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<infinisil> gchristensen: Do you play an instrument?
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<gchristensen> bassoon / fagott
<infinisil> :O
<infinisil> gchristensen: For how long?
<gchristensen> I'm out of practice, but I played for about 10 years ... 7 years ago :P trying to pick it up again.
<infinisil> Nice!
<gchristensen> I had to stop when I moved away from the person I was borrowing a bassoon from, and it took me 7 years to be willing to buy a very not nice one (which I could afford)
<infinisil> How expensive is a good one?
<gchristensen> like 20,000 (pretty good) - 80,000 (quite good) usd (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`). the one I got was like 1,000
<infinisil> Whoa..
<gchristensen> yeah :(
<infinisil> I'm thinking about starting playing an instrument again, I find string instruments very interesting nowadays
<infinisil> Played the piano for like 5 years about 5 years ago
<gchristensen> infinisil: here are some good, used bassoons: https://www.mmimports.com/product-category/bassoon-instruments/used-bassoons/ (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
<infinisil> Damn, they sure aren't cheap. Looking at a video of one, they are quiet big, which justifies it a bit
<gchristensen> and are all hand-made and not many of them are made
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* samueldr hates when deployment fails on test VMs due to ridiculously small disks
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<ldlework> gchristensen: cool!
<ldlework> I wonder how many of us are musicians
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<infinisil> Oh man, I should really finish my nixbot update that allows it to modify things
<infinisil> Then we could do stuff like > ops = ops ++ [ "somenick" ] or (I just thought of this) > musicians = musicians // { infinisil = "ex-piano"; }
<infinisil> Would enable a bunch of stuff
<ldlework> I've never played the ex-piano
<ldlework> I have been studying music theory pretty intensely the last couple weeks.
<gchristensen> lol
<infinisil> Heh
<infinisil> ldlework: You actually have? What for?
<ldlework> infinisil: To get better. I play mandolin, and when I hit a plataeu, I learn some more theory.
<infinisil> Ah so you are a musician too!
<ldlework> I'm mostly interested in improvisation.
<ldlework> Yeah!
* infinisil looks up what a mandolin is..
<ldlework> O_O
<ldlework> It is like a violin that you have to pluck.
<infinisil> Seems more like a guitar / banjo than a violin?
<infinisil> Watching a video about it
<ldlework> It is plucked/strummed like those two, but it is constructed and tuned just like a Violin in Perfect 5ths.
<infinisil> I see
<infinisil> Cool
<ldlework> I always treated music as "like math" when I was growing up. That it was too hard, and that other people would always be better than I was.
<ldlework> When I was older, I ignored music because "like math" I had put it off for too long and now I was too old to learn something that the brain needs to encounter while it is still developing.
<gchristensen> I know a lute player, first mandolin player
<ldlework> Then my friend pointed out that his young kid, 5 or so, was learning music theory in school and if he could learn, which he really was, then I could do.
<ldlework> That gave me the confidence. When I gave it real go I did find out that while there is a lot of math backing music, that that isn't how music theory is taught. It really is just very very simple patterns, layered or dependent on each other, pedagogically speaking.
<infinisil> Was similar to me when I thought about doing some martial arts. One day I thought whatever and signed up for karate lessons and started going :D
<infinisil> It lasted like 1-2 years, but still!
<ldlework> gchristensen: I once saw Mike Marshall (an international mandolin virtuoso) and his wife Caterina Lichtenberg play Bach on Mandolin and Lute specifically.
<gchristensen> oh _man_
<ldlework> It was in Berkeley CA and it was this very intimate venue. We were front row and so close to them, that Caterina asked me to move my foot when she took out her lute.
<ldlework> Her lute was something like 700 years old, it was inlaid with platinum and mother of pearl
<ldlework> It came in a box-case that was almost just as beautiful.
<ldlework> It was a stellar performance. They were playing some particularly haunting Bach pieces. There hadn't been any noise in the place beyond the lute and mandolin and clapping for like 45 minutes.
<ldlework> And there were in some Bach piece, and Mike just started throwing in these really dirty Bluegrass licks into the Very Serious Bach
<ldlework> And his wife just yells, none of us having heard any speech in almost an hour "MIIIIIIIKEEEE!!!!!"
<ldlework> the whole audience burst out in laughter
<infinisil> Haha
<infinisil> Damnit Mike!
<ldlework> Classic Mike.
<ldlework> gchristensen: are you classically trained?
<gchristensen> no way
<gchristensen> just in grade school + private lessons + some hobby stuff
<ldlework> how did you end up picking the bassoon then?
<ldlework> ah
<gchristensen> I bonded with one of the founders of Packet via bassoon :)
<ldlework> I would love to pick up a wind instrument
<ldlework> But I don't have any idea how I would practice it
<ldlework> I would feel extremely guilty
<gchristensen> wthy so?
<maurer> I know we have a bunch of EU folk who do nixos stuff
<maurer> maybe talk to your reps and ask them to not be dicks
<infinisil> When I went to highschool (16 y/o maybe?) I continued taking piano lessons, but that teacher made me play classical stuff, which I didn't like at all.. This may be the reason I dropped lessons after like half a year
<infinisil> I was mainly into groovy stuff, rag
<infinisil> swing, etc.
<gchristensen> I hear that
<ldlework> gchristensen: because of neighbors
<gchristensen> screw 'em
<ldlework> infinisil: I cannot bear to study other people's music at all
<infinisil> "other people's music"?
<ldlework> Yeah, I am only interested in improvisation.
<infinisil> Ah
<infinisil> I was never able to improvise, at all
<ldlework> I started off with about 8 years of group hand-percussion. I have a very strong rhythmic sense. When I first started learning mandolin and music theory, I started with sheet music and Bach. I almost gave it up completely.
<ldlework> Then I decided to learn the pentatonics and try playing with a backing track on Youtube.
<ldlework> It was like another activity all together.
<ldlework> Take a scale, okay, those are the places where I can put my feet. Now I just have to dance with my fingers.
<ldlework> That's actually quite literally how I conceptualize improvisation. Dancing or druming with my fingers.
<infinisil> Heh, if you can do that
<infinisil> I was never that good
<ldlework> If you can hit the tonic at the end of the measure, then you can sound good improvising with pentatonics :)
<ldlework> If you have some rhythm.
<ldlework> I'm teaching my girlfriend mandolin, and it is amazing to me how she absorbs the patterns of music theory, no problem.
<ldlework> But she doesn't have much rhythm. So when she goes to improvise it sounds like jilted and unsure.
<ldlework> But I know it will come with time.
<infinisil> Yeah
<infinisil> The one piece of music I was able to play really well for a long long time is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCxLAr_bwpA
<infinisil> It's still in my fingers today (at least the start of it)
<ldlework> It is not an easy piece, so good job.
<ldlework> Ragtime in general...
<infinisil> Yeah, took me a while to get it right, it has really wide grips and fast movements
<ldlework> I agree with one of the commenters on this video, that this performance has incredibly steady tempo for this song.
<infinisil> Yea there's other people doing more fancy stuff with it, my performance sounds more like this guys one though
<ldlework> If you can play Maple Leaf Rag, you probably have enough rhythm in you to pick up improv.
<ldlework> :)
<infinisil> Well, it's been a while since I last played, and I don't plan to play the piano again
<infinisil> Maybe something else though
<ldlework> I fell in love with mandolin watching Chris Thile.
<ldlework> I'm spoiled by perfect 5ths tuning that everytime I pick up a guitar, I don't understand how anyone works with such a crazy instrument.
* infinisil watches something from chris thile
<ldlework> Here's Mike Marshall and Chris Thile, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQMswzRbiu8
<ldlework> With a nice solo from Thile at some point
<ldlework> about 3:35 in
<ldlework> ridiculous
<infinisil> He sure can play it well
<infinisil> Personally not really a fan of the sound of this instrument though :)
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<ldlework> Good thing there are many to choose from :)
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: holy crap. and I thought it would be expensive to get myself a replacement for my alto sax which apparently isn't worth repairing
<gchristensen> heh
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<sphalerite> personally I sing, play the piano, and try to play the sax
<sphalerite> it's just so much fun
<infinisil> Whoa nice
<sphalerite> Started playing the piano at 6, mostly classical sort of stuff. Started pursuing it on my own initiative 7 years in, and those 7 years of being made to play were SO WORTH IT :D
<sphalerite> The first stuff I played on my own initiative (by ear) was some of the soundtrack from Chrono Trigger iirc
<sphalerite> I'm not very good at reading sheet music anymore, but I wouldn't say I'm bad at playing :D
<ldlework> sax is definitely my first choice if I pick up a wind insrument
<ldlework> holy crap sometimes I fantasize about improvisation on a sax
<sphalerite> it's great fun. Loud though. I posted notes to all my neighbours telling them to ping me if it disturbed them (my attempts at playing stuff can be quite disturbing :p )
<gchristensen> getting a house has been nice, I can go in the basement and be minimally disruptive... but even before the house, just had to play and let my neighbors get over it.
<sphalerite> And it's easier to get notes out of it than I thought before I first tried it
<ldlework> I'm in a session of teaching my girlfriend mandolin right now.
<sphalerite> I didn't get any bad feedback FWIW, one positive response though! :D
<ldlework> Three cheers of music!
<ldlework> for rather :)
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<infinisil> My nearest neighbors are like 100 meters away, so that shouldn't be much of a problem if I want to practice something loud and annoying :D
<infinisil> One positive thing about living on the countryside
<sphalerite> One thing I love about visiting my parents in Sweden is the lovely piano there and the fact that (while not quite that remote) the house is completely detached from all the neighbours'. So all I need to worry about is playing too early in the morning (or not-so-morning) and making my sister grumpy by waking her up :D
<infinisil> Nice
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<infinisil> ldlework: Just watching this guy play wind instruments i didn't even know existed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud4hShDnZcI
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<pie_> ohai
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<andi-> o/
<andi-> infinisil: how dare you destroy the nice chat? ;-)
<infinisil> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<pie_> nothing like the feeling of a connection coming up after a reboot with networking changes...
<pie_> uh. or not.
<MichaelRaskin> Connection coming up but SSH not coming up on a headless box. Mmmm
<pie_> im next to it its just a pain to borrow my coworkers monitor
<pie_> yeah headless heh
<pie_> odd that ssh on lan would fail though because i didnt touch that...
<MichaelRaskin> In my case a box that uses random NixOS modules but is not running mainline NixOS is across the room from a TV. But normally stands headless. And when I say box, it is a BRIX (I can throw it into backpack without noticing, but it is i7-4770R). And I have a second power brick next to TV just in case. Still annoying to attach a monitor to it.
<gchristensen> bootloader rollbacks + console over ssh
<gchristensen> ++
<pie_> MichaelRaskin, sounds fancy
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<pie_> gchristensen, sure but dont you have to have some fancy enterprise shit to access the bootloader console :p
<pie_> though earlier we did discuss the autorollback stuff
<pie_> or maybe i just didnt wait long enough for boot
<pie_> ok heh this is odd
<gchristensen> apparently any intel w/ vpro or AMT can give you console remotely
<pie_> vpn works but ssh over lan doesnt
<MichaelRaskin> Recently openssh-server module in NixOS switched from hardcoding store path to sshd_config to creating a symlink in /etc/ssh/ — that obviously hit my setup…
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<pie_> i guess it wasnt listening on the interface to begin with or something
<pie_> gchristensen, ah thats true, i never tried that
<pie_> gchristensen, *whistles* nothing to backdoor here :p
<gchristensen> but also yes I do have some fancy enterprise shit
<pie_> ok nevermind so looks like ssh is broken...
<pie_> fuq
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe you should run both lsh and ssh daemons
<pie_> whats lsh
<MichaelRaskin> And hope that only one will be messed up by any single update
<pie_> vpn does work though heh
<MichaelRaskin> GNU implementation of SSH protocol
<pie_> ah
* pie_ sighs and gets up to get the monitor
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<pie_> next question
<pie_> why do i have no video output
<MichaelRaskin> Can't you boot the previous configuration just by keyboard?
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<pie_> did a reboot, monitor works fine now
<pie_> i get the weirdest problems...
<MichaelRaskin> Not that weird
<MichaelRaskin> Modern video connections are stupid. Basically each side would prefer that the other side commits to using the connection first. Works really well on boot.
<pie_> this isnt that new
<pie_> also i think it worked before
<pie_> *shurg*
<pie_> whats the openssh service called?
<pie_> sshd only seems to have logs till before reboot
<pie_> i donnt seem to have an ssh service.
<MichaelRaskin> It should be sshd
<pie_> grepping for ssh should also list sshd shouldnt it
<MichaelRaskin> One could hope
<MichaelRaskin> if you actually grep
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<pie_> i dont understand why but the issue was moving my ssh config stuff into the imported network.nix file
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<infinisil> Regarding instruments, I just read this online:
<infinisil> "I started so late, because I thought it would be difficult and would take at least 10 years to become proficient. I then realized that I could be a 54 year old guy, or a 54 year old guy who can play the cello."
<infinisil> Really motivating to start learning!
<infinisil> And I really tend towards the Cello, sounds really nice
<sphalerite> Well, this is kind of terrifying. Gigantic fire just a few blocks from where I live
<pie__> sphalerite, time to start dousing your house in water
<pie__> :O
<sphalerite> It's already gutted an ~8-storey building and has spread to a few others
<sphalerite> I'm going to get out of my flat. It doesn't *look* like there's a major risk of it spreading as far as my building but there's no way I'm going to be able to sleep here (any more) tonight
<pie__> :(
<pie__> poor ppl
<simpson> Good luck.