gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
<drakonis> https://reproducible-builds.org/ what's the status on this?
<drakonis> given that NixOS is linked to
<drakonis> oh i gotta do this one
<drakonis> i'm surprised this is even on freebsd
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<gchristensen> w00t!
<drakonis> i'm still unable to handle the developer bits
<drakonis> deployment is still the best.
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<sphalerite> ugh. I hate unexplained reboots.
<sphalerite> Well, it seems that *all* of the servers are down. I don't know if I should be irritated or relieved.
<sphalerite> and ghc is truly gigantic…
<sphalerite> gchristensen: whoa, dgsh looks neat!
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<andi-> sphalerite: what caused those reboots?
<sphalerite> andi-: it's still a mystery. Since everything is down, I suspect it's a power issue. Maybe even maintenance that I wasn't told about.
<andi-> I have a behaviour during a rebuild switch that touches the intel firmware which leads to reboots
<sphalerite> this was spontaneous
<andi-> sphalerite: but its not hosted at Hetzner is it? they have a larger outage
<andi-> k
<sphalerite> no, it's a server room that I take care of
<andi-> kk
<sphalerite> Hm, they wouldn't be doing electrical maintenance at 1:30am
<andi-> btw I ended up trainig with GNU typist. I can have conversations again \0/
<sphalerite> maybe there was some power issue which took them down temporarily then and now everything is off while it gets fixed…
<sphalerite> I hope I'll be able to get in the building today
<sphalerite> yay!
<andi-> possibly
<andi-> -Model> Advantage2
<andi-> Firmware> 1.0.431.us (4MB), 11/14/2017
<andi-> Active layout file> qwerty.txt
<andi-> Thumb keys mode> win
<andi-> Macro play speed> off=0, slow=1, normal=3, fast=9> 3
<andi-> Status report play speed> off=0, slow=1, normal=3, fast=4> 3
<andi-> Keyclick status> off
<andi-> Toggle tone status> on
<andi-> Stored macros> 0
<andi-> Keys remapped> 0
<andi-> ups
<sphalerite> hm, I remember doing a bit of typing training with tuxtype when I was little :D I wonder if that's still alive
<sphalerite> well, it's not in nixpkgs :(
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<sphalerite> Bleh, the openssh on scaleway debian servers doesn't support ed25519
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<andi-> what ancient debian are they shipping?
<andi-> jessie
<andi-> ?
<sphalerite> stretch
<sphalerite> oh wait maybe I was using wheezy by accident
<jD91mZM2> TIL about GNU Typist. Woah I just realized something: I'm still pretty primarily using one finger when I type lol (even though I manage to type relatively fast with it)
<jD91mZM2> ignore the "pretty primarily", I didn't double check my message
<jD91mZM2> combination of "pretty much only" and "primarily"
<andi-> hrhr
<andi-> jD91mZM2: i just went back to my thinkpads keyboard (since I'll be on tour all day) and it is terrible.. fingers moving all across the keyboard
<jD91mZM2> My fingers always move all across the keyboard. They don't like being still. And I wonder why they sometimes get sweaty lol
<jD91mZM2> Ok GNU typist is annoying. One or two or maybe possibly 10 mistakes and it makes me retype that whole thing. pls
<jD91mZM2> And I don't know if there's a key to redo it either
<andi-> hrhr how far did you get?
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<jD91mZM2> andi-: Why do you keep saying hrhr? I didn't get far at all before I rage quit :P
<jD91mZM2> Didn't even finish the first "quick qwerty" thing
<jD91mZM2> (rage quit is an over-exaggeration btw, don't worry)
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<jcrben> Drakonis[m]: I can empathize with nixos pain - back on my mac to get stuff done. altho it's also due to frustrating limitations on keyboard shortcut configurability and general instability of linux as a desktop workstation
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<gchristensen> kitty doesn't render _'s for me for some reason
<gchristensen> but only in specific places
<andi-> I am questioning the whole font rendering on GPU thing. Isn't that just more overhead?
<andi-> jcrben: what instability? I am seriously happy after many years of switching back and forth.. Might be the rather reduced desktop experience...
<gchristensen> I don't know andi-, I don't actually even care about that feature
<gchristensen> tbh I'd rather not even have it. I just want reasonable line wrapping / text reflowing
<andi-> gchristensen: OK, its just that a few of those have appeared in the last years.. Makes me wonder
<andi-> The answer to that could be termite? Konsole or even any vte based terminal emulator?
<gchristensen> they all did something I really didn't care for
<gchristensen> but I don't remember what, now
<infinisil> gchristensen: When does this line wrapping issue occur?
<gchristensen> infinisil: with terminator echo some long lines, long enough to wrap... then expand the window, note they don't reflow to one line
<gchristensen> then shorten the window, note it reflows to be shorter (maybe? maybe it just truncates lines?))
<jcrben> I'm planning to switch over to https://github.com/zeit/hyper and become more of a contributor - but I use react-redux at work and thus it looks like a more approachable way to grok terminals
<infinisil> gchristensen: Using alacritty, handles it perfectly as far as i can see
<infinisil> Lines get wrapped properly
<andi-> Electron for my terminal? I am scared...
<gchristensen> does alacritty scroll yet?
<jcrben> andi-: when I'm not at work, I like to code on the go on a laptop, and the touchpad/trackpoint experience has been particularly frustrating. also, i3 + kde seems to be particularly vulnerable to issues. but kde by itself doesn't have a widely-used tiling window solution
<infinisil> gchristensen: Not merged.. The owner is a bit.. problematic
<jcrben> haven't tried GNOME yet
<infinisil> gchristensen: I'm just using tmux to scroll
<gchristensen> gotcha
<gchristensen> I get the appeal of small composable tools like that. I don't want that for myself, though
<samueldr> my opinion is that the font *has* to be rendered somewhere, I don't care where, as long as it's not causing issues
<samueldr> I was yearning for a terminal that was... simpler than vte-based and konsole
<samueldr> (I don't remember what was the issue I had with vte terms, but I think it was related to font rendering)
<jcrben> andi-: I use vscode and chrome a ton. when I run into issues with vscode I can drop into a familiar devtools and see exactly what's happening
<samueldr> (something about larger fallback characters not snapping correctly to the grid)
<samueldr> and I see the appeal for hyper, but I have strong, bad, feelings about JS and especially the ecosystem (which I don't really want to talk about since it's negative)
<jcrben> samueldr: you're not the only one. anyhow, I don't have a religious attachment to javascript - feel free to bash away. not a fan of the churn
<jD91mZM2> Good terminals (according to me): xterm, st, konsole (<- bloaty)
<samueldr> ah, I don't like delving into negativity without constructive thoughts :/
<samueldr> if you want that, there's this thing called the rest of the internet
<infinisil> I've used konsole before, yeah it's too bloaty, wasn't a fan of it (but it was the only one that worked for me at that time)
<samueldr> jD91mZM2: s/bloaty/feature-packed, even though you may not need them all/ ;)
<gchristensen> I feel an affinity for kitty, but mostly because it taught me about /dev/pts/
<samueldr> gchristensen: please elaborate
<sphalerite> is this the new editor wars?
<samueldr> maybe it'll be a group learning experience :)
<jD91mZM2> s/feature-packaged, even though you may not need them all/has scrollback even though you should be using tmux/ ;;)
<sphalerite> I feel like we have this conversation a lot :p
<gchristensen> samueldr: for f in $(find /dev/pts/ -type c | grep -v ptmx); do (printf "\033]10;#000000\007"; printf "\033]11;#FFFFFF\007") > $f; done
<samueldr> sphalerite: this feels much more subdued though, and more akin to a quest to a common best than to a holy war
<infinisil> jD91mZM2: I bet I could set up tmux to be able to use the scolling wheel to scroll, right?
<drakonis> jD91mZM2, where do you hail from
<drakonis> distro
<drakonis> i suppose
<sphalerite> samueldr: :D
<gchristensen> samueldr: for all the numeric files in /dev/pts/ you can write to them, and the data you write appears in the correspondingterminal
<samueldr> infinisil: I use the scroll wheel to scroll tmux
<drakonis> is it arch or gentoo
<gchristensen> samueldr: for example, you can change (as up above) the color schemes with printf and a for loop
<sphalerite> infinisil: set -g mouse
<infinisil> Oh nice
<infinisil> I should've done that sooner
<samueldr> ah, that control code is the standard~ish one to change colors, I see
<gchristensen> samueldr: or, if you have a Very Important Background Process, you can when it is done, echo a status update to /dev/pts/*
<jD91mZM2> drakonis: I come from Arch Linux. Why?
<samueldr> (I already use #000000 on #ffffff so I saw no change!)
<gchristensen> samueldr: oh, well, reverse ;)
<sphalerite> infinisil: note that that also enables tmux's mouse selection though
<samueldr> I used #ffff00 and it was surprising
<infinisil> sphalerite: Oh no..
<sphalerite> infinisil: so you need to hold shift if you want to select to/paste from the X buffer
<drakonis> well that explains why you indiscriminately call everything bloat
<gchristensen> samueldr: so I've made a stupid simple systemd timer to spew color contrtol codes to /dev/pts at certain times based on how bright it is outside
<samueldr> my own personal holy war is black on white (dark on light) themes for programming/consoles
<samueldr> gchristensen: nice
<samueldr> and good news, alacritty will respond to that too ;)
<infinisil> sphalerite: Do you use the tmux selection thing? My mouse is all weird in that mode and it feels odd
<gchristensen> samueldr: exactly :)
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: Since we have this conversation a lot perhaps we should put it in the nix manual under the "best terminal that fits everybody's usecase" section?
<sphalerite> infinisil: I mostly use X selection by holding shift
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: :D
<jD91mZM2> samueldr: Light theme? D:
<sphalerite> infinisil: what's nice about tmux selection is that it's aware of the panes
<gchristensen> jD91mZM2: probably too much of a yak shave :)
<samueldr> jD91mZM2: fite me :)
<sphalerite> infinisil: oh and you can resize panes with the mouse when you enable it, which is also nice
<infinisil> sphalerite: I'm actually not using tmux panes at all :P
<infinisil> I only use tmux for scrolling
<jD91mZM2> drakonis: To be fair I only called it bloat because I was used to people saying it was bloaty when I told them I used Konsole :P
<drakonis> to be fair, arch people aren't benchmarks for calling anything bloat
<gchristensen> samueldr: I, too, am a strong supporter of dark-on-light.
<sphalerite> infinisil: whaaaaat
<drakonis> when arch builds everything enabled
<gchristensen> samueldr: except at night
<sphalerite> infinisil: you use WM tiling I'm guessing?
<infinisil> sphalerite: I have my window manager for when I need 'panes', then I can use my window manager shortcuts for everything
<samueldr> I use a tool that controls the screen through DDC to reduce the brightness of my monitors
<infinisil> sphalerite: Yeah
<samueldr> and I put them so low
<gchristensen> I can't make mine dark enough
<drakonis> redshift hmmmmm
<samueldr> I mean, looking at monitors is like looking at light bulbs!
<samueldr> even with dark themes
<drakonis> have you heard about redshift
<samueldr> yes, and am using it too
<jD91mZM2> infinisil: I'm like you there, I use it for scrolling (and tabs), but not much else
<drakonis> redshift is another thing that's questionably mostly functional
<samueldr> oh, and I always have appropriate lighting around me
<samueldr> (controllable through phillips hue if need be)
<samueldr> (phillips hue that can and does work without phoning home, entirely locally)
<gchristensen> nice
<sphalerite> infinisil: makes sense, but I think I'd get lost if I did that. I usually have at least 5 tmux windows with typically 2-4 panes each
<sphalerite> samueldr: LAN of things? :D
<infinisil> sphalerite: Depends on the WM setup
<samueldr> one of the few IoT thing (heh) that can drop the I
<sphalerite> infinisil: oh and that's in my local terminal, then I'm usually sshing into 2 or 3 servers as well >_>
<sphalerite> Maybe the solution here isn't to find a way to organise it, but to just limit what I'm doing and focus more
<infinisil> sphalerite: Ah true, I would just create a new terminal window and ssh again in there
<infinisil> (but ssh is fast if there's already another connection open)
<sphalerite> ah but I have tmux sessions on the remote machines as well :p
<infinisil> Ah yeah that's a minor problem for me
<infinisil> If I need tmux on the remote machine I'm usually running tmux in tmux :P
<samueldr> I have a wrapper script I can launch using rofi to start a terminal with an ssh connection, since I generally have tmux configured to start with the session
<samueldr> otherwise, ^b^b becomes a pain
<infinisil> I should make ^b a single key really
<gchristensen> samueldr: hmm last I tried hue, I couldn't put it on its own internet-inaccessible network... I see, now, though, that the bridge apps have the ability to not use discovery.
<samueldr> I have never used it with the "v1" protocol
<gchristensen> eh?
<samueldr> though I haven't actually segregated it from internet, just never connected it to the account thing
<samueldr> I hear that the "v2" hue protocol is pretty different
<gchristensen> oh I have an old bridge, for sure
<gchristensen> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yKf8TrLUOw monads in Excel
<infinisil> Hello there fellow hue light users!
<infinisil> I should really make some nice program that starts the lights automatically each day when I want to wake up
<infinisil> and starts music
<infinisil> Makes waking up so much nicer
<jD91mZM2> Wait, lights? You have lights?
<jD91mZM2> Darkness ftw
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<sphalerite> infinisil: I have something that wakes me up nicely every morning, it's called the sun :D
<infinisil> Sun light?? Too much of it would ruin my nice programmer-whiteness I've acquired over the last years!
<samueldr> ugh, that thing isn't reliable
<sphalerite> I haven't used an alarm in months :D
<sphalerite> infinisil: weißheit? :D
<sphalerite> oh wait no you're swiss aren't you so it's weissheit, I think?
<infinisil> Heh yes
<sphalerite> (it's funny because it's similar to weisheit which means wisdom)
<infinisil> But I guess I'd rather say "weisse" in german/swiss german
<infinisil> Yeah
<sphalerite> yeah but the pun! :D
<infinisil> ;)
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<__monty__> infinisil: Can you get me a cushy swiss job? ; )
<__monty__> I feel the tmux-in-tmux "pane." Sometimes I even resort to native terminal tabs to avoid it o.o
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<Dutchman0> would someone please point me in the right direction to allow my windows 10 to see the bpi-m64 aarch device in livesuit
<Dutchman0> Greetings
<Dutchman0> is anoyone here familiar with my request
<simpson> Dutchman0: Sorry, this is a social channel. Is your question Nix-related? I can't quite tell.
<Dutchman0> not sure as I am not sure what nix is , just that the channel listed aarch64
<simpson> Yes, many folks have been porting Nix and Nix-related tooling to aarch64.
<simpson> NixOS is a Linux distribution with the Nix package manager. It's quite cool.
<gchristensen> this channel listed aarch64?
<gchristensen> huh
<simpson> The public logs, probably.
<Dutchman0> yes in the server when you type list
<samueldr> freenode has too many channels, the list is incomplete, maybe it was #nixos-aarch64 you saw, but uh, it's about the distribution nixos
<samueldr> if it's for another distribution, you're probably best finding out that distribution's channel :)
<Dutchman0> I am familiar with many package managers , so I am sure then many of you are familiar with diffrent installs ,as I am just looking for knowledge on trying to flash my bpi-m64 to android
<samueldr> Dutchman0: try #banana-pi here on freenode, a quick google search points out it's their official channel
<Dutchman0> thank youu
<samueldr> (I personally know next to nothing about banana pi hardware)
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<drakonis> wow.
<drakonis> this was some real laziness there
<drakonis> that was
<samueldr> was it?
<drakonis> i mean dutchman
<samueldr> real laziness wouldn't have made a user find a wrong channel
<samueldr> well maybe
<__monty__> drakonis: Some people just don't have any experience with irc. Tbh channel discovery is often terrible.
<samueldr> yes!
<samueldr> and freenode has this weird quirk
<samueldr> of only listing a couple channels
<samueldr> I was trying (when I first started hopping around the nixos irc channels) to list all nix and nixos-related channels
<samueldr> impossible since it also lists *nix unix and stuff like that
<samueldr> and the output of LIST is limited to (IIRC) 100 channels
<samueldr> maybe there's something with IRCv3 where it's possible to list them all
<samueldr> still, I think it's not laziness, but uh, completely being out of their element
<samueldr> (coupled with laziness)
<samueldr> I value laziness, the type where you do effort to then make no efforts :)
<drakonis> does it really?
<samueldr> not list all channels?
<drakonis> yeah?
<samueldr> maybe something changed
<samueldr> or it's only the command with filtering that doesn't
<drakonis> i do a /list and everything comes up
<samueldr> yeah, I just did and it looks like a bunch of things came up
<samueldr> (use /quote HELP LIST to see what I mean about filtering)
<andi-> wow,
<andi-> i found the insert key m(
<samueldr> ah, it's `alis` which has a limit
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