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<anelson_> hmm ok I hacked it with `--build-users-group ''`
<anelson_> not my proudest moment...
<anelson_> I'm guessing there's some kind of logic where nix detects it's being run on nixos somehow and changes its behavior accordingly? Maybe just goes off of the owner of the binary?
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<joepie91> anelson_: Nix behaviour should, afaik, not change on NixOS
<joepie91> nixpkgs behaviour, though, may - depending on the channel
<joepie91> but if the problem is "it uses nix-daemon but I don't want it to", that's probably because an env var is set that triggers daemon mode
<joepie91> NIX_REMOTE=daemon, it seems
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] koenigmaximilian opened pull request #28276: palemoon: 27.2.1-> 27.4.1 (master...patch-2) https://git.io/v755u
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<Fare> Still can't get nix-copy-closure to work :-(
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<clever> Fare: what error does it fail with?
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<Fare> error: program ‘/nix/store/58w4l758i2pz5j30dkn80krv99n8jnvh-openssl-1.0.2l-bin/bin/openssl’ failed with exit code 1
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<Fare> unexpected end-of-file at /run/current-system/sw/bin/nix-copy-closure line 104.
<clever> Fare: what args did you give to nix-copy-closure?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/55a642f5cf (from 3 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<Fare> failing with above error: nix-copy-closure --sign --from ff /nix/store/alhr9h8aqp06flxvl50crj7icf42kqb1-gerbil-0.12-DEV-0576f56
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<clever> Fare: try running it without --sign, as root
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<Fare> clever, if I do it from user root --to some_user@another_machine, it looks like it works. Weird.
<Fare> clever: thanks
<clever> when root is on the receiving side, it doesnt check signatures
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<Fare> here root was on the sending side, though
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<Fare> is it possible that it fails to make the signatures if it's not done by root?
<clever> the signing stuff is tricky to get working and doesnt always work in obvious ways
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<cbarrett> does anyone know about the install-darwin-multi-user.sh script?
<cbarrett> I'm wondering where the /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh script it invokes and copies into profiles originates
<cbarrett> cant seem to find it anywhere
<Fare> what's the simplest way to send email from nixos?
<clever> cbarrett: if you run ls -lh on that, what does it say?
<Fare> no need to receive email for now, just send
<Fare> from a script
<cbarrett> @clever Im the person who has been having install trouble
<cbarrett> so I dont actually have an install at the moment
<clever> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 69B Dec 31 1969 /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d -> /nix/store/gs2z548x41ah2h8fqnbn87syzazrlsb8-nix-1.11.12/etc/profile.d
<clever> cbarrett: it comes from having the nix package installed with nix-env
<cbarrett> lovely
<cbarrett> where's the source for that?
<clever> nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -A nix -i
<cbarrett> cant run that command bc like I said, I dont have an install...
<clever> which will build nix (from nixpkgs) using nix, and add it to the profile
<clever> the install script gets around that bootstrap problem by just unpacking a pre-made nix tarball to /nix/store/
<cbarrett> yes i understand all that I used to use nix
<clever> powerpc64?
<cbarrett> no
<clever> what was the main problem again, as to why you cant install nix normally?
<cbarrett> this is my issue
* clever reads
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<clever> cbarrett: what files are present under /nix/var/nix/profiles/ ?
<cbarrett> none
<cbarrett> because I deleted them
* cbarrett headdesk
<cbarrett> how many times do I have to repeat that I dont have an install lol
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<cbarrett> screw this
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<clever> it sounds simpler to run the proper install script, then set the right env variables, then to build it from scratch
<adisbladis> What a lovely fellow
<catern> hmmm hmm hmmmm
<catern> so nixpkgs requires a hash of the sources, even with fetchgit
<catern> which is sound and reasonable
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<catern> but... I have several git repositories which together form a tree of packages
<clever> catern: submodules?
<catern> clever: yes, but it doesn't matter in this case, because I mean "tree" in the sense of dependency tree
<clever> ah
<catern> so I want to be able to say, "here is a list of commit hashes in these git repositories, now build the package tree"
<catern> "from the sources at those commit hashes"
<clever> ah
<catern> but I want it to be actually binary cacheable
<catern> rather than redownloading and rehashing each time
<catern> what is the Right Way to approach this?
<clever> all network io needs a hash of the resulting output, so nix can know when things have changed and how to reproduce it
<catern> right, I know
<clever> and nix doesnt understand how git works
<clever> nix barely even understands how fetchurl works
<catern> but I still want to avoid manually calculating the hash
<catern> if there's some clever way to automatically calculate the hash that would be good
<catern> but...
<clever> the most you can do is create a script that pre-runs nix-prefetch-git over each hash
<clever> and stores that into a file nix can load
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<catern> but surely there is something cleverer one can do
<catern> here is one example of some infrastructure that I am currently uses
<catern> using*
<catern> which seems pretty decent
<adisbladis> Reading the fetchgit code makes me think it does not support submodules
<clever> adisbladis: it has a fetchSubmodule option
<catern> adisbladis: (I am not actually using submodules)
<catern> (for the moment)
<adisbladis> Ahh I was reading the wrong file...
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<catern> so, what I currently have is, I have a second service on top of my git repo
<adisbladis> I'm still not awake yet....
<catern> git repos*
<catern> this service maps commit hashes into hashes of the sources at that commit
<catern> and then instead of a list of commit hashes, I have a list of hashes of sources
<catern> but this is really inconvenient because it's a separate service, and also because a list of commit hashes is easier to generate - getting the list of hashes of sources requires a query to this service, or a hashing of the local repos!
<catern> is there some way I could, like, integrate this service with Nix?
<catern> implement this service with Nix in some way?
<catern> hmm
<catern> will sources fetch with fetchgit without a hash, be cached?
<catern> I guess of course they will, right?
<clever> if sandboxing is enabled, a lack of a sha256 will disable the network
<clever> then git cant even clone
<catern> ah
<catern> fair enough
<catern> I do not have sandboxing enabled though
<catern> hmmmmmmmMMMMmmmm
<catern> I mean
<clever> the main hydra also has sandboxing enabled, so it wont get binary cache support from nixos
<catern> that's fine I have my own build farm
<catern> so, I mean, if we trust the Nix store
<clever> your also trusting that packages havent been written poorly
<catern> we presumably also trust it to fetch the correct sources when it fetches sources
<catern> you mean with sandboxing disabled?
<catern> I plan to re-enable it of course
<clever> if sandboxing is off, you can do things the wrong way, and it will half work
<catern> but I might leave it off for certain very specific things
<clever> and then it can be hard to figure out why
<clever> oh, but there is a relaxed mode
<clever> where you can specify in the derivation that you want it off
<catern> such as fetching sources from git with a commit hash... hmmmm.....
<clever> so its on by default, and you can opt-out
<catern> that sounds useful, but I really do want to enforce sandboxing
<catern> in the long run
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<catern> hmm
<catern> are there any derivations besides fixed-output derivations that have sandboxing off? hmmmmm
<catern> hmm
<catern> what if I just inject the sources into the Nix store directly, at commit push time?
<clever> only if you set the sandbox mode to relaxed, then you can opt-out on a per-derivation basis
<catern> rather than fetching
<clever> if the nix expressions are in the same dir as the source, you can src = ./foo;
<catern> i am aware :)
<catern> I want binary caching without rehashing things, though
<catern> so
<catern> I kind of like the idea of just pushing the sources into the Nix store
<catern> such that building magicallyGetSources "repo_identifier" "commit_hash"
<catern> magically gets those sources from that repo_identifier
<catern> I guess it makes just as much sense to have a new plugin or something
<catern> which performs the fetch outside sandboxing
<catern> the fetchgit
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<catern> basically, we would be treating the store as a generic key-value store
<catern> fairly abusive
<catern> oh wait a second
<catern> magicallyGetSources *can* verify the commit hash
<catern> so it's not abusive at all!
<catern> yeah, I'm being silly
<catern> the hash of the sources that fetchgit currently needs, is just an optimization
<catern> because it's expensive to verify the commit hash
<catern> but if we know we're going to be downloading every commit from a certain repo *anyway*
<catern> then we can have some native code outside the sandbox, which fetches the commit hash and verifies it against its existing set of commit hashes in an efficient way
<catern> is there a way to do readlink from Nix code? readFile doesn't work on symlinks :(
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<clever> catern: dont think ive seen that anywhere
<catern> that is unfortunate, I have a symlink that I would like to read so I can get an immutable path... I guess it's not a common need
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<clever> i wonder, if you do foo = ./symlink; and the symlink points into the store, it may just reuse the store path, since its already immutable
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<catern> (it doesn't point in to the store anyway)
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<rnhmjoj[m]> do you have any idea on what is causing this test to fail?
<rnhmjoj[m]> is it running inside some kind of sandbox?
<clever> rnhmjoj[m]: yeah, all builds on hydra are ran under a container, no /home folder and $HOME points to the /homeless-shelter
<clever> rnhmjoj[m]: hmmm, whats up with that random seed at the end?, why is there any rng in here?
<rnhmjoj[m]> clever: thanks. so that's the usual solution to this? just disable the tests?
<clever> if possible, id modify the tests to use a directory that is known to exist at build time
<clever> like the directory its building in
<clever> then we still get coverage and it works for everybody
<rnhmjoj[m]> s/that/what
<clever> if thats not possible, then just disable the tests
<rnhmjoj[m]> it's possible but i'm not sure how to do it because the expression of the package is generated. will look into it.
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<rnhmjoj[m]> about the randomized thing i don't know. it's probably something the test library is doing because it's not in the source
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<clever> which testing library is it?
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<adelbertc> do people generally just have one Nix channel or can there be multiple?
<rnhmjoj[m]> it's hspec
<clever> rnhmjoj[m]: ah
<clever> adelbertc: i usualy try to stick to one
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<adelbertc> so im trying to install alacritty https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/alacritty/default.nix but its not on NixOS 17.03 channel (im talking from NixOS right now not my macbook)
<adelbertc> whats the best way to get that installed?
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<dtzWill> adelbertc: add unstable channel on your user, use it to install alacritty
<dtzWill> or for a completely ad-hoc one-off approach, this should do the trick... : nix-env -f 'https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz' -iA alacritty
<adelbertc> will having two channels mess with nix?
<adelbertc> like if in the future i ask for, idk, ripgrep, how will it know to use nixos channel and not nixos-unstable
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<clever> if you do nix-env -iA nixos.hello
<clever> that tells it to use the channel called nixos
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<adelbertc> ahh
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<adisbladis> adelbertc: If you want to put it in systemPackages you could use this trick: (import (builtins.fetchTarball "https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz") {}).alacritty
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<adelbertc> if i add nixos-unstable to my channel
<adelbertc> i assume i need to pass a flag to nix-env to tell it to search in nixos-unstable?
<adelbertc> cuz its not finding alacritty atm
<adelbertc> even though nixos-unstable is the only channel on my user
<clever> after --add, you need to --update
<adelbertc> did that
<clever> nix-env -iA nixos-unstable.alacritty
<adelbertc> $ nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos-unstable
<adelbertc> hm but why doesnt $ nix-env -qaP alacritty work
<adelbertc> neither does nixos-unstable.alacritty
<clever> dod you nix-channel --update ?
<adelbertc> yep
<adelbertc> and it shows downloading nix exprs from unstable/nixos-17.09 etc
<dtzWill> and 'nix-channel --list' shows your channel is named 'nixos-unstable'?
<adelbertc> yep
<clever> i checked, alacritty isnt an attribute in nixos-unstable
<adelbertc> wat
<clever> alacritty doesnt exist in nixos-unstable
<adelbertc> hm i got there from http://howoldis.herokuapp.com/
<adelbertc> and clicking on nixos-unstable
<adelbertc> so i guess i need nixpkgs.unstable ?
<dtzWill> no I mean the command I gave earlier definitely worked? :(
<dtzWill> the nix-env -f
<dtzWill> o_O but okay that's strange
<clever> ah wait, i was checking an old nixos-unstable
<dtzWill> is what I used, and it seems to--oh okay
<adelbertc> :|
<clever> ls ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/ -lh
<clever> adelbertc: what does this say?
<adelbertc> symlinks to /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/adelbertc/channels
<clever> with the extra / at the end
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<adelbertc> ah
<clever> ls is weird like that when you use -l
<adelbertc> binary-caches points to nixos-unstable-17.09
<adelbertc> manifest points to... some hash-manifest
<adelbertc> nixos-unstable points to nixos-unstable
<adelbertc> those are the 3 things in there
<clever> yeah, so there should be a channel called nixos-unstable that nix-env can access
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rnhmjoj opened pull request #28280: haskellPackages.shell-conduit: fix failing test (master...shell-conduit) https://git.io/v7ded
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<clever> adelbertc: try the last cmd dtzWill gave
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<adelbertc> its installing alacritty :|
<adelbertc> its installed
<adelbertc> wat
<dtzWill> ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
<adelbertc> well thats weird
<adelbertc> but ok ill take it
<adelbertc> separate, newbie question. how does one get firefox and terminal (and i guess other apps in general) to share a clipboard, like one has in windows or macOS?
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<clever> linux has 2 clipboards
<clever> a selection buffer (whatever you select, middle click to paste)
<clever> and a normal clipboard (ctrl+c, ctrl+v)
<clever> but ctrl+c is special in a terminal, so most of them rebind paste to ctrl+shift+c/v
<rnhmjoj[m]> they should be shared already
<clever> though some terminals like xterm just dont support the clipboard at all, and only work via the selection buffer
<adelbertc> yeah im using xterm atm
<adelbertc> but weird, yeah middle click is pasting stuff
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<clever> thats the selection buffer
<clever> it pastes whatever you selected, not what you copied
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<rnhmjoj[m]> I use rxvt with the clipboard plugin. I'm not too fond of the selection buffer too
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<adisbladis> rnhmjoj[m]: In some DEs they are shared
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<adisbladis> I think I remember them being shared in gnome2.... But my memory may be a bit fuzzy
<adisbladis> That was a long time ago
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<adisbladis> adelbertc: My easy solution to the problem is not using xlib/xcb software ;)
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<clever> i just always use the selection buffer
<clever> selecting is faster then select, copy
<adelbertc> for people who have their configuration.nix version controlled, is the strategy for a new machine generally just install bare NixOS, install git, clone, and then symlink over the generated configuration.nix?
<clever> i git clone from the install cd, so nixos-install does everything at once
<adelbertc> so you do nixos-generate-config and then copy over your own configuration.nix before running the first nixos-install?
<clever> yeah
<adelbertc> oh hm
<adelbertc> how do you keep track of it in the future then
<adelbertc> or do you not care at that point
<clever> i have a nixcfg folder with all of the configs, named after each host
<clever> and then configuration.nix just contains the bare minimum to boot (where / and /boot are and such), along with imports = [ ./nixcfg/hostname.nix ];
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<clever> so the stuff specific to the actual hardware isnt controlled, because it will change with every install
<adisbladis> I'm having one config per host and then a few "profiles" I include in the installs depending in the system type
<clever> same
<adisbladis> So one profile for graphical desktop, one for server etc etc
<clever> and i keep all of that in a subdir of /etc/nixos/
<adisbladis> clever: Same same :)
<adisbladis> nixpkgs is a git submodule to my config
<clever> i leave nix-channel in control of that
<adelbertc> ok so after you do you first boot into NixOS you git clone your repo again, and then change configuration.nix to import some other nix file
<adelbertc> thats in the git repo?
<clever> i clone it once from the installer, directly to /mnt/etc/nixos/
<adelbertc> ahhh ok ok
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<dtzWill> aw man I just now saw nix-dev@ got moved haha eep
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<seequ> Is there a tool to display the meta of a package?
<seequ> or the expr
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<rauno> hey guys, does anyone have any idea if there's a package on nixpkgs for virtual machine monitoring/metrics collection?
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<jack[m]> rauno; several -- collectd / influxdb / graphana?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7dTs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a1bb613 Vladimír Čunát: stdenv: fixup allowedRequisites on aarch64-linux
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<seequ> Can I ignore updating a package when running nixos-rebuild?
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<sphalerite> seequ: it's not super neat but you can do nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A nix.meta
<sphalerite> or `nix-instantiate --eval '<nixpkgs>' -A nix.meta --json --strict | jq` for prettier output
<sphalerite> if you have jq
<seequ> sphalerite: Luckily we got aliases :p
<seequ> thanks
<sphalerite> yep
<sphalerite> as for ignoring an upgrade, it's complicated and ugly
<sphalerite> What I'd probably do is revert the commit that does the upgrade in a nixpkgs checkout and build the system from there
<sphalerite> if you want to do it even worse you could copy the package's expression from before the upgrade straight into your system config :p
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<cocreature> is it considered rude to ping people on PRs to nixpkgs if I haven’t gotten a response in a few days?
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<FRidh> cocreature: no, you can do that
<cocreature> alright, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrgm opened pull request #28284: keepalived: 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6 (master...upgrade-keepalived) https://git.io/v7dIq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7dI8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 310746b Kranium Gikos Mendoza: gpxsee: 4.8 -> 4.9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2f44cbc Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #28274 from womfoo/bump/gpxsee-4.9...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E opened pull request #28285: Fix so that ucl compiles with gcc6 [staging branch] (staging...ucl_update) https://git.io/v7dLc
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<Phillemann> I have another linux on my machine and I'd like to have a boot entry for it. Is there a way to specify this in the nixos configuration?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #28286: das_watchdog: git-2015-04-02 -> git-2015-09-12 (master...das-watchdog) https://git.io/v7dt9
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<Phillemann> I'm not using grub btw.
<Phillemann> And I'm using efi. ;)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] apeschar opened pull request #28287: hyperlink: init at 17.3.0 (master...hyperlink) https://git.io/v7dqf
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<clever> Phillemann: i think efi has native support for that, but ive not messed with it
<Phillemann> I think I'd be fine with some kind of assurance that nixos doesn't delete all other boot entries when it writes itself to the EFI partition :>
<Phillemann> I can still bot into an efi shell and run the other Linux manually.
<clever> i think efi supports multiple efi system partitions
<clever> and you configure the entries using efibootmgr, which writes to flash memory
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<kiloreux> I already have opencore-amr in my machine installed and in my /nix/store. But mentioning it inside ffmpeg-full it seems like it doesn't exist and it gives me "ERROR: libopencore_amrnb not found"
<kiloreux> Any idea on why the lib is not found by nix?
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<clever> kiloreux: you need to put the opencore derivation into the buildInputs of ffmpeg
* clever heads to bed
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<kiloreux> Good night clever and thank you.
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<nwuensche> Hi everybody! I have a little problem with my nixos. I want to add a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/, but it always says that this is a read-only file system. I cannot chmod +w the folder. Even sudo doesn't bring anything. What should I do?
<makefu> nwuensche: check out https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#services.udev
<the-kenny> nwuensche: You usually don't modify stuff directly in NixOS. This is also done via configuration.nix.
<nwuensche> Thank you! I will try this out.
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<makefu> maybe we can add this question to https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/FAQ
<nwuensche> Can I do the same with a systemd service I created?
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<symphorien> yes systemd.services.name = {....
<nwuensche> But can I also add it like this? Or do I have to move it with cp?
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<srhb> nwuensche: Move what with cp?
<ylwghst> any way to give user permissions to write into /sys/class/backlight/nv_backlight/actual_brightness
<ylwghst> ?
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<nwuensche> The service I created and which I stored in a GitHub Repo
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<nwuensche> Ok, sorry. I think I found it.
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-unstable-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2f44cbc1ad (from 2 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-unstable-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dsr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 698efcb Peter Hoeg: open-vm-tools: do not pull x dependencies unconditionally...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #28288: gitlab-runner: 9.3.0 -> 9.4.2 (master...gitlab-runner-9.4.2) https://git.io/v7dZc
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<nwuensche> Hi! I want to install steam on NixOS, but it always says that libGL.so.1 is missing. I installed mesa, but this doesn't work. Anyone knows what to do?
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<michaelpj_> how are you installing steam? nix-env or configuration.nix? I recommend the latter - the former sometimes has problems because it has to match up with how nixos is providing libGL
<nwuensche> I installed it via configuration.nix
<michaelpj_> hm
<nwuensche> But I installed mesa via nix-env
<hyper_ch> qtpass not working anymore :(
<nwuensche> Should I do the same with mesa?
<michaelpj_> you shouldn't need to install mesa
<michaelpj_> have you set hardware.opengl.driSupport32Bit?
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<michaelpj_> for reference, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/9415 is the issue about how this is a massive pain
<michaelpj_> or maybe https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/19518 is more directly relevant, which is I think where I found that option as a fix
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<nwuensche> michaelpj_: Works with the flag, thank!
<michaelpj_> \o/
<nwuensche> However, I have another question :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] symphorien opened pull request #28289: epkowa: init at 2.30.3-1 (master...epkowa) https://git.io/v7dnb
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<nwuensche> I added services.udev.extraRules = ''ENV{ID_FS_USAGE}=="filesystem|other|crypto", ENV{UDISKS_FILESYSTEM_SHARED}="1"''; so that udiskie always mounts everything in /media. However, I get the error "Error creating mount point `/media/TOSHIBA EXT': No such file or directory", when I try to add my external HDD. Of course this folder doesnt exist, it should be added when the HDD is pluged in and deleted if the HDD
<nwuensche> is pluged out. How can I do this?
<michaelpj_> does `/media` exist?
<michaelpj_> also, probably worth having a look in journalctl, there might be some earlier error that's leading to this
<nwuensche> michaelpj_: No it didn't exist... . Atleast now it works, thanks:)
<nwuensche> Is there a possiblity to mkdir this folder in the config file so I can't forget it?
<michaelpj_> isn't there a media folder under /run somewhere that you're supposed to use for this?
<michaelpj_> also, the error reporting isn't great, but I'm pretty sure that's just mount, which has behaved like that for ages
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<michaelpj_> whatever service does the mounting should probably also `mkdir -p` the parent dir
<nwuensche> I know that there is one in /run, but somehow e.g. truecrypt doesn't use this one, but a different. When I do it with the rule, I have just one mounting folder
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edef1c opened pull request #28290: keybase: 1.0.22 -> 1.0.27 (master...keybase-1.0.27) https://git.io/v7dWL
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<michaelpj_> what's mounting the truecrypt volume? The truecrypt application? Does it just have the path hardcoded in? (ew)
<michaelpj_> oh hm, I guess there's also the question of why your udev rule tries to mount under /media
<nwuensche> Is this a problem? I like it like that :)
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<michaelpj_> well, I guess that it always has a problem with the parent of the mount point needing to exist, so if it's going to play nicely with the OS out of the box, then they should agree about where that is, so the OS can make sure it exists
<michaelpj_> if we make the directory under `/run` we should make sure udisks mounts there otherwise people have your problem :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dW6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master da8712e rnhmjoj: haskellPackages.shell-conduit: fix failing test
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<michaelpj_> hm, looks like we use udisks2, which uses /run/media, and udiskie claims that it uses that by default, so I'm a bit mystified
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<mpickering> Is it possible to create a meta haskell package which just groups together a bunch of other packages but has no src or cabal file of its own?
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<Infinisil> mpickering: Would just an array of packages work?
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<Infinisil> s/array/list
<mpickering> But then you can't uniformly treat it like other haskell packages?
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<mpickering> If that's what people do then I can try that
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<Infinisil> I don't know what people do, but I don't know of any other way
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<Infinisil> Something like `pkgs = hp: with hp; [ base fuzzy whatever ]`, then use `ghcWithPackages (hp: (pkgs hp) ++ with hp; [ other packages ])`
<Infinisil> Is what I'm thinking of
<needshelp> hello, I am trying out nix os for the first time. I nix-env -qa '*' | grep deluge which finds it. but when I try to nix-env -i deluge i get a 'deluge' matches no derivations error. What could be the problem? thank you
<mpickering> Infinisil: I see, I will try making a package and can do that if it fails.
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<Infinisil> needshelp: Looking into it
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<Infinisil> needshelp: Try nix-env -iA nixos.deluge instead, or nix-env -iA nixpkgs.deluge if you're not on nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28267: meson: 0.40.0 -> 0.41.2 (master...update/meson-0.41.2) https://git.io/v75T0
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<needshelp> that worked
<needshelp> what's the difference?
<Fare> I ran an older version of chromium between /run and ~/.nix-profile, and now chromium is totally confused :-(
<Fare> even when I go back to the newer one
<needshelp> Infinisil: thank you
<Infinisil> needshelp: -A selects an attribute path, don't know exactly why the other doesn't work
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<viaken> Is there such a thing as "idiomatic nix config layout", or is it largely up to the user? What's expected to be installed by the system, and what's expected to be installed by the user(s)?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dBa
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cfda600 Albert Peschar: hyperlink: init at 17.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #28287: pythonPackages.hyperlink: init at 17.3.0 (master...hyperlink) https://git.io/v7dqf
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<needshelp> if something is available in the nixpkgs github repo but doesn't show up under nix-env -qa i would be missing a channel?
<Infinisil> viaken: There isn't really such a thing, it's up to you to decide. NixOS is often seen as a single-user system, lots of people use configuration.nix for everything. There is the movement that goes towards more user-level stuff, such as home-manager and a recent github issue
<Fare> actually, now even after blowing my ~/.{cache,config}/chromium, chromium is confused with either the version from unstable or 17.03 (!)
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<viaken> Nice
<viaken> Infinisil: Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for.
<Infinisil> needshelp: Hmm, not sure, I usually just use nix-env -iA nixos.<pkg>
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<Infinisil> And btw, home-manager is really well done and it works already, it's pretty much a user-level configuration.nix
<Fare> Actually, it looks like it might have been an out-of-memory on the X server or something
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<Infinisil> Ohhh, encryption for ZoL has been merged! \o/
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<mpickering> hmm haskellPackages.callPackage only works with sets, wonder why that is
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<mpickering> Is it safe to do two consecutive overrides?
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<mpickering> Seems like this issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/25887
<Infinisil> mpickering: Ah nice, didn't know about extend either
<mpickering> Where are the semantics of "extend" documented?
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<mpickering> Because I really think I do want to do overrides
<Infinisil> Hmm, I can't find the source of extend
<mpickering> The current behavior of overrides is not very modular
<Infinisil> Not sure why that's "extends" and not "extend"
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<Infinisil> And and this is why it's possible to use it on a haskellPackages: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/make-package-set.nix#L30
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<mpickering> and makeExtensible is called in default.nix I think
<mpickering> I don't understand how it is different to override still and when to use one or the other
<Infinisil> Same
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<aloiscochard> TIL about overlays, and more precisely that Mozilla is providing one for rust: https://github.com/mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
<aloiscochard> this is so awesome!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #28291: cbatticon: 1.6.5 -> 1.6.6 (master...upd.cbatticon) https://git.io/v7dgf
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<Infinisil> aloiscochard: Indeed!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7d2s
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 e929c8f Thomas Tuegel: vcsh: Patch for Git 2.13.2...
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<seequ> Is there a command for finding out the current system revision?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yegortimoshenko opened pull request #28292: containers: wether -> whether (release-17.03...patch-1) https://git.io/v7dww
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<the-kenny> `nixos-version --revision`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v7dwh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 be9e5c4 Yegor Timoshenko: containers: wether -> whether
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 4766963 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #28292 from yegortimoshenko/patch-1...
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<gwang> Still need help! I tried to customize Haskell package, and got this error. Please see the error and package customization in the gist, https://gist.github.com/wanggang1/569f3464415e77391afd0043d112c4bc, thanks for help
<seequ> Hrm... (polybar.override { i3Support = true; githubSupport = true; }) fails to buuild, but (polybar.override { i3Support = true; githubSupport = true; curl = curl; }) works
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<mrkgnao> how do I add a package with a "." in the name to the system package list?
<mrkgnao> specifically, python3.5-glances
<seequ> Oh, no, no it doesn't
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] makefu opened pull request #28293: module gitlab-runner: introduce configOptions and configFile (master...module/gitlab-runner/configOptions) https://git.io/v7dry
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<mpickering> What is the intended use of overlays?
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<mpickering> gwang: It looks like the tests are just broken
<gwang> I'll take a look, thanks!
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<bennofs1> mpickering: i don't think nix allows "."'s in attribute names?
<bennofs1> mrkgnao*
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dKo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1e9606a Marius Bergmann: keepalived: 1.3.5 -> 1.3.6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28288: gitlab-runner: 9.3.0 -> 9.4.2 (master...gitlab-runner-9.4.2) https://git.io/v7dZc
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cdfa488 Bart Brouns: das_watchdog: git-2015-04-02 -> git-2015-09-12
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28291: cbatticon: 1.6.5 -> 1.6.6 (master...upd.cbatticon) https://git.io/v7dgf
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dK7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc92326 Guillaume Maudoux: grisbi: init at 1.0.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7dKx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9e9b177 Markus Hauck: http-prompt: 0.9.1 -> 0.10.2
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<gchristensen> fpletz: have you had your ldap adventures yet?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28290: keybase: 1.0.22 -> 1.0.27 (master...keybase-1.0.27) https://git.io/v7dWL
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<hyper_ch> hmmmm, how can I make a list of domain names and store it in a seperate file so that nixos uses it in the configuration.nix as extra hosts for blocking?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7d6u
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging ceed8ad Cray Elliott: ucl: modify cflags so gcc6 compiles successfully
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7d6o
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9ca7f38 Kamil Chmielewski: pony-stable: unstable-2017-07-26 -> 0.0.1
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<the-kenny> builtins.readFile ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7d6p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 865765a nonsequitur: ruby docs: improve example...
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<fpletz> gchristensen: not yet, we have postponed going live with it because we are working on other stuff right now
<michaelpj_> mrkgnao: configuration.nix takes attributes, not names. `environment.systemPackges = [ pkgs.python35Packages.glances ]`
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<gchristensen> fpletz: cool, ok :) maybe I can help when y'all finally do.
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<hyper_ch> is there a way I can get teh file content from a file to use as value for the networking.extraHosts = ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] apeschar opened pull request #28295: twisted: update to 17.5.0 (master...twisted) https://git.io/v7dPp
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<the-kenny> hyper_ch: as I said above: builtins.readFile is your friend.
<hyper_ch> the-kenny: didn' see that
<the-kenny> oh ok :)
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<tilpner> bennofs1 - { "foo.bar" = 42; } is a valid set
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<bennofs1> tilpner: ugh
<bennofs1> didn't know that :d
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #28219: portaudio: 19-20140130 -> 190600-20161030, add jack (master...portaudio) https://git.io/v7H2w
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<yorick> what's the nix-manual package called?
<mpickering> Is there an example of how to package a single bash file somewhere?
<makefu> from a repo?
<makefu> a simple example for python is here: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki/Packaging-Software
<makefu> essentially you need to make sure that you add the correct PATH with wrapProgram
<hyper_ch> the-kenny: ok, this seems a bit more complicated than originally anticipated :)
<the-kenny> hyper_ch: huh, why? networking.extraHosts = ''...\n ${builtins.readFile ./foo.txt}'';
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<hyper_ch> the-kenny: that can't work since '' will make a literal sring.. how would it parse the builtins?
<the-kenny> nix-repl> ''${toString (1+1)}'' => "2"
<hyper_ch> the-kenny: it worked... I really thought '' can only contain literal stuff
<trikl[m]> Has anyone tried running cargo installed through rustup? With nightly as my toolchain, it complains it cannot find the `std` crate, which is listed as installed by `rustup components list`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7dM3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master afc6b43 Frederik Rietdijk: Python: build 2.7 and 3.6 packages on Hydra again
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 252ea06 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #28244 from FRidh/hydrapython...
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<the-kenny> does rustup work correctly on Nix now? Last time I checked we were missing the patchelf step after downloading the binaries.
<the-kenny> I worked at this for some time (and I think I've got a nice solution) but stopped after the rust nixpkgs overlay came out
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<phdoerfler> does the nixos firewall in any way affect outgoing traffic?
<trikl[m]> the-kenny: as far as I tried, rustup itself seems to work fine
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #12544: Add package and module for Rundeck (master...rundeck-pr) https://git.io/vzac7
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<the-kenny> phdoerfler: I don't think so
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<the-kenny> hyper_ch: I was going to suggest `builtins.fetchurl` next, but it fails: error: invalid character ‘;’ in name ‘serverlist.php?showintro=0;hostformat=hosts’ :(
<hyper_ch> the-kenny: I'll just cron the fetching of the page :)
<hyper_ch> but good thinking though :)
<the-kenny> ah, my bad!
<hyper_ch> I should have know that fetchurl thingy
<the-kenny> builtins.readFile (builtins.fetchurl { name = "blocked_hosts.txt"; url = "https://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/serverlist.php?showintro=0;hostformat=hosts"; })
<phdoerfler> the-kenny: thanks, I was afraid it wasn't the firewall's fault. Means I gotta keep looking
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #13400: gcc5: add libgccjit language (master...add-gcc-jit) https://git.io/v2ZSs
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<the-kenny> hyper_ch: note that difference between builtins.fetchurl which is impure & executed every time your system is rebuilt and pkgs.fetchurl which is pure (and needs a hash)
<the-kenny> s/that/the/
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<hyper_ch> the-kenny: thank you :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #14284: webkitgtk: add darwin support (master...webkitgtk-darwin) https://git.io/vVkpa
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<hyper_ch> the-kenny: now I have an ad-free web experience... or sort of :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #17213: matrix-appservice-irc: init at 0.3.1 (master...matrix-appservice-irc) https://git.io/vKyMO
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<betaboon> i have a question on nixos-containers: is there documentation somewhere how to do nixos-rebuild switch just in a container? I'm somewhat unhappy with how i currently do things: nixos-rebuild switch on host, then nixos-container stop/start
<Infinisil> Whoa, builtins.fetchurl can take a attrset/
<Infinisil> didn't know that
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<Infinisil> betaboon: The nixos-container command?
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<gr8> does NixOS allow the isolation of program configurations in the home directory? So that programs don't write to .cache, .config, .local etc. but to config/application/.cache, config/application/.local etc.
<Infinisil> gr8: Nope, but I have been thinking about how that could work and have a solution that should work for most programs
<gr8> could also be combined with something like Firejail for security maybe
<gr8> what's your solution Infinisil?
<Infinisil> gr8: It's ugly, but it works: bind mounting /home/<user> to a program specific home directory
<Infinisil> Then programs can write everything they want there, and you could bind mount them to your desired location in the actual home directory
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #14860: WIP: nixos: mkEnableOption on steroids for discoverable `man configuration.nix` (master...nixos-related-packages) https://git.io/vwcjv
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<tilpner> gr8 - I bind ~/.config/application per application with bubblewrap, the rest of ~/.config will just appear empty
* Infinisil googles bubblewrap
* Infinisil adds "Linux" to his search query
<betaboon> Infinisil: nixos-container update? to my understanding of the manual, i have to pass a configuration.nix just for the container. how does that fit in with my host-system configuration.nix ?
<gr8> lol I didn't know bubblewrap was an actual program :D
<Infinisil> betaboon: I don't understand, do you want the containers to be managed with your system or not?
<gr8> sounds complicated
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<Infinisil> I don't know, I just used an `unshare -mr` and `mount --bind`, works unprivileged
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #19512: WIP: rewrite hardening in plain nix (staging...hardeningInNix) https://git.io/vPVaT
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<gr8> it's probably easier to patch each application's source code to access the config directories in my preferred way lol. I don't have *that* many applications
<Infinisil> Ohhh, unshare -mr makes me root.. damnit, my solution doesn't work fully i guess
<Infinisil> gr8: Yeah that would be a better solution, I already looked at the openssh source for that, it's pretty easy to change
<tilpner> Infinisil - bubblewrap works unprivileged too. I use a little script to generate bubblewraps: https://gist.github.com/tilpner/314fac6fbfe6997f75528dc2f51950fd
<tilpner> s/script/function/
<betaboon> Infinisil: i want all containers to be managed by the system-configuration (the host /etc/nixos/configuration.nix). as i understand 'nixos-containers update' documentation I have to pass a containers configuration.nix.
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<gr8> guess that's what I'll be doing. Much cleaner than setting up some weird container system
<tilpner> Uhh
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Nice
<Infinisil> betaboon: If you want it managed by the system configuration then you can't change its config without rebuilding
<gr8> brb guys
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<tilpner> gr8 - I don't think that's a good idea at all. You don't limit the processes, and you need to find *every* place where a path is mentioned. Oh, and you lose the binary caches...
<avn> tilpner: cool thing. Would be nice to have it generalized and in main nixpkgs ;)
<avn> tilpner: does it better or simpler than firejail/nsjail btw?
<betaboon> Infinisil: i don't want to get rid nixos-rebuild switch on the host-system. i want to get rid of the need for 'nixos-containers stop CONTAINER && nixos-containers start CONTAINER' afterwards
<Infinisil> betaboon: How about `alias rebuild="nixos-rebuild switch && nixos-container stop && nixos-container start` ?
<tilpner> avn - I agree, but my function and presets are not mature enough for nixpkgs. bubblewrap works better than firejail (firejail has some very questionable design and implementation choices)
<tilpner> (But it does less, so it's not a replacement for firejail)
<Infinisil> tilpner: Where is your weechat stuff stored then? Looking at your script
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<tilpner> Infinisil - It's stored in my actual ~/.weechat, but I could bind e.g. host:/data/weechat/ to bwrap:/home/jail/.weechat
<avn> tilpner: I looking on all of them ;) At least I want add hard memory limits to firefox
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<betaboon> Infinisil: of course i could do that, but that would still reboot the container
<tilpner> Infinisil - What's important is that my weechat doesn't see anything in my home directory but ~/.weechat
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Is it possible to have weechat put stuff in ~/.weechat, but in reality it's put in ~/.config/weechat ?
<Infinisil> with bubblewrap?
<tilpner> Infinisil - Yes. The host will not see ~/.weechat
<Infinisil> tilpner: Nice, may I have a look at that function?
<tilpner> Hold on
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<Infinisil> Because I'm thinking of making an "XDG-overlay" that makes every program respect the XDG specification: configs in ~/.config/<name>, caches in ~/.cache/<name>, etc.
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<tilpner> Infinisil - Note that this was not meant to be shared just yet (or ever), it's only a few days old. My presets are probably wrong, some features may not work, I still need to integrate (generate?) seccomp profile, etc.
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<rnhmjoj[m]> infinisil: I have a solution to the XDG problem
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Sure, thanks!
<Infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: That is?
<rnhmjoj[m]> It's quite radical but it works nicely
<bennofs1> tilpner: does that profile suppress access to dbus?
<tilpner> Infinisil - If you only want XDG conformity (no security enhancements), you can probably --bind / / --bind ~/.config/weechat ~/.weechat and ignore all I did
<bennofs1> tilpner: because a sandbox exploit is easy when you have access to dbus: systemd's user instance allows you to launch scopes, which will run as child of the systemd process
<gr8> re
<Infinisil> tilpner: But bind mounts don't work well in user space
<bennofs1> systemd user process*
<tilpner> Infinisil - Those were arguments to bubblewrap, which work fine
<tilpner> bennofs1 - Probably. Do you know how to test that?
<rnhmjoj[m]> Infinisil: I mount the home directory with rewritefs. it's a FUSE filesystem that rewrite file access with regular expression
<Infinisil> tilpner: Ah
<Infinisil> Regexes for filesystems? Oh god
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<rnhmjoj[m]> I know.
<Infinisil> But it does sound like a good solution
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] apeschar opened pull request #28297: Graphite (master...graphite) https://git.io/v7d7W
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<bennofs1> tilpner: try systemd-run --user bash
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<rnhmjoj[m]> infinisil: after fighting in the issue trackers for years i have decided i had enough
<tilpner> bennofs1 - Error getting authority: Error initializing authority: Could not connect: No such file or directory (g-io-error-quark, 1)
<gchristensen> clever: how do you use nix-env + buildEnv to manage your user environment again?
<tilpner> bennofs1 - Not sure what that means
<Infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: Issues of rewritefs?
<bennofs1> tilpner: sounds like the bus may not be available. not 100% familar with this stuff either though
<tilpner> gchristensen - clever specifically?
<gchristensen> no actually :)
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<dbe> Infinisil: rewritefs seems pretty cool. computationally it should be fine, right, since re is just a finite automata... I should try this out.
<rnhmjoj[m]> If you want to try it here's my configuration: https://hastebin.com/nemubogese
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<Infinisil> dbe: Oh god, this regex does have to be translated every time right
<tilpner> gchristensen - For a while I put e.g. desktopEnv = with pkgs; buildEnv { ... } into the packageOverrides of ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix, then you can nix-env -iA nixpkgs.desktopEnv to install/update all of them. Some people use "-r" too, to keep their user environment clean by removing all previously installed packages
<Infinisil> That makes it sound pretty bad actually
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<gchristensen> nice, tilpner
<dbe> Infinisil: Hmm, maybe.. depends on the implementation. But you could optimize that away without too much trouble.
<Infinisil> dbe: But that happens on every single file access..
<rnhmjoj[m]> infinisil: one issue i noticed is with big repositories like nixpkgs.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lzhang10 closed pull request #28272: fix broken patch url in pkgs/tools/misc/fontforge/default.nix #28270 (master...28270-fix-patrh-url) https://git.io/v75Ch
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<tilpner> bennofs1 - I'm fully aware that this is not perfect security. Did you know any two Firefox instances that share an X server can communicate via X11 shared memory, even if there otherwise is heavy sandboxing? Yeah, lost cause without X sandboxing, but it still helps
<Infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: Is it slow?
<dbe> Infinisil: I guess you could be inotified on changes to whatever file the regexes are in, and compile it at that point.
<Infinisil> dbe: Oh right
<rnhmjoj[m]> infinisil: yes, significantly. it's probably due to the .git directory. But you can access the original filesystem that is still mounted to avoid that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jamtrott opened pull request #28298: fenics: init at 2017.1.0 (master...fenics) https://git.io/v7d5D
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<Infinisil> dbe: just had a look at the source of rewritefs, looks like it's doing it for every access..
<Infinisil> rnhmjoj[m]: ^^ I think that's the issue
<dbe> Infinisil: that's too bad. but a neat idea I think!
<dbe> I love tricks to keep my file system clean.
<tilpner> And you presumably don't want a bunch of symlinks into ~/.config either, right?
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<Infinisil> tilpner: That doesn't free the home dir is the problem
<Infinisil> You just have symlinks instead of actual files there then
<tilpner> Yes, aesthetics. It still manages to store the files in the right place for easy transfer/backup, etc,
<rnhmjoj[m]> with rewritefs I have only .cache, .local e .config in ~. but I can still do stuff like `cd .mozilla`
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<Infinisil> tilpner: There might be another benefit though, because with symlinks you need access to both directories
<Infinisil> And the XDG_CONFIG_HOME, etc. are really flexible
<tilpner> Oh, yes, I always just assume ~/.config
<tilpner> :/
<Infinisil> Symlinks don't do it for me
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<tilpner> Okay. What was wrong with mount namespace?
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<Infinisil> tilpner: I'm not sure, but I feel like it's gonna get me problems at some point. `whoami` is root
<Infinisil> $USER and $HOME is still correct though
<Infinisil> Not sure
<tilpner> Huh. Why does that say root?
<Infinisil> I need to do `unshare -mr` to be able to bind mount as an unprivileged user
<Infinisil> and that makes you "root" (not really)
<bennofs1> i think you can make it take any UID?
<Infinisil> bennofs1: Ahh
<tilpner> Do you really need the -r?
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* Infinisil has a look at the manpage
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<bennofs1> Infinisil: hmm, or perhaps you just have to su afterwards
<Infinisil> `unshare -m`
<Infinisil> unshare: unshare failed: Operation not permitted
<Infinisil> bennofs1: Can't do su, it's explicitly forbidden, throws an error
<bennofs1> Infinisil: oh? perhaps runuser works?
<bennofs1> Infinisil: you may need some subuid/subgid mappings iirc
<tilpner> Infinisil - What about -Um?
<Infinisil> tilpner: Ohh
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<Infinisil> But only sudo can bind mount..
<Infinisil> Ah, i should specify a file
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<Infinisil> I don't know how such a file works..
<Infinisil> -U-U, --user[=file]
<Infinisil> Unshare the user namespace. If file is specified, then a
<Infinisil> persistent namespace is created by a bind mount.
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<tilpner> Those files are weird
<tilpner> lrwxrwxrwx 1 till users 0 Aug 15 16:46 mnt -> mnt:[4026532433]
<Infinisil> How did you create that?
<tilpner> bwrap --bind / / ls -lah /proc/self/ns
<tilpner> Or unshare -Um ls -lah /proc/self/ns
<mpickering> How do I patch a bash script to replace an executable name with the absolute path, the executable comes from one of the buildInputs
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<Infinisil> tilpner: Oh i didn't know about /proc/self, neat!
<Infinisil> Is there any program that does depend uid being correct?
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<Infinisil> It's just asking for trouble isn't it
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<tilpner> mpickering - Something like sed -i 's@previous_name@${dependency}/bin/dependency@' script perhaps?
<tilpner> Infinisil - How do you mean that?
<tilpner> FWIW, unshare -Um id => uid=65534(nobody) gid=65534(nogroup) groups=65534(nogroup)
<Infinisil> tilpner: unshare -mr and then mount --bind, then `whoami` is root, I don't know how programs run like this behave
<tilpner> While bwrap --unshare-user --ro-bind / / id => uid=1000(till) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),65534(nogroup)
<Infinisil> tilpner: bubblewrap sounds like the best solution then
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<tilpner> Infinisil - You can also provide --uid and --gid to bwrap. Might be better than relying on the outside user being the same
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<Infinisil> tilpner: The programs would be launched as the user that wants to use them, so i think that's not needed
* tilpner tests
<Infinisil> I mean the goal (mine at least) is to have an overlay that replaces as many programs with wrappers that conform to the XDG thing
<tilpner> Yes, --uid only affects inside uid, not anything you do to mounted files
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<nwuensche> Hi! I tried to use arandr together with my Mini-DP port on my NixOS sytem, but arandr doesn't show me the port. What can I do?
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: Well, it doesn't see it for me either, unless I have it connected at boot time
<nwuensche> I tried this, but it still doesn't show it to me. I added an HDMI Converter if this is important.
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<mpickering> tilpner: Thanks, that is doing the right thing but at what stage do I have to rewrite it?
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<mpickering> If I try and rewrite ${./ghc_wrapper.sh} then I get permission errors
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<tilpner> mpickering - I don't know, patchPhase sounds good?
<nwuensche> Infinisil: Do I have to add any driver package?
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<Infinisil> nmikhailov: tilpner: I think using substituteInPlace <file> --replace "A" "B" is more common in nixpkgs
<tilpner> That sounds better, do that!
<Infinisil> nmikhailov: No idea, Im having a lot of trouble with my MacBook + Mini Displayport + Thunderbolt display
<Infinisil> nmikhailov: I didn't add any driver or so, the display works when I have it attached on boot though
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<nwuensche> Anyone knows what I could do?
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<Infinisil> Any thoughts on the declarative user environment discussions going on?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #28268: Semi-automated Emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/v75Yw
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<Infinisil> Lots of people saying they want declarative user environments, but I fail to see what's wrong with rycee[m]'s home-manager
<Infinisil> Sure it would need to be integrated officially, but it's working pretty well, and I don't see the need to create "NixUP" (the suggested name), and it doesn't even exist yet
<Infinisil> Ah actually it does exist in the PR
<mpickering> Are there any good ways to find why infinite recursion errors are happening?
<michaelpj_> one thing I really don't like about home-manager is that it doesn't reuse the systemd modules from NixOS. So if we get fixes to one they won't apply elsewhere, etc.
<mpickering> tilpner: I got that bit working now thanks
<pierron_> niksnut: Do you agree if we add https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1479 ?
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<pierron_> niksnut: I guess you want to release the next version of Nix with the next version of NixOS, which makes this a harmful regression, that thebuiltins.match function can no longer accept any large regexp.
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<Infinisil> michaelpj_: Is it possible to share them? Is the difference between to systemd user services really just that a different user is running it?
<Infinisil> s/between//
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<michaelpj_> I mean, a priori I would expect that it should be able to use our existing definitions of user services, but it doesn't, and if you read the initial blog post he suggests that it's hard for some reason
<michaelpj_> but I think it would be much nicer
<niksnut> pierron_: tokenizer sounds fine to me
<niksnut> pierron_: however what's the regression?
<pierron_> niksnut:builtins.match length limitation.
<niksnut> the only change in builtins.match I know is that we're stricter about extended POSIX regexps now
<Infinisil> michaelpj_: Agreed, would be nicer. Maybe the differences could be abstracted. Most services are just a service accompanying a program anyways
<pierron_> niksnut: this breaks the TOML file parser, for pulling the latest rust versions.
<niksnut> what's the length limitation?
<Infinisil> If there was an effort to integrate home-manager into nixpkgs, I think this would be done
<pierron_> niksnut: basically, with the previous implementation, I was able to produce a regex which would parse as many tokens as the file is expected to contain.
<pierron_> niksnut: I did that because the match function reauire to match the entire string.
<michaelpj_> yeah, "nicely integrated with nixpkgs and nixos" is really the thing I want, and I feel like home-manager falls a little short atm. So possibly the right approach is "improve home-manager", but since rycee is apparently involved in the discussions, I assume they're thinking about that
<pierron_> niksnut: and not doing so, implies that we have to match a handful of tokens, then read until the end of the string for nothing, and repeat that for the next handful of tokens.
<pierron_> niksnut: that until we finally reach the end of the string, which makes it quite time consuming.
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<Infinisil> michaelpj_: He is?
<pierron_> niksnut: a tokenizer will solve many issues at once: by reducing the regex size, and generating a vector with all the substrings at once.
<pierron_> niksnut: and iterating only once over the tokenized string.
<Infinisil> michaelpj_: Ahh yes
<phdoerfler> Finally I got a working mail server with postfix, dovecot and an SSL certificate from let's encrypt
<phdoerfler> it's beautiful
<pierron_> niksnut: when do you expect to release the next version of Nix?
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Nice! Can you put it in the wiki?
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: it's largely based on jeaye's nix files. I'd rather file a PR or two to fix some things in his config files and put a link to those into the wiki if there isn't one already.
<phdoerfler> if he didn't fix said things already by himself that is
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<Infinisil> phdoerfler: I'd actually prefer a wiki page with some more words on it, what problems you encountered, etc.
<Infinisil> phdoerfler: Whatever you wanna do ;) (As long as you put it out there somewhere)
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<phdoerfler> Infinisil: see, setting up this server was mainly an act of procrastination avoiding cramming for my next final
<Infinisil> Heh
<niksnut> pierron_: hopefully soon
<Infinisil> damnit, I currently have a lot of exams and i should really be studying no
<Infinisil> w
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<pierron_> niksnut: ok, so I should this tokenizer function before that?
<nwuensche> Hello everybody! I want to open a link to a video in my PDF in evince, but it always says that it can't find an application which could handle the file. Does anyone know how to get this working?
* pierron_ expected to have more time for hacking other things :(
<niksnut> pierron_: sure
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<catern> >hopefully soon
<catern> woooo I am excited
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<Infinisil> catern: Context?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NickHu opened pull request #28300: syncthing-tray: init at v0.7 (master...syncthing-tray) https://git.io/v7FLd
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<catern> Infinisil: about a new Nix release :) see above
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<nwuensche> Hi! Currently, I try to set up my keyboard right now. I use the euro layout with caps locked switched to escape. The command setxkbmap eu -option caps:escape does exactly what I want, but I want to add this to configuration.nix . I tried to services.xserver.layout = "euro" and services.xserver.xkbOptions = "caps:escape", but this doesn't work. Does anyone knows what I do wrong?
<nwuensche> It compiles the config, but I don't have the right layout nor the escape key on caps lock
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<Infinisil> catern: Ah
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: Did you restart display-manager?
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<nwuensche> Infinisil: I rebooted my system several times
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<nwuensche> Does this also restart services?
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<Infinisil> A non-running system doesn't run anything, so yes, it definitely restarted everything
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<Infinisil> Hmm
<seequ> I had this problem
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<seequ> I'll take a look at my config
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<nwuensche> I'll restart again.
<seequ> Hrm, not actually sure what fixed it.
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<Infinisil> I bet it's gonna work now \s
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<nwuensche> Still the same problem
<Infinisil> Restarting without changing anything, no surprise there
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<ronny> hi
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: Is the InputClass section present in your xsession.conf?
<Infinisil> um, xserver.conf
<nwuensche> I tried to change the layout in the config from euro to EurKEY, because xkblayout-state print %n shows me this
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<nwuensche> Infinisil: Where is this file?
<ronny> is there any known fix to thunderbord crashing for not finding the symbol drmGetDevice2?
<clever> nwuensche: ps aux | grep xserver
<nwuensche> THanks
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<phdoerfler> how do I add SSL certificates to nixos?
<seequ> nwuensche: If the command uses "eu", why arem you using "euro" in the config?
<nwuensche> Jup, it' is there
<atis_> Hey, I'm trying to setup a nginx server with auto-renewing Let's Encrypt HTTPS
<phdoerfler> I added them to /etc/ssl/certs but now I'd need to run c_rehash but I feel like that's the wrong way of doing it
<atis_> any resources on how to do this?
<phdoerfler> especially since c_rehash isn't installed
<Infinisil> nwuensche: Go into htop and check the command line arguments X was invoked with, there's the config file path
<Infinisil> Ah
<nwuensche> Infinisil: Thanks, clever also told me how to.
<phdoerfler> clever: thanks!
<Infinisil> Yeah just saw it
<atis_> I've looked up the security.acme.certs option and it seems to be what I want, but there's not much documentation on it
<clever> phdoerfler: that should automaticaly pop it into /etc/ssl/certs and run the rehash for you
<ronny> oh fun, i had a old thunderbird in the env
<phdoerfler> clever: exactly what I was looking for, thanks
<simpson> atis_: There's an nginx-specific option. One second, looking for it.
<Infinisil> atis_: You just need enableACME
<clever> atis_: the nginx LE stuff is amazingly simple, just https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#enableacme
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<atis_> So I don't need to mess with security.acme.certs?
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<Infinisil> nope
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<simpson> atis_: Set `recommendedTlsSettings = true;` in your top nginx config, and also `enableACME = true;` on each vhost.
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<simpson> This *should* Just Work. You may have to kick nginx once or twice if it fails to come up.
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<clever> yeah, nginx will need a restart after each renew
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<copumpkin> ixxie: I'd say that Nix the system doesn't rely on bit-for-bit reproducible binaries for correctness, but prefers them
<clever> including ~2 minutes after the initial rebuild-switch
<nwuensche> So I changed services.xserver.layout to "eu". After restart, I still have the same problem
<copumpkin> ixxie: instead we sort of have a reproducible-modulo-irrelevant-garbage situation, which is admittedly not ideal, but can deeply reduce the scope of what you need to diff
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<copumpkin> ixxie: but of course, if we could make more of our stuff bit-for-bit reproducible I'd rejoice :)
<clever> ixxie: i also discovered, snmp builds will peek around in /etc to see if you have a /etc/mtab file, and setup the build properly
<atis_> simpsons: thanks, I will try that
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<clever> ixxie: nix sandboxes lack /etc/mtab, so snmp configures itself to open the literal file "unknown" when finding mounts
<clever> but if built without sandboxing, it works fine
<atis_> is it normal for nginx.service to take a while to restart after nixos-rebuild?
<clever> and there was a haskell testcase i saw fail lastnight, where it tried to just "cd /home", and that also fails
<atis_> doesn't seem to happen on other OSes
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<Infinisil> atis_: What do you mean by "a while"? Should be a few seconds
<atis_> it's taking at least 1 minute
<clever> atis_: can you gist the output of "ps -eH x", that should say why its hung
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<atis_> oh, apparently it was renewing the ACME certificate and that failed.
<clever> letsencrypt needs the nginx to be up before it can create the certs
<simpson> atis_: Yeah, the certs aren't instant, and nginx would rather die than start without certs. (Which IMO is the better of the two failure directions!)
<clever> simpson: but you also cant make certs until nginx is up
<clever> something creates a self-signed example.com cert to fill the gap
<nwuensche> Which file does setxkbmap change? I could look up the config looks there and learn something from it. I mean: setxkbmap eu -option caps:escape does what I want..
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<simpson> clever: Sure, and all the configuration is meant to support the model. I just mean that nginx fails safe rather than failing open.
<clever> nwuensche: i dont think it changes any file, it sets a variable within the xserver process
<ixxie> clever: snmp?
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<nwuensche> clever: Bummer!
<Infinisil> nwuensche: As a workaround you could just do services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands = "setxkbmap ..."
<ixxie> copumpkin: I guess I just feel it should be made clear somewhere because many come to Nix for reproducibility, so the *nature* of the reproducibility should be clear. Is it documented somewhere?
<atis_> simpson: this is the configuration I'm using: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/31c5df7e0cc77279a2d311c58c3f392a
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<simpson> atis_: That looks reasonable.
<atis_> what do I need to do to generate the certificate?
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<clever> atis_: nixos will create services to do it automatically, watch "journalctl -f"
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<ixxie> clever: I don't get the link to reproducibility
<clever> ixxie: more about how the differences between the sandbox and normal env are making it less reproducable, in that the stable env lacks things that snmp expected every distro to have
<atis_> clever: that configuration fails with "CA marked some of the authorizations as invalid, which likely means it could not access http://example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/X.";
<atis_> do I need to start nginx before generating the certificates?
<clever> atis_: yes
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<atis_> how can I do that with NixOS? shouldn't services be managed exclusively through configuration.nix?
<clever> it should have auto-started
<clever> what does "systemctl status nginx" say?
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<atis_> nginx is running, but the acme-api service failed
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<clever> is port 80 on your domain pointing to the nginx?
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<atis_> clever: isn't that the default vhost configuration?
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<atis_> services.nginx.virtualHosts.<name>.port
<atis_> Description: Port for the server. Defaults to 80 for http and 443 for https (i.e. when enableSSL is set).
<clever> what about the dns, router, nat, port fortwarding, and firewalls?
<Infinisil> need both 80 and 443 open
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<ixxie> clever: I was wondering to what extent Nix tries to 'spoof' a more normal environment temporarily
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<clever> ixxie: in this area of the code is where it does it all
<clever> ixxie: and that reminds me, it will even spoof a 32bit only kernel, if the build is targeting 32bit x86
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<atis_> clever: I have a subdomain with the record A pointing to the NixOS machine's IP
<atis_> the machine has ports 80 and 443 open
<clever> atis_: is that a public ip?, i could test things faster if i knew the domain
<clever> ixxie: and here is more of the chroot setup: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libstore/build.cc#L2382
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<atis_> yeah, I pmed you the domain
<clever> a few /dev entries get copied over, potentialy /dev/kvm, some /proc symlinks get setup, and a few /etc files
<clever> atis_: connection timed out
<clever> port 80 is either firewalled or nginx is down and the firewall is blocking "connection refused"
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<atis_> that's weird. nginx is running and port 80 isn't firewalled
<atis_> at least on AWS
<clever> check the aws security groups for the ec2 instance
<clever> and also the nixos firewall
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<atis_> is there some way to check the nixos firewall with systemd?
<ixxie> clever: I don't suppose this is documented somewhere?
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<atis_> that option is not set on my configuration.nix, but it might be set on the ec2 image import
<clever> atis_: iptables-save, then check it manually to see if 80 is allowed
<Infinisil> atis_: I often use `nmap` for that, it scans an ip to see which ports are open
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<clever> [root@nas:~]# iptables-save | grep 80
<clever> -A nixos-fw -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j nixos-fw-accept
<clever> atis_: i port-scanned your domain, pings are blocked, 3mins to check the rest of the ports...
<clever> ixxie: i dont think the sandbox contents are fully documented, but i do have an example derivation that pokes around at it
<clever> ixxie: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/bare-env.nix and the txt file by the same name
<atis_> iptables-save | grep 80 => PREROUTING ACCEPT [8095:4618782]
<clever> atis_: then 80 isnt allowed in the nixos firewall
<ixxie> thanks clever
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<atis_> ahh, so that's the problem.
<atis_> I have to manually allow it on my configuration.nix, right?
<clever> yeah
<atis_> thanks clever, you were very helpful :)
<clever> networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
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<copumpkin> FRidh: any more thought about turning on python builds again?
<clever> atis_: acording to nmap, that ip is 100% unresponsive, 22 isnt open, and it hasnt replied to a single query
<Infinisil> atis_: Ahh, I thought you had these options set already
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] nbp opened pull request #1516: Add builtins.tokenize function. (master...tokenize) https://git.io/v7F4a
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<jekor> Is there a way to get tmux to use my terminfo under darwin? tmux complains "open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm".
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<nwuensche> Infinisil: Thanks, the workaround works. At least the line is in my config now :)
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: That's also how I have my layout customized, using xkbcomp in sessionCommands
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<Fare> Infinisil, where is there docs for customizing with xkbcomp ?
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<Fare> I'd like to have compose patterns for lambda, arrows, etc.
<nwuensche> I'm so sorry, but I have the next problem. I tried to enable services.printing.enable . However, I get the error when rebuilding: cups.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE, cups.service: Unit entered failed state, cups.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] nbp opened pull request #1517: Move builtins.match documentation between map and mul. (master...move-match-doc) https://git.io/v7FRo
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<Infinisil> Fare: I don't think there's docs for that, but I can share my config if you want
<Infinisil> Fare: Well there is docs for xkb, just not nixos related
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: That's the normal error when a service couldn't start, have a look at `journalctl -u cups`
<Infinisil> Maybe there's something more interesting there
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<nwuensche> There it says: Unknown SystemGroup "sys root" on line 19 of /etc/cups/cups
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7F0R
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 27417c6 Nicolas B. Pierron: Move builtins.match documentation between map and mul.
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 82c4b37 Eelco Dolstra: Merge pull request #1517 from nbp/move-match-doc...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chris-martin opened pull request #28303: sublime3: fix package re-zipping (master...pr/sublime3-zip-fix) https://git.io/v7F0g
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<nwuensche> Infinisil: There it says 'Unknown SystemGroup "sys root" on line 19 of /etc/cups/cups'
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: No idea about that
<nwuensche> Oh, ok.
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<Infinisil> I have no idea how cups works
<Infinisil> And have never used it
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<nwuensche> Ok, thanks nevertheless. But how do you print then? :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #28212: fontforge: 20160404 -> 20170730 + support reproducible builds of fonts (master...fontforge-20170730) https://git.io/v7HEj
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<Infinisil> nwuensche: I have never needed to print anything in the past 3 years or so ;)
<nwuensche> Infinisil: That sounds nice!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7Fu9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 43cea71 Will Dietz: jdk8: add cflags to fix build w/gcc6
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<nwuensche> Infinisil: I made a mistake. The error message from cups is 2 days old! The only thing that happend in the last 30 minutes was:
<Infinisil> Oh lol
<nwuensche> cups.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE, cups.service: Unit entered failed state, cups.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
<Infinisil> well that's not a lot of info
<clever> cups may write to its own logs
<nwuensche> But there is nothing more in journalctl
<Infinisil> maybe you can start it manually somehow so you can see the stdout output, or start it with debug mode
<clever> look around /var/ for any files or directories with cups in the name
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<nwuensche> systemctl start cups doesn't show any error
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<bennofs1> nwuensche: have you tried cupsctl LogLevel=debug2 (may need to restart cups after that? or perhaps that would lose the LogLevel change? not sure)
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<bennofs1> nwuensche: then look in journalctl
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<nwuensche> bennofs1: cupsctl gives me: "cupsctl: Unable to connect to server: Bad file descriptor"
<clever> thought that might happen
<clever> cups has to be running to change the debug with cupsctl, lol
<clever> nwuensche: what about "find /var | grep cups"
<bennofs1> oh... right ;/
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<nwuensche> clever: There are a lot of config files. However, I tried to import my cups configuration from Arch Linux yesterday, and so I had to copy some stuff. I think these files come from there.
<clever> nwuensche: any log files in the results?
<nwuensche> Is it save to delete the whole /var/lib/cups folder and install it all over again?
<clever> id say its safer to rename it, then you can always undo
<nwuensche> clever: Ok, but there is no log file btw.
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<clever> nwuensche: what are the contents of /etc/systemd/system/cups.service?
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<hsk3> Do NixOS production servers (for hosting web apps) usually have only one profile active at a time - or is it somehow possible to have one profile for one web app, another profile for another web app, etc.?
<hsk3> Just wondering what the usual practice is
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<nwuensche> clever: It worked after I moved the folder. Thanks!
<Infinisil> hsk3: You're probably looking for nixos containers
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<nwuensche> Ok, so I have the next question for cups. When I configured my Brother printer with Arch Linux, I had to mv several files from the .deb packages in some folder. What's the best way to do this in NixOS? Write a new package?
<hsk3> Infinisil is it common to have multiple containers on a production machine? (one for each web app, for instance)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v7Fgd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3c9cf28 John Ericson: cc-wrapper: Improve `set -u` compliance
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 63439f8 John Ericson: Merge pull request #28269 from obsidiansystems/cc-wrapper-set-u...
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<clever> nwuensche: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#services.printing.drivers i think
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<Infinisil> hsk3: I have never run nixos in a production environment
<nwuensche> clever: But I have to create my driver by hand, there is no package for it (or I haven't found one). Is this still the right option?
<Infinisil> hsk3: But nixos containers are the thing I'd use if I want some basic service isolation while running multiples
<clever> nwuensche: you would need to create a derivation that drops the files at the right location under $out
<clever> nwuensche: and then add that to the drivers
<hsk3> Infinisil i suppose you can also do containers within containers ...
<hsk3> infinitely
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<hsk3> :)
<Infinisil> hsk3: Or just have a single machine run all of them
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<nwuensche> clever: Ok, I'll try to do this tomomorrow. Last time, this was a lot of work ;).
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<Infinisil> hsk3: I actually don't know if that's possible, recursive containers
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<catern> hey #nixos
<catern> how do I customize what packages get pulled in by pythonPackages?
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<catern> or, okay
<catern> assume I am a complete noob :)
<jeaye> phdoerfler: Found some more issues?
<catern> I guess it already has it in its inputs?
<catern> I just need to add it to propagatedBuildInputs?
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<jeaye> phdoerfler: PRs welcome. :) The postfix + dovecot setup was quite the journey to figure out, for NixOS. Fortunately, I was mostly porting an existing setup on Arch.
<phdoerfler> jeaye: You're using dovecot to do the auth for postfix in your config. Does that actually work for you? I have to supply username and PW to postfix
<phdoerfler> jeaye: other than that and the things I mentioned the other day I can't think of anything else
<phdoerfler> jeaye: oh I was wondering whether you pulled the entire config just out of your hat or not. I see. That explains a lot :)
<jeaye> phdoerfler: Let's take it to PM.
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<dash> catern: pulled into where? :)
<catern> dash: well, into the PYTHONPATH
<dash> catern: In what environment?
<catern> so that offlineimap can import it
<catern> offlineimap's :)
<dash> ok.
<dash> catern: propagatedBuildInputs
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<catern> yeah
<catern> that's what I thought
<catern> and what I did
<catern> okay thanks :>
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v7FKU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5ac2ad1 vinymeuh: maintainers: add vinymeuh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9e1cde7 vinymeuh: gcc-arm-embedded: 5-2016-q2-update -> 6-2017-q2-update
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<hodapp> ugggggggggggh, this is somehow the 3rd time today Nix has felt the need to download the 1066 MB installation binaries for whatever CUDA crap
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #27856: gcc-arm-embedded: 5-2016-q2-update -> 6-2017-q2-update (master...gcc-arm-embedded-macos) https://git.io/v7ElX
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<hodapp> which is strange, since earlier I started a build, pointed to the same nixpkgs repo, which should have downloaded the exact same file already
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<Infinisil> hodapp: If there's no gcroot, the garbage collection may remove it from the store
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<hodapp> I didn't run garbage collection since then though
<michaelpj> is there any way to specify documentation for a whole module in NixOS? It would be nice to be able to do something like `man services.ngnix` and get a list of the options in the module, an overview of how to use it and any limitations, etc.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v7F6r
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a71cf06 John Ericson: mkDerivation: Simply Nix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v7F6p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed0f264 Bjørn Forsman: apcupsd: unbreak build...
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<ixxie> michaelpj: interesting question
<ixxie> of course one can manually build man pages from withing the module
<michaelpj> e.g. I was just looking into using the znc module, and it would be nice to have a little something that tells you what are the minimum set of options you need, and what you'd need to do to connect to it, etc
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<michaelpj> I was thinking something like a `doc` module, and then modules could register themselves with that and some kind of lookup name, which would then generate the help files
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<florianjacob> michaelpj: mandatory options should be named as such in their respective description and listed in the `.enable` description. In general, if there's more to say than fits in the option descriptions, the place you're looking for is the NixOS manual ;)
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<michaelpj> maybe the manual is the answer
<michaelpj> but there are a lot of services
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<michaelpj> and really I want the description of how to use it and the list of options together
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<florianjacob> michaelpj: I had similar problems for a new service and stuffed everything into the `.enable` descriptions, but was told to just write a manual section for it (didn't dare that my little package was eligible to be part of the NixOS manual before). Was a total relief, the option description could be made shorter again, while I could describe the bigger picture in the manual. (For reference, that was the piwik service).
<Fare> what is the most lightweight solution for sending mail on a NixOS + linode host?
<michaelpj> but then the options listing is somewhere else. And it's nice to use variable substitution to ensure that help text is accurate. And it would be defined in the module itself, rather off somewhere else ;)
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* hodapp twiddles thumbs while annoying build that requires GCC 4.9 completes
<hodapp> blugh. getting computer vision & deep learning stuff working is a royal pain... it is always full of half-assed build processes involving custom versions of specific libraries
<clever> but once the nix expresison is done, it should be trivial to reproduce it again and again in the future!
<hodapp> the problem is when I'm just trying to experiment, I don't necessarily want to take the time to make that nix expression
<hodapp> and when it's deep learning stuff, it usually requires all of the GPU garbage that's powered by proprietary garbage that is really difficult to make work right in something like Docker (which is ordinarily what I'd use when the build is this much of a mess)
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<ixxie> michaelpj: maybe you should do an RFC for a manpage attribute for modules?
<michaelpj> I'm thinking about it ;) trying to work out how the current stuff is generated atm
<florianjacob> michaelpj: you can put the doc file for that chapter right next to the nix file, so at least it's not far off… but I'm not saying that solution is great, I just wanted to say this is the currently preffered solution. ;)
<michaelpj> florianjacob: sure, I am thinking of this somewhat aspirationally in terms of how I'd *like* it to work... and then maybe see if that's doable
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<hsk3> NixOS is the future IMO. Why isn't it more popular? Mindboggling.
<vandenoever> hsk3: because it's not so simple to get started
<hsk3> :)
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<Infinisil> We need to make it simpler to get started
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<ixxie> Infinisil: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/27908 this is a good step forward for example, I think tutorials are the thing we need
<ixxie> Infinisil: https://github.com/nixos-users/wiki/wiki this too
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<Infinisil> ixxie: Indeed
<Infinisil> Admittedly I haven't ever read the pills
<Infinisil> What I think could really benefit adoption is to make higher-leveled configuration. Example: options to set a dark theme, enable mail server, macbook ready config, and more
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<Infinisil> And combine that with a non-terrible GUI
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<ixxie> Infinisil: there are lots of good resources, but they are not easy to find (unless you know for example about the new nix user wiki)
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<ixxie> Infinisil: yeah thats a cool idea
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<ixxie> even just a module collection would be great
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<ixxie> like modules for particular stacks would be cool
<Infinisil> ixxie: Ohh yes
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<Infinisil> e.g. setting rustdev.enable = true, which sets up a wonderfully configured emacs by default with working racer & co.
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<Infinisil> A la one-click
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<ixxie> Infinisil: essentially, what I was thinking is - in a sense NixOS should make it so easy to make derivative 'distros' which are essentially just sets of configuration modules
<ixxie> so if we made a repo for that sort of thing, it could create make NixOS into a distro which contains its own downstream
<Infinisil> ixxie: Hmm, you mean like a 'distro' that's really just NixOS with e.g. KDE + a well fit together suite of applications?
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<Infinisil> Oh nice
<clever> they also have #musnix
<ixxie> perfect example
<ixxie> awesome
<michaelpj> can't you package up basically all the bits you need for, say, `rustdev.enable` into a module? Then the user can just clone your repo, add an import, and away they go?
<Infinisil> musnix.kernel.latencytop
<Infinisil> NOTE: Enabling this option will rebuild your kernel.
<Infinisil> Heh
<clever> ive also played with latencytop on my machine
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<Infinisil> michaelpj: Yes, but I want that integrated into nixos
<ixxie> what do you mean integrated?
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<ixxie> you just need to import the module into your config and bam! you have the new option now
<clever> ixxie: oh, that das_watchdog option, ive run into something very similiar, that was extremely anoying
<clever> Infinisil: something in the kernel is already doing exactly that, and -9's pulseaudio if the watchdog hangs for even a split second
<Infinisil> I mean to have like a folder in nixpkgs/nixos/modules/high-level that contains this sort of stuff
<clever> and half my programs fail to reconnect to pulseaudio
<clever> so i wind up having to restart things every 5 minutes
<michaelpj> is virtualbox completely broken on unstable for anyone else?
<Infinisil> clever: That doesn't sound very nice
<clever> security.rtkit.enable = lib.mkForce false; was the only way to make it stop
<clever> that denies pulse access to realtime threads, so it never becomes a target
<michaelpj> or maybe it's just nixops
<clever> Infinisil: skype will just 100% stop all network traffic, yet claim its still online
<clever> Infinisil: teamspeak looses all audio, and refuses to cleanly exit because its waiting for pulseaudio
<clever> Infinisil: chromium still has playback, but claims i no longer have a microphone
<joepie91> skype for linux is a fun guinea pig, it seems that no matter what distro you install it on, or with what dependencies, or with what configuration, or what version... it always finds a way to break things catastrophically
<Infinisil> \o/
<joepie91> from hogging an audio device, to fucking with your volume, to breaking your webcam, to inexplicably hanging with no indication to the user, to upsetting the OOM killer
<clever> joepie91: that was under the older skype, version 4.3 era
<joepie91> to deity knows what else
<Infinisil> We really need better testing with nixos, right?
<joepie91> clever: honestly I've given up on skype a year or two ago
<joepie91> it just wasn't worth the pain
<clever> joepie91: yeah, i have noticed a large number of voip programs messing with the pulse capture levels to implement automatic gain
<joepie91> it always found new ways to break
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #28304: stdenvs: Distinguish between `extraBuildInputs` and `extraNativeBuildInputs` (staging...stdenv-extra-inputs) https://git.io/v7FQ4
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<joepie91> and I was kind of done with that :)
<clever> which screws with programs that dont (teamspeak), causing the noise floor to be boosted into triggering constant mic spam
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<ixxie> Infinisil: if you ever post a RFC about this higher-level module stuff, I would love to hear about it
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<Infinisil> ixxie: I don't know, I've never thought of doing an RFC, I'd just start hacking first
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<ixxie> Infinisil: well, then if you ever make something you want to show ^^
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<ixxie> I can imagine how to build the options, but its not so clear to me how to organize them
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<ixxie> Infinisil: I guess it would just be a new tree under nixos in nixpkgs?
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<Infinisil> ixxie: Probably
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<Infinisil> But then I'm also asking myself, there is a whole range of "levelness", low-level (e.g. kernel settings), mid-level (e.g. nameserver option), high-level (e.g. theme to use)
<Infinisil> and it would make sense that an option at level n should only be allowed to control options at level 0..(n-1) to have a nice abstraction
<Infinisil> don't know exactly where I'm going with this, just an idea
<ixxie> I see the logic, but I wonder how one can identify levels concretely
<ixxie> I mean, there are suboptions clearly
<ixxie> but also, modules can reference one another's options rights?
<Infinisil> Yeah
<ixxie> so its essentially nonhierarchical
<Infinisil> Right now, yes
<ixxie> and right now, if I pick some option, this choice propegates to whatever suboptions it sets
<ixxie> but I can alway overrride them
<Infinisil> Indeed, reminds me of a loeb actually
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<ixxie> but all you need is good discretion
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<ixxie> i.e. don't define a theme in a kernel option
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<hodapp> I am trying to do a build based on a custom fork of Caffe, so I started from caffe's expression in nixpkgs... and am now getting a bunch of "#warning -- unsupported GNU version! gcc 4.10 and up are not supported!"
<hodapp> but if I override that to gcc 4.9, then it cannot link at the end because all dependencies it's trying to link with were built with newer GCC (or something)
<hodapp> so I don't understand how caffe was ever even able to build...
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<hodapp> can I separate what it uses for CXX and NVCC?
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<clever> hodapp: i believe you want to override the stdenv, not insert a new gcc into buildInputs
<clever> 2170 gnaural = callPackage ../applications/audio/gnaural {
<clever> 2171 stdenv = overrideCC stdenv gcc49;
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<hodapp> clever: this is what I did.
<clever> ah
<clever> you may need to .override each dependency you pass in, to change their stdenv's also
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<hodapp> clever: then the build properly uses the older GCC, but at link time I get things like:
<hodapp> /nix/store/x4y0ij8q6jdkak742zv4jr1y15ls4y7h-boost-1.62.0/lib/libboost_filesystem.so: undefined reference to `std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::find_first_not_of(char const*, unsigned long, u
<clever> try (boost.override { inherit stdenv; })
<clever> that will make boost use the same stdenv
<hodapp> clever: the confusion is that caffe has none of this in its expression, so I'm confused as to how it ever worked (if it did not have to override everything in the dependencies)
<clever> ah
<clever> no idea then
<hodapp> as the list of dependencies is considerable that I'd have to make it rebuild
<MP2E> that's a good point. Hmmm
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<hodapp> and I am wondering if it must be using the same compiler for both CXX and NVCC
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v7FNE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging c957ae9 Robert Helgesson: perl-Test-Needs: init at 0.002005
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging f7f43ad Robert Helgesson: perl-URI: 1.71 -> 1.72
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<hodapp> yeah, can't override every single package... other crap just fails
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] symphorien opened pull request #28305: networkmanager_iodine: init at 1.2.0 (master...nm-iodine) https://git.io/v7FAI
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<hodapp> sometimes I wonder why I waste my fucking time with anything at all that touches CUDA
<hanslo-W> Is anyone here familiar with how npm packages work in nixos?
<hanslo-W> Thanks, I've gotten that far. I'm working on a project with a haskell-cabal(backend) node(frontend) combination and I was I'm a little stuck on how to get the builder to recognize some node dependencies, for example 'jshint'
<hanslo-W> was a little*
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<hanslo-W> https://github.com/databrary/databrary/tree/obsidian-develop The files involved in the kerfuffle are: shell.nix, default.nix, node-env.nix, and node-packages.nix
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<Sonarpulse> Infinisil: assuming the libraries are converted to nix already in nixpkgs, its not clear how to hook up the final binary
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] puneetar opened pull request #28306: Puneetar/pr/update subversion to 1.9.7 (master...puneetar/pr/update-subversion-to-1.9.7) https://git.io/v7Fpn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jonafato opened pull request #28307: Fix taskwarrior fish completions (master...fix-taskwarrior-completions) https://git.io/v7FhD
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<viaken> So what's the benefit of Nix over something like Ansible?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] michaelpj opened pull request #28308: Factorio: update version (master...factorio-update) https://git.io/v7beX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lo1tuma opened pull request #28309: nodejs: 8.3.0 -> 8.4.0 (master...nodejs-8.4.0) https://git.io/v7bUJ
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<joepie91> viaken: I've found this to be a very good answer to that question: http://gfxmonk.net/2015/01/03/nixos-and-stateless-deployment.html
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<clever> joepie91: yeah, ive got at least 4 unique snowflakes i manage, that i refuse to even upgrade because of how fragile they can sometimes be, i really need to switch that crap over to nixos
<clever> joepie91: they all predate me discovering nix
<joepie91> clever: add a 1 in front of that number and that sentence applies to me :)
<clever> lol
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<MP2E> funny, I started using nixos in 2015 with only one machine and no real need for containers or the advantages, I just liked the concepts and Cabal Hell was still in full force from Haskell, nix was touted as a good solution
<MP2E> over the years i've gotten a few more machines and started using it for work
<MP2E> nixos has only become more pleasant/great :P
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<MP2E> i hope it reaches that threshold of immortality one day
<MP2E> dunno if that's a thing for OSes i suppose
<MP2E> but it's rather obscure right now
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<MP2E> also: excited for staging to merge into master :)
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<MP2E> gcc-6 branch landed
<MP2E> looking good so far too, rebuilt off of it successfully
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<clever> joepie91: eek!, the python27 example in the blog you linked is wrong
<clever> joepie91: that overwrites the patches attribute on the object, but doesnt actually override the derivation
<MP2E> uh oh
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