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<gnuhurd> owo
<gnuhurd> owo
<gnuhurd> owo
<gnuhurd> owo
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<donbright> hi, anyone could help me install boost-headers on nix-env? i have installed several other libs headers using nix-env -i libname, but installing nix-env -i boost does not install headers.
<avn> donbright: dev stuff works only inside nix-shell, not with nix-env
<donbright> but i installed like 10 other libraries and they all put stuff into ~/.nix-profile/include
<avn> They works by accident. Some libraries put headers to tricky places, and use hooks to modify environment
<avn> just make shell.nix with dependencies for concrete project, and use nix-shell to jump-in
<donbright> lol ok thanks man, appreciate it.
<gnuhurd`> owo
<gnuhurd`> owo
<gnuhurd`> owo
<gnuhurd`> owo
<gnuhurd`> owo
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<donbright> man and/or woman and/or gender fluid identity
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<donbright> nix is great btw, thanks for this project.
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<gnuhurd> the nix-mode in Emacs is broken af
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<ee> ^
<ee> There's a patched version here:
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<ee> For some reason the PR to include it into the main Nixpkgs repository hasn't been merged for like a year
<ee> kind of absurd that the main repo's version is broken when there's a perfectly working version sitting in a PR waiting to be merged
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<disasm> ee: it looks like the author closed the PR back in March. If you want it in nixpkgs, feel free to re-open and shepherd it through.
<ee> I guess I'll try, although I don't have much experience with these kinds of things.
<ee> seems like the author gave up
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<disasm> clever: I have no idea what negative ramifications are, but if I remove the line with --path it builds successfully
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<disasm> anyways, I filed issue
<ison111> Is there any option for getting the latest nvidia proprietary driver version?
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<ison111> oh I think maybe "nvidiaBeta" does the trick. Going to try that now
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<gchristensen> ok it only took like 1hr to convert to docbook
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<gchristensen> everyone, I think I like docbook
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<disasm> awesome gchristensen! Can't wait to see it!
<gchristensen> domenkozar: ping
<gchristensen> 5am there ... unlikely :)
<clever> gchristensen: yeah
<clever> gchristensen: and i think he is on the road for a few days
<gchristensen> oh cool
<gchristensen> disasm: it looks a lot like lethalman's post :P
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<gchristensen> disasm:
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<ison111> Is there anything I can do about the compile error "dbus/dbus.h: No such file or directory" in "gtk+-2.x/ctkgridlicense.c:38:23" when compiling nvidiaBeta?
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<disasm> gchristensen: I meant the docbook code
<Guest19732> Oh not quite ready yet. Still coordinating with eelco.
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<grahamc> I'll get it a proper home then update the ticket.
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<oborot> Does nixos support nfs by default? If so, how can I enabled it?
<clever> oborot: just add an entry under fileSystems. that has a type of nfs
<clever> and nixos will automatically install nfs support
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<oborot> clever: Is there a way to install nfs support without having to specify a filesystem entry that you know of?
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<clever> oborot: boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "nfs" ];
<oborot> I was just looking at that option, thanks
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<xd1le> 🎉
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sigma opened pull request #28178: dns-root-data: 2017-07-11 -> 2017-07-26 (
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28048: pcmanfm: build with gtk3 (master...pcmanfm-gtk3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8715112 Yann Hodique: hugo: 0.25.1 -> 0.26
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e227aac Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28179 from sigma/pr/hugo-0.26...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 026b60e Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.sphinx: move expression
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master abdb58e Frederik Rietdijk: Python: overridePythonPackage -> overridePythonAttrs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #26155: Python: add buildPythonPackage.overridePythonPackage method. (master...override)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a25e324 Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.audioread: move expression
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 66ce84b Frederik Rietdijk: python.pkgs.bottleneck: move expression
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<sphalerite> Is there a function like `x: y: if x == null then y else x`?
<sphalerite> in nixpkgs/lib*
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<sphalerite> like an "or" that's not restricted to booleans
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging e3d9f6b Tim Digel: openldap: enable crypt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4c49205 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28038 from DerTim1/openldap-add-crypt...
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<phdoerfler> I have set up a user in nixos declaratively with a home directory. I changed the home directory and would like nixos to recreate it. How do I do that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e207d1f Vladimír Čunát: Merge older staging...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4b1bcf8 Joe Hermaszewski: pangolin: init at 2017-08-02
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7cd44ae Joe Hermaszewski: pangolin: fix OS X build
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 79694b5 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28035 from expipiplus1/pangolin...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7cdf149 Anthony Cowley: flann: 1.8.4 -> 1.9.1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ce1ddf Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28043 from acowley/flann-1.9.1...
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<sphalerite> phdoerfler: if you set createHome to true on the user, it should create it
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<phdoerfler> sphalerite: it did only the first time
<clever> it probably only triggers when creating the user
<sphalerite> aaah :/
<phdoerfler> so how do I re-trigger it?
<phdoerfler> is there a force = true; or something?
<clever> comment the user out in configuration.nix so nixos deletes it
<clever> then re-add it
<phdoerfler> I see
<phdoerfler> I'll try that, thanks
<sphalerite> I think that will only work if you have mutableUsers set to false
<clever> if it was made by nixos, then nixos will also delete it
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<Myrl-saki> Is it only me, or has the packages become larger/more dependent?
<Myrl-saki> I think I colud consistently have <10GB /nix/store, but now I have at least 13 GB.
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<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ du --max=0 -hc $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) | sort -h
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<clever> Myrl-saki: does this help?
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<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: with the same system and user config?
<sphalerite> and no old generations hanging about?
<Myrl-saki> clever: My /nix/store after a nix-collect-garbage is 13 GB, and that command gets me 7.
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I ran `nix-collect-garbage` and with `-d`, both as user and root.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: then it's probably your user environment. If you only have the one user on your system, try the same thing but with ~/.nix-profile rther than /run/current-system
<clever> Myrl-saki: that command should also show which store paths take up the most space
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Broken symlink.
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<sphalerite> you don't use nix-env?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Nope. Only `nix-shell`, `nix-build` and `nixos-rebuild switch`
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<sphalerite> any old result symlinks sitting around keeping outdated closures alive?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: How to check?
<sphalerite> ls -l /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto
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<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Wait, does nix-build add to gc root?
<sphalerite> maybe ls -lt so you get the oldest ones last
<sphalerite> yes
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<Myrl-saki> No wonder. I started using Nixos as a build-system(by iteslf) just recently.
<Myrl-saki> s/Nixos/Nix/
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: How to clean them?
<sphalerite> Otherwise the outputs might disappear beneath your feet :)
<clever> Myrl-saki: find all of the result symlinks you left everywhere and delete them
<sphalerite> remove the result symlinks
<clever> Myrl-saki: /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto is a list of symlinks pointing to those result links
<Myrl-saki> clever: It a symlink to a symlink?
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> the symlink in /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto points to the link in your directory, so it can determine when you've removed the link (on nix-store --gc/nix-collect-garbage) and the root disappears automagically
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<Myrl-saki> I see. Thanks. That cleaned up a lot.
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<Myrl-saki> Would this also mean that successive nix-builds will require less download?
<sphalerite> you could set up a systemd timer that removes any result symlinks older than a week or whatever to automate it, if you don't need to keep them around
<clever> it doesnt root the entire build-time closure
<sphalerite> ^
<sphalerite> the less frequently you gc, the less you have to download on nix-build
<sphalerite> which is why I barely ever gc x)
<Myrl-saki> Right.
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<Myrl-saki> So that means I had a nix-build which was massive by itself?
<clever> yeah
<Myrl-saki> I see. Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c6207ab romildo: pluma: init at 1.18.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 392090c José Romildo Malaquias: Merge branch 'master' into new.pluma
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 025222e Jörg Thalheim: pluma: also add default icon theme
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<nixy> There are NixOS options to automatically GC things, which is pretty convenient
<clever> that just runs nix-collect-garbage, which cant deal with result links left all over the place
<nixy> Ahhh right
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<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: it wasn't necessarily massive by itself, but it might have had a bunch of dependencies which your system depended on at the time you built it, but then your system started depending on newer ones which means you had to keep two versions of everything
<sphalerite> I don't like the idea of GCing on a regular basis
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: My / is 32 GB only. :(
<sphalerite> fair enough
<nixy> sphalerite: Why not? I run NixOS on 24GB machines and ran out of inodes once so it seesm pretty reasonable to me
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #28180: sonarr: -> (master...sonarr)
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<Myrl-saki> nixy: How'd you even survive with 24 GB?
<sphalerite> nixy: I prefer GCing as necessary as opposed to at regular intervals
<clever> i have a netbook with only 4gig for the entire drive
<nixy> I mean it was just my IRC box, so it's not like it needs a lot of space
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<Myrl-saki> Ohhh. I do major updates every like 1-2 months.
<nixy> sphalerite: I get that, but some of my boxes I don't want to watch at all. Like my Tor nodes pretty much run themselves
<Myrl-saki> Which is arguably the only time I collect garbage.
<clever> yeah
<sphalerite> nixy: if you don't have that much space that might be more frequently than if you have lots of storage, but generally at regular intervals isn't the right solution, at least for me
<clever> if all nix building is manual, then i also manually gc
<sphalerite> nixy: fair enough
<Myrl-saki> clever: How'd you do 4 GB?
<clever> but if there are automated nix builds, it needs automated gc
<sphalerite> true
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<Myrl-saki> clever: I was thinking of buying a cheap laptop, but then decided not to because it only had 32 GB.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #28181: emby: -> (master...emby)
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<clever> Myrl-saki: a single build of nixos is just under 1gig right now
<clever> but that netbook lacks an x server
<nixy> Yeah, I wouldn't want to run auto GC on anything I manually handle
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b7290a2 Profpatsch: fish: fix the fish_config tool...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 46eb0e2 Profpatsch: fish: add fish_config tests...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e0e6f46 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #27971 from Profpatsch/fish-config-fix...
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<sphalerite> I set up an image for putting on a USB stick with xfce and stuff, 3GB was enough for that (and it was uncompressed)
<sphalerite> and some 500-600MB of that were data for a game
<Myrl-saki> clever: Thanks. Checking.
<sphalerite> my current system closure is 2.1GB and my profile closure is 3GB
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<sphalerite> What do you have to need 7GB? x)
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I decided against Nixos in favor of AL for my flash drive, but you guys seem to be having it well. I might try it again.
<clever> 272M /nix/store/6nzb1s93l7rzaa0s6cflnm4hf59fg2ba-clang-4.0.1
<clever> 3.9G total
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<Myrl-saki> ghc is 1 GB. @_@
<clever> the closure for my primary desktop, including the effects of zfs compression
<sphalerite> oh yeah, ghc is big
<Myrl-saki> And well, that's more or less the only language I use nowadays.
<sphalerite> oh yeah, not sure if the zfs compression factors into the size reported by du
<Myrl-saki> Combine that with ghcjs.
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<clever> sphalerite: du uses compressed size by default
<sphalerite> fair enough
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<deltasquared> and I thought I had issues with deps on 9001 pre-compiled haskell packages by certain software I've used before
<sphalerite> oh yeah, apparent size is 4.5GB for user profile and 3 for system
* deltasquared glares at archmage
<sphalerite> so around 7 as well
<sphalerite> largest things in my user profile are IntelliJ IDEA (java for uni ☹), libreoffice (ugh), and rust (the largest package that doesn't make me sad, haha)
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* deltasquared does an ncdu on his arch system
<sphalerite> huh, mupdf is pretty huge too
<sphalerite> for what it is
<deltasquared> statically linked it looks like here
<Myrl-saki> libreoffice makes me sad.
<deltasquared> as well as everything clang -_-
<sphalerite> ah, 4 executables with almost the same size
<Myrl-saki> Sadly necessary. :(
<deltasquared> Myrl-saki: tell me about it
<sphalerite> deltasquared: what's wrong with clang?
<deltasquared> sphalerite: nothing, just static linked binaries taking 10-20MB each :P
<sphalerite> ah right
<deltasquared> they show up distractingly at the top of the ncdu list
<Myrl-saki> My prof wants us to submit in docx and I'm not even sure how it'd render on his computer.
<deltasquared> (not a nix system, here for the talks)
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: indeed
<sphalerite> ouch
<deltasquared> Myrl-saki: insist on PDF as M$ can't even get cross-version portability right
<sphalerite> glad none of ours require that
<sphalerite> PDF is goodish
<sphalerite> what's nice is that it's extremely consistent
<deltasquared> I would submit in the HTML I write (with resources in a zip file) in if I weren't worried about IE being a douche
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I still export to pdf(using org-mode, tex -> pdf)) for the actual things. I just keep a docx(well, odt -> docx) version so that my groupmates can edit it.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: pandoc to the rescue then I'm guessing?
<sphalerite> I usually use markdown because it's easy to both write and read, then LaTeX it up with pandoc
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Can pandoc do figures?
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<deltasquared> oh wait, I don't have to have libreoffice around on my desktop system, oh joy
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<Myrl-saki> Right now, I export using Emacs, but the figures(and the reference list) is especially annoying.
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<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: I don't know, my guess is it can't deal with that sort of stuff on docx/odt but it has support for it in principle
<deltasquared> one moment, doing sync things
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<sphalerite> I think it has options to convert e.g. markdown images with their comment into figures in latex
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<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I'm thinking of "run LaTeX stuff -> png, and place png in docx"
<sphalerite> oooh, I have no idea
<Myrl-saki> Either way, I think that's the last time my prof will be asking for a docx.
<Myrl-saki> And I just told my groupmates "just write it in the relevant sections, I'll be the one to format it." and it seems to work well for us.
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<deltasquared> ah, I just like linux in general for the most part being able to replace a lot of system components while running
<deltasquared> try upgrading the equivalent of the libc on winders without rebooting...
<Myrl-saki> deltasquared: Reminds me of that zero downtime system upgrade.
<deltasquared> Myrl-saki: which one is that
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: yeah, the content is the hard part, not the formatting :D
<Myrl-saki> deltasquared: I'm currently looking for it, it was in a reddit comment.
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<Myrl-saki> I think what they did was move system to ramdisk, nuke the disk, install new system.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #28182: pythonPackages.phonenumbers: 8.5.1 -> 8.7.1 (master...phonenumbers-8.7.1)
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<sphalerite> deltasquared: equivalent of libc? It is a libc :p but of course they call it msvcrt because god forbid using names that people can pronounce
<deltasquared> Myrl-saki: while keeping a daemon running? or just a kernel
<clever> Myrl-saki: i saw a reddit thread (and youtube video) where they moved a server to a new datacenter, without it going offline
<deltasquared> sphalerite: M$ virtual CRT
<clever> Myrl-saki: it involves a UPS, tethering it to a phone via a laptop, a hand-cart, and a subway train
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<nixy> That's wild
<deltasquared> clever: those ping times tho
<Myrl-saki> clever: Wow.
<sphalerite> deltasquared: not visual?
<deltasquared> sphalerite: "visual CRT" was supposed to be a joke :P
<deltasquared> CRT... no? darn
<deltasquared> because winders is old and clunky
<deltasquared> #illshowmyselfout
<Myrl-saki> clever: How'd they handle the IP addresses?
<sphalerite> clever: link?
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: VPN or something is my guess, I don't think that's the hard part x)
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<clever> Myrl-saki: it was VPN'd back into the datacenter, and they probably had bgp control to route it wherever they want
<clever> sphalerite: would probably take an hour to find
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Ah. I'm not too good with sysadmining. :P
<deltasquared> sounds theoretically possible, but yeah I want to see vidya
<sphalerite> clever: aww
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<grantwu> is there a way to make sure your merge request isn't merged 🤔
<grantwu> One of my PR got merged despite me not having tested it
<sphalerite> hm it's in German but hey I understand it
<nixy> grantwu: If you think something needs more testing you probably shouldn't be submitting it as a merge request
<clever> sphalerite: but i do have other stories from reddit bookmarked like
<nixy> You could probably put [WIP] or something in the title though
<deltasquared> grantwu: should have put something obscene in user visible text
<deltasquared> "if you're reading this, the merger was a fucking idiot"
<deltasquared> I dunno
<grantwu> nixy: Well, I'm in the habit of making PRs ASAP to get any needed discussion/suggested direction changes in
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<grantwu> I guess I'll use WIP then
<sphalerite> Put `abort "This should not be merged!"` in nixos/default.nix :D
<nixy> Yeah I get that. At work people use the [WIP] method and it seems to work pretty well
<nixy> I have made some silly PRs in my time
<Myrl-saki> Lawful Evil: Delete all-packages.nix.
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<simpson> Heh.
<Myrl-saki> Or is it chaotic good?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #28183: SystemdJournal2Gelf: 20160414 -> 20170413 (master...SystemdJournal2Gelf)
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<sphalerite> I'd say chaotic good
<sphalerite> clever: was it ?
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<clever> sphalerite: yeah, that was it
<clever> half the problem, is that while it did have redundant power supplies, it only had 1 power input
<clever> so they couldnt just change the UPS
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27802: networkmanager_dmenu: unstable-2017-05-28 -> 1.1 (master...networkmanager_dmenu-update)
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<magnetophon> Hi, I'm doing the latest upgrade on unstable, and its building vlc and libreoffice. I don't have an override on those. What's going on?
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<simpson> magnetophon: You're probably ahead of Hydra and the build cache, if you're on unstable.
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<simpson> tells me that there's a lag of 3d.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94cadf3 Franz Pletz: nmap: 7.50 -> 7.60
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9ac5525 Franz Pletz: virtmanager: 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d2764e Franz Pletz: prometheus-blackbox-exporter: 0.5.0 -> 0.8.1
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<sphalerite> clever: yeah
<sphalerite> clever: what I don't get though is how they just casually carry the UPS
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<Myrl-saki> Yep. I'm building libreoffice rn.
<Myrl-saki> Something that I use like once every week.
<plchldr> Hi, I have a problem with (spac)emacs not finding binaries (racer and rustfmt in this case) on the nix-shell-PATH. Any idea how to get this working?
<clever> sphalerite: depends on how many amphours its rated for i guess?
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<deltasquared> building libreoffice... oh dear.
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<magnetophon> simpson, Myrl-saki: thanks
<deltasquared> that can't be a very fast thing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #28184: gti: 2016-12-07 -> 1.6.1 (master...gti)
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<sphalerite> clever: it looks pretty big to me, physically
<magnetophon> deltasquared: nope, that's why I'm asking...
<sphalerite> I don't see why it would be bigger if the batteries aren't bigger => extremely heavy
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<sphalerite> Those are some good sysadmins though. Excellent dedication to uptime. And banter.
<Myrl-saki> Also, update.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3292d80 Tristan Helmich: pythonPackages.phonenumbers: 8.5.1 -> 8.7.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 936e0b2 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28182 from fadenb/phonenumbers-8.7.1...
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<Myrl-saki> Cleaning the gcroots helped a bit, but my /nix/store is still big. (I thought it went back to what it used to be, but I was actually reading the "available" rather than the "used")
<Myrl-saki> And well...
<Myrl-saki> 1019M /nix/store/593fzzg81xpqrwniqfbvm9z1xhjivh8a-ghc-8.0.2
<Myrl-saki> 1019M /nix/store/kxh9r1ys28fk7zn8y27n23vy8jchyzym-ghc-8.0.2
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<clever> Myrl-saki: run nix-store --query --roots on both of them, what does each have?
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<Myrl-saki> booted-system and current-system. I should restart?
<clever> yeah
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<clever> it sounds like you did a nixos-rebuild and upgraded, but nixos has to keep the old version around
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28183: SystemdJournal2Gelf: 20160414 -> 20170413 (master...SystemdJournal2Gelf)
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<Myrl-saki> Thanks. BRB.
<sphalerite> Out of curiosity, is booted-system kept for anything other than the kernel and corresponding modules?
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<clever> sphalerite: just the kernel modules as far as i know
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<Myrl-saki> Yay. 'sall good now.
<Myrl-saki> Wait.
<Myrl-saki> /tmp/nixos-rebuild.k26Fgt/nix
<Myrl-saki> Does that mean a nix-collect-garbage won't ruin a half-done `nixos-rebuild switch`?
<sphalerite> yep
<Myrl-saki> All these times I was paranoid. Whoops.
<sphalerite> or nix-build for that matter
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #28185: cron service: fix reliance on etc.timezone (
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<deltasquared> I have no idea what I'm doing but it's working
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #28186: umemcache: fix build; remove broken status (master...fix-umemcache)
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<sphalerite> deltasquared: your name next to your chat box in a different font from everything else :( also wrong channel?
<deltasquared> sphalerite: erm. I don't know why that particular bit is different. also possibly, though vaguely related in some discussions. eh
<sphalerite> deltasquared: also how do you survive without a coloured prompt to make the commands you type stand out from their output?
<romildo> Are there guidelines on making a package depend on gnome3.defaultIconTheme or hicolor_icon_theme? And which should be preferred?
<deltasquared> sphalerite: care to show me what I'm missing?
<sphalerite> deltasquared: I just find it very hard to find the commands you wrote when everything is white :p
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<deltasquared> sphalerite: oh right. well a coloured prompt wouldn't hurt I guess, I just never got around to fu-^W messing with my $PS1
<sphalerite> :D fair enough
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<deltasquared> sphalerite: as luck would have it I routinely use a terminal with RGB support, so here goes
<sphalerite> whoop whoop!
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<yegortimoshenko> when using nixpkgs.overlays, is "super.callPackage ./foo self" a good idea?
* xd1le is so excited for emoji $PS1
<phdoerfler> Is there a tutorial on how to use lets encrypt with nixos?
<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: no, Idon't think it will even work
<yegortimoshenko> sphalerite: it works
<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: that surprises me. I don't see why you'd want to do that though, rather than self.callPackage ./foo {}
<yegortimoshenko> sphalerite: how do i do that correctly then? super.callPackage ./foo {} will use dependencies from super if i understand correctly, while nixpkgs.overlays states that i have to use dependencies from self
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #28187: konfig: 0.9 -> 1.1; fix build failure due to argparse (master...update-konfig)
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<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: i've recently set up let's encrypt on nixos, i can help i think
<clever> yegortimoshenko: what about self.callPackage ./foo {}; ?
<xd1le> (context: the next release of cairo /should/ bring color emoji font support for everything that uses fontconfig. no idea if it'll actually work :/ )
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: if it's for a web server and you happen to be using nginx, there are extremely convenient options that do it all for you
<yegortimoshenko> clever: probably a good idea, but for some reason nixpkgs manual uses super.callPackage:
<sphalerite> phdoerfler:
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<phdoerfler> right now it'll be for dovecot (imap server) and postfix (smtp server)
<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: in this case it'll only make a difference if rr depends on boost
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<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: if you're not modifying any deps of hte packages you're overriding, self.callPackage is equivalent to super.callPackage
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<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: here's a module i've recently written that sets up let's encrypt (for VPN, but still), maybe you'll have a use for it:
<sphalerite> personally I'd stick to self except in cases where I know it'll cause infinite recursion
<Myrl-saki> deltasquared: If anything, I'd just use the default $PS1.
<Myrl-saki> Which IMO looks really good anyway.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: I think deltasquared is on arch
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9074440 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.configurator: 0.9.0 -> 0.9.1
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<deltasquared> even bash doesn't have a colour default PS1 here
<deltasquared> out of curiousity, how is that mananaged on nixos, does something provide a thing going into env.d or is it compiled in
<sphalerite> deltasquared: it's set in /etc/bashrc
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<deltasquared> so, the bash package? I was just going to take a gander in nixpkgs on github to track it down
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<yegortimoshenko> sphalerite: but if i use self.callPackage, does it mean that my overlay is not composable with other overlays?
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<sphalerite> yegortimoshenko: it still is
<phdoerfler> yegortimoshenko: thanks for that. I'll keep it in mind when I am at that point. Right now I am still trying to figure out how to get started
<phdoerfler> dovecot only needs a cert file and a key file
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #28188: firefox syncserver service: fix PYTHONPATH (master...ffsync-fix-pythonpath)
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<phdoerfler> I've never done anything with TLS other than making self signed certificates long ago :p
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<yegortimoshenko> sphalerite: i see. thanks!
<phdoerfler> I was thinking of using sim_le? Is that the right thing to do?
<phdoerfler> simp_le that is
<deltasquared> I'm not recognising this mirror:// URL in bash's nix expression, is this referring to a mirror of the tarball served by HTTP or something?
<sphalerite> deltasquared: mirror:// works with several software distribution organisations such as GNU and sourceforge and will choose a mirror from the ones they provide
<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: use security.acme.certs
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<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: e.g. if your domain is, `security.acme.certs."" = { email = ""; webroot = "/run/"; }; services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHost."".locations."/.well-known/acme-challenge/".root = "/run/"; };`
<sphalerite> deltasquared: check out pkgs/build-support/fetchurl/mirrors.nix to see what's supported
<thblt> In NixOS, where can I find/configure "HiDPI" mouse cursors for X without a desktop environment? I'm using "raw" XMonad.
<thblt> Thanks!
<clever> yegortimoshenko: nginx has an option to just 100% automate acme
<clever> just set that on a virtualhost and your done
<sphalerite> thblt: I haven't worked that one out myself (using i3), if you get anywhere could yo ulet me know too? :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #28189: firefox syncserver service: run as non-root user by default (master...ffsync-non-root)
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<thblt> sphalerite: sure!
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<jellowj> how do i run steam on nixos?
<yegortimoshenko> clever: can i rely on this to work even if i want to use the cert for things other than HTTPS? or is that an implementation detail?
<jellowj> it can't find 32bit libglu
<clever> yegortimoshenko: as long as you can read the cert acme creates, you can use it for anything on that (sub)domain
<jellowj> oh, thanks
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<yegortimoshenko> clever: thanks. i thought it's only to be used only for HTTPS.
<yegortimoshenko> s/only//
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<avn> Boo. Just curious, what pulled ModemManager on today' rebuild
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1844dfc Nadrieril: konfig: 0.9 -> 1.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5acb1b2 Nadrieril: konfig: remove obsolete argparse dependency; fixes build failure
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master df3c782 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28187 from Nadrieril/update-konfig...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2353e6 Nadrieril: umemcache: fix build; remove broken status
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0a1eb82 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28186 from Nadrieril/fix-umemcache...
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<Myrl-saki> How do I clean gcroots?
<Myrl-saki> There are like so many broken symlinks here.
<clever> nix-collect-garbage cleans it up automatically
<Myrl-saki> Oh weird.
<Myrl-saki> Does `-d` also do that?
<Myrl-saki> Or maybe I just ran it on my local machine lol
<clever> any form of gc
<Myrl-saki> It cleaned some links but not all.
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<Myrl-saki> Oh wait. I was just not root
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<Myrl-saki> Or right, while we're at it, how do I have custom versions for haskell packages
<Myrl-saki> I'm thinking of having a directory just for haskell packages.
<clever> for example?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c0fc167 Jörg Thalheim: pythonPackages.umemcache: move expression out of python-packages.nix
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<Myrl-saki> clever: For example, I had a broken dep. a was version 0.3 for NixOS, but b required a < 0.3
<Myrl-saki> I tried using an overlay, but that didn't work.
<Myrl-saki> Also, a itself was a dependency.
<clever> Myrl-saki: i believe you need to do haskellPackages = haskellPackages.override { overrides = something: something: { ... }; };
<clever> Myrl-saki: which passes a single haskell overlay to the haskellPackages set
<Myrl-saki> Ah thanks.
<Myrl-saki> clever: Do you use only Nix+Cabal for haskell dev?
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<clever> i prefer doing it without any stack or cabal
<clever> just raw ghcWithPackages
<Myrl-saki> clever: Oh cool.
<Myrl-saki> clever: Do you have any {default,shell}.nix online? Or a whole project?
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<Myrl-saki> clever: Thanks.
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<Turion> qtbase-5.6.2 on unstable fails to build all the time for me, what could be the issue?
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<phdoerfler> yegortimoshenko: sorry, was afk. Thanks a bunch for that! that looks a lot simpler than expected
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lluchs opened pull request #28190: vivaldi: 1.10.867.48-1 -> 1.11.917.39-1 (master...vivaldi-1.11.917.39-1)
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<Turion> Is it possible to stay on a stable channel and install one package from an unstable branch?
<phdoerfler> yegortimoshenko: sorry if there is something obvious that I am missing, but nixos-rebuild complaints that The option `services.nginx.virtualHost' defined in `/etc/nixos/ssl.nix' does not exist.
<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: it's virtualHosts with s
<phdoerfler> I see
<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: actually, it turned out it can be set up even simpler than that
<phdoerfler> I'm curious
<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: (see clever's earlier reply)
<phdoerfler> yeah, but that's only for nginx then, right?
<phdoerfler> I mainly need it for dovecot
<yegortimoshenko> it turned out that it's not only for nginx
<phdoerfler> Unless… I just use the certificate made for nginx
<phdoerfler> ah
<yegortimoshenko> it does use nginx to receive let's encrypt cert, but it ends up in the same location as if you set up using security.acme.certs, and clever reassured me it's not just an implementation detail
<phdoerfler> clever, yegortimoshenko thanks so far for the help :) I will play around a bit and see if I can get it to work
<phdoerfler> the domain I want this for contains umlauts so this will be extra fun
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<Myrl-saki> Why doesn't NixOS use Linux namespaces?
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<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: what do you mean use namespaces, how would nixos use namespaces?
<phdoerfler> yegortimoshenko: is this how the nix file is supposed to look? It produces: error: The unique option `' is defined multiple times, in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/nginx/default.nix' and `/etc/nixos/ssl.nix'.
<phdoerfler> Besides what's in that file there is no other mentioning of nginx in the other nix files so I am a bit puzzled
<Myrl-saki> cmcdragonkai: I may have misunderstood some things, but say, a virtual / for FHS programs to work properly.
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: it's possible to port FHS programs to nixos, there are some packages that already do this
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: I think there's a blog post about this regarding upstream debian packages
<Myrl-saki> cmcdragonkai: Ah thanks, I'll check it out.
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: The biggest problem are binary dumps from propriatary vendors
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: In fact I recently packages masterpdfeditor4
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: And that required changing binary paths
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: But nixos provides a cool utility called patchelf
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: With some trial and error, it ended up working
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<Myrl-saki> cmcdragonkai: How about the reverse, nixos to FHS?
<Myrl-saki> cmcdragonkai: Right now, I'm currently manually applying patchelfs to my export.
<cmcdragonkai> I don't remember if some nix closure utility is still being used
<cmcdragonkai> i guess that's like static compilation via package manager instead of compiler
<cmcdragonkai> Myrl-saki: you might need to google for that
<Myrl-saki> cmcdragonkai: Thanks.
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<yegortimoshenko> phdoerfler: with enableACME you don't need the first section, you just need `services.nginx = { enable = true; virtualHosts."".enableACME = true; }`
<phdoerfler> oh
<phdoerfler> if I get this entire thing up and running I think I'll put my nix files on github so others can frolic when finding them.
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<phdoerfler> Save some folks some trouble.
<yegortimoshenko> that's what i do (and want to do more of) as well
<yegortimoshenko> i've figured out how to have a nixos options/packages overlay as a channel,, now only have to populate it with modules
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<phdoerfler> yegortimoshenko: I'm at the point where the acme bot starts complaining about stuff. I actually switched back to because the other domain didn't exist and apparently that's bothering the acme bot :p
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Well, you can't use acme without a domain..
<phdoerfler> yeh
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: it sounds very obvious the way you say it :p
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Acme is a protocol that checks whether you really own the domain, so it can create a certificate that binds that domain to a public key
<Infinisil> The protocol works by the domain owner having to place a certain file at a location on the domain, and then one checks if its really there
<Infinisil> I actually just had an exam an hour ago on similar stuff :P (it went.. okay)
<phdoerfler> haha
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: it doesn't like me using Obviously I don't own the domain so I'd expect it to fail somehow - but I don't see the wrong ownership mentioned in the error
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: That's only a fraction of the logs
<Infinisil> you can view all of them with `journalctl -u`
<phdoerfler> last time I linux-ed everything was still in /var/log :p
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #28184: gti: 2016-12-07 -> 1.6.1 (master...gti)
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<Infinisil> Heh, it's still there I think, just not as accessible as journalctl
<phdoerfler> it says there are no entries there
<Infinisil> /var/log/journal
<phdoerfler> no I mean `journalctl -u` produces:
<phdoerfler> -- No entries --
<Infinisil> AH, maybe the service is called a bit different
<phdoerfler> it should be visible in `journalctl -f` right?
<Infinisil> yeah
<phdoerfler> btw do you guys use some special IRC client so the `bla` are rendered pretty or why are you all doing this?
<phdoerfler> that little markdown-y touch
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Hehe, nah
<Infinisil> I mean I use irssi in a terminal, so it's fixed width already
<yegortimoshenko> same here (i use erc)
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<Infinisil> but syntax highlighting would be nice
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<Infinisil> Wait can't you send colors?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 71615c1 Frederik Rietdijk: python35: add no-ldconfig.patch again...
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<Infinisil> Is this red?
<Infinisil> um, green*
<yegortimoshenko> no
<Infinisil> Well it is for me :P
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<Infinisil> Maybe you need to turn it on in your client, or maybe it's disallowed for this channel
<cocreature> green
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<Infinisil> Nice!
* Infinisil prepares a colored nix snippet
<phdoerfler> do I need to open port 80 for acme to work?
<phdoerfler> or how does it communicate with my server?
<phdoerfler> or does nixos take care of that already?
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Port 80 and 443
<phdoerfler> ok
<Infinisil> generally nixos doesn't automatically open ports out of security reasons
<phdoerfler> except 22
<phdoerfler> right? At least on my system it did
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<nixy> phdoerfler: It only automatically opens that if openssh is enabled
<nixy> Really it is defined by the services themselves, but doing that has been controversial
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<phdoerfler> yeah I ran into some discussion on github
<phdoerfler> about that
<nixy> I may have been a part of some of that :^)
<phdoerfler> hehe
<phdoerfler> I really like nixos so far and already installed it on my gf's little netbook
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<yegortimoshenko> is there a way to have a derivation that points to github master branch?
<yegortimoshenko> i also want this derivation to upgrade whenever the source changes
<ylwghst> does anyone know where I can find alsa config in nix?
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<nixy> yegortimoshenko: I am not sure if that is a good idea or possible. Wouldn't the SHA of the source constantly change and need to be updated in the Nix expression
<yegortimoshenko> ylwghst: sound.extraConfig?
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<yegortimoshenko> nixy: the point is i don't want to specify SHA. in my particular use case there's no security benefit to specify the hash. however, that means it can't really tell whether/when the package is updated.
<ylwghst> yegortimoshenko: i know this but im not sure how to write in alsa config
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<nixy> I think that kind of defeats the point of Nix's determinism, the same nix expression given the same inputs from nixpkgs would go fetch different sources and yield different outputs?
<tilpner> yegortimoshenko - You can try using fetchurl, but I don't know exactly how it decides to invalidate the cache
<Myrl-saki> Well
<Myrl-saki> Setup: At least the following dependencies are missing:
<Myrl-saki> semigroups ==0.18.*
<Myrl-saki> When trying to use ghcjs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a726fcf Robin Gloster: freestyle: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c39fec5 Robin Gloster: restund: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 79ac09e Robin Gloster: ripple-rest: remove...
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<sphalerite> I'm trying to build alacritty (a rust package) with some changes I've made to my copy. nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; alacritty.overrideAttrs (o: {src = lib.cleanSource ./.;})' is complaining that it can't update the registry file /dev/null. How do I fix this?
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<thblt> sphalerite: I've been trying too, and the step indicated in the README fail for me. Did you succeed?
<sphalerite> adding a depsSha256 also doesn't help
<thblt> I mean the nix-shell -A alacritty '<nixpkgs>'
<sphalerite> thblt: alacritty's README?
<thblt> sphalerite: yes
<sphalerite> thblt: there's a package for alacritty in unstable whichy ou might want to use instead, unless you have patches to apply yourself as well
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<thblt> Ho OK. Unstable. And the nixos packages list if for stable, that's why it doesn't appear there, right?
<thblt> I mean the online list
<sphalerite> I believe so
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<thblt> thanks
<cmcdragonkai> Is there a way to switch off -Werror=format-security?
<sphalerite> cmcdragonkai: yes
<sphalerite> hang on
<cmcdragonkai> It's preventing me from compiling something
<sphalerite> hardeningDisable = [ "format" ];
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<cmcdragonkai> cool
<cmcdragonkai> thanks
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<Infinisil> Whew, am back, battery ran out
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: my server just banned me :p
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: your server? Are you connecting via another machine?
<phdoerfler> my virtual private server I got running with nixos
<phdoerfler> connection via ssh
<phdoerfler> and I set up a rule to ban ips when there is this line in the logs: kernel rejected connection: …
<phdoerfler> to help with all the port scans
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: That's not very specific..
<phdoerfler> no it's not
<phdoerfler> it really isn't ^^
<Infinisil> Heh, so you got it fixed?
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<phdoerfler> I had to use the graphical konsole
<phdoerfler> the KVM of my host
<phdoerfler> to unban my ip and add it to the list of IPs that should not be banned
<phdoerfler> it's not perfect but it works for now :p
<Infinisil> Ah, yeah, had to do that too a few times with my DO server too
<phdoerfler> my server right now is more a DON'T rather than a DO server :p
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Well, unless you got a static IP, this wouldn't do much
<Infinisil> heh
<phdoerfler> it's technically dynamic but I found it changes very rarely
<Infinisil> Nice
<Infinisil> Mine changes more often, had to allow a whole range of ips to use my server as a DNS
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<Infinisil> I wish there was an official nix syntax highlighting, the website doesn't even use any
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<phdoerfler> doesn't vim have highlighting for nix?
<phdoerfler> I wish nano did
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I'm using LnL's nix-vim plugin, but it's not perfect
<phdoerfler> hmm
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I heard nano is pretty customizable, so it should be possible
<yegortimoshenko> libobjc2 on nixos-unstable is broken:
<Infinisil> Wait what, objective-c is a thing outside of apple?
<yegortimoshenko> unar wants it
<yegortimoshenko> Infinisil: sure, gcc supports it
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<Infinisil> nixos-unstable updated \o/
<Infinisil> I think
<clever> 2017-08-12 08:45:43 -nix-gsc-io`bot:#nixos- Channel nixos-unstable advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
<Infinisil> Nice :D
<Infinisil> I'm just having a look at this `nox` tool, but it doesn't seem to be working "An error occured while running nix. Maybe the nixpkgs eval is broken.
<sphalerite> Infinisil: the search part?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Everything else works, I think my NIX_PATh is correct
<sphalerite> Infinisil: I mean which part of nox. I'm guessing search
<Infinisil> Ah, yeah
<Infinisil> I'll have a look at the file where the error occurs
<sphalerite> Infinisil: just a sec
<Infinisil> attribute ‘platforms’ missing, at /nix/store/vnfwr87zcl9x873jggn3s6pmn99nwg59-nixos-17.09pre112691.abdb58e407/nixos/pkgs/applications/editors/neovim/qt.nix:50:28
<Infinisil> Ohhhh
<Infinisil> I have an overlay, which redefines neovim
<Infinisil> s/overlay/packageOverride
<sphalerite> ah right
<sphalerite> I'd suggest not replacing applications in your overrides, instead giving them new attribute names. Ideally in their own subset
<sphalerite> plus then you can do nix-env -iA nixos.myStuff
<sphalerite> (+ -r if you want)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ahh yeah that's nice, gonna use that
<romildo> I am package some applications from the MATE desktop environment. Caja is its file manager. Caja extensions may be installed by other packages. Caja looks for extensions on a single path defined at build time. The default is $(out)/lib/caja/extensions-2.0. Other packages may also install caja extensions. How do you suggest handling this setup in nixpkgs, so that caja can find all the installed extensions?
<sphalerite> romildo: patching caja to get that path at runtime, e.g. from an environment variable
<Infinisil> romildo: Are you sure that path is compiled into it? Seems like very bad design
<sphalerite> Then you can wrap caja with a script that sets the environment variable in question and pass it a path created with e.g. buildEnv
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: it's not uncommon
<sphalerite> but sometimes upstream will accept patches :)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ah, actually, I just looked at the openssh source recently, and they're hardcoded too
<sphalerite> Infinisil: with openssh it's not as much of a problem because it's basically a systemwide service rather than a user application
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<romildo> Infinisil, they have in
<romildo> -DCAJA_EXTENSIONDIR=\""$(libdir)/caja/extensions-2.0"\"
<sphalerite> It's still not ideal, but it's a lot easier to work with because you can just stick it in /etc and generate that declaratively with nix
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Meh, I don't want to share my ssh hosts config with every user
<sphalerite> Infinisil: oh right you mean the client. But you have per-user config for that
<romildo> And in caja-module.c, in function caja_module_setup:
<romildo> load_module_dir (CAJA_EXTENSIONDIR);
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ahh, right, I mixed something up
<phdoerfler> what does `rec` do? As in `services.postfix = rec {`?
<sphalerite> romildo: if you get rid of the line in and change CAJA_EXTENSIONDIR to getenv("CAJA_EXTENSIONDIR") that should probably already do the trick then
<Infinisil> romildo: Well, at least you can just pass a compile-time option :)
<phdoerfler> oh
<phdoerfler> man, nix can do a lot
<phdoerfler> thanks sphalerite
<Infinisil> It's really flexible yeah
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<sphalerite> phdoerfler: or perhaps not remove it from and put `load_module_dir (getenv("CAJA_EXTENSIONDIR") || CAJA_EXTENSIONDIR))` in the source so it doesn't break if the env var is unset
<phdoerfler> I suppose that was meant for romildo?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Nadrieril opened pull request #28193: syncserver: fix dependency conflict with webtest (master...fix-syncserver)
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<sphalerite> whoops, yes
<Infinisil> While I really love the fact that the firefox sync server has been fixed, I discovered I can't use it, because you can't change the sync server in the iOS application
<sphalerite> FRidh garbas: any further objections?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: nice.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f7e4531 Nadrieril: syncserver: fix dependency conflict with webtest
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f7a9086 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28193 from Nadrieril/fix-syncserver...
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<Infinisil> github comments seem to just randomly not load right now
<tilpner> Infinisil - If you have the appropriate Apple device, you can change it c.c
<Infinisil> tilpner: Ohh right.. Hmmm, very attempting
<Infinisil> Although, my developers license just ran out a couple weeks ago, not sure if I can compile it without that
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<clever> pretty sure you need the license to sign things, otherwise, the device will refuse to run it
<romildo> Infinisil, sphalerite, I do not know yet if the load_module_dir in caja source code would handle a list of directories instead of a single directory. If it does not, it would have to be enhanced to do, right?
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<tilpner> Can you use a debug-signed build? (Is that a thing? I never developed for iOS)
<Infinisil> clever: I think since iOS9 this is not strictly required anymore
<sphalerite> romildo: not really, a single directory is good enough
<clever> tilpner: you still need a license to run debug builds i believe
<tilpner> Aww
<clever> they want to track everything :P
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<sphalerite> Did you buy an iphone expecting you would have freedom?
<thblt> Infinisil: what do you mean, fx sync fixed? Are custom servers possible again?
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<clever> sphalerite: thats why i have never bought apple hardware :P
<ylwghst> Anyone knows how to change this from 0 to 1 /sys/module/snd_hda_intel/parameters/power_save
<romildo> sphalerite, but each package with a caja extension would install the extension in its own directory. How a single directory would suffice for all extensions then?
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<ylwghst> ?
<sphalerite> romildo: if you wrap caja with a script that refers to a dir containing all the plugins via symlinks
<sphalerite> Sort of like but maybe less complex because the extra plugins don't live in the same tree
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I was a 100% apple kid like 6 months ago, but everything changed when the Fi.. when I discovered NixOS
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<sphalerite> aaah ok
<sphalerite> when the Fi...?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: It's a reference to something heh
<clever> fire nation attacked?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d6c1d2f Nadrieril: firefox syncserver service: fix PYTHONPATH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c06fb4a Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28188 from Nadrieril/ffsync-fix-pythonpath...
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<Infinisil> clever: +++++++
<sphalerite> lol
<Infinisil> FRidh: \o/
<Infinisil> The apple ecosystem is really great though, as long as you use only apple stuff
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<Infinisil> hardware works well and reliable, software is a bit gimmicky sometimes, but very stable and lots of updates
<Infinisil> Development environment is also really great, lots of good frameworks, Swift, Metal, Xcode
<clever> my dad was surprised at how the ipad can answer phone calls, if the phone is on the same wifi
<Infinisil> clever: They do have some fancy stuff you wouldn't even imagine to have with non-Apple stuff
<clever> yeah
<Infinisil> But yeah, I'm a linux person now, suck it apple
<Infinisil> You won't get my $100 per year anymore
<ylwghst> No way to load snd_hda_intel with custom parameter?
<clever> ylwghst: i'm doing it just fine, let me dig out the code
<sphalerite> my uncle had his linux laptop answering landline calls when he was at home like 10 years ago ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<clever> ylwghst: boot.extraModprobeConfig = "options snd_hda_intel enable=1,0";
<ylwghst> ok thx
<ylwghst> Infinisil: i really like apple development env and tools
<clever> in my case, i'm disabling the audio output over hdmi, because the monitors lack speakers
<clever> and pulseaudio likes to switch to a random device when the output is lost
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Damn, your dad knows his stuff
<sphalerite> Infinisil: uncle :p
<clever> and id rather avoid things getting stuck on /dev/null
<Infinisil> clever: I still struggle with pulseaudio and multiple inputs, outputs, and volume control
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Whoops
<clever> Infinisil: pavucontrol is the only way to tame the beast
<ylwghst> Infinisil: im tottaly lost in pulseaudio
<sphalerite> Infinisil: pavucontrol
<Infinisil> clever: I am using pavucontrol, but it's still pretty bad
<sphalerite> oh yeah, clever said
<sphalerite> idk I find everything works nicely with pavucontrol
<Infinisil> what command do you people run to change the volume? like on the volume buttons?
<sphalerite> pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +2%
<Infinisil> Okay, same
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: I used to have a SuSE linux machine answering my phone calls with excerpts from shodan from system shock :p
<phdoerfler> was kinda creepy
<sphalerite> nice
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<ylwghst> if this wouldnt work then i will have to disable pulseaudio port or set force mute one of alsa control
<Infinisil> What do you do when you want to switch to a different audio output?
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<sphalerite> pactl set-default-sink
<ylwghst> Infinisil: pacmd
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: This only changes the default sink (I think), but I want all audio to go to it instead of the old output
<plchldr> Hi, I'll try again: I have a problem with (spac)emacs not finding binaries (racer and rustfmt in this case) on the nix-shell-PATH. Any idea how to get this working?
<Infinisil> Maybe I should just look into Jack, I heard it's as flexible as can be
<Infinisil> plchldr: Oh, I got that working, hold on
<ylwghst> Infinisil: set-sink-port
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<Infinisil> plchldr: Or maybe not, but I'm pretty sure you can set the binaries manually in the customization thing
<ylwghst> Infinisil: there are also set-default-source and set-source-port
<magnetophon> Myrl-saki: did your build of office finish? Mine didn't, and I tried twice.
<ylwghst> you should try play with it
<Infinisil> ylwghst: I'll try that
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: hmm, yeah. I think `for stream in $(pactl list sink-inputs short | awk '{ print $1 }') ; do pactl move-sink-input $stream NEW_OUTPUT_HERE ; done` might do the trick but it's admittedly horrible :p
<ylwghst> pacmd then help
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Indeed..
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<plchldr> Infinisil: you mean configuring emacs to look in /nix/store..?
<sphalerite> I also really don't understand why both pactl and pacmd exist and what the intended difference between them ist
<Infinisil> plchldr: Nah, in /run/current-system/sw/bin
<ylwghst> clever: sorry i lost the thing
<ylwghst> clever: can you pls resend it?
<clever> ylwghst: boot.extraModprobeConfig = "options snd_hda_intel enable=1,0";
<Infinisil> sphalerite: pactl is controller with options, pacmd is a REPL
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<plchldr> interesting, thanks for the pointer!
<sphalerite> Infinisil: but pacmd can take commands on argv too
<Infinisil> plchldr: Or ~/.nix-profile/bin/.. when you installed it with nix-env
<Infinisil> sphalerite: My manpage doesn't show any (except --help and --version)
<sphalerite> Infinisil: try --help :)
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<magnetophon> Myrl-saki: here's the output:
<sphalerite> it's basically identical to pactl AFAICT
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Aahh
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<ylwghst> clever: there shoudl be only enable=1 or not?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: No idea then
<clever> ylwghst: in my case, i have several snd_hda devices, so its a list of enables for each one
<ylwghst> oh wait
<Infinisil> Not a fan of pulseaudio, seems too complicated for what it does
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<sphalerite> Does it?
<sphalerite> What's overcomplicated there?
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: Maybe I should just spend a bit of time learning it tbh
<Infinisil> I've learned so many CLI's, but I never dipped my toes in pulseaudio, it's scary :P
<sphalerite> one thing I really don't like is the use-flat-volumes behaviour it defualts to
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: What's that?
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<sphalerite> the master volume acting as a ceiling for the individual application volumes rather than a multiplier
<clever> ive found the volume controls in windows to be even worse
<clever> in pulseaudio, it does a multiply operation, so i can set master to 10%, then an app to 50%
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<clever> in windows, master is a hard-cap for every app, so if i set master to 10%, then the apps can only go from 0% to 10%
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Huh? never had that happen, the every output device volume is multiplicative for me
<clever> and if i try to raise an app higher, it just raises master
<sphalerite> clever: that's the default behaviour of pulseaudio too
<Infinisil> clever: That annoys me so much in Windows
<clever> the problem in windows, is that i have about 2 or 3 pixels of resolution to adjust my volume, because the speakers are naturally loud
<Infinisil> Why are volume controls so hard man
<sphalerite> I have `hardware.pulseaudio.daemon.config.flat-volumes = "no";` so it doesn't do that
<clever> in pulseaudio, i can use master to scale the mix, and fix that shit
<sphalerite> yeah, that's what I do too
<Infinisil> clever: Same, but generally everything in windows has so many different volume levels, my firefox is on 2%, but some apps need 60% for me to heard onything
<sphalerite> but it's not the default behaviour
<Infinisil> I want volume controls as a range (min, max), so that when it's too low I can do min+, when it's too high max-, etc.
<Infinisil> This would solve me having to continuously adjust the volume when watching a movie, because there's always a part that blasts off like crazy, then they talk a bit and you can't hear anything
<Infinisil> </rant>
<phdoerfler> just keep the volume up :p
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Can't do that when it's night and don't want to wake anybody
<phdoerfler> yeh that's true
<phdoerfler> that's why I use headphones at night
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<phdoerfler> my neighbours would hear my speakers even when lowering the volume
<Infinisil> Yeah, headphones are nice at night
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<phdoerfler> I got a cheap y splitter so I can watch movies at night with multiple headphones
<phdoerfler> works quite well actually
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: For multiple people?
<phdoerfler> well yeah
<Infinisil> Nice
<phdoerfler> that got rid of the neighbours complaining :p
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<ylwghst> it power_save does work but not the way how should :
<phdoerfler> speaking of complaining, I now got a dovecot IMAP and a postfix SMTP and I can talk to dovecot just fine and I can send mails via postfix but would you think dovecot would actually show me those mails? No it won't that stupid thing
<phdoerfler> but my terminal is eager to tell me that I got new mail
<Infinisil> I just set up mpd on my server, which I'm using to play my music, listening to it via an http stream. Now I have my music with my all the time, and it stays in sync :D
<phdoerfler> just I can't see it
<phdoerfler> hehe
<clever> phdoerfler: run "mail" i think, to read them?
<phdoerfler> clever: my point is, I wanna get dovecot to work
<clever> yeah, that was tricky to setup the last time i did it
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: I got this thing, very nice for that purpose
* sphalerite uploaded an image: file1502545606165.jpg (51KB) <>
<clever> exim and dovecot have many options, and dont always name them the same
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<phdoerfler> sphalerite: oh that's smart
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: good quality, individual volume control, small, and it wasn't very expensive either
<phdoerfler> I bet behringer isn't too hard on the wallet either
<phdoerfler> yeh
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I need something like that, but the other way, 4 inputs
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<sphalerite> phdoerfler: 21 GBP
<phdoerfler> so it's basically free :p
<sphalerite> only disadvantage is it needs power
<phdoerfler> (sorry, couldn't help it)
<Infinisil> clever: phdoerfler: Maybe you could contribute to the wiki [1] with a dovecot article when you got it working? [1]:
<sphalerite> xD
<clever> Infinisil: the last time i had it working was on ubuntu
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I'll pretend I knew of that wiki's existence
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I was thinking of publishing my nix files on github, with comments in them
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Yeah, it's not very well known
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: speaking of which, is there a list of up-to-date nix file repositories?
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I actually did that, but I want to move them to the wiki:
<Infinisil> and polish them up a bit for that
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: wait, github renders org mode files?
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Don't know of any such list
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: It does indeed :)
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Oh, actually the wiki has a list of some configs:
<phdoerfler> ooooh
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<FRidh> wrote a little script that, like nox-review, determines what drvs are different beween two Nix expressions.
<Infinisil> FRidh: Nice! How is it different to nox?
<Infinisil> Ah, it supports much more flexible comparison
<FRidh> Infinisil: no annoying git merge errors because it doesn't use git, and indeed, you can compare different sources more easily
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<plchldr> Infinisil: It doesn't look like shell inputs are available in either of those places :/
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<ixxie> how come a trivial change to my nixos configuration like removing gdm in favor of the default can result in tons of dependencies being downloaded? (I am mostly on stable, with 2 packages on unstable)
<FRidh> maybe you updated your channel since then?
<Infinisil> plchldr: What do you mean by shell inputs? It's just a fixed path you need
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<ixxie> FRidh: hmmm don't think so
<ylwghst> clever: How do you completely disable PA port?
<sphalerite> ixxie: the default has dependencies that you don't have downloaded?
<clever> ylwghst: thats what the config i gave you did
<ixxie> sphalerite: I don't see how cups or ffmpeg are dependencies for lightdm xD
<sphalerite> ok, that is odd!
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* Infinisil investigates
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<sphalerite> have you built the system? You could try comparing nix-store -q --tree on /nix/var/nix/profiles/system and /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-n-link
<sphalerite> where n is the previous generation number
<plchldr> Infinisil: No, I defined an environment like , jump into it with nix-shell and want emacs to pick up the inputs.
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<ylwghst> clever: so
<ylwghst> clever: boot.extraModprobeConfig = "options snd_hda_intel power_save=1";
<ylwghst> boot.extraModprobeConfig = "options
<ixxie> I also had this very scary moment where rollbacks were not consistent
<ylwghst> clever: this way
<ylwghst> clever: boot.extraModprobeConfig = "options iec958-stereo-output enable=0"
<ylwghst> if port is iec958-stereo-output
<ylwghst> forgot snd_hda_intel
<clever> ixxie: ive found 2 issues with rollbacks, if you update, rollback, update, rollback, it doesnt do what you expect
<ixxie> sphalerite: I always just run nixos-rebuild; I will run it after this build finishes (slow connection + lots of downloads :/)
<clever> ixxie: update always creates a new item at the end, and rollback always goes backwards ONE, not back to previous
<sphalerite> right
<Infinisil> plchldr: Ah, I have no idea how it can pick up the env var, but I'm 100% sure you can do it with some lisp
<clever> ixxie: and also, "nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade" changes 2 different things (nixos, the channel), each needs its own rollback
<ixxie> clever: yeah I suspected it had to do with channels
<Infinisil> plchldr: Maybe ask #emacs, although they don't like spacemacs all that much as I discovered
<ylwghst> clever: this does look strange oot.extraModprobeConfig = "snd_hda_intel options iec958-stereo-output enable=0";
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<clever> ylwghst: check the man page, "man modprobe.d"
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<ylwghst> clever: i only need get rid of /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/iec958-stereo-output.conf
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<clever> ylwghst: nixos doesnt have a /usr/share/
<ylwghst> clever: yes
<ylwghst> i meant the equivalent
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<ylwghst> /nix/store/*pulseaudio*/share/alsa-mixer/iec985-stereo-output.conf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #28195: pythonPackages.pasteScript: fix typo in name (master...pastescript-name-typo)
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<ylwghst> btw
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<ylwghst> xxx.save_1 is held by nix for old generations?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann opened pull request #28196: Pull request template: comment out instructions (
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* clever heads to bed
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<ylwghst> doesnot work :/
<ylwghst> theres nothing in man page
<ylwghst> it shoul be done different way
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<ylwghst> it does should be option of module snd_hda
<ylwghst> should
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<Infinisil> clever: Night!
<Infinisil> That's pretty late, even for you :O
<Infinisil> I think
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: what do you mean by " xxx.save_1 is held by nix for old generations?" ?
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<ylwghst> sphalerite: are these files created by nix?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: I don't think so, where are they and what kind of file?
<ylwghst> i found them in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<ylwghst> if not nix then nano which use as editor
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28195: pythonPackages.pasteScript: fix typo in name (master...pastescript-name-typo)
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: yeah, that'll be nano
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<ixxie> hmmm
<ixxie> so weird
<ixxie> so - removed GDM and rebuilt - lots of packages installed. Added GDM again and rebuilt - 13GB of unneeded derivations removed!
<Infinisil> Hwhat
<Infinisil> 13GB??
<Infinisil> How did you check that?
<ixxie> well it says in the end of the build process that 13000MiB removed
<Infinisil> Ah
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<Infinisil> And what option exactly did you change?
<ixxie> services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.enable = true;
<Infinisil> Hmm
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<ixxie> btw I did this because suddently a few builds back I lost the user selection menu in GDM
<ixxie> so I now have to type my username
<ixxie> minor issue but annoying
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cdb7197 Robin Gloster: glestae: remove...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b3f954 Robin Gloster: soi: is not broken
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0376ccb Robin Gloster: phpPackages.composer: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.1
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<phdoerfler> jeaye: you're ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28197: zsh: 5.3.1 -> 5.4.1 (master...update/zsh-5.4.1)
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<Myrl-saki> What does `runCommand1 do?
<Myrl-saki> `runCommand`
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: It builds a derivation from a command that gets run
<Infinisil> Example: runCommand "name" {} "echo BUilding something...; touch $out"
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: What is name?
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<Myrl-saki> Oh wait.
<Myrl-saki> Just like mkDerivation { name ...} ?
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: The name the derivation should have, like the `name` attribute of mkDerivation
<Infinisil> Yup
<Myrl-saki> Right, so completely arbitrary?
<Infinisil> Indeed ;)
<Myrl-saki> Thanks.
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<Infinisil> And the {} enables you to pass additional stuff, such as buildInputs
<Myrl-saki> Wait, is `runCommand` a wrapper around mkDerivation?
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<Infinisil> It is indeed
<Myrl-saki> This seems so much like...
<Myrl-saki> { name, attrs, cmd }: mkDerivation { inherit name; inherit (attrs); installPhase = cmd; }
<Myrl-saki> NOt sure if that's correct Nix
<phdoerfler> Do I need to do anything special when installing nixos onto an SSD?
<phdoerfler> nixos-rebuild says it doesn't know services.fstrim
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Close enough. :P
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: There is nothing special on an SSD, it's just like any other disk to the OS
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<phdoerfler> but it wants an occasional trim to feel good
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Are you using unstable or 17.03?
<phdoerfler> 17.03
<Infinisil> Doesn't seem to be available for 17.03
<Infinisil> When you switch to the release-17.03 branch on github, there's a 404
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<phdoerfler> oh
<phdoerfler> so it's shiny new
<Infinisil> Oh, and you can see the file's history by clicking on "History", was added in May
<phdoerfler> that's been a while
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait what.
<Myrl-saki> I just learned that `x = x` isn't fix.
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: May is the 5th month of 2017 -> is not in 17.03 (March 2017)
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<phdoerfler> I see
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Wait what?
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<Infinisil> You mean because the left x might not be the right x?
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Yeah.
<Myrl-saki> Otherwise, `inherit` wouldn't work, right?
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<Infinisil> Yeah, it's a bit special, but it makes a lot of sense really
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<Myrl-saki> So many times I've appended to my variable names ' because I didn't know that
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Heh
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<Myrl-saki> Is there a way to reference an online .nix?
<Myrl-saki> I have a feeling that this isn't what I want to do.
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: import from an url? Yes
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Oh cool
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: What if it's a whole directory?
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Sure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28198: zziplib: 0.13.66 -> 0.13.67 (master...update/zziplib-0.13.67)
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<Myrl-saki> That was a bit vague on my part.
<Myrl-saki> Do I use something like fetchurl then import?
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<Infinisil> It's called Import From Derivation (IFD), and it enabled you to do pretty much anything, it's a bit slow though
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I'll show an example
<Myrl-saki> The `.nix` file is used as a build tool
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Thanks.
<ben> is import-from-derivation like unsafePerformIO
<Infinisil> ben: Nah, it's completely safe
<magnetophon> Myrl-saki: did your libre-office finish building?
<ben> not in that sense
<Infinisil> It's just that nix gets evaluated at build time
<ben> but like cheating to make the results of an "impure" operation (builds that run arbitrary commands) available to the evaluation of the "pure" nix lang
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<plchldr> Infinisil: It turns out to be a spacemacs issue ( I only wanted an already set up IDE, but I guess I'll try emacsWithPackages then ..
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bendlas opened pull request #28199: webkitgtk: 2.16.4 -> 2.16.6 [security] (master...update-webkitgtk)
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<Infinisil> ben: I don't really know what you mean, yes it's not as nice as directly having the nix files, but other than that I can't see anything "impure" about it
<ben> Infinisil: Normal nix evaluation can't depend on build outputs, right?
<ben> I can evaluate all of nixpkgs without building anything
<ben> you can have further builds depend on your build outputs being there, but you don't need them to generate the derivations for those builds
<ben> so nix evaluation is limited to nixy things
<ben> and import-from-derivation is the escape hatch that lets you do whatever things
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<Infinisil> ben: Ah yes
<Infinisil> It just feels kinda hacky I think, I don't think there's /actually/ something bad about it
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Here is a super-simple IFD example:
<Infinisil> The `file` could be anything though, fetchgit, whatever
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<ben> you can also trigger builds from just builtins.readFile, right?
<ben> It doesn't have to be import specifically
<ben> > builtins.readFile "${(import <nixpkgs> {}).runCommand "blah" {} "id"}"
<ben> building path(s) ‘/nix/store/r0n77vf3ijz8y3zrks3pii7g14lp85xr-blah’
<ben> uid=30001(nixbld) gid=30000(nixbld) groups=30000(nixbld)
<gnuhurd> so
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<Infinisil> ben: import just needs a path to a nix file
<ben> just feels weird!!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28200: zynaddsubfx: 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2 (master...update/zynaddsubfx-3.0.2)
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<Infinisil> ben: I actually really like how that's possible, it feels like meta programming
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<gnuhurd> I installed nix-mode via emacsWithPackages and it worked fine, I can load it in GNU Emacs just fine, meanwhile, when I installed erlang (the mode) via emacsWithPackages it didn't load even if I rebooted. does anyone know what could be going on?
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<Infinisil> gnuhurd: No idea, but the nix source is pretty understandable, maybe you could check out what emacsWithPackages exactly does
<Myrl-saki> Wait what
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<Myrl-saki> If you use ./foo
<Myrl-saki> It acts like a variable?
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: What do you mean by it acts like a variable?
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Like, you can pass it to things that normally expect a variable?
<Myrl-saki> Rather
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait. Scratch that.
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: It's just a path, which is just a string
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<Infinisil> (it does get imported into the store first though)
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<Infinisil> actually no, path is something different than a string
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Yeah.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I think paths get a bit normalized and stuff.
<Myrl-saki> Rather, it's more... awake?
<Myrl-saki> aware*
<Infinisil> Not sure what you mean
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<Infinisil> at evaluation time, every path gets converted to a nix store path after importing it into the store
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Ah.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to openssl-1.1:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/openssl-1.1 b6afad4 Robin Gloster: security.acme: openssl 1.1 password needs >4 chars
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<sphalerite> Infinisil Myrl-saki: Not quite
<Infinisil> Damnit
<s4sha> hi !
<sphalerite> it will only get imported into the store under certain conditions, e.g. if it's interpolated into a string
<s4sha> how can one override a setting that one knows has been defined elsewhere ?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Ahhh right
<sphalerite> but toString /var/nix will evaluate to "/var/nix" and /var/nix will not be copied into the store
<sphalerite> s4sha: using lib.mkForce
<s4sha> I'm trying to override a ProtectHome for my phpfpm service, which is hard-coded in
<s4sha> sphalerite: how would that go ?
<s4sha> it just goes around my config block ?
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<Infinisil> Hmm, ProtectHome is not an option, so mkForce won't work
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait what
<s4sha> ah, gosh
<Infinisil> And setting it to something else would give a merge conflict
<sphalerite> s4sha:<pool>.serviceConfig.ProtectHome = lib.mkForce false;
<Myrl-saki> `nix-shell -E 'import ./. (import <nixpkgs> {})'`
<Infinisil> Ohhh, it is an option
<Myrl-saki> The set is too populated.
<s4sha> ahhhh
<s4sha> thanks a bunch
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<Myrl-saki> Can I use callPackage even without mkDerivation?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: it doesn't matter if it's an explicitly defined option or not, as long as it exists (e.g. being within an option that's an arbitrary set) it should work
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: yes
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait no. This uses runCommand, so it's still mkDerivation lol
<sphalerite> at least I think it should be possible
<Myrl-saki> What does callPackage exactly do? @_@
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<sphalerite> it takes a function which, given a set, returns a set; it returns a function which, given a set, passes into the first function all name-matching attributes from nixpkgs but overriding with the second set
<sphalerite> and adds an "override" attribute to the set, which is also a function
<sphalerite> it's hard to explain x)
<sphalerite> in the first part, it can be a path to a nix file which evaluates to such a function as well
<Myrl-saki> Nah don't worry, that actually makes-ish sense lmao
<sphalerite> I guess you could say it's of type (Set -> Set) -> Set -> Set
<Infinisil> "A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the probleⅿ?"
<sphalerite> categories and endofunctors
<Myrl-saki> ((foo :: Set) -> (bar :: Set)) -> ((foo U override) -> (baz :: Set)
<Myrl-saki> I was thinking more along the lines of that
<Infinisil> I prefer : instead of :: (Idris ftw)
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I like how : and :: has the exact opposite usage
<Myrl-saki> Wait, Idris uses :: for list cons, right?
<Myrl-saki> Or was I thinking of a different language
<Infinisil> Yes
<Infinisil> :: is list cons in idris
<Infinisil> But it makes sense to use : for types, because Idris is much more type oriented
<sphalerite> ((dependenciesAndOptions : Set) -> (result : SetWhichIsUsuallyADerivation)) -> (overrides : Set) -> (result2 : SetWhichIsUsuallyADerivationAndHasOverrideAttribute)
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<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: lol
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I got a quit message after you said that and it took me some time to realize that the last kind wasn't the quit message. :P
<Infinisil> Descriptive variable names? Idris syntax? Functional? MOD THAT GUY!
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: haha
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: lol I don't even know Idris
<Myrl-saki> rip
<Infinisil> Last semester I had a functional programming course, at one of the best universities in the world.. We almost didn't touch monads, it was basically a Haskell intro course
<sphalerite> Semester before last I had a functional programming course. It was entitled "Introduction to Functional Programming". It was Haskell, but we went through all the weird stuff
<Infinisil> And before it started I was all excited to learn about endofunctors, fix, loeb
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Happens every time. :(
<sphalerite> This upcoming semester I'm taking "Advanced Functional Programming". Agda. Going to be fun.
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Nice
<Infinisil> loeb is the coolest thing in haskell
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: First heard that on "Getting a quick fix on comonads"
<Turion> sphalerite, which university?
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<sphalerite> Of all the cities to be for FP, I think Glasgow's not the worst hehe
<sphalerite> Turion: Strathclyde
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I still don't know what comonads are, also no idea about codata
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Something something coprogrammer
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<Turion> Cool! :)
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<Turion> Myrl-saki, the thing that turns de into fee?
<Myrl-saki> Turion: :P
<Myrl-saki> I just love these little puns.
<Turion> Infinisil, I think the co in codata is a different one from the co in comonad
<Infinisil> Turion: I think co just stands for a dual of some kind?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4502e61 Robin Gloster: audit: 2.7.6 -> 2.7.7
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<Turion> Well yes, but I'm guessing by codata you mean coinductive types, which means the terminal COalgebra of a functor instead of the initial algebra
<Infinisil> But i admittedly have no idea
<Turion> And a comonad is the same thing as a monad with all the structure morphisms in the wrong direction
<Infinisil> Turion: Ah yes of course! (I have no idea what you just said)
<Infinisil> I should really get more into this stuff
<Turion> I guess we'll get kicked for talking off-topic if I explain all of it ;)
* sphalerite is lost
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a9e463b Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<Turion> You see, I can create a list by constructing it from a head and a tail
<Turion> That's induction
<sphalerite> so is it "mo-nad" or "mon-ad"?
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<Turion> But given a stream, I can retrieve a head and a tail from it
<magnetophon> I have a pkg that won't build without adding " sed -i 's|-shared -Wl,--export-dynamic|-shared |' " does that seemOK to you all?
<Turion> Lists are data, streams are codata
<Infinisil> Turion: Hmmm
<Turion> You construct data, you tear down codata
<phdoerfler> Turion: you are painfully reminding me that I got a final upcoming on that very topic: algebra of programming
<Myrl-saki> Turion: Construct?
<Turion> phdoerfler, wonderful topic :)
<Turion> Myrl-saki, yes, like constructors in Haskell
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<phdoerfler> Turion: depends. The class was incredibly theoretical, taught by a mathematician
<Myrl-saki> Ah. :P
<Infinisil> Turion: Ah, nice explanaiton
<Turion> phdoerfler, I guess it's not so much fun if noone gives you the intuition behind it
<Myrl-saki> phdoerfler: Oh wow.
<Infinisil> Ah, here, section on codata in idris:
<phdoerfler> the intuition, yes. that's exactly what I am missing
<Infinisil> And damn, when did Idris 1.1 and 1.1.1 get released :O
<phdoerfler> couple months ago, Infinisil
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Damn, totally must've missed it
<Myrl-saki> Saw the post on /r/programming when 1.0 got released.
<Infinisil> Yeah me too, but had no idea about 1.1
<phdoerfler> My only salvation was the videos of this guy are somewhat compatible with my brain and managed to squeeze in a tiny bit of category theory
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28201: axel: 2.12 -> 2.13.1 (master...update/axel-2.13.1)
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<Turion> Infinisil, I think the only reason why I started to talk about this was: codata and data behave quite similarly, the difference is more under the hood (and the fact that data is always finite). But monads and comonads are completely different.
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<phdoerfler> comonads are weird
<Infinisil> Turion: I see
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I bet they can be used to do some incredible stuff if you get it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 60730cb Robin Gloster: automake: 1.15 -> 1.15.1
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<Turion> They absolutely can :) Lists are monads, but streams are comonads :)
<phdoerfler> I like products and coproducts
<phdoerfler> those are simple
<Infinisil> Wait, a minute ago you said lists are data and streams are codata?
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<Turion> Yes, I'm a bit sloppy here
<Infinisil> Ah, right, I get it
<Infinisil> it's a different view point
<Turion> Lists are also a parametric datatype, and it's possible to give them a monad structure
<Myrl-saki> Ugh
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<Myrl-saki> How do I use a specific version of a Haskell library?
<Turion> Myrl-saki: when installing in nixos, or when programming?
<Myrl-saki> hlint.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs: {version = "1.9.0"; } )
<Myrl-saki> Turion: Latter
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I think that's what these stack resolvers are for
<Turion> So to just define the type "List a", you need inductive types
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Yep. But I'm going reflex style and going nix only for a change.
<Turion> Myrl-saki, give your project a cabal file or stack
<Myrl-saki> (Well, nix + cabal)
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<Infinisil> Turion: Do you know Idris well?
<Turion> Infinisil, not very well, I've been on the Agda side of things for most of the time, but I want to switch
<Turion> Or, I'm in the process of switching
<Infinisil> Turion: Why so?
<Turion> Haskell: Great for programming, dependent types suck though. Agda: Dependent types are awesome, but for programming, it sucks. Idris: Best of two worlds? Maybe? Some day?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ebac8f Robin Gloster: lr: 0.3.2 -> 0.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d5fed93 Robin Gloster: ola: 0.10.4 -> 0.10.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4ce80c5 Robin Gloster: php70: 7.0.21 -> 7.0.22
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<Infinisil> Turion: Ohhh, yeah. Well said
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb36d9e Lukas Werling: vivaldi: 1.10.867.48-1 -> 1.11.917.39-1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef91bbc Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28190 from lluchs/vivaldi-1.11.917.39-1...
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<sphalerite> yeah from what my friends a year ahead of me said, you only compile Agda, never run it
<Turion> sphalerite: Yes, sadly :/ few people run their Agda programs
<Infinisil> Turion: I feel like Idris has the potential to get proofs into normal programs
<Turion> Infinisil: Yes, it seems like it. I'm actually liking it a lot.
<Myrl-saki> cocreature: Oh, so that's what `self: super:` means lol
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<Infinisil> My motivation for Idris is increasing every day, got to hold myself back while I still have exams left though :P
<Turion> I haven't tested coinduction to the extreme yet, but let's see
<Turion> Haha, typical problem. Studying for exams, and suddenly everything else becomes so interesting
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<Turion> Such as the #nixos channel :D
<Infinisil> Turion: I am veeery distracted by nix recently
<sphalerite> where are you to ahve exams in August?
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<sphalerite> I finished the uni year back in May
<Infinisil> sphalerite: University in Switzerland
<Infinisil> ETHZ
<sphalerite> so when do you start again?
<sphalerite> (assuming you're not graduating yet)
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I think it's like a week or 2 after the exams, so maybe in a month
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<sphalerite> wait so you basically don't have a summer break?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I have been in summer "break" for like 2 months now :P
<Infinisil> It's technically meant for learning, but I didn't do shit
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<tnks> I heard Remy's internship resulted in incremental builds for Haskell. Does anyone know if that's available outside Awake yet?
<tnks> I don't even know his handle here.
<Infinisil> tnks: Don't know, but there's which would be able to do incremental builds when finished
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 89ad46d Robin Gloster: sysdig: fix build with current curl
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Ah, idris 1.1 was not released months ago, it was 1 August
<Infinisil> Now I don't feel as bad for missing it, whew
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: :D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master db6a966 mimadrid: zynaddsubfx: 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 354b3cd Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28200 from mimadrid/update/zynaddsubfx-3.0.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bb5702c Robin Gloster: treewide: remove automake pinning to the newest version...
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<sphalerite_> is down :(
<sphalerite_> Infinisil: surely you learnt some things in those 2 months. Maybe not things that are useful for your exams, but things nonetheless :p
<Infinisil> sphalerite_: Indeed!
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<phdoerfler> any fail2ban users here? I fail to use ignoreip in my nix files. It somehow doesn't make it into the config of fail2ban
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I have struggled with fail2ban before.. What's your config?
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: which is basically this:
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: and jeaye also uses ignoreip and I put mine in the same place yet it won't be picked up by fail2ban. In fact, if I ask fail2ban-client to show me the config I only see "addignoreip" actions that add but not the IP I used.
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: It's the port-scan jail that troubles me
<ylwghst_> when is this executed environment.shellInit = ''echo''; ?
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Hmm...
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: ignoreip isn't a property of a jail
<phdoerfler> oh
<magnetophon> anyone using handbrake on unstable? it won't build here...
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: this suggested it should be added to jail.local which sounded like a jail to me
<Myrl-saki> So.
<phdoerfler> I got it there, too
<Infinisil> Ah right
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I got it there and in the default jail. I thought the more the merrier. It doesn't work with it only in the lower part either
<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: nixos/modules/programs/bash/bash.nix; it goes in /etc/profile
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: What exactly does not work? Do you get blocked?
<phdoerfler> yes I do
<phdoerfler> it is the most annoying thing
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: also, this is the output of fail2ban-client -d:
<phdoerfler> filtered for "ignore"
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Hold on
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<Infinisil> This is my config for reference
<ylwghst_> sphalerite_: when?
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<Myrl-saki> I have a .nix file for building, how do I use nix-copy-closure to copy the build tools?
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Maybe you could try setting the filter exclicitly?
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: You want to copy the closure of the resulting .drv file, which gets produced with nix-instantiate
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: How do I get the .drv from the result symlink?
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: And you could just instead of blocking yourself, add a custom action like logging for testing
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I think I am missing something. What does ignoreip have to do with filter?
<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: in a login shell
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: You could do that, but why not just use nix-instantiate?
<Myrl-saki> Oh, I misread that lmao
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Thanks.
<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: if you want to see when, you could put "echo Hello from shellInit" in it ;)
<ylwghst_> sphalerite_: after i log in
<ylwghst_> ?
<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: if you log in on a tty, yeah
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Because the filter filters stuff, and ignoreip tells it what it to ignore those?
<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: I'm not sure about graphical sessions
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<phdoerfler> oh you mean I use a filter that already ignores this very ip
<ylwghst_> sphalerite_: theres always tty1 and then is display-manager started
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<ylwghst_> isnt?
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Not sure
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Anyways, I'm gonna eat now, I hope my config helps a bit
<Infinisil> bbl!
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<sphalerite_> ylwghst_: yeah so if you switch to a tty (Ctrl-Alt-F1 through Ctrl-Alt-F6 usually, the graphical session is usually on F7) and log in there it happens when your first shell there starts up
<sphalerite_> but not if you run bash from within that shell IIUC
<Infinisil> Oh and i just noticed, I could use etc.<foo>.text = ''blabla'' instead of .source = pkgs.writeText
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e93fe9a Eric Litak: bitcoinarmory: init at 0.96.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bab0c74 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #27974 from elitak/armory...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 439335f Robin Gloster: urlview: builds with default automake
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 220c537 Robin Gloster: automake112x: remove...
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<ylwghst_> sphalerite_: ok
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I fixed it!
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: I am unsure why it didn't work before but now it does
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: it is indeed an option of jails
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: the manual just doesn't list ignoreip at all, but it is in their wiki
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: the reason I only had everywhere was because the fail2ban.nix file adds that to the config after my addition therefore rendering my line useless
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: can I tell nix to append rather than prepend?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master beace03 Robin Gloster: mongoc: 1.5.4 -> 1.7.0
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<edef> What's the sanctioned way of producing a Perl include path?
<sphalerite_> edef: there seems to be makePerlPath in lib
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 ec8d508 Robin Gloster: sysdig: fix build with current curl...
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<edef> hmm, that just seems to be lib.makeSearchPath "lib/perl5/site_perl" though
<edef> like I'm specifically after the recursive dep inclusion
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<edef> context: this bit is in switch-to-configuration
<edef> # FIXME: use D-Bus or whatever to query this, since parsing the
<edef> # output of list-units is likely to break.
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<edef> so I just wrote some logic that hits up DBus with the same logic as systemctl list-units and returns an identical value to the current code
<edef> but, I have to pull in Net::DBus, but Net::DBus wants some other stuff
<ylwghst> How Can I create own systemd service and let start it in boot stage 2?
<edef> currently switch-to-configuration's shebang line is produced by literally just this
<edef> perl = "${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl -I${pkgs.perlPackages.FileSlurp}/lib/perl5/site_perl -I${pkgs.perlPackages.NetDBus}/lib/perl5/site_perl";
<edef> er, well, the latter bit is my addition, but you get the point
<jeaye> phdoerfler Infinisil A link to my configs _and_ someone using safepaste, all within 5 minutes. What a good morning.
<jeaye> I think I've had trouble with that ignoreip as well.
<jeaye> I tread carefully near f2b.
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<sphalerite_> Any advice on how to set up pretty interdependent config, specifically getting certs for some service via ACME while also running nginx with automatic ACME?
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<phdoerfler> jeaye: first of all thank you SO much for these configs! Saved me SO much work. Also, I don't know how this is working for you but I had as described above to move ignoreip into the jail. Now it works reliably. You may need to do the same. I am also using a different version of fail2ban than you. I skipped the introductory package definition you have in your nix file
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<phdoerfler> jeaye: I say this line is probably useless since nixos adds this _after_ your config, thus overwriting it
<phdoerfler> I hope my message got in here completely and didn't get truncated
<sphalerite_> all good
<phdoerfler> great
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<phdoerfler> in other news: my gf downloaded some pre packaged dwarf fortress tar.gz and extracted it in her nixos but can't launch the binaries in there. Bash says it can't find the file
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28201: axel: 2.12 -> 2.13.1 (master...update/axel-2.13.1)
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<phdoerfler> e.g. there is a binary "PyLNP" in there, but `./PyLNP` makes bash say it can't find `PyLNP`.
<phdoerfler> The other binaries in there produce the same result
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<phdoerfler> is this a nixos thing?
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<phdoerfler> I have never seen anything like that
<sphalerite_> phdoerfler: it's missing the dynamic linker it probably refers to
<phdoerfler> it is a dynamically linked ELF binary yes
<sphalerite_> you can fix it using patchelf
<phdoerfler> ah
<sphalerite_> hang on
<Myrl-saki> How do I go through a fetchFromGitHub?
<phdoerfler> any tutorial on that?
<Myrl-saki> I'm trying foo.bas
<Myrl-saki> But it says attribute missing.
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<sphalerite_> phdoerfler: you'll need to work out which libraries it needs (readelf -d PyLNP) and add them where zlib is in that expression
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<sphalerite_> phdoerfler: then nix-build simple-test.nix && ./result PyLNP to patch it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #28204: yices: 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2 (master...update/yices-2.5.2)
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<phdoerfler> sphalerite_: thanks, I'll try that
<phdoerfler> may I ask what is the reasoning behind requiring this?
<phdoerfler> does nixos link all binaries statically?
<phdoerfler> and why the hell does bash say the binary can not be found if in fact it is right there but the linker fails :/
<sphalerite_> no, otherwise it wouldn't work
<sphalerite_> would*
<sphalerite_> but what's happening isn't that the linker is missing libraries
<sphalerite_> it's that the linker is missing
<phdoerfler> but why is the linker missing?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 473b58f Robin Gloster: inkscape: remove unused automake114x, intltool
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<phdoerfler> everything is just built statically and thus there is no linker? Is that really it?
<sphalerite_> it's missing because it's not in the path where it's expected
<phdoerfler> oh
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<sphalerite_> because of nix's model
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<phdoerfler> I had no idea the path to the linker is hardcoded in ELF binaries
<sphalerite_> the linker which lives in /lib/ on "normal" distributions lives in /nix/store/hash-glibc/lib/
<sphalerite_> or something along those lines
<phdoerfler> sphalerite_: thanks for being so patient with me :)
<sphalerite_> no worries, these are questions a lot of people have
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<sphalerite_> so yeah, the header of the file tells the kernel what's going ot load it
<sphalerite_> just like a shebang in a script
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<jeaye> phdoerfler: Thanks for the info; I think the ignoreip isn't working for me, so I'll make that change to move it into the jail. As for the bantime being overwritten... yeah, that's a pain.
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<sphalerite_> Yay, matrix is back!
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<sphalerite_> phdoerfler: so did it work?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #27983: openelec-dvb-firmware: init at 0.0.51 (master...openelec-dvb-firmware)
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<Infinisil> jeaye: Are you talking about it being overwritten by the nixos module? Because then a PR would be nice!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fbb6b90 Will Dietz: yices: 2.5.1 -> 2.5.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ccdf2d3 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28204 from dtzWill/update/yices-2.5.2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7e5ebed Robin Gloster: coreutils: use autoreconfHook
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bfdd9d2 Robin Gloster: automake114x: remove
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<jeaye> Infinisil: I am, as per the example that phdoerfler brought up.
<phdoerfler> yay!
<phdoerfler> I got this talent that I find this one line in a huge config that doesn't work
<Infinisil> I'm not sure, but would adding mkDefault to this work?:
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<Infinisil> Yeah I think that should work
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<anelson_> hi guys, I encountered a missing dependency "darwin.libiconv" for
<anelson_> the "foundation" package on ghcjs. I fixed it by modifiying
<anelson_> `hackage-packages.nix`, but I'd like to make a PR and I get the
<anelson_> feeling that that file is auto-generated. What's the correct way
<anelson_> to fix this kind of thing?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd657a7 Robin Gloster: libtsm: use autoreconfHook
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<bennofs> anelson_: the file is auto-generated by cabal2nix
<anelson_> yeah that's what I figured
<bennofs> anelson_: ideally, this would be fixed in the generator. is there any indication of the dependency in the .cabal file that the generator is missing?
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<anelson_> I'm not sure...
<anelson_> It was just failing with a linker error
<bennofs> anelson_: otherwise, a less optimal but often used solution (and not bad) is to just add an override to pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-nix.nix (the file should have examples of such kind of "additions")
<anelson_> I'll try to track it down
<anelson_> oh, in configuration-common you mean?
<bennofs> anelson_: there's configuration-nix now
<Infinisil> bennofs: Ohh, I was very confused by this file before, now I understand
<bennofs> anelson_: the comments at the top of the file should explain the differences
<anelson_> how is that different
<anelson_> oh ok
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<bennofs> anelson_: basically, -nix is for stuff to patch around stuff that cabal2nix cannot detect
<Myrl-saki> Ughhh
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<bennofs> anelson_: or things that are in general only happening because we build with Nix and wouldn't be necessary if we were building without nix (like patching hardcoded paths)
<anelson_> OK, which would this fall into? A dependency which cabal2nix did not detect would seem to be this, but on the other hand maybe it's only not detecting it due to a bug in cabal2nix
<bennofs> anelson_: while -common does stuff like overriding versions of certain packages etc or disabling test suites that fail even in normal builds that don't use nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master afa9031 Daniel Fullmer: rtl8812au: Fix comment typo...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c08ceb1 Daniel Fullmer: rtl8812au: Fixes for newer linux kernels...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5839cef Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #28203 from danielfullmer/rtl8812-fix...
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<bennofs> anelson_: generally, this wouldn't happen if you build without nix, so I think it should be added to -nix
<anelson_> hmm ok, I'll add it there
<bennofs> Ideally, if all packages followed best practices (no hardcoding of paths) and cabal2nix was perfect, -nix should be empty
<anelson_> any idea how I would add a `librarySystemDepends` with that file?
<anelson_> just put `foundation = {librarySystemDepends = [pkgs.darwin.libiconv];};` ?
<anelson_> I could just give this a shot I guess... :P
<Myrl-saki> I'm so lost
<Myrl-saki> How does that not work omg
<bennofs> anelson_: i think addExtraLibrary should work as well
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Are you confused by the import src self pkgs?
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: If so, here are some brackets: (import src) self pkgs
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Nah. It's not working.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: `bar` is what imports reflex-dom
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: But it requires reflex-dom-core
<Myrl-saki> And I'm explicitly passing reflex-dom-core
<Infinisil> Hmm
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to have the automatic acme service chown the cert/key dir to a given user? security.acme.certs.<name>.user determines which user it runs as, not the user the resulting certs belong to
<Myrl-saki> You know
<Myrl-saki> At times like this, I think printf debugging is nice. ; m ;
<Myrl-saki> Let me try this at the nix-repl
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Oh, does it throw an error that arguments aren't defined?
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Yep.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 758421c Jörg Thalheim: spl: 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 317786c Jörg Thalheim: zfs: 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: You need callPackage
<Infinisil> It's what fills out all the arguments
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: It already uses callPackage.
<Infinisil> Ohhh..
<Myrl-saki> Well, not my code, the code I'm importing.
<Infinisil> Yeah
<Infinisil> That looks like an overlay though?
<Myrl-saki> Oh right.
<Myrl-saki> Mmmm nah.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Arguments don't match.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I'll try doing callPackage twice though.
<bennofs> can I allow warnings for a macro expansion only?
<bennofs> anonymous mods would be nice for that
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<bennofs> oops, wrong channel, sry
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28205: clib: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0 (master...update/clib-1.8.0)
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: What does it set the user to?
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: root
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: Seems to use the configured user in master:
<sphalerite> Infinisil: I know, but in this case the configured user doesn't have permission to write to the webroot directory
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<sphalerite> err
<phdoerfler> nix question: I got a variable and would like to use that in a string. How do I do that?
<sphalerite> the user I want owning the certs
<sphalerite> Infinisil: so I want the ACME client to run as root, then chown it to the user
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: using toString
<phdoerfler> myVar.toString?
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: toString myVar
<phdoerfler> thx
<sphalerite> Infinisil: no
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: in the string?
<Myrl-saki> I think I need change of plans
<Myrl-saki> Is there a way to get a subdirectory on fetch*?
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: if you want to interpolate it in another string, use an antiquotation. `let n = 5; in "${toString n} apples"` evaluates to "5 apples"
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: if it's already a string you don't need the toString part
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Hmm.. I usually just manage webroot manually
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: awesome!
<Myrl-saki> I give up on trying to work with the default.nix
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: src = "${fetchurl {…}}/subdirectory";
<gchristensen> fetchurl doesn't produce a directory
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Ah, how about fetchFromGitHub?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: I guess I can use the postRun hook. It's ugly but it'll work I guess
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: same thing
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<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: actually in the case of fetchurl it won't work right because you're fetching a single file
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: but with fetchFromGitHub I think it's fine
<Infinisil> sphalerite: I don't think managing permissions of webroot should be part of the nixos module, right?
<sphalerite> Infinisil: I don't want to manage the permissions of webroot, I want to manage the cert permissions
<sphalerite> I want to generate a cert which the murmur user has access to; but the murmur user has no write access to the webroot
<sphalerite> So I need to obtain the cert as the root or nginx user, then chown the cert and key to the murmur user
<Infinisil> sphalerite: Wouldn't a group work?
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<sphalerite> it might, but that gives more users permissions on the file than necessary
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: I mean, just create a group which only the user murmur is in, something like a `certmanager` group
<sphalerite> aww bummer, I thought I could solve my problem alternatively using ACLs... but no, zfs doesn't support them
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Oh right. Thanks.
<sphalerite> oh I just need to enable the support
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Thanks for the idea. I instead unioned it with my current overlay.
<Infinisil> sphalerite: You mean xattr?
<sphalerite> no, I mean ACLs
<Infinisil> POSIX ACL?
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<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> it works
<Infinisil> Both POSIX ACL's and xattrs are enabled by default on zfs btw
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<sphalerite> Nope, it said "Operation not supported" until I set acltype=posixacl on my root filesystem
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<Infinisil> Ohh
<Infinisil> weird, you're right, it's off by default
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<Infinisil> sphalerite: What command did you run that got you operation not supported?
<sphalerite> setfacl -m u:murmur:r /var/lib/acme/mumble
<Infinisil> Ahh
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<Infinisil> okay I mixed up the term ACL, sorry
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<ylwghst> can I acces /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/setpci
<ylwghst> in boot stage2?
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<Infinisil> ylwghst: I think so. It's available as soon as the containing filesystem is mounted
<Infinisil> which is probably somewhere in stage 1
<sphalerite> ok no, the ACLs don't survive a nixos-rebuild switch
<ylwghst> hm
<sphalerite> and the postRun doesn't seem to happen
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<rnhmjoj[m]> can someone tell me why this code does a stack overflow?
<rnhmjoj[m]> neither I nor nix can find the infinite recursion
<sphalerite> rnhmjoj: I think it's the refernce to haskellPackages in haskellPackages
<sphalerite> try using an overlay instead
<sphalerite> where haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override {...}
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<sphalerite> or you could rename the new attr
<Infinisil> sphalerite: How can one use an overlay in config.nix?
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<Infinisil> Ah
<Infinisil> that's not config.nix
<anelson_> anyone know what the purpose of the `stage2.nix` for ghcjs is? it appears to have some custom versions of other packages (which appear in hackage-packages.nix), but I'm not sure why. For example the version of `async` that they have is a different, older version than the one in hackage-packages, which I had to comment out because it was incompatible with another library I wanted to build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edef1c opened pull request #28206: [WIP] switch-to-configuration: use Net::DBus to retrieve the list of units (
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<ylwghst> myservice.service can be created only via configuration.nix?
<rnhmjoj[m]> sphalerite: sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. what is `super`?
<Myrl-saki> How to have my nix-shell not garbage collected?
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait just ignore.
<sphalerite> rnhmjoj: rather than using packageOverrides, use an overlay. packageOverrides is a function that takes one argument, an overlay is one that takes two — self, a reference to the overridden set, and super, a reference to the set without any of the changes applied. That allows resolving infinite recursion like in your case, where you're trying to define haskellPackages in terms of itself, by referring to the non-overridden
<sphalerite> version
<cocreature> Myrl-saki: pass `--indirect --add-root .gcroots` to nix-shell
<Infinisil> ylwghst: You can create user services as well, have a look at how home-manager does it:
<sphalerite> rnhmjoj: I'm not sure how to use overlays on a systemwide level actually though
<sphalerite> rnhmjoj: to see if the cause is even what I think it is, try renaming the new attribute to haskellPackagesNew or something and see if you still get the infinite recursion
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<rnhmjoj[m]> sphalerite: it is. you are right.
<phdoerfler> I got SSL running using the nginx acme thing suggested by clever and my dovecot is using it and it just works and it's beautiful :3
<phdoerfler> except now I got this webserver I don't want
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Nice!
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: What is it exactly that you don't want/need?
<phdoerfler> nginx
<phdoerfler> :)
<phdoerfler> the entire thing
<phdoerfler> I'll later have my own webserver
<Infinisil> Does dovecot have ssl support?
<phdoerfler> yes
<Infinisil> Ah, so you're just using nginx because of the nice acme thing?
<phdoerfler> exactly
<phdoerfler> and it is very nice
<Infinisil> understandable
<sphalerite> haha
<Infinisil> I think it should really be abstracted away from nginx
<phdoerfler> probably
<sphalerite> I'd be in the same situation, except I need my web server :D
<phdoerfler> then again it needs a 80 and a 443 and something that sits there and listens to those
<phdoerfler> I want a web server too alright
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<sphalerite> Infinisil: it isn't tied to nginx
<phdoerfler> enlighten us
<sphalerite> Infinisil: you can set up any other web server to serve the webroot dir
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<sphalerite> it is a little more complex though, and there's not really any point if you're not using a web server for anything else
<phdoerfler> I will be using a different webserver later on
<phdoerfler> I was thinking of having nginx just forward everything to the other one
<phdoerfler> not sure what's less trouble
<sphalerite> you could set services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.documentRoot = "/var/lib/acme/acme-challenge"; if you want to use apache and don't need to run anything else in it
<pbogdan> rnhmjoj[m]: you can also use pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal to override version / hash
<sphalerite> phdoerfler: why a different webserver?
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: I will be using play probably
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<phdoerfler> which brings its own little webserver
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Y tho?
<phdoerfler> I don't think nginx can run scala :p
<rnhmjoj[m]> pbogdan: thanks. this looks less complicated.
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: How the hell do i google for "Play"
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: haha
<Infinisil> That's almost worse than Go
<pbogdan> rnhmjoj[m]: something along the lines of should work and fetch from Hackage
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: this thing:
<sphalerite> personally I'd probably use nginx to proxy it
<phdoerfler> sphalerite: yeah that's what I got in mind, too
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<phdoerfler> I'd have play run on some different port and nginx will proxy that thing
<sphalerite> partly because it has the nice enableACME options and partly because it serves static files nicely as well
<phdoerfler> yup
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Ahh, you want to write your own web server
<rnhmjoj[m]> pbogdan: perfect
<phdoerfler> Infinisil: something like that
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: think of ruby on rails
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6d7b0dc Robin Gloster: gnome3.pomodoro: no need for automake113x
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1b3dc3 Robin Gloster: povray: 3.7 ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0bce8f8 Robin Gloster: misc: remove...
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<Infinisil> Why is enableACME only a thing on nginx? Is there something special on nginx that's not possible with others?
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<rycee[m]> ylwghst: You can easily create user systemd services. Just put the file in ~/.config/systemd/user and run `systemctl --user daemon-reload`. Home manager helps in making this process more NixOSish.
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<Infinisil> I want en enableACME option on every server in nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/web-servers
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Oh nice, I didn't know it was this easy, had a hard time figuring out how you did it in home-manager
<Ralith> Infinisil: better get programming, then
<Infinisil> Ralith: So much stuff to do!
<rnhmjoj[m]> the [m] in the names is due to the matrix-IRC bridge?
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<Infinisil[m]> Yes
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: It really is quite easy. Most of the services in Home Manager started as user services I had written manually. I was pretty happy with that for a long time and that's why Home Manager wasn't born earlier :-)
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<Infinisil[m]> rycee[m]: Do you also think that some stuff in nixpkgs really belongs to the user-level?
<Infinisil[m]> Like emacsWithPackages, vim_configurable, and there's probably some more
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 84a6a36 Volth: libvirt: 3.5.0 -> 3.6.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2dddc6d Robin Gloster: libvirt: don't suspend and resume on change
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 15351c4 volth: apply 'restartIfChanged = false' to all libvirtd services...
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil[m]: Home manager already has an emacs module that uses emacsWithPackages internally. I wouldn't want the actual emacsWithPackages code in home manager, though.
<rnhmjoj[m]> infinisil: enableACME sets security.acme.certs for you. it's possible to get a certificate directly.
<rycee[m]> I'm no longer using vim so haven't looked into
<Infinisil[m]> rycee[m]: I see
<rnhmjoj[m]> Also piwik and gitlab are doing the same thing as nginx.
<rycee[m]> Infinisil[m]: I'm no longer using vim so haven't looked into adding a module for that but I imagine it would work similar to home manager. Any PR happy accepted :-)
<Infinisil[m]> rnhmjoj[m]: I added the acme thing for all webservers to my todo list :P
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil[m]: But I guess any module in NixOS that sets up a user service would be a potential addition to home manager. The redshift module in home manager is basically a copy of the NixOS one, for example.
<Infinisil[m]> rycee[m]: Hmm, I'm just thinking: Should vim be a module, or a package?
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<Infinisil[m]> Because currently I'm using vim_configurable to create a custom vim package that I'm installing with home-manager
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05a11f8 Robin Gloster: mysql-workbench: build with default automake
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1e25294 Robin Gloster: automake113x: remove
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil[m]: So, an emacs daemon service, unclutter, etc would be sweet.
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<Infinisil[m]> rycee[m]: Ohh totally, let's make nixos multi-user. Just because someone wants the emacs daemon, doesn't mean everybody wants it
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil[m]: What you do with vim_configurable is basically what the emacs module does now: home.packages = [ (pkgs.emacsWithPackages cfg.extraPackages) ];
<Infinisil[m]> LnL: Oh right! You do have a nice collection of modules there, but how many of those are /actually/ darwin exclusive?
<LnL> all of the program stuff should work everywhere
<Infinisil[m]> rycee[m]: Ahh, right, so a module it is then, the function can even be declared in the module itself
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Infinisil[m] is now known as Infi
<rycee[m]> The module LnL linked should be easy to adapt to Home Manager :-)
Infi is now known as Infinisil
<LnL> yeah, there's a bunch of stuff that probably belongs somewhere else like home-manager
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<Infinisil> Okay how about this: Currently there are a bunch of places like nixpkgs/nixos/modules/programs home-manager/modules/programs and nix-darwin/modules/programs that all basically wrap programs up with modules
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<Infinisil> This could all live in a single repository that does pkgs -> pkg-modules
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<Infinisil> And only a nix installation should be required to use this
<LnL> rycee[m]: by the way how do you handle breaking changes, or have you not needed that yet?
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<ylwghst_> Infinisil: get it work!
<ylwghst_> ot
<ylwghst_> got
<ylwghst_> Infinisil: by this system.activationScripts = { nvidia = ''/root/.nix-profile/bin/setpci -s "00:17.0" 3e.b=8''; };
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<Infinisil> LnL: He once said he's been working on news.nix which would tell the user about stuff that changed in home-manager and upcoming breaking changes
<Infinisil> iirc
<Infinisil> ylwghst_: Nice!
<ylwghst_> boot.initrd.postMountCommands was too early
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<rycee[m]> LnL: I believe there hasn't been any breaking change since home manager started getting more use. I am having a breaking change upcoming related to how you configure the window manager if you are using xsessions. My idea here is to first add a `news.nix` that allows us to inform users of any noteworthy things. In particular, this can be triggered by the user's configuration, so in the case of the window manager change above
<rycee[m]> you'd only be informed about the breaking change if you actually use the feature.
<rycee[m]> Yeah, what Infinisil said :-D
<Infinisil> Ah, didn't know you were typing it out :)
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<ylwghst_> im not sure if its best to load it with .activationScripts it does run it even on rebuid switch
<rycee[m]> :-)
<LnL> just wondering since I had to change a default recently
<LnL> it now prints out the diff of my CHANGELOG and runs some sanity checks before activating
<rycee[m]> LnL: Yeah, it's a tricky issue and when I was thinking about it and coming up with the `news.nix` idea I realized that it would have been awesome to have something like it in NixOS.
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<ylwghst_> but now I can play with it yeah
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: How are you doing news.nix?
<LnL> rycee[m]: it's pretty basic right now since it just uses diff, but I really like it :)
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: It's pretty simple really, for the xsession change I have an entry { time = "2017-08-12T20:11:44Z"; condition = config.xsession.enable; message = "blah blah"; }
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Ah, so like a structured changelog?
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Then I add a package to the user environment that simply contains all news entries whose condition is true. The idea is that home-manager will know which news items has been shown and if new ones show up when you do a switch an alert will be printed saying "You have news. Run `home-manager news --latest` to see it".
<rycee[m]> Infinisil: Aye.
<rycee[m]> Sort of like that, structured and customized to your configuration.
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<betaboon> FRidh: around? care to talk about my nixos-service + python2/3 + overlay problem?
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Why not just show the news automatically?
<Infinisil> when switching?
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: I was thinking of doing that initially but was worrying about the case where there are a lot of items. Could always print the latest few and then refer to the command for seeing the rest…
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Hmm, right
<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Actually when you were talking about news.nix I thought about something more automated. As in it analyzez the modules that changed from last time you did a switch and notifies you about new options automatically
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<rycee[m]> Infinisil: I think that is for news v2.0 :-D
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jpierre03 opened pull request #28208: munin-node: scripts need to be executable in otder to build a wrapper (
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Heh yes
<ixxie> I'm trying to switch services.xserver.libinput.buttonMapping = " ... "; to services.xserver.synaptics.buttonsMap = [ ... ]; but I keep getting a compatibility error "Synaptics and libinput are incompatible, you cannot enable both (in services.xserver)" even though I completely removed all libinput options
<Ralith> libinput is on by default these days, I think
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<Myrl-saki> Well
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<ixxie> Ralith: its preferred right?
<Ralith> yes
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<ixxie> I kept getting a weird synaptics error/warning during boot
<ixxie> and I figured maybe I am using the wrong driver
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<rycee[m]> LnL: I like that idea, it is simple and clever! I think that would work for me as well but I happened to think about these conditional entries and ended up with a more complex solution :-)
<zennist> does anyone know which package the command 'which' belongs to?
<Myrl-saki> Ugh
<Infinisil> zennist: The `which` package ;)
<Ralith> zennist: usually shell-provivded, I think
<ben> nope
<gnuhurd> hi guys
<gnuhurd> I can't seem to run local executables
<pie__> hi guys, how do i install 64bit wine?
<gnuhurd> for some strange reason
<pie__> gnuhurd, is your backing storage accessible?
<gnuhurd> for example I have a executable called Shooter, and if I do ./Shoot it tells me there is no such file or directory
<gnuhurd> I have no idea
<LnL> rycee[m]: yeah it's not ideal ofcorse, I can't change typos for old entries for example :)
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: was it compiled on/for nixos?
<pie__> i mean if your hdd gets unplugged while running or osmething wird shit can happen :P
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<Infinisil> zennist: Usually you can do `realpath $(which which)` do find out what package a binary belongs to
<gnuhurd> yes sphalerite
<sphalerite> If not that's why
<pie__> what happens if you run 'file ./Shoot'
<gnuhurd> Shooter, I mean: Shooter: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=d8edcf70b3087a1a6ddbb334d203922761e022a3, not stripped
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: then it wasn't compiled on/for nixos
<Ralith> gnuhurd: /lib64/ does not exist on NixOS
<gnuhurd> okay thanks
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: key being /lib64/
<rycee[m]> LnL: Have to be careful when writing those change log entries :-)
<gnuhurd> so you guys have any idea how to get SDL working?
<gnuhurd> installed all the SDL packages yet make still whines there's no SDL.h
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: compile the software that uses it in a nix-shell
<zennist> seems like command-not-found does the job nicely
<ixxie> rycee[m]: wouldn't `news home-manager --latest` make more sense?
<ben> lots of gendered language here tonight
<Infinisil> zennist: Ah, yes of course, very useful
<gnuhurd> thanks a lot sphalerite
<pie__> how do i do this again?: nix-repl> import <nixpkgs> {} starts actually evaluating everything
<rycee[m]> ixxie: You mean adding a command called `news`?
<sphalerite> pie__: nix-repl '<nixpkgs>'
<Infinisil> ixxie: Seems like a terrible idea tbh
<rycee[m]> ixxie: Hmm, but that would imply that you could have something beside home-manager there?
<Myrl-saki> :(
<sphalerite> pie__: or :a import <nixpkgs> {} in a running nix-repl
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: What is it Myrl-san? You seem distressed
<pie__> huh. whats :a
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<pie__> i could have sworn there was a form of doing this tat worked before, did somehting change? xD not that i really care since it works
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I messed up pretty hard lol
<pie__> oh apparently wine x64 is called wine64 so i do have it installed xD
<ixxie> rycee[m]: I guess I misunderstood the whole idea, I thought the news would come from every package on nixpkgs
<Myrl-saki> My closures are not as complete as I want them to be.
<ixxie> rycee[m]: so that, you would do `news $packagename --latest` or `news all --latest`
<Infinisil> ixxie: where would those news come from?
<sphalerite> pie__: see :?
<Myrl-saki> Welp. When all else fails, copy-closure the whole nix-store.
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<ixxie> Infinisil: well that's where I misunderstood the proposal ;)
<pie__> sphalerite, \o/
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: What's the problem exactly?
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: The `nix-instantiate` method is not complete enough.
<rycee[m]> ixxie: Ok, I see your point. Such a command would be cool but it goes beyond the scope of what I'm trying to do.
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<Infinisil> rycee[m]: Btw, why the `--latest` option? I think that should be the default
<ixxie> rycee[m]: yeah sorry, missing some context here xD
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: How is it not complete?
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: There are some things that aren't copied.
<Myrl-saki> Wait.
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<Myrl-saki> Yeah.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: what are you trying to copy?
<ylwghst> is thsi correct boot.kernelPackages = "pkgs.linuxPackages.nvidia_x11";
<ylwghst> ?
<Myrl-saki> I think I should upload my code.
<ylwghst> according to
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<ylwghst> boot.kernelPackages
<Infinisil> ylwghst: You're meant to remove the quotes, it's not a string you're trying to pass
<sphalerite> ylwghst: you shouldn't actually need to set it though, I think that documentation is wrong
<sphalerite> Setting services.xserver.videoDrivers ( to [ "nvidia" ] should do the trick
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<ylwghst> sphalerite: i tried
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<ylwghst> i wasnt able start display-manager
<sphalerite> What hardware are you running on?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Infinisil:
<ylwghst> tty started be luggy and nothing happened
<Myrl-saki> I'm half-experimenting with the .nix files structure.
<ylwghst> nvidia geforce 320M
<ylwghst> oldest version 304 cannt be even build
<ylwghst> it is building some dependencies for 32bit platform which cant be build on 64bit machine
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Sooo, what's exactly the problem?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: which laptop, not just the graphcis card
<ylwghst> sphalerite: MacBook 7,1
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: `nix-copy-closure` doesn't copy all the deps.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I specifically went with nix because I wanted to have my desktop as a build server.
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: macs are a right pain in the neck because of Apple's proprietary gmux chip that nobody else uses. If you're unlucky, you might not get it to work at all
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<ylwghst> sphalerite: it does work well on other distros
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: with no extra config?
<ylwghst> with sources from nvidia website
<Myrl-saki> And nix-instantiate --add-root also doesn't preserve all deps.
<ylwghst> sphalerite: no extra config
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: then it's not referencing the paths
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Hmm, so you want to just build it on another machine, but then have it back?
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: More or less.
<ylwghst> 340 version works great
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<ylwghst> i had used it on centos
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<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: What do you mean?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: then I don't really know what to try, but changing kernelPackages won't help — setting the videoDrivers option already pulls in the kernel module
<sphalerite> ylwghst: maybe the logs have something useful
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: what does nix-store -qR result give you?
<ylwghst> sphalerite: journalctl right?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: yes
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Only the package itself. I have another root made by nix-instantiate that references (some) of the dependencies.
<sphalerite> ylwghst: although depending on which display manager you're using, the logs might not go to the journal. That's also a pain :p
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Manually creating a root isn't good practice..
<ylwghst> i cant remeber options journalctl -a ?
<ylwghst> well see
<Infinisil> You should have all the dependencies referenced by your package that needs them, not something else
<ylwghst> im on gdm
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: How should I do that?
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: what Infinisil said — the result should be referring to its dependencies through absolute paths into the nix store
<sphalerite> that, or be entirely standalone
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: How did you create this root? where does it come from?
<Myrl-saki> nix-instantiate --indirect --add-root ...
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I mean the nix file you created this from
<Myrl-saki> I guess the answer is "don't use runCommand"?
<ylwghst> sphalerite:
<sphalerite> no, runCommand is fine
<sphalerite> but use nix-build to build it
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<Myrl-saki> I do.
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<Myrl-saki> I also --add-root wit hthat.
<sphalerite> ylwghst: so it's working? Or is that on another distro?
<ylwghst> sphalerite: thats centos
<Myrl-saki> `nix-build --indirect --add-root .gcroot`
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: you don't need to --add-root, it does it automatically
<sphalerite> you shouldn't need to touch nix-instantiate at all
<Myrl-saki> Also.
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: ok. Sorry, I don't know how to get it working on nixos. As I said, the logs might be useful. Try journalctl -b, I think gdm is sensible and logs to the journal. Not sure though.
<Myrl-saki> i guess it's because buildInputs don't become deps?
<ylwghst> sphalerite: it does
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<ylwghst> sphalerite: what about compiling drivers from official sources?
<sphalerite> ylwghst: in fact, this may be gdm-specific. I think gdm uses wayland rather than X, and wayland is horribly broken with nvidia. A different display manager may or may not work, but it might be worth trying sddm
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<sphalerite> ylwghst: that will not work
<ylwghst> sphalerite: yep im not surprised
<Myrl-saki> I'm also using ghcjs if that's any relevant.
<ylwghst> sphalerite: no wayland on my machine
<gnuhurd> nix-shell -p SDL SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_ttf
<ylwghst> ok im going givit second try
<gnuhurd> this still yields that there is no SDL.h
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I'll make some mods to those nix files to show you
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: you don't need build inputs to copy the build result over
<Myrl-saki> I'm sorry
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: what are you trying to build? Adding pkgconfig might help
<gnuhurd> a friend's game
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I forgot to say that I want to copy the build deps to my laptop for cases where I'm not connected to my desktop.
<gnuhurd> adding pkgconfig stil yields no SDL.h found
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I wasn't clear with that. Sorry.
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: how is it compiled?
<gnuhurd> with make
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I think you said that alreeady? :P
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Yeah, I'm able to copy the build result over, but I also want to copy the build inputs
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: the best way to do that is to copy the expressions and source over and build on there
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I have? lmao. I'm like half asleep right now.
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: can you point us to the source?
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: it's likely that it's not looking for SDL correctly
<gnuhurd> the source of the program?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: What do you mean?
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> or just the makefile
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: on the laptop, git clone && cd CellGame && nix-build
<gnuhurd> sphalerite:
<gnuhurd> it's .tar.bz2
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Ah right. The reason why I'm using nix is so that I don't have to build the deps on my laptop.
<Myrl-saki> Because my laptop is horribly underpowered.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: aaah right
<Myrl-saki> And this is starting to get funny lol
<Myrl-saki> I copied my /nix/store
<Myrl-saki> Like my whole /nix/store
<Myrl-saki> But it still wants to rebuild. :/
<sphalerite> You probably have different nixpkgs versions between the two machines
<Myrl-saki> I wonder if the -j4 is making a difference.
<sphalerite> no, it shouldn't
<LnL> how did you copy the store?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I suspected that, I nuked my laptop's nixpkgs and cloned my desktop's.
<Myrl-saki> LnL: nix-copy-closure
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<LnL> hmm, that should work then
<sphalerite> but what you can do to get the store path for the compiler you want is nix-build -A buildInputs
<sphalerite> then copy the closure of the result symlink over
<Myrl-saki> A bit of a question. What does <nixpkgs> do? Just point to all-packages?
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: just a sec, almost there
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: it evaluates to the path of nixpkgs as found in NIX_PATH
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Is it normal that building buildInputs does a rebuild?
<Myrl-saki> like, I could already build my package.
<Myrl-saki> But building buildInputs requires to build stuff again.
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: replace everything after Shooter in the makefile with `$(pkg-config SDL_ttf SDL_image SDL_mixer --libs --cflags) $(sdl-config --libs --cflags)`
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: then try again, in the nix-shell with pkgconfig and the other stuff
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<sphalerite> gnuhurd: sorry, I meant `$(shell pkg-config SDL_ttf SDL_image SDL_mixer --libs --cflags) $(shell sdl-config --libs --cflags)`
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<sphalerite> that makefile should be more portable across different systems
<gnuhurd> gcc main.cpp -o Shooter $(shell pkg-config SDL_ttf SDL_image SDL_mixer --libs --cflags) $(shell sdl-config --libs --cflags)
<gnuhurd> gives out the same error
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<sphalerite> can you put the full output on or something, or send a screenshot?
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I refactored your nix files a bit, have a look:
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<gnuhurd> sphalerite:
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: ah right, the include directive should be #include <SDL.h> rather than #include <SDL/SDL.h> I believe
<ambro718> I installed nixos on a tablet thing (Asus T102HA) and the kernel thinks the screen is vertical, how to make it horizontal? I can change within the desktop but that does not fix the console or the login
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Thanks. The shell.nix was supposed to be used for having a dev env when I wanted, but that didn't exactly work out (and ghcjs has ungodly amount of output files.)
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<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: You generally don't need a separate shell.nix
<sphalerite> ambro718: setting boot.kernelParams = [ "video=efifb" "fbcon=rotate:1" ]; might help
<gnuhurd> thanks sphalerite!
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<sphalerite> ambro: it might also horribly break stuff, in which case boot an earlier system generation and remove it again
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I'll pull it. Thanks.
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<sphalerite> gnuhurd: it worked? yay!
<ambro718> sphalerite: efifb? This thing has intel card and seems to be supported by intel driver or whatever
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Nah!
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Just test it first, and decide whether it works for you
<ambro718> I'll try it though, maybe just the fbcon option is neede
<sphalerite> ambro718: yeah, but that shouldn't be involved in the non-graphical console
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: I think this is the better way. My nix-shell had build instructions when it shouldn't have. :P
<sphalerite> oh, I'm not sure about how to get the display manager rotated the right way
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: I'll actually refactor a bit more if you don't mind?
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Sure.
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: On the other hand, I might move `ghc` to config.nix so that if I do make a shell.nix, then yeah.
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Why are you overriding the compilers packages?
<Infinisil> in config.nix?
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<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: No actual reason.
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<ylwghst> it does look like there is problem with gdm
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: And is there any reason you're taking compiler as an argument?
<Myrl-saki> Infinisil: Because I might want to use the webkit version. I'll have to do a ghcjs check so that the installation command will run {ghc,ghcjs} depending on which is used.
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<Myrl-saki> Also, if I don't reply, I might have fallen asleep. I'll be taking naps from time to time.
<ambro718> sphalerite: I tried just the fbcon=rotate:1 - it fixed the console but not the display manager
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Alright ;)
<ambro718> I suppose I need to mess with default xorg config... \
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<sphalerite> ambro718: I thought as much. You'll probably want to set some xrandrHeads option or something like that, not sure about the details though, sorru
<sphalerite> might help you find what you're looking for
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<ixxie> how would I go about diagnosing why my boot process hangs for a few seconds?
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<averell> what's the last thing you see before?
<ambro718> sphalerite: got it! services.xserver.monitorSection = "Option \"Rotate\" \"right\"";
<sphalerite> ixxie: systemd-analyze might provide useful info
<sphalerite> ambro718: great!
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<ambro718> I tried to use gnome3 on this thing, it's horrible, takes literally minutes just to load while plasma5 takes ~10s
<ixxie> thanks sphalerite
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<sphalerite> ambro718: wow. Not sure if that's just GNOME or nixos's fairly poor gnome support
<Nobabs27> XFCE won't save settings without XFCE enabled. How do I fix this?
<Nobabs27> like, is there an override like there is for Thunar plugins?
<sphalerite> ambro718: might also contribute to the slowness
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<ambro718> I don't know, it's just unusable for me in that respect. Once it's loaded I don't see a big performance difference from plasma. I do see though that gnome3 has tearing while moving windows plasma does not
<sphalerite> Nobabs27: I think there's something called xf4settingsd or similar, installing it and possibly running it might help
<Infinisil> Myrl-saki: Ah I see, you got this shell.nix thing from the nixpkgs manual
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<Infinisil> Eh, I'm too tired to try figure out why it's done this way, it doesn't look very good
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<Nobabs27> @sphalerite xfce.xfce4settings?
<Infinisil> Holy damn, systemd-analyze reveals systemd-udev-settle taking up 2 minutes
<sphalerite> Nobabs27: yep probably
<sphalerite> Nobabs27: wait no I think that's the program for editing the settings
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<Nobabs27> sphalerite or xsettingsd?
<Nobabs27> and ye
<bennofs> Infinisil: that bug sounds... familar
<bennofs> Infinisil: i think systemd-udev-settle gives up after some timeout?
<pie__> wow wine takes a really long time to compile
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<sphalerite> Nobabs27: could also be dconf, if so just installing it should be enough (no need to run it explicitly, it works with dbus magic)
<sphalerite> I'm not really sure though
<sphalerite> pie__: yep. Sucks
<Nobabs27> kk ill try that
<pbogdan> Nobabs27: xfce.xfconf maybe?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #28210: mixxx: fix build (master...mixxx)
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<Infinisil> bennofs: Maybe, my laptop has been booting extremely slowly with errors when booting with the external display, doesn't happen witouth
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# systemd-analyze
<clever> Startup finished in 6.447s (kernel) + 15.572s (userspace) = 22.020s
<Infinisil> `systemd-analyze`
<Infinisil> Startup finished in 13.706s (firmware) + 1.740s (loader) + 5.458s (kernel) + 1min 13.014s (userspace) = 1min 33.920s
<clever> ow!
<sphalerite> Ouch
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<Infinisil> It's decently fast when not connected to the display, and it's been giving me problems only recently
<bennofs> Infinisil: yes, that sounds exactly like that bug. udev settle will wait for ever on that piece of hardware and then after some timeout give up
<bennofs> perhaps this is "cyclical" dependencies? i.e. there is a service to bring up the display that is started after systemd-udev-settle but systemd-udev-settle won't finish before the display is up?
<Nobabs27> pbogdan: yep that was it
<bennofs> (or something that is needed for the display to appear "up" to systemd udev settle)
<Nobabs27> thanks peeps
<Infinisil> I got a lot of [drm:drm_atomic_helper_commit_cleanup_done [drm_kms_helper]] *ERROR* [CRTC:26:pipe A] flip_done timed out messages when booting
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<Infinisil> bennofs: Could be, I didn't mess with these systemd services (just to say)
<bennofs> yeah me neither
<Infinisil> Let's see how the next boot goes, maybe the unstable update got it fixed magicallly
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<Nobabs27> oops my testing was bad, I still had xfce idk if it works still -,-
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<Nobabs27> still works! sweet
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<ambro718> my touchscreen is working wrong, the geometry needs to be transposed, anyone knows how to do that?
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<Nobabs27> is there a good easy app for changing the display resolution?
<ambro718> hm wait, it works right if I don't force screen orientation to landscale. Seems like the system can't "correct" it by itself..
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<gchristensen> anyone want to help rewrite Nix Pills in to docbook?
<sphalerite> ambro718: maybe xinput_calibrator can help
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I could do a bit
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<sphalerite> I don't know much docbook but I can always learn :D
<mbrgm> does anyone have an idea why a previously compiling package doesn't compile anymore, not finding <iostream> on latest nixos-unstable?
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<pie__> wineFull doesnt do wine64 :/ how do i get wine64?
<pie__> imean 64bit wine...
<Infinisil> grenade: Is the source of the pills not available?
<sphalerite> mbrgm: from a nix expression?
<mbrgm> sphalerite: yup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28211: samtools: 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0 (master...update/samtools-1.5.0)
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<sphalerite> Weird. I have no idea. You could try bisecting on nixpkgs though
<mbrgm> yeah, good idea
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I did 2, to help provide examples :)
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<Infinisil> pie__: maybe it's wineWow
<pie__> hm that doesnt exist
<pie__> ah crap
<sphalerite> gchristensen: cool, is there a checklist of stuff that's already in progress or something? I'm on my phone now and about to depart for dreamland, but I'll take a look tomorrow
<pie__> can i oneliner that with nix-shell?
<Guest30841> sphalerite: at the top of that linked page
<pie__> i dont suppose hydra has anything :/
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<pie__> i dont want to wait for it to build again.....
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<sphalerite> grahamc: alright, I'll look at it tomorrow then
<sphalerite> Gnight!
<tnias> help, when I run configurePhase I get '..development files not found'. for one library I could just add some directory to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, but for 'checking for sodium' it fails and i dont know what to do
<tnias> can someone point me so the right manual?
<tnias> (context: I am trying to create a package definition)
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<Infinisil> tnias: Can you show your nix file?
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<tnias> Infinisil: there are some notes and todos in there:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28199: webkitgtk: 2.16.4 -> 2.16.6 [security] (master...update-webkitgtk)
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<tnias> ohh, that is a modified vrsion already :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28212: fontforge: 20160404 -> 20170730 + support reproducible builds (master...fontforge-20170730)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2ecc4d8 Joachim Fasting: man-pages: 4.11 -> 4.12
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2866b84 Joachim Fasting: libtsm: fix eval...
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<Infinisil> tnias: Have you looked at how other packages are using sodium?
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<tnias> Infinisil: not yet, will do, thanks
<Infinisil> I myself have no clue, sorry
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<tnias> ohh, but i believe this might be a good place to start looking :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef026e0 Cray Elliott: obs-studio: 19.0.3 -> 20.0.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28213: byobu: 5.112 -> 5.121 (master...update/byobu-5.121)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mimadrid opened pull request #28215: dateutils: 0.4.1 -> 0.4.2 (master...update/dateutils-0.4.2)
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<Nobabs27> how do i set the display-setup-script in lightdm?
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<Nobabs25> or how do I set the xorg resolution ?
<Nobabs25> nvm I think I found it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28216: data/fonts: make derivations fixed-outputs (fontforge group) (master...fonts-fixed-output-derivations--fontforge-group)
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<Nobabs25> well it didnt work
<Nobabs25> I just want to set the resolution for Xorg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #28217: vscode: 1.14.2 -> 1.15.0 (master...vscode_1_15_0)
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