gchristensen: update: I can *smell* the difference in air quality
also came with a free humidifier for some reason so that's running now too, and that solves my other environment problem
It looks lovely, but thinking about all the teaching resources for the saxophone that would be inapplicable makes me shudder.
This is why classical instruments change so rarely, I believe: because of all the accumulated knowledge about how to play them that people don't want to waste.
sounds like legacy systems!
It only takes O(1) lifetimes to master an instrument anyway so what are we even worrying about? Premature optimization is the root of all evil. ; )
Actually, if we wanted to express it as an O-complexity, it would be: being able to play n good, you need O(e^n) time
I think. Since the better you are, the more time you need to invest to get even better
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infinisil: I guess that'd apply to abstract musicians, but how does our limited lifespan factor in?
Probably O(min(lifespan, e^n)) :)
infinisil: That'd imply extra proficiency is free once you die. It'd probably be more like one part of a hyperbola.
Ohh right
Otoh _|_ -> Anything so you might very well be right : )
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infinisil: I joined the taskwarrior org on github a month or two ago (mostly to help them organize issues; I'm no good at C++); mentioned your concern to paul
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jcrben: You mean the "Error in certificate"?
infinisil: nah, sorry for the lack of clarity - using a slide deck as a tutorial
Ah that, thanks :)
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tilpner: Is there a difference between path/ray-tracer?
they are indeed different
they're sort of independent of each other actually
in that you can do path-tracing to so shading for scanline rendering if you wish, for instance
infinisil - A ray tracer would only send a single ray, and then another single ray per reflection/refraction
infinisil - A path tracer would scatter rays everywhere, lots of times. The path is a chain of rays
But opinions differ, and I've heard it defined differently
Am still a bit confused
infinisil: it's a way of doing global illumination.
it can be connected to how you trace rays, but it doesn't have to be (there are methods that start tracing from the lights, for instance, and methods that work bidirectionally)
So the thing that differentiates a ray tracer from a path tracer is that a path tracer recurses on hits?
ray tracers can recurse on hits too; the 'traditional' ones always have, to handle things like reflection/refraction
but that doesn't handle - for instance - the way that light still bounces around a room with only diffuse surfaces
Oh, and I guess path tracers do randomization on matte surfaces?
path tracing is more a specific method of approximating things via one approach
while there are other ways of approximating (e.g. photon mapping, radiosity) that aren't path tracing, but which approximate the same thing differently, and other ways that are just sort of hacks to try to look right (and which aren't attempting to solve the same thing)
e.g. when ray tracers use area lights to try to get soft lighting
Ah, I get what you meant with "pathtracing uses lots of rays"
I understood it as lots of rays for different pixels, but it's actually lots of rays for every single one