gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<samueldr> I don't think so according to the issue tracker
<andi-> > user-friendly terminal emulator
<{^_^}> undefined variable 'user-friendly' at (string):494:1
<joepie91> lol
<joepie91> best bot error
<samueldr> odd, it won't go to suspend on power button press
<samueldr> and I can't find a setting (heh) for that either
<andi-> samueldr: systemd logind?
<samueldr> systemd logind has been configured for that already
<samueldr> but the power button presses can be handled by software
<andi-> switch to another tty, hit the button? :D
<samueldr> wheee, another modal without a close button
<samueldr> and I'm 99% sure the power button is just a standard power button
<samueldr> since the Mobile NixOS early GUI handles it just fine
<samueldr> I'm thinking it may be because of how phosh was started
<samueldr> it wasn't started through a DM
<andi-> For some time in the last 15y I thought I understood graphical startup and sessions on linux.
<andi-> Recently I experience weird stuff with logind and automatically logging a device into sway that made me question everything I know..
<samueldr> the way it starts is the way prescribed by upstream
<samueldr> so that's what confuses me
<andi-> have you tried another distri with phosh?
<samueldr> not on that computer
<samueldr> and not extensively enough to know about things like those modals
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<hexa-> warning: There are too many unreachable loose objects; run 'git prune' to remove them.
<hexa-> nixpkgs-level git usage :)
<samueldr> :|
<hexa-> 1730320 .git
<samueldr> I can't use the `g` key
<hexa-> 1623968 .git
<samueldr> only g!
<hexa-> so roughly ~110 MB of unreachable loose objects
<hexa-> samueldr: gg :)
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<samueldr> how can scaling pixel-per-pixel 2× be so fuzzy?
<samueldr> it's as if it was made to look bad
<andi-> you offset them by half a pixel and mix them?
<samueldr> it's scaled 2×, half a pixel is still a full pixel
<samueldr> that's why I'm confused
<andi-> before the scaling ;-)
<samueldr> I get why wayland people can't stand Xwayland apps... if the integration was so poorly done :/
<gchristensen> iirc this is roughly how it worked on OS X when they were transitioning
<samueldr> I don't understand
<samueldr> and IIRC macOS allowed fractional scaling, which inherently will be fuzzy
<samueldr> another crash :/
* colemickens squints at two remaining blurry electron apps
<samueldr> but really I don't get how it is so fuzzy
<samueldr> you just had to display every pixels twice
<samueldr> uh
<samueldr> fwice
<colemickens> I know in sway there was a patch to allow change the scaling type.
<sterni> > 2.9GB .git folder
<samueldr> or whatever four times is in a single word
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a float, at (string):494:1
<colemickens> That specifically made it better for whole integer scaling
<colemickens> (the sway discussion about scaling: https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots/issues/1770)
<{^_^}> swaywm/wlroots#1770 (by luispabon, 1 year ago, closed): [request] nearest neighbour scaling on xwayland apps
<colemickens> not sure if that's related, if phosh is lacking something like that, total stab in the dark here
<samueldr> phoc is built on wlroots
<samueldr> so maybe that'll help
<colemickens> oh, that's a fairly old change, so ymm
<{^_^}> swaywm/sway#4727 (by RPigott, 1 year ago, merged): render: use nearset neighbor scaling for outputs with an integer scale
<samueldr> implemented there
<samueldr> so seeing it's just sent to a GL surface without much care explains why
<samueldr> not sure how they went... how many years... working on Xwayland and scaling stuff for wayland and never stopped to add 1+1=2 rather than 1+1 = ~2
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: What is the difference between an RFC and this? https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/pull/9735
<{^_^}> openzfs/zfs#9735 (by c0d3z3r0, 1 year ago, closed): Introduce ZSTD compression to ZFS
<matthewcroughan> Is a PR not an RFC?
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<matthewcroughan> ZFS certainly make it seem like it is.
<matthewcroughan> Thought comes as a result of reading https://grahamc.com/blog/flakes-are-an-obviously-good-thing
<samueldr> my inexperienced self assumes it should be part of the... thing that renders... to somehow be able to handle how things get scaled
<samueldr> wait... so a pixel art game would be scaled nearest too?
<drakonis> yes
<drakonis> linear scaling is what you want i think?
<samueldr> yes
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<drakonis> since it draws all the pixels without colors merging at the pixel boundaries
<samueldr> but how is it not like... a basic component of wayland???
<gchristensen> one thing that comes to mind is zstd work has been discussed for years on the openzfs mailing list
<samueldr> also fun fact
<samueldr> phosh's lock screen when rotated doesn't fit
<matthewcroughan> So in terms of process, what is the raw difference between an RFC and what ZFS did with ZSTD?
<samueldr> so the unlock button is rendered outside of the display
<samueldr> good thing a sliver shows up
<matthewcroughan> Is an RFC in some way supposed to make things happen faster and be more "mature" and "corporate" ?
<matthewcroughan> Linux happens via a mailing list, right? What is it that RFCs are good for?
<samueldr> an RFC is just rules pre-agreed upon to make big changes
<samueldr> and "an RFC" is diminutive
<samueldr> the RFC process for project ______
<matthewcroughan> Yeah, sorry, English is my first language, which means I'm destined to be ignorant of it ;)
<gchristensen> an RFC is a way to socialize changes, agree to large changes collaboratively, and give adequate time to involve the very many stakeholders of the project
<drakonis> an rfc, depending on the project, can range from being improductive bikeshedding to yielding a common direction for something
<gchristensen> all of these things happened in the zstd / openzfs example over several years
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: right.. makes sense. And ZSTD isn't worthy of an RFC because it's not changing something fundamentally, just adding a feature.
<gchristensen> openzfs has its own process
<matthewcroughan> It works really well, whatever it is. From a layman's perspective (me).
<matthewcroughan> I feel I can review changes without any actual connection to the project.
<matthewcroughan> Nix is something that one can only review if they're familiar with the Nix language, and you're plugged into Git.
<drakonis> samueldr: i dont think it is within wayland's scope because it supposedly sets a standard for how wayland consumers communicate
<gchristensen> this is dangerously on topic of course
<samueldr> drakonis: isn't asking for 1:1 pixels part of things that should be communicated?
<drakonis> it doesnt talk about how it should be rendered
<drakonis> hmm, that's something only the wayland folks would be able to answer
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<samueldr> like, the first moment I'd see fuzzy pixels I would figure out a way that it's opt-in/opt-out
<samueldr> either way
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: yeah, not something I want to debate or do long-form on. I just wondered what you thought, so thanks!
<gchristensen> ZFS is a very different project in many ways, though. for one example, it is a large C codebase and mistakes are very costly
<samueldr> I don't think any app should be fuzzy outside of any control
<samueldr> that's like... basic decency
<gchristensen> in Nixpkgs etc. mistakes are much less costly, and it is perhaps easier to go do some wild stuff in a weekend
<samueldr> it looks amateurish, stuff you'd see on Windows
<drakonis> i think it is a kneejerk reaction to how x permeated everything in the display stack
<andi-> reading the last few lines interleaved makes it sound wierd...
<drakonis> so they went for minimal
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you in NixOS/Nix?
<andi-> nixpkgs is amateurish, you can hack on it during the weekend :D
<gchristensen> but the purpose of RFCs is the same purpose as the very many meetings and conference talks and etc. etc. etc. of zstd
<matthewcroughan> Maybe it'd work better if there were more regular events eh? :)
<samueldr> andi-: better than C project being basic decency
<gchristensen> this was probably the worst thing: 2016-01-15 19:56:56 --> gchristensen (~gchristen@unaffiliated/grahamc) has joined #nixos
<matthewcroughan> Physical ones too. Can't wait.
<gchristensen> (I kid)
<drakonis> samueldr: its left up to the compositor i think
<matthewcroughan> I don't trust anybody who has sub-second access to their IRC logs.
<drakonis> and libraries that can be used to implement compositors like wlroots
<gchristensen> hah
<samueldr> drakonis: yeah, and to me that sounds like a big deficiency
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: What do you use as an IRC setup? Are your logs plaintext?
<gchristensen> head -n1 .weechat/logs/irc.freenode.#nixos.weechatlog
<samueldr> I should try and dig the tweets from flibitijibibo
<andi-> is that zstd compressed tho?
<gchristensen> lz4 andi-
<matthewcroughan> gchristensen: ah sweet, I use quassel because it's the only thing with a decent mobile client, and notifications without gcm that actually idles properly.
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<andi-> matthewcroughan: wrong :P
<matthewcroughan> which means I'm quite tied to their framework, which uses a database.
<drakonis> i just use weechat and ssh into my server
<andi-> weechat android is top notch
<drakonis> its pretty sweet
<gchristensen> I specifically *don't* want IRC on my phone :P
<drakonis> i havent figured out how to achieve a relay on my vps, sadly.
<drakonis> i did it once but it doesnt seem to work now
<matthewcroughan> You don't want to get pinged by someone asking how semicolons work whilst camping?
<andi-> I get nice notifications to my cheap chinese bluetooth LE "smart" watch (OLED display + BT)
<gchristensen> people on IRC don't pay me well enough to have that level of SLA on me
<matthewcroughan> Ah, well I'm a sucker because I enjoy helping people when I should be working.
<gchristensen> yeah me too, no doubt
<samueldr> I want IRC on my phone, but not freenode notifications from it :)
<drakonis> lol
<matthewcroughan> I literally wanted to do nothing but play with Docker all day.
<matthewcroughan> Then I got a job doing that. And now I'm not happy.
<matthewcroughan> Now, all I want to do is play with Nix all day.
<matthewcroughan> What's next? :D
<andi-> it never stops
<drakonis> the cycle continues
<drakonis> :ohno:
<matthewcroughan> I can't believe you manually define your sha256sums instead of using zero trust content addressed concensus. Your build system is trash.
<samueldr> but there was one about fuzzy things
* samueldr still scrolling down
<gchristensen> hah
<gchristensen> this account is amazing
<drakonis> i love this stuff
<samueldr> oh, I also really don't like how the keyboard can't be configured system-wide
<drakonis> this guy is one of the early linux focused game devs
<drakonis> he did the humble indie bundle linux ports
<samueldr> gchristensen: he's basically THE wizard that ported the most games to Linux
<drakonis> the ones from way back
<drakonis> that and icculus
<samueldr> his portfolio of ports is amazing
<drakonis> he's also cool
<samueldr> icculus built good foundations
<samueldr> but in sheer amount of ports, flibitijibibo trumps him :)
<drakonis> oh yeah
<matthewcroughan> I've been using raw wayland and sway for a while now, and I haven't noticed any real issues other than QT5 not knowing how co-ordinates work.
<drakonis> standing on the shoulders of giants
<samueldr> this hasn't been updated since 2012 :(
<gchristensen> I miss sway's handling of keyboard layouts ... gnome is very limited, and requires I constantly reconfigure my computer
<drakonis> hmm
<drakonis> actually it has!
<drakonis> its from oldest to newest
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<samueldr> oh uh
<drakonis> streets of rage 4 is rad as heck
<samueldr> silly me
<drakonis> he did superliminal, wah.
<drakonis> woah...
<samueldr> sometimes porting is more of a QA thing
<drakonis> 5d chess with multiverse time travel, what a name.
<drakonis> with unity it is very much a QA thing
<samueldr> hm, can't find the tweet I had in mind
<drakonis> most of the recent games are unity based
<samueldr> but yeah, apps not being able to ask/request (might be optional even) for how to scale the surface is awfully rude imo
<drakonis> ethan did VVVVVV's linux port too...
<drakonis> one of the true luminaries of linux game dev
<andi-> it is made for a world where you just run one windowing toolkit and that one comes bundled with a compositor that is part of a huge set of systemd services ...
<drakonis> its more of a "delegation of responsabilities" situation here
<gchristensen> systemd-windowsd / windowsctl
<drakonis> i'm sure it exists already
<drakonis> ethan also helped with terraria on linux, fantcy that
<drakonis> fancy stuff really.
<samueldr> but that's it, there's a responsibility here, rendering the thing the application asks for
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<andi-> gchristensen: I wish. Instead we have that gnome monster or the sway accident :(
<samueldr> it's such a shame that wayland really only allows monoliths to exist
<gchristensen> ooh is "accident" the collective noun for security flaws you don't want to have?
<andi-> maybe?
<drakonis> at least we got pipewire out of wayland
<drakonis> https://twitter.com/flibitijibibo/status/1365126751458889732/photo/1 all of the things ethan has ported lol
<samueldr> not necessarily
<drakonis> (i see a few, but i dont think its all of them)
<andi-> what wayland "compositors" are there that are useable? KDE and Gnome are kind too opinionated IMHO and sway has the known issues.
<samueldr> he's been using FNA to unoficially run XNA games
<samueldr> to better test FNA
<samueldr> andi-: I'll tell you once I find something along the lines of "not those three"
<samueldr> if you tell me
<andi-> sure
<drakonis> there are others
<drakonis> arch wiki has a list
<samueldr> last I looked most were either unfinished, experimental or abandoned
<samueldr> been a while though
<drakonis> yes, that's a thing as well
<drakonis> sadly.
<drakonis> wild.
<andi-> Is there an openbox equivalent yet?
<samueldr> gchristensen: who would win, cosmopolitan libc, or a puny acorn risc machine?
<gchristensen> hahah
<waleee-cl> the antiviri on windows
<drakonis> acorn risc machine any day
<samueldr> last I looked cosmopolitan was only x86[_64?]
<gchristensen> a widdew acorn uwu
<drakonis> this is a wlroots based openbox compositor
<samueldr> seeing as most are wlroots based to me is a symptom of the problem
<samueldr> infeasible to just make your own
<waleee-cl> I saw a honest to god non-wlroots based compositor (besides gnome/kde) yesterday
<drakonis> xorg has libraries that are similar to wlroots
<samueldr> waleee-cl: were you dreaming?
<drakonis> not defending wlroots in any way but its not unlike dealing with xorg i suppose
<waleee-cl> https://github.com/taiwins/taiwins , but how feasible it's for 2 people to keep it up is another matter
<samueldr> it doesn't count if so
<drakonis> ahhhhhh
<samueldr> wlroots
<drakonis> yes
<drakonis> enlightenment isnt wlroots based
<waleee-cl> drakonis: have they a wayland variant?
<gchristensen> enlightenment is ... whew
<Church-> Think I'm gonna package up the circonus agent.
<drakonis> yes
<Church-> Would be nice to have.
<samueldr> enlightenment is a thing in their own way
<drakonis> https://github.com/michaelforney/velox this is not wlroots based
<samueldr> enlightenment can run without wayland nor x11
<drakonis> doesnt look very promising though
<samueldr> in more than one ways even
<andi-> https://github.com/johanmalm/labwc says openbox inspired... Mgmm
<drakonis> wlroots i guess
<samueldr> but last I looked at enlightenment seriously
<samueldr> I hate to say it
<drakonis> but its okay
<samueldr> but it looks like they can't manage their project
<drakonis> enlightenment is ugly as fuuuuuuuuck
<samueldr> they have a whole subsystem that just doesn't work
<drakonis> its run by samsung i think?
<samueldr> and asking about it basically gets you told that it won't work
<Church-> Wat
<samueldr> drakonis: it's from another time
<Church-> What sub-system?
<samueldr> Church-: framebuffer (fbdev)
<Church-> Sigh
<samueldr> drakonis: not exactly
<samueldr> an EFL dev has been working for samsung for a long time
<samueldr> and EFL is used by tizen
<samueldr> but it's not *run* by samsung
<drakonis> i see
<drakonis> it is mainly developed by samsung employed people
<drakonis> perhaps this would describe it better?
<samueldr> not sure
<samueldr> but a lead developer is
<andi-> With Samsung features in mind?
<samueldr> so that's how I ended up scrapping EFL as the foundation for the early GUI for Mobile NixOS
<drakonis> hmm
<samueldr> since it just wouldn't work without basically re-doing a lot of work
<drakonis> its primary user is tizen
<samueldr> while the other PoC I had tried worked out of the box
<drakonis> which is mainly driven by samsung but even then, it only exists to be used as a cudgel against google
<samueldr> not really
<samueldr> tizen is still heavily used in many of their non-android devices
<drakonis> on india i think?
<samueldr> tizen is what runs all appliances and TV
<samueldr> nah, they stopped their tizen for phone efforts
<drakonis> hm, interesting.
<samueldr> (I looked recently)
<samueldr> and their watches recently were using Tizen
<samueldr> not sure if it's still the case
<drakonis> fun.
<drakonis> looks like it is still the case as wearables are still mentioned in the change list for 6.0
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<drakonis> nvm
<drakonis> they're axing it
<samueldr> hm?
<samueldr> yeah nah
<samueldr> that doesn't mean they're axing tizen
<drakonis> wrong choice of words again, they're axing their own usage of tizen on watches
<drakonis> it sucks
<samueldr> and it wouldn't surprise me if they had another product line of watches with tizen
<samueldr> ah
<samueldr> why do you say it sucks?
<drakonis> i think it will slowly result in the tizen project losing manpower over time
<samueldr> why do you say that?
<samueldr> it's still what is used on their TVs (IIRC), and a lot of appliances
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<drakonis> i have a recent samsung tv, i should check if its using tizen or something else
<samueldr> it's possible they use tizen for some and android for others
<drakonis> the tizen project doesnt appear to be in a very healthy state if its just samsung that consumes it
<samueldr> I don't know what makes you say that
<samueldr> they build it for themselves
<samueldr> is iOS unealthy since only apple consumes it?
<drakonis> hmm, i think not
<drakonis> it is apple's money maker though
<drakonis> but yeah
<drakonis> i see what you mean
<samueldr> I think it's a shame that it's "just their own thing", and that they don't see any more value than a "for embedded" purpose
<samueldr> but AFAIK it's perfectly healthy in that way
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<drakonis> hmm, samsung doesnt advertise their usage of tizen either
<drakonis> so it doesnt really matter a whole lot in the end
<drakonis> apparently the tv i have here does run it
<drakonis> also regarding wayland, the spec does not cover rendering implementations, that's up to the clients
<drakonis> hee haw kneejerk design choices related to x doing too much
<samueldr> >> that's up to the clients
<drakonis> that's the entire root of the issue, right?
<samueldr> but I'm confused then how changing the interpolation in sway would be the fix
<drakonis> at least the one you have
<samueldr> shouldn't it have ben a "WONTFIX" fix it in Xwayland?
<drakonis> hmm, that is a good question
<drakonis> but xwayland is for backwards compat, no?
<samueldr> "no"
<samueldr> it's to run X applications
<samueldr> so it's doing X, but on wayland
<drakonis> hm.
<{^_^}> swaywm/wlroots#2064 (by Dirbaio, 1 year ago, open): xwayland: hidpi support
<samueldr> preliminary look, it looks like it's because there's special casing for xwayland?
<drakonis> good lord this is a lot of messages
<samueldr> still, to me it makes no sense that many years after wayland started being a thing blurry *integer* rendering is still a thing
<drakonis> hidpi is a challenge
<samueldr> that would have been the first thing I'd fix
<samueldr> UNLESS
<samueldr> the goal was to make X apps look bad
<samueldr> which... that would be unfortunate
<drakonis> now that'd be a very weird thing for the wayland folks to do
<samueldr> yeah, I don't think that's it
<samueldr> but that's the only reason I can see why that wouldn't be one of the first things tackled
<samueldr> when wayland was touted as "the hidpi solution"
<drakonis> it was touted because they'd have more leeway to achieve it maybe?
<drakonis> since xorg was too ossified to do it
<samueldr> that doesn't change the fact that it's weird to see xwayland apps be so blurry when it should have been one of the first issues to be fixed
<samueldr> I can have perfectly scaled fractional hidpi firefox on x11
<samueldr> same for chrome
<drakonis> x11 with gnome or kde?
<samueldr> neither
<drakonis> gnome has a bad time doing fractional hidpi
<samueldr> I did state two apps
<drakonis> hmm
<samueldr> the rest doesn't really
<samueldr> so it's weird that they wouldn't want to make use of their abilities to correctly scale early one
<samueldr> on*
<samueldr> so that people don't get repulsed by the blurry apps
<drakonis> firefox has had working hidpi since 21 lol
<drakonis> wth
<samueldr> I've been using "hi"dpi firefox and chrome (at 1.5×) since I got my 1080p 13" laptop back in 2015
<drakonis> so yeah
<drakonis> that's amazing
<samueldr> I had to undo my "hi"dpi scaling of firefox so it wasn't comically huge at 2×1.5
<samueldr> since xwayland gets scaled by... ???
<samueldr> I say "wayland"... but maybe what should be understood is "current DEs and implementations of waylands I have tried"
<drakonis> hmm, that seems accurate
<drakonis> an accurate description of the ecosystem right now
<drakonis> maybe things will become a bit more xorg-like once everyone settles on a proper wayland library
<Church-> Man I really wish ironDB was OSS
<Church-> Maybe one day
<Church-> Be nice to have a histogram based monitoring solution in nixOS
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<matthewcroughan> Church-: is there anything wrong with influxdb?
<Church-> Technically no~ I've just found circonus to be better.
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<Church-> I'm also just more familiar with it
<Church-> Oh hey they opened their histogram module.
<Church-> Neat
<samueldr> ??? is the pointer rendered per the app?
<samueldr> so one of the warts of X11 will not be fixed
<samueldr> time for the next replacement I guess
<Church-> Heh
<samueldr> basic feature like not having the cursor be different per-apps weren't apparently a requirement either
<samueldr> I get the CSD thing
<samueldr> I don't care much
<samueldr> that's in the app's own domain
<samueldr> but the fact the cursor changes size and shape when hovering windows is... amateurish *at best*
<samueldr> oh
<samueldr> no
<samueldr> no no no
<samueldr> I will use all caps for this
<samueldr> dead keys don't work
<samueldr> so I can't type à ç ê etc
<samueldr> I'll have to check, but IIRC even my cruddy and admiteddly buggy input handling for the early mobile nixos GUI handles dead keys
<samueldr> now that could be a phosh issue
<samueldr> IIRC a basic requirement for libxkbcommon requires you to make dead keys work
<samueldr> or something else doesn't work
<samueldr> ah, implementing compose state I mean, and dead keys is a specialization of compose state
<samueldr> btw, my intent is not to belittle wayland... but if it's so ready to be used... why every time I try to use it things are just so... not there
<adisbladis> samueldr: Same
<adisbladis> I was excited a long time ago but have since given up on it completely
<samueldr> things like 20fps non-tearing rather than 60fps tearing... I get it... I should get a new computer
<samueldr> (not really)
<samueldr> but it's a choice they made, and I can respect it
<samueldr> but I'm not sure pushing all responsibilities into a fractal of implementations is a good choice
<Church-> samueldr: As Devault would say, you're just not using it right. Git gud.
<samueldr> obviously I shouldn't be able to type in my native language
<Church-> And add more cursing and ad hominems.
<adisbladis> samueldr: Non-english! Why would you want that?!
<samueldr> adisbladis: you wouldn't get it
<samueldr> only a more worldly person would ;)
<colemickens> I'm such a noob, does CONFIG_VIRTIO_FS=m mean that it's built in or not?
<samueldr> colemickens: module
<samueldr> so it's built, not in
<colemickens> oh weird, okay, modprobe virtiofs wokred
<samueldr> get friendly with cateee
<samueldr> >> modules built: virtiofs
<samueldr> cateee also holds historical details
<samueldr> so you know it's from 5.4 onwards
<colemickens> oh wow, that is awesome
<samueldr> it can also tell you the evolution through versions
<samueldr> e.g. from boolean to tristate
<samueldr> so you'd know on an hypothetical option in 5.1-5.3 it was y/n only, but starting with 5.4 onwards it's y/n/m
slac91918 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<samueldr> can PAM use two passwords?
<samueldr> e.g. I'd have my normal password, and additionally a numeric pin
<samueldr> so that I don't fail to sudo multiple times
<samueldr> and can actually unlock the lockscreen
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<samueldr> :| a gnome app won't fit in width since the headerbar tabs absolutely need to be centered
<samueldr> so it adds dead space to the left of them
<samueldr> wait, there's even useless space between the header bars and the menu button
<samueldr> so it's doubly uselessly too wide
<samueldr> ah no, depends on the tab, on one tab there's one more button
<hexa-> samueldr: yes, there can be multiple pam hooks, that are marked as sufficient
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<samueldr> not in theory
<samueldr> in practice
<samueldr> is there a way to attach a second password *right now* without having to implement a new thing :)
<hexa-> Check the security.pam Module 😄
<samueldr> implementing a NixOS module and packaging a module would be fine
<samueldr> I don't see, from the name of the options, something for a second password though
<hexa-> I guess the question is, what is the backend for your PIN?
<hexa-> for password it's /etc/shadow and pam_unix.so
<samueldr> I don't really care, but it's also why I asked
<samueldr> I assume there's no way for /etc/shadow to have multiple passwords
<hexa-> yeah, I don't think so, too
<samueldr> so I guess that whatever method would need a second mean to store
<samueldr> I'm thinking this is going to be a requirement for many mobile-first environment that assumes PINs are cool
<hexa-> honestly, I'd expect companies like purism to take care of that
<samueldr> I think they're going with "your password is your pin"
<samueldr> as is plasma-mobile
<hexa-> for security reasons I assume?
<samueldr> no idea
<samueldr> considering many mobile linux users will expose ssh with password auth enabled
<samueldr> how long is it to enumerate all combinations?
<hexa-> Of numeric Pins? Not long
<samueldr> yeah
<samueldr> so if your password is your pin
<samueldr> and it has to be numeric
<samueldr> and ssh is enabled with password auth enabled
<hexa-> But you'd use a different Pam config for SSH and lockscreen
<samueldr> your *password* is numeric
<samueldr> so that wouldn't change a thing
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<telnetkitten> eyes emoji
<telnetkitten> using telnet for irc means you're a cool kid right?
<Ke> :asterisk:) using socat and xxd on matrix
<cole-h> hehe
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<samueldr> only if you hand type TLS
<hexa-> sure
<hexa-> I speaks ASN.1 in my sleep
<hexa-> much simpler than imagining sheep jumping over a fence
<Ke> samueldr: implied
<Ke> I really don't know how to send :asterisk: on matrix
<Ke> maybe it's because I am not using socat and xxd
<cole-h> ✳
<cole-h> ?
<cole-h> :P
<samueldr> oh, cat butt!
<cole-h> .....nice
<Ke> ✳✳
<eyJhb> cole-h: Did you ever setup a private club penguin server?
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<eyJhb> Okay then, didn't mean it like that
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<LinuxHackerman> samueldr: you could use pam_exec as a sufficient auth backend for the services you want unlockable by PIN and handle PIN storage in your script
<samueldr> interesting
<LinuxHackerman> I saw something for that a while back, done by some nixos person and implemented in haskell. Can't remember who or where though :/
<LinuxHackerman> or it might have been a PAM module directly written in Haskell, not a pam_exec tool
<LinuxHackerman> Found it! 2020-11-27, lassulus was the author
<LinuxHackerman> (discussed 2020-11-27 in #nixos)
<lassulus> :)
<samueldr> lassulus: users have their password in their home as their own user state?
<samueldr> slick!
<samueldr> hmmm... getEnv "HOME" I don't think that's actually right
<samueldr> at least that program isn't SUID
<samueldr> and this would break fast on my systems :) http://cgit.lassul.us/stockholm/tree/lass/3modules/usershadow.nix#n14
<samueldr> echo ~ → /Users/samuel
<colemickens> yall how am I getting an error -8 frm my custom init
<colemickens> that doesn't even make sense, I'm building on x86_64 and running with qemu-system-x86_64 :S
<samueldr> ask the author of that init
<LinuxHackerman> colemickens: this sounds familiar, hang on…
<samueldr> "error -8" is reported how?
<samueldr> ENOEXEC 8 Exec format error
<samueldr> hmm
<LinuxHackerman> oh wait no, the problem I had back then was actually that my init was built for the wrong architecture (little-endian vs big-endian MIPS)
<colemickens> and then I'm taking a slightly modded kernel and booted that with qemu and got the -8
<LinuxHackerman> does the kernel support shebangs? :>
<samueldr> colemickens: file for that `/init`?
<samueldr> and yeah, other thing, it does, but is the shebang path accessible?
<samueldr> you might want to make strace init
<samueldr> to better see what exactly it can't exec
<colemickens> file = /nix/store/f716sf6iqs98ws8ym4346lbyr6504s2f-initrd-kata/initrd: gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 44892672
<samueldr> I was asking about the /init file in that initrd :)
<colemickens> afaict when I extract the cpio archive, the nix store inside contains my pid1 kata and the dash paths
<colemickens> ah
<samueldr> but since you showed it was a script with a dash shebang
<samueldr> not much to look at I guess
<colemickens> init: symbolic link to /nix/store/87qs2737p89vnc6qr21k4w5xmfdpr0k5-kata-agent
<colemickens> nix/store/87qs2737p89vnc6qr21k4w5xmfdpr0k5-kata-agent: DCL command file, ASCII text
<colemickens> I should rename the script at least to make it less confusing ,but still DCL command file/
<samueldr> most bang for the buck way to debug: get `strace` involved
<colemickens> ya
<samueldr> since right now it's not trivial to know whether the script runs, and fails to exec, or the script fails to be execed at all
<colemickens> I mean, I'm afraid I'll just get the same error, won't I still need a script basically/
<samueldr> yeah, hopefully it's not the script that's at fault
<colemickens> either way, good ideas I can run with a bit
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<AMG> heh look at this shit, man https://i.imgur.com/OyHR5Ib.png
<AMG> please write a custom application for us. we will pay you $20
<lunc> int pixel = img.getRGB(x,y); if (pixel < "#c7951f") { return shit; } else { return epic; }
<lunc> where is my $20?
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<__monty__> As if the quality of honey is correlated to the color.
<lunc> lol
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<hodapp> amg: you scoff, but a whole lot of machine learning projects boil down to little more than this
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<hyperfekt> samueldr: i built an iso with your aarch grub pr reverted and it's still borked :D
<hyperfekt> i'll bisect it once my fast flash drive arrives
<gchristensen> I guess if I wanted my whole system to ~always use direct io I'd be well served by a LD_PRELOAD that fiddles with libc?
<Ke> nominally all writes need to be sector/page aligned ymmv
<gchristensen> ah
<hodapp> lol, I misread "direct io" as just "direct" and thought it was talking about linking/symbol resolution
<Ke> gchristensen: as a cow fs person you might also know that cof filesystems do not have proper direct io with data checksums
<Ke> cow
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I didn't have a real thing, just wanted to play around with it w.r.t. https://itnext.io/direct-i-o-writes-the-best-way-to-improve-your-credit-score-bd6c19cdfe46
<hodapp> Ke: what do you mean, proper direct IO with data checksums?
<Ke> hodapp: in threaded applications memory is not pinned for the system call and can be modified, unless the page is unmapped or something similar
<Ke> there is no known reasonable solution to have data checksums and dio
<hodapp> which syscall, the one for the direct IO?
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<Ke> well write, pwrite etc.
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<hodapp> guess I don't see how checksums relate to this
<hyperfekt> is there a way to read that post without logging into medium
<hodapp> the credit score one? it's letting me read it without logging in, though I do have NoScript on
<hyperfekt> presumably what's at issue is IOPS / bandwidth, not latency? because latency seems a very good reason to not use DIO
<joepie91> that'll automatically burn through login/paywalls where possible
<joepie91> also Medium
<hyperfekt> unfortunately that one isn't on AMO, and until i look into it more that means i can't have it on mobile
<gchristensen> the gist of it is without dio all your writes spend less time in user, but slightly more time in sys. if you use dio, the writes spend more time in user but less time overall
<gchristensen> like 2% less
<hyperfekt> so the lesson basically is "if your cpu is the bottleneck for io, use direct io"
<hyperfekt> like i see little reason to avoid buffered io by default unless you have a write-only workload that is larger than memory
<hyperfekt> Ke: that's an interesting point
<hodapp> I'm still trying to comprehend it
<hyperfekt> hodapp: with direct io the buffer that is to be written to the device would get read twice: once to calculate the checksum, and once when issuing the write. and there's nothing preventing changes to the buffer between those reads, which would lead to a checksum mismatch
<hodapp> what would produce those changes though?
<hyperfekt> in buffered io the data is copied out of the hands of userspace so it can't modify it anymore
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<red[evilred]> ,space # ULA launch 1 hour
<hodapp> right
<gchristensen> , launch :)
<{^_^}> Invalid command syntax
<cole-h> red[evilred]: It's ,launch :P
<red[evilred]> thanks
<red[evilred]> ,launch # ULA 1 hour
<{^_^}> # ULA 1 hour: Ping for space stuff (edit this command to add yourself, see ",help"): infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m] eyJhb gchristensen __red__ red red[evilred] risson aaronjanse Church-
<__monty__> Recommended streams?
<hyperfekt> maybe direct io could be modified so it switches the containing pages to read-only
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<hodapp> hyperfekt: so, because the filesystem code in the kernel (presumably where this COW FS is implemented) reads this memory twice, the userspace code could conceivably modify it in between those two reads, thus putting checksum and data out of sync?
<hyperfekt> yes. although i think technically the second read may not be done by the kernel but by the disk but that doesn't really matter for the problem
<hodapp> how might this happen - with another thread doing something while the syscall is in process?
<hyperfekt> there is also asynchronous io, which can be combined with direct io
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<hodapp> but can this problem happen even with sychronous?
<__monty__> ULA stream is live, launch planned in ~20 min? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlRn5R4BcSI
<hyperfekt> hodapp: well, as you suggested, and kind of shared memory can also lead to it
<lovesegfault> > On Guix System, you can run herd discover guix-daemon on to turn discovery on temporarily, or you can enable it in your system configuration. Opportunistic use of neighboring substitute servers is entirely safe, thanks to reproducible builds.
<{^_^}> error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at (string):494:15
<lovesegfault> from their 1.3.0 release notes
<lovesegfault> pretty interesting
<drakonis> it is very cool.
<__monty__> T-4min
<gchristensen> ,launch 1 minute
<{^_^}> 1 minute: Ping for space stuff (edit this command to add yourself, see ",help"): infinisil Taneb ldlework etu philipp[m] eyJhb gchristensen __red__ red red[evilred] risson aaronjanse Church-
<__monty__> Liftoff!
<__monty__> Oooo, cool how you can see the vapor on the nose disappear exactly when it breaches the sound barrier : o
<hodapp> hyperfekt: what do you mean kind of shared memory?
<Mic92> Uff that was an interesting experience to get fpga sdks to work: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/fhs-env-for-installing-xilinx/13150
<hodapp> hyperfekt: and, whether async or sync, what prevents userspace from modifying it while drive or kernel is in the midst of a read? is that done atomically?
<philipp> Thanks for the launch pings! Barely made it.
<hodapp> Mic92: oh, man, has the FPGA toolchain situation gotten better than where it was circa 2015? (not with NixOS, just in general)
<hyperfekt> well as you mentioned different threads may share memory that is submitted for direct io. those threads may or may not be part of the same process
<Mic92> hodapp: Yeah. Very pleasantly surprised the xilins runtime is even open-source.
<Mic92> Still 50GB of shit that needs to be installed
<hodapp> hyperfekt: so said memory might be shared between multiple processes?
<hodapp> Mic92: blugh
<hyperfekt> hodapp: see shmget and shm_open
<hodapp> lovesegfault: that's very slick
<hodapp> hyperfekt: would the read otherwise be done atomically though, such that no write (whether from same process or different process in the case of SHM) would actually matter?
<hyperfekt> otherwise? you mean with buffered io?
<hodapp> if no checksums were being done, thus two reads were not necessary
<Ke> just remember tweaking page tables anyway is costly
<hyperfekt> presumably it wouldn't be done atomically, but it wouldn't lead to inconsistency
<hyperfekt> so you can still mess up the contents of your buffer but the kernel is never going to know about it, be it during writing or reading
<Ke> the problem is the checksum that needs to match with the contents
<Ke> hmm this was mentioned, not sure what is the discussion anymore, should be sleep
<hodapp> yes, I wasn't aware that two distinct reads had to occur of memory that userspace can still freely modify
<__monty__> drakonis: Old comment and most of the advantages boil down to "It's Guile". UX and better bootstrapping excluded.
<__monty__> Not sure whether you wanted to start some discussion.
<eyJhb> Is there currently any projects to make the nixpkgs lib API better? ie. consistent functions, etc.?
<__monty__> My impression is people think flakes will solve the problem.
<__monty__> I haven't experienced the problem much tbh.
<__monty__> Just the lack of documentation.
<gchristensen> I haven't seen someone thinking flakes will improve the nixpkgs lib api
<__monty__> The reasoning is that flakes will bring composability.
<eyJhb> Even if flakes would do it, as it COULD allow for pulling in a small lib on the side. THat lib still needs to be made :):):) :D
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<eyJhb> ^ get back here
<gchristensen> whoops
<eyJhb> Oh... That was quick
<eyJhb> Glad to see you again gchristensen
<gchristensen> :P
<joepie91> I haven't followed the latest developments around flakes, but yes, I do feel that they can help utility quality if done correctly; because it significantly lowers the bar to trying out better APIs
<gchristensen> keyboard shortcuts
<eyJhb> gchristensen: Hate them, love them, can't live without them :D
<joepie91> this is pretty much the exact same mechanism by which the JS ecosystem could very rapidly iterate towards much better-designed APIs than libraries commonly have in other languages
<drakonis> when what you have is a language runtime and everything is built on top of it, its much easier to iterate
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<joepie91> "arguing that the stdlib should change in a certain way" is just something that is much more difficult and requires much more effort and commitment than "just writing the thing and seeing whether people are interested in using it"
<drakonis> it also needs an wholy different culture to achieve it
<__monty__> I do see flakes making it easier to use different lib implementations. I don't see this having a fast effect on Nixpkgs though.
<adisbladis> I think according to current practices even after accepting a potential new flakes rfc and then stabilising the feature it would take at least 2 more years before nixpkgs could use external flakes
<joepie91> I would expect roughly the same thing to happen as in JS: the best utilities exist stand-alone, and the mostly-decent designs make it into kitchensink libs with some latency (Lodash in the case of JS, probably nixpkgs in the case of Nix)
<hodapp> what does flakes do to help composability? I ask this not knowing very much about flakes
<elvishjerricco> Apparently Apple's new "Magic Keyboard with Touch ID" can be used with any M1 mac. It just acts like a an encrypted channel between a physical sensor and the M1's secure enclave. I was sort of expecting it to be perma-paired with the mac it ships with, like the sensor and enclave are on other apple devices with the sensor built in. But no, you can actually re-pair it with another mac (unclear if it can pair with ipads/iphones)
<elvishjerricco> It's so very nice to have these complete security overviews: https://support.apple.com/guide/security/welcome/web
<elvishjerricco> If only they would open source more of it...
<drakonis> hodapp: i think it gets used for pinning multiple repositories
<aocusr> iirc you can buy the keyboard without any device
<drakonis> its kind of a weird band-aid honestly
<drakonis> its not too different from proglangs with pinning based package managers
<aocusr> even funnier, apple announced loseless apple music which non of it's headphone supports it
<drakonis> it is a huge deal because it was supposed to deliver us from the dark ages of nix_path for using multiple sources
<MichaelRaskin> None? Don't they have anything wired anymore with an adapter?
<drakonis> aocusr: oh you're on #guix
<drakonis> the name was familiar as heck
<aocusr> rofl
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<cransom> MichaelRaskin: yeah, none. even if you plug a lightning cable into the brand new 600$ pair they debuted recently to your machine, it's not 'lossless'.
<MichaelRaskin> Argh but how
<hodapp> D:
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, my opinion of Apple peaked right before the first iPhone and has never since trended up, but sometimes they still manage to surprise me
<hodapp> why have a cable that can carry eleventy billion bits per second if it can't even carry 44,100 samples/second * 2 channels * 16 bits/sample?!?!
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<talyz> eyJhb: [hiking] don't know any specific trails or such, but it's beautiful up north :)
<adisbladis> talyz: I told him to go to Åre
<adisbladis> Take the cabin lift up and start from there
<adisbladis> It's spectacular
<talyz> adisbladis: oh, yeah, Åre is great :)
<__monty__> hodapp: My understanding of it is that flakes allow you to pin all your inputs without forcing your consumers to use the same pins.
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<hodapp> __monty__: ahh, okay!
<eyJhb> talyz: My biggest fear is if there is still snow/very cold there mid June
<__monty__> hodapp: What I don't know is why doing the same with plain nix isn't equivalent. Since you can have your pins be default argument values.
<hodapp> huh, it isn't equivalent?
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<__monty__> If it were equivalent then why would people hope it fixes the lib situation?
<__monty__> Or helps fix at least.
<gchristensen> like I said a while ago, I've never heard anyone suggest it would
<hodapp> wasn't sure what you meant. something could result in an equivalent derivation - yet be much easier to work with
* colemickens bought an aliexpression ryzen 5000 series laptop and yall its amazing and gorgeous and everything just worked out of box.
* hodapp is delaying buying a Ryzen because of component prices being stupid, but is however enjoying his new M1 Macbook.
<hodapp> ...except that I want Nix on it and haven't gotten around to figuring out how yet.
* colemickens sees his typo and imagines what business aliexpression would be in
<hodapp> err, which typo?
<hodapp> I saw 'aliexpression' and figured it was a real thing
<adisbladis> hodapp: Declarative ecommerce
<gchristensen> vaguely and sometimes completely wrong imitation expressions
<colemickens> expression has multiple definitions too, just throwing that out there
* colemickens slips out quietly to do battle with /init
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<samueldr> hmm.. been trying linux-zen on that bad atom tablet and it seems to help with responsiveness, not noticeably with phosh's, but with ssh'd uses
<samueldr> e.g. opening a new tmux... "tab", and then cd-ing into the configuration and using `tig` is noticeably snappier
<talyz> eyJhb: I can give you updates on the situation - one of my colleagues lives in östersund
<talyz> eyJhb: i don't think snow's not very likely in mid-june, but who knows :p
<eyJhb> talyz: The double negative `don't` + `not` seems to imply... There might be snow? :p
<adisbladis> talyz: It's not unheard of iirc
<adisbladis> Also the elevation difference between östersund and the mountains in åre is pretty drastical
<adisbladis> So you may have snow covered peaks
<adisbladis> Even if the rest is green
<joepie91> I didn't know I was missing immune system fanfic in my life, but https://twitter.com/SchmiegSophie/status/1394406900578521093
<MichaelRaskin> If not for the _book_, it would not even qualify as fiction!
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<talyz> eyJhb: oops :p
<adisbladis> eyJhb: Might I recommend a warmer country if temps/snow are such a concern? :P
<talyz> adisbladis: no, definitely not, just less likely :)
<philipp> Wasn't there this cartoon show for kids a decent time ago that was supposed to teach them about their body where heavily anthromorphised cells were the characters?
<philipp> Even found an episode on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIyvrcHnriE
<samueldr> IIRC they upload them officially
<samueldr> hm
<samueldr> not entirely it seems
<samueldr> >> 28 unavailable videos are hidden
<samueldr> or they somehow were made unavailable even though it's the official source :\
<MichaelRaskin> geofencing?
<samueldr> plausible too
<samueldr> youtube's interface sure ain't telling why
<MichaelRaskin> abathur: there is also the game of estimating the impact of the laws _forbidding_ wearing face-concealing masks in public, even during flu season. As we know masks slow down flu, maintaining normalisation of masks will save lives!
<lukegb> there's a "show unavailable videos" option in the dango menu
<lukegb> which add a bunch of "[Private video]" entries
<__monty__> Decent show.
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<philipp> Jimbo nearly died because no adult could be bothered to keep track of their shots.
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