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<sphalerite> fortunately no known casualties
<gchristensen> I'm glad to hear it, sphalerite, thank you
<pie_> "Mackintosh building restoration was nearly finished after smaller 2014 blaze" ugh geez xD
<sphalerite> yeah…
<pie_> that building is totally wrecked
* pie_ looks at picture
<sphalerite> I suppose it's lucky it happened the day after student graduations and not the before
<sphalerite> yeah, I've got a good view of it from my window. Looks like a complete loss
<pie_> "Its most famous feature was its library, which housed many rare and archival materials as well as original furniture and fittings, and was gutted by the first fire." fuckkkkkkkk
<pie_> hope that shit was digitized and archived offsite, but yknow, yeah right,
<pie_> .
<pie_> "The report also noted that a sprinkler system, designed to enhance existing fire protection measures, was in the latter stages of installation at the time of the fire, but was not yet operational. " oh irony
<pie_> ah thats at the first fire. somewhat ambiguous wording
<pie_> " It is not known whether any similar system had been installed yet in the latest restoration."
<JasonGrossman> Oh dear. :-(
<sphalerite> My guess based on the development of the fire is either "no" or "yes, but not a very effective one"
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<gchristensen> how does anyone trust secrets in a public CI pipeline
<gchristensen> like ok you can encrypt them, cool, fine. even better, most will detect a leaked secret and *** it out
<gchristensen> but if anyone can send a PR and echo $secret | rev, or echo $secret | base64
<LnL> is "I don't" a valid answer?
<gchristensen> but some people do :$
<LnL> the only model that's somewhat sane is something like read tokens in vault
<LnL> but that only works with indirect access and doesn't necessarily prevent access
<LnL> just enables detecting it
<gchristensen> yea
<gchristensen> LnL: mind sending me a test PR in a few minutes?
<LnL> sure
* gchristensen does various dances to make things work
<joepie91> whoopsie, seems the traffic is broken where I live
<joepie91> some people have been stuck on the roof of a parking garage for an hour now
<gchristensen> wat
<joepie91> and police is getting flooded with reports of traffic jams
<joepie91> seemingly due to a combination of the funfair + some road works + nice weather
<joepie91> our traffic management is pretty fragile, it's really well-managed but if they fuck up even once then it all goes to hell right away :P
<joepie91> (old city, narrow streets, lots of traffic)
<gchristensen> ok, so, buildkite is pretty great
<gchristensen> the ability to upload the pipeline definition as *part of your job* is great
<joepie91> for illustration, this is the part that has been blocked: http://www.gmapgis.com/viewer.htm?BwuVsF030O.gmp
<joepie91> (by the funfair)
<gchristensen> why is this great? you don't have to suffer through yaml/json/whatever
<gchristensen> you can write your definition in whatever lang, write it to disk, then upload the job. that is cool!
<LnL> gchristensen: I can't see the build results
<andi-> gchristensen: I guess most people just configure secrets outside of the pro (e.g. on travis just for master branch). Only if someone is dumb enough to merge it there will be a leak...
<andi-> but yeah.. I wouldn't put any secrets there..
<LnL> no, I get 'Page not found'
<gchristensen> even if you log in?
<LnL> yeah, I have an account
<gchristensen> :thinking: it should be public, my private account expired
<gchristensen> LnL: can you see https://buildkite.com/grahamc/test/builds/5 ?
<gchristensen> oh I guess that is the same
<LnL> can't even see https://buildkite.com/grahamc
<gchristensen> I'm so confused :$
<gchristensen> oh well, this is probably for the best.
<gchristensen> just surprising
<LnL> I'll try something flying blind in a second
<gchristensen> ok with any luck I'll be able to allow your build
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<gchristensen> LnL: maybe I'll have someone else do it? :)
<LnL> I'm over-engineering a bit :p
<gchristensen> oh :D
<gchristensen> cool
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<gchristensen> LnL: how do you like that env dump
<LnL> got me some secret tokens here
<LnL> I hope the GITHUB_* stuff isn't real tho
<gchristensen> there you are
<LnL> ah
<gchristensen> fwiw I don't _think_ there are any secrets in the env if I were to actually run your PR through .... but there is one env var I don't know about, BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN
<infinisil> ldlework: can't currently watch that, what is it?
<LnL> right
<gchristensen> anyway, this is satisfactory enough for me to go ahead and add some real secrets to this env for testing various things which need secrets, but would also benefit from a public process for PR testing
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<LnL> have you used vault?
<gchristensen> yeah! I like it a lot
<LnL> nice, me too
<LnL> don't like it's cli tho
<gchristensen> no :)
<ldlework> infinisil: it is Nadishana, a performer from Paris who can play any instrument, even one's that don't exist and he just made up himself.
<ldlework> He's playing a Futujara which is like a hybrid fujara made from PVC.
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<sphalerit> joepie91: I find traffic management stuff fascinating. I don't really know much about it at all, but one thing I noticed is that one of the buildings at my uni has an interesting setup with the staircases. There's a sort of lobby on every floor where you get to the 4 elevators, and the door to a staircase. But there are 2 staircases, and the ground floor elevator lobby door connects to a different staircase from all the
<sphalerit> others
<sphalerit> Leading to there being one "up-dominant" and one "down-dominant" staircase
<sphalerit> Hope that message was short enough for the matrix bridge not to mangle it -_-
<sphalerite> yay it didn't
<sphalerite> huh, it actually split it. I think that's a new behaviour.
<joepie91> sphalerite: a similar hack seems to have been applied here; most of the city center is one-way traffic
<joepie91> very frustrating if you take a wrong turn, but it works very well
<sphalerite> with a grid and alternating directions?
<joepie91> sphalerite: how do you mean?
<sphalerite> a grid of roads, where from east to west you have one going north, one going south, one going north, etc
<sphalerite> and vice versa
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<joepie91> sphalerite: ah, well, this is NL, so there's not so much a grid of anything here, but they do seem to alternate directions, yes
<joepie91> sphalerite: https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=dordrecht#map=17/51.81121/4.66425
<joepie91> (OSM indicates traffic directions)
<sphalerite> Glasgow has something that seems to be based around that core pattern, except with loads and loads of exceptions
<sphalerite> the city centre that is
<joepie91> never quite realized that it was alternating :D
<sphalerite> actually it's mostly made of exceptions. Never mind. :p
<joepie91> haha
<sphalerite> well it makes sense. That way if you're going the wrong direction you only need to go one block orthogonal to the direction you've been travelling in to fix it
<joepie91> sphalerite: makes me wonder where the problem comes from with people having to circle around the entire city if they miss a turn
<joepie91> this is, like, a universal complaint about this city :)
<sphalerite> heh
<joepie91> "I took a wrong turn and I had to drive around for 30 minutes to find my way back!"
<sphalerite> well to me it just looks complicated and confusing
<sphalerite> (I also don't drive, so I'm only used to being able to go in only one direction when cycling. And I don't do that very much over here because I don't have a bike (had one, got stolen 3 weeks after I got it) and because there's not much of a cycle network here
<sphalerite> oh and cycle paths are often two-way even on roads that are one-way for cars, aren't they?
<samueldr> that's probably country and city dependent :)
<samueldr> here when there are actual paths, they are two-ways, but more often than not, in the one-ways in the older part of the city there are no paths
<samueldr> so one-way cycling, even though most cyclists will run the wrong way :/
<joepie91> sphalerite: we don't really have cycle paths in most of the city center, and roadside cycling is always two-way in NL I think
<joepie91> no matter whether the road is one-way
<joepie91> either that or nobody gives a damn
<sphalerite> a place in NL with few cycle paths?? :o
<joepie91> sure, pretty common in city centers and residential neighbourhoods
<joepie91> ie. low-speed streets
<joepie91> cycle paths are only common on higher-speed streets; central traffic arteries, roads between towns, etc.
<joepie91> there's neither a point nor space for them on low-speed streets
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> sphalerite: this is right around the corner from where I live: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.8107354,4.6682653,3a,75y,9.36h,89.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sUQi3hMfYNYX9gqOsYto8oQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
<joepie91> note how if you turn left, there's a cycle path; but if you go straight ahead and you move further into the city center, onto low-speed streets, the cycle path terminates
<sphalerite> fair enough.
<sphalerite> And I guess motorists are very used to and accommodating towards cyclists
<joepie91> yeahj
<joepie91> yeah*
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<samueldr> let's hope those failures are progress :)
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<gchristensen> ./create.sh: line 7: ./config.sh: No such file or directory :)
<gchristensen> complicated thing to test since it needs big powerful machines available
<gchristensen> or miserably tiny machines
<gchristensen> samueldr: the tests all pass here, the challenge is making them pass _there_
<gchristensen> I guess mostly it is challenging b/c I can quantify the cost in "dollars per PR" and that feels scary =)
<samueldr> oh, right
<gchristensen> (even though I don't have to actually pay for it, I take great care to not overstay my welcome)
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<infinisil> ldlework: seen it now, that's neat :o
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