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<samueldr> WIP, couldn't resist after talking about it https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/04/20180430224341.png
<drakonis> wut dis
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<drakonis> i suppose the dumb arch myths have subsided over time
<drakonis> as i haven't seen them get mentioned in some time now
<drakonis> but it was annoying
<drakonis> the annoying AUR thing however, is that everything has to be compiled
<samueldr> dunno
<samueldr> I don't think what you said were *myths* but maybe over-emphasized
<drakonis> hmm
<samueldr> you will have to learn about some components *when you goof up*
<drakonis> yes yes
<samueldr> and you can be minimalist
<drakonis> yes, but by default it isn't
<samueldr> but they are not properties of archlinux
<drakonis> ^
<samueldr> you can definitely do unminimalist
<drakonis> they do get over-emphasized like you said
<samueldr> and you can definitely use it without learning anything
<boomshroom> drakonis: I end up compiling half my Nix packages because I customize them so much. It's really nice how it transparently chooses source vs binary when installing.
<drakonis> also that's nice to have tbh
<samueldr> and "wut dis" it's a WIP FS that can be mounted e.g. on /Applications that shows the .desktop files available
<drakonis> compile only when tweaking or when not on hydra
<samueldr> it's related to a conversation earlier today
<drakonis> that's nice
<drakonis> this reminds me
<drakonis> debian has a cool thing called aptfs
<drakonis> seems like nix has an equivalent nixfs
<drakonis> mount the entire repository to a single place and then have fun with it
<boomshroom> drakonis: I've thought of having a nix filesystem for systems like Redox and Plan9, but I didn't know there was anything like it already.
<drakonis> also relevant to mention
<drakonis> seems like linux is getting the ability to run kernel code on the userspace
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<drakonis> so it'll be doable to write an filesystem without going through fuse
<boomshroom> drakonis: That would explain the userspace wasm kernel module I saw earlier today on /r/rust.
<drakonis> but the code isn't ready for merging yet, i think it might take a year tops?
<drakonis> got a link?
<drakonis> i don't think they're aware of that
<drakonis> it came up on the mailing list not a few months ago
<drakonis> hmm, now where did i see that there was an nixfs
<drakonis> don't take my word on there being one, write one anyways
<samueldr> maybe this old mailing list idea: https://nixos.org/nix-dev/2008-March/000596.html
<drakonis> man, every time i bring up running kernel code on userspace, i get giddy
<drakonis> so much potential for doing linux stuff
<drakonis> i can just compile and load the module without rebuilding the entire kernel
<drakonis> its such a big deal
<drakonis> the biggest change in the kernel in years
<drakonis> hmm, there haven't been any attempts to get any tactit approval from python developers, right?
<drakonis> in the same way haskell developers with hackage
<drakonis> lol the python list brought up today's xkcd
<drakonis> hmm, today i learned that rust people call themselves rustaceans, should lobsters people sue, they called themselves crustaceans first
<boomshroom> drakonis: We are indeed rustaceans!
* boomshroom stands proudly.
<drakonis> we called ourselves crustaceans first
<drakonis> fite me
<boomshroom> But we're not crustaceasns. Those are completely different!
<drakonis> well, y'all crabby
<drakonis> i should def try rust again at some point
<drakonis> https://lobste.rs/ now this is a lobster
<drakonis> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=16442893 this thread has decent criticism
<drakonis> even though i'm not an HN fan
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<sphalerite> Drakonis[m]: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ#Why_.3Chash.3E-.3Cname.3E_instead_of_.3Cname.3E-.3Chash.3E.3F
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<drakonis> https://github.com/purpleidea/mgmt this seems cool
<drakonis> sphalerite, actually that didn't really answer the question
<drakonis> what i wanted to know why not have the hash be a subfolder
<sphalerit> drakonis: hah, good point. It doesn't even really answer the question in its title
<drakonis> i'd rather shunt everything into <package name>/<hash>-<version>
<drakonis> as it would cut back on the read times
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