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<jD91mZM2> Welp, Microsoft aquired GitHub: https://about.gitlab.com/2018/06/03/microsoft-acquires-github/
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<ikwildrpepper> jD91mZM2: gitlab seems to 'profit' from that news
<adisbladis> I'm alredy much happier with gitlab that github
<jD91mZM2> ikwildrpepper: Not suprising considering Microsoft made the largest closed source operating system. Their importer seems pretty cool!
<jD91mZM2> adisbladis: What makes you happier with it? To me they both seem equal except gitlab itself is open source and github is more popular
<adisbladis> jD91mZM2: I have used both paid github and paid gitlab. Gitlab just has nicer overall integrations
<adisbladis> Like the CI
<adisbladis> And the issue tracking is _miles_ better
<adisbladis> Where I work we used to use Trello, now we can use the gitlab issues board
<jD91mZM2> GitHub has their Projects thing too
<jD91mZM2> One cool thing about GitLab is that they have free private/internal repos :)
<adisbladis> jD91mZM2: Yeah it's great!
<adisbladis> Though the only private stuff I have except work is my password repo
<jD91mZM2> I like making some work-in-progress repos private for only friends to view
<adisbladis> jD91mZM2: Yeah, me too. And repos which aren't really in a state which I want to show the world quite yet
<jD91mZM2> Previously used GitHub Edu for that, but I don't really like Education stuff since it's just temporary
<jD91mZM2> s/Previously used/Currently using
<jD91mZM2> but might change to GitLab since it looks awesome
<jD91mZM2> One thing that annoyed me with GH is that private repos can only be viewed by collaborators - which means they also have write access
<jD91mZM2> Is GitLab's permission system less restricted?
<adisbladis> jD91mZM2: I believe so
<jD91mZM2> Lol GitLab has been trying to import my repository from GitHub for 48 minutes now
<ikwildrpepper> jD91mZM2: probably busy with others first ;)
<jD91mZM2> :P
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<Guest92465> jD91mZM2: I noticed some issues granting read-only access to closed repos on gitlab-ce with tokens, can't remember what though.
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<adamt> I think i ended up just opening up the repo internally...
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<disasm> jD91mZM2: yeah, ruby code == really bad performance
<disasm> I'm expecting gitlab is going to see some major scalability issues in the next couple weeks as more and more people make the jump.
<simpson> disasm: Hm. Isn't GH also a Rails app
<simpson> Or is only *some* Ruby code not performant? Maybe the problem isn't Ruby...
<disasm> oh, is it? I thought they were originally in C?
<gchristensen> gh is originally ruby for sure
<samueldr> I don't think "ruby code == really bad performance", but more that it's easy to overlook making it fast?
<gchristensen> but over time they must have optimised and improved
<disasm> oh yeah, I think gchristensen is right, it was originally ruby
<samueldr> it still is AFAIK for most parts
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<gchristensen> they almost certainly have lots of parts written in lots of languages
<gchristensen> the language isn't so material
<disasm> in 2009 the backend was mostly in erlang I think
<gchristensen> not when your business is in serving TB of git repos
<disasm> but who knows now :)
<disasm> so originally ruby on rails, but they created a ruby/erlang RPC and moved all the heavy lifting to erlang from what I can tell.
<LnL> that's pretty normal for something of that scale
<samueldr> seems hard to know for sure, but on their blog there is an october 2016 article mentioning they still use rails
<samueldr> so yeah, the web parts possibly are still rails
<gchristensen> you don't just throw away working systems
<LnL> also the 'ruby is slow' thing is mostly just a meme, it's not that different from similar frameworks like django
<gchristensen> yeah
<joepie91> but.. Python/Django is slow :P
<samueldr> and it's still Rack serving github.com
<gchristensen> _who_ _cares_
<gchristensen> it does the business
<samueldr> (looking at the headers, X-Runtime-rack)
<samueldr> it's fun to see when someone brings up "gitlab is written in rails so it's slow" :)
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<gchristensen> I tell you what, the #1 thing slowing me down is the UI to github, definitely
<samueldr> no need for fast API responses if your users can't be fast using your software
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<andi-> just saw that GH + Microsoft banner... scary..
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<jD91mZM2> Guys it's still going
<jD91mZM2> After 7 hours
<gchristensen> they have like 100,000,000,000,000 repos to import
<clever> "More than 28 million developers already collaborate on GitHub, and it is home to more than 85 million code repositories used by people in nearly every country." from https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2018/06/04/microsoft-github-empowering-developers/
<samueldr> gitlab's monitoring dashboards were apparently turned off, but there was a humongous spike *after* they said they were seeing 10× the normal use of imports
<jD91mZM2> They're totally gonna blame Microsoft for this
<jD91mZM2> thank*
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<jD91mZM2> disasm: While the language doesn't make a noticable difference in speed, apparently it does in memory usage. GitLab self-hosted requires 4MB RAM, Gogs (Git front-end in Go) recommends 512MB.
<samueldr> jD91mZM2: I'm assuming 4GB, right?
<samueldr> though, (not trying to contradict) I'm curious how those initial requirements scale with the amount of repositories + objects in those (be it git, issues or PR objects)
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<jD91mZM2> samueldr: Oh, whoops, yep, 4GB :P
<jD91mZM2> And yeah Gogs might use less because it handles scaling less. GitLab is a company that has had to deal with those issues in production before
<jD91mZM2> But I do believe that some of that is because of ruby
<samueldr> oftentimes, memory use of rails is conflated to memory use of ruby
<jD91mZM2> good point
<samueldr> and rails' use of memory is hard to gauge, it's a real case of using memory for good reasons
<samueldr> some stuff is hot and ready to use
<samueldr> it would be an interesting exercise to do the default install of those kind of software and a test with maybe importing all the data of the nixos org
<samueldr> you know, torture test
<samueldr> (nah, nixos itself isn't torture!)
<samueldr> and then see many metrics: import time, performance impact in use, etc.
<samueldr> though I'm sure it would be hard since all those platforms work in different ways, so no way to automate
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<samueldr> as I said during the weekend, the torrent of FUD will make things painful this week :S
<joepie91> in practice, Gogs uses WAY WAY less than 512MB RAM
<joepie91> like I've never even seen it hit 100 on my instance
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