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<neonfuz> uh oh
<neonfuz> I ran out of free space, never did a gc lol
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5osr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0082971 Tim Steinbach: atom: 1.19.4 -> 1.19.7
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<eacameron> What's the difference between nix-env -i thing and nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA thing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm created terraform-plugins-all (+1 new commit): https://git.io/v5oG6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/terraform-plugins-all edc91c5 zimbatm: terraform: revamp the providers list...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm opened pull request #29097: terraform: revamp the providers list (master...terraform-plugins-all) https://git.io/v5oGy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #29098: minikube: 0.21.0 -> 0.22.0 (master...minikube_0_22) https://git.io/v5oGb
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<samueldr> eacameron: there are two different differences in the last command
<samueldr> The `-f` parameter, `--file` in full, specifies the nix expression that would be used
<samueldr> I don't know how exactly '<nixpkgs>' should be called
<samueldr> (looking at the documentation right now)
<samueldr> but it has a specific meaning
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<samueldr> damn, I though I was going to find the answer sooner
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<samueldr> last difference is the "-A" parameter after the -i
<samueldr> which specifies the package by *attribute path* and not by name
<samueldr> the attribute, in your specific case, will be searched in the expression passed using -f
<samueldr> another variant would be using the channel name like so: `nix-env -iA unstable.thing`, assuming that the user has the channel unstable configured
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<samueldr> I don't have a name for the pattern, but it's a path that is searched according to NIX_PATH
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<fearlessKim[m]> hi, I got a problem with offlineimap (more specifically "remotepasseval" ), upstream says it might be a nixos thing but can't find the error https://github.com/OfflineIMAP/offlineimap/issues/493#issuecomment-327860178
<samueldr> don't know if it can help, but here's how it acts using bash and nix-repl
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teto opened pull request #29099: offlineimap: 7.1.1 -> 7.1.2 (master...offlineimap) https://git.io/v5onX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mujaheed opened pull request #29100: odp-dpdk: -> (master...master) https://git.io/v5ocO
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<olejorgenb[m]> Ref appimage discussion ( dtzWill , jasom if you're still interested): https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/issues/472
<dtzWill> neat, ty for the followup, *reads*
<olejorgenb[m]> (I have problems ;) should really been sleeping instead)
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<InstallSagemath> Hi all. Is there an easy way to install SageMath? I tried 'nix-env -qa sage' and got 'error: selector ‘sage’ matches no derivations'. Does that mean I have to install from source?
<catern> woohoo
<eacameron> samueldr: Thanks! That is helpful. I still don't understand why using the -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA form almost always works better than a simple -i
<catern> my first three Nix packages, added to Nixpkgs
<eacameron> I would expect the -i use case to choose a good default
<catern> well, not merged yet, but soon! hooray!
<eacameron> catern: Congrats!
<catern> it was so painless!
<catern> relatively speaking!
<eacameron> catern: Compared to other distros you mean?
<catern> yes
<eacameron> catern: I've never written packages for other distros, but everything I've seen has confirmed what you say. ;)
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<catern> hey #nixos, is there any value in using nix-channel for nixpkgs?
<catern> isn't it pretty much strictly better to just git clone nixpkgs down, and use it?
<tilpner> What if you want multiple channels? Updating might be easier with nix-channel
<tilpner> command-not-found won't work with local nixpkgs afaik
<tilpner> (Please correct, that sounds wrong actually)
<catern> I am on Nix-on-Debian not NixOS so I don't have command-not-found anyway
<tilpner> And channels are smaller to store and download than a full checkout, I guess
<tilpner> There's not that much difference, but not everyone needs to edit nixpkgs and it's a little easier to use than a local checkout
<tilpner> (Multiple channels was actually somewhat tricky to get working everywhere)
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<catern> I see
<catern> That's fair
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5o8D
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e93d92d Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.cmdliner: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] disassembler opened pull request #29101: scorced3d: fixing build with gcc6 (master...scorched3d) https://git.io/v5o85
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<jasom> olejorgenb[m]: thanks
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* mbrock thought last week that he'd try to make a Debian package again after all these years, surely there's a simpler way now... oh gosh
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<mbrock> I do some side projects involving ARM boards like Raspberry Pi, and it's REALLY nice that NixOS is starting to work well on them
<mbrock> last time I had some weird issue with the GPIO on NixOS, and I'm not really experienced enough to debug such things (spent a day on it), so I switched back to Debian
<mbrock> for my latest project I took a kind of pseudo-fake-Nix approach that involves a setup script for Debian that (1) installs a set of packages and (2) recursively merges in a "root directory" with ./etc, ./usr/local, and so on
<mbrock> ok it's not like Nix at all, more like fake Ansible :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5o0X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ebd5c93 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.cmdliner: make version 1.0 the default
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #29102: rubygems: 2.6.10 -> 2.6.13 (master...f/gems) https://git.io/v5ouq
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<18VAB5RC2> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #29076: terminology: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1 (master...upd.terminology) https://git.io/v5wyr
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<jasom> Is it possible to add an overlay on the nix-build command line?
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* fearlessKim[m] sent a long message: fearlessKim[m]_2017-09-08_06:22:31.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cjROHPGjOrqqEJlabLmCiFVH>
<jasom> okay I found a way --args overlays [list-of-overlays]
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<fearlessKim[m]> I would like to append things to NIX_PATH in configuration.nix , I would like to do sthg like nix.nixPath= [ "nixpkgs=$HOME/nixpkgs" ] ++ self.nixPath (except) it obviously doesn't work
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: because that won't be the same result for each user it can't be evaluated at system build time
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<sphalerite> What you could do is add something to environment.interactiveShellInit or similar that just adds it to the beginning
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<sphalerite> Or one of the other shell init config options. Not sure which one is the right one for getting it to apply to all user shells, or if that's even possible
<fearlessKim[m]> I can hardcode the path, my pb is how to prepend or append to the usually generated nixPath (without having to "export NIX_PATH=...")
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<fearlessKim[m]> i.e., in configuration.nix, how can I refer to the generated nix.nixPath ? to append to it
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5o2c
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 399b610 Vladimír Čunát: nixos/mfi: fix eval after removal 7ffc6db733
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<LnL> fearlessKim[m]: you can access the original default with options.nix.nixPath.default
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<Ixxi3> hey folks
<Ixxi3> I am wondering how is it to user Nix alongside other package managers in, say, CentOS
<Ixxi3> since people at the office use centos and I want to bring a little nixy joy to my worklife
<sphalerite> Ixxi3: they don't interfere with each other much
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<LnL> all you need is /nix for a single user install
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh merged master into python-unstable: https://git.io/v5o2E
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<fearlessKim[m]> LnL: thanks that's what I am looking for.
<Ixxi3> if I install the same package in both package managers as root, what happens?
<sphalerite> I even set up a multi-user install in a Debian chroot on ARM on chrome OS without many problems :p
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<sphalerite> You don't install it as root in a single-user install
<Ixxi3> and you should always use Nix as single user?
<sphalerite> If it's a single-user install, then you should only ever use nix as the one user
<Ixxi3> well, that is clear
<sphalerite> But nothing in particular happens in that case. You just have 2 copies of the same package living in different places
<Ixxi3> but which would be called?
<sphalerite> Which one is used depends on how your PATH is set up. Probably, it'll use the nix version for the nix user and the centos version for everyone elsr
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<Ixxi3> sphalerite: but the multiuser install isnt officially supported right?
<Ixxi3> I found the blog post by Sander
<sphalerite> I don't know
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<sphalerite> I don't think it is, but it's not complicated to set up
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<Ixxi3> probably, but whatever I do at work the ops team needs to agree to do xD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5o2j
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c3a0c3c Frederik Rietdijk: Revert "python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage: use distutils-cfg to block downloads, fixes #25428"...
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<sphalerite> Fair enough. FWIW the multi-user setup is less likely to let the nix store get messed up
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5oaJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 85a1d86 Frederik Rietdijk: Revert "python.pkgs.buildPythonPackage: use distutils-cfg to block downloads, fixes #25428"...
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<Ixxi3> good to know sphalerite
<Ixxi3> Its my first week at work though so I dont wanna be pushing to hard for weird changes this early on xD I just figured if it was easy to do....
<Ixxi3> maybe I will try out a single user install
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<sphalerite> Yeah that might well be a better choice for just a trial since it's a lot easier to remove
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<Ixxi3> and less likely to interfere with the other users' stuffs
<Ixxi3> xD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #29105: gdb: 8.0 -> 8.0.1 (master...update_gdb) https://git.io/v5owh
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<ertes-w> are there instructions on building custom USB images? i'd like to build an image that i can boot via qemu for untrusted software like teamviewer
<ertes-w> CD images would work, too
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<ertes-w> i'm guessing that all i need to do is to apply the right function to my/a configuration.nix-style system configuration
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<sphalerite> ertes-w: yes, it's pretty easy especially if you don't need data persistence
<sphalerite> hang on
<sphalerite> add <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal.nix> to the imports for your config, then nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=path/to/config
<ertes-w> sphalerite: thanks a lot!
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<sphalerite> I think
<nwuensche> Hi! Has anyone here ever installed a GOG game on their NixOS device? I'm currently trying to do this, but the install window won't show up.
<sphalerite> nwuensche: same as for running any proprietary software
<sphalerite> then run the result on the binary
<sphalerite> and add libraries to where zlib is until it works
<sphalerite> (keep a backup copy of the binary of course)
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: Thank you, but I want to make a nix package for that. What exactly do I have to add in it to work?
<sphalerite> ah right
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Right now, my package looks like this: https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/35fac5da53eedfab29f63343357b82f2
<sphalerite> if it's a graphical installer that you can't run without the GUI you'll either need to work out how to extract the files yourself or you're screwed :/
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: It can run inside a CLI, I already saw this
<sphalerite> oh, the installer is a shell script
<sphalerite> oh, that's good
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<sphalerite> So after the installation you apply clever's script to patch the interpreter and the paths
<nwuensche> So copy paste it in the postInstall?
<sphalerite> no, hang on
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<sphalerite> you don't actually need the install.sh script in the output directory, so I moved it to the build directory to avoid it getting included
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: Thank you so much. But when I install the nix package, it doesn't recognize lib in line 15. I imported lib in the first line too. Is this correct or should there be zlib in line 15?
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<sphalerite> oh yeah, forgot to add lib to the function arguments
<sphalerite> where zlib is, you should put any libraries that Planescape requries. That's likely to include zlib and more
<sphalerite> The easiest way to find out which ones it requires is trial and error
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<ertes-w> wow, building the ISO image takes forever
<sphalerite> ertes-w: btw that will make an image that's also an installer. You can take the installer functionality out by taking choice parts from https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-base.nix instead of including installation-cd-minimal.nix
<ertes-w> sphalerite: well, honestly i just went with installation-cd-graphical-kde.nix =)
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<sphalerite> fair enough ☺D
<sphalerite> :D *
<sphalerite> and yes it takes a wee while to build, because of the squashfs part where it compresses everything
<sphalerite> also because there's a lot of IO involved
<ertes-w> it's teamviewer… i want to spend as little engineering time as possible on this particular piece of shoftware
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #29107: Update vdirsyncer (+ one dep), khard (master...update-pim) https://git.io/v5oPl
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<sphalerite> if you want to iterate on the configuration, you may want to build a VM and test that, then only create the ISO image when you've got it mostly right
<sphalerite> I've spent quite a lot of time waiting for image builds and (the worst) writing images to USB sticks :)
<nwuensche> sphalerite: And it's not possible to open the CLI to install the game? I don't really know what I should do otherwise.
<ertes-w> that's fine… i don't have to stare at mksquashfs… i can do other things while it builds =)
<nwuensche> sphalerite: When I install the package, it tells me /nix/...stdenv/setup: line 415: warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input, but after that, it goes into an endless loop
<sphalerite> nwuensche: I don't know how the installer works. Maybe you should read install.sh to see what it does and extract the relevant functionalit into your builder
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<sphalerite> try adding set -x at the beginning of the build to see which stage it hangs at
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<sphalerite> nwuensche: even doing other stuff while mksquashfs is running can get pretty old when it needs to rerun for every tiny little change :p
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<sphalerite> err, ertes-w ^
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: When I try sh -x install.sh, it still doesn't give me any new information
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<sphalerite> nwuensche: I mean set -x in your builder. Is it getting to the point where it runs install.sh at all?
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: I'm so sorry, but which builder do you mean? I don't really know where to set this -x flag
<sphalerite> nwuensche: in the installPhase
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<nwuensche> Ok, but how can I set a flag there? I can't write installPhase -x = ... or so.
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<sphalerite> put set -x as the first line
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Gerschtli opened pull request #29108: slock: adds ability to add custom patches (master...update/slock-patches) https://git.io/v5o1H
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<nwuensche> sphalerite: Thank you! Now it gives me this: https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/97fffcc760cbb57f6900f1e3b586d7db
<sphalerite> ah so the substitute command is actually not completing
<sphalerite> how big is install.sh? You may just not be waiting long enough
<nwuensche> I also get this error: warning: dumping very large path (> 256 MiB); this may run out of memory
<nwuensche> It's 1.4 GB.
<nwuensche> sphalerite: Is there a way to make this faster or atleast set the memory up so that there won't be problems with that?
<sphalerite> yeah that's pretty big. The only way I can think of is doing some preprocessing before the nix stuff
<sphalerite> I can't really help you much more because I don't know how install.sh works
<spear2> does anyone know why when i try to nix-build my package it tells me "Cannot open: Permission denied" for the archive?
<sphalerite> spear2: what does your package look like?
<spear2> sphalerite^
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<sphalerite> spear2: remove the quotes around the path
<sphalerite> spear2: as you've written it, it will try to access the archive at build time as the build user, which doesn't have read access to the path because of sandboxing and probably because of user permissions as well
<spear2> ah i forgot that paths are not strings
<sphalerite> spear2: if you don't quote the path the path will be imported into the store at evaluation time, and the resulting store path will become an explicit input of the expression which gives the builder access to it
<sphalerite> you may also want to use a relative path like `./hello.tar.gz` (if the expression is in the same dir as hello.tar.gz) for brevity's sake
<pstn> My nixos shirt just arrived. The shirt and the print both seem to be pretty good quality /cc mog
<mog> pstn, i havent gotten mine yet photo please?
<sphalerite> That's good to hear, I ordered one too
<goibhniu> hi mog, has nwspk been in touch with you already? they asked yesterday about using your design for stickers
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<mog> yup i still need to make pr for nixos-artwork
<mog> i just havent been on personal pc yet
<goibhniu> great
<spear2> so how do i specify that my package is just an executable shell script, not a full-blown autotools binary? when i try to build it seems to be running configure; make; make install
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<sphalerite> spear2: set buildPhase/installPhase
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<sphalerite> specifically, you'll probably want to set buildPhase to ":" or redefine phases to exclude it, and set installPhase to running the script
<spear2> sphalerite: those are arguments to mkDerivation i guess, how do i see what arguments it accepts? i know of name, builder, src and that's it
<mbrock> I don't understand the mechanism by which `nix-env -iA c.package` resolves `c` as the name of a channel...
<sphalerite> spear2: you can put anything in there, and as long as mkDerivation doesn't handle it otherwise, it'll become an environment variable for the builder. As for what mkDerivation handles specially, see https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-stdenv
<spear2> ah okay, that's one document i haven't read completely. thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 7 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5oyy
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2e9b7c4 Eelco Dolstra: nix run: Add some examples
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 17afc42 Eelco Dolstra: nix build: Add examples
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2ebeffc Eelco Dolstra: nix log: Add examples
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<pstn> mog: I pasted the pictures above.
<mog> thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edolstra pushed 2 new commits to staging: https://git.io/v5oyF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 6b3cef2 Eelco Dolstra: Remove tracePhases...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0061fae Eelco Dolstra: genericBuild: Communicate the current build phase to Nix...
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<mog> NICE
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<pstn> mog: Thanks for making it :-)
<mbrock> when I do "nix-env -i" something, Nix will ask the binary cache about if the store path is cached. How does it derive the store path?
<mbrock> And is there some reason why the hash in the store path would be one thing on my build server, but something else on another computer with the same CPU, so that the binary cache isn't found?
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<pvgoran> Hello everyone.
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<sphalerite> mbrock: when you do nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA hello, it will evaluate nixpkgs and get the "hello" attribute. Said attribute is a derivation, which gets instantiated into a .drv file. This .drv file is computed from the exact instructions for building hello in nixpkgs. Nix then checks the binary cache if it has a .narinfo file for the hash of that drv file, and if found said .narinfo file will contain a reference for where
<sphalerite> to get a prebuilt output of that build
<sphalerite> mbrock: the key is that the .drv file is *deterministically* a result of evaluating the expression for hello, which contains the exact build instructions (including the build inputs)
<mbrock> ah, yes, that makes sense. so I should probably try to just instantiate the .drv and then look in that .drv
<sphalerite> that depends on what your objective is
<sphalerite> oh right, you actually have the case that the store path is one thing on your build server and another on another computer
<mbrock> I really wish that this nix-env -iA command would find the thing in the binary cache, which is my custom binary cache, but it doesn't, so I'm debugging why
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<mbrock> it seems so, yes :)
<sphalerite> My best guess is that they don't have the same nixpkgs version
<sphalerite> but yeah, instantiate it on each and compare the resulting drv file
<sphalerite> s
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<sphalerite> https://github.com/pbogdan/nix-derivation-pretty might be useful for that
<sphalerite> yes, they should
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<sphalerite> in that case the builder is probably non-deterministic
<sphalerite> oh wait
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<sphalerite> no, it's just that the binary cache isn't working right :p
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixpkgs-17.09-darwin advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/b50193f0ca (from 32 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixpkgs-17.09-darwin)
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<mbrock> if the .drv files get the same name, they probably have the same contents, right?
<mbrock> yeah
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<mbrock> oh noo, everything is working now :( :)
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<mbrock> so probably it's some kind of stupid cache issue that I'll look into next time it happens
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<mbrock> thanks
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<pietranera> Hi, in case anyone's interested, there is a discussion about generating deterministic pyc files from Python:
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<clever> mbrock: the name of the .drv file is based on a hash of its contents
<mbrock> makes sense. now I also wonder if Nix in any way does HTTP caching, e.g. of `nixexprs.tar.xz`...
<mbrock> I'd guess that it doesn't
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<Jackneill> how does nixos set settings i set in configuration.nix? like firefox flash enable or anything else?
<clever> Jackneill: nixpkgs.config.firefox.enableAdobeFlash = true;
<Jackneill> clever, i meant technically how is it done?
<clever> when nixos imports <nixpkgs> it passes in a config argument
<clever> so basicaly, it becomes import <nixpkgs> { config = { firefox.enableAdobeFlash = true; }; }
<clever> and that overrides the normal config.nix search logic
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #28982: truecrypt: fix build with gcc6 patch (master...truecrypt) https://git.io/v5uVH
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5odp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 327e091 Ryan Mulligan: truecrypt: fix build with gcc6 patch...
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<nwuensche> Hi! Has anyone here ever installed a GOG game on their NixOS device? I'm currently trying to do this, but the install window won't show up.
<clever> nwuensche: has it been patchelf'd?
<nwuensche> Right now, my package looks like this: https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/b920a762b4ff954260dc2ddd11e70d56
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<nwuensche> clever: However, I get the following output: https://gist.github.com/NWuensche/97fffcc760cbb57f6900f1e3b586d7db. After that, it goes into an endless loop.
<nwuensche> The install sh is 1.4 GB big. Is there a way that this doesn't causes a problem?
<clever> nwuensche: ah, the last time i tried patching one of these things, it caused all kinds of problems
<clever> nwuensche: the .sh script typicaly has a offset inside it, of what areas it can safely copy with dd, to extract the tar from itself
<clever> and patchShebangs will mess with those offsets
<mpickering> Is there a way to recursively override an argument (of an haskel package, for example setting doHoogle to false recursively)
<clever> mpickering: make an override on mkDerivation
<clever> mpickering: https://pastebin.com/QUvBgc30
<mpickering> I don't think that will work? I don't want to do this for all packages in the package set
<mpickering> and also I don't want this choice to pollute the package set for other builds
<spacefrogg> nwuensche: Putting it in a FHSEnv might be easier. I do that normally with binary packages.
<clever> mpickering: no real way that i know of to do it recursively, other then just making a second haskellPackages set
<clever> mpickering: you can name your override something else
<mpickering> does that mean I have to have global overrides in two places?
<clever> mpickering: instead of setting haskellPackages in the override, set myHaskellPackages
<clever> and only things using myHaskellPackages will get the override
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<sphalerite> nwuensche: oh yes, clever is probably right (he always is :p ) an alternative option would be to wrap it so that it finds everything it needs on the PATH, so rather than doing the patchShebangs and the substitute command, do PATH=${lib.escapeShellArg (lib.makeBinPath [bash coreutils])} sh install.sh
<sphalerite> if you really want it in a nix package
<clever> sphalerite: the problem is when people assume your PATH is wrong and do /bin/bash
<sphalerite> clever: yeah, but the shebang won't be used if you're calling the interpreter directly and absolute-path references to tools like that aren't *that* common outside shebangs
<sphalerite> I'd be moderately surprised if what I suggested didn't work
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<clever> yeah, that sounds right
<clever> another problem i have ran into, the .sh was both a tar, and a custom package
<sphalerite> nwuensche: otherwise peek into install.sh and potentially just bypass all of its logic and do the extraction yoruself
<clever> the tar contained an ELF that handled the custom archive format
<clever> and the sh part refused to just unpack and not run the ELF
<sphalerite> beautiful
<silver_hook> Is it normal that I have to reboot everytime I do `nixos-rebuild switch` in order for some stuff (e.g. KDE/Plasma dialogues) to work?
<clever> silver_hook: you can also just logout and log back in
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<sphalerite> silver_hook: yes, although for KDE/Plasma just logging out and back in should be sufficient
<silver_hook> OK, but in general having to restart whatever you are using is normal?
<silver_hook> Good to know :)
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<clever> only for some stuff in the kde launcher
<clever> switch does its best to reload things, but kde cant be reloaded
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<sphalerite> silver_hook: in general… it depends on the software
<sphalerite> nixos-rebuild switch will try to reload as much as possible in-place but whether that's possible depends on the software and how nixos manages its config
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<mpickering> Does anyone know where the .extend attribute used in Haskell's make-package-set.nixy is defined? (extensible-self.extend for example)
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<silver_hook> sphalerite: Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.
<silver_hook> BTW, I recently installed kobodl (Kobo Deluxe – a neat little retro game) and it complains it doesn’t have the rights to store the player profile and save games.
<silver_hook> Where (and how) may I submit that bug?
<clever> silver_hook: to nixpkgs, it has to be patched to save to an area under $HOME rather then --prefix
<silver_hook> clever: Thanks, will send it
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<nwuensche> clever, sphalerite: Ok, I will play the game on my Windows PC^^ Thank you nevertheless.
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<clever> nwuensche: oh right, there is also a steam-run package, which i believe gives a shell inside the same chroot used for steam
<sphalerite> clever: just tried it, it tries to store the player profile to a shared prefix which on debian would probably be /var/games (so that high scores can be shared between users)
<makefu> apropos steam, it seems it is broken in unstable right now
<sphalerite> /nix/store/4ml6sys1r9jm7bkn56m93f7h18iaw6xz-kobodeluxe-0.5.1/com/kobo-deluxe/scores/A.1000
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<clever> sphalerite: yeah, so its trying to write to the store
<sphalerite> yeah, but where should it be writing to isntead
<sphalerite> not the user's home directory because then it won't be shared
<clever> to set things like this up "properly", it has to have the set gid bit set, and then a group that has write to the shared location
<clever> so only that game can write to it, and users cant just cheat in their own scores, or put malicious data into a file another user will load into the game
<sphalerite> oh yeah…
<sphalerite> so basically it's complicated
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] peti opened pull request #1562: docker: update to Nix 1.11.14 (master...master) https://git.io/v5oAu
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<clever> and nixos makes it worse, then you need a nixos module to handle the set gid bit
<clever> and how often do you actually want to share high-scores with another user on the same box?
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<sphalerite> so home dir x)
<clever> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] boothead opened pull request #29109: Fix hw-kafka-client haskell package (master...hw-kafka-client) https://git.io/v5oAp
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #28957: haskell-gi: Include haskell-gi-overloading 0.0 (master...patch-1) https://git.io/v5Ely
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<sphalerite> Random idea: could nix-store --optimise perform better for similar reductions in space usage if it only looked at large (for some definition of large) files?
<mbrock> I wonder if it's possible to provide an overlay via a channel
<clever> sphalerite: ive found that the biggest performance cost is just the readdir on large directories, like .links and the store itself
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<sphalerite> ah, ok
<clever> doing the same thing git does may help
<sphalerite> oh, but in that case wouldn't it help because it results in .links having fewer entries?
<clever> ah yeah, that would help some
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<clever> but making more subdirs under .links would give more disk savings and make it faster
<sphalerite> more disk savings? How?
<clever> vs not linking small-ish files
<Dezgeg> how does splitting .links to multiple directories make it faster if you're going to readdir() all of the subdirectories
<dieggsy> anyone know why i'd get '/bin/sh: 1: col: not found' when attempting to build a package?
<clever> Dezgeg: weird quirks in the filesystem layer
<Dezgeg> huh?
<clever> Dezgeg: when you want to read a file of a known name, the FS can use things like b-tree's to instantly find it
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<clever> Dezgeg: but if you want to iterate over the entire directory, it can be abnormally slow
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<clever> splitting it up into 255 smaller directories makes it faster, even if you read all of them, just due to poorly designed FS's
<clever> they dont expect you to put 1000's of files in a single directory
<Dezgeg> yes, sure if you use something like FAT, then yes filename lookup inside a single directory is O(n)
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<Dezgeg> but I don't see the relevance to readdir()
<clever> FAT is even worse in some areas, the root directory has a hard upper limit on the number of files in the root directory
<clever> $ time ls -U /nix/store/.links/ | wc -l
<clever> 934243
<clever> real 0m5.470s
<clever> hmmm, that usually took minutes, maybe the extra 16gig of ram i gave the machine has helped
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<disasm> dieggsy: we'd need to see the nix file
<Dezgeg> that applies to FAT12 and FAT16 only, IIRC
<dieggsy> disasm: https://git.io/v5opS it's a modified default.nix for hub
<clever> Dezgeg: ive had it happen on a 4gig SD card before, dont think fat16 cant go that big
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<dieggsy> disasm: that's actually a slightly older version, in the newer one I don't do sh script/build since make install takes care of it i believe, but the issue is the same
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #29110: mfi: Remove remaining reference to mfi.nix (master...mfi-fix) https://git.io/v5opx
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<Dezgeg> sure it can go big if you increase cluster size
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<Dezgeg> ok, not "sure" though, but it does barely fit :)
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<clever> i only ever ran into that because my mp3 player was "full" at only ~5% usage
<Dezgeg> but, indeed a 4gb partition should typically be fat32 which doesn't have a fixed size root directory
<clever> ah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ikervagyok opened pull request #29112: removed last bit of mfi (master...mfi) https://git.io/v5ohr
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dermetfan opened pull request #29113: nixos/mfi: remove dangling reference (was removed in #29073) (master...fixup/29073) https://git.io/v5ohi
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5ojh
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cd283e9 Michael Alan Dorman: mfi: Remove remaining reference to mfi.nix...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres opened pull request #29114: Moe: init at 1.9 (master...upload/moe) https://git.io/v5KeS
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<ryannix> Hi all - been trying this for a while, but haven't figured it out - is there a reason ruby_2_4_1 doesn't work in nix-shell?
<ryannix> I'm using -I with the unstable channel, and can find ruby_2_4 - but not 2_4_1 even though both are in nix-env
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<catern> hey #nixos, are there any script or tips or anything out there for maintaining a large deployment of multi-user Nix on Debian?
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<ryannix> :qq:q
<S0rin> ZZ
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<ryannix> Haha, whoops
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<sphalerite> ryannix: how does it not work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KJU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc15c15 Samuel Leathers: scorched3d: fixing build with gcc6
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<sphalerite> catern: maintaining how? Big how?
<ryannix> ruby_2_4_1 is undefined - even though it is installable from nix-env with the same channel
<ryannix> when adding it as a build-input or -p with nix-shell
<dieggsy> is egg2nix broken?
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<catern> sphalerite: updating the configs, the version of Nix deployed everywhere, making sure the daemon is running, etc.; a thousand hosts
<sphalerite> ooft, that is big :D
<sphalerite> I don't really know much about managing stuff at that scale, but I imagine making a debian package for that would be helpful
<catern> unfortunately this is unprivileged so I can't make a Debian package
<catern> I was thinking of using Ansible
<catern> planning on using Ansible
<catern> but I realized that, hey, Nix is good for this kind of software deployment stuff, maybe I can manage it using Nix itself or NixOps somehow
<goibhniu> disnix might be worth a look too, catern
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<catern> that sounds a bit too much
<catern> I mean the problem is that both NixOps and Disnix assume you're using NixOS
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<catern> or do they?
<catern> do they require root-level management, or just access to Nix?
<catern> eh, whatever, I'll just use ansible
<goibhniu> disnix doesn't
<goibhniu> but yeah, it may well be overkill
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<catern> oh, interesting
<catern> eh yeah i'm just gonna stick to ansible I guess, even though it sucks
<sphalerite> unprivileged and multi-user? How?
<catern> I have a user designated to own the store on every box, and that user runs the daemon
<catern> this is awful in practice of course because it means there's no sandboxing
<catern> but meh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Lassulus opened pull request #29115: vbam: svn-1507 -> git-ceef480 (master...vbam-update) https://git.io/v5KTK
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<brodul> hmm, I don't understand the output of nix-env -q --attr-path
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KId
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3d32500 Robin Gloster: rosegarden: 15.08 -> 17.04
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<brodul> it starts with a number and behind that there is the name
<brodul> but I would expect the attribute
<sphalerite> brodul: I don't get what you mean, can you paste what you're referring to?
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<brodul> sorry
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<sphalerite> oooh right
<sphalerite> it's an odd behaviour, but since your environment doesn't have any sort of hierarchy or attribute names in it, it doesn't have any meaningful attribute names to put there
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Kqz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 04f456e Robin Gloster: dmtcp: 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1
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<sphalerite> If what you want is to get the list of nixpkgs attribute paths installed to get your environment… I don't think that's possible unfortunately
<brodul> oh, tnx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Kmo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3205d16 Ben Ford: Fix hw-kafka-client haskell package
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 017a356 Ben Ford: Also had to add dontCheck integration test seems to hang...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 30ce53d Ben Ford: Add a note about the changes
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<brodul> If I want to 'backup' my environment
<brodul> what is the best ting to do
<brodul> store the `nix-env -q` output?
<sphalerite> I recommend writing a nix expression that contains everything in it
<sphalerite> and building the environment from there using nix-env -irf expr.nix
<sphalerite> for a simple one, you can just do `let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in {inherit (pkgs) foo bar baz;}` to get foo, bar and baz in your env
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<sphalerite> then keep that nix expression in version control :)
<sphalerite> for greater reproducibility you can also pin nixpkgs in your expression if that's your thing
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<brodul> oh right
<brodul> tnx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5KOq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 72451b5 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: include "haskell-gi-overloading == 0.0" in our package set
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8a71425 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<mbrock> I can do `nix-env -iA mychannel.pkg` but what is the corresponding syntax for nix-shell?
<mbrock> one way seems to be `nix-shell -E 'with import <mychannel> {}; pkgs.pkg'` but then this starts to compile the package
<mbrock> (it's already compiled because the `nix-env` command finishes immediately)
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<brodul> maybe mbrock: nix-shell '<mychannel>' -A pkg
<brodul> if pkg is a top level attribute
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] AndersonTorres opened pull request #29116: mcomix: fixup (master...upload/mcomix) https://git.io/v5K3d
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<mbrock> brodul: hm, that also starts the compilation...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 48 new commits to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5K3h
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 f0369b8 WilliButz: grafana: 4.3.2 -> 4.4.3...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 d1cc587 Eric Litak: factorio: refactored the arch+version abstraction...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 a9af230 Eric Litak: factorio: 0.15.33 -> 0.15.34...
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<brodul> mbrock: I am not sure what you want to do
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bkchr opened pull request #29117: KdeApplications: 17.08.0 --> 17.08.1 (master...kde_applications_17_08_1) https://git.io/v5Ksf
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<mbrock> brodul: ah, maybe it's not starting the compilation, it's just getting all the build deps, because nix-shell except for "-p" is meant to boot a development environment
<mbrock> basically I want to get the effect of "nix-shell -p foo", except that I need to specify an explicit attribute path instead of a package name (from a non-default channel, too)
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<sphalerite> mbrock: nix-shell -p 'with import <whatever> {}; attrPath goes here'
<sphalerite> you can give -p any expression, it'll be evaluated with nixpkgs in scope
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5KsP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4955943 Andraz Brodnik: Add gosu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a34d2ab Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #29093 from brodul/add/gosu...
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<mbrock> sphalerite: ahh, cool!
<mbrock> now, I just wonder if there's a way to make that not install the stdenv, e.g. for use on a non-NixOS box
<mbrock> like I want to use this nix-shell just as a way to get the program in scope, I don't need compilers and stuff
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<sphalerite> That will be difficul
<sphalerite> t
<U007D> hi, all. Newb nixos question. I've read 14 chapters of the nixos manual and have an install up and running. But I'd like to install geekbench; I see there's a package (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28020/files) that went in last month. nix-env -qaP does not find it. (My install is se to and does show unfree packages.) Any ideas?
<mbrock> okay, maybe it's alright that my users will need to wait a bit for gcc and whatnot to download
<U007D> s/se/set
<sphalerite> mbrock: it shouldn't need gcc
<mbrock> ah maybe it's just some gcc libraries
<sphalerite> U007D: are you on unstable?
<U007D> sphalerite no, stable... I see...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KG4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f93a019 AndersonTorres: mcomix: fixup...
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<sphalerite> U007D: yeah, new stuff generally doesn't go into the stable version unless it's an important fix
<U007D> sphalerite how can I tell if a particular package has made it to stable?
<U007D> other than it not showing up, of course :)
<sphalerite> git is your friend :p
<sphalerite> What you can do though is pick and mix
<sphalerite> If you don't mind it being a bit impure and hard to reproduce, you can just do nix-env -f https://d3g5gsiof5omrk.cloudfront.net/nixos-unstable/nixexprs.tar.xz -iA geekbench
<sphalerite> err
<U007D> sphalerite I tried git, but didn't know what folder to begin with. What folder should I be in when github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs README.md tell me to do a `git remote add`? (I ended up doing a `mkdir foo && cd foo && git init`, but this (unsurprisingly didn't work)
<sphalerite> just anywhere inside the clone
<sphalerite> you can just check the release branch if the change you're interested isn't too recent as well
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<sphalerite> `git log origin/release-17.03 --grep geekbench` will show you any commits mentioning geekbench on the 17.03 branch
<sphalerite> But yes, to make sure that the channel is up to date with it as well it is better to use the channels one
<U007D> ah--I brought up a new system from a bootable usb stick (minimal live CD). that's why I didn't have a clone of the repo. Very cool--thank you! That fills in a lot of ?'s I've had! :)
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<sphalerite> you could probably also use github's web UI but I'm not sure it has enough functionality for that to work easily
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<sphalerite> and no problem. I've found the IRC channel to be the most valuable resource overall for nix/nixos stuff
<tilpner> If you know about a commit in master and want to see which channels have it, you can "git branch -a --contains 1b8c7786ee75b834a76b443381aa7033372dffae"
<U007D> sphalerite I'd rather jump in with both feet--the premise of NixOS is really appealing to me. I'm wishing for better ergonomics, to be sure, but the functionality seems to live up to the promis.
<sphalerite> tilpner: that won't catch stuff that's been cherry-picked to release branches so it's not that helpful
<tilpner> True. I mostly use that to check if a new package is in nixos-unstable yet :P
<U007D> sphalerite awesome -- the quick 'n dirty approach worked like a charm--thank you!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kamilchm opened pull request #29118: yEd: 3.17 -> 3.17.1 (master...yed) https://git.io/v5KZA
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Kna
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8f6b347 Eelco Dolstra: ThreadPool: Improve exception handling...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 3cf1705 Eelco Dolstra: nix copy: Don't open the --from store twice
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 6a888ec Eelco Dolstra: copyStorePath(): Fill in missing narHash regardless of checkSigs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KnS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 707ee76 Samuel Leathers: slic3r: fix build with gcc6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KnN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d70e64c Kamil Chmielewski: yEd: 3.17 -> 3.17.1
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<mpickering> Is there a reasonable way to debug "error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)" which doesn't show a trace?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PanAeon opened pull request #29119: Skypeforlinux september updates (master...skypeforlinux_september) https://git.io/v5Kc5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #29102: rubygems: 2.6.10 -> 2.6.13 (master...f/gems) https://git.io/v5ouq
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<sphalerite> ouch. idk
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5KWu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 838cbd5 Andrzej Trzaska: Use gem 2.6.10 (#23902)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 13b0e47 Peter Hoeg: rubygems: 2.6.10 -> 2.6.13...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KWw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 e734573 Peter Hoeg: rubygems: 2.6.10 -> 2.6.13...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Lassulus opened pull request #29120: centerim: 4.22.10 -> 5.0.1 (master...ceneterim-update) https://git.io/v5Kl7
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] markus2342 opened pull request #29121: mcrl2: 201409 -> 201707 (master...update-mcrl2) https://git.io/v5K8U
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<tilpner> mpickering - Pass any number of -v to the command you're running?
<tilpner> That should show you at least which file is evaluated last, which might help
<tilpner> *at least show you which
<tilpner> *nevermind
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #29105: gdb: 8.0 -> 8.0.1 (master...update_gdb) https://git.io/v5owh
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<Twey> What's the deal with overriding package arguments these days? I want to try to build buildbot-full with Python 3, so I'm doing: `buildbot-full.override { pythonPackages = python3Packages; }` as mentioned in the manual. But all I get is `attribute ‘override’ missing`
<jasom> Is there a way to find the file in which a package is defined? Failing that is there a way to find the root of the current nixpkgs in /nix/store, so that I'm at least runnin "find" on the right version of nixpkgs?
<tilpner> jasom - If you have the new Nix CLI you can run "nix edit nixpkgs.somepackage"
<jasom> tilpner: is that available in stabl?
<tilpner> Try nix-shell -p nixUnstable
<jasom> tilpner: ah, it's in nixos.nixUnstable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PanAeon opened pull request #29122: update skypeforlinux to; Fix autologin issue (master...skypeforlinux_september_update) https://git.io/v5KB1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PanAeon closed pull request #29119: Skypeforlinux september updates (master...skypeforlinux_september) https://git.io/v5Kc5
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<timor> Are all the perl packages regularly built somewhere? Looking at nixos.hydra.org I fail to find the corresponding jobs anywhere.
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<tilpner> Twey - I tried running nis -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (buildbot.override { pythonPackages = python3Packages; }).withPlugins (with buildbot-plugins; [ www console-view waterfall-view grid-view ])' but it fails with "error: testtools-1.8.0 not supported for interpreter python3.6m"
<tilpner> There's probably a good reason they set pythonPackages = python2Packages...
<tilpner> As for why the override didn't work, that's because "withPlugins" is missing a makeOverridable, and there was no callPackage used for that particular package (buildbot-full)
<Twey> tilpner: I believe it, but I also can't get it to build with the default args ;) So I was going to play around with the arguments and see if I could get something that works
<Twey> tilpner: No matching distribution found for PyYAML>=3.10.0 (from oslo.config==4.11.0)
* tilpner building
<Twey> tilpner: Is there supposed to be a makeOverridable in withPlugins?
<Twey> Should I add it?
<Ralith> Anyone using NixOS on AWS around? The log's reporting errors renaming the interfaces from eth1 and eth2 to modern-style names, and customization of the MTU by network-link-eth1.service never gets ran because the required sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth1.device unit times out
<tilpner> I don't know the exact policy for when to make things overridable. Too much makeOverridable clutters package definitions
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] PanAeon opened pull request #29123: Skypeforlinux preview (master...skypeforlinux_preview) https://git.io/v5K0e
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<tilpner> I still have a forgotten open PR to make buildEnv overridable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] geistesk opened pull request #29124: FireHOL: init at 3.1.4 (master...firehol-init) https://git.io/v5K0t
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #29122: skypeforlinux: -> (master...skypeforlinux_september_update) https://git.io/v5KB1
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<tilpner> Twey - buildbot is fixed in unstable
<Twey> tilpner: Ah, cool, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] geistesk closed pull request #29124: FireHOL: init at 3.1.4 (master...firehol-init) https://git.io/v5K0t
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] geistesk opened pull request #29125: firehol: init at 3.1.4, iprange: init at 1.0.3 (master...firehol-3.1.4) https://git.io/v5KES
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #29126: pitivi: fix path to gst-python (master...fix/pitivi) https://git.io/v5KEx
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Ku0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7269934 lassulus: centerim: 4.22.10 -> 5.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6f292e9 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #29120 from Lassulus/ceneterim-update...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #29127: vscode: 1.15.1 -> 1.16.0 (master...vscode_1_16_0) https://git.io/v5Kuj
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<julm> Hi there, has anyone ever installed Shorewall with Nix? I can't find an obvious way to do so.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Kz5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master edd94f5 Markus Mueller: mcrl2: 201409 -> 201707
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #29099: offlineimap: 7.1.1 -> 7.1.2 (master...offlineimap) https://git.io/v5onX
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<joepie91> julm: doesn't seem to have been packaged by anybody yet
<julm> joepie91: sad :( would you know of any other similar (Perl) package that could be an example starting point to do so?
<joepie91> julm: so you can package it yourself to use it, although I'm not sure whether it does anything that Nix' declarative config can't already (theoretically) do, so I don't know whether it'd make sense to do so
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Kg3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9810c0c gnidorah: rambox: 0.5.10 -> 0.5.12
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<joepie91> julm: are you on NixOS?
<julm> joepie91: hm, I was reading https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23181
<julm> joepie91: it says: "And I believe the more complex networking setups (firewall builders, NixOS on a router machine, lots of NAT rules, ...) are better served with tools like Shorewall or Ferm."
<disasm> where's everyone staying for nixcon?
<julm> joepie91: nope, Debian + nixpkgs
<julm> joepie91: but I'd like it to be installable on a nixos only
<joepie91> julm: so all the config/service modules will only work on NixOS, not on non-NixOS systems
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<joepie91> (out of technical necessity)
<joepie91> julm: but yeah, I have no particular knowledge of this area
<julm> joepie91: well, I'll experiment in a VM with NixOps; I don't know the extend to which NixOS is able to setup the firewall, but would be impressive if it is as powerful as Shorewall
<julm> joepie91: thank you anyway ;)
<sphalerite> ugh, shorewall…
<julm> sphalerite: well, i'm used to it :P
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<copumpkin> FRidh: you around?
<sphalerite> because tables are the perfect representation for a firewall!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5K2T
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a6fcd2c Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 33.4.23 -> 34.4.20
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<joepie91> julm: no reason it couldn't be as powerful; Nix is a full-blown language in the sense that it has all the basic data structures and you can build abstractions with it
<joepie91> so you can - theoretically - express pretty much anything in it
<joepie91> (performance is a different story :P)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.03: https://git.io/v5K23
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.03 46fc14b Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 33.4.23 -> 34.4.20...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5K2c
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 928a1ea Thomas Tuegel: dropbox: 33.4.23 -> 34.4.20...
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<joepie91> so so long as somebody made the effort to write something that converts input data into firewall rules...
<joepie91> :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5K2W
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b17ccf3 Jaakko Luttinen: rssguard: 3.4.0 -> 3.4.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 913c245 Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #29046 from jluttine/update-rssguard...
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<edef> so does anyone want to have a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/28206?
* edef taps copumpkin
<julm> joepie91: theoretically sure, but what is already existing avoids me to fall in a rabit hole ;) I'll play with NixOS fireall abstraction, see if I can reproduce what I need
<joepie91> julm: I doubt that NixOS firewall config is *currently* as extensive as that of Shorewall, I'm only saying that it could theoretically be made so with existing Nix tooling :P
<julm> joepie91: sure, I'll see what path offers the least resistance to me :P
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<edef> heck, you could literally use shorewall and integrate it into NixOS configs
<edef> writing a NixOS module for Shorewall is fairly low-effort
<julm> edef: oh yes? would you have some pointers to help me write this module?
<edef> julm: so like, https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-writing-modules is a good starter
<edef> julm: I mostly learnt from examples
<edef> julm: like by reading existing modules
* edef is pretty exhausted so she can't do a tonne of hand-holding today
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<julm> edef: no worry, thanks :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] timor opened pull request #29128: perlPackages: undefine LD per default in builder (master...perl-packages-ld-fix) https://git.io/v5KaS
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<ixxie> hello everybody
<ixxie> heres a weird one
<ixxie> say we wanna package spacemacs for nixos
<ixxie> how?
<ixxie> its basically just an emacs configuration
<ixxie> plus a font
<edef> spacemacs kinda expects you to edit the config though
<edef> and the first boot it kicks off a massive melpa fetch, right
<ixxie> edef, I thought the emacs config shouldnt be touched and the .spacemacs file is where your config goes
<ixxie> but I am a new user
<ixxie> so not sure
<edef> oh
<edef> that makes things easier I guess
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<ixxie> in the end I guess its not so weird for a package to write stuff to home right?
<ixxie> they write config files all the time
<catern> julia seems broken, is that expected?
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<edef> ixxie: personally I have my vim config built as part of NixOS and it lives in a global location
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<orbekk> ixxie: in case this is relevant, I just installed Spacemacs the standard way in $HOME and it works fine on nixos
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<ixxie> orbekk: I am sure it would work fine, but I want it all declarative :)
<ixxie> thats my particular fetish
<ixxie> everything declarative
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<tilpner> ixxie - How have you solved declarative permissions for config files in your home directory?
<tilpner> Specifically ~/.pulse
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<ixxie> tilpner: well, I haven't yet had any custom configuration files really, so I haven't dealt with it
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<tilpner> You have no configuration files in your home at all? O.o
<WinchellsM> This builds it from nixpkgs: nix-build -A hello
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<tilpner> (Non-default ones)
<WinchellsM> But how can one build hello locally?
<ixxie> tilpner: but I looked into it and there are a few ways; one is https://github.com/rycee/home-manager but I haven't tried it yet
<WinchellsM> I tried nix-build -f ./default.nix and it doesn't work
<WinchellsM> `nix-build default.nix` yields the error "cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value ('stdenv')
<tilpner> WinchellsM - nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {}', but your hash is wrong
<tilpner> You can have a shorter build command, but AFAICT not without additional files or changes to your default.nix
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<WinchellsM> What is <nixpkgs> {}?
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<WinchellsM> I'm assuming <nixpkgs> is the mosnter nix expression that has every package from my channel.
<WinchellsM> And then <nixpkgs> {} calls it with 0 arguments?
<tilpner> <nixpkgs> is a path item that points to your nixpkgs installation. We import wherever that is, then call it with an empty attrset
<tilpner> Calling with {} is not the same as calling it with 0 arguments
<WinchellsM> What does <nixpkgs> {} return?
<WinchellsM> A giant derivation?
<tilpner> You're reading it wrong. It first imports <nixpkgs>, then calls the result of that import (a function) with {}
<joepie91> WinchellsM: that returns the nixpkgs package set with default settings; <nixpkgs> is a function that *produces* the package set (given information like overlays, system arch, etc.)
<tilpner> Calling that function with {} returns a set
<joepie91> so `<nixpkgs> { ... some settings here ... }` returns the package set
<WinchellsM> In nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {}', could ./. be replaced with ./default.nix?
<joepie91> I believe so, yes
<joepie91> assuming I understand the ./. correctly
<joepie91> ('import the current working directory')
<tilpner> WinchellsM - Yes, but they mean the same here
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<WinchellsM> So let's say you had a Git Repo, and you wanted your customers to be able to use nix to easily install your software on their machine.
<WinchellsM> Is this the way you'd have it set up?
<tilpner> Is it really okay to force Nix onto your customers?
<WinchellsM> And then you'd say "run the command nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {}'" ?
<WinchellsM> It would be doing them a favor if it meant they didn't have to go through dependency hell to install your software, no?
<tilpner> That depends a lot on what the software is, and how much effort you can invest into packaging
<tilpner> But no, that is not how I would set it up
<WinchellsM> How would you set it up (broadly speaking)?
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<tilpner> sphalerite recently had an example where he had a friend install software directly from a GH repo. Something like that could work. You could also provide an overlay (like e.g. nixpkgs-mozilla)
<tilpner> Which doesn't require the git clone and the weird nix-build invocation
<WinchellsM> Ok
<WinchellsM> Interesting
<WinchellsM> Also, just to confirm my understanding, the following two are equivalent, correct?
<WinchellsM> nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./. {}'
<WinchellsM> nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).import ./. {inherit fetchurl stdenv perl}'
<tilpner> That would fetch, build and install in one short command
<sphalerite> WinchellsM: no, those aren't equivalent
<tilpner> (sorry for the ping)
<WinchellsM> @sphalerite: How are they different?
<WinchellsM> And if they are different, are they "mostly the same"?
<sphalerite> thank you for the ping :) glad to hear it's useful
<WinchellsM> Or is one wildly divergent from the other?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KoX
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 3a3e0d8 PanAeon: update skypeforlinux to; Fix autologin issue (#29122)...
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<tilpner> No, uhm, your second one is really broken
<sphalerite> They're wildly different — the latter shouldn't work
<tilpner> Are you asking about how callPackage works?
<WinchellsM> Yeah
<tilpner> WinchellsM - nix-build -E 'import ./. { inherit (import <nixpkgs> {}) fetchurl stdenv perl; }'
<sphalerite> I think maybe what you mean by the second one is something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; import ./. {inherit fetchurl stdenv perl;}'`
<WinchellsM> I guess
<edef> WinchellsM: I'd just have the default.nix `with import <nixpkgs> {};` at the top tbh
<sphalerite> Which does behave rather similarly, except that it doesn't add overridability
<tilpner> WinchellsM - This is pretty much what callPackage does, it fills a set with the required arguments, taking them from nixpkgs in this case
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<sphalerite> WinchellsM: Recommended reading since your goal seems to be to understand what's actually going on ­— https://nixos.org/nixos/nix-pills/
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<tilpner> Ooh, I never read them when they were in blog form. Didn't know they made it onto nixos.org
<sphalerite> that's a recent development, led by grahamc
<tilpner> !m gchristensen
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, gchristensen!
<MoreTea> I'll buy you at least one beer for that at NixCon gchristensen :)
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<MoreTea> Or any other preferred beverage
<WinchellsM> Just bookmarked nix-pills
<WinchellsM> with import <nixpkgs> {};
<WinchellsM> What is the immpact of this?
<sphalerite> it finds nixpkgs on NIX_PATH, imports it, and calls it with {}
<tilpner> It puts all items from the set (import <nixpkgs> {}) into your local scope
<sphalerite> the details are in nix pill no. 7 :D
<WinchellsM> I see that imports nixpkgs and then calls it with {}
<WinchellsM> Ah
<sphalerite> oh right, yes, and then it brings all the names from it into the scope for whatever comes after the ;
<WinchellsM> So there is a notion of local scope?
<WinchellsM> Per file?
<WinchellsM> That seems...non-functionalish :)
<sphalerite> that's perfectly functional
<tilpner> It's not non-functional, and it's not per file
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<WinchellsM> Yes, I suppose it's no different from "import Module.Name" in i.e. Haskell
<tilpner> But if you put it at the beginning of a file, it has effect for the rest of the file
<sphalerite> yes it is
<LainuxUser> Does nixos support kernel signing with a custom key?
<sphalerite> it's for an expression. (with import <nixpkgs> {}; foo bar) will get bar from import <nixpkgs> {}, but (with import <nixpkgs> {}; foo) bar will not
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<sphalerite> So it's more like a let binding, except you don't have a fixed set of names being brought into scope
<WinchellsM> I see
<LainuxUser> Is it possible to install NixOS without the provided livecd?
<disasm> LainuxUser: yup, you just need a free partition and nix package manager installed
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<sphalerite> Well with some black magic (https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/) you can even do it without a free partition if you're planning on overwriting the previous stuff :D
<disasm> sphalerite: very true :)
<LainuxUser> great
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<MoreTea> I'm trying to validate an idea to make it easier for people to learn Nix.
<MoreTea> The plan is to have a website, where you can start a docker container (scheduled via kubernetes) that will run wetty (a HTML5+websocket tty terminal).
<MoreTea> I've got wetty working, but now I am looking for a minimal "rootfs" that is workable to run `nix-build` in.
<LainuxUser> How well does nixos support system hardening ala SELinux and friends?
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<disasm> LainuxUser: it does not, with nixos though everything on the system is in the nix store which is immutable.
<tilpner> MoreTea - How minimal does it have to be? Is nixos/nix from the Dockerhub okay?
<MoreTea> Good pointer. I'll see if I can extract some information from that.
<disasm> we used to support grsecurity before it became commercial only.
<LainuxUser> disasm: but i can still write my own policy tough?
<tilpner> MoreTea - Also who's going to pay for that? I'm curious how well it would completely client-side...
<tilpner> *how well it would work
<MoreTea> It won't ;)
<tilpner> Why not?
<MoreTea> (work client-side)
<MoreTea> because then you'd have to install stuff instead of visiting a website.
<sphalerite> MoreTea: tar cf $(nix-store -qR $(nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A nix)) :p
<sphalerite> err minus the f
<tilpner> MoreTea - jslinux does it pretty well
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<MoreTea> I build my docker container with dockerTools.buildImage , since I need wetty as well (and that was a bit annoying to package)
<sphalerite> tilpner: beat me to it… :p
<MoreTea> tilpner, last time I checked that was wayyy to slow
<MoreTea> You'd still need a proxy to move data around
<tilpner> Not sure. What data apart from the image do you have to move around if you just want people to play around with nix-build?
<MoreTea> That's a valid point.
<sphalerite> dependencies
<sphalerite> if it's running server-side, the common store paths can be shared
<joepie91> MoreTea: obligatory warning that Docker does *not* provide secure isolation (ie. against malicious users or software)
<disasm> LainuxUser: it could be done, there's just no modules for it at the moment.
<MoreTea> sure, I don't care about security.
<MoreTea> It's supposed to be a playground
<tilpner> MoreTea - https://bellard.org/jslinux/vm.html?url=https://bellard.org/jslinux/buildroot-x86.cfg is pretty fast
<joepie91> MoreTea: this is a problem when you consider that your containers can be used for spamming and other such abusemail-generating things
<tilpner> MoreTea - If you want to provide a playground for other people, you should care about your hosts security
<MoreTea> It's fairly trivial to have them not being able to be connected to the internet.
<joepie91> MoreTea: not if they can compromise the host... which they can... because Docker doesn't isolate against malicious users... :)
<joepie91> not having secure isolation is a pretty big deal when dealing with untrusted users or code
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<joepie91> you'd probably want to look into something along the lines of OpenVZ or unprivileged LXC instead
<MoreTea> I'm well aware of that.
<MoreTea> lxc is just as safe as docker.
<MoreTea> I could even use kvm vm's on e.g. packet
<joepie91> no, unprivileged lxc is considerably more restricted than Docker is by default
<MoreTea> The point is, this is a set of technologies I can work with.
<joepie91> and yes, QEMU/KVM will work too, so long as you're okay with the inability to share certain resources between VMs
<joepie91> :p
<MoreTea> I can't even find the source code for jslinux, besides it being an old pentium
<MoreTea> joepie91, with memory ballooning and 9p you'll get pretty close.
<MoreTea> But again, security is _not_ my point here.
<MoreTea> I want to build a prototype!
<MoreTea> And all prototypes are silly.
<joepie91> the problem is that a 'prototype' that hasn't sorted out host security is undeployable, and that means that if you want to actually use it, you just have to redo all the work with tech that *is* designed for this purpose
<joepie91> cheaping out on prototypes isn't a good idea if you already know that it can work conceptually :P
<joepie91> like, you can make a prototype with Docker if you want, I'm not going to stop you, but it'll almost certainly end up wasting a lot of time and energy
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<MoreTea> well, thanks for the vote of confidence :)
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<MoreTea> docker -> kvm+docker is something that I've a WIP branch for already, for nixos.
<MoreTea> (hyper+frakti)
<joepie91> MoreTea: I realize I didn't say this explicitly, but yes, I do think it's a good idea and I do feel that it will work in practice, hence my remark about a prototype probably not being necessary :P
<joepie91> so long as you can sort out the resources required it's definitely viable
<MoreTea> One can run quite a lot on cheap hardware.
<joepie91> I just realized*
<joepie91> MoreTea: sorry, I'm spread a bit thin tonight, so I'm probably coming across a bit more unfriendly/critical than I intended :p
<tilpner> MoreTea - Can't find jslinux source either. v86 looks good though, with a GH repo. http://copy.sh/v86/ https://github.com/copy/v86
<joepie91> MoreTea: so to be clear, I think the idea is great and definitely worth it, it's just the implementation I'm making some remarks about, so that you don't end up having to waste time on doing it a second time :P
<tilpner> (Hmm, feels much slower now)
<ShalokShalom> Linux works pretty well. Graphical boot fails in many versions
<ShalokShalom> xD
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jokogr opened pull request #29129: sddm: 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0 (master...u/sddm-0.15.0) https://git.io/v5K1V
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<LainuxUser> How serious is the nix team about securing the build cache and infrastructure?
<LainuxUser> I have to move away from gentoo to something else, but not for fun. So i must choose wisely, i don't want to switch again 5 years from now
<edef> if you want, you can avoid using the caches
<edef> the true gentoo experience on nixos
<LainuxUser> no thanks :P building chromium/webkit/etc over night just to see it failed is not feasible anymore
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<LainuxUser> i plan to get a life this time
<sphalerite> Then I'm not sure nixos is your best option :p
<sphalerite> I think I've had less of a life since switching (totally worth it though)
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<LainuxUser> thats why i ask here before jumping directly into nix
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<sphalerite> It's great to work with but it does involve a lot of tinkering.
<Ralith> I dunno, I've spent less time fixing crap since I switched from Arch at least
<sphalerite> I'm not sure how it compares to gentoo though
<LainuxUser> Tinkering/configuring is not a problem. My problem is maintaining/fixing random stuff as time goes on *cough* arch *cough*
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<sphalerite> then nixos is the way to go
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KDN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 33bdb27 Peter Simons: Synchronize Haskell infrastructure with master at f93a019816274bb5d50e605568f2fb567bfd1827.
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<WinchellsM> Is (inherit a b;) the same as
<WinchellsM> inherit a;
<WinchellsM> inherit b;
<WinchellsM> ?
<sphalerite> If an update breaks stuff, you can roll back at zero cost on a package management level at boot time, a guarantee which no other distro I know of (except GuixSD but that's the same thing as nixos conceptually) can get except through filesystem-level snapshots
<sphalerite> WinchellsM: if you remove the parens, yes. With the parens, it's invalid syntax within a set or let binding afaik
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<LainuxUser> i want rolling-release without the bleeding-edge. Then i'm happy.
<WinchellsM> Ok
<sphalerite> but not to be confused with inherit (a) b;
<edef> idk, I don't tinker with my setup that much
<edef> I switched off Arch to NixOS and now I can just always have a working system
<sphalerite> but creating your setup involved a lot of tinkering, right? :p
<edef> slow tinkering
<WinchellsM> What does `inherit (a) b;` do?
<edef> but actually developing my system is pleasant and fast bc I can move fast / break things / roll back
<sphalerite> WinchellsM: inherit b; is b = b; inherit (a) b; is b = a.b;
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<WinchellsM> Ok
<Ralith> LainuxUser: nixos-unstable is good for that, but even better is having a stable release while being able to cherry pick random newer stuff without trouble
<Ralith> which is to say, nixos-unstable is bleeding edge, but it has a damn good undo button
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm force-pushed terraform-plugins-all from edc91c5 to 0bd7b21: https://git.io/v5KyH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/terraform-plugins-all 0bd7b21 zimbatm: terraform: revamp the providers list...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm closed pull request #29097: terraform: revamp the providers list (master...terraform-plugins-all) https://git.io/v5oGy
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<clever> Ralith: only time ive ever seen the undo button fail, is when people ran nixpkgs-unstable, and it happened to break the grub config
<LainuxUser> How mature is NixOS compared to other distros?
<Ralith> depends which other distros
<Ralith> we're woefully immature compared to debian, for example
<LainuxUser> fedora, debian testing
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<LainuxUser> i just want something thats still around and rockin 7 years from now
<jasom> LainuxUser: predictions are hard, especially about the future
<jasom> LainuxUser: that being said, NixOS seems to be on an upwards trend now. I was worried about it dying out ~18 months ago when I first started using it, but it's gotten loads of momentum since then
<LainuxUser> just last year the grsec team promised "we have been around 10+ years, and will easily go another decade"
<LainuxUser> but then again, nix has like 1000x more users
<Ralith> nix has very little credible competition
<LainuxUser> Maturity is what keeps me away from distris like void
<jasom> I've been using gentoo since 2002, and Nix is converting me. I still have 3 systems running gentoo just because I don't have the time to transition, but all new machines have been Nix.
<LainuxUser> my only problem with gentoo is the unbearable compile time. One needs a powerhungry desktop to not go crazy here.
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<jasom> LainuxUser: grsec is still around isn't it?
<catern> hey #nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #29084: tigervnc: correct default ssh client path (master...fix/tigervnc-ssh) https://git.io/v5rz5
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<clever> jasom: same, i cant even be bothered to upgrade that last gentoo machine
<catern> given a filename, is there a way to search Nixpkgs for a package producing that filename?
<catern> in particular I'm trying to find libcom_err
<LainuxUser> jasom: not really, only if one buys some expensive subscription. Imo they will slowly kill themself.
<clever> jasom: every new install i have done in the last ~2 years has been nixos
<jasom> catern: there wasn't 6 months ago. IT seems like that information should be findable on hydra though.
<jasom> LainuxUser: can't any of their customers legally post the source publicly though?
<jasom> LainuxUser: their homepage still says GPLv2 license
<LainuxUser> jasom: well 1) then they wouldn't be customers anymore. 2) The code is a massive obfuscated mess
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/v5K93
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging febd5e3 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into HEAD
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<olejorgenb[m]> (haven't tried it myself)
<olejorgenb[m]> someone should set up a web service tracking the stable channel
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5K9w
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c10a1c6 Robert Helgesson: pitivi: fix path to gst-python...
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<catern> olejorgenb[m]: will try, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #29126: pitivi: fix path to gst-python (master...fix/pitivi) https://git.io/v5KEx
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<olejorgenb[m]> catern: it's probably limited to packages which is prebuild (I think there might be a few that isn't even in stable(?))
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<LainuxUser> is it common that nxi builds stuff from source, even if i don't customize package settings?
<clever> LainuxUser: what things is it building?
<LainuxUser> nothing yet. Im just asking if its common, or whether the build farm keeps up well
<sphalerite> The build farm keeps up excellently
<sphalerite> the channels don't update until everything's been built and tested
<sphalerite> so if you stick to the channels, everything that isn't excluded from hydra (for instance nonfree software and the python package set which is huge and mostly trivial to build) will be available in binary caches
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<sphalerite> The only thing that's not a python package and free software that I can think of is sauerbraten which isn't built "because it is 0.5+ GiB of game data"
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<sphalerite> (and the game data isn't free software so there's also that)
<FRidh> sphalerite: python packages are build again
<FRidh> at least 2.7 and 3.6
<LainuxUser> i mostly care about webkits, chromiums, firefox, krita and the office stuff. Thats all.
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<sphalerite> FRidh: oh that's awesome!
<sphalerite> LainuxUser: yeah you'll get all that
<FRidh> yea, you don't want to build those yourself
<FRidh> we should build mono again for steam
<clever> sphalerite: that reminds me, teamspeak is non-free, and depends on a special build of the chrome source (via a qt library), and hydra doesnt pre-build that
<LainuxUser> Its the first time in 5 years i got hyped for a distro <3
<sphalerite> OTT of office software, libreoffice needs wrapGappsHook added
<sphalerite> clever: lovely!
<sphalerite> clever: but there's always mumble ;)
<clever> sphalerite: convicing the entire userbase to move is a an even bigger issue :P
<sphalerite> probably outdated protocol though, given that it was last updated 2010
<sphalerite> Does anyone know a reasonable application for managing a calendar, with CalDAV support?
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<catern> khal perhaps
<catern> thunderbird
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5KQH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a838243 Daiderd Jordan: autotrace: fix darwin build
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<catern> olejorgenb[m]: yeah a public webapp would be good... it's difficult/slow for me to build the index because of this corporate firewall
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<LainuxUser> Wait, so i can install an entire os via nix into some random directory and then chroot into it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 fc86344 Daiderd Jordan: autotrace: fix darwin build...
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<clever> LainuxUser: thats what nixos-install does
<clever> LainuxUser: it just expects you to boot it normally, but you could also chroot it
<sphalerite> catern: I'm currently using thunderbird but it's not a pleasant experience, so hard t perform repetitive tasks (e.g. creating a bucnhf of events, all with the same repetition parameters)
<sphalerite> s/bucnhf/bunch of/
<sphalerite> maybe khal is better, I should try that
<LainuxUser> clever: why am i so surprised when software is simple and just makes sense?
<sphalerite> because all software sucks
<catern> sphalerite: there's maybe org-caldav? never tried it
<catern> but if you're an emacs user that is a sound choice
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<sphalerite> I'm not an emacs user :p
<sphalerite> (yet. Maybe one day.)
<sphalerite> but for now I use (neo)vim
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<LainuxUser> How big are the jumps from one stable release to the next? Do i need to allocate a weekend for fixing/porting stuff?
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<okgood> currently trying to install a package from a local .nix file per van der berg's guide, replacing the package list with "with import <nixpkgs> {};"
<okgood> once it hits any x libraries in makeLibraryPath, the build fails, claiming the variable is undefined (e.g. "undefined library "libX11" at _____")
<okgood> is this because these are xorg libs? do i need another import statement to gather those up?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl closed pull request #29080: efl: 1.20.2 -> 1.20.3 (master...upd.efl) https://git.io/v5rZT
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<jasom> does the NixOS install CD enable a serial console? I've got a headless machine I'd like to install to; if I have to drag a monitor and a keyboard over to it I will though.
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<sphalerite> jasom: I'm not sure it does, but you can build one that does
<jasom> sphalerite: at that point I'll just build one with ssh enabled
<sphalerite> or have an SSH console, for that matter, which IMHO is nicer :D
<tilpner> Or just take any other OS with a serial console enabled, install Nix onto that, then install NixOS
<jasom> tilpner: you can install NixOS from Nix?
<tilpner> Yes
<sphalerite> hm, the ARM images seem to have serial consoles enabled but I'm guessing this is not an ARM machine :p
<jasom> well I've got Nix on it already, I'm running zfs, so I can just create a new root and install to that
<sphalerite> even better :D
<jasom> (It's an aforementioned gentoo machine)
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<sphalerite> (not sure if this is the most direct way but it's worked for me in the past) so create your root, write the nixos config, then nix-build -I nixos-config=path/to/configuration.nix '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.topLevel
<sphalerite> then you should be able to use result/sw/bin/nixos-install
<sphalerite> like from a live system
<sphalerite> NixOS is awesome.
<sphalerite> (zfs is too, for that matter)
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<nixer> Is there a flag I can pass nix-* to ignore broken packages?
<sphalerite> nixer: the environment variable NIXPKGS_ALLOW_BROKEN=1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #29131: Fix gst-python's pygi overrides dir (master...fix/gst-python) https://git.io/v5KbW
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<sphalerite> not a flag, but that should still do what you want :)
<sphalerite> catern: khal seems pretty nice
<nixer> sphalerite: Thanks, do you know if that is documented anywhere? Is there a similar one for unfree licenses?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v5Kbz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9e142e5 Daiderd Jordan: bigloo: use default stdenv
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<sphalerite> yes, NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE
<sphalerite> haha
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 8926c06 Daiderd Jordan: bigloo: use default stdenv...
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<nixer> Thanks, somehow missed that in the docs. Sorry for not searching more thoroughly.
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<freeman42x> what is the official way of starting a GUI program on boot or login?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5KN1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 23cc97f Robert Helgesson: python-gst-python: fix pygi overrides dir path...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc75bce Frederik Rietdijk: Revert "pitivi: fix path to gst-python"...
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<freeman42x> ixxie, I mean the official way for NixOS
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 399101c Robert Helgesson: python-gst-python: fix pygi overrides dir path...
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<ixxie> freeman42x: well these are in the home folder
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<sphalerite> freeman42x: depends largely on your desktop environment. If you're using a fully-featured one like KDE or GNOME I'd go with desktop entries
<freeman42x> sphalerite, I'm using XFCE currently, should I use desktop entries?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5KxY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4978b20 Spencer Baugh: pythonPackages.linuxfd: init at 1.4.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8bad0a7 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #29090 from catern/master...
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<sphalerite> yeah probably
<ixxie> freeman42x: so your options are probably https://github.com/rycee/home-manager or https://github.com/sheenobu/nix-home
<sphalerite> Besides what ixxie said, you should also be able to create them system-wide in configuration.nix
<sphalerite> (putting them in /etc/xdg/autostart)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KxG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 065f9d7 Spencer Baugh: pythonPackages.linuxfd: init at 1.4.4...
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<ixxie> or I suppose you can write files into your home directory from the configuration
<sphalerite> but that's a bit nasty :p
<ixxie> indeed
<rnhmjoj[m]> is npm2nix dead?
<ixxie> freeman42x, sphalerite - there's also this effort which may happen soon: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/9250#issuecomment-320860635
<sphalerite> yeah
<ixxie> sphalerite: is there a way to globally make applications launch *in a particular workspace*?
<ixxie> devilspie2 does this for particular users in gnome
<sphalerite> not that I know of
<freeman42x> ixxie, sphalerite thank you, I am looking into the links now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KxQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 043737b Tom Saeger: pythonPackages.dotfiles: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.4...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #29066: pythonPackages.dotfiles: 0.6.3 -> 0.6.4 (master...fix/dotfiles-0.6.4) https://git.io/v5wLU
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<ixxie> freeman42x: I have been looking for a neat way to do this for a while now, if you find an elegant solution let me know
<ixxie> my dream is something like devilspie2 integrated into nixos as a set of options
<sphalerite> FWIW you can assign applications to specific workspaces in i3 :p
<ixxie> yeah, and in other tiling window managers too
<ixxie> but I donno about that
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<ixxie> I like my floaty windows
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm deleted terraform-plugins-all at 0bd7b21: https://git.io/v5Khv
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<freeman42x> are the autostart and autostart-scripts folders under ~/.config not what I am looking for?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 76437e5 Daiderd Jordan: gsc: fix darwin build
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<edef> copumpkin, fpletz: thanks for pushing on my PR <3
<copumpkin> np! I don't feel qualified to actually merge it myself since I'm not super hardcore on NixOS :P
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v5KjW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 18f6996 Daiderd Jordan: gsc: fix darwin build...
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<mpcsh> hey all, anyone else use nautilus without the rest of gnome?
<mpcsh> it won't let me change options :(
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<U007D> Hi, I have a NixOS install which I would like to be a host for VM installations. My first guest OS will be a NixOS VM. (The second will be a Windows VM.) To questions: 1) Can I use `nixos-container` for my NixOS guest if I want full graphics support? 2a) If yes, how to launch to the guest's desktop? 2b) If no, can I use KVM (w/PCI passthrough?) to achieve this goal?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/v5Kjj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc3f0d4 Cray Elliott: pulseaudio: 10.0 -> 11.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c892f77 Cray Elliott: wineUnstable: 2.15 -> 2.16...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MP2E closed pull request #29041: pulseaudio: 10.0 -> 11.0 (master...pulse_update) https://git.io/v52BW
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matklad opened pull request #29132: lxqt-session: fix the build (master...lxqt-session) https://git.io/v56vz
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] elitak opened pull request #29133: ipfs: workaround for upstream bug; other small fixes (master...ipfs) https://git.io/v56v1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v56fY
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<lluchs> U007D: KVM will work if your hardware supports it, I guess
<lluchs> If you have some recent Intel GPU, you may get GVT-g to work
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<U007D> lluchs the h/w should--I'm setting up an AMD Threadripper with a 1080Ti. I've not turned up much creating a KVM-hosted NixOS installation. Are you aware of any pointers which might help?
<bbarker> I have a somewhat interesting (read: sad) font issue that is relatively specific with nixpkgs and IntelliJ - haven't tested it in a true NixOS environment yet: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46124198/how-to-correctly-configure-fonts-for-openjdk-apps-in-nixpkgshttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/46124198/how-to-correctly-configure-fonts-for-openjdk-apps-in-nixpkgs
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<bbarker> hmm ... sorry for multipaste, x2go wasn't showing the multiple pastes
<bbarker> U007D, I think I read that for GPU passthrough you actually need a spare GPU ... maybe you knew that
<U007D> bbarker yes. I do want to try the host as headless but I have a spare junker GPU around here that I could use to keep the host from freaking out.
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<ixxie> uurgh
<ixxie> still those black screens on rebuild
<ixxie> anybody else get that?
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<U007D> bbarker thanks for the heads up re: IntelliJ. My main IDE is CLion, so once I get the VM up and running, I'm planning to install it.
<ixxie> whats up with intellij?
<U007D> bbarker if you want me to try to repro on a real install (my NixOS host is pristine and bare metal), LMK. I can always --rollback afterward, which is *so* nice. :)
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<freeman42x> is there a nixos way to start a program minimized (from the .desktop file)?
<mpcsh> freeman42x: doesn't the DE manage that?
<freeman42x> hmm, I see I can use `NoDisplay=true` in the .desktop file... I wonder what that will do
<freeman42x> mpcsh, I'm using XFCE and I don't know how :)
<ToxicFrog> That's an XFCE question, though, not a Nix question -- it'll be the same on NixOS and not-NixOS
<freeman42x> ToxicFrog, ah, I see what you mean, correct
<bbarker> U007D, sure that would be great! the scala-default.nix should be all you need to get up and running.
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<ixxie> U007D, bbarker - you guys work with scala on nixos?
<ixxie> do you use sbtix too?
<teozkr> U007D: I'm running NixOS as both hosts and guests on my two-node libvirt setup
<bbarker> ixxie, i use Scala - I am trying to use nixpkgs and maybe eventually nixos itself more
<teozkr> each VM is managed by a systemd service that creates the disk if needed, builds the libvirt config, and starts the VM
<bbarker> have to run for now, thanks all, be back tonight I expect
<teozkr> though it could probably be cleaned up a bit :p
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<teozkr> baseline-image.nix builds a custom NixOS image, preloaded with the appropriate virtio drivers and my SSH keys
<ixxie> teozkr: let me know if you ever put up the whole config on a repo
<teozkr> pretty unlikely :/ not too comfortable having every single service it's running public
<teozkr> but perhaps it would make sense as a first blog post on that blog I've been meaning to set up for a few years now.. :P
<ixxie> makes sense teozkr ^^ then let me know when that blog and/or post go up ^^
<mpcsh> anyone here use nautilus
<mpcsh> *nautilus?
<ixxie> yeah mpcsh, I do, but with Gnome
<mpcsh> ixxie: sad. idk what's going on
<mpcsh> ixxie: ah, just needed dconf installed
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<ixxie> mpcsh: I wonder if this should be a dependency in the package...
<mpcsh> ixxie: probably. I'll make a pr
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<ixxie> mpcsh: its kind of an interesting case; not a build dependency, nor even a runtime dependency, but a USAGE dependency xD
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<mpcsh> ixxie: still, I think it should be included
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #29134: Update protobuf and remove old versions (master...protobuf) https://git.io/v56Lj
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<mpcsh> anyone here have auto mounting working with nautilus?
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<lluchs> mpcsh: yes
<mpcsh> lluchs: how do you do it?
<lluchs> I plug in a device, then it mounts it automatically :)
<lluchs> It was somewhat annoying to get there
<lluchs> let me see
<mpcsh> lluchs: lol yeah I mean what's in your configuration.nix for it
<lluchs> you'll need services.gnome3.gvfs.enable = true;
<mpcsh> is that it?
<lluchs> also udisks2, I think
<lluchs> so services.udisks2.enable = true;
<mpcsh> ok I enabled both, ran nixos-rebuild switch, and it didn't work :(
<mpcsh> it should pop up in the nautilus sidebar right?
<lluchs> yup
<lluchs> I also had this issue, and I'm not sure what else I did :(
<lluchs> maybe a reboot is necessary
<lluchs> are you on 17.03?
<mpcsh> unstable
<mpcsh> ill try a reboot
<lluchs> okay, I'm on unstable too
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/13b0e47ed6 (from 6 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<lluchs> mpcsh: Ah I think I found the "trick"
<lluchs> under environment.variables I have GIO_EXTRA_MODULES = "${pkgs.glib_networking.out}/lib/gio/modules:${pkgs.gnome3.dconf}/lib/gio/modules:${pkgs.gvfs}/lib/gio/modules";
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<lluchs> the last part with gvfs is probably enough
<mpcsh> lluchs: nice, lemme try that
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<lluchs> looks like this is only set if you get the whole DE and not if you just install nautilus/pcmanfm/etc
<mpcsh> lluchs: that worked! thanks!
<lluchs> :)
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<nix-gsc-io`bot> Channel nixos-17.03-small advanced to https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/46fc14b6b2 (from 5 hours ago, history: https://channels.nix.gsc.io/nixos-17.03-small)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] teh opened pull request #29136: This is for zero hydra failures. (master...master) https://git.io/v56Yi
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<sphalerite> https://twitter.com/floralcode/status/906244341374476288 I love having a "fuck go back" button. Maybe I should relabel one on my keyboard to literally be that and have it bound to nixos-rebuild switch --rollback. :D
<lluchs> mpcsh: I opened an issue for this now: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/29137
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<ixxie> how does one install a font in nixos xD
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<lluchs> ixxie: fonts = { fonts = with pkgs; [ source-code-pro ] }; etc
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<ixxie> lluchs: how did you know which font I wanna install xD
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<ixxie> thanks :)
<lluchs> Ha, it's just what I have in my configuration.nix, along with source-sans-pro and source-serif-pro
<ixxie> lluchs: spacemacs?
<lluchs> I tried that once, but I'm still a regular Vim user (but with Source Code Pro as terminal font) :)
<lluchs> Not a big fan of those huge bundles, there's just too much going on
<ixxie> fair enough ^^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/v563l
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cc7b771 Daiderd Jordan: consul: fix output cycle on darwin
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 1 new commit to release-17.09: https://git.io/v56se
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-17.09 f665a37 Daiderd Jordan: consul: fix output cycle on darwin...
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<sphalerite> mpcsh: install dconf into your environment and nautilus should preserve its options. You may need to log out and back in to get your dbus session daemon restarted
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<sphalerite> oops just saw you worked that out already
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<U007D> I'm looking for documentation on the `virtualisation` keyword (I'm trying to learn how to configure a VM using KVM/QEMU). Anyone know where I can find documentation?
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<U007D> I searched through all 3 manuals (nix, nixos, nixpkg) and google--nada. thank you, clever
<ixxie> maybe teozkr can write us a virtualization article on the nixos.wiki
<ixxie> :)
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<teozkr> heh
<teozkr> still not a good solution by any means ixxie :(
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<teozkr> the dark side is that each rebuild of the base image triggers a ~1GB upload to each host
<teozkr> so it wouldn't be practical if the coordinator or hosts are on slow/metered networks
<ixxie> teozkr: the article would not describe *your* solution but instead provide an overview of virtualization in NixOS
<teozkr> yeah fair enough
<ixxie> although of course you can put the merits and weaknesses of your approach in there too ;)
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* ixxie hopes to finish the nixos article this weekend maybe
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<teozkr> anyway, awesome that there is a wiki again
<teozkr> somehow managed to miss that
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<freeman42x> any ideas if there is a package for Mono JIT compiler version 4.6.1 ? the one I have installed is 4.6.0 and the bug I am having was fixed in 4.6.1
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<ixxie> doesn't look like it
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<U007D> ixxie the article you're hoping to finish this w/e is on virtualization?
<freeman42x> ixxie, I see, it might be easy to add, right? seems like the common bits are put in other files
<freeman42x> ixxie, I ended up using .desktop files inside ~/.config/autostart/
<ixxie> U007D: no, its about NixOS
<ixxie> U007D: the NixOS wiki has no complete article on NixOS xD
<freeman42x> ixxie, is it difficult to test a new Nix expression?
<ixxie> freeman42x: your nixos configuration is a nix expression
<U007D> ixxie ah--that's a good thing to fix! :)
<freeman42x> ixxie, I know but what I'm asking is... what would I need to do to try custom nix expressions? Say I want to create a Nix expression for Mono 4.6.1
<freeman42x> I clone the git repository and add a file for that mono version, but how do I test it?
<ixxie> freeman42x: there are two articles in the wiki (they should be merged at some point) https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Contributing_to_nixpkgs https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Pull_request
<ixxie> freeman42x: these describe how to contribute to nixpkgs but you can use this to clone the package and modify it
<ixxie> freeman42x: there should be something on testing too
<ixxie> but honestly I have never done this myself
<ixxie> my understanding is you can just nix-build the expression and then run the bin in the /result folder
<freeman42x> ixxie, thank you
<ixxie> freeman42x: yeah thats what the testing section of the first link describes
<ixxie> that one seems very good ^^
<ixxie> good luck!
<ixxie> im off to bed now
<ixxie> have a good one
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<pxc> hey all! does anyone know a good guide for examining existing binaries to figure out how to package them with Nix? I've seen packages that do it in Nixpkgs but it doesn't reveal much about the process
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<MP2E> pxc: perhaps taking a look at the Discord package would help? Closed source binary instant messenger, had some extra tricks: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/discord/default.nix
<MP2E> basic overview is to create a libPath of your dependencies, pass it to patchelf to patch your binary, and generally if it requires files in the same folder, move it to its own folder in /opt/program-name
<MP2E> wrapping is sometimes required too. for instance, in this case, patchelf determines that Discord does not need libcxx or pulseaudio and strips out their references
<MP2E> but this is not true in this case! Discord needs libcxx at runtime, and pulseaudio is needed at runtime to work around a particularly nasty upstream voice chat bug
<MP2E> so adding them to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually with the wrapper fixes this.
<MP2E> kinda a lot to take in, so if you have some questions let me know
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<jasom> pxc: create an expression that extracts the binary and runs whatever installer, then run nix-build on it and see if it "just works"; fix each issue as they come along (often #! with references to /usr and insufficiently patched ELF files come up)
<pxc> MP2E: thank you! I will. Do you have an email address or GH account or where should I find you? My workday is almost over and I'll probably be working on this tomorrow
<pxc> jasom: thanks
<MP2E> MP2E on github, crayelliott@gmail.com for my email, will also most likely be on here tomorrow
<pxc> great. I definitely will. I'm pretty excited about Nix stuff right now because I'm set to give a presentation on it at work the week after next
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<pxc> around that time we're taking some time to allocate work on our internal tools and processes, in large part with the aim of improving our deployment process
<jasom> pxc: LD_LIBRARY_PATH and patchelf have very different behaviors at run time due to LD_LIBRARY_PATH being inherited by any exec/spawn/&c. and patchelf working even if executables are run in a clean environment
<pxc> I want to demo Nix before that, and I want to include some proprietary tools we use in the demo
<MP2E> yeah my rule of thumb is to avoid wrapping the executable if possible, just patchelf works most of the time
<MP2E> sometimes you get those executables that refuse to behave though :P
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<jasom> particularly executables that use dlopen() with absolute paths :(
<MP2E> indeed!
<pxc> jasom: right. Some of our configs at work are kinda broken imo, for related reasons. One of our servers has an LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack in /etc/bashrc and it breaks a lot of Nix stuff, probably including most wrappers since that's what they're for.
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<jasom> pxc: I hope you already know about readelf and ldd; strace() is your friend for when those two tools don't work
<pxc> it's not a prod server or anything, and the fix is just to unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH, since it's not used for anything mission critical, but it was an annoyance which revealed that LD_LIBRARY_PATH stuff in Nix is much more breakable than the rest
<jasom> s/strace()/strace (I don't know why I put parens there)
<pxc> jasom: I've only used ldd. strace output overwhelms me and I'm not sure what to do with it but I'm sure I can learn. What is readelf for?
<jasom> pxc: actually patchelf has 99% of what you would want readelf for and has simpler output so perhaps use that instead
<jasom> options of note for patchelf include: --print-interpreter --print-rpath --print-needed
<pxc> ok, I'll keep that in mind and start with patchelf rather than readelf
<jasom> pxc: "strace -e trace=open" is your friend
<jasom> that only shows open syscalls
<jasom> and the dynamic loader usually tries to open a .so file as its first operation (rather than trying to stat it first)
<jasom> pxc: oh and don't forget to pass -f to follow forking processes with strace
<pxc> k. The target package is some horrible proprietary VPN client which is only built for Ubuntu and RHEL
<pxc> wish me luck XD
<pxc> thanks again, jasom and MP2E
<jasom> pxc: I ran "strace -e trace=open -f -o strace.out result/NX/bin/nxplayer" to generate this: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/IRxwE4wwnLCcQlM91A1d/
<MP2E> useful! wish I had known to try strace first
<pxc> MP2E: thanks as well for your Discord package. I occasionally use it :-)
<MP2E> did lots of manual digging
<MP2E> oh nice :) glad to hear, i thought i was the only one haha
<jasom> pxc: you can see it opening shared libraries, configuration files and assets, all of which could potentially get messed up