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<aupiff> I am on darwin using nix-shell. I installed clang within the nix-shell. Any c programs I compile with nix's clang (which is significantly older than the default clang on OSX) won't run; the programs exit with the message "Killed: 9".
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<aupiff> why is that?
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<timclassic> pierron_: When using firefox-overlay.nix, I notice that sometimes the downloaded binary is out of sync with its checksum. Would downloading from the dated directory help? i.e. instead of simply
<timclassic> pierron_: I admit I haven't really looked into the root cause yet.
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<adisbladis> timclassic: Sounds like a good idea to me :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kiloreux opened pull request #28054: ffmpeg-full: enable opencore-amr (master...ffmpeg-opencore)
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<adisbladis> timclassic: The rust overlay is actually downloading the hash, might also be an option
<adisbladis> It would make things non-reproducible but might make sense for a nightly package
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<MP2E> When packaging a closed source binary for nixpkgs, is there a way to make a library available to that binary at runtime if it isn't in the dynamic section of the elf?
<MP2E> basically patchelf is working for everything that I see under 'dynamic section' if I view the executable in the nix store with 'objdump -x exename'
<MP2E> but at runtime it needs another shared object
<MP2E> and despite putting that in the libPath to be patched in, it isn't finding it
<MP2E> and objdump shows no trace of it either
<MP2E> hm.
<clever> MP2E: by default, the stdenv will strip things from the rpath if ldd says they arent needed
<clever> that can remove paths you have added for use by dlopen
<MP2E> that makes sense.
<clever> 3 options i can think of to fix it
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<clever> #1 patchelf --add-needed LIBRARY
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<clever> MP2E: this will just mess with the ELF headers to make the library load way ahead of time (might break things in weird ways)
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<clever> #2 set dontPatchELF = true; in the derivation
<clever> MP2E: this just disables shrinking of the rpath
<clever> #3, wrap the binary to prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH when it gets ran
<MP2E> ah, thanks! :) much appreciated. --add-needed does seem to break it in strange ways so I'll give #3 a shot next
<MP2E> basically Discord updated their linux client, and it needs for some strange reason. I tried switching the stdenv to libcxxStdenv
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<MP2E> but it *also* requires libstdc++
<MP2E> :v
<clever> that should be as simple as a patchelf, those things are loaded pretty early on in the startup of a program
<clever> rpath alone should get them
<MP2E> yeah but actually isn't loaded until later on in runtime, by electron, so it isn't in the dynamic section
<MP2E> been a pain
<MP2E> not sure why it is this way
<clever> ahhh
<MP2E> awesome, looks like prefixing LD_LIBRARY_PATH worked great, thanks
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<adelbertc> where can i see the structure of nixpkgs (on unstable)? i'm looking at but a bit hard to read
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<adelbertc> i'm a bit confused.. i have a nix expr that does `with import <nixpkgs> {}; { inherit (pkgs) ... }` which as i understand means there is a `pkgs` attribute that is a set in `nixpkgs`
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<fresheyeball> Hey out there
<clever> adelbertc: yeah, and the pkgs attribute just contains the entire package set, including itself
<adelbertc> from there i'd like to get the proper path to `git`. i see a `gitAndTools.gitFull` and a `gitMinimal` when I do `nix-env -qaP git` and i want to inherit the precise path in the aforementioned nix expr
<fresheyeball> Anyone got MATE desktop working?
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<clever> adelbertc: gitMinimal and gitAndTools.gitFull are attributes from the root of nixpkgs
<clever> adelbertc: i dont think inherit works with type paths
<adelbertc> bah
<adelbertc> where can i see where `git` is defined then
<clever> also in the root of nixpkgs
<adelbertc> doesn't seem to be in `all-packages`
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "git" pkgs
<clever> { column = 24; file = "/nix/store/b819z5xh97ajqjaiqykrf418v2xw6gnn-nixos-17.09pre111447.a7c8f5e419/nixos/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix"; line = 14400; }
<adelbertc> woa
<clever> 14400 inherit (gitAndTools) git gitFull gitSVN git-cola svn2git git-radar transcrypt git-crypt;
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<adelbertc> ahh ok
<adelbertc> and i assume it just looks in the default.nix
<adelbertc> by default
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<clever> 14398 gitAndTools = recurseIntoAttrs (callPackage ../applications/version-management/git-and-tools {});
<adelbertc> yeah thats how i found that path
<clever> adelbertc: recurseIntoAttrs specialy flags it so nix-env can search the set
<adelbertc> callPackage is pointed at a directory though right
<adelbertc> so it just looks in default.nix i assume
<adelbertc> ?
<clever> yep
<adelbertc> cool
<adelbertc> learning a lot, thanks for being patient :-)
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<adelbertc> "yeah, and the pkgs attribute just contains the entire package set, including itself" <-- hmm doesn't this mean i should be able to just write `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: { inherit (pkgs) git }` instead of `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: with pkgs; { inherit (pkgs) git }`
<adelbertc> oh wait
<adelbertc> i misread, the `pkgs` itself contains everything including itself
<clever> { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: { inherit git; }
<clever> oops
<clever> { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }: with pkgs; { inherit git; }
<clever> nix-repl> pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.hello
<clever> «derivation /nix/store/3swf63anivadciy81l3crkrraldchigx-hello-2.10.drv»
<adelbertc> ah fun
<clever> prefixing an attr path with pkgs. has no impact at all, once your in the set
<adelbertc> but i do need at least one `with pkgs` it seems
<clever> or with import <nixpkgs> {};
<adelbertc> i cant do that first line you entered for instance
<clever> which runs with directly on the entire set
<adelbertc> right
<clever> yeah
<adelbertc> cool beans
<clever> another option, create a foo.nix that properly does { stdenv, foo, bar }:
<clever> and then make a default.nix that does { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs>{} }: { foo = pkgs.callPackage ./foo.nix {}; }
<adelbertc> ah
<adelbertc> in this case i'm trying to write a nix expr that lets me single-command install a bunch of stuff (for whenever i get a new computer)
<clever> ah
<clever> i do that in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> previously i made a single derivation in packageOverrides that used buildEnv to merge things
<adelbertc> hm how does .nixpkgs/config.nix work?
<clever> but i have since heard a new trick, just make a new set in packageOverrides like { packageOverrides = pkgs: with pkgs; { group1 = { inherit gitFull; }; }; }
<clever> adelbertc: nixpkgs will load config.nix on startup, and that lets you set package overrides
<adelbertc> woaa
<adelbertc> oh i see
<adelbertc> so youd have a set in config.nix
<adelbertc> and then you can do nix-env -iA nixpkgs.whatever
<clever> and that set is automatically available in every nixpkgs you import as that user
<adelbertc> an itll just get picked up
<clever> including the one nix-env loads
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<adelbertc> i see
<adelbertc> so in the example you showed
<adelbertc> after i do that i can do
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<adelbertc> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.group1
<clever> yeah
<adelbertc> fancy
<clever> line 11 is the new trick, 14 is the old trick
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<adelbertc> buildEnv installs all the packages as one unit right
<clever> yeah
<clever> which makes it difficult to update just one item
<clever> you have to update all of them as one unit
<adelbertc> yeah im using buildEnv too right now and have hit issues a couple times, hence me trying to migrate to a different scheme
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<adelbertc> ok cool
<adelbertc> this was extremely instructive
<adelbertc> thank you
<clever> another related issue
<clever> collision between ‘/nix/store/g1f383mjbgv7wnqxgmgdymmc26abk5ry-mystuff/bin/as10k1’ and ‘/nix/store/fca9kqx6czwgcbp2k39c1bwzpc4ag03a-alsa-tools-1.1.3/bin/as10k1’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages
<adelbertc> onoes
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<adelbertc> yeah thats what i run into
<clever> the alsa-tools in newstuff conflicts with the alsa-tools in mystuff
<clever> so i have to modify mystuff, and reinstall it (which upgrades ALL of mystuff)
<adelbertc> yep
<adelbertc> ive had to do that a couple times
<clever> before i can switch away from the system that forces mass-updating
<clever> thats why i havent been maintaining mystuff properly, and my nix-env -q has group out of control, lol
<adelbertc> lol
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-env -iA nixos.newstuff -A nixos.mystuff
<clever> replacing old ‘mystuff’
<clever> installing ‘alsa-tools-1.1.3’
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<clever> you can also install 2 things at once as an atomic operation
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<adelbertc> right
<clever> adelbertc: only downside i can see with this new trick, there is no easy way to see what is missing from newstuff, since its no longer showing as a single unit
<adelbertc> right
<clever> but its now far easier to add things without a mass-rebuild
<clever> just add it, and nix-env -iA
<adelbertc> i dont think i need that convenience for now... once i do i will revisit
<clever> with the buildenv, id have to uninstall it because it would have conflicted in the future
<adelbertc> yep
<maurer> So, something in the nixos wrapper for gcc is preventing a plt from being generated in some cases
<clever> maurer: plt?
<maurer> program linkage table
<maurer> it's normally how dynamic symbol resolution gets done
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<clever> ah
<maurer> It looks like it's some attempt at optimization, or something to do with how we're binding to a particular library
<clever> that definitely sounds important, when exactly is it breaking?
<maurer> It's not actually breaking anything most people would care about
<maurer> It's breaking objdump -d's ability to resolve the target of library calls in a program
<clever> ah
<clever> it might be the automatic pass of "strip" over all binaries
<clever> dontStrip = true; can prevent that on a per-derivation basis
<maurer> No, this isn't in a derivation
<maurer> I'm literally running
<maurer> gcc foo.c -o foo
<maurer> objdump -d foo
<maurer> in a shell
<clever> ah, and its already missing even there
<clever> then it hasnt hit the strip yet
<maurer> if I do the same thing, same version of gcc on debian, plt entries are created and calls resolved
<clever> maurer: try setting the NIX_DEBUG variable to anything
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<maurer> It's not necessarily incorrect behavior for nixos to be doing this btw - I just need to be able to disable it
<clever> and also check the scripts in here
<maurer> OK, I'll look through that in a bit, just got tied up :/
<clever> uhhh, wow!
<clever> that would make many things simpler!!
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<clever> hmmm, depends on if its per input or just the stdenv...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6616b9a Cray Elliott: discord: 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthewbauer opened pull request #28056: miniupnpc: fix on darwin (master...miniupnpc-fix)
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<grantwu> Having trouble with a mismatched hash
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<grantwu> how am I supposed to figure out what the correct hash is? nix-hash didn't work
<clever> nix-build tells you what the right hash is when it fails
<grantwu> Right... is there no better way?
<clever> grantwu: is it a fetchurl or fetchgit?
<grantwu> fetchurl
<clever> nix-prefetch-url should give it
<clever> but also run it twice, to confirm it has the same hash each time
<adelbertc> seems the new place to put packageOverrides `~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix`
<clever> yeah
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<grantwu> Can someone explain to me how to run "nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review wip""
<grantwu> I assumed that I was supposed to s/wip/<package I am testing> but that doesn't seem right
<grantwu> wait, nox-review makes a copy of nixpkgs in .nox?
<adisbladis> grantwu: Run exactly that command, it will check your git working tree for changes and rebuild everything that is affected by your change
<copumpkin> that boot.tmpOnTmpfs option
<copumpkin> will it not take effect until a restart if I turn it on?
<copumpkin> the docs make it sound like that
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<dtzWill> I don't like testing things that aren't committed, so it's an awkward workflow IMO
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<dtzWill> it has syntax for comparing branches but to be honest I usually do some testing and then use the syntax for reviewing a PR
<grantwu> adisbladis: How do I interpret this?
<dtzWill> shell history includes example of that syntax: nix-shell -p nox --run "nox-review pr 27622"
<dtzWill> grantwu: maybe it means nothing depends on what you added--are you introducing a new package?
<dtzWill> grantwu: try the syntax I mention above--it's easy-mode for running nox on an already-submitted PR
<grantwu> Is that going to result in something different than my current output?
<hyper_ch> why isn't nixos-unstable channel updating anymore?
<dtzWill> good q! sorry, I'm not sure. Haven't looked at what the PR actually changes.
<grantwu> I meant, I've already done "nix-shell -j 4 -p nox --run "nox-review wip""
<dtzWill> I think the nox review is mostly to automate "oh I had no idea *random package* depended on this due to an override in some other package...."
<dtzWill> grantwu: "wip" only works if you ahve unstaged changes, lol
<dtzWill> AFAIK
<grantwu> ah
<dtzWill> I got.. a success re:nox on your PR, and definitely more output than what you got xD
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<grantwu> o
<grantwu> That's fast
<grantwu> Mine is still fetching, sigh
<dtzWill> curiously running the same nox thing a few times ... it keeps doing things. Why is it not cached, I thought this was nix-land
<dtzWill> yeah it seemed to be mostly fetching a lot and then a short blip with some python thing :D
<grantwu> I got a "subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['git', 'merge', '61e149502a3c49e151f69c584440729f129d9b05', '-qm', 'Nox automatic merge']' returned non-zero exit status 128."
<dtzWill> >.<
<grantwu> pretty lulzy
<dtzWill> so please understand I'm a nox noob and never really looked into it much, but... that seems to happen sometimes w/nox
<dtzWill> might be .. "encouraged" by my control-C'ing it mid operation
<grantwu> I'm also a Nox noob
<grantwu> although I do know that you get something mildly amusing if you type a non-integer into the nix UI
<grantwu> *nox
<dtzWill> IIRC I just nuked ~/.nox (or whatever the path is) and then it did a fresh clone and it worked again. YMMV
<dtzWill> what do you mean "hello is not a valid integer", how _dare_ you
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<grantwu> kek?
<grantwu> Incidentally, anyone here know much about packaging Gtk packages
<maurer> clever: OK, well, I found the problem - it's adding "-z now"
<maurer> clever: This is probably good behavior for normal builds, but I need to be able to invoke gcc without it
<grantwu> I got a whole bunch of output and then at the end it says "Ran 0 tests in 0.000s"
<dtzWill> maurer: hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" ];
<maurer> dtzWill: Where would I put that?
<dtzWill> maurer: our cc wrappers add hardening flags, packages can opt-out when they're known to be problematic by specifying what to disable
<dtzWill> in the derivation you wrote or are looking at?
<dtzWill> missed earlier context :3
<clever> maurer: oh, i was looking at this file earlier, and didnt think -z had anything to do with plt
<clever> maurer: its an env variable
<clever> from a shell, it would be hardeningDisable=bindnow
<clever> + export
<maurer> dtzWill: The context is that I'm doing some program analysis stuff, and as part of it I am statically following calls in built code across the library boundary
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<maurer> OK, if it'll take shell input that's good enough
<grantwu> Is there a way to make a particular package depend explicitly on a particular version of a dependency?
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<maurer> dtzWill: In a final version of this I'd make it support gcc's new got inlining stuff that you're turning on there, but htat's just engineering work for the moment
<grantwu> apparently some of these deluge RuntimeWarnings are due to a libtorrent mismatch
<maurer> grantwu: Make it depend on the dependency in general as a function, then in the invocation to add it to the package set, pick the correct version manually
<dtzWill> maurer: GOT inlining?? (!) can you point me to any info on that? :)
<maurer> sorry, that's probably a bad description
<maurer> but look at gcc's -fno-plt flag
<dtzWill> maurer: this is very interesting, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter
<grantwu> what the hell, deluge depends on libtorrent >= 1.1.1 and nixpkgs has 0.13.6
<grantwu> I am mildly shocked deluge manages to run
<maurer> dtzWill: Basically, if you are using -z now and or similar, gcc will attempt to not produce chunks of the plt
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<grantwu> libtorrent is more than 3 years out of date!?
<dtzWill> excellent! makes sense, honestly, I jsut always assumed it "only" set the BINDNOW flag or w/e changing behavior at start
<maurer> grantwu: Well then update it, and use nox to check if there was a reason for that
<dtzWill> ^
<maurer> *nox-review
<dtzWill> also ty, chasing down "-fno-plt" and related does the trick :)
<maurer> In any case, the -z now behavior is probably correct for normal nix operation
<maurer> it's just annoying in my weird case, so I'm glad I can flip it off
<dtzWill> yeah
<dtzWill> maurer: I too do compiler and program analysis research... I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten that nix-provided compilers might "sneak" in flags if I'm not careful about my env or in using a cc-wrapper with taht stuff perma-disabled
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<dtzWill> sigh, so much of shared libraries and related are just madness
<dtzWill> xD
<grantwu> Can someone explain how I'm supposed to use nix-prefetch-url -A from here?
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<grantwu> Not sure what I'm supposed to replace mypackage.src with. GitHub URL? Source tarball?
<grantwu> Also, would just like to note that -A is still an undocumented flag
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<dtzWill> grantwu: it's the same sort of syntax you'd do for "nix-build -A mypackage", where "mypackage" is the top-level attribute for the package
<dtzWill> grantwu: and yeah it's a secret or something :P
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<grantwu> error: attribute set does not contain a ‘urls’ attribute
<dtzWill> only works with some src values anyway
<dtzWill> ....yeah
<dtzWill> that's probably what the comment at the end there was explaining/suggesting would happen
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<grantwu> I'm having some trouble with fetchFromGithub now, sigh
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<clever> grantwu: that is not a valid branch or tag name
<grantwu> Where can I find the definition of fetchFromGithub?
<clever> its in all-packages.nix
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<grantwu> I see. So, the tags are here:
<grantwu> should I change the version string in Nix to use _ instead of . ?
<clever> i would keep .'s in the version, and use a second string for rev
<grantwu> Just hardcode a different string, or is there programmatic thing I can do
<clever> id just hardcode it
<adelbertc> is the standard way to get git completion for git installed through nix to just source `~/.nix-profile/share/git/contrib/completion/` ?
<adelbertc> or is there some sort of Nix-y way to do it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28057: stdenv-setup: WIP use `set -u` (staging...stdenv-set-u)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3bda921 Cray Elliott: discord: minor clean up, add self to maintainers
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<grantwu> Any idea how to deal with Boost dependencies?
<dash> grantwu: putting boost in buildInputs has been enough IME
<grantwu> boost is already in buildInputs. PR incoming soon
<grantwu> It might be a little different since this package is using boost-build?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grantwwu opened pull request #28058: Initial attempt to update libtorrent (master...libtorrent_1.1.14_update)
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<grantwu> Oh, right, the bot.
<dash> mmm yeah, boost-build is a separate package
<dash> looks like luabind and some others use bjam
<grantwu> Should I be trying to use the "build with boost-build" or the "build with autotools" path
<grantwu> er, that would be bbv2, apparently
<grantwu> Supplying boost-build did not fix things
<dash> mmm, probably don't want it to build boost for you, which is what it says BBv2 will do
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<dash> hm
<dash> first i'd try doing what luabind does
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<dash> boost-build in buildInputs, and: buildPhase="bjam release"; installPhase="bjam --prefix=$out release install";
<dash> see how it likes that.
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<LinArcX> I can't install any dolphin services. Why?
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<grantwu> ^ How not to ask a question in IRC...
<dash> this is probably not a good place to get your dolphin serviced
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] adisbladis opened pull request #28059: pythonPackages cleanup (staging...zope_cleanup)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mt-caret opened pull request #28060: json-refs: init at 3.0.0 (master...json-refs)
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<grantwu> Is there any sort of formal policy around who is listed under maintainers?
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<adisbladis> grantwu: Hehe just 3 years out of date ;)
<adelbertc> for a package?
<adisbladis> I just found some package that is 6 years out of date
<grantwu> Yeah
<grantwu> adisbladis: :C
<adelbertc> not to my knowledge. you just might get pinged when someone goes to update the expression
<adisbladis> grantwu: Some packages really don't get enough love
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<grantwu> dash: Didn't seem to work
<dash> what'd you get
<grantwu> Same thing
<grantwu> It appears that the build is actually failing within ./configure
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<dash> mmh, likely
<grantwu> so the bjam route doesn't seem to involve configure
<grantwu> or
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<pierron_> timclassic: the problem is finding out about the date without having to keep track of it manually. Honestly, I think if files are out-of-date, this is a problem which should be fixed upstream.
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<pierron_> timclassic: also, what do you mean by out-of-date, how do you check that?
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<grantwu> dash: Huh. Literally, copying the luabind stuff, and commenting out the "./" step is causing it to actually build things
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<grantwu> it built! \o/
<dash> yay
<adisbladis> pierron: I check it with git blame and checking the package upstream
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<pierron_> adisbladis: Unless you are talking about firefox nightly being out-of-date, we are not talking about the same thing.
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<grantwu> Does the nox-review thing not work if you can't fast-forward merge from nixpkgs master to your PR?
<grantwu> Because that's been my experience
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<grantwu> okay, so nox-review tells me that my changes are breaking rtorrent
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<pierron_> timclassic: by the way, the latest directory is supposed to target the latest finished build. It might be that the build was not complete when you did it.
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<grantwu> this is from rtorrent. Anyone know how to approach fixing this?
<pierron_> timclassic: the checksum file is checked with a signature file, and the checksum file, once verified is used to check that the download from nightly is done correctly. So maybe you found an issue in one of our CDN which does not distribute the same version.
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<pierron_> timclassic: downloading from date directory should give the same verification process.
<grantwu> Is there any particular reason why rtorrent is under tools/networking/p2p while every other torrent client is under applications/networking/p2p
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<adisbladis> grantwu: Looks like other distros have 2 separate versions of libtorrent packaged
<adisbladis> libtorrent and libtorrent-rasterbar
<grantwu> oh, goddamit.
<adisbladis> I'm guessing rtorrent doesn't build with an up to date libtorrent
<grantwu> so nixpkgs is conflating the two.
<grantwu> and my package is all wrong
<grantwu> wait, so how did deluge every work???
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<MP2E> well, imo, this would be an instance where packaging 2 versions of libtorrent might be in order. libtorrent_0_13_6 set to version 0.13.6, and libtorrent set to the latest, with rtorrent now depending on libtorrent_0_13_6
<grantwu> no, no, that's not right.
<hyper_ch> probably yes
<grantwu> There are two versions of libtorrent - libtorrent-rakshasa and libtorrent-rasterbar
<grantwu> It's unclear to me whether or not one is a fork of another or if they have no relation
<grantwu> But rtorrent uses libtorrent-rakshasa and deluge, qbittorent use libtorrent-rasterbar
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<grantwu> A G H there's already a libtorrentRasterbar
<grantwu> So basically, deluge was somehow set to use the wrong _fork_ of libtorrent
<simpson> grantwu: They have zero relation. Rakshasa's libtorrent is for rtorrent and I don't think anybody else uses it.
<grantwu> simpson: Okay.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 531a5b1 Joe Hermaszewski: git-fame: init at 2.5.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27145: git-fame: init at 2.5.2 (master...git-fame)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grantwwu closed pull request #28058: Initial attempt to update libtorrent (master...libtorrent_1.1.14_update)
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<grantwu> Wait, no, deluge was always using libtorrentRasterbar. I'm just hopelessly confused.
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<hyper_ch> nixos-unstable doesn't get update... nixos-unstable-small is fialing :(
<adisbladis> grantwu: :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28052: faker: add ipaddress dependency for Python 2 (master...fix/faker-py2)
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<grantwu> adisbladis: Well that was embarrasing
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<adisbladis> grantwu: Hopefully it was a good learning experience :)
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<grantwu> phew. bumping the version of libtorrent-rasterbar did fix things.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c877e8d Masayuki Takeda: json-refs: init at 3.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f6bfee9 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28060 from mt-caret/json-refs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grantwwu opened pull request #28061: libtorrentRasterbar 1.1.1 -> 1.1.4 (master...bump_libtorrentRasterbar_1.1.4)
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<grantwu> why does the bot keep on joining and leaving?
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<fpletz> grantwu: this channel is +n, so notices from people outside of this channel are prohibited… probably due to spam
<grantwu> Couldn't it just idle here, then?
<simpson> No, there's a limited number of channels per connection and there are many folks running that integration.
<dtzWill> interesting
<grantwu> Huh.
<viric> mh damn it
<viric> a configure script tells me that I have a bash quoting bug of bash 3.1
<viric> but I use bash 4.4.5
<grantwu> oh. I know why nox-review is failing
<grantwu> ugh.
<grantwu> I have --ff-only set as a default option in my gitconfig.
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<viric> (ah, the script tested the unexistant /bin/bash)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28031: rftg: init at 0.9.4 (master...rftg)
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<sphalerite> Someone mentioned recently that it's a (n unfortunate) tradition to treat libc as special and not just another library. Does anyone know why this actually happened in the first place?
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<grantwu> Not sure what to say about this
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<grantwu> I have 240GB of space free, and no quotas on any of my ZFS filesets
<grantwu> And my root ext4 is only 14$ used too
<adisbladis> grantwu: Nix-build is building in /tmp
<adisbladis> Which I assume you have mounted as a tmpfs
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<grantwu> I'm... pretty confused
<grantwu> How do I find out what kind of filesystem I have on /tmp?
<grantwu> It isn't showing up with "mount"
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<adisbladis> grantwu: You should have a line like this: tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime)
<grantwu> I do not
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<grantwu> I have a sneaking suspicious that systemd might be to blame?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 616fb95 Frederik Rietdijk: python34: 3.4.6 -> 3.4.7
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<grantwu> seems to imply that /tmp is not a tmpfs on Ubuntu
<goibhniu> grantwu: could you be out of inodes?
<grantwu> goibhniu: How can I check that?
<goibhniu> `df -i`
<grantwu> I'm only at 10% used
<grantwu> This is after the nox-review failed though
<grantwu> I guess I'll `watch df -i` while it's working?
<goibhniu> odd ... how much RAM have you got?
<adisbladis> grantwu: Also how big is your root disk?
<grantwu> Root disk has 32 GB free
<grantwu> I have 16 GB RAM
<goibhniu> what FS is your root disk using?
<grantwu> ext4
<grantwu> also, strike that line about blaming systemd
<grantwu> my nix store happens to be on a ZFS filesystem, if that helps
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<adisbladis> On ZFS inodes are not an issue
<LnL> are you sure you don't have a tmpfs, check with cat /proc/mounts
<adisbladis> They are dynamically allocated
<adisbladis> LnL: Ubuntu does not have a tmpfs on /tmp (as of 16.04 which is the most recent I have installed anywhere)
<grantwu> this is output of cat /proc/mounts | grep tmp
<grantwu> I can't wait to rerun the entire command again
<grantwu> so I'm going to try rebuilding that particular derivation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ce24f7f Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django: 1.11.3 -> 1.11.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b725e40 Lancelot SIX: Merge pull request #27865 from lsix/update_django...
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<grantwu> I'm only seeing a minor uptick in inodes/filesystem space used
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix closed pull request #27832: wireshark: 2.2.7 -> 2.4.0 (master...update_wireshark)
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<grantwu> oh, I see. qtwebengine depends on libtorrent. so this particular build needs to build all of webkit.
<grantwu> er, all of Blink.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix closed pull request #27834: wireshark: 2.2.5 -> 2.2.8 (release-17.03) (release-17.03...update_wiresharb_17.03)
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<adisbladis> grantwu: Expect to be building for a long long time
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<grantwu> Indeed. 3k out of 18k thingies built.
<grantwu> and my poor ultrabook is throwing so many Package Temperature over threshold MCE's that my MCE buffer is overflowing.
<adisbladis> grantwu: And iirc it has a few split cmake modules so 18k is not even all
<grantwu> yeah it was previously 3k
<grantwu> Is there any way to log out of space/inode things at the system level?
<grantwu> (as in, it was previously counting up to 3k, but now it's counting up to 18k)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #28062: motu-client: 1.0.8 -> 1.4.0 (master...update_motu-client)
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<linarcx> Hi. i want to change grub backgroundimage. how do that?
<grantwu> linarcx: Does give you any pointers?
<grantwu> I don't actually use NixOS
<goibhniu> grantwu: but why does it need to build webkit? ... can't it use one from the binary cache?
<grantwu> goibhniu: I'm not really sure
<goibhniu> grantwu: are you building from master?
<symphorien> there is a `boot.loader.grub.splashImage` option
<symphorien> ^ linarcx
<grantwu> goibhniu: I'm building off of my PR, which branches off master, yes
<goibhniu> grantwu: ah cool, instead of that, you could branch off the revision of the last channel
<grantwu> ...ah
<avn> grantwu: qtwebengine is not so catastrophic as chromium. It build ~5 hours, and depend on half of system.
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<vandenoever> very stupid question: how can i install libreoffice-fresh? I'm trying nix-env -i libreoffice-fresh
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<vandenoever> ah: nix-env -f. -iA pkgs.libreoffice-fresh
<goibhniu> vandenoever: or using the channel e.g. nix-env -iA nixos.libreoffice-fresh
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<linarcx> symphorien: thanks. its work.
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<symphorien> for this type of question, is very handy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] couchemar opened pull request #28064: elixir: 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1 (master...elixir-1.5.1)
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<linarcx> i want to change sddm theme.set: "services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.theme".but when rebuild configuration it say:"error: The unique option `services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.theme' is defined multiple times, in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/plasma5.nix' and `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix'.(use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)"
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<symphorien> plasma5 seems to have already set a theme for you
<symphorien> use option = lib.mkForce value
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 345b35c Frederik Rietdijk: Python: add buildPythonPackage.overridePythonPackage method....
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #28065: cc-wrapper: Fix support for qtbase-setup-hook (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7a6d4f4 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<nwuensche> Hello everybody! I'm trying out NixOS right now, and I have a question concerning package installs. I want to set up NixOS only for my personal computer, so I don't have to do much profile isolation. But I want to have a nice configuration.nix file, that I can use to reinstall my system. What is the best practice to install new packages for me? I don't like nix-env -i, because the packages aren't added in the
<nwuensche> config file. However, I also don't know if it's best practice to add all packages in environment.systemPackages and just do nixos-rebuild switch everytime I added a new package. Is there a better way to handle pacakges?
<srhb> nwuensche: Tastes vary a lot on this topic
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<srhb> nwuensche: I keep things that "i might want to remove later" in nix-env, keep all my "normal/required" packages in configuration.nix, and use nix-shell for all development dependencies etc.
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<adisbladis> I never use nix-env. For all my development environment stuff I use nix-shell, other than that packages are mostly in configuration.nix
<adisbladis> For some things I use
<adisbladis> Like emacs/shell config
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<nwuensche> Thank you for the answers. However, if I take out a package in environment.systemPackages and nixos-rebuild the system, will this package also be deleted from my computer?
<adisbladis> nwuensche: Yes it will
<nwuensche> Ok, cool
<avn> it will remove from $PATH, and physically removed on next GC cycle
<adisbladis> Technically it will still be around in your nix store until you garbage collect
<nwuensche> I also found a way of editing default.nix and add a packageOverrides command there. Should this be used to install packages in my case?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chrisburr opened pull request #28066: Fix download URL of libtiff for 17.03 release (release-17.03...fix-lib-tiff-url)
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<pietranera> Hello, a bunch of cURL security advisories has been made public, upgrading to cURL 7.55.0 is recommended... is a cURL upgrade/patch in the works?
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<fpletz> pietranera: not yet, but thanks for mentioning it!
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<pietranera> fpletz thanks for the reply. Looking forward to the patch!
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<ben> File "/nix/store/i8gzbgzkl4mbr24m23kqkhm16q235mvi-python-2.7.13/lib/python2.7/", line 305, in __init__
<ben> raise ValueError('ZIP does not support timestamps before 1980')
<ben> $ stat -c %y /nix/store/i8gzbgzkl4mbr24m23kqkhm16q235mvi-python-2.7.13/lib/python2.7/
<ben> 1970-01-01 01:00:01.000000000 +0100
<ben> how hypocritical
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<sphalerite> ben: out of curiosity, what are you building?
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<sphalerite> But you should be able to fix it by adding an ensureNewerSourcesHook to the buildinputs
<LnL> zip files are weird
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh opened pull request #28067: makeWrapper: fix regression introduced in #24944 (staging...makewrapper)
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<07IAAORRZ> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28067: makeWrapper: fix regression introduced in #24944 (staging...makewrapper)
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<07EABFYFG> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<07EABFYFG> nixpkgs/staging 0ff782e Frederik Rietdijk: makeWrapper: fix regression introduced in #24944...
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<globin> peti: fyi just started a new staging eval with FRidh's fix, would you like to join #nixos-dev, to make co-ordinating staging merges easier? :)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 3 days ago, history:
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<avn> globin: #28065 should go to staging, instead of master (btw)
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<globin> avn: it is based on staging?
<avn> globin: it have cc-wrapper fix, and trigger mass rebuild (is not my PR, I just noting)
<globin> avn: I know and it IS based on staging?
<avn> globin: ` orivej changed the base branch to NixOS:staging from NixOS:master an hour ago` -- so now yes, and you can ignore my silly note now ;)
<peti> globin: Very cool, thank you!
<avn> possible GH not send notification, when base branch changed
<globin> avn: it actually was changed before you commented
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Infinisil opened pull request #28068: mpd: add lame support (master...mpd-lame)
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<avn> globin: well, possible he changed it before my comment, but after I open page.
<avn> nevermind anyway ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] CrushedPixel opened pull request #28069: check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0 (master...nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight closed pull request #28069: check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0 (master...nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert)
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<Infinisil> Did this package just get merged in one minute? :O
<Infinisil> qknight: May I know the rationale behind merging this within one minute of opening it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin created revert-28069-nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert (+1 new commit):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/revert-28069-nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert aaad6d8 Robin Gloster: Revert "check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0 (#28069)"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin opened pull request #28070: Revert "check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0" (master...revert-28069-nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert)
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<globin> Infinisil: ^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28070: Revert "check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0" (master...revert-28069-nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert)
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<Infinisil> globin: :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin deleted revert-28069-nixpkgs_master_check_ssl_cert at aaad6d8:
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<linarcx> How To autumount NTFS Partitions. how to change fstab file to automount theme?
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<Infinisil> linarcx: Haven't used automounts before, but it seems like that's what you want:
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<linarcx> Infilisil
<Infinisil> close enough
<linarcx> no i dont use theme before. there is a lot of options here.which theme i use?
<Infinisil> linarcx: I don't know myself, please read the manpage of systemd's automounts: `man systemd.automount`. This should give you an idea of it
<Infinisil> linarcx: Btw you keep using the word "theme", but it's really "them" without an "e" ;)
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<Infinisil> linarcx: Or I just found a blog post which explains it, you'll have to adjust this to nixos though:
<linarcx> sorry for my mistake dude:)
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<linarcx> Infinisil: sure! i'll read it.thanks again.
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<Infinisil> linarcx: :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd6e51d Marius Metzger: check_ssl_cert: init at 1.51.0 (#28069)
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<rsa> however version exists (but not in release-17.03)
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<Infinisil> rsa: I'm amazed there are still people wanting to download flash
<Infinisil> rsa: You could adjust the src attribute with an overrideAttrs
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<Infinisil> Or fix it in nixpkgs itself and maybe submitting a PR to fix it for 17.03
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<makefu> maybe we should just link to instead of waiting for an explosion
<rsa> unfortunately i still need flash (for a particular service provided by my bank)
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<cocreature> makefu: I wouldn’t mind flash exploding :)
<rsa> haha
<makefu> with explosion i meant a failing build because the source disappeared, but i get what you mean :)
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<Infinisil> I'm afraid I might not be able to work on any other linux system, now that I know nixos..
<Infinisil> Could become problematic for job search :P
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<makefu> Infinisil: just sideload nix as a first step
<Infinisil> makefu: And eventually the whole company will come to their senses and use nix heh
<tsmeets> hello, could someone take a look at this issue. It is about defining aliases in nixos.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] karolchmist opened pull request #28071: idea-ultimate: 2017.1.5 -> 2017.2.1 (master...idea-ultimate-2017.1.2)
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<Infinisil> tsmeets: Looks good, no idea why this wasn't done from the beginning
<tsmeets> Infinisil: thanks :). I'll start working on a pull request.
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<FRidh> globin: ^
<FRidh> bkchr: I don't know which is preferable
<globin> FRidh: doesn't matter too much, I personally prefer the unset
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<bkchr> Maybe my approach is better for cross compilation?
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<bkchr> But not sure
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<Infinisil> I am yet again confused about nativeBuildInputs vs buildInputs
<Infinisil> and cross compilation for that matter
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<Infinisil> E.g.: Where should makeWrapper go? nativeBuildInputs or buildInputs?
<Infinisil> Ohh it should go in buildInputs
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<Infinisil> I think
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<bkchr> I would say the same
<bkchr> As it is a runtime dependecy Infinisil
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<Infinisil> I think cmake is an example of something for nativeBuildInputs
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<Infinisil> because the configure step can be done on the native host, it probably has some option for crosscompiling
<linarcx> I want to use "let" in attributes not in do that?
<Infinisil> linarcx: myAttribute = let test = "hello"; in "value of the attribute ${test}";
<Infinisil> linarcx: There isn't anything special to that, it's the same for all nix
<linarcx> yes i know it.but how to abstract these two configuration parts: fileSystems."/run/media/saeed/D/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/D"; #fsType = "nfts"; options = [ "nosuid" "nodev" "nofail" "x-gvfs-show" ]; }; fileSystems."/run/media/saeed/C/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/C"; options = [ "nosuid" "nodev" "nofail" "x-gvfs-show" ];};
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<linarcx> there is a part in attribute that i want to abstract it
<linarcx> fileSystems."/run/media/saeed/C/" = ...
<avn> linarcx: let commonOptions = [ "nosuid" "nodev" "nofail" "x-gvfs-show" ]; in ... ?
<Infinisil> linarcx: let fs = disk: { device = disk; options = [ "foo" "bar" ]; }; in { ... fileSystems."/run" = fs "/dev/disk"; ... }
<Infinisil> Or what avn said
<Infinisil> You just need to see nix as any other programming language. You can make arbitrary definitions for functions and values
<avn> linarcx: or look how I do shortcut for bind mounts --
<FRidh> bkchr: I'll just leave qtbase as it is now. It still builds, and if it turns out to break cross compilation, then its a minor fix for then.
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<Infinisil> Whoa, didn't know NixOS used upstart at one point..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f4ca991 Robin Gloster: serf: fix build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 23 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9c5f6f9 adisbladis: pythonPackages.zope_testrunner: Remove subunit dependency, no longer necessary since latest release
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45addea adisbladis: pythonPackages.aiohttp-cors: Remove zodb3 dependency
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0c1167 adisbladis: pythonPackages.zope_browserresource: Remove outdated package
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28059: pythonPackages cleanup (staging...zope_cleanup)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar closed pull request #535: Replace unicode apostrophes with ascii (master...master)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] TomSmeets opened pull request #28072: nixos/environment: make default shell aliases overridable (master...fix-shell-aliases)
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<bkchr> FRidh: okay
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #28073: curl: 7.54.1 -> 7.55.0 (master...curl_7_55_0)
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<tsmeets> Infinisil: #28072 should fix my shellAliases issue.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4495bfe Robin Gloster: python.buildEnv: only wrap executables
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #28074: atom: 1.18.0 -> 1.19.0 (master...atom_1_19_0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b39cc4f Brian McKenna: Include missing <cstdlib> for abort()...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master eb1d1ca Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1499 from puffnfresh/bug/arm-fixes...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master c6184de Eelco Dolstra: nix repl: Support printing floating-point numbers
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> I want to make a derivation which does a simple thing: it looks at an arbitrary path, and generates a file containing a Nix expression which is a fixed-output derivation to get that path into the store
<catern> is there a utility for this?
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<catern> both of the original derivation and the resulting derivation are super impure, of course
<catern> since they look at a path on the host machine
<catern> (but I know in this case that that path will never change)
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<linarcx> linarx
<tsmeets> catern: are you looking for a function that takes a path as an argument and returns a derivation?
<catern> tsmeets: basically, yes
<linarcx> Infinisil: thanks. its work:)
<tsmeets> catern: that should be possible.
<catern> tsmeets: yes but I'm hoping one already exists in nixpkgs that I can use ;)
<catern> or somewhere
<catern> that I can just copy
<linarcx> i want to set another theme for sddm. in the file:"/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/plasma5.nix ", there is an option for this is called:"services.xserver.displayManager.sddm "and set the theme atribute to "breeze".i want to set it to another find another name?where "breeze" store?i mean in which file?
<catern> because I don't trust that I will do it with good style
<tsmeets> catern: but what are you trying to do with it? I think you can just pass a path expression, and nix will copy it to the store.
<catern> tsmeets: yeah, but I need to get a fixed-output derivation instead of a path, because I want to allow use of a binary cache
<catern> hmm
<catern> I suppose a path may also allow use of a binary cache, but to rephrase: I want to be able to use the binary cache without having to rescan/rehash the path each time
<catern> on different hosts
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<goibhniu> catern: it might help to explain the big picture
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<tsmeets> catern: there is `pkgs.copyPathToStore`
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<tsmeets> catern: this is what you need I think
<tsmeets> catern: it takes a path as an argument and returns the path to the nix store
<catern> no, that isn't what I need
<tsmeets> catern: oh, i see. it is the same as using the path
<catern> right
<catern> I need to separate "hash the path" and "copy the path into the story", because the latter is expensive, but I only actually need to do the former (to use a binary cache for builds from that path)
<catern> er
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<catern> (by "hash the path" I guess I mean "obtain somehow a hash of the path", which could also be from a cache)
<tsmeets> catern: you could use something like: `path: runCommand "" {} "cp -a ${path} $out"`
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<catern> tsmeets: that's also equivalent to using the path, though, I think
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<catern> the core thing is that I need *two* derivations: one impure derivation which generates a fixed-output derivation
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<Infinisil> catern: Would just using nix-instantiate work?
<catern> Infinisil: inside the impure derivation? or what do you mean?
<Infinisil> catern: nix-instantiate generates just the derivation path, it doesn't run the builder
<catern> interesting...
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<Infinisil> then nix-store -r <path to derivation> builds it
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<catern> Infinisil: and necessarily nix-instantiate would need to read and hash the impure path I passed it, so that it could generate the derivation path, right?
<Infinisil> catern: Yes
<LnL> hmm, overrideAttrs looses passthru attributes?
<Infinisil> catern: man nix-store is very interesting
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<catern> Infinisil: hmmm wait a second though
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<catern> if I passed the derivation the path as a string (which I would need to do to avoid the path being copied immediately into the store)
<catern> then nix-instantiate would just hash the *path string*, not the contents of the path
<LnL> err
<Infinisil> catern: Then it's become a run-time dependency
<Infinisil> i don't know if that's really what you want
<catern> Infinisil: unfortunately it is what I want
<catern> I see it as similar to giving network access to fixed-output derivations
<catern> this is a special network filesystem
<Infinisil> catern: Ahhh, well yeah
<Infinisil> No need to mess with derivations, a string is enough then :P
<catern> oh hmm interesting point
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<catern> are you suggesting that it's sufficient to hash the string?
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<Infinisil> catern: Do you want to make sure that the file doesn't change?
<catern> yes
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<catern> (well, I already know it isn't going to change)
<Infinisil> catern: Then you should probably write a bash script or so which runs at runtime and checks it against a known hash of it
<catern> I don't really like hashing the string because, I would like to be able to pass paths that *will* change
<catern> which would necessitate re-scanning
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<ixxie> anybody have this thing with GDM where it doesn't detect users so you have to type in the name yourself?
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<Infinisil> catern: Huh? How do you want to make sure it doesn't change without rehashing?
<catern> hmm I guess that's at a higher level though... I would replace the fixed-output derivation I end up with, with a path
<catern> Infinisil: yeah sorry I was confused and confusing there for a second
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* Infinisil is also kinda confused
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<catern> Infinisil: I have a network filesystem which contains immutable sources, and also sources local to my system. I want to be able to build either of them, uniformly, but I also want to be able to fetch the immutable sources with a fixed-output derivation, so that I can get build caching from a remote build cache
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<catern> (that is, get the cached build output without actually scanning the immutable sources)
<Infinisil> catern: Ahhh, how about builtins.fetchurl then
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<Infinisil> wait
<Infinisil> maybe not
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<catern> (the network filesystem is mounted locally everywhere, at /opt/some/path)
<Infinisil> catern: By sources you mean actual source code you want to use as the src attribute in a build?
<catern> Yes
<catern> (I will be passing the sources in as an argument)
<Infinisil> catern: How do you intend to have a cache? What caches it?
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<disasm> If anyone hanging out in here is near Central PA area, I'm doing a talk for State College DevOps on nix, in particular, the language using nix-repl, basics of setting up nix on any linux distribution, creating derivations, and how to use nix-shell to run build steps manually. Food is provided.
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<dash> nice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed55bdb Dan Peebles: lkl: 2017-06-27 -> 2017-08-09...
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<catern> Infinisil: you are gone, but, Hydra will build it and I'll download from there
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<bkchr> Does anyone has an idea how to solve the following compile error?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 10bcf08 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: security 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 9349886 Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: security 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3...
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<FRidh> nix-prefetch-url supports file:///some/path where /some/path is an absolute path. Can it also handle relative paths? Or will I have to use realpath?
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<clever> FRidh: nix-store --add-fixed sha256 ./foo.tar.gz
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<bkchr> clever: any idea regarding my error?
<linarcx> Hi. i want to override some lines in /etc/sddm.conf.i use services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.extraConfig option and pass my lines to it.but after rebuild configurations, it append my lines to end of that file. i want to replace those achieve this goal?
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<avn> linarcx: can you explain bit widely, what you try to do?
<linarcx> i want to use another theme.
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<bkchr> linarcx: why not displayManager.sddm.theme?
<avn> linarcx: services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.theme is not enough?
<linarcx> yes. i try it.but it is limited to 3 themes reside in nix/store/"hashcode"/sddm/themes
<linarcx> i want to override it and add more themes
<avn> just add package with your theme, and add "sdda/themes" to pathsToLink
<avn> It looks for themes into ThemeDir=/run/current-system/sw/share/sddm/themes
<avn> so mix in own packages, which provide $out/share/sddm/themes
<clever> linarcx: it gets the sddm path from services.xserver.displayManager.sddm.package
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<clever> linarcx: so you can create an override on sddm that adds themes to it
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<tnias> is there an easy way to generate the nixos options page locally?
<avn> clever: I feel, mixing themes to sw/share/.... is easier, that modify sddm
<avn> especially for newbie
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<linarcx> very very thanks dudes.i'll try it.
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<FRidh> clever: thanks. For what I'm working on I prefer to stick with nix-prefetch-url. Using realpath or in python os.path.abspath isn't that big of an issue.
<avn> linarcx: environment.pathsToLink = [ "/share/sddm/themes" ]; and add package which will have theme in $out/share/sddm/themes
<tnias> nvm. just found appendix a in the manual
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<bkchr> Were there some changes to how buildInput etc are handled in the last time?
<Infinisil> bkchr: What's the problem you're having?
<bkchr> Infinisil: And that repeats through multiple qt packages
<bkchr> For some I have a solution
<bkchr> Now I'm trying qt 5.9 with unset LD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 25c12d0 Robin Gloster: screenfetch: fix wrapProgram usage
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<emmanuelr> Hi, is there a way to apply a patch when using bundlerEnv? I tried setting the patches list but it's being ignored.
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<clever> emmanuelr: yeah, i'm not sure where the patches would get applied
<emmanuelr> clever, yeah I was looking at that file and I checked bundler-common and when mkDerivation is called it doesn't pass along @args. So I don't see a way to apply patches. Damn it.
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<clever> emmanuelr: overrideAttrs applies things between the bundler stuff and mkDerivation
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<clever> so that should let you squeeze things in
<clever> but you need to apply it to the mkDerivation return value, and there are at least 2 buildEnv
<clever> 's in the way
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<rsa> any optirun + steam users?
<emmanuelr> clever: oh goodness. I may need to PhD to pull this off. LOL!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #28078: docker-machine: 0.12.0 -> 0.12.2 (master...update_docker_machine)
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<emmanuelr> Thank you for the tip, clever.
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<edude03> Hello everyone :D
<adisbladis> Good evening
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28065: cc-wrapper: Fix support for qtbase-setup-hook (
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<Camdar> Hello, I've been having some trouble installing the posix man pages
<Camdar> I've tried putting man-pages-posix, and man-pages-posix-2013-a into my systemPackages
<Camdar> but it keeps giving me not found
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<Camdar> i suspect that I'm not subscribed to the correct channel
<Camdar> (i'm currently just on stable 17.03)
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<srhb> Camdar: How did you find those names?
<srhb> Camdar: (It's posix_man_pages)
<Camdar> ah
<srhb> Camdar: nix-env -qaP | grep posix | grep man
<Camdar> ty
<srhb> Camdar: What you want is usually the top level attribute name, which is defined here:
<Camdar> ah, that would make sense
<Camdar> i will try that next time
<srhb> :)
<sphalerite> Does anyone have any idea what's up with this bash syntax?
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<sphalerite> I'm very confused by the extra [[
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<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# help [[
<clever> [[ ... ]]: [[ expression ]] Execute conditional command.
<clever> Returns a status of 0 or 1 depending on the evaluation of the conditional
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<sphalerite> clever: yes, but there are two [[s on the same line
<sphalerite> with only one ]]
<sphalerite> GNUmakefile[[
<sphalerite> is that a typo perhaps?
<nliadm> it seems like it's looking for a file with that name
* sphalerite git blame
<nliadm> looks like a typo
<clever> ah, i see the second one, bash will probably treat it as part of the filename
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<sphalerite> yeah
<nliadm> 'GNUmakefile` isn't widely used, it seems
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #28079: stdenv: fix typo in (staging...setup-typo-fix)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cocreature opened pull request #28080: Fix GHC 7.10 config of vector and tasty-ant-xml (master...ghc-7.10)
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<Naughtmare[m]> How do I get the qt frontend for transmission installed? I have installed the 'transmission' package, but it doesn't include 'transmission-qt'. The only other related package is 'transmission_gtk` package, but I want the qt frontend. Am I missing some configuration option or do I have to make a custom package myself?
<clever> Naughtmare[m]: the normal and gtk versions are the same package, one of them just has enableGTK3 set to true
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<clever> Naughtmare[m]: but i dont see a QT option, so that would have to be added in pkgs/applications/networking/p2p/transmission/default.nix
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<NickHu> Does anyone know how to get ghc compiled without -dynamic? I'm trying to profile some haskell code but it's giving me this error
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<eacameron> So it's about time I figure this out: How do I create my own custom nixos module? I have a bunch of derivations for doing daily backups but putting them into my config is awkward
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<ylwghst> Hello
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<ylwghst> I imported nix store closure into my nixos.
<ylwghst> How can I install it now?
<srhb> ylwghst: Just like you would if you hadn't copied the store closure, presumably?
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<ylwghst> Its a closure of network-manager-1.4.4
<ylwghst> Im totally noob with nix
<ylwghst> I ve succesfully installed and booted nixos on my machine.
<ylwghst> but without network connection\
<srhb> ylwghst: I haven't actually done this before, but I assume you just install it like you did on the machine you copied the closure *from*
<srhb> Since the store paths are now all available, I would expect it to not require network connectivity.
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<ylwghst> i installed from live cd there is nmtui i have used to connect
<clever> ylwghst: simplest option, enable it in configuration.nix, then boot from the installer, re-mount the filesystems to /mnt, and re-run nixos-install
<clever> and that will upgrade the install
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<ylwghst> but after I imported the closure it should work someting like nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.linuxPackages.networkmanager
<clever> networkmanager isnt under linuxPackages, and the pkgs. is redundant
<srhb> ylwghst: Yes. Or simply point nix-env -i to the store path
<ylwghst> where is?
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<clever> and it needs system wide config via configuration.nix, so it wont work right with nix-env
<ylwghst> srhb: ok ill try
<ylwghst> clever: hm
<clever> just set the right settings in configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild switch
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* srhb nods
<ylwghst> ok
<dpino> hi
<dpino> after upgrading nixos when I use nix-env to search to a package I got the following error:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tnias opened pull request #28081: nixos/tor: add tor hidden service options (master...tor_service)
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<dpino> $ nix-env -qaP nix-env
<dpino> error: cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/store/1jc7annw6k8c34a8l6md1z7zb9hwnhxh-nixpkgs-17.09pre112229.e619ace733/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix:57:17
<dpino> any hint?
<dpino> currently I only have one channel
<dpino> $ nix-channel --list
<clever> dpino: what about sudo nix-channel --list?
<ylwghst> clever: will be ok to boot live-cd mount only rootfs into /mnt edit configuration.nix and nixos-rebuild switch?
<dpino> $ sudo nix-channel --list
<clever> ylwghst: if you have a /boot you must also mount it to /mnt/boot/
<clever> dpino: then you have 3 channels
<dpino> clever: interesting, that explains why the path is nixpkgs-17.09pre...
<srhb> ylwghst: And last I checked, using rebuild in the chroot was broken, but nixos-install worked.
<clever> dpino: and 15.09 is really old
<dpino> clever: I'm thinking of removing all the channels bu 16.09, then slowly upgrade to newer channels
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<clever> srhb: "rebuild switch" will definitely fail in a chroot, because it tries to mess with the active systemd, you want "rebuild boot"
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<srhb> clever: Oh, that would explain.
<ylwghst> clever: so I need run nixos-install
<dpino> clever: does it sound like a good plan?
<srhb> clever: Thank you :)
<clever> dpino: the main thing is that nixos-rebuild expects a chanenl called nixos on root
<dpino> clever: ok, didn't know that
<clever> ylwghst: yeah
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<dpino> I will name 16.09 nixos then
<deltasquared> ok, stupid question time. I'm aware that nixos's "functional-ness" extends to it's configuration, so I would assume somewhere there is something generating /etc or other config files. I'm not sure what part of the documentation I should look at to see how this process works under the hood for etcfiles
<clever> deltasquared: etc.nix defines the nixos options for it, converts those options into a derivation, and then runs on bootup to re-sync /etc with the derivation
<deltasquared> oooooh nice, so there is a generator script
<clever> yeah
<deltasquared> clever: I haven't full-on embraced nixos yet but I figured the concept would be useful for forcing me to keep my /etc under control, as it's not easy to determine which files I've modified
<clever> deltasquared: manages it by symlinking everything via /etc/static, and keeping track of which files it has created, so it can remove them later on
<clever> then it can atomicly swap most of /etc by updating just /etc/static
<deltasquared> hmm, I guess the rename() operation would be atomic from the point of view of most other processes
<clever> yeah
<deltasquared> though if I were to start quibbling the precise ordering semantics of system calls and the VFS I'd get lost in kernel land real fast.
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<deltasquared> "stdenvNoCC"... I assume means "no C compiler"
<clever> yep
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<deltasquared> clever: so, if for some reason I wanted to directly provide an /etc tree to override "defaults" from packages with, could I do that?
<clever> that must be done from nixos modules
<deltasquared> I kinda need to take baby steps from wanting complete control over my config files
<clever> not from the packages
<clever> at its core, nixos is a module framework to combine option and config definitions from many modules, and allow the modules to set eachothers config
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<deltasquared> something is yelling "conflict resolution!?" in the back of my head
<clever> and in the end, you have a single derivation, that directly (or indirectly) depends on all of the config and everything it gnerates
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<clever> deltasquared: when you run nixos-rebuild, all it does is build the derivation refered to on line 252
<clever> deltasquared: and because of the module framework, this file is merged with every other module, and configuration.nix
<clever> line 132 defines system to be the result of applying some security related mutations over baseSystem from line 105
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2adf36a Daiderd Jordan: gcc: fix clang build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bc5160e Daiderd Jordan: gdb: fix clang build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c839b6c Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #28050 from LnL7/darwin-gcc...
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<clever> and 105 builds the top-level derivation using the builder defined on 30
<dpino> clever: I noticed the error happens when as soon as I switch to 17.03. If my only channel is 16.09, I can use nix-env normally. But under a configuration where my only channel is 17.03 then a search with nix-env returns an error in a ruby/default.nix
<clever> deltasquared: and in the case of /etc, line 122 refers to the sum of all activation scripts, which are defined in another module
<dpino> any idea of what it could be?
<dpino> or any work around I could try?
<clever> dpino: i generally use nix-repl to do all of my searching, but the command you previous gave fails with a different error here, error: selector ‘nix-env’ matches no derivations
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<dpino> I think the error I posted earlier was $ nix-env -qaP ruby
<dpino> error: cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/store/v1zvii5pzvx76dgkb8ifdsyp8fwj6ng6-nixos-17.03.1661.1f7114aec3/nixos/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/default.nix:57:17
<clever> yeah, getting a different error here
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# nix-channel --list
<Ralith> cstrahan: it's really difficult to overstate how frustrating it is for your debug info to be silently clobbered
<clever> i'm on this channel
<dpino> clever: I tried to edit that nix file, and amend that line but it's read-only (even for root). Is there any way I can edit and modify that file?
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<clever> dpino: you must never manualy modify anything in /nix/store
<clever> that can seriously break the entire system
<clever> nixos automatically mounts it read-only to prevent that
<ylwghst> clever: if I enable networking.networkingmanager will the nixos get also bc43 driver?
<ylwghst> clever: nixos-install
<deltasquared> clever: so I could have / readonly most of the time huh? intradesting
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<deltasquared> I wish arch had a feature to do that when doing pacman stuff.
<clever> deltasquared: only /nix/store/ is read-only
<deltasquared> clever: true, though considering most of the other bits could be on other FSes, may not be too hard to extend to /
<clever> deltasquared: and nixos needs a writable / to boot, for a number of things it creates
<clever> deltasquared: but nixos can boot with a tmpfs on /
<clever> deltasquared: or a read-only union'd with a tmpfs
<deltasquared> I am so jelly right now
<clever> deltasquared: i have booted nixos many times with ONLY /nix/store present, and every other directory just being absent
<clever> and it fills in all of the blanks on its own
<Infinisil> clever: /boot?
<deltasquared> well, what with it regenerating /etc anyway as is possible with functional design of it's kind, it would only really *need* the store
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<clever> Infinisil: i was usually booting it with a special method that didnt rely on /boot
<clever> it will probably just make an empty /boot
<deltasquared> oh yeah, what black magic would this be
<michaelpj> is it possible to link to e.g. the nix manual from the nixpkgs manual?
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<clever> dpino: do you have anything in your ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix ?
<Infinisil> deltasquared: I have my wpa_supplicant config in /etc, manually written, but I guess I could move this to a non-default location by passing some option to wpa_supplicant
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<clever> Infinisil, deltasquared: nixos will leave /etc writable and ignore any file that hasnt been configured in nixos
<clever> so you can just add /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf manually
<deltasquared> Infinisil: I have one config per network in my current arch setup, I have no idea how I'd replicate that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 46a25ea Robin Gloster: linuxPackages.bcc: fix using wrapProgram on .c file
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<Infinisil> clever: Yeah I did that for now, but I don't like it
<avn> clever: I generally like idea of moving /etc/nixos to /nix/etc, and make /etc tmpfs
<dpino> clever: nope, apparently directory ~/.nixpkgs doesn't exist
<Infinisil> avn: What exactly are the benefits of it being a tmpfs?
<Infinisil> (I don't know much about tmpfs)
<avn> Infinisil: it will be recreated from store on each boot, and no semi-persisted crap here
<dpino> clever: all my $HOME stuff starting with nix* :
<DutchWolfie> clever: do you have any site with your NixOs endeavours?
<avn> some processes still write there, and /etc accumulate entropy
<dpino> $ vi ~/.nix-
<dpino> .nix-channels .nix-defexpr/ .nix-profile/
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<ylwghst> clever: which grub menu entry is newest genereation 1 or 2?
<Infinisil> avn: Weird that programs are writing there, know an example? If these were fixed, /etc could be a symlink to a dir in the store
<sphalerite> avn: what about stuff that hsould be mutable like /etc/shadow?
<Infinisil> ylwghst: 2
<ylwghst> thx
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Why does /etc/shadow need to be mutable?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: so that passwd works
<Infinisil> ahh
<sphalerite> unless you use the nixos options for people's passwords
<ylwghst> Infinisil: how should I get rid of the old one?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: and the nixos options are highly impractical if they're not all admins
<Infinisil> ylwghst: you don't, being able to rollback is desirable
<srhb> (Unless /boot is full or something) :-)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Is passwd the only command that needs this or are there others?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: you can remove old generations of systems and profiles and their dependencies to free up space using nix-collect-garbage
<srhb> Then, sudo nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 100d
<srhb> Or something to that extent.
<ylwghst> Infinisil: but there is limit right?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: /etc/shadow specifically stores password hashes
<srhb> ylwghst: Storage space.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 30d76b8 Simon Lackerbauer: seafile-client: 5.0.7 -> 6.1.0...
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<ylwghst> srhb: really cool
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* Infinisil currently is on generation ~560, because he nixos-rebuild switches for everything
<avn> sphalerite: in theory, /etc/shadow can be moved somewhere to /var
<sphalerite> yeah, sure
<Infinisil> avn: Oh, why is it in /etc anyways?
<sphalerite> I agree it would be nice to separate the mutable and the immutable stuff completely
<sphalerite> Infinisil: probably because nobody's bothered patching shadow-utils and pam(?) and whatever else needs it yet ;)
<avn> Infinisil: why not use `nixos-rebuild test` for some modifications, if you know that you will rebuild again in 2-3 mins
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ah right, compatibility
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master af765a8 Eelco Dolstra: Use /proc/self/fd to efficiently close all FDs on Linux...
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<sphalerite> `grep -r /etc/shadow $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system/)` suggests glibc (libnss), pam, shadow (no surprise there), util-linux, and libcap-ng might need patching
<LnL> ^ nice!
<Infinisil> Oh nice one indeed
<Infinisil> brb, testing grep vs rg speed
<sphalerite> rg is faster, but in a case like this one you'll want to make sure you are going through binary files as well, which rg defaults to not doing
<sphalerite> iirc.
<avn> sphalerite: even more, I am sure that some of them would be satisfied with symlink to real shadow (if they only need to read)
<LnL> was actually referring to the nix commit, but yes grep is slow :)
<Infinisil> grep: 41sec
<sphalerite> I just used grep because I knew it would do what I wanted in this case, usually I use rg which I have aliased to rg -S
<cocreature> hey, hackage-packages.nix is apparently auto-generated but I can’t figure out which file controls what packages are included in it, i.e., which file I actually need to edit. any ideas?
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<sphalerite> LnL: and I was actually referring to Infinisil's message ;)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Are you sure grep searches binaries by default? Because I used rg -a which searches binaries and it turned up a lot more results than grep
<Infinisil> and rg only took 13sec
<sphalerite> Infinisil: "Binary file /nix/store/ylhwr7k25vjz2sgfmd4b8dkf74401pdk-shadow-4.4/bin/newusers matches"
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ahh right
<Infinisil> lol
<ylwghst> srhb: users created using adduser are gone in new build so its neccesary to define users in configuration.nix right? or will users persist after nixos-build switch?
<sphalerite> Also, if you ran grep before rg, rg will have had a cache advantage
<Infinisil> ylwghst: By default they persist
<Infinisil> ylwghst: If you disabled users.mutableUsers, then they won't persist and you'll have to do user management all with configuration.nix
<sphalerite> But yes, rg is much faster also because it runs multiple threads
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: Damnit, i forgot about that (again)
* Infinisil mans grep for its parallel flag
<sphalerite> Having run grep beforehand, meaning the cache should have been warmed up
<sphalerite> rg 1.69user 6.64system 0:01.10elapsed 755%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 96300maxresident)k
<sphalerite> grep 2.27user 3.07system 0:05.38elapsed 99%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 3676maxresident)k
<avn> Infinisil: I believe most of us use configuration for user management, except passwords
<sphalerite> not sure grep has multithread
<Infinisil> sphalerite: man grep -> /parallel -> Pattern not found
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: i did not but they are gone after nixos-install
<sphalerite> yeah
<srhb> ylwghst: Users will persist after nixos-rebuild switch, boot, whatever, yes.
<sphalerite> grep is for compatibility, and for when you remember the options and just need to get shit done (and not search a lot of stuff). rg is much awesomer in the general case :)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Well I guess if grep can't even compete that's a clear win for rg :P
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<srhb> Oh, irc lag. Fun.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ed7862 Franz Pletz: searx: cleanup, remove python name prefix
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2d5c122 Franz Pletz: cacert: really fix utf-8 certname blacklists...
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<ylwghst> srhb: good
<srhb> I wasn't aware that nixos-install blanked passwd, that's surprising.
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<Infinisil> Why would users from the installation system be taken over to the being-installed system?
<Infinisil> Doesn't make any sense from a computers perspective
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f1a7b81 Franz Pletz: cacert: really fix utf-8 certname blacklists...
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<Infinisil> Or am I missing something
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<ylwghst> srhb: yes It did it
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03 advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: what If you just want install base system over the old and keep all data and configuratons in case the old one is somehow messed
<Infinisil> ylwghst: Backup?
<NickHu> Any haskell people around? I'm trying to figure out how to build ghc with different flags
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: its way but can take too long time
<NickHu> Infinisil: I thought ghc was self hosted
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<Infinisil> NickHu: Where's the conflict?
<NickHu> I have problems using the profiling libraries because apparently ghc is built with -dynamic:
<NickHu> Infinisil: This is the problem I'm having
<NickHu> Trying to compile haskell files with -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts
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<NickHu> My guess is that compiling ghc without the -dynamic flag is a fix
<NickHu> But I can't see where in the nix expressions ghc is compiled
<Infinisil> NickHu: Hmm, I can't find any -dynamic flag set for ghc
<Infinisil> NickHu: Which version of nixpkgs are you using?
<NickHu> a7c8f5e419
<NickHu> Which afaik is ghc 8.0.2
<Infinisil> Ah, the unstable channel
<NickHu> Is there a way to get ghc to dump the flags it was compiled with?
<ylwghst> I was wrong. Password blaked. Looks like user persisted. I cant just log in - account is currently unavailabe.
<NickHu> Yes, sorry, should've specified nixos-unstable
<ylwghst> blanked*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e81d7e4 Jörg Thalheim: gajim: 0.16.6 -> 0.16.7...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 055e5c3 Jörg Thalheim: gajim: 0.16.7 -> 0.16.8...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michaelpj opened pull request #28082: Nixpkgs manual: expand documentation for overlays (master...overlays-doc)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dpino opened pull request #28083: Fix ruby built (master...fix-ruby-built)
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<Infinisil> NickHu: I am so confused regarding GHC now
<Infinisil> I know its self hosted, but how does this work with nixpkgs?
<linarcx> hi. i want to use unstable delete stable channel and add unstable.after that update channel with:"nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade".i get this error:"error: file ‘nixpkgs/nixos’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I)".why?
<dpino> clever: opened a pull-request to fix ruby/default.nix If you're a nixos reviewer would you mind taking a look when you have time? Appreciate
<Infinisil> linarcx: What is the output of `nix-channel --list`, `sudo nix-channel --list` and `echo $NIX_PATH`?
<Infinisil> (in a pastebin please)
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<linarcx> Infinisil:
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<NickHu> Infinisil: Oh maybe I'm getting confused
<NickHu> But I don't know how to recompile ghc without -dynamic
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<Infinisil> linarcx: Seems all well
<Infinisil> Hmm
<Infinisil> linarcx: What does `nix-instantiate --eval -E 'import <nixpkgs/nixos> {}' output?
<Infinisil> linarcx: Does it throw an error?
<ylwghst> Why this nix-build switch: getting status of /home/user/switch' no such file or directory ?
<linarcx> error and one warning:"warning: Nix search path entry ‘/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs’ does not exist, ignoring
<linarcx> error: file ‘nixpkgs/nixos’ was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:8
<linarcx> "
<Infinisil> linarcx: try sudo nix-channel --update, then run it again
<Infinisil> ylwghst: nixos-rebuild switch
<cocreature> Infinisil: iirc nixpkgs uses a binary for some ghc 7.x and then bootstrap from that
<Infinisil> ylwghst: And you probably also want a sudo
<pbogdan> linarcx: does it help if you remove the channel and re-add it but using "nixos" as the name, rather than "unstable" ?
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<Infinisil> cocreature: I thought it would be something like that, imagine having to build the first ever ghc written in haskell, impossible with nixpkgs :P
<Infinisil> pbogdan: Ohh right, that's it!
<cocreature> Infinisil: well it’s not really different from gcc or most other compilers
<Infinisil> Didn't even notice
<Infinisil> cocreature: Are that many compilers self hosting?
<adelbertc> how do i get the Git revision of the current nix channel i have on my machine (macOS) ?
<LnL> yes
<adelbertc> im in `~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs`
<adelbertc> but that seems to be an SVN thing?
<adelbertc> not a git repo
<linarcx> pbogdan:yes. but im thinking that maybe manipulate the $NIX_PATH will fix the problem.what is your idea?
<cocreature> Infinisil: yeah, compiler writers tend to like the languages that they write compilers for so they want to use them for writing the compiler as well :)
<LnL> adelbertc: nix-env -q /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<Infinisil> cocreature: Yeah, but I thought it was more of an exception than a regularity
<adelbertc> LnL: nix-env -q? i get "error: selected '/nix/var/nix.......' matches no derivations
<cocreature> it’s quite common
<NickHu> Nah, it's pretty normal
<NickHu> That way they can develop the language in that language too
<NickHu> e.g. Haskell extensions are written in Haskell etc.
<LnL> adelbertc: I forgot -p before the path
<cocreature> it’s also a way to demonstrate your language is mature is enough to write a significant program
<NickHu> Yeah that too
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<cocreature> gnah I have no idea how hackage2nix is supposed to work
<NickHu> Has anyone else used the haskell profiling libraries?
<cocreature> NickHu: have you seen the section in the manual about that?
<NickHu> Rather, haskell libraries compiled with profiling enabled
<adelbertc> ok so i got `nixpkgs-17.09pre111456.d4ef5ac0e9`.. how does that translate into a Git revision on GH? (my actual goal here is to pin nixpkgs in my build)
<Infinisil> adelbertc: d4ef5ac0e9
<cocreature> adelbertc: the part after the last dot is the git rev
<LnL> adelbertc: the last part
<adelbertc> lol
<Infinisil> :P
<cocreature> all good answers come thrice
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<joepie91_to_go_> I appear to have succeeded at producing a kernel panic on boot :D
<ylwghst> nice :D
<NickHu> Yeah, I tried that, I get the error here
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: \o/
<joepie91_to_go_> not entirely sure why it's occurring
<adelbertc> cocreature: oh its you, i was literally reading your tweet 5 minutes ago which has sent me on this path
<NickHu> I don't really understand why though
<cocreature> adelbertc: lol
<adelbertc> the one a couple days ago on pinning nixpkgs :-)
<joepie91_to_go_> Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0, 1)
<joepie91_to_go_> was the error in question
<adelbertc> ok so i guess my nixpkgs is on then ?
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: did you forget to call nixos-generate-config after a filesystem change?
<cocreature> NickHu: what exactly are you running to get that error?
<joepie91_to_go_> nope, no filesystem or hardware changes, but i just switched from 4.4 to 4.9 kernel and back to SDDM
<joepie91_to_go_> one rebuild failed in a strange way
<joepie91_to_go_> locked up my system
<joepie91_to_go_> rebooted, did another rebuild
<joepie91_to_go_> it appeared to succeed and then killed my display-manager service
<joepie91_to_go_> did another rebuild from tty1, which succeeded... except it could not switch because of something to do with display-manager.service being masked
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<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Sounds nasty
<joepie91_to_go_> yeah, not entirely sure why it's failing in this way
<joepie91_to_go_> so I've just rebooted into 4.4 and am now trying another rebuild
<joepie91_to_go_> and whee, there goes my display-manager again
<joepie91_to_go_> what the hell :D
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: rollbacks sure are nice :D
<ylwghst> hm
<joepie91_to_go_> bunch of X11 server errors in journalctl
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Maybe you could try installing the new version to a stick and boot that instead, to make sure your hardware works with this kernel
<joepie91_to_go_> right after "switching to system configuration [...]"
<Infinisil> and your filesystem isn't screwed up
<Infinisil> or is*
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: well, I can boot into the 4.4 revision fine
<joepie91_to_go_> so filesystem should be fine...?
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Not sure
<ylwghst> did nixos-rebuild switch and my user created using useradd again gone
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<tnks> when debugging a Nix expression with nix-shell, do people call the phases explicitly one-by-one?
<Infinisil> ylwghst: Yeah it doesn't work, why aren't you using configuration.nix for that?
<tnks> seems like it's easy to forget to run a phase in the right order.
<tnks> which makes me trust nix-shell less and want to just run through a bunch of nix-build calls instead.
<Infinisil> tnks: Asking the important questions, I have no idea
<tnks> AmIDoingItWrong™
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<Infinisil> I believe people are just doing nix-shell> configure -> buildPhase -> buildPhase -> buildPhase ... when doing normal development
<michaelpj> tnks: I have exactly the same experience. It would be really nice if each phase set $nextPhase or something
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil:
<Infinisil> or cmakeConfiguraPhase
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<NickHu> cocreature: ghc -O2 Kmeans/GenSamples.hs -main-is Kmeans.GenSamples.main --make -prof -auto-all
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<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: it seems like it intentionally shuts down display-manager?
<tnks> michaelpj: okay, good to know I'm not the only one with this concern.
<joepie91_to_go_> yeah, it exited with 0
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: just want give it try
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<michaelpj> actually, I wonder how hard it would be to make something like nextPhase work. We already have a list of phases
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Hmm, no idea, I'd just try installing in fresh on a stick with some minimal config and go from there
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<joepie91_to_go_> "unit has finished shutting down"
<joepie91_to_go_> ???
<Infinisil> michaelpj: You should look at genericBuild, by calling this in a nix-shell you do the exact same steps as nix-build
<michaelpj> yeah, but it runs them all through, right?
<Infinisil> type genericBuild prints the function
<Infinisil> michaelpj: Yeah, but it might help you build a nextPhase function :)
<Infinisil> Its a bit more complex than just for p in phases; do $phase; done I think
<joepie91_to_go_> ah, `systemctl start display-manager` apparently worked
<joepie91_to_go_> this is getting weirder and weirder
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<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: How are you updating the kernel? With a channel update?
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<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: I previously had kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_4 to work around fglrx compatibility issues
<joepie91_to_go_> I've now switched to OSS drivers so this should no longer be necessary
<joepie91_to_go_> therefore I removed that workaround
<joepie91_to_go_> which made it default to 4.9 because I'm running 17.03
<Infinisil> Hmm.. this does indeed look like it could cause trouble, but i don't know how exactly
<Infinisil> Oh, you could try clever's kexec thing:
<Infinisil> unstable is on 4.9.39
<joepie91_to_go_> hm, one sec
<joepie91_to_go_> I may have located the issue
<joepie91_to_go_> how do I list all system generations again?
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: sudo nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --list-generations
<joepie91_to_go_> okay, I have just produced a generation
<joepie91_to_go_> let me try to boot into it
<ylwghst> systemctl start display-manager.service
<joepie91_to_go_> if it works, then I know what the issue is
<joepie91_to_go_> :p
<joepie91_to_go_> or at least, in what direction to investigate
<ylwghst> nothing happen :/
<joepie91_to_go_> it works
<joepie91_to_go_> !
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Nice
<Infinisil> ylwghst: What error?
<ylwghst> blank line and nothing
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: okay, so it would appear that the issue is a combination of changing the kernel version and the display manager in the same rebuild; changing the display manager will result in the display-manager.service being stopped (for obvious reasons), but this will break the ongoing rebuild, which apparently somehow breaks the generation of the new kernel image that the new GRUB entry points at
<ylwghst> already definel all neccesary whats in nixos manual
<ylwghst> d
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<joepie91_to_go_> I have now set my config back to 4.4, and just switched to SDDM, and now it boots fine
<joepie91_to_go_> although SDDM is still broken but that's likely for unrelated reasons
<pxc> hey, everyone! does anyone here know off-hand what has changed w/r/t nix-shell syntax in Nix unstable vs current Nix? I've noticed thst some of my old magic shebangs stop working if I use nixUnstable
<Infinisil> ylwghst: Try hitting Ctrl-Alt-F7
<Infinisil> or ctrl-F7
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<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: And you're updating the kernel separately now?
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: nothing happens too
<ylwghst> to
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<Infinisil> ylwghst: What's your configuration.nix?
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: that;'s my plan
<joepie91_to_go_> once SDDM works :)
<joepie91_to_go_> it seems that display-manager.service is now masked
<joepie91_to_go_> which is probably not good...
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: I want to switch to SSDM to some time
<Infinisil> slim seems to be out of order
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<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: I was using lightdm until now for GPU compatibility reasons
<joepie91_to_go_> which works fine but eh, SDDM is nicer
<joepie91_to_go_> if I can't get SDDM to get going on this box, I'll just use lightdm again
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: I honstly don't even know what masked means
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: 'force-disabled' - can't be activated even manually
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: From systemd.unit: "If a unit file is empty (i.e. has the file size 0) or is symlinked to /dev/null, its configuration will not be loaded and it appears with a load state
<Infinisil> of "masked", and cannot be activated."
<joepie91_to_go_> whee, I have run into a fun bug
<joepie91_to_go_> for some reason, my config has produced a masked display-manager.service
<Infinisil> pxc: No idea, what error do you get with what shebangs?
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<joepie91_to_go_> and there are no issues about this on the issue tracker...
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<ylwghst> Infinisil:
<ylwghst> Infinisil: gdm, nouveau (nvidia), e19
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<jellowj> hi, newbie here. i'm trying to make a nix package from a deb file and i constantly get ' cannot opens shared object file'
<pxc> Infinisil: I don't recall. I think it may have been caused by a change to python.withPackages, since I used that in the shebang. It's not a crucial issue for me. I'm sure I'll find it in the docs when the new release comes out, if it still comes up :-)
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: You can inspect the final config with nix-repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>', then e.g. systemd Maybe this can help to check the systemd stuff
<jellowj> i cheked `file` output, same thing on executable and
<jellowj> is obviously there
<jellowj> what can be causing the trouble?
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<clever> jellowj: did you patchelf the rpath?
<jellowj> yes
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<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: meh, I have run out of patience for this for tonight :P
<joepie91_to_go_> switching back to lightdm for now
<clever> jellowj: use patchelf to print the rpath out after its built, is the dir still there?
<jellowj> yes
<joepie91_to_go_> will investigate more later
<clever> jellowj: can you gist the output of patchelf, and ldd?
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Happens to me too, some problems are just ugh
<joepie91_to_go_> let's see if the switch to 4.9 works when I don't touch the display manager...
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: "Just gonna try this last thing.." *5 hours later* "damnit."
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<joepie91_to_go_> hehe, yeuuup
<joepie91_to_go_> I prefer interesting problems over frustrating problems anyway :)
<Infinisil> ylwghst: What does `systemctl cat display-manager` on the new installation say?
<Infinisil> ylwghst: I can't see anything wrong with your configuration.nix
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<Infinisil> Although the services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nouveau" ]; might be bad
<joepie91_to_go_> hrm.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6225f1b Michael Weiss: android-studio-preview: ->
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<Infinisil> Have no idea about video drivers, but I think normally you don't need to modify this option
<joepie91_to_go_> "Failed to start cpufreq.service: Unit cpufreq.service is masked."
<joepie91_to_go_> "warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration"
<joepie91_to_go_> after a 4.9 switch
<jellowj> clever: here
<joepie91_to_go_> on the upside: my X11 didn't shut down!
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Your CPU is dead, it has no heart frequency
<jellowj> clever: is under /result/usr/share/upwork
<clever> jellowj: so ls -lh /nix/store/fxq608q4432gljd6ffadlzycv2cv91k0-upwork/usr/share/upwork/ shows it?
<ylwghst> Infinisil:
<clever> jellowj: its also available in the nss package, so you could just use that directly
<jellowj> yes
<jellowj> i've tried
<jellowj> same thing
<clever> jellowj: what does file say about upwork and /nix/store/fxq608q4432gljd6ffadlzycv2cv91k0-upwork/usr/share/upwork/ ?
<Infinisil> btw, ylwghst you might want to use instead, much better than pastebin (i only said pastebin before because it's kinda common to mean any pastebin service). You can also install the CLI with `nix-env -i gist`, then `gist some-file` and you get an url to it uploaded
<clever> jellowj: can you also gist the nix expression your using to build it?
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: nice, definetely, forgot about gist
<joepie91_to_go_> let's see if it boots
<Infinisil> ylwghst: Do `gist /nix/store/z96db6hay6jsp0klpyaw8gs3mpkddm7z-unit-script/bin/display-manager-start`
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: now it fails to boot with the same kernel panic again...
<jellowj> clever:
<joepie91_to_go_> so apparently it was unrelated to the display-manager + kernel change :/
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<clever> Infinisil: try running "nix-store -r" on the path you just gave ylwghst
<clever> Infinisil: it happens to be in the binary cache, so you can just download an exact copy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d93c636 Daiderd Jordan: Revert "gcc: fix clang build"...
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<Infinisil> clever: Ohh nice
<ylwghst> Infinisil: strange nothing is haping nor screen flashing or something
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<Infinisil> Hmm
<Infinisil> ylwghst: Does `journalctl -f` output anything interesting when you do `systemctl start display-manager`?
<jellowj> clever: and nix expression
<clever> jellowj: LD_DEBUG=all ./result/usr/share/upwork/upwork
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<clever> jellowj: what callPackage are you using to load the file?
<disasm> where on github is the install script (that's in the tarball) that's used with the curl bash instructions for installing nix on another distribution?
<ylwghst> clever: what is callPackage?
<joepie91_to_go_> aha!
<joepie91_to_go_> I may have found the issue
<clever> ylwghst: thats how you load a nix package within nixpkgs
<ylwghst> Infinisil: Started user manager foor UID 0
<ylwghst> Infinisil: ROOT LOGIN on -dev-tty2
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<ylwghst> Infinisil: New session 3 of user root by uid 0
<clever> disasm: the one on the homepage downloads a tar containing the other script, and a pre-made closure of nix in /nix/store
<jellowj> clever: callPackage
<ylwghst> ylwghst: omg thats terminal forgot
<disasm> clever: perfect, thanks!
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<disasm> the is the one I was looking for, just comparing it to the steps listed in pill #2 to see if it's pretty much the same, seems pretty close.
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: so apparently the way the cpufreq governor is set was changed from 16.09 -> 17.03, and it should now be in hardware-configuration, except I hadn't re-run generate-config after the 17.03 upgrade
<clever> disasm: there is also a 3rd half for darwin users:
<joepie91_to_go_> so switching to the 4.9 kernel made it not produce a cpufreq service
<joepie91_to_go_> because no cpu frequency governor was set...
<joepie91_to_go_> which made boot fail
<jellowj> clever: and here is what ld_debug ends with
<joepie91_to_go_> that is my current theory anyway, we'll see whether it's correct after my rebuild completes :P
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Ohhhh
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<clever> jellowj: /nix/store/5h0dx5q0dzkm6d8kbdr5flplb2rgmsd1-stdenv/setup: line 893: $'\r': command not found
<clever> jellowj: your pastebin stuck \r's in every line
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: I feel like this should be an assertion
<Infinisil> But I don't even know what that service does
<joepie91_to_go_> hrm, perhaps not, cpufreq.service still seems masked? wtf
<jellowj> i'll use another
<clever> joepie91_to_go_: ive found that cpufreq just works by default with no config on modern kernels
<joepie91_to_go_> even though there's a governor in hardware-configuration.nix now...
<clever> joepie91_to_go_: its 100% kernel side now, no need for a daemon
<joepie91_to_go_> clever: I'm talking about how the package is implemented in nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4872be7 Willi Butz: monit: 5.20.0 -> 5.23.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08e450d Willi Butz: movit: 1.2.0 -> 1.5.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 37bf3c8 Robin Gloster: pythonPackages.distorm3: init at 3.3.4
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<joepie91_to_go_> this is unrelated to the kernel itself
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<jellowj> clever: here is nix expression again
<clever> jellowj: already ran dos2unix on it
<jellowj> oh
<jellowj> does it run?
<clever> jellowj: you have a #!/bin/bash in the usr/share/bin/upwork script, and that fails on nixos
<jellowj> i know, i'll fix it later
<clever> 29125: [0]; needed by /nix/store/5wdz296hbdjj3ax0pi07n7m9kj2mhrc6-upwork/usr/share/upwork/ [0]
<jellowj> executable is usr/share/upwork/upwork
<clever> jellowj: ah, it needs to be in the rpath of
<jellowj> is also in usr/share/upwork/
<clever> each library must define the rpath for its own deps
<clever> libcef needs an rpath that says how to find nssutil
<ylwghst> Is there any good tty irc client and webbroswer?
<clever> ylwghst: i always use irssi for irc
<jellowj> so i need patch it as well?
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<clever> jellowj: yeah
<clever> let me see what else there is...
<jellowj> but what with upwork binary, it has ' => not found'
<jellowj> ?
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<clever> the upwork binary doesnt directly need nssutil
<clever> libcef needs nssutil
<clever> so libcef must define an rpath that can find it
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:/tmp]$ gist -p upwork.nix
<clever> jellowj: here it is after i made some changes
<clever> jellowj: its also now using the nixpkgs nss, so you can remove the other nss
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<jellowj> i was using it originally, but than i rat out of ideas what might be wrong
<jellowj> thanks a lot
<clever> updated the gist
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<Mic92> gchristensen: does sd-image-aarch64.nix already get build by hydra?
<globin> Mic92, afaik no
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<ylwghst_> Do I really need run irssi as root?
<clever> ylwghst_: no
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<ylwghst_> clever: begin failed : compilation aborted as user
<clever> ylwghst_: can you pastebin more context about what happened around that?
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<Mic92> globin: I think I look into that, when I get my rpi3 or so
<ylwghst_> clever: in top of screen it shows only this line after irssi:
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<ylwghst_> clever: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 8) line 1.
<clever> ylwghst_: does it say what file?
<ylwghst_> clever: nope nothing else
<clever> ylwghst_: can you reproduce the error while running it under asciinema ?
<ylwghst_> clever: but i dont have .irssi in $home
<ylwghst_> clever: whats that?
<clever> ylwghst_: a terminal based screen recorder, nix-env -iA nixos.asciinema
<clever> then run asciinema and under that irssi, then exit
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #28087: mkvtoolnix: 13.0.0 -> 14.0.0 (master...upd.mkvtoolnix)
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<clever> ylwghst_: what is the result of "echo $HOME"
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<ylwghst_> clever: its corect.. points to /home/user
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<clever> ylwghst_: and what happens if you run irssi when your cwd is not /root ?
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: I still have no idea why the default kernel packages fail, but 4_12 appears to work...?
<clever> ylwghst_: how did you get this shell?
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* joepie91_to_go_ shrugs
<joepie91_to_go_> I guess I'll be running 4.12 then
* joepie91_to_go_ reboots
<ylwghst_> clever: in / same result
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<clever> ylwghst_: what about in a directory you actually have write access to?
<ylwghst_> clever: same result everywgere
<clever> ylwghst_: how did you get this shell?
<ylwghst_> clever: alt + f3, login as user
<clever> why was it in /root then?
<clever> just cd?
<ylwghst_> clever: yes
<clever> ah
<clever> ok, plan b
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos.gist ; strace -o logfile -ff irssi ; gist -p logfile*
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<ylwghst_> clever: can I select and copy in shell?
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<clever> you need screen for that, i usualy just go directly to ssh so i can use a mouse on another machine
<ylwghst_> clever: or pipe into cliboard?
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<clever> the console doesnt have a clipboard
<clever> but you can pipe the gist command into a file
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<ylwghst_> clever: i know but I still need paste the link here
<clever> and if you gist --login, it will be visible on your
<ylwghst_> clever: I stuck in shell
<ylwghst_> clever: cannot run X
<clever> no gui on anything?
<adelbertc> has anyone gotten a "empty history when trying to create schema1 manifest" from uploading a Docker image built through Nix's dockerTools ?
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<ylwghst_> clever: I should get it working then waste time with irssi :D
<clever> ylwghst_: the gist link may also work with only 6 or 8 characters from the start
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<clever> hmmm, maybe not
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<clever> do you already have a github account?
<clever> that worked
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<clever> ylwghst_: hmmm, when i run that exact binary, it just works, let me look into things more...
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<ylwghst_> clever: :/
<clever> ylwghst_: does "env | grep root --color" show any paths like /root/.nix-profile ?
<clever> stat("/root/.nix-profile/lib/perl5/site_perl/", 0x7ffd42b30250) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
<clever> write(2, "Can't locate /root/.ni"..., 162) = 162
<ylwghst_> clever: there's nothing like that only bunch of variables
<clever> ylwghst_: what variables?
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<Infinisil> (ignore that)
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<clever> ylwghst-desktop: that looks very much like you opened a shell as root, not logging in properly as burim
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<ylwghst-desktop> clever: looks like you are right
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<ylwghst-desktop> clever: rebooted and loged as burim in first tty
<ylwghst-desktop> clever: and its working
<clever> ylwghst-desktop: and by "login", so you mean the actual tty, did you never use su at any point?
<ylwghst-desktop> clever: I use su
<clever> thats why i asked how you got the shell, heh
<clever> su breaks a lot of things
<clever> you must use "sudo -u burium -i" to get a shell as another user
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<ylwghst-desktop> clever: ok thx
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<ylwghst-desktop> cool
<ylwghst-desktop> Im in gdm finally
<Infinisil> \o/
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: i changed e19 to gnome
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: gnome is working like a charm
* Infinisil looks up e19
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: the xserver is runing I can go sleep 2nite finally haha
<ylwghst-desktop> I haven't slept since yesterday playing with nixos installation
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<Infinisil> Heh, it's very addicting indee
<Infinisil> d
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: great peace of software really
<Infinisil> I just set up mpd running on a server, continuously playing my music. I can now listen to it on any machine, and control it on any machine
<Infinisil> Even works with Sonos!
<Infinisil> basically my own streaming service, that I fully control
<ylwghst-desktop> I was using CentOS for years then I have started developing websites and switched to MacOS. Yesterday I was decided to try whats new in linux and fond nixos
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<ylwghst-desktop> I decided*
<Infinisil> I was a mac user before NixOS too, a few months ago I switched
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: great idea
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: Have heard about C.H.I.P. by Nexthing Co.
<ylwghst-desktop> ?
<avn> ylwghst-desktop: actually is only one distro which have something new in ;)
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<ylwghst-desktop> avn: it is great really
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<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: What the hell is that, an online karaoke thing?
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<colabeer> Infinisil: are is your mpd server also running nix?
<Infinisil> Ah
<Infinisil> colabeer: Yup :D
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Ah I get it now, pretty cool
<adelbertc> if i want the version of a particular Nix expression on HEAD, do i just copy/pasta it into packageOverrides in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix?
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: it can be LOL
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: I got Pro kit but havent touched it yet
<adelbertc> i assume i can dump that in like ~/.config/nixpkgs/docker.nix and then in packageOverrides do dockerTools = import "./docker.nix" ?
<colabeer> Infinisil: cool, I tried the same and it kinda works, but I wanted it to be configured as a user service in my configuration.nix, but that one did not work out proper
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil:
<Infinisil> colabeer: You probably want to put that file into e.g. ~/.config/nixpkgs/docker.nix and then do environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.callPackage ./docker.nix {}) ];
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<Infinisil> umm, that's for adelbertc
<adelbertc> Infinisil: i assume that was meant for me
<adelbertc> :)
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Ah right, packageOverrides
<adelbertc> so what i said sounds right?
<colabeer> :D
<Infinisil> colabeer: Did you want to run mpd as a user service?
<Infinisil> adelbertc: Yup :)
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: theres another pain thing I need to get work
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: nvidia geforce 320m drivers
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<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Whew, not a single clue about any of: drivers, nvidia, GPUs
<Infinisil> I just know there's some nvidia package or so, but if there's a problem I'm out of ideas
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: I know how to do it and wheres the problem
<Infinisil> s/package/option
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<colabeer> Infinisil: yes is did activate with service.mpd [enable = true; user = "someuser"; .... ] and then I wanted to start it with systemctl --user start mpd.service where it complained that it can not find mpd.service
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: I first need change pci register via setpci of nvidia PCIE bus
<Infinisil> colabeer: Ahh yes, you need to put it in
<colabeer> Infinisil: hui thx I'll give it a try :)
<Infinisil> I think
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: and build the driver on kernel 4.9.. it can be pain too :(
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: Isn't there a package in store of nvidia drivers v. 430?
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<ylwghst-desktop> 340 not 430
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Do you know how to search through the repository?
<avn> Infinisil: git grep is best ;)
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: not exactly yet, I'm using nixo webpage to list packages.
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<ylwghst-desktop> there is services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidiaLegacy340" ]; in manual
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<ylwghst-desktop> looks like thats it
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: nvidia_x11_legacy340 now
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: can be store search trought cli ?
<ylwghst-desktop> searched
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Yes
<Infinisil> You need a nixpkgs checkout
<Infinisil> Well you alreday have one actually
<colabeer> Infinisil: how did you specify the musicDirectory then? it complains that this option does not exist
<ylwghst-desktop> ntw
<ylwghst-desktop> btw
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Run this: `nix-env -iA nixos.ripgrep; rg -i 'nvidia.*340' /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos`
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<Infinisil> colabeer: Well I'm not using a user service for that
<ylwghst-desktop> If I change somethign in configuration.nix like nuoeveau to nvidialegacy will be the nouveau files purged after nixos-rebuild switch?
<ylwghst-desktop> or will stay untouched?
<colabeer> Infinisil: hm im gonna have to checkout its definiton :D but thx for the hint :)
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<Infinisil> colabeer: Why do you want to run it as a user service anyways?
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<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: NixOS will keep around every file it needs for older generations by default, to allow you to revert it back in case something gets messed up (really useful!)
<colabeer> Infinisil: thought it is cleaner, saver, security and stuff. There is also other stuff running on the machine
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: You could delete all older generations, but it's not recommended
<jellowj> how can know path to libudev?
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: OK
<jellowj> how can i find out*
<ylwghst-desktop> good
<Infinisil> colabeer: I'm not sure, what makes this more secure? the normal mpd service already creates a separate user to run it as, so you can configure access for the "mpd" user specifically
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: Are there grub2-efi-modules in store?
<Infinisil> jellowj: Maybe this works: nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' --eval -A libudev.outPath
<jellowj> whould it work in nix expression?
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<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: There is grub2 in nixpkgs. grub2 is actually the default
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: I know but cant find modules in my installation
<colabeer> Infinisil: Hm did not know that, I justh thought the less number of priviliges the better and besides I wanted to try out a service configured as user service in my configuration.nix ;)
<ylwghst-desktop> I actually need setpci.mod grub2 module
<Infinisil> jellowj: Sure, it's just `pkgs.libudev` in a nix expression, it's at the top level
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<Infinisil> colabeer: You might wanna check out rycee[m]'s home-manager: It's basically a user-level configuration.nix, including user services
<Infinisil> colabeer: And if you really want to make it super secury, you can use nixos containers
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<jellowj> Infinisil: thanks
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<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Why do you need that?
<colabeer> Infinisil: thx, homemanager looks nice.
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: And what do you need exactly?
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: I ll try it explain it
<colabeer> Infinisil: I gues, when I manage it to run as a user service, a container will be the next step. But its just a welcome opportunity to play with it after all.
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: There is kind of EFI problem when nvidia driver is in use. The driver cannot get proper PCIE bus ID.
<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: so the X will end on black screen
<Infinisil> colabeer: I guess :P
<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: I don't believe NixOS supports unprivileged containers yet?
<adelbertc> hmm do local packageOverrides in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix mess with distributed builds?
<clever> adelbertc: it gets evalled locally, then the result of that is pushed out
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Whew, no idea
<alunduil> I've recently updated a package on hackage but it's not included in any builds due to failures. Is there anything I can do to get it re-added and building? I've fixed up the issues upstream already.
<adelbertc> hm alright
<Infinisil> ylwghst-desktop: Maybe ripgrep a bit through nixpkgs
<ylwghst-desktop> the proper PCIE BUS and its function can be set using setpci
<ylwghst-desktop> setpci -s "00:17.00" 3e.b
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 5e89bca Robin Gloster: evolution_data_server: wrap all and only executables
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<ylwghst-desktop> setpci -s "00:17.0" 3e.b=8
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<ylwghst-desktop> but in order to get it work this should be done in very early stage
<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: Could be, yes. But he has root, so a container is possible and would be much more secure
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<joepie91_to_go_> Infinisil: well, my point here is that containers aren't "more secure" unless they are unprivileged containers, so if NixOS doesn't support unprivileged containers... :)
<joepie91_to_go_> privileged containers only protect from accidental contamination
<joepie91_to_go_> ie. no security value
<joepie91_to_go_> (this is by design)
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<ylwghst-desktop> Infinisil: how determine which files are installed by package or which files are in package?
<sphalerite> ylwghst-desktop: look at its store path
<sphalerite> Or in its store path, rather
<ylwghst-desktop> in /nix/store/ there are all available pkgs or only installed?
<jellowj> Infinisil: there's no under `libudev.outPath`
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<mpcsh> hey all, how do I prefetch a git hash for a nixpkg?
<ndash_> nix-prefetch-git
<adelbertc> ^ that
<mpcsh> ndash_: oh it's not built in
<mpcsh> thanks :)
<jellowj> is there a way to find a /nix/store/* folder by name of the file it contains?
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-locate irssi
<clever> irssi.out 1,176,672 x /nix/store/h1zm9jy0ns014nry2vj8s1vqzg0m7p5k-irssi-1.0.2/bin/irssi
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<jellowj> clever: thank you
<Infinisil> clever: Nicuu
<Infinisil> I mainly just do realpath $(which irssi)
<clever> that requires it being already installed
<clever> and nix-locate also works on non-executable files
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-locate irssi.conf
<clever> irssi.out 11,680 x /nix/store/h1zm9jy0ns014nry2vj8s1vqzg0m7p5k-irssi-1.0.2/etc/irssi.conf
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<Infinisil> awesome
* Infinisil is running nix-index
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b1f5305 Robin Gloster: serf: fix darwin build
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<Infinisil> oh hold on, isn't that the thing you need for command-not-found to work
<clever> its the new replacement for command-not-found
<clever> the old command-not-found used c++ to scan the closure of an entire hydra eval for binaries, and make a programs.sqlite
<Infinisil> Well it tells me already what packages contain some executable when I try to run it, but it doesn't install it automatically
<clever> Infinisil: the new nix-index is written in rust, and scans every file in every derivation in the eval
<Infinisil> Rust \o/
<clever> there is a command-not-found thing mentioned in the issues on it
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<Infinisil> This would've saved me a few minutes today: nix-locate mpd.conf
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<ylwghst_> Infinisil: what If I want look what contains package that Isn't installed
<ylwghst_> Infinisil: not in /nix/store
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: you mean to search for a package?
<ylwghst_> Infinisil: not exactly
<ylwghst_> Infinisil: I want to examine what is in package grub-2.x-2015-11-16
<ylwghst_> Which files it contains
<clever> ylwghst_: [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub --no-out-link)
<Infinisil> Almost had the same thing ^^
<ylwghst_> clever: what does nix-build '<nixpkgs'> ? How can I understand it?
<clever> that tells nix-build to load the nix expressions in '<nixpkgs>' and then -A grub tells it to build grub
<clever> it will then print the path to stdout, and --no-out-link stops it from creating a result symlink
<ylwghst_> clever: I don't what to build it.
<ylwghst_> want
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: It uses the cache
<clever> it will usually download it from the binary cache
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28088: tinc: allow the daemon to write to files in /etc/tinc/${network}/hosts (master...patch-8)
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<avn> anyway, grub is not qt, and not chromium, it buitds fast ;)
<avn> *builds
<ylwghst_> avn: I don't need build it.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c7f1414 Matthew Bauer: miniupnpc: fix on darwin...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5f0c4f Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #28056 from matthewbauer/miniupnpc-fix...
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<sphalerite> ylwghst_: you wont as long as you're on one of the channels
<ylwghst_> clever: I don't understand it at all
<sphalerite> "Build" often means "download"
<Infinisil> clever: What would be cool is a symlink from /nix/pkgs -> /ipfs/XXXX which would contain all packages of the current profile. which you could check out by just doing cd /nix/pkgs/grub2
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<avn> ylwghst_: it simple, firstly nix calculate hash, if package with that hash exists in cache, it download it (unless package have preferLocalBuild = true), otherwise it build it locally
<ylwghst_> sphalerite: ok
<clever> Infinisil: the root problem with anything using nix + ipfs, is that /nix/store/<hash> is a hash over the directions on how to build it, not a hash of the output
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28088: tinc: allow the daemon to write to files in /etc/tinc/${network}/hosts (master...patch-8)
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<avn> ylwghst_: some packages builds faster than downloads
<clever> Infinisil: so you need a central index that maps hash(build-script) to hash(output)
<Infinisil> clever: Yeah yeah, but problems set aside, that would be pretty nifty
<avn> (latext is one of them)
<Infinisil> clever: gcroot equivalent in IPFS would just be a pin :O
<ylwghst_> avn: ok
<avn> clever: may be hash of .drv salted with hash of builder key can be used as ipfs unique id?
<clever> avn: the problem is that IPFS is purely a hash(value) = value lookup system, so you need to know the hash of the value
<clever> avn: and if you have to run gcc on a source file and hash it, you already have the value, and no longer need the cache
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<avn> clever: does it have some indexes?
<Infinisil> Which also means everything needs to be deterministic i think
<clever> Infinisil: nope, deterministic just ensures the same input always gives identical output
<ylwghst_> avn: I acutaly want only to look in package that isn't installed on my system if there is /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci.*
<clever> that doesnt infer any relation between the hash of the output and the input values
<clever> avn: the closest thing is IPNS, which is based on publickey = signed(ipfs hash)
<clever> avn: which points to a file or directory within ipfs
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ ls $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi --no-out-link)/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci* -l
<Infinisil> clever: But from a.drv == b.drv doesn't follow a.out == b.out which means that people building the same derivation could end up with different hashes -> different IPFS objects, which wouldn't be very nice
<clever> -r--r--r-- 1 root root 9016 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci.mod
<clever> -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 9560 Dec 31 1969 /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/setpci.module
<clever> ylwghst_: it is present
<clever> Infinisil: if a.drv == b.drv, then a.out is always equal to b.out, but the contents within a.out may not match up
<Infinisil> clever: Yeah that's what I mean, and that's what IPFS does
<clever> Infinisil: a.out is just a path, computed from the contents of a.drv
<avn> clever: in ideal case they should, and I hope we sometimes enforce it ;)
<clever> the path in a.out has nothing to do with the actual value of the files inside a.out
<Infinisil> IPFS does hashing on every file, therefore if a single bit is different in the output of a derivation, it gets a different hash, that's what I'm talking about
<Infinisil> Determinism would prevent that
<clever> yeah
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<clever> Infinisil: do you know how the narinfo files work?
<Infinisil> clever: I think you explained it before, but I can't fully remember. *tries to find a nar file*
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi --no-out-link
<clever> /nix/store/2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ curl
<Infinisil> Ah right
<clever> Infinisil: grab the hash from any valid storepath, and paste it into a url like this, and you get the narinfo
<clever> within there, is the NarHash (a hash of the uncompressed nar)
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<clever> and FileHash (a hash of the compressed file)
<clever> with 1 more field, the ipfs hash, we would have instant ipfs support
<Infinisil> (curl doesn't want to download it)
<Infinisil> got it
<clever> then anybody can do "ipfs add foo.nar.xz" and share the file they downloaded with the world
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* Infinisil is digesting what you said
<clever> hydra and still manage the signature (its in the narinfo), and advertise what the proper ipfs hash is
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #28079: stdenv: fix typo in (staging...setup-typo-fix)
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<clever> so determinism never comes into the story
<clever> its just a different way to download the .nar.xz
<clever> and all binary-cache stuff continues to work as it does now
<Infinisil> clever: That would work for a start yes
<clever> next, using logic from nix-index, you could iterate over every derivation in a given channel release, bulk-download the narinfo's with ipfshash + signature, and setup a mirror
<Infinisil> But I think that would take up double the space
<clever> and thats where narfuse and fusenar come into play
<clever> i wrote a custom fuse layer, that lets you mount a directory full of .nar files at /nix/store
<clever> and ipfs has said that in the future, they will allow sharing files you have promised to keep immutable, so they dont have to be chunked up and put into ~/.ipfs/blocks/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging bf8c125 Daiderd Jordan: cc-wrapper: fix LD_DYLD_PATH on darwin...
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<Infinisil> clever: I think it's been implemented already I think
<Infinisil> But does this work the other way too?
<ylwghst_> clever: thx
<Infinisil> Ahh
<Infinisil> right
<clever> with narfuse or fusenar, you can just take a raw directory of 2anxmi1jpn6im0mqwxha2krmdjib2579-grub-2.x-2015-11-16.nar files
<ylwghst_> need to learn alot about nix
<clever> and it will magically turn into a working /nix/store/ directory
<clever> and it doesnt need to talk to ipfs at any point
<clever> and it wont care if ipfs is sneaking a look and reading the same files to share
<clever> the only thing really missing, is an RPC that allows adding/removing nar files, and to replace nix's internal "unpack nar to /nix/store" with "copy nar to X and RPC narfuse to reload"
<Infinisil> clever: So fusenar can provide a /nix/store that has everything magically available like /ipfs. How would this work with ipfs?
<Infinisil> would fusenar be adopted to enable ipfs support if narinfo's contained an ipfshash
<clever> a seperate daemon, would need to download the .nar file (http or ipfs), and store it in a path like /nix/nars
<clever> and ipfs can then optionaly share the content of /nix/nars back to the world
<clever> and it will keep working even if ipfs is turned off
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<mpcsh> Can someone help me figure out what's going on with the neofetch package? When I run it, I get no output in my terminal
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<Infinisil> mpcsh: add the default config to ~/.config/neofetch/config
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: so it should be in ~/.config/neofetch/config/config.conf?
<mpcsh> I have a config/ dir and a config.conf file both in ~/.config/neofetch/config/
<Infinisil> mpcsh: just ~/.config/neofetch/config as a file
<mpcsh> *both in ~/.config/neofetch/
<mpcsh> Infinisil: ok that worked, but it's not showing any distro ascii art now
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<Infinisil> mpcsh: I'm not sure, I might have patched it a bit, but didn't do a PR
<ylwghst_> clever: nix-env -iA nixos.grub2_efi downloads package and extract files right?
<mpcsh> Infinisil: can you gist your default.nix for it?
<Infinisil> mpcsh: If i find it :P
<clever> ylwghst_: that downloads them, and adds it to your profile, which you probably dont want
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A grub2_efi
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<clever> ylwghst_: this will just download it, and create a result symlink pointing to it
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Ah I almost did a PR, but didn't quite figure out a good way to do it, here is what I changed to neofetch:
<mpcsh> Infinisil: why not? That looks like a perfectly reasonable change!
<Infinisil> Hmm, but this shouldn't cause it to not display
<mpcsh> Infinisil: yeah :/ when I run it from the git repo (like if I clone dylanaraps/neofetch and run ./neofetch), it works perfectly
<Infinisil> mpcsh: How about updating your local neofetch then?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28089: nixos/tinc: do not tell systemd where is pidfile (master...patch-9)
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<Infinisil> I mean it's really just a bash script
<mpcsh> Infinisil: well sure, but I'd like that to be transparent to me
<mpcsh> Like I'd like it to behave just like any other package
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<clever> brb
<ylwghst_> clever: It will download it into /nix/store and create link in users profile right?
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<jellowj> i get this from `nix-index` attribute ‘webkitgtk24x-gtk2’ missing, at /nix/store/5ikqdj0wg9nyvz31r3n3nf0pxj9zl34k-nixos-17.03.1662.93498869b9/nixos/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix:132:45
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Correct
<Infinisil> jellowj: By just running `nix-index`
<Infinisil> ?
<jellowj> yes
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<Infinisil> jellowj: does nix-locate work otherwise?
<jellowj> nope, i need to generate index to use it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging cc5480c Robin Gloster: csmith: fix wrapProgram call
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to (from 4 hours ago, history:
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<Infinisil> jellowj: Do you happen to have installed websnap?
<jellowj> no
<ylwghst_> ush3d
<clever> ylwghst_: nix-build creates a symlink called result in the current directory
<jellowj> not to my knowledge
<ylwghst_> ylwghst_: and nix-env -iA download into /nix/store and creates links in users profile ?
<Infinisil> jellowj: What channel are you on?
<jellowj> unstable
<jellowj> but i got that error on stable too
<clever> ylwghst_: yes
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<Infinisil> jellowj: I get the same error when I switch to that revision, weird
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<Infinisil> On master I get: Package ‘webkitgtk-2.4.11’ in /home/infinisil/src/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/webkitgtk/2.4.nix:21 is marked as insecure, refusing to evaluate.
<Infinisil> When running nix-instantiate --eval --strict -A pkgs.haskellPackages.websnap
<Infinisil> Perfect oppurtunity to test git bisect for the first time :D
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<ylwghst_> clever: so it should be run without sudo or links are created in roots profile right?
<clever> ylwghst_: it will be added it to the ~/.nix-profile of the user running nix-env
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<ylwghst_> got it
<ylwghst_> thx
<jellowj> well, i still don't know how to find on my system
<clever> libudev.lib 0 s /nix/store/qqz3iq8w5cqakdqw2rjbylzabf1pdb5z-systemd-232-lib/lib/
<clever> jellowj: there is a different version in libudev.lib
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<ylwghst_> hm
<ylwghst_> where is default grub2 configuration?
<ylwghst_> there is no /etc/grub.d/
<clever> ylwghst_: it gets generated automatically when you run "nixos-rebuild switch" or "nixos-rebuild boot"
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<clever> ylwghst_: it will obey these options from configuration.nix:
* Infinisil just noticed that his stomach is really really empty
* Infinisil gets food
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<jellowj> clever: thanks
<Infinisil> Damn, having a private radio stream is so nice. I can just switch devices however I like and I don't need to setup playlists or so again
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<Infinisil> And it's as portable as can be
<ylwghst_> clever: nice
<ylwghst_> so
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<ylwghst_> this should insert my commands into grub.config?
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Nope..
<Infinisil> nix != bash
<Infinisil> Ah, you need extraConfig = ''
<Infinisil> ...
<Infinisil> '';
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<ylwghst_> clever: I see its string thx
<ylwghst_> clever: wait
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<ylwghst_> How does it work? Will it be isnerted exatly how its writen betwen ''xx''; ?
<ylwghst_> if so
<ylwghst_> it should be like this
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<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Yes, it's inserted exactly as it is
<Infinisil> you should really experiment with the language a bit, you can just write a nix expression that uses this and evaluate to see such things for yourself
<ylwghst_> Infinisil: can there be also doublequotes " xxx "; will it work same as '' xxx ''; ?
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Try it out!
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<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Write a nix file like this:
<jellowj> yay, i got that package of mine working
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Then evaluate it with nix-instantiate --eval path/to/file
<jellowj> thanks everybody
<clever> ylwghst_: '' based strings will strip the common indentation from every line
<clever> ylwghst_: so the string in that gist winds up having zero indentation
<adelbertc> how does packageOverride play with pinning nixpkgs? i have something similar to in my build, but i also have an attribute defined in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix called `customDockerTools`. when i try to call customDockerTools in my build though it complains 'undefined variable 'customDockerTools''
<jellowj> for a moment there i was considering switching back to arch
<clever> ylwghst_: which lets you indent the nix file nicely, without spamming the resulting grub config with weird indents that dont line up
<jellowj> almosl lost hope
<ylwghst_> it doesnt work :/
<Infinisil> jellowj: D:
<ylwghst_> nor with '' string '';
<Infinisil> jellowj: Glad you're sane \o/
<clever> ylwghst_: what error, and what is the exact contents of your configuration.nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 767b2ae Joachim Fasting: nixos/dnscrypt-proxy: default to random upstream resolver
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<ylwghst_> with this config:
<clever> ylwghst_: gist lets you add multiple files
<jellowj> i like it here, on nixos. it's my second day and i've already made a package
<ylwghst_> clever: ok
<Infinisil> jellowj: That's pretty fast! Took me longer
<clever> ylwghst_: where did the { and } come from on lines 18 and 23?
<jellowj> yeah, but that was all i was doing this 2 days
<ylwghst_> ops
<jellowj> should i post it? maybe someone would need it too?
<Infinisil> jellowj: What did you package?
<jellowj> upwork desktop app
<jellowj> you need it to log time on hourly jobs
<ylwghst_> clever: hm
<Infinisil> jellowj: Sounds good, PR incoming?
<ylwghst_> clever: I put them there
<clever> ylwghst_: those arent valid
<jellowj> i think so
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<jellowj> i propably should include some meta info
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: What are you using to edit nix files? Maybe it would help to have a syntax highlighting / error reporting plugin
<ylwghst_> ylwghst_: I acutally edit it gedit but I will use atom in future
<jellowj> for some reason i can't log in to github
<ylwghst_> havent installed atom yet
<ylwghst_> in gedit*
<Infinisil> jellowj: Works for me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b4d2b84 Robin Gloster: libreoffice: remove obsolete file from wrapping
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<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Do you have syntax highlighting?
<Infinisil> If not I'd suggest you to install one
<ylwghst_> Im not sure
<ylwghst_> i have used nano
<ylwghst_> for this time
<ylwghst_> there isnt
<ylwghst_> but i achieved it
<ylwghst_> is building right now
<ylwghst_> another error
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<joepie91_to_go_> (as an aside; syntax highlighting for nano *does* exist, I believe)
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<Infinisil> joepie91_to_go_: I heard nano doesn't have to be bad, as you can configure it extensively
<digitalmentat> how does NIX_REMOTE= get set for single-user installs on Darwin?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ben-z opened pull request #28090: nodePackages.lerna: init at 2.0.0 (master...init-lerna)
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<ylwghst_> Infinisil: i have created the direcotry /boot/efi/nixos/x86_64-efi
<clever> ylwghst_: nixos should automatically create that
<ylwghst_> clever: why do you think so?
<ylwghst_> it does not because the files from the package should be installed in /lib
<clever> ylwghst_: because it runs grub-install after generating the config
<ylwghst_> hm
<ylwghst_> will try
<ylwghst_> but another error
<clever> ylwghst_: that error doesnt appear to have anything to do with grub
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<clever> ylwghst_: the grub on nixos will do 2 main things
<clever> ylwghst_: first, it will inspect the list on nixos generations, and auto-generate grub.conf, while obeying boot.loader.grub.extraConfig
<clever> ylwghst_: and second, it will check /boot/grub/state, and if the content is "wrong", it will re-run grub-install to update the binaries in /boot with the latest version
<ylwghst_> clever: ok
<ylwghst_> what about that second error here
<clever> ylwghst_: that just looks like systemd being weird, i usually ignore those
<clever> ylwghst_: are you doing anything strange in tty1?
<ylwghst_> clever: im not sure
<clever> ps aux | grep tty1
<ylwghst_> nothing weird I guess
<clever> yeah
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<Infinisil> lol
<adelbertc> OK I'm trying to do a packageOverride for Docker buildTools on HEAD. I thought I could just copy/pasta and then in overrides do like `customDockerTools = callPackage ./docker.nix { };`. but it's not that simple since that file references all the other stuff in
<adelbertc> so am i doomed to copy/paste everything in that folder in my ~/.config/nixpkgs
<adelbertc> or is there a better way
<clever> adelbertc: callPackage <nixpkgs/pkgs/build-support/docker/docker.nix> {};
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<adelbertc> woa what
<adelbertc> that just goes to GitHub?
<clever> it does to $NIX_PATH
<adelbertc> and does the correct thing wrt the other files?
<clever> and uses the nixpkgs= entry
<Infinisil> clever: He wants to use the version from master but stay on the stable channel
<adelbertc> yeah i want it on HEAD, not whatever is on my channel (which doesnt have HEAD)
<Infinisil> adelbertc: You may need a cherry-pick
<clever> is master checked out are you using using a fetchgit?
<Infinisil> adelbertc: HEAD is not what you think it is
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<adelbertc> oo oooo can I use `fetchFromGithub`
<clever> master = fetchFromGitHub { repo = "nixpkgs"; owner = "nixos"; rev = "??"; sha256 = "???"; }
<adelbertc> like `callPackage ((import <nixpkgs> { }).fetchFromGithHub { ... }) stuff
<Infinisil> Ah or that
<adelbertc> well, where "stuff" = `.dockerTools`
<adelbertc> ooooooooo
<clever> customDockerTools = callPackage (master + "/pkgs/build-support/docker/docker.nix") {}
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<Infinisil> Or builtins.fetchTarball would also work