Fare has joined #nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin reopened pull request #27728: ostree: 2016.11 -> 2017.9 (master...ostree) https://git.io/v7CyY
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<construct> Plasma roadmap https://community.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5 doesn't mention Wayland.
<construct> Oh well, it'll happen eventually.
<joepie91> kini: Plasma is surprisingly pleasant to use
<Fare> I tried to install vscode from nixpkgs-unstable, but nix-env doesn't even think it's present (!)
<joepie91> and actually stays within reasonable resource usage boundaries nowadays
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<joepie91> it doesn't run on my system yet due to stupid GPU issues, but I'm running it on my laptop
<joepie91> and I'm reasonably happy with it
<joepie91> it still suffers a bit from the "giant pile of knobs and buttons" problem but less than it used to
<Fare> how do I debug situations like that?
<Fare> maybe it's because I need a special flag to enable something with an unfree license?
<construct> joepie91: and clever: I got errors when I ran nixos-rebuild test.
<construct> error: while evaluating the attribute ‘config’ at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix:53:5
<tilpner> Fare - If it's failing because it's unfree, the error message should say so. What does "nix-shell -p vscode --run code" do?
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<joepie91> construct: you'll want to use the --show-trace flag and pastebin the entire error output
<construct> tilpner it says it's unfree like you said, is pulseaudio unfree?
<Fare> tilpner, the message just says that "error: selector ‘vscode’ matches no derivations"
<Fare> but when I lie about the license being lgpl2, it installs(!)
<construct> Oh wait, it says vscode is unfree, not pulseaudio.
<tilpner> construct - Yes, I was talking about Fares problem with vscode. Pulseaudio should be listed as free
<kini> joepie91: I've mainly used xmonad and the default windows shell for the last several years
<construct> Oh sorry, I didn't realise you were talking to fare, I didn't know fare was a user
<tilpner> Fare - How are you trying to install it (paste command)?
<kini> thinking I might use a less minimalistic window manager now that I'm installing nixos... I found that I rarely tile anything with xmonad anyway, I just have everything maximized lol
<joepie91> kini: maybe you just don't want a window manager at all!
<joepie91> :P
<construct> joepie91: which pastebin do you want me to post to?
<Fare> I'm trying this: nix-env --file /home/fare/src/nixos/nixpkgs --install vscode
<joepie91> construct: gist.github.com preferred, but if you have a particular other favourite that's fine too
<joepie91> so long as it's not hastebin :)
<kini> hah, I'll just live in emacs :)
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<joepie91> (horribly unreadability)
<joepie91> horrible*
<joepie91> I'm also fairly sure that Hastebin uses Math.random to select its syntax highlighter
<joepie91> no idea why people still use it
<Fare> and unless I lie about the license being unfree, it just says: "error: selector ‘vscode’ matches no derivations", no explanation about the license.
<kini> ok, I can't seem to get my usb wifi adapter working. The correct kernel module seems to be loaded, but maybe I'm missing firmware?
<joepie91> Fare: oh!
<joepie91> Fare: you're missing the attribute flag
<kini> is there something I need to install in the live environment?
<joepie91> Fare: are you using `nix-env -i`?
<Fare> what attribute flag?
<Fare> joepie91, yes I am. Shouldn't I?
<joepie91> Fare: try `nix-env -iA` instead
<Fare> that's what I always used in the past.
<joepie91> right now you're installing by derivation name
<joepie91> which *often* matches the attribute name but not always
<kini> kernel module is r8712u and device is RTL8191SU (0bda:8172)
<joepie91> this sounds like one of the "not always" cases :)
<joepie91> Fare: the attribute name is the attribute under which it's exposed on the nixpkgs package set, the derivation name is the value of the `name` property in mkDerivation
<Fare> aha. With the additional --attr flag, I get a better error message: "Package ‘vscode-1.15.1’ in /home/fare/src/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/editors/vscode/default.nix:78 has an unfree license (‘unfree’), refusing to evaluate."
<joepie91> I think the current idea is to just not use derivation names at all in a future Nix version, and stick to attribute names
<joepie91> right, there we go :)
<joepie91> also, vscode is unfree...?
<joepie91> not really sure what's going on with that: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/14354
<Fare> joepie91, I'm not a lawyer. The website says it's free, but maybe someone read the license and decided it was not free enough for nixos? https://code.visualstudio.com/License/
<joepie91> Fare: the above link explains it
<joepie91> on the vscode repo
<joepie91> waaaait a moment.
<joepie91> Fare: what is the "gallery" in the context of VS Code, exactly?
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<Fare> joepie91, I'm not sure I understand. It says that with the default product.json, the code base should be free software under MIT license. Why can't the package be such?
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<joepie91> hahahaha, wow
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<joepie91> so it seems that the extension gallery is proprietary?
<joepie91> to the point that a build of VS Code that uses the extension gallery is also proprietary?
* joepie91 adds VS Code to list of stuff to never use...
<joepie91> construct: this is your actual error: The option `wpa_supplicant' defined in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' does not exist.
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<joepie91> construct: can you paste your configuration as well?
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<construct> joepie91: sure hold on
<Fare> ok, next question: how do I get the sha hash in nixos format for a file or git archive, short of trying a build and looking at the error message?
<construct> Oh I found the error.
<construct> joepie91: I found the error
<Fare> that's important since, if I want to send an update to the vscode/default.nix, I need to compute the hash for archives of *other* architectures than I can try to install on
<tilpner> Fare - Try nix-prefetch-git and nix-prefetch-url
<tilpner> They print stuff as JSON instead of Nix for some reason, but they'll give you hashes and other information
<kini> hmm. maybe the easiest thing to do is connect this machine to my laptop over ethernet and access the internet that way...
<construct> joepie91: apparently when I accidentally pressed enter on a line in the middle of the wireless networking comment which made it not a comment.
<kini> odd that my wifi isn't working out of the box on the livecd though, since the kernel module is loaded...
<construct> joepie91: now when I rebuild it says hardware.pulseaudio does not exist
<joepie91> construct: same question, can you paste your config? :)
<construct> joepie91: sure
<v0|d> Fare: add lazyness to guile :p
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<construct> joepie91: how do I copy text in nano? It says 'M-^ Copy Text' but when I try it, it doesn't work. Does copying within nano only able to paste within nano?
<joepie91> not a clue :D
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<slabity> How can I set the default python interpreter to python3?
<simpson> slabity: Use python3Packages instead of pythonPackages.
<Fare> v0|d, guile already has delay / force.
<Fare> (dunno why you tell me that, though)
<v0|d> Fare: any transpilers nix->guile on the horizon?
<Fare> v0|d, not yet, but that's an idea.
<slabity> simpson: Do you mean set `pkgs.pythonPackages = pkgs.python3Packages`?
<Fare> v0|d, one of these days I'd like to write a nix evaluator for Gerbil and/or PLT, indeed.
<Fare> I suppose porting that to guile afterwards should be relatively straightforward
<simpson> slabity: No, I mean installing stuff from python3Packages instead of pythonPackages. What's your overall goal?
<v0|d> Fare: maybe gambit? who's gonna pay for that:(
<Fare> I really like pure functional prototype OOP in the style of jsonnet or nix.
<Fare> v0|d, pay for what?
<v0|d> err, pay for dev
<slabity> simpson: I want to set the default python interpreter to python3 system-wide. So when I run `python` it doesn't run 2.7
<Fare> Gerbil is a PLT-like layer on top of gambit. I'm waiting for Gambit to release 4.8.9 so vyzo may release Gerbil 0.13, so I can upstream stable versions to nixpkgs.
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<simpson> slabity: Okay. Nix doesn't work this way. How did you get your `python` command in the first place?
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<Fare> v0|d: would you pay for a guile version of nix? I'd write it for enough $$$$
<Fare> the GUIX guys might be happy about it.
<v0|d> i know
<v0|d> thats why i'm looking for somebody to pay:)
<v0|d> nice to see feeley back on track.
<slabity> simpson: Well I know `environment.systemPackages` contains python36Full. I don't know where the default python is coming from
<simpson> There is not a default Python. Odds are that something else in systemPackages uses Python 2.
<simpson> Consider putting less stuff into systemPackages.
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<slabity> simpson: So there's no way to tell nix, "Hey, instead of linking `python` to python2, link it to python3`
<joepie91> Prison Architect has a pretty... uh... naive way of solving the multiple monitor problem :)
<joepie91> # Try to find the biggest monitor and target it.
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<simpson> slabity: No, you should go with the standard Python solution of `python3` if you want a Python 3.
<construct> joe-pie91: sorry it took so long.
<construct> By the way, what's "eurosign:e" for? Should I change that to something else and then uncomment services.xserver.xkbOptions?
<construct> simpson: I'm on NixOS now!!! :D :D :D
<joepie91> construct: pusleaudio
<joepie91> should be pulseaudio
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> s <-> l
<joepie91> construct: in the future, make sure to actually copy the original error if at all possible
<joepie91> not type it manually
<construct> joepie91: OMG I can't believe it
<joepie91> because the error got lost in your retyping it
<slabity> simpson: It's my understanding that you can override any variable in nix and nixpkgs. Are you sure it's not possible?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fare opened pull request #28419: vscode: 1.14.2 -> 1.15.1 (master...vscode) https://git.io/v5vor
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<joepie91> slabity: it's... probably technically possible, but a bad idea
<joepie91> since you have _no idea_ what is relying on it being python -> python2
<joepie91> there may very well be Python2-specific applications using the `python` attribute
<construct> joepie91: good idea. I'll copy the error next time. Lesson.Learned
<slabity> Well let's just say I really want to screw up my system and link python -> python3
<simpson> slabity: You can install from python3Packages instead of pythonPackages, overriding any packages which claim to not be compatible with Python 3.
<simpson> In that way, you absolutely can attempt to build Python 2 packages with Python 3.
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<simpson> But you must unlearn the idea of a "system installation" or a "system package". With Nix, all builds are local builds.
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<yegortimoshenko> is it possible to setup secureboot with nixos?
<slabity> simpson: I'm not looking to build python 2 packages with python 3. I'm perfectly fine with python 2 being installed and used by packages that require it.
<Fare> what is the best way to maintain a list of packages to install in ~ ?
<joepie91> completely unrelated observation: has there been an influx of new users lately, or is it just me? I haven't been around for *that* long myself, so I'm not sure whether this is typical :P
<yegortimoshenko> Fare: probably buildEnv in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix, see: https://github.com/lukego/dotfiles/blob/master/nixpkgs/config.nix
<joepie91> slabity: ah, hold on, I might have misunderstood the problem
<joepie91> slabity: the problem is that there's a Python 2 in your PATH even though you didn't put it into systemPackages?
<slabity> joepie91: "completely unrelated" ... "not sure whether this is typical" Lol sounds pretty related
<clever> joepie91: it sounds like he needs an absolute path to the "right" python in the #!
<yegortimoshenko> Fare: then you can just `nix-env -riA nixos.lukego`
<slabity> joepie91: I'm fine with having a python2 interpreter, but I want the `python` program in my path to point to `python3`, and I'm looking to do so in my nix configuration
<simpson> slabity: I'd personally use systemPackages less and use a bash alias.
<simpson> But I also fully subscribe to the official Python story, which is that `python` is always a Python 2 interpreter.
<joepie91> slabity: but is there a Python2 in your systemPackages?
<joepie91> because if not, it shouldn't be in your PATH in the first place
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<slabity> joepie91: I believe it's a dependency for libvirt, which is part of my system.
<simpson> joepie91, slabity: Huh, this is strange; can y'all check the output of $(nix-shell -p python3 --run 'which python')?
<simpson> I get, strangely enough, /nix/store/xfxxk3jccdfvrpcwzrnd9jllm6jzhk1r-python-2.7.13/bin/python
<joepie91> slabity: yeah, but that shouldn't affect what's on your PATH
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<joepie91> slabity: there's no "global environment" on NixOS, so if something is merely a dependency of something else, it shouldn't show up in your virtual user env
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<slabity> joepie91: Well then that is very strange, because I'm quite certain it's that way for every dependency on my entire system.
<Fare> yegortimoshenko, nice to know that lukego uses Nix.
<joepie91> simpson: that runs Python 3.5.3 for me; however, when I do `python --version` outside of the nix-shell I get Python 2.7.13
<joepie91> simpson: and I don't believe I have Python in my systemPackages?
<construct> joepie91: sound works thanks!
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<construct> clever: sound works, thanks!
<clever> joepie91: what does "which python" say outside the shell?
<joepie91> simpson: nevermind, false alarm, I do
<joepie91> it was just in a different place
<slabity> simpson: It runs python 3.6.2 when I run that command
<joepie91> $  readlink `which python`
<joepie91> /nix/store/ci2hhzxxhxdilhvk3rmrzivygjma86mm-python-2.7.13/bin/python
<construct> I rebooted, so I can't see everyone who helped me anymore, but thanks!
<joepie91> but, one sec
<joepie91> construct: excellent :)
<construct> :D
<simpson> slabity: Okay! Then your system is more clean than mine. Nice. Anyway, yeah, either be in a nix-shell with python3, or don't have Python at all in systemPackages. Personally, I recommend learning nix-shell, as it makes developing with Nix easier.
<joepie91> construct: does the KDE applet and volume media keys work too?
<joepie91> going to do a rebuild without python in systempackages
<joepie91> let's see what I get then
<construct> joepie91: yes, it works on the taskbar too, thanks!
<joepie91> :)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0e5ff82954 (from 6 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<construct> joepie91: I don't know what you mean by media keys though, do you mean laptop buttons?
<construct> I'm on desktop
<slabity> simpson: I'm pretty sure my system is not cleaner than yours: https://github.com/Slabity/nixos-conf/
<simpson> slabity: You have neatly-factored configuration and probably not several years of bad decisions. Anyway, don't worry about it.
<joepie91> construct: volume keys / roller / whatever, if your keyboard has them
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<simpson> slabity: Also, I forgot to pass `--pure` to nix-shell, which does make it all work.
<Fare> yegortimoshenko, it doesn't look like nix-env reads ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix -- if I insert a syntax error, it doesn't notice.
<joepie91> oh.
<joepie91> oops.
<joepie91> not a good idea to uninstall python when you have a bash initialization script relying on it
<joepie91> oops :D
<clever> Fare: do you have a ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<joepie91> anyway, removing python from my systemPackages resulted in `python` not pointing at anything
<joepie91> which: no python in (...)
<joepie91> so yeah, there's no default python package
<Fare> clever, I put it in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix -- has the location changed?
<joepie91> meaning that if you have a python2, it's there because either you or something else added it to systemPackages
<joepie91> if something else did it, it's probably a bug
<joepie91> :p
<joepie91> cc slabity
<clever> Fare: it changed a few months ago, but it can still load the old location, if the new one doesnt exist
<slabity> joepie91: I can guarantee it's not in systemPackages though
<joepie91> slabity: you might also have installed it imperatively at some point?
<clever> Fare: what does this output? nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -A hello -v 2>&1 | grep config.nix
<v0|d> ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix afaik
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<Fare> clever, v0|d, thanks --- yes, the location had changed.
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<v0|d> Fare: buyme a beer:p
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<slabity> joepie91: I cannot figure out why python2 is installed at all. I've even erased all packages installed with nix-env
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<joepie91> slabity: very odd.
<joepie91> I'm not sure if there's a way to track where a particular store path originates from
<joepie91> maybe one of the more experienced users can pitch in on that :P
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<v0|d> slabity: gc'd already?
<slabity> v0id: I suppose it's worth a shot. Let me just reboot and make sure my current generation works fine booting
<v0|d> umm, i wish there is switch-kexec option for nixos-rebuild.
<slabity> Welp. Looks like rebooting worked for some reason. I now have no python in my PATH
<Fare> v0|d, where are you based?
<slabity> Adding python36Full back into systemPackages sets python3 as the default interpreter now.
<v0|d> Fare: just joking, say attila hi.
<slabity> Thanks everyone... I'm not sure what the problem was, but it's working now.
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<Myrl-saki> How do I override a package's dependencies?
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<slabity> /znc detach #nixos
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<joepie91> slabity: thaaaat sounds like a bug :)
<joepie91> sure you weren't in a nix-shell?
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<Fare> v0|d, if you come to NYC, the beer is on me.
<construct> joepie91: my keyboard does not have them, but thanks for thinking of it.
<disasm> NYC, that's an expensive beer :)
<gchristensen> Fare: is that offer open to other community members? :)
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<Fare> gchristensen, yes
<gchristensen> neat ... I come down once a quarter
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/44b8eaad83 (from 10 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
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<disasm> gchristensen: next time you come down this way give me a heads up. I'd drive a few hours to meet up :)
<v0|d> mov %eax, $beer; mov %ebx, $gchristensen; int $0x80
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<disasm> Nice :)
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<disasm> I could be wrong, my assembly is a bit Rusty, but shouldn't it be moving
<disasm> mov $gchristensen, ÷ebx;
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<v0|d> disasm: sry, let intel = flip at_t
<dash> mmh. how do I use melpa nix-mode on NixOS?
<v0|d> what does (require 'nix-mode) say?
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<dash> v0|d: it's loading from /run/current-system/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp
<dash> which is the one included with nix, not the melpa one
<dash> because that dir comes before any of the packages added via emacsWithPackages
<v0|d> something like (setq 'load-path (cons 'my-melpa-path (remove "..path-to-site-lisp" load-path)))?
<dash> yes >:-(
<dash> i decided to move /run/current-system to the end instead
<dash> instead of putting storepaths in my emacs-init.org
<v0|d> gr8
<dash> no, terrible
<dash> but effective for now
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<Fare> gchristensen, well, fire me an email next time you come. Hopefully while I'm in town.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] matthewbauer opened pull request #1529: Remove nix-mode.el from Nix. (master...remove-nix-mode) https://git.io/v5vMi
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5vD5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b744ee2 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.ocamlnet: 4.1.{2,3} -> 4.1.4
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<canndrew> what do i have to do to enable intel microcode updates? I've set hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true in my configuration.nix, but it doesn't seem to be working.
<canndrew> dmesg | grep microcode still gives me: [ 0.000000] microcode: microcode updated early to revision 0xba, date = 2017-04-09
<canndrew> which is quite out-of-date.
<canndrew> i've updated pkgs/os-specific/linux/microcode/intel.nix to point to the newest version on the intel website, and it's definitely downloading.
<canndrew> but it doesn't get installed when my machine boots :/
<v0|d> nixos modules tell boot.initrd.prepend = mkOrder 1 [ "${pkgs.microcodeIntel}/intel-ucode.img" ];
<v0|d> so your microcode rev deps on pkgs.microcodeIntel
<canndrew> v0|d: pkgs.microcodeIntel is pkgs/os-specific/linux/microcode/intel.nix
<canndrew> I've updated it in my nixpkgs tree, but I can't seem to get it to install
<v0|d> nixos-rebuild switch?
<canndrew> looking through the init that gets run when my kernel boots, there's nothing there to load the microcode, though I don't know if there should be. The microcode file itself is there though.
<canndrew> yah, i've tried that :/
<v0|d> what does cat /proc/cmdline say
<v0|d> try looking into the initrd image to see which one is loaded.
<v0|d> i mean the initramfs.
<canndrew> do you know how to tell from the GenuineIntel.bin file which microcode version it is?
<v0|d> maybe you don't need that.
<v0|d> ${pkgs.microCodeIntel} dollar curly should resolve to context of /nix/store/hash-microcodeIntel
<v0|d> probably you'll get the version in the store path.
<canndrew> ah yeah, that points to the latest version.
<canndrew> thanks for trying to help btw :D
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<canndrew> i might just file an issue about this, if it's not just something trivial I'm missing.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] canndrew opened pull request #28420: microcode-intel: 2017-05-11 -> 2017-07-07 (master...intel-microcode) https://git.io/v5vy2
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<canndrew> v0|d: I think i was just getting confused, the latest microcode package from intel is compatible with my cpu but it doesn't actually contain an update for my cpu. I think.
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<v0|d> canndrew: no more qemu escapes, horray!
<v0|d> lol iwas distracted sry.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5vSi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b427d4a Cray Elliott: discord: work around upstream bug via pulseaudio...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5vSx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7c7c83e Vladimír Čunát: buildLinux: allow overriding stdenv on each call
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a1bef77 Vladimír Čunát: linuxPackages_chromiumos*: fixup by building with gcc5
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<schef> hi guys..
<schef> i'm new to nixOs..
<schef> coudnt find it in nix-env -qaP '*' --description
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<clever> schef: nix-env -iA nixos.bitwig-studio
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<schef> thanks :) can i use more of your time to get around? i came from archlinux and am confused about some stuff..for example patchelf
<clever> nix works without a /lib or /usr/lib, so you must always use patchelf to put absolute paths into the ELF headers for a program to work
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<clever> the bitwig package does all the patchelf stuff for oyu
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/0e5ff82954 (from 11 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
<clever> you*
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<schef> so the best practice is to create a "binary app" package with patchelf inside of it?
<schef> for now i have
<schef> #!/bin/sh #patchelf --set-interpreter /nix/store/kjwbqnh13dxh6w4pk2gb3ddmhpiaihqg-glibc-2.25/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ./Pianoteq\ 5 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/nix/store/0wznqd6bvr9860885m5lbm3zl7ygkpa6-libX11-1.6.5/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/nix/store/a99a2hxlzincvqdm2rdv3g4wzy59zrj1-alsa-lib-1.1.2/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/nix/store/h8y0vbvcqz6jg11m3vn5fqpm0w4895ap-freetype-2.6.5/li
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<schef> and the just run the binary
<schef> ok thanks
<clever> yeah, its far simpler to make a package that sets the rpath and interpreter for you
<clever> then nix will do everything automatically
<schef> :) yes..searching for the right lib was a bit extra
<schef> is there a template example where i can start with
<clever> the bitwig one is fairly simple
<clever> line 69 is just a bash loop, that iterates over everything that line 65 found
<schef> aha..if i would want to put bitwig-studio into configuration file..should it be in environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ .. ] ?
<schef> i have got some error this is why i ask
<clever> environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ bitwig-studio ];
<schef> aha..i have goten has an unfree license (‘unfree’), refusing to evaluate.
<schef> i needed to add the allow option
<clever> yep
<schef> i like the os :)
<schef> it is kind of wierd to the usual distro way but cooool
<schef> is nix-env -iA nixos.bitwig-studio better solution then using configuration file and the switch command? is there a trace of a installed package?
<schef> is it written to the configu file? some kind of a dynamic one
<clever> $ ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/
<clever> schef: each numbered symlink in here is a different version of my users profile (managed by nix-env)
<clever> and you can check either the manifest.nix within them, or the bin directory, to see how the installed apps have changed over time
<clever> $ nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/profile-305-link -q
<clever> you can even use this to pretty-print the manifest.nix
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<schef> aha..understood..
<schef> question about diferent versions of the app..the bitwig-studio github page says that it is version number 2.1.3 but i have installed 1.3.x..is there something i have to declare explicit?
<schef> to install the newest one?
<clever> which channel are you on?, sudo nix-channel --list
<clever> the version was updated on march 13th, and just missed the 17.03 release
<schef> how do i change to lates channel? or the testing or how is it called
<schef> ?
<schef> the bleading edge channel :)
<clever> do you want to switch the whole os over, or just bitwig?
<schef> whole
<clever> sudo nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos
<clever> sudo nix-channel --update
<clever> sudo nixos-rebuild switch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v9g
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 68c003b Vladimír Čunát: motif: fixup build after automake update #28232...
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<schef> thanks
<schef> so i suppose to update my configuration i have to the last two commands. update and switch
<clever> the --update will apply all the changes that had been given to nix-channel, which changes what version of nixpkgs you have
<clever> and then switch makes the OS rebuild against the new nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner closed pull request #28419: vscode: 1.14.2 -> 1.15.1 (master...vscode) https://git.io/v5vor
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<schef> clever: thanks for a nice conversation. beer on me if we meet in person :)
<clever> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v9H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 76e6863 Vladimír Čunát: lzop: 1.03 -> 1.04...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v9x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ff1bb5c Vladimír Čunát: intel-gpu-tools: fixup build after automake update #28232
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging bb24434 Vladimír Čunát: kyotocabinet: fixup build with gcc6 by a Fedora patch
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<Lisanna> Anyone still up? I see that nixpkgs has a derivation for steam, but how does one install this? It doesn't show up in the nixpkgs search or all-packages.nix
<Lisanna> (on NixOS)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5vHw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 2d55ee4 Vladimír Čunát: colord: fixup build after automake update #28232...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3b29468 Vladimír Čunát: colord: fetchzip -> fetchurl...
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<sphalerite> Lisanna: try NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix-env -qa
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<Lisanna> oh, I was using the online nixpkgs search
<sphalerite> Lisanna: oh yeah, that doesn't show unfree packages
<sphalerite> There's a bug filed for it, lots of people disagreeing about how to solve it :p
<sphalerite> Anyway, you can get instructions for allowing unfree packages by trying to install it — try nix-env -iA nixos.steam
<Lisanna> ...just make it show up in yellow or red? put a little UNFREE tag next to it?
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<Lisanna> thanks
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<eqyiel[m]> what can I do to resolve this nixos-rebuild error ("imported archive of ... lacks a signature")? http://sprunge.us/TjYB
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<eqyiel[m]> the only thing I haven't done yet is try `nix-collect-garbage -d`
<sphalerite> eqyiel: gcing won't help
<sphalerite> eqyiel: it's something to do with it wanting the build results from the remote builder to be cryptographically signed
<sphalerite> Unfortunately I don't know how to set that up, or how to disable that requirement if you're sure you don't need it
<eqyiel[m]> sphalerite: I see, thanks
<eqyiel[m]> I thought maybe this advice about `nix-store --generate-binary-cache-key` would help, but it looks like there's more to it than that https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/295947/local-nix-cache-is-ignored-because-nar-info-file-lacks-a-signature
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<eqyiel[m]> hm, I think this is the answer: https://botbot.me/freenode/nixos/msg/87745172/ "nix-builder-home should be a trusted user or you should connect as root"
<eqyiel[m]> it works if I connect as root
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5vQ3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7da15a0 Gabriel Ebner: open-wbo: init at 2.0
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<clever> ebzzry_: ssh into root on the remote host and that disables signature checking
<clever> eqyiel[m]: --build-host "root@"
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<eqyiel[m]> clever: yes, that looks like it does the trick, thank you!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5vQ2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 956c266 Vladimír Čunát: gcc49: remove Darwin patch that's included in 4.9
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<kuznero> Hi All! It seems I have problem connecting with any IRC client except irssi and webchat.freenode.net :) Is there anything required in terms of SSL certificates or something similar? I'd like to use something like hexchat or communi, but not luck....
<clever> kuznero: what error do they give?
<kuznero> Nothing really, it keeps trying to connect, nothing happens it seems...
<clever> does it say what port its connecting to?
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<kuznero> yes, I've tried many different versions. irssi is capable to connect with tls over 6697. The same does not work in hexchat or any other one I tried...
<clever> can you screenshot the status window of hexchat?
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<kuznero> how do I share images?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v78
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging dbc9f3b Vladimír Čunát: fftw: fix on Darwin (hopefully)...
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<clever> kuznero: http://imgur.com/
<kuznero> Here is the status window: http://imgur.com/a/53tT1
<kuznero> And here is the settings for freenode: http://imgur.com/a/yuaCq
<clever> kuznero: do you have ipv6 support from your ISP?
<kuznero> clever: not sure really... Is there any way to turn IPv4 by default somehow in hexchat?
<kuznero> IPv6 should be supported, but I would like to check IPv4 from hexchat if possible
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<clever> kuznero: simplest is to just get the v4 ip, "ping irc.freenode.net" and then add that as a server in hexchat
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<kuznero> will try in a moment
<kuznero> ping gives back IPv6 :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5v7V
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d25a9f5 aszlig: pythonPackages.html5lib_0_9999999: Fix build...
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<clever> ping -4?
<clever> oh, and does the ping actually get a reply?
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<kuznero> nope
<kuznero> strange
<clever> irc.freenode.net. 300 IN CNAME chat.freenode.net.
<clever> chat.freenode.net. 120 IN A
<clever> chat.freenode.net. 120 IN A
<clever> some of the IP's i get on this end
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<kuznero> ok, I think IPv4 works to the point where it fails with "Connection failed (* Verify E: Failed to validate hostname? (-1))"
<clever> oh yeah
<clever> ssl gets upset if you dont use the right hostname
<clever> which includes using an ip directly
<kuznero> ok, connected finally :) thanks - no ssl unfortunately... but better than nothing
<clever> this at least prooves that ssl isnt to blame, but ipv6
<kuznero> clever: thanks for help!
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<vandenoever> is there a roadmap for the next nixpkgs and nixos release?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v7A
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1919bb5 Vladimír Čunát: gnome3.caribou: fixup build after automake update #28232...
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<clever> vandenoever: i think its every 6 months
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<vandenoever> clever: i'm wondering if the latest kde apps has a chance to get in
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<vandenoever> also kmail is not in it yet
<LnL> the branchoff has not happened yet I think
<vandenoever> thing is, i've been using kmail from nixpgks branch for a month, it's fine, but not yet merged
<clever> the nixpkgs branch?
<vandenoever> yes
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<LnL> you're targeting 17.03, all of the other stuff was only merged to master afaik
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<vandenoever> that's for kmail 17.04, but there's now a much improved 17.08 which i'm now building expressions for
<clever> there is no 17.04 or 17.08 branch
<vandenoever> pr 27224 is for master
<LnL> oh it's still open
<vandenoever> right and i've some fixes on that and now making one for kmail 17.08 which has many fixes
<vandenoever> just wondering if there's enough time to make it into 17.09
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/e76e196198 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5v56
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging beaad85 Vladimír Čunát: gcc-4.8: fix build...
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<sphalerite> clever: I believe 17.0{4,8} are kmail versions not nixos versions
<clever> ahh
<vandenoever> yep
<vandenoever> kde applications versions to be more precise, of which kmail is a part
<sphalerite> I have a pretty low-powered ARM machine that I want to free some space on, but I don't want to gc and delete all the stuff that I might still need which took 48 hours to build. Is there a way to e.g. delete stuff that can easily be refetched from the web?
<sphalerite> Or to keep the full build-time closure (including the build-time closures of dependencies) of a user profile?
<clever> sphalerite: i mainly use hydra for that, it always GC roots the entire build-time closure, and acts as a private binary cache
<sphalerite> is hydra easy to set up?
<clever> yeah
<clever> sphalerite: a recent copy of the configuration for my hydra
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<Myrl-saki> `nix-collect-garbage && nix-build` https://www.xkcd.com/303/
<clever> :D
<sphalerite> for extra fun, sudo nix-collect-garbage -d
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Can you delete the gc root to your current generation? :D
<clever> Myrl-saki: that would result in ~/.nix-profile pointing to nothing, and nix-env wont know what is currently installed
<sphalerite> not that I know of, at least not without breaking everything
<clever> yeah
<sphalerite> but rolling back to an ancient version first would make it more fun too, then you get to redownload all the stuff
<sphalerite> for bonus points, nix-build --option use-binary-caches false
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: lma
<Myrl-saki> Can you pass that to `nixos-rebuild` for even more fun? :D
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<sphalerite> at that point you could also just reboot, remove /nix, and reinstall nixos. I think that might be going a bit far
<sphalerite> reboot into the installer*
<clever> heading to bed now
<Myrl-saki> clever: Night~
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5vFm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 785ceea Vladimír Čunát: libreoffice: fixup by building with gcc-5...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #28421: rstudio: fix build (master...fix/rstudio) https://git.io/v5vFY
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<jluttine_> how can i install uwsgi package with python plugins? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/servers/uwsgi/default.nix
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<jluttine> (i don't want to set up a service atm, just use uwsgi from the command line)
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<eqyiel[m]> jluttine_: you need to override the derivation https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-pkg-override
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5vFA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d2e9836 Vladimír Čunát: apt: fixup by building with gcc-5...
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<jluttine> ok, thanks
<Rubas> Hi, maybe somebody can quickly help me as I really can't find a solution.
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<Rubas> How can I set allowUnfree = true; if I install a package from a different channel like - { config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import <nixos-unstable> {}; in { environment.systemPackages = [ unstable.PACKAGE_NAME ]; }
<eqyiel[m]> jluttine_: for example, `environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ pkgs.uwsgi.override { plugins = [ "python2" ]; } ];`
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<Rubas> The only way I succeeded was with a ENV variable (NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1).
<sphalerite> Rubas: add it to the set that's passed to <nixos-unstable>
<sphalerite> Rubas: something lke import <nixos-unstable> { config.allowUnfree = true; }
<sphalerite> I think
<Rubas> @sphalerite : how exactly. I tried adding almost every possible combination in the set.
<sphalerite> I'm not sure about the details, sorry
<Rubas> Wait .. I think { config.allowUnfree = true; } is working o_O
<Rubas> Works! @spalerite: Thank you! I was trying for hours :D
<sphalerite> yw haha, lucky guess
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<mbrgm> I'm packaging snapcast (a streaming multiroom-sync audio client/server application). now there's both the client and the server in the project. also in the AUR package, there's both client and server included. would this also be true for a nix package or should client and server be split into two separate packages?
<deltasquared> mbrgm: my .02 is that I wouldn't bother to split the thing unless it's requested. why create extra work
<deltasquared> unless splitting it somehow affects the build purity or something
<mbrgm> deltasquared: sounds legit
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<deltasquared> I would wager it's not specific to nixos (or arch, if it's on the AUR) either - some upstream packages just like to build common components and link the client/server at the same time
<deltasquared> the common part *could* be split out, sure, but that's more upstream's job
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<deltasquared> speaking of build purity, anyone here ever tried to make a functional-y generator thing for firefox profiles?
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<deltasquared> I find it infuriating how the profile directory mixes state up with configuration
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<deltasquared> especially considering there are like 10MB sqlite databases that I don't need, can't turn off, and cause problems when you want a roaming profile but you only have a 30MB network share :/
<TimePath> I've seen the question asked a few times
<TimePath> kinda interested in it myself, but I mostly use the defaults, so...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vandenoever closed pull request #20576: kmail: init at 17.04.0 (release-17.03...kdepim) https://git.io/vXb1L
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<deltasquared> TimePath: it occurs to me that it'd be useful to have a diff facility when FF shuts down in case you changed any options in-UI.
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<deltasquared> AFAIK the minimum you'd need is an entry in profiles.ini and a working prefs.js (or user.js, either really)
<deltasquared> throw the generated profile in a ramdisk even (would help laptop users I'd imagine)
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<deltasquared> my only worry is something like xdg-open bypassing any "startup script" I make to automate the process
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<nwuensche> Hi! Somehow, udiskie mounts my external HDD in read-only mode. I tried udiskie-mount -o umask=0000 /dev/sdb1 and sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdb1 /media/TOSHIBA, but they still mountin ro-mode. What am I doing wrong?
<bennofs> nwuensche: what FS is your disk using
<deltasquared> inb4 NTFS
<nwuensche> bennofs: ntfs
<deltasquared> you might need ntfs-3g
<deltasquared> IIRC the in-kernel driver does not like to be used for writing, it's not complete enough
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<nwuensche> bennofs: Thank you, this works.
<gchristensen> sounds good, Fare & disasm
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<nwuensche> Can anyone explain to me why I have chromium and chromium-browser as commands? I installed just chromium, should there be 2 links there?
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<Fendor> good morning everyone, i'm thinking about to give nixos a try as my main os and out of curiousity, i asked myself, if it is possible to install the cuda devel toolkit, since nixos is not supported by nvidia
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5vxn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53d67bc Klaas van Schelven: readline 7.0 -> 7.0.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b71ce3f Vladimír Čunát: readline-7.0: fixup meta evaluation
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6c3513b Vladimír Čunát: Merge #28346: readline: bugfix 7.0 -> 7.0.3
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<gchristensen> Fendor: is the cuda toolkit different from the cuda devel toolkit?
<Fendor> gchristensen, nah, dont think so
<Fendor> i just mix up the names
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #28346: readline 7.0 -> 7.0.3 (master...readline) https://git.io/v7xQQ
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<sphalerite> Fendor: the cuda development toolkit is packaged for nixos. The issues you're most likely to have are driver issues
<gchristensen> Fendor: you bet you can!
<Fendor> thats great!
<Fendor> sphalerite, what kind of driver issues?
<Fendor> you mean for example with the gtx 970?
<sphalerite> Fendor: e.g. I have the same hardware as gchristensen here. The proprietary nvidia driver works just fine for him, while for me starting the X server with it enabled crashes the kernel or something
<gchristensen> sphalerite: don't scare the noobie :)
<gchristensen> Fendor: it'll probably be fine, and we can help
<sphalerite> It's not nixos's fault though, it's nvidia's
<gnuhurd> 13:30 *** 474 #8chan Cannot join channel (+b)
<gnuhurd> oops
<sphalerite> gchristensen: if you could help me too that would be great ;) I tried using the config you sent me a while back but it didn't help
<Fendor> gchristensen, well, with the gtx 970, which i happen to have, almost no linux distro works, so i'm used to sorrow ^^
<sphalerite> Fendor: nixos won't fix your nvidia problems but it will do wonders in many other ways :D
<ben> can you play dota with your gtx 970 on linux tho
<ben> lmk before i upgrade from this 400somethingsomething card
<Fendor> ben, no, since i am not able to install any linux or utilize the gpu :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5vxu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f4c3bdc Vladimír Čunát: Merge #28346: readline: bugfix 7.0 -> 7.0.3...
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<ben> rip
<Fendor> but luckily, i have notebook too, and i want to switch away from solus to nixos, since a friend showed me nix-package manager and now i dont want to live without it. Acutally i couldnt even work without it on solus
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<sphalerite> :)
<ben> ive been crushed to learn that work doesnt consider nixos a valid config to dial into our vpn, alas
<Fendor> so, i hope i can take part in this community i finished my latest project :)
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<Phillemann> Sorry if it's a simple question, but, with nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade, can I see which packages will be updated first?
<sphalerite> Phillemann: pass --dry-run
<Phillemann> Hmm, there's dry-build and dry-activate, apparently
<ben> what does --upgrade actually mutate?
<ben> the channel?
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<ben> i have to admit i'm really confused about all the global state that nix tooling looks at
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/d25a9f57e3 (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
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<LnL> yes, it just updates the channel before starting the rebuild
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<nwuensche> Hi! So I'm currently trying to set up a systemd job to switch off wifi when I start my PC. You can find it here: https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/b1490ae614c4c3940478533a16e26f3c . However, when I systemctl status rfkill-own.service , it says that the service lacks both ExecStart and ExecStop. Why is this so?
<gchristensen> nwuensche: I think Type needs to be "oneshot"
<nwuensche> gchristensen: But I want it to be started as the last service, so that Wifi is really deactivated. Is this still the case then?
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<gchristensen> idle shouldn't be used for enforcing order, I think `after = [ "multi-user.target" ];` will order it
<gchristensen> but also not sure why this is a user service
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<nwuensche> gchristensen: I changed the type and the after, but I still get the same error.
<gchristensen> ohhh
<gchristensen> nwuensche: why do you have it as a user service? did you really mean for that to happen?
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<nwuensche> gchristensen: Nope, I didn't. Should I just make it systemd.services.rfkill-own ?
<gchristensen> yeah so the error is coming from the system service you declare on line 9, not fromthe user service you declare on line 1
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<gchristensen> rename systemd.user.services.rfkill-own to systemd.services.rfkill-own, delete line 9, add an "enable = true;" around line 2 or 3
<disasm> sphalerite: have you seen this? Not sure if it might apply to your ipv6 problem: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27688
<sphalerite> disasm: don't think so, I shouldn't need to set any static routes really. Thanks for the pointer though :)
<disasm> sphalerite: this might be of interest too, apparently defaultGateway6 needs to be in your prefix for it to route without a static route. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27111#issuecomment-323578705
<sphalerite> disasm: but the gateway is just fe80::1 so it's a link-local address
<sphalerite> and I shouldn't need any extra setup
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<sphalerite> I've also compared the routing table and addresses to a separate dedicated debian server, which works fine and seems to be effectively the same
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<nwuensche> So I have another problem. I installed hibernate, and I want that my laptop hibernates at 5% battery. How exaclty can I do this?
<gchristensen> mine does it automatically at 3%
<nwuensche> gchristensen: Ok, but I get the error "hibernate: Aborting suspend due to errors in ModulesUnloadBlacklist" when I start hibernate from command line
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<disasm> oh, they must be running a node with a static IP fe80::1 connected right to that interface. That's really odd way of routing ipv6.
<gchristensen> disasm: fe80::1 is localhost though
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<ixxie> If anybody is interested, I am starting an effort to restructure the wiki for better navigation / UX: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/issues/3
<gchristensen> nwuensche: how did youu call that?
<nwuensche> gchristensen: Just sudo hibernate
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<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> sudo systemctl hibernate
<sphalerite> gchristensen: oh yeah, so it is... That's weird, the docs do say to use fe80::1 though :/ https://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Netzkonfiguration_Debian/en#Dedicated_Servers_.2F_CX_vServers
<sphalerite> wait no
<sphalerite> ::1 is localhost
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<freeman42x> Hi! I just installed NixOS for first time and finally got installed but now when running `systemctl start display-manager` it says unit display-manager.service not found. I have not changed anything in the generated config on setup except uncommenting the line for the grub settings.
<sphalerite> yes, it's a *link-local* address but that doesn't mean localhost
<gchristensen> ahh
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<nwuensche> gchristensen: That worked. However, after I restarted my Laptop, I saw the current desktop, but I couldn't do anything. After 10 secounds, it went black and I was back at the login screen. After I locked in, the hibernate state wasn't saved and everything was closed.
<gchristensen> yikes
<sphalerite> freeman42x: there's no display manager/X server enabled in the default config generated by nixos-generate-config
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<sphalerite> freeman42x: you'll want to enable one, e.g. by uncommenting the KDE Plasma-related ones
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos opened pull request #28423: cups service: Automatically detect Gutenprint in drivers (master...cups-gutenprint) https://git.io/v5vjv
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<disasm> sphalerite: ah, my setups the same here on my network, but I have stateless configuration, so my default gateway is the fe80 address on my router as well
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/f4c3bdc1df (from 56 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<disasm> so it really should "just work"
<sphalerite> indeed
<sphalerite> yet it doesn't
<freeman42x> sphalerite, thank you, my problem is that now I don't know how to find the configuration file so I can re-run the upgrade or what it is called
<sphalerite> what's also really weird is that I can ping the gateway
<sphalerite> freeman42x: it's in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<disasm> how do you traceroute6 in nixos? I can't find the package with it.
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<freeman42x> sphalerite, I run locate configuration.nix and it returned no results, weird. Thank you!
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<sphalerite> freeman42x: when you've edited it you can use nixos-rebuild switch to activate the new config
<sphalerite> disasm_: tracepath
<sphalerite> disasm: ^
<disasm> freeman42x: locate requires a database being setup
<sphalerite> matrix's nick completion is a pain.
<gchristensen> sphalerite (Matrix): I agree
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<sphalerite> riot's*
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<gchristensen> sphalerite (#freenode_#nixos:matrix.org/riot.im-Matrix): I wonder if they do it to make you want to tell people to just switch to Riot/Matrix
<sphalerite> lol
<sphalerite> I mean, I like that it does fuzzy matching. But if it could sort the results by who last wrote a message that would be grand
<gchristensen> yeah, true
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<gchristensen> another annoyance is the client doesn't tell me when my bridged nick isn't what I think it is. right now I'm Guest7639 and there isn't any way to know that
<sphalerite> "The new editor puts people who have spoken recently first, even if they don't really match the query used to tab-complete. I'll work on this today." cannot confirm
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<nwuensche> gchristensen: Do you know anything I could do?
<gchristensen> nwuensche: no idea :( I'm pretty novice about these things.
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<freeman42x> sphalerite, thank you! I got the GUI started :) sorry, I should have just paid more attention and RTFM
<sphalerite> np, good that you recognise it :D
<sphalerite> nwuensche: does the journal say anything interesting about the restore?
<joepie91> sphalerite: that... seems like a bug that should appear in testing o_O
<sphalerite> joepie91: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<sphalerite> joepie91: there's also https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/4689
<sphalerite> major security UX bug imho
<joepie91> yeah...
* joepie91 is now immediately skeptical of that client
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Do you mean systemctl status hibernate.target?
<sphalerite> nwuensche: I mean just browse all the output of journalctl -b
<joepie91> idk, there's just a certain class of "how was this not caught earlier" bugs that makes me skeptical of the QA of a project :p
<joepie91> similar to how regular non-deterministic failures of a piece of software make me immediately suspicious of its architecture
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: I can't find any error in there
<sphalerite> Which DM are you using? Might be useful to look at its logs too, since it sounds like the display manager or X crashed
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<disasm> sphalerite: can you show me a tracepath from your debian box?
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<sphalerite> no, it doesn't have tracepath xD
* sphalerite sent a long message: sphalerite_2017-08-20_12:50:16.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qxBZOScFWQQmeGMhZmXLULDm>
<disasm> okay, so it doesn't go through fe80::1 at all, it is behaving normally.
<sphalerite> default via fe80::1 dev eth0 metric 1024
<sphalerite> on the debian server
<disasm> sphalerite: I'm assuming your local address on that box is in this prefix? 2a01:4f8::a:19:b
<disasm> well public address
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<sphalerite> What do you mean by local address?
<disasm> sphalerite: the non-fe80 address attached to eth0
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<disasm> or br0 if you have a bridge setup
<sphalerite> it's 2a01:4f8:191:9302::2/128
<sphalerite> so it's in the same /32
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<sphalerite> err, same /64
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<sphalerite> err
<sphalerite> I can't do maths
<sphalerite> it's in 2a01:4f8::/something :D
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: I haven't set up anything special. I just used gdisk and that's it. How do I get more information about the DM I use?
<sphalerite> I mean display manager
<nwuensche> sphalerite: I thought you meant Device mapper. I use i3
<sphalerite> nwuensche: that's your window manager, not your display manager :p
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<sphalerite> slim, lightdm, sddm, gdm, etc are display managers
<sphalerite> the thing that starts the X server and provides the login screen
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<ben> used to be that the thing that starts the X server is me typing startx into bash
<ben> i feel old
<gchristensen> ben: progress has to progress
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<ben> i expect that systemd will be the display manager soon then
<gchristensen> right as soon as wayland merges in to systemd
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Dammit! :D I haven't changed it anywhere. SO it should be SLiM
<ben> i'm sure there's a timeline for that
<ben> just put wayland over kdbus imo
<sphalerite> nwuensche: then I think the logs should be in the journal too
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<sphalerite> ben: well tbh with wayland you can go back to that sort of model, except you don't need a SUID X server anymore :)
<sphalerite> gchristensen: fwiw the nickname completion is infinitely better on https://riot.im/staging/
<gchristensen> oh, I only use the ios app
<ben> iirc every time i learn a new thing about wayland it's about how it doesn't support a thing i do
<gchristensen> you're holding it wrong, ben
<sphalerite> oh? Like what? (I don't know that much about wayland)
<ben> playing videogames with nvidia's drivers, originally
<disasm> ben: I've been thinking of giving sway a try (wayland i3), but just haven't gotten the motivation.
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<ben> but also i had this app that made a window that positioned itself on the screen dynamically and didnt receive input events (so you could click thru it) etc
<ben> and someone i talked to who was into wayland was like "lol that app wouldnt work on wayland for like five different reasons"
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<disasm> sphalerite: I'm at a loss... THat link local fe80::1 should route to the next hop and tracepath should show it's global IP, but you get nothing if I recall beyond your local global IP.
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<sphalerite> ben: oh right. nvidia's shitty drivers strike again…
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Strange. If I wait longer than a minute after I start to hibernate, the system resumes without any problems.
<sphalerite> that is odd
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: However, I still have the problem that my laptop doesn't hibernate at 3% battery. Do I change some config to do this?
<gchristensen> mine does it near but not exactly at 3%
<sphalerite> nwuensche: I think you'd use a udev rule for that
<sphalerite> I'm not sure though
<sphalerite> gchristensen: did you set anything up for that?
<nwuensche> gchristensen: I let my PC go down to 0.44%. It still didn't hibernate.
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<sphalerite> because it'd be useful for me too
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: no, automatic
<sphalerite> huh
<sphalerite> mine just runs out of power and dies unceremoniously
<sphalerite> and I do have swap
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Me too
<disasm> ah, that's why all my stuff didn't crash when I accidentally left my laptop running without a power cord yesterday!
<jluttine> is there some convention where to put website mutable content (e.g., user uploads, sqlite file, ...)? /var/www/domain.com/, /var/lib/domain.com/ or something else?
<sphalerite> I'd go with /var/lib/domain.com personally, or /var/lib/servicename
<disasm> jluttine: I believe it's wherever you want, but /var seems pretty popular I've seen in most nixos configs.
<gchristensen> I do /var/lib/<domain> too
<disasm> ooh, /var/lib/<domain> I like that...
<sphalerite> follow the useful parts of the FHS :D
* disasm runs a bunch of regexp search/replace commands on his nixops config.
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: Would it be possible that a script looks at the battery level every 5 seconds, and when it's lower than 3%, it just executes systemctl hibernate?
<sphalerite> of course it would
<sphalerite> I don't think it's a great solution, but it's possible :p
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: Then I will try to create a cronjob for this :)
<sphalerite> I recommend using a systemd timer
<sphalerite> as opposed to a legacy cron job
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Ok, thank you
<gchristensen> your battery may emit events you can listen to over udev maybe
<sphalerite> udevadm monitor only seems to show events for the power supply being plugged in/removed for me
<gchristensen> I think itdepends on thecontroller
<sphalerite> ah ok
<nwuensche> I will try to use acpi
<nwuensche> gchristensen: Btw, where do you look at, when you say that your laptop hibernates at 3% power? For example my i3bar shows a different percentage than acpi
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<gchristensen> if they come back, i3bar
<viaken[m]> Is there a reason a system timer is supposed to be better than cron?
<viaken[m]> systemd*
<freeman42x> <Virtualization: KVM is the preferred virtualization solution. Xen, Virtualbox, and VMWare are unsupported and most likely require a custom kernel.> Does this mean that I can't install VMWare tools in NixOS guest?
<freeman42x> I did this part of tutorial: https://youtu.be/7B2hSo8ihjI?t=517 and I can't drag and drop files to the guest OS.
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<freeman42x> Ah! It worked after a complete VM shutdown and start.
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<hodapp> blargh. This other build is *also* based on custom Caffe, and this is still failing for seemingly the same reason that caffe is failing on Nix if CUDA is enabled
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<freeman42x> According to this, there should be a Visual Studio Code package: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/14354 But when I search for "vscode" in https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html it returns nothing.
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<hodapp> well, I guess as 'guy who needs machine learning crap now', the burden of fixing nixpkgs' Caffe build falls on me
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<Fare> freeman42x, you probably hit the same problem as I before, you didn't enable nonfree packages in your nix config
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<Fare> have you ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix contain { allowUnfree = true; }
<hodapp> cannot seem to get a straight answer as to whether I must build the CUDA components with GCC <= 4.9 or not
<Fare> if you use nix-env -iA vscode instead of -i vscode, it will give you a proper error message
<Fare> hodapp, straight answer? No one knows, so you have to try.
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<hodapp> Fare: I have tried, around a dozen times now.
<hodapp> Fare: I'm not asking because I haven't tried, I'm asking because my experiments have yielded no real insight.
<Fare> hodapp, did you contact the upstream authors?
<Fare> welcome to the sorry world of software
<hodapp> Fare: I haven't tried yet, because for one thing I'm trying to build someone's custom version of Caffe, and I expect that the authors would point me to Caffe authors while folks from Caffe would tell me either (1) we don't care because this is a custom fork or (2) we don't care because this is clearly a Nix problem
<hodapp> as similar questions on their mailing list seem to have either gone ignored or gone that way.
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<catern> hodapp: whatever you're working on seems incredibly painful :(
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<hodapp> catern: it appears to be a CUDA issue at its root, and this isn't the first time I've had CUDA stuff turns into a dumpster-fire
<catern> yes, I meant all this CUDA stuff
<hodapp> I guess I could solve things by..... recompiling every single dependency in this expression with GCC 4.9?
<ilpianista> hi all, i'm from mobile since i'm stuck at stage 1. my issue is the same as reported here https://nixos.org/nix-dev/2016-February/019724.html . any help?
<hodapp> including transitive dependencies.
<hodapp> I already tried the immediate dependencies.
<v0|d> I do nix-env -iA nixos.mypackage, seems faster.
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<xd1le> hmm, it seems like my last message didn't send.. does anyone know how to modify the path of a `target_include_directories` in CMakeLists.txt from a nix expression? I see that many packages set the -D option using the cmakeFlags attribute, but I have no idea which '-D' 'variable' corresponds to 'target_include_directories', if any... stumped.
<hodapp> ...huh, is there even a way to override something on all transitive dependencies in Nix?
<freeman42x> Fare, I don't have that folder http://i.imgur.com/sBtD4ps.png
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<freeman42x> note that I have not created a non-root user, I am just using root now
<hodapp> that's a lot of stuff to rebuild, but it still ends up being probably less stuff than a Docker container
<ben> that sounds like itd end up being a new bootstrap
<hodapp> ben: I'm out of other ideas
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<sphalerite> freeman42x: you can create it
<freeman42x> sphalerite, I still have not RTFM ^^ hehe
<sphalerite> hodapp: I think you can do import <nixpkgs> { packageOverrides = self: {…} } and get the dependencies from there?
<hodapp> sphalerite: not really sure what you mean
<ben> i dont really know how to override stdenv stuff :/
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<hodapp> ben: I can override the compiler just fine in stdenv, but as far as I understand it, even if I override every package in buildInputs, that still doesn't cover the transitive dependencies
<sphalerite> hodapp: oh you need to redo everything with gcc 4.9? Hm
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<hodapp> sphalerite: I don't know what I need. I am completely guessing because no one has a clue on this issue.
<hodapp> sphalerite: CUDA stuff seems to require GCC <= 4.9 to be built, but as this stuff doesn't run on the host but on the GPU, I don't understand why this would cause any incompatibilities if host libraries are built with newer GCC
<hodapp> and I hacked up a Makefile so that NVCC uses GCC 4.9 while CXX uses newer GCC, but still ran into problems
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<sphalerite> hm
<sphalerite> idk :D
<freeman42x> sphalerite, Fare, is it ~/.config/.nixpkgs/config.nix or ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<hodapp> me neither
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<sphalerite> hodapp: the latter
<sphalerite> whoops
<sphalerite> freeman42x: the latter
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<hodapp> just wish I could find something about this build that wasn't just cargo-culting
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<freeman42x> sphalerite, was asking cause I seen this and got confused: https://github.com/kamilchm/.nixpkgs/blob/master/config.nix
<sphalerite> freeman42x: it used to be ~/.nixpkgs
<sphalerite> but now ~/.config/nixpkgs is preferred
<ilpianista> any idea why on stage 1 I see this message printed 10 times and then system ask me to reboot? "3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg" now active"
<freeman42x> sphalerite, I see, thank you!
<cocreature> hodapp: if cuda was working you could at least use a neural network to figure this out for you
<ben> lmao
* hodapp throws coffee cup at cocreature
<hodapp> it's interesting how seemingly no other CUDA stuff in Nixpkgs seems to have this issue
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<hodapp> what I also don't get is why there is both a Makefile and a CMake build
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<freeman42x> Fare, I am still doing something wrong: http://i.imgur.com/T13dbzz.png
<freeman42x> I think what I am missing now is this bit: "Assuming you have a nixpkgs channel setup which tracks the nixpkgs-unstable channe"
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<catern> dear #nixos, what strict, garbage-collected language should I use?
<ben> *spins wheel*
<ben> idris!
<catern> hmmm, is idris actually usable yet?
<multun> golang ? caml ? whatever you like ?
<ben> i mean "strict, garbage collected" rules out like five languages total
<ben> not really narrowing it down
<catern> okay, with a rich type system too
<multun> caml then
<rycee> freeman42x: Try `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA vscode`.
<freeman42x> rycee, exactly that command, or is <nixpkgs> a placeholder?
<catern> mmmm, I guess I will use caml I suppose
<rycee> freeman42x: Exactly as written.
<catern> I guess I don't have many choices
<catern> ben: yes but i mean among good languages
<rycee> freeman42x: Nix will automatically expand the <nixpkgs> part to the path of your default Nixpkgs.
<freeman42x> rycee, It started installing! Thank you! Does this require restart?
<rycee> freeman42x: What do you mean with "this"? That using vscode requires a restart?
<freeman42x> rycee, I mean, installing software. Nvm, was a silly question. I guess only changing stuff in the nix configs might require restart.
<freeman42x> rycee, It is working :D So happy! http://i.imgur.com/oxEdK1r.png Should I listen to the warning and create a normal user?
<rycee> Yeah, I doubt there are many packages that would require a restart for installing. But yeah, as you mention some NixOS configuration changes may require a restart to take effect.
<freeman42x> It is just NixOS inside a VM so I don't know if it would matter that much.
<rycee> freeman42x: Hmm, which warning? I don't see a warning in the screen shot.
<catern> how is the ocaml support in NixOS?
<freeman42x> ryantm, ah! I closed it. VS code was saying that VS code should not be run under root.
<freeman42x> So I was wondering if I would run into any issues by using root for everything.
<freeman42x> I'd rather not create a non-root account if possible.
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<Fare> catern: gerbil !
<freeman42x> is there a shortcut in NixOS for opening the terminal? Ubuntu had ctrl+alt+t
<rycee> freeman42x: Hmm, no idea if it is a problem or not. I imagine that it shouldn't be a problem if you are running in a VM that doesn't have sensitive stuff on it.
<Fare> ocaml support in NixOS seems decent enough
<freeman42x> <I imagine that it shouldn't be a problem if you are running in a VM that doesn't have sensitive stuff on it.> I was assuming the same.
<Fare> but with gerbil you have a greater chance of making an impact :-)
<freeman42x> The Visual Studio Code that got installed is way out of date though. Is there a way I could get a more recent version?
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<Fare> freeman42x, what version is it? My patch to get 1.15.1 was just upstreamed in unstable.
<catern> I might just bite the bullet on being GC'd and write in Rust
<catern> but I'm worried about the Rust support in Nix
<catern> it seems bad?
<Fare> catern: if you use gerbil, try my fork of nixpkgs where I have a more recent version (waiting for gambit & gerbil release before I upstream)
<freeman42x> Fare, it is version 1.9.1
<Fare> yeah, well, use a more recent channel
<freeman42x> Fare, I don't know how to do that since I still have not RTFM :/
<freeman42x> But look, I gave you guys some credit! :) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/14354
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<Fare> freeman42x, thanks. Edit your ~/.nix-channels, or use nix-channel
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<freeman42x> Fare, do I need to uninstall existing VS Code, or will it replace it?
<Fare> it will replace it
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<Fare> unless you're short in disk space, in which case you might want to uninstall and/or nix-collect-garbage
<Fare> catern, I won't speak against Rust
<Fare> catern, what kind of code are you looking into writing?
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<catern> ideally, a library which exposes a few large complex sum types, and a set of purpose-specific libraries that translate between that common type and some various protocols
<catern> i think i would use capnproto as the way to expose these common types to various different languages
<Fare> what is a "complex sum type" ?
<Fare> oh
<catern> i just mean a sum type that is complex :)
<catern> as in complicated
<Fare> have you seen piqi ?
<catern> I have not
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<catern> hmm, I'm not sure this is what I"m going for though, capnproto would be nice because it gives me RPC for multiple languages for free
<catern> ideally I wouldn't have to go through RPC though, ideally I would be able to just make direct function calls with some cross-language type system, but alas, no real way to do that yet exists
<freeman42x> Fare, what I have in that file is: "https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-17.03 nixos"
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<freeman42x> should I replace it with one of these? https://nixos.org/channels/
<freeman42x> like "nixos-unstable" ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28320: poretools: init at 0.6.0 (master...add-poretools) https://git.io/v7NKf
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<thomad> It seems I am having a problem with using "/dev/stdin" inside the checkPhase of my derivation. I was able to work around the issue by using /proc/self/fd/0 on linux but on Darwin /dev/fd/0 isn't working. Does anybody know a solution?
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<thomad> The entire call looks like this: ${DUB} init < /dev/stdin &
<Fare> freeman42x, that's a great channel for root and nixos-rebuild. But I recommend that for $USER and nix-env you'd better use nixpkgs-unstable
<freeman42x> Fare, I would prefer to only use root and not create a separate user. Would it be fine if I change it to nixpkgs-unstable for root?
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<freeman42x> And is this channel nixpkgs-unstable the one you meant? The one where you pushed the latest VS code version?
<Fare> catern: gerbil has builtin RPC and actors.
<thomad> The kill isn't working because of the stdin
<catern> Fare: but I just said I don't want RPC :)
<catern> ideally, anyway
<Fare> catern: not sure what you DO want.
<catern> seamless FFI between languages, without RPC
<Fare> not sure that's possible. The semantic differences are too great.
<Fare> e.g. the representation of false between languages is different, so data structures in one are not canonically translated into data structures in the other.
<Fare> that's just one trivial example.
<freeman42x> Fare, I used "nixos-unstable" and it installed the same old version 1.9.1: http://i.imgur.com/RBzMIrU.png
<Fare> catern: but PLT Scheme might be the closest thing there is to a multi-language architecture
<catern> Fare: counterexample: every (most?) languages can call into C code; counterexample: JVM languages can all call each other
<Fare> (before it, there was poplog, but it's unmaintained)
<Fare> for JVM languages, that's not even true.
<bennofs> catern: well, calling into C with structs is pretty complicated TBH
<Fare> there are scheme, prolog, haskell variants on the jvm, and making them work together in non-trivial ways is just as problematic as in any other language. If anything the JVM is a poorer way of having them work together than raw C or PLT as the common substrate.
<hodapp> it sort of depends on how "seamless" you mean.
<bennofs> catern: so you meant to say: calling functions that only take primitives (ints/bools/strings, that's about it) works most of the time (and even that is already complex enough with ABI)?
<catern> bennofs: that's true, but I think it's basically because the C type system is not very expressive
<catern> bennofs: yes. of course I want to do better than C though :)
<Fare> sometimes the type system is "too expressive"
<hodapp> languages will almost always have abstractions that do not translate to every other language
<multun> catern: how about rust ?
<catern> I doubt that sum types + product types are too expressive
<Fare> and so calling between the typed and untyped worlds is O(N) where N is the size of the data structure to be translated or checked, anyway
<Fare> PLT Racket has a great story for mixing typed and untyped code.
<bennofs> catern: you say that you cannot call c functions that take structs as arguments has to do with its type system? why does that have to do with the type system?
<Fare> well, "great" is relative, I suppose
<Fare> but at least it has a story
<Fare> catern: do you want recursive types?
<bennofs> i would *really* like to see a statically typed and compile-time checked, cross language interface system that allows backwards compat but that does not seem to exist...
<catern> bennofs: well, suppose there was some common semantical representation of struct (product type with named fields) that every language supports; then you could use it directly in your code, and when you needed to FFI to another language, the two languages would translate between the two
<catern> I don't care about backwards compat even :)
<Fare> bennofs: for that you'd need common types between languages... good luck
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<catern> Fare: not really
<catern> I mean, obviously I do want them, but they are not mandatory :)
<bennofs> catern: the problem is not the struct definition itself. the problem is that the memory layout & arg passing is so complicated (for example, struct arguments may be spread over multiple registers, passed on the stack, passed as a pointer, ...)
<Fare> and then... how do you (or don't you) map between what's colloquial in your "common data schema" language and in your respective target languages?
<bennofs> catern: otherwise, wouldn't that be JSON with a schema?
<bennofs> + unions
<Fare> once again, cap'n'proto, piqi, ASN.1, XDR, CORBA, all come to mind.
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<Fare> oh yeah, protobufs, JSON, BSON.
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<Fare> also the Erlang wire format.
<hodapp> catern: this sounds like, for instance, how GObject tries to be accessible from all languages by providing a common "object" abstraction
<hodapp> Fare: pelase
<hodapp> ...err....
<catern> bennofs: you could *implement* this with JSON with a schema, but I don't know of any such implementations
<hodapp> please don't recommend CORBA. ever.
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<Fare> I once wrote some type checker for jsonnet...
<catern> hodapp: hmm yeah it kind of does
<Fare> hodapp, I'm not actually recommending it.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5fLK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging fbab1d4 John Ericson: stdenvs: Distinguish between `extraBuildInputs` and `extraNativeBuildInputs`...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5baea8f John Ericson: Merge pull request #28373 from obsidiansystems/stdenv-extra-inputs...
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<Fare> I'm just saying, if you reinvent the wheel, here are all the ways to make it square.
<catern> bennofs: I don't deny that C ABI is complicated... maybe that really is why C FFI is hard...
<bennofs> catern: if you don't want to do RPC, you'd have to force all languages to represent their structures the same way in memory. otherwise, what you're doing is just RPC
<hodapp> catern: now, of course, the abstraction of "object" is a rather useless one except in a couple specific domains, but that's another matter
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<hodapp> hey, at least C *has* an ABI
<catern> bennofs: of course it's "just RPC" in a deep sense
<catern> beenofs: but it's "RPC" that takes place in a single process, so :)
<hodapp> a bunch of the shit I'm still dealing with now in Caffe is because of C++ ABI garbage
<Fare> cap'n'proto at least has a story for minimizing copying during RPC.
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<bennofs> catern: it seems like using capnproto just as a serialization format with a simple c function "run_command(char* serialized_capnproto_command)" would do what you want?
<Fare> many Lisp-based persistence systems also do transparent encapsulation of foreign memory buffers
<bennofs> not going to get better than that
<catern> bennofs: yes, certainly
<catern> bennofs: though people aren't really doing that...
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<catern> I saw https://github.com/waynenilsen/capnp-ffi which is kind of neat but it's just an incomplete demo
<bennofs> hodapp: does C really have an ABI? isn't there stdcall, ccall, fastcall, whatever?
<Fare> if you want better integration than manually checked RPC, give a good look at Racket and how it allows mutual calls between languages
<Fare> especially typed vs untyped
<freeman42x> Fare, <<freeman42x, what version is it? My patch to get 1.15.1 was just upstreamed in unstable.>> So, I tried adding channel "nixos-unstable" and it did not update VS Code. Does it take some time for it to pick up your change?
<freeman42x> Or am I using the wrong channel name?
<bennofs> freeman42x: master is not the same as nixos-unstable
<bennofs> freeman42x: it needs to go through CI first and pass tests before it hits unstable
<freeman42x> bennofs, I see. So even though he pushed the code, it will take some time to get it to install, right?
<bennofs> freeman42x: there's http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/ that details the current status of all the channels
<hodapp> hmm. I am debating just completely avoiding ever using Caffe for anything, ever, and simply trying to find ways to use TensorFlow, Torch, or Keras instead
<bennofs> freeman42x: yes
<hodapp> this build is a gigantic clusterfuck and no one, anywhere, seems to have any kind of clue why anything does anything anytime
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<freeman42x> bennofs, Thank you! :)
<bennofs> hodapp: "Makefile.config.example" - "Add Pascal CUDA architectures to Makefile.config.example" sounds great :D
<hodapp> the problem I just ran into on one fork is that it could "build" just fine with CMake, and then it just has runtime errors that also make no sense, so even if I fix the Nixpkgs build of caffe it might just build something broken in subtle ways
<hodapp> bennofs: ehhh?
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<bennofs> but they really seem to actively "maintain" two build systems. wtf
<hodapp> the Make build has a bunch of linker errors I don't feel like touching
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<Fare> freeman42x: what does nix-env -qaP | grep vscode say?
<hodapp> the CMake build has runtime errors like https://github.com/rbgirshick/py-faster-rcnn/issues/118
<hodapp> that issue is closed and I still have no idea what the actual "solution" is
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<hodapp> and I can't think half the things because 'caffe device_query' quits without any output (nor any errors)
<hodapp> like, how in the bloody fuck does this code ever work
<freeman42x> So I don't get why I would not get at least a bit newer version.
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<nwuensche> Hello! I'm trying to play around with creating nix packages. However, I don't really know how to install my .nix file with nix-env. I always get the error: 'cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)'. What am I doing wrong?
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<Fare> freeman42x, ok, so the one from nixpkgs is more recent, but still not the latest.
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<bennofs> nwuensche: either add your package to top-level/all-packages.nix in nixpkgs and then use nix-env -f /path/to/nixpkgs -A yourpkg or use you need nix-env -iE '_: with (import <nixpkgs> {}); callPackage ./yourpkg.nix'
<Fare> look at various channels to see which do or don't have 1.15.1 yet
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<PaperclipMaximiz> Fare, I might have missed if you wrote anything, had to restart.
<PaperclipMaximiz> Ah, ok. I don't know how to do that yet, but I will try :)
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<nwuensche> bennofs: I tried the latter one, but I just get: 'expression does not evaluate to a derivation (or a set or list of those)'
<bennofs> nwuensche: oops sry, should be nix-env -iE '_: with (import <nixpkgs> {}); callPackage ./yourpkg.nix {}' (note the {} at the end)
<bennofs> (i agree that nix-env's CLi sucks)
<Fare> freeman42x: and/or you can use your own nixpkgs checkout using NIX_PATH -- that's what *I* do
<nwuensche> bennofs: Thank you! What exaclty does the {} do?
<bennofs> nwuensche: its and argument to callPackage (it is just an empty attribute set)
<bennofs> nwuensche: without it, the result would be a function that sill expects one argument which is why nix gives that error
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5ftN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a030682 Michael Raskin: xzoom: init at 0.3.24
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<hodapp> this "invalid device function" error seems to have happened to a huge number of people on Caffe and the devs just sort of brush over it like it's a minor setup issue
<hodapp> and particularly a CUDA problem... yet somehow, it's not a problem on any other CUDA application I've used
<hodapp> how can I set something that has spaces in cmakeFlags?
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<jbo> hey there - I've a separate /boot partition which is full. Is there nix tooling to delete old kernels/initrds? I've tried `nix-env --delete-generations old` & `nix-collect-garbage -d`. If not, how can I tell which initrd is the one that's currently in use? (just reading the grub config?)
<jbo> ahhh.. now I manually deleted some kernels, there was enough space for `nixos-rebuild ...` to delete the old kernels
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<freeman42x> I think I might have broken nixos somehow, since this command runs forever without returning: http://i.imgur.com/GTvsEbf.png
<freeman42x> What I did before was to run nix-env -u and I Ctrl+C on it since it was taking a long time.
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<freeman42x> Running it keeps eating more and more memory: http://i.imgur.com/BSH88gg.png And it worked fine before.
<freeman42x> Wow, it finally finished, took a LOT more time and was using 1GB at one point.
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<schef> hi guys..i'm having some trouble with wine..
<schef> my uname -a shows Linux sluga 4.9.44 #1-NixOS SMP Wed Aug 16 20:44:13 UTC 2017 x86_64 GNU/Linux
<schef> i am on unstable channel
<schef> and cant get 64bit winearch to work..
<schef> if i delete .wine, explicitly set ARCHWINE=win64 and start winecfg i get the folowing error
<schef> wine: created the configuration directory '/home/gazda/.wine' wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/gazda/.wine' is a 32-bit installation.
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<srhb> schef: Was ARCHWINE a typo?
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<schef> yes
<schef> is wine by default 32 bit?
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<ben> afaik
<ben> wine being 32 bit by default is like half of why i dont play videogames anymore
<schef> man i was just about to play a videogame :)
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<srhb> No, wine creates a 64 bit prefix by default on a 64 bit OS.
<schef> hmm thats wierd..
<srhb> cd
<srhb> woops
<ben> it's weird to me that wine is configured by default on an OS that can run native 64 and 32 bit binaries to not run windows 64 and 32 bit binaries
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<schef> i never had this problem on arch..i tought it is a nixos specific
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5b8cd48e99 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<srhb> schef: Oh, indeed, I see the same behaviour. Maybe it is NixOS specific indeed.
<ben> you have to toggle some wineWoW switch to get a working wine, but it's apparently not cached, so you have to compile it from scratch(?)
<schef> thanks for the tryout..i will try to build by hand like this here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/20283
<srhb> Might wineFull suffice for that?
<schef> i cant build it..it is in some kind of endless loop while compiling
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<ben> i mean wine just takes forever to compile
<ben> like hours on my laptop
<srhb> It's not as bad as Chromium or something :-P
<Rotaerk> hmm how do I pass flags to ghc within the nix expression?
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<Rotaerk> e.g. -threaded
<schef> aha ok
<schef> i will try
<srhb> schef: Are you trying to build wineWow or wine64?
<srhb> schef: Either way, it looks like the simple way to configure that is to set wine.build in your config.nix to whatever version you want.
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<srhb> (I'm a little curious why you need wine64 though, cf this"
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<ixxie> anybody here try to run NixOS on the new Windows Linux Subsystem?
<ixxie> I'm gonna start working at a windows shop, and I figured maybe I can have my cake and eat it
<pbogdan> Rotaerk: ghc-options in your .cabal file?
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<jack[m]> sed -i -e "s/libcurl.so.3/libcurl.so.4/g" ./GSB.bin.$arch # muahahaha
<jack[m]> (I dislike closed-source binaries, so I do great violence upon them)
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<srhb> Infinisil: Why is that necessary over wine.build = "wine64";
<srhb> ?
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<srhb> Infinisil: (I mean, you might argue that it's clearer, but the allPackages wine attribute already depends on that bit of config)
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<Rotaerk> pbogdan, oh; thanks
<Rotaerk> wasn't aware that was specifiable in the cabal
<Rotaerk> thought it was only a commandline argument
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<nwuensche> Hello! So right now, I'm trying to set up a driver for my printer. On other OS's, I had to, as one part,restart cups.service to do that. But how can I do this in a package declaration? It always says that it doesn't know systemctl
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<Infinisil> srhb: No idea, I just wanted to link the user-wiki page
<Infinisil> nwuensche: Just `systemctl restart cups` should do
<Infinisil> services can be controlled at runtime just like usual
<nwuensche> Infinisil: Yeah, but I can't do this in the install phase, can I?
<nwuensche> Infinisil: I mean, it still doesn't know systemctl there
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: Why do you want to do this in a package declaration?
<Infinisil> Just execute it in a terminal
<Infinisil> doesn't make sense otherwise
<hodapp> is there a way one can make a stdenv.mkDerivation try to build with CMake, rather than with just make?
<nwuensche> Another problem I have: I have to copy stuff directly into /, but I don't get the permission to do this. How can I do this?
<srhb> nwuensche: Why do you have to do that? You probably shouldn't.
<nwuensche> Infinisil: Thanks. However, I'd like to have it all in one package, but I see why this cannot work.
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<nwuensche> srhb: I just try to recreate the installation routine I had for my printer driver on other Linux OS's. But I think this will not work like that...
<srhb> nwuensche: You probably should make a nix derivation for it instead.
<srhb> nwuensche: Trying to shoehorn imperative techniques into NixOS will both be harder than elsewhere and ruin the benefits of NixOS.
<nwuensche> srhb: I'm trying to create a package for it. Is that what you mean?
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<srhb> nwuensche: Yes :)
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<srhb> nwuensche: But, good, so the question is: What are you trying to emulate exactly? ie. why are you trying to push a file to somewhere in / ?
<srhb> nwuensche: (We will probably be doing it in some other manner, but it depends on what you're shuffling around)
<nwuensche> srhb: Sorry, I was wrong. I have to copy them into /usr, but I shouldn't do this too, should I?
<srhb> nwuensche: No. We need to know *what it is* and *why* you think it should go there, to be able to figure out what you should do instead. :)
<nwuensche> srhb: I extracted the cupswrapper and lpr .deb file for the printer. That's the stuff I want to move, so that I can use it with cups. Hope this helps, this routine it just worked on Arch Linux and co :D
<srhb> nwuensche: Perhaps take a look at how other proprietary CUPS drivers are handled in nixpgs
<srhb> nwuensche: For instance here: nixpkgs/pkgs/misc/drivers/gutenprint/default.nix
<srhb> nwuensche: And the corresponding NixOS option, cups.drivers
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<nwuensche> srhb: I did for brgenml1cupswrapper, but the file structure is completely different.
<srhb> nwuensche: You can rearrange as you see fit, or try to find one that looks closer.
<srhb> nwuensche: You can modify the paths to your liking before (or after) sticking them into the store.
<srhb> nwuensche: The question you need to answer is "which files do cups need" and "where should I place them so that cups can find them by adding my derivation to cups.drivers"
<nwuensche> srhb: I have no clue. Do you know any resource online where I can learn this?
<srhb> nwuensche: I would expect the cups manual to contain the information you need.
<srhb> Along with the installation resources for your driver at hand.
<srhb> Or you could try to make a document of your "imperative" install and try to get help from people here to translate it.
<kini> This is kind of a dumb question, but how does one "discover" packages in nixos? It seems that `nix-env -q` doesn't support a "fuzzy search", so to speak
<hodapp> ugh. I guess I could just delete the Makefile so the build process ignores it
<kini> I guess I can just do `nix-env -qaP --description` and then grep the output, but is there a better way?
<Infinisil> Hmm, good question
<ben> i just do nix-env -qasP >somefile once per channel update and grep that for better speed
<ben> failing that grepping the repo
<jluttine> anyone used uwsgi for python projects? the uwsgi process doesn't find my python packages although i list them in pythonPackages
<bennofs> how do i change the gcc version stdenv uses?
<bennofs> oh overrideCC, /me cannot spell
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Hodapp87 opened pull request #28424: python-packages easydict: init at 1.7 (master...easydict) https://git.io/v5fG4
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<kini> ben: hmm, that's a little disappointing... oh well
<kini> I'm planning to run nixos on top of zfs, and the first step is creating the volumes from the livecd environment, but I can't figure out what exactly I need to install to get the zfs tools working (hence my question about discoverability)
<Infinisil> I usually just search for what I need online + "linux", then check if that package is available in nixpkgs
<kini> sure, but the naming convention is often hard to guess
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<ben> ah
<nixos-users-wiki> "Bookmarks" edited by ixxie https://git.io/v5fGM
<bennofs> for some reasons, that are suddenly lots of more paths in top-level nixpkgs...
<nixos-users-wiki> "Bookmarks" edited by ixxie https://git.io/v5fGD
<ben> its probably nixos.zfs and/or nixos.zfstools
<ben> maybe even nixos.linuxPackages.zfs
<ben> good luck!
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<kini> heh, thanks
<kini> yeah I figured it's probably nixos.zfs
<ben> :P
<kini> nixos.zfstools has a weird description
<ben> i have /nix/store/ll8jd2x6rqqxy228dqwfqvhzc5w20vqs-zfs-user-0.7.1/bin/zpool
<ben> so thats probably nixos.zfs
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<ben> (nixos should really ship a `which` that goes thru profile symlinks etc)
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<Infinisil> The thing you need to get started with zfs on nixos is `boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]`
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<Infinisil> which should make the zfs commands available
<kini> `nix-env -iA nixos.zfs` gives me zfs-user- but then `nix-env -u` upgrades it to zfs-user-0.7.0-rc5
<kini> what am I missing here...?
<ben> kini: that's weird
<ben> dunno!
<kini> Infinisil: ah. hmm
<ben> Infinisil: bit unintuitive that youd change the boot config of your ephemeral livecd environment
<freeman42x> is it possible to install some packages under root but run them under another user while still being root? VS Code and Chrome both don't like running as root
<ben> im sure youve been asked why youre trying to do this a million times
<ben> sudo -u nobody chrome etc?
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<kini> erm... how do I change the boot config of my ephemeral livecd environment?
<ben> kini: i think the part where it has boot in the name is misleading
<ben> but i think you can just edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and run nixos-rebuild switch on your livecd env
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<ben> or at least nixos-rebuild test
<kini> that file appears to be read-only
<kini> though it's on a tmpfs mounted as rw, so I guess it's ok to chmod it......?
<bennofs> gchristensen: shouldn't removing i686 jobs reduce the number of jobs for nixpkgs trunk on hydra?
<ben> i mean you cant permanently break anything :P
<kini> true lol
<bennofs> gchristensen: seems we still have 40k jobs
<kini> well, I tried nixos-rebuild switch and got a lot of FATALs and collisions, but something seemed to happen -- "the following new units were started: systemd-vconsole-setup.service, zfs.target"
<ben> rip.
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<ben> do you have zfs stuff in your path now? :P
<kini> yes, but I did before too (since I did `nix-env -iA nixos.zfs`)
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<Infinisil> kini: So you just downloaded the live cd, put it on a stick, modified `boot.supportedFilesystems` and `nixos-rebuild switch` and that error happens? Or did you do anything else?
<ben> im gonna assume they also booted off it before most of that
<Infinisil> Ahh, well if you did nix-env -iA nixos.zfs that explains it
<ben> what
<Infinisil> ah no it doesn't
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<ben> im not sure theres anything that explains random FATALs and i dont even know what collisions are :P
<ben> i booted off an usb thing to install nixos the last time so maybe i actually mutated it persistently
<kini> to be more specific, the FATALs were coming from modprobe rtying to load nonexistent modules
<kini> and the collisions were from the nix store trying to (I guess) symlink multiple versions of grub stuff
<kini> s/rtying/trying/
<ben> that should not be a problem like ever :P
<ben> maybe the livecd env is just weird
<ben> sorry for misleading you
<kini> Infinisil: I downloaded the livecd, put it on a stick, and booted into it
<kini> I don't have a running nixos system other than the livecd, I'm a newbie :)
<ben> i mean that's how it starts
<ben> so do the zfs commands actually work or are you stuck?
<kini> `zfs` and `zpool` by themselves run and give usage syntax info, but when I try to run any actual zfs or zpool command, I get a message telling me to modprobe the zfs module
<ben> ah :/
<kini> when I try to modprobe the zfs module, I'm told it doesn't exist
<kini> sorry, thought I mentioned that earlier but it looks like I didn't
<ben> maybe i missed it
<ben> did you try installing the other stuff with zfs in the name?
<ben> nixos.linuxPackages.zfs sounds promising
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] evujumenuk opened pull request #28425: containers: automatically use user namespaces on supporting systems (master...containers_-u) https://git.io/v5fZ8
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<ben> even if it doesnt do anything maybe you can check where it lives in the store and insmod it
<kini> installing nixos.linuxPackages.zfs gave me zfs-kernel-
<kini> the error message when I try to `modprobe zfs` says it's looking in /run/booted-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules/4.9.42
<kini> i.e. a different kernel version
<ben> ah
<kini> oh damn it, I think I know what I did wrong -- I did a `nix-channel --update` at some point
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<kini> I see that linux-4.9.42 doesn't even exist in `nix-env -qaP`, so maybe the channel update replaced it with 4.9.43
<kini> I guess I should reboot the livecd
<kini> oh wait, there is `nix-channel --rollback` according to the man page, that's handy...
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<kini> does `nix-env -e` not accept attribute paths?
<kini> it also doesn't seem to give any output when you ask it to uninstall a nonexistent package
<Infinisil> indeed, no idea why it's done this way
<ben> no, it weirdly matches against the displayed names of packages
* hodapp gives up trying to fix the Caffe build
<kini> I'm just assuming that I should always be using attribute paths since they seem more precise
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<Infinisil> And it's faster
<bennofs> Infinisil: not for uninstalling, as you only have to match against installed pkgs (no need to scan nixpkgs)
<Infinisil> Ahh, didn't think of that
<ben> also i guess you cant expect currently installed nixpkgs to have derivations for the package youre trying to uninstall
<freeman42x> Anyone run into this issue regarding launching a program as different user by setting the link advanced properties? http://i.imgur.com/6zAqPr7.png
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #28402: dejavu_fonts: made derivation fixed-output (master...patch-55) https://git.io/v5vJm
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<freeman42x> ah, kdesu -u neo google-chrome-stable says kdesu command is not found, so I probably need to install a package for it
<kini> btw in the livecd environment there is a broken link on the kde desktop, lol
<kini> (says "org.kde.konsole.desktop")
<nwuensche> Is here anyone who knows how to create cups drivers? I created a cupswrapper script and a lpr script, but the cupswrapper script always says: Brother LPD filter is not installed.
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<freeman42x> kini, yeah, that was broken for me also :D
<schef> srhb: thanks for the info, i didnt know that winewow existed
<freeman42x> "created 1220 symlinks in user environment" on installing kdesu, that escalated quickly!!
<schef> a game i want to run does not work with 32bit wine so i guessed that i need 64
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<kini> According to the man page, `nix-env -q` by itself is supposed to list the installed store paths, but it lists nothing. Surely something is installed...?
<ben> Maybe it's not installed in your profile managed by nix-env, but as part of the system
<simpson> Yeah, e.g. your Nix comes from the system profile.
<kini> ah so that's what it means
<kini> indeed it says "installed in the current generation of the active profile"
<kini> I didn't realize that that doesn't include the system stuff
<simpson> You have a user profile in addition to the system profile.
<kini> how can I list what's in the system profile?
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<simpson> I think that you can pick profiles with a flag? I think I saw it in the man page. I don't know the incantation off-hand.
<ben> i can't get that to work :'(
<aristid> the nixcon 2017 registration feels weirdly bureaucratic
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<ben> i half expect youre required to organize a new conference that's identical to the current one but with you added to the attendee list
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<aristid> ben: an ICO for every conference attendee
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #28381: doc: Describe CC Wrapper in more detail (master...cc-wrapper-docs) https://git.io/v5eBP
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<viaken> I have yet to actually figure out how to call nix-env with dependencies. Trying to build hello
<viaken> woop
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<viaken> Not hello. netsurf. Trying to version bump it, but it complains about missing deps.
<viaken> Anyone want to enlighten me?
<dash> viaken: what did you type? What error did you get?
<viaken> $ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; callPackage ./default.nix { }'
<viaken> error: anonymous function at /home/viaken/projects/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/misc/netsurf/browser/default.nix:1:1 called without required argument ‘b
<viaken> uildsystem’, at /nix/store/4czdlbzyckzgzl4amjhpk8ca7dwvqcs7-nixos-17.03.1700.51a83266d1/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:56:12
<viaken> buildsystem is at netsurf/buildsystem.
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<tilpner> viaken - But maybe you don't need to replicate that. Why do you need to call netsurf/browser in the first place?
<dash> viaken: you're trying to build netsurf in your fork of nixpkgs?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5fWr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a32441c Martin Kreidenweis: chromedriver: 2.29 -> 2.31
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8608d32 Joachim F: Merge pull request #27642 from holidaycheck/update-chromedriver-to-2.31...
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<viaken> Yeah. Still trying to wrap my head around Nix and figured updating a version of a preexisting package would be an easy start. Didn't realize netsurf had its own complicated build system. :P
<viaken> tilpner: I didn't even think about checking all-packages. That, I think, is the part I was missing in all this.
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<tilpner> viaken - Try nix-build -A netsurf.browser ~/projects/nixpkgs
<freeman42x> Anyone know how to install "kdesu"? I am about to go insane :D
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<dash> viaken: it's easier than this when you're modifying nixpkgs, you just run "nix-build -A netsurf /your/nixpkgs/default.nix"
<dash> ah, what tilpner said :)
<viaken> Hey, progress! :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28413: browserpass: 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6 (master...update/browserpass) https://git.io/v5v8P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5fW5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5791a25 Roman Volosatovs: keybase: 1.0.27 -> 1.0.28
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b51451b Joachim F: Merge pull request #28412 from rvolosatovs/update/keybase...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5fWx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d79530d midchildan: tilix: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ff01459 midchildan: tilix: Disable DBusActivatable in the desktop entry
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 450e118 Joachim F: Merge pull request #28394 from midchildan/update-tilix...
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<__monty__> I was wondering how hard it would be to set nix up to do all it's builds on a remote machine? It looks like the included build-remote.pl may be sufficient to achieve that.
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<viaken> So, if I make a derivation outside of nixpkgs that has dependencies, under `{ stdenv }:` I could add something like `dep1 = ~/projects/nixpkgs/foo/bar/dep1;`?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28377: geogebra: 5-0-377-0 -> 5-0-382-0 (master...update/geogebra) https://git.io/v5eIk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28362: mate: caja-extensions: init at 1.18.1, engrampa: init at 1.18.2 (master...mate) https://git.io/v7hzf
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<__monty__> mguex: I've been looking over that part of the manual. It seems that nix_build_hook is always run so if the remote server accepts all builds nothing will ever be built locally?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28344: tasksh: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0 (master...tasksh-1.2.0) https://git.io/v7xXn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28339: solvespace: 2.3-20170416 -> 2.3-20170808 (master...solvespace-2.3-20170808) https://git.io/v7x4k
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<tilpner> viaken - For a few personal packages, I would suggest an overlay. Otherwise you end up maintaining your nixpkgs fork. Which is fine, but more work and flexibility than I wanted
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<viaken> Ok. I'll add that section of the manual to my next-to-read. For learning the basics of how Nix works, though, that was helpful to my understanding.
<__monty__> mguex: Why did you link to the daemon though? Are you required to run the daemon if you want to do remote builds? The manual didn't mention anything about this.
<tilpner> viaken - But yes, if you have a generally useful package that you would like to merge into nixpkgs, you would add "dep1 = callPackage ./some/path/inside/nixpkgs {};" there (to all-packages)
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<tilpner> viaken - I don't think it's a good idea to mix sources like that. You probably shouldn't import packages from outside the nixpkgs repo into nixpkgs
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<ThatTreeOverTher> does nixos work on arm
<ThatTreeOverTher> (specifically, RPi3)
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<viaken> ThatTreeOverTher: I've seen a comment on Reddit by someone that did it, but I don't know how much trouble it was. I know he started from Raspbian or some such and bootstrapped Nix from there.
<viaken> NixOS*
<Infinisil> was that meant for tilpner ?
<ThatTreeOverTher> hm, alright. is there a decent chance that most packages will compile and install on ARM?
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<viaken> tilpner: I don't know what "import into nixpkgs" means in that context. I have a nonredistributable program I want to build, so I can't put it in nixpkgs. However, it depends on net-tools. What's ideomatic for this case?
<makefu> ThatTreeOverTher: there is, we even have binary-caches for aarch64.
<ThatTreeOverTher> excellent, thanks
<Infinisil> Ohhh, totally didn't see ThatTreeOverTher, sry
<Infinisil> You have the same color as the NixOS_GitHub bot in my client :P
<tilpner> viaken - You can write an expression that takes nettools as an argument, the question is where you store and import (referring to the Nix syntax "import path") that expression
<ThatTreeOverTher> oh this would be really helpful if I already had an ARM system running nix
<tilpner> viaken - You don't need to put it into nixpkgs just to build/make it work, you can do that from an overlay. I would only suggest altering all-packages.nix for that if you want to contribute it back
<makefu> ThatTreeOverTher: if you get it running make sure to do a quick how-to, either on your own blog or somewhere in https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki
<ThatTreeOverTher> can nixos be cross-compiled inside a QEMU pretending to be ARM?
<makefu> It should work without the build host being arm
<ThatTreeOverTher> `assertion = pkgs.stdenv.system == "aarch64-linux";`
<ThatTreeOverTher> I'm no nixos expert but
<makefu> sounds like ... yeah ... :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28177: vscode-with-extensions: init at 1.10.2 (master...jrg/vscode-with-extensions) https://git.io/v79XN
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<viaken> tilpner: Sounds like I need to learn more about overlays for that case. :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28252: services.mpd: allow configuring playlist directory (master...mpd) https://git.io/v7Q7m
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<tilpner> viaken - You don't strictly need them for this (they're just nicer). You can also use packageOverrides, or import/call your expressions directly from systemPackages
<viaken> I don't know what either of those mean yet. I'll keep digging through the manual. :)
<tilpner> viaken - E.g. your systemPackages could contain (callPackage /path/to/your/expression.nix { })
<viaken> Oh, wait, duh. systemPackages I know.
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<viaken> We're just going to let me stupidity hang there, huh? Cool, cool...
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<freeman42x> I trade my soul and some reputation points for this: https://stackoverflow.com/q/45786752/750216
* freeman42x does not have a soul so this is a dirty trick.
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<viaken> ginger?
<viaken> Is there a way to find out what files a derivation "owns"?
<tilpner> viaken - What does "own" mean here? Files that are involved in building it, or files that are produced by building it?
<viaken> Produced
<tilpner> Oh, just build it and check?
<viaken> For that matter, has someone made a Nix "Rosetta Stone" translating other package managers' commands to Nix equivalents?
<viaken> Oh right...they're all in its nix store.
<tilpner> viaken - E.g. tree $(nix-build -A netsurf.browser ~/dev/nixpkgs
<tilpner> I remember something like that, but I think it was in the old wiki
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<freeman42x> Is there a GUI for installing Nixos packages?
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<viaken[m]> Uh...gvim?
* mguex tries to harvest freeman42x's soul: try to put kdesu into environment.systemPackages
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<viaken[m]> freeman42x: on a serious note, I don't think so currently.
<freeman42x> mguex, if that is the solution: could you add it as answer too?
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<freeman42x> viaken, I would ask how to put it into environment.systemPackages but I better RTFM first
<tilpner> freeman42x - There is nixui, but I'm not sure how well it works
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<mguex> freeman42x: open /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<viaken[m]> freeman42x: It's defined in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<tilpner> (nix-shell -p nixui --run nixui)
<mguex> nix-mode for emacs is also pretty nice, and so is nox
<viaken> nox?
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<mguex> viaken: nix-shell -p nox
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<viaken> That dumped me into a green shell. What am I supposed to do with it?
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<tilpner> And with nox, you can type "nox <searchterm>" to search nixpkgs and then type numbers to install them
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<viaken> tilpner: Nifty!
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<freeman42x> viaken, I tried adding kdesu to that file and it is still not found in Konsole
<mguex> freeman42x: have you executed nixos-rebuild switch afterwards?
<freeman42x> mguex, I did, and then reboot
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<freeman42x> `nix-env -qaP | grep wget` is running very slow for some reason
<viaken> -P shouldn't be necessary there, I would think.
<tilpner> If you enabled plasma5, kdesu should already be installed for you. Do you have something like services.xserver.displayManager.plasma5.enable = true; in your config?
<freeman42x> mguex, viaken is this correct? http://i.imgur.com/AnQpG3E.png
<freeman42x> git did get installed...
<freeman42x> and so did wget!
<freeman42x> `kdesu` still gives: bash: kdesu: command not found
<freeman42x> maybe kdesu is broken on unstable? hmmm
<freeman42x> `which: no kdesu in (/root/bin:/run/wrappers/bin:/etc/per-user-pkgs/root/bin:/root/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/run/current-system/sw/bin)`
<viaken> freeman42x: I barely know what I'm doing with Nix yet. Listen to tilpner.
<mguex> freeman42x: that looks okay @ imgur link
<freeman42x> ah, I missed his message
<tilpner> I don't use KDE, so I'm just guessing too
<tilpner> But installing the kdesu package indeed doesn't provide a binary "kdesu"
<freeman42x> one issue I am having with plasma, something triggered it cause it did not happen from the start is that CPU stays constantly high around 40% after login
<freeman42x> the only solution I found for now was to log out and in again
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<vandenoever> tilpner: did you install on system or user profile?
<tilpner> vandenoever - Neither. I used nix-build and looked at the expression
<vandenoever> freeman42x: is the high cpu thing a throbbing icon?
<tilpner> (And nix-shell)
<mguex> also, the kdesu store path contains only libraries no binaries (besides some in lib/libexec)
* mguex is also not using kde/plasma
<tilpner> Note that there *is* kdesu_stub and kdesud in lib/libexec/kf5, but I don't really know what they do
<freeman42x> vandenoever, "is the high cpu thing a throbbing icon?" I don't know what you mean. There is no visual indication.
<viaken> freeman42x: Is kdesu a binary on other distros?
<tilpner> http://www.linfo.org/kdesu.html would suggest it is
<tilpner> (First Google result)
<viaken> Sounds like a bad build?
<freeman42x> viaken, I am assuming it is a binary because of the error message in the image: https://stackoverflow.com/q/45786752/750216
<vandenoever> freeman42x: there was a bug where an animated icon in plasma would use a lot of cpu, i noticed it with konversation notification (throbbing megaphone) and network connections (rotating thingy)
<FRidh> why is it always such a pain to cp bits from one store path to another
<freeman42x> vandenoever, from what I googled I heard about similar things, like high CPU cause of a simple desktop widget
<freeman42x> actually... I DID play with a widget but then removed it
<freeman42x> I think that is when high CPU might have started but it never stopped not even after restart
<vandenoever> btw there's a PR for updating kde #28366 and kde pim #28418
<freeman42x> tilpner, I do have that line in the configuration file: http://i.imgur.com/3y52KDI.png
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<freeman42x> mguex, what DE are you using?
<freeman42x> I only used KDE/plasma because it was the default one and wanted to avoid issues... which is exactly what is happening right now hahahahaha <cries>
<mguex> freeman42x: i3 (was my first tiling WM and I am kind of stuck)
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<freeman42x> mguex, are you stuck in a good way or in a bad way? haha
<mguex> freeman42x: I suggest that you file an issue on Github -> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues
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<tilpner> freeman42x - So the kdesu package should be installed for you. I don't know why the kdesu package doesn't provide a kdesu binary though. You could file that issue, or hope a KDE user sees your problem
<tilpner> ... Any KDE users around?
<freeman42x> mguex, thank you, I filed the issue
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<freeman42x> mguex, tilpner on Ubuntu I recall there was a way to search all repositories for a specific binary and it would tell you which package to install
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<tilpner> freeman42x - There is https://github.com/bennofs/nix-index
<viaken[m]> freeman42x: If you just want something to use while you "settle in", maybe try IceWM, fvwm, or openbox. I'm in love with tiling WMs, though. Was using Xmonad before trying Nix and I'm on i3 now, too.
<tilpner> (And command-not-found, but that only works on channels)
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<freeman42x> icy, so pick one of each, 1 desktop manager and 1 window manager from here for example? http://i.imgur.com/7CUyb21.png
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<viaken[m]> Certainly an option. I don't bother with a DE currently.
<viaken[m]> Oh, you said DM. Slim works well.
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<tilpner> freeman42x - You only need one of those. You can make them cooperate (run KDE with i3), but I have no idea how well nixpkgs supports that, and never heard of anyone trying
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<freeman42x> I am confused now: there are desktop managers, desktop environments and window managers and display managers <takes deep breath>
<freeman42x> the idea was to change KDE with something else so that the kdesu issues is solved right?
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<freeman42x> KDE is a DE, Desktop Environment?
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<viaken[m]> Display manager = login window
<tilpner> I'd consider ("desktop manager" and "desktop environment") or ("desktop manager" and "display manager") synonymous
<viaken[m]> Window managers do what they say on the tin.
<tilpner> (But nixpkgs seems to use "desktop manager" == "desktop environment")
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<freeman42x> ok, so what I need to do now is just change KDE to... Gnome3 for example?
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<freeman42x> And then I should be able to launch as other user without any issues, right?
<viaken[m]> Theoretically
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<freeman42x> viaken, hahaha, that does not sound too reassuring :D
<freeman42x> viaken, tilpner, mguex thank you for your help btw :)
<viaken[m]> Worst case, rollback
<mguex> freeman42x: sure :)
<freeman42x> I have to admit that this is the first time ever when messing with packages does not make me afraid of breaking an operating system
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<mguex> freeman42x: please try this... su YOURUSER -l -c YOURAPPLICATION
<freeman42x> pff, the Gnome3 login screen. I can't figure out how to log in as root
<freeman42x> I would need to be able to enter user name but there is only option to pick from list
<freeman42x> mguex, I might have been able to get that to work in KDE, but the issue was that the KDE itself was running the wrong command
<tilpner> Why do you need to login as root?
<freeman42x> tilpner, cause it makes it harder to use programs if I log in as root
<freeman42x> all this issues I am having are related to being root and programs not likeing it
<freeman42x> Chrome / Visual Studio Code
<tilpner> And you're trying to fix those issues in Chrome/VSC? Otherwise I don't get why you want it to be harder
<mguex> (why are you running everything / logging in as root in the first place?)
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<freeman42x> tilpner, I am trying to fix the kdesu issue so I can open those programs as another user while still being root, so that the programs do not complain
<freeman42x> mguex, because I am in a VM and don't care
<freeman42x> I just wanted to see how it is to do everything as root
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<tilpner> That's wrong, you care
<freeman42x> why?
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<tilpner> You care enough to fix kdesu, at least. But it's not generally recommended to login as root
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<mguex> god complex^^
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<freeman42x> mguex, hahaha
<freeman42x> tbh, I hate all the issues I had with programs when not being root
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<freeman42x> and now I am having the opposite type of issues lol
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a0306821fd (from 6 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable)
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<tilpner> So you're just doing that to see how painful it is?
<cbarrett> hello. I have a noob nixops question. How tied is nixops to a single machine (or vm)? I understand some state is stored in SQLite, is that all you need to backup?
<cbarrett> just wondering about recovery planning
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<freeman42x> tilpner, "So you're just doing that to see how painful it is?" The only issue I run until right now is the kdesu one. In rest all was fine. And by all was fine I mean shit ton of other issues but none realted to root.
<tilpner> The display manager login as root thing was related
* mguex still rememebers the kde3 red "danger! keep out" background for the root account
<freeman42x> tilpner, that is not actually a problem per se, it is a problem with Gnome3 having special settings to enable it and my lack of knowledge of where to put those Gnome3 settings
<freeman42x> the KDE allowed loging in as root just fine
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<freeman42x> when loging in as normal user, cause it was the only option Gnome3 hanged with just some X cursor showing, no DM loaded at all
<freeman42x> I chose to boot a previous version from GRUB
<freeman42x> do I need to do anything special to complete the revert?
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<freeman42x> mguex, I tried: `su neo -l -c "code --user-data-dir=~/.config/Code/`
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<freeman42x> mguex, no program output and no program run http://i.imgur.com/gfU9j5y.png
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] geistesk opened pull request #28427: et: Init at 2017-03-04 (master...et) https://git.io/v5fza
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<mguex> freeman42x: try -> su neo -l -c 'code --user-data-dir=~/.config/Code' <-
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<freeman42x> mguex, no change, still no run and no output
<mguex> with the same error message?
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<mguex> freeman42x: ah, sorry. the command seems fine. nevermind
<mguex> then it's something else, are you running this from within kde?
<cbarrett> no one can help me w/ nixops? any suggestions about where to look? Maybe I missed something in the manual
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<clever> cbarrett: i believe the sqlite file is all you need to backup
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<freeman42x> mguex, I don't think that su can launch a GUI program
<freeman42x> you need something like gsu or kdesu
<freeman42x> gksu
<clever> what about sudo?
<clever> ive had no troubles running gui things under sudo
<mguex> su anotheruse -l -c "xterm" # works for me
<clever> changing to another normal user is far more problematic then root
<clever> the gui program must have read access to the file in $XAUTHORITY
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5fgm
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c623b3 Chris Hodapp: python-packages easydict: init at 1.7
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28424: python-packages easydict: init at 1.7 (master...easydict) https://git.io/v5fG4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5fgG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0842a45 Thomas Mader: dmd: Updating (2.070.2 -> 2.075.1), fixing and improving. PR #27743
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1eb48d3 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27743 from ThomasMader/master...
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<freeman42x> clever, what would be the sudo equivalent of: `su neo -l -c 'code --user-data-dir=~/.config/Code/'` ?
<cbarrett> oh nice there is a nixops export command. Do people ever check that in to version control?
<clever> sudo -u neo 'code --user-data-dir=~/.config/Code/'
<cbarrett> check the output of that I mean
<clever> freeman42x: also, sudo correctly sets HOME, so you may not need --user-data-dir at all
<clever> freeman42x: and there is sudoedit, which is designed for editing files
<freeman42x> clever, doesn't seem to work: http://i.imgur.com/xZAlHez.png
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5fgE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 04cd1db Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<clever> does the user "neo" exist in /etc/passwd?
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<clever> $ sudo -u root 'id'
<clever> uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
<clever> freeman42x: it works perfectly when i run it
<freeman42x> clever, yes, user neo is mentioned in that file
<freeman42x> and I can log in to that account
<clever> try something simple like: sudo -u neo 'id'
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<freeman42x> clever, that works, but that is not a GUI program though
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<freeman42x> I really think it might need one of the programs in some of the answers here: https://askubuntu.com/q/164819/50090
<freeman42x> eg. gksu or kdesu etc.
<clever> freeman42x: what about "sudo -u neo xterm"
<freeman42x> in Ubuntu I recall I needed to use something like that for GUI programs
<freeman42x> clever, http://i.imgur.com/md5bBKH.png
<clever> yeah, the problem there is that the X server is running as root
<clever> so the neo user cant read $XAUTHORITY
<freeman42x> clever, so... I need to give up and use normal user instead of root? or change it to do that?
<clever> id say its just not safe in general to run the entire desktop as root
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<freeman42x> clever, aight, then I guess I will logout of root and try the commands on that normal account
<freeman42x> there is a way to configure NixOS so I don't have to use password all the time I use sudo right?
<clever> 2015-07-11 03:48:59< bubs> %wheel ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
<clever> this line allows the members of the wheel group to do anything
<clever> ds9 ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /root/reload_lighty , /root/ubc
<clever> this allows the "ds9" user to only run those 2 commands
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<freeman42x> clever, thank you
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<Dezgeg> clever: were you having some xfs grub problems at some point, or was it someone else?
<clever> Dezgeg: probly somebody else, i always go for a safe ext4 for /boot
<freeman42x> I am getting that weird high CPU on normal user also: http://i.imgur.com/fr4wfqE.png