<kuznero> nh2: and here is physical - https://pastebin.com/i5m3cA6Y
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-shell --pure -p zlib pkgconfig
<clever> [nix-shell:~]$ pkg-config --cflags zlib
<clever> -I/nix/store/s6hgm8cn82gi4a8mlj8qq4by03yk3297-zlib-1.2.11-dev/include
<clever> it just works, without having to add .dev
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<nh2> kuznero: OK this is a guess but I suspect that the nixops maintainers have not made available an AMI for 17.09 yet and will do so only after release; for 17.03 there are pre-built AMIs that nixops picks by default
<eikke> clever: ffor nix-shell, yes. nix-build with my derivation, no
<clever> eikke: can you gist the expression for your derivation?
<kuznero> nh2: then the question - is it possible to define different (fixed version) other than the one I am using on my computer? I feel answer is no :(
<nh2> eikke: also you maybe use -vvvvvvv (never remember how many are necessary) and inspect zlib related output
<yrashk> has anyone been successful activating nvidiaBeta on 17.03? Latest nvidia-settings won't compile without the dbus dependency. This is fixed on unstable, but I am not sure what's the right way to proceed from here.
<nh2> kuznero: yes, you can run nixops against a nixpkgs git checkout on your hard drive or even remote tarball URL
<kuznero> nh2: can you please point me to an example of such reference?
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<clever> eikke: you need to add cmake to the nativeBuildInputs
<nh2> kuznero: `NIX_PATH='.:nixpkgs=./nixpkgs nixops deploy ...` if ./nixpkgs is your nixpkgs git clone (I recommend use branch `release-17.03` for the beginning)
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<clever> nh2: you can also set a -I path to nixops with set-args i think
<kuznero> nh2: thanks you, will try it out
<eikke> clever: grpc has a plain Makefile which should just work
<eikke> it seems as if I have 2 packages calles zlib in my store, 1.2.11 and, hmpf
<nh2> kuznero: yes or what clever says, though I prefer to have it state-less in 1 command usually
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<nh2> I always make myself a little wrapper script called ./ops that calls nixops while setting environment variables before
<nh2> eikke: is the Haskell package called `zlib`
<kuznero> nh2: ok, so I will checkout https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs release-17.03 branch, then run your command referencing just cloned repo, right? Sorry for articulating probably obvious things - I am still getting used to it all...
<nh2> eikke: nixpkgs doesn't have a `haskell-` prefix or something like that for hackage packages
<clever> eikke: testing it locally ...
<nh2> kuznero: yes; and no worries about asking, it took me very long to set up nixops optimally as well, I find some things aren't well documented
<eikke> clever: thanks!
<eikke> nh2: that's what I figured :)
<kuznero> nh2: thanks
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<nh2> kuznero: it's a bit of a trouble with nix, once you know things they are very obvious, before you know them they are very much not obvious. The more you ask, the more things can be googled in IRC logs at least, and ideally also write down what your problems were on the way and then you/we can go over them later and try improve docs to make it more obvious
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<kuznero> nh2: if it all work I will try to submit PR for docs on that part...
<nh2> kuznero: +1
<clever> [AR] Creating /tmp/nix-build-grpc-1.3.9.drv-0/grpc-1.3.9/libs/opt/libgpr.a
<clever> ar: invalid option -- '/'
<clever> eikke: the failure has nothing to do with libz
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<nh2> clever: btw if I get a spot at nixcon I will buy you infinite food and beverage :-)
<nh2> if you are coming too
<clever> still thinking about it
<kuznero> nh2: on that note, I noticed it is docbook :) https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/blob/master/doc/manual/Makefile are there any tools that allow to author these xml files? I bet it is not done manually... :)
<nh2> clever: think about it. Infinite food and beverage :D
<nh2> and it is in Munich so food and beverages will be good
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<Lisanna> It seems like fixupPhase isn't overridable like installPhase... why is this? Or am I confused?
<eikke> clever: looks like you got beyond dmy point of faillure
<nh2> not sure though how I can know whether I'll have a spot or not
<clever> eikke: all i did was run nix-build on the nix file you gave me
<nh2> kuznero: I don't actually know that, I always edited it by hand so far for the few improvements I made
<clever> eikke: what did you do?
<Lisanna> setting fixupPhase = ""; has it still running the whole fixup phase, including patching elfs and moving things into ./share
<nh2> eikke: check if you're on the same nixpkgs as clever; also, are you on NixOS or another distro?
<clever> Lisanna: can you gist your nix expression?
<clever> CMake Error: Cannot determine link language for target "cares".
<clever> CMake Error: CMake can not determine linker language for target: cares
<clever> eikke: cmake is confused more then ar is, lol
<nh2> Lisanna clever: I remember some problem that one is technically supposed to call the pre/post hooks (e.g. postFixup) when overriding a phase, but due to some weirdness nix calls them anyway, so maybe what Lisanna is seeing is one of the hooks
<nh2> (calls them anyway even when you forget to call them in your phase)
<eikke> nh2, clever: on Fedora. Unstable nixpkgs channel. GRPC derivation is called as a dependency from another package, have a slightly more complicated wrapper
<em1l> hello mighty nix-friends :) - i a just starting playing around with nixops and did something stupid: deleting a *.vmdk out of my /nix/store/ - now I geting VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and subsequently VBOX_E_FILE_ERROR (full stdout here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/356308). Other nixops deploy rely on this image too. I can't deploy anything anymore... How can i recreate this image, or make a fresh nixops
<em1l> installation? thx in advance :)
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<disasm> clever, LnL: so... now I have /nix/store/derivation/'$(out)'/plugins, lol is this a bug? or am I doing something horribly wrong?
<nh2> em1l: is the deleted file a top-level file in /nix/store or in some subdirectory?
<clever> disasm: sounds like it was already installing to a subdirectory of the prefix, and you can just pass /plugins
<nh2> em1l: also I think `nix-store --repair-path` is supposed to help in this case
<disasm> clever: yeah, just plugins works fine, /plugins it errors can't write to /plugins, so in this case, what cmake is doing is fine, more of wondering why it's doing this, and if there's a bug or I'm doing something wrong
<eikke> clever: should I edit that nix file in order to be able to build it self-standing?
<clever> disasm: i think it depends a lot on what cmake is doing with the path
<clever> eikke: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./grpc.nix {}'
<eikke> thx
<Lisanna> nh2: clever: hastebin.com/virozehoce.bash
<kuznero> nh2: trying to do `NIX_PATH='.:nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs/with-release-17.03' nixops deploy -d test`. But that gives exactly same error... :(
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<clever> Lisanna: there are a lot of chunks missing, so its hard to tell what might be breaking it
<clever> kuznero: the . at the start of that says to try looking for <nixpkgs> in ./nixpkgs, if that exists
<kuznero> clever: I see, removing it ...
<Lisanna> I'm nuking fixupPhase, preFixup, and postFixup, so unless there's a secret phase that I'm missing I don't see how this is possible
<kuznero> clever: now with `NIX_PATH='nixpkgs=/home/kuznero/Projects/Kuznero/nixpkgs' nixops deploy -d test` gives same error
<clever> kuznero: what was the error?
<eikke> clever, nh2: figured it out. All my bad. A bit ashamed :P I have that grpc.nix in a nix/ folder, and in the root a build.nix which list files in nix/ and then adds them as packages. But it does so using 'haskellPackages.callPackage', which GRPC clearly is not. So I guess the zlib haskell package was used anyway, not 'zlib'
<clever> Lisanna: fixupPhase is what runs pre/post, so pre/post are just broken if you modify fixupPhase
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<kuznero> clever: "error: no AMI defined for EC2 machine ‘backend1’"
<clever> check what nh2 just asked
<clever> that sounds likely
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<Lisanna> clever: then what's the correct way to tell Nix to not run the fixupPhase at all?
<Lisanna> i.e. I don't want anything patched, and I don't want anything moved
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<clever> Lisanna: the way your doing it should work, but you could also try fixupPhase = "echo not fixing"; just to confirm if an empty string is handled specially
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<kuznero> nh2: these lines `"17.03".eu-west-2.hvm-ebs = "ami-ff1d099b"; "17.03".eu-west-2.hvm-s3 = "ami-fe1d099a";` correspond to what I have in my physical setup: `region = "eu-west-1";`. Should I also check something in my EC2 dashboard?
<Lisanna> clever: that worked. That seems like a bug.
<kuznero> nh2: sorry, I meant ` "17.03".eu-west-1.hvm-ebs = "ami-10754c76"; "17.03".eu-west-1.hvm-s3 = "ami-11734a77";`
<clever> kuznero: what revision of nixpkgs do you have checked out?
<kuznero> clever: 1eb9ffcc8d ("kodiPlugins: fix path for shared object links", 2017-06-16)
<em1l> nh2: thx for this command! i may use it wrong, but ~~~changes
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<em1l> nh2: oops, my bad - i was looking for scrolling keys in irssi/tmux x'D
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<samueldr> what's the best way to track the progress of aarch64 support in nixos?
<disasm> clever: ooh, this is interesting: "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-DDL_OPENGL=\\\"$(out)/lib/libobs-opengl.so\\\""
<Lisanna> also happens with otherphases like configurePhase = ""
<Lisanna> is this expected behavior or a bug?
<samueldr> I'm having moderate to high success right now, but it seems anything pythony won't work
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<clever> Lisanna: i think the stdenv only accepts it as an override if the string is non-zero length
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<em1l> nh2: I guess the nix-store repair-path command won't repair my missing .vmdk (which i deleted manually from the /nix/store out of stupidness..)
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<Lisanna> it might have somethign to do with the fact that they get turned into environment variables
<Lisanna> it's probably doing something internally like ${fixupPhase:-${defaultFixupPhase}}
<clever> eikke: nix-store repair-path will re-run the .drv to re-compile the vmdk as it originally did
<clever> Lisanna: eval "${!curPhase:-$curPhase}"
<Lisanna> I'm not very good with bash... but does that mean what I said earlier?
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<clever> i think so
<em1l> clever: oh thanks! i missed the full path (including filename). thanks to nh2 again :)
<nh2> kuznero: I've definitely deployed to the region you're on. I suspect now that it's because you use "m1" instances which are older generation, and the linked AMIs are only for new "HVM" technology based machines
<nh2> kuznero: try changing to a t2 type instance
<kuznero> nh2: ok, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] eqyiel opened pull request #29582: flow: 0.54.0 -> 0.55.0 (master...flow-0.55.0) https://git.io/v5pUw
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<nh2> kuznero: if that's it, this too should be something that nixops should warn about IMO or the manual should talk about, or both
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<kuznero> nh2: clever: it works now! thanks! Will try to update the docs...
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<kuznero> nh2: will do
<kuznero> nh2: or maybe even better this one? https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-ami/instance-type-matrix/
<nh2> kuznero: I don't see m1 mentioned there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5pTk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f170dbe Peter Hoeg: syncthing: 0.14.37 -> 0.14.38
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<kuznero> nh2: it is mentioned on the page you referred, but it didn't work for me.
<kuznero> nh2: the command I issued to deploy 3 servers is still running, flickering between 3 different machines. Is that normal? In EC2 dashboard I can see it is running.
<nh2> kuznero: no I mean the page I linked mentions explicitly
<nh2> All current generation instance types support HVM AMIs. The CC2, CR1, HI1, and HS1 previous generation instance types support HVM AMIs.
<nh2> and
<nh2> The C3 and M3 current generation instance types support PV AMIs. The C1, HI1, HS1, M1, M2, and T1 previous generation instance types support PV AMIs.
<nh2> suggesting that M1 only supports "PV", not "HVM"
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<nh2> kuznero: what do you mean with "flickering", is there output scrolling by?
<kuznero> nh2: agree, will reference that one
<kuznero> nh2: yep, all the time without stop.. showing this lines all the time: "backend1...> . proxy......> . backend2...> . backend1...> . proxy......> . backend2...> . backend1...> . proxy......> . backend2...> . backend1...> . proxy......> ."
<nh2> kuznero: what do the previous lines show that have more output than only "."? They should say what it's waiting for
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<nh2> clever: btw, I once asked why my --options ssh-substituter-hosts isn't working (it wasn't using it). Just found out why: Seems like on NixOS only root can use ssh-substituter-hosts; the reason it worked for me before was because that was an Ubuntu machine
<nh2> clever: do you know if there's a nix.* option for ssh-subsituter-hosts? Can't find anything on https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html. Or can I give ssh:// for the normal binary cache setting?
<nh2> kuznero: you need to change the firewall ('default' Security Group) settings in your AWS console for that region, to let incoming ssh through
<nh2> kuznero: you can also configure that stuff from nixops but there was recently a bug with it (https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/684#issuecomment-329990855, now probably fixed) so I'd first try it manually in the console
<kuznero> nh2: I can see that all inbound connections allowed in there... should specify ssh explicitly?
<nh2> kuznero: double check, usually AWS only allows all inbound connection from the *same* security group network, not from
<nh2> kuznero: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/authorizing-access-to-an-instance.html#add-rule-authorize-access -- if you use you can do it from all IPv4 addresses
<nh2> (if you want that to work, otherwise choose only your own IP)
<kuznero> nh2: it complains now with "The source needs to be a CIDR block or a Security Group ID."
<kuznero> when I am trying to save
<nh2> kuznero: then you entered some invalid value
<kuznero> nh2: I chose default "Anywhere" as a source. But now I specified custom = ""
<clever> nh2: a simpler option would be to run nix-serve on the remote machine and add it as a binary cache
<nh2> clever: then I need to care about auth though right?
<clever> nh2: nix-serve lacks auth
<nh2> yes that's what I mean
<kuznero> nh2: ok, just added `SSH TCP 22` Shouldn't `nixops deploy ...` now stop doing what it was doing?
<clever> nh2: checking the source...
<nh2> kuznero: yes, nixops should continue once you set it. Check that the machines in the console are shown to be in the security group you just modified
<nh2> kuznero: also, try to ssh manually into the public IPs shown in the console to check if your security group change worked
<clever> nh2: oh right, `--option ssh-substituter-hosts` just acts as a way to override nix.conf entries
<kuznero> nh2: it is the only security group I have so it must be using thata
<clever> nh2: so you should be able to set the same values directly in nix.conf
<nh2> clever: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/misc/nix-ssh-serve.nix has config stuff to _serve_ via SSH, but I can't find anything about telling about...
<kuznero> nh2: can it be that I don't have default ssh key in ~/.ssh?
<nh2> clever: but under what option?
<clever> nh2: ssh-substituter-hosts=value, in nix.conf
<kuznero> nh2: yep, all 3 are using default security group
<nh2> clever: oh
<clever> nh2: there is a different nix-serve in nixos, that runs over http
<nh2> kuznero: try `ssh THEPUBLICIP` and see what happens
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<clever> nh2: the one you linked, configures a nix-ssh user, that can only run nix-store, and never get a shell
<nh2> clever: now, how do I configure that via nix.* options? If I do nix.maxJobs, it translates that to max-jobs in nix.conf. Can I just `nix.ssh-substituter-hosts`?
<kuznero> nh2: "network is unreachable"
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<kuznero> nh2: can it be that I need to restart instances to use updated security group somehow?
<nh2> kuznero: did you use the public IP or the private IP of the AWS machine?
<nh2> kuznero: no, usually security group changes are effective immediately
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<kuznero> nh2: it was public IP
<clever> nh2: this maps the names like maxJobs to build-max-jobs, and you have nix.extraOptions to inject anything it doesnt handle
<nh2> clever: +1, thanks
<kuznero> nh2: ah! it is the corporate firewall... again...
<nh2> kuznero: tell your admin dropping outgoing SSH traffic is very bad business practice
<kuznero> nh2: and `nixops destroy` cleaned up nicely :) they are not dropping ssh, but many public IPs
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<nh2> kuznero: that's interesting, does that mean you cannot access any AWS hosted services from your corp network?
<kuznero> nh2: it seems so, at least in Frankfurt. But I will be checking it going forward...
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<nh2> kuznero: yeah don't trust the Germans
<nh2> (I am German)
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<clever> elastic IP's also from from a different IP block then the dynamic ones
<kuznero> nh2: example that you gave to configure security group, can it be used for default one like so `resources.ec2SecurityGroups.default = { ... }`?
<kuznero> nh2: :) they same the same about Russians (I am one) :) I have no idea why they are doing that - big corporation with old conservative rules I guess...
<nh2> kuznero: I think technically yes but I filed that bug and I haven't checked yet if it is fixed yet
<nh2> so I can't tell you for sure if it works
<nh2> kuznero: also most likely you'll have to use nixops from git or some specific commit for it to work
<kuznero> nh2: ok, will try to run the same test from my home computer...
<nh2> kuznero: if you subscribe to that issue you'll get pinged when I check if it works
<kuznero> nh2: just did, thanks
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<kuznero> nh2: clever: btw, it had nothing to do with referencing 17.03 in the end of the day - just tried with default 17.09 without changing NIX_PATH. So it was only m2 -> t2. Just wanted to articulate that explicitly.
<nh2> OK good to know
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<kuznero> nh2: what is the cost model with AWS? will this experiment get reflected soon in the dashboard?
<clever> kuznero: for every hour the ec2 instance is on, you get billed, and if its on from 1:30 to 2:30, that counts as 2 hours
<kuznero> clever: interesting, thanks
<kuznero> I've heard they introduced by-second billing recently or was that another vendor...?
<clever> i havent heard of that option in aws
<kuznero> A couple of days old news
<kuznero> "starting October 2, AWS is one-upping many of them by moving to per-second billing for its Linux-based EC2 instances"
<clever> ah, nice
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<fearlessKim[m]> I am hacking on a software. I do "nix-env -iA <mysoft>" to install & test it but it's compiled from scratch everytime. I remember seeing an option to keep the compiled files in order to iterate more rapidly. Can't find it again though, any idea ?
<nh2> I'm looking forward to per-second AWS billing, for my more complicated setups I just run them in a nixops deploy/destroy loop 100 times before I use them for real
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<nh2> fearlessKim[m]: depends a bit on what programming language you're working in. In Haskell, all the build artifacts go in the `dist/` directory; if I add that to the nix `src` then the build will be resumed within nix-build by me claiming that those output files are source files (though you should remove such hacks when you're done)
<kuznero> nh2: does physical setup in nixops needed to be tested that thoroughly on EC2 specifically? Can you test it with virtual box first and then deploy to EC2 once logical setup works?
<nh2> fearlessKim[m]: another common setup is to use the usual tools of your language inside nix-shell
<nh2> which is often much faster to iterate with
<fearlessKim[m]> nh2 so far I usually compiles from a nix-shell. but I wanted to test the flag. IIRC it was sthg I read in the man like "--test" ? It's a C program btw
<nh2> kuznero: it doesn't have to be tested more thoroughly on EC2 than on other platforms; I'm doing the 100x testing loop on EC2 before I deploy to my dedicated servers because it's easy and fast to destroy them and build them from scratch, can't do that with dedicated. You can deploy to virtualbox but I found that to be slower than to deploy to AWS, so I don't do that currently and instead pay Amazon a bit
<kuznero> nh2: I see
<nh2> fearlessKim[m]: hmm, not sure which flag that woud be; maybe --keep-failed so you can resume building manually in a failed build?
<nh2> kuznero: btw, you can merge the physical andlogical spec into 1 file if you like
<nh2> I do that currently, specifying different physical setups in the same single file
<fearlessKim[m]> nh2 will share if it comes back to me. thx
<kuznero> nh2: it feels very much right to me to have it separate when I can have different physical setups
<kuznero> nh2: do you have an example?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5pIK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3170d86 Jörg Thalheim: gdbm: add symlinks for compatibility...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d6191bd Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29566 from Mic92/gdbm...
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<nh2> kuznero: merging them is literally just copying the deployment.* options together into the same section
<kuznero> nh2: I see, thanks
<nh2> you can still separate out physical properties using nixops modules (`imports = ...`), and it does the same thing internally as giving 2 files on the command line, but I like giving only 1 file on the command line, though this is just personal taste I guess
<nh2> for some cases it's convenient to have it in 1 file, e.g. if you specify a domain in route53 options, and also use that domain name in configuration for your programs configured with nix
<nh2> need to go to bed, good night!
<fearlessKim[m]> the problem with nix-shell is that I usually do "git commit -a" ("all") but as nixos patches the source. Now I have to be extra careful before commiting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5pID
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8d07b99 Bas van Dijk: journalbeat: 5.5.0 -> 5.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 87435a9 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29562 from LumiGuide/journalbeat-5.6.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1de354 Jörg Thalheim: libwebsockets: revert making libuv a propagated build input...
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/5fa2fe91c0 (from 26 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
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<azdle> I'm new to nixos, so this may be a dumb question, but is there something special I need to do to install firefox extensions?
<azdle> When I try it just says "(null) could not be installed because Nightly could not modify the needed file."
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<fearlessKim[m]> I do like to work with a neomake + neovim workflow but I am not sure how to proceed on nixos. Any feedback on https://github.com/neomake/neomake/issues/1594 welcome
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<rauno> Hi
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<rauno> Any idea why sometimes after restart network interfaces won't start in nixos? also when cahnging configiration.nix won't start some new bridges or attach new ip's
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<rauno> Ok, nvm found the github issues..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29584: top-level: Remove useless abstractions (master...no-wrapCCCross) https://git.io/v5pG3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5pGG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 100db4f John Ericson: vim: Properly categorize pkgconfig dependency
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e19bb86 John Ericson: all-packages: Remove `forcedNativePackages`; we no longer need it...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1fc1224 John Ericson: all-packages: get rid of wrapCCCross...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] winniequinn closed pull request #29336: opam: use aspcud on darwin (master...opam-aspcud-darwin) https://git.io/v5Spa
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5pZf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging e9c1f64 John Ericson: Merge branch 'master' into staging
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<rauno> About the network issues, might there be a workaround for that isssue ?
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<zzamboni> Morning everyone
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<nixy> heyo
<vaibhavsagar> afternoon :)
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<zzamboni> I'm trying to get started in writing Nix packages - as a start, I'm trying to get the elvish package to work on darwin - the existing one at elvish does not work out of the box on macOS
<zzamboni> my first attempt is here: https://github.com/zzamboni/nixpkgs/blob/elvish-darwin/pkgs/shells/elvish/default.nix I also upgraded the version to 10.1, the latest available
<zzamboni> I'm getting an error when I try to build it, you can see it here: https://gist.github.com/zzamboni/658c462c37bd99d9334fa2b48743c6b2#L53
<zzamboni> the error seems to be "cycle detected in the references of ‘/nix/store/39f41ffxfd0pkiba7q87vnms354vil71-elvish-0.10.1’"
<zzamboni> unfortunately I have no idea what that means. Furthermore, if I go into the build directory, it seems the binary is built correctly, but something is failing in the "post-installation fixup"
<zzamboni> I'm new enough that I don't really understand even where to look - any help would be appreciated
<nixy> Well the issue seems to be happening because of something buildGoPackage is doing since your .nix file doesn't have any post-installation stuff
<nixy> I haven't messed with this before though
<nixy> I beleive you can use nix-shell to step through each phase and see where it fails and inspect state while you build
<zzamboni> thanks nixy. I also found this, which seems to indicate it's a common issue on Darwin: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18131
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<fearlessKim[m]> I've tried to setup neomake (a vim plugin) for C programs so that inside a nix-shell it sources $stdenv/setup and runs "buildPhase" but looks like I miss sthg. I just don't know what: https://github.com/neomake/neomake/issues/1594
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5pWY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1e9deaa Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.csv: 1.7 -> 2.0
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<sphalerite> I like how I can just go several years back in history (trying on 13.10 now) and run the software just fine
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: the approach I take is to just run neovim inside a nix-shell
<sphalerite> oh wait sorry
<sphalerite> didn't read your message that well
<hyper_ch> go several years back? oO
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: turns out https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23980 has been around for a long, long time
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<sphalerite> wait, what...
<sphalerite> OSError: ("/nix/store/zm4bhsm8lprkzvrjgqr0klfkvr21als4-glibc-2.17/lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /nix/store/vrs0ap0nal69mypqr4digwxlmacm0kc8-expat-2.2.2/lib/libexpat.so.1)", 'libGL.so.1', 'libGL.so.1')
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: that was filed in march...
<hyper_ch> makefu: online?
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: doesn't work for me on nixos-unstable branch…
<sphalerite> oh right
<hyper_ch> no idea what impressive is :)
<sphalerite> yes, I discovered it in march
<sphalerite> but it's existed for much longer
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<sphalerite> oh, now I see why the older version won't work :( it's /run/opengl-driver requiring a newer glibc
<sphalerite> I guess I can work around that (at the cost of hardware acceleration) by unsetting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<hyper_ch> you're speaking in tech again
<sphalerite> ignore me, mostly talking to myself :)
<makefu> hyper_ch: online!
<hyper_ch> so what's that impressive thingy?
<sphalerite> it's a presentation tool
<hyper_ch> makefu: this site was so empty... so I took the liberty and added something.. now it needs your advanced wiki-fu https://nixos.wiki/wiki/VPN
<sphalerite> Oooh, I can add to the tinc section
<makefu> that would be fantastic!
<hyper_ch> actually, I had no idea what to add there.. there were just categories... so I thought I'd fill in the stuff on how to get openvpn stuff to run
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<makefu> it looks very nice already
<makefu> what advanced wiki skills do you need?
<hyper_ch> feel free to let your creativty loose
<hyper_ch> since I don't have any wiki skills, I can't tell you what advanced wiki skills are needed
<hyper_ch> if I knew what was needed, I could probably do it myself :)
<makefu> you can add categories to the article
<hyper_ch> no idea what those are
<hyper_ch> :)
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<hyper_ch> but I put my fullest confidance in you
<makefu> categories are like tags for articles
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<hyper_ch> as said, wikis are too complicated for my simple brain
<makefu> you did a great job already. no need for any advanced magic
<vod> Hello everybody!
<makefu> hey ho
<sphalerite> fadenb: any reason the wiki github login needs access to all my email addresses github knows about, including non-public ones?
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<fadenb> sphalerite: uh, no, we require 'user,user:email'...
<hyper_ch> hi vod
<fadenb> For my user it only asked to show my public email
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<hyper_ch> you have more than 1 email in github? oO
<fadenb> I have 3, personal, work, university :p
<vod> Can anyone point me in the right direction - i need to install headless ipxe, following the wiki, the machine boots with ipxe fine, but there's no ssh access configured and hence it's impossible to continue to install, any pointers as to where to look for how to enable ssh during/inside netboot? I understand that squashfs needs to be modded
<fadenb> sphalerite: can you send me a screenshot? As my account seems to behave different I have to investigate this
* sphalerite uploaded an image: 2017-09-20-081540_1048x1558_scrot.png (143KB) <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kujNIFHJcxQCGLqCNTypRXWN>
<makefu> vod: you will probably need to build your own iso with sshd enabled
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: you also use that matrix thingy?
<sphalerite> yes
<hyper_ch> how comes?
<makefu> vod: the ISO by default does not start sshd, so you can do these two lines:
<makefu> services.openssh.enable = true;
<makefu> systemd.services.sshd.wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ "multi-user.target" ];
<hyper_ch> what about permitRootLogin = "yes"; ?
<fadenb> sphalerite: thx, I will check this out in detail this evening (have to get to work now)
<makefu> hyper_ch: i also set the ssh pubkey for the users, but yes maybe you will need this (and setting the password for root)
<vod> makefu: Thanks!
<makefu> vod: you can get some inspiration from the iso config i use https://git.shackspace.de/krebs/stockholm/blob/master/makefu/1systems/iso/config.nix
<hyper_ch> well, just for the iso.... if he said he needs ssh access.... if you boot from the iso there's only root user :)
<makefu> hyper_ch: only with the vanilla iso, remixing isos is super convenient with nixpkgs
<hyper_ch> how does one remix isos?
<hyper_ch> sounds like you could make a wiki article about it *ggg*
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<fadenb> There is already something on customizing iso in the wiki
<makefu> hyper_ch: there is also something about this in one of the manuals
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: make configuration.nix with imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix ]; and your custom configuration; nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=configuration.nix
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: I don't really understand :)
<hyper_ch> ah cool
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: what I wrote are the steps in tl;dr format :p
<hyper_ch> sphalerite: you keep forgetting that you speak to a mere mortal human being and not a nixos wizard
<sphalerite> What's hard to understand about what I just wrote?
<hyper_ch> like everything :)
<sphalerite> you take the config you want to use for your CD (just like your regular configuration.nix)
<hyper_ch> so, with that iso, you could just dd it to a usb stick and it's bootable, right?
<sphalerite> add <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix> to the imports list
<sphalerite> and run nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=configuration.nix to get the ISO
<sphalerite> yes
<hyper_ch> cool
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<MasseR> I'm using nix-env on ubuntu. I'm using neomutt through nixpkgs. With generation 95 mutt works fine, but with generation 96 I get 'error while loading shared libraries: libidn.so.11: no such file or directory'
<MasseR> there was a neomutt upgrade between these two generations
<makefu> MasseR: not sure about this particular issue but until it is fixed in upstream you could simply use the rollback function of nix-env: https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#examples-16
<MasseR> Yeah, I'll roll back and see if it will be fixed at some point
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29585: gnupg: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 (master...update_gnupg22) https://git.io/v5pBk
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<jluttine> how to set up node.js environments in nixos? in particular, i'd need full setup for reveal.js: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#full-setup
<jluttine> or does that npm install actually work in nixos, i didn't even try
<jluttine> maybe it does, i just thought it can't work
<MasseR> It works, it might not be preferred but it works
<MasseR> I had to do a quick and dirty npm setup for a project a while back
<jluttine> how to install npm?
<jluttine> can't find a package for it
<MasseR> it's in nodePackages
<jluttine> ah!
<jluttine> so i could perhaps use nodePackages to install the dependencies too?
<jluttine> and then there'd be no need for "npm install"
<jluttine> (i'm not familiar with npm)
<makefu> MasseR: great, rolling back is one of the most outstanding features of nix.
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<MasseR> agreed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #29585: gnupg: 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1 (master...update_gnupg22) https://git.io/v5pBk
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<jluttine> which package provides node executable itself?
<fearlessKim[m]> I just discovered what I was missing I suppose: "persistent shell environments" to feel at ease developing on nixos. I did "nix-instantiate . --indirect --add-root $PWD/shell.drv" then "nix-shell shell.drv" but it goes "error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting ')', at /nix/store/ask0j01a31w5p5qknlx49cjbjg6sl34y-python3.6-mptcpanalyzer-0.1.drv:1:15
<fearlessKim[m]> " :'(
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<jluttine> node_webkit perhaps
<jluttine> nope
<MasseR> jluttine: pkgs.nodejs
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<jluttine> MasseR: ok, thanks. really weird, i used package search with search term "node.js" and it didn't find that. perhaps that package description should include "node.js" word
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<sphalerite> fearlessKim: it's a bit of a crazy behaviour, but nix-shell will only interpret the file as a .drv if it ends in .drv *and* is an absolute path
<sphalerite> so if you use nix-shell $PWD/shell.drv it should work
<fearlessKim[m]> sphalerite: haha come on, how is one supposed to understand that from the error xD
<fearlessKim[m]> indeed that worked
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<sphalerite> fearlessKim: hence crazy
<fearlessKim[m]> it's like the "--set-flag PRIORITY PKGNAME with nix-env. I would really like to send a patch to improve that error message but I am sure it has been fixed in newer nix.
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<sphalerite> fearlessKim: IMO at least for the shell thing, it's not the documentation that's at fault but the actual behaviour is just insane
<fearlessKim[m]> and when you check the manual "This attribute should be a number, with a higher value denoting a lower priority."
<sphalerite> Documentation/error messafe
<fearlessKim[m]> (and you don't know the current package prioritie)
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<fearlessKim[m]> it shoulds say: PKGNAME1 with priority X conflicts with PKGNAME2 with default priority Y. Lowest number gets in $PATH
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<silver_hook> Hmm, I’m still a bit in the dark regarding systemd units in NixOS.
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<silver_hook> I defined it as this: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/T2a8GSbq?nix
<silver_hook> yet I still get this error: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/V2D_xx29?sh
<silver_hook> s/ukaza ni mogoče najti/command not found
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<yegortimoshenko> what is the right way to specify that buildPhase is impure (uses network)? SSL_CERT_FILE isn't set in buildPhase so currently I just set it manually
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #29578: openfortivpn: 1.2.0 -> 1.5.0 (master...upgrade-openfortivpn) https://git.io/v5xH7
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<nwspk> Quick question: is there a way to run JavaFX on NixOS?
<yegortimoshenko> nwspk: use oraclejdk8
<fearlessKim[m]> sphalerite: concerning my rant on nix-env priority message, do you know if it was updated ? nixUnstable doesn't work for me so I haven't checked but if not I prepare a PR ASAP
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: I haven't the faintest clue :)
<fearlessKim[m]> np I'll checkout the code
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<nwspk> yegortimoshenko: thanks, I'll try
<nwspk> but mah freedom~
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<nwspk> yegortimoshenko: another question: how can I install oraclejdk8? I can't find it in the packages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5pux
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5a6939f Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.ruby-mine{7,8}: remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 352855e Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.webstorm{10,11}: remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88de0e4 Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.idea{14,15}-{community,ultimate}: remove
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 4 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5puj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 9443496 Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.ruby-mine{7,8}: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 27bcf11 Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.webstorm{10,11}: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 f276d4f Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: jetbrains.idea{14,15}-{community,ultimate}: remove...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo closed pull request #23297: idea.*: remove old versions (master...clean-idea) https://git.io/vyYWs
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<yegortimoshenko> nwspk: add `{ allowUnfree = true; }` to ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, then nix-env -iA nixos.oraclejdk8
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<srhb> ... Then follow the obnoxious instructions to receive Oracle's blessings.
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<nwspk> Thank you very much
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cocreature opened pull request #29586: ghcjsHEAD: bump ghcjs shims (master...ghcjs-shims) https://git.io/v5pzp
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<makefu> nwspk: there is also https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_install_a_proprietary_or_unfree_package.3F for a general overview of your options
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<sphalerite> FRidh: do you know which issue #9998 the patch you introduced in 03898f2f2311260a8bb60302d59b48901ea61395 (which adds functionality to ctypes to find libraries using ld) refers to?
<sphalerite> It's not nixpkgs#9998
<yegortimoshenko> is there a way to use HOME other than /var/empty in Nix builds?
<yegortimoshenko> found an old bug in Leiningen that essentially makes it impossible to build the project with unwritable HOME
<jluttine> there's no "adb" executable available in nixos?
<jluttine> i found only adb-sync
<jluttine> that doesn't include adb
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<sphalerite> FRidh: great, thanks
<sphalerite> FRidh: do we have any general guidance on how to work with software that uses ctypes.find_library? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23980 impressive works in a nix-shell with gcc but not without, and I don't think it should really need to depend on it
<sphalerite> This is for python 2.x so a not-entirely-related issue
<vaibhavsagar> yegortimoshenko: export HOME=/tmp
<FRidh> sphalerite: you have to patch those calls in case of python libraries
<vaibhavsagar> or export HOME=$(mktemp -d)
<FRidh> in case of applications you could choose a wrapper instead, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<sphalerite> FRidh: alright, thanks
<yegortimoshenko> vaibhavsagar: doesn't work with Java. i've already figured out _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Duser.home=/tmp, but thanks!
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<sphalerite> FRidh: LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't seem to help for this one, for some reason
<ennui> i'm having the most curious problem:
<ennui> $ ls -al /nix/store/g9ppmhvfiwwz2d6n59b5n6agjpzxv3ps-bitcoin-0.14.2/bin/bitcoind
<ennui> gives
<ennui> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 9327800 Jan 1 1970 /nix/store/g9ppmhvfiwwz2d6n59b5n6agjpzxv3ps-bitcoin-0.14.2/bin/bitcoind
<ennui> but executing the same path
<ennui> /nix/store/g9ppmhvfiwwz2d6n59b5n6agjpzxv3ps-bitcoin-0.14.2/bin/bitcoind
<ennui> gives
<ennui> -bash: /nix/store/g9ppmhvfiwwz2d6n59b5n6agjpzxv3ps-bitcoin-0.14.2/bin/bitcoind: No such file or directory
<ennui> Any ideas what could cause this?
<ennui> ah, it's probably a 32/64 bit arch issue. i'll investigate this...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zzamboni opened pull request #29587: elvish: 0.9 -> 0.10 and fix darwin build (master...elvish-darwin) https://git.io/v5pwL
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<bachp> Is there a way to run an external program during nix evaluation and use it's return value as a value for a variable? Specifically I would like to combine this with nixos to get some value from a call to an external URL.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] regnat opened pull request #29588: pythonPackages.pafy: 0.5.2 -> (master...pafy-update) https://git.io/v5pwW
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<FRidh> sphalerite: the expression uses LIBRARY_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<sphalerite> FRidh: yes. I changed it to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH and that didn't help
<FRidh> sphalerite: ok. the note is also interesting, mentioning that ctypes uses gcc....that part has been removed in an earlier patch.
<sphalerite> right, so that'll be what broke it presumably
<FRidh> yep
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<FRidh> sphalerite: could you try https://github.com/FRidh/nixpkgs/tree/impressive Note its based on 17.09
<sphalerite> FRidh: I'm actually fixing it myself, but yeah I'll use withPackages
<sphalerite> (I've got it working, but I'm still trimming out unnecessary parts of the expression)
<sphalerite> Thanks :)
<FRidh> ok
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<sphalerite> It truly looks like it's from another era of nixpkgs though x)
<FRidh> yep
<FRidh> Unfortunately its sometimes difficult to find out why things were done they were done. I have the impression that, when contributors come and sometimes again go, its like reinventing things all over.
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<Turion> How do I start a nix shell where ghc has a different version than the system wide one?
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<sphalerite> it was originally added by Ludovic Courtès so maybe it's still maintained in guix
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<Turion> There are different ghc versions in the tree like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/83706dd49f4b476ae44b39f64d1fcdf587783c7a/pkgs/development/compilers/ghc/7.8.4.nix, but I can't find the attribute name
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a695feff16 (from 82 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5p69
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 276d234 Jörg Thalheim: vimPlugins.LanguageClient-neovim: init at 2017-09-05
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ebfdf9 Jörg Thalheim: nvim-cm-racer: init at 2017-07-27
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<jtojnar> how do I display newly failing jobs on hydra? on staging, for example? https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/staging
<phdoerfler> How do I add extra config to rspamd?
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<phdoerfler> I don't see an extraConfig option in the nix module
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/1e30a7c617 (from 14 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03)
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<sphalerite> phdoerfler: yeah I don't think it's possible with that module. You'll need to patch it to accept extraConfig or override the systemd service which might be a bit of a pain
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: how do I patch it?
<sphalerite> if you go for the former option, I'm sure other people who want to use rspamd would appreciate a PR
<moredhel1> meta-k /input grab_key_command
<sphalerite> Grab your checkout of nixpkgs and add an extraConfig option and insert it into the config in the module
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: so I file a PR and then? How do I get the patched nix file? Do I have to wait til the september release?
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<phdoerfler> sphalerite: Is there some documentation I am missing?
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: what I do for that sort of case is use a nixpkgs checkout rather than a channel to build my system from
<sphalerite> I'm not sure there is
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: can I copy paste the nix file from github and use a locally modified one while I wait for the PR to get merged?
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: a nixpkgs checkout sounds involved :p
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: or is this really just a git checkout … and then nix-channel --add dir_with_git_checkout?
<phdoerfler> sorry for these newb questions
<sphalerite> yeah it's not complicated
<sphalerite> as root, git clone https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs , and add nix.nixPath = ["nixpkgs=/root/nixpkgs"];
<sphalerite> Or you can keep it in your home directory, depending on how compartmentalised you want it to be
<sphalerite> Then rather than doing nix-channel --update you do git pull
<sphalerite> and you can cherry-pick your commit onto whichever branch you're working from
<sphalerite> err, actually you'll want nixos/nixpkgs-channels
<sphalerite> and make sure to work from one of the nixos branches
<nh2> phdoerfler: you can (1) run your system against a nixpkgs git revision instead of a channel (2) PR your fix to a release branch (e.g. release-17.03) in addition to master and wait (a few days) until that is merged and the hydra build farm to have built it, then it will be available via your release channel. You should definitely learn how to do (1) because you will need it many times if you want to contribute to nixpkgs
<sphalerite> but other than that it's fine
<phdoerfler> sphalerite, nh2: thanks for the advice!
<phdoerfler> This is like alice's wonderland, down the rabbit hole. Another surprise awaits me after the next turn :p
<jtojnar> what commit is the best to base PRs to staging branch? Can I just choose any one of https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/staging – will the build artefacts get to the binary cache?
<jtojnar> especially since there are so many failures for some commits
<em1l> i am trying to get started deploying a trivial nix-config to vbox. i am getting "gssapi*"-errors (like aspiwack[m] one year ago: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/395 ) - I am running nixops 1.5.1 on ubuntu 16.4.3. I tried already the 'pkgs.appendToName "with-kerberos"'-wordkaround with success.. any suggestions?
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<fearlessKim[m]> jtojnar: nixpkgs-unstable is good I think
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<DIzFer[m]> is anyone here running quasselcore? I'm having an issue where it doesn't detect storage backends (says `supported backends are:` and then nothing), and I can set it up
<hyper_ch> no
<DIzFer[m]> can't*. I'm trying to override qtbase so that it builds with postgres support and I can't manage that either... I'm having the dumbest issues lately
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5pMb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 eb873f6 Rob Vermaas: Make sure dummy kernel module is loaded for hologram-agent.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5pDe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b71376 Rob Vermaas: Make sure dummy kernel module is loaded for hologram-agent....
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5pDU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9e228fc Rob Vermaas: Make sure dummy kernel module is loaded for hologram-agent....
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<aspiwack[m]> em1l: I still have this even on my nixos machines (there is supposed to be a workaround overriding some derivation, but I never set it up). It's completely innocuous. Just a little annoying.
<fearlessKim[m]> there is this naughty haskell package that requires a library with a lower version than current "Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
<fearlessKim[m]> aeson >=0.7 && <1.1". Does haskell packages can be overriden in nixpkgs or should I delete the recent aeson dependancy then add older aeson dep in an overlay ?
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<pi3r> Is there a download link for 17.09 ? I can only find the unstable one: https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos/unstable/nixos-18.03pre115705.c8e7aab0c8
<gchristensen> pi3r: what are you trying to download?
<pi3r> I am trying to update/test a nixbox (https://github.com/zimbatm/nixbox/blob/master/nixos-x86_64.json) with 17.09
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #29590: khal: 0.9.5 -> 0.9.7 (master...update-khal) https://git.io/v5pD7
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<pi3r> That said, I can wait for the release ;-)
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<pi3r> gchristensen: thanks ;-)
<gchristensen> you're welcome!
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<em1l> aspiwack[m]: thank you for your reply :) - okay, even it's the last message before "nixops ssh" timeouts, it seems that i have another problem to get into my vboxes... any advice how to debug this in general?
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<aspiwack[m]> em1l: I can't say out of the top of my head. I remember that when I used it, nixops had some issues with virtualbox, and could get into inconsistent state. Even `nixops stop` would not always work. In which case the best course of action was to tear down the virtual machine forcefully and recreate it (which is fast).
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<em1l> aspiwack[m]: ok, thanks for the advice. I already tried destroying/deleting/recreating the machines times.
<aspiwack[m]> Then I'm afraid I have nothing to offer.
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<aspiwack[m]> To be honest, we've stopped using Nixops a while back: it's very nice in principle, but too many bugs, and too few backends made us go back to Hashicorp products (where the configuration language is god awful, but at least they work well)
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<em1l> it seems I have some kind of dangling deployment. 'nixops list' shows me a machine, 'nixops info' is returning a "starting / Up-to-date" machine, with an 192.168.x.x ip. Virtualbox doesnt show me this machine. Nixops can't find any more deployment in .nixops/deploymets.nixops Hint: yesterday i deleted one machine with force (just 'rm /nix/store/..'), in desperation i deleted also the
<em1l> ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops file to reset my setup,... may this be the root of the problem?
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<em1l> aspiwack[m]: i understand, but I really want to use Nix/O(p)s, i am getting sick of docker (and other heavy solutions) and dreaming a few years being a nixos user x'D
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<ikwildrpepper> em1l: if you can reproduce the issue, can you file an issue in nixops issue tracker?
<ikwildrpepper> ideally with steps / nix files to reproduce it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andir opened pull request #29591: Update jetbrains (master...update-jetbrains) https://git.io/v5pHo
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<em1l> ikwildrpepper: sure, i like to contribute
<em1l> ikwildrpepper: i am not sure so, how to reproduce this. if i am removing /nix/ and ~/.nix/ (maybe also my virtualboxes?), i should be able to start fresh?
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<makefu> seems like oslo-config exploded with the update introduced in d58e1f1c7b3e955d3ee1194ea96c574338b47b97 , marked as broken with 67651d80bc8baaf09ab91fec8ea423e09107ed8f .... unfortunately i need this package for sqlalchemy-migrate . that really is not a super smooth way to deal with package updates. i'd rather have an old version which builds instead of "lol nobody is using this shit anyway, bailout"
<FRidh> makefu: then someone needs to step up and maintain it
<mbrock> inside of `nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (x: [x.lens])"` shouldn't I have access to the lens package? I don't see it in ghc-pkg and I can't import Control.Lens in ghci
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<FRidh> its been bitrotting for a while, restricting updates to other packages
<makefu> if the package does not have a critical vulnerability, just revert the update instead of marking it as broken ...
<mbrock> I normally don't have problems with nix-shell and Haskell, but I'm trying to debug why a friend can't use nix-shell with my Haskell program
<makefu> FRidh: but now nothing can be updated because the package is failing, no?
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<nh2> mbrock: if I run that command, I have lens in ghc-pkg
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<mbrock> ok, weird. aha, I do too on NixOS, but not with Nix in an Ubuntu container
<nh2> mbrock: I'm running it with nix on Ubuntu
<nh2> mbrock: what package db paths does `ghc-pkg list` show inside nix-shell?
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<mbrock> it's /nix/store/...-ghc-8.0.2-with-packages/...
<nh2> hmm that looks right
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<nh2> clever: hmm, today I learned: don't put wrong things into `nix.extraOptions`. I forgot an `=` and now I can't nix-copy-closure at all any more to the machines, so I'll have to fix it up manually on each machine
<makefu> FRidh: not sure how this is related. oslo* is used by tempest-lib which then is used by sqlalchemy-migrate which in case is required by pytrainer and buildbot (plus openstack stuff)
<FRidh> makefu: oslo is part of openstack. None of the openstack parts in Nixpkgs are maintained, including the oslo-config you need
<FRidh> therefore, unless someone steps up, all of it will be removed
<makefu> as i said, buildbot and pytrainer also need this
<makefu> indirectly at least (via sqlalchemy_migrate -> tempest-lib -> oslo* )
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<FRidh> sure, so I would expect there to be package maintainers opening a PR to fix oslo-config
<makefu> not every maintainer is running unstable
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/db849d3c66 (from 22 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09)
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<makefu> i for example am only cherry-picking my updates onto the stable branch i use
<makefu> but ok, i will see what i can do
<makefu> still, just killing dependencies is not cool
<FRidh> it is not just killing dependencies
<FRidh> Again, this package was unmaintained for a long time. If *you* need the package, then ensure it works.
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<makefu> the dependency was unmaintained because the old version was good enough for the dependent packages
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5p5L
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 1d7ba9f Peter Hoeg: mtr nixos module: wrap the proper binary...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5pdI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e3141bc Jörg Thalheim: valauncher: 1.2 -> 1.3.1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5pF6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7cfa689 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.50 -> 4.9.51
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7267654 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12.13 -> 4.12.14
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eab480a Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.13.2 -> 4.13.3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29593: tint2: 0.14.6 -> 15.1 (master...upd.tint2) https://git.io/v5pFM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #29594: minikube: 0.22.1 -> 0.22.2 (master...minikube_0_22_2) https://git.io/v5pFN
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5pFx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 605dba0 Tim Steinbach: vscode: 1.16.0 -> 1.16.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6941fe3 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #29495 from NeQuissimus/vscode_1_16_1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5pbJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 31f048e Tim Steinbach: vscode: 1.16.0 -> 1.16.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #29595: atom: 1.20.0 -> 1.20.1 (master...atom_1_20_1) https://git.io/v5pbI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29596: numix-icon-theme: 2017-01-25 -> 2017-09-17 (master...numix-icon-theme) https://git.io/v5pby
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/eb873f6c78 (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29597: numix-icon-theme-circle: 2016-10-11 -> 17-09-13 (master...upd.numix-icon-theme-circle) https://git.io/v5pN7
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29598: numix-icon-theme-square: 2016-11-23 -> 17-09-13 (master...upd.numix-icon-theme-square) https://git.io/v5pxI
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<__Sander__> hmm to bad that there is no 'patchShebang' command
<__Sander__> only 'patchShebangs' that work on directory level
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<domenkozar> __Sander__: should be easy to fix :)
<__Sander__> yes
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<ixxie> yoyo
<ixxie> any emacs users around?
<etu> yes
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<ixxie> any idea how I can find emacs packages that are on nixpkgs?
<etu> You mean melpa packages?
<ixxie> yeah
* goibhniu notices 607 users in the channel \o/
<ixxie> or any of the other sets with are used there
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<etu> ixxie: I've not found a good way to get it, like from a command. But I know I've found them in a file in the tree somewhere. But I'm also pretty sure most melpa packages exists in there so the name is usually good enough. Unless it starts with a number, then it's prepended with _
<ixxie> I guess I just dont know which package contains term.ek
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<ixxie> term.el
<Mic92> goibhniu: do you have statistics?
<etu> ixxie: pkgs/applications/editors/emacs-modes/melpa-generated.nix
<ixxie> etu: yeah I found that but its not displaying xD
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<etu> ixxie: Isn't term.el from upstream? M-x term works for me. But you might refer to something else?
* ixxie facepalms
<ixxie> yes it does
<etu> :D
<goibhniu> Mic92: nope, but I haven't seen 600+ here before
<makefu> anyone has experiences with resolving circular dependencies when testing packages?
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<lewo`> makefu: are you working on oslo ? :)
<makefu> yes
<makefu> T_T
<makefu> the only chance see now is disable tests
<makefu> i have absolutely no idea how this thing could ever be built from scratch
<lewo`> easily if you don't run tests :)
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<clever> nh2: eek, yeah, nix lacks the ability to type-check the config right now
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<lewo`> makefu: maybe you can create two versions of the same package: one with tests disabled and an other one where tests are enabled. The first version can be used to break the cycle.
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<makefu> that is actually a quite cool idea. problem is that the test package requires the packages it is building as runtime dependency
<makefu> so i'd need all the base packages without tests, then build the test package, then use this everywhere else
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<lewo`> makefu: strange, if I remember well I didn't haved the problem you mention. What is the test package that is also required at runtime ?
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<makefu> the problem is oslotest , it at some point down the dependency chain requires oslo-config.
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<sphalerite> danbst1: did you send your reply to my message to nix-devel (re Marko Poikonen's pulseaudio question) as well or just to me?
<sphalerite> danbst1: because I've only got a copy addressed to myself so far
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<sphalerite> In any case, what you wrote won't solve the problem as the pulseaudio executable will still contain the absolute path reference to the config files in the package that is supposedly wrapped
<sphalerite> It may be possible to also patch that (since the string will be the same length) but that's going into dark magic territory :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] makefu opened pull request #29602: oslo-config: fix build (master...pkgs/oslo-config/fix) https://git.io/v5htI
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<makefu> lewo`: ^ #29602
<ixxie> rycee: you here? :P
<viaken> So, do I have to list ghc in my packages to get xmonad to work? Why isn't it a hard dependency?
<rycee> ixxie: Hi, yea.
<ixxie> rycee - so weird thing with emacs and home manager - emacs wants to save the desktop session to emacs.d which is now a symlink to a store address so it cant
<ixxie> how do you deal with this sort of thing?
<rycee> ixxie: You'd either have to change the Emacs configuration to not save into that directory. Or, more easily, do `rm .emacs.d; mkdir .emacs.d` :-)
<rycee> ixxie: Btw. with the lastest HM master you should be able to change the Emacs package. Try something like `programs.emacs.package = pkgs.emacs25-nox`.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #29594: minikube: 0.22.1 -> 0.22.2 (master...minikube_0_22_2) https://git.io/v5pFN
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<ixxie> rycee: but the whole idea for me was to put all the dotfiles together and leverage HM to symlink them all to the right place; if I removed that then it doesn't work
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<rycee> ixxie: Well, you'd have to do a `home-manager switch` afterwards, then it should recreate the symlinks but inside the `~/.emacs.d` directory.
<ixxie> rycee: that's cool news :) I will check it out soon
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hq0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b0e6e2 Peter Simons: libtorrent: update to current git HEAD to avoid build errors with recent cppunit
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 56207cd Peter Simons: rtorrent: update to current git HEAD to avoid build errors with recent cppunit...
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<rycee> Ah, you are doing something like `home.file.".emacs.d".source = ./my-dotemacs`? Then it wouldn't work.
<ixxie> rycee: well at the moment I am symlinking the whole directory
<ixxie> xD
<ixxie> yep
<rycee> Right, yeah. Then my suggestion above will not work. I'm listing each entry inside .emacs.d individually in my hm configuration.
<ixxie> rycee: I suppose this issue could actually crop up with any stateful information in dotfile directories
<ixxie> I guess I will switch to your approach
<rycee> Aye, whenever you are linking a whole directory you risk this problem. In general I would suggest to prefer linking individual files or directories only when it is known that nothing will write to them.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hmq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ecebb60 Tuomas Tynkkynen: pythonPackages.flake8-future-import: Init at 0.4.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c2cd34 Tuomas Tynkkynen: esptool: Fix tests in sandbox...
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<rycee> ixxie: If you have many entries in your .emacs.d directory then perhaps you can avoid listing each of them manually in the code by using some form of map over the result of `builtins.readDir ./my-dotemacs`.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #29603: erlang: introduce "no X" variation (master...f/erlang) https://git.io/v5hm3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29604: google-drive-ocamlfuse: 0.6.17 -> 0.6.21 (master...upd.google-drive-ocamlfuse) https://git.io/v5hmG
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<nvd> If "nix-shell -p XXX" is getting me an old version of XXX, is there a way to force it to use a newer version?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #29606: ocamlfuse: 2.7-3 -> 2.7.1-cvs5 (master...upd.ocamlfuse) https://git.io/v5hGh
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<nvd> (nix-env is installing the older version as well)
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<Ankhers> nvd: Define "old version"? Is it updated within nixpkgs?
<nvd> Ankhers: yes
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<nvd> I'm trying nix-channel --update
<Ankhers> Are you running the unstable channel? nix-channel --list to check.
<nvd> Yeah
<nvd> It looks like nix-channel --update fixed it
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<ixxie> yoyoyo
<ixxie> any scientists / analysts in the house?
<hyper_ch> no
<simpson> ixxie: Maybe? I doubt that that's your real question.
<goibhniu> ixxie: it's really more useful to ask your question directly
<dtzWill> ^
<hyper_ch> simpson: of course that was the real question and not a meta question
<simpson> hyper_ch: Oh, okay.
<ixxie> I'm kinda looking for the people themselves
<ixxie> thats my question
<ixxie> who is using NixOS and has a particular interest in science and analytics
<hyper_ch> does science fiction also count?
<simpson> ixxie: Well, does "scientist" mean "person who does science", or does it mean "person who has one of a certain class of degrees", or does it mean "paid to do science"?
<hyper_ch> and is it real sciences or pseudo sciences?
<Infinisil> lol, that's a scientist for you ^^ "First we need to define science before we can talk about it"
<ixxie> simpson: my goal is to see if some people would wanna try and team up and setup a nixos configuration for an analytics server
<simpson> Infinisil: Honestly, to my dismay, most practicing scientists don't care about philosophy of science.
<simpson> ixxie: What's an "analytics server"? Like Prometheus?
<ixxie> simpson: word.
<hyper_ch> prometheus was that guy from greek mythology... how can he be a server?
<simpson> hyper_ch: https://prometheus.io/
<Infinisil> simpson: I mean the behaviour of wanting to define everything first before using it, it's very sciency
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<hyper_ch> simpson: ah, gTLD... that must be a scam/spam site
<ixxie> simpson: well first thing I would package JupyterHub; then we would add a bunch of other cool tools and see what happens
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: puh-lease
<ixxie> simpson: what philosophers of science are you into?
<simpson> hyper_ch: Hey, you don't wanna learn today, that's not my problem.
<gchristensen> simpson++
<simpson> ixxie: Pirsig. I don't know what JupyterHub is, although I can guess, and I am 0% interested in that stuff.
<hyper_ch> simpson: :)
<ixxie> lol
<ixxie> simpson: you know ipython notebooks?
<simpson> Sure.
<ixxie> jupyter is the successor project
<simpson> Ah, it's a Jupyter notebook server. Fun!
<ixxie> is that sarcastic?
<ixxie> xD
<simpson> No, not sarcasm; people genuinely seem to enjoy using Jupyter.
<simpson> *I* loathe and detest that part of the Python ecosystem, but I've got issues.
<ixxie> I am curious why
<ixxie> I haven't used it much yet but we are setting it up at work now
<simpson> Because I'm from the Twisted/PyPy corner of the Python galaxy.
<simpson> We value pure Python, speed, documentation, unit tests, etc.
<ixxie> why can't you have both? We are planning to write good code well, and then provide a notebook interface for analysts
<ixxie> BI folk
<ixxie> and BI folk *
<ixxie> simpson: didn't realize pirsig did philosophy of science
<simpson> The Numpy stack is largely imcompatibly with PyPy, and efforts to fix it have been slow because Numpy's maintainers don't really value docs, unit tests, pure Python, etc.
<ixxie> which book was that?
<simpson> Both books have philosophy of science in there, via studying the nature of empiricism.
<ixxie> oh yeah I can see that
<simpson> Also, the Numpy ecosystem keeps churning out crap. Numba, Anaconda, etc. are not good things; they are hacky patches slapped on top of a ball of mud. Anaconda, in particular, should admit that Nix exists and then shrivel up and stop being a thing.
<ixxie> yeah I noticed that today when (unfortunately) I used it to install jupyterhub
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<catern> ixxie: I am very interested in what you're saying :)
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<catern> Nix-integrated Jupyter and so on
<catern> but sadly, I don't use Jupyter or have any familiarity with it, so I can just wish you good luck :)
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<ixxie> catern: neither do I xD
<ixxie> but I soon will
<ixxie> simpson: what do you think about julia?
<silver_hook> Do I need to prepend `pkgs.` to the package list here? http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/T2a8GSbq?nix
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<hyper_ch> how would I test wayland in nixos?
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<ixxie> hyper_ch: well I am running gnome on nixos from stable, there you will have wayland
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<hyper_ch> why would that provide wayland?
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<simpson> ixxie: A cool departure from Python to pursue specialized goals. As somebody who also departed Python to build a specialized language, I approve.
<hyper_ch> "to build a specialized language"? oO
<simpson> hyper_ch: Y'know, a language that's meant to be good at certain specific classes of task.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29607: mqtt-bench: init at 0.3.0 (master...mqtt-bench) https://git.io/v5huN
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<hyper_ch> simpson: sounds like Unix philosophy :)
<simpson> hyper_ch: "Unix philosophy" doesn't mean anything to me. It's in the bin with "functional programming" and "object-oriented programming" and "scripting language".
<hyper_ch> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy - "Write programs that do one thing and do it well."
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<simpson> Ah. Yeah, that's not a thing IMO.
<simpson> You can *intend* for a program to have one use. And that's the intended use. And then there will always be other unintended things that it can do.
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<ixxie> simpson: cooptions and exaptations
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<hyper_ch> never heard of gawk
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<clever> silver_hook: you want this: with pkgs; [ borg gawk wirelesstools ];
<clever> silver_hook: by quoting them, your telling nixos to just set PATH=borg/bin:gawk/bin ..., which wont do a thing
<simpson> hyper_ch: Spend an afternoon with a GAWK tutorial; it will change how you write casual shell.
<clever> silver_hook: also, unqupte the ExecStart as well
<hyper_ch> simpson: :)
<clever> silver_hook: unquote*
<hyper_ch> can't you rather teach me how to get wayland to run with kde?
<simpson> hyper_ch: I haven't touched either in about a decade, sorry.
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<silver_hook> clever: thanks, will try again. I’m still a bit confused by the syntax and all.
<silver_hook> I thought I have to quote all strings in the [ ] list always.
<silver_hook> clever: How can I go about it if I want to have a space in the full path that’s in the ExecStart?
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<ixxie> silver_hook: those aren't strings
<silver_hook> ixxie: So I should also unquote groups in extraGroups?
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<ixxie> silver_hook: I don't know, I am missing a context here
<silver_hook> extraGroups = [ "audio" "disk" "networkmanager" "plugdev" "systemd-journal" "wheel" "video" ];
<silver_hook> in users.extraUsers.<user>
<clever> those should be strings
<clever> pkgs.borg is a string, containing the full path of borg
<clever> while "borg" is just a 4 character string, that means nothing to systemd
<silver_hook> aaaah, ok
<clever> silver_hook: as for the space in ExecStart, a \ should escape it, i believe
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<silver_hook> clever: I tried that, but it didn’t seem to work. I worked around it by renaming the folder though.
<clever> i just avoid spaces most of the time
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<silver_hook> clever: Sure, but that’s not a real solution. Like using only ASCII in all texts and file names in 2017.
<clever> silver_hook: if the script is in the same directory as the nix file, you can do ExecStart = ./script.sh;
<clever> and then the path doesnt matter as much
<silver_hook> true
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<ixxie> this is the word I was looking for
<ixxie> functional degeneracy
<silver_hook> Before I rebuild and reboot again, is there something I missed in this howto? https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Bluetooth
<simpson> ixxie: Interesting.
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<silver_hook> If I try to `power on` bluetooth using `bluetoothctl`, I just get: Failed to set power on: org.bluez.Error.Blocked
<ixxie> I believe the philosophy of the 21st century will be shaped more by biology and computer science than anything else
<ixxie> and they have plenty in common
<ixxie> simpson: that article is cool too
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<disasm> what's needed to create a group in a nixos module? I thought it was users.extraGroups.mygroup but my service fails to start saying group doesn't exist.
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<ixxie> disasm: I think its users.groups.<groupname> = { name="us"; gid= "23"; members = [ "me"; "you"; ]; }
<ixxie> but I haven't done it yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9182927 Michael Weiss: gengetopt: Fix the build...
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<disasm> ixxie: yeah, that's the one, thanks
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* disasm facepalm
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<disasm> and now... it's trying to write to the nix store :(
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<ixxie> does the hydra in delft use chef?
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<ixxie> "output path ‘/nix/store/jmdz0bc645x6yiljv8xx3j6c3w8sg33v-multi-term.el’ has sha256 hash ‘1rf49qdl0hqpb43m4asmxw2hm7v9y8d285824yddr7ixqcc2f59n’ when ‘0i7gixcyqhd8ajbslfmb58rvdihzfprydwiqr730q9q0yfja36j8’ was expected"
<ixxie> since this is an emacs melpa package and those are autogenerated in nixpkgs, might it be that its lagging behind?
<ixxie> I have never seen this error before when its something syntactic, and the same files worked earlier today on the work machine
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<toogley> how can i install the ruby development files? i can't find a devel package
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<disasm> toogley: what are you trying to do?
<toogley> disasm: installing some jekyll rubygems to use them build a website
<Sonarpulse> DavidEGrayson: thanks for proofreading the documents
<Sonarpulse> btw #nixos-dev is a thing for the infra itself, if you want to idle there
<Sonarpulse> (doc for binutils-wrapper)
<disasm> toogley: ah, so you'll want to do that in a nix-shell
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<toogley> disasm: ah, okay
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<disasm> although, I'm not a huge fan of putting bundler, bundix and jekyll in your systemPackages. Would be better to do something like nix-shell -p bundler bundix jeklyy
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<sphalerite> An alias that's saved me a huge amount of time since I added it to my zshrc today: `alias nixpkgs="nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A"`
<sphalerite> it's the little things…
<toogley> disasm: thanks a lot!
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<disasm> toogley: any time!
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<Infinisil> (totally unrelated) Yesterday I found out about ReplayGain, which is some standard to adjust music volume so it's all the same. Added it to my music setup and omg
<Infinisil> I've had to adjust the volume about 50 times already
<Infinisil> (I'm pretty sure I must've done something wrong)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/ec43a30698 (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.09-small)
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<woffs> How to make vim find its plugins?
<Infinisil> woffs: Are you using vim_configurable?
<woffs> Infinisil, no
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<woffs> should I?
<Infinisil> woffs: How are you installing the plugins? What's exactly the problem?@
<Infinisil> woffs: Well vim_configurable is super nice
<woffs> installed vimplugin-fugitive-2017-02-25 and vimplugin-Syntastic-2017-02-28 and vim-8.0.0329 and wonder how to include the plugins in my config in the most durable way
<woffs> I guess symlinking into ~/.vim/plugin is not the last word
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<Infinisil> I guess that's why vim_configurable exists, I think it pretty much does this (plus some more)
<ij> How do I build something that expects not { pkgs } and then uses pkgs.foo, but just { foo }? "--arg nixpkgs" won't work, right?
<Infinisil> ij: nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs>{}).callPackage path/to/file.nix {}'
<LexLeoGryfon> HI EVERYONE
<LexLeoGryfon> how is it goin?
<ij> Infinisil, Do people usually find this out just because they're clever or I haven't read something?
<ij> Also, thanks.
* LexLeoGryfon drunk
<LexLeoGryfon> let's party, check this radio
<woffs> Infinisil, I'm trying. It finds the plugins out of the box, but it complains about missing $VIMRUNTIME
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<woffs> thanks btw :-)
<Infinisil> ij: There is only one clever here :P
<manveru> any of you guys know how to setup a fallback font for emojis and such?
<manveru> or should i just randomly install fonts and hope one covers it?
<Infinisil> manveru: I have that question too ^^
<Infinisil> woffs: with vim_configurable?
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<manveru> just trying zsh-git-prompt and it won't work correctly even with powerline fonts :(
<manveru> it definitely worked on my mac though, so i suspect there's some fallback
<Infinisil> I do have a working powerline prompt
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<manveru> yeah, powerline works fine in vim
<manveru> it's just that that prompt i try to use uses characters that aren't provided by powerline font
<Infinisil> you could use nerd-fonts instead
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<Infinisil> there's loads of nerd-fonts, all with the same big powerline set, so you most likely won't miss any chars
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<woffs> vim_configurable-8.0.0329 is in fact 7.3.315, it's a bit confising
<woffs> u
<Infinisil> huh?
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<woffs> only when referenced as nixos.vimNox
<woffs> I see
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<woffs> nixos subtleties
<ij> Infinisil, haha, no I don't mean clever, the person, but the adjective. :) Also, a genuine question.
<LnL> don't we pass make -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES by default?
<manveru> Infinisil: fixed it by setting `URxvt.font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline:pixelsize=14` in my .Xdefaults
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<Infinisil> ij: Yeah i was making a joke :P. When you package nix packages you'll see callPackage a lot
<Infinisil> and staying in this channel also helped a lot
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<disasm> ij: highly recommend nix pills https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/
<Infinisil> and stumbling through the mess that is nixpkgs
<VLetrmx> Yes I love the nix pills
<disasm> ij: it goes through and explains how callPackage works here: https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/callpackage-design-pattern.html
<Infinisil> I have never read them :P
<disasm> Infinisil: you should :)
<ij> disasm, Huh! Hadn't seen those. I'll take a look!
<disasm> ij: yeah, it starts at the basics of the basics and gets more complex
<Infinisil> I had a peek once, and it seemed that I already know most of it, maybe I'll read them just for the sake of it though :P
<woffs> how does vim_configurable integrate with programs.vim.defaultEditor = true ?
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<gchristensen> ij: if you see errors, please send bug reports :0
<taaperotassu> i
<woffs> answer: an override. vim = pkgs.vim_configurable :-)
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<schoppenhauer> hi. inside a nix-shell I have as a buildInput (emacs25WithPackages [emacs25Packages.proofgeneral]). in the past, this added an executable `proofgeneral` in the $PATH. now it doesn't. why is that?
<schoppenhauer> I am using 17.03.1849.1e30a7c617 but with unstable channel activated
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<schoppenhauer> or why might that be?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29610: No gcc cross stage final (master...no-gccCrossStageFinal) https://git.io/v5hdN
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<Infinisil> schoppenhauer: You can't 'activate' a channel and still use another version. A channel says exactly what version you're on
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<schoppenhauer> it works when I add proofgeneral to the buildInputs outside emacsWithPackages
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<schoppenhauer> but there has to be both to work
<Infinisil> Ah I see
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<Infinisil> It's better this way, because including an emacs package shouldn't automatically include it as a buildInput
<Infinisil> xmonadWithPackages and xmobar also works this way
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<schoppenhauer> ok
<Ankhers> Infinisil: Is that the suggested way of getting xmobar and xmonad working together?
<schoppenhauer> Infinisil: thx
<Infinisil> Ankhers: I don't really get your question
<Ankhers> Sorry. I have been trying to get xmonad and xmobar working recently. I configured services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad, and then just installed haskellPackages.xmobar using environment.systemPackages. But you just mentioned xmonadWithPackages and xmobar. But I think I misunderstood what you were saying.
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<Infinisil> I put xmobar in systemPackages too
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<Infinisil> but I'm actually also not sure about the whole xmonad + xmobar story. Currently I'm spawning an xmobar with the xmonad config, but i don't really like that
<Infinisil> Also I just experimented with an xmobar module, which would be nice
<MP2E> yeah I just put xmobar in systempackages and call it with xmonad too
<MP2E> xmobar tends to segfault with ghc 8.2.1 as the compiler unfortunately :(
<Infinisil> ohhhh is that why it's been randomly quitting recently??
<MP2E> been meaning to set 'dontStrip = true;' and get a coredump
<MP2E> yep, sure is unfortunately
<MP2E> ghc ticket to track it
<Infinisil> :(
<Infinisil> Overriding ghc then
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<Infinisil> my ghc is version 8.0.2 though?
<MP2E> oh huh. that's odd, then.
<MP2E> might be an unrelated thing then
<Infinisil> What does the xmonad.extraPackages even do actually
<Infinisil> Ohh
<Infinisil> user env ghc might not be xmonad ghc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5hA7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a1f5ba Joachim Fasting: ocamlPackages.csv: fix meta eval...
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<Ankhers> Would either of you be able to give me a hint as to why xmonad windows seem to cover xmobar?
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<Infinisil> Ankhers: You need avoidStruts
<MP2E> ^ yep i had the same issue
<Infinisil> Ankhers: In XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
<MP2E> had to use avoidStruts on myLayout
<Infinisil> MP2E: Your xmobar crashing randomly too?
<Ankhers> `layoutHook = avoidStruts $ layoutHook defaultConfig`, right?
<MP2E> looks good to me!
<Ankhers> Then I don't know why it isn't working :(
<MP2E> yep my xmobar does tend to randomly crash. It doesn't happen often enough to make me switch from GHC 8.2.1 because it's a pretty solid release in general. I can get it to happen a lot more when I launch fullscreen games
<MP2E> in particular, toggling fullscreen on and off in some of hte doom ports we have packaged in nixpkgs fairly reliably breaks xmobar
<Infinisil> Ankhers: Do you have multiple xmobars running by any chance?
<Infinisil> Why does everything break man, computers suck
<Infinisil> I mean it's amazing what we accomplished so far, but hell, we can't even manage to not break a status bar
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<Infinisil> Maybe it's because FOSS, but still
<gchristensen> because computers are too complicated and our little brains can't deal with it
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<Ankhers> Infinisil: 1 instance of xmobar is running.
<Ankhers> Or because I am dumb.
<Ankhers> That is still a possibility.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #29607: mqtt-bench: init at 0.3.0 (master...mqtt-bench) https://git.io/v5huN
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<Infinisil> Ankhers: Try adding this to your config: https://github.com/Infinisil/system/blob/master/xmonad.hs#L134
<Infinisil> This toggles avoidStruts
<Infinisil> using it to view stuff in fullscreen
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #29612: unbound: 1.6.5 -> 1.6.6 (master...pkg/unbound-1_6_6) https://git.io/v5hpT
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<Infinisil> (don't look at the rest of my config, it's horrible i know)
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<toogley> hm. i accidentally deleted my hardware-configuration.nix and nixos-generate-config fails with "Failed to retrieve subvolume info for /", while / being on a btrfs partition (i don't use subvolumes at the moment)
<toogley> how can i fix that?
<toogley> note: i have used nixos-rebuild switch and nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade successfully minutes ago
<toogley> so btrfs can't be the problem
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #29600: flat-plat: 20170605 -> 20170917 (master...upd.flat-plat) https://git.io/v5hkb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hp0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 79941a3 José Romildo Malaquias: numix-icon-theme-square: 2016-11-23 -> 17-09-13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cd72ad9 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29598 from romildo/upd.numix-icon-theme-square...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hpg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c40b686 José Romildo Malaquias: numix-icon-theme-circle: 2016-11-10 -> 17-09-13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e212b6 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29597 from romildo/upd.numix-icon-theme-circle...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hpa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b9907fc José Romildo Malaquias: numix-icon-theme: 2017-01-25 -> 2017-09-17
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac7ab7c Joachim F: Merge pull request #29596 from romildo/numix-icon-theme...
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<Infinisil> toogley: I'd try restarting, because that's how most of my fs problems fix itself
<toogley> oooh, the solution was just to execute nixos-generate-config as root..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5hpw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ee88bd3 José Romildo Malaquias: tint2: 0.14.6 -> 15.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4087344 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29593 from romildo/upd.tint2...
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<Infinisil> lol, that damn sudo, have forgotten it too sometimes
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<Ankhers> Infinisil: Sorry, what is the keycombo for that?
<Infinisil> Ankhers: whatever the default xmonad modifier is for you + B
<Infinisil> Super (or Cmd) for me
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<Ankhers> That doesn't seem to work for me. I will figure this out another time. Thanks for the help.
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<Infinisil> See ya :)
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<Infinisil> brb
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<Infinisil> heh, home-manager's xsession module sets the keyboard layout to a default, the struggle is real until you switch it
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<Infinisil> I once brought my own keyboard to an exam just so I could have my keyboard layout
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bcdarwin opened pull request #29613: nifticlib: init at 2.0.0 (master...nifti) https://git.io/v5jJZ
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<sphalerite> What's a currently usable tool for pretty-printing .drvs?
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<gchristensen> cat /nix/store/8v70v9mkhb9kyv9x56wqb0jaynrbqbb7-nixos-org.drv | indent does ok
<sphalerite> great, thanks
<sphalerite> Also does anyone know a way to show stats on disk cache?
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<sphalerite> That is, how much stuff still needs to be flushed to my USB for unmounting it to finish
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/9e228fc2d8 (from 11 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5jtB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 370ac62 Robin Gloster: gitlab module: fix shell hook path
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c95e158 Simon Lackerbauer: atlassian-confluence: 6.3.1 -> 6.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27ed570 Simon Lackerbauer: atlassian-jira: 7.4.1 -> 7.5.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 4 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5jtV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 0fccf29 Robin Gloster: gitlab module: fix shell hook path...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 7d0fe7b Simon Lackerbauer: atlassian-confluence: 6.3.1 -> 6.4.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 a4754a5 Simon Lackerbauer: atlassian-jira: 7.4.1 -> 7.5.0...
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<Mic92> sphalerite: just free?
<Mic92> or you mean dirty pages, which needs to be synced
<sphalerite> yeah I think that's what I mean, and for a specific block device
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5jqv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea8e7ed Bas van Dijk: elk: 5.5.2 -> 5.6.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 29c1888 Joachim F: Merge pull request #29560 from LumiGuide/elk-5.6.1...
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<7JTACEHX6> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #29560: elk: 5.5.2 -> 5.6.1 (master...elk-5.6.1) https://git.io/v5ATp
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<Lisanna> Is there a good way to deal with the fact that buildInputs expects things that would normally go in /usr but most of the stdenv derivations I write have a /usr directory in the output? I end up having to do something funky like buildInputs = [ "${component}/usr" ] in order for it to get picked up during the build of the dependent derivation
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<wilornel> Hey #nixos! I was wondering if there is something like nix for running processes? For example, I'd like to easily say: "have redis-server running with port 3333"
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<wilornel> (It would not have to take natural language as input :-) )
<Lisanna> wilornel: NixOS :)
<wilornel> it can do that? :o
<wilornel> how?
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<Lisanna> services.redis.enable = true;
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<wilornel> I'm confused. Is this specifically for redis? What about a postgres server?
<Lisanna> specify the port with redis.port
<Lisanna> services. postgresql
<wilornel> Ah I see the anchor is the search filter
<wilornel> Alright, and where would I specify this?
<Lisanna> do you run NixOS?
<wilornel> I am running Ubuntu
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #29616: HPLIP: Fix PostScript printers, installed utilities (master...hplip) https://git.io/v5jmk
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<Lisanna> This is a feature of NixOS
<Lisanna> it's a linux distro that uses Nix to declare the OS configuration :)
<Lisanna> Nix has no tools for doing anything like that on other distros, that would be really hard
<wilornel> I see. Hmm... is there something similar (for managing running daemons with a configuration file) that is not tied to NixOS?
<wilornel> # is that what systemd would do? does systemd have a configuration file you can tell to run certain services?
<Lisanna> you can write your own systemd services
<joachifm> wilornel: if your distro has systemd, you can see pkgs/build-support/setup-systemd-units.nix
<joachifm> it's supposed to be generic
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<joachifm> (never used it)
<wilornel> Where is this? This is a relative path and I'm not sure where it is located
<wilornel> ah googled it
<joachifm> wilornel: it's under the nixpkgs root
<Lisanna> it's a path in nixpkgs
<joachifm> anyway, it's still some ways away from the nixos experience but might be a building block ...
<wilornel> in /nix/store/hashhashhash/pkgs/... ? So each package has its own setup-systemd-units.nix?
<wilornel> I'm confused
<wilornel> Oh nixpkgs is a set of core packages
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<Mic92> Lisanna: what build system are you dealing with?
<Mic92> usually you can avoid having $out/usr in your derivation by specifying a install prefix
<sphalerite> Mic92: that doesn't seem to show anything per-block-device
<Mic92> in autotools this is done by ./configure --prefix=$out
<Mic92> sphalerite: maybe
<wilornel> Are we talking about this? ubuntu@vm: ~/ $ nix-env -qa systemd
<wilornel> systemd-234
<Mic92> wilornel: there is a difference between packages and nixos modules. You want nixos modules to define services.
<silver_hook> How do I figure out which package e.g. `ping` belongs to?
<wilornel> Alright, I need to come back here when I have read the full manual
<wilornel> crap, with all the schoolwork that might be in a long time hahah
<Mic92> silver_hook: you can use nix-index for
<Mic92> that
<Mic92> also in nixpkgs available, but probably on unstable
<Lisanna> Mic92: are you saying the default install prefix for autotools is /usr then?
<Mic92> silver_hook: it is part of iputils
<silver_hook> Mic92: thanks on both accounts :)
<Mic92> Lisanna: autotools usually defaults to /usr/local
<Mic92> Lisanna: are you using something like `make DESTDIR=$out install` ?
<Lisanna> Mic92: yeah
<silver_hook> Mic92: So `nix-index` has to be constantly updated? e.g. as `locate`?
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<Lisanna> sometimes Makefiles will create other paths though, like /etc and non-/usr /lib, how should I deal with those? I don't necessarily want to just throw them away
<Mic92> silver_hook: nix-locate uses your installed packages, nix-index works like locate
<silver_hook> Ah, OK. Thankss
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<Mic92> Lisanna: the usual way to deal with it is to say ./configure --prefix=$out in the configure phase and make install without DESTDIR in install phase
<Mic92> Lisanna: this is also, what stdenv.mkDerivation does by default
<Lisanna> Alright, but sometimes I don't have an autotools package. I'd just like to know what the convention is for what directories should go where in a derivation. So far all I know is that /usr --> $out/
<Mic92> Lisanna: then you have to fix manually.
<Lisanna> so I can perform a manual fixup
<Mic92> Lisanna: you can also do other stuff. Try to grep for DESTDIR=$(out)
<Lisanna> should I just leave /etc and /lib as $out/etc and $out/lib, but move the contents of /usr up a level too?
<Mic92> Lisanna: in nixpkgs
<Mic92> Lisanna: preferable packages should look in /etc for configuration so it is good to set this in autotools. Otherwise your configuration ends beeing read-only in nix store
<Lisanna> yeah, I guess the answer to my question really depends on what they are
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<Mic92> Lisanna: some configuration belongs to nix store though
<Lisanna> sometimes Makefiles try to do more than they really should, like setup udev rules and such
<Mic92> Lisanna: systemd service files for example can be picked up from there
<Mic92> in nixos we also use udev rules from packages from time to time.
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<Mic92> services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.android-udev-rules ]; is an example
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<Lisanna> Ah, I see
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<Mic92> Lisanna: makeFlags = [ "DESTDIR=$(out)" "PREFIX=" ]; is a work around for your makefile problem
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<Lisanna> Sure, I'll have to do some manual fixups sometimes though, as I'm staring at a Makefile that is installing to ${DESTDIR}/usr/include/... :)
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<Lisanna> thanks for your insight
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<Infinisil> Mic92: What do I do when a Rust package isn't there? I want to build a fork of alacritty (one with scrollback), and it has a new package, but nix-build complains that it can't download the new thing
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<Mic92> Infinisil: pass an updated copy of rustRegistry to buildRustPackage
<Mic92> Infinisil: this should be really documented in doc/languages-frameworks/rust.md
<Mic92> rustRegistry is a package in nixpkgs
<Mic92> buildRustPackage { rustRegistry = rustRegistry.overrideDerivation {...}; }
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<Infinisil> Okay thanks I'll try that
<Mic92> Infinisil: wait a sec, I think overriding worked differently
<Mic92> I have to look for the pr for that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29617: cc-wrapper: Use stdenvNoCC to build (master...cc-wrapper-stdenvNoCC) https://git.io/v5j3j
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<Mic92> Infinisil: I mean for overriding rustRegistry https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26582
<Infinisil> Ahh
<Mic92> packagesOverride should work, but this makes it global
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5jss
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 00ca2b3 Samuel Leathers: jfbview: 0.5.3 -> 0.5.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] das-g opened pull request #29618: xonsh: fix typo ("xnosh") in "enable" description (master...patch-1) https://git.io/v5jsZ
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<Infinisil> Okay it started building :D thanks Mic92
<Mic92> rustPlatform.buildRustPackage.override { rustRegistry = rustRegistry.overrideDerivation {}; }
<Mic92> I still don't like the Rust integration in nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dotlambda opened pull request #29619: pythonPackages.py3status: add file as a dependency (master...py3status-2) https://git.io/v5jsz
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<Infinisil> What's the problem with it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5jso
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 42d6e93 Raphael Das Gupta: xonsh: fix typo ("xnosh") in "enable" description
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 53233c1 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29618 from das-g/patch-1...
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<Mic92> It does not handle all edge cases of Cargo.toml
<Mic92> we could not updated alacritty before that commit
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<Mic92> Also there is not prefetch command for rust crates and we have this rustRegistry package which is always out of date.
<Infinisil> Hmm I see
<gchristensen> you'd like something more like cargo2nix?
<Infinisil> the cargo.toml problem seems to be just because nobody bothered implementing it right?
<Mic92> gchristensen: either https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/27964 or https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/24991 would improve the situation
<Mic92> there is also cargo-vendor which looks promising
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #29620: snapper: 0.3.3 -> 0.5.0 (master...pkg/snapper-0_5_0) https://git.io/v5jGl
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<Infinisil> Hmm, doesn't seem to work after all
<Mic92> ironically because Go has this simple-stupid approach of not providing a package management it much easier to handle in nixpkgs.
<Mic92> Infinisil: does your fork has still this `replace` in its Cargo.toml?
<gchristensen> look out, though, go's community is putting together plenty of extremely complicated alternatives Mic92 :)
<Infinisil> Mic92: Doesn't look like it
<Mic92> gchristensen: there seems that everybody is writing their own package manager in go
<Mic92> tooling is pretty good in this community
<Infinisil> Mic92: I mean I'm totally fine with having lots of languages use nix as their package manager
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<Infinisil> Mic92: is such a { git = ... } thing not handled then in Cargo.toml?
<Lisanna> Is there a way to take the contents of a file as a string in Nix? e.g. myString = readFile "${some derivation}/file.txt"
<Mic92> Infinisil: it should
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<Lisanna> ...oh, wow, readFile is actually a builtin
<Lisanna> I was just making it up
<Mic92> year
<Mic92> Infinisil: maybe you just apply the pr as a patch on top of alacritty
<Mic92> patches = [ fetchpatch {} ];
<Infinisil> Why would that change the result?
<Mic92> Infinisil: different cargo toml
<Mic92> or was this affected by the pr?
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<Infinisil> The PR added this owned_slice package
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #29621: hydra: 2017-07-27 -> 2017-09-14 (master...pkg/hydra-git) https://git.io/v5jZz
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<samueldr> what's the best way to be kept informed of the aarch64 build statuses, and who/where should we prod/poke for specific questions?
<samueldr> I have to note, raspi 3 with aarch64 works quite well
<Mic92> Infinisil: git repos are handled by buildRustPackage, I did this test at some point: https://github.com/Mic92/projecta/blob/master/Cargo.toml
<samueldr> on archlinux I had troubles with the vc4 modesetting driver, on nixos, none
<Mic92> samueldr: if you are a maintainer of a package, you will get notifications from hydra.
<Mic92> via email
<samueldr> I would be on the user side, for most :)
<Infinisil> Can I use an overlay to override rustPlatform.buildRustPackage?
<samueldr> though, I could try my hand at contributing, but the build times are prohibitive
<samueldr> I'm lucky enought that quassel and qt are built
<Mic92> samueldr: our build server for aarch64 are provided by packet.net
<Mic92> 96 cores or so
<samueldr> I searched aarch64 on the mailing list already, few messages though
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<Mic92> still not many people have the hardware
<Mic92> I am also looking for some hardware
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] garbas closed pull request #29619: pythonPackages.py3status: add file as a dependency (master...py3status-2) https://git.io/v5jsz
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<riclima> Hi guys
<riclima> I’m looking for an epub version of the Nix manuals?
<riclima> I saw at a Github issue that they are supposed to exit
<riclima> exist*
<Infinisil> Mic92: Here is the thing I did: does that seem right? https://git.io/v5jcd
<riclima> But on the site there is only a link for a PDF file
<Infinisil> riclima: You can probably build them yourself
<Infinisil> riclima: Looking into it, hold on
<riclima> I guess I’ll do that—so there isn’t a link to get it online?
<Mic92> riclima: (cd nixpkgs/nixos && nix-build release.nix -A manualEpub.x86_64-linux)
<riclima> Mic92 excellent, cheers
<Mic92> riclima: don't if it is online though
<riclima> Oh right, specifically the manual I’m looking for is the Nix package manager manual, sorry for not specifying
<Infinisil> or nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' -A manualEpub.x86_64-linux
<Mic92> Infinisil: looks right to me.
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<Mic92> riclima: no it does not exists for the nix package manager
<riclima> Excellent, thanks for the links guys.
<Infinisil> Mic92: Hmm, well it's not working sadly
<Mic92> Infinisil: what is the actual problem?
<riclima> Ah bummer, looks like you’re right, no epub for the package manager
<Infinisil> Mic92: https://git.io/v5jC0
<Mic92> Infinisil: you can also replace with { git = "" } with { path = "" } in Cargo.toml
<Infinisil> Mic92: Oh, and then I could just fetchFromGitHub there
<Infinisil> that should work
<gchristensen> nice page, Mic92!
<Mic92> gchristensen: we get a lot of nice tutorials in the wiki lately
<samueldr> I'm having some trouble, trying to understand hydra
<samueldr> it seems to say that the last unstable-aarch64 evaluation happened back in may
<Mic92> samueldr: we have some packages that can block a channel
<Mic92> for example chromium
<Mic92> you might want to switch to unstable-small
<samueldr> that's why I'm sure I don't understand what I'm looking at
<samueldr> the channel seems fresher than may
<samueldr> ah
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<samueldr> found why