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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rdjy closed pull request #29294: Add the .nsapwn suffix to container settings files (master...fix-nspawn)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] WilliButz opened pull request #29406: grafana: 4.4.3 -> 4.5.0 (master...grafanaUpdate)
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<disasm> yrashk: yeah we're working on getting build failures fixed on release 17.09. You can build it on 17.03 I helped someone else with this a bit ago: (pkgs.callPackages ./tilix.nix {})
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29407: cx_Freeze: 4.3.4 -> 5.3.2 (master...cxfreeze)
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<sauyon> how do I specify a dependcy as a runtime one?
<sauyon> I've put it into propagatedbuildinputs and that seems to work but I'm not sure if that's correct
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] adisbladis opened pull request #29408: go-ethereum: 1.6.7 -> 1.7.0 (master...geth170)
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<fearlessKim[m]> When I do just journalctl I see entries for NetworkManager like "sept. 15 09:46:23 jedha NetworkManager[764]: sh: modprobe : commande introuvable
<fearlessKim[m]> " but if I run "journalctl -u NetworkManager" I see nothing. Is that the wrong unit name ?
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<sauyon> network-manager I believ
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<fearlessKim[m]> sauyon: indeed thanks.
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<qz> hello, is there any way to see build script for given package? (say i want to see build script for package that's installed when i do "nix-env -i elm")
<sauyon> look in the github?
<qz> but which revision in github? is it always taking master from nixpkgs?
<sauyon> no it depends on the channel and how far the channel has gotten
<qz> problem is that package is failing (says 1 dependencies couldn't be built) but i have no idea which exactly dependency is failing
<sauyon> elmPackages.elm?
<qz> yeah, likely. i just do nix-env -i elm
<sauyon> doesn't it tell you when a package fails
<sauyon> I'll try to build it
<sauyon> hrm ok what channel are you on atm
<qz> nope, worst it says is "cycle detected in the references of ‘/nix/store/8bjxnl81lqqn2x6da6dzak8dm4plyh2a-jailbreak-cabal-1.3.2’" but googling says its not even an error
<qz> channels are another thing i wanted to ask about nix-channel --list shows nothing
<sauyon> you have to run it as root
<qz> oh, figured... tried sudo but its not same as running as root
<sauyon> I would suggest trying a different channel though
<qz> which?
<sauyon> oh for reference
<sauyon> nixos-unstable
<sauyon> I would honestly recommend switching to nixos-unstable entirely to be honest
<qz> i'm on darwin, is nixos-* working here?
<qz> i thought i need nixpkgs-*
<qz> and that's channel i got by default after installing nix (disclaimer: i'm first day into nix)
<sauyon> ah I assumed you were on nixos
<sauyon> sorry I've never actually used nix by itself :/
<sauyon> worth a shot though, maybe?
<qz> i'm looking into using nix as package manager and build env for my projects
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<qz> so all nix-channel operations have to be done as root? or maybe i can remove all channels as root, add one as user and go with it?
<sauyon> I think if you one for your user it uses that one
<fearlessKim[m]> qz you can add channels as a user. The trick is that nix-env will use root's channel too even if nix-channel doesn't show them (hate that behavior)
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<Infinisil> qz: Stay on nixpkgs-unstable if you're not using nixos
<qz> removed channel as root, added one as user for now
<Infinisil> You generally don't need to mess around with nix-channel though
<qz> Infinisil: i'm trying nixpkgs-17.09-darwin for now, at least elm builds there
<disasm> wow my laptop is super hot to the touch right now... almost to the point I want to get a extra kbd out of the office.
<qz> it does not on nixpkgs-unstable and i dont know how to fix it (that commit referenced by sauyon is an issue)
<sauyon> unstable tends to do that :P
<qz> so its better to stay on 17.09 then?
<sauyon> how do I specify runtime deps :(
<Infinisil> qz: A lot of people also use a git checkout of nixpkgs at some/path, then add nixpkgs=some/path to NIX_PATH, so that all nix commands use this checkout instead
<Infinisil> then nix-channel becomes irrelevant
<qz> Infinisil: hrm, might try that.
<Infinisil> sauyon: include the path to the dep where you need it, e.g. ${}/bin/foo
<sauyon> I'm writing a package?
<Infinisil> qz: What's NIX_PATH by default on non-nixos if I may ask?
<sauyon> do you mean add it to the PATH in the wrapper hook?
<Infinisil> sauyon: Where's the problem?
<qz> Infinisil: NIX_PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<Infinisil> sauyon: It depends on what exactly you're using it for I guess
<sauyon> packaging quodlibet
<sauyon> I stuck it in propagatedBuildInputs and that works but not sure if that's correct
<Infinisil> sauyon: and you need a binary to be available when it runs?
<sauyon> yeah
<sauyon> should I patch it to use a path instead?
<Infinisil> propagetedBuildInputs is not correct
<Infinisil> But hold on I know a good example
<sauyon> actually like all of my python deps and stuff are in propagatedBuildInputs >.>
<Infinisil> Oh yeah python should be there
<Infinisil> but not binaries that need to be on PATH
<sauyon> oh + gnome3.defaultIconTheme
<sauyon> because I still haven't figured out why icons just don't work
<Infinisil> sauyon: Here is an example of adding some packages to PATH:
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<sauyon> hrm
<sauyon> yeah just wrap it
<sauyon> mk
<sauyon> oh I'm just looking for hooks for the buildPythonApplication and wrapGappsHook
<sauyon> 'cuz it's already wrapped twice lol
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<sauyon> wonderful
<sauyon> it only took me like 20 minutes to find makeWrapperArgs >.>
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<simpson> I updated my channels and now Steam won't start, I think because it's stuck in the past and looking for now-invalid paths. Is there a way to gently provoke it into freshness and working, or do I have to delete all the local data?
<sauyon> theoretically dependencies shouldn't be garbage collected
<sauyon> but I have no clue how the steam wrapper works
<sauyon> what's the actual error you're gettingp
<simpson> None. It just hangs.
<disasm> compiling qtwebengine on my laptop is no fun :( seriously considering
<simpson> The GUI never comes up.
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<fearlessKim[m]> I am trying to fix a problem happening during network manager compilation so I do "nix-shell -A networkmanager-dev ~/nixpkgs" but how can I get the phases to run ? As I don't know them I run "genericBuild" which generates "mkdir: impossible de créer le répertoire « /nix/store/wvch1f9s3bkzhy8w0siykg9anx5lmfxv-networkmanager-dev »: Read-only file system"
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<qz> where is nix setting my environment variables? i.e. initial NIX_PATH and friends?
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<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: first cd into a directory somewhere, I use ~/scratch myself then you should be able to run genericBuild. If you want to run the phases manually, you can do that too, but it will depend on the app what commands you run.
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<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: network manager looks fairly normal, so unpackPhase cd <dir it created> patchPhase configurePhase buildPhase
<disasm> qz: nixos or nix?
<fearlessKim[m]> disasm: but is there a way to skip the unpackPhase ? very often, I am in the git folder of the project. Like I am in the local clone of NetworkManager so can I get nix-shell to detect that and ignore the unpackPhase ? That's why I don't want to run genericBuild in fact. I would need to run it, but without the unpackPhase
<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: sure, alter the genericBuild, it's just a variable
<disasm> well function, not variable
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<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: actually, set phases
<fearlessKim[m]> disasm: when I do echo $phases, I see them in order I think so that can help
<disasm> yup, if it's set, just change that variable
<fearlessKim[m]> where is the genericBuild sourced from ? how would I go to alter it
<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: set|less
<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: I'd probly just change phases and then run genericBuild
<fearlessKim[m]> disasm: cool didn't know that command
<fearlessKim[m]> could have helped me more than once
<disasm> fearlessKim[m]: yeah, I found out about it a couple weeks ago when I got heavy into fixing broken packages for 17.09 :)
<qz> disasm: nix, using it on darwin
<qz> and wondering where it is setting NIX_PATH and stuff
<disasm> qz: .nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
<qz> disasm: no such file
<disasm> that's the thing it tells you to source after installing. the install process adds that to your .profile if I recall
<disasm> hmmm
<disasm> qz: ls ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ gives no such file?
<qz> yep
<disasm> okie dokie then :)
<qz> .nix-profile is a symlink to symlink to symlink... and in the end it liks to directory like that
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<disasm> yeah, ok, so osx does things more like nixos now...
<disasm> wish gchristensen was here... lemme dig a bit more before I go to bed
<disasm> qz: do you have a .bash_profile .bashrc or .profile in your home dir?
<qz> disasm: yep, but no mention of nix in those
<qz> there's . '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/' in /etc/profile though
<disasm> ah k, that's what's going on...
<disasm> qz: yup, that's it, bottom of that file
<disasm> export NIX_PATH="/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels"
<disasm> and your actual PATH: export PATH="$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:$HOME/.nix-profile/sbin:$HOME/.nix-profile/lib/kde4/libexec:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/sbin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/kde4/libexec:$PATH"
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<disasm> essentially, that file also sets up the magic so when you run nix commands, instead of manually running them, it passes the command off to an isolated build user.
<disasm> that magic happens with export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
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<disasm> qz: make sense?
<qz> so everything happens in /etc/profile?
<qz> commented out stuff in /etc/profile and NIX_ variables are still set in new shells
<disasm> qz: what shell are you using?
<qz> disasm: zsh. but yeah, somehow its still executing that /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/ and all magic is happening there
<qz> now i wonder how does it execute it
<disasm> qz: look at /etc/zshrc
<qz> disasm: that's it, thanks
<disasm> qz: yeah, here's the line in the installer: PROFILE_TARGETS=("/etc/profile" "/etc/bashrc" "/etc/zshrc")
<disasm> qz: if you come back around in 12 hours or so gchristensen will be around. he's the one that re-did the osx install to be multi-user. He can give you all the nitty gritty details.
<qz> disasm: cool, thanks
<qz> now i'm trying to make single-user install from this multi-user one :)
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<fearlessKim[m]> how can I remove the unpackPhase right from the overlay ? I've added a derivation networkmanager-dev = super.networkmanager.override ... { src=~/networkmanager unpackPhase= ??? }
<fearlessKim[m]> or should I 'phases= remove "unpackPhase" oldAttrs.phases' ?
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<fearlessKim[m]> that's weird, now that I've added autoreconfHook in nativeBuildInputs, echo $phases returns nothing :/
<hyper_ch> good morning
<hyper_ch> where's my coffee machine
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<Jacoby6000h> fearlessKim[m]: Did you end up figuring out the neovim python packages thing? I thought I saw a message from you this morning, but I didn't have time to look it over
* fearlessKim[m] sent a long message: fearlessKim[m]_2017-09-15_05:21:58.txt <>
<Jacoby6000h> thanks. I'll try that
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<rauno> Hi all
<srhb> rauno: Hello.
<neonfuz> so I'm trying to install an npm package, and node-gyp is giving me trouble
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<rauno> question, is it possible to assign secondary ip to interface with nixos configuration? something like: ifconfig br0:0 netmask up
<neonfuz> is there no rough equivalent to build-essential for nixos?
<neonfuz> like gcc, make, as, cc, etc
<neonfuz> also node-gyp is complaining that cc isn't found, do I need to manually link cc to gcc somehow?
<srhb> neonfuz: I'm not sure that the right answer for the job is stdenv, but stdenv does provide those.
<neonfuz> alright
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<neonfuz> still getting cc command not found
<neonfuz> after running through nix-shell -p stdenv
<srhb> What's cc again?
<neonfuz> the c compiler
<neonfuz> should point to gcc probably
<srhb> Odd, I should think gcc was there as an alias
<srhb> Yeah
<neonfuz> I'm gonna just try symlinking gcc to cc in my home directory bin that I have
<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: please tell me if that's ok for you too. I think I gonna shoot a mail anyway
<srhb> neonfuz: then?
<neonfuz> oh wait, duhh
<neonfuz> k
<neonfuz> it's goin
<neonfuz> I think it finished
<neonfuz> hard to tell with npm, it's kinda terrible lol
<Jacoby6000h> fearlessKim[m]: where is super coming from? I'm not super familiar with nix expressions./
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<fearlessKim[m]> Jacoby6000h: look for the overlay doc; here is the full file
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<adisblad`> neonfuz: "nix-shell -p gcc" gives you a "cc" binary
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<neonfuz> adisbladis: then why does 'nix-env -i gcc' not add cc to my path?
<neonfuz> nice ip brah
<neonfuz> lol
<adisbladis> neonfuz: Huh?
<neonfuz> I've ran "nix-env -i gcc", and I don't have cc in my path
<neonfuz> but "nix-shell -p gcc --command 'which cc'" does work
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<rauno> Any idea about my secondary ip question in nixos ?
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<fearlessKim[m]> rauno ifconfig is deprecated. Use "ip addr" and you can do it
<rauno> i mean i want to persist it in configuration.nix :)
<rauno> Sorry for not being enough clear in my request for help..
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<rauno> tried in network.interfaces { name = "br0:0"; ipAddress=""; prefixLength = 22; useDHCP = false; } but didn't seem to do the trick
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<LnL> I have a secondary ip on my desktop, let me look what I did for that
<rauno> great, looking forward to it, LnL
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<LnL> networking.localCommands = "ip addr add dev enp0s31f6";
<rauno> hum, thought that my approach is too simple :)
<rauno> will try it out
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<rauno> LnL, thx, it did the trick
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mbrock opened pull request #29410: go-ethereum: v1.6.7 -> v1.7.0 (master...dapphub-geth)
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<adisbladis> mbrock: I already sent a PR this morning ;)
<mbrock> adisbladis: aha :) oops, forgot to check
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aad00e3 Gabriel Ebner: lean: 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
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<adisbladis> :)
<mbrock> I'm getting a build error on Darwin on our own Hydra... cyclic reference in the store...
<adisbladis> mbrock: It's not loading for me.. But I did fix a cyclic reference issue in Geth on darwin ~10 days ago
<adisbladis> Did you not merge master in a while?
<mbrock> hah, awesome, indeed I haven't
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<adisbladis> mbrock: There is still an outstanding issue with geth on darwin which I have reported upstream
<LnL> mbrock: yeah, that's an rpath in the binary
<adisbladis> Not exactly sure why and I'm not using darwin myself so hard to test
<mbrock> adisbladis: I see! Thanks for the pointers :)
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<tnks> I'm not sure if --sign on nix-store --export is documented.
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<tnks> Does it always use the key at /etc/nix/signing-key.enc?
<tnks> or is it possible to temporarily sign with a different key specified at the commandline?
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<cocreature> what’s the equivalent of "nix-env --delete-generations" for deleting channel states?
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<LnL> channels are also a profile, so you can use nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels ...
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<tnks> I guess a variant of my question is "is there an environment variable to adjust "sysconfdir"? Or would that require recompilation of Nix binaries?
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<sphalerite> tnks: I don't even see --sign in the source code for nix-store :/
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6319210 romildo: zuki-themes: 3.24.2017-06-26 -> 3.24-2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29398: zuki-themes: 3.24.2017-06-26 -> 3.24-2 (master...upd.zuki-themes)
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<tnks> sphalerite: yeah, I'm kind of flummoxed by it all.
<tnks> it's like something changed between the version of Nix/Nixpkgs I've got checked out in source, and whatever is on my system.
<tnks> but I also started this inquiry at 2:00AM... and sleep has hit me.
<tnks> I'll check logs in the morning.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32f7c56 romildo: numix-gtk-theme: 2017-02-15 -> 2017-07-26
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29395: numix-gtk-theme: 2017-02-15 -> 2017-07-26 (master...upd.numix-gtk-theme)
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<sphalerite> tnks: oh right, it's changed in unstable
<cocreature> LnL: perfect, thanks!
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<sphalerite> tnks: so in 1.11.x it's hardcoded to look in ${nix-conf-dir}/signing-key.{sec,pub}. You can still change nix-conf-dir using the environment variable NIX_CONF_DIR by the looks of it (src/libstore/
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<Fannar> Made a wallpaper.
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<sphalerite> tnks: in unstable there seems to be a new sign-path command which I'm guessing replaces nix-store --export --sign (which is unrecognised there)
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<vandenoever> Fannar: is that amsterdam?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 57ae49b Maarten Hoogendoorn: openshift: 1.5.0 -> 3.6.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 d8f979d Maarten Hoogendoorn: Fix `oc cluster up`...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 ec76904 Maarten Hoogendoorn: mount is in utillinux...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29378: clearlooks-phenix: 5.0.7 -> 7.0.1 (master...upd.clearlooks-phenix)
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<goibhniu> Another FP hero who raves about NixOS: :D
* mbrock dreams of moving back to Amsterdam... biking around the countryside, drinking Belgian beer, and doing pure functional programming...
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<Fannar> Yes it is.
<mbrock> reminds me of a guy in #lisp who once said something like "I live on a sailboat and spend my time coding Common Lisp. It's the life I want to live and the love I want to give"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 090947b adisbladis: go-ethereum: 1.6.7 -> 1.7.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29408: go-ethereum: 1.6.7 -> 1.7.0 (master...geth170)
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<sphalerite> mbrock: nice
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d0090c0 Nadrieril: bitlbee-facebook: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29373: bitlbee-facebook: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2 (master...update-bitlbee-fb)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] alicebob opened pull request #29411: add buildGo19Package and use as default (master...buildgo19package)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 259d61b Lancelot SIX: xorriso: 1.4.6 -> 1.4.8...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29367: xorriso: 1.4.6 -> 1.4.8 (master...update_xorriso)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dotlambda opened pull request #29412: abcMIDI: init at 2017.06.10 (master...abcmidi)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0e09b79 Muhammad Herdiansyah: maintainer: change email
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2594437 Muhammad Herdiansyah: neofetch: 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29372: neofetch: 3.2.0 -> 3.3.0 (master...master)
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<jluttine> how can i find out which package provides executable foo? in this case, i'm looking for ps2pdf or any other ps to pdf converter
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<sphalerite> jluttine:
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<jluttine> sphalerite: hmm.. why do i get just an error "bash: ps2pdf: command not found" and not that information
<sphalerite> jluttine: huh. Are you on nixos?
<jluttine> sphalerite: yep
<sphalerite> which version?
<jluttine> some checkout from nixos-unstable..
<sphalerite> ah, not on a channel?
<sphalerite> I think that'll be why
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 95f88c4 Samuel Leathers: PyWebDAV: Fix src url
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29383: PyWebDAV: Fix src url (master...pywebdav)
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<Mic92> jluttine: it is in texlive
<sphalerite> Mic92: my command-not-found tells me it's in ghostscript
<Mic92> sphalerite: i guess this ghostscript was merged into this meta-texlive package
<sphalerite> jluttine: you can use nix-index to search non-installed packages though
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<michalrus> Hey, can I pin Nixpkgs SHA1 for the whole configuration.nix?
<Mic92> michalrus: yes
<michalrus> Wow, how? ♥
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 706f3a3 Samuel Leathers: PyWebDAV: Fix src url...
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<sphalerite> michalrus: I think the simplest way to do that is to pass -I nixpkgs=<commithash>.tar.gz
<Mic92> I had the link open this morning
<sphalerite> to nixos-rebuild, whenever you call it
<michalrus> sphalerite: yes, but I don’t want all developers to use that.
<michalrus> s/use/have to use/
<michalrus> Thank you!
<makefu> michalrus: you can also clone the repo and use NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/path/to/checkout nixos-rebuild switch
<michalrus> Mic92: but that’s how to obtain a concrete SHA1 of nixpkgs, yes! But how to use it then during evaluation of configuration.nix, without using -I?
<michalrus> makefu: mhmmm. Hmm.
<makefu> setting nix.nixPath persists the setting
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<makefu> s/^\w+ //
<michalrus> Awesome. ♥ And I can set it from configuration.nix, and it will use *that* nixPath to build *that* configuration.nix?
<sphalerite> yes
<sphalerite> It will also affect nix-env and friends
<michalrus> Omg, just what I wanted. Wonderful!
<michalrus> Thanks, all. :)
<Mic92> michalrus: you can point nix.nixPath = ["nixpkgs=${...}"];
<michalrus> Yes.
<michalrus> Very cool. =] Thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 6e753b3 Samuel Leathers: PyWebDAV: Fix src url...
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<makefu> michalrus: for the initial build you can use `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=... nixos-rebuild switch`
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<tilpner> michalrus - This is how I set it up:
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<michalrus> Ahh, so this will work from the 2nd build only, hmm.
<michalrus> tilpner: thank you, reading!
<tilpner> michalrus - I originally had the git details inlined into config.nix, but I recently extracted them to make it easier to parse them with external tooling
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<michalrus> Uh-huh, this is also what Gabriel439 suggests in :)
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<tilpner> Oh, nice, first time seeing that
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to (from 65 minutes ago, history:
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<maxigit> Hello there. I need help setting a dual boot/VM Nixos install
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<tilpner> What specifically?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 608045a Robert Schütz: abcMIDI: init at 2017.06.10
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29412: abcMIDI: init at 2017.06.10 (master...abcmidi)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b86fd34 Eelco Dolstra: nixUnstable: 1.12pre5511_c94f3d55 -> 1.12pre5619_346aeee1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 5950567 Jörg Thalheim: daemontools: fix build...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 2667bfb Peter Simons: ikiwiki: mark build broken...
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<maxigit> well, I have two installs sharing the same disk. I Would like to share the store but the path are actually different, even though the binaries should be the same
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28635: Init ldc at 1.3.0, fix bootstrap dmd build, fix dtools test, run dmd-testsuite in checkPhase and fix Foundation framework (master...ldc)
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<ikwildrpepper> git log
<ikwildrpepper> oops
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<tilpner> maxigit - The path /nix/store would be different for each?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3b5245f Jörg Thalheim: dmd: remove broken flag
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<sphalerite> maxigit: did you post on reddit about this too?
<sphalerite> ah yes, I see that was you :)
<maxigit> Yes I did, is that ok ?
<sphalerite> Of course it is haha, just checking
<maxigit> I want to share the path `/nix/store` however, binaries get a different sha, so nothing is shared.
<sphalerite> Then what's sthe point in sharing it?
<sphalerite> and you'll still have the GC/database problems I mentioned in the comments
<maxigit> The point of sharing it is to save space. There is no point indeed if it doesn't work the way I need too. But I'm hoping it can be done.
<sphalerite> Is there a reason you don't want to just share everything between hte installations?
<sphalerite> if they're not shared you won't be saving space
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 5 new commits to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e357ee4 Thomas Mader: dmd: Fix bootstrap dmd compiler build. Doesn't work with gcc6....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 f5fe80a Thomas Mader: dmd: Run dmd-testsuite in checkPhase...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 463656e Thomas Mader: dtools: Fix rdmd test when building with newer phobos version which doesn't include std.stdiobase.d anymore....
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<maxigit> Can't the GC problem solved by adding roots somehow ?
<maxigit> I want to share them. Do you know why the hash are different ?
<tilpner> Different nixpkgs revisions?
<maxigit> I want to share everything between the two installations
<sphalerite> Then why don't you share the rest of the filesystem as well?
<maxigit> @tilpner how can I check that ? I installed both from the same CD. The only difference should be the hardware configuration which is slightly different. One being a VirtualBox guest
<sphalerite> That would solve the problem of gc not working right, and result in a single database
<tilpner> maxigit - Did you try updating the channels on both machines at the same time? That should make sure they're the same
<tilpner> (Doesn't have to be same minute or anything like that. Same week should be enough)
<tilpner> How do you tell they're not being shared?
<maxigit> @sphalerite I'm planning to share as much as possible, but they'll have to boot from a different FS, I dont' think I can boot a VM From a physical partitition. Also, mounting point and some device configuration will be different.
<goibhniu> maxigit: by the way, do you know you can easily share the store if you use build-vm to create the image?
<sphalerite> maxigit: it should be possible
<sphalerite> goibhniu: the VM would be running in windows
<goibhniu> oh! ;D
<maxigit> @goibhniu I use the VM From a window host not nixos
<sphalerite> maxigit: and it isn't hard to get a config that will boot both on both a physical and a virtual machine
<sphalerite> if you base the mountpoints on UUIDs the same mount config should work both in the VM and the physical machine too
<maxigit> @tipner if I Do `which something` on both machine I get a different path (different hash) in the nix-store
<sphalerite> Of course the simplest option is just to have completely separate VMs
<sphalerite> although that's no fun ;)
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<goibhniu> could you use a different system profile for each system, so that you have gc-roots for both independently?
<sphalerite> goibhniu: the trouble with that AFAIU is that neither system will know about the other's gc roots and may remove stuff that the other system is still depending on
<tilpner> maxigit - And you have the same config on both, I assume?
<goibhniu> but if both profiles are on both systems, wouldn't that protect them?
<maxigit> @goibhniu I'm sure I can add each profiles on each other root.
<sphalerite> goibhniu: for profiles that could work, but it won't work for indirect roots
* goibhniu is just imagining this ... no idea if it's possible TBH
<sphalerite> so if all of /nix is shared rather than just the store
<maxigit> @tiplner No. The generated hardware configuration is different, and I haven't activated the same package yet (I'm just playing with the two config at the moment). However, the package should have the same dependendices shouldn't they ?
<sphalerite> maxigit: bottom line is it's probably possible but not a good idea to try if you don't know much about nixos yet and are just trying it out
<sphalerite> I'd recommend keeping the installations separate, maybe also only doing one of the two
<maxigit> @tilpner do you know how the hash are calculated , ie which parameter are actually taken into account ?
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<maxigit> @tilpner how do you check the actual version the nixpgs ?
<sphalerite> maxigit: everything that can influence the outcome
<goibhniu> maxigit: nixos-version will tell you
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<maxigit> @sphalerite Well, I won't invest more in nixos if I can't getting this working :-). Even though I really like the idea of it.
<tilpner> "nixos-version --hash" => "master"
<tilpner> So helpful...
<sphalerite> maxigit: have you got it working with other OSes? :p
<maxigit> to be honest, I have only shared the nix-store using by setting NIX_STORE_DIR, install something and check if it reuses anything from the new store
<goibhniu> tilpner: weird, does it work without the --hash?
<dannyg> in my systempackages i refer directly to a store path (because reasons), which worked fine, but with the release-17.09 branch i get an error: The option value `environment.systemPackages.[definition 33-entry 32]' in `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix' is not a package. How do I disable this error and make it accept the package in my store again?
<tilpner> goibhniu - No, it says 17.09pre-git (Hummingbird)
<goibhniu> super-weird ... it should tell you the revision ... unless this has changed recently?
<maxigit> @sphalerite I haven't tried with other os. I though NixOS would be perfect for that.
<tilpner> Oh, I know why. Huh
<sphalerite> dannyg: consider elaborating on "reasons"? :p
<dannyg> something that takes way too long to build ;)
<sphalerite> dannyg: pin nixpkgs for it instead of referring to the store path
<tilpner> dannyg - You expected this response, but you shouldn't put raw store paths into your systemPackages (or anywhere). Why do you do that?
<tilpner> goibhniu - nixos-rebuild updates .version-suffix, so if I don't run nixos-rebuild, the version suffix is never updated and nixos-version can't use it
<sphalerite> dannyg: if you put something like (import (builtins.fetchTarball<commithash>.tar.gz) {}).packageName in your systemPackages it shouldn't ever need rebuilding
<goibhniu> tilpner: what do you use instead of nixos-rebuild?
<maxigit> is there any resources indicating what is taking into account when calculating the sha ?
<sphalerite> maxigit: everything is taken into account, as I said previously
<tilpner> goibhniu - A custom 4-line /bin/sh script that uses nix-build and calls switch-to-configuration manually. But I'm in the process of testing if that's unnecessary and might switch back to a wrapper around nixos-rebuild
<sphalerite> maxigit: the sha of what exactly in this case?
<dannyg> sphalerite: thx, will look into that option
<maxigit> What do you mean by everything ? All the dependencies, all the packages installed (even the one which haven't been installed yet ?) hardwarde configuration ?
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<maxigit> sphalerite: for example if I don't have git installed and do `nix-shell -p git` then find the path of the git binary in the nix-store I found something. I do insted `NIX_STORE_DIR=... nix-shell -p git`. Then the hash in the new nix store is a different one
* sphalerite did not know there was a NIX_STORE_DIR environment variable
<sphalerite> but everything depends on the nix store path basically
<sphalerite> So if you have a different nix store path everything will have different hashes (and everything will need to be built from source)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 8e80fa1 Eelco Dolstra: blender: 2.78c -> 2.79...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 cb32036 Eelco Dolstra: nixUnstable: 1.12pre5511_c94f3d55 -> 1.12pre5619_346aeee1...
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<maxigit> Ok, that might be the problem as I have `/nix/store` and `/mnt/nix/store` I might have to try and mount the new nix store to `/nix/store`.
<sphalerite> Stuff in /mnt/nix/store also won't work as expected
<maxigit> sphalerite: why ?
<sphalerite> because everything in it will assume it lives in /nix/store and refer to other stuff in /nix/store rather than /mnt/nix/store, if /mnt is a foreign system that usually boots with it at /nix/store
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<maxigit> are you saying set NIX_STORE_DIR doesn't really work becauce all path are absolute ?
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<tilpner> Did you try bind-mounting the store to /nix/store?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29357: Python 3.4 and 3.5: support LD_LIBRARY_PATH (master...ld_library_path)
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<maxigit> tilpner: I'm trying now. Do you know the syntax ?
<tilpner> mount --bind something something_else, if you're just testing this
<tilpner> Not sure how you would do this permanently on boot
<tilpner> I also forgot why a symlink was not okay
<maxigit> which one is something and something_elese ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] eskimor opened pull request #29415: Fix coturn to also come properly up if dhcpcd is used. (master...coturn-fix)
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<tilpner> Try mount --bind /mnt/nix /nix
<maxigit> I've done the mount. Now, it can't anything
<tilpner> Actually, maybe only the store
<tilpner> Did you do what I said, or did you only mount the store?
<maxigit> I just mounted the store
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0d9410a Samuel Leathers: jedi: disable tests
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e355e9c Samuel Leathers: ptpython: 0.35 -> 0.41
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6515402 Samuel Leathers: altair: disable tests
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<tilpner> Okay, good
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<maxigit> Not so good. Nothing work at all now. I can't even launch a new terminal :-(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 329d844 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29405 from disassembler/jedi...
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<tilpner> Can you unbind it?
<maxigit> No. I have to reboot
<tilpner> So just umount
<maxigit> I can't find umount ;-)
<tilpner> :/
<tilpner> So you were running everything from your /nix/store, and we made that inaccessible. Good job, us
<maxigit> That's the evidence that the hash are different between the two stores
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<sphalerite> maxigit: so why do you not just want to run the VM off the real partition?
<maxigit> maybe I Should try to change the nix-store in the /etc/nixos/configuration itself. Any idea how to do it ?
<tilpner> I don't know how to do this quickly, you'd have to build a new profile against the other nix store, then mount it at boot
<maxigit> sphalerite: because I don't know how to do it (and I have seen) it's not possible
<maxigit> sphalerite: but I'm hope I'm wrong. Could you help me doing it ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fad96f6 Samuel Leathers: 3to2: rename py3to2 to work with callPackage
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6ac283b Samuel Leathers: arelle: add py3to2 as a buildInput
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 47e1751 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29388 from disassembler/arelle...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 01aafc6 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29388 from disassembler/arelle...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 140136a Samuel Leathers: mdp: disable tests
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 8067485 Samuel Leathers: mdp: disable tests...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29382: mdp: disable tests (master...mdp)
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<fearlessKim[m]> is there a nix prettyprint tool ? my script generates valid but horrible nix scripts
<bennofs> fearlessKim[m]: hnix can do that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29407: cx_Freeze: 4.3.4 -> 5.3.2 (master...cxfreeze)
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<bennofs> (pretty much the only thing it can do right now :d)
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<aminechikhaoui> bennofs: what's hnix ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 631b96a Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29407 from disassembler/cxfreeze...
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<aminechikhaoui> ah nevermind, googled it
<bennofs> aminechikhaoui:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3e7040 Samuel Leathers: pgpdump: disable tests
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 56f8b36 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29353 from disassembler/pgpdump...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e13c497 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29357 from FRidh/ld_library_path...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 baee496 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29353 from disassembler/pgpdump...
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<maxigit> hi there, I've just been deconnected. I'm a newbee. is there a way to see what I missed since my last connection ?
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<maxigit> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0783efb Rob Vermaas: google-instance-setup: add openssh to path
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<sphalerite> maxigit: it depends on which virtualisation software you're using really
<sphalerite> I think with qemu it can be done with -disk /dev/sda3 or whatever but that's not really helpful since linux isn't the host
<sphalerite> I think you can create a VMDK representing the physical device / partition using VBoxManage for virtualbox, but I don't know the details
<maxigit> sphalerite: I'm using virtualbox. When I try to boot on the physical partition i says it's not bootable. I remember seeing somewhere it was a bad idea.
<maxigit> sharing the nix-store would be much cleaner if I can make it work
<sphalerite> yeah, not booting off the partition but having a separate boot medium that boots into it
<sphalerite> IMHO that would be cleaner
<sphalerite> neither solution will work without quite a bit of fiddling
<sphalerite> If this is a desktop machine maybe you could install to a separate physical disk and share the entire disk rather than just one partition
<sphalerite> That seems like the least fiddly and most likely to work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rbvermaa pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 38883f8 Rob Vermaas: google-instance-setup: add openssh to path...
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<maxigit> Well my budget on computer has been totally used. I'm not allowed at the moment to spend any extra cash on anything :-(
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<sphalerite> or a USB stick if you don't mind the performance hit
<sphalerite> FWIW I have nixos running acceptably fast from a USB stick myself
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<clever> at one time, i ran nixos from a uSD card in a usb reader
<clever> that uSD was also specialy configured, to boot both armv6 and x86-64, with the same rootfs and nix store
<cmacrae> Hey LnL o/ So, I've been having issues with building a few packages on macOS (using nix-darwin) for a while now. I'm unable to install: rg, gpg, pass (assuming pass because of the gpg dependancy). Any idea what's going on? Are the packages broken upstream? Are you able to install these? Granted I'm following the unstable channel, but these used to work fine, so there's some regression
<cmacrae> Sorry to @ you, just you've been helpful in the past with Nix on Darwin :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 88604ee Eelco Dolstra: nixUnstable: 1.12pre5511_c94f3d55 -> 1.12pre5619_346aeee1...
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<LnL> no problem :)
<fearlessKim[m]> cmacrae without knowing the errors, hard to tell, try other channels such as nixpkgs-unstable
<fearlessKim[m]> is it possible to have nix-shell -p somePackage -A aPackage ?doesn't seem to work here
<LnL> cmacrae: are you using the unstable channel?
<Mic92> sphalerite: I test now your installer pull request along with my zfs stuff.
<sphalerite> Mic92: great, thanks!
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: you cant mix -A and -p
<clever> fearlessKim[m]: -A tells it to open a given derivation, -p creates a derivation on the fly
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<gchristensen> hi qz
<LnL> cmacrae: you're talking about ripgrep and gnupg right?
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<tilpner> Hey michalrus, what did you settle on?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm opened pull request #29416: lttng-{modules,tools,uts}: version bumps (master...lttng)
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<noblenoodle12> Which package contains `nixos-rebuild`? I want to use nix to build a chrootable/bootable system without the installer.
<gchristensen> cool! you can build a chrootable system with a .nix file and nix-build
<tilpner> noblenoodle12 -
<tilpner> If you can call that a package...
<noblenoodle12> I guess that pulls in the base system, like systemd, etc.
<gchristensen> noblenoodle12: can you describe what your end goal is?
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<noblenoodle12> to install nixos into a subdirectory, without booting the installer cd. Basicly installing nix onto another partition using my current system.
<noblenoodle12> nixos*
<gchristensen> and why don't you want to reboot?
<noblenoodle12> i only have one machine and need my browser, tools, live, etc. Which are afaik not on the graphical installer.
<noblenoodle12> i don't see any reason why my idea is impossible
<gchristensen> it is just a bit annoying to do :P
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<gchristensen> do you know you can install a browser and other tools in the graphical installer, if they're not already there?
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<FRidh> I have a set called `media` that contains other sets. I would like to concat the values of all these subsets. The following should work, right? `concatMap attrValues (attrValues media)`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 33b09c0 Peter Simons: ghc-7.2.2 is broken
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<Infinisil> FRidh: nix-repl agrees
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<noblenoodle12> Do many packages break with the paths in nixstore? E.g. firejail policies, which expect some traditional path.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 2f90efa Peter Simons: ghc-7.2.2 is broken...
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<tilpner> noblenoodle12 - Firejail in general seems broken with Nix
<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: it depends on the assumptions the software makes
<tilpner> And patching it would be non-trivial
<noblenoodle12> how does this work for apparmor then? The latter one has even nixos options.
<maxigit> is it possible to change the nix-store path in the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file ?
<sphalerite> firejail's concept is kind of neat, but as far as I've seen the implementation is awful
<noblenoodle12> that said, i abandoned all hope for ever having SELinux on nix
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<tilpner> noblenoodle12 - If you define your profile/policies with Nix, your paths will always be correct
<sphalerite> maxigit: I'm not sure, but you very rarely want to do that as it results in everything having to be built from source
<tilpner> (I assume that's what apparmor does)
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<maxigit> sphalerite: ok :-(
<Infinisil> maxigit: Why would you want that?
<FRidh> Infinisil: somehow it doesn't like my sets
<maxigit> Infinisil: I'm trying to share a nix-store between too install. One way would be to mount the 2nd store to /mnt/nix/store and change the nix-store to use it.
<sphalerite> maxigit: if sharing the nix store between two machines is a hard requirement for you, then as you said earlier you shouldn't invest any more effort into nixos
<noblenoodle12> tilpner: how broken is firejail in your opinion?
<maxigit> Alternativey I could mount bind /mnt/nix/store to /nix/store but I don't how how to mount bind in configuration.nix
<sphalerite> That won't work because the stuff in /mnt/nix/store expects to be in /nix/store
<Infinisil> FRidh: It works with simple ones at least, what's the error?
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<noblenoodle12> why you don't mount to /nix? All the binaries inside it are linked against stuff in /nix/foo/2fe..fe287/bar
<sphalerite> You can create a bind mount using something like fileSystems."/nix/store" = {type = "bind"; device = "/mnt/nix/store";}; or something like that (might not work exactly like that)
<tilpner> noblenoodle12 - It has some very questionable implementation choices (look at e.g. how it implements path whitelisting, lots of duplication), and I'm not a fan of the blacklisting approach to profiles. I haven't managed to use it on NixOS, so I'm using bubblewrap for now
<FRidh> Infinisil: yea, if I create a new set it works just fine. And my existing sets are fine as well, since the items are referred elsewhere and no issues there. The purpose is to pass this list to propagatedBuildInputs
<FRidh> Infinisil: yet I get `cannot coerce a function to a string`
<sphalerite> But again, you're likely to have gc problems with that
<maxigit> sphalerite: I understand. Sharing the nix-store is THE reason why I might use NixOS :-). I don't see why it could work in theory
<FRidh> if I create some other set it works fine
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] manveru opened pull request #29417: ruby: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 (master...ruby-2.4.2)
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<manveru> zimbatm: ruby 2.4.2 at
<sphalerite> maxigit: there's no reason for it not to work in theory, but in practice it doesn't as of now
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<maxigit> sphalerite: is that for sure ? or we just haven't managed yet.
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<tilpner> sphalerite - What if they shared /nix/var? Wouldn't that solve gc problems?
<tilpner> (Though it might bring other problems)
<sphalerite> tilpner: not with indirect roots
<Infinisil> maxigit: Soo, why do you need two nixos installs on the same machine?
<Infinisil> sorry I don't get the point just yet
<Infinisil> maybe nixos-containers can work for you instead
<maxigit> Infinisil: I want a dual boot/ Virtul setep
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<zimbatm> manveru: merged
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2edb7e9 Michael Fellinger: ruby: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2 (#29417)
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<maxigit> I have a window machine, I want to be able to boot nixos , or boot on windows and use NixOs on VirtualBox
<manveru> thanks
<Infinisil> Ahh, hm
<sphalerite> tilpner: other than that it would all be fine, as long as the systems aren't running simultaneously (which they aren't in maxigit's case)
<noblenoodle12> you could bind mount /nix
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<noblenoodle12> into the vm, if i get it right
<manveru> good point about minor versions, maybe i should've kept both?
<manveru> but don't want insecure packages in the repo if not absolutely needed
<tilpner> sphalerite - Oh, didn't think of those. Depending on maxigits usage of them, it might just be a minor annoyance :/
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<maxigit> The two system won't run at the same TimePath
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<sphalerite> yeah it's definitely possible, it'll just break parts of nix
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<goibhniu> maxigit: so you just have two slightly different hardware configuration options?
<freeman42x[NixOS> anyone could recommend a GUI file extractor? eg. for extraciting .rar, .7z, .zip, etc.
<noblenoodle12> file-roller
<maxigit> goibhniu: yes, might problem is the hash of binaries between the towo different options are different
<Infinisil> FRidh: I just use `atool -x <archive>` which can exctract anything
<Infinisil> Um freeman42x[NixOS ^^
<freeman42x[NixOS> Infinisil, I'm specifically asking for a GUI tool though :)
<goibhniu> maxigit: and simply booting your NixOS installation from VirtualBox doesn't work, right?
<Infinisil> I see :) I'm not using GUI's very much
<freeman42x[NixOS> Infinisil, I'm using GUIs because I like to use things that are typesafe
<tilpner> maxigit - Have you tried just booting the installed NixOS from your harddrive in Windows?
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<Infinisil> freeman42x[NixOS: What do you mean by 'typesafe'?
<maxigit> goibhniu: I does, but I've seen you can do dual boot as well, which solve minor problems using VM.
<tilpner> Oh... goibhniu just asked that, sorry
<freeman42x[NixOS> Infinisil, a GUI has good API discoverability and the type-safe bit is basically preventing users from doing some class of invalid actions
<Infinisil> Ah
<freeman42x[NixOS> btw. I am not implying that GUIs should /always/ be used
<goibhniu> maxigit: right, but can't you dual boot the same system?
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<maxigit> goibhniu: No, but I can share all data, and I was hoping to be able to share the nix/store
<goibhniu> maxigit: what happens when you try?
<maxigit> tilpner: from VirtualBox ? It doesn't work (not saying it can't made it worked)
<goibhniu> that would be a simple solution, if you can get it to work
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<tilpner> maxigit - It would also solve profile/data synchronisation issues, so it's probably worth trying again
<maxigit> goibhniu: I was hoping, bind mouting /nix and creating a few hardlink to share the roots would be enough. It is obviously not :-(
<maxigit> goibhniu: I can share the nix store, but objects are not shared (they have a different hash) thefore it's pointless
<tilpner> Uhh
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<tilpner> Did you find out why the hashes were different?
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to (from 3 hours ago, history:
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<maxigit> tilpner: no. sphalerite says EVERYTHING is taken into account. But it can't be everything ...
<noblenoodle12> Why isn't the official install cd signed? I only see a hash
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<tilpner> maxigit - Just inputs to a derivation (recursively) and variables/environment of them, I think
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vanschelven opened pull request #29418: documentation: cross-compilation - partial rewrite (master...small-documentation-improvements)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #29419: wrapGAppsHook: Correct `wrapProgram` invocations (release-17.03...fix-wrapGAppsHook)
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<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: largely because it's rebuilt on every channel update and there won't necessarily be someone to sign it right when it's been (automatically) built
<maxigit> tilpner: that makes sense, maybe the environment is different then.
<sphalerite> AFAIK
<noblenoodle12> maybe the same system that signs the cache and channel tarballs can be used? Or are the latter one not signed yet?
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<sphalerite> maxigit: I said everything that's supposed to affect the outcome
<tilpner> maxigit - Compare the output of nixos-version on each system
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<maxigit> sphalerite: Ok. The question is what is "supposed" to affect the outcome. Or now Nix decide it ?
<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: yeah the image is actually signed by that. Don't know how to verify a manually downloaded image though
<maxigit> I can't comparte then physical version now, because I need to reboot ;-)
<sphalerite> maxigit: the inputs to the derivation
<sphalerite> so all the environment variables and stuff as tilpner said
<maxigit> sphalerite: is there a way to check the inputs of a given derivation (recursively)?
<noblenoodle12> sphalerite: what do you mean with "image"? The channel? I hope this one is signed
<sphalerite> maxigit: to be precise — the builder, the builder arguments and the environment variables
<sphalerite> You can check these things by inspecting the derivation file
<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: the ISO image
<sphalerite> I'm not sure the channel is signed actually
<gchristensen> noblenoodle12: the signing of the cache files isn't in a way that would be friendly for validating an image
<noblenoodle12> How does nix ensure, that the expressions in the channel are legit? I get that the packages itself are signed, but not signing the channel would defeat the entire purpose.
<gchristensen> the channel tarball is not signed (interesting!) but is (of course) delivered over SSL
<noblenoodle12> now we have to blindly trust ca cert authorities.
<sphalerite> it should also be reproducible right?
<gchristensen> I imagine it would be yeah
<tilpner> You know... you *could* just get nixpkgs from GitHub and pin the hash
<gchristensen> ^
<sphalerite> but that means trusting CAs!
<sphalerite> :p
<gchristensen> noblenoodle12: want to open an issue?
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<noblenoodle12> no ;)
<maxigit> sphalerite: Do you mean nix file ? Is there any way to check the actual value of those parameters for a build derivation ?
<gchristensen> ok, that is fine
<tilpner> sphalerite - Not really, the hash is good enough. And unless someone signs it manually, I don't see how it's going to get better than this
<sphalerite> maxigit: no, I mean the derivation file. It's created as part of building an expression
<sphalerite> tilpner: but what trusted source do you get the hash from :o
<maxigit> sphalerite: where can I find it ?
<gchristensen> NixOS as it stands depends on the security of the webserver and the CA process
<clever> maxigit: nix prints the path when it start the build
<sphalerite> ^
<sphalerite> Look for <stuff>.drv
<maxigit> Thanks
<sphalerite> gchristensen: and github too, right?
<gchristensen> yeah, and a bunch of other stuff :P
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<sphalerite> it's crazy how many parties you have to trust in order to use any software really
<gchristensen> yeah and really, who is this sketchy "eelco" fella anyway
<disasm> dang, I thought we were going to break the 200 barrier of failing builds when I woke up. We're getting closer though.
<tilpner> sphalerite - That attack works if compromised nixpkgs is constantly served to me, even for my local checkout. It doesn't work inbetween, while I have it pinned. So yes, it's pretty insecure if GH or a nation state is trying to attack (or my home router is compromised), but it protects me from the guy might mitm at the coffee shop
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<tilpner> *the guy who
<noblenoodle12> You don't. One only needs e.g. the key of the core maintainers. Everything else is build on top, it then doesn't matter if i try to install stuff from, it will still be legit.
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<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: then it's transitive trust, you're still effectively trusting everyone that core maintainer trusts
<freeman42x[m]> noblenoodle12: cheers! file-roller works great 🙂
<gchristensen> noblenoodle12: please open an issue with the root of the problem, and include afew attack vectors you're concerned about
<michalrus> tilpner: re: pinning nixpkgs for the whole configuration.nix → your method requires second rebuild, too, sooo… having limited time, I added `-I nixpkgs=` to the Makefile. I’ll investigate later how to do this well. For developer VMs it’s easy (nixos-build-vms is just a fancy nix-build), but for auto deployment to prod, I don’t know yet. :)
<gchristensen> and how do you get that key? ;) (the ultimate troll question of threat matrixes)
<tilpner> michalrus - How does my method require a second rebuild?
<noblenoodle12> gchristensen: i download it unsafely, then compare fingerprints on different websites from various machines :P
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<michalrus> Wait, no, yours didn’t!
<michalrus> But it wouldn’t be a standard nixos-rebuild on production.
<tilpner> michalrus - And after I linked my config, I rebuilt that part completely. I'm now using nixos-rebuild again! (Though with a wrapper)
<michalrus> But again you shouldn’t do that manually.
<sphalerite> noblenoodle12: what if everyone in the world is out to get you :D
<michalrus> I don’t know yet. :P
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<michalrus> tilpner: yes, yes, I’ve seen a wrapper in one of my friends’ config. :p
<maxigit> If I look at two different derivation (for tree). One uses bash-4.4-p5 and the other bash-4.4-p12. Are they different version fo bash or just different name for the same thing ?
<noblenoodle12> sphalerite: well, as long as its cheaper to attack me in person than my computer im happy.
<michalrus> OK, I need to afk, thanks for the ideas!
<sphalerite> maxigit: different versions of bash I believe
<sphalerite> maxigit: bash's versioning is weird
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<tilpner> gchristensen - You distribute the fingerprint of that key via as many channels as possible. Include it in the IRC topic, on the website, etc.
<maxigit> Ok, if do `bash --version` i get bash4.4.5. So I definitely have a different version between my two install. What is the way to make sure both uses exactly the same version ? I installed from the same CD and didn't update anything.
<sphalerite> that's weird
<gchristensen> noblenoodle12: IRC channels have a mind of a goldfish though. if you'd like this fixed, we need an issue.
<sphalerite> maxigit: How much time passed between the installs?
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<maxigit> A few days ? maybe a week
<sphalerite> gchristensen: channel topic :D
<maxigit> sphalerite: I installed both last week, but had to reinstall the VM this week.
<sphalerite> I'm not sure if the installer does updates or not
<tilpner> I don't think it does
<tilpner> (I just checked, now I think it doesn't)
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<sphalerite> maxigit: the bash in 17.03 is p5, only unstable has p12
<sphalerite> err and 17.09 (beta) probably
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] roberth opened pull request #29420: arelle: enable only on python 3.4 (release-17.09...release-17.09-arelle)
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<FRidh> Infinisil: getting closer...if I remove an instance of callPackage and put the referred expression instead in the same file there is no evaluation error
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] roberth opened pull request #29421: arelle: enable only on python 3.4 (master...master-arelle)
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<lewo> hi, how could I prefill a /nix/store from a binary cache? I mean, I've generated a binary cache (narinfo+nar) which is backuped. Suppose I loose the /nix/store/ that has been used to generate this cache. I would like to recreate the /nix/store by "dumping" this binary cache.
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<maxigit> sphalerite: tilpner: thanks guys. I think I know enough to investigate.
<tilpner> Good luck!
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<tilpner> (Or frustration tolerance...)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29422: gensim: add moto as build dependency (master...gensim)
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<cmacrae> LnL: Sorry, I had to step out for lunch!
<cmacrae> Yes, I'm talking about ripgrep and gnupg
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<cmacrae> The channels I'm following:
<cmacrae> I didn't think there was a stable channel available for darwin
<cmacrae> Or am I mistaken?
<sphalerite> I think it's a new thing that's being introduced with 17.09
<sphalerite> "nixpkgs-17.09-darwin"
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09-small advanced to (from 2 hours ago, history:
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<FRidh> so, I tracked the issue I was having down to `callPackage. In the expression linked to by the following url, I have three sets. The first is obtained with callPackage, the second with import, and the third is defined locally. The sets are the same, containing the same attribute. If I then use these as propagatedBuildInputs, something goes wrong when using callPackage, but it does not with import or when its defined locally. Any ideas why?
<FRidh> note removing the argument from callPackage makes no difference
<tilpner> How do I... uninstall nixos-rebuild?
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<clever> tilpner: how did you install it to begin with?
<bennofs> FRidh: does /nix/media/listening have any default arguments?
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<FRidh> bennofs: nope, only argument is runCommand
<mog> tilpner, roll back to a different derivation and then garbage collect the bad one
<FRidh> and then it returns that set with that attribute/derivation
<tilpner> clever - Some module installs it, I assume
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<bennofs> FRidh: what is rec {inherit figures;};
<clever> tilpner: ah, it cant be removed on nixos
<bennofs> oh sorry icannot read
<FRidh> bennofs: this is the expression thatis imported
<tilpner> clever - I actually want to install a wrapper around it that has the same name
<tilpner> So I want to keep it installed, just not in my profile
<LnL> cmacrae: don't know about issues with ripgrep, but gnupg was fixed on master
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<clever> tilpner: you might have luck just adding something to nix-env or systemPackages, that has the same name
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<clever> tilpner: but if its in systemPackages, youll have trouble finding the original
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<bennofs> FRidh: and the problem is that the callPackage one doesn't have the propagated input, right?
<Alling> Hello guys! Is this a good place to ask a question regarding a NixOS problem?
<tilpner> clever - And while you're here, do I remember correctly that you setup nix-env/nix-defexpr so that you could "nix-env -iA unstable.hello"?
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ cat .nix-defexpr/test/foo/default.nix
<clever> import /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs
<clever> tilpner: this allows you to nix-env -iA foo.hello
<FRidh> bennofs: error: while evaluating the attribute ‘propagatedBuildInputs’ of the derivation ‘foo’ at /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:98:11:
<tilpner> Ah righ, I solved that differently in the past, but that approach doesn't work anymore. I didn't find yours in the logs though. Thank you, clever! :)
<FRidh> cannot coerce a function to a string, at /etc/nixos/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:98:11
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<Alling> OK, I'll give it a shot.
<bennofs> FRidh: oh! that's because callPackage will add .override etc
<cmacrae> LnL: Ah, okay. Which channel does that mean gnupg should be fixed in, then? Should I move over to this 17.09-darwin channel instead of unstable?
<bennofs> FRidh: so your attrValues returns more attrs
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<LnL> cmacrae: it might be fixed there, unstable is blocked on nox aparently
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29423: jscoverage: fix build with gcc6 (master...jscoverage)
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<Alling> Just installed NixOS on my server. nixos-rebuild works fine until I try to add "sv" as consoleKeyMap. us, uk, de, fr, es, dk, no, fi, no problem, but sv just won't build. It prints some 20 lines including some curl error 6 and "cannot open file sv", then ends with an error.
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<Alling> Any ideas? Should I open an issue maybe?
<FRidh> bennofs: ahh, right
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<disasm> Alling: can you share your config? I have an idea of what the problem might be.
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<FRidh> goodbye 2 hours...
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<Mic92> does somebody tried
<Mic92> to install nixos from master?
<Mic92> It seems not to setup root correctly
<Alling> disasm: Absolutely, what would be the preferred way of doing so?
<Mic92> the generated users-groups.json is empty
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<clever> Mic92: was the machine properly shutdown?
<Mic92> clever: I mean installing nixos via iso.
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<clever> Mic92: after the install, did you umount /mnt and properly shutdown?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f7ac92 Joachim Fasting: tinycc: 0.9.27pre-20170821 -> 0.9.27pre-20170911...
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<Mic92> clever: I have not rebooted yet nixos-install does not complete successfully:
<disasm> Alling: gist
<clever> ah
<Mic92> this is not supposed to happen
<Mic92> I try to track this down
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<FRidh> bennofs: removing override and overrideDerivation did it. Thank you.
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<clever> Mic92: what is the full storepath to the users-groups.json?
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<Mic92> clever: becomes even weirder looks like `pkgs.writeText` is function correctly the json I print with lib.traceVal is correct.
<Mic92> *is not
<clever> what about the value passed to toJSON?
<Mic92> I was already looking at the serialized value. so the value passed to toJSON is also correct.
<clever> 2017-09-15 11:09:00 < Mic92> clever: becomes even weirder looks like `pkgs.writeText` is function correctly the json I print with lib.traceVal is correct.
<clever> 2017-09-15 11:09:06 < Mic92> *is not
<clever> you have 2 "is"'s in there
<clever> which one was "is not" ?
<Mic92> clever: sorry for confusion, I did: (lib.traceVal (builtins.toJSON { ... })) for users-groups.json
<FRidh> oh, stdenv doesn't like me adding a pdf to propagatedBuildInputs
<Alling> disasm: I hope Pastebin will suffice. configuration.nix: nixos-rebuild output:
<clever> Mic92: and what was the output?
<clever> Alling: 6 Couldn't resolve host. The given remote host was not resolved.
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<clever> Alling: is the internet on that host working?
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<Alling> clever: That is a good suggestion! Brb.
<Mic92> clever: these are the first few lines, but you get the idea:
<Alling> FRidh: Hello from Chalmers! :)
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<clever> Mic92: what is the full storepath to users-groups.json
<Mic92> clever: /nix/store/42jk6ir4k8fhrpn889qaz8lh1l8d6n6h-users-groups.json
<clever> Mic92: can you read the file at /mnt/nix/var/log/nix/drvs/42/jk6ir4k8fhrpn889qaz8lh1l8d6n6h.drv.bz2
<FRidh> Alling: what, another chalmerist using nix?
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<Mic92> clever: nope
<Alling> FRidh: Absolutely! Datateknik ;)
<clever> Mic92: can you gist the entire output of ls -lR /mnt/nix/var/log/nix/drvs
<FRidh> Alling: aha, nice. So you're going to play around with tensorflow and such?
<Mic92> clever: there are 0 derivations in this directory at the moment.
<clever> Mic92: try without /mnt
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<clever> ah right, its the drv hash, not the output hash
<Mic92> I try to add a normal user, this should change the output hash
<clever> Mic92: and also the contents of /nix/store/3jkdkw431bxks3b3v8ah006ljipvk0hm-users-groups.json.drv
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<Mic92> clever: adding a user resolves the issue btw.
<Mic92> never the less is a regression.
<Mic92> *this is a
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<clever> Mic92: it sounds more like random filesystem corruption truncated a file on you
<Mic92> clever: this is the second time, I have this issue. the first time I used nixos-install-inplace and the second time with this iso I dd to my usb stick.
<Mic92> also /mnt is zfs
<clever> ah
<clever> checking something more...
<Mic92> I build my own derivation of the official iso profile
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<Mic92> I try to reproduce this with the unmodified one
<clever> nope, its not corruption on the binary cache
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<Mic92> actually I don't need to change the iso, I just need nixpkgs master in my NIX_PROFILE.
<Mic92> *NIX_PATH
<Alling> clever: Internet wasn't working. I had assumed it did since I could ssh to it and because I thought DHCP would "just work". However, sv still doesn't work.
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<Mic92> clever: ok, I cannot reproduce this with master.
<Alling> FRidh: No idea about tensorflow, I'm just trying to use NixOS on my server because declarativity. <3
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<Alling> clever: I can ping and I don't get any curl errors, but still "cannot open file sv".
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<clever> Alling: it is running loadkeys and passing sv to that, as an argument
<clever> /nix/store/8kaxk1qa38ya4xfv6d4ihqrqw14xylrs-kbd-2.0.4/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
<clever> Alling: i think you need to set it to sv-latin1
<Alling> So sv-latin1 instead of sv?
<clever> yeah
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<disasm> thanks clever, I got distracted :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra tagged 1.11.15 at 84298b4:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6dad1f7 Eelco Dolstra: nix: 1.11.14 -> 1.11.15
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<disasm> this is so annoying... configure: error: expat library not found but pkg-config shows -I/nix/store/bwzapw0zcisl8gza9rdkgffzp94jnc45-expat-2.2.4-dev/include
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 1 new commit to 1.11-maintenance:
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/1.11-maintenance aa57c32 Eelco Dolstra: Bump version
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<Mic92> clever: update, it is reproducible, I just forgot to remove the user again
<clever> Mic92: try running nix-store --delete on the problem json file
<clever> then repeat the process
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<Alling> clever: disasm: Wow! Works now. For future reference, is there any way to list available keymaps or something?
<Mic92> clever: cannot delete path /nix/store/...-users-groups.json since it is still alive - seems to be part of my iso then
<Mic92> which would support the corruption theory
<clever> Mic92: its possible that the file was corrupt on the machine making the iso
<clever> Mic92: try nix-store --delete on that host, then remake the iso, then compare the storepath on the host (no need to boot the iso)
<clever> Alling: nix-build --no-out-link '<nixpkgs>' -A kbd
<clever> find /nix/store/8kaxk1qa38ya4xfv6d4ihqrqw14xylrs-kbd-2.0.4/share/keymaps/ | grep sv
<clever> /nix/store/8kaxk1qa38ya4xfv6d4ihqrqw14xylrs-kbd-2.0.4/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/
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<clever> Alling: nix-build will printout the storepath, then add share/keymaps, and look around
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<Alling> clever: Ah, thank you very much!
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<Alling> Lightning's about to strike my house, cya!
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<srk> clever: hey, I
<srk> I'm trying to run not-os but I'm unable to login or get past dhcp/networking
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<srk> there's -net user parameter for qemu but I'm not sure if it applies to dhcp
<nliadm> anyone have a good way to put a nix-installed path in a systemd user unit on not-NixOS?
<nliadm> aka, is there a good way to automatically update the path when the installed version changes
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<nliadm> I guess `/usr/bin/env` is the solution
<clever> srk: this option creates a virtual LAN, with the given subnet and router, and then the guest has to setup the ip without dhcp
<srk> clever: yeah, looks like I've got a bit further, realized I have to ssh to localhost port 2222
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<clever> ah yeah
<clever> qemu will forward 2222 on the local machine to 22 inside the virtual lan
<disasm> nliadm: I'm doing it with puppet and hiera, lol :)
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<nliadm> hm
<disasm> nliadm: but I'm not using nix, I just build with nix, tarball the dependencies and then extract that tarball to /nix.
<clever> srk: and did you update the authorized keys in
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<disasm> I thought not-os was a typo, lol :)
<srk> :))
<srk> it's acually pretty cool
<clever> disasm: its an os, using nix, but its not-nixos
<srk> I want to bend it to lxc virtualization host :)
<disasm> clever: that is awesome!
<clever> disasm: when compiled, you get a kernel, initrd, and a 47mb squashfs for the rootfs
<disasm> I could see that being used for white box networking hardware :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8b1f1d9 Linus Heckemann: nixos-install: only search for nixpkgs when needed
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 77ce022 Linus Heckemann: nixos-install: use FIFO for system closure...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7d5633e Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #27342 from lheckemann/installer-changes...
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<srk> clever: hmm, is it possible ssh is blocked on entropy? just got a kerneloops regarding blocked hwrng
<srk> *that
<srk> all I get is
<srk> debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.5
<srk> ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
<clever> srk: what was the output in the qemu console?
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<srk> [ 738.419959] INFO: task hwrng:66 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
<clever> that, and hwrngd i think, treat the host /dev/random as a hardware random number generator
<srk> I see
<disasm> how is this even possible...
<clever> disasm: which part of it?
<disasm> clever: the boost python library exists, it's the correct library, but it can't link against it
<aminechikhaoui> Hi, does all the firefox pkgs in nixpkgs refer to nightly ?
<simpson> aminechikhaoui: I think that there's a `firefox-bin` or similar with the official branding. Or are you asking about the versions?
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<aminechikhaoui> simpson: I just installed firefox and it shows nightly on top of the browser, but looking at the version it seems like it's the stable release
<aminechikhaoui> so no idea
<simpson> aminechikhaoui: Okay. NixOS, like many but not all distros, ships a binary copy of Firefox that, for legal reasons, cannot have the Firefox™ branding.
<Infinisil> aminechikhaoui: That's because the cache can't distribute a version with the official firefox branding
<simpson> And if the distro doesn't provide their own branding replacement, then the Nightly branding, which is legally fine, is the default.
<samueldr> Dezgeg: is there any way or trick to update the unstable channel, but still mostly profit of your ARM binary cache?
<Infinisil> You can however enable the official branding by compiling firefox yourself with `enableOfficialBranding = true`
<simpson> I used to love the Iceweasel branding, but ISTR that it's not okay to use anymore for some reason.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #29424: haskell infra, ghc: Slight cleanup (master...slight-haskell-cleanup)
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<Infinisil> samueldr: I'm pretty sure unstable is cached
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<Infinisil> Ah, Dezgeg's binary cache? Never heard of that
<samueldr> :) nixos on arm
<samueldr> building *everything* on the raspberry pi is... let's call it slow
<Infinisil> samueldr: You can add a binary cache with the nix configuration
<samueldr> oh, that's not the issue, his binary cache works wonderfully
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master baaed4c John Ericson: linux-headers: Remove dead old version...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c13cf47 John Ericson: linux-headers 4.4: Remove arch fallback code...
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<samueldr> but I don't think it is always up to date
<samueldr> I'm not sure though
<samueldr> last time I tried a nix-channel --update / nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade I had to rebuild the world
<Dezgeg> yeah, the v6 is quite problematic since it builds for like 3 days straight
<samueldr> would it help to use your nixpkgs git repo tags?
<samueldr> just like I would use a channel
<Dezgeg> so it does lag behind once mass rebuild changes hit master
<Dezgeg> maybe it could put the last built commit in a text file or something
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8550e4e Maximilian Güntner: emscriptenfastcomp: move wrap magic to own file, use newScope
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3a4add5 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #29322 from mguentner/move_emscripten_from_top_level...
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<samueldr> that would definitely work, though, would I implement that, I would do something like build-${platform}-${date} and symlink it to something like build-${date}-latest
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<samueldr> keeping a trace of built commits
<clever> disasm: can you try again with nix-shell --pure?
<catern> clever: how do you actually run an application on notos? you just modify the config to compile the application in?
<clever> catern: yeah
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<disasm> clever: same exact error (which makes sense, get that error on nix-build as well)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #29406: grafana: 4.4.3 -> 4.5.0 (master...grafanaUpdate)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #29400: tinc_pre: 1.1pre14 -> 1.1pre15 (master...tinc-pre)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29425: [WIP] graph-tool: 2.16 -> 2.22 (master...graphtool)
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<disasm> clever: if you're interested in taking a stab at it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1ecf3e8 Jörg Thalheim: zfsUnstable: init at 2017-09-12
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7904499 joachim schiele: dovecot2: added quota, changed pop3 default
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #29358: cram: fix ignored tests causing failures (master...cram)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #29426: nixos/zfs: import encrypted datasets by default for zfsUnstable (master...zfsUnstable)
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<disasm> thanks fpletz! I'm just not giving you a break :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 63bf7d0 John Ericson: ghc: Clean up, and add `passthru.prefix`, in preparation for cross...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e92cda1 John Ericson: haskell infra: Fix cross as much as possible without changing hashes
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2295533 John Ericson: Merge pull request #29424 from obsidiansystems/slight-haskell-cleanup...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29427: mpi4py: disabling tests (master...mpi4py)
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<fpletz> disasm: hehe, i took a little break in the last few days, time to get crackin' again %)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3befba5 John Ericson: Merge commit on master into staging...
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<Mic92> clever: <- this allows to boot from zfs with native encryption
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<disasm> ooh :)
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<clever> oooo
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<disasm> Mic92: guessing that won't hit 17.09 right?
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<Mic92> disasm: no, requires zfsUnstable anyway
<clever> Mic92: a bigger question, how much metadata does zfs encrypt?
<clever> luks just feels safer, because its 100% encryption
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<Mic92> clever: not really because aes xts is a lot of magic on the cryptography level. You can do much better on the fs-level:
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<Mic92> clever: it encrypts dataset level
<Mic92> so only some dataset metadata is leaked
<Mic92> and pool
<Mic92> the pull requests goes more into detail
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<clever> yeah, with zfs encryption, simple stuff like used data is leaked, no way around that
<clever> because zfs has to know how much is free to hold cleartext datasets
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<Mic92> but the crypto is better
<clever> with luks, the attacker doesnt even know how much data is on the volume
<clever> they could be wasting time trying to crack an empty drive
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<Mic92> Also think of raids, to be able to recover from checksum failures, you need one luks per disk. Zfs can handle this much better.
<Mic92> Next thing is backups, you can now use `zfs send` without decrypting
<clever> oh, you just gave me an idea
<clever> what happens if you raid mirror with luks?
<clever> say, if a noob puts the mirror onto 2 luks volumes, with different master keys
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<disasm> fpletz: I know right now we're just trying to get everything fixed that's broke, but would I be correct in assuming eventually all the packages in top level python will use callPackage?
<clever> Mic92: does luks just xor over a prng bitstream?
<clever> Mic92: zfs send while preserving crypto does sound good
<clever> Mic92: so the backup server could GC older snapshots, while preserving the entire dataset, and never have the key to unlock it?
<Mic92> clever: this is what I understood from the pull request
<clever> nice
<clever> if luks is just xor, then a mirror over 2 luks volumes, would give an attacker the result of xor'ing the 2 prng bitstreams, not sure what that can lead to...
<Sonarpulse> taktoa: did I ever link you
<Mic92> clever: I think if you have 2 independent luks volumes, you have too crypto context with different passwords
<clever> yeah
<Mic92> *two crypt contexts
<clever> but luks doesnt use the password on the blocks
<Mic92> yes
<clever> luks has a master key in the header
<Mic92> I meant the master key
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<Mic92> clever: there is also a video + slides from the developer implementing that.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29428: Unidecode: 0.04.18 -> 0.04.21 (master...unidecode)
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<Mic92> dedup seems also a problem, but I don't use it anyway
<clever> dedup has always been a problem
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<taktoa> Sonarpulse: no, but thanks! will check out
<Sonarpulse> taktoa: they probably don't know what they're in for rewriting wise
<taktoa> lol, yeah
<Sonarpulse> but the politics are there for the inversion of control :D:
<Sonarpulse> the RLS (rust ide backend) stuff at the bottom
<Sonarpulse> having it comsume the dependency graph like a nix or bazel
<Sonarpulse> makes me happy
<Sonarpulse> it's a good design for such thing, period
<Sonarpulse> and means they'll have an entirely in-house use-case
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 50a3308 Anthony Cowley: emacsMacport: emacs-25.2 => 25.3, macport-6.3 => 6.7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 666f60b Joachim F: Merge pull request #29394 from acowley/emacsMacport-25.3...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 3 new commits to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging fb5d7b2 John Ericson: linux-headers: Remove dead old version...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 81680d4 John Ericson: linux-headers 4.4: Remove arch fallback code...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging fd988f8 John Ericson: Merge another master commit into staging...
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<Infinisil> Ugh, I'm trying to package a program that takes commands from stdin
<Infinisil> Um, I mean a service of that program
<sphalerite> program <<< $'hello\nworld\ndo stuff\n'
<Infinisil> Which systemd doesn't like
<Infinisil> it's supposed to be interactive, so I need to start something like tmux/screen or a terminal
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ma27 closed pull request #29298: networking.defaultMailServer.authPassFile: allow types.path (master...ssmtp/allow-paths-for-auth-pass-file)
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<Infinisil> Currently I have a hacky solution with tmux
<sphalerite> oh, that sucks
<sphalerite> That reminds me of one thing I'd really like to have in bash — a command that I can put in a script to have it drop into interactive mode at that point
<sphalerite> Infinisil: do you know about expect?
<Infinisil> I do
<Infinisil> Have written a script with it once, it's a pain
<sphalerite> dtach might also be helpful for a less complex alternative to tmux
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* Infinisil looks up detach
<Infinisil> ah, it's actually dtach
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti created revert-29424-slight-haskell-cleanup (+1 new commit):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/revert-29424-slight-haskell-cleanup 3510197 Peter Simons: Revert "haskell infra, ghc: Slight cleanup"
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<Infinisil> Oh, dtach sounds pretty neat for this usecase
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti opened pull request #29430: Revert "haskell infra, ghc: Slight cleanup" (master...revert-29424-slight-haskell-cleanup)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 442e5b6 Peter Simons: Merge pull request #29430 from NixOS/revert-29424-slight-haskell-cleanup...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 42f2439 Joachim Fasting: pharo-launcher: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti deleted revert-29424-slight-haskell-cleanup at 3510197:
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<disasm> Infinisil: use a subshell, that's what I do for my openconnect systemd service: ${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash -c "program <<< $'hello\nworld\ndo stuff\n'"
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<Infinisil> disasm: It's a bit more complicated than that, it's actually a server that uses stdin as command input and stdout as its logs
<Infinisil> it's pretty horrible tbh
<Infinisil> Having had a closer look at dtach it's exactly what I need
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 838f861 Joachim Fasting: pharo-launcher: fix build...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #29141: k2pdfopt: 2.32 -> 2.42 (master...k2pdfopt)
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<hyper_ch> makefu: the wiki has an error...
<catern> why is everything so terrible
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<catern> why is tmux the best process supervisor available??
<sphalerite> simpson: what's ISTR?
<pxc> hahahahaha
<catern> Infinisil: I would recommend tmux over dtach - it has a lot more functionality
<catern> Infinisil: it's more flexible and people are more used to it
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<hyper_ch> tmux <3
<qz> is it possible to manually build selected package from cloned nixpkgs repository? and if possible see debug log of build process
<ee1943> any way that I can pass a command to the nix-shell when it enters a FHS chroot? it seems that the --command flag doesn't work in this case
<pxc> I'm chatting rn from a tmux session
<catern> yes yes we all use tmux
<pxc> catern: what frustrates you about tmux? Or do you mean that supervisors are so bad that you have to shoehorn tmux into the role?
<hyper_ch> show me your .tmux.conf and I'll show you mine *ggg*
<catern> pxc: the latter
<pxc> I feel you
<joepie91> qz: you're probably looking for `nix-build`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a31365d John Ericson: Revert "Merge commit on master into staging"...
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<joepie91> qz: not sure what you mean with "debug log" though
<pxc> for some stuff I used to use supervisord but the supervisor scripts launched everything in tmux because getting logs was a pain and stuff
<joepie91> all build output is dumped onto the terminal by default, also for rebuilds
<pxc> is that pretty much your situation?
<catern> precisely
<catern> supervisord configs are a painful pointless config language that I don't want to learn
<joepie91> qz: specifically, with nix-build you can specify a package set path, and an attribute to build, and it'll build it in $pwd/result
<joepie91> or well
<catern> I already know how to use job control in bash, and tmux session management
<joepie91> it'll build it, put it in the store, and symlink from $pwd/result
<catern> why can't I just use those for supervision!??
<qz> joepie91: oh, gonna look into that
<sphalerite> hyper_ch: what does the terminal-overrides thing do?
<ee1943> anyone?
<hyper_ch> good question... don't even recoll how it was before I added that ;)
<sphalerite> ee1943: I don't really know the difference between --run and --command, but does --run work?
<qz> joepie91: trying to build elm-compiler package and package set is elmPackages but how do i know attribute name? elm-build -A elmPackages elm-compiler does not work
<joepie91> qz: that'd probably be elmPackages.elm-compiler then
<simpson> sphalerite: I Seem To Remember.
<joepie91> attribute paths are dotpaths
<joepie91> qz: so assuming you're currently in your nixpkgs clone, you'd do something like... `nix-build -A elmPackages.elm-compiler .`
<joepie91> if I recall the syntax correctly
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<joepie91> (note the dot)
<adangelo> hey joepie91, I'm reading your guide on installing nix on debian
<qz> joepie91: cool, it worked with dot. -A elmPackages.elm-compiler
<adangelo> nix-channel --update is complaining about ssl certs
<adangelo> any idea?
<pxc> adangelo: I was getting some SSL errors with curl fetching nix packages after an update and garbage collection the other day
<pxc> adangelo: check the env var $NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE
<pxc> make sure it exists
<pxc> if it doesn't, try reloading your shell env
<joepie91> qz: I *think* that if you do not explicitly specify a dot as the package set path (at the end of the command I showed), it falls back to whatever your current nixpkgs channel is
<joepie91> as opposed to the specific repo clone you're in
<joepie91> but don't quote me on that :)
<joepie91> adangelo: what's the exact error?
<sphalerite> simpson: ah right :)
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<ee1943> sphalerite: I'll give it a shot. I had seen that in the man page but didn't think to check it out (d'oh)
<adangelo> error: unable to download '': Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)
<pxc> adangelo: what's the value of the NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE variable in your shell?
<pxc> and does the file exist?
<adangelo> /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt and yeah it exists
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<pxc> adangelo: maybe try installing our cacerts package and setting the var to the package in there?
<pxc> what distro are you on?
<adangelo> debian 8
<ee1943> sphalerite: no dice :(
<ee1943> nix-shell opens up another shell in the chroot and doesn't seem to care about the arguments passed to it "from above"
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.09 advanced to (from 5 hours ago, history:
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<pxc> adangelo: see if you can install `cacerts` and then point that env var to them
<adangelo> selector cacerts matches no derivations
<sphalerite> ee1943: what if you apply this to your nixpkgs?
<sphalerite> (if that doesn't help I really don't know)
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<joepie91> adangelo: `openssl s_client -connect` -- can you gist/pastebin the output of that command?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] orivej opened pull request #29431: libxml2: 2.9.4 -> 2.9.5 (staging...libxml2)
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<ee1943> sphalerite: I think that would do it, I just don't have a local checkout of nixpkgs that I could apply it to :(
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<ee1943> in either case I think that'd be a really good PR
<sphalerite> ee1943: any big reason for that? mkdir nixpkgs && cd nixpkgs && curl | tar xJ && curl | patch -p1 && nix-shell «stuff»
<sphalerite> ee1943: yeah I'll pr it... if it works :D
<sphalerite> can't test it just now, but I'll try soon
<ee1943> sphalerite: I'll check it out now and let you know :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 831e310 Vladimír Čunát: gkt3: maintenance 3.22.18 -> 3.22.19...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 46a68c8 Vincent Laporte: gtk+: 3.22.19 -> 3.22.21...
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<ee1943> don't have a local checkout of nixpkgs because I don't really know why I'd need one (aside from this I guess)
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<sphalerite> or cp -r $(nix-instantiate --eval -E '<nixpkgs>') nixpkgs && cd nixpkgs && curl | patch -p1 && nix-shell «stuff»
<sphalerite> I use my nixpkgs checkout all the time
<sphalerite> :D
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<taktoa> this fails with a 404: fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nixpkgs"; repo = "NixOS"; rev = "76d649b59484607901f0c1b8f737d8376a904019"; sha256 = "04xp12gmjby84k4pabc0nspggf4pgycnl764zf7w50izx65r9q8x"; })
<taktoa> how is this possible?
<pbogdan> taktoa: owner and repo mixed up?
<Dezgeg> swap 'owner =' and 'repo ='
<taktoa> lmao
<sphalerite> :D
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<taktoa> wait, is the SHA256 output by nix-prefetch-git no longer applicable to fetchFromGitHub?
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<Infinisil> it should be
<Infinisil> or did you forget --unpack
<taktoa> nix-prefetch-git, not nix-prefetch-url
<Infinisil> ohh
<taktoa> it used to be that it was the same hash
<taktoa> but maybe something changed?
<pxc> adangelo: I'm sorry, the package 'nss-cacert' or the 'cacert' attribute. `nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA cacert` to install it
<Infinisil> Man, the only thing dtach would need is scroll functionality now.. :(
<Infinisil> But otherwise it's perfect
<ee1943> sphalerite: not sure if it's working, although I'm pretty sure I didn't configure my nixpkgs properly and that's the source of the problem
<pxc> Infinisil: what does it do better than tmux, again?
<Infinisil> I need the process to run as a systemd unit, and using tmux for that is super hacky
<Infinisil> with multiple panes and where is the pid of the process, and how to determine that the process exited
<adangelo> ok, I've resolved the issue by building from source
<Infinisil> dtach is super lightweight and has exactly what I need: Starts a single command on a socket, and can even run in the foreground so that systemd knows when it's terminated
<pxc> Infinisil: ooh, cool. How does dtach do that better? Are you thinking about writing up a little post about this somewhere? that sounds like a good thing to have in my toolbox
<Infinisil> super easy
<pxc> I meant about why it works better with systemd. Is it just that it's more lightweight and there's less to fuss with or figure out?
<Infinisil> Yeah
<pxc> cool
<Infinisil> Although my service failed and I don't know why
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8554eaf Daiderd Jordan: nntp-proxy: fix clang build
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<greglearns> In Nix pkgs, Rust (rustc) is currently at version 1.17, but the most recent version of Rustc is 1.20. if someone where to teach me how to upgrade the version of Rust for normal and nightly, I would keep them up-to-date for the community so that everyone could use the most recent versions of rust.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 c90c295 Daiderd Jordan: nntp-proxy: fix clang build...
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<maurer> greglearns: Look at
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<greglearns> @maurer I don't know anyone who has successfully used the mozilla rust overlay with nix-build (it seems to only work with nix-shell). As an alternative to using the overlay, I propose just keeping an up to date version of Rustc in Nix pkgs.
<pxc> adangelo: I'm glad you figured something out but I feel like that shouldn't have been necessary. :-(
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<tilpner> greglearns - nixpkgs currently doesn't have nightly, so it's not a full alternative
<tilpner> (But I agree we should update stable)
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<greglearns> I should also clarify that I've read the "contributing packages to nix" documentation, but, I'm a little unclear about how to really do that for rust.
<tilpner> Anything specifically?
<maurer> greglearns: So, a few things here:
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<maurer> 1.) Current nix rust packaging infra does not allow you to package libraries, only binaries. That may change in the future.
<maurer> 2.) The buildRustPackage function relies on a now-disabled function in cargo, which is probably why we haven't updated
<maurer> 3.) buildRustPackage is in the middle of being rewritten, you can see several PRs on github
<tilpner> maurer - Those points are all good, but not directly relevant to updating rustc
<maurer> They rae
<maurer> *are
<maurer> if you update rustc, there's a good chance you need an updated cargo
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<maurer> if you need an updated cargo, there's a good chance buildRustPackage will break
<maurer> go ahead and try, but that's my guess as to why we're not updating
<maurer> In any case, bumping it is as easy as editing
<maurer> mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla
<maurer> err, mispaste
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<maurer> bump the version numbers, bump the shas
<tilpner> Hmm, I can't think of a specific reason for why a newer rustc wouldn't work with an old cargo, given the general stance on backwards-compatibility
<maurer> tilpner: rustc uses cargo as the build system
<maurer> So if new rustc uses a new cargo feature
<tilpner> That's news to me. cargo uses rustc, but I was under the impression rustc can also work standalone
<maurer> you have to use new cargo in the bootstrap
<maurer> It can _run_ standalone
<tilpner> Oh, right, they updated the build system
<maurer> the _build_ uses cargo
<tilpner> Last time I compiled rustc myself was years ago :c
<maurer> I mean, that says something good for it tbh
<maurer> back when I was big int ohaskell the number of times I had to manually compile ghc was way too high
<greglearns> @maurer would we have to also bump the version in . (I saw a note that it must be one version behind the default.nix)
<pxc> looks like our last update to rustc involved substantial changes, so it doesn't really provide a simple example of where to bump the hashes:
<tilpner> Probably
<maurer> but in any case greglearns, if you really want to try, update versions and hashes for all of pkgs/development/compilers/rust/{default,beta,nightly}.nix
<maurer> greglearns: Then run nox-review to see if it broke anything
<maurer> If it didn't, great, send a PR
<maurer> pxc: Yeah, I think more or less what's going on is that rust devs (myself included) are using the mozilla overlay, and once the buildRustPackage rework is done, people may be more vigilant about bumping rustc
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<taktoa> can you use the nixos-17.03 channel when using nix on debian
<taktoa> or is nixpkgs-unstable mandatory
<pxc> try it
<LnL> sure you can
<pxc> I don't think there are any issues
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<LnL> the main difference between the nixpkgs-* and nixos-* channels is that nixos variants won't update if the nixos tests fail
<LnL> so you should never use nixpkgs for your system on nixos
<maurer> LnL: Yeah, the cargo custom registries died, which could well be why that's broken
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<maurer> Every time you nix-build a rust package as is, cargo warns you the feature's going away >_>
<pxc> LnL: aaah! thanks. that's a good tidbit to know. I wasn't aware of that difference
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<greglearns> for testing locally (in addition to using nox-review), I'm not really clear on how to either 1) git checkout all pkgs and then build locally against the checked out (and modified) version, or 2) is it possible to just copy pkgs/development/compilers/rust/{default,beta,nightly}.nix into a local directory that has my default.nix and then reference those files directly in my default.nix? (I've done this for other things, but Rust seem
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<catern> cut off at "Rust seem"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ae624c8 Cray Elliott: doomseeker: 1.0 -> 1.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 990ea87 Cray Elliott: zandronum: 2.1.2 -> 3.0...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b7a937 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/wpa_supplicant: use literalExample...
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<pxc> greglearns: what I do on my system since I'm the only one administering it is a bit hacky but I like it and it works. I just set NIX_PATH to point to a symlink to the directory I develop nixpkgs in
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 8f37a14 Bjørn Forsman: nixos/wpa_supplicant: use literalExample...
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<pxc> greglearns: so for my NixOS systems, I have
<Infinisil> What I do is have two git working dirs, one with the one I develop (on master/some branch whatever), and another one for the system always on nixos-unstable, so that I don't accidentally rebuild from master
<pxc> Infinisil: separate checkouts or git worktree?
<Infinisil> git worktree
<Infinisil> Because sometimes I do need some changes in my system
<pxc> greglearns: the repo that I linked to for that example serves both as /etc/nixos on my NixOS machines and ~/.config/nixpkgs
<Infinisil> and then I can just cherry pick from the one i developed with
<Infinisil> (by the one I mean the branch)
<pxc> Infinisil: yeah, I am currently using separate checkouts because I want to include the package sets as submodules in my dotfiles, and git worktree doesn't work right with submodules, idr the details
<pxc> but I do the same thing basically
<pxc> ofc consequently my dotfiles are stupid huge
<pxc> lol
<tilpner> What package sets?
<pxc> nixpkgs, the rust overlay, and the nix-darwin channel for LnL's nix-darwin
<pxc> multiple checkouts of nixpkgs, unfortunately. I don't do separate branches for Darwin and Linux on my dotfiles or anything like that
<LnL> whoa
<tilpner> If you use fetchFromGitHub it doesn't download the full history and stays small. Doesn't help development of them, but that's only relevant if you contribute to all of them
<LnL> are there binaries in there or just config files
<Infinisil> LnL: I doubt anybody could have 1.6GB config files..
<tilpner> Infinisil - You don't include the 4k video wallpaper in your dotfiles?
<Infinisil> tilpner: Hmm, I do not actually, but good point
<Infinisil> I should do that
<pxc> Infinisil, LnL: 1.2GB of it is in the .git/submodules dir
<Infinisil> what kind of submodules are we talking?
<LnL> aah
<tilpner> pxc - You can set the weechat log path to something outside of your dotfiles
<pxc> tilpner: I just added the logs to my gitignore, so they're in there but don't get commited
<tilpner> Oh, okay
<pxc> but the submodules that are taking up all the space are two copies of nixpkgs
<Infinisil> pxc: Soo, I assume you don't have your 'dotfiles' on github?
<tilpner> So... do you need writable checkouts of your submodules?
<pxc> Infinisil: I do. The submodules just take a bit to init the first time I set them up but in practice it's nbd
<pxc> tilpner: the submodules are effectively the nixpkgs checkouts I'm using on my machines and they're where I make my modifications when I'm working to contribute to nixpkgs
<sphalerite> ee1943: how are you making your FHS user env?
<pxc> the submodules take up space because they're a whole clone, not just a workdir
<pxc> the working directories for nixpkgs, the checkouts I actually use, are less than 200M
<tilpner> pxc - Do you make modifications to both of them? I just have one full checkout ~/dev/nixpkgs, but it's not used in my config
<pxc> tilpner: I make modifications to both because I want to track which commit of nixpkgs I'm on on Darwin and which I'm on on Linux
<tilpner> git checkout doesn't count as modification
<pxc> it may go away with the new Darwin stable channel, if I can find enough commits where everything I care about works both on NixOS stable and Darwin on the stable channel
<pxc> tilpner: I mean I modify packages in the tree, it's not the same as upstream nixpkgs
<pxc> sometimes it is
<tilpner> Ah, that's reasonable then
<pxc> but not usually
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<greglearns> @pxc I'm trying the git-checkout with NIX_PATH option... will try things out. thanks
<Infinisil> Damnit I give up on this stupid pakcage for now, the thing with dtach/tmux, I got stuck and have no idea what's the problem
<ee1943> sphalerite: here's the file:
<sphalerite> ee1943: oh yeah, I see the issue now, because it's a shell function that's being called it won't have the right "$@"
<sphalerite> ee1943: I'll continue looking into it though
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<ee1943> good tip on btw, that's a super useful website
<jbl007> where is /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
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<jbl007> /run/current... ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #29328: haskellPackages.tldr: fix build, add as a top-level package (master...tldr-hs)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 76519f9 Peter Simons: ghc-7.2.2: record the commit that broke it...
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<sphalerite> jbl007: depends on your display manager. For sensible ones (only lightdm doesn't fit that category out of the ones available on nixos AFAIK) it ends up in the journal
<sphalerite> so `journalctl -u display-manager` should show you the logs
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<sphalerite> ee1943: right so I don't think there's a completely reasonable way to do it, simply because of how nix-shell and buildFHSUserEnv work
<jbl007> sphalerite: ah, written to the journal, thx!
<mguex> NixOS/nixpkgs has currently 1337 contributor
<sphalerite> lol nice
<ee1943> sphalerite: ah that's too bad. wanted to write a quick script to automate some build stuff and I was hoping to be able to pass commands to the chroot
<ee1943> thank you though
<sphalerite> ee1943: one thing you could do is make a nix function that accepts a command and returns an FHS user env that has that command in its profile
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<sphalerite> and call it like nix-shell -E 'magicFunction "echo foo"'
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<yrashk> anybody using dropbox with systemd --user or anything similar?
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<Infinisil> yrashk: I am not, but what's the problem?
<yrashk> Infinisil: no problem yet, just wondering if somebody already has done it / if there are any gotchas :)
<Infinisil> Ah
<Infinisil> I too have a question: Since a bit of time I've been getting these logs from nix-daemon, a few times a second, continuously:
<Infinisil> Sep 15 21:35:14 nixos nix-daemon[4233]: accepted connection from pid 3689, user infinisil (trusted)
<Infinisil> PID's are increasing with every entry
<Infinisil> My journalctl is filled with these and I'm starting to worry. I do *not* have anything running nix-build a few times a second
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<tilpner> I have a few of those too, but not very often
<tilpner> (10 in 4 hours)
<Infinisil> Ohhh
<Infinisil> I'm stupid
<Infinisil> I am totally running nix-shell 10 times a second
<Infinisil> it's just not actually 10 times a second because it's so slow..
<Infinisil> Won't be using nix-shell for tiny scripts that should run a lot I guess anymore
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b19fa00 Franz Pletz: Revert "mcrl2: force use of gcc5 to prevent compilation errors"...
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<nh2> how can I get my kernel config?
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<grantwu> Anyone else encounter this issue with GCC?
<pbogdan> nh2: config of the kernel you are currently running?
<sphalerite> grantwu: `which gcc`?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c8e7aab Tuomas Tynkkynen: sd-image-aarch64: Increase CMA memory so RPi3 virtual console works again
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<grantwu> sphalerite: /home/grantwu/.nix-profile/bin/gcc
<sphalerite> My best guess is that its an unwrapped gcc
<grantwu> I installed it with nix-env -i gcc
<sphalerite> What does readlink on that say!
<sphalerite> ?*
<grantwu> /nix/store/hlm2kkh1f1zbcssza8pzhsk2imd7c0h6-gcc-6.4.0/bin/gcc
<sphalerite> Yep that looks unwrapped
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<sphalerite> Try nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA gcc
<sphalerite> nix-env -i without -A is very rarely what you want
<sphalerite> Additionally, for development tools you'll usually want to use nix-shell instead
<sphalerite> Remove the old one (nix-env -e gcc) first
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<grantwu> okay, it seems to work now
<sphalerite> But again, you'll probably need to move to nix-shell as soon as you start including/linking against libraries
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<nh2> pbogdan: yes
<pbogdan> nh2: zcat /proc/config.gz should do it
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<nh2> pbogdan: it does, thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Infinisil opened pull request #29436: namecoin service: fix typo (master...griup)
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<Infinisil> Lol, that's why stringly typed stuff sucks ^^
<Infinisil> A systemd service had a typo, Griup instead of Group
<Infinisil> And the serviceConfig part of a systemd service is not checked by the nixos module system
<bennofs> journalctl -xe :)
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<Infinisil> I finally looked up -x and -e, man they sure are useful, why didn't I do this earlier
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] woffs opened pull request #29437: poezio-git: init at 0.11-44-gc88459c (master...poezio-git)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #29438: palemoon: just use the default gcc (master...pkg/palemoon-fix)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #29439: gmime3: init; notmuch: use gmime3 (master...pkgs/notmuch-gmime-3)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #29440: linuxPackages: various changes (master...pkg/linuxPackages)
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<tilpner> Is the only way to make overlays globally effective while allowing for <name/path> to use <nixpkgs-overlays>?
<tilpner> I was using nixpkgs=.../nixpkgs.nix before, which evaluated to a nixpkgs set with overlays applied already, but I can't do that if I want tools that rely on <nixpkgs/nixos> existing to work
<tilpner> Now that I'm back to nixpkgs=.../nixpkgs where nixpkgs is a store link, <nixos/path> is working, but not all overlays are active
<tilpner> *<nixpkgs/nixos>
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<tilpner> Oh, I can't even make it work with <nixpkgs-overlays>...
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<Infinisil> tilpner: So your problem is that you want overlays for <nixpkgs> but also be able to use the <syntax> for something else?
<tilpner> Infinisil - Tools like nixos-rebuild rely on <nixpkgs> pointing to a directory. And if it's a directory, I don't know how to apply all overlays well
<tilpner> Before, <nixpkgs> was a file, which made it easy to apply the overlays with a Nix expression
* tilpner tries something else
<Infinisil> tilpner: And you have nixpkgs-overlays on your NIX_PATH?
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<tilpner> Yes, but that's less flexible than providing overlays via a Nix expression... or can <nixpkgs-overlays> be a file too? :o
<Infinisil> The source says yes
<skidmata_> Nix newbie here: My first derivation. The build script (custom) is complaining that it cant find the hostname command and libtool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29437: poezio-git: init at 0.11-44-gc88459c (master...poezio-git)
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<tilpner> Huh, nice (Why is tryEval not mentioned anywhere)
<Infinisil> The relevant part ^^
<tilpner> Yes, I found that too, but didn't figure out what exactly tryEval does (no need to link the builtin code)
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<tilpner> (It's clear now)
<Infinisil> skidmata_: you need to add the package inetutils or nettools to buildInputs (these provide the hostname command), and libtool as well
<skidmata_> while I was thinking about this hostname probably breaks reproducability
<skidmata_> thank you
<Infinisil> the builds should be sandboxed
<Infinisil> so hostname shouldn't return your actual machines hostname
<skidmata_> sweet actually
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oxij opened pull request #29441: Nixos/luks (master...nixos/luks)
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<Infinisil> Just checked, hostname is `localhost`
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6544521 Tuomas Tynkkynen: libffi: Add aarch64 patch...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0a8f0a Tuomas Tynkkynen: python2: Use system libffi on Aarch64...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29442: pyxapi: disable for python 3.x (master...pyxapi)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master edd0d2f Joachim Fasting: hardened-config: additional refcount checking
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9a763f8 Joachim Fasting: hardened-config: enable the randstruct plugin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd170cd Joachim Fasting: hardened-config: build with fortify source
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<pikajude> say i want to create a vbox deployment using nixops
<pikajude> at some point it's going to serve a website that i want to navigate to
<pikajude> is there a way within nixops that i can create a hostname for the virtual machine
<pikajude> one that i can refer to in other places and which will resolve in my browser
<pikajude> that doesn't require me to update /etc/hosts with a different IP every time i create a new vm
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<Mic92> pikajude: how about using a fix ip address for your vm?
<pikajude> can you make vms have fixed IPs?
<LnL> I don't think so, but it might be possible to also configure the host with the same deployment
<LnL> what kind of networking setup does the virtualbox backend use?
<Mic92> pikajude: I think you can use that to add a second adapter with a fixed ip
<pikajude> ooo
<pikajude> brillant
<pikajude> brilliant
<disasm> is there a nox review command that just outputs a list of the stuff it's going to try to build?
<Mic92> pikajude: this is what my google-fu says: VBoxManage modifyvm "VM name" --natnet1 "192.168/16"
<LnL> a natnetwork won't be reachable from the host without portforwards
<Mic92> ok
<Mic92> than you could just portforward 8080?
<LnL> also one of the 2 nat modes of virtualbox has weird packetloss issues
<Mic92> wasn't their a host-only adapter or something?
<LnL> yes, but I think you have to configure the ip on the vm for that
<Mic92> should not be a problem with nixops I guess
<LnL> disasm: don't think so, but I have a modified version of the script that shows the list of package attributes
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<pikajude> natnet1
<Mic92> pikajude: I would say go for this host-only adapter
<pikajude> i don't even know what that is
<pikajude> well
<pikajude> i'll try using google
<Mic92> it is like a second network adapter without any nat
<pikajude> networking has always escaped me, i have no idea what a nat is
<pikajude> or what a network adapter is
<Mic92> something like a virtual ethernet network card.
<pikajude> yeah
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<pikajude> but i don't know what an ethernet card does
<pikajude> it's ok, i'll use google
<LnL> with a hostonly network the vm host has an address in the network
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<LnL> while with a nat setup you'd configure a portforward from localhost to the vm you want to connect to
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<pikajude> oh
<Mic92> I got most of my network knowledge from playing with dn42
<LnL> you can do something like VBoxManage modifyvm "foo" --natpf1 "guestssh,tcp,,2222,,22"
<LnL> and then you can connect to that vm with
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<Mic92> or port 3000 for web app stuff
<pikajude> sorry, got disconnected
<pikajude> what's "guestssh" LnL
<LnL> just a label
<LnL> you can leave it out if you want
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f8f62d5 Samuel Leathers: nilearn: 0.2.5 -> 0.3.1...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 11c8804 Samuel Leathers: nilearn: 0.2.5 -> 0.3.1...
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