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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a809cf4 Michal Rus: geekbench: init at 4.1.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d29bed Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #28020 from michalrus/geekbench...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28019: xmonad service: add defaultText to extraPackages to fix rendering in docs (master...fix-default-text-xmonad)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28016: orackejdk: untie from gnome2 (master...patch-7)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #28021: cc-wrapper: Fix standalone gcc (
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<maurer> Is there somewhere obvious where the default setting for NIX_PATH is set per-user?
<maurer> I can override it with bashrc or profile or xprofile etc etc but it feels very much like whack-a-mole trying to override all of them
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<Infinisil> maurer: Do you want to set it system wide with configuration.nix?
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<maurer> I guess I could, I mostly want to make it so that nix-channel per-user overrides the root nix-channel for purposes of that user's nixpkgs
<maurer> e.g. if I nix-channel --add an unstable nixpkgs on my user
<maurer> I want nix-shell and co to use it
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<Infinisil> maurer: Maybe you could try setting nix.nixPath = [ "nixos-config=/etc/nixos/configuration.nix" "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/channels" "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels" ]
<Infinisil> I don't know if the $USER gets evaluated though, but I believe it should
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<rodarmor> If I want to use a python package which is in pip, but not available through nixpkgs, what should I do?
<rodarmor> I'm on NixOS, so I think manual installation with pip isn't recommended
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28022: nixos/ccache: init (master...ccache)
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<Infinisil> rodarmor: Write the package expression yourself
<Infinisil> it's not that hard, just look here for examples:
<Infinisil> rodarmor: Best would be to add it and make a PR, but you could also just write a standalone nix file
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: When should something go in python-packages.nix and when should it get its own package in development/python-modules
<rodarmor> ?
<Infinisil> rodarmor: development/python-modules is for actual modules, not applications
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<Infinisil> python applications should go in the respective category in the folder structure, e.g. pkgs/applications/editors/...
<Infinisil> And python-packages.nix should only collect those python packages together and make them available I think (not sure on that though)
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: I'm asking because it appears that there are some packages defined directly in python-packages.nix, for example:
<Infinisil> Or maybe not
<Infinisil> Yeah, Im' not sure actually
<Infinisil> Ahh, I think I got it
<Infinisil> python-packages.nix is for aggregating development packages
<Infinisil> If you have an application that just happens to use python, this needs to go into the proper directory, then use all-packages.nix to make it available
<rodarmor> Infinisil: In this case it's a python module with no binaries called feedgen, so the expression should go in "pkgs/development/python-modules/feedgen/default.nix"?
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<Infinisil> rodarmor: sounds good
<rodarmor> Infinisil: Cool, I'll give it a shot :)
<Infinisil> I'm not sure when to inline those packages, but I think it's good practice to not inline them, python-packages.nix is already very bloated
<Infinisil> Damn, python-packages.nix has almost 30000 lines..
<Infinisil> Ah, there seems to be some effort to move packages into their own files:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #28023: zookeeper: 3.4.9 -> 3.4.10 (master...zookeeper-3.4.10)
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: Is there a general guide to contributing packages? Should I test the expression I'm writing on my live system, or in some other way?
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<Infinisil> rodarmor: Build it with sandboxing enabled would be nice
<Infinisil> And other than that there's not really much to do with python modules i guess. You could of course test it a bit
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: Sweet, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres opened pull request #28024: higan: 102 -> 103 (master...upload-higan)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #28025: Shared monitoring plugins (master...p/checks)
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<maurer> Anyone know the correct way to get the path for while inside a nix file?
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<maurer> I could do clang --print-search-dirs + a ton of string munging and checking of directories, but this seems really brittle
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sh01 opened pull request #28027: libtiff: Fix debian patch tarball URL (master...shpr_fixurls_libtiff)
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<kiloreux> I am getting an error "error: cannot download faac-mp4v2-1.9.patch from any mirror"
<kiloreux> How can this one be solved?
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<Infinisil> kiloreux: Maybe the website is down or so, have you tried just loading the relevant URL in the browser?
<kiloreux> Yeah it gives me "Not found" here's the link
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<fresheyeball> hey out there
<fresheyeball> how can I make a nix package
<fresheyeball> such that when I install it with nix-env
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Doesn't sound good, maybe you could make an issue on nixpkgs
<fresheyeball> its symlinks to a custom location?
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: You mean like e.g. the man pages?
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<fresheyeball> I want to nixify my .bashrc
<kiloreux> Infinisil, Already did.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Let's hope somebody know something about it
<fresheyeball> Infinisil: just for learning
<fresheyeball> I can use writeText to make a derivation for it
<fresheyeball> but I don't know how to control the linking
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: You should check out rycee[m]'s home-manager, which does something like this:
<Infinisil> I don't think it's possible to do the linking with nix itself, home-manager uses a bash script for that
<fresheyeball> well
<fresheyeball> when I install with nix-env
<fresheyeball> how do things wind up on my PATH?
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: PATH just lists the set of directories, ~/.nix-profile/bin is already on PATH and that's where nix-env installs the stuff
<fresheyeball> I see
<Infinisil> lists the set of directories to search for binaries*
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<fresheyeball> Infinisil: so I notice
<fresheyeball> that haskell packages I install
<fresheyeball> put their stuff in a bin folder inside the derivation
<fresheyeball> like
<fresheyeball> /nix/store/aalskdjalskdjalskdjalskjd-foo/bin/oo
<fresheyeball> instead of ...skjd-foo/oo
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan opened pull request #28029: hardening: fix #18995 (master...hardening-fix)
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<fresheyeball> but it puts the binary in my PATH
<cstrahan> Review of the above would be greatly appreciated ^^^
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: Ah yes, all packages installed in your user profile get linked to the profiles binary directory which is that ~/.nix-profile/bin folder
<fresheyeball> right
<fresheyeball> but some packages define their binaries at the root of the $out folder
<fresheyeball> and others have $out/bin
<fresheyeball> how does it know?
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: All packages should put their binaries in $out/bin, which packages doesn't?
<Infinisil> don't*
<fresheyeball> hmm
<fresheyeball> maybe I am wrong, and its just my stuff that doesn't use $out/bin
<fresheyeball> because I didn't know better
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: Ahh, probably that's why it didn't installi t
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<fresheyeball> Infinisil: makes sense
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: Okay, I an expression for the module, feedgen, and can do `nix-env -f . -iA python36Packages.feedgen`
<rodarmor> How can I test that it's actually working? For example, spin up an interpret where I can do "import feedgen" etc
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<rodarmor> I'm trying `nix-shell -I . -p python36Packages.feedgen` but not having any luck. I'm inside my checkout of nixpkgs, but I don't think nix-shell is seeing it
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<sphalerite> rodarmor: nix-shell -I nixpkgs=. -p 'python.with packages (ps: [ps.feedgen])'
<Ralith> sphalerite: shouldn't that be withPackages?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wmertens closed pull request #28008: nixos/cloud-image: add module (master...add-cloud-image)
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<Infinisil> Ralith: Yeah
<Infinisil> rodarmor: You could also just write your normal python nix expression with that package, somewhere in a file and then build it with nix-build -I path/to/your/nixpkgs/checkout
<Infinisil> nix-shell is better to test though, much quicker
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<rodarmor> Infinisil: Cool, it works in nix-shell. I can import and use the python module as expected. Should I also test it using the sandbox?
<Infinisil> rodarmor: It's good practice yeah, I just have nix.enableSandbox = true enabled all the time in my configuration.nix
<Infinisil> umm, nix.useSandbox = true;
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] falsifian opened pull request #28031: rftg: init at 0.9.4 (master...rftg)
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<Infinisil> You can also just pass `--option build-use-sandbox true` (if i remember correctly) rodarmor
<rodarmor> Infinisil: Sweet, building with sandbox worked, I'll submit a PR
<adisbladis> rodarmor: I'm always using a sandbox and haven't had any issues with it so far
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] casey opened pull request #28032: python.pkgs.feedgen: init at 0.5.1 (master...feedgen)
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<rodarmor> Oh yeah, first nixpkgs PR
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<sphalerite> Ralith: yes, sorry, autocorrect. Phone is not ideal device for writing nix expressions :p
<Ralith> ^^
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: You can use the fetchPypi helper
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<Infinisil> kiloreux: Could you please fill out the issue template when submitting an issue?
<cocreature> hey, I’m wondering, when does the unstable channel update?
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Including what exact command you ran that gives the problem
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<kiloreux> Alright Infinisil, Will do.
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<Infinisil> cocreature: Since a month or so it doesn't update automatically for some reason. It has been fixed by a few people last time (a bit ago), but not permanently. I think these are the tests that need to succeed in order for nixos-unstable to be updated:
<rodarmor> adisbladis: Sweet, thanks for the tip
<fresheyeball> hey
<fresheyeball> how to escape `${}` stuff in bash?
<fresheyeball> I want to write a script that when called takes arguments
<fresheyeball> ${1-latest}
<fresheyeball> backslash doesn't work
<Infinisil> cocreature: I think it's some issue with the VM used for these tests
<adisbladis> rodarmor: I'd just use fetchPypi instead of pythonPackages.fetchPypi
<Infinisil> fresheyeball: ''${hi}
<Infinisil> then ${} doesn't get interpreted as a nix expression
<cocreature> Infinisil: ah ok, thanks!
<Infinisil> e.g. '' foo ''${bar} hello '' if you're using quotes: " foo \${bar} hello "
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<rodarmor> adisbladis: Ah gotcha, I was cargo culting :P
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<kiloreux> nixpkgs doesn't seem to support libopencore_amrwb for some reason.
<kiloreux> is there a specific reason or I can just implement it myself ?
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<adisbladis> rodarmor: Added another comment :)
<Infinisil> kiloreux: There just doesn't seem to be a need for it until now. Sure, go ahead ;)
<Infinisil> If you need it for something (otherwise we can't even be sure it works)
<Infinisil> Ahh, i see ffmpeg and mplayer could use opencore
<kiloreux> Exactly :D
<kiloreux> Especially ffmpeg
<kiloreux> i can see it's mentioned as unpackaged in ffmpeg-full.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: What is opencore even used for?
<kiloreux> It's a speech codec.
<rodarmor> adisbladis: Oh cool, sweet, I forgot it was in scope
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Ahh
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<kiloreux> Infinisil, do you an idea where to start? (Never added a package to nixpkgs, hoping ti will be my first contribution :D )
<rodarmor> adisbladis: Should I force-push changed commits to the PR branch, or push additional commits to be squashed later?
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<sphalerite> rodarmor: depends on the scale of the changes.
<rodarmor> sphalerite: This is a pretty minor PR, just a python package
<sphalerite> rodarmor: in the case of your current PR, I'd say force push
<adisbladis> sphalerite: In this case it's just tiny changes, so I'd say rebase & force push
<rodarmor> sphalerite: adisbladis: cool, will do
<Infinisil> kiloreux: I don't know much about lib packaging, I would just look at how the others are done, nixpkgs is full of examples
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ts468 closed pull request #9250: nixuser: declarative user environments (master...upstream.nixuser)
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<kiloreux> Infinisil, will do :D.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Good luck!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ts468 reopened pull request #9250: nixuser: declarative user environments (master...upstream.nixuser)
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<kiloreux> Thank you <3.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: (you still need to fill out the issue template for your issue though, nobody's gonna be able to even reproduce it in its current state)
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<kiloreux> Infinisil, Yeah totally aware of that. Will have to do it late (read that in a few hours). Since I have priority issues now.
<hyper_ch> what's wrong with nixos-unstable again?
<Infinisil> hyper_ch: Doesn't update, yet again
<MP2E> I just run off of git master :) been doing that for 2 years
<MP2E> haha
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<Infinisil> MP2E: :O
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<MP2E> rebuild times can be painful if you catch it right after a staging merge
<MP2E> but in general it's not too bad
<MP2E> and in those occasions you can just wait.
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<Infinisil> I'm just thinking, Mozilla has had great success with its 6 weeks release cycle, how about doing something like this for nixpkgs?
<Infinisil> Smaller releases, but more often
<Infinisil> Like a middle ground between stable (6 months) and unstable (12 hours i think
<sphalerite> does networking.interfaces get ignored if network-manager is enabled?
<Infinisil> sphalerite: From the description of networkmanager.enable I think they don't
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<Infinisil> Whether to use NetworkManager to obtain an IP address and other
<Infinisil> configuration for all network interfaces that are not manually
<Infinisil> configured.
<adisbladis> MP2E: Recently it's been pretty painful as a kde user...
<sphalerite> right
<sphalerite> hm
<adisbladis> Lot's of breakage
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<Infinisil> adisbladis: Well, you can help fixing it :D
<kiloreux> What does "variable $src or $srcs should point to the source" mean exactly?
<linarcx> why there is no dock application in pkgs(like docky and cairo-dock)?? only latty-dock exists that it is not very good.every body has another alternative?
<Infinisil> adisbladis: What's an example of KDE breakage?
<sphalerite> kiloreux: it means the unpackPhase wants a $src to unpack but isn't finding one
<adisbladis> Infinisil: Well I have to some extent, but most of the breakage is beyond my comprehension of nix
<sphalerite> kiloreux: there are multiple ways to fix it, depending on what you want to do. If you still want to use mkDerivation you should specify an src or replace the unpackPhase with ":"
<kiloreux> Shouldn't giving a url be enough for it to be done automatically?
<adisbladis> Infinisil: There were some changes to cc-wrapper which made Qt not find the xcb backend
<sphalerite> kiloreux: if you just want a script to build a derivation and don't want to use the stdenv build script you can use runCommand instead, or set buildCommand as appropriate
<rodarmor> linarcx: I'm using dockbarx, which is pretty good. There's an xfce plugin, xfce.xfce4_dockbarx_plugin if you want to use it in xfce
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Nah, have a look at other mkDerivations
<sphalerite> kiloreux: no, you need to use fetchurl if you want to use something remote
<MP2E> ah, that makes sense. Guess it depends what you use
<MP2E> i've been using xmonad and just some terminal stuff
<sphalerite> kiloreux: so that you can specify a hash and preserve the effective purity of the expression
<Infinisil> MP2E: Xmonad too for me, no DE, gnome-terminal and firefox as browser, don't need much more
<kiloreux> sphalerite, Infinisil Got it. Thank you.
<adisbladis> MP2E: But I'm still pretty happy on master :) Worst case I can just do a rollback
<Infinisil> MP2E: May I peek at you xmonad.hs?
<sphalerite> adisbladis: if a rollback helps it's not the worst case ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #25185: Fix makewrapper unsupported args (staging...fix-makewrapper-unsupported-args)
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<MP2E> hasn't deviated too much from the default but there's a few custom things :) like creating 10 workspaces for each monitor it detects
<MP2E> and changing some default behaviors there
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<Infinisil> MP2E: Nice, thanks
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<kiloreux> I just created a nix file to install libopencore and it was installed successfuly in the nix store as following /nix/store/wz88lgd0bd69mhbjnyllrqjxfnsm7nky-amrnb-
<adisbladis> sphalerite: Hehe :) I'm sure there are worse cases but not hit any (yet)
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<Infinisil> Here is mine, I haven't bothered cleaning it up at all:
<kiloreux> However running ffmpeg and requiring libopencore always gives me the error that it's not available :(
<Infinisil> ^^ MP2E
<spacefrogg> kiloreux: Is ffmpeg aware that your library is there?
<MP2E> ooh a transparent hook, neat! didn't know you could do that in xmonad.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Have you set outputs = [ "dev" ] or so?
<MP2E> I have a transparent terminal but that's a urxvt setting + compton being enabled.
<linarcx> rodarmor: im using kde plasma. can i still use dockbarx?
<kiloreux> Infinisil, no. spacefrogg not sure how I would do that except for enabling library flags ?
<spacefrogg> Add it to buildInputs of the ffmpeg derivation.
<Infinisil> MP2E: I actually disabled this, because I didn't make it so you could disable it on certain scenarios. E.g. fullscreen youtube is very bad with transparency..
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<MP2E> haha :p
<MP2E> that makes sense. hm
<rodarmor> linarcx: Hmm, not sure, I have very little experience with KDE
<Infinisil> MP2E: I bet if i knew how xmonad works a bit better, I could come up with a much more elegant solution
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<kiloreux> Should I add the name of the package (name property inside nix file) ?
<kiloreux> or the .nix filename ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 739b4b4 Frederik Rietdijk: searx: fix typo, fixes #28015
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<Infinisil> kiloreux: Just look at how other packages do it..
<Infinisil> kiloreux: pkgs/development/libraries
<spacefrogg> Make your library appear in all-packages.nix then include the name of the attribute in the argument list at the top of ffmpeg derivation nix file.
<spacefrogg> kiloreux: The nixpkgs manual might be worth reading.
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<MP2E> This is somewhat random, but I dealt with awful screen-tearing on most fullscreen programs in xmonad for something like 6 months. If you have this issue, enable a compositor like compton in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file, it fixes it.
<MP2E> or at least it did on both my nvidia desktop and intel integrated graphics laptop
<Infinisil> MP2E: Yeah I know, I think that's pretty normal with default X without any compositor that "fixes" it
<MP2E> ah, good to know. drove me nuts for a while :P
<Infinisil> MP2E: I actually disabled compton again, because it caused horrible artifacts on my big external monitor..
<Infinisil> Screen tearing doesn't bother me much though, only rarely notice it on videos
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<Infinisil> Oh, found the image again, this is what the external monitor looked like with compton enabled..: ( MP2E )
<srhb> What's the rationale for nix not deleting recovery.conf for postgresql when configuration.nix ceases to reference it in any way?
<srhb> It's scary.
<linarcx> i set locale to en_US.UTF-8. i have to languages activated in plasma."ENGLISGH" and "PERSIAN". but when i open some applicatino like hexchat or gimp, application open in RTL format, means all menu show in rtl to fix this problem?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Profpatsch opened pull request #28033: pkgs/haskellPackages: add nativeBuildInputs to shell env (master...haskellPackageEnv-addTools)
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<hyper_ch> Infinisil: well, it it's been like 30 days now since I could update.... 11 days ago it was updated but vbox failed... the last 11 days no updates
<Infinisil> srhb: Does garbage collection not delete it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8e9682 makefu: influxdb module: collectd.port is now called bind-address...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 035e019 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #27978 from makefu/module/influxdb/bind-fix...
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<Infinisil> srhb: seems to be a symlink to the file in the store, so I'd think it gets deleted like all other stuff in the store (which is not instantly)
<srhb> Infinisil: From the nix store, sure, presumably, but the symlink in /var/lib/postgresql, I doubt it.
<Infinisil> srhb: Ahh yes
<Infinisil> that's the same with all packages
<Infinisil> stuff in /var just gets created, but nobody want's to accidentally delete something that got written there
<srhb> Yikes.
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<Infinisil> srhb: You could have modified the file yourself, so it wouldn't be a symlink anymore
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<srhb> Sure, I could have done all sorts of stupid things, but having to factor in "when are things gc'ed" is terrifying.
<srhb> Though I suppose if the symlink still exists, at least it won't get removed.
<Infinisil> hyper_ch: You could use the nixos-unstable-small channel
<sphalerite> linarcx: so it's in English but RTL?
<hyper_ch> Infinisil: I could
<linarcx> yes.
<Infinisil> srhb: It probably will, nix doesn't pay attention to all symlinks in the system
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<Infinisil> srhb: only if its referenced by a gcroot, it won't be removed
<Infinisil> srhb: Also if you want to delete something without waiting for GC you can do nix-store --delete /nix/store/...
<Infinisil> And you can add an indirect gc root with nix-store --add-root /var/lib/postgresql/recovery.conf --indirect /nix/store/actual-recovery.conf
<sphalerite> linarcx: nice… I don't know much about KDE/Plasma/Qt unfortunately, nor about the pains of bidi, let alone those things on nixos. But you may want to ask on a KDE/plasma channel, I think you're more likely to find someone who can help you there
<Infinisil> Then when you delete /var/lib/postgresql/recovery.conf, the gc will collect the file in the store ( if it's not being referenced by anything else) ( srhb )
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2141086 Casey Rodarmor: python.pkgs.feedgen: init at 0.5.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0734fb2 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28032 from casey/feedgen...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 89af5d9 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<kiloreux> When submitting a new PR for a package should I add my name also to maintainers.nix or just leave the maintainer field empty?
<Infinisil> kiloreux: If you feel like maintaining it (which usually doesn't involve much), you should add yourself to meta.maintainers (and therefore also maintainers.nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kiloreux opened pull request #28034: opencore-amr init at 0.1.5 (master...libopencore)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #27753: python33: end-of-life (master...python33eol)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28027: libtiff: Fix debian patch tarball URL (master...shpr_fixurls_libtiff)
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<Infinisil> kiloreux: I left some review comments on your PR :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 142df08 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: update list of broken packages
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 35dd36a Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 550373b Peter Simons: cabal-install: fix build after updating to version 2.x
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 67a41ea Robin Gloster: cc-wrapper: fix set -u errors...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3e981b9 Robin Gloster: Revert "cc-wrapper: fix set -u errors"...
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<linarcx> Infinisil: i fix it:) remove persian language from language setting and all software open in rtl mode now.
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<pietranera> Hello, I have a nixOPS question... is it possible to customize or remove the SSH key pairs generated by NixOps? E.g. instead of using those can I specify a key pair in users.users.root ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a082215 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-07-24 -> 2017-07-27
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f40f2f2 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2017-07-24 -> 2017-07-27...
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<unlmtd> this but built with nix
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<bkchr> Hi, as I observed here ( this patch fixes the same bug as mine patch. Both are now upstream, one should be reverted?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] expipiplus1 opened pull request #28035: pangolin: init at 2017-08-02 (master...pangolin)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c8f7f18 Orivej Desh: cc-wrapper: Fix adding directories to rpath...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c8e9dcc Orivej Desh: cc-wrapper: Fix standalone gcc...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a6e7dff Orivej Desh: cc-wrapper: Fix standalone ld
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<jophish> unlmtd: you might be interested in clever's not-os
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<jophish> Also, I've got nixos proper running on embedded arm systems
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej closed pull request #28012: ld-wrapper: Fix adding directories to rpath (staging...ld-wrapper)
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<Infinisil> jophish: Nice
<pietranera> Asking again... Hello, I have a nixOPS question... is it possible to customize or remove the SSH key pairs generated by NixOps? E.g. instead of using those can I specify a key pair in users.users.root ?
<jophish> Infinisil: thanks :) NixOS is running alongside an FPGA, trying to get the FPGA reprogramming from a store path today
<jophish> pietranera: not as far as I know. You could open an issue on github about this, at the very least the documentation could be improved to explain why this isn't the case
<pietranera> thanks jophish
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] roberth opened pull request #28036: frog: init at v0.13.7 (master...frog)
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<cmacrae> Hey peeps o/ I've got a package definition for a Golang package I want installed on my system. How can I express, declaratively, in my nixpkgs configuration that I want this Golang package to be installed? Forgive my ignorace, I'm new to this
<cmacrae> I just want to have the 'gometalinter' binary available in my PATH, that's all I'm trying to achieve here
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] DerTim1 opened pull request #28038: openldap: enable crypt (master...openldap-add-crypt)
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<mpickering> Does doJailbreak interact poorly with cabal flags sometimes?
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<mpickering> cmacrae: Are you using nixos?
<mpickering> You should modify /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to specify which packages you want installed globally
<mpickering> or more usually, have a shell.nix which specifies the build environment for each project you have
<_ts_> Hi there, I'm trying to measure the interest in extension for NixOS which allows to manage user environments in a declarative way, named NixUP, and so I wanted to bring this PR/comment to your attention:
<cmacrae> mpickering: I'm using nix-darwin by LnL :) So, I'm not sure how I should express this.
<avn> `/nix/store/3sc41zrs4ci4dy5p3ga95l7bszr82jda-qttools-5.9.0-dev/bin/lrelease: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory` any ideas how to fix it?
<_ts_> It would be nice to get as much feedback as possible, so it would be great if you could forward this to anyone you know who might be interested.
<mpickering> You are probably better putting it in a per-project configuration tbh
<_ts_> thanks! ;)
<LnL> cmacrae: :D
<cmacrae> mpickering: Hmm, well, I rely on gometalinter to do my linting from Emacs. So, right now I've got it installed manually - but I'd like to be able to express it declaratively
<mpickering> I'm not an expert sorry for not being able to help
<cmacrae> Sure, no problem :)
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<avn> globin: do you hit same problem with
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da7755b adisbladis: networkmanager service: use unbound if enabled
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 29c3ea0 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #27925 from adisbladis/networkmanager_unbound...
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<unlmtd> jophish: yes Im aware of notos, but I havent found a reason to go towards runit in particular (openrc would probably make the most sense in terms of maturity I think) but I was really interested in making a wayland-only nix tree
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<unlmtd> nix is the best tool for the job and a wayland-first distro might bring a lot of enthusiasm
<unlmtd> for both nix and wayland
<unlmtd> graphics is the last straw that keeps open source interfaces from winning. X cant do it
<jophish> mpickering: yeah, I've had problems with that in the past
<jophish> with Cassava in particular
<jophish> unlmtd: how about adding wayland support for regular NixOS?
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<jophish> mpickering: the easiest solution is to provide a patch removing the bounds
<mpickering> I worked around it now but took me a little while to work out why it was failing
<mpickering> the package was proto-lens-protoc, this family of packages seem to be packaged in non-standard ways which is annoying
<jophish> ah, we use that too. I remeber it was a small pain
<jophish> however we seem to have jailbreak without any problems. Perhaps we have the right version of the non jailbroken dependency
<mpickering> I'm using a HEAD build as well which complicates things
<mpickering> That bit is all working now
<unlmtd> jophish: for sure thats what we do first. but the nixpkgs tree is bound to see a suckless twin brother one day
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<unlmtd> I dont know what it will take? some guys have ideas for a smaller nix? I dont know enough
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<unlmtd> but there are kernels out there being written that make linux look for the trashcan of history. so dissociating nix from the kernel is forward-thinking
<jophish> unlmtd: There's guix already :)
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<Phillemann> Where can I check again how old nixos-unstable is and why its hydra jobs currently fail?
<Phillemann> howoldis, or something, I forgot the URL.
<unlmtd> jophish: is guix abstracting away the kernel?
<unlmtd> oh I see what you mean
<jophish> I think it runs on hurd
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<Phillemann> jophish: Ah, thank you.
<jophish> np
<unlmtd> I never tried guix and never felt the need
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<unlmtd> ahh it the gnu part that kept me away then, saw it right away. I dont like to splash ideological posters on projects of science. truth is apolitical
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nonsequitur opened pull request #28039: ruby docs: simplify example (master...patch-3)
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<gnuhurd> what is the preferred way of searching in NixOS?
<gnuhurd> the nix-env method described in configuration.nix is goddamn slow, it's faster for me to go on the webpage
<adisbladis> gnuhurd: I have a local nixpkgs checkout which i grep in
<symphorien> there is nox, which have a cache
<symphorien> s/have/has
<dtz> Fwiw new nix (unstable/1.12) has a "nix search" that looks pretty useful and addresses this common pain point
<LnL> also nix edit
<mbrock> unlmtd: let's not have a big debate about this, but GNU is from the start a so-called "political" project, not a scientific one. Its founder was concerned that vendors were keeping system software proprietary, which he saw as a violation of rights
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<krav_> all software is political
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus closed pull request #28023: zookeeper: 3.4.9 -> 3.4.10 (master...zookeeper-3.4.10)
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<manveru> LnL: cool
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<LnL> yeah there's some nice stuff in 1.12
<sphalerite> When will it finally become nixos default?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5abfed0 Joe Hermaszewski: qt5: Add qtcharts submodule
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca6f159 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #27013 from expipiplus1/qt-charts...
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<Phillemann> Hm, I've created a package in an overlay (in $HOME/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/somename/default.nix, and nix-env -qaP | grep packagename even finds it, but nix-env -i packagename says it matches no derivations.
<Phillemann> Ah, nevermind
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #28040: firefox: 54.0.1 -> 55.0 (master...firefox-bin-55.0)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan closed pull request #28039: ruby docs: simplify example (master...patch-3)
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<viric> Dezgeg[m]: clever: have you ever used any "openembedded" from nixos?
<Dezgeg> nope, maybe bjornfor had? can't remember
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<viric> aha. I will ask
<viric> thank you
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<viric> what is there today in nixos to run software expecting FHS paths?
<viric> something creating a container?
<avn> viric: steam-run, docker with ubuntu is also an option ;)
<viric> let me see
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<viric> I wanted a FSH built by nix, of course
<Infinisil> Ugh, I hate it when people ask for help debugging without giving clear instructions on how to reproduce it
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<Infinisil> The way this person asks this question targets only people that know Julia, and the intersection between Julia + NixOS + on reddit + knows how to debug is pretty small..
<Infinisil> </rant>
<Infinisil> No I'm not really mad, we probably all did this at some point and we all had to learn how to properly do this once (or are still learning), but still
<thblt> Is the filename "shell.nix" a convention, or is it used in nix-shell somewhere? It seems nix-shell defaults to default.nix when it has no arguments.
<thblt> I'm asking because I'm working on a PR to the Borg emacs package manager to handle nix-shell, and I have to handle the cases where the user gives neither a package list nor a shell file.
<thblt> My current strategy is: if there's no default.nix, pass an empty -p
<mpickering> I am getting "no such file or directory" when trying to execute an excutable in the store, I go to the path and it's there.
<mpickering> I can't run it directly by the command line either
<symphorien> maybe the ELF interpreter is wrong
<symphorien> or the shebang
<hedning[m]> thblt`: I'm pretty sure that nix-shell defaults to shell.nix and default.nix in that order
<jophish> mpickering: it's probably a 32 bit binary for a 64 bit system
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<mpickering> How do I verify this?
<jophish> mpickering: `file path/to/bin`
<jophish> will say something like: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /nix/store/f111ij1fc83965m48bf2zqgiaq88fqv5-glibc-2.25/lib/
<thblt> hedning[m]: thank you, will test that.
<thblt> the error message didn't make it obvious.
<mpickering> ok so I need to change the path somehow to the store version of ld
<jophish> if the interpreter is missing, you get that (very unhelpful) error message
<jophish> mpickering: it's using /usr/bin/ld-linux...?
<thblt> indeed, it chokes on an empty shell.nix
<mpickering> great thanks again Joe
<mpickering> lib64/
<jophish> thblt: nix-shell will default to shell.nix before default.nix
<jophish> ah, didn't see hedning[m]'s answer :)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 8 days ago, history:
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<jophish> mpickering: you should be able to use `patchelf --set-interpreter "${glibc.out}/lib/"` in the build
<thblt> jophish: thank you anyway :)
<jophish> or something similar
<jophish> thblt: you're welcome :) You could open an issue about the unhelpful error if you feel like it :)
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<clever> patchelf --interpreter "$(cat $NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker)"
<clever> jophish: this is how you get the proper path every time
<jophish> Cunningham's Law
<jophish> :D
<jophish> clever: Thanks, I just coped a random example from nixpkgs
<jophish> now that I look at the grep output, I see nearly all of them are doing it your way
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<clever> i also made this helper a while back
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<jophish> no need for $(cat ${i686_NIX_GCC}/nix-support/dynamic-linker)?
<clever> setting the system flag forces everything to be 32bit only
<mpickering> Now, "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file", is this a different problem?
<domenkozar> niksnut: is there a way to print queue in hydra?
<domenkozar> I have two builds with x86_64-linux and no special features that just hang in there
<clever> domenkozar: the queue used to be fully visible, but a change to hydra a few months ago removed it
<clever> domenkozar: this hydra is over a year old, and prints the entire queue
<domenkozar> that view still exists, but it's not descriptive
<clever> yeah
<clever> hmmm, the same link now leads to
<clever> domenkozar: ah, its still present
<Infinisil> thblt: Regarding the nix-shell defaulting thing: You should really check out `man nix-shell`, it's explained in the first few lines
<Infinisil> man pages are your friend
<clever> domenkozar: the queue is also so long, that it still hasnt finished loading
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* clever goes off to breakfast
<mpickering> ok I needed to use --set-rpath as well, thanks clever and jophish
<Infinisil> clever: Btw, unstable doesn't update yet again :/
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<jophish> domenkozar: is hydra out of space? That's the most common cause of our unreported halts
<domenkozar> clever: I figured i out
<domenkozar> :facepalm:
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<clever> domenkozar: ahhh
<clever> domenkozar: yeah, it is very bad about reporting why steps arent being run
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<domenkozar> it's still blocked
<domenkozar> it build two i686 packages and now it's blocked again
<domenkozar> what else could be blocking it? it's not features
<clever> can you link the queue?
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<_ts_> To NixUP, or to not NixUP: I wanted to get as much feedback as possible for before I send the link to the mailing list, so I bring it up here again.
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<_ts_> Thanks to all those who replied already, very encouraging!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #28041: Update {fork,power}stat to latest upstream (master...bump/powerstat-forkstat)
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<clever> domenkozar: what features did you enable in /etc/nix/machines ?
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<domenkozar> clever: "kvm" "nixos-test"
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<clever> domenkozar: big-parallel and benchmark are also features that may occur
<clever> big-parallel is of note because the kernel requires it
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<domenkozar> ahhh
<clever> as in, the kernel build
<domenkozar> you can't have two slaves with system = bla
<domenkozar> but one with systems = [ bla bla]
<domenkozar> ..
<clever> yeah, its a comma seperated list
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<thblt> If anyone uses Emacs with Borg as a package manager and is interested in nix-shell support, I'm about to send a PR to that effect, and would welcome any advice/opinion before doing so :)
<domenkozar> so when I added i686
<domenkozar> x64 was gone
<clever> ahhh
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<avn> Folks, anyone can hint, how to troubleshoot situation when nix unable to realise /nix/store/5gz9n4mnz3cl77d0m7xxl44riqvsa3af-ghostscript-9.20.drv (it tell "don't know how to build path")
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<avn> and it only one machine problem, other one realise it w/o problem
<jophish> zimbatm: Thanks for looking at git-fame, not quite sure what the issue is
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<avn> I manually checked, if all required derivations are in place
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<avn> nix-store -q --tree /nix/store/5gz9n4mnz3cl77d0m7xxl44riqvsa3af-ghostscript-9.20.drv show me tree on good machine, and nothing on bad one. So I have db corrupted? how I can repair it?
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<steven1> whois steven1
<steven1> q
<clever> avn: does that file exist on the "bad machine" ?
<avn> clever: sure
<avn> and .drv is identical
<clever> avn: what about --query --hash?
<avn> sha256:0vf1kjc00r91j8iglbxphnc8id67wfzcq5jbdjm9n6n66bzg8qgb
<avn> same on both machines
<clever> avn: nix-store --query --references ?
<avn> well, I am liar ;) nix-store -q --hash /nix/store/5gz9n4mnz3cl77d0m7xxl44riqvsa3af-ghostscript-9.20.drv show me `path is not valid` on bad machine
<clever> avn: how did the file get onto the bad machine?
<avn> by evaluation of same git checkout of nixpkgs
<clever> avn: try a nix-collect-garbage --max-freed=1m
<clever> and then re-eval the same nixpkgs
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<avn> clever: no result
<clever> avn: what about nix-instantiate -A ghostscript
<clever> it may turn up a different drv path
<avn> error: path ‘/nix/store/5gz9n4mnz3cl77d0m7xxl44riqvsa3af-ghostscript-9.20.drv’ is not valid
<avn> and no idea, _why_ it not valid
<clever> did you just use the path another machine had made, or the output of nix-instantiate from the problem machine?
<avn> sudo nix-store --verify --repair tell me about same error corrected, even if runned twice
<avn> clever: .drv is identical, I compare file with sha1sum
<clever> the path to the .drv is a hash of its contents
<clever> so it will always have the same contents
<clever> but nix cant repair anything it doesnt consider valid
<avn> clever: no, it complain about unrelated paths
<avn> path ‘/nix/store/5dhv6mrrs950qivni2bl4vxkhi215ibi-unit-script.drv’ disappeared, removing from database...
<avn> and same error, if I rerun it right after
<clever> avn: can you describe the problem system in more detail?, is it using nix-daemon?, how are you evaling the nixpkgs?
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<avn> plain nixos systems, was 1 machine, which was cloned later
<avn> I suspect just bit-rotting at some time
<clever> how did you clone it?
<avn> copy disk image (both are kvm guests)
<clever> ah
<clever> and how are you evaling that copy of nixpkgs to get the ghostscript drv?
<avn> yes, both have identical (via git) /etc/nixos, and /etc/nixos/nixpkgs
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<clever> what command did you run on them?
<CrazedProgrammer> hi guys, i'm trying to use the crate `sdl2` in a Rust program which i build with `cargo build`. I get an error saying ld cannot find `-lSDL2`, and even if i have the package SDL2 in my system/shell environment it still gives the error. my question is: can I provide some kind of environment variable that makes ld find it or should i make a default.nix with the library as buildInputs or should I completely change the build system using
<CrazedProgrammer> sorry if I sound stupid but there's 0 documentation on building rust programs with cargo that require linking to C shared libraries :/
<avn> clever: usually just `sudo nixos-rebuild {test|switch}`, any lowlevels only if problems come
<clever> avn: can you throw the entire console output into a gist?
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<avn> clever: I thinking about use some sqlite check tool, or just dump-kill-restore /nix/var/nix/db/*
<clever> avn: sqlite is extremely hardened against corruption
<clever> avn: i want to know what command you ran to get that ghostscript path, not what your running against it
<avn> clever: `nix-instantiate -A ghostscript ./nixpkgs`, or just `rebuild switch`
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<avn> nix-store --delete it and nix-instantiate recreate it again
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<clever> avn: does /etc/nix/nix.conf differ any?
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<avn> same
<clever> not sure then
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<avn> clever: lol, even nix-store --dump-db compplains about path-not-valid
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<avn> so any ideas, copy db from healthy machine, then `nix-store --verify --repair`, then rebuild?
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<clever> copying the db will cause massive problems
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<avn> clever: bigger than corrupted db?
<clever> yeah
<clever> it will try to delete all invalid paths, paths that the db says shouldnt exist
<clever> which includes your entire nixos
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<avn> Well, any other suggestions?
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<clever> avn: cant think of anything else at the moment
<avn> I understand, that just reinstall and rebuild is simpler way. But here some politic reasons, if I can't repair machine -- customer says I won't nixos, I want centos -- rpm --repairdb works there
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<clever> avn: run another nix-collect-garbage, does the file exist?, dont run anything else
<avn> error: cannot delete path ‘/nix/store/c47j3q3maxqgw1cb2b3ijqv092bx7hgc-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01.tar.gz.drv’ because it is in use by ‘/nix/store/542x1s2jpm5kxxshkkp8z8hfj8lyc4w8-perl-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01.drv’
<clever> from just nix-collect-garbage??
<avn> yep
<clever> id reboot it and try again
<seequ> Is it ok to add a package to nixpkgs without marking yourself as a maintainer?
<ndash_> seequ: sounds irresponsible :)
<avn> clever: ok, well, in worst case I try copy db, and then rebuild/boot/switch immediately
<seequ> ndash_: Eh, I just built DCD to try D out and decided someone else might need it. :)
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<CrazedProgrammer> I found a solution to my problem. I did `env LIBRARY_PATH=/run/current-system/sw/lib cargo run`. I know this isn't a solution for building a rust program as a nix package but it works for basic `cargo run`. Hope this helps someone as I spent over 2 hours figuring this out :P
<avn> error: error getting references of ‘/nix/store/k04z6ry3gsz5lbp3jd1nvsz71wkb40dp-th-lift-instances-0.1.11.drv’: database disk image is malformed
<avn> finally, after reboot
<clever> avn: another option, boot from an install cd, delete the nix database, run nixos-install
<clever> avn: that will recreate the db and all store contents
<seequ> That's clever.
<clever> data and config files will persist
<avn> clever: yep, if just reload db from healthy machine not help
<clever> the nixos-rebuild will probably fail, because things are missing from the store, that the db claims exist
<clever> a full wipe of /nix/store and the db.sqlite, and re-run nixos-install should recreate it all
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<clever> just mount the existing partitions on /mnt
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 82a4c5e Vincent Laporte: ImageMagick: fix Magick-config
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<avn> clever: worst case, yes. I need someone to add install media, allow me console etc ;)
<clever> avn: my kexec trick might work under kvm
<clever> avn: this creates a storepath containing kexec, and an install image
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<clever> run it, ssh back in, do the above, pray
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<mpcsh> I'm having the dumbest problem with chromium yall
<mpcsh> every time I launch it, it asks if I want to set it as the default browser
<mpcsh> every time I click yes
<mpcsh> and then when I launch it next it asks me again
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<clever> mpcsh: tell it to stop asking
<clever> its a glitch caused by how nix wraps things
<mpcsh> clever: but it doesn't actually seem to be default - e.g. when I click a link in termite, it won't open
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<mpcsh> clever: oop, nvm, was a problem with termite
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<nwuensche> Hello everybody. I currently try to install NixOS, and right now, I want to protect my system with sudo. I create a new user in the config file, but the user still can nix-env -i packages without sudo. I installed the package sudo and set security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = true; What can I do?
<gnuhurd> nix-env -i installs packages for the user alone
<gnuhurd> not system-wide
<mpcsh> nwuensche: don't use nixos? the point of nix is that users can install packages for themselves
<willprice> Hi, I'm trying to find unfree packages, and i was reading through but I'm still unsure what is the defacto method for finding them. Is it to `find` in the the `nixpkgs` repo?
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<mpcsh> willprice: so you're trying to install something unfree?
<avn> clever: btw, after this expirience -- I feel, I want to have db dumped daily
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging e1d46c0 Taahir Ahmed: makeWrapper: Only wrap normal executable files...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 67f37b7 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #24944 from ahmedtd/make-makewrapper-picky...
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<willprice> mpcsh, well, I want to search through unfree packages, e.g is there a pycharm professional nix expression
<clever> avn: sqlite has some pretty extreme testing on it, was the disk image cloned with the machine on or off?
<nwuensche> gnuhurd: And this should be ok? I don't know if this could be a security flaw. Should I do something against that?
<gnuhurd> it's okay
<gnuhurd> it's not a security flaw
<avn> clever: not sure, possible it was copied on the way
<mpcsh> willprice: well you just need { allowUnfree = true; } in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<clever> avn: if it wasnt an atomic copy, then that could have corrupted almost anything on the machine
<mpcsh> willprice: and then you can search free and unfree at the same time
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<clever> avn: you should either freeze all writing to the disk, snapshot the whole thing as one atomic operation, or just shut it off, then clone it
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<avn> clever: yep, I do fsck and storage check/repair, but not thought that db was fatally corrupted
<avn> clever: and they also live w/o ECC and ZFS
<nwuensche> Ok, thank you. However, I also have another problem. I installed openjdkm but everytime I do java --v, it says that no JVM could be created.
<clever> avn: ext4 does writes in place, so fsck may be happy, but the data is mixed thruout time
<clever> avn: zfs checksums all data, and would be more likely to detect such things
<avn> clever: yea, I told that --- but not sure, if stuff was done property
<willprice> mpcsh, thanks, I'll try that now :)
<willprice> mpcsh, yep, that did the trick
<mpcsh> willprice: great!
<mpcsh> does anyone here use compton?
<dtzWill> mpcsh: yep!
<mpcsh> dtzWill: does it work on nixos? I have it enabled and it's not doing anythin
<mpcsh> *anything
<mpcsh> no shadows, no fade, nothing
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<dtzWill> mpcsh: i think you have to restart display-manager the first time
<dtzWill> mpcsh: (or restart the system)
<dtzWill> but yes it does work
<mpcsh> dtzWill: I've had it enabled for a while now, across many reboots
<dtzWill> although it complains in my logs constantly but that's a known and possibly fixed issue
<mpcsh> (and many nixos-rebuild switch's)
<dtzWill> o_O
<dtzWill> "services.compton.enable = true;" or similar?
<mpcsh> precisely that
<dtzWill> are any compton processes running? Anything in logs mentioning problems?
<dtzWill> err not that you don't know how to debug ;), I suppose to answer your question it sure does work for me
<mpcsh> dtzWill: yeah compton is running according to `ps`
<dtzWill> and has more or less since started using NixOS last year xD
<mpcsh> dtzWill: where are your logs? home dir?
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<dtzWill> journalctl? I'm not super slick with invoking it, usually just check "journalctl -xe" and look around.. and read man pages for anything else O:)
* dtzWill misses grep'ing things :P
<mpcsh> dtzWill: this is all I have
<seequ> `journalctl -q | grep compton` :p
<dtzWill> mpcsh: o_O well that's at least a promising-ish lead--that error is almost certainly the cause or result of your woes xD
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<dtzWill> is your video setup properly? drivers, hardware accel, etc? checking glxinfo and/or xdpyinfo can help
<dtzWill> otherwise, dunno, never seen that error sorry!
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<copumpkin> joachifm, puffnfresh: getting bitten by again :(
<copumpkin> unfortunately on a machine I can't even log into :)
<gnuhurd> any GNU Emacs users here?
<copumpkin> tons :)
<copumpkin> (though not me)
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<gnuhurd> I have a problem... when I try to use smtpmail in Emacs, Emacs screams that there is no smtpmail process running... is there a Nix package I can install to fix this, or is this how Emacs is built in NixOS?
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<thblt> gnuhurd: is smtpmail on path?
<avn> gnuhurd: possible should be enough install package with smtpmail. But I am also interested, how all emacs' required tools can be installed, w/o polluting main systemEnvironment and global PATH
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<thblt> avn: you can probably register these tools as runtime deps in a custom emacs derivation.
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<gnuhurd> it's not a package in nixos, thblt
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<thblt> gnuhurd: actually smtpmail seems to be pure elisp indeed. Could you post the exact error? After M-x toggle-debug-on-error?
<thblt> FWIW i'm on nixos and have no issues sending emails through smtpmail in mu4e
<pbogdan> gnuhurd: maybe try setting (setq smtpmail-debug-info t) in your emacs config and see if that produces a more informative output?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d6c5109 Frederik Rietdijk: python35: 3.5.3 -> 3.5.4
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<sphalerite> Nice error I haven't seen before while fiddling with an application...
* sphalerite sent a long message: sphalerite_2017-08-08_16:42:19.txt <>
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<sphalerite> But isn't the date set to the epoch, which is 1980-01-01 00:00:00, usually? Which isn't really before 1980?
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to override the date that's set for builds?
<jasom> sphalerite: I bet ZIP uses the local timezone, so if you'e in e.g. the americas, it will be december 31 1979 since the epoch is 00:00:00 UTC
<sphalerite> jasom: that shouldn't affect nix builds though
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<sphalerite> jasom: plus I'm in the UK, so my timezone is BST which is ahead of UTC :)
<kiloreux> When creating a nix file for a dependency that I need inside another nix file. How can I mention that dependency? It seems like mentioning the attribute name at the beginning {stdenv, dependency_name} is not the way to go :(
<sphalerite> kiloreux: are they in nixpkgs or elsewhere?
<sphalerite> doing what you said should be the right way, but how you make that work depends on how you're composing the packages
<kiloreux> not in nixpkgs, I just created a .nix file for them locally. So that dependency is not included anywhere in the nixpkgs.
<sphalerite> If it's something you're not planning to contribute to nixpkgs, you should probably use an overlay
<sphalerite> if you are, put it in nixpkgs
<kiloreux> I sent a PR for it this morning
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<kiloreux> My dependency is called opencore-amr however when I include it in my nix file. I get "called without required argument ‘opencore-amr’" error
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<sphalerite> And where is the dependent package/how are you building it?
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<sphalerite> jasom: I was wrong — the epoch is 1970, not 1980!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e60ffe6 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.ocamlnet: 4.1.2 -> 4.1.3
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<7GHABRUQ8> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #28034: opencore-amr init at 0.1.5 (master...libopencore)
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<18WAAQE0F> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 9 new commits to master:
<18WAAQE0F> nixpkgs/master ea4d01b kiloreux: Added libopencore support
<18WAAQE0F> nixpkgs/master 21b6e9c kiloreux: Add kiloreux as maintainer
<18WAAQE0F> nixpkgs/master 6f7f063 kiloreux: Implement required changes
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<Infinisil> LnL: Should've squashed that first
<LnL> yeah just noticed
<georges-duperon> I want to add a line to /etc/pam.d/sudo, but it's not one of the options hardcoded in and the file is protected (read-only filesystem).
<georges-duperon> Any hint as to how I should add an arbitrary line in /etc/pam.d/sudo ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #28043: flann: 1.8.4 -> 1.9.1 (master...flann-1.9.1)
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<mpickering> If I modify a derivation in nixpkgs, what is the best way to build it to test that my changes work
<Infinisil> LnL: Is it too late? These commit messages are pretty confusing
<Infinisil> mpickering: nix-build -A <package name>
<LnL> yeah but changing history is a bad idea
<LnL> and I don't think (hope) people can force push to master
<Infinisil> LnL: Well if one was quick enough I don't think anyone would even notice
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<kiloreux> It's still the last commit in the tree. And i think it's still possible :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mpickering opened pull request #28044: GHC Head updates (master...ghc-head)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] neilmayhew closed pull request #27824: cabal-bounds: fix build error by raising upper bound on directory lib (release-17.03...release-17.03)
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<LnL> it's fine, I don't think it's worth messing with the history
<Infinisil> Yeah probably
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Do you know how to squash?
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<copumpkin> niksnut: I just ran a nix build under strace and noticed it attempting to close ~1M invalid file descriptors before proceeding with a build. Is that normal?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] roberth opened pull request #28045: xen-4.8: update changed patch hash (master...fix-xen-216-qemuu)
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<copumpkin> niksnut: it looked like it was just looping from lownumber to 2^20 and calling close on it
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<kiloreux> Infinisil, yes, but I think it was a functionality provided by Github on the merger command. That's why I didn't bother. My apologies.
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<kiloreux> I just ran `nix-env -f github_has -iA` on my machine for the last nixpkgs commit
<Infinisil> kiloreux: It's git that can do that, has nothing to do with github. squashing commits is very important when pushing many commits to a branch
<linarcx> hi. i have a problem. every time i want to disable any systemd service it says to me that:"Failed to disable unit: File /etc/systemd/system/ Read-only file system" why?
<kiloreux> Infinisil, My bad.
<kiloreux> nix-env -i opencore-amr doesn't seem to work so far even on the latest commit.
<kiloreux> `matches no derivation`
<Infinisil> kiloreux: nix-env -f . -iA opencore-amr
<Infinisil> in the nixpkgs directory
<copumpkin> niksnut: filed here :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] neilmayhew opened pull request #28046: chromium: 59.0.3071.115 -> 60.0.3112.90 (stable) (master...update/chromium)
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<LnL> looks ok to me
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<kiloreux> What if I want to pin everything in my systemt to that specific commit ?
<kiloreux> How can I do that?
<LnL> use the commit hash instead of "master"
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<LnL> that kind of url works for branches tags and commits
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Squashing goes like this: `git rebase -i HEAD~n` where n is the number of commits you did, that's most of the time equivalent to `git rebase -i upstream/master`. In the text editor that opens, you change every commit except the first to "squash". Upon exiting that file you can combine the commit messages of all commits into one. After doing that you do `git push -f`
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<kiloreux> Infinisil, Thank you for the tutorial :) I know how to squash :D. Do you still want me to do it ? I don't think forcing into master is a good idea now.
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Ahh, didn't get that
<Infinisil> kiloreux: Nah, just wanted to make sure you know how to do it for next time ;)
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<kiloreux> That's kind of you. Thank you. I must say the nixos channel is so friendly and everything is smooth here. Very encouraging :D
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<Infinisil> Yeah, it's really nice <3
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<Phillemann> I'm trying to write a package for a piece of software that has a Makefile, but no configure. The Makefile has a "DESTDIR" variable to which it installs stuff. How and what do I specify in the nix expression to make nix install it in /nix/store/...?
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<Phillemann> Ah
<LnL> in this case probably something like makeFlags = [ "DESTDIR=$(out)" ];
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<Phillemann> Oh, can you write it in normal parens, too? I'd have written ${out}
<Phillemann> Or is that different?
<Phillemann> Hm, apparently.
<Phillemann> I have much to learn. :)
<LnL> that's nix interpolation, out is an environment variable during the build
<Infinisil> LnL: Doesn't $(out) try to execute `out`?
<LnL> it's quoted, make should evaluate that not bash
<Infinisil> LnL: Ahh
<LnL> if you need something more dynamic you can use makeFlagsArray in preBuild
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 f551ab5 John Ericson: ghcjs / nodejs: Add back older 6.x node version for GHCJS...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 dc44472 Shea Levy: Merge branch 'ghcjs-node-version' of into release-17.03
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<darkhour> ah i dont get the #nixos-dev channel thing, pretty much everything in the list is stuff that happens here already? :s
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to (from 74 minutes ago, history:
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<georges-duperon> Ah, I asked earlier how to edit /etc/pam.d/sudo, the answer is so simple I feel silly: = ''existing contents of /etc/pam.d/sudo … extra lines …'';
<darkhour> oh maybe not general help though
<darkhour> ok
<georges-duperon> Quite likely there's a way to append to the string, although my nix-fu is not good enough to know the syntax for that (yet, but that's definitely somewhere, so I'm headed to the docs!)
<willprice> When using `nix-env`, how do I query for all subpackages of a parent set, e.g. intellij lives under `nixpkgs.jetbrains.idea-ultimate`, how do I find all packages under `nixpkgs.jetbrains`?
<Phillemann> The package I'm trying to build an expression for installs a bash script into /usr/bin/. nix installs this in /nix/store/<hash>/usr/bin/, but I cannot execute it from my shell afterwards.
<Phillemann> Do I have to specify the script somehow, so it lands in my $PATH?
<willprice> georges-duperon, ah, thanks, I expected nix-env to be able to do something like that but I couldn't find anything in the manual about it
<Infinisil> Phillemann: You should make it so the binaries go into $out/bin
<willprice> georges-duperon, ah, got it: `nix-env -qaPA nixpkgs.jetbrains`
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<Phillemann> Infinisil: Ah, that fixed it.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eeeead2 Jude Taylor: add override for digestive-functors-blaze
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<tek0> is there no functionality in nix for managing lvm volumes?
<Phillemann> One problem remains, however. The package contains a bash script which calls "peco". I put this program into my derivation's buildInputs. However, when I run my program, it says it cannot find "peco".
<Phillemann> The manual says buildInputs is for run-time dependencies, just like peco.
<Phillemann> Should I rewrite the bash script to somehow include the complete nix store path to peco?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-unstable advanced to (from 8 days ago, history:
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<kiloreux> How can I inject gcc flags inside before compliation of nixpkgs ?
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<clever> Phillemann: everything added to buildInputs must contain a bin subdir to get added to PATH
<clever> Phillemann: and the scripts in bin must be +x'd
<clever> Phillemann: and buildInputs are only available at build time
<clever> Phillemann: you probably need to add it to buildInputs, then patch the result of $(which peco) into the other script at compile-time
<Lisanna> Anyone online that's familiar with the various Nix phases ( I'm looking at the buildPhase trying to find out how to set the build target, but I don't see any such option (would be analogous to the installTarget option in installPhase). I see the derivation for GNU HURD works around this by using buildFlags as the "buildTarget". Is there really no buildTarget? Why?
<clever> Lisanna:
<clever> Lisanna: looks like $buildFlags is the best option you have
<Phillemann> clever: Ah, yes, that's what I thought, and it makes sense.
<Phillemann> Otherwise, $PATH would be full of transitive dependencies.
<clever> Phillemann: after the build is done, nix will check for every build input in your output (by grepping for the storepaths), and any paths it finds become runtime dependencies
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<Lisanna> clever: thanks for the source link, looks like it doesn't exist. I've filed
<fpletz> PSA: we've opened #nixos-dev for development and release related coordination & discussion, see the post on nix-devel for details:!msg/nix-devel/g7TsKB8n55I/bs1utSrkAgAJ
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<avn> fpletz: nice idea, ty.
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<linarcx> hi. i have two ntfs driver and automount theme in kde.but every time login to system i have to enter root password for access theme.i ask this question in #kde channel and they told me use fstab to mount
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c00a95b Robin Gloster: nix-prefetch-git: fix wrapProgram call
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<LinArcX> Hi. I change desktop background. But after reboot it doesn't appear and default background show. Why?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1b77c29 Joachim Fasting: tor-browser-bundle-bin: 7.0.3 -> 7.0.4...
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<sphalerite> LinArcX: which desktop are you using?
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<LinArcX> sphalerite: kde
<eacameron> I'm getting an urn:acme:error:serverInternal (status 500) error when trying to register a new domain with letsencrypt module
<sphalerite> Then I don't really know. But maybe putting your background image at ~/.background could do it
<eacameron> Is this something on my end or is letsencrypt broken?
<sphalerite> eacameron: sounds like the latter.
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<sphalerite> previous occurrence
<sphalerite> Although the status site linked from there says everything is fine
<eacameron> sphalerite: Thanks. I did see that but says things are fine
<eacameron> yeah
<sphalerite> I'll try renewing mine to see
<nixos-users-wiki> "Customizing the Installation ISO" edited by makefu
<eacameron> There was planned maintenance today
<eacameron> But it should have ended an hour ago
<sphalerite> mine isn't trying to renew because the certs are still too up-to-date :(
<sphalerite> oh, Icould try adding a new domain
<eacameron> sphalerite: likely a good thing if it's actually down
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<sphalerite> true, but I might as well try and reproduce the issue. Plus I was planning on setting up a few new services on a new server (my first proper nixos server, yay!) the next few days
<eacameron> sphalerite: If it works for you then I'll want to know what versions you're running. :D
<clever> eacameron: do you know if the journal logs that letsencrypt makes on nixos contain any secrets?
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<eacameron> clever: Sure looks like it
<clever> eacameron: dang, that makes it much harder to share the logs for debug purposes
<eacameron> I'm most certainly getting a 500 from letsencrypt
<eacameron> But I'm about 6 mo behind on nixpkgs-unstable
<eacameron> So the client could be triggering some bug
<clever> ive only used the nixos module, and nixos should never be ran from nixpkgs-unstable
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<eacameron> clever: what do you've only used the nixos module?
<eacameron> *what do you mean
<eacameron> clever: Oh right. Yah that's what I'm using
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<clever> what does sudo nix-channel --list say?
<eacameron> not that
<clever> ah, thats a bit old, but not what you said it was before
<eacameron> clever: Well this is managed wth nixops
<clever> ah
<eacameron> I know the snapshot I'm using with nixops is nixpkgs-unstable
<eacameron> Because I used to deploy from a mac
<eacameron> And well...
<clever> generally need to avoid running nixos from the nixpkgs channel, it can break the system in ways thats hard to repair
<eacameron> clever: break?
<clever> about 6-ish months ago, it broke grub.conf in a way that prevented rollbacks
<eacameron> oh dear
<clever> hydra tests tests to catch that, and only publishes safe revisions on nixos channels
<clever> the nixpkgs channels lack nixos testing
<MP2E> oh wow
<eacameron> clever: I'd better update my servers then
<clever> if its working now, then the current revision is safe
<clever> the problem happened instantly upon nixos-rebuild switch, it just lost the ability to boot
<eacameron> eek
<clever> but you didnt notice until after you turned it off
<eacameron> I've been meaning to upgrade some servers to 17.03
<eacameron> But something big changed with phpfpm and I haven't had the time to rework it
<nixos-users-wiki> "Installation guide" edited by Mic92
<eacameron> clever: I *think* nixops builds the machine based on the nixpkgs that you give it
<clever> i think it uses <nixpkgs> from $NIX_PATH
<clever> and you can configure -I flags
<eacameron> clever: Right yeah that's what I thought as well
<clever> and you can configure -I flags for the whole deployment
<clever> and i think per-machine, you can set nixpkgs paths in the nix file
<eacameron> clever: Yah so my deployments are all pinned
<eacameron> clever: Entire deployment stack and server use the same nixpkgs
<eacameron> But it's unstable because I was on mac
<eacameron> But now I that I have a nice nixos vm *and* a docker build slave on mac, I should switch
<clever> yeah, if you run "nixops info" it shows the -I flags under "Nix path:"
<clever> yeah, you can almost always run nixos-unstable or nixos-17.09 on darwin
<clever> only thing you might loose is binary cache builds of darwin things
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<s4sha> hi
<s4sha> I'm completely new to NixOS and struggling a bit to get logs from phpfpm
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<eacameron> clever: I thought darwin had no caching at all
<eacameron> except on unstable
<clever> nixpkgs-unstable has caching for 32bit/64bit linux, and 64bit darwin
<s4sha> I'm a bit confused with all the /nix/store/* directories and really don't know where I could expect the logs to be
<clever> any other channels will only get support if they happen to match up to the same versions of things
<eacameron> clever: sphalerite: Looks like letsencrypt got its act together again!!!
<clever> s4sha: the /nix/store is immutable, so it will never have log files
<sphalerite> yay
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lluchs opened pull request #28048: pcmanfm: build with gtk3 (master...pcmanfm-gtk3)
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<clever> s4sha: the logs are either in the systemd journal, some /var/log folder, or /dev/null
<s4sha> I've even tried `php_admin_value[error_log] = "/tmp/php.log"`
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<s4sha> the thing is the file won't even get created
<sphalerite> s4sha: logs will be in the journal (`journalctl`), /var/log, occasionally /var/spool/, and if you're unlucky they won't exist at all
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<clever> s4sha: where did you put that config string?
<s4sha> I've found nothing with a `journalctl -xn -u phpfpm-nginx.service`
<s4sha> clever: somewhere in services.phpfpm.poolConfigs.nginx
<s4sha> (I've named my only php pool «nginx»)
<copumpkin> if I want to add a couple of command-line arguments to an existing NixOS service's ExecStart, but the module doesn't have an option for that, am I forced to rewrite the whole ExecStart? or is there a way I can weasel into there and just append something?
<clever> s4sha: and did you nixos-rebuild switch after making the change?
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<s4sha> clever: yep, I nixos-rebuild build then nixos-rebuild test after each micro-change
<eacameron> s4sha: phpfpm services are split up for each app IIRC. systemctl list-units | grep phpfpm
<sphalerite> copumpkin: I think I wanted to do that a while back and didn't find a way
<clever> copumpkin: the entire serviceConfig is a single option, any attempt to set something under it wipes all of the serviceConfig
<copumpkin> yeah, that's what I was afraid of
<s4sha> eacameron: I think I've got the right one but I'll check, thanks
<aupiff> I installed gmp-6.1.0 using `nix-env -i gmp` on macOSX but when I try to compile a C file which includes <gmp.h>, it says the gmp.h file is not found. How should I debug this?
<eacameron> s4sha: Once you have the right one: journalctl -u <unit-name>
<s4sha> eacameron: yeah, that's what I've done «journalctl -xn -u phpfpm-nginx.service»
<s4sha> (and I could confirm thanks to your command that that was indeed this one, the only two others are the phpfpm.slice and .target)
<eacameron> s4sha: what does systemctl status say about it? Is it running?
<s4sha> yeah absolutely, and that's what bothers me
<s4sha> if I stop it, I can see nginx getting its expected 502
<clever> s4sha: what i usually do in this case, is set it to a max of 1 worker, then attach strace to the worker
<s4sha> and when I put it back running
<eacameron> s4sha: If you run systemctl show, can you inspect the start args to see where it's config file is?
<clever> then i can see exactly what its doing, including any log messages
<s4sha> I've got a «FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown"» from nginx
<clever> oh yeah, i think fcgi is also capable of sending the stderr back to nginx, which might do something with the logs
<s4sha> which makes me expect to hear from phpfpm-nginx.service, but I've got nothing after phpfpm's start in journalctl output
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<eacameron> s4sha: You may need to enable phpfpm to capture the logs from php
<s4sha> clever: I don't really know how to attach a strace but I don't mind learning to do that if that can help
<clever> s4sha: to start with, set php-fpm to only have 1 worker, then pastebin the output of "ps -eH x | grep php -C5"
<copumpkin> I guess I'll just amend the module to work for me
<s4sha> eacameron: it might be /nix/store/frpis0jh40v4mishid6gbdrbpj1asr4q-phpfpm-nginx.conf I guess
<s4sha> yeah I'll try the 1 worker thing
<eacameron> s4sha: Yah so you can use that technique to figure out what settings actually make it to php-fpm in case you're wondering.
<eacameron> s4sha: But IIRC you need to use the line I sent above to get logs in phpfpm
<eacameron> The comment in that file also leads me to believe that fastcgi by default throws logs away
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28041: Update {fork,power}stat to latest upstream (master...bump/powerstat-forkstat)
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<s4sha> eacameron: about the github link, yeah I read something and I had tried the catch_worker_output, to no avail
<s4sha> I don't understand the output of ps -eH x with that grep
<clever> s4sha: throw it into a pastebin and i can decode it
<s4sha> it only shows a couple systemd and mosh processes
<clever> s4sha: there should be a php near the middle
<clever> adding --color to grep can help
<s4sha> and then the fact that I'm using the path which I've pasted as config for the master process
<clever> there should be a worker process below the master process
<s4sha> but sorry for wasting your time, I'll just paste what I have
<clever> we need its pid#
<s4sha> I'm just saying : don't expect much from it
<s4sha> well it's pid is 27208
<clever> then do strace -p 27208 -s 3000
<s4sha> I could've had that from the start from systemctl status
<clever> and try sending it a single request
<s4sha> ok
<s4sha> okkkk : ) strace made me see the errors of my way
<clever> its also useful to see where the errors are going
<clever> can you paste the entire line that had an error?
<s4sha> I'll share it to you because it's fun
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<s4sha> I think «lstat("/var/spool/nginx/html/index.php", 0x7fff7c16c410) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)» might have some sort of connection with the «File not found» message that I get from nginx
<s4sha> (and 404, obviously)
<clever> ah, it was sending the error right back to nginx, and its the error you previously gave
<clever> and yeah, 404 is obvious now from the files its opening
<s4sha> but I still don't know why it wouldn't go into a nice little line in /tmp/nginx.log
<s4sha> anyway thanks a HUGE lot for the strace tip
<s4sha> I might reuse that one day
<clever> read(3, "\17\37SCRIPT_FILENAME/var/spool/nginx/html/index.php
<clever> and that is the path nginx told it to run
<clever> \r\25DOCUMENT_ROOT/var/spool/nginx/html\17\10S
<s4sha> so that means nginx didn't pass any of the virtual host configuration correctly ?
<clever> probably
<clever> let me see what i was doing before
<s4sha> I was more or less expecting DOCUMENT_ROOT to be the value of my «root» line in vhost
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<clever> ah, i was using lighttpd at the time, and it didnt have any special config
<clever> s4sha: this shows some extra config you can add, one of the sets document root
<clever> and with strace, you can view what values actually reach php-fpm
<s4sha> great, thank you so much
<clever> you can probably start by copying only the doc root line into the config
<s4sha> I found it so hard to find actual examples of working configurations
<s4sha> oh, that file, sorry I hadn't paid attention to the links URL
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<s4sha> yeah, for that file which is usually included as `fastcgi_params` or `fastcgi.conf`, I've tried `include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi.conf;`
<s4sha> and I think that's were all those obviously default values in the strace come from
<s4sha> thank you again for all your help
<s4sha> I was just missing that : a trail after which to chase
<clever> fastcgi.conf fastcgi.conf.default fastcgi_params and fastcgi_params.default all exist in that directory
<clever> the .conf variants include a script_filename
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lheckemann closed pull request #26879: [WIP] GNOME: 3.22 -> 3.24 (staging...gnome-3.24)
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<clever> but the value of document_root may depend on where you include it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7e3e790 Jude Taylor: add override for html-entities
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kamidon opened pull request #28049: samba module: fix pam service name typo (master...kea-samba-typo-fix)
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<s4sha> see you later o/
<clever> s4sha: so you may need to do the include inside the right extraConfig for the virtualhost
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<infinisil> AppleScript shall die in a fire
<clever> infinisil: travis should go first, this PR has been in a queue for 5 hours, lol
<infinisil> xP
<bendlas> If I requested commit access, what would be expected of me? In terms of amounts PR/Ticket reviews? Other things?
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<infinisil> Hail Hydra!
<infinisil> Why the hell is hydra not used for nixpkgs..
<infinisil> like on github
<LnL> ask gchristensen's wallet :p
<clever> infinisil: the current github status plugin in hydra doesnt produce the right output to make it a sensible status hook
<infinisil> Ahh
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<infinisil> Can we make a patreon page for nix & co.?
<LnL> there's also a trust issue, since builds are uploaded straight to the cache
<aupiff> if I'm using osx's clang in `/usr/bin/clang`, then it won't be able to find c libraries like gmp installed by nix, right? should I indicate nix library paths somehow or should I just install another version of clang via nix?
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<clever> LnL: if nix is trusted 100%, then only users running the "malicious" nix expression will get the cached build
<clever> LnL: and at that point, nix would have just built the thing on the end-users machine anyways
<clever> aupiff: you should open a nix-shell that has the nixpkgs clang in its PATH
<clever> aupiff: only when using nix-shell is the env properly modified to make things work
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<clever> LnL: the bigger risk i can see, is people opening PR's that download things, and abusing as a mirror for whatever they want, of any size
<bendlas> clever: still, if we run a malicious script on our hydra, it's suddenly our problem, instead of Travis'
<clever> bendlas: if the container logic does its job, then the scripts output merely gets saved to and it does no real harm
<clever> and end-users only get that output if they ran the same malicious script under nix-build
<infinisil> Okay, how about we set a limit to how many resources a build can take by default. E.g. 5min CPU time, 10MB download.
<infinisil> If one needs more you can request it with a comment
<clever> infinisil: hydra has no way to limit that per jobset right now
<infinisil> clever: Yeah, but I think this would be a good solution
<grahamc> LnL :)
<bendlas> clever: containers are great for isolating benevolent code. our builds can do pretty much anything, from accessing '/' up to running curl or a kernel exploit
<infinisil> grahamc: May I ask what the expenses are?
<clever> bendlas: if you turn on a sandbox in nix, it cant read / or even access the network
<grahamc> Bandwidth storage compute and administrative.
<LnL> it's certainly possible, just needs some work
<clever> bendlas: so only kernel exploits are a threat for non-fixed-output paths
<infinisil> grahamc: How much?
<bendlas> clever: or sandbox exploits, for that matter
<clever> bendlas: i think this is also why sudo based travis runs in a full vm, and non-sudo travis runs as a container
<grahamc> I can explain more in about 3 days, infinisil. I'm mostly not available.
* bendlas personally doesn't believe in sandboxes
<infinisil> grahamc: Okay thanks :)
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<grahamc> You can do plenty of damage without producing valid outputs clever.
<LnL> I think you posted a summary on the mailing list
<clever> grahamc: such as?, the only things i can think of are weird network requests (if you claim to have a hash), and chewing up cpu/ram
<clever> if we ignore sandbox/kernel level exploits
<grahamc> Right infinisil, I did send a summary to the ML, go hunt for that earlier this year.
<bendlas> after all, chromium even uses a syscall firewall and still, google pays out 10s of Ks of $ to whitehats each month
<grahamc> Clever, I would recommend not ignoring those.
<bendlas> ... for chromium sandbox exploits, that is
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<grahamc> Anyway I've got to get back to some personal matters. I'll only be able to pop in a few minutes here and there until Friday or Saturday.
<clever> grahamc: yeah, i previously said that assuming nix and the sandbox logic is 100% perfect, the only other threats i can think of are people abusing to host content we dont want to host
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<clever> brb
<bendlas> anyway, I think a button to let collaborators green-light a PR review on hydra would be awesome and if a patreon could help make this happen, I'd contribute
<grahamc> Good to know. I think more challenging is getting the software working to do it, then coordinating with people with access to finisher that up. Moretea knows more about that.
<jasom> If a package requires a particular user to exist, how does one manage that? e.g. upstream service scripts that run a service as a particular user
<sphalerite> jasom: by writing a nixos module for it
<LnL> yeah, I created a simple command to create a jobset for a pr a while back
<LnL> but I don't know any perl so it's kind of hard to do anything mroe
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<grahamc> bendlas: I'd love to discuss more in in 3 days. Until then, 👋
<infinisil> Ah I think I found the overview you were talking about grahamc
<gnuhurd> did the NixOS devs ever think of replacing systemd?
<sphalerite> Some people want to do it, but apparently not enough to actually do it afaik
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b48ffa3 Dan Peebles: services.fluentd: add plugins option...
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<bendlas> grahamc: great, I'll try to follow and support the effort
<sphalerite> Nixos's service configuration is quite closely mapped to systemd services.
<bendlas> till then, have a good one
<clever> LnL: using the declarative jobset stuff, hydra can pass you some JSON describing all PR's, you must then return some JSON describing all jobsets
<clever> LnL: and hydra will then re-configure itself
<sphalerite> It would certainly be possible and definitely nice to provide another implementation, but it's not actually happened AFAIK
<clever> LnL: and that whole process is done inside a pure nix build
<LnL> the declarative jobsets where broken when we where looking at it
<sphalerite> gnuhurd: although clever here has a thing called not-os which is somewhat based on nixos and uses runit I think
<clever> LnL: i have since set it up on 2 hydras and helped a 3rd person set it up
<clever> gnuhurd, sphalerite: currently, all services have to be rewritten by hand, it cant translate the existing definitions over
<clever> LnL: here is an archive of the json for a PR on my toxvpn project:
<bendlas> does hydra have an http API, that would be sufficient to support an external GitHub bot, managing the PRs?
<clever> LnL: of note, the milestone and assignees appear to be available in the json, so you could have a "magic" milestone that hydra will filter the PR's on
<clever> LnL: that could then easily be implemented with the nix logic i have in my hydra-configs repo
<clever> LnL: for anything more complex like a special word a certain user has to say, it would need some changes to the perl in hydra
<clever> LnL: same to view the review statuses
* infinisil checks how much of hydra is perl
<clever> infinisil: a painful amount :P
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<infinisil> Whew, 57% Perl, 24% C++
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<infinisil> Needs more Rust
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<sphalerite> aupiff: still there?
<clever> infinisil: i think the expense summary is only for
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<infinisil> clever: Oh, yes probably
<infinisil> I did'nt find anything else though
<LnL> clever: looks pretty interesting, I should take a look at how the declarative jobsets work
<clever> LnL: you setup the url to a repo like this, and give it a relative path like "toxvpn/spec.json" (very similiar to setting the release.nix stuff)
<clever> LnL: hydra will fetch that json, and use it to create a jobset called .jobsets
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<clever> LnL: that jobset must contain a single build called jobsets, which returns more json, a list of the same structure, which will configure all other jobsets
<LnL> so how does your stuff interact with the github api?
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<clever> for this half of it, adding a build input of type "githubpulls" causes hydra to query the PR list every time its checking for changes to the inputs
<clever> at the same time it polls github for changes to given branches
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<clever> LnL: this is where that happens
<clever> so the nix file named on line 6 gets passed a PR list as the pulls argument
<clever> and i supply a default, so i can test that logic with nix-build
<clever> LnL: for the travis like status checks, thats done entirely inside hydra.conf
<clever> LnL: the github token on line 60 needs repo:status to post the travis checks, and its also used to greatly increase the ratelimiting for the PR data
<LnL> yeah, that's something separate
<clever> LnL: and line 62 contains a piece of regex, that must match the project:jobset:job string
<clever> any job matching that regex gets posted to github as a status
<clever> it uses the current revision of the input named on line 64 to know which github and which rev
<clever> when both halves are put together, hydra will create a new jobset for every PR, and post the status back to the commit that is at the tip of the branch
<LnL> ok but the part that fetches / generates the pr.json doesn't exist yet right?
<LnL> or am I missing something
<clever> thats the type "githubpulls" in the spec.json
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<clever> its fully working
<clever> LnL: the 3rd input on here grabs the PR data every 60 seconds:
<LnL> oh! that's a hydra thing
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<clever> any hydra plugin implementing a fetchInput function is ran, for every input hydra tries to fetch, on every eval
<clever> the plugin must return undefined to say its not handling it
<clever> so whichever plugin returns data first (line 62) claims control of that input
<LnL> just didn't know hydra had support for that
<clever> it was added in may 24th
<bendlas> ad triggering PR reviews: Github has a `requestReview` feature, that could be utilized for this
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<clever> LnL: and on june 21st, i found a bug in the encode_json function of perl, the keys are in a random order
<clever> LnL: which causes hydra to re-run the declarative nix job every minute, even when no data has changed
<infinisil> non-determinism ftw
<clever> the jq -S i added on line 58 of the plugin sorts the json, and now hydra only runs the job when things change
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #28050: gcc: fix clang build (master...darwin-gcc)
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<infinisil> whoa, didn't know about nix-install-package and .nixpkg files
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<clever> brb
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #28051: flashplayer: -> [Critical security fixes] (master...flashplayer-
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<Infinisil> Man, everytime I boot into macOS it messes up NixOS' booting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jtojnar opened pull request #28052: faker: add ipaddress dependency for Python 2 (master...fix/faker-py2)
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<pikajude> we should add a library function to nixpkgs to create Hydra declarative job specs
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teh opened pull request #28053: Gnome 3.24 (master...gnome-3.24)
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<clever> pikajude: i think this one gets most of it:
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<pikajude> yeah
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<pikajude> but it should be in nixpkgs
<pikajude> so we can just use pkgs.lib
<clever> pikajude: though we dont even need a nixpkgs at all, it could be done entirely with map and builtins
<clever> pikajude: hmmm, the only thing i'm using from nixpkgs right now is listToAttrs and mapAttrsToList
<clever> which might have become builtins
<pikajude> yeah
<pikajude> it could be a builtin in nix
<pikajude> what i'm saying is
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<pikajude> i don't want to write it myself
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<pikajude> separately for every project i have
<clever> thats part of why i put the hydra config for all of my projects into a single central repo
<pikajude> that's a good idea
<clever> pikajude: i also randomly add projects for my nixpkgs PR's like
<clever> that builds a subset of the hydra jobs for a branch i had a PR for
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<pikajude> neat
<clever> the default.nix in that dir specifies which branch, on line 18
<clever> Infinisil: #letsencrypt's statusbot is mentioning outages
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<clever> Infinisil: ah, yeah, its showing outages now
<Infinisil> I feel like PR's are going up faster and faster
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<Infinisil> 420 now
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<Infinisil> <weed joke here>
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