positive side-effect of using markdown
<gchristensen> yes, that is a well known feature of GitHub.
<FRidh> gchristensen: we could use travis again
<gchristensen> for building docs?
<FRidh> yes
<gchristensen> + a publish stage somewhere?
<FRidh> github pages if its only html
<gchristensen> hmm
<gchristensen> nixos.org could also host docs for the different versions of Nix, Nixpkgs, NixOS
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<vcunat> nixos.org seems the best place
<{^_^}> nixos-homepage#237 (by samueldr, 1 day ago, open): Keep versioned manuals
<samueldr> I opened this earlier this week to then make a game plan to make it possible
<gchristensen> nice
<gchristensen> nixos.org needs a facelift heh
<samueldr> you mean visually? not sure it does
<gchristensen> at least organizationally
<samueldr> yeah, that is tru
<gchristensen> it is too simple for our complex ecosystem
<gchristensen> visually, it has no distinct "brand identity"
<gchristensen> but that isn't the worst
<FRidh> samueldr: those /latest links eelco mentions are what we should have for the different manuals
<samueldr> no, not default, but made available in an easy to reach manner (imho)
<gchristensen> it would be nice to have them styled the same as nixos.org
<samueldr> and yes
<vcunat> +1
<gchristensen> it would also be nice to be able to nix-build nixos.org
<gchristensen> but that is more complex :)
<samueldr> nix-build in nix-build IIRC?
<gchristensen> more likely a big redoing of how nixos.org is constructed
<samueldr> probably easier in the long run
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<gchristensen> https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-homepage/pull/238 it uses nix-build in this PR
<{^_^}> nixos-homepage#238 (by grahamc, 45 seconds ago, open): Use nix-build to build the site
<samueldr> maybe we need to re-think the box (neither inside or outside)
<samueldr> maybe this isn't *one* site?
<samueldr> (don't know if this could help reduce the iffy bits by having each project be its independent build?)
<samueldr> thinking out loud
<gchristensen> feels like a step 2
<samueldr> yeah, I wasn't knocking the effort :)
<gchristensen> oh of course
<vcunat> so we can install static sites like packages, similarly to nixos-help?
<samueldr> TIL about nixos-help... and need to fix a bug in nixos-help...
<gchristensen> oh sure
<samueldr> that would be an interesting side-effect!
<samueldr> graphical installer including an offline version of the site
<gchristensen> what is the bug, samueldr?
<samueldr> I need to verify the semantics of $BROWSER
<samueldr> but AFAIK it should be fine to be a path-like list of browsers e.g. BROWSER=firefox:google-chrome:chromium
<gchristensen> ...links?
<gchristensen> (the browser)
<vcunat> the textual installer already opens the help on some terminal IIRC
<samueldr> vcunat: yes it does 8 IIRC
<gchristensen> `man nixos` could probably be the docs too
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<samueldr> #45911 is what I was talking about
<{^_^}> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/45911 (by samueldr, 45 seconds ago, open): nixos/manual: nixos-help knows about colon-separated BROWSER
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<vcunat> Installer tests are broken again. Testing a fix.
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<vcunat> Pushed.
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<LnL> re:website, how is the nixpkgs manual updated differently from nix?
<vcunat> NixOS and NixPkgs manuals track the latest stable (branch has to be switched explicitly)
<vcunat> (IIRC it's channel, not branch)
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<samueldr> in actuality, it's that the folder linked in the issue isn't the manual that's on the website
<samueldr> nixos.org/nix{,pkgs,os}/manual are built using the makefile
<samueldr> in the makefile, there are rules for some "MANUAL_IN", but not all
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<samueldr> (I don't know how nix gets to manual-raw on the server, neither how /releases/nix gets populated)
<gchristensen> releases/nix I think is handled manually
<samueldr> do I hazard a guess that nix/manual-raw is a symlink to releases/nix/latest/manual ?
<gchristensen> sounds very likely
<clever> gchristensen: while preparing my stats PR, i stumbled into https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1859/files
<clever> and my PR is basically undoing that and making it worse, lol
<gchristensen> heh please don't make it worse :)
<clever> its making it "worse" by printing 3 numbers in a line
<clever> and 1859 was making it more verbose, and only showing 1 number per line
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<niksnut> samueldr: it's done by maintainers/upload-release.pl in the nix repo
<clever> niksnut, gchristensen: how does this look, anything you would want changed? https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/dda9668531cc406a154727b6315b58b9
<gchristensen> wow!
<gchristensen> samueldr had an interesting idea about directing it to a file
<clever> i did see that mentioned somewhere, maybe NIX_SHOW_STATS_PATH ?
<aanderse> i'm just not sure why a version bump happened in stable
<gchristensen> hmm by the "letter" of the policy, it is major.minor.patch, but if 1.4 -> 1.5 was a major update, it should not have been done
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<gchristensen> maybe due to security fixes
<samueldr> the changelog, linked in the PR, has three security fixes listed
<LnL> gchristensen: just a thought, would it make sense for ofborg to check this and complain if there's no CVE or security issue mentioned in the commit message?
<aanderse> gchristensen: it was major. i'm really glad to hear you say that it shouldn't have happened.
<aanderse> because i've been convincing everyone at work for the last 2 months we should be migrating ~100 servers to nixos and stability is a major requirement :\
<aanderse> LnL: i like that idea
<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 clever users 608 Sep 1 19:11 foo.json
<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 clever users 608 Sep 1 19:11 -
<clever> gchristensen: ok, so i cant open -, and i cant easily switch between cout and an fstream....
<aanderse> well if its security then i get it... but i think that should have been made much more explicit in the pull request?
<clever> JSONObject topObj(outPath == "-" ? cout : fs, true);
<clever> maybe this will work out
<gchristensen> aanderse: I agree
<gchristensen> aanderse: can you tell me more about your use case and requirements
<aanderse> gchristensen: it really isn't my situation i'm concerned about as it was personal use and i just disabled the gitea module then pulled the old from git. i'm back up and running. the thing that concerns me....
<aanderse> is that i'm pushing nixos at work, and we version bumps like that in a production environment make me nervous
<gchristensen> ryght
<clever> yep, the above code works
<aanderse> i watched your talk which was maybe a few years ago now... about security and nixos and getting things ready for corporate
<aanderse> it was great
<gchristensen> I'm very glad to hear it :) so is andi- but he said so in a PM ;)
* andi- gets exposed /o\
<andi-> aanderse: there is much to do in that realm if you ask me.. I don't have a plan or a list tho :/
<aanderse> yeah there is always a load of work to do. but nixops would be such a win where i work that the pros and cons outweigh debian in my opinion :)
<andi-> aanderse: if you have specific concerns from your company please let us know about them. I'd really like to see people accept nixos for production ;)
<aanderse> andi-: that is awesome to hear. there have been very few strikes against nixos so far. but it probably doesn't help that i've been a nixos fanboy for the past several years ;-)
<aanderse> heh
<andi-> I feel your pain.. I have a company made of Debian people..
<aanderse> andi-: i work in public sector which is about as innovative as... debian stable, so i feel your pain :)
<aanderse> lol
<aanderse> though the team i work on is made up of really cool and smart people, so that is why they're all willing to give nixos a try
<{^_^}> nix#2392 (by cleverca22, 7 seconds ago, open): Improve stats
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<samueldr> only reading, not so used to C++/nix code: `getEnv("NIX_SHOW_STATS_PATH","-") != "--"` ?
<clever> oops, yeah, should only be 1
<samueldr> :)
<clever> fix pushed
<samueldr> json + file... wonder what fun things could come out from that :)
<clever> samueldr: i was initially only going to add %, but then i noticed i was undoing https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1859 and making the problem there worse
<{^_^}> nix#1859 (by FRidh, 28 weeks ago, merged): Nix stats: flatten statistics