<clever> how will it deal with amazon being weird?, i ordered 4 sticks of ram, 3 arrived at the post office, 1 turned up leaning against my back door
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<jasom> is there any way to get fetchurl to allow md5 (just to speed up some testing?)
<taktoa> 1. I thought fetchurl _did_ support MD5
<taktoa> 2. MD5 is not that much faster than SHA256
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<disasm> Hey gchristensen sorry didn't get in touch at 4:30, crazy day.
<taktoa> hmm according to the nixos phd thesis section on the intensional store it's not possible to have multiple outputs with the extensional store... I'm guessing that turned out to be false?
<taktoa> (beginning of the last paragraph on page 161)
<romildo> Can wrapProgram wrap a program from a different package in the store?
<romildo> Or can wrapProgram receive the paths of the input and the output files?
<clever> romildo: one second
<clever> romildo: makeWrapper takes a path to the real program, and the output path
<clever> romildo: and wrapProgram just renames the path you give it, then runs makeWrapper
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7hcp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master efc9533 Michael Raskin: Do an ASDF build of StumpWM in quicklisp-converted version
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<jasom> taktoa: no, I have ~2000 tgz files that I already have md5 sums for in a nice database
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<boomshroom> Hello!
<jasom> I don't care about hash speed
<taktoa> ah
<jasom> "error: fetchurl does not support md5 anymore, please use sha256 or sha512" is what I get when trying to build a nix expression with md5 in a fetchurl
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<taktoa> jasom: you should rehash them anyway, MD5 is insecure
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<viaken> This software apparently requires you enter data during its build process.
<romildo> clever, ok. I am writing the package cajaWithExtensions, a wrapper for caja. I want to wrap binaries from ${caja}/bin into ${cajaWithExtensions}/bin. In this case wrapProgram will not work, because it renames the original binary and makes a new one in the same directory. I would have to symlink the binaries from the original package to wrapped package and then wrap the symlinks, right?
<clever> romildo: you can just use makeWrapper directly
<boomshroom> I figured it's about time to try getting my printer up and running with NixOS. Cups was able to detect the printer (more than I could do before with Arch) and now I have to select the driver / make and model. Which driver should I use for a Brother DCP 7020?
<clever> romildo: makeWrapper ${caja}/bin/caja $out/bin/caja ....
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<romildo> caja, yes, it is be too much work with wrapProgram. Then I am going to use makeWrapper directly.
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<romildo> And I have a list of packages in the attribute 'extensions'. How can I get a search path from them that looks at a given subdir in each one?
<clever> romildo: lib.concatMapStringsSep
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<boomshroom> If I choose the Generic "Make", what should I use for the "Model"? Postscript?
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<romildo> For instance, if extensions is [pack1 pack2 pack3], I want the string "${pack}/subdir:${pack2}/subdir:${pack3}/subdir".
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<jasom> taktoa: I know; but it will take me a while to untangle every place I use md5, and the script I'm about to run takes 20 hours and I want to do it before I go to bed
<clever> nix-repl> lib.concatMapStringsSep ", " (x: "item ${x}") [ "a" "b" "c" ]
<clever> "item a, item b, item c"
<romildo> clever, thanks.
<clever> nix-repl> lib.concatMapStringsSep ":" (x: "${x}/subdir") [ "a" "b" "c" ]
<clever> "a/subdir:b/subdir:c/subdir"
<clever> you can also give it a list of attrsets, and then apply a more complex function
<clever> as long as that function returns a string
<jasom> so I repeat my question: is there a flag I can set to cause fetchurl to not complain about md5 as the hash?
<taktoa> jasom: if you have the files in a database, why can't you just run sha256sum on them? in any case, maybe you could write your own fetchurl with a fixed output derivation and `curl`? I don't know if FO derivations still support MD5 though. The chromium build used to take advantage of that to make a nondeterministic derivation (using MD5 collision) but maybe it's been removed
<jasom> taktoa: I did run sha256 sum on them
<jasom> taktoa: and I replaced the database entry with the sha256 sum and my script broke
<clever> jasom: any derivation that defines outputHashAlgo, outputHash, and outputHashMode, is fixed-output
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<clever> jasom: so you could apply a .overrideDerivation to fetchurl (after giving it a fake sha256) to change the outputHashAlgo and outputHash
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<clever> i believe nix still supports md5, and its just nixpkgs that dis-allows it
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<jasom> clever: thanks
<boomshroom> Good news. NixOS was able to tell the printer to print. The bad news is 1 test page = infinite blank pages. How would I install the specific driver for this printer? Nixpkgs doesn't seem to have many Brother drivers. AUR had the driver for the 7030, but not the 7020. Brother has the driver for this machine, but only in DEB or RPM.
<clever> boomshroom: do you have a filename for a brother driver from the AUR?
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<boomshroom> The closest thing on the AUR is https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/brother-dcp7030
<clever> boomshroom: if you download the .deb file, and unpack it, what files does it contain?
<boomshroom> I ask for DEB and it gives me 3 options of printer drivers: Driver Install Tool, LPR printer driver, and CUPSwrapper printer driver.
<clever> try the cups one
<boomshroom> Is it safe to just run dpkg?
<romildo> My cajaWithExtensions package does not have a source. What should I use for the src attribute?
<clever> boomshroom: as long as its ran without root, it cant really do any damage
<clever> boomshroom: and it has a special unpack flag that just unpacks to the cwd
<clever> romildo: either use runCommand instead, or set unpackPhase = ":";
<romildo> clever, I think I should learn about runCommand then.
<clever> romildo: pkgs.runCommand "name" { buildInputs = [ hello ]; } ''
<clever> hello --version > $out
<clever> ''
<boomshroom> clever: The deb contains brcupsconfig3 and cupswrapperDCP7020-2.0.1, both in usr/local/Brother/cupswrapper/. (and some docs)
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<clever> boomshroom: and what about the LPR printer driver?
<boomshroom> clever: A lot more. 2 executables, a shared library, something in /var/spool, and a bunch of stuff in /usr/local/Brother/
<clever> boomshroom: what are some of the names under /usr/local/Brother?
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<boomshroom> clever: 2 folders, inf and lpd. inf has braddprinter, brDCP7020rc, paperinf, brDCP7020func, and setupPrintcap. lpd has rawtobr2, filterDCP7020, and psconvert2.
<clever> hmmm, still not finding anything in nix-locate
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<boomshroom> Cups also accepts a single ppd file, but it doesn't seem like either of the downloads have one.
<tempay> Hi - is 100% of the necessary documentation for contributing packages to NixPkgs in the manual? I've been trying to contribute and running into conventions that don't seem like their in the manual..
<boomshroom> According to Brother's website, the Cups driver requires the LPR driver to be installed.
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<boomshroom> Brother also provides a "Source Codes" download that seems to contain shell scripts to install the drivers manually.
<tempay> are there any other sources of documentation for contributing I should know about, or just the manual?
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Scanners" edited by olejorgenb https://git.io/v7h83
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Scanners" edited by olejorgenb https://git.io/v7h8C
<romildo> runCommand with makeWrapper "${caja}/bin/caja $out/bin/caja" --set CAJA_EXTENSION_DIRS "${dirs}" fails with the error: Cannot wrap /nix/store/0pvar495l9xpfq0c2wg65ync6cii5fkr-caja-1.18.3/bin/caja /nix/store/xq8z045km71p1dyygnja1yss4z7r9q8g-cajaWithExtensions-1.18.3/bin/caja because it is not an executable file
<romildo> /nix/store/0pvar495l9xpfq0c2wg65ync6cii5fkr-caja-1.18.3/bin/caja has already been wrapped in the caja package.
<romildo> Is this a problem for makeWrapper?
<adelbertc> tempay: there are some linked in the wiki on GitHub iirc
<clever> romildo: you quoted it too much
<clever> romildo: that is passing 2 files as a single argument
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<boomshroom> I extracted the ppd file from the script and tried using it directly. Unsuprisingly, I'd depends on other files. Interestingly, it looks for them in the /nix/store/...cups-progs/ tree.
<clever> boomshroom: if we have the name of the ppd, we can check to see if its already been packaged
<boomshroom> The script outputs it to /usr/share/cups/model/DCP7020.ppd. I just copied it as ~/Downloads/brother-2070.ppd.
<clever> nope, still not found
<boomshroom> If it's not in <nixpkgs>/pkgs/misc/cups/drivers, then it's probably not in nixpkgs. If it's not in the AUR, then it's unlikely that nixpkgs doesn't have it.
<viaken> Is there a way to define a string in configuration.nix and reference it during a package build?
<boomshroom> unlikely that nixpkgs *does* have it. sorry
<clever> viaken: what are you trying to do?, only packages defined in the nixos side of things can refer to nixos config
<romildo> clever, oh yes. I see now.
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<romildo> clever, do you think the wrapper is good enough? http://dpaste.com/0ED4S1J
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<clever> romildo: only thing missing that i can think of is man pages
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<romildo> I am not sure the caja wrapper should be named cajaWithExtensions or caja-with-extensions. Any guidelines regarding naming?
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<clever> romildo: gimp for example has: gimp gimp-with-plugins gimpPlugins
<clever> gimpPlugins being a set of all possible plugins
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<romildo> clever, it seems that emacs, vim, haskell, eclipse, etc. uses camelCase. Maybe there is no guidelines for that.
<clever> yeah
<viaken[m]> clever: This software I was trying to package requires an email address as part of it's build process. I was trying to figure out a way to give it one
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<clever> viaken[m]: and you cant just provide it at runtime or hard-code it?
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<viaken[m]> I'm still not 100% on what it does with it, but it is required at build time.
<clever> viaken[m]: try just giving it a dummy email and see what happens
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<clever> they have their own forum?, no github, in this day? lol
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<tempay> adelbertc: oh? thought that was depreciate, could you maybe link me to what you're talking about?
<c74d> Are the rustc packages no longer being updated? Is Mozilla's overlay generally preferred?
<wak-work> c74d: i doubt the intention was the deprecate them
<wak-work> probably just lack of maintainer
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28360: Delete orphan file nixpkgs/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/gradle/2.5.nix (master...patch-50) https://git.io/v7hBm
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<olejorgenb[m]> is it possible to collect garbage but leave "newish" derivations intact (even if they don't have any roots)?
<clever> olejorgenb[m]: nix-collect-garbage --max-freed 1G
<clever> olejorgenb[m]: it will always delete things in a random order, but the above argument makes it stop mid way
<olejorgenb[m]> I see that the db contains somthing called 'registrationTime' so I thought maybe it was possible
<olejorgenb[m]> initially I though that was the purpose of '--delete-older-than'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28361: radare2: 1.4.0 -> 1.6.0 (master...patch-52) https://git.io/v7hB2
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<clever> olejorgenb[m]: --delete-older-than will delete gc roots in nix-env and nixos-rebuild
<clever> which then allows normal nix-collect-garbage to delete more things
<clever> but you can still delete a lot of things without --delete-older-than
<olejorgenb[m]> clever: yeah, I know
<olejorgenb[m]> but at first I thought nix somehow tracked usage of derivations
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<romildo> clever, do you think the man pages from the base package should be symlinked to the wrapped package?
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<clever> romildo: yeah, that would help users a lot
<romildo> The caja package that I am wrapping with extensions has no provision for dynamically finding the extensions. But a search directory can be configured at build time. I have patched the source code to use an environment variable (CAJA_EXTENSION_DIRS) to fix that. Is it a good approach?
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<romildo> clever, and there are other executables in the base package, besides the main 'caja' command. I am not sure whether they should be wrapped too. What do you think?
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<clever> romildo: can those things run the original caja?
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<romildo> clever, I do not think so. But I am not sure. Caja is the mate file manager. The other executables are named caja-autorun-software, caja-connect-server, and caja-file-management-properties.
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<clever> romildo: should probably symlink them at the least, so they are still available
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<romildo> clever, there is also subdirectories include, lib and share. In share there are things like desktop menu entries, icons, glib schemas, locales, ...
<romildo> clever, some extensions have executables too. They may be implicitly used by the extension.
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<clever> romildo: a buildEnv with a post hook may also be better
<romildo> clever, buildEnv will combine the stores with symlinks, right?
<clever> romildo: use buildEnv with ignoreCollisions=true; to merge caja, and every extension into a single directory tree
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<clever> yeah
<clever> then use postBuild to replace $out/bin/caja with a wrapper
<romildo> clever, it seems that symlinkJoin can also be used for this, right? How does it differ from buildEnv?
<clever> not sure, ive only ever used buildEnv
<adelbertc> what are the tradeoffs between using packageOverrides to do overrides for a project vs. using something like `fix'` and `extend`. one thing i've noticed is `forceSystem` doesn't seem to like `fix'` and `extend`, but on the other hand `packageOverrides` uses `config` when importing `nixpkgs` which means config you have in `~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix` won't get picked up
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<ison111> Why does there need to be a nix-daemon for multi-user installs? Couldn't just a script with the right permissions do the trick?
<clever> ison111: you would need to arrange for every user to have write access to /nix/store for one
<clever> ison111: and its simpler to just make nix-daemon root, and have it manage that for them
<clever> second main point, is that nix-daemon enforces the rules, and stops users from doing nasty things in the store
<ison111> well you could always have the suid bit set, but I guess that's kind of scary
<clever> setuid isnt allowed in the store
<ison111> the install script I mean
<clever> and the builds are triggered from inside a library, so things like nix-repl can directly spawn the build
<clever> which means nix-repl would have to be setuid root
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<adelbertc> speaking of multi-user install, it seems with multi-user each user doesnt have a channel set, i assume because of the whole nix-daemon-does-everything thing
<adelbertc> in that case how do you do a channel update?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #28362: mate.caja-extensions: init at 1.18.1 (master...mate) https://git.io/v7hzf
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<romildo> clever, maybe you want to take a look at the PR I have just submitted to add caja-extensions to nixpkgs.
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<romildo> clever, and let me thank you for the tips regarding wrapping executables in NixOS.
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<clever> romildo: looks good
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<rootnode> I should not have updated my system...
<rootnode> the new postfix config screwed me royally
<clever> you can always nix-channel --rollback to undo the change in nixpkgs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] tnias opened pull request #28363: nixos/usbguard: create package and module (master...usbguard) https://git.io/v7h2C
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<jeaye> The way I read it, this mkOrder 0 means I can't put anything before it, right? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/release-17.03/nixos/modules/services/networking/ssh/sshd.nix#L313
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<joehh> hi, I have got automounting for an smb share working, but only root can write to the share
<joehh> how do I do something similar but for a regular user?
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<rauno> back with my yesterday issue, somewhy nixos config doesn't activate some sysctl parameters defined in configuration.nix, they are even added to /etc/sysctl.d/nixos.conf but still some of them are not activate after reboot
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<dylanjust[m]> Hi. I'm wondering what the current best practice is for "pinning" a specific nixpkgs version. I want to build a package, and basically fix the nixpkgs version so that each build is built against the same nixpkgs state.
<ronny> dylanjust[m]: typically its based on fetching a specified version from github (which will be cached in the store, then injecting that)
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* dylanjust[m] sent a long message: dylanjust[m]_2017-08-18_06:25:07.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/KNoXphQVDHfNPqEedVKyPeEb>
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* dylanjust[m] sent a long message: dylanjust[m]_2017-08-18_06:28:32.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/jcgcvMtWcJJNNkpUBtLidHbS>
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7ho5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a67c8e Gabriel Ebner: perlPackages.TextBibTeX: do not hardcode gcc...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f1666a3 Gabriel Ebner: perlPackages.ExtUtilsLibBuilder: 0.04 -> 0.08
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<dylanjust[m]> Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? Do I need to log a github issue?
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<kuznero> Hi All! I just happened to install jupyter notebook and related packages (including ipykernel) from python35Packages. But then when I start jupyter-notebook and try to start Python 3 notebook it fails to start the kernel (even though I have ipykernel installed). Please help!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 24 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7h6T
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1c4171c Matthew Bauer: cryptop: https
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 20b9c32 Matthew Bauer: amarok: use https for homepage
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 99c868c Matthew Bauer: use https://github.com for all homepages...
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<sphalerite> kuznero: try running jupyter from a nix-shell like nix-shell -p 'python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ jupyter ])'
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jfrankenau opened pull request #28364: plowshare: 2.1.6 -> 2.1.7 (master...update-plowshare) https://git.io/v7hPk
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<kuznero> sphalerite: trying it out, I guess I will also need to include notebook and ipykernel there?
<kuznero> sphalerite: nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ jupyter ])' worked for me :) Thanks! But looks a bit inconvenient calling it all the time to start a notebook... Is there any way to make my systemPackages have everything such that I can start julyter-notebook without going into this nix-shell?
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<sphalerite> kuznero: there certainly is but I'm not sure there's a simple one. Personally I'd probably just add a shell function like jupyter() { nix-shell -p 'python.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ jupyter ])' --run 'jupyter notebook' ; } to my bashrc or similar
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<adisbladis> I'm doing something similar for ipython, dont want my profile polluted with python deps
<kuznero> sphalerite: thanks for the tip, never saw this before
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 7 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v7hX5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f660f58 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Revert "binutils: add missing patches..."...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 23547ac Tuomas Tynkkynen: Revert "binutils: patch bugs in 2.29"...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f9b2d7b Tuomas Tynkkynen: Revert "binutils: 2.28 -> 2.29"...
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<rauno> does anyone know why some sysctl settings dont activate after reboot ?
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<kevincox> rauno: No reason I am aware of. What settings are you trying to set and how are you setting them?
<kuznero> FRidh: nope, just starting on a deeplearning.ai on coursera and pythong for the first time :)
<kuznero> Thanks for the link!
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<kuznero> FRidh: and there is also an example of how to install it system-wide in that link, excellent! Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vandenoever opened pull request #28366: Kde applications (master...kde-applications) https://git.io/v7hMM
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] datakurre opened pull request #28367: pythonPackages.zc_buildout_nix: 2.5.3 -> 2.9.4 (master...datakurre-zc_buildout_nix) https://git.io/v7hDf
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<kuznero> What is generally the difference of when I install pythong35Packages.jupyter and (python35.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ jupyter ]))? The later works, the former does not let me run notebook... Why is that?
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<FRidh> kuznero: the python interpreter looks for modules in the site-packages folder
<FRidh> with Nix we do not have a shared site-packages folder
<FRidh> that means we need to somehow tell the i nterpreter where to find modules
<FRidh> The former just gives you the package, and wraps any executables it may come with, whereas the latter wraps the interpreter so that it can find all included modules.
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<kuznero> FRidh: thanks! Does the same principle apply to haskell packages?
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<simpson> Is there a documented recipe for using the nixos/nix Docker image? I found one of offlinehacker[m]'s slide decks, but otherwise not much.
<FRidh> kuznero: I think so
<FRidh> but I'm not sure, I don't use Haskel
<kuznero> FRidh: thanks
<srhb> kuznero: Yes, it does. withPackages will make sure ghc-pkg finds it
<srhb> kuznero: ghcWithPackages, rather
<srhb> We really ought to get the naming scheme in order...
<kuznero> srhb: thanks, now it all starting to make more sense :)
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<Infinisil> simpson: This might interest you: https://github.com/LnL7/nix-docker
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<simpson> Infinisil: Thanks.
<LnL> the latest version is a bit old at the moment, I'll update it soon
<LnL> I would also like to get rid of the impure part without runAsRoot somehow
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<rauno> kevincox: boot.kernel.sysctl."net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables" = 0;
<rauno> boot.kernel.sysctl."net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables" = 0;
<rauno> boot.kernel.sysctl."net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables" = 0;
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<vdemeester> fpletz: hey, shouldn't https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/65f9631b87b373aa3641d44ab3773b01f8cdd682 be backported on 17.03 ? 👼 (can't build my system with 4.12 because this fix is not in 17.03 branch)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] wingo opened pull request #1525: Remove unused decodeOctalEscaped (master...remove-buggy-octal-decoder) https://git.io/v7h55
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7hdk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2ef4001 Franz Pletz: linuxPackages.acpi_call: add patch for 4.12 compat...
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<fpletz> vdemeester: ah, yeah! thanks for mentioning it. done :)
<vdemeester> fpletz: thanks !! O:)
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<vdemeester> (I guess I'll just have to wait for the channels to get update 👼
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cillianderoiste closed pull request #28367: pythonPackages.zc_buildout_nix: 2.5.3 -> 2.9.4 (master...datakurre-zc_buildout_nix) https://git.io/v7hDf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg closed pull request #28355: bash: cleanup unused file (master...bash-4.3-cleanup) https://git.io/v7pue
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7hNY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3c65062 Klaas van Schelven: bash: cleanup unused file...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7hpK
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 6bb4e3e Andy Wingo: Remove unused decodeOctalEscaped...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master e56e790 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1525 from wingo/remove-buggy-octal-decoder...
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Full Disk Encryption" created by makefu https://git.io/v7hpQ
<nixos-users-wiki> "Full Disk Encryption" edited by makefu https://git.io/v7hhJ
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<bitonic> is there a way to force recompilation of some derivation?
<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2ef4001b95 (from 56 minutes ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<goibhniu> bitonic: you can use --check
<nixos-users-wiki> "Full Disk Encryption" edited by makefu https://git.io/v7hhA
<bitonic> goibhniu: what does that do?
<goibhniu> it rebuilds from source
<bitonic> goibhniu: everything?
<bitonic> it fails quite quickly with `error: derivation ‘/nix/store/y9iqpb9ws9f85zsf983zkk6ymw1qw45s-bash-4.4-p5.drv’ may not be deterministic: output ‘/nix/store/6azzdah0darxs5fg5jzlq6vksg45pfxx-bash-4.4-p5-dev’ differs`
<goibhniu> just the package you specify ... e.g. from the root of a nixpkgs clone: `nix-build --check -A hello`
<bitonic> goibhniu: that is what i'm doing, and it fails with that error 🤔
<goibhniu> which package?
<bitonic> goibhniu: one i have locally defined
<goibhniu> can you check that it works with one in nixpkgs?
<bitonic> goibhniu: yep, one sec
<ij> Can you cache things if you're building something with nix-build? I'm building haskell+docker on top and the haskell part's always recompiling.
<Infinisil> ij: nix-shell?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7hjH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc1c817 Franz Pletz: libmspack: 0.5alpha -> 0.6alpha...
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<bitonic> goibhniu: i'm trying with `-A nixpkgs.xorg.libXrandr` (first package that i happened to see...) and it fails the same way
<ij> Infinisil, No, nix-build.
* goibhniu doesn't recognize that error
<bitonic> goibhniu: maybe i should just reset my store
<bitonic> i think there's something deeply messed up
<bitonic> is there a "right" way to do that?
<Infinisil> ij: nix-shell can keep the intermediate build results, nix-build doesn't
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<goibhniu> bitonic: try it with a revision of nixpkgs that successfully created a channel ... e.g. the hash at the end of `nixos-version` (if you're using nixos)
<Infinisil> ij: I don't know much about your build pipeline though, so not sure what's the problem
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<LnL> ij: are you using src = ./.;
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<ij> LnL, src ./..
<LnL> then the result symlink might be causing the rebuilds you are talking about
<LnL> try nix-build --no-out-link
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<betaboon> can i somehow print the value of a set during evaluation ?
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<sphalerite> betaboon: builtins.trace
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7jTG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 7320fa9 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Revert "stdenvs: Distinguish between `extraBuildInputs` and `extraNativeBuildInputs`"...
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<gchristensen> sphalerite: hey, how is #7 coming?
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<betaboon> sphalerite: thank you
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<JandJim> Hi, I am considering using Nix but there are still things that I do not fully understand... Let's say I want to install OpenMPI for instance. It should be linked to an external, vendor provided, library present in a custom path. Is there a mechanism to consistently add the required configuration flag for both installation AND updates other than having to fork the default.nix file? (It might be very basic, I'm sorry)
<xd1le> How can I build a project that uses cmake?
<xd1le> (as in, in a nix expression)
<betaboon> sphalerite: when trace shows a set as { key = <CODE>; }, does that mean that value is a function ?
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<xd1le> JandJim: yeah, I believe you can override attributes: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-pkg-overrideAttrs
<xd1le> (if that's what you're looking for, I may have misunderstood)
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<thblt> I can't remember how to setup the wifi driver in NixOS. Machine is Dell XPS 9560, network controller is Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174. Any ideas?
<thblt> I assume it's in boot.kernelModules, but I don't know the module name.
<JandJim> xd1le: thanks that's it! Thanks a lot!
<michaelpj_> xd1le: I think the generic builder will do cmake by default
<gchristensen> thblt: http://grahamc.com/blog/nixos-on-dell-9560 search for "wifi" here
<gchristensen> thblt: specifically the 4th match
<michaelpj_> xd1le: you probably need cmake in buildInputs, though
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<xd1le> michaelpj_: yeah maybe that's what I missed, :| (cause I already tried assuming it would pick up it's a cmake project by default but it complained about no Makefile, etc.)
<thblt> gchristensen: I have networkmanager enabled, but nmtui only shows wired connection.
<xd1le> JandJim: yw!
<gchristensen> thblt: does ifconfig list any wlp* interfaces?
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<thblt> gchristensen: No, only the USB ethernet adapter and loopback
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jamtrott opened pull request #28368: petsc: init at 3.7.6 (master...petsc) https://git.io/v7jky
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<xd1le> michaelpj_: that worked, thanks!
<gchristensen> thblt: try pressing the "PtrScr" button in the top-right area of your on-board laptop keyboard
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<thblt> gchristensen: No effect (and xev detects the keypress, so I guess it's not handled by the firmware like fn-f10 is)
<srhb> Is anyone else having trouble visiting nixcon2017.org ?
<srhb> Actually I can't even ping it. Weird.
<brynedwards> Fine for me
<srhb> Hm. guess my vpn is screwy.
<gchristensen> thblt: hmm pressing F10 w/out Fn is handled by the firmware for me
<gchristensen> thblt: so, maybe, press Fn-PtrScr
<gchristensen> thblt: and indeed pressing that radio tower button kills wifi for me
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<thblt> gchristensen: I tried both, no effect.
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<thblt> I configured the machine to require fn for the media key, so your f10 is probably my fn-f10.
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<thblt> but "rfkill list" also reports only the bluetooth controler, no wifi. I really suspect a driver issue.
<gchristensen> thblt: unforutanetyl I can't help further right now, but could later. hopefully someone else can now :)
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<thblt> gchristensen: Thank you very much :)
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<nwuensche> Hi! I installed oh-my-zsh on my system. However, I want to use it with my modified version of the agnoster theme. How can I do this? Can I use a path for programs.zsh.ohMyZsh.theme?
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<MoreTea> has anyone else tried `openshift cluster up`?
<MoreTea> I just created an issue on their github: https://github.com/openshift/origin/issues/15852
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<thblt> Sorry to ask again, but does anybody here use NixOS (preferably 17.03) on a Dell XPS 15" (9560) and has got wifi working? I'd love to see your config!
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<goibhniu> hi thblt, what wifi chip have you got? Maybe you need to enable some firmware?
<thblt> goibhniu: 02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA6174 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 32)
<joepie91> made a little thing for generating the 'technical details' section for nixpkgs issue filing: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/406ed5b3b11902d3a97a9ce4f3288ab3
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<gspia_> Hi, anybody with problems with sshd (17.03, listenAddresses) & solutions?
<joepie91> gspia_: "problems" is very vague. if you describe what exactly the problems are (what does it do? what is it *supposed* to do? what have you tried, and in what way did it not resolve the issue?) then somebody may recognize the issue and know the answer
<goibhniu> thblt: is ath10k loaded?
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<gchristensen> joepie91: nice!
<gspia_> ok: on configuration.nix, if I add listenAddresses = [ {addr = "my addr"; port=myport;} ];, rebuild,
<gspia_> and try systemctl status sshd
<gspia_> it says failed to start ssh daemon
<thblt> goibhniu: yes, it seems so.
<gspia_> but without that line, ssh daemon starts
<joepie91> gspia_: what does `journalctl -eu sshd` show at the end?
<joepie91> gspia_: sorry, `journalctl -exu sshd`
<joepie91> of specific interest are any errors relating to ports being in use
<thblt> goibhniu: I get the very same error grahamc shows here http://grahamc.com/blog/nixos-on-dell-9560#wifi-1
<gspia_> ok, wait a sec (suspecting links, since now it could find the sshd while with that address line it wasn't finding - I'll recheck this after trying journalctl)
<goibhniu> thblt: ah, but he says it works out of the box?
<thblt> goibhniu: on the installer, yes. I think it worked on the installer for me too.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg opened pull request #28370: Make UEFI installer test release critical (master...uefi-release-critical) https://git.io/v7jYp
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<gchristensen> thblt: try adding hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true; to your config and rebuilding / rebooting
<betaboon> is there a builtin method for merging a list of sets ?
<gspia_> joepie91: it says: Unit sshd.service has failed.
<gspia_> joepie91: start request repeated too quickly.
<thblt> gchristensen: thank you, rebooting now :)
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<gspia_> joepie91: and with systemctl status sshd
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<thblt> gchristensen: it works, thank you!
<gchristensen> oh! :)
<gchristensen> I'll update my post. I didn't have to add that, because hardware-configuration.nix imports nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix which has it
<gchristensen> I'll update my post. I didn't have to add that, because my hardware-configuration.nix imports nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/scan/not-detected.nix which has it
<gspia_> joepie91: systemctl msg is similar (failed to start ssh daemon)
<joepie91> gspia_: you'll want to scroll up until the first failure in the chain
<joepie91> gspia_: the 'start request repeated too quickly' just means that the sshd refused to start several times and eventually it ran out of tries
<gchristensen> thblt: I'm glad it worked :D
<joepie91> ie. what you're interested in, is the error that *led* to those retries
<thblt> gchristensen: It's my fault it didn't work, to be honest. I tried to make the configuration from scratch by just copy-and-pasting the essential bits from the generated hardware-configuration.nix, so I dropped this import.
<sphalerite> betaboon: re <CODE>, I think it's just something that hasn't been evaluated
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<sphalerite> betaboon: re set merging, I don't think there is but you can use one of the folds and mergeAttrs from lib in nixpkgs to make it yourself
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<gspia_> joepie91: ok, did the following: rebuild switch without listenAddresses (starts ok, checked with that journalctl), then rebuild switch with listenAddress
<sphalerite> Thing is that there's no "one true way" of merging sets
<sphalerite> When it comes to several sets having the same key
<gspia_> joepie91: and after the previous "sshd.servive has finished shutting down"
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<betaboon> sphalerite: thank you for the answers. on the <CODE> you seem to be right.
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<betaboon> sphalerite: on the merging, just decided to change my implementation to not require set-merging
<gspia_> joepie91: it says "sshd.service has begun starting up"
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<gspia_> joepie91: "systemd[1]: Started SSH Daemon".
<joepie91> gspia_: can you pastebin the last 50 lines or so of that journalctl output when it has failed?
<gspia_> joepie91: then "subject ... finished start-up", "defined-by: systemd", then couple of lines "start-up result is done." and after that starts several "systemd[1]: sshd.service" failure-lines
<nwuensche> Hi! I'm trying to add my custom theme into ohmyzsh (https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/3811996a53d42228243f571ee9ff3129) . However, I can't cp, because the permission is denied. So how can I copy this into this folder?
<gspia_> joepie91: 1st "Main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a"
<gspia_> joepie91: 2nd "Unit entered failed state."
<joepie91> gspia_: this will probably be easier if you just pastebin the output :)
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<disasm> gchristensen: morning
* gchristensen waves
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<gspia_> joepie91: it is now in https://pastebin.com/UCNmCWLz
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<gspia_> joepie91: it is a bit long: but ggVG and then "+Y helped to copy it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7jsG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fb70d08 Peter Hoeg: msgviewer: indent
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<joepie91> gspia_: hm, yeah, that is not very informative :/
<joepie91> I'm not really sure then, other than "start the SSHd manually using the generated config file and see if it outputs errors"
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<gspia_> joepie91: is "systemctl start sshd" ok? It outputs nothing but "systemctl status sshd" gets updated
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<gspia_> joepie91: here is the output of it https://pastebin.com/awYksUa7
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #28322: darwin stdenv: Float `persistentN` bindings into per-stage `let`s (master...darwin-boot) https://git.io/v7ALq
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<disasm> gspia_: what happens if you stop that service and run sshd -t?
<disasm> gspia_: you probly need to systemctl cat sshd to get the full path to the binary
<gspia_> joepie91: disasm: it says "etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory"
<disasm> gspia_: yeah, you need to specify the config file, one sec
<gspia_> joepie91: disasm: you mean the one in the pastebin? I can try it
<disasm> gspia_: do systemctl cat sshd and append that -f <store path> to it
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<gspia_> disasm: "sshd -t /nix/store/l4ic0gxknf5yryshg8v56gryxh7mgf45-sshd_config"
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<gspia_> disasm: "/etc/ssh/sshd_config: No such file or directory"
<gspia_> disasm: "sshd -f /nix/store/l4ic0gxknf5yryshg8v56gryxh7mgf45-sshd_config
<gspia_> "
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<gspia_> disasm: "sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path"
<gspia_> disasm: "/nix/store/vmisgqfbqywgsw9php70bbx90czr398i-openssh-7.4p1/bin/sshd -f /nix/store/l4ic0gxknf5yryshg8v56gryxh7mgf45-sshd_config"
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<gspia_> disasm: it says nothing
<disasm> gspia_: /nix/store/vmisgqfbqywgsw9php70bbx90czr398i-openssh-7.4p1/bin/sshd -t -f /nix/store/l4ic0gxknf5yryshg8v56gryxh7mgf45-sshd_config
<disasm> if that still shows nothing, gist /nix/store/l4ic0gxknf5yryshg8v56gryxh7mgf45-sshd_config
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<gspia_> disams: it says nothing, I'll gist
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<disasm> gchristensen: looks like 7 and 11 are all that's left :)
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<gspia_> disasm: it said nothing, is pastebin ok: https://pastebin.com/QpLMU4vT
<disasm> gspia_: can you also paste your nix config for sshd?
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<gspia_> disasm: ok, wait a sec
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<disasm> gspia_: oh, your listen address
<disasm> you have a port specified in it
<disasm> are you trying to change the port of sshd to 33333?
<gspia_> disasm: yes, I'll try to tell the addr and port
<gspia_> disasm: here is the config-part: https://pastebin.com/5jjmJt7m
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<disasm> gspia_: yeah, i think if you uncomment ports it will work
<disasm> cause if you look at your config it has Listen 22 and then ListenAddresses with the port you want
<disasm> I'm guessing it's crashing because it can't listen to an interface on a port it doesn't have open.
<gspia_> disasm: ok, I'll try it - btw is nixos-rebuild switch enough (no reboot) when I change sshd-settings?
<gspia_> disasm: ok
<disasm> yup
<gspia_> disasm: here we go -> systemctl time stamps got updated but says it is failing
<gspia_> disasm: I'll try to start it manually
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<disasm> gspia_: add the -d flag as well
<disasm> gspia_: when you run manually your running as root or with sudo right?
<gspia_> disasm: "sudo bash" and then as a root
<gspia_> disasm: "ps ax" shows that sshd is running
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<gspia_> disasm: three debug1-lines, version line, private host key #0 and #1
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<disasm> ok, ctrl-c, sudo systemctl start sshd
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<gspia_> disasm: the starting line returned -> have to kill the processes first -> and then I'll get out of sudo bash and try that sudo syst.. (2 secs)
<gspia_> disasm: the sudo systemctl cmd didn't start the sshd
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<domenkozar> am I going crazy? nixos assertions don't work in nixops
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7jCi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8d53bfe Franz Pletz: libmspack: fix hash...
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<disasm> gspia_: but it runs if you run the command output from systemctl cat sshd manually?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28329: imagemagick: 6.9.9-3 -> 6.9.9-7 (master...imagemagick-6.9.9-7) https://git.io/v7API
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28341: ImageMagick: 6.9.9-3 -> 6.9.9-5 (master...pkg/imagemagic-6995) https://git.io/v7x4R
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7jWo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 d33b18c Tim Steinbach: ImageMagick: 6.9.9-0 -> 6.9.9-3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6fd82d7 Tim Steinbach: ImageMagick: 7.0.6-1 -> 7.0.6-4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 a391aca Hoang Xuan Phu: imagemagick: 6.9.9-3 -> 6.9.9-7...
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<copumpkin> # nix-shell -p vim
<copumpkin> error: setting synchronous mode: unable to open database file
<copumpkin> hmm :)
<gspia_> disasm: it seems not to run, I had to try it as a root (sudo didn't do it).
<copumpkin> niksnut: you seen that error before?
<copumpkin> looks like a sqlite error but I'm not sure how to appease t
<gspia_> disasm: now starting it by hand as a root with -t -d -f does not work
<copumpkin> ah, I ran out of inodes
<gspia_> disasm: it prints the three debug-lines but "ps ax" doesn't show sshd
<disasm> gspia_: -t just tests the config, it doesn't start it
<disasm> gspia_: do -d -f <config_file>
<gspia_> disasm: ah, ok, my bad -> I'll try again
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<gspia_> disasm: "Bind to port 22 on failed: Cannot assign requested address."
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<gspia_> disasm: "Cannot bind any address."
<disasm> then your config is wrong
<disasm> gspia_: can you paste your latest config output by systemctl cat sshd?
<gspia_> disasm: here https://pastebin.com/qTNY9nFq
<disasm> this file: /nix/store/lngl452hr12niq1gzjgjkgmi0c19xmdr-sshd_config
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<gspia_> disasm: ok, here https://pastebin.com/cBYmieDv
<gspia_> disasm: is it possible to bypass the ssh-attributes at configure.nix and give it the sshd_config directly as a text (e.g. by copying a one that works on my other machine into it)?
<disasm> gspia_: you still have port 22 in there
<disasm> you changed the nix config and ran rebuild switch, right?
<gspia_> disasm: yes
<gspia_> disasm: but let me try again
<disasm> did you get any errors during rebuild switch?
<gspia_> disasm: no errors and the port number from address line vanished (that 33333)
<gspia_> disasm: i'll try to disable this service, rebuild, then enable and rebuild it
<gspia_> disasm: 2 secs
<disasm> can you try without the listen address and just the port and rebuild?
<disasm> it should be services.openssh.ports = [ 33333 ];
<gspia_> disasm: yes, 2 secs to that too
<gspia_> disasm: switch tells about collisions between some png's and R and Rscript but that should not affect sshd?
<disasm> nope
<gspia_> disasm: ok, so now there is now sshd-service and in way the system should be clean (systemctl cat sshd -> "No files found for sshd.service.")
<disasm> did you set services.openssh.enable = false?
<gspia_> disasm: yes
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<gspia_> disasm: and now I started it with "enable = true" but nothing else. "ps ax" -> sshd is running
<gspia_> disasm: when I cat /nix/store/6b90hc1b2h9n9rw9h95sv50qbdld2xfh-sshd_config
<gspia_> disasm: there is a line "Port 22" visible
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<disasm> gspia_: I just did a build-vm with this config and it works: https://gist.github.com/disassembler/53a8728576797bbbac4207f9c13d4923
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<gspia_> disasm: 1q, if I copy and try that, will the x (kde) still be available
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7jR9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 291da85 Moritz Kiefer: haskell: remove any extraneous outputs from sdistTarball
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b6a746d Peter Simons: Merge pull request #28097 from cocreature/sdistTarball-doc...
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<disasm> no :) you need to only change the ssh section :)
<gspia_> disasm: ok, I'll try it next
<disasm> that's equivalent to services.openssh.enable = true; services.openssh.ports = [ 33333 ];
<Turion> Weird... I just installed cabal, and trying to build a project gives: /usr/bin/ghc-pkg: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist
<Turion> (No such file or directory)
<Turion> Why is it looking for that path?
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<gspia_> disasm: ok (I had to move some other services into the outer curlies), after switch, the sshd is running
<gspia_> disasm: and sshd_config has a line "Port 33333"
<disasm> yay :) no idea what the problem was before!
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<disasm> can you ssh to the server on port 33333 now?
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<gspia_> disasm: locally, yes
<gspia_> disasm: next I'll try it from my other machine
<disasm> awesome, you should be good to go then. If you want you can try adding the listenAddresses now if you have multiple nic's and only want it listening on one.
<disasm> but if you have one nic, there really isn't a point
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<gspia_> disasm: ah, I may have done it again (remembered wrongly), so this listenaddress means the ip of the machine I'm configuring now
<gchristensen> disasm: sure are :) should be done soon
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<disasm> gchristensen: awesome, I'm debating on tackling pill 20 :)
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<gchristensen> disasm: yes absolutely :)
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<disasm> gspia_: listen address is the IP/port combination that the process will bind to
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<disasm> gspia_: so for example if you have the IP's, and on a machine and you only want to listen on you'd add listen address to the config and then it would only accept connections connecting to that IP/port.
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<gspia_> disasm: ok & thanks
<disasm> gspia_: you could also specify multiple ports, say 22 on and with Port 22 and Port 33333 in the config.
<moredhel1> Hi all, I'm currently experimenting with building docker images using nix and am curious about one aspect of the Dockerfile which doesn't seem to have an equivalent in the Nix files, namely ADD/COPY. I'm looking at the docs specified here: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-pkgs-dockerTools.
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<disasm> moredhel1: I think that's because it's expected you would put anything you want to use in the container in the nix store
<gspia_> disasm: just one more thing (if you have still time, you have been most helpful already): just to be sure: I copy the pub-key made in machine A to .ssh/authorized_keys in this machine B and then ssh from A should B doable
<moredhel1> ah, so I would build a nixpkg of my project, then transform that into an image which I can then import into Docker?
<disasm> gspia_: you can... recommended way to do it though is users.extraUsers.<username>.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "your key goes here" ];
<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> have we figured out how to hardcode locations of Python modules?
<disasm> moredhel1: yup!
<gspia_> disasm: ok, I'll try that one as the .ssh/a..keys didn't seem to work
<gspia_> disasm: thanks so much this far!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7juH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6dc5620 Eelco Dolstra: gcc: 6.3.0 -> 6.4.0...
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<disasm> gspia_: any time :)
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<dash> catern: hmm, what do you mean by that?
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<dash> simpson: think you could update https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/26923 some time?
<catern> dash: Python searches PYTHONPATH, right? that's kind of inefficient, isn't it?
<catern> we could do that resolution at build time
<dash> ah, in that sense. No, you can't really fix that
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<FRidh> catern: wrapPythonPrograms inserts paths to site-packages folders in scripts
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<FRidh> other than that, its not really possible with a dynamic language like python
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<dash> fridh: it's possible, you use something like pex/cx_freeze/py2exe to bundle everything together
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<dash> but that's not a win for nix
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<FRidh> dash: that creates executables. It won't allow you to import Python code. Nuitka or Cython would be better options then. Furthermore, the idea is not to bundle all modules of different packages into a single store path
<dash> fridh: nuitka is never a good idea, and cython isn't python :)
<dash> anyway, I'm saying that's a way to bundle everything together to avoid searching, i'm /not/ saying it's a good idea for nix
<FRidh> dash: you can import cythonized python code.
<FRidh> alright, I agree
<copumpkin> niksnut: any plans for a release containing https://github.com/NixOS/nix/commit/c740c3ce500af2b7eb34651b5eeec01288d79dca ? it's biting me and a few other folks
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<nixos-users-wiki> "Full Disk Encryption" edited by Mic92 https://git.io/v7jP1
<dash> whoops wrong channel, heh
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<fresheyeball> what is `nodejs-7_x` called in the master nixpkgs branch?
<dash> Can overlays contain nixos modules?
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<Ankhers> fresheyeball: It doesn't look like there is one on master.
<Ankhers> There appears to be a 4, 6 and 8.
<fresheyeball> no 7 hu?
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<Ankhers> I think node version reserve odd numbers for test builds or something, don't they?
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<moredhel1> I'm looking to build a nixpkg from a local directory. In my case, I have a single 'index.js' that needs to be run with node. It's similar to the example in the manual, except instead of a fetchurl I would like to specify a list of files in the cwd. Is this possible? or do I need to upload to a git server before I can build?
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<kriztw> moredhel1: you can do src = ./.;
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<moredhel1> ah, thanks :)
<moredhel1> can I pass in a list?
<moredhel1> such as `src = [./server.js ./node_modules];`
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<kriztw> moredhel1: I don't think so, but I haven't tried :P
<kriztw> moredhel1: if you don't need all the files you can just not copy them in the install stage though
<Filystyn> cpy the file
<Filystyn> ;-)
<dash> moredhel: you use `builtins.filterSource`
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<moredhel1> ah, perfect! thank you :)
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<sphalerite> @moredhel:m.aoeu.me: there's also lib.cleanSource in nixpkgs which will filter out commonly unwanted stuff
<moredhel1> ah, is that a wrapper around the above? I'm currently trying to find docs on filterSource to see how I can call it
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<moredhel1> actually, cleanSourceFilter is a good example
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<kuznero> Does anybody have any success installing NVidia drivers on NixOS by any chance?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28373: stdenvs: Distinguish between `extraBuildInputs` and `extraNativeBuildInputs` (staging...stdenv-extra-inputs) https://git.io/v7jyD
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<kuznero> I was trying to see if it is possible to use my GPU with NixOS :) if I will get some games working - nice :)
<kuznero> Any success stories on that?
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<ylwghst> how to flush dns cache?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28374: binutils: Pass --build --host on non-arm (staging...binutils-arm) https://git.io/v7j9B
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<disasm> kuznero: I believe your looking for services.xserver.videoDrivers = [ "nvidia" ];
<disasm> although depending on how old your card is, you may need one of the legacy drivers
<disasm> kuznero: you'll also need nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<disasm> and hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit = true;
<ylwghst> kuznero: which nvidia card?
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<kuznero> ylwghst: disasm: I have trouble trying to figure out the exact model. Do you know how is it possible without having drivers installed? Tried lshw and lspci....
<kuznero> ?
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<disasm> kuznero: nix-shell -p pciutils --run lspci
<kuznero> It is one of the cards using NVidia Optimus technology. I am using Lenovo Y50-70///
<octalsrc[m]> Can `nix-env` perform a package's setup hooks?
<gchristensen> nix doesn't have setup hooks
<kuznero> disasm: this is what I see: "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 06)"
<kuznero> can it be that I need to turn it on in bios first?
<disasm> you don't see a 2nd VGA?
<kuznero> nope, just a single one.
<octalsrc[m]> gchristensen: I mean things that go in `$out/nix-support/setup-hook`
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<kuznero> disasm: is that ok I restart - have a feeling I need to enable it in bios first...?
<disasm> possibly
<gchristensen> octalsrc[m]: nix-support/setup-hook is for when building packages depending on your package, not general usage
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<octalsrc[m]> Okay, that was my question; I expected that `nix-env` would evaluate it as well
<gchristensen> octalsrc[m]: (in short, no)
<octalsrc[m]> :(
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<gchristensen> octalsrc[m]: what are you trying to do?
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<octalsrc[m]> I'm trying to export a variable pointing to a library path, that would be visible to anything running in your environment
<ylwghst> kuznero: enable it in bios and send us gist of lspci
<gchristensen> octalsrc[m]: that sounds like the answer to "how are you trying to do it?" whereas I'd specifically curious in what you're trying to accomplish
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<octalsrc[m]> AH
<kuznero> disasm: It is "3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107M [GeForce GTX 860M] (rev a2)"
<octalsrc[m]> We're trying to use Intellij for developing on a project
<octalsrc[m]> And it needs to load jars from a system installed dir
<gchristensen> oohh yikes and/or ouch :( I don't know how to help :/ trying to work with java stuff always makes my brain hurt :/
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<octalsrc[m]> ghchristensen: The best way we've come up with is the put the hard-links to the nix store into Intellij's runtime config
<octalsrc[m]> so maybe that could be automated in some way
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<earldouglas> How do I specify the channel to use for a NixOps deployment? I could swear I used to know this...
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<kuznero> disasm: thanks for links... trying "intel nvidia" driver now...
<octalsrc[m]> @earldouglas I'm not sure how to work with `nix-channel`-installed channels, but you can choose a specific nixpkgs tree that you've git-cloned with `nixops ... -I nixpkgs=/path/to/your/particular/nixpkgs`
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<ylwghst> Is there any good alternative to dropbox?
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<shapr> magic wormhole?
<shapr> ylwghst: what functionality?
<makefu> not tried it but they have a 100gig free sale right now
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<ylwghst> makefu: only osx/win
<kuznero> disasm: it worked! Thanks! There is only one issue now - it seems that it now know only one screen resolution with right formfactor - maximum. All smaller resolutions are old-school factor for some reason. On 4K monitor on Xfce it all looks pretty weird :)
<disasm> kuznero: yeah, not sure what others do, but I use full res all the time and then scale. That's why my i3 runs in a gnome shell.
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<ylwghst> kuznero: you have to scale it
<makefu> if you want to be "that cool kid" you could try self-hosted stuff of course
<disasm> ylwghst: you have your own server? I'm using nextcloud myself
<Infinisil> Ugh, nextcloud, tried it, didn't like it
<Infinisil> But if it works for you ;)
<ylwghst> kuznero: im not sure how to change the scale in xfce
<kuznero> disasm: ylwghst: so, I need to use gnome since it can scale well as appose to Xfce?
<kuznero> only dpi I guess, but this is not the kind of scaling you mean, right?
<ylwghst> kuznero: there is option in gnome-tweak-tool or it can be changed using dconf as well
<ylwghst> kuznero: right
<disasm> kuznero: gnome shell
<Infinisil> Ohh I actually too need to scale stuff down right now and I don't know how, not using any DE, how do I do that with plain X?
<ylwghst> its a sofwtare thing which double size all ui widgets
<kuznero> disasm: gnome shell is not the same as gnome 3?
<ylwghst> kuznero: it is
<ylwghst> gnome shell is part of gnome 3
<ylwghst> but you can try Enlightenment desktop manager
<Infinisil> ylwghst: You mean gnome-terminal?
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<ylwghst> kuznero: its more like xfce
<disasm> kline: sorry, gnome-session I mean
<disasm> meh, ylwghst ^^
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<ylwghst> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2
<ylwghst> hm
<ylwghst> could be changed with xrand too but i havent tried it
<ylwghst> xrandr*
<ylwghst> kuznero: try this xrandr --output eDP1 --scale 1.25x1.25
<ylwghst> or
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7jNg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b11889e John Ericson: gcc: Homogenize syntax in one small spot...
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<ylwghst> btw. to that own i should say im thinking of it a long time but i do not have time to take care of my own server but its the best idea id rather has own then store my own files somewhere in "dropbox or any other inc.
<ylwghst> have own cloud*
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0a4d102 John Ericson: gcc 5: Don't quote `propagatedBuildInputs` in ?-check for consistency...
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<pxc> I upgraded to the 17.09 pre-release of NixOS (just the unstable channel) yesterday and so far there are no issues except for one ( https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27050 )
<pxc> so thanks, everyone! :-D
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<betaboon> is there a builtin function like containsSubString ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28375: perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder: Use the C compiler to link (master...perl-ld-cc) https://git.io/v5eJs
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<the-kenny> betaboon: builtins.substring
<the-kenny> betaboon: nix-repl has tab-completion :)
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<gchristensen> " Return the substring of s from character position start (zero-based) up to but not including start + len. If start is greater than the length of the string, an empty string is returned, and if start + len lies beyond the end of the string, only the substring up to the end of the string is returned. start must be non-negative." though
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ixmatus opened pull request #28376: nghttp2 => 1.24.0 + --enable-app (master...parnell/update-nghttp2) https://git.io/v5eTR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5eke
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 8909cef Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.43 -> 4.9.44...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 28e8894 Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.12.7 -> 4.12.8...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5ekJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a5f01aa Tim Steinbach: linux: 4.9.43 -> 4.9.44
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<Ankhers> betaboon: It doesn't look like it.
<betaboon> Ankhers: so you consider the "builtins.substring" answer wrong? havent looked it up yet
<Ankhers> I believe that GETS a substring. Not checks if it is a substring.
<Ankhers> as in, substring 3 7 "this is some text" => " is "
<Ankhers> Assuming I mathed that one properly.
<Ankhers> From my understanding of your question, you are looking for more of a `isInfixOf?` function that returns a true or false.
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<Ankhers> Apparently that actually returns `"s is so"` based on that input. That makes sense...
<kuznero> ylwghst: it seems that randr --scale works with displayManage.sessionCommands. Thanks!
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<betaboon> Ankhers: you're right. I'm looking for "isSubstring = string: substring: string CONTAINS substring;"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #28377: geogebra: 5-0-377-0 -> 5-0-382-0 (master...update/geogebra) https://git.io/v5eIk
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7209ed6 Tim Steinbach: linux-copperhead: 4.12.7.a -> 4.12.8.a
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<betaboon> Ankhers: thanks. i will report back if it works
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<betaboon> Ankhers: seems to work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 opened pull request #28378: programs.zsh: move evlauation of `${zshAliases}` after `cfg.interactiveShellInit` (master...fix-zshrc-eval-order) https://git.io/v5eLz
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<sziszi> hey, anyone experiencing problems with avrgcclibc derivation? I'm on unstable channel, and I can't compile the toolchain
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<sziszi> it gave me an error: "configure: error: Wrong assembler found; check the PATH!" I found mentioning this on github, tried that but didnt work (or i'm a dumbass) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/28220
<LnL> Sonarpulse: ^ I think documenting it in the manual like you mentioned is probably a good idea :)
<Sonarpulse> LnL: ok :)
<Sonarpulse> there should be stuff on cc-wrapper in general
<Sonarpulse> will write while my big build goes
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<LnL> yeah, that would be nice
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<LnL> oh wow, I thought there was atleast something in there about NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE and such
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #28360: Delete orphan file nixpkgs/pkgs/development/tools/build-managers/gradle/2.5.nix (master...patch-50) https://git.io/v7hBm
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<jasom> what do I add to buildinputs for a package that will link with libegl.so? It looks like that's handled differently from other libraries; do I just add mesa to buildInputs or do something else?
<simpson> jasom: Practically, I'd just add mesa and see if that makes it happy. There are other EGL providers, but I don't know if we support many of them in nixpkgs. Maybe there's something specific if you need Darwin support?
<jasom> reading the nix expression for mesa, it looks like depending on mesa is sufficient because mesa is patched to look in /run
<jasom> so if another EGL provider were installed, it would get found
<simpson> Ah, yeah, that might be needed for nVidia to work right.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jwiegley pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5eY1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2bbd1d8 John Ericson: perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder: Use the C compiler to link
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d8b02ef John Wiegley: Merge pull request #28375 from obsidiansystems/perl-ld-cc...
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<jasom> I'm actually excited that this project is working. I had it about 90% done six months ago but life happened. I had forgotten about it until someone asked me, and things are proceeding at a good pace now.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #28379: docker: 17.06.0-ce -> 17.06.1-ce (master...docker_17_06_1) https://git.io/v5eOS
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<Ankhers> How would I go about setting my locale using nixops?
<Ankhers> specifically the LANG environment variable?
<ylwghst> Ankhers:
<Ankhers> ylwghst: ?
<Ankhers> Thanks!
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<ylwghst> just uncomment consoleFont if you wan to change it too
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<Ankhers> That didn't seem to help. I'm still getting a warning about latein1 being loaded.
<Ankhers> latin1
<mg> I'm trying to build a Makefile-based project with nix, and I want to change the CFLAGS env variable that is used, what is the simplest way?
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<thoughtpolice> mg: buildFlagsArray and/or makeFlagsArray in your derivation should do it https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#build-phase
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<thoughtpolice> makeFlagsArray passes the flags to all Make invocations. buildFlagsArray only does it when buildHook is run, i.e. when it's compiled, but not when you run, say, 'make install'
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<mg> thoughtpolice: thanks!
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<construct> Hi, I was on here a couple days ago. I mentioned I was on alpine-linux. Well now I'm on NixOS :D . How big should my boot partition be? I've never had to partition a hard drive before except in and A+ certification class, so googled it and to make sure I had enough space, I followed the highest suggestion I could find: 16 GB. Once I booted up, I could see I outdid it. So how big should the boot partition really be?
<ylwghst> construct: its totally up to you
<ylwghst> depends how you will use the system and how much data you will store on it in future
<construct> ylwghst: but isn't 16 GB way too much?
<ylwghst> Ankhers: sry Im going sleep
<ylwghst> construct: not at all
<Wizek> is anyone working on making stack lts resolver version-sets of haskell packages available through nix? e.g. something this could be nice: `nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.stack.lts-7.19.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [(haskell.lib.dontCheck compose-ltr) uncertain lens diagrams])" --run ghci`
<construct> ylwghst: Okay thanks, then I won't resize it.
<ylwghst> construct: i have started testing nixos with 32gb
<construct> Another question, my KDE flickers when I log in, and after I unlock my screen parts of windows only appear after I hover my mouse over them. What should I do?
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<ylwghst> construct: 8gb swap 700mb /boot and root 23,3Ggb
<construct> ylwghst: wow, what kind of files or programs go in the boot directory, so I'll know when to check gparted to see if I need to make it bigger?
<ylwghst> construct: nope it could less about 200mbs will be ok
<ylwghst> could be*
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<ylwghst> gn
<construct> ylwghst: ok, does installing packages increases the size of the size of the boot folder? What increases the size? I need to know when I might need to resize the boot partition to make it bigger.
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<construct> ylwghst: can I shrink the boot partition to how big it is now, or should I leave how many extra MB for new nixos-rebuilds?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28381: doc: Describe CC Wrapper in more detail (master...cc-wrapper-docs) https://git.io/v5eBP
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #28382: mercurial: remove hardcoded linux-only cacert (master...mercurial-cacerts) https://git.io/v5eRI
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<hodapp> blargh... *every time* I run nix-collect garbage, it nukes things like the 1.4 GB download for CUDA that I use for a custom shell.nix
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<hodapp> how can I avoid this?
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<simpson> hodapp: Have that nix-shell activated while collecting garbage.
<mbrgm> humm... seems like the nix-dev list is offline...
<mbrgm> has someone pulled an archive download before?
<dash> hodapp: alternately, use nix-build on the expr so it gets set as a root
<hodapp> dash: if it's something I need to interact with at the shell, I'm not sure how I'd be able to do that via nix-build
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<mbrgm> ahh, it moved to nixos.org/nix-dev. great :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] chaseadamsio opened pull request #1527: update MD5 to SHA-256 in expression-syntax (master...master) https://git.io/v5ez6
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<sphalerite> construct: the only thing that will really be kept there is kernels and corresponding initrds
<sphalerite> construct: so what will use up space there is upgrading the kernel — but only if you keep the old generations around
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<sphalerite> iirc a kernel+initrd will usually be less than 100MB so if you have 2GB for the partition and don't share it with another OS you can keep 20 generations with older kernels around, which is probably quite a few months' worth
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<ryantm> Who is in charge of or capable of backporting to 17.03 ?
<sphalerite> Depending on how much history you want to keep for rolling back to, 500 or even 200M could be enough
<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.5M Aug 10 23:16 kzb60ynf7zvq543hf2l1rpnnhp4gr8sa-linux-4.9.39-bzImage
<clever> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.7M Aug 10 23:16 flrij28yp0l94afy1mfmsj07py8w9500-initrd-initrd
<clever> on my machine, they come in at ~12mb for the pair
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<sphalerite> ryantm: everyone with commit access to nixpkgs can
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<ryantm> Ok... anyone interested in getting Google Chrome working on the 17.03 channel? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25880
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<joepie91> hodapp: you can add an indirect root
<ryantm> Looks like there is a staging-17.03 and release-17.03 branch. If I were to make a PR to fix google-chrome, which branch should I use?
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<clever> ryantm: release-17.03 i believe
<ryantm> I mean which branch should I make the PR to.
<ryantm> Thanks
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<manveru> hodapp: you can add your nix shell to the gc roots
<manveru> hodapp: i use something like `nix-shell --indirect --add-root .nix-shell.drv`, as long as the .drv file stays there it won't be GCd
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