gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<samueldr> there's this weird thing with nix, the more I write, the more I understand how to write
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<simpson> I feel like Golang is like late-stage version management.
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<andi-> samueldr: why does that surprise you?
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<manveru> simpson: yeah... i really don't like the way this is going, while dep lockfiles weren't perfect, this is much harder to write nix expressions for :|
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: I was wondering, do you have any suggestions for me, as a person who doesn't currently have any computer-use-related injuries, for how to take care of myself and stay that way?
<gchristensen> if you feel pain, stop and change what you're doing straight away. get a proper ergo keyboard (mechanical keyswitches doesn't make a keyboard ergo, contrary to the advertisements)
<manveru> (also, not every ergo keyboard is the right ergo for you)
<gchristensen> ^
<manveru> which is pretty shitty, since you have to try it a few days to see if it's really good :|
<manveru> and they tend to be a bit pricey
<gchristensen> I rotate mice, but not keyboards... using a different mouse every few weeks
<manveru> i found the HHKB is pretty ergonomic for me, mostly reducing all key travel will help a lot
<manveru> and trying to avoid using the mouse anyway, i still sometimes get RSI when gaming
<gchristensen> I don't find the mouse to be a trigger for me, so ymmv
<gchristensen> basically my advice is take it seriously straight away and try to solve it
<sphalerite> right
<sphalerite> I'm on laptops most of the time, would you recommend avoiding using their keyboards when possible, even if I don't currently have any issues?
<manveru> i wish fujitsu was still making good notebooks :(
<manveru> but they outsourced everything, since then their keyboards are shit
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I would, yes
<sphalerite> thanks for the advice :)
<samueldr> eh, andi-, not really surprised, but I'm pleased I'm making progress
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<joepie91> I would flat-out recommend against using a laptop as your daily driver if you spend any serious amount of time behind your computer
<joepie91> it's incredibly difficult to get an ergonomically responsible setup with a laptop
<gchristensen> ^
<simpson> I'd recommend against using a computer, period.
<gchristensen> ^ +11
<simpson> "Programming is an unnatural act." http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/perlis-alan/quotes.html
<NinjaTrappeur> amen
<adamt> I have to ask, but is anybody seriously running gitlab on nixos? Sorry to be that guy, but it keeps breaking in funny ways, and i've no idea whether it's just gitlab being buggy as .., or something related to how the gitlab packages are made on nixos.
<gchristensen> globin / fpletz does
<adamt> It seems every once in a while, gitlab is suddenly missing (ruby) gems, which causes funny breakage
<adamt> gchristensen: Any idea whether he's using the pkgs from 18.03, or his own overlay?
<gchristensen> don't know
<jD91mZM2> joepie91: You should've told me this when I got mine, heh. I am having lots of trouble because of NVIDIA Optimus and external microphones for some reason override the builtin but count as the same device.
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<joepie91> jD91mZM2: ha, normally I just get told to shut up about the unsuitability of laptops for serious work :)
<jD91mZM2> joepie91: ... and then they call back a few years later to apologize? :P
<joepie91> jD91mZM2: I've had one or two of those cases..
<sphalerite> I might have to move before I can get a workable desktop setup.
<samueldr> a client I work for is a really small business, turns out non-laptops is a bad idea when you decide to allow working-from-home :)
<samueldr> though they provide a good setup with keyboard/mouse and screens for their employees
<gchristensen> aye
<gchristensen> s/aye//
<samueldr> (it's work-from-home except one day)
<gchristensen> wrong computer :')
<jD91mZM2> samueldr: Why are they a bad idea?
<samueldr> leaving the work computer at home causes issues the day of the week where work isn't from home
<samueldr> e.g. one of the devs has an iMac
<jD91mZM2> Oh, right
<samueldr> and the business isn't well enough to provide both a stationary computer (be it all-in-one, tower or small form factor) plus one laptop
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