gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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* andi- cannot wait for his advantage2 to arrive...
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<gchristensen> andi-: !!!
<andi-> Stayed home since the package was scheduled a day early... No UPS guy yet.. Mildly upset -.-
<gchristensen> :(
<__monty__> What's in this mysterious package?
<gchristensen> kinesis advantage 2
<andi-> it arrived like 5min after I started grumping :D
<gchristensen> yay!
<gchristensen> did it take 6min to type that out? :)
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<andi-> almost
<andi-> time to relearn typing
<andi-> just not sure which layout to learn
<gchristensen> probably best to just stick with your normal layout
<jD91mZM2> US layout ftw
<jD91mZM2> because it's the default everywhere
<gchristensen> I do dvorak but not for a good reason
<gchristensen> when I first started doing something about my hand problems, I got a good mouse, good keyboard, and switched to dvorak all in the same week
<andi-> i want a layout that favors both hands equally
<__monty__> Dvorak's worth it imo. I switched because my wrists started hurting, still happy typing years later.
<andi-> wow i just disabled the click tone much nicer
<jD91mZM2> I already have enough difficulty typing on computers with swedish keyboard layouts, even though they're still QWERTY
<jD91mZM2> If I ever try dvorak I would have even more issues typing on computers that aren't mine :P
<__monty__> I don't care about looking like an idiot on computers that aren't mine. They don't have my vim and ff setup anyway so I'm bound to look like an idiot.
<andi-> hrhr switched to EU layout years ago
<jD91mZM2> Heh, I once had somebody compliment me on typing fast (non-sarcastically) when I was borrowing their computer. And I literally had to retype every letter heh
<andi-> its already hard enoough
<andi-> know that
<gchristensen> andi-: oh yeah, gotta turn that off right away.
<andi-> i need a typing trainer /o\
<gchristensen> andi-: type after me, asasasasasasas, ababababababab sxsxsxsxsxsxsxsxs
<gchristensen> ssssaaaabbbbxxxx
<gchristensen> ;)
<andi-> sssaaasssassbbbbbxxxx
<andi-> almost
<andi-> all that muscel memory gone
<sphalerite> I don't usually type on keyboards that stray far from what I'm used to
<sphalerite> but I will invariably fail to type my password 3 times if I want to show somebody something and need to unlock my laptop while they're waiting
<andi-> well thats kind of the point of what I am doing
<andi-> change my typing
<gchristensen> +1
<andi-> wow must change keybinds and look at the keys atleast partially
<gchristensen> it is okay
<andi-> getting better by the minute
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: Waiting and looking at your keyboard*
<jD91mZM2> So they see you type it 5 times in a row :)
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: nah, just waiting and judging
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<andi-> hrhr
<andi-> i know thst as well
<__monty__> andi-: I recommend against changing keybinds if you switch to dvorak. The mnemonics are much more important than the muscle memory.
<andi-> I am thinking about neo right now
<andi-> looks more appealing
<__monty__> Another thing named neo?
<__monty__> But where's ESC? o.o
<andi-> the same as qwerty?
<andi-> thats my
<andi-> expectation
<__monty__> Uhm, Layer1 on the homepage shows an ° accent.
<andi-> wrote a few lines of code in like 10 minutes
<andi-> gchristensen: how do you survive without insert?
<jD91mZM2> andi-: What's insert?
<gchristensen> andi-: I just ... got used to it ...
<jD91mZM2> (/s btw)
<andi-> /o\ have to patch my st now
<gchristensen> for what?
<andi-> paste
<gchristensen> wait, what does insert do for you?
<andi-> shift+insert pastes the clipboard
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<makefu> there is a life without insert? almost as bad as living without ctrl-r!
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<jD91mZM2> andi-: For me Ctrl+Shift+C works in st (unstable)
<gchristensen> I had no idea
<jD91mZM2> Me neither until I accidentally did it because I'm too used to Konsole
<andi-> jD91mZM2: i have no standard binds anymore
<andi-> jD91mZM2: are you using vanilla st?
<gchristensen> ping statistics ---
<gchristensen> 14 packets transmitted, 13 received, 7% packet loss, time 13214ms
<gchristensen> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1016.414/2884.683/5048.374/1095.674 ms, pipe 5
<gchristensen> wtf
<sphalerite> gchristensen: nice.
<jD91mZM2> andi-: Yep
<jD91mZM2> andi-: Well I mean with a custom color scheme but nothing else
<jD91mZM2> andi-: And by custom I mean I just used an existing one don't get me wrong I'm not a designer
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<andi-> jD91mZM2: no scrollback, no font size, no pipecmd?
<jD91mZM2> andi-: tmux ;)
<andi-> ahh
<sphalerite> andi-: font size can be adjusted with alt-shift-Pg{Up,Down} in vanilla st
<andi-> that must bee new in 0.8 then
<andi-> I am tired from typing...
<jD91mZM2> andi-: What layout did you end up with?
<sphalerite> andi-: no, it's been around for ages
<andi-> sphalerite: as a patch iiirc
<andi-> jD91mZM2: still my qwerty variant. Trying to get some work done
<andi-> its harder then expected
<gchristensen> 64 bytes from lga25s56-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=20.2 ms
<gchristensen> that is more like it
<sphalerite> andi-: seems to have been introduced in a29ab30f256439dd701a475bb0c51eb2d02cafa9 back in 2012
<andi-> wow
<andi-> ok
<andi-> should really update :)
<sphalerite> well the functionality was in 71b09ec4f172da9a89be2add54b5b94da8af3bea, 28 Oct 2012
<sphalerite> while the first key binding for it was in the aforementioned a29ab30 in November 2012
<andi-> you make me feel old L
<sphalerite> and the default was changed to the current one in 20f713548, 25 Jan 2017
<andi-> typing passwords is hell O.O
<gchristensen> ooh yeah
<gchristensen> one time I nearly broke a hardware token trying to type in the pin
<gchristensen> kitty's selection on click logic sucks
<samueldr> (yes)
<sphalerite> gchristensen: broke it? Don't they usually just wipe themselves but allow reinitialisation?
<gchristensen> yeah, broke it :) erased my secret key material
<gchristensen> it was Very Maximally Important that I not do that, at the time
<sphalerite> fair enough
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<andi-> I am adjusting surprisingly fast to this... another 2 days an I might be at 10% the speed
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<__monty__> What is so different about this keyboard?
<jD91mZM2> __monty__: He's going to answer you eventually, but he's still typing
<jD91mZM2> Give it up to 20 minutes. Thank you for your patience :)
<andi-> hrhr
<andi-> it forces me to use my fingers properly anf I can not cheat that much anymore
<andi-> pasting is still hard..
<andi-> I am so used to typing B with my rihght hand
<gchristensen> I was too
<andi-> It will all be awesome soon™
<andi-> Even typing on the phone feels fast now /o\
* sphalerit left his yubikey plugged into his chromebook at home
<sphalerit> So now I can't ssh into half the machines I wanted to use >_>
<andi-> hrhr
<__monty__> I still don't understand phone keyboards. Why the F can't I just get an alphabetic layout? Qwerty is useless when typing with 2 fingers.
<sphalerit> not even via the chromebook, since I have touch-to-auth enabled and need to physically touch the yubikey to allow authentication.
<andi-> __monty__: I usually use "Hackers Keyboard" on Android
<andi-> gives you a qwerty layout
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<sphalerit> just discovered an old box that's still got 16.09 on it…
<sphalerit> Have I really been using nixos this long already?
<sphalerit> it certainly hasn't stopped being amazing
<gchristensen> :D
<gchristensen> 2016-09-22 13:54:29 --> sphalerite (~linus@srv.soundray.org) has joined #nixos
<gchristensen> 2016-09-22 13:55:21 sphalerite Is there a debootstrap-like way to install NixOS?
<sphalerit> lol
<sphalerit> little did I know!
<sphalerit> hm, ipxe is failing, saying "Could not boot: No such file or directory", on one machine while working fine on all the others I've tried
<sphalerit> huh, seems to be an issue with how I set up the menu
<sphalerit> aww, it doesn't boot if I fix that either.
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<elvishjerricco> gchristensen: On https://channels.nix.gsc.io, are the timestamps listed in the histories the date that the channel advanced or the date the commit was authored?
<gchristensen> commit was authored unfortunately
<gchristensen> wishing it was advancement
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<samueldr> TIL > If built with the cgi-links option enabled, Lynx allows access to a cgi script directly without the need for an http daemon.
<samueldr> and I thought lynx was simple :/
<MichaelRaskin> I thought only links has it
<joepie91> congratulations to Ghostery for having the first GDPR data breach, on the first day of the GDPR, by disclosing 500 e-mail addresses in the CC line of their GDPR email
<joepie91> you can't make this shit up :)
<MichaelRaskin> I think Charlie Stross has given up on writing near-future SciFi dystopias because he couldn't keep up with the news.
<simpson> Ha.
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder if the same email satisfies the disclosure requirement about the incident…
<MichaelRaskin> Did anyone ReplyAll?
<joepie91> MichaelRaskin: oh yes
<joepie91> some people on Twitter were complaining about email chains
<joepie91> lol
<MichaelRaskin> Also, when someone does ReplyAll and explicitly mentions knowing CC: emails because of the initial email — does _that_ satisfy the notification requirement even if not done by the company? In spirit it actually might… (as the company cannot notify in any better way anyway)
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<andi-> wow, thats crazy... how can they even...
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<drakonis> bad programmers...