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<newdan> Ralith: Thanks for the tip! I see a way in systemd to specify a /run folder but that's mounted as tmpfs, ideally the deployed code would remain after a system reboot
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<Ralith> newdan: I was thinking of systemd-tmpfiles
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<Ralith> setting a unit's RuntimeDirectory might also make sense if you need a custom unit already
<Ralith> newdan: see nixos option systemd.tmpfiles.rules
<Ralith> note "You should not use this option to create files required by systemd services"
<Ralith> so perhaps arrange a systemd unit
<Ralith> with suitable RuntimeDirectory
<newdan> Ralith: it seems like RuntimeDirectory is intended for things that only need to exist while the service is running (I'm guessing stuff like pidfiles). I'm not a FS expert by any stretch but I get the feelilng it isn't where I want to put my app code
<Ralith> newdan: another thing I've seen a lot is idempotent setup scripts stuffed into ExecStartPre
<Fare> when I raco pkg install sha, I get raco setup: docs failure: query-exec: unable to open the database file
<Fare> 200 -rw-r--r-- 1 fare users 204800 1月 7 19:18 /home/fare/.racket/6.7/doc/docindex.sqlite
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<jaym> i'm having a slight issue with the rust nightly from master
<jaym> [nix-shell:~/workspace/indexes]$ file /nix/store/9bvqwq8p29rjcx9sqlfyf48i8gfjrjf5-rustc-nightly-2016-12-29/bin/rustdoc
<jaym> /nix/store/9bvqwq8p29rjcx9sqlfyf48i8gfjrjf5-rustc-nightly-2016-12-29/bin/rustdoc: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
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<jaym> the interpreter is incorrect
<jaym> not sure why/where rustc gets the correct one set
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<jaym> nvm
<jaym> see it
<nekroze> Is it at all possible to map over machines in a nixops deployment to define an interface on each machine and give each of them a unique ip?
<nhooyr> is there a maintained python2nix?
<jaym> pypi2nix is what i've used in the past
<garbas> nhooyr: if you hit any issues, please let me know. i can only fix things that i know break :)
<nhooyr> ok thanks
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<nhooyr> garbas: I generated the files, how can I install this package now?
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<nhooyr> ok thanks
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<jaym> i started writing this a few months ago, not sure if it'll be on any help
<jaym> it uses nixops and pypi2nix
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jaym opened pull request #21746: Run patchelf rustdoc (master...rustdoc-nightly-bin) https://git.io/vMCKb
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<pikajude> wow, building stuff with nix is VERY difficult when fetchurl doesn't work anymore
<simpson> pikajude: Yikes, that doesn't sound good.
<pikajude> indeed
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<pikajude> i wish i could do it manually
<pikajude> why does nix-store --add give me a different hash than fetchurl would have?
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe you need --flat
<MichaelRaskin> Does nix-prefetch-url on file:/// urls work?
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<pikajude> no
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] volth opened pull request #21747: xfce.mousepad: use keyfile instead of gconf (master...define-MOUSEPAD_SETTINGS_KEYFILE_BACKEND) https://git.io/vMCX5
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<mrkgnao> how do I make the X server create a log?
<mrkgnao> /var/log/X{org}.0.log doesn't exist
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<hodapp> foiled again, my old NixOS installation on a Raspberry Pi doesn't want to be used as a print server because ImageMagick is not supported(?)
<hodapp> but it's an install I did early on in 2016 and I don't remember it working amazingly there
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<mrkgnao> does anyone know how to make emacs not have non-jagged fonts? I run into this every time I do a new install of any Linux, solve it, and then proceed to forget about it
<mrkgnao> there's some Xresources trick
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<hodapp> huh, I have Emacs on both my NixOS boxes and fonts aren't jagged
<hodapp> it's possible something in my configuration gets it that way, I don't know
<hodapp> (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 100) - maybe?
<hodapp> that's the only thing I see so far in my configuration that would influence fonts
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<ToxicFrog> Has anyone gotten FUSE mountpoints working with systemd.mounts in NixOS here?
<ToxicFrog> Because when I try it with sshfs, I get: "/bin/sh: sshfs: command not found"
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<simpson> ToxicFrog: I think that you have to get sshfs into the closure of the unit somehow.
<ToxicFrog> And stracing it shows that it exec()s mount.fuse, which in turn exec()s /bin/sh -c sshfs ...
<simpson> TBH I couldn't figure this out last time I tried either.
<ToxicFrog> And that looks for /no-such-path/sshfs and (obs) fails
<ToxicFrog> Which implies that PATH isn't properly getting passed to the subshell for some reason, even with Environment=PATH=... in the unit file.
<aszlig> does anybody have any ideas about this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21403#issuecomment-271128320
<ToxicFrog> simpson: well that's disappointing :/
<ToxicFrog> I'm not convinced that getting sshfs into the unit closure would help, the fact that it's looking in /no-such-path implies that $PATH isn't set at all
<ToxicFrog> (and for the record, yes, sshfs is in systemPackages and running it manually works just fine)
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<ToxicFrog> Hmmmm
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<ToxicFrog> So if I run the same `mount` command that systemd runs by hand, PATH gets passed to mount(8) just fine
<ToxicFrog> But when it forks and calls mount.fuse(8), PATH doesn't get propagated.
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<ToxicFrog> Hah. mount(8) is specifically coded not to permit PATH to propagate to its children.
<ToxicFrog> Presumably because otherwise you could do something like: PATH=/home/blackhat/bin:$PATH mount -t fuse.evil ...
<ToxicFrog> And have /home/blackhat/bin/mount.fuse.evil execute as root.
<ToxicFrog> So any FUSE module depends on /bin/sh having a sensible default path compiled in, which in Nix it really doesn't.
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<ToxicFrog> Filed a bug.
<ToxicFrog> It seems like this would be easily fixed by compiling a sensible default path into bash, so I'm going to try that now.
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<hodapp> systemd.mounts? I need to read about this
<mrkgnao> hodapp: I figured it out, apparently you need hintfull in Xresources instead of hintslight like Arch+infinality requires
<hodapp> huh
* mrkgnao feels a thorn leave his side as the world looks beautiful again.
<mrkgnao> although it's great how nixos has excellent font rendering by default
<mrkgnao> except for this weird thing ... iosevka bold/heavy weights seem to be missing the 't' glyph somehow and falling back on some shitty unhinted font
<mrkgnao> this is the weirdest font rendering bug I've seen, ever
<hodapp> weird
<mrkgnao> can I force a build from source?
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<ToxicFrog> Ok, that didn't work out so well
<ToxicFrog> Apparently modifying bash makes it want to rebuild the entire system
<ToxicFrog> from source
<ToxicFrog> hodapp: systemd.mounts autogenerates systemd mount units, which are basically eqv to fstab entries except they have more tuning knobs and automatically depend on parent mount points and the like
<ToxicFrog> systemd.automounts generates systemd automount units, which let you automatically activate mount units when the mountpoint is accessed and automatically unmount them after some amount of time idle
<ToxicFrog> Before installing Nix on this system, I had automount units for my sshfs mounts, so they'd automatically mount when accessed and then umount when idle.
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<aszlig> ToxicFrog: the problem shouldn't be in mount(8) itself
<aszlig> ToxicFrog: the problem is with mount.sshfs, which should use the absolute store path of "sshfs" instead of relying on PATH
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<hodapp> ToxicFrog: any good docs on this?
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<pie_> how can i update my system? i seem to be stuck on some old stuff for some reason, for example i still appear to be running firefox 47
<pie_> ive run nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
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<pie_> i have a 16.03 channel in my channel list for some reason
<pie_> i see the latest is 16.09
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<pie_> nix-env uses a rediculous amount of ram btw
<mrkgnao> ansible2 can't find python2 :(
<mrkgnao> nix-shell -p ansible works, but not ansible2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sifmelcara opened pull request #21749: crystal: 0.20.3 -> 0.20.4 (master...update/crystal) https://git.io/vMCSy
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley closed pull request #20847: ignition: init messages, tools, and transport2 (master...ignition) https://git.io/v1naQ
<mrkgnao> for now, I'm just setting ansible_python_interpreter to $(which python) in /etc/ansible/hosts
<mrkgnao> but this is obviously suboptimal, what's wrong with the path rewriting? o.O
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<srhb> mrkgnao: Which version of nixpkgs?
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<pie_> help :C
<pie_> collision between ‘/nix/store/qblj6pk8067czq8ya6bfllfvy0mndqjh-python3-3.5.2/bin/2to3’ and ‘/nix/store/7zqg0icnd3ymbzpgwsh4qdv064ccgwc4-python-2.7.13/bin/2to3’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages
<pie_> i dont want to try shoving a square in a triangular hole
<pie_> this is me updating with nix-env -u
<srhb> pie_: Why do you need to have that package installed at all?
<srhb> pie_: In your user environment, that is.
<pie_> i install everything in my user environment :C
<pie_> i am the stereotypical bad user
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<srhb> pie_: That invariably leads to this situation, I'm afraid.
<pie_> maybe i dont need it
<pie_> i guess i could just try installing it again later
<srhb> Using development environments (nix-shell) will save you a lot of pain.
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<srhb> But yeah, you can just get rid of it for no.
<srhb> now*
<pie_> yeah i need to figure that out at one point
<pie_> ok how to i get rid of it
<srhb> nix-env -e packagename
<srhb> You can see what it's called with nix-env -q
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<pie_> ok i think removing python 2 worked thanks
<pie_> err too early :)
<pie_> uh...
<pie_> collision between ‘/nix/store/dci0fxi2i302agir9b1n8lq532q978q7-binutils-2.27/bin/addr2line’ and ‘/nix/store/4kkdfxqghb7ax6hfsmkfhz97zfwhwcp4-binutils-2.27-dev/bin/addr2line’; use ‘nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER PKGNAME’ to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages
<srhb> pie_: I think maybe you should paste your user env. It looks fishy.
<pie_> i only have a binutils 2.26 in -q
<pie_> well i just swapped out my 16.03 channel to 16.09 if that sounds like it would break something
<srhb> pie_: You also have it installed globally, presumably.
<srhb> pie_: If you upgraded your system as well, that should be fine. Well, really, either should be fine.
<pie_> well its probably that i tried to install gcc in my env at some point because i couldnt figure out an easy way to use it or somethign :P
<srhb> pie_: Do you need it? The easy solution out of all this is to delete, delete, delete. :)
<pie_> yup
<pie_> worst case i just offload the problem to later :PPP
<srhb> Indeed.
<srhb> Where perhaps you'll be motivated to do The Right Thing. ;-)
<pie_> oh im motivated xD i just have other things to do before getting around to learning nix :c
<srhb> Yeah.. :)
<srhb> Well don't sweat it, you'll rarely break something.
<pie_> thanks looks like upgrading my packages finished \o/
<pie_> yeah nix is nice like that :P
<srhb> Indeed.
<pie_> i just get to feel dirtier and dirtier heh
<pie_> ok firefox is now up to date
<pie_> TIL i thought i was updating my stuff but apparently i wasnt...
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<pie_> is this because i installed stuff to my environment?
<pie_> or do i always need to run nix-env -u to update
<pie_> (i thought nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade did it)
<srhb> pie_: nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade updates the global channel and builds the new, upgraded system
<srhb> nix-env -u updates your user environment to the current channel
<pie_> right.
<pie_> ok thanks
<srhb> If you have different channels for your user and system, you'll need to upgrade your user channel as well
<srhb> ie. nix-channel --update
<pie_> ok
<pie_> i see
<srhb> When using channels you might want to NOT have a user channel at all.
<srhb> It avoids some confusion, and the system channel will just be used.
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<pie_> on an unrelated note, any comments on nixops vs cfengine?
<pie_> or disnix or what is it
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<pie_> also why is it that nix-env can consume rediculous amounts of memory?
<pie_> not much of a point to having a "lightweight" e
<pie_> xecutable if it does that..
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<srhb> pie_: The only thing similar to nixops I've ever used is ansible.
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<srhb> pie_: And it sucks so much I can't even express it in words.
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<pie_> heh
<pie_> noted.
<pie_> i wish my room was stateless
<pie_> people keep moving my stuff around and i just remembered i have a todolist i need to look at....if i could find it
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<siarheit_> withothers' help i've got basic idea of overriding CFLAGS for a single package: http://dpaste.com/24B5Z74.txt . Is there an easy way to do it for all installed or to be installed packages?
<siarheit_> it's also not clear if i can do this change only for a specified package + it's build-time depends
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<rly> How do I make my media keys (Fn + F3) work to increase the sound volume with Plasma 5?
<rly> In KDE4 this all worked out of the box.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] the-kenny pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMC5r
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3dc8b5d Jay Mundrawala: rustUnstableBin.rustc: Run patchelf on bin/rustdoc (#21746)...
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<rly> OK, so plasma-pa is just a piece of shit.
<rly> If you want working media keys, install kde4.kmix.
<rly> #whyevenshipit
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<MichaelRaskin> pie_: nix-env -i consumes a ton of memory because it evaluates all the package names in nixpkgs, nix-env -iA takes attribute paths and consumes less memory
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<pie_> MichaelRaskin, nix-env -u was also using like 40% of my ram (i specifically closed stuff so that it would have enough)
<rly> MichaelRaskin: nix-env -i could be working more intelligently.
<pie_> so thats like 1.5 gigs of ram or somethign
<pie_> i mean what if someone tried to use nixos on a less powerful machine?
<rly> MichaelRaskin: there is no heuristic now that an attribute name could be related to the name attribute.
<pie_> with like only a gig of ram or something
<MichaelRaskin> pie_: NixOS without nix-env would be fine…
<rly> pie_: the idea is that closures are copied there, AFAIK.
<MichaelRaskin> Although a gig may be not enough to resolve a complicated config, I don't remember
<pie_> re: i was easily using over a gig ;_;
<rly> pie_: are we talking about a desktop system?
<pie_> rly, i guess yeah, but for the sake of argument we could also say no?
<MichaelRaskin> nix-copy-closure from outside and manual start of the activation script would work fine
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<rly> pie_: for enterprise deployments you can also just use container technologies.
<rly> pie_: playing around with NixOS on your Pi is a bit for the more expert users/hobbyists.
<MichaelRaskin> With Pi, instantiate on desktop, then copy the derivations
<pie_> i mean it just doesnt sound very nice for a linux os to require over a gig of ram at minimum :P
<rly> pie_: I run Nix based systems with << 1GB of memory.
<rly> pie_: Nix is a configuration management tool. The output of which does not have to be a traditional Linux system.
<rly> pie_: e.g. Sony could build it to build a PS4 system.
<rly> pie_: a hardware company could even use it to build the final chip design.
<rly> pie_: support for these things is close to zero (probably you would have to hire someone to pull it off), but in principle that's possible.
<pie_> well sure but its still used for linux
<rly> pie_: I target Docker for example.
<pie_> *most of the time
<rly> pie_: my laptop has 16GB of RAM.
<pie_> good for you lol
<rly> pie_: that has been like that for 3 years now, or so.
<pie_> mine maxes out at 4 :/ i was hoping i could get some upgrades but not supported
<rly> pie_: I receently wished for 32GB.
<rly> pie_: but I will probably fill in that usecase by building some infrastructure.
<rly> pie_: NixOS also requires a SSD, IMHO.
<pie_> i was using it fine without one
<rly> The software isn't really optimized like PhotoShop is.
<rly> pie_: I have more needs than most users, as you can imagine.
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<rly> pie_: I also use it on a machine without an SSD, but the waiting time annoys me.
<simpson> rly: NixOS works fine without an SSD.
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<pie_> well in that case its not fair to expect most users to have huge amounts of resources just because you do :P
<rly> simpson: creating 20000 symlinks takes 10 seconds or so.
<rly> simpson: on my current system I create 40K symlinks.
<simpson> rly: Oh, I remember this conversation. Yeah, I dunno why you run into weird problems. I suspect that your setup is quirky somehow.
<rly> simpson: it's not the setup; it's the scalability which is absent.
<rly> simpson: we already discussed the required optimization to make it work on HDDs for people without patience.
<simpson> rly: Patches are still welcome.
<simpson> But, uh, I just don't have these problems on my NixOS fleet with non-SSDs.
<rly> simpson: and your fleet installs how many packages interactively?
<rly> simpson: zero?
<rly> simpson: thanks
<rly> simpson: on your work station, I am going to guess that you do have a SSD.
<siarheit_> what filesystem you are using?
<rly> siarheit_: ext4
<simpson> rly: I have a not-quite-outdated old laptop, same as last time, and I'm administering a Hydra, same as last time.
<rly> simpson: how many symlinks do you create?
<rly> If it's 10 times less, it's not noticable obviously.
<rly> Anyway, I think it's pointless to discuss facts or to say that a particular system is quirky. A good application would even be able to detect broken hardware at run-timme.
<rly> run-tim
<rly> run-time*
<rly> A production system needs to do all these things, but I guess my definition of a production system goes a bit beyond most people's ideas of a production system.
<simpson> rly: Stop negging~
* simpson $ nixops ssh zulu 'find /nix/store -type l | wc -l'
<simpson> It could take a while since it's not on an SSD~
<rly> simpson: not agreeing with reality is just foolish; building a system free from failure (and being slow is failure too) is difficult and saying people have "quirky systems" is just plain denial.
<simpson> rly: I'm an SRE. Do whatever it takes to make your services reliable. Just don't expect much sympathy if your attitude tends towards trash talk instead of contributing the features that you want.
<rly> simpson: it's not trash talk; it's reality telling people that their castles are actually more like small cottages.
<rly> simpson: my systems run with 100% reliability, btw.
<rly> simpson: I could show you the charts.
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<simpson> rly: In reality, there exist multiple production NixOS systems running in many different environments. I'm not sure why you feel the need to say that something that is clearly production-ready is not production-ready.
<siarheit_> must be a huge system
<simpson> rly: When you say "reliability", what kinds of SLIs are you measuring? Availability, alacrity, latency, durability, etc.?
<rly> siarheit_: the size of a system has nothing to do with reliability when properly engineered.
<siarheit_> rly, i'm an also sre :)
<rly> siarheit_: do you also design new services?
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<simpson> rly: (Just so we're clear: Most organizations cannot afford 100%. I've worked for a huge-class organization and seen 99.999% systems. I am confident that your circumstances are exceptional.)
<siarheit_> occasionally, yes
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<simpson> siarheit_: Oh cool. I started at Google; I'm currently serving at Acquia.
<siarheit_> nice :)
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<mrkgnao> how do I override rust to use the nightly?
<newbie> I suppose this is not nix-related, but is there a way to completely disable notification sound (I could live with if there is the side-effect that all notification-messages would be disabled).
<rly> newbie: in KDE?
<newbie> newbie in nix, now using fvwm as default wm.
<mrkgnao> what's your notif provider? dunst/twmn/... have config files you can tweak
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<rly> simpson: it also depends a bit on how you count your 100%. If the rest of the company's services are down, should yours still be up, even if it is useless in that context?
<newbie> So ps -e | grep notif is where I should start, ty,.
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<simpson> rly: This is why you define per-service SLAs.
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<newbie> I should goodle how to disable the ntification provider. For now i will jsut try to kil lthe process.
<newbie> *kill
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<rly> simpson: sure.
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<c74d> mrkgnao: AIUI, nightly releases (of anything) work poorly (conceptually) with the design of Nix packages, but that restriction has been hacked around for Rust: <https://github.com/solson/rust-nightly-nix>. (I've not used that packaging personally; Sonarpulse and scott would know more about it.)
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<newbie> mkgman kill -9 let me get rid of knotifty4 and xfcef-notifyd. But i can't get rid of the snotify_mark
<newbie> * fsnotify_mark. But I suppose it is not the same thing (fs).
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<newbie> Could i completely disable knotify and xfce4-notify in configuration.nix.?
<c74d> newbie: fsnotify notifies software of changes in the filesystem, and isn't user-facing (although I'm not sure fsnotify_mark is for fsnotify)
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<mrkgnao> c74d: I can't figure out how to put that in my configuration.nix
<srhb> How do you guys install spacemacs on Nix? Using git out of band from nix?
<mrkgnao> I mean, I can get it to "compile", but nix-env -qa doesn't mention the new package
<mrkgnao> srhb: that's what I'm doing for now, but I understand that there is a not-very-high-priority to get spacemacs to work better with Nix
<mrkgnao> s/ty/ty project/
<c74d> mrkgnao: I think it should be stuck somewhere such that it can be used with `nix-shell -p`
<srhb> mrkgnao: I just found that issue, yeah. Thanks. :)
<mrkgnao> nix-shell -p can't find rustNightly :(
<srhb> mrkgnao: What exactly are you trying and with which channel?
<c74d> mrkgnao: I don't think Sonarpulse or scott are available at this time, but its possible (albeit unlikely) that there would be someone available to help you in #rust-offtopic on irc.mozilla.org:6697
<newbie> mrkgnao Just a guess from a newbie, but what if If you put it in pks in configuration.nix, it should be enabled for all ussers.?
<mrkgnao> about this rust thing?
<srhb> mrkgnao: Yes.
<mrkgnao> c74d: I think this is more a general nix question about package overrides though
<srhb> mrkgnao: Because my nix-shell has no problem finding it, but you're not giving us enough to go on.
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<srhb> mrkgnao: For instance, this works with a checkout of nixos-unstable: nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/home/sarah/src/nixpkgs -p rustNightly.cargo
<srhb> So I'm wondering what you're doing, which channel you're using, etc.
<mrkgnao> Um. I put the default.nix from the repo in /etc/nixos/rust-nightly.nix, and then put rustNightly = pkgs.callPackage ./rust.nix {}; in nixos.pkgs.packageOverrides in configuration.nix
<mrkgnao> which does nothing, but also doesn't cause a rebuild to fail
<mrkgnao> I'm on 16.09, I believe
<srhb> mrkgnao: What repo?
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<Yaniel> rustNightly is not a package AFAIK
<mrkgnao> but I realised that I can use my local checkout of unstable as you showed, srhb
<srhb> You'd probably want that in your config.nix, not configuration.nix
<srhb> If you use the method from that repo, I mean.
<mrkgnao> how are you doing it?
<srhb> mrkgnao: Otherwise it would be nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = ...
<srhb> I'm not.
<mrkgnao> I mean, I tried pointing nix-shell at my local nixpkgs checkout and it can't find rustNightly
<srhb> mrkgnao: What command are you using, what branch is checked out at which version, and what's the error?
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<mrkgnao> I have a local checkout of nixpkgs master from GitHub
<srhb> mrkgnao: And which nix-shell command are you trying? And what's the error?
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<mrkgnao> undefined variable 'rustNightly' at <location>
<mrkgnao> I did nix-shell -I . -p rustNightly.cargo
<srhb> mrkgnao: Did you mean -I nixpkgs=.
<srhb> (This is why you give the full command you tried) :-)
* mrkgnao thinks he has learned a lesson, but this isn't the first time
<srhb> ;-)
<MichaelRaskin> -I .. could also work, I guess
<srhb> Yeah
<MichaelRaskin> if . is called nixpkgs
<mrkgnao> in my defense, -I means something like "search path" to my brain because of xrdb
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<srhb> mrkgnao: That's not wrong, indeed, it searches for nixpkgs in that path
<srhb> mrkgnao: But you're already in it.
<srhb> mrkgnao: (Which is why -I .. would work)
<srhb> Assuming it's actually named nixpkgs :)
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<mrkgnao> with an implied nixpkgs=nixpkgs
<mrkgnao> Yeah.
<srhb> Right. :)
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<FRidh> Does Nix do any scheduling regarding amount of concurrent jobs and how the cores are divided? I'm aware of --max-jobs and --cores. Can it lower the amount of concurrent jobs when a certain job has enableParallelBuilding set to true?
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<lukego> Hoi! is there any HOWTO for installing NixOS on a Chromebook?
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<mrkgnao> lukego: I'm running it on one now ... if you have any other Linux installed already then it's no different from installing on any laptop
<mrkgnao> although I think going from Chrome OS to a Linux requires a bit of fiddling
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] knedlsepp opened pull request #21750: grib-api: 1.14.4 -> 1.19.0 (master...fix-grib-problems) https://git.io/vMCNy
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<gchristensen> good morning #NixOS
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<FRidh> good afternoon
<gchristensen> :)
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<vozz> Does anyone know how rust packaging works in nix? I'm trying to build something using nightly rust rather than stable rust, and can't figure it out. Here is an example of a package built with stable rust: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/altcoins/ethabi.nix and here is the top level stuff for rust: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L5320
<FRidh> It's working, simulations and analyses in Nix :) It does import from derivations several time and required some work-arounds like using writeTextFile instead of toFile (which was really confusing).
<gchristensen> oh wow, FRidh! that is amazing!
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<gchristensen> FRidh: is it easy to setup new experiments?
<FRidh> gchristensen: Much easier now. I have one json config file where I describe my test config, and another file with specific settigns for the simulations
<FRidh> with the first it samples some of the measurement data and then runs simulations based on that
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<gchristensen> vozz: I _think_ you could do it with `with (pkgs.makeRustPlatform pkgs.rustNightly);` instead of `with pkgs.rustPlatform;`.
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<FRidh> Now I don't have to care anymore about where I put temporary files and such.
<gchristensen> that is fantatsic
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<gchristensen> I tried for weeks to package https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi and use it with nix, but it is done with thousands of bash scripts
<gchristensen> and the expected use is you put exit 0 in the middle and when the first half runs okay you comment it out and remove the exit 0
<FRidh> do you mean the packaging needs to consider these bash scripts, or when you actually want to use it you need these scripts?
<FRidh> ohh yes, I see the tools folder now
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<mrkgnao> FRidh: do you do something akin to scientific computing or data science?
<mrkgnao> sorry, I'm just curious
<gchristensen> FRidh: https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/tree/master/egs/librispeech/s5 and if you look in through here, basically the whole directory tree is shell scripts calling shell scripts
<FRidh> mrkgnao: I simulate audible aircraft sound based on sound recordings of aircraft and other data.
<mrkgnao> oh.
<mrkgnao> wow.
<mrkgnao> that is amazing.
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<mrkgnao> so, wait. does that mean something along the lines of converting images of aircraft to sound based on predicted make, distance from the POV, weather, etc?
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<FRidh> mrkgnao: No, what I do is I have recordings of aircraft sound, I 'backpropagate' the sound to nearby the aircraft, as if you're flying along with the aircraft. Then I analyze its spectral content and such and store That. Then I simulate the emission, combine it with other models, and propagate the sound to the receiver, e.g. you walking outside
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<mrkgnao> so you predict the position from the sound based on something like an NN trained from recordings?
<FRidh> Along with sound recordings we have also the position of aircraft based on several sources, including some 'cockpit' data.
<vozz> gchristensen: Hmm that gives me `cannot coerce a set to a string`
<mrkgnao> interesting. I'm assuming there are applications that people care about? (not sure if that came out right)
<gchristensen> vozz: :/ I don't know, then
<vozz> okay, thanks anyway :P
<gchristensen> mrkgnao: perhaps a better way to ask that is "what is the application of this research?" :P
<FRidh> mrkgnao: haha, yes, its not entirely just to keep me off the street. The reason we're looking at this is to study the impact of aircraft sound/noise on humans, e.g. sleep disturbance, annoyance, and so on.
<gchristensen> vozz: no, that should work, can yo paste your code / error?
<vozz> error: cannot coerce a function to a string, at /home/ollie/nixpkgs/alacritty/default.nix:7:3
<gchristensen> vozz: I'm trying to build :)
<gchristensen> I have to download a lot of stuff though for rustnightly
<vozz> cool, thank you for the help :)
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<FRidh> gchristensen: that egs directory contains examples. Is it is a problem if those aren't right away usable? Although I suppose using such shell scripts is the recommended way to use kaldi
<gchristensen> exactly
<gchristensen> vozz: hrm. are you on 16.09? unstable? nixos or nixpkgs?
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<vozz> gchristensen: I'm on nixos unstable
<gchristensen> ok
<vozz> perhaps I've not been updating properly
<gchristensen> just asking
<gchristensen> how are you updating?
<vozz> nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade
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<gchristensen> that should do
<gchristensen> brr... -14C here
<vozz> wow, where you at?
<pie_> gchristensen, well i know what you shouldnt
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<pie_> dont freeze,we will be sad :C
<pie_> vozz, some dude was talking about how its -30C, how does that even exist
<vozz> didnt know antartica had internet connection
<ToxicFrog> pie_: -30 with another 10-15 degrees of windchill is pretty typical midwinter weather here
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<ToxicFrog> Right now it's a comparatively toasty -12
* pie_ flails in horror
<FRidh> gchristensen: where are you situated?
<pie_> ToxicFrog, you people live in space
<pie_> well at least space doesnt have windchill
<vozz> cant help but wonder what your heating bills are like
<pie_> well id hope they just have good insulation
<gchristensen> vozz, FRidh: western Massachusetts, USA :) now I have to take the dog out, so, wish me luck.
<vozz> you're closer to the equator than me, climate is a weird thing
<MichaelRaskin> vozz: you may be closer to a large water mass, though
<ToxicFrog> vozz: not as bad as you might think, between good insulation and gas heating
<MichaelRaskin> Although not by that much, I guess
<ToxicFrog> Of course, it can get up to +40° in the summer, so we also get slammed with AC bills
<ToxicFrog> "temperate climate" my ass
<clever> living room: 17.56c(63.61f), outdoor: -12.25c(9.95f), server: 21.38c(70.47f)
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<ToxicFrog> Yeah, that sounds pretty similar to what it is here
<ToxicFrog> (and on a day-to-day basis the temperature can easily swing 20° in either direction)
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<MichaelRaskin> Sounds quite continental.
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<MoreTea> hi :)
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<vozz> hey MoreTea :)
<MoreTea> I'm trying to make httpd listen ONLY to port 82.
<MoreTea> No luck so far
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMCpw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9653be4 Michael Raskin: firejail: ->
<MoreTea> (context: I want to run tinytinyrss over ssl, behind HTTP basic auth)
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<MichaelRaskin> Let me guess: you set a port list by just assigning it without mkForce?
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<MoreTea> ah, yes
<MichaelRaskin> And the merger logic concatenates all the assignments
<MoreTea> I figured that I should set `listen = { port = 82; };` in both services.httpd and services.httpd.virtualHost.xxx
<gchristensen> ToxicFrog: CA?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMCp6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 145d33c Michael Raskin: firejail: ->
<MoreTea> Maybe I should just make a PR to enable setting extra vhost options for ttrss
<ToxicFrog> gchristensen: yeah. Ontario.
<MoreTea> Might be easier than working around with these hacks, hehe
<gchristensen> :)
<clever> ToxicFrog: and i'm over in NB
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<gchristensen> vozz: I'm not going to be able to help you for basically ever, because I have to compile multiple rusts.
<gchristensen> vozz: but! it evaluates for me, so I don't know why you have an error
<vozz> That's odd... my rust compiled pretty quickly, hadn't used it before
<vozz> that is bizarre
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<vozz> what command did you use to build it?
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<gchristensen> nix-build ./alacritty.nix
<vozz> hm same :/
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: is it reasonable to tag NixOS/security-notifications if I have committed an update that will be mentioned in the roundup tomorrow?
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: in a commit?
<MichaelRaskin> In a comment
<MichaelRaskin> To the commit
<gchristensen> that would be fine, sure
<vozz> Ah I had a package override in my .nixpkgs/config.nix that was interfering...
<vozz> seems to be building now! thanks :)
<gchristensen> ah! perfect!
<gchristensen> vozz: will you contribute alacritty upstream?
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<vozz> I'm gonna try, you have to test it in a lot of ways don't you?
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<gchristensen> before contributing to nixpkgs?
<vozz> Yeah, I tried contributing something a bit ago and it got rejected, can't remember what I did wrong
<gchristensen> it is pretty easy to contribute to nixpkgs I think ...
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if you don't do any magic w.r.t. to upstream _and_ it launches fine and it is justan addition — that is actually OK
<gchristensen> vozz: tag me (@grahamc) when you send the PR
<vozz> Will do :)
<MichaelRaskin> I wonder how to build librsvg correctly — it has _some_ Rust and some Rust dependencies, but it is not majority-Rust
<gchristensen> hrm... vozz: did you misunderstand https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md to mean you need to test on all 3 platforms?
<sphalerite> Can I install adb from androidsdk without needing the huge android system images?
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<sphalerite> ah, got it. androidEnv.platformTools
<vozz> I think I was doing several python packages or something, and maybe I had to split them into several pull requests or something, i really cant remember
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<vozz> Ive contributed stuff before that, but that was ages ago and it seemed easier then :P
<MoreTea> does anyone run ttrss with the setup provided in nixpkgs? nginx + phpfpm?
<gchristensen> ahh ... yeah, we are a bit picky about having one package per commit, and preferably one package per PR
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<LnL> what... my vim setup suddenly does syntax checking for nix
<gchristensen> ~magic~!
<domenkozar> hydra-evaluator.cc: In member function 'void Evaluator::readJobsets()':
<domenkozar> hydra-evaluator.cc:64:39: error: 'Evaluator::Jobsets {aka class std::map<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >, Evaluator::Jobset>}' has no member named 'try_emplace'
<domenkozar> auto res = state->jobsets.try_emplace(name, Jobset{name});
<domenkozar> anyone seen this?
<domenkozar> latests hydra + nixpkgs master
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMChM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 3a3b026 Vladimír Čunát: subsurface: disable parallel make, as it fails on Hydra...
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: I can try reproducing if you'd like.
<domenkozar> nah, need to figure out what's missing
<gchristensen> ok
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<gchristensen> there is a very good docs PR to hydra, btw, and it would be a shame to allow it to languish
<domenkozar> gchristensen: facepalm
<gchristensen> hah! oh man
<domenkozar> shoot me :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMCjW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 81c51b1 Vladimír Čunát: clamav: fixup build after updating zlib
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMCj8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 309c63c Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'master' into staging
<gchristensen> thank you for the cc, MichaelRaskin!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMCjw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging abcd344 Vladimír Čunát: perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib: try without testing for now...
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<siarheit_> typo'd "nix-env -i" in tty. that was fun :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMCjp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8940c68 Domen Kožar: hydra: 2016-04-15 -> 2016-12-09...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #19396: [WIP] Hydra: 2016-04-15 -> 2016-10-09 (master...hydraBump) https://git.io/vPB2M
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<gchristensen> vozz: I have almost finished building rust-beta which is a requisite step before building rust-nightly ;)
<vozz> gchristensen: I'm still building as well :)
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<domenkozar> mguentner: see commit above
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<mguentner> domenkozar: very nice. thank you
<gchristensen> does volth's github avatar hurt anyone else's brain?
<FRidh> yep it does
<domenkozar> for me avatars dont load on github
<gchristensen> well if you want to hurt your brain: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/508305?v=3&s=512
<domenkozar> nice
<domenkozar> feels like coding perl
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I dunno, I am a Nix user, I spend 1 GiB of HDD space to counter this case of 1-point Sanity damage
<gchristensen> I have a hard time reviewing their issues / PRs because of it
<gchristensen> haha
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21749: crystal: 0.20.3 -> 0.20.4 (master...update/crystal) https://git.io/vMCSy
<LnL> why does not bot not say merged anymore?
<gchristensen> don't know, much less positive this way.
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: I would offer you to punt such PRs to me, but some of them are full-NixOS-related
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I could just block the one URL ...
<gchristensen> or cover that part of the screen :)
<MichaelRaskin> Hm, I actually use Squid URL rewriting, although not for GitHub avatars
<MichaelRaskin> If you want any assistance setting that up…
<gchristensen> domenkozar: can you restart all-failed on 16.09?
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<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: also, if NixPkgs were on GitLab, on some zoom level tha avatars are hidden because of mobile-optimized CSS kicking in
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: interesting! I'll think about that squid option
<gchristensen> interesting denial of service attack though
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<MichaelRaskin> Survival of the fittest.
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<MichaelRaskin> You just don't have enough tolerance towards those unlike yourself!
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<gchristensen> ;)
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<hodapp> gah. I tried to enable Avahi on my laptop last night, and then my desktop. Both times, nixos-rebuild switch complained that it couldn't start avahi.
<hodapp> trying to find the exact error; I tried restarting dbus after one page recommended that, which just killed my entire X server, so I lost whatever I had up
<hodapp> ahh, known issue I see
<hodapp> also, for the record, an original Pi is a crappy print server for an inkjet o_O
<hodapp> its CPU is on fire for a minute or more just to print a single page
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMWvH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 50ec3fe volth: test-driver: support punctuation in sendChars
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21697: test-driver: support punctuation in sendChars (master...test-driver-sendchars) https://git.io/vMZCV
<MichaelRaskin> I have a theory that there is softfloat-compiled software somewhere in the path
<MichaelRaskin> (I have tried to use Cubieboard as a printserver and got weird delays)
<hodapp> huh
<hodapp> yeah, this was running so slow that I tried to use the Pentium III laptop that I had put NixOS on
<hodapp> but for whatever reason it wouldn't even use the USB WiFi dongle I plugged in
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<exi> can someone explain me the difference in evaluation between nix-shell -A and nix-shell -p?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sh01 opened pull request #21752: ed: Add fedoraproject mirror. (master...ed_mirror) https://git.io/vMWvF
<exi> i have a situation where nix-shell -p <mypkg> tries do compile 3 package and nix-shell -A <mypkg> tries to compile 5 packages
<exi> why does -A result in more dependencies being build for the same nix expression?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, -p wants runtime dependencies, -A wants compile-time ones
<exi> in my case, one of the dependencies that -A wants to build is already in my nix store
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sh01 opened pull request #21753: zlib: Fix zlib.net URL. (master...zlib_url_fix) https://git.io/vMWvx
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<m3tti> hi there
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<m3tti> can anyone tell me how i could build a bitlbee third party plugin ?
<m3tti> i wan't to get this plugin working on my nix https://github.com/sm00th/bitlbee-discord
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I'm hopefully open sourcing some test tooling that I built for some work projects using nix / make-test.nix, which does, I think, very interesting things :)
<exi> MichaelRaskin: http://pastebin.com/pQYVwKGm
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<gchristensen> similar to your snabb work, demonstrating business cases for nix
<exi> nix-shell -A rustNightly.cargo pulls in rustc-nightly and rustc-beta
<zarel> hi folks
<exi> cannot figure out why because i already have rustc-nightly in my store
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe a different hash?
<exi> and it seems absurd that i have to compile 2 versions of rustc just to have cargo work
<gchristensen> exi: building rustc-nightly requires rustc-beta, and rustc-nightly will need to rebuild if anything else in its dependencies has been rebuilt
<exi> gchristensen: but i did not change anything (yet) and build rustc-nightly already
<MichaelRaskin> -A sets up an environment to _build_ cargo, not to use it
<gchristensen> exi: did you update nixpkgs?
<exi> not since starting this
<hodapp> oh dear, this poor Raspberry Pi is going to catch on fire before it finishes printing this page
<gchristensen> hodapp: that is funny! :D
<exi> and nix-shell -p rustNightly.rustc does not rebuild anything
<hodapp> I could have driven to Staples in this time and used their printers
<MichaelRaskin> Thermoprinting gets a new meaning
<gchristensen> well, MichaelRaskin has clearly explained the difference, exi
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<hodapp> maaaaaybe I should just find a shitbox someplace and put NixOS on that instead
<exi> gchristensen: yes, that helped. i'm still not sure why it pulls in rustc-beta because afaik rustNightly.cargo depends on rustNightly.rustc which is already built
<exi> is there any way to get debug output that tells my why a particular dependency got pulled in?
<MichaelRaskin> You could nix-instantiate, and then nix-store -q --graph
<exi> MichaelRaskin: i'll try this
<MichaelRaskin> --graph is in graphviz/dot format
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<MichaelRaskin> dot would be able to convert it to a reasonable svg
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<exi> on it, just takes a while to layout
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, large graphs + dot = large waits
<MichaelRaskin> And then large svg + browser = another wait
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<exi> ok, according to the graph, rustNightly.cargo has a direct edge to rustc-beta
<exi> i would like to know which part of the expression pulls that in
<exi> ah, sorry
<exi> i was wrong
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<exi> cargo-night-<hash>-fetch.drv depends on rustc-beta
<exi> that seems like an error in the expression, that should also depend on rustc-nightly
<exi> to not pull in both
<MichaelRaskin> Well, drvs are actually reasonably readable
<MichaelRaskin> You could open the drv and try figuring out where it mentions -beta
<exi> i'll see if i can change this to use the right rustc version
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<exi> MichaelRaskin: graphing helped a lot already, thank you
<exi> i'll report back if i get stuck again
<MichaelRaskin> indent on drv's also sometimes gives something useful
<MichaelRaskin> We-ell
<gchristensen> I've never looked at a drv very close... neat
<MichaelRaskin> rustNightly needs a full rustPlatform, so it uses beta platform, and cargo gets built with beta platform and cargo-fetch as a part of it
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: there are multiple reasons why I hope removal of drvs doesn't takke off
<MichaelRaskin> They are just incredibly convenient for tracing and debugging issues
<gchristensen> oh is that a goal?
<gchristensen> of someone?
<MichaelRaskin> Well, writing a lot of drvs to disk does take time
<gchristensen> yeah
<MichaelRaskin> (writing the build ouputs takes more, of course)
<gchristensen> practically speaking, what is the % of time writing drvs vs. ... I dunno, nix not being really optimized? or like ... compiling?
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<MichaelRaskin> In GSoC thread someone said something about describing the drv removal in a GSoC-fitting way
<exi> MichaelRaskin: yes, but if cargo-nightly already depends on rustc-nightly, why not use rustc-nightly for the fetch instread of the beta?
<exi> in my case, thats just annoying because i already have rustc-nightly build and just because of the cargo-nightly-fetch it now wants to build rustc-beta as well which takes hours
<MichaelRaskin> cargo uses rust, but then it wants cargo-fetch, which it gets from the platform, as far as I get it
<MichaelRaskin> It's the same problem as «I want gcc to use my glibc and glibc be built with my gcc», but with cargo nightly it doesn't get the same amount of workaround-building efforts
<exi> MichaelRaskin: is not cargo build on top of rust/with rustc?
<exi> i don't need cargo for rustc to work
<MichaelRaskin> Yes, but it is a library with dependencies
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<exi> seems weird to use 2 different sets of compilers for stuff that is already build on top of a compiler
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<MichaelRaskin> I think cargo from beta has the same relationship with cargo-fetch from stable
<exi> then how do we get carg-stable-fetch to work? it has to depend on rustc-stable in that case?
<exi> cargo-stable-fetch*
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<MichaelRaskin> I think there is some bootstrapping effort spent on the bottom level that noone wnts to spent on higher levels
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<exi> uaahh
<gchristensen> yes
<exi> cargo-fetch depends on cargo
<exi> wut
<gchristensen> to be frank, nobody wants to spend that effort at the bottom level either, but ...
<exi> what is this black magic^^
<MichaelRaskin> Because it is a library with dependencies and it is easy to fetch dependencies using cargo!
<gchristensen> also -- this will likely improve as more things move to rust
<gchristensen> exi: this is what happens when you need cargo + rust to build cargo + rust
<MichaelRaskin> I warned you with a case of glibc and gcc but you wanted to go deeper, now pay the price.
<MichaelRaskin> As usual, 1 GiB of disk space per sanity point is acceptable
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: so far things get more complicated as something moves to Rust, as now there are mixed-packages not fully fitting buildRustPackage
<gchristensen> yeah, I saw that with libsrvg
<gchristensen> rsvg? whichever
<MichaelRaskin> librsvg
<gchristensen> we'll have to figure something out
<MichaelRaskin> How do I just build a package out of rustPlatform
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<MichaelRaskin> Not buildRustPackage, build something as if it were a dependency of a buildRustPackage expression?
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<MichaelRaskin> exi: it's turtles all the way down, actually: stable cargo depends on bootstrap rustPlatform
<MichaelRaskin> And bootstrap is just a binary release
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<vozz> gchristensen: something finally happened in my build: make: target/snapshot/bin/cargo: Command not found
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<exi> MichaelRaskin: could we not just let rustNightly use the rustStable rustPlatforM?
<exi> at least we have binary packages for this
<gchristensen> vozz: just checking, I got: "curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host 'static.rust-lang.org'" :|
<vozz> nice
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<MichaelRaskin> Maybe the failure is inside sandbox?
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<gchristensen> mine is due to that for sure
<MichaelRaskin> exi: may be that stable platform os too old.
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<exi> i'll try to build it like this
<exi> i started this yak shaving spree because rustNightly.cargo does not build...
<gchristensen> vozz: ^ :|
<exi> maybe after this i can confirm that rustStable works as rustPlatform base and send a PR to fix the carbo build errors
<exi> cargo*
<exi> or not, depending on how it works out
<vozz> oh joy :(
<MichaelRaskin> We should choose an official yak-like sound for such occasions.
<MichaelRaskin> Rn, maybe
<exi> ok, to be honest, i started this yak shaving spree because i wanted to package this: https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty which required rust nightly :D
<vozz> exi: me too!
<exi> ohi! :D
<gchristensen> I love that you two are packaging that
<gchristensen> because I want to try it :)
<vozz> i like that someone else is packaging it because i'm really stuck now :)
<exi> on a tanget: why does hydra not build rust nightly for me? :P
<exi> tangent*
<MichaelRaskin> Maybe it also failed?
<exi> could not find it in any jobset but maybe i overlooked it
<MichaelRaskin> Or maybe there is no recurseIntoAttrs at the correct place
<exi> would it be acceptable to make alacritty depend on rustNightlyBin ?
<exi> so i don't have to shake the cargo yak
<exi> shave*
<MichaelRaskin> It's defeatism, but maybe it's OK in this case. The yak stands a bit shaken.
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<exi> on the lowest level we depend on rust binary releases anyway for bootstrapping
<exi> why build it at all? :D
<exi> maybe just because it's winter and i need some heating in my apartment:)
<gchristensen> well you could, but that probably wouldn't be merged to upstream
<gchristensen> (ie nixpkgs)
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<pi3r> Can someone help answering https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/5m6160/how_does_hydra_deprecate_binaries/ ? Looks like a legitimate question to me.
<gchristensen> pi3r: "How many different binaries of the same package can coexist?" I reckon the limit is the 160-bit hash of the nix store
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<gchristensen> pi3r: "Is there a timeline to remove old binaries from the servers and replace with newer?" right now, I don't think the binary cache does any pruning of old builds
<exi> $ nix-shell /home/exi/git/nixpkgs --pure -p rustNightlyBin.rustc
<exi> error: undefined variable ‘rustNightlyBin’ at (string):1:90
<exi> ok now it's just being mean
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<gchristensen> pi3r: I just checked out 6f1b2e7de2e631cddeb446736dd72771246629ef which was committed "Mon Jul 27 13:28:34 2015 -0300" and built vim, and was able to get it entirely from binary cache -- no compiling at all.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fadenb opened pull request #21754: sonarr: -> (master...sonarr_4472) https://git.io/vMWTf
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<pi3r> gchrstensen: that's impressive (and rather surprising for me)
<pi3r> gchrstensen: thanks for the search
<gchristensen> one second pi3r
<gchristensen> pi3r: the oldest vim I can get is 2015-01-20 00:23
<gchristensen> git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --before="2015-01-20 00:23" master`; nix-build . -A vim
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<exi> an idea why i can nix-build -A rustNightlyBin.rustc
<exi> but i cannot nix-shell --pure -p rustNightlyBin.rustc
<exi> first one works as expected, second one goes error: undefined variable ‘rustNightlyBin’ at (string):1:90
<pi3r> gchristensen: I have just linked the reddit question to the current IRC thread. Thx again.
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: is there a way to see if `nix-build . -p vim` would be able to get it without building at all? -j0 still fetches
<MichaelRaskin> nix-store has --dry-run
<MichaelRaskin> But I think Hydra's cache is correct
<MichaelRaskin> So you only need to check the result's availability by fetching narinfo
<MichaelRaskin> That implies that all the dependencies are there
<gchristensen> cool
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] the-kenny pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWkO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2a2e8e9 Moritz Ulrich: rustRegistry: 2016-12-28 -> 2017-01-08
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7435fef Moritz Ulrich: rustc: Disable fragile tcp tests on Darwin...
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<rmrfroot> gchristensen: do you have chromium installed and want to see something cool?
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: I have google-chrome installed, probably chromium, and would like to see something cool.
<mbrgm> hi! how do I escape double single quotes inside double single quotes?
<polyrod> mbrgm, '''
<mbrgm> polyrod: th
<mbrgm> polyrod: thx*
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<gchristensen> rmrfroot: you have me at the edge of my seat in excitement!
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: nice! i have been putting together that API spec i was talking about earlier. using Swagger UI you can interactively try out the API in your browser. but since the Swagger UI is not hosted on hydra.nixos.org you will not be allowed to use it due to CORS.
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: why i asked about chromium/chrome is because you can start an instance with "--disable-web-security" to try it out
<gchristensen> oohh cool ok
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<gchristensen> I'll give that a go
<rmrfroot> if you go to http://petstore.swagger.io/, and paste the url "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rzetterberg/38a145dfc32f0e593c972a27c7f5943a/raw/484265633d1caace2308a98c288c74ee679127f3/hydra-swagger-spec.yaml" into the bar on the top and press "explore" you will load the spec for hydra
<rmrfroot> it should then show you two categories where you can try out the endpoints
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<gchristensen> hrmm the first one is producing no content
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: they will all do that if CORS is active
<gchristensen> ahh
<gchristensen> "Web security may only be disabled if '--user-data-dir' is also specified."
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: ah, true! forgot about that one
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<rmrfroot> gchristensen: when web security is actually disabled you should see a yellow tooltip in the browser that warns you about it
<gchristensen> this is amazing!
<flxw> Hi all. With pkgs.lib.overrideDerivation I'm able to override a package derivation. How would I do the same for a configuration module, e.g. nixos.modules.programs.bash?
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: using swagger-codegen you can also generate client code for languages like java, javascript, haskell, scala, c++, perl, python, etc etc.
<the-kenny> Ugh, I hate it when people don't accept any feedback on their PRs, then complain that the bug isn't fixed in <24h :/
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<gchristensen> the-kenny: :/ which one?
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: incredible, where do we take this?
<the-kenny> gchristensen: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21741 - nothing bad,just annoying. I'm not used to such :)
<the-kenny> Maybe you guys can tell me if I was too critical there
<Sonarpulse> I'd really like to see https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1166 fixed
<Sonarpulse> any ideas on what I can do to make it happen?
<Sonarpulse> now that I am using nixUnstable on nixos
<Sonarpulse> I worry with schema change I cannot go back
<Sonarpulse> :/
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: the easiest way to get value out of this would be to deploy that Swagger UI as a page in the docs. it's basically just a static web page with some javascript that loads the YAML specification.
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: or we could just supply a link to the file in the docs, and then people who find it useful can use it.
<MichaelRaskin> the-kenny: sometimes I also prefer sed
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<the-kenny> MichaelRaskin: Hm, maybe I should've explained my intentions more cleanly at the beginning. My biggest complain was that this sed-call will silently fail as soon as the function names change
<MichaelRaskin> That's true, but in my experience that is rarely actually a problem
<MichaelRaskin> Especially when we want to kill a fragile test: if it changes the name, there is a good chance it also changes its behaviour
<the-kenny> but then we should remove the sed line from our build script as well
<gchristensen> the-kenny: perhaps a bit too critical. acowley has a nice history of contributions: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?page=3&q=is%3Apr+author%3Aacowley+is%3Aclosed and while the sed is a bit ugly, I'm not sure I would constitute it a make-it-or-break-it issue on merging the patch. lastly, darwin is a bit of a labor of love right now
<MichaelRaskin> Which is not time-critical, especially with rust that merits a few complete overhauls a year anyway
<the-kenny> gchristensen: ah well, I usually don't look at someones history
<gchristensen> the-kenny: I don't either, I've just seen a number of their contribution / efforts to make nix better on darwin
<gchristensen> my main point about their history of contributions is re not being paid to work on nixos. they aren't either, and put in a good bit of effort too
<gchristensen> the-kenny: I don't think you did anything wrong, both of you are trying to make nixpkgs a better place
<vozz> How's it going exi? Get anywhere? :D
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<gchristensen> rmrfroot: docs are on a different domain, no?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21752: ed: Add fedoraproject mirror. (master...ed_mirror) https://git.io/vMWvF
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: that's true! you could allow usage of hydra.nixos.org from nixos.org, though.
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: would it be weird to deploy it in the webroot of hydra itself?
<gchristensen> ie: distribute it with hydra
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: i think that would be a good idea, actually. that way we know it won't be any version mismatch between the docs and hydra itself.
<gchristensen> and other deployments get it automatically
<rmrfroot> also if people install their own hydra they can use it to test *their* install
<gchristensen> yeah
<rmrfroot> :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] the-kenny closed pull request #21741: rustc: disable fragile tests on darwin (master...rustc-1.14-darwin) https://git.io/vMCWf
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<gchristensen> hrmm... neat... hydra is hard to get PRs merged for... but this is really amazing., and I think it is worth a try
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<FRidh> Sonarpulse: you can actually nix-build with nixUnstable?
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<rmrfroot> gchristensen: yeah, i can understand why! :) i'm not trying to rush, though. my first goal is to complete the static docs (authenticate and creating resources is missing).
<Sonarpulse> FRidh: yeah?
<Sonarpulse> in most cases
<Sonarpulse> am I lucky here?!
<LnL> the-kenny: gchristensen: I think he was mainly talking about darwin maintainers/contributers
<FRidh> yesterday I upgraded to nixUnstable and got stuck with a system where I couldn't build anything.
<FRidh> obiously also wasn't able to roll back
<LnL> the-kenny: gchristensen: I'm basically the only person that actively looks at darwin pull requests
<FRidh> it could instantiate, but then....nothing
<gchristensen> LnL: LMK if I can build something for you to give you extra capacity
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<gchristensen> rmrfroot: sounds good :) do you have a project for hydra?
<LnL> gchristensen: what do you mean?
<gchristensen> LnL: sometimes my limit of how much I can merge is based on my capacity to test builds
<FRidh> Sonarpulse: since then I've tried also with nixos-rebuild build-vm with different version of nixUnstable and didn't get any working system
<gchristensen> LnL: I have a darwin machine here, and can run tests for you
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<LnL> gchristensen: I'ts mainly more free time that I need, but having some more build capacity available would certainly help for some things
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWLi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e138d3a Valentin Shirokov: Added option networking.wireless.networks.*.priority...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 94c4eab Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21733 from regellosigkeitsaxiom/master...
<gchristensen> LnL: I understand ;)
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: a project? what do you mean? :)
<LnL> I'm just a bit sad how the discussion ended, not blaming anybody, but it was closed while it was was just a nitpick (sort of).
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMWtQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d042abe Sebastian Hagen: zlib: Fix zlib.net URL. (#21753)...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMWtd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 6b5fb88 Sebastian Hagen: zlib: Fix zlib.net URL. (#21753)...
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<thomassgn> hmmf, anyone know of a font with complete support for unicode characters? Once in a while I find these substitutes like 🜛
<Sonarpulse> FRidh: uh oh!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] andjscott opened pull request #21755: mmex: v1.2.7 -> v1.3.1 (master...mmex) https://git.io/vMWq6
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<FRidh> Sonarpulse: are you using sandbox?
<Sonarpulse> not sure
<Sonarpulse> I didn't change default so maybe not
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<Sonarpulse> nix-repl does work
<Sonarpulse> for my issue there
<Sonarpulse> but it probably has hard dependency on stable nix
<FRidh> Sonarpulse: here's the issue (i hijacked) https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1175
<FRidh> Sonarpulse: ahh ok.
<FRidh> I used nix-repl master with nixUnstable, that's fine.
<Sonarpulse> yeah it does work
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<Sonarpulse> it would be cool if somehow nix-repl was getting around the bug with nix unstable
<Sonarpulse> but yeah if it just links normal nix it isn't
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FaustXVI opened pull request #21756: discord: 0.0.11 -> 0.0.13 (master...update-discord) https://git.io/vMWqN
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<exi> MichaelRaskin: how weird would it be to generally use the bootstrapped cargo to build the stable/beta and nightly cargo?
<exi> since we already have turtles all the way down it makes no sense to ./configure and make; make install the cargo builds
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<exi> and the cargo night readme suggests that we can just use an existing cargo to build cargo
<exi> nightly*
<MichaelRaskin> Dunno about versions. Could theoretically work…
<exi> i just tried it
<exi> work and does not break rustNightly
<exi> works*
<Sonarpulse> exi: ++99999999
<Sonarpulse> also cargo has release train now?
<exi> Sonarpulse: ?
<MichaelRaskin> Hm. Maybe it is a better idea then
<exi> i'll send a RP if my test here looks good
<Sonarpulse> exi I approve of your idea
<exi> <3
<Sonarpulse> with my std-aware cargo rfc
<Sonarpulse> which finally has some support
<Sonarpulse> buildRustPackage, or whatever the abstraction is these days, should be closer to being able to do everything
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<exi> yes, with my approach i am able to build cargo with pretty much the buildRustPackage we have right now
<exi> minus some small quirks
<Sonarpulse> cool!
<exi> i'm just using rustPlatform.rust.cargo as build input
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> I was just working on rust-nightly-nix a bit just now
<Sonarpulse> I think the bootstrapping stuff can be shared
<Sonarpulse> but doing a for loop with [ elf $(type ..) ] or something like that
<exi> yes, i am working at this because rustNightly.cargo does not build at the moment
<Sonarpulse> to just auto-discover the elfs that need patching
<Sonarpulse> cool
<Sonarpulse> #rust-internals is silent
<Sonarpulse> so I'll ask here
<Sonarpulse> where did the cargo nightlies go?
<Sonarpulse> no urls like that after 2016
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<ToxicFrog> What package do I need to install to get sections 2, 3, and 3p of the manual?
<ToxicFrog> I thought man-pages and posix_man_pages, but apparently not based on experimenting with nix-shell -p
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<LnL> ToxicFrog: man might not work for stuff that's only available in a nix-shell
<LnL> I don't think your MANPATH changes
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<gchristensen> anyone know about bootstrapping? I'd like to have gpgv in there
<pierron_> peti: One idea I had, which would be necessary for Nixpkgs, to reduce the memory usage anyway, is to get rid of the immediate application of mkDerivation & callPackage.
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<Sonarpulse> pierron_: ah
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<Sonarpulse> I've been thinking similar things would be good for bootstrapping stages
<Sonarpulse> or rather your overrideWith gives nicely with this
<pierron_> peti: instead, of `p = callPackage f { args }` where f is `{a,b}: mkDerivation { recipe }` , we would have something like: `p = importWithNixpkgs f`, where f is something like `{ args = { args }; derivation = stdenv.mkDerivation; recipe = { a, b }@args: { buildInputs = []; … }; }`
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<pierron_> Sonarpulse: I tihnk the update operator is enough, in all cases.
<pierron_> Sonarpulse: the reason why we have override and overrideDerivation, is to undo the function application.
<pierron_> Sonarpulse: but doing that keeps the function content alive.
<LnL> gchristensen: "know" about bootstrapping?
<Sonarpulse> pierron_: you mean __functor__ ?
<Sonarpulse> what "update operator?
<gchristensen> LnL: well ... I have no idea how it works, heh
<pierron_> Sonarpulse: update operator `//`
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<gchristensen> LnL: so I'd like got get gpgv in there and then I'm stuck, because I have no idea where to start
pierron_ is now known as pierron
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<Sonarpulse> pierron: oh ok
<Sonarpulse> pierron: did you see my extendStage?
<LnL> gchristensen: no idea how different the linux bootstrapping is from that of darwin
<pierron> Sonarpulse: yes, I gave a brief look, I would have to dig futher, good to see the removal of overridePackages
<pierron> Sonarpulse: I really like the list of stages, but I wonder why making a special case for the base of packages?
<Sonarpulse> and are you ok with me trying to get the normalize PR in first as is?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: couldn't the base of all package just be empty?
<Sonarpulse> pierron: I vacillated on that
<Sonarpulse> I had on idea that making it always bootstrap tools would be slick
<Sonarpulse> but yeah empty list might be better
<pierron> Sonarpulse: it makes sense, you bootstrap from the void :P
<Sonarpulse> glad you like the list though :)
<Sonarpulse> yeah I'd be happy to make it "the void"
<Sonarpulse> another thing I've been thinking
<Sonarpulse> with cross its dirt simple where previous stages becomes build packages
<Sonarpulse> with linux and darwin
<Sonarpulse> there seems to be two patterns
<Sonarpulse> either "I want all the same package, but this new bootstrapped package"
<pierron> Sonarpulse: there is another thing which makes me wondering. You added the bootstrap stage early in the pipeline, but from where is the `super` attribute coming form?
<LnL> gchristensen: looks pretty similar
<Sonarpulse> or "I want all new bootstrapped packages, but with these packages preserved"
<Sonarpulse> pierron: which super?
<Sonarpulse> so many self supers lol
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<pierron> Sonarpulse: the one use to find the recipe of packages during the bootstrap
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<pierron> Sonarpulse: I think we should rename self to dependencies, and super to recipes. This would be so much nicer.
<Sonarpulse> pierron: yeah I'm tempted
<Sonarpulse> but I'd want to stage that with haskellPackages
<Sonarpulse> get those firmly in sync
<Sonarpulse> if so, definitely!
<Sonarpulse> pierron: you mean stdenvOVerrides?
<Sonarpulse> I am looking at PR for "super"s
<pierron> Sonarpulse: also, for the security-update branch, I will either have to split dependencies in to static & dynamic, and find a way to let callPackages figure out the right one :/
<pierron> the PR for super?
<Sonarpulse> that is build/run right?!
<Sonarpulse> static/dynamic?
<pierron> no
<Sonarpulse> or you mean linkage?
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<pierron> static/dynamic are the linking methods for dependencies.
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<pierron> if you link statically, you have to rebuild, if you link dynamically, you have to patch it, in case of a dependency update.
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> pierron: did you look at my comments in the runtime-only deps nix issue?
<Sonarpulse> so here's the thing
<Sonarpulse> in my cross PR
<Sonarpulse> I already do the callPackage slicing
<Sonarpulse> for build/native vs run/foreign
<LnL> gchristensen: not sure what you mean by getting it into the stdenv
<Sonarpulse> but the hypothetical runtime-only deps would only be used for dynamic linking
<pierron> I did, but I did not understood what you meant
<Sonarpulse> ok, so basic operational idea with security updates
<Sonarpulse> is sedding paths right?
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<Sonarpulse> if the dep is accessed runtime we can sed the build, and it will access the other thing at runtime
<pierron> currently the security-update branch relies on the callPackage function, which is not correct, but a good enough approximation
<Sonarpulse> and this is most correct when the path isn't used at build time
<Sonarpulse> the sedding is most correct that is
<Sonarpulse> because then it's completely forgetting about the old package, right?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: then once with have a zip-able list of dependencies, which does not depend on any conditional, then we can construct the patches ahead of time.
<Sonarpulse> that sounds similar
<Sonarpulse> my idea with run-time only
<Sonarpulse> is enforce that
<Sonarpulse> by passing in dummy paths at build time
<Sonarpulse> to be sedded
<gchristensen> LnL: here is a concrete example ... I'd like to verify the gpg signature of curl here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/curl/default.nix#L23
<Sonarpulse> you would get headers but *not* shared objects at build time
<Sonarpulse> and then, security update or no security update, the build would be sedded for the runtime dep
<Sonarpulse> so if libc, but not libc's headers change
<Sonarpulse> the only rebuild is a bunch of sedding
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<Sonarpulse> and that falls naturally out of the rules
<Sonarpulse> pierron: make sense?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: the problem with content of the packages, is that one could write a Nix expression for a package, which only includes a dependency if the version if x.y.z, which would lead to different list sizes, which are not zip-able
<LnL> gchristensen: oh, you're idea is to have gpgv -> fetchurlBoot -> fetchUrl?
<LnL> your
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<gchristensen> LnL: via a few options ... ex: fetchurl { url = ... sha56 = ... validfingerprints = [ "..." "..." ]; asc = https://curl.haxx.se/download/curl-7.52.1.tar.gz.asc }
<pierron> Sonarpulse: callPackage does not have such issue, because the list of dependencies is hard coded before any conditional.
<gchristensen> LnL: yeah, I'd like to have support for gpgv at a low level in the nixpkgs tree
<Sonarpulse> pierron: is that in response to me, or in response to what you said before?
<LnL> gchristensen: but how do you bootstrap gpgv then?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: both.
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> in mine, the conditional would not break things
<Sonarpulse> but cause more rebuilding
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<gchristensen> LnL: how do we bootstrap ... say ... busybox? :)
<Sonarpulse> but how common are such conditionals?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: We have to distinguish the static/dynamic at callPackage-site.
<Sonarpulse> if we use callPackage like that
<pierron> Sonarpulse: a lot, unfortunately.
<Sonarpulse> and how often is security update just later version vs backport?
<pierron> Sonarpulse: buildInputs = [] ++ optionals … [ foo bar ];
<Sonarpulse> yeah but that's only a problem if the conditional changes value with the securit update
<Sonarpulse> which I think would be a lot less common
<Sonarpulse> most of those options are like isLinux
<LnL> gchristensen: over http: nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/linux/bootstrap-files/x86_64.nix
<Sonarpulse> LnL gchristensen I've recently messed a bunch with bootstrapping
<Sonarpulse> so feel free to fire questions at me
<LnL> ah right, for the cross compiling right?
<Sonarpulse> that and general cleanup
<Sonarpulse> and
<LnL> gchristensen: so how I understand it builtins.fetchurl -> bootstrap-tools -> fetchurlBoot -> fetchurl
<LnL> I've seen that the bot pinged me
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: my idea is to put gpg signature verification in wherever possible. what do you think?
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<LnL> I'm just wondering if you're moving the problem from curl with https to gpg
<gchristensen> I'm not sure I understand
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<LnL> well, it this something new you want to add in general or do you want to do this because we have to fetch curl over http?
<gchristensen> I want to add it in general
<LnL> ok, forget that comment then :)
<gchristensen> :)
<Sonarpulse> gchristensen: how could I oppose such a thing! :)
<gchristensen> I s'pose I should explore doing it outside of those deep levels and get it working nicely
<LnL> isn't this just something you want to add to fetchurl then?
<gchristensen> _then_ explore how to make it work deep down
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<LnL> gchristensen: this is fetchurlBoot https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/corepkgs/fetchurl.nix but I don't think it belongs there
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> I'll start higher level :)
<LnL> that's probably easier, afterwards you can see what stuff can't use it yet
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<exi> hmm, my rust foo is very weak
<exi> attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro` crate type
<exi> anyone any idea what that means?
<exi> error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is only usable with crates of the `proc-macro` crate type
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<Sonarpulse> exi: I'd guess
<Sonarpulse> that your cargo is too old
<Sonarpulse> and some crates.io metadata is not being routed right
<Sonarpulse> curious what this is about as proc macro stuff is unstable
<Sonarpulse> and I didn't think it was used in cargo or rustc yet
<digitalmentat> I'm trying to debug why a certain package of our Nix system is not being included in the binary cache of our system (even though it gets built!)
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<digitalmentat> what generally causes a package's build product to not be included in a closure?
<exi> Sonarpulse: thats part of a dependency of a thing i'm trying to package
<exi> the thing required rust nightly
<Sonarpulse> exi: oh this isn't buildRustPackage for cargo?
<Sonarpulse> or cargo does use it transitively?
<exi> this is using buildRustPackage, but with a rustPlatform derived from rustNightly
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<Sonarpulse> exi: weird
<LnL> talking about rust, I parallel rust build working :)
<pierron> Is anybody familliar with vim-plug? I am unable to get it list plugins that I want to install, any idea how to investigate?
<Sonarpulse> get a new rust nightly then?
<exi> Sonarpulse: ah, the rustNightly is very old
<LnL> pierron: I used vim-plug before I moved my configuration to nix
<Sonarpulse> exi: this isn't Cargo to be clear, because cargo itself should not rely on such a thing
<Sonarpulse> that would be upstream issue
<pierron> LnL: I am totally new to vim plugins in general
<Sonarpulse> they should know about asap
<Sonarpulse> but yeah you need new rustc nghtly and cargo to get this building
<Sonarpulse> because proc macros cross-cuts both of those
<pierron> LnL: I have no idea where to look for one, and vim-plug PlugInstall tells me there is nothing to install.
<pierron> LnL: even with `Plug 'LnL7/vim-nix' ` listed there
<LnL> pierron: you have to add stuff you your vimrc
<LnL> oh
<exi> Sonarpulse: this yak shaving is going great...
<Sonarpulse> :D
<Sonarpulse> I'd say use rust-nightly-nix
<Sonarpulse> but the cargo stuff there is borked
<Sonarpulse> is the issue
<Sonarpulse> ah! how things bitrot
<exi> Sonarpulse: i'm in the process of making nixpkgs rustNightly work again
<Sonarpulse> that's the goal, or the yak?
<exi> i need a better machine for this... third time today to build a new rustc
<exi> thats the yak
<Sonarpulse> ok
<Sonarpulse> well if you find a source for nightly cargo binary
<Sonarpulse> please let me know!
<exi> i just wanted to package alacritty
<Sonarpulse> I suppose you can build from beta, so less and issue
<Sonarpulse> ah!
<Sonarpulse> that is good cause!
<exi> Sonarpulse: why find a source? i just build it from github
<Sonarpulse> yeah on second thought
<exi> i'm using rustStable to build rustNightly
<Sonarpulse> makes sense
<Sonarpulse> no need to go straight to upstream binary for that
<exi> and just pick the current top commit from the github repo because yolo
<Sonarpulse> eyyyy
<exi> :)
<exi> it's called nightly for a reason
<Sonarpulse> g2g but good luck exi
<Sonarpulse> if you do package it, or wip PR or anything
<Sonarpulse> I'm Ericson2314 on github drop me a ping
<exi> will do, thanks
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<pierron> LnL: ok, I found the copy&pasta issue, I had 2 plug#begin :/
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<pierron> LnL: the vim configuration in nix sounds over complicated, is it good for a vim beginner?
<pierron> LnL: or should I learn how to use a vimrc before going that way?
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<LnL> since then I've moved everything to nix so I don't use $HOME/.vimrc anymore
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] the-kenny pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMWZ9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master efe05f9 Moritz Ulrich: notmuch: 0.23.2 -> 0.23.4.
<LnL> but this way you have all the plugins as nix dependencies, very nice for stuff like youcompleteme
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<LnL> pierron: ps feel free to create issues for vim-nix if you find any
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<polyrod> hi
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<polyrod> Configuring datetime-sb-0.2.4...
<polyrod> Setup: Encountered missing dependencies:
<polyrod> base >=4.2 && <4.9
<polyrod> this is with ghc801
<polyrod> if i change to ghc784 ... it gives me : error: anonymous function .... called without required argument ‘ghc-boot’
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<polyrod> i am trying to avoid cabal or stack and go only with the nix declarative way
<polyrod> any ideas ?
<siarheit_> ghc-7.8 is an old beast
<siarheit_> i'd suggest applying a patch to allow base-4.9 for 8.0.1
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<polyrod> siarheit_, thats patching the default.nix from datetime-0.3.1 nix-package ?
<siarheit_> i am nixos noob. don't know how to do it the nix way. i'd assume you need to add a packageOverrides with your one-line patch . this looks relevant: https://nixos.org/wiki/Nix_Modifying_Packages
<polyrod> its datetime-0.3.1 thats not building because ghc801 doesnt have base >=4.2 && <4.9
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<polyrod> where do i find the haskellPackages on github , since thex are not under nixos/nixpkgs
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<polyrod> domenkozar,
<polyrod> yes, i've all setup in my .nixpkgs/config.nix
<polyrod> only i want to add datetime-0.3.1 package that doesnt build
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWcQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3674be1 Peter Hoeg: peruse: 1.1 -> 1.2...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c302d4a Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21510 from peterhoeg/u/peruse...
<polyrod> think its cabal file constrain it to have base >=4.2 && <4.9
<polyrod> and i wantet to look at the default.nix for that package , ithink that was built witch cabal2nix
<polyrod> but the haskellPackages arn't under the default nix-github-repo , and i need a hint where to find haskellPackages//datetime-0.3.1/default.nix
<flxw> I'm currently trying to wrap my head a little more about nixos fundamentals. If I understand it correctly, then the derivation is the basic unit for building and installing a package (a derivation expression gets instantiated as a lowlevel derivation into the store, from where the latter gets realised). But what is the basic nix expression for configurations called? I see that even /etc gets populated from a nix-path, but how is th
<flxw> /nix/store/<hash->-etc collected in the first place?
<flxw> s/-//
<simpson> flxw: It's all defined top-down from a Nix expression in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<LnL> domenkozar: could you restart this? http://hydra.nixos.org/build/46163530
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<flxw> simpson: yeah, but who is calling the function defined in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<peti> pierron: So how would one replace a dependency of 'f' in that style? If I have 'f', then I can just mess with the 'args' attribute, but I suppose that 'importWithNixpkgs f' won't give me access to the original 'f' -- or does it?
<simpson> flxw: It's called interactively by nixos-rebuild.
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<peti> polyrod: What makes you say that Haskell packages are not part of Nixpkgs? Everything lives underneath pkgs/development/haskell, no?
<flxw> simpson: ah, so do I get this right?: After nixos-rebuild, the whole collection of config files has been put into the store. And (e.g. when the system boots, there is a nixos script called which ensures that /etc gets populated with the right store path)?
<peti> polyrod: Also, haskell.packages.ghc784.datetime-sb compiles just fine on the current Nixpkgs 'master'. I see no errors about ghc-boot.
<simpson> flxw: /etc in particular is set up immediately after the paths are built in the store.
<LnL> polyrod: ^
<flxw> aha, thank you both very much. I think I need to take a look into nixos-rebuild now. :)
<simpson> flxw: What are you actually after?
<LnL> flxw: so there's a drv for all the files and then afterwards nixos-rebuild runs all the activation scripts, on of which links everything to /etc
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWCH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9729a8d Peter Simons: haskell-esqueleto: keep version 2.4.x around so that we can still build git-annex
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 667c4e4 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dd0d717 Peter Simons: git-annex: fix build
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<flxw> simpson: I'm trying to understand how this great idea of semi-purely functional configuration thingy works. For how nix works, I was able to track it down to derivationStrict, which builds the derivation from the derivation expression. But for the configuration itself, I'm still missing the fundamental steps. (for derivations the two steps are instantiation and building the derivation). So I'm trying to get a better picture of nixo
<flxw> conceptually.
<flxw> the two pointers start clearing things up slowly, but surely (or very slowly, that is. haha).
<LnL> flxw: you might be interested in the nix paper the
<LnL> or is it just the nixos-rebuild stuff you are looking at?
<simpson> flxw: Fundamentally, NixOS doesn't do anything special besides symlink certain things from the store into the root filesystem, just like nix-env.
<flxw> yeah, I jsut found https://nixos.org/docs/papers.html
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<toogley> is there some kind of roadmap of further development?
<toogley> i mean besides eelco's presentations?
<simpson> toogley: AFAICT there's only the list of issues filed on github.
<LnL> flxw: if you're looking for something more practical you might want to look at https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
<flxw> simpson: yes, but this is kind of an understatement I think. ;) Everything in unix is just files, directories, and links. You got compilers, and scripts, they built stuff and install it. ;-))
<LnL> it's very similar to nixos but it's a lot smaller so it might be easier to naviate
<flxw> ah, cool.
<flxw> btw, can I override the configuration modules of nixos in the same way one can overrideDerivation nix packages?
<simpson> flxw: Well, I don't know what you're reading, and it sounds like you're mostly doing exploratory work. If you're looking for some specific bit of magic, I have no idea where to start. Maybe the manual? http://nixos.org/nixos/manual/
<toogley> simpson: hm, okay. thanks
<simpson> flxw: Some configuration fields are catenable, so that "overrides" by specifying the field in multiple modules will actually cause things to be combined instead.
<LnL> flxw: you can't override modules, but you can use imports = [ ]; to include extra modules
<simpson> An example is networking.allowedTCPPorts, which is a list of ints. If you specify it in two modules, then the result will be the two lists glued together.
<LnL> yeah, if you're talking about the configuration then you can use mkForce [ "foo" ];
<LnL> that will override any previous defined values instead of adding them
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<flxw> okay, a concrete issue: There is nixos/modules/programs/bash/inputrc. In the long run (after I understood enough of it to do it), I'd provide a patch to tune the file in or or two details. But for now, I'd just like to just locally patch the file so that it dows what I want.
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<flxw> bash.nix puts it into /etc by environment.etc."inputrc".source = ...
<flxw> is there a way to tinker with the file after bash.nix declared it to put it into the store?
<LnL> if you want to override that, environment.etc."inputrc".source = mkForce (writeText ...); should do what you want
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<simpson> LnL: You beat me to it.
<LnL> :D
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<flxw> hmm, yes. this would work, I see now. But if I only need to change one or two lines of it? I mean, I'm qutie happy with 99% of the file.
<m3tti> hi there how can i contribute packages to nix?
<m3tti> is it hard to build custom pakcages?
<Chattered> m3tti: For simple "./configure; make; make install" scripts, it's pretty easy.
<m3tti> i'm trying to get oolite to work
<simpson> flxw: You want to only patch parts of it? Nix doesn't make that super-easy.
<m3tti> it's based on gnustep
<Chattered> Ohhh...I love oolite.
<Chattered> That would be cool to have in nixpkgs.
<simpson> flxw: Maybe you should alter the NixOS module instead.
<peti> Yo Haskell hackers, http://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/haskell-updates now a copy of "release-16.09" with GHC 8.0.2 and all other new features from 'master' ported into it. Assuming those builds succeed without revealing any major disaster, I'll push those updates to 16.09 ASAP. Users of "haskellPackages" will notice a few package updates (within LTS 7.x), but I assume none of them will be major enough to
<LnL> flxw: you'd have to look at whatever made the derivation that's assigned to the source
<peti> cause trouble for existing setups.
<Chattered> m3tti: Is it closedsource?
<m3tti> Chattered: i've trouble to get it working over here? What have you done to get it working with nix?
<m3tti> oolite is opensource
<m3tti> like pioneer
<Chattered> m3tti: I last played it on Arch. Hopefully, it should be straightforward to package.
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<flxw> okay, thank you both very much. I'm glad I didn't overlook a simple solution for it. :) I gues the proper way would be to add config options to the bash module. I saw a nice trick with optionalString and ++ in a few places, so it shouldn't be to hard to fill inputrc with the right content during configuration time.
<LnL> peti: nice! <3
<LnL> I don't know where to get the fancy emoji that kmicu uses
<gchristensen> LnL: textfac.es
<domenkozar> LnL: done
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<LnL> don't see the one I'm looking for
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<flxw> simpson: yes, I'll do that. It seems to be a good idea to clone the nixpkgs in genral. it would make such things pretty easy. (and with rebasing I could stay uptodate on the stable branch).
<LnL> domenkozar: thanks :)
<LnL> copying 23 missing paths from ‘mac1’... -> zsh: segmentation fault nix-copy-closure --from mac1
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<gchristensen> :o
<LnL> guess I have to wait for hydra?
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<digitalmentat> are there any cases in which a nix channel is automatically added by any of the Nix tools?
<digitalmentat> I just had the public nixos-16.09 channel added to my VM and I never did so explicitly
<digitalmentat> I only have our internal mirror of it added on nixpkgs
<digitalmentat> but I've been nix-channel --update 'ing and dry-build'ing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jgeerds pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMW4Q
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5c55d54 FaustXVI: discord: 0.0.11 -> 0.0.13
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f553aac Jascha Geerds: Merge pull request #21756 from FaustXVI/update-discord...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMWBt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 936bc23 Vladimír Čunát: ed: avoid the useless rebuild due to #21752
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sh01 opened pull request #21757: Ed: Merge mirror addition from master (release-16.09...ed_mirror_16) https://git.io/vMWBP
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<LnL> gchristensen: are you running 1.11.5 on your darwin machine yet?
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<gchristensen> I don't think so, LnL
<gchristensen> ask me tomorrow?
<LnL> gchristensen: ok, it looks like an issue when using nix-copy-closure with the daemon
<tippenein> how should I interpret this error making a derivation? (ld: library not found for -liconv)
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<gchristensen> oh fun
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<LnL> I should setup my desktop so it properly pushes to my local cache
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<LnL> and I built the wrong llvm
<gchristensen> hehe
<gchristensen> :(
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<LnL> looks like I'm not doing anything useful today
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<LnL> I wonder why the clang-3.8 build is so unstable
<gchristensen> is there a way to strip "0bh516sw22n0847mrlwk62hqzvr2ixmb-" from "0bh516sw22n0847mrlwk62hqzvr2ixmb-emacs-24.5.tar.xz" in nix?
<LnL> emacs.src.name?
<gchristensen> needs to be generic, should work with something passed in as "${./foo}"
<vozz> exi: how's your yak doing?
<LnL> there is a function to parse the name and version out of a name attribute, but there's not a lot of stuff for paths
<LnL> not sure if you can even get the basename of a path
<FRidh> gchristensen: check lib.nameFromURL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #21758: elfutils: 0.165 -> 0.168 (master...update/elfutils) https://git.io/vMW0z
<gchristensen> FRidh: nice!
<gchristensen> may I have some feedback on this `verifysignature` code I'm experimenting with? https://gist.github.com/grahamc/7076fdf9a6563fa7da068e475eb47ad2
<gchristensen> seems like a whole lot of shas
<FRidh> I'm not really familiar with gpg. What is that fingerprint for? I would imagine you validate the signature against the archive?
<gchristensen> the fingerprints are used to look up the public keys, which are downloaded, added to a keyring, and then the signature is compared to the src and verified it is a valid signature by a key in the keyring
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<FRidh> What is the point of a sha256 on such fingerprint? If the fingerprint is of it won't be able to validate anyway, right?
<gchristensen> well we need network access
<gchristensen> to get the public keys
<viric> gchristensen: what is the keyset sha256?
<gchristensen> viric: it is the sha256 of all the fetched public keys (it could be a dir of .key files, or it could be a pgp keyring)
<gchristensen> we need to actually fetch the public keys, like "28D3 BED8 51FD F3AB 57FE F93C 2335 87A4 7C20 7910" resolves to https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x233587A47C207910
<gchristensen> (the contents, not the URL)
<viric> gchristensen: but the keys in public servers change a lot (who signed them, due dates, etc.)
<viric> give nix a keyring the user has set up with his own trusts
<viric> do not download keys
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<gchristensen> I have considered how public keys change a lot, I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm fairly sure though that if we require every user to trust every package we have that they use isn't going to be a widely used feature, and that as nixpkgs we are a source of truth and I think it is okay to add extra validations here... getting emacs on ubuntu you don't trust the emacs devs, you trust the packager
<gchristensen> not sure how to cleanly explain that
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<gchristensen> I think baking in some GPG verification would be smart. how we do that, I don't really care, as long as it isn't too hard to use
<FRidh> So there needs to be a Nixpkgs keyring, and the possibility for a user to use their own.
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<gchristensen> that makes sense to me
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMWEd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a85fa2c Bjørn Forsman: lighttpd: 1.4.41 -> 1.4.44...
<FRidh> fingerprints are then the keys to the keyring. So fetching public keys should be done there, not in package expressions. There you would just state the fingerprint.
<gchristensen> oh so that is the other problem
<pierron> peti: exactly one can just replace the args, but importWithNixpkgs will just provide the default set of "args" based on the argument of the function.
<gchristensen> gpgv2 will accept a signature from anybody in the keyring
<pierron> peti: to obtain the derivation, you would have to call the derivation function on the result of the function.
<gchristensen> so a kernel signed by the zlib people will be just as valid as a zlib package signed by the linus
<pierron> peti: the derivation is one "view" that we can have of packages, similar to listing packages names could be another one.
<FRidh> yes, you have to decide whether you like the zlib people to sign the kernl
<gchristensen> it means the keyring for zlib needs to be different from the keyring for the kernel
<gchristensen> (and by keyring I mean the file `pubring.kbx` produced by gnupg)
<joko> Hello, is anyone using sway on Nixos? I've tried installing it, but it complains about missing dri files
<gchristensen> perhaps a keyrings = { emacs = [ "fingerprint", "...", "..." ]; kernel = ["fingerprint", "...", "..."]; ];
<gchristensen> back soon, supper time
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWut
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 188fcc1 Jörg Thalheim: ferm: 2.3 -> 2.3.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master adbcb37 Jörg Thalheim: android-udev-rules: 20161014 -> 20170106
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 90ea0c0 Jörg Thalheim: octave: 4.0.3 -> 4.2.0
<LnL> gchristensen: what's the keyset?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWul
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9452abe Peter Hoeg: qscintilla: support qt5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 22dbb82 Peter Hoeg: qscintilla: 2.9 -> 2.9.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bcf8d8c Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21634 from peterhoeg/f/qscint...
<gchristensen> LnL: it is all the fetched public keys (it could be a dir of .key files, or it could be a pgp keyring)
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<LnL> ah, so we would have a drv for that just like cacert?
<gchristensen> right
<LnL> just wondering because of the sha in there
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<gchristensen> it is because we need network to access the public key, so we need a sha
<LnL> oh? I thought that was wat the keyset was for
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<gchristensen> right, the keyset is a function which takes a list of fingerprints and a sha256
<FRidh> if you have one keyring in nixpkgs, which is a set fingerprint: sha256, then you can just have a list of fingerprints in your package, right?
<LnL> that might work
<exi> vozz: my yak is getting a pretty hard shaving... rustNightly is broken, and above all, old
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<exi> the current rustc.nix to build/bootstrap it does not work anymore because they changed the bootstrapping in november
<exi> fun times
<exi> this will be a bigger change :)
<gchristensen> FRidh: could be, like: { emacs = ["...", "..."]; kernel = ["...", "..."]; } produced $out/emacs.kbx $out/kernel.kbx
<LnL> oh boy, when is this thing going to be a dependency of gnome?
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<gchristensen> that can work
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FaustXVI opened pull request #21759: slack: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.4 (master...update-slack) https://git.io/vMWuj
<gchristensen> or multiple-outputs (is that too many outputs?) keyring.emacs keyring.kernel
<FRidh> well I guess I need to read a bit more about gpg first :) Anyway, I'm done for today, so bye!
<gchristensen> could be :)
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<gchristensen> bye!
<gchristensen> we can't just have a massive keyring with all the keys and then say use this keyring, but only trust X,Y,Z keys in it
<LnL> I was thinking an attrset of deriivations for each set of keys
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<gchristensen> aye
<LnL> not very familiar with gpg either, but but I assume you don't need a combined one
<gchristensen> also, creating a keychain isn't deterministic -- adding the same key to an empty keychain produces different results each time, so the fetching of the keys and the production of the .kbx have to be different stages
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<gchristensen> viric: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/36e5785b9cc5d705b655cae9f6673881 how about this? more along what you're expecting?
<gchristensen> where `keychain` could be configurable, by, say, nixpkgs.config.keychain = ...
<gchristensen> heh, signature could probably even be `builtins.fetchurl` since its hash doesn't matter too much
<viric> gchristensen: better. I haven't thought how to implement something like that
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<gchristensen> viric: I'll experiment :)
<gchristensen> domenkozar: not release manager??!
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<exi> any fast hints on how to create a "view"/derivation that consists of all the files of two derivations in one location?
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<exi> the new rust nightly bootstrapping has a lot of assumptions about rust and cargo being in the same location and it would be easier to just give that to them then to patch the bootstrapping
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMWg8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b11264a Peter Hoeg: rubber: 1.3 -> 1.4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b78b3e Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21565 from peterhoeg/u/rubber...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMWgA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 9fd495d Sebastian Hagen: ed: Add fedoraproject mirror....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 fd68fbf Vladimír Čunát: ed: avoid the useless rebuild due to #21752...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 8a4eae7 Vladimír Čunát: Merge #21757: ed: merge mirror addition from master
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