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<gchristensen> fpletz: where did you get the patches for qemu last time?
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<justan0theruser> lspci hangs, what should I do?
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<justan0theruser> lspci version 3.5.1
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<Unode> Ralith: I have those and a few more. The kerning I mean: and this is not the worse. On some cases it's even hard to read.
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<Ralith> that's not a kerning issue, that's some horrific rendering issue o_O
<Ralith> looks like you're trying to render a font ment to be antialiased with whole pixels only
<gchristensen> oh jeeze
<Unode> I don't know what's causing it
<Unode> but it doesn't seem like all fonts suffer from this
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<Unode> I also see some aliasing on some X widgets that I don't see on my other distro (currently dual boot until I'm happy with my nixos setup).
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 97f5eea Robin Gloster: gnome3.libgames-support: 1.0 -> 1.2.1
<Unode> The weird thing is that when the page (this is on chromium) first loads the font looks nice, but once CSS settles in the rendering looks like what I sent
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<Unode> I'm going to try a quick reboot to check if adding a few extra fonts help. Any additional recommendations? I currently have: corefonts dejavu_fonts inconsolata liberation_ttf terminus_font ttf_bitstream_vera vistafonts and added the noto fonts Ralith suggested. (Need a reboot for those to be used properly).
<Ralith> Unode: I doubt missing fonts are your problem; however, buggy fonts might be
<Ralith> my other hypothesis would be an ill-conceived and/or stale configuration setting somewhere making freetype misbehave
<Ralith> the first thing I'd try if I were you is changing your font list to *exactly* the one I specified
<Unode> worth a try.
<Ralith> in particular I don't trust windows fonts (they're built to work with a different renderer) and perhaps having them early in your list is making them high priority
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<Unode> hum... I didn't know the order mattered
<Unode> I had them alphabetically
<Ralith> I have no idea if it matters
<Ralith> it's just a hypothesis
<Ralith> start by reducing your list to my known-good one and iterate from there
<Ralith> (you can test by launching VMs rather than rebooting if you prefer, but ime the VMs are painfully slow)
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<Unode> nah reboot is fine, I just need to wait for a transfer to finish and then I'm good to go
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f11a0e0 Robin Gloster: gnome3.nemiver: fix build
<Unode> also moved some custom fonts I had on ~/.local/share/fonts out of the way just in case
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nicknovitski opened pull request #21996: Newsbeuter: fix darwin build and podbeuter download (master...newsbeuter-darwin)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7acadd6 Robin Gloster: ardour{3,4}: remove due to build failures
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b81d07e Robin Gloster: ardour: 5.4 -> 5.5
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<vilem> Hi, I'm new to Nix and having a problem with nix-shell. I need a nix-shell with GHC 7.10.3., but using the cabal2nix output, I get GHC 8.0.1. I've tried changing `compiler ? "default"` to `compiler ? "ghc7103"`, but that failed.
<vilem> This is my shell.nix file:
<vilem> { nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "default" }:
<vilem> let
<vilem> inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;
<vilem> f = { mkDerivation, base, stdenv, yesod }:
<vilem> mkDerivation {
<vilem> pname = "festhest";
<vilem> version = "";
<vilem> src = ./.;
<vilem> isLibrary = false;
<vilem> isExecutable = true;
<vilem> executableHaskellDepends = [ base yesod ];
<vilem> license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
<vilem> };
<vilem> haskellPackages = if compiler == "default"
<vilem> then pkgs.haskellPackages
<vilem> else pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler};
<vilem> drv = haskellPackages.callPackage f {};
<vilem> in
<vilem> if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv
<vilem> Anyone have an idea what I need to do?
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<copumpkin> vilem: in general, IRC folks get annoyed if you paste giant chunks of text into a channel (especially when there are several hundred people in it)
<copumpkin> (just for future IRC etiquette knowledge)
<vilem> oops sorry, first time on irc
<vilem> should I maybe send a message to the mailing list?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #21998: Roundup 18 Rollup (master...roundup)
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<gchristensen> anyone know kde very well? I get the impression ttuegel gets grumpy when I ping him about issues.
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<vilem> copumpkin: thank you for your hints. What is my best bet to get help with my issue?
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<Rotaerk_> vilem, there are sites where you can paste text and submit, then it gives you a URL that you can use to share your text with others
<Rotaerk_> pastebins
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<justan0theruser> I upgraded nixos to 16.09, and a package changed names. (zed to zfs-zed). Systemctl now both tries to start zfs-zed and zed. How do I make it so it doesn't try to start zed? "Jan 20 03:08:55 justans systemd[1]: zed.service: Service lacks both ExecStart= and ExecStop= setting. Refusing."
<Rotaerk_> vilem, here's one option:
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<gchristensen> pierron: so neat seeing overlays land!
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<copumpkin> do we have tests for nixos-install?
<copumpkin> oh tests/installer
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<copumpkin> this is an impressive test :)
<gchristensen> :)
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<gchristensen> "Severity: grave" lol always good to see
<copumpkin> ?
<gchristensen> copumpkin: libupnp lets anyone write to your filesystem:
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<copumpkin> oh nice
<copumpkin> I love it when that happens
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<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> this might be the first time I've seen a bug be rated "grave"
<justan0theruser> what is the nixonic way to blacklist a module?
<gchristensen> justan0theruser:
<copumpkin> gotta make an alias called moduleShitList
<gchristensen> haha
<justan0theruser> lol thanks
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<gchristensen> copumpkin: loading the virtualbox kernel module already marks your kernel as "tainted crap"
<gchristensen> so ... there is precedent
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cda11c9 Graham Christensen: pythonPackages.pysaml2: patch against external XML entities (CVE-2016-10127)
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c0f3b8d Graham Christensen: wordpress: 4.6.1 -> 4.7.1 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 b4e2d7c Graham Christensen: pythonPackages.pysaml2: patch against external XML entities (CVE-2016-10127)...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 4e25b8c Graham Christensen: wordpress: 4.6.1 -> 4.7.1 for multiple CVEs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21998: Roundup 18 Rollup (master...roundup)
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<gchristensen> ugh way too late for bed
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<gchristensen> :) got most of the roundup done, that feels good. I can sleep now!
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<swflint> Hey, I'm attempting to set a crontab up, and I get a 'command not found error'. Relatively fresh install.
<mzarella> nixos-rebuild switch fails with ... collesion between `nix/store/8rn45r9ndfq5h7mx58435p2szky5ja6n-coreutils-8.25/share/man/man1/groups.1.gz' and `/nix/store/gy5xmilmsxbcn1yknysh55lx955a66zg-shadow-4.2.1-man/share/man/man1/groups.1.gz'
<mzarella> cannot open `/nix/store0ppwjlrnk4b7ammpfqkanyjp27nj8nll-xorg-server-1.18.4/share/X11/xkb/compiled/kdecache-mario': Permission denied at /nix/store/ line 58
<mzarella> builder for `/nix/store/wjqadmjn31myflyfaa6d964vlvslxj9-system-path.drv' failed with exit code 13
<mzarella> cannot build derivation `/nix/store/2dm919z47qhpinlw4c4gawi8bcdqmcp-nixos-system-nixos-16.09.1272.81428dd.drv': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
<mzarella> error: build of `/nix/store/2d2m919z47qhpinlw4c4gawi8bcdqmcp-nixos-system-nixos-16.09.1272.81428dd.drv' failed
<mzarella> this is a relatively fresh install as well
<mzarella> i just finished installing kde4 and then realized there is probably a kde5
<mzarella> so i changed configuration.nix to use kde5 and sddm as the display display manager and desktopmanagers instead of kde4 and kdm
<justan0theruser> does anyone else feel bad about disappointing stallman when they nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
<justan0theruser> I'm getting a ton of lines of could not download ‘’ (Curl error 22)
<justan0theruser> ope, fixed itself I suppose
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<justan0theruser> what is the "correct" way in nix to install a library when all I have a tgz containing cuda/include/cudnn.h, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/libcudnn_static.a
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<clever> justan0theruser: create a derivation that unpacks those files to $out/include and $out/lib
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<justan0theruser> example?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 18a5e15 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.{camlpdf,cpdf}: 2.1.1 -> 2.2.1
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<musicmatze> justan0theruser: Yes! I have allowUnfree = false on all my machines and I have an free ATI driver on my workstation at home (finally, after a long time with ati_unfree). Felt pretty good to switch to the open source driver after checking for performance!
<Havvy> musicmatze: Oh wow, that means there's two of the top 15 I've contributed to.
<musicmatze> :-)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 4 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b885e3 Rickard Nilsson: hbase: 0.98.19 -> 0.98.24
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 86fc322 Rickard Nilsson: elasticsearch2: 2.4.0 -> 2.4.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1948cdf Rickard Nilsson: elasticsearch2: Minor cleanup
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 9 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 10bae1a Nikolay Amiantov: opencl-icd: remove, point to ocl-icd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master af7a8a3 Nikolay Amiantov: ocl-icd: 2.2.9 -> 2.2.10...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 45c8c07 Nikolay Amiantov: beignet: 1.1.2 -> 1.2.1...
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<Avaq> Hello :) Can someone help me bump my mongo server (running via `services.mongodb.enable = true`) to version 3.4? The latest in my chanels is 3.2.
<Avaq> I've tried cloning nixpks, checking out the tag matching my OS version and modifying the default.nix for MongoDB to use version 3.4, and nix-build actually builds it, but I cannot manage to use it as a service.
<Avaq> I've tried setting `services.mongodb.package = pkgs.callPackage /path/to/patched/mongodb/default.nix {}` but that raises:
<Avaq> error: anonymous function at /path/to/patched/mongodb/default.nix:1:1 called without required argument ‘sasl’, at /nix/store/q52dh3bxr8f93s39ayp8876if3dqwqvk-nixos-16.03.1346.2946482/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:56:12"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6d21111 tkatchev: libkrb5: fix issue #16161.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6cdabd9 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21987 from ivan-tkatchev/pullrequest2...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #21991: pythonPackages.pcsclite: refactor (master...fixup-pcsclite)
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<Avaq> Is the problem that my `pkgs.callPackage` function is somehow not compatible with the input given by `mongodb/default.nix`?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5fb2fc7 Nick Novitski: newsbeuter: podbeuter can download without segfaulting
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 489c593 Nick Novitski: newsbeuter: darwin build working and enabled
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 505b3f3 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21996 from nicknovitski/newsbeuter-darwin...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 30597dd Peter Hoeg: blockdiag: use version as part of name...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c50361b Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21997 from peterhoeg/f/diag...
<Avaq> Or is it because my `pkgs` could not provide the `sasl` argument because it didn't have it? Forgive me; I'm rather new to dabbling with nix.
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<ixxie> Avaq: I am not knowledgable enough to answer you properly, but have you seen ? it may be helpful.
<LnL> the attribute in nixpkgs is cyrus_sasl, no idea why mongodb uses sasl as argument
<Avaq> Ahhh thank you LnL! That makes a lot of sense now! I was just getting there by reading, you provided me the missing link :)
<Avaq> I have not seen that ixxie. Thanks. :)
<Yaniel> now that I'm finally here, can someone help me out with ffmpeg a bit? I need to build it with libfdk_aac
<LnL> callPackage knows about all the attributes in pkgs, if you want to want to override or add a new argument you can do it with the extra attribute set
<Yaniel> and I'd prefer to have 3.x in my userspace (I have 2.8, which is pulled in by the systemwide kde5)
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<Avaq> Weird, LnL. The Darwin Security is not needed by the derivation. Maybe that was added after 16.03.
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<Avaq> Yeah, seems like it. :)
<Avaq> Learned a lot about Nix today. :D
<LnL> what do you mean? that's only required when building on darwin
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gebner pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6c9f4a6 Gabriel Ebner: lean: 2017-01-14 -> 3.0.0
<Avaq> LnL happened after 16.03, so my derivation doesn't need the arg.
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<LnL> aah yes, all the extra arguments you pass to callPackage must be used
<pierron_> gchristensen: yes overlays are nice, and so far nobody complained about the removal of overridePackages :)
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<yorick> viric: how's the raspberry pi2 support doing nowadays? does it still work?
<yorick> viric: should I build a newer image before I try?
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<viric> I use nixos on pi2
<viric> but I'm not updating images since long
<viric> Dezgeg and clever are the masters of the pis
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<clever> ive also made a custom OS based on nixos, that can run on the rpi3 via network booting
<clever> its heavily stripped down, but has enough to allow nix-daemon to handle remote builds
<Dezgeg> the stuff on reportedly works on rpi2
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<ixxie> clever: so you specifically designed it to work as a nix buildfarm?
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<clever> ixxie: it was originaly designed for a different embeded purpose, and didnt even have nix at runtime
<clever> but it was simple enough to add nix back to it
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<yorick> Dezgeg: what's the difference with ?
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* clever heads to bed
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<Dezgeg> that is an obsolete page
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<viric> Dezgeg: I don't know what do you mean by " reportedly works on rpi2", but it says that rpi2 does not work
<ixxie> viric: look at this thread
<Dezgeg> oh, the " rpi2 does not work" part is obsolete ;)
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<ixxie> viric: that thread explicitly explains how to modify rpi2 instructions for the rpi3
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ivan-tkatchev opened pull request #22000: swig: fix problem similar to #16161. (master...pullrequest3)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 3 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 35fdfd8 Michael Raskin: php56: 5.6.29 -> 5.6.30
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ff5ef7d Michael Raskin: php70: 7.0.14 -> 7.0.15
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5acde0 Michael Raskin: php71: 7.1.0 -> 7.1.1...
<viric> Dezgeg: :)
<viric> ixxie: the apparently obsolete rpi2 instructions
<viric> my rpi2 system may be a bit obsolete :)
<viric> but I'm running this irssi frmo it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 2f6f53e Michael Raskin: php56: 5.6.29 -> 5.6.30...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 f86de91 Michael Raskin: php70: 7.0.14 -> 7.0.15...
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<Dezgeg> well I guess the Raspberry_Pi_2 will theoretically work, but you need to upgrade nix & nixpkgs like five times in lockstep to be actually able to evaluate current nixpkgs
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<viric> :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cf8ca49 tkatchev: swig: fix problem similar to #16161.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd918cd Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #22000 from ivan-tkatchev/pullrequest3...
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<rydnr> hi
<rydnr> I'm sorry for bothering maybe with stupid questions, but I'm stuck.
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<rydnr> I'm trying to start using nix's development environments, for testing out anaconda. I'm trying to follow the wiki page for development environments,[
<goibhniu> welcome rydnr, the manual may well be more up to date
<goibhniu> we're in the process of migrating all content from the wiki to the manual
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #22001: Qemu CVEs (master...qemu-cve)
<rydnr> but I'm stuck right at the beginning. If I run nix-shell '<nixpkgs>', it complains about a broken package, "agda", which I don't know why it's installed or how to remove. So I ended up allowing broken packages for my user. But even then, I get this error:
<rydnr> error: assertion failed at /nix/store/hpfwgpkddv318qzdabbzzvk8ahzg4h5y-nixos-17.03pre98682.f673243/nixos/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:6046:19
<rydnr> which corresponds to binutilsCross = assert crossSystem != null
<rydnr> I've searched in this channel and found that someone else already asked for help regarding that error, but I could not see the whole conversation.
<goibhniu> rydnr: ah, you need to pass some extra arguments to nix-shell
<goibhniu> e.g. nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A python3Full
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #22001: Qemu CVEs (master...qemu-cve)
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<rydnr> goibhniu: thank you very much
<rydnr> as for the agda package, how could I identify which package installs it?
<goibhniu> you're welcome ... what a confusing error message! :D ... I think it tries to evaluate everything in nixpkgs if you don't specify something in particular
<Unode> Ralith: tried the font cleanup you suggested. No success.
<Unode> I'm starting to think the problem is actually lack of fonts and then some crappy one from somewhere gets used instead
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 2e2558f Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #22001 from nlewo/qemu-cve...
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<yorick> the entire wiki is obsolete I guess but it's not getting ported to the manual. maybe taking it down was a mistake?
<srhb> yorick: When did the plans to port it get scrapped? Last I checked there were still a ton of issues for that.
<yorick> srhb: exactly, there are plans
<Unode> yorick: the wiki is not yet down. There's just a notice
<yorick> there have been plans for a year now, I think?
<yorick> it's read-only
<Unode> then write to the manual instead
<Unode> I guess that's the point no?
<Unode> I wouldn't mind more verbosity though. I'm trying to migrate to nixOS but having a hard time struggling with lack of docs and sufficient hits by google to help me progress.
<goibhniu> contributions to the manual are certainly appreciated
<Unode> Even with things that are generic, such as if there's no explicit way to handle a certain file that is managed by nix, how should one add things to it or modify only parts.
<goibhniu> hrm, I don't understand that example
<gchristensen> pierron_: haha! I didn't even realize it was removed. I only review the first 30 lines or so of commits when I go through :)
<goibhniu> but if you add a new section or whatever, the reviewer will still have a chance to recommend moving it elsewhere
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ivan-tkatchev opened pull request #22002: swig: fix problem similar to #16161. (master...pullrequest3)
<gchristensen> good morning, #nixos!
<MoreTea> 'morning gchristensen
<ixxie> gooooood morning gchristensen :)
<MoreTea> @Unode, I had exactly the same issues when I started.
<MoreTea> The manual is awesome as a reference manual, but I prefer to learn about something new by getting a general understanding by following some guides, before diving deep into reference manuals.
<gchristensen> :D, ixxie
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<niksnut> heh, mailman on nix-dev just disabled ~300 nix-dev subscribers due to bounces
<justan0theruser> what is the "correct" way in nix to install a library when all I have a tgz containing cuda/include/cudnn.h, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/, cuda/lib64/libcudnn_static.a
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<justan0theruser> is there an example of something else doing this?
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<gchristensen> peti: no worries on the `-x`, I've found some people just don't know about it :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #22003: pythonPackages.matplotlib: 1.5.3 -> 2.0.0 (master...update_matplotlib)
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<gchristensen> ahhh inbox 15 :)
<LnL> gchristensen: morning, how's the prs hydra doing? looks better now
<gchristensen> yeah it is looking better
<gchristensen> I had to drop 10 builders from it yesterday and I still need to bring them back up in another region, and I'm draging my feet :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #22002: swig: fix problem similar to #16161. (master...pullrequest3)
<gchristensen> but you're right -- it is still doing prettygood:
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<LnL> did you change something or did it resolve on it's own
<gchristensen> just fixed it on its own
<gchristensen> maybe dropping 10 builders fixed it? :D
<LnL> I expect it was the nar compression then
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<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I'm going to give it a real good test here soon and run the nixos tests on it :D
<MoreTea> I hacked a bit on a visualization (it's far from complete) on how things in nix relate to each other:
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<LnL> gchristensen: fyi. my filtering works properly now, it's not ideal but it does what I want
<LnL> you could use it for the tests if you want a jobset with just those
<gchristensen> whoooaaaa, MoreTea!
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<LnL> MoreTea: wow, fancy!
<LnL> kubernix, that's a thing?
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<MoreTea> yes, offlinehacker worked on it a bit
<MoreTea> It generates the k8s manifests from nix
<MoreTea> I'm working a bit on a nix-container CRI backend for k8s
<MoreTea> And given that we already have packaged kubernetes, we could have a 100% nix solution in there.
<offlinehacker[m]> MoreTea: can you explain what do you mean with nix-container CRI backend, this sounds awesome :)
<MoreTea> CRI (container runtime interface) is a gRPC interface between kubernetes and a "shim", that is supposed to manage some containerizer.
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<MoreTea> One example is, which creates KVM vm's for each k8s pod
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1feedf2 Tuomas Tynkkynen: U-Boot: 2016.11 -> 2017.01
<gchristensen> LnL: I got my packet takeover script down to one step! :o
<LnL> ooh, that's awesome :)
<MoreTea> (I'm halfway through with packaging frakti + hyperd)
<MoreTea> I could use some help to write the nixos modules for that.
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<LnL> How good are the modules for kubernetes? I might be able to convince my colleague to set it
<LnL> up with nixos
<MoreTea> You should ask offlinehacker[m]
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<MoreTea> Setting up a single node is pretty trivial (see nixos/tests/kubernetes.nix)
<MoreTea> I have not managed to set up a HA multi node cluster, nor spend much time on that.
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<offlinehacker[m]> LnL: well, at gatehub we use them in production, and I've written quite bunch of them
<offlinehacker[m]> MoreTea: do you have multy node flannel setup using CNI?
<LnL> cool, I'll have to look at it sometime then
<MoreTea> I just tried to make the nixos/test/kubernetes.nix -A cluster work, but have not succeeded yet.
<MoreTea> I would love to see some other example than that, or a tiny guide to set up a k8s cluster with nix
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<Unode> MoreTea: more docs would be helpful. In particular examples.
<MoreTea> @Unode, what are you looking for at the moment? I suggest to go through
<MoreTea> It's just about the nix language, but makes the examples easier to understand
<Unode> MoreTea: the things I've been struggling with most recently. Fonts, partially editing /etc files (i.e. add to or modify existing).
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<Unode> I've also other issues but I'm putting those under the category systemd which are to be checked later.
<Unode> Also, I use conky and for some reason I'm missing a lot of information on the nix version. This includes battery, ac-power state, GPU info and a few other minor things.
<Unode> Finally I also have some issues with gnupg but I'm not sure if this is due to how I'm starting some apps (i.e. X access/permission). Works on my other distro but there X usually starts via startX and not a login manager.
<Unode> or the login manager is something else than what nix uses.
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<justan0theruser> I'm trying to run this install script: but I'm getting error: cannot auto-call a function that has an argument without a default value (‘stdenv’)
<justan0theruser> when I run nix-env -i -f install-cudnn.nix
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<MoreTea> @Unode, I see. My desktop is still a bit too impure for my taste, but it's working. I kept my /home/ ZFS volume when I moved from Ubuntu to NixOS in 2015
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<GiGa|Laptop> Hello, me again!
<newbie_at_nix> I have a lot of mountpoints in configutation.nix. I would like to place them in a separate file mountpoints.nix to use with import. How sis the layout for souch a file.
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<GiGa|Laptop> I'm trying to work out why my fresh nixos install is unstable
<newbie_at_nix> *configuration.nix
<Unode> MoreTea: I'm dual booting for now. There's still a lot of things that aren't quite working and software that needs to be wrapped to work properly
<gchristensen> GiGa|Laptop: hey there, what's going on?
<lassulus> newbie_at_nix: its the same layout as in your configuration.nix
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<lassulus> and then you just put the path to your mountpoints.nix into your imports
<Unode> the incentive isn't quite there either apart from faster updates (Gentoo -> NixOS) so it's going slow and time consuming. If I could improve it to slow and less time consuming it would already be a major step forward.
<GiGa|Laptop> gchristensen, I think it comes down to the nvidia driver not being used. At the moment if I "lspci" (without the nvidia driver) the process uses 100% of 1 CPU core and never ends. It also starts to make the system problematic
<gchristensen> yows
<GiGa|Laptop> I can't ^C the process. "glxinfo" does the same
<gchristensen> yep I've seen that happen
<Unode> clever helped me a lot in the beginning but I seem to be living in a different timezone now as I hardly see him online :)
<GiGa|Laptop> gchristensen, oh? Did you get to the bottom of it?
<gchristensen> your graphics card hardware or graphics drivers are in a bad state, I think incorrect versions
<Unode> (him/her ?)
<Yaniel> what is the preferred way to package things for nixos? having a default.nix in the upstream source root or doing things via nixpkgs?
<GiGa|Laptop> gchristensen, OK. Any suggestions? I've updated the channels and the like. This is a new laptop so I'd expect to be using the "nvidia" driver rather than an old one
<gchristensen> Unode: gender unknown? :) they're in a mystery timezone which changes over time.
<goibhniu> Yaniel: you need to have the expressions in nixpkgs
<goibhniu> Yaniel: a default.nix upstream can be handy for developers though
<gchristensen> GiGa|Laptop: I would recommend not using any driver if possible and using lspci, or run lspci on a different distro
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<GiGa|Laptop> I'm not following how that will assist me.
<gchristensen> GiGa|Laptop: then we can get a hardware report to see what could be going wrong :)
<rly> Yaniel: my answer would be both.
* Fare tweaks his packageOverrides and things start working again
<Yaniel> but packaging does not benefit from a defeault.nix per se?
<newbie_at_nix> lassullus , Should I jusat type { config, pkgs, ... }: at the beginning and then copy/paste the declaration of the mountpoints from configuration.nix .?
<Yaniel> or can the nixpkgs expression do something like fetchFromGithub + callPackage
* Fare discovers that you can't use pythonPackages = python35Packages
<Unode> gchristensen: females are not so common around here but there are a few (and good at it) so I prefer not to assume.
<goibhniu> Yaniel: that's right, nixpkgs can't make use of the upstream default.nix
<gchristensen> there are probably more than you know here
<Yaniel> :(
<rly> GiGa|Laptop: the computer architecture is not designed such that Control-C always works.
<rly> GiGa|Laptop: it is a leaky abstraction, unfortunately.
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<goibhniu> Unode: BTW ... just in case you're not a native speaker ... you can also use "they" instead of him/her
<Yaniel> goibhniu: can it at least have roughly the same contents in both?
<gchristensen> goibhniu: good call!
<goibhniu> Yaniel: yep
<Unode> goibhniu: clever as a "they" that's confusing.
<Unode> I don't want to start some split personality wars.
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<goibhniu> English is pretty wild like that :)
<Unode> hehe :)
<goibhniu> Yaniel: "recursive nix" would be lovely
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<rly> goibhniu: they threw the ball can be singular?
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<rly> Singular they says yes.
<rly> Never mind.
<bennofs> I would like to do some refactoring of core nixos scripts (like the etc building script, nixos-rebuild, ...) to allow them to be re-used for declarative nix user environments. Who should I talk to to get these changes reviewed?
<GiGa|Laptop> Sorry, lspci had finally brought the system down - I didn't notice I had no connectivity
<Unode> rly: yeah that's a new dimension to me too. Not sure I want to learn it :)
<rly> Unode: it looks rather ugly.
<rly> Unode: I know some people who use it, but I don't like it
<rly> .
<rly> bennofs: I'd say that you first need to open an issue saying what you want.
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<rly> bennofs: collect a couple of :+1:s.
<GiGa|Laptop> gchristensen, currently I'm not specifying a particular driver to use - that's when the problem exists
<rly> bennofs: and then do a PR.
<GiGa|Laptop> If I tell it to use the nvidia driver I can lspci to my heart's content, but the display client stays connected for less than 1s
<rly> bennofs: if it's actually better, I have little reason to doubt it won't be merged, but it shouldn't break anything either.
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<bennofs> rly: the changes won't change any existing behavior, in fact, I'm thinking more about stuff like changing the script that builds /etc in a way such that it can be substituted to build another directory instead (this would be a compile-time substitution, so I can compare that the final script for the nixos variant is textually identical)
<Unode> rly: english needs a gender agnostic particle. "it" could be used but has too much of an 'object' or 'thing' connotation.
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<rly> bennofs: I do understand the difficulty of in general getting changes into upstream. It's often much more work than is needed for having something in just a single organisation.
<rly> bennofs: e.g. different coding conventions, different ideas of what is considered "good", etc.
<rly> bennofs: you can also have a look at controversial large changes and learn from that.
<msd> <- I'm attempting to make a Nix expression for this package; however, the license on hMetis's website is listed as some sort of super-set of a free license. How should I proceed? Should I add a new license specifically for hMetis to the licenses.nix file?
<rly> bennofs: some projects have been talked about forever, but have never been merged. You don't want that.
<msd> Or should I list this as something like an MIT license, which this appears to fulfil?
<bennofs> rly: yeah, that's why I was asking who I should discuss this with, since I don't know who of the nixpkgs contributors would feel confident in merging a PR that changes core nixos scripts
<rly> msd: there is nothing free about that license.
<sphalerite> msd: that looks unfree to me. "It can be freely used for educational and research purposes by non-profit institutions and US government agencies only."
<rly> msd: it's very much a commercial license.
<msd> rly: sphalerite so sorry, misspoke
<rly> msd: that doesn't mean you can't package it, though.
<msd> rly: sphalerite should this then be listed as its own license? Or unfree?
<gchristensen> unfree I think
<sphalerite> yeah unfree I think
<gchristensen> "The software may not be sold or redistributed without prior approval" I think means we can't use fetchurl on it
<gchristensen> but instead requireFile
<rly> Yes, Hydra is not legally allowed to distribute a build after it has been created.
<rly> So, it is allowed to build it, to see whether it works, but that's it.
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<gchristensen> hydra won't though
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: why would fetchurl be a problem?
<rly> gchristensen: because of lack of resources, I suppose or because there is no infrastructure for it to process the boolean "it built"?
<Yaniel> ooh renoise is actually packaged
<bennofs> rly: my last PR changing core functionality ended like this:
<Yaniel> that expr is outdated tho
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<sphalerite> rly: my guess is because it's a waste of computation
<msd> gchristensen: sphalerite rly alright, sounds good. I'll package this, patchelf the binaries/libs and PR
<gchristensen> rly: hydra doesn't build anything unfree, and also has no way to differentiate things it can and can't distribute, I think
<GiGa|Laptop> Not really sure where to progress from here
<msd> gchristensen: sphalerite rly so go with requireFile instead of fetchURL?
<rly> bennofs: well, the feedback seems quite clear.
<rly> bennofs: but in general, for planning purposes, add a multiplier for upstreaming stuff.
<gchristensen> I'm not 100% sure on when to use fetchurl vs. requireFile
<rly> If there would not be gatekeepers, there wouldn't be a kingdom worth defending.
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<bennofs> rly: I'm doing this on my own time, so I can take as much time as it needs :)
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<bennofs> rly: yeah, but for some parts of nixpkgs, it feels to me like no one feels responsible as a gatekeeper
<rly> bennofs: sure, but for your mental sanity it's a good thing to know what to expect.
<rly> bennofs: I have no doubt that this is the case.
<ixxie> that thread is sad bennofs
<bennofs> rly: just look at Everybody said "good to merge", but I had to merge it myself in the end or no one would have done that
<rly> bennofs: my opinion on the previous pull is that it should have some comments. E.g., when I read __unfix__ I think "WTF".
<rly> bennofs: I see that it's an elaborate hack, not something I want to see in our code base.
<rly> bennofs: I do understand that Nix is currently one big elaborate hack, but that's another story.
<bennofs> rly: __unfix__ is standard in fixpoint customization which is used in other parts of nixpgks and haskell infra as well
<rly> bennofs: sure, but I want people to be able to read code without context.
<rly> bennofs: folklore has no place in a codebase, IMHO.
<rly> bennofs: I am sure that other people think otherwise.
<bennofs> rly: hmm, yeah. but you have to establish some kind of base terminology though
<bennofs> rly: or you're explaining the same thing over and over
<rly> bennofs: is there a reference to all the required terminology at the top of the file?
<rly> bennofs: i.e., is it discoverable?
<GiGa|Laptop> if "nixos-rebuild switch" advises of collisions, is that a problem?
<bennofs> rly: does not have much to do with my PR, but I agree there should be a comment at the top of the file explaining this stuff, as it is relevent for the whole haskell-packages default.nix
<rly> bennofs: correct
<bennofs> rly: __unfix__ was already used without comment before my PR, so that is unrelated to the change
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<sphalerite> Is there a function in nixpkgs or nix for getting the basename from a path string? The closest I've been able to find is nixpkgs.lib.nameFromUrl
<bennofs> sphalerite: baseNameOf ?
<bennofs> sphalerite: builtins.baseNameOf rather
<GiGa> I'm assuming there's no mileage in flattening the laptop and doing another fresh build?
<LnL> gchristensen: requireFile is for things that don't have a public download url
<bennofs> GiGa: collisions are sometimes unavoidable, I get a few as well
<GiGa> OK, I'll consider that a misnomer then
<bennofs> GiGa: it would be nice to be collision-free, but unfortunately the collision checking script also reports bit-for-bit identical files as colliding which makes this hard
<GiGa> bennofs, ah, fair enough
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<gchristensen> LnL: oh I see
<LnL> it'll give an error message with instructions it the src is not in the store
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<GiGa> Is there a way to troubleshoot GdmDisplayFactory maximum number of X display faliures reached ?
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<bennofs> GiGa: oh, that bug was actually fixed, it should now only reports different files:
<rly> bennofs: I am not saying you are wrong. I have zero power in this project.
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<sphalerite> bennofs: I feel stupid now x) thanks
<sphalerite> iiuc it doesn't need the builtins. prefix
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<gchristensen> cool, LnL
<bennofs> sphalerite: yeah i can never remember when that is necessary and when it isn't. if it works without, then fine :)
<GiGa> Anyone know if BDDBS (think that's its name, borland DB) support for the latest version is now in Python3? I wrote an updated gramps.nix but it fails due to Python three blocking that feature (it failed a test or something)?
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<bennofs> peti: is there a tool to generate a package set from a stackage snapshot definition?
<IITaudio> Hi, does the emacs nix-mode works well for you? indentation is extremely random for me
<bennofs> IITaudio: i have the same problem
<philipp[m]> IITaudio bennofs for me too
<goibhniu> indentation hasn't been implemented yet
* goibhniu would also love it
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* LnL is surprised how little issues vim-nix seems to have
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<bennofs> goibhniu: even a simple "keep indent of last line" would be enough for me
<bennofs> oh it already does that...
<bennofs> what's weird, is when I write <2 space indent>a = {\n<SPACE> then that space puts me back at the beginning of the line
<LnL> I would be so annoyed by issues like that
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<yorick> Dezgeg: it can't be cross-compiled? meh
<bennofs> LnL: well, I sometimes use vim to edit nix files for that reason :)
<sphalerite> I always use vim to edit nix files
<Jackneilll> what is the difference between guix and nix?
<LnL> bennofs: isn't that heresy ;)
<yorick> I hope normal builds can be cross-compiled though
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<goibhniu> Jackneilll: guix uses nix under the hood, but all the expressions are written in guile, nix uses nix and shell scripting withing the expressions
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<Jackneilll> goibhniu, and they use /gnu/store...
<goibhniu> Jackneilll: so guix is an embedded DSL and nix is a standalone DSL
<civodul> Jackneilll: more details at
<gchristensen> IIRC guix only uses the nix-daemon, which uses no nix-lang, and the guile outputs .drv files
<gchristensen> which is what the nix-daemon understands
<Jackneilll> what are .,drv files?
<peti> bennofs: Well, no. I suppose one could use a trivial sed script to turn the constraints from the corresponding cabal.config file into a bunch of callHackage "pkg" "ver" {} overrides.
<bennofs> peti: well, I
<peti> bennofs: I am not aware of a tool that does it already, though.
<bennofs> peti: I'd like to use the flag definitions etc from it too
<bennofs> peti: ok, then I'll write one myself
<LnL> Jackneilll: it's a file with the build instructions for a derivation
<Jackneilll> i see
<bennofs> peti: the idea is to have a callSnapshot just like callHackage that could be used for building stack project easily
<LnL> Jackneilll: everything you need to build it (if you have all the dependencies)
<peti> bennofs: Yeah, that's a neat idea. It's totally feasible, IMIMHO
<peti> *IMHO.
<Jackneilll> why do you need a daemon?
<Jackneilll> nix-daemon?
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<IITaudio> goibhniu: ok that explain why it does not work ;) never ever looked at the source. Any emacs lover that will accept a donation to get indentation? :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0fdef7d Shea Levy: 4.9 is the latest longterm kernel....
* goibhniu would also donate
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 34c5289 Shea Levy: linux 4.9.4 -> 4.9.5
<LnL> Jackneilll: it allows multiple users to build and install packages without sudo
<Jackneilll> LnL, that coul dbe handled with proper permissions and groups, and specific file paths couldnt it?M
<GiGa> OK, progress. With the nvidia driver specified there are "(EE) No devices detected." and "(EE) no screens found(EE)"
<LnL> Jackneilll: and I think you also need it to run builds with the nixbld users
<Dezgeg> also the sandboxed builds feature currently uses chroot, which needs root
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ea7dadc Robin Gloster: pythonPackages.Pweave: disable broken tests
<LnL> IITaudio: goibhniu: I don't know anything about emacs plugins and don't really have the time. but how hard could it be compared vimscript?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 4 new commits to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 aa5cfba Rickard Nilsson: hbase: 0.98.19 -> 0.98.24...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 33081db Rickard Nilsson: elasticsearch2: 2.4.0 -> 2.4.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 989697f Rickard Nilsson: elasticsearch2: Minor cleanup...
<LnL> IITaudio: goibhniu: also
<GiGa> anyone use nvidia-settings as I can't get that to do anything other than give an error about the control display being undefined
<goibhniu> GiGa: I do
<gchristensen> GiGa: I'm sorry that I don't know how to help you further :( , hopefully goibhniu can
<goibhniu> LnL: oh wow, nice PR!
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<LnL> that's not mine :p
<goibhniu> GiGa: sorry, I haven't followed entirely ... but could it be that you need to use a legacy driver
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b92a07 Franz Pletz: treewide: use lib.maintainers for meta.maintainers
<goibhniu> LnL: still, I didn't notice it before
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<GiGa> goibhniu, worrying if that's the case given this is a new lapto.
<GiGa> *laptop
<goibhniu> ah, that can't be it then
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<GiGa> well, I'll try nvidiaLegacy340 and see what happens
<goibhniu> GiGa: can you choose between discreet and intel gpu in the bios/uefi?
<goibhniu> maybe it's set to use intel, and you can use bumblebee for nvidia
<GiGa> goibhniu, one sec I'll check. The build of nvidiaLegacy340 fails as the dependencies can't be built.
<goibhniu> you won't need the legacy driver if it's any way recent
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<GiGa> OK
<copumpkin> niksnut: do fixed-output derivations automatically get added to the binary cache today?
<GiGa> "GPU Performance Scaling" is currently set to "Enabled" but there's no other graphics option
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<GiGa> goibhniu, the nouveau driver also gives me problems
<goibhniu> hrm
<goibhniu> GiGa: which GPU is it?
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<GiGa> goibhniu, GM107M
<GiGa> I can also see thereis an intel
<goibhniu> have you got both the nvidia and intel drivers enabled in your configuration.nix?
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<GiGa> no
<GiGa> should I have?
<goibhniu> you can have them both enabled
<goibhniu> maybe you do need to, I haven't used bumblee myself
<GiGa> ok, I've made it [ "nvidia" "intel ] now
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<pareidolia> Is there a command to launch a vm from a configuration.nix like "guix system vm" does ?
<mog> i thought the chicken and egg thing was solved for acme and httpd?
<goibhniu> pareidolia: nixos-rebuild build-vm
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<GiGa> goibhniu, having done that it now boots to a black screen
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<goibhniu> AFAIK it will try both intel and nvidia ... any idea if there are problems with this model on other linux distros?
<GiGa> Not tried installing any others on here yet
<pareidolia> goibhniu: I'm on a nix standalone system, there is no nixos-rebuildh
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<GiGa> Maybe it's got problems, don't know
<GiGa> "(EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"
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<goibhniu> can you post your configuration.nix GiGa?
<page> GiGa: perhaps you can try enabling bumblebee?
<page> or have you already done so?
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<GiGa> It's supported in the Linux 375.26 driver from December
<GiGa> If I just tell it to use the intel driver lspci is broken again
<GiGa> this is sill
<GiGa> *silly
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<globin> niksnut: would you mind me hijacking the gcc-6 branch? have it rebased and with some more fixes lying around and would like to test a full build when trunk has finished
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<pareidolia> There is no vm launcher available for users of standalone nix?
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<GiGa> do we know what version of the nvidia driver is being used by nixos?
* goibhniu has 375.26
<goibhniu> on nixos-unstable
<GiGa> So this GPU is supported then
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<GiGa> ah
<GiGa> I'm currently on stable
<GiGa> is it worth attempting to switch to unstable?
<goibhniu> it's worth a shot anyway, you can always roll back
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rickynils pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e3597b9 Rickard Nilsson: grafana: 4.0.2 -> 4.1.1
<GiGa> goibhniu, I appreciate all the help (I'm new to NixOS). Would you mind telling me how to switch?
<Yaniel> it's mentioned in the manual under "channels"
<GiGa> Yaniel, Ta
<niksnut> globin: sure, go right ahead
<niksnut> why rebase though?
<niksnut> just merge latest master...
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<goibhniu> GiGa: I just verified that the current release is at: 367.57 ... so maybe that's it alright:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b6553c Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'staging'...
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<GiGa> goibhniu, in theory 367.57 supported the 950M
<GiGa> but I'm doing an upgrade to unstable
<GiGa> How unstable is it really?
<goibhniu> yeah, I have used 970m and 965m without any trouble
<goibhniu> but, in discrete mode
<GiGa> "discrete mode"?
<pareidolia> I would like to package Mate desktop before I migrate. I need VMs to test. Guix does it easily but I'm not planning to use Guix now. Some help would be appreciated
<goibhniu> as the only gpu, not using bumblebee (optimus)
<GiGa> goibhniu, I don't know what Bumblebee is I'm afraid
<goibhniu> it's a way to use your intel gpu for most of the time (to save battery), and use your nvidia gpu for particular programs
<GiGa> ah, so I want to enable that then I'm thinking
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 17 new commits to gcc-6:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 c273823 Robin Gloster: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into gcc-6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 1751568 Robin Gloster: ragel: fix build with gcc 6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 a9be685 Robin Gloster: geos: 3.5.0 -> 3.6.1
<GiGa> I've seen it mentioned in the manual, I'll have to take a deeper look into that
<GiGa> I'm guessing it's not a simple case of "without bumblebee enabled, you'll have these problems?"
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] womfoo opened pull request #22006: facter: 3.4.1 -> 3.5.1 and related deps (master...bump/facter-3.5.1)
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<jophish_> What does this mean: current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7
<jophish_> I assume my nix-build is a little too old
<GiGa> jophish_, sounds a logical assumption
<Yaniel> anyone familiar with nix and vulkan?
<Yaniel> I'm working on an expr for renderdoc and it wants to put things in /etc/vulkan in the installation phase
<gchristensen> jophish_: sounds like you used nixUnstable and tried to go back to nixStable
<GiGa> goibhniu, No dice on moving to unstable either
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fd400ce Carles Pagès: Rename page to cpages to match github...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 305e3e2 Carles Pagès: yafc: remove...
<pareidolia> Anyone?
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<grantwu> pareidolia: What do you mean a VM launcher?
<simpson> pareidolia: nixos-rebuild doesn't just have a switch subcommand, but also subcommands for dry runs, build-without-switch, and spawning a VM.
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<GiGa> gchristensen, goibhniu I think we have progress
<GiGa> I've enabled Bumblebee
<GiGa> set the X11 driver to intel but the bumblebee one to nvidia
<GiGa> I can now run lspci and glxgears
<GiGa> glxgears gets a greater FPS than before
<simpson> GiGa: Do *not* worry about that.
<simpson> glxgears should show 60fps at all times. Or whatever your refresh rate is.
* GiGa is not worrying about glxgears now
<gchristensen> nice!
<goibhniu> GiGa: glad to hear it!
<GiGa> Thank you for your help, that was driving me insane
<GiGa> can't start Steam though
<GiGa> ah well, that's another day's problem
<GiGa> couldn't open connection to X apparently
<GiGa> Thinking go back to stable and see what it does?
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<jophish_> gchristensen: If that's the case, what's the solution. nix-build --version reports 1.11.6
<jophish_> oh, if I run the same nix-build binary myself (not as part of this program) it works
<jophish_> perhaps there's something more interesting going on|
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<jophish_> oh, even the exact same command works. This is so strange
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<jophish_> this is inside some program which is using nix to build some things. It's calling `nix-build --no-out-link /path/to/something.nix`. I get the above error about schema mismatches from nix-build. However if I get the program to print `which nix-build` and run that with the same .nix file as input it all works very well
<jophish_> oh! This is only happening when I run nix-build as root
<jophish_> but why!
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<jophish_> for other reasons this program needs to run as root
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 00ab8e8 Franz Pletz: doc: improve hardening docs...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 71b715a Franz Pletz: doc: improve hardening docs...
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<manveru> stupid question, but the order in buildInputs matters if there are two packages that both provide the same $PATH ?
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<manveru> like both have /bin/foo if i put one package first, it'll also be first in $PATH?
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<manveru> well, i think that's true, but wasn't there some warning from nix about precedence?
<LnL> good question, I'm not sure
<manveru> i just tried it, seems to be that way
<LnL> changing the order of buildInputs will result in a different hash
<manveru> PATH isn't random, nothing in nix is :)
<manveru> i was wondering for ages why sometimes i get errors from bundler when the lockfile couldn't be written because it's in the nix store
<LnL> I think it's just mapped with lib.mkBinPath
<manveru> turns out, rails depends on bundler, and the bundler in the gemset took precendence over the standalone one
<manveru> feeling stupid now :P
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<LnL> well that sucks, rails probably shouldn't have bundler in it's output
<manveru> go tell them...
<manveru> but i feel like i must document it in bundix
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<manveru> found a bunch of best practices already since i started using nix last year
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<manveru> pretty sure i can also add a `bundix init` command now, that creates a shell.nix and default.nix for most rails apps
<manveru> that's the most boring part when i start working on a new project
<LnL> that sounds nice :)
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<jophish_> how can I escape: ${something}?. using \${something} doesn't seem to work
<manveru> with '$ i think
<manveru> lemme check quick
<LnL> isn't it ''$ (for multiline strings)
<manveru> well, $${} outputs $${}
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<manveru> the escape for ' was ''' i think
<manveru> this is really the most FUBAR part of nix
<LnL> ''$ -> $ and ''' -> '
<manveru> why can't it just use backslashes like everybody else :P
<manveru> no
<manveru> "'${hi}" doesn't work
<manveru> there "\${hi}" works
<LnL> for double quoted strings it's a backslash
<manveru> and ''''${hi}''
<manveru> you're right :)
<jophish_> perhaps there's actually a better way of doing what I want. I have a Makefile which I want to patch so that any occurrences of ${prefix} in it are replaced with the expanded $out variable
<manveru> you got the makefile somewhere we can see?
<manveru> usually you can just use env vars for that
<LnL> jophish_: prePatch = '' substituteInPlace Makefile --replace '${prefix}' "$out" '';
<jophish_> LnL: undefined variable prefix :)
<LnL> :p
<LnL> I just realized
<jophish_> prePatch = " substituteInPlace Makefile --replace '\${prefix}' \"$out\" ";
<jophish_> this works however
<manveru> hehe
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<manveru> doesn't prePatch have to be lines type?
<LnL> urgh that's ugly
<manveru> usually people write DESTDIR="${DESTIR:-/something/else}" at least
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<manveru> but i guess that's a case of "works for me"
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<Avaq> I'm still having plenty of trouble trying to update my MongoDB server to version 3.4 (from the 3.2 in nixpkgs) :(
<Avaq> I managed to get a patched derivation into my config by doing `services.mongodb.package = pkgs.callPackage ./my/mongo/default.nix { sasl = pkgs.cyrus_sasl }`, where `my/mongo` is a modified version of (notice: blob 16.03 matches my OS version)
<Avaq> The build fails because: "const class boost::filesystem::path' has no member named 'lexically_normal". I'm guessing the newer version of Mongo probably needs a newer version of boost.
<Avaq> Then I decided to apply my patch to `master` and verify it it builds with nix-build ... It does. But now loading it via `pkgs.callPackage` does not work, because my `callPackage` is providing input from *my* pkgs, which is not the right input.
<Avaq> Is there any way I can load the whole derivation including all of the environment it uses into my config? Eg. `services.mongodb.package = (import my/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix).mongodb`
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<Avaq> ^ This last thing doesn't work, because `all-packages.nix` exports a function, obviously :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bachp opened pull request #22007: ark: add security patch for CVE-2017-5330 (release-16.09...ark-cve-backport)
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<gchristensen> bachp: thank you!
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<slyfox> TIL there is a guix thing
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<Ralith> Unode: do all your fonts in chrome look like that?
<Ralith> because what I showed you was more or less the sum total of my font setup and everything looks great here
<Unode> Ralith: no, seems like only one does.
<Unode> for instance the font displayed on the github sections title is like what I showed. The rest of the body looks fine.
<Unode> but I'm currently not on the nixos machine so I can't test changes
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<Ralith> Unode: if some website is calling for or providing some super-specific missing-or-buggy font I guess that might do it; is it something you can link?
<Unode> link? you mean website?
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<Ralith> ...?
<Unode> I just mentioned github
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<Ralith> link me to something that renders horribly for you
<Unode> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by something I can link
<Unode> ah
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<Unode> yeah the title of github. I can look for something else later today once I'm back on the nixos machine.
<Unode> thanks for the help
<Ralith> github certainly works fine here
<Ralith> weird
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<pareidolia> simpson: I'm running nix standalone, there's no nixos-rebuild
<simpson> pareidolia: Sorry, I don't know anything about integrating non-NixOS with Nix when doing desktop environments.
<k0001> To those using Hydra with relatively few issues: Which commit are you using from the Hydra repo?
<gchristensen> k0001: I use but it has numerous issues around creating jobset inputs
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<gchristensen> k0001: but see the hydra patch in that repo
<simpson> k0001: I use nixpkgs master on NixOS, using the NixOS services for Hydra. It was unbroken as of yesterday.
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<k0001> gchristensen: thanks, I'll try that. My Hydra setup is very clunky. Last thing that I am seeing is that it consumes all available memory.
<k0001> simpson: for some reason which I can't remember now I needed a version newer than that one in nixpkgs, but thanks, it's good to know that it works for somebody :)
<k0001> gchristensen: and yes, I have those input issues as well, they seem to be related to this if I understand correctly
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<LnL> what's up with the rebuild on master?
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<dtz> looks like staging was merged?
<LnL> that shouldn't cause a mass rebuild
<gchristensen> tiff is pretty deep in the tree
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<LnL> but staging finished
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<LnL> n/m
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<globin> gchristensen, LnL: staging was merged on top of a mass-rebuild on master due to security fixes to build both at once afaics
<globin> s/to build both/to avoid building both/
<gchristensen> cool
<gchristensen> sorry to darwin :)
<LnL> well I'm getting everything from the cache now
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<LnL> I expected my hydra to do the same but apparently I still didn't configure substitutes correctly
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<LnL> I've actually not had any issues since I pulled a bunch of dependencies out of the darwin stdenv
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<nekroze> how can I merge a list of attribute sets? each elem of the list is a name value pair.
<nekroze> or rather each element of the list is a set of name value pairs, but I need them in one set
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<gchristensen> nekroze: can you paste an example of the input and the desired output?
<LnL> I think there's only a function in the libs that merges a list of attributes with { name = _; value = _; }
<gchristensen> we have the technology though to do this
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<LnL> nekroze: foldl' (x: y: x // y) {}
<LnL> but I assume there's probably a nicer way
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<nekroze> LnL: That should work, I was hoping for a builtin that does it
<gchristensen> unlikely
<LnL> I was looking for something similar that worked for nested attribute sets recently, but I implemented it myself
<cransom> in lib/attrsets.nix there's a recurisveUpdate that merges attribute sets
<cransom> *recursiveUpdate rather.
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<LnL> oh, that should make it nicer
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<nekroze> cransom: thanks will check it out
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<cransom> it's a one line change if you wanted to thieve that to also merge lists in those, but i've leaned on that function heavily before and it was helpful
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e70dcf6 Shea Levy: ios-cross: Bump sdk version, verify sdk install at build time
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<LnL> oh I already used that, what I actually needed was filterAttrsByPath
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7a92f2a Thomas Tuegel: kde5.plasma-desktop: move patches to quilt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 892a831 Thomas Tuegel: kde5.plasma-desktop: don't stop ibus...
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<shlevy> "/nix/store/ line 22: [: too many arguments" :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #19361: gogs: init at v0.9.97 (master...gogs)
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<irth> is there a wiki or something that allows you to figure out what can you put in config? i mean the "services.whatever.enabled" lines
<xwvvvvwx> irth: I always just search here:
<irth> ooh
<irth> thanks
<xwvvvvwx> :)
<xwvvvvwx> Sometimes looking at the actual default.nix in the nixpkgs repo is helpful also
<irth> I just got my new laptop and was feeling courageous
<irth> so now I've got NixOS on it :P
<gchristensen> yay!
<xwvvvvwx> NixOS makes me so happy :)
<irth> I use Arch as my daily driver so I guess I can handle nixos too
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<xwvvvvwx> One other thing that took me a while to figure out is that there are actually three manuals that all have slightly different stuff in, one for nixOS one for nixpkgs and one for nix the package manager
<MoreTea> xwvvvvwx, i feel you there. happened to me as well when I started out.
<MoreTea> irth, yay indeed!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #20183: netdata service: init (master...init/netdata-service)
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<gchristensen> hey so do people say "nix-oh-ess" or "nix-awws"?"
<LnL> irth: you can also use nixos-option
<irth> nice
<simpson> gchristensen: Yes.
<gchristensen> hah, ok
<shlevy> gchristensen: I say the first
<irth> gchristensen: *G*IF
<LnL> gchristensen: what... !?
<gchristensen> LnL: huh? :)
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<LnL> I have no idea what that second one is supposed to be :p
<gchristensen> I don't know how to write it phonetically I guess
<gchristensen> like the beginning of ostrich
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<LnL> ooh, now I get it I've heard that one before, but I think nix-o-s is most common
<gchristensen> I think I've always said the second
<gchristensen> cstrahan says the first (I'm watching various youtube videos to see what people say)
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<cstrahan> Oh Jesus... my blood sugar was pretty shot when I gave that talk. I hope the stupor isn't too painful, but I'm too embarrassed to watch it myself.
<gchristensen> sander van der burg says nix oh es
<gchristensen> cstrahan: I stopped watching as soon as you said nix oh es :)
<cstrahan> Lol.
<gchristensen> (not because it was bad, I just have research to do!)
<cstrahan> Yay! I guess.
<xwvvvvwx> So does anyone know how wayland is on NixOS?
<xwvvvvwx> I had a quick look around and there is this sway wm
<xwvvvvwx> but it is just a package and not a service?
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<cstrahan> gchristensen: you'd prefer nix-ahs?
<gchristensen> it is just what I say
<gchristensen> not a preference, now I'm trying to find out if I should switch
<xwvvvvwx> gchristensen: I'm with you ;) :D
<gchristensen> :)
<shlevy> gchristensen: this is definitely a question for the ML :)
<gchristensen> :)
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<grantwu> arghhh
<grantwu> I have zsh set as my login shell, installed via Nix
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<grantwu> Somehow a bunch of files are gone and now everything is broken
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<gchristensen> wait, shlevy, you copumpkin and I should get together for NixCon Eastern US :)
<copumpkin> wha
<shlevy> +1
<shlevy> Where are you
<shlevy> ?
<gchristensen> western MA
<copumpkin> I'm in VA most of the time, occasionally in CT/NYC area
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<shlevy> Oh nice, I'm in Portsmouth NH
<shlevy> Probably makes most sense to do a NY meetup though really
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<shlevy> could get ryantrinkle in there
<gchristensen> I just saw that on your github, yeah
<gchristensen> and cstrahan of course
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<shlevy> Thanks for volunteering to organize it! ;)
<irth> damn
<irth> its gonna be hard
<copumpkin> aren't ikwildrpepper and niksnut in the US for work every so often?
<copumpkin> we should try to catch them while they fly over
<gchristensen> you bet
<grantwu> That was bizarre. now it works fine.
<copumpkin> I'll get the lasso
<irth> is there a tutorial describing how to do normal desktop stuff on nixos? :P
<gchristensen> shlevy: hah ... I can hardly keep up with my existing weekly commitments :P
<xwvvvvwx> irth: what are you trying to setup?
<irth> like, beyond nix-env -i everything
<irth> xwvvvvwx: a i3wm desktop
<irth> i'm kinda lost
<irth> some things can be installed via services.blah.enable, some nix-env -i
<xwvvvvwx> open /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<xwvvvvwx> in a text editor
<xwvvvvwx> you can do everything from there
<irth> yeah I managed to install i3wm
<gchristensen> here is a fun set of numbers: it took 3 years to get up to 8,000 PRs, and we merged 8,000 PRs in the last year
<xwvvvvwx> :)
<irth> I guess I need something like arch wiki
<gchristensen> irth: the arch wiki is very useful for nixos users too
<xwvvvvwx> :D I use it all the time
<irth> arch wiki is useful for everyone
<xwvvvvwx> This is quite hepful mapping imperitive concepts to declarative concepts:
<joepie91> today, I finally had a good reason to use the power of NixOS! :D
<xwvvvvwx> but mostly I just google things and try stuff out
<xwvvvvwx> best bit about nixos is that you can always go back to a known good state
<xwvvvvwx> so it's like having an undo button
<joepie91> spawned a subshell using a package from a specific checked-out commit of nixpkgs, to try and reproduce a bug in an older version of Atom
<joepie91> (`nix-shell -p atom -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs/clone`)
<joepie91> well okay, the power of Nix* I guess
<shlevy> gchristensen: What's our net direction over, say, the past 6 months?
<joepie91> downside: it ended up taking me 9 hours to track down the bug in question, and 5 characters to fix it...
<xwvvvvwx> and this talk is also nice:
<gchristensen> shlevy: I'm not sure, actually, would be interesting to graph -- I wonder if something already does that. we've done a really impressive job staying between 280 and 300
<irth> hm
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<copumpkin> "BUGS: The author listed in the following section is wrong. If there is any other bug, please report to Nicolas Pierron."
<simpson> gchristensen: FWIW I think that you're doing important work. Once we have CI on PRs, then we can eventually gate on CI.
<gchristensen> :)
<xwvvvvwx> aren't tests run on github PRs already?
<gchristensen> we'll see how it goes
<irth> so nix-env -i as user is for per-user packages, if I want systemwide - i should use systemPackages = [ "whatever" ], and if it is a service (as in a daemon or sth) it should be installed via services.<whatever>.enable?
<xwvvvvwx> I never use nix-env -i
<xwvvvvwx> but yes thats about right
<gchristensen> eelco says nix-oh-es so that might just be final word
<xwvvvvwx> I don't really know the multiuser stuff cos I'm the only user on this laptop
<xwvvvvwx> so I just do everything systemwide
<irth> xwvvvvwx: so you install stuff via editing /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<xwvvvvwx> always
<xwvvvvwx> or if I just want to try something out
<gchristensen> fpletz: also says nix oh es so I think that is probably enough evidence
<xwvvvvwx> or it's something I don't think I'll use again
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<xwvvvvwx> I just run it one time with nix-shell -p <PACKAGE_NAME>
<irth> oookay, makes sense
<xwvvvvwx> you can even track isolated deps per script with nix-shell
<LnL> yeah I never install things, and just use nix-shell
<xwvvvvwx> this is like my favourite thing ever :D
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<xwvvvvwx> Actually one thing that always confused me about nixos was how far the isolation goes
<xwvvvvwx> e.g is nix-shell isolated on a process level from the main shell?
<manveru> nix-shell starts a new shell, so yeah
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<xwvvvvwx> is there a separate /run/current-user/ for each shell?
<gchristensen> it just drops new stuff in to your PATH
<manveru> it basically just changes env vars
<xwvvvvwx> ah ok, so each nix-shell has the same /run/current-user and then PATH is modified to add what is needed?
<manveru> you mean /run/current-system ?
<xwvvvvwx> oh yeah :D
<manveru> yeah
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<manveru> unless you use --pure, in which case it starts most env vars fresh
<manveru> so you won't even have cat in your shell :)
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<manveru> but most people prefer having their usual shell even in nix-shell, so it's not pure
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<xwvvvvwx> but nix-shell is different, like it's not my usuasl zsh
<xwvvvvwx> it's that special bash
<manveru> that's because you didn't start it right then
<xwvvvvwx> oh?
<xwvvvvwx> how do I start it
<xwvvvvwx> normally I just do nix-shell -p for a program
<xwvvvvwx> or nix-shell in a directory with a default.nix
<gchristensen> the reason nix-shell doesn't respect your shell is because it was intended to eval build phases, which assume bash
<manveru> you can pass the shell to use
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<manveru> personally i use it almost always via direnv
<xwvvvvwx> gchristensen: that actually makes a lot of sense
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<xwvvvvwx> maveru: what is direnv?
<xwvvvvwx> that's kinda cool
<xwvvvvwx> so nix-shell just starts as soon as you cd into a directory wherever you want?
<manveru> yes
<manveru> i usually have two lines in there: mkdir -p tmp/nix; use nix --indirect --add-root $PWD/tmp/nix/shell.drv
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<manveru> so the shell for that project won't be GC'd
<xwvvvvwx> so each folder has it's own mini /nix/ ?
<manveru> it makes a symlink to the derivations from the shell
<manveru> and adds it to the GC roots of the systemwide nix
<manveru> i use automatic GC, and otherwise i'd have to build the whole shell again every other day
<grantwu> Where are nix profiles added to the PATH?
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<DavidEGrayson> Just wanted to pop in to say that I succeeded in cross-compiling a simple "hello world" program for Windows this morning using a GCC I built with my own recipes. I find this to be cleaner and simpler to understand than nixpkg's cross-compiling support. Also, I only needed one bootstapping phase for GCC. If anyone is interested (e.g. SonarPulse), my expressions are here:
<gchristensen> DavidEGrayson: holy shit!
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<manveru> :D
<DavidEGrayson> gchristensen: lol, it's not that amazing...
<DavidEGrayson> gchristensen: but thanks
<LnL> nice :D
<xwvvvvwx> maveru: ok, because the GC just removes stuff that isn't in the closure of /etc/nix/ ?
<DavidEGrayson> Well, if you guys want to talk to me about nixcrpkgs, I don't check IRC that well but you can find my email address or open an issue on the repo.
<gchristensen> I'm mighty impressed
<gchristensen> domenkozar: ^
<manveru> xwvvvvwx: look at /nix/var/nix/gcroots/
<gchristensen> DavidEGrayson: can you message domenkozar? he's interested in nix / windows
<xwvvvvwx> ah
<xwvvvvwx> interesting!
<xwvvvvwx> :)
<DavidEGrayson> gchristensen: OK, done :) It's pretty cool that when I pop in to mention something in here, people are sometimes interesting in it :)
<manveru> :)
<gchristensen> :)
<manveru> what was the env var for alternative /nix/store again?
<manveru> i can't find it in the manpages or manual... but i'm like 99% sure there was one
<manveru> ah, yes
<manveru> since when do we have this search?
<manveru> i was looking for nix_store and remote...
<xwvvvvwx> gchristensen: what is this search?
<xwvvvvwx> it's amazing!
<gchristensen> I set this search up on 2016-03-03, manveru
<manveru> needs moar SEO
<xwvvvvwx> it's all of nixpkgs?
<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: it is running Hound by Etsy, and you can get extensions for your editors
<manveru> oO
<gchristensen> it searches all github repos in the NixOS org, except nixos, systemd, nixpkgs-channels, nixops-dashboard, and nixos-foundation
<manveru> never heard of hound, but i shall investigate
<gchristensen> there is (of course) a nixos service module for it
<gchristensen> "takes a string and asks a hound server: "like hey what's up with this string?""
<manveru> good stuff... i usually ag the hell out of nixpkgs
<manveru> but if i can run my own server for this...
<LnL> I really like it, I've also setup one at work
<manveru> lol
<manveru> literally no dependencies...
<gchristensen> :)
<LnL> it's all vendored
<manveru> ah, ok
<manveru> does it do all in memory?
<LnL> I think so, it's really fast
<manveru> or elasticsearch or some such
<gchristensen> it has its own indexing and database mechanism
<gchristensen> I think it writes the indexes to disk
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<manveru> damn man
<manveru> i gotta put one up at work too
<manveru> github search is the worst
<LnL> we have an old gitlab instance at work, that's even worse
<manveru> we got enterprise github ;)
<manveru> but even after 10 years, gh has no regex search, or even exact word search
<manveru> like... why
<gchristensen> github also refuses to index all-packages.nix or python-packages.nix
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<manveru> yeah, that's why i always search locally
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<manveru> anyway, thanks for introducing me to this magical new toy
<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<manveru> so...
<gchristensen> I wonder how many people use it... I've never looked at the logs before
<MoreTea> gchristensen, how many other awesome tools have you running somewhere?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] svanderburg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5cf1a4d Sander van der Burg: nodePackages: upgrade node2nix to version 1.1.1 and regenerate the package set
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<gchristensen> mmm mostly that and
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<xwvvvvwx> gchristensen: what is this?
<gchristensen> lol I have _no_ logs, so, no idea how many people have used it.
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<LnL> it's a hydra that builds pull requests :D
<xwvvvvwx> so what do these travis tests do if they don't build the expressions?
<gchristensen> the web UI is _very slow_ though because, I think, I have too many builders ...
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<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: they try to do it but if any substantial number have changed it fails
<manveru> travis just makes too long logs
<xwvvvvwx> because this really tripped me up before, when I submitted a package where the hash didn't match up and travis passed the test
<manveru> and is ignored by everyone :P
<LnL> gchristensen: I don't think it's to many builders, it just builds to fast :)
<gchristensen> haha
<LnL> making the nar compression the bottleneck
<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: example, a diff of what is passing and failing from this PR vs. master
<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: the diff is ... wrong, though
<manveru> where can i find docs on this nar stuff anyway?
<manveru> saw that discussion about ipfs, but no idea why everyone loves to hate nars
<LnL> yeah, I still have to look at gett
<xwvvvvwx> gchristensen: wrong in what sense?
<LnL> ing the trunk eval in here
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<LnL> manveru: what do you mean?
<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: well this PR is not responsible for breaking haskell packages or fixing hundreds of other packages
<xwvvvvwx> haha
<xwvvvvwx> yeah that kinda confused me a bit :D
<manveru> LnL: nix archive record or something?
<xwvvvvwx> so you're patching hydra to support building pull requests?
<gchristensen> not patching, just ... forcing.
<LnL> manveru: yes, it's just a tar without dates
<xwvvvvwx> :D
<LnL> the issue we are talking about is that the xz compression makes the hydra slow when it's building a lot of packages
<manveru> oh
<xwvvvvwx> :D super cool
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<manveru> damn, i can't make NIX_OTHER_STORES work :(
<xwvvvvwx> good CI is super important, was always super impressed how seriously this nix community takes it
<LnL> manveru: I think that was removed
<manveru> afaict it's used by the installer still
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] svanderburg pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a5de88d Sander van der Burg: nodePackages: upgrade node2nix to version 1.1.1, regenerate the package set and remove v5 expressions
<manveru> i'm trying to use it to make building a docker container faster...
<LnL> gchristensen fixed a very nice hardware sponsorship from packet
<manveru> i've got all the packages on my system already, and i'm on DSL
<manveru> but it just downloads everything anyway
<gchristensen> LnL: :D
<gchristensen> LnL: I feel bad telling them their machines are too fast :/
<gchristensen> LnL: also, do you see 99.71 there? phew!
<LnL> yeah that machine is insane
<xwvvvvwx> wow thats a ton of machines :)
<xwvvvvwx> pretty heavy build times
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<LnL> staging was merged into master today
<LnL> and this hydra didn't build staging yet
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<xwvvvvwx> what are the semantics of staging / master in nixpkgs? when I merge a PR it goes straight to master no?
<viric> PRs include where to merge to
<viric> the request may be a merge to anywhere
<gchristensen> xwvvvvwx: PRs which cause 10s of thousands of packages to rebuild usually go to staging
<xwvvvvwx> ah ok, and now you want to upgrade to full builds on every PR :)
<gchristensen> I think it is a good goal
<gchristensen> hard, though
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<manveru> distributed hydra?
<xwvvvvwx> whats the challenge? Resources? or hydra?
<manveru> my challenge with hydra is perl :|
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<gchristensen> probably at this point dev time, not hardware resources... given the generous hardware provided by
<LnL> yeah I didn't know perl before I added the pr support :)
<xwvvvvwx> :D
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<xwvvvvwx> This kind of stuff can be super fiddly :D
<xwvvvvwx> have spent a while at work now getting jenkins to play nice with a vmware server so we can run our tests on osx / win
<LnL> it wasn't to bad actually, but still needs some improvement
<gchristensen> yeah it is good perl
<LnL> hopefully I can finish it this weekend
<xwvvvvwx> nice! :)
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<irth> hm
<irth> i accidentaly booted into some windows 10 leftovers
<irth> it removed the uefi boot entry of nixos
<irth> running nixos-install again shouldnt remove anything from the installed OS?
<gchristensen> shouldn't
<lassulus> normally not
<MichaelRaskin> Should be fast and non-destructive
<gchristensen> 3 fairly positive responses ;)
<irth> cool
<gchristensen> each one more confident than the last
<lassulus> I nixos-installed over an existing nixos yesterday
<lassulus> everything went fine
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<irth> yep, it works
<manveru> hmm, so NIX_OTHER_STORES really was removed
<manveru> it's still used in nixpkgs for some reason
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<manveru> however the hell that's used
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: do you care enough to need anything beyond nix-serve and the binary-caches option?
<manveru> well, my use-case is mounting the /nix/store from one docker container into another
<manveru> and then copying over what the new container needs
<MoreTea> @gchristensen, so what's the bottlenecK, evaluating the expressions in nixpkgs?
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure that nix-serve between the containers would differ in efficiency
<manveru> but i'd need to run both at the same time?
<manveru> and open a port on one
<gchristensen> MoreTea: the literal bottleneck right now is compressing the builds being returned from builders
<gchristensen> I know that is hard to believe, but the builders are too fast for the master
<MichaelRaskin> Not really: you can run one, mount the other's store, chroot and run nix-serve
<manveru> i shall try that then
<MichaelRaskin> Oh, that's nice that there are that many builders
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: take a look at .99.71
<MichaelRaskin> Not hard to believe: builders scale linearly with the current kind of NixPkgs activity
<MichaelRaskin> Erm, nice
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<gchristensen> MoreTea: having hydra support evaluating more than one jobset at a time would be nice, same as running more than one queue runner at a time
<MichaelRaskin> I guess that also means that the kind of stuff I dream about is useless for the larger community… When an average build step is below 3 minutes…
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<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: how do you mean?
<MoreTea> I guess that evaluating jobsets should be decoupled from the hydra and delegated to some build server as well.
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<gchristensen> I don't know if these things are already possible or not, but the structure of the hydra module suggests it isn't going to be easy
<MichaelRaskin> Well, I want various stupid stuff which would be basically a proxy over nix-daemon. If I run two buildEnv builds, and each needs LibreOffice, and one waits on another lock — an unrelated failure of the nix-build formally owning the build shouldn't restart the build, it should just yield the build
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<gchristensen> also I know there is lots of assumptions about where `.drv` files are
<gchristensen> ah I see, MichaelRaskin
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<MichaelRaskin> I should also try to write some kind of a scheduler for all that. Something that ensures that I don't end up with my slightly-less-powerful notebook builds the last dependency that just happens to be Chromium
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<MichaelRaskin> As I want to be able to work on my notebook, the notebook has -j4 default and the mini-buildbox is supposed to use -j8, and buildbox has +20% single-core performance, so I do want Chromium to be built there…
<manveru> nix-store doesn't list any option for an alternative path to serve
<manveru> err, nix-serve
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: 1. I would just chroot, 2. $NIX_STORE_DIR and $NIX_STATE_DIR may help
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: I think you can do highPrio?
<manveru> it uses Nix::Config::storeDir for it
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: sorry, what? highPrio is more about nix-env and maybe buildEnv
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: it should read the environment, I think
<gchristensen> oh :| I thought hydra used it for some degree of scheduling
<manveru> digging into the source :)
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<MichaelRaskin> manveru: just chroot, that should be simpler
<manveru> it uses NIX_STORE_DIR
<manveru> so yay, you're right
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: note that I want to choose the builder based on that
<MichaelRaskin> Being able to run multiple builds in multiple consoles with out-of-build-users _pausing_ and not _failing_ the builds would also be nice…
<MichaelRaskin> At that point I should say «I also want a pony»
<gchristensen> yeah I think that was the point I setup a hydra
<MichaelRaskin> I am not sure I can run Hydra that can reasonably work regardless of what nonempty subset of machines is on
<gchristensen> you mean you're concerned about how ithandles missing machines?
<MichaelRaskin> Not «concerned»
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<MichaelRaskin> Sometimes I want something to be built just on my notebook — and I would prefer all the nice features I have listed except for builder choice
<gchristensen> ah
<MichaelRaskin> Sometimes I want to leave stuff building overnight on the mini-buildbox
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<MichaelRaskin> Being able to distribute jobs between two notebooks safely would be a plus
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<MichaelRaskin> (but that is a rare situation)
<manveru> --option extra-binary-caches http://localhost:5000/ seems to be just ignored :(
<manveru> it still fetches it from
<MichaelRaskin> Are you running Nix as root?
<manveru> yes
<manveru> it's in docker, it's the only user
<MichaelRaskin> I usually just set binary-caches, to the exact list of caches I want
<manveru> hmm
<LnL> yes, I think you want binary-caches otherwise it'll still go to first
<manveru> setting just binary-caches fails immediately
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<MichaelRaskin> Did you forget quotes somewhere?
<irth> whoah
<irth> hardware.bumblebee.enable = true;
<MichaelRaskin> Too bad nix-serve doesn't allow tuning priority
<irth> that is actually amazing
<manveru> irth: if you figure out a good way to switch cards without restarting X, please let me know
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<irth> manveru: hm?
<irth> manveru: what do you mean by switch cards?
<manveru> i got a laptop with bumblebee, but i can either use gpu or intel
<MichaelRaskin> optirun?
<manveru> i think i tried that, but it wouldn't work :|
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<irth> optirun or primusrun should work
<manveru> haven't used it in half a year, i usually play on my desktop anyway
<irth> I don't remember how I got it to work on arch linux
<irth> (i had some troubles there)
<MichaelRaskin> I have configured a complicated setup with intel-virtual-output, and then some update (kernel version?) made it less stable.
<irth> but here it all works with just one line of config
<manveru> :)
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<MichaelRaskin> It does work in any stable state, but switching can now fail
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ba4687c Robert Helgesson: radeontop: 2016-07-04 -> 2016-10-28...
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<eacameron> Is the cache server down?
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<LnL> amazon cloudfront? I don't think so :p
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<eacameron> server is not able to download /nix/store/pyf346nqxb5kslp11wg13xmrx1y7c1nb-icu4c-57.1-dev
<irth> I installed breeze-gtk but it does not show up in lxappearance
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<eacameron> LnL:'s working now...maybe DigitalOcean server had a blip in connectivity :O
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<manveru> well, chroot doesn't work in docker... :|
<manveru> guess i'm not root enough for it
<xwvvvvwx> when I run nox or nix-env -qaP I always get a warning:
<xwvvvvwx> warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping ‘/home/xwvvvvwx/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos’
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<xwvvvvwx> what does it mean?
<xwvvvvwx> what is .nix-defexpr?
<manveru> you have two channels called nixos
<manveru> nix-channel --list
<LnL> you have more then one nixos channel in your ~/.nix-defexpr
<xwvvvvwx> ok
<xwvvvvwx> nix-channel --list doesn't show anything
<xwvvvvwx> nix-channel --list
<manveru> with sudo?
<LnL> is there something other then channels_root in your ~/.nix-defexpr?
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<xwvvvvwx> oh yeah that sudo thing confused me before
<xwvvvvwx> sudo nix-channel --list gives:
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<manveru> hmm
<xwvvvvwx> LnL: there is a channels and a channels_root
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<LnL> where does channels point to?
<manveru> maybe you have NIX_PATH=nixos=/some/path ?
<LnL> I don't think nix-env looks at that
<manveru> only nixpkgs?
<manveru> well, only when using <somename> i guess
<xwvvvvwx> how do I check where channels points to? I can't use cat or ls on it
<xwvvvvwx> probs super noob question :D
<manveru> ls -la
<manveru> if it's a link,you might need to remove the trailing / or it'll list the things in the dir
<xwvvvvwx> channels -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/xwvvvvwx/channels
<xwvvvvwx> channels_root -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
<LnL> and you don't have any per-user channels?
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<manveru> man, with a username like that i'd have typos all day ^^;
<xwvvvvwx> haha
<xwvvvvwx> it's not acutally my username
<xwvvvvwx> just didn't want to post username into the chat
<manveru> phew
<manveru> yeah, don't give all those hackers a chance :)
<xwvvvvwx> how do I check per-user channels?
* manveru goes back to hacking fucking docker
<xwvvvvwx> :D
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<LnL> what's inside of the channels?
<LnL> alltho I would expect nix-channel --list to show something if it's not empty
<xwvvvvwx> nix-channel list definately shows nothing
<xwvvvvwx> both have: binary-caches manifest.nix nixos
<LnL> and ~/.nix-defexpr/channels is also empty?
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<LnL> ok so that's where the conflict comes from
<xwvvvvwx> no that has: binary-caches manifest.nix nixos
<xwvvvvwx> should I just remove one?
<LnL> the only explanation I can think of is that you removed ~/.nix-channels
<LnL> and that nix-channel only looks at that
<manveru> MichaelRaskin: you're definitely right, nix-serve won't work without chroot, and i can't make a chroot in docker, so... i guess i'm screwed, but i'll try to run nix-serve in a separate container and talk with that instead
<xwvvvvwx> could be: ❯ cat ~/.nix-channel
<xwvvvvwx> cat: /home/david/.nix-channel: No such file or directory
<xwvvvvwx> oh, multi-line paste doens't work so well :D
<xwvvvvwx> but yeah there is no .nix-channel
<LnL> try nix-channel --update
<LnL> that might clear out your user channels
<xwvvvvwx> nix-channel --update --> unpacking channels...
<xwvvvvwx> doesn't do anything else
<LnL> huh, is nixos still in there?
<xwvvvvwx> what do you mean?
<LnL> is it still in ~/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs now
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<xwvvvvwx> there is no ~/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs
<xwvvvvwx> only ~/.nix-defexpr/channels
<LnL> ~/.nix-defexpr/channels I mean
<xwvvvvwx> yes
<xwvvvvwx> nixos is still there
<LnL> ok...
<LnL> guess you could nix-channel --add && nix-channel --remove nixos
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<xwvvvvwx> ok!
<LnL> otherwise just remove the symlinks
<xwvvvvwx> that fixed it! :)
<xwvvvvwx> what is ~/.nix-defexpr for?
<LnL> ok pretty strange behaviour
<xwvvvvwx> thanks so much!
<xwvvvvwx> super helpful
<LnL> nix-env looks there for the channels, all the other tools use NIX_PATH
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<xwvvvvwx> ok
<xwvvvvwx> any idea how it got messed up?
<xwvvvvwx> I don't remember deleting any files... :/
<xwvvvvwx> Just so I know what to avoid in the future :)
<LnL> no idea
<xwvvvvwx> :D
<xwvvvvwx> ok
<xwvvvvwx> thanks again for the help! :)
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<LnL> no prolem
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<gchristensen> looks like adding memcache to some of these queries could help _a lot_
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<endformationage> Where is mkDerivation defined?
<gchristensen> %3D endformationage
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