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<Infinisil> Weird.. The log files from hydra aren't available..
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<gchristensen> globin: is staging a mess right now?
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<clever> Infinisil: i can see the log
<gchristensen> ooh wow I just got ipv6
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: I don't think it should be?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #27823: urxvt_autocomplete_all_the_things: init at 2016-10-30 (master...aatt)
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<gchristensen> I'd like to merge several mass rebuilds :)
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<joepie91> whee, Servo doesn't build
<joepie91> pretty sure it's using the wrong rustc version...
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<joepie91> (when using the build stuff in the Servo repo, that is)
<joepie91> ah, nevermind, I think I know why
<joepie91> downloads its own copy of rustc and cargo and everything, which of course isn't going to work unpatched, so I'm guessing that it tries to prepend the bundled copy to PATH, and then that fails to execute, and therefore it falls back on the next result in PATH which is the system-environment rustc/cargo...
<Infinisil> clever: Lol, it doesn't work when I have only javascript allowed for
<Infinisil> As in it gives me the error that logs aren't available
<Infinisil> And jquery
<Infinisil> Need to also allow nixos.s3.amazonaws to see them
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<Infinisil> NoScript is messing with me sometimes
<clever> Infinisil: aha
<Infinisil> Damn, it's that keyboard "f" key error again
<mpcsh> is it possible to have multiple src = builtins.fetchurl lines?
<mpcsh> or at least, is it possible to fetch something from a different location?
<mpcsh> oh wait nvm
<mpcsh> I'm dumb
<mpcsh> ignore me
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: so I figured out the directory patching is relatively easy to do. Their included run_keybase script will work so long as I replace every occurrence of "/opt/keybase" with the value of "$opt/share". this is less of a nix-specific question but how the hell do I manage that with sed?
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<mpcsh> (keeping in mind that "$out" has slashes in it)
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<Infinisil> mpcsh: Have a look at the substitute function, hold on
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: well sure, the problem is that just "s/\/opt\/keybase/$out\/share/" doesn't work because when the shell expands $out, it termitates the command early
<hodapp> huaaaargh. I finally got OpenCV's Python-wheel-reinventing-footgun-loading-explosive-laden script to generate Python bindings for my own C++ code, and it's compatible with the existing OpenCV Python bindings
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<hodapp> I guess I should put this into a Nix build somehow... I'd have to do some weird crap, like patch the files in a way that depends on arguments to the derivation
<Nobabs27> how do I get GTK themes to work & be set?
<Infinisil> hodapp: \o/
<mpcsh> Infinisil: oh, sorry that's not sed lol I'll read it
<Infinisil> mpcsh: ;)
<Infinisil> mpcsh: And a good resource is to just grep through nixpkgs for usage examples
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f3a54b0 Thomas Tuegel: otfcc: init at 0.8.6
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: so I tried this command: substitute usr/bin/run_keybase $out/bin/run_keybase --replace /opt/keybase $out/share
<mpcsh> and it did nothing :/
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Well that shouldn't be
<mpcsh> Infinisil: this is the context
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: I feel like it should definitely be working :/
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Well the substitute command isn't just not working
<Infinisil> Ohhh, keybase is a directory.
<Infinisil> Doesn't work on a directory just like that
<Infinisil> Oh wait no
<Infinisil> don't mind what i just said
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<gchristensen> hmm alexa estimates 30,000 hits per day on
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<Infinisil> gchristensen: The voice assistant? Using what data source?
<gchristensen> no lol
<gchristensen> the other alexa Amazon owns
<gchristensen> Infinisil
<Infinisil> Ah lol
<Infinisil> 30,000, not bad
<Infinisil> about 1000 of those is probably me tbh
<gchristensen> lol
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Are there unique ip stats?
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<gchristensen> I dunno
<mpcsh> Infinisil: yeah, what gives there?
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: huh, so when I run the substitute command with a phony $out in a nix-shell, it works fine
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<Infinisil> mpcsh: Not sure what goes wrong
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<mpcsh> Infinisil: *headdesk* - I was overwriting the substituted file with the original
<mpcsh> with the mv usr/bin/* line
<mpcsh> yeah it works now lmao
<mpcsh> Infinisil: ok I got it working! check it out!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah reopened pull request #27646: [WIP] openmw-tes3mp: init at 2017-07-20 (master...openmw-tes3mp)
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<mpcsh> clever Infinisil: thanks to both of you for all the help - it might not be much but I feel like I learned a lot about nix/nixos just building this little package. I'm gonna walk the dog and then submit a PR. Thanks again for being so welcoming and helpful to a noob :)
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<Infinisil> mpcsh: I'm glad I could help!
<Infinisil> Writing a first package is a great way to learn it
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<jtojnar> Does anyone here use Firefox Nightly? I see broken fonts there.
<Infinisil> jtojnar: I tried a few days ago, didn't work at all, reverted back immediately
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<Infinisil> Using the mozilla-nixpkgs overlay
<jtojnar> Infinisil: It worked for me until I installed some fonts few days ago, now even if I removed them from configuration.nix it did not fix
<Infinisil> jtojnar: Are you using the overlay?
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<Infinisil> Eh, no idea how to fix and don't have the time to look into it right now
<jtojnar> Infinisil: I imported them using `-I mozilla=path/to/nixpkgs-mozilla`
<jtojnar> You can also try this extracted expression
<jtojnar> Install it using `curl > firefox-nightly-bin.nix; nix-env -i -f firefox-nightly-bin.nix`
<Infinisil> jtojnar: Are you on gnome?
<jtojnar> yes
<Infinisil> jtojnar: You could try running it from the command line to see if stdout reports anything weird
<jtojnar> Infinisil: it does, I tried running it with env FC_DEBUG=1024
<jtojnar> the weird thing, the UI shows the font correctly, just the websites are broken
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<Infinisil> Hmm, weird indeed
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<kriztw> Hey, I'm trying to write a systemd service, but I can't for the life of me get it to activate by itself
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<kriztw> It works fine when I do systemctl start and stop, but it doesn't start on boot or when I switch configuration
<kriztw> And I can't see it when I do systemctl list-units
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<Infinisil> kriztw:<name> = { enable = true; wantedBy = [ "" ]; ... }
<Infinisil> Do you have something like that?
<kriztw> Infinisil: yes, let me gist it for you
<kriztw> I'm pretty sure its a retarded mistake, but I've been looking at it for an hour now
<Infinisil> kriztw: It's certainly not retarded, we've all had issues that took a while to figure out but turned out to be something simple in the end :)
<Infinisil> gchristensen: *subscribe*
<kriztw> The group and user gets added/removed just fine
<Infinisil> kriztw: multi-user needs a dash
<Infinisil> In your gist there isn't one
<kriztw> Infinisil: as I suspected :D
<kriztw> thanks a bun
<kriztw> ch
<kriztw> brb, testing it now
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<Infinisil> kriztw: Np ;)
<Infinisil> oh he gone
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<kriztw> Infinisil: \o/
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<Infinisil> kriztw: Seems to have worked :D
<Infinisil> gchristensen: Did you get that huge thing as a mail?
<Guest51532> Yup
<Infinisil> Guest51532: gchristensen?
<Infinisil> Matrix?
<Infinisil> Ah yes
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<grahamc> Yup
<Infinisil> grahamc: Why are you joining from multiple endpoints though?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<Enzime> what's the best analogy to explain what NixOS is?
<Enzime> I was trying Ansible but an OS, but that isn't really that good
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<Infinisil> Enzime: hmm..
<Infinisil> No idea
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<Enzime> imagine callback hell, but with symlinks
<Enzime> an OS where /bin has only /bin/sh :)
<Infinisil> Lol
<Infinisil> callback hell, but with symlink is pretty funny, but not really what it is
<Enzime> a Linux distro where executable programs are just symlinks
<Infinisil> Maybe something about pretty much all of the OS being on the immutable filesystem /nix
<Infinisil> s/immutable/read-only
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<clever> gchristensen: ping?
<gchristensen> pong
<clever> gchristensen: the output is a bit large to expect a user to copy/paste into github
<clever> gchristensen: you may want to run it thru the gist command and give them a url
<gchristensen> yes :) far too long
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<contrapumpkin> clever: you going to nixcon?
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<clever> contrapumpkin: not currently planning on it
<clever> lol
<gchristensen> check out this tool the php doc team has made for editing docbook
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<sheenobu> hrmmmmmmmmmmmm
<contrapumpkin> whoa it even has a progress bar for logging in
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<sheenobu> Will a nix-based OS always be non-posix? could you use Nix to build something resembling debian?
<contrapumpkin> is it actually non-posix? it's non-FHS definitely
<sheenobu> or would it be lots of copy from /nix to the 'understood' place. Yes I probably meant FHS
<clever> sheenobu: does the fhs chroot not count?
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<sheenobu> i don't know anything about that clever
<clever> steam uses it for example
<clever> its an FHS layout, with symlinks pointing into the nix store
<clever> and a script to chroot into it
<sheenobu> hrmmm
<clever> steam apps cant be patchelf'd because steam downloads them at runtime
<clever> and the update stuff may detect a patched version as either a hax or old of date
<sheenobu> right. I didn't realize that is how it worked. it's not to get over a technical issue it's to get over the political, this is not FHS, issue
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<gchristensen> sheenobu: I'd not neuter nixos to handle a political issue, but instead focus on their fear of not being fhs
<sheenobu> gchristensen eh. i actually _like_ fhs. i just like nix because of it's expressive nature. there are other declarative languages to define a system in, though
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<contrapumpkin> we like FHS so much that we give each package its own little FHS filesystem
<contrapumpkin> ;)
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<sheenobu> hah!
<sheenobu> mind if i dm you gchristensen ?
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<gchristensen> nope :) but I may be heading out pretty soon!
<sheenobu> okay!
<sheenobu> crap i'm drawing a blank
<sheenobu> what i might do is create a 'bootstrap distro' with which others can get up and running and install whatever distro they like
<clever> sheenobu: not-os could be modified to do that
<simpson> sheenobu: What do you want the FHS for?
<clever> sheenobu: or my kexec trick
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<sheenobu> oh shit clever
<sheenobu> license?
<slack1256> haskellPackages.callPackage what does the second argument do and expect?
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<sheenobu> yeah i found not-os already and am impressed
<clever> sheenobu: not-os could be modified to have a basic gui, with download options for distros, and then kexec into each
<clever> the kexec trick has a full nixos install env, and can easily also have xorg and wifi added
<sheenobu> simpson pure legacy, really.
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<sheenobu> i got a new job in a new town. hoping to get involved with the desktop linux scene there.
<gchristensen> sheenobu: still in ma?
<sheenobu> ma?
<clever> maine?
<gchristensen> weren't you in mass?
<sheenobu> nah. atlanta
<gchristensen> oh, d'oh
<sheenobu> haha
<sheenobu> no i'm in menlo park
<gchristensen> cool
<sheenobu> now. yeah got a job at facebook
<gchristensen> nice
<sheenobu> very
<gchristensen> go join the infra team and do a nixos trial :)
<sheenobu> hah!
<gchristensen> that is vaguely how I got tumblr using nixos ...
<sheenobu> i am interested in what Nix does that also does
<clever> sheenobu: sounds like the language-ninja stuff
<sheenobu> i have little interest in changing how facebook servers are setup. Contibute, yes, but changing distros and config tools, no.
<gchristensen> fair :)
<sheenobu> did ninja come out of google?
<clever> i believe it did
<sheenobu> that's why i've heard of it someone said it today and i ddin't understand
<gchristensen> anywho, later y'all
<contrapumpkin> clever: you should go to Nixcon
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin: ^
<contrapumpkin> we can have a US folks party there
<gchristensen> clever: ^
<clever> canadian :P
<joehh> are there any guides or checklists for submitting pull requests for new packages (in this case pymssql...)?
<contrapumpkin> clever: north american folks
<contrapumpkin> >_>
<clever> only people who drive on the right side of the road?
<sheenobu> (i'm trying not to fuck things up here or i'd explain more). But yeah facebook has too much code and people to completely abandon the FHS on any level (desktop, server)
<sheenobu> nixcon is still in russia?
<gchristensen> munich
<sheenobu> oh shiiiit
<contrapumpkin> you can even go to neuschwanstein nearby
<gchristensen> :D
<Infinisil> How the hell do i run this nox review thing against already committed changes
<sheenobu> i'll look into going but i don't even have a passport
<clever> gchristensen: is it this weekend? lol
<gchristensen> sheenobu: go apply now
<contrapumpkin> sheenobu: yeah the more the merrier!
<sheenobu> i don't want to take seats for people who can actually go
<clever> oh, october
<contrapumpkin> we can talk about the joys of FHS
<contrapumpkin> clever: see, plenty of time!
<sheenobu> "No public registration yet."
<contrapumpkin> yeah :)
<sheenobu> did it still go through?
<contrapumpkin> talk submission deadline is tonight though
<contrapumpkin> which is why it's on my mind
<sheenobu> dang i could've talked about nix-home
<contrapumpkin> not too late!
<sheenobu> i don't know what i'd say
<sheenobu> here is a thing
<contrapumpkin> well, I don't think so
<sheenobu> it's called nix-home
<contrapumpkin> I forgot tonight was the night
<sheenobu> you should use nix to build your own DSLs
<sheenobu> talk over
<contrapumpkin> so I just threw together two quick proposals at the last minute half an hour ago
<contrapumpkin> you can ask for particular slot sizes :)
<contrapumpkin> down to 15 minutes
<sheenobu> i'm not on the list of contributors for 2017
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<contrapumpkin> you can still propose talks! they just prioritize non-speaker registration that way
<sheenobu> ah just top 150 yeah i wouldn't make that
<sheenobu> yeah
<sheenobu> I'd rather just go and not talk cause i'm timid
<contrapumpkin> but I'm sure plenty of folks outside the github contributor list will end up going
<contrapumpkin> fair enough :)
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<sheenobu> i'm kciking butt at fb though. that does mean i can't contribute to nixkpgs as often
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] neilmayhew opened pull request #27824: cabal-bounds: fix build error by raising upper bound on directory lib (release-17.03...release-17.03)
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<sheenobu> clever what license is not-os?
<clever> havent thought about that
<sheenobu> ahh
<clever> its more of an example you can fork and customize to suit your needs
<sheenobu> yeah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mpcsh opened pull request #27825: Create a keybase-bin nixpkg based on the keybase binary releases (master...master)
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<contrapumpkin> clever: even forking and customizing is subject to licensing though :) and by not putting anything there you're basically implicitly "all rights reserved"
<contrapumpkin> which makes some folks super afraid to try stuff out
<contrapumpkin> it's the bane of corporate FOSS users
<Infinisil> Radicale update PR incoming
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Infinisil opened pull request #27826: Radicale: update to v2, fixing and enabling test (WIP) (master...radicale)
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<clever> contrapumpkin: yeah, i should probably go over most of my projects and pick them
<Infinisil> It's about time for a Radicale update, version 2 has been out for a while
<clever> contrapumpkin: most of the time, if i'm modifying something where the source is available (i tend to ignore the license), i just put my changes up on github and call it done
<clever> contrapumpkin: and if i care about the project, i'll try to upstream them
<contrapumpkin> yeah, mostly the same here
<contrapumpkin> just saying that some licenses will get lawyers squirming and most companies will refuse to touch some of the with a barge pole :)
<contrapumpkin> including the absence of one
<clever> yeah, i can see how that would look like a giant mess to approach
<Infinisil> Aaand another day wasted studying nothing
<Infinisil> Oh well, I got 2 PR's for nixpkgs done, that's something
<Infinisil> Night
<Infinisil> :)
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<mpcsh> is there a way to run a more up-to-date kernel with nixos unstable?
<adisbladis> mpcsh: How up to date?
<mpcsh> adisbladis: well arch is running 4.12.3
<mpcsh> so 4.12.x I guess?
<mpcsh> just newer than 4.9.x
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<clever> mpcsh: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_12;
<adisbladis> mpcsh: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;
<adisbladis> Or what mpcsh
<adisbladis> said
<adisbladis> I prefer living a little bit more on the edge
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<mpcsh> adisbladis: all I see is pkgs.linuxPackages_latest_xen_dom0.kernel :(
<mpcsh> and also pkgs.linux_testing, but that's a little too bleeding edge for me
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<mpcsh> joepie91: if you're interested in checking out keybase on nixos, I have a PR up for a more up-to-date keybase package:
<adisbladis> mpcsh: Ah right, that one is not in the unstable channels. It's just an alias for pkgs.linuxPackages_4_12 right now anyway
<mpcsh> adisbladis: is it in any of the channels?
<adisbladis> mpcsh: Does not seem like it
<mpcsh> adisbladis: sad :(
<adisbladis> mpcsh: The definition in all-packages.nix is just this anyway: linuxPackages_latest = linuxPackages_4_12
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<mpcsh> adisbladis: well sure, but presumably someone would change that alias when 4.13 comes out
<mpcsh> adisbladis: how frequently does the pkgs.linux package get updated in unstable?
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<dhess> hi, I've got a Jetson TX1 and I'm trying to package up the Nvidia L4T kernel for it. I took the linux-rpi.nix derivation and modified it to grab the source tarball from Nvidia.
<dhess> but I need to run my own postUnpack because of the weird way they package it.
<dhess> Can't get the postUnpack hook to run. Anyone done something similar?
<dhess> The kernel build stuff is a bit different than the typical standard derivation it seems
<dhess> It's odd because the linux-rpi.nix derivation provides a postConfig and a postFixup, and I assume those work.
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<dhess> Here's what I've got so far. It's far from complete but I need to get the postUnpack to work before I can get any farther.
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<clever> dhess: what about adding those headers in the postPatch phase?, or prePatch?
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<dhess> clever: so what's going on here is that Nvidia dumps a bunch of tarballs into a larger tarball, so I let the unpackPhase untar the big tarball, then I need a postUnpack and a 'sourceRoot =' to unpack the actual kernel source tarball
<dhess> clever: so I could do it in prePatch I guess... but is there a reason it doesn't run postUnpack?
<dhess> is that missing from the kernel build stuff?
<clever> the kernel build does some weird things
<dhess> clever: Yeah I was staring at that file earlier today, couldn't really figure out why it's not running postUnpack
<clever> ah, i suspected that
<dhess> but I didn't dig any deeper than that
<clever> your override modifies the kernel to add a postUnpack
<clever> the error is in the kernel config
<dhess> it's mostly just a bunch of 'let's and then some other thing that gets called at the end
<clever> so your applying the override to the wrong derivation
<dhess> that's where I ran out of time
<dhess> ohhhhhh
<clever> it can be tricky to get to the right one here, but i have another idea
<dhess> ok that makes sense
<clever> create a new derivation, like this
<dhess> good catch
<clever> runCommand "kernel-source" {} ''
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<clever> mkdir -pv $out ; cd $out
<clever> unpack all the tars to .
<clever> ''
<clever> now use this derivation as the src for the whole kernel
<dhess> hmm interesting
<dhess> clever: and that derivation downloads the big tarball
<clever> then use a few fetchtarball derivations to download the tar
<clever> nix is a bit weird, in that the downloads are seperate "packages", that you need to "compile" by running curl
<clever> and fetchurl generates a package when given a url
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<dhess> clever: so is there no way to reach into the linux-config derivation and override its attrs from generic.nix ?
<clever> not easily
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<dhess> ok this is helpful
<dhess> thanks, clever. Nix would be a lot more difficult without you around :D
<clever> but if you change the src passed into generic.nix, it will go into both config and kernel
<dhess> right
<clever> at a glance, i think you would need to do this
<dhess> I think that's a good way to go. I didn't really want src set to the big tarball which is why I added the sourceRoot statement. But I didn't catch that there are 2 derivations being built.
<clever> kernel.overrideAttrs (drv: { configfile = drv.configfile.overrideAttrs (drv: { postUnpack = ...; }); })
<clever> that would apply an override to the kernel, that mutates the derivation held in the configfile arg
<clever> but then you need to apply the exact same postUnpack to the kernel as well
<clever> the src route seems simpler
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<adisbladis> mpcsh: I have no idea
<dhess> you know, I think I've seen a couple of derivations that do what you recommended earlier. I think they were related to some of the Steam support and other things that grab a weirdo tarball and then re-package it for Nix.
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<dhess> I'll go spelunking around there for examples.
<dhess> they defined sub-derivations inside the "real" one.
<clever> dhess: chrome and firefox also do that
<adisbladis> mpcsh: Presumably with every LTS release
<dhess> clever: ok thanks for the pointer
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<disasm> so I know new packages the git message should be pkg: init at version but what if the package already exists and your adding a service? Is there a standard message format for that?
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<clever> disasm: name: 1.2 -> 1.3 for updates
<clever> disasm: you can also look at the commit logs for examples that have been merged:
<dhess> clever: another related Q. I need to set the right defconfig for this kernel (Nvidia includes one for it in their modified kernel source). I did this for the BeagleBone kernel that I packed up by defining a new platform in NixOS and setting the defconfig there.
<dhess> clever: But in this case I'm trying to debug the whole thing first with just nix-build. Do you know how I can set stdenv.platform.kernelConfig with nix-build?
<dhess> well, override it, more like.
<dhess> it'll be aarch64-whatever by default
<clever> dhess: looking...
<disasm> I could just bump the version and add myself as a maintainer... package is way outdated
<dhess> the kernelConfig normally comes via lib/systems/platform.nix
<dhess> sorry, kernelBaseConfig
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<dhess> clever: right, so can I override that stdenv.platform.kernelBaseConfig from a nix-build command line?
<clever> dhess: import ./generic.nix { stdenv = stdenv // { platform = stdenv.platform // { kernelBaseConfig = "foo"; }; }; };
<clever> something like this
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<clever> it takes the normal stdenv.platform, and overrides the kernelBaseConfig to make a custom platform
<clever> then it takes the normal stdenv, and overwrites the platform attribute with that
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<dhess> clever: ahh put that in the linux-jetson-tx1.nix derivation?
<clever> then it passes that custom stdenv to generic.nix
<clever> yeah
<dhess> got it, thanks!
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<disasm> Mic92: seems like the nix -> json -> toml implementation for telegraf example isn't quite right. It's outputting [outputs.influxdb] when it should be [[outputs.influxdb] It also generates an extra [outputs] section in the file.
<disasm> err [[outputs.influxdb]]
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<ben> anyone know an invocation to get networking up in the initrd before blocking for devices to appear?
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<grantwu> Can someone walk me through what I'm supposed to do for this?
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<rodarmor> What's the best way to mount a mtp device under nixos? I'm not using a desktop environment, so standalone command is fine
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: I have had success with jmtpfs
<rodarmor> adisbladis: Sweet! Trying it now. Is there a group I need to be in to mount without sudo?
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: It's libusb and fuse so I think you wouldn't need to be in any groups :)
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<rodarmor> adisbladis: Hmmm, I'm getting some kind of permission error though. `mtp-detect` fails when run normally, but `sudo mtp-detect` succeeds. Same for `jmtpfs mnt`
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<rodarmor> Fixed it! I needed `udev.packages = [ ];`
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: Congrats :) I think this is one of those things a DE with a proper desktop session might take care of, hence I never saw the issue
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 30 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9719e43 Franz Pletz: jool: 3.5.3 -> 3.5.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d40f993 Franz Pletz: fail2ban: 0.9.6 -> 0.9.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 694dbae Franz Pletz: libite: 1.8.3 -> 1.9.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 604043f Franz Pletz: pythonPackages.supervisor: 3.1.1 -> 3.1.4 (security)...
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<rodarmor> adisbladis: Yeah, I believe you're right. Not having a DE is like playing some kind of survival game where you're dropped onto a muddy beach with no clothes and the first thing you need to do is find a rock and bash a tree until you get wood and then make wood pants or something.
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: That's why I switched back to DEs a few years back. I like to do things like plugging in external monitors and things just works
<rodarmor> Pshhh, infidel. I love my splintery wooden pants.
<adisbladis> rodarmor: I do miss my stumpwm though...
<rodarmor> adisbladis: What DE are you using? I was using gnome for a while, but had a lot of problems with it
<adisbladis> rodarmor: kde
<adisbladis> It's the DE that gets the least in my way
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<adisbladis> As an emacs user that's my primary wm anyway ^_^
<rodarmor> adisbladis: I should really give KDE a shot. Their development process seems much more together than gnome.
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: I think it's pretty good nowadays
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27783: fd: init at 2.0.0 (master...8573/pkg/add/rust/fd-sharkdp/1)
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<globin> gchristensen: seems so :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 c164921 Franz Pletz: libmtp: 1.1.11 -> 1.1.13...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 dc7682e Franz Pletz: bind: 9.10.5-P2 -> 9.10.6 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 b909987 Peter Simons: mpg123: update to version 1.25.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 8 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4afb3f4 Franz Pletz: ipsecTools: add patch to fix CVE-2016-10396
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4b5ae11 Franz Pletz: mysql55: 5.5.54 -> 5.5.57 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3621bc7 Franz Pletz: mysql57: 5.7.17 -> 5.7.19
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6ddbe2e Franz Pletz: p11_kit: 0.23.2 -> 0.23.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1c5ab2f Franz Pletz: avahi: 0.6.12 -> 0.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 1fb803c Franz Pletz: libtasn1: 4.10 -> 4.12, fix CVE-2017-9310
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 657bec4 Robin Gloster: abook: 0.6.0pre2 -> 0.6.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ff8684a Robin Gloster: zeroad: 0.0.21 -> 0.0.22
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c6be8c7 Robin Gloster: perlPackages.Mouse: 2.4.5 -> 2.4.10, fix 32bit...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 6 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8a52a02 Franz Pletz: ipsecTools: add patch to fix CVE-2016-10396...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d93dc06 Franz Pletz: mysql55: 5.5.54 -> 5.5.57 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a004cd9 Franz Pletz: mysql57: 5.7.17 -> 5.7.19...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #27831: Respect NIX_DONT_SET_RPATH when .so appears in the command line (master...dont-set-rpath)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27799: Python: disable user site-packages for programs and environments. (staging...nosite)
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<stranger__> hey, if i add custom patch to the kernel via configuration.nix, and there are conflicting options in common-config.nix, is it possible to shut them off w/o modifying of nixpkgs sources?
<domenkozar> Profpatsch: around? :)
<domenkozar> what API is one supposed to use in hnix to work with Fix?
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<domenkozar> are there some morphism functions around
<domenkozar> for recursive schemes
<dhess> domenkozar: are you using hnix in production?
<makefu> anyone knows how i need to configure the firewall that ftp works? , i tried setting autoLoadConntrackHelpers = true;
<domenkozar> dhess: using it in stack2nix, although it's one of those haskell things that you're supposed to know how to use, but it uses concepts that are unknown
<makefu> but currently it only works when i disable the firewall
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<dhess> domenkozar: interesting.
<goibhniu> makefu: if you just want to the port for FDP: networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [22];
<goibhniu> *want to open...*
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<dhess> domenkozar: I'd like to use it to produce Nix expressions, rather than parsing them. I don't know anyone who's doing that, though.
<domenkozar> dhess: we do both
<domenkozar> but without using Fix properly
<makefu> goibhniu: does not seem to work, client says "connect failed: Connection refused. Falling back to PORT instead of PASV mode."
<dhess> domenkozar: got an example of the production side?
<dhess> domenkozar: wow, lots of Fix ;)
<dhess> anyway thanks for that! I'll poke around.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 closed pull request #27766: geogebra: make language configurable via `config.nix` (master...geogebra/allow-configuration-through-config)
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<domenkozar> dhess: I hope it's useful :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27d1d15 Robin Gloster: afflib: 3.7.15 -> 3.7.16
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3fb4c9e Robin Gloster: allegro5: ->
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<seequ> Any idea why all USBs get mounted as read-only, o matter what I do?
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<Turion> seequ, do you mount them as root?
<seequ> yes
<Turion> and what filesystem is on there?
<Turion> what does mount say after you have mounted it?
<seequ> Apparently the problem was that I didn't have ntfs-3g
<Turion> Ah yes
<seequ> Didn't say anythin g
<Turion> So is your problem solved now?
<seequ> Yup.
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<seequ> Sometimes you just need a rubber duck :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bded592 Thomas Tuegel: Revert "otfcc: init at 0.8.6"...
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<sphalerite> I have two machines. One of them does not have wifi support enabled and I want to enable it (and I have no other internet access), but don't have an internet connection on it. The other does have wifi. I have a USB stick that I can use to copy files between them. Any idea what to do?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #27832: wireshark: 2.2.7 -> 2.4.0 (master...update_wireshark)
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<TimePath> bit of a weird use case; I have a project with multiple subprojects, each with their own nix derivations. I currently run an editor with nix-shell to put the dependencies on the path, but only one project at a time
<TimePath> is there an easy way I can compose the whole thing?
<sphalerite> Yes
<spacefrogg> sphalerite: See nix-store(1), the example of nix-store --export
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<TimePath> sphalerite: thanks, I'll try that. I do use shellHook on a few though
<sphalerite> TimePath: that should work.
<TimePath> sphalerite: it decided to build everything first
<TimePath> not quite what I was after
<spacefrogg> TimePath: You actually want to have all the dependencies of your development projects available, right?
<sphalerite> spacefrogg: trying that right now, but `--import` is saying "error: path ‘/nix/store/’ is not valid"
<TimePath> spacefrogg: that's correct
<spacefrogg> sphalerite: You shouldn't try to import derivations but their build products
<sphalerite> TimePath: oh right, whoops :)
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<sphalerite> spacefrogg: but how am I meant to find their build products on the wifi-enabled machine?
<spacefrogg> You could copy the configuration of your target machine to the build machine and build the new system configuration. Then export the whole closure back.
<sphalerite> spacefrogg: I was thinking export the system derivation closure on the no-wifi machine, then import that on the wifi machine, realise it on the wifi machine, copy it onto the usb stick, then import it on the non-wifi machine again
<sphalerite> I can't do that because the machines have different architectures
<spacefrogg> Like i686 vs. x64 or like ARM vs. Intel?
<sphalerite> the no-wifi one is i686 (32-bit), the wifi one is ARM
<sphalerite> just to make things complicated :P
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<TimePath> I'm going to assume bridging the i686 one to the wifi through the ARM one with an ethernet cable isn't an option?
<domenkozar> huh I've managed to get my system in unbootable state with GC and UEFI
<spacefrogg> Hm, there is a fixed mapping between build products and NAR's on If you can figure that out, you derive the NARs on the target and download them on the wifi-enabled machine
<sphalerite> nope, the ARM one doesn't have an ethernet port and I also don't have an ethernet cable ^^
<sphalerite> that's the idea, I just don't know how to d oti
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<spacefrogg> You should be able to use nix-install-package on the wifi system. It should download the full closure if possible.
<spacefrogg> You can get the link to the package (and the full closure) from
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<spacefrogg> wpa_supplicant, I figure
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<goibhniu> sphalerite: does the ARM one have a usb port? ... can you use an usb tethering on an android phone for networking? (it normally works out of the box for NixOS)
<v0|d> then use nix-copy-closure.
<gchristensen> nix-copy-closure requires ssh
<spacefrogg> We've been there already.
<goibhniu> ach sorry ... "the no-wifi one is i686"
<goibhniu> obviously, that's the one I'd try to use usb tethering on :)
<v0|d> hm openStore() supports any remoteUri other than ssh?
<TimePath> there's a super hacky option available if you can mount the i686 drive on the ARM machine and use QEMU to boot it :)
<spacefrogg> Yeah, thought about that, too. But qemu on the ARM might be a bit of a burden.
<sphalerite> goibhniu: facepalm why didn't I think of that
<spacefrogg> :)
<sphalerite> Just using usb tethering did the trick
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<goibhniu> sweet \o/
<gchristensen> it is so neat that android tethering works like that.
<v0|d> how is it called, OTU?
<v0|d> :)
<TimePath> still not having much luck composing derivations for shell use
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<TimePath> I can create a separate top derivation and duplicate all the dependencies, but...
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<spacefrogg> I think the derivation provide an env attribute you could make use of, maybe just merge in some way.
<spacefrogg> derivations*
<hodapp> uhm, any hints as to why in a stdenv.mkDerivation, postPatch is completely not being run, while buildCommand is?
<TimePath> perhaps an easier way to do this is to produce the sub-projects from the master one
<spacefrogg> Does it set phases?
<spacefrogg> TimePath: But then you don't have the buildInputs available.
<hodapp> no, it only sets name, src, postPatch, buildCommand, buildInputs, propagatedBuildInputs
<TimePath> spacefrogg: I do if I make the master one a function that takes a set of targets
<TimePath> i.e: A = master { projectA = true; };
<spacefrogg> hodapp: Mayby postPatch isn't run with patches being empty.
<spacefrogg> Sure. But your subproject are no longer independent, right? If that is not a constraint, why not.
<TimePath> they already aren't, because they rely on the master project as a prelude :)
<TimePath> so, no loss
<hodapp> spacefrogg: postUnpack isn't being run either if I change it to that
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<hodapp> would seem to indicate that it should run postPatch regardless
<spacefrogg> hodapp: You probably don't want to use buildCommand.
<spacefrogg> hodapp: In completely disables the phases mechanics.
<spacefrogg> It*
<spacefrogg> Use buildPhase instead.
<hodapp> sigh
<hodapp> I work from examples because that's pretty much the only choice I have, and then I end up in cases like this
<spacefrogg> Did you read the manual?
<seequ> Can I run nixos-install again after a failed install or should I format the nixos partition?
<hodapp> spacefrogg: yes.
<goibhniu> seequ: you can
<hodapp> spacefrogg: it happens to cover certain things, and be utterly useless for a lot of other practical ones, or for helping understand what an example is doing (and why)
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<NickHu> Has anyone managed to get gtk icon themes working?
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<kiloreux> How can I get a full path of an installed python package in nix ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #27833: nixos/hardware/raid/hpsa: init at 2.40 (master...hpsa-2.40)
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<goibhniu> kiloreux: if you import the module from a python shell it will show you the path
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<gchristensen> jeepers matrix
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<kiloreux> I can't do that
<kiloreux> is there any command line option to extractr the path of a python module ?
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<goibhniu> kiloreux: how about looking at sys.path?
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<eschnett> how do i show the current priority of a package?
<kiloreux> Not a valid option
<kiloreux> :(
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<kiloreux> goibhniu, that means i will have to run the build again and it's not a choice either :(
<goibhniu> kiloreux: what problem are you trying to solve?
<kiloreux> I am using numpy in an external python script. Whenever i try to call it require numpy as not found.
<kiloreux> So i need to add that numpy path to the PYTHONPATH
<goibhniu> are you using nix-shell to create the environment you use to run the script?
<FRidh> kiloreux: create a python env with python.withPackages
<kiloreux> Not using the nix-shell no. FRidh how can I do that ?
<FRidh> kiloreux: check the Python section in the Nixpkgs manual
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc74a36 Tim Steinbach: alacritty: Don't use xclip from PATH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d06bd38 Tim Steinbach: alacritty: Remove xclip with buildInput
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92a40d2 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #27818 from NeQuissimus/alacritty_xclip...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to openssl-1.1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 606020f Robin Gloster: xml-tooling-c: use newer version from git...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 51ce1a4 Robin Gloster: libwebsockets: 1.4 -> 2.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef6849c Peter Simons: structured-haskell-mode: fix location of the "site-lisp" symlink
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4fe328c Peter Simons: haskell-hindent: fix location of the "site-lisp" symlink
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92031d6 Peter Simons: structured-haskell-mode: bump version to latest git head...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to openssl-1.1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 b13d89b Robin Gloster: php56: fix line endings to make patch apply again
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<gchristensen> I wish the emacs syntax highlighter didn't incorrectly highlight /* in strings
<gchristensen> anyone have a fix for this? I feel there was a fix kicking around
<domenkozar> there are about 2 in nix repo
<spacefrogg> There are?
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<devel123> can anyone help me figure out how to run the protege ontology tool on nixos? I am having a program with it calling java binaries
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<hodapp> err, so I have something created with pkgs.python35.withPackages; how do I get from this to the Python binary in some kosher way? .interpreter, .executable aren't doing it
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<FRidh> hodapp: those attributes still need to be fixed
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #27834: wireshark: 2.2.5 -> 2.2.8 (release-17.03) (release-17.03...update_wiresharb_17.03)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ea4121d Frederik Rietdijk: python.buildEnv: fix passthru...
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<FRidh> hodapp: fix ^
<hodapp> thanks
<gchristensen> FRidh: what is the state of staging? would you like to merge (or mind me merging) a handful of small mass-rebuilds to it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f747594 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<FRidh> gchristensen: sure, merge away.
<gchristensen> FRidh: would you like to take a look at them before I do? :)
<LnL> was merged recently I thought
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<LnL> just make sure you use a commit that hydra has built
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<FRidh> I merged staging into master yesterday or the day before
<manveru> man... node-sass makes me wanna cry :(
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<MoreTea> manveru, :(
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<FRidh> gchristensen: I've seen the PR's. Let's hope they don't cause breakage ;)
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<adisbladis> manveru: I'm looking at another application that makes me wanna cry too....
<__Sander__> hmm is there a way to bypass the 'restricted mode' error in a private hydra instance?
<gchristensen> ok :) also volth deleted all her comments again, that is _extremely_ annoying
<gchristensen> s/her/their/
<FRidh> gchristensen: hmm, did notice at some point that a lot of PR's were closed and branches deleted.
<seequ> Is mpstat packaged?
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<adisbladis> gchristensen: Huh.. Can you delete github comments?
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> but it is very frustrating and IMO antisocial
<adisbladis> gchristensen: Did not know. Guess I never even considered it
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<seequ> Ah, it's in sysstat
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<hodapp> huh. I did something perhaps unconventional, in that this build does nothing more than generate a build script to be run inside of a specific nix-shell, but I suppose it works
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<tnks_> I'm having a hard time finding documentation about how envHooks work.
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<tnks> actually, I still need to find the sourc code that consumes it too.
<tnks> I don't think it's in nixpkgs.
<tnks> 2
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<LnL> gchristensen: oh that's why I've seen some confusing replies
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<arximboldi> hi!
<arximboldi> guix has a `guix system` command for creating disk images out of a system configuration
<arximboldi> is nixops the nix equivalent?
<arximboldi> i don't see how to create a disk image using it
<copumpkin> you can make disk images just using nix-build and some nixos stuff, but we don't have an easy front-end for it yet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #27835: rtags: 2.10 -> 2.11 (master...rtags-2.11)
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<arximboldi> thanks copumpkin, I'll dig deeper in the nixos docs
<kiloreux> How can I get the bash environment varaible value inside nix expressions ?
<srhb> kiloreux: Hey kiloreux, you dropped last night during debugging, did it work out in the end?
<srhb> kiloreux: (Last thing you tried was cloning the gist and building that, but we never heard the result)
<arximboldi> copumpkin: can I do that from outside nixos, meaning, from a Debian system that has nix package manager installed?
<copumpkin> kiloreux: you can, but it's frowned upon
<copumpkin> arximboldi: yeah
<copumpkin> kiloreux: there's builtins.getEnv IIRC
<copumpkin> kiloreux: I'd probably make the expression take an explicit parameter though unless it absolutely must have an environment variable
<kiloreux> srhb, i lost internet connection actually, sorry. When i tried it on my machine it worked. But not on my vagrant VM probably due to our complicated PATHS in the VM.
<kiloreux> Got a hack to work though
<tnks> yeah, I just combed through nixpkgs, and all I see are people setting envHooks, not accessing what's set.
<srhb> kiloreux: Huh, odd. OK. :)
<kiloreux> copumpkin, do you have any sample for that ?
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<mog> can anyone help me with an upgrade? i am doing nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade but it got caught on chrome deb no longer existing
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<mog> i googled and downloaded it by hand and then added it to the nix-store but it still is failing
<clever> it has to be the exact version nix is expecting
<copumpkin> kiloreux: we need to improve docs around this, but try what I was talking about here:
<srhb> mog: That's odd. Does it have the right hash?
<mog> how do i check the hash its looking for ?
<mog> clever, it is the exact same version and every mirror i found for it has the same hash
<clever> mog: how did you add it to the store?
<mog> nix-store --add google-chrome-stable_58.0.3029.110-1_amd64.deb
<betaboon> hello #nixos, I'm just trying to migrate to nixpkgs overlays, but i seem to have hit a roadbump. nixos-rebuild throws "file ‘nixpkgs-overlays/testoverlay'" with the setup found in the attached gist. any hints/ideas/solutions? gist:
<clever> mog: nix-store --add-fixed sha256
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<mog> huh clever
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #27836: Semi-automated Emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to openssl-1.1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 f75afed Robin Gloster: ruby: default to 2.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 8163b91 Robin Gloster: tlsdate: remove...
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<clever> mog: --add and --add-fixed behave very differently
<mog> add-fixed just doesnt show up in man page
<mog> so was confused
<mog> trying now
<grantwu> Out of curiosity: What's the reason that openssh is not built with Kerberos by default?
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<grantwu> It seems like it causes issues:
<grantwu> When I ask how to get this fixed, I'm led towards which looks really messy
<grantwu> + if I'm not mistaken, this means I have to rebuild anything that uses OpenSSH?
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<nh2> can I write nixos modules "inline" or do I *have* to put them into a separate file?
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<clever> nh2: they can be inlined into the imports, but the backtrace will no longer have its own filename
<clever> nh2: if you have a sample that isnt working i can take a look at it
<nh2> clever: so instead of a file path in `imports = [ ... ]` I can also give the module expression?
<clever> yeah
<symphorien> grantwu: Not necessarily. You can build your whole system with openssh without kerberos except the openssh in systemPackages which you override with kerberos support
<clever> symphorien, grantwu: you want to change programs.ssh.package
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<grantwu> So how does this work if I'm not using NixOS but have Nix on Ubuntu
<clever> that will affect which version is pre-installed, and used for sshd
<clever> grantwu: just nix-env -iA the version you want
<nh2> clever: ah cool. That should be put into the manual I think -- the "Writing NixOS modules" only says "paths of other modules" so I thought that was the only way. Are there other drawbacks besides backtraces?
<grantwu> clever: And what about programs with dependencies on OpenSSH?
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<clever> nh2: the file will usually look worse, and i cant see any reason you couldnt just put the module in the parent, rather then the imports list
<clever> grantwu: depends on if they refer to pkgs.ssh, or rely on ssh being in path already
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<clever> nh2: if an entry in imports is a set or function, the first block runs:
<clever> nh2: and if its anything else (like a path), the 2nd part runs import on it
<nh2> OK nice
<grantwu> clever: Which one would git be? I'm having trouble finding it in
<clever> [root@nas:/etc/nixos/nixcfg]# nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<seequ> How do I override parameters for nixpkgs derivations?
<clever> nix-repl> openssh<tab><tab>
<clever> openssh openssh_hpn openssh_with_kerberos
<clever> grep openssh_with_kerberos ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix openssh_with_kerberos = pkgs.appendToName "with-kerberos" (openssh.override { withKerberos = true; });
<grantwu> clever: How does that help me figure out if git depends on pkgs.ssh, or if it relies on ssh being in path already?
<clever> nix-store -qR /nix/store/q0crs4bgh5vgl9cjpp9yxysd1w97inr0-git-2.13.2 | grep ssh
<clever> /nix/store/dsflmyhgzrpdf5w935rngkxqzssl01yi-openssh-7.5p1
<clever> looks like git does depend on ssh, without _kerberos
<clever> grantwu: so you will need something like git.override { openssh = pkgs.openssh_with_kerberos; }
<grantwu> So there's no way of doing this globally?
<clever> grantwu: create a packageOverride that sets openssh = pkgs.openssh_with_kerberos;
<clever> then everything will use it
<grantwu> Okay. I now see is the relevant manual section.
<grantwu> But stepping back... do you think it would be a good idea to have Kerberos support by default?
<clever> there is only a 3mb difference in the closure sizes, so it doesnt really matter much if its on
<grantwu> Yeah, but it does cause a lot of confusion
<grantwu> See: that Github issue
<seequ> clever: well youy accidentally answered my question too, ty ^^
<grantwu> It's on in Debian/Ubuntu packages by default, at least
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sauyon opened pull request #27838: numix-sx-gtk-theme: init at 2017-04-24 (master...numix-sx)
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<mog> clever, still fails i guess the sums dont match
<ij> What's <nixpkgs> in the nix language?
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<clever> ij: it makes nix search within $NIX_PATH and the paths supplied by -I
<clever> ij: internally, it desugars into a call of builtins.findFile over builtins.nixPath:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 93d80f1 Robin Gloster: p11_kit: fix docs
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<fpletz> globin: thx!
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<ij> clever, Can't find findFile in the nix web manual.
<betaboon> bump on my question about nixpks overlays: any pointers in the right direction ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jwiegley pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea8798a John Wiegley: coq2html: New expression
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<clever> ij: a lot of internal things like that arent documented
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jwiegley pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0396ca6 John Wiegley: ghc-events_0_6_0 no longer exists
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #27839: nano: remove darwin patch (master...darwin-nano)
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<Profpatsch> domenkozar: In my tests, that’s how I was pattern matching as well.
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<Profpatsch> I think it can be alleviated with pattern synonyms.
<Profpatsch> But haven’t looked further into it.
<domenkozar> johnw: around? :)
<johnw> hi domenkozar
<Profpatsch> Generating them is awesome though.
<domenkozar> johnw: hey! :)
<Profpatsch> dhess: ^
<domenkozar> we're wondering how fixed point is supposed to be used in hnix
<Profpatsch> Ah, here we have the person. :)
<johnw> what sort of fixed point are we discussing?
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<Profpatsch> hnix
<domenkozar> and wonder if we should be using recursion schemes or what's the proper way to make use of it
<Profpatsch> It’s the one from Data.Fix
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<Profpatsch> recursion-schemes (the library) uses a different Fix newtype.
<johnw> you want to walk through a Nix expression, and replace certain NSet arguments?
<johnw> the one from Data.Fix should be Coercible to the one in hnix
<Profpatsch> johnw: Oh, awesome!
<johnw> we just need to write a Coercible instance, or switch to Data.Fix's version
<johnw> I think the definitions are identical
<Profpatsch> Nope
<johnw> well, they are identical up to constructor naming :)
<Profpatsch> Or, maybe they are. I thought rs has one more layer.
<johnw> they have the same layout in memory, and the same semantics
<johnw> for the moment, you could test this fact by just using unsafeCoerce
<Profpatsch> The named argument confused me.
<Profpatsch> Can we be sure that the unFix accessor in Data.Fix doesn’t change the memory layout in GHC?
<johnw> it's not a runtime accessor
<johnw> I mean, there used to be cases where if it were nested in a data structure it might result in a runtime representation for the newtype
<johnw> but now with GHC's support for roles, that bug is fixed
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<Profpatsch> domenkozar: I suspect the question was how to make the matching nicer, right?
<johnw> you can use pattern synonyms for that
<Profpatsch> iirc, we also talked about prisms?
<sauyon> why are gtk icon themes broken
<johnw> if you want to pick out "a certain subtree", then there's not really a good recursion scheme for that other than a partial evaluator
<johnw> oh yeah, prisms are even better!
<johnw> I have no problems lensifying hnix
* domenkozar has never used pattern synonyms
<johnw> one sec
<domenkozar> ok I'll look it up :)
* ocharles waves
<domenkozar> :D
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<LnL> has anybody else been getting queue monitor: std::bad_alloc with hydra recently?
<Profpatsch> domenkozar: They are pretty simple. You can also read the GHC user manual.
<johnw> example: pattern Get :: (String -> Foo a) -> Foo a
<johnw> pattern Get x <- Foo (Fix (GetF (fmap Foo -> x)))
<johnw> something along those lines (I now always use this with recursion-scheme type data representations)
<domenkozar> I see :)
<Profpatsch> johnw: Wait, is it even possible to implement Coercible manually?
<Profpatsch> This class does not have regular instances; instead they are created on-the-fly during type-checking. Trying to manually declare an instance of Coercible is an error.
<johnw> oh, right, maybe not!
<johnw> then just "coerce" it
<srhb> coerce is magic of the best kind.
<Infinisil> I feel like I'm missing out on something, I'm not an expert with Haskell
<fpletz> LnL: yeah, but I thought niksnut fixed it
<LnL> was it a nix or hydra issue?
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<fpletz> iirc the evaluation was taking too much memory
<LnL> it happens when copying builds to a cache
<LnL> let me pull the hydra repo again to make sure
<domenkozar> johnw: thanks!
<LnL> fpletz: nope still a problem with 3fc320d
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #27840: haskell infra: Misc cleanups (master...haskell-explicit-stdenv)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 161f0d3 Peter Hoeg: cantata: 2.0.1 -> 2.1.0
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<LnL> weird, a reboot seems to have fixed it
<deltasquared> ok, a question for you guys. I get the impression that nixos has essentially reproducable configuration files, but does a similar sort of system exist for user config directories?
<deltasquared> it just came to me as being a nice idea to be able to rm -rf some directories (such as FF's, which store cache in the same place -_-) and rebuild them
<srhb> deltasquared: There are several attempts to bring this to Nix. most recently rycee[m]'s home-manager, I think it was called.
<srhb> but there are others, none baked into Nix.
<deltasquared> srhb: got a link to the mentioned one?
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<srhb> (I haven't personally tried any of them yet)
<grantwu> Is FF's caches not in .cache?
<grantwu> *Are
<deltasquared> grantwu: ... ah, sorry, I got mixed up. yes it's *cache* is there, but there are other non-config bits in the "regular" directory
<grantwu> ah
<deltasquared> namely, some undiffable 10M-each-by-default sqlite databases -_-
<srhb> That database is tons of !!FUN!! if you experience crashes.
<deltasquared> RIP me trying to put a FF profile in a measely 40MB CIFS share
<grantwu> apparently it's for history
<deltasquared> what history? I turn it off!
<grantwu> /site specific preferences
<grantwu> idk
<deltasquared> srhb: also a fragment magnet on btrfs
<srhb> deltasquared: No idea how fragmented my btrfs is.
<srhb> A lot, probably.
<grantwu> Have you considered using a better filesystem? :P
<srhb> Yes, I have, though I haven't really found a good candidate so far.
<srhb> Or haven't been convinced at least.
<deltasquared> grantwu: I'm seriously considering converting some filesystems on my laptop to ext4 after seeing ext4 benchmarks having good random small file performance
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<grantwu> Considering we're in #nixos, which makes ZFS on root easy, or so I've heard...
<deltasquared> currently btrfs root there and... boot times kinda suck.
<srhb> grantwu: Doesn't that mean even _more_ fragmentation?
<deltasquared> grantwu: disclaimer: I come here to *talk* about nix-y stuff, I don't run nixos :P
<grantwu> deltasquared: O. Same.
<grantwu> Still waiting for GNOME 3 to get good on NixOS; otherwise I'm stuck with Nix on Ubuntu. (It'
<grantwu> 's still questionable, right?)
<srhb> grantwu: I was under the impression that that's probably the one area where ZFS is worse than btrfs.
<grantwu> srhb: I don't think it should be _more_ fragmented?
<deltasquared> gnome in general is... ugh. I wonder if it induces packagers to drink
<grantwu> I don't think it has a defrag command though
<deltasquared> *online* defragment, go big or go home
<deltasquared> well, to be fair most FSes can defragment the stupid way anyway, which is "read and re-write each file contigiously"
<grantwu> ZFS chose not to have online defragment for a reason
<srhb> Still, unpredictable performance should be less bad under ZFS, which does make me pause.
<srhb> Aside from that btrfs is just so nice :/
<deltasquared> srhb: do you use any of it's features?
<grantwu> I used btrfs until it randomly went into read only mode because I ran out of metadata space. Like, wot?
<srhb> Mostly snapshotting.
<deltasquared> as it turns out I basically don't.
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<srhb> And, well, the trivial raid 1
<srhb> Which anything can do.
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<deltasquared> I was using it because the whole "COW everything" approach is categorically more robust, if done right
<ToxicFrog> NixOS does indeed make /-on-zfs pretty easy
<ToxicFrog> Although you need to use `legacy` mountpoint for ~everything last time I checked because stuff doesn't reliably automount on boot
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<deltasquared> oh, does ZFS have automatic "subvolume" mounting? it's been ages since I looked into how the whole pool idea
<grantwu> "seems to be good enough" is not the kind of thing I like to read when dealing with filesystems
<grantwu> Assuming subvolume = dataset, yes
<copumpkin> yeah, I trust zfs far more than I trust btrfs
<srhb> grantwu: I think the btrfs people are generally pessimistic and zfs generally optimistic in their wording. :-P
<deltasquared> copumpkin: well if oracle use it...
<srhb> The raid56 failure on btrfs really hurt though.
<deltasquared> which one was that again
<srhb> deltasquared: The "oops, there goes your data" one
<deltasquared> o.o
<vagrant-> hello everyone, does anyone know if there's a nix expression that provides neither postgresql.out or postgresql.lib seem to provide this, although they provide `libpq.a`.
<deltasquared> you're giving me a very big incentive to switch to ext4 in a damn hurry srhb
<srhb> vagrant-: pQ?
<srhb> deltasquared: Hehehe.
<vagrant-> srhb: not sure what you're asking
<srhb> vagrant-: Just making sure that's the name, it could have been a type. Anyway, find /nix/store -name shows all of postgresql-lib derivaitons I have containing it.
<srhb> typo*
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<srhb> vagrant-: For instance, /fs6c96zi4rbsxxkdhys6igfiszljhimz-postgresql-9.6.2-lib/lib/
<vagrant-> ok, weird... that file doesn't exist for me
<grantwu> And ZFS was made at Sun. Oracle essentially took it closed source; OpenZFS (umbrella of ZoL, illumos, FreeBSD, macOS) people develop the open source version now
<vagrant-> building postgresql 9.5 off of current nixpkgs-unstable
<srhb> vagrant-: how are you building it?
<vagrant-> nix-build -A pkgs.postgresql96
<clever> vagrant-: postgresql.lib 0 s /nix/store/caibx9mv6yr0qlj5j8jjl1qskxwaaanh-postgresql-9.5.6-lib/lib/
<clever> vagrant-: its in the .lib output for me
<vagrant-> nix-build nixpkgs -A pkgs.postgresql96.lib && find result/ | grep libpq
<Infinisil> And ZoL is in the process of getting encryption \o/
<vagrant-> does not return any .sos
<vagrant-> or even a lib folder
<vagrant-> (the nixpkgs in that command refers to a clone of the nixpkgs repo)
<grantwu> Wait, what is even going on here
<clever> vagrant-: the .lib output goes to result-lib
<srhb> vagrant-: nix-build -A pkgs.postgresql96.lib ?
<vagrant-> aha!
<grantwu> You need a `sync` after a snapshot? mv to manage snapshots? Looks bonkers.
<vagrant-> clever: that was it
<Infinisil> ZoL encryption PR I've been tracking for a while now:
<vagrant-> thanks guys, I'm a dummy :)
<grantwu> Infinisil: I mean, you mean, ZFS is getting encryption.
<srhb> :)
<grantwu> ZFS enc dev is led by ZoL, but it gets upstreamed
<srhb> grantwu: snapshots behaving like directories is really nice.
<srhb> I don't understand why you'd balk at that specifically.
<grantwu> because now you have to mv things into place?
<grantwu> ZFS has .snapshots if you want that.
<srhb> You can just mount your subvolumes where you want.
<grantwu> so as I understand it
<grantwu> you'd need to unmount and remount after a receive?
<Infinisil> grantwu: Isn't it .zfs/snapshots?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #27841: icewm: 1.3.12 -> 1.4.2 (master...icewm-1.4.2)
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<grantwu> Infinisil: oops
<deltasquared> I was just thinking, if I move to ext4 I'll lose that built-in checksumming... hmm
<deltasquared> of btrfs, that is
<Infinisil> I can also recommend ZFS, haven't had a single problem with it
<ndash> oh yeah, it's scrub day
<LnL> how come we always end up in zfs discussions here? :p
<ndash> (also mailman day)
<ndash> LnL: people who choose nixos obviously like good things
<deltasquared> hehe, for you guys maybe... the closest arch gets to ZFS support is the AUR linux-zfs (I forget) package. not exactly "official"
<Infinisil> ndash: ++
<LnL> heh
<Infinisil> I really feel like people here are more willing to try out new non-traditional stuff
<Infinisil> Idris is also known here by a lot of people for probably the same reason
<srhb> I think there's a separate, FP overlap.
<deltasquared> I'm thinking it's something to do with nixos's declarative configuration making the process of these kinds of changes so much easier
<srhb> Hence all the haskellers too. And then there's subgenres (like reflex, because it's packaged using Nix)
<LnL> I wouldn't really call zfs new
<Infinisil> LnL: Yeah, but it has still ideas that aren't common in most used filesystems today
<Infinisil> Well admittedly most people don't even know what a filesystem is, maybe it's a different story for those that actually do and care
<deltasquared> I care when I want to push the go-faster button.
<deltasquared> a system taking 20secs to get to a TTY login prompt is a bit annoying sometimes
<Infinisil> deltasquared: (It takes even longer for mine :()
<deltasquared> no display manager or anything, mind. that's literally just systemd booting to multi-user
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<deltasquared> all the stuff I have... I suspect it's less the critical chain and more the other stuff going on at the same time causing a shitton of disk seeks
<Infinisil> Well tbh I rarely shut it down
<srhb> I remember stub booting on Arch, that was fun and fast.
<deltasquared> Infinisil: neither do I on my laptop, but every now and again (like today) comes times when I have to reboot a couple times
<deltasquared> partly due to some undeletable files in my homedir which apparently were missing their inodes. -_-
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<srhb> ... ow
<deltasquared> srhb: needless to say, I backed everything important up pdq
<Infinisil> deltasquared: Wait what fs are you using again?
<deltasquared> Infinisil: btrfs
<Infinisil> lol, wel
<Infinisil> l
<deltasquared> I think I should have ran scrub readonly first to see if it were corruption.
<srhb> Yeeeah, it's getting hard to ignore this. :-P
<Infinisil> ^^
<deltasquared> erm, ignore?
<srhb> This is fine. Everything is fine.
<deltasquared> I don't-
<deltasquared> halp
* deltasquared segfaults
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<Infinisil> Maybe i'll try btrfs at some later time, Im having enough other problems that I don't need another one with my fs
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<grantwu> srhb:
<Infinisil> srhb: I just read a bit on this stub booting, I don't see a reason this couldn't work with nixos
<deltasquared> I'm trying to figure out who is in the favicon of
<deltasquared> also what is this stub booting
<grantwu> deltasquared: I think it's Rick Astley
<grantwu> I don't know why
<deltasquared> oh, of course...
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<grantwu> Anyways, I tried to write up what the equivalent zfs commands would be
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<grantwu> Idk, I feel like having all your snapshots mounted as normally-visible subvolumes automatically is not what you want
<grantwu> .zfs is not actually visible to ls -la
<deltasquared> woo, dinner time
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<grantwu> So unless you are using a utility that explicitly checks for it, you can pretend that it doesn't exist
<clever> grantwu: when you try to read the snapshot directory, the zfs driver will automatically spawn a mount process to mount them
<LnL> you can make it visible
<grantwu> clever: oh, huh, I wasn't aware that's how it worked
<Infinisil> grantwu: You can make it visible by setting snapdir=on
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<grantwu> Sure. But that's not what I want
<clever> grantwu: that was also broken at one point, because the kernel ran /bin/sh with zero env variables, and nixos sh lacks a default PATH
<grantwu> And I feel having snapdir=off as a default is a good default
<Infinisil> Umm I mean snapdir=visible
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<Infinisil> grantwu: Yeah
<grantwu> s/off/hidden/
<mpcsh> hey, do people tend to use users.mutableUsers = false?
<Infinisil> mpcsh: I want to, but haven't just yet
<lassulus> mpcsh: I use it on all my systems, passwords are supplied via users.users.*.hashedPassword
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<Infinisil> lassulus: Isn't that inseruce?
<lassulus> people could read the hashed from the store, so theoretically yes
<lassulus> s/hashed/hash/
<Infinisil> Weird, man configuration.nix mentions nothing of it being inseruce
<Infinisil> s/inseruce/insecure/
<lassulus> its still not so easy to break the hash or get a collision
<mpcsh> Infinisil: it's not insecure so long as it uses a good hash algo
<Infinisil> Oh right, forgot what hashes do there for a moment
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<lassulus> but I also implemented a statefull passwd for every user in their home directories
<Taneb> So, I'm trying to install nixos on my laptop, any guides on getting wifi working in the installer?
<lassulus> because I don't want to update the system everytime a user changes his password
<lassulus> Taneb: edit /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and add the wifi, afterwards just run `systemctl restart wpa_supplicant`
<lassulus> maybe you need to create it first, not sure
<clever> Taneb: and if your using wpa, you have to run wpa_passphrase essid >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
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<lassulus> ah yeah, forgot about wpa_passphrase, I just add the boilerplate manually everytime :D
<mpcsh> lassulus: how does that stateful password work?
<Taneb> clever, thank you! :D it works
<Infinisil> lassulus: You implemented a stateful passwd? passwd is already stateful, you can still use it with mutableUsers = true
<Infinisil> Or do i misunderstand something
<lassulus> but not with mutableUsers = false;
<clever> Infinisil: i prefer using initialHashedPassword over hashedPassword
<Infinisil> that's what i meant
<clever> that only sets it once, upon creating the user
<mpcsh> clever: sorry, so you have initialHashedPassword and also mutableUsers = false?
<Infinisil> Ahh sorry
<mpcsh> or do you have mutableUsers = true?
<clever> mpcsh: i leave mutableUsers on the default value
<mpcsh> clever: ok so true
<lassulus> mpcsh: give me a sec, I need to get my cgit running again ;D
<lassulus> maybe it won't work in every scenario, but I just use it for ssh and dovecot access
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<Infinisil> lassulus: Doesn't the mkpasswd package already do that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c85665 gnidorah: bullet: 2.83.7 -> 2.86.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5cb0ac3 gnidorah: terra: fix building on master
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b5057f7 gnidorah: openmw-tes3mp: init at 0.6.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 0108097 Shea Levy: fetchFromGitHub: Allow private repos, hosted githubs...
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<Infinisil> Oh, private repos!
<lassulus> Infinisil: does it? would be nice
<Infinisil> lassulus: I just checked out the man page, it just generates a hashed password to stdout from a password and salt (which is random by default)
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<Infinisil> Eh no wait
<Phillemann> I don't really understand the syntax "import ./foo.nix { bar };". Where is this described?
<Infinisil> I don't know how salt works exactly
<Phillemann> I can't find it in the NixOS manual.
<LnL> it's a couple of things combined
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<clever> the bar part doesnt look valid
<lassulus> Infinisil: ah, yeah, but I still need some software to store the hash somewhere and check it
<lassulus> outside of /etc/shadow
<Phillemann> Ah, the Nix manual seems to explain it.
<Phillemann> So I got a little confused with the manuals.
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<Infinisil> lassulus: Oh right, hmm
<Infinisil> lassulus: Wait, why do you need to check the password?
<LnL> Phillemann: this is a nice introduction for the syntax
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<Infinisil> lassulus: Oh nevermind
<Phillemann> LnL: Ah, I'll read that also, thanks!
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<Infinisil> lassulus: Well I just think a bash script using mkpasswd would be simpler, but I appreciate you using haskell for scripting!
<lassulus> I did it actually first with bash
<Infinisil> or just this kind of stuff
<lassulus> but I didn't trust my code enough ;D
<Infinisil> bash is horrible, I should really start using haskell or so
<Infinisil> Gotta go for now, bbl
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<mpcsh> alright, about to abandon arch for nixos! wish me luck everyone!
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<gchristensen> good luck, mpcsh!
<lassulus> mpcsh: hfgl, I did the same 3 years ago, and never looked back
<grantwu> Hrm.
<grantwu> if I have an existing zpool, would it be possible to install NixOS on a dataset there
<grantwu> Then I can triple boot Ubuntu/NixOS/Windows :D
<lassulus> btw, is anyone at sha2017?
* krav_
<lassulus> cool, I will also be there, maybe doing a nixos workshop.
<krav_> i would go to that!
<Infinisil> mpcsh: Good luck! I'll gladly help you transition :)
<Infinisil> grantwu: Sure, nixos doesn't really care where it's being installed afaik. The only thing you might need to watch out for is /boot
<grantwu> Right, I guess I'm asking more specifically how I'd do it
<grantwu> and how to avoid it screwing over my bootloader
<Infinisil> grantwu: you know how to use zfs already right?
<grantwu> Yes
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<grantwu> I already have a pool; I want to install it onto a new filesystem onto that pool
<Infinisil> I'm not sure how to avoid a mess with bootloaders
<Infinisil> grantwu: And you want to share /home i assume?
<grantwu> Probably unshared for now
<grantwu> I'd presume that it's easy to fix
<Infinisil> Just creating a new dataset with mountpoint=legacy set should be fine as the nixos root
<lassulus> grantwu: the "easy way" would be to let nixos handle your bootloader
<grantwu> Hrm... but would that break Ubuntu/Windows
<Infinisil> grantwu: I'm like 60% sure nixos doesn't mess with other boot loaders
<lassulus> grantwu: you could use boot.loader.grub.extraEntries to add the entries for ubuntu/windows
<lassulus> if you are using grub
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<grantwu> I just want to test out NixOS, and don't want to judge it in a VM because I feel like I wouldn't be able to distinguish which problems are caused by graphics drivers and which are caused by NixOS package immaturity
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 82 minutes ago, history:
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<Infinisil> grantwu: You could always just create another EFI boot partition
<grantwu> More prosaically, can someone figure out what I am supposed to do here?
<grantwu> Infinisil: Would that require more space?
<Infinisil> grantwu: Oh actually, it should also be possible to have /boot on zfs
<Infinisil> but not the efi part, hmm
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<Infinisil> An ESP (efi system partition) only needs like 100-300MB
<Infinisil> usually people choose 200MB
<grantwu> I don't think I have any space left; I'd need to resize my NTFS partition
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<grantwu> I can't really resize my ZFS partition...
<Infinisil> Hmm.. While I have spent a fair amount of time on bootloader stuff recently, I'm not entirely sure what to do there
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<Infinisil> grantwu: Do you have an external disk you could use to install nixos?
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<grantwu> Hrm... That might actually be the easiest thing
<grantwu> er, easiest way of doing this.
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<Infinisil> grantwu: Do you need any assistance on that?
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<grantwu> Not now
<grantwu> I'm at work xD
<Infinisil> Ahh
<Infinisil> Well I'll be here all evening probably
<Infinisil> It's my nations holiday today but I'm not the party kind of guy so I'm just staying inside all night lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27843: filezilla: 3.25.2 -> (master...update/filezilla-
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<grantwu> Presumably I just dd one of the isos onto a flash drive?
<grantwu> "Please note that NixOS at the moment lacks a nice, user-friendly graphical installer. Therefore this form of installation may not be suitable for novice Linux users."
<grantwu> "The graphical installation CD contains the NixOS installer as well as X11, Plasma 5 Desktop and several applications."
<grantwu> Does it have a graphical installer or not?
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<srhb> grantwu: The graphical is in the sense that you get nice graphics to hold your terminal which does not have a graphical installer.
<Infinisil> grantwu: There isn't an installer
<grantwu> ah.
<srhb> grantwu: And yes, dd away.
<Infinisil> The graphical thing just comes with X11, so you can try out some DE or whatever
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27844: igv: 2.3.89 -> 2.3.98 (master...update/igv-2.3.98)
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<srhb> grantwu: Also, I think we should move section 2.1 to the beginning of the installation procedure.
<srhb> It really gives you a clear and concise idea of the installation process before going into details.
<Infinisil> srhb: Yeah the manual for installation isn't the greatest..
<srhb> It's step by step completely true.
<srhb> It just seems more daunting than it is, I think.
<Infinisil> The live cd doesn't allow you to have things persist over reboots right?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27845: git-cola: 2.10 -> 2.11 (master...update/git-cola-2.11)
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<srhb> Persist where?
<Infinisil> srhb: On the disk where it's installed
<srhb> Not out of the box, no.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27846: git-hub: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 (master...update/git-hub-0.11.1)
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<grantwu> Infinisil: While you're here, and I'm waiting for tests to run... Do you have any idea what I should do here?
<grantwu> Presumably I delete deluge from python-packages.nix
<Infinisil> grantwu: Ahh, so you want to learn how to do this yourself or do you just want the package to work?
<grantwu> Infinisil: I was specifically asked to submit a PR, so I want to learn how to do this myself
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27847: gitflow: 1.10.2 -> 1.11.0 (master...update/gitflow-1.11.0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27848: shared-mime-info: 1.7 -> 1.8 (master...update/shared-mime-info-1.8)
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<Infinisil> grantwu: And put it somewhere in here where it makes sense:
<grantwu> Presumably, out of the file, right
<grantwu> ah.
<srhb> pkgs/applications/networking/p2p/deluge/default.nix would probably be a good place.
<Infinisil> grantwu: And then you change this line to be similar to the ones near it:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27849: swi-prolog: 7.2.3 -> 7.4.2 (master...update/swi-prolog-7.4.2)
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<Infinisil> srhb: ++
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27850: groovy: 2.4.10 -> 2.4.12 (master...update/groovy-2.4.12)
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<srhb> You will also need to do a few minor fixups, but that should be easier to explain once you've tried doing what Infinisil guided you to do and then trying to build it (nix-build path-to-your-nixpkgs-checkout -A deluge)
<Infinisil> grantwu: Oh and the expression also needs some adjustements
<srhb> Ah, you're still on it, sorry :)
<Infinisil> srhb: :P
<grantwu> sorry, dealing with some GitHub key issues, just a sec
* srhb thought she heard crickets
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27851: klavaro: 3.02 -> 3.03 (master...update/klavaro-3.03)
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<grantwu> It really is a pain that you can't reuse deploy keys.
<grantwu> I'm on a work computer so I would like to restrict which repos my work SSH key has access to, but that would require generating a unique key for every repo...
<Infinisil> grantwu: NixOps?
<grantwu> Er, I'm referring to GitHub stuff
<srhb> Oh, that makes perfect sense though. Never thought of doing that.
<srhb> I should.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #27852: gnuplot: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.6 (master...update/gnuplot-5.0.6)
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<Infinisil> grantwu: GitLab has good team management, which would do exactly what you need
<grantwu> Infinisil: Clearly we should switch NixOS to GitLab, then. /s
<Infinisil> srhb: Didn't know you were female btw, I'm always assuming there's only men here lol
<srhb> Infinisil: That's a bad habit. :)
<Infinisil> srhb: In my computer science degree there's like 5-10% women, soo..
<grantwu> There is indeed a dearth of women.
<srhb> Ah, I didn't mean it's statistically improbable, I meant it reinforces the male dominance in tech.
<grantwu> It gets better at some schools.
<srhb> (My school was the same)
<grantwu> CMU SCS is up to 40%, I think?
<srhb> That's a very good ratio :)
<grantwu> Well, they can pretty much get whoever they want...
<srhb> Ah, I looked up the acronym. yeeeah. :-P
<grantwu> WIth the money caveat
<Infinisil> I don't know if the lack of women in IT is because generally women aren't so into technology, or if it's because how society treats when from young age
<Infinisil> I'd like to think it's the latter
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<Infinisil> Well, as long as everybody does what they're happy with :)
<srhb> I don't want to get into this discussion in a public channel. Not that I don't find it interesting, sorry. :)
<Infinisil> srhb: Yeah ;)
<Infinisil> grantwu: In what timezone are you?
<grantwu> EST
<Infinisil> That you're still working, it's 9am here
<grantwu> er, Eastern
<Infinisil> Ah, america
<deltasquared> GMT reporting in, happy 8PM
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<srhb> GMT *and* PM
<srhb> Perverse. :-)
<srhb> Wait, is that normal on the isles?
<deltasquared> is what
<srhb> AM/PM
<deltasquared> erm, it's mixed really
<srhb> Shows what I know...
<deltasquared> I cba to type out 20:00
<deltasquared> "20 o'clock" would get objects thrown at me.
<grantwu> I'm a bit surprised - is all-packages.nix manually maintained?
<srhb> grantwu: Yes it is.
<Infinisil> Ohhh, sorry, I meant to say it's 9 *PM* where I am, said am before
<ndash> grantwu: no they have special service dogs
<Infinisil> grantwu: Yup
<Infinisil> ndash: lol
<grantwu> Is it not possible to have it be autogenerated?
<ndash> grantwu: From what? :)
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<grantwu> The other directories, I suppose
<srhb> grantwu: Sure, you could, but the manual control is actually used here.
<Infinisil> grantwu: It worked pretty well so far I guess
<grantwu> I see
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<srhb> grantwu: For instance, not all packages in nixpkgs go in the top level of nixpkgs there
<srhb> grantwu: (like for instance most pythonPackages do not)
<srhb> A lot of *subsets* of all-packages are auto generated.
<ndash> grantwu: The problem is that there's actual structure in all-packages, it's not a one-to-one mapping between nix files and all-packages attributes (several are invoked multiple times with different attributes)
<Infinisil> grantwu: There are also auto-generated expressions, see here for example:
<srhb> hackage-packages.nix for instance :)
<srhb> What we *could* do (though I don't see the need) is make something like packages/all-packages/auto.* get generated (or even auto generate), but it sort of messes up the structure a bit.
<srhb> That was unclear. I mean move all packages to be auto-included to some special tree in nixpkgs.
<Infinisil> srhb: Could work
<Infinisil> But I also don't see the need
<Infinisil> Alright
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<Infinisil> grantwu: Have a look at other default.nix files now
<Infinisil> They all take some arguments at the top, something a la { stdenv, lib }
<grantwu> right, I was wondering about that
<grantwu> I presumably also need to get buildPythonPackage from somewhere?
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<clever> if you use pythonPackages.callPackage, it should pass you buildPythonPackage
<Infinisil> grantwu: Indeed, buildPythonPackage is in pythonPackages, and you specifically need python2Packages
<clever> thats how most of the language frameworks work
<Infinisil> clever: Oh nice to know
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<grantwu> so... python2Packages.callPackage ?
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<Infinisil> grantwu: Yeah, but in all-packages.nix, instead of the callPackage there
<grantwu> right.
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<clever> if you load it within python-packages.nix, it will be available inside every variant of pythonPackages
<clever> and nix can just build it against any version of python
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<srhb> (The opposite goal of this)
<Infinisil> clever: Are you sure that's how it should be done? I don't see a single pythonPackages.callPackage in all-packages.nix
<grantwu> er... yes
<grantwu> as srhb says I'm trying to not have that happen
dash1 is now known as dash
<Infinisil> Ah
<clever> ah
<srhb> I packaged a very trivial python application exactly as you're doing now, it's called mir-qualia in all-packages.nix
<clever> neovim-remote = callPackage ../applications/editors/neovim/neovim-remote.nix { pythonPackages = python3Packages; };
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<srhb> It's python3 only instead of python2 only
<srhb> Right, exactly thusly :)
<Infinisil> grantwu: You also need to remove the `deluge = ` at the beginning and the semicolon at the end in default.nix
<clever> i see this in some areas, but i would avoid that, because renaming the variable can lead to confusion
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<srhb> That's curious, I was recommended doing that exactly by the python peoples.
<Infinisil> srhb: But this package he's wanting to package only works with python2
<srhb> Infinisil: Right, the only difference :)
<clever> Infinisil: python2Packages.callPackage
<Infinisil> srhb: Wouldn't it make more sense to take the argument python2Packages then?
<srhb> Infinisil: I also don't see a problem with your point of using python2Packages directly in the package, really.
<clever> using python2Packages.callPackage will make the argument names be python package names
<srhb> But too many chefs right now.
<clever> so its more obvious which python packages it needs
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<Infinisil> clever: I see
<srhb> clever: That's strictly opposite of every other package in all-packages.nix
<Infinisil> ^^
<clever> i usually try to use the properly scoped callPackage whenever its available
<srhb> Yeah, and I understand your argument, but I think we should change them all instead then.
<srhb> Anyway, it can easily be fixed up in the PR. Do either. :-P
<srhb> Back to happy first-PR mode :-P
<Infinisil> Hmm, I'm not sure, using pythonpackages.callPackage instead of the normal one makes the pakcages file even more independent, as you now need to also call pythonPackages.callPackage when building the package from the file only
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<Infinisil> s/independent/dependent on nixpkgs
<srhb> I agree, I'm just a little wary of introducing the first "opposite land" python application to all-packages.nix. Wouldn't it be wiser to fix them all at once?
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<srhb> (I can't immediately see any problem with doing either thing, really)
<dhess> clever: you were helping me earlier to package up this NVIDIA kernel for the Jetson TX1. I implemented your idea to use runCommand to define src for the TX1 kernel derivation and that works nicely... except that now I need to set sourceRoot as well.
<Infinisil> srhb: I don't think it's worth the effort to change them all. It works either way
<srhb> Infinisil: That's true..
<dhess> clever: the NVIDIA kernel source puts the kernel in $out/kernel/kernel-4.4 and that is not where the nixpkgs kernel builder expects it to be of course.
<clever> dhess: do you need anything above that directory?
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<dhess> clever: Yes, the out-of-kernel modules are there
<clever> dhess: or could you just cut out that subtree and put it into $out with the runCommand?
<clever> ah
<grantwu> Wait, so... what am I supposed to put for the list of dependencies?
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<clever> dhess: out-of-kernel modules can always be built as a different derivation
<dhess> clever: I'm tempted to just pre-edit it all and stick it in a GitHub repo, but that feels like cheating.
<clever> dhess: that makes it far simpler to manage
<grantwu> Presumably I want this { stdenv; }
<dhess> clever: I see, any examples of that in the nixpkgs tree?
<grantwu> er, { stdenv }:
<srhb> grantwu: Basically nix-build will yell at you if it doesn't find them all.
<Infinisil> srhb: I just did a PR which is similarly irrelevant:
<LnL> grantwu: you don't need to add the stdenv explicitly
<clever> dhess: many, one sec
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<srhb> grantwu: But every package deluge depends on in its buildinputs. You may want to explicitly leave some out just to see the error message :)
<srhb> grantwu: It's nice to know how it looks.
<Infinisil> grantwu: You don't need stdenv if stdenv isn't used in your nix file
<grantwu> Oh, I see
<srhb> Infinisil: Ah, cleanups are nice :-)
<grantwu> srhb: So this doesn't have any buildInputs. It only has propagatedBuildInputs and nativeBuildInputs
<dhess> clever: I'm not exactly sure this will work, though, as Nvidia modifies the kernel Makefiles in various locations to point to the out-of-tree modules. Depends on which targets those are I suppose.
<Infinisil> grantwu: That's totally fin
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<dhess> clever: ok I'll look there for some guidance
<LnL> grantwu: that's fine, it's not required
<clever> dhess: this will build the kernel first, then build the modules against that kernel
<clever> dhess: and if you add ot to the linuxPackagesFor function, it will auto-generate a derivation for every kernel
<grantwu> hrm... still not sure what to put at the top. Do I copy the propagatedBuildInputs and nativeBuildInputs into the { }: thing?
<Infinisil> grantwu: You probably need the arguments intltool, libtorrentRasterbar, lib (and python2Packages)
<Infinisil> grantwu: then you change the `with self` part at propagatedBulidInputs to `with python2Packages`
<grantwu> would it not be with pythonPackages?
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<grantwu> because we did the whole pythonPackages = python2Packages thing
<srhb> grantwu: Depends which version you went with in all-packages.nix
<srhb> grantwu: We were too busy theorizing about it :-P
<Infinisil> grantwu: Well if you use pythonPackages in your file, it's possible for people to override pythonPackages with python3Packages, which probably isn't what you want because it wouldn't work with v3
<Infinisil> I would take python2Packages as an argument, but I'm not 100% certain on this convention
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 5 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46c9739 Michael Alan Dorman: elpa-packages: 2017-08-01
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ea23a0 Michael Alan Dorman: org-packages: 2017-08-01
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8be846e Michael Alan Dorman: melpa-stable-packages: 2017-08-01...
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<grantwu> does taking python2Packages as an argument work if we pass in pythonPackages
<clever> no
<clever> you either need to map it over like callPackage ../applications/editors/neovim/neovim-remote.nix { pythonPackages = python3Packages; };
<clever> or rename it in your default.nix
<grantwu> so Infinisil's suggestion isn't compatible with the current convention for python packages that are either Python 2 or Python 3 specific
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9396587 Christian Albrecht: nixos/auditd: break ordering cycle (#27577)...
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<FRidh> If you have an application, then the convention is that the argument is pythonPackages when its supported on 2 and 3, python2Packages if only on 2, and python3Packages if only on 3. The solution by clever, to use pythonPackages.callPackage is fine as well. But again, use the set with the number in case its only supported on that version.
<grantwu> Is the result
<Infinisil> grantwu: Hmm yeah, maybe it's better to do it the other way
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] adevress closed pull request #893: Solve issue #889. Add support for configurable runstatedir ( nix-daem… (master...patch-runstate)
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Ahh, so it's right what I said
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<FRidh> Infinisil: I haven't read the whole discussion so I can't say that.
<grantwu> w/e - it's easier to look at the commit and see if it's broken
<grantwu> Infinisil: lol - look at who asked me to do this
<Infinisil> grantwu: Yeah :P
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<grantwu> I still don't know how to determine what to put as parameters. All I've put there so far is what people have told me - how did y'all figure that out?
<Infinisil> Oh hey FRidh, you have requested changes for a PR of mine, but they are long fixed. Could you have another look / accept / merge it ?
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<srhb> grantwu: Every name, function, etc. that you use in the derivation has to come in as arguments.
<srhb> grantwu: So when you refer to, say, some python library by name in the derivation (your default.nix) it has to be fed that as an argument.
<srhb> grantwu: Think of it as a function. Well, because it is.
<srhb> grantwu: Given these packages and functions, it can build deluge.
<grantwu> Also, is there a reference for this? I can't find propogatedBuildInputs with ^F in the nix manual
<srhb> grantwu: You need the nixpkgs manual I think
<Infinisil> nixpkgs manual
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<94KAA6JXU> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master:
<94KAA6JXU> nixpkgs/master 75fde41 Silvan Mosberger: scyther: init at 1.1.3
<94KAA6JXU> nixpkgs/master 313b8b7 Silvan Mosberger: scyther: Separated into two derivations
<94KAA6JXU> nixpkgs/master d1af3b3 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27006 from Infinisil/scyther...
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<3NAAA8P64> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27006: scyther: init at 1.1.3 (master...scyther)
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Thanks!
<srhb> grantwu: Again, you could start with an empty argument list for learning reasons, try to build it with nix-build your-nixpkgs-path -A deluge and see the errors
<FRidh> oh look at all those PR's by mimadrid
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<Infinisil> Oh I should've squashed the 2 commits
<FRidh> Infinisil: yea, thought the same after I pressed the big button...
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<94KAA6JZC> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<94KAA6JZC> nixpkgs/master 2a00ff4 mimadrid: gnuplot: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.6
<94KAA6JZC> nixpkgs/master 6c8c4f5 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27852 from mimadrid/update/gnuplot-5.0.6...
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<3NAAA8P7R> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27852: gnuplot: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.6 (master...update/gnuplot-5.0.6)
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Seems to be automated
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 270bfa2 mimadrid: klavaro: 3.02 -> 3.03
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69d2d02 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27851 from mimadrid/update/klavaro-3.03...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5f831b3 mimadrid: groovy: 2.4.10 -> 2.4.12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 29825eb Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27850 from mimadrid/update/groovy-2.4.12...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27848: shared-mime-info: 1.7 -> 1.8 (master...update/shared-mime-info-1.8)
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Oh another thing, you apparently got an automatic code review for this PR: (because of the codeowners file or something)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5234545 mimadrid: git-hub: 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3eaa599 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27846 from mimadrid/update/git-hub-0.11.1...
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<Infinisil> Didn't know that happened automatically
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27845: git-cola: 2.10 -> 2.11 (master...update/git-cola-2.11)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 20fb18b mimadrid: igv: 2.3.89 -> 2.3.98
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3ed7975 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27844 from mimadrid/update/igv-2.3.98...
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<Infinisil> Ahh I thought so
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27849: swi-prolog: 7.2.3 -> 7.4.2 (master...update/swi-prolog-7.4.2)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d942615 mimadrid: gitflow: 1.10.2 -> 1.11.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1344aff Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27847 from mimadrid/update/gitflow-1.11.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27843: filezilla: 3.25.2 -> (master...update/filezilla-
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Thanks for the comment, very helpful
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<FRidh> grantwu: you understood what I meant with that PR?
<grantwu> sorry, which PR?
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<FRidh> or issue, deluge
<grantwu> I mean, sort of.
<grantwu> I've been asking in here how to fix it
<Infinisil> We were discussing it here :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #27853: bazel: 0.4.5 -> 0.5.3 (
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<grantwu> The gist of it is that pythonPackages.nix is for packages that are compatible with both 2 and 3, and therefore deluge doesn't belong there; therefore it needs to be moved elsewhere
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<FRidh> python-packages.nix is for Python libraries or tools that are used inside a Python development environment
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<FRidh> But deluge is just an application that happens to be written in Python.
<grantwu> oh. I see
<grantwu> well, my fork is here
<FRidh> grantwu: alright, open a PR
<grantwu> well, no, it doesn't work yet
<grantwu> I'm muddling along with the help of people in this channel because I've never written Nix before
<grantwu> although, actually, I'm currently reading the Nixpkgs manual.
<Infinisil> grantwu: I'll have a look at how far you've gotten
<grantwu> ...nothing has changed since I last posted it
<Infinisil> Ah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27809: pkgs: refactor needless quoting of homepage meta attribute (master...url-quote-refactor)
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<Infinisil> FRidh: Thanks
<Infinisil> grantwu: Should I fix it for you so you can have a look at it? It's really hard to explain diffs in IRC :P
<grantwu> Eh
<grantwu> I'll look at it later tonight
<grantwu> when I actually have a computer with Nix installed, heh...
<Infinisil> Or maybe you can push your latest changes again
<Infinisil> grantwu: Oh you're testing this without nix? lol
<grantwu> I'm not testing this at all :D
<grantwu> I'm at work, and I don't use Nix at work. Unfortunately.
<grantwu> I should also uh. Go do actual work
<Infinisil> grantwu: Well yes :P
<MP2E> haha :)
<grantwu> It's kind of painful because of the packaging problems we have at work >.>
<grantwu> Last night they were talking about "ugh our Docker images are so huge"
<LnL> how big?
<Infinisil> grantwu: Gotta convince everyone to use nix
<Infinisil> Or are you using Windows?
<deltasquared> how's the master takeover plan going
<grantwu> Work computer is macOS, deploy to Linux
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<grantwu> I'm just an intern, and I leave in a week
<grantwu> So despite gentle suggestions of using Nix, it's not really going to happen
<grantwu> LnL: I dunno, low hundreds of megs?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 733e20f Tim Steinbach: binutils: 2.28 -> 2.29...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3b436d1 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #27744 from NeQuissimus/binutils_staging_2_29...
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<Infinisil> grantwu: They just don't know it well enough, nobody can deny the beauty of nix when they see it
<LnL> there's a team at my work that uses 8g development images xD
<Infinisil> Never heard of 8g
<grantwu> I think LnL means 8GB
<clever> 8gig vm images
<LnL> no docker images
<cement> I got lucky that my work deploys using nixops
<cement> and I didn't even have to convince them
<Infinisil> Ah lol
<Infinisil> cement: Nice
<MP2E> I got lucky and got a position at a financial firm basically handling their technical department, and the COO is sympathetic to my mad experiments :)
<MP2E> so nixos is getting more and more use here
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<betaboon> can anyone explain to me, when/how/under which conditions commits (eg the attached one) on nixpkgs-master get merged into release-X.Y? (commit:
<LnL> it won't unless it's backported
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<LnL> which generally only happens for security updates, etc.
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<betaboon> e ?
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<betaboon> * so it will be part of the next release ?
<LnL> yes, the next release will branch off from master again
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<Infinisil> MP2E: Nice to hear
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<seequ> Nix-shell shebangs are so good <3
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<Infinisil> Agreed
<Infinisil> Almost magical
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<seequ> Self-extracting scripts :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d9521c3 Robin Gloster: gnome-tweak-tool: fix eval
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<Infinisil> Currently writing something in the release notes.. XML ughhhh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5eb78b6 Eric Litak: factorio: 0.15.30 -> 0.15.31...
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<Infinisil> copumpkin: You here?
<copumpkin> sort of :)
<maurer> I'm trying to use the rust overlay for nixpkgs, but am getting unusual errors where cargo can't find the core or std crates
<maurer> any idea what may have gone wrong?
<LnL> Infinisil: feel free to write it in markdown and ask somebody else to convert it
<Infinisil> LnL: Eh, not worth it, it's just a paragraph
<maurer> For anyone who finds this in logs and was wondering - the problem was that I only included the rustc and cargo attributes
<maurer> in mozilla's derivations, the stdlib is split into a separate package, .rust-std
<Infinisil> LnL: Quick! tell me how to write [an url]( in xml doc style!
<maurer> either depend on .rust to get everything, or depend on .rustc, .rust-std, and .cargo
<maurer> Infinisil: I agree with you but this has been rehashed over and over again, another person repeating the same argument isn't going to cause them to change their mind
<Infinisil> copumpkin: I was kind of suprised to see FridH merge it so quickly, should have had some more eyes on it. Do you think this should be reversed?
<maurer> Infinisil: If you actually want to write docs but think docbook is a PITA, call the docbook folks bluffs by writing markdown docs and submitting it for translation
<Infinisil> maurer: Yeah yeah, I don't really care anyways, as I won't be writing xml docs much lol
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<Infinisil> maurer: If I feel like documenting something bigger I'll do something like that yes :)
<Infinisil> There certainly is a tool to do md -> docbook
<Infinisil> somewhere
<maurer> Automated tools like that are not going to produce good output tbh. I'd expect one of the docbook gurus to essentially end up running the tool and then fixing up the output by hand
<LnL> I usually just scroll around in the file I'm updating and use the relevant tags I find there
<clever> Infinisil: probably a feature in pandoc
<copumpkin> Infinisil: I don't think consistency hurts today, in one direction or the other. I'd like to see it move in the opposite direction but there's nothing wrong with what you did. I just wouldn't expect it to stay in the current state, since new folks will show up and add quotes
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<Infinisil> copumpkin: All right :)
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<Infinisil> clever: Confirmed, although that was kind of obvious
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to openssl-1.1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 fe00552 Robin Gloster: openwsman: 2.6.0 -> 2.6.3+git2017-04-20 + openssl 1.1 patch...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 0b40d8f Robin Gloster: wvdial: remove
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 3358c91 Robin Gloster: wvstreams: remove
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: ping
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<Sonarpulse> fpletz: I'm wondering about a few things in add-hardening that git log informs me you might know the answer to
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<maurer> Anyone know how to manually sleep a nixos laptop?
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<globin> Sonarpulse: fire away :)
<Sonarpulse> globin: ah yes you'd be good too
<globin> even if I'm not fpletz %)
<Sonarpulse> hardeningEnable is...not a bash array?
<krav_> maurer: echo mem > /sys/power/state ?
<Sonarpulse> yet line 2 it is expanded as one?
<Sonarpulse> with quotes?
<Sonarpulse> so it won't be word split?
<globin> all variables set in a derivation, including hardening{En,Dis}able are coerced to strings -> lists concatenated with space
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<globin> that is the hardeningDisable we get there as an input
<Infinisil> maurer: systemctl suspend, or if you mean some DPMS stuff (display sleep kind of thing): xset dpms force standby (the force is harmless)
<globin> hardeningDisable = [ "format" "fortify" ]; => export hardeningDisable="format fortify";
<Sonarpulse> globin: right
<Sonarpulse> I think the list corce is wrong then?
<Sonarpulse> hardeningFlags+=("${hardeningEnable[@]}")
<Sonarpulse> it would need to be
<Sonarpulse> hardeningFlags+=(hardeningEnable)
<Sonarpulse> err `hardeningFlags+=($hardeningEnable)`
<globin> I think we added that to support lists, too and were normalising
<globin> but I might be wrong
<Sonarpulse> globin: yeah that would mess up the word split
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<Sonarpulse> there's no good way to support both other than conditionals (if bash offers that) or re-word-split
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<globin> what we'd ideally want is support for lists in derivations -> lists in bash
<globin> Sonarpulse: that should actually become possible in 1.12 IIRV
<globin> IIRC*
<Sonarpulse> woah!
<Sonarpulse> really?
<Sonarpulse> how?!
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<globin> Sonarpulse: that even has the hardening example included
<globin> but that will still take time until we can really use it
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<Infinisil> Nice
<Sonarpulse> globin: indeed
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Hey hey.
<rycee[m]> Sorry, haven't had time to look at your PR. Tomorrow should be freer :-)
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Np, it's nothing big
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: I was just wondering: I saw there being a manual.nix module, how does this exactly work?
<yegortimoshenko> hi! i want to make a pull request to nixos-hardware. what should i do about function key handling (volume up, down, brightness, etc.), is it a part of hardware configuration? what about hibernation?
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Hehe, it is quite hacky. It reaches into the NixOS manual and pulls out the man pages but replaces its content with that of the Home Manager modules. That's why when you do `man home-configuration.nix` it says "configuration.nix - NixOS system configuration specification".
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: The thing is that I can't do man home-configuration.nix
<Infinisil> Oh wait
<Infinisil> It work
<Infinisil> s
<rycee[m]> Cool :-)
<rycee[m]> If you are using Nixpkgs unstable then it didn't work for a while because of some improvements that happened in Nixpkgs. It's been fixed now, though, so the man page should work both for 17.03 and master.
<Infinisil> Nice
<Infinisil> I was just looking at how nixos generates these, should be applicable to home-manager as well
<Infinisil> Maybe I'll experiment with this a bit
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<rycee[m]> I'd like for the NixOS one to have some form of template that could be replaced so that, e.g., the name and description sections could talk about home-configuration.nix rather than configuration.nix.
<clever> Infinisil: as an example of how bad too many entries in /nix/store/.links can be:
<clever> Infinisil: it took 2.5 hours to delete zero bytes
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vinymeuh opened pull request #27856: gcc-arm-embedded: 5-2016-q2-update -> 6-2017-q2-update (master...gcc-arm-embedded-macos)
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Or better yet: that nixpkgs has library functions to generate docs, so it's easy to create docs for other projects in general
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<Infinisil> clever: Lol
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<Infinisil> clever: Have there ever been experiments with using ARC?
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Aye, that would be nice. I generally like the NixOS documentation so would be cool to be able to reuse it.
<clever> Infinisil: that machine has a 128gig L2Arc on a WD green i believe
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Yeah
<Infinisil> clever: I mean that nix would do ARC, so that no GC is needed
<Infinisil> Or would that not work for some reason
<clever> Infinisil: in this case, the problem is more in a bash script
<clever> one sec
<clever> Infinisil: this will compute how many bytes i must free, to reach 32gig total free space
<clever> and if i already have more then that free, it will just tell nix-collect-garbage to delete a negative number of bytes
<clever> causing it to scan everything and delete nothing
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<Infinisil> Ahh
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<Infinisil> clever: Btw the man page of `df` has some useful flags for your usecase :)
<clever> this is a bit of bash somebody else wrote, and its been floating around since
<clever> it also happens to work perfectly on darwin
<Infinisil> Ahh
<Infinisil> I'll have a look through nix's GH issues to maybe find something about using ARC for the store
<Infinisil> (nope)
<clever> do you know how git deals with this FS problem?
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<Infinisil> I do not
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae73a17 Tim Steinbach: git: 2.13.3 -> 2.13.4
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ ls .git/objects/
<clever> 00 04 08 0c 10 14 18 1c 20 24 28 2c 30 34 38 3c 40 44 48 4c 50 54 58 5c 60 64 68 6c 70 74 78 7c 80 84 88 8c 90 94 98 9c a0 a4 a8 ac b0 b4 b8 bc c0 c4 c8 cc d0 d4 d8 dc e0 e4 e8 ec f0 f4 f8 fc info
<Infinisil> Ahh actually I do know that
<Infinisil> it does that so there's not a million entries in a single folder
<clever> this cuts the average directory size down to 1/256ths of the normal size
<clever> yep
<clever> now, how many entires are in my .links folder?
<grantwu> should just integrate directly with ZFS's DMU :^)
<clever> 1.5 million at last count?
<grantwu> (no, this was not a serious suggestion)
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<clever> grantwu: oddly, zfs can access any file/directory almost instantly, if i give it the full name
<clever> but if i try to list the directory, it takes forever
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<clever> it must have an internal tree, to allow fast lookup
<Infinisil> clever: Listing a la `ls`?
<clever> but full iteration is slow
<clever> Infinisil: yeah
<grantwu> I mean... yes, ZFS uses AVL trees internally, I think
<Infinisil> clever: But that's probably just limited by stdout
<grantwu> or something like that
<grantwu> no, that's for space maps
<clever> Infinisil: ls | wc -l is heavily IO bound
<clever> thats not stdout
<Infinisil> Ah
<clever> Infinisil: and echo /nix/store/.links/<tab> only prints a single bel character, after several minutes of delay
<Infinisil> clever: I just used `du -d 0 /nix/store/.links`, 15 seconds for 500,000 entries
<Infinisil> ls | wc -l is done in 1.5 seconds
<clever> try the du again
<clever> your cache is probably tainting the ls time
<Infinisil> Oh damn
<Infinisil> yes
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~/apps/nixpkgs]$ time echo /nix/store/.links/* | wc -w
<clever> 1045508
<clever> real 0m25.826s
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<Infinisil> I am attempted to run certain programs in containers
<Infinisil> Then I could make them have their dotdirs in ~/.config/<name> instead of ~/.<name
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<Infinisil> clever: Why are some items in .links symlinks?
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<clever> it also dedups the symlinks, by hardlinking all identical symlinks to eachother
<Infinisil> Ohhh right, it may be a hardlink of a symlink
<clever> exactly
<clever> also handy, ls -li shows inodes (stat also does), and `find -inum <x>` can search by inode
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<clever> you can now find every name behind a given file
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<Infinisil> clever: Ohh, but then files in .links don't work correctly when they have a relative symlink
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<clever> its relative to whever the name exists
<clever> so a relative link can point to different things, depending on which hardlink you use
<Infinisil> Yeah
<Infinisil> that means you can't expect files in .links to be correct, but that doesn't matter anyways
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<clever> for symlinks, the only content is the target of the link itself
<clever> dont follow it
<Infinisil> yeah
<yegortimoshenko> i've never used gnome (or kde for that matter), does it manage function keys? (volume up, down, or play/pause, etc.)
<clever> xfce with pulseaudio running does manage volume up/down on my usb headset
<clever> sometimes..., it doesnt do anything today
<Infinisil> Damnit, the only irssi script that does auto identify without requiring the password to be plain-text uses MD5
<yegortimoshenko> i use pulseaudio but not xfce, and function keys don't work (out of the box). so probably desktop managers do manage function keys..
<clever> Infinisil: the problem, is that no mater what you do, the computer has to be able to decrypt it on its own, and then an attacker can do the same
<clever> Infinisil: so your only option left is to put a master password over it that you must enter to decrypt, and then its not automatic
<grantwu> Infinisil: use SASL or something?
<Infinisil> clever: Right..
* Infinisil looks up SASL
<grantwu> I mean that doesn't really solve your problem
<clever> Infinisil: saved passwords in a browser have the same issue
<grantwu> Your client needs your keys
<clever> Infinisil: internet explorer would "encrypt" the password with the domain name
<clever> Infinisil: which means, if i want the password for, oh, thats also the key to decrypt it! (facepalm)
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<clever> Infinisil: firefox doesnt try to give you a false sense of security, and just lets you view all saved passwords
<Infinisil> clever: I've tried to use the pass firefox extension, but it didn't work that well
<clever> and it has an option to encrypt the entire thing with a master pass
<clever> i just mean the stock password manager built into the browser
<clever> i use lastpass now
<Infinisil> Yeah
<Infinisil> I just want the gpg-agent to ask me for my password when I start irssi so it can send it in a msg to nickserv
<clever> i also discovered a nasty interaction between lastpass and hydra
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<clever> if i try to edit any user in hydra, it auto-fills my info ontop of them
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<Infinisil> Whew
<Infinisil> Not good
<Infinisil> If I knew enough Perl I could write an irssi plugin that calls out to passwordstore
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<clever> dont do it, you wont survive!
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<Infinisil> Hmmm, maybe I could check out some Matrix clients
<clever> i would just make a new password for irc, and accept that it will be plain-text in the irssi config
<Infinisil> clever: :( But then I need some way to prevent this from getting to github, since I'm putting my config there
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<Infinisil> Are remote-specific .gitignores a thing?
<yegortimoshenko> why the split between nixpkgs/lib/systems/platforms.nix and nixos-hardware?
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<clever> Infinisil: nope
<clever> Infinisil: i would put the passwords into a different file, and import them
<clever> and just never commit that file
<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: Doesn't seem to be the same
<clever> Infinisil: i also recently read about this, and you could give it a spin:
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<Infinisil> clever: The thing is that irssi needs the password embedded in its config, so I just wouldn't be able to share my irssi config between machines..
<yegortimoshenko> Infinisil: both are about running NixOS on specific hardware
<Infinisil> Oh yeah i saw that too clever
<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: Have you had a closer look at the files in nixos-hardware?
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<clever> Infinisil: yeah, your only option there is to either store a template in git, and run sed over it on startup to sub in the passwords
<yegortimoshenko> Infinisil: i did. i don't see any *inherent* difference between one and the other.
<clever> Infinisil: or use a custom script that can get passwords via the env
<Infinisil> clever: Ohh right, I could use env vars
<Infinisil> didn't know irssi can use them
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<Infinisil> clever: Oh I got it: I'll make a wrapper of irssi where i set the env var PASSWORD =$(pass freenode)
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<Infinisil> Then it asks me for my password on every start :D
<yegortimoshenko> if there's a line between one and the other i do want to know. it's confusing for me to separate what is a part of the hardware definition and what isn't.
<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: I really don't know how lib/systems/platforms.nix is comparable to nixos-hardware. The former declares all architectures and the needed kernel parameters, the latter offers hardware-specific nixos modules that set options that were needed for them to work nicely. How is this the same?
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<Infinisil> Former is very low level, latter is very high-level config
<Infinisil> And latter is hardware-specific, former isn't
<yegortimoshenko> Infinisil: the only difference i can think of is compile time vs build time. many nixos-hardware modules set kernel parameters that might have as well been set in compile-time.
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<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: But platforms.nix is *not* hardware-specific
<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: You can't change some kernel flag for all x<whatever> machines just because it doesn't work on a windows surface or whatever
<yegortimoshenko> how is that? platforms.nix has raspberry pi 2, scaleway-specific configs
<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: That's because they're different platforms
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<Infinisil> yegortimoshenko: Probably every hardware-specific thing in nixos-hardware has the same architecture, that is x86_64 (
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<Infinisil> (I honestly don't really know what the difference between platform and architecture is btw)
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<yegortimoshenko> then what's the difference between a platform and hardware? surely raspberry-pi2 platform won't work on anything but raspberry pi 2 the hardware
<clever> arm is far less standardized then x86, even though its all "made" by one company
<yegortimoshenko> ok
<clever> the rpi3 can run armv6, armv7, and aarch64 code
<clever> but the aarch64 build slaves for are 64bit only
<clever> and armv6 vs armv7 are sort of like 32bit with or without mmx
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<clever> so just with the above, you have 2 variants of the 32bit instruction set, and 64bit only chips with no backwards compat
<clever> and also chips that can do all 3
<Infinisil> Nice to know
<clever> and then just how they boot, and what hardware they have, is even less standardized
<dhess> I think platforms.nix is just more specific than hardware, is all.
<dhess> it can still be hardware-dependent
<clever> all of the rpi's start the boot from a rom in the GPU!!, which will load firmware from a few places, and then it puts a stub at physical address 0, along with a kernel, and sets the ARM loose on it
<dhess> there's a generic platform for each arch and then you can get more specific if needed.
<clever> but the allwinner line will start in the ARM, with a bootrom that loads a stub from a set offset in various storage media
<yegortimoshenko> dhess: people want to make nixos-hardware more abstract and general as well (judging by pull requests), but unfortunately nixos-hardware doesn't seem to be very active
<clever> and what hardware you can even use after you start booting varies wildly
<dhess> yegortimoshenko: I don't even know what that is.
<yegortimoshenko> dhess: check out
<dhess> yeah I see now. Never heard of that before and have never seen it used anywhere.
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<dhess> the rpi2.nix derivation, for example, looks like it's completely subsumed by the rpi stuff in platforms.nix
<dhess> well not quite completely, e.g., nix.buildCores
<yegortimoshenko> i'd like to see it having more traction. it could very well substitute many use cases of a wiki
<dhess> I have something very similar in my nixops deployment repo that sets things like that.
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<yegortimoshenko> i can't imagine how more efficient it is than reading archwiki or random forums and finding those kernel flags that fix hardware problems
<yegortimoshenko> (at least macbooks have a few of these)
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<clever> dhess: nixos-generate-config usually handles nix.buildCores
<clever> dhess: but that isnt aware of the low ram and may try to make more use of the cores then the ram can allow
<yegortimoshenko> yeah, it shouldn't include nix.buildCores (or nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree for that matter, which should be always set manually)
<dhess> it would obviously get more attention if it were moved to nixpkgs
<dhess> clever: there are other bits in there as well, like power management, etc.
<clever> yeah
<dhess> setting the platform so that you get the nice rpi stuff, and so on.
<dhess> some of that is very important
<clever> dhess: in the rpi, the power management is handled by the gpu firmware
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<clever> without the right kernel drivers, you wont get any video output on an rpi
<clever> and youll be lucky to even get usb
<clever> and if both of those are gone, its nearly imposible to even know its booting
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<clever> and the drivers all exist in a fork of linux, so it must have the right linuxPackages set
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 40c2559 Michael Weiss: slop: 6.3.48 -> 7.3.48
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<yegortimoshenko> clever: iirc openbsd people don't want to support raspberry pi 2 since they don't want to have an in-tree GPU firmware blob
<clever> yegortimoshenko: the gpu blob only has to exist as a file in the /boot directory, it never gets linked into anything at build time
<dhess> clever: right, so what yegortimoshenko is saying, and I think he's right, is that there should be some nice .nix you can import into your config when you're running on an RPi N that sets all of those things for you, rather than making you define your own or go spelunking through to find the old wiki pages
<Infinisil> brb, testing irssi script to auto-identify with password
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<dhess> I've been working on this kind of stuff for 3 months now and I hadn't even heard of the nixos-hardware repo!
<clever> dhess: yeah, it should be as simple as just nixpkgs.platform =;
<clever> dhess: but a recent change in nixpkgs broke that and made it overly complex
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<dhess> clever: yeah I suppose it should go in there
<yegortimoshenko> dhess: true. i also think there is no inherent difference between platform and hardware, and it should be composable, from generic stuff like generic x86_64 platform up to specifics, like a specific laptop model
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] primeos pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4472928 Michael Weiss: maim: 5.4.65 -> 5.4.66
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<Infinisil> It works :D
<clever> yay
<clever> now you just need the ident service working right
<clever> nisil [~infinisil@17
<clever> that little known service that nobody ever used, lol
<Infinisil> clever: What's that?
<clever> Infinisil: it was a service where you can query what user is owning the connection on a given port
<clever> its why you have a ~ in your ident, Infinisil [~infinisil@178.197
<Infinisil> clever: How can I see this?
<yegortimoshenko> platforms.nix seems to be very limited though
<clever> *** No ident response; username prefixed with ~
<gchristensen> Infinisil: nobody ever sets this up :P
<clever> Infinisil: its why you get this error when connecting
<yegortimoshenko> i.e. i can't include an arbitrary config option
<clever> Infinisil: i dont think the service really exists in any modern linux distro, but older irc clients used to implement it
<Infinisil> Ah
<clever> gchristensen: aha, but ive not seen one that works thru NAT
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