gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<samueldr> WIP, gchristensen, if you were curioushttps://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2018/05/20180501203805.png
<gchristensen> whoa!
<samueldr> RO, and doesn't actually merge .desktop file per the spec, but POC proves it's doable
<MichaelRaskin> curioushttps:// protocol: proxies can see and cache the content but cannot violate its integrity
<gchristensen> so neat!
<gchristensen> haha
<MichaelRaskin> («honest but curious» is more or less the standard term in cryptography for participants who send what they should send, but analyze all the data they can ever reach)
<gchristensen> /Volumes ...
<gchristensen> you do like to break stuff
<samueldr> I haven't yet checked how to make udisks mount to it :)
<samueldr> right now it's the mounted FS which don't really have a proper location, /media is as standard as /Volumes
<gchristensen> yeah
<samueldr> (and /mnt is mostly directly used, isn't it?)
<gchristensen> so where is /nix
<samueldr> right there
<samueldr> gobohide works like a rootkit
<samueldr> won't show up on readdir, but everything is still there
<MichaelRaskin> I would just chroot into a FUSE mount
<MichaelRaskin> There all these tricks come naturally
<samueldr> not a bad idea
<gchristensen> whoa neaet
<samueldr> though, gobohide already exists... and it may have existed before FUSE was *that* developed
* samueldr doesn't actually know and is now checking
<MichaelRaskin> Well, readdir vs open distinction was always in FUSE, I think
<samueldr> (and I mean, the current fuse implementation, not the idea)
<MichaelRaskin> That's just how the protocol works
<samueldr> and yes, it is possible through fuse
<samueldr> wouldn't it mean that it goes through fuse for *every* file access?
<samueldr> unless you somehow mount bind the original fs in there?
<gchristensen> does gobo have custom kernel patches?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, with my current knowledge I would do something like phantom /nix and /nix/store as a bind mount
<samueldr> gchristensen: yes
<MichaelRaskin> It would still ask FUSE about /nix from time to time…
<gchristensen> cool :D
<samueldr> okay, so libfuse *really* is old, couldn't find a date earlier (with somewhat few searches) than 2003, which was the initial import to *some source control software*, gobolinux project had its initial release in 2003
<samueldr> I'm assuming though that libfuse is older
<MichaelRaskin> Do you need kernel _patches_ or are you OK with just a module for an FS to mount over / ?
<samueldr> their implementation is patching and not an additional FS
<samueldr> (which WILL spook many users!)
<gchristensen> both is a bit spooky ...
<samueldr> it probably can be implemented as a kernel module
<samueldr> *kernel module FS
<MichaelRaskin> As someone who has both run a system as a chroot into funionfs, and had to wait for forward-porting of custom patches, I prefer an extra FS
<MichaelRaskin> Kernel module implementing an overlay-style FS sounds OK, kernel module hotpatching ext4…
<samueldr> in a way, I would prefer it too, assuming it doesn't cause performance issues, and is stable, and already exists :)
<samueldr> and the way the patch works is by implementing the filter in the kernel syscalls (right terminology there?)
<samueldr> it's FS-agnostic
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder if BPF magic is now advanced enough
<gchristensen> ok ok I get it both have advanttagees :-)
<samueldr> really wondering now about the chroot and mounts inside a FUSE fs now... probably will try it once I know more about FUSE
* gchristensen reads up on custom fuse fs's
<gchristensen> something I've always wanted to play with, but never was creative enough to actually do something with it
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<Drakonis[m]> MichaelRaskin: soon
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