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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan closed pull request #8642: nixos: provide default console_cmd for slim (master...slim-console-cmd) https://git.io/vqYrI
<LnL> glenn: feel free to create issues or ask questions if you decide to use it
<glenn> Kewl, will do, will certainly have a plahy
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cstrahan pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMQou
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7ebcada Charles Strahan: mesos: 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d298a96 Charles Strahan: Merge pull request #21416 from cstrahan/mesos-1.1.0...
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<cheshircat> Hello,
<cheshircat> has anyone got postfix and dovecot working?
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<grantwu> Is there a way to have OpenSSH built with a certain option, even when it's being used as a dependency?
<grantwu> I need Kerberos support
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4b2f2cc Bjørn Forsman: pencil: 2.0.18 -> 2.0.21
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 f86644a Bjørn Forsman: pencil: 2.0.18 -> 2.0.21...
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<hodapp> ugh... what I keep observing is that setting services.nginx.appendConfig or appendHttpConfig results in nginx just using the default configuration
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<hodapp> first it was updating the config properly if I used 'config' or 'httpConfig', now it's still just running nginx with the default options
<hodapp> this is really frustrating
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 d2f4afc Bjørn Forsman: system-config-printer: add missing dependency 'pycairo'...
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<hodapp> oh, I guess I just have to run it through some weird gauntlet of repeatedly kicking the systemd service until it finally takes effect
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<sheenobu> happy saturday
<sheenobu> How would I take my chromium derivation(s) and install them in a different nix-store machine? possible?
<sheenobu> oh... nix-store --export might work.
<sheenobu> aaand copy closure
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<sheenobu> weird. "/nix/store/... lacks a signature"
<gchristensen> sheenobu: I think you would need to import as a trusted user
<sheenobu> gotcha. I need to be in a specific group?
<acarrico> And specifically, the command: > nix-shell -A haskellPackages.attoparsec
<acarrico> To make this actually work I need to specify a path, like '<nixpkgs>'
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<acarrico> Is this a bug in the post, or does ocharles have some setup to default the path?
<sheenobu> acarrico, i think nix-shell -A assumes your local folder has a default.nix
<sheenobu> acarrico, you can use nix-shell -p
<acarrico> sheenobu: yes I've used it that way, and the man page seems to agree (default.nix, or shell.nix).
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<acarrico> I think -p or --path is optional, before '<nixpkgs>' (or whatever).
<sheenobu> acarrico, either the command has changed since 2014 or the blog post is assuming you are using a nix file from earlier in the post
<acarrico> Ok, cool. Just making sure I'm not missing something. Thanks sheenobu :).
<sheenobu> -p just lets you specificy the packages. -A accepts an attribute so without a source for that attribute (a file or '<nixpkgs>') it will fail
<acarrico> Oh, I see. I parsed the man page wrong.
<acarrico> Got it.
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<acarrico> It is these little things that sometimes make nix a little opaque.
<acarrico> Love it in general though.
<acarrico> It is funny how something so clean semantically can sometimes degenerate into a maze of config files and env vars for novices like me.
<acarrico> I guess that is just the evolution of real systems.
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<acarrico> Thanks again. sheenobu.
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<sheenobu> acarrico, np. i struggle with some of it too.
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<mrkgnao> is there an official "sane NixOS defaults" guide anywhere?
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<mrkgnao> like setting up channels and so on
<mrkgnao> and generally other things that are basically the first changes you make on a new install
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] MostAwesomeDude opened pull request #22028: Tahoe-LAFS version bump (master...tahoe) https://git.io/vMQDF
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<endformationage> Is there a way to refer to a derivation's outPath inside mkDerivation?
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<unlmtd[m]> why would invoking the nix-shell with clang start downloading the same version that's already installed?
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<unlmtd[m]> it has a different hash
<unlmtd[m]> hmm
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<mog> i am having weird issue
<mog> i have copied over the config files for tinc from one box to another
<mog> and when i did nixos-rebuild all the services are there except for the main one
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<mog> reboot fixed it
<mog> odd
<MichaelRaskin> endformationage: In the scripts, there is $out; in the derivation, no, because of how hashing is used, but why do you want it?
<MichaelRaskin> sheenobu: acarrico: Nix still has a semantically simple core which is perfectly usable directly; friendly helpers on top try to match common use cases, and user behaviour is messy, so are these helpers
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<asymmetric> hey all, i'm trying to configure st, but i'm not sure how i'm supposed to provide the config.h file to the derivation
<sphalerite> asymmetric: nixpkgs.config.st.conf = builtins.readFile ./st/config.h;
<sphalerite> is what I have
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<sphalerite> it expects the full config file as a string, rather than a file path. A bit odd IMO but hey, it works anyway
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<asymmetric> thanks sphalerite
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMQxn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6db5931 Bjørn Forsman: epiphany: 3.22.4 -> 3.22.5 (fixes source hash)...
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<gchristensen> good morning #nixos
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<Unode> o/ gchristensen
<Unode> LnL: yesterday, problems, there was some hydra related discussion on the mailing list that lasted a couple of days. It was fixed but I assume things were still catching up.
<LnL> the cpu/memory usage thread?
<Unode> yes
<Unode> well, infinite ... I didn't pay so much attention to it.
<LnL> that was not related to the nixos.org instance, that one is running an older version
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<Unode> ok, sorry for the confusion then.
<LnL> was just wondering, since everything has been working fine AFAIK
<ronny> hi
<ronny> is there a way to select configuration options based on a environment variable
<ronny> i'd like to unify the configuration modules for most of my systems in a way that makes picking the distinct settings of each system more automated
<LnL> gchristensen: morning :)
<Unode> ronny: have the settings in one file and source it where relevant?
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<gchristensen> :)
<Unode> is there any FAQ section other than the outdated wiki?
<Unode> or is stackexchange the de factor question place now?
<Unode> *de facto
<LnL> ronny: I have my common configuration in configuration.nix and have another file for each system that I add to the imports
<ronny> Unode: im more looking for a way to automatew picking the module for the current computer
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<ronny> (atm i do use symlinks)
<ronny> but i'd much prefer if i could name the current computer somehowand always have my configuration pick out
<Unode> ronny: I don't really now how to do this with nix configuration files but in a nother setup I have a filename matching the hostname and I just import based on that.
<ronny> for that matter i#d also like to get a better way to create vm images of saif configurations
<LnL> yeah, you can have a configuration.nix that imports your repo and includes a hostname
<Unode> I use this trick to have machine specific tweaks on my awesomewm configuration.
<LnL> then you configure a bunch of things based on that
<gchristensen> LnL: so, it seems like the hydra needs to evaluate the most current master, then apply the merge
<Unode> is there any way (command line) to know if when issuing a "nix-env -i" command I'll be fetching a pre-compiled tarball or going for source compilation?
<gchristensen> LnL: otherwise we get real weird diffs in the passing / failing packages, since our evaluated master isn't the same
<LnL> using the last eval of the master jobset won't work?
<gchristensen> well maybe ... but it might still provide weird diffs
<LnL> any idea why that is?
<gchristensen> if the master's latest eval isn't current to what the PR is merging to
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 15 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vMQh4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging a9c1d92 Franz Pletz: varnish: 4.0.3 -> 5.0.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 77c891f Franz Pletz: rrdtool: 1.5.5 -> 1.5.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 281a56a Franz Pletz: collectd: 5.6.0 -> 5.7.0
<fpletz> anyone with a hydra account that can trigger the evaluation of https://hydra.nixos.org/jobset/nixpkgs/staging for me? :)
<LnL> gchristensen: we could eval master on push
<gchristensen> ooh
<LnL> not sure if that would cause to much load
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<bennofs> using hydra on latest nixos unstable, i am unable to add jobset inputs, they just don't appear to get saved. anyone experiencing similar issues?
<LnL> yeah
<bennofs> any workaround?
<LnL> sec
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<fpletz> bennofs: you can have a look at globin's commits here https://github.com/mayflower/hydra/commits/master which fixed all of the annoying bugs for us
<LnL> bennofs: revert c103163825340e7e8af2ecbc50489384a2346a01
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<jophish_> hmm, I'm running into "current Nix store schema is version 10, but I only support 7" again
<LnL> what's your nix version?
<jophish_> LnL: nix-build --version report 1.11.6
<jophish_> reports*
<jophish_> however, the error is coming from /nix/store/...-nix-1.11.4/
<gchristensen> fpletz: ooh does globin want to convert a query to DBI for me? :o
<bennofs> Btw, why does it take so long to get any comments on Hydra/Nix PRs? Is niksnut overloaded with work?
<LnL> jophish_: yeah, perhaps your daemon is still running 1.11.4?
<LnL> the daemon process doesn't have an absolute path :(
<jophish_> LnL: that must be it, it's running /usr/bin/nix-daemon, installed ages ago
<bennofs> fpletz: nice, that looks good, thank you
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<LnL> jophish_: ah, you're not on nixos. then you have to update the daemon
<jophish_> LnL: It should be ok to run /nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin/nix-daemon I hope
<fpletz> gchristensen: well, aren't we all eagerly awaiting hercules-ci's first alpha? :>
<jophish_> oh, /usr/bin/nix-daemon is nix-daemon (Nix) 1.12pre1234.abcdef
<jophish_> fpletz: working on it now :D
<LnL> jophish_: yes, that's what I do with nix-darwin. just don't remove nix from that profile :)
<fpletz> !m jophish_
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, jophish_!
<jophish_> ^.^
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<gchristensen> fpletz: months away :( in the mean time, I have a faster query for the home page
<the-kenny> can I get the absolute path for the current file in Nix?
<gchristensen> like where it is in the store?
<LnL> I was also waiting for pr support in hercules, but then gchristensen talked about the packet.net offer
<the-kenny> gchristensen: no, inside a .nix file.
<the-kenny> gchristensen: at evaluation time
<bennofs> gchristensen: what's missing from hercules right now?
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<jophish_> bennofs: nearly everything :)
<gchristensen> bennofs: well it isn't usable
<gchristensen> (according to its own status page)
<the-kenny> gchristensen: Something like `builtins.getEnv "PWD"` but maybe a bit cleaner :)
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<jophish_> yesterday I got it to show a list of the logged in user's repos. That's about where it is
<gchristensen> jophish_: you're using hydra's existing schema right?
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<jophish_> gchristensen: I'd like to make a clean break. At the moment it uses the hydra database and performs queries there for domenkozar's frontend
<jophish_> it also uses the 'hercules' database for storing anything new, like the table of hercules users (with github login info etc...)
<gchristensen> huh
<jophish_> we're discussing at the moment whether to just put more tables in the hydra database
<bennofs> gchristensen: do you plan hercules to be like hydra (input based, where you can have multiple inputs) or more like travis (repo based, where there is a single repo that triggers updates)?
<fpletz> gchristensen: yeah, but hydra deperately needs some more committers to keep it in a usable state… but at least I don't have the time to refresh my perl-fu :)
<LnL> the-kenny: the module system tracks the location of definitions somehow
<jophish_> bennofs: at the moment it's going to be like travis
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<gchristensen> bennofs: I don't have any involvement in herculese
<gchristensen> I can't even spell it! %)
<jophish_> herculeses is the language it's being written in perhaps :)
<jophish_> I can't even spell herculese!
<bennofs> fpletz: well, to be fair, contributing to hydra is not such a smooth experience. Feels like there's often no response to created issues or PRs for quite some time
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<fpletz> bennofs: yup :/
<jophish_> at one point I think I owned every single issue on page one of hydra's issues page :)
<bennofs> fpletz: so I don't really have motivition to look closer into perl or hydra
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<the-kenny> LnL: hm, that might be overkill here. I think I'll to with builtins.getEnv
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<gchristensen> jophish_: I'd worry about the viability of replacing hydra.nixos.org when the underlying db doesn't transfer over
<jophish_> gchristensen: my initial goals for hercules are to have it be a better nix based travis replacement than hydra is
<gchristensen> I see
<jophish_> and for it to be easier to extend and maintain than hydra
<bennofs> gchristensen: you could put the old hydra into read-only mode for archivement purposes and transfer the projects to the new one
<gchristensen> bennofs: I can't do anything! have to convince Top Brass on that
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<jophish_> This is a little odd, the nix-daemon from pkgs.nix from nixpkgs HEAD still says it only supports 7
<gchristensen> 10 was introduced on nixUnstable
<jophish_> ah, so I'll need to get it from NixOS/nix
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<gchristensen> no, nix.package = nixUnstable
<gchristensen> or something like that
<MichaelRaskin> gchristensen: if only we had a nix-daemon-proxy, Hydra and whatever other thing would share the builders and noone would notice until all users would quietly switch to the new thing…
<MichaelRaskin> (As far as I understand, right now there is no cheap way to make sure Hydra and Hercules sharing the builders would not build the same thing twice on different builders)
<bennofs> MichaelRaskin: when running them in parallel, couldn't you just disable builds for the Hydra?
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<MichaelRaskin> The initial decision would be cheaper, and the decision to make Hydra read-only would be needed only after the supporting data would have arrived
<jophish_> Hercules is able to query the hydra database, I don't think getting it to not perform redundant builds should be too problematic
<MichaelRaskin> It cuts both ways: you want to make sure tht if Hercules starts the build first, Hydra doesn't start it in another place
<jophish_> we could poke the Hydra database, but I feel like that would be a real can of worms!
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<yorick> Dezgeg: okay, I put the image on an sd card and booted a pi with it. it's on the network. now, how do I get in?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Minoru opened pull request #22029: paratype-pt-sane: s/sane/sans/ (master...patch-1) https://git.io/vM7eT
<yorick> I guess I can add my pubkey to /root?
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<Dezgeg> plug a monitor & keyboard
<yorick> my evil root hack worked
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<yorick> I don't think it resizes the partition, though
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<Dezgeg> it should
<yorick> yeah, I got the wrong image
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<jophish> hmm, nix-build is hanging after evaluation
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<jophish> also, the contents of /nix/var/nix/profiles/default don't seem to be present in the per user profiles, very strange
<bennofs> do I need to do something special to get hydra to start building?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22013: supertuxkart: 0.9 -> 0.9.2 (master...u/stk) https://git.io/vMHdZ
<jophish> bennofs: what does 'journalctl -u hydra-queue-runner -u hydra-evaluator' say?
<bennofs> i have jobs queued and hydra-queue-runner is running, but there appears to be running builds
<bennofs> Jan 22 14:04:22 c-cube hydra-queue-runner[2875]: status: {"status":"up","time":1485090262,"uptime":1201,"pid":2875,"nrQ
<bennofs> is the last message
<bennofs> before that are lots of "loading build xxx" messages
<bennofs> but Admin -> Manage machines also shows no build machines
<bennofs> (do I need to add localhost as build machine somehow?)
<jophish> aha, I'm not the only one https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1179
<gchristensen> LnL: I think I got master evaluating on push
<jophish> bennofs: I don't have localhost as a remote machine and hydra still reports localhost under machine status
<bennofs> jophish: yeah machine status shows it, but Admin -> Build machines doesn't
<jophish> ah, I don't have localhost there either.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vM7vn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging dabedc4 Franz Pletz: ngrep: fix build due to new libpcap, use debian patches
<bennofs> hydra-queue-runner reports 39 runnable steps, why doesn't it run them? :/
<gchristensen> bennofs: you probably need to add localhost to your hydra machines file with system types
<bennofs> gchristensen: where's the hydra machines files?
<LnL> bennofs: nix.buildMachines
<bennofs> ah ok
<jophish> bennofs: ^
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<jophish> What could cause the things in /nix/var/nix/profiles/default to not be present in the user profiles?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 3 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vM7vu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 4b9b1fa Jörg Thalheim: util-linux: remove seccomp sandbox for CVE-2016-2279...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 104a37a Jörg Thalheim: util-linux: improve purity by using login from shadow...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging b1e9acf Franz Pletz: Merge pull request #21990 from Mic92/utillinux...
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<jophish> oh, it looks as though it needs to be added to PATH separately
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<avn> folks, anyone have working example of mirrored boots with efi?
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<gchristensen> fpletz, globin: I'd love if mayflower applied some of my patches and indexes, and reported how your hydra performance changes
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<bennofs> gchristensen: ok, you're right, just need to add localhost to that. you can even omit the sshkey and user name
<gchristensen> cool, bennofs
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<fpletz> gchristensen: did you create migrations for those indexes?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> but I suppose that'd be good
<fpletz> hmm, but if it takes a while for the migrations to get merged they're probably worthless anyway if others are added before
<gchristensen> yeah :|
<fpletz> we'll try :)
<gchristensen> ok
<bennofs> can i set maxJobs in nixMachines to just be equal to whatever maxJobs that machine has configured in its nix.conf?
<gchristensen> sure
<bennofs> I mean, is there a way to do this automatically without having to sync the two numbers manually?
<gchristensen> sure
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<bennofs> and what's the special value for that?
<gchristensen> maxJobs = nix.maxJobs;, but you'll need to use `rec` somewhere, probably the most outer {?
<bennofs> gchristensen: config.nix.maxJobs is better, my nix.maxJobs is set in hardware-configuration.nix
<gchristensen> sure
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<yorick> Dezgeg: okay, I downloaded the correct image, plugged it in, it shows booting, then the led switches to heartbeat and the screen goes black
<pradeepch> Hi, I am new to nix. I am trying to write my first nix module for a simple service, here is what i was able to achieve till now: https://gist.github.com/pradeepchhetri/fdc4af946b72df5152d90ce6b94b2d17
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<yorick> I think the power supply was just too puny
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<pradeepch> I am able to run nix-shell but whenever i do nixos-rebuild switch it fails saying "The option __ignoreNulls defined in /etc/nixos/app.nix doesnot exist
<pradeepch> I am unable to figure out the reason why it is failing but nix-shell works perfectly fine.
<pradeepch> Any pointers will be appreciated. Thanks.
<ronny> hmm
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<ronny> whats the canonical way to get the name of a system/ a user configuration from the env/an argument in nix so i can select configuration files based on hostname/arguments
<hodapp> is there a standard way to start containers at startup in NixOS?
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<hodapp> 'systemctl start' runs them, but 'systemctl enable' gives the "The unit files have no installation config..." message
<LnL> hodapp: containers.<name>.autoStart = true;
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<hodapp> oh, thanks!
<hodapp> couldn't find that last night
<pradeepch> anyone who can help in debugging ""The option __ignoreNulls defined in /etc/nixos/app.nix doesnot exist" error please
<gchristensen> pradeepch: if you just want to make that env, you can delete everything else: https://gist.github.com/pradeepchhetri/fdc4af946b72df5152d90ce6b94b2d17#gistcomment-1977657
<sphalerite> pradeepch: you defined an __ignoreNulls option in /etc/nixos/app.nix. Such an option does not exist.
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<sphalerite> So the best course of action is probably to remove it :)
<pradeepch> gchristensen: ahh thanks.
<jophish> Is there a way I can add another x86_64-linux build machine which will perform builds as well as my current x86_64-linux machine. remote builds for darwin work well, but when I perform an x86_64-linux build it's only done locally
<gchristensen> jophish: same as you added your remote darwin builder
<pradeepch> gchristensen: thanks a lot for the comments. one quick question - i can then add rest of the block like fetchFromGitHub as it is, right?
<jophish> hmm, I must have done something wrong then
<gchristensen> jophish: did you set the systems it can build?
<jophish> it looks like this in $NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS: nix@calcifer x86_64-linux /etc/nix/remote 6 6
<gchristensen> pradeepch: sorry, I can't help further :(
<pradeepch> no problems. i will try it out myself :)
<gchristensen> pradeepch: hint though: you probably don't want to override builder like you do on line 18
<pradeepch> ahh ok.
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<gchristensen> jophish: not sure, I've never set it up outside of a hydra
<jophish> yeah, it works fine for my hydra instance too
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<ronny> how do i get the HOSTNAME in a full system build? it seems the env var is empty
<LnL> getting distributed builds to work can be a bit annoying
<jophish> It's working well for builds which I can't perform locally.
<LnL> have you tried to ssh to the machine with root/hydra-queue-runner
<LnL> the builder won't be used when it's not in the known_hosts yet
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<jophish> LnL: that was it!
<jophish> thanks
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<LnL> that's what I mean, no warnings or indication why it's not used
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<jophish> the annoying thing is that it's only now that I remember I had this exact same problem when I was setting up hydra!
<jophish> there's also some sneaky issue when packages aren't signed, but I forget the details
<jophish> how good is the load balancing, will it be a win if I put an old (perhaps 1/3 the power of my desktop) laptop as a shared builder?
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<gchristensen> if your builds average out to equal build time, yes
<gchristensen> but if your slow machine gets stuck with chrome it'll be a loss
<LnL> you can tell nix that the machine is slower
<gchristensen> via speedFactor: https://search.nix.gsc.io/?q=speedFactor
<LnL> yes, I was looking for that
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<jophish> It's a shame our office internet is so crappy that it's not worth renting an amazon instance to build most things
<MichaelRaskin> Chromium allocation is still a risk, though
<jophish> It would be nice if there was an option to have all the machines perform the same build if they are otherwise idle
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<jophish> so chromium might start on the rPi but be finished first on the beefier computer
<bennofs> What does evaluation failed with exit code 255?
<bennofs> mean?
<gchristensen> to be frank, jophish, it probably just isn't worth having rpi in there at all
<GiGa|Laptop> globin, working on trying to make that pull request for the Jetbrains/Idea stuff
<jophish> yeah, was just an example of a low powered computer. This laptop I'm considering adding isn't too bad :)
<MichaelRaskin> Hm, Gigabyte actually updates high-end brix
<jophish> what is a little odd is that nix builds 'hello' remotely. I guess it doesn't know any better since that won't have 'perferlocalbuild' or whatever
<BlessJah> how is bios in brix? I've bought gigabyte mobo with same SoC as some brixes and bios is so horrible
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<MichaelRaskin> I dunno, I found it OKish for my complicated task of enabling UEFI and forgetting about BIOS settings forever
<gchristensen> jophish: nix has no idea how hard a build will be
<MichaelRaskin> I run 4770R headless, so I haven't went into BIOS since a long time
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<jophish> gchristensen: yeah, that's understandable. Perhaps the behaviour I'm looking for is that nix performs builds locally until the machine is saturated, and then starts performing builds on other machines in the office
<gchristensen> jophish: that is actually easy to accomplish :)
<gchristensen> (I think..!)
<jophish> oh! pray tell!
<gchristensen> jophish: set your local speedFactor to like 99999
<BlessJah> MichaelRaskin: y ga-n3150n was meant to be NAS, bios on the board would be kinda ok unless if it simply allowed to turn some options on or off, but it's easily to get combination that wont boot into bios anymore (I had to clear cmos way too many times)
<MichaelRaskin> Oh, NAS
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<GiGa|Laptop> Can anyone give me some advice on "git cherry-pick" please? I've got a package definition I've edit that I'd like to commit and perform a pull request for.
<BlessJah> i've heard good things about zotax zbox (with the same cpu) - bios allows you even to fake floppy with sd card
<jophish> gchristensen: does that mean I have to treat my local machine as a remote builder, or is there some option in nix.conf for that?
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<MoreTea> I was looking a bit at the parser. I saw now definition of booleans, so I guess that it's handled by injecting true and false in the top level lexical scope.
<gchristensen> jophish: you'll have to treat local as remote
<MoreTea> As a consequence, `let true = false; in true` evaluates to false, hehe.
<GiGa|Laptop> globin said to perform a cherry-pick but I'm struggling a bit with the syntax. He said "git cherry-pick COMMIT_WITH_UPDATE". I'm assuming I replace "COMMIT_WITH_UDPATE" with something else
<MichaelRaskin> BlessJah: for me, the point was to get a full i7 in a size that is easy to throw in a backpack
<gchristensen> MoreTea: what happens then if you assert true?
<jophish> gchristensen: I'll give it a go, thanks!
* BlessJah would love to have raid, dual nic and ipmi in backpack carry-able form factor
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: yes, the hash or ref of your commit.
<MichaelRaskin> I don't care much about dual NIC, for me USB3-ethernet works fine
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, so I can specify an arbitrary sting, or I should specify the branch name I created?
<MichaelRaskin> RAID means you need to fit two storage devices and cooling — that can cool them too
<MichaelRaskin> My BRIX already overheats often, just rarely enough to still be good performance on average
* GiGa|Laptop is very very new to git
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<MoreTea> @gchristensen, `let true = false; in assert true; true` ==> error: assertion failed at (string):1:22
<gchristensen> fancy
<BlessJah> GiGa|Laptop: git has dead simple data model, once you learn it it's much much easier to reason about somewhat crazy interface
<rmrfroot> anyone familiar with `hydra-create-user` getting a "DBD::SQLite::db prepare_cached failed: no such table: Users" error?
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<MichaelRaskin> «somewhat»
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: Ok. So what's exactly your situation? You got a (older) git branch with your own commits, but in order to create a pull request you want to update to master first?
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, I'm not entirely sure.
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, what I've just done:
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: you need to init
<GiGa|Laptop> git remote add upstream https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs
<GiGa|Laptop> git fetch upstream
<rmrfroot> alright, i have hydra running, webUI works, the pg database is populated after restarting the systemd service hydra-init.
<GiGa|Laptop> git checkout -b update-jetbrains
<GiGa|Laptop> git reset --hard upstream/master
<gchristensen> ay
<Unode> Is there any portable way to have "$(dirname $(readlink $(which git)))/../share/git/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight" as a symlink or in the PATH ?
<GiGa|Laptop> **applied my change to a file**
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, now I want to get to a position where I submit my updated file
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: i had already restarted hydra-init before i got that error
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<rmrfroot> gchristensen: is sqlite used alongside postgres?
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: sound's quite good to me. you applied you changes manually, so the files now have the desired state you want to submit?! no need for cherry picking then.
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<gchristensen> no
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, OK, that's good
<GiGa|Laptop> so just git commit?
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: maybe that's the problem then, that the user creation script tries to use sqlite?
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: you may need to set the dbi
<GiGa|Laptop> # git commit
<GiGa|Laptop> On branch update-jetbrains
<GiGa|Laptop> Changes not staged for commit:
<GiGa|Laptop> modified: pkgs/applications/editors/idea/default.nix
<GiGa|Laptop> no changes added to commit
<gchristensen> rmrfroot: HYDRA_DBI="your-dbi-here" hydra-create-user
<GiGa|Laptop> I don't understand why no changes were added?
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: before commiting you need to add your changes to the staging area. `git add` or the shortcut: `git commit -a`
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: best thing to do is `git commit -av` so you can review the changes
<joepie91> if I write up a (constructive) rant about the issues with the current state of Nix/NixOS documentation, where would this be best published?
<joepie91> (it will be somewhat lengthy)
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, OK, done that
<GiGa|Laptop> then "git commit again"?
<joepie91> (the goal being to get these issues fixed)
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<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: yep, now the commit should work.
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<GiGa|Laptop> # git commit -av
<GiGa|Laptop> [update-jetbrains 38d3d5c] Updated versions of various Jetbrains applications, including PHPStorm, IntelliJ, PyCharm.
<GiGa|Laptop> 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
<gchristensen> joepie91: maybe an issue? but it would be even better if you started regularly and consistently making efforts to be the change you want to see in nixos
<joepie91> gchristensen: one of the points in said rant is that it's impossible for me to do so
<gchristensen> joepie91: but you can start with the issue and then do the other part
<joepie91> :)
<GiGa|Laptop> yet "git commit" gives me "On branch update-jetbrains nothing to commit, working tree clean"
<gchristensen> why is that?
<GiGa|Laptop> so now git push?
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: next step is to push it to a new branch on your "private" git repo
<joepie91> gchristensen: because I barely understand any of how the current Nix tooling works, and I'm finding it extremely hard to get questions about it answered, meaning I can't document anything because I don't understand it to begin with
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: i'm running the command as the hydra user, and HYDRA_DBI is set to the right value. the /var/lib/hydra/.pgpass file has the correct value too. i will double check passwords and all that, maybe i've got the wrong password somewhere.
<joepie91> gchristensen: I have made an offer here in the past to write documentation based on people's notes, but as of yet, nobody has taken me up on this
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: hm? why commit again?
<joepie91> I can write documentation, but not if I don't understand the thing to be documented
<joepie91> gchristensen: hence writing a rant about the issues I've run into regarding documentation and generally finding answers, in the hope that either 1) it motivates people to help me help them or 2) it communicates to the more NixOS-competent users how to better communicate their knowledge to new users
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, OK, that's pushed to my private repo
<rmrfroot> joepie91: i can relate to that!
<gchristensen> joepie91: sounds good :)
<joepie91> gchristensen: on the issue tracker would be best, then?
<LUuM> GiGa|Laptop: now you should be able to create the merge request via the github website
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, yep, looking at that now
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<gchristensen> joepie91: do you have anything in particular you want to document? or do you want guidance on where to focus / help researching and understanding to write the docs?
<bennofs> joepie91: do you have any concrete questions?
<joepie91> bennofs: I have concrete questions every time I try to do basically anything concerning packaging, but the concrete questions aren't the problem, the problem is how hard it is to find an answer :P
<joepie91> documentation accessibility is just not good right now
<gchristensen> I agree
<LnL> jophish: I do have a bunch of notes on distributed builds that should probably end up in the manual
* gchristensen looks towards the long-absent kmicu :(
<LnL> joepie91: ^
<LnL> yeah what happend to him?
<LnL> !seen kmicu
<joepie91> gchristensen: my goal here is mostly to point out the documentation issues (since I get the impression that those in the best position to document NixOS are not particularly experienced at documentation writing, and vice versa), and to get an effort started on fixing that... the contribution from my side would be primarily knowing how to *write* the docs, and other people would have to pitch in with the actual content/concepts
<gchristensen> aye
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joncojonathan opened pull request #22030: Updated versions of various Jetbrains applications, including PHPStor… (master...update-jetbrains) https://git.io/vM7TK
<bennofs> joepie91: have you had a look at the nix pills?
<gchristensen> [0__0]: seen kmicu
<[0__0]> Yes, I saw kmicu 2 weeks ago.
<GiGa|Laptop> OK, I think that's done
<[0__0]> kmicu said: "gchristensen: ah, that chapter is not updated since 1.6 with ‘Nix now has proper integer arithmetic operators. For instance, you can write x + y instead of builtins.add x y, or x < y instead of builtins.lessThan x y. The comparison operators also work on strings.’."
<joepie91> LnL: right, it might be a good idea to dump those in the thread as well, as a starting point for somebody
<GiGa|Laptop> LUuM, thanks for your help
<joepie91> bennofs: yes, but the nix pills only document so much, and it is more a step-by-step tutorial than a way to look up specific concepts / problems
<bennofs> oops sry for the broken link
<gchristensen> joepie91: perhaps opening an issue when you're having trouble with something and saying "I'm trying to document X but need help understanding Y and Z" would be a good way to solicit that information? I'm not sure, I definitely understand your pain
<gchristensen> but sure, open an issue to start the convo :)
<joepie91> gchristensen: this takes too long, and doesn't solve the inherent problem
<joepie91> takes too long to get a response, I mean
<LnL> the nix pills explain a bunch of nix internals like how callPackage works, they are great but it's not really documentatioon
<bennofs> joepie91: can I help you in any way right now?
<jophish> LnL: yeah, a list of all these 'gotcha's would be nice
<joepie91> gchristensen: I've already tried this in the past for eg. the WINE stuff: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/10165
<joepie91> it took *ages* to get anything approaching an answer
<joepie91> this is not viable for day-to-day work with Nix
<LnL> jophish: oh, I pinged a relevant person by accident? :D
<bennofs> joepie91: oh, if you're talking about understanding specific parts of nixpkgs, I definitely agree 100% with you that nixpkgs is a mess
<jophish> LnL: always interested in what you have to say :)
<joepie91> bennofs: not with any specific points, no - the question was mostly just where to publish a rant/essay/whatever-you-want-to-call-it about the documentation issues... documenting specific issues can follow from that
<joepie91> but there's not much point approaching specific issues until I've outlined the issues I see :P
<joepie91> (with the current approaches, that is)
<joepie91> because I'll just end up replicating the rant in realtime on IRC but more poorly worded
<bennofs> joepie91: perhaps posting a link on the nix-dev ML would be appropriate?
<bennofs> joepie91: if you don't want to use github
* joepie91 has no qualms with using github for this
<gchristensen> joepie91: to be fair though, wine seems to be one of the more obscure sides, I've never heard of anyone making a wine-based package
<bennofs> gchristensen: there's dozen of obscure parts in nixpkgs though, which is a problem
<joepie91> gchristensen: well sure, but- yeah, that
<joepie91> and even just a pointer would be nice
<joepie91> it doesn't have to be a full essay
<bennofs> joepie91: to use anything more complex from nixpkgs currently you need to read the code for that IMO. I don't want to endorse that situation, but that's how it is right now
<gchristensen> bennofs: no doubt
<joepie91> like, generally speaking, when something isn't already packaged, that means it's not your standard autotools-based package, and so you're going to need to understand the more obscure bits to be able to package it
<joepie91> bennofs: this is rapidly going into reproducing-my-rant-on-IRC territory :)
<gchristensen> but even if I wanted to help, I don't know of a single person I could direct joepie91 to
<joepie91> (this is also covered in my rant)
<gchristensen> (re wine)
<joepie91> so I'll just get started on writing it into an issue, heh
<gchristensen> good :D
<gchristensen> thank you, joepie91
<LnL> (y)
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<rmrfroot> gchristensen: i found the problem, i ran the command using "sudo -u hydra [CMD]". when doing that the env vars was not set since they are only set on login. running the command "sudo -u hydra -i [CMD]" solved the problem
<gchristensen> ahh good, rmrfroot
<rmrfroot> gchristensen: thanks for being my rubber duck ^^
<pradeepch> sphalerite: I am still not able to figure out where i defined __ignoreNulls option here: https://gist.github.com/pradeepchhetri/fdc4af946b72df5152d90ce6b94b2d17 Can you help me out please
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<bennofs> pradeepch: it sounds like you tried to include that as a configuration module instead of a package
<gchristensen> also worth considering joepie91 is the growth of nixpkgs since october 2015, in that since octobor 2015 we've merged as many PRs as existed over the life of the project at that time (8,000 before october 2015, 8,000 since october 2015)
<bennofs> pradeepch: iirc stdenv.mkDerivation might return a set that has an __ignoreNulls attribute
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<pradeepch> bennofs: ahh ok. how can i debug it :)
<bennofs> pradeepch: what command can I run to reproduce your error?
<LnL> gchristensen: I didn't know it where that many
<pradeepch> i basically imported this app.nix into configuration.nix and ran nixos-rebuild switch
<gchristensen> LnL: indeed :D
<bennofs> pradeepch: how did you import it into configuration.nix?
<bennofs> pradeepch: can you show the code from configuration.nix where you do that?
<pradeepch> yes sure
<pradeepch> bennofs: here is how both app.nix and configuration.nix looks like
<bennofs> pradeepch: ah, there's the problem
<pradeepch> ohh
<bennofs> pradeepch: imports is meant for nixos module imports
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<bennofs> pradeepch: so you could use it to split up your configuration.nix into multiple modules for example
<pradeepch> ahh ok ok
<bennofs> pradeepch: but obviously, your app.nix does not define configuration options which is why it fails (it just so happens that a derivation is also an attribute set and thus *could* be a valid module, but of course the names of the attributes aren't valid option names)
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<bennofs> pradeepch: you can add packages (which your app.nix is) like this: environment.systemPackages = [ (import ./app.nix) ];
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM7k6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 733365b Alexander Batischev: paratype-pt-sane: s/sane/sans/
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb602a4 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #22029 from Minoru/patch-1...
<pradeepch> bennofs: i think i am getting what you meant.
<bennofs> pradeepch: that'll add the app env to the list of things that have /bin, etc symlinked into your system environment
<pradeepch> ok ok
<pradeepch> i am also trying to pull a github repo using fetchfromGithub
<pradeepch> can i remove derivation completely and do the same
<bennofs> pradeepch: hmm? what do you want to do when you pulled the github repo?
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<bennofs> pradeepch: the code for src in your app.nix looks correct, yet I still don't see what the sense behind all of this is supposed to be :)
<pradeepch> bennofs: i have never used nix, just learning from today .. I want to run the flask app. I was thinking to use systemd and start flask app after pulling the code from github
<pradeepch> i am thinking in the way how rest of the config management and deployment tools works :) Maybe there is better ways to do in nix world
<bennofs> pradeepch: in nixos way, you would first write a package for your app and then you can write a module that setups systemd services etc
<bennofs> pradeepch: for the package, app.nix is halfway there
<bennofs> pradeepch: let me quickly adapt your nix file to show you what I mean
<pradeepch> bennofs: that will be great. thanks a lot.
<gchristensen> LnL: https://prs.nix.gsc.io/eval/119#tabs-unfinished why do you think this one never finishes?
<gchristensen> or starts >.>
<LnL> not sure, have you looked at the expression?
<gchristensen> heh, no:)
<gchristensen> will do
<gchristensen> "requiredSystemFeatures = [ "benchmark" ];" thar we go
<LnL> ^ was just going to send that
<gchristensen> one of the more annoying secrets of hydra I think
<MoreTea> @joepie91, I've started with https://github.com/moretea/nix-guides/
<MoreTea> I have to run now, but would love to chat a bit more about what you would like to see improved w.r.t. the documentation.
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<MoreTea> (disclaimer: this very much just the initial infra structure to write stuff)
<bennofs> pradeepch: then you can run nix-build app.nix and you get a result symlink that allows you to launch your hello world app: result/bin/hello-world
<gchristensen> LnL: I added benchmark to all the machines and now every machine is doing nothing but building metrics :)
<LnL> haha
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<pradeepch> bennofs: thank you very much. I can compleletely correlate package and module by looking at it. very appreciating :)
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<roundhouse> hi guys, is there anywhere I can see when a commit to nixpkgs master will be available in nixos-unstable?
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin, globin, domenkozar: can we merge https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21971? it passes everything AFAICT and fixes a fairly annoying issue with my hydra
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<roundhouse> LnL: Thanks, perfect. The commit I'm waiting for is actually 11 days old, just as old as the update of nixos-unstable :)
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<joepie91> yeah, this rant is becoming pretty lengthy...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bflyblue opened pull request #22032: Factorio update (master...factorio-update) https://git.io/vM7ts
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<jophish> Is there a way to get a list of packages required for evaluation?
<LnL> nix-store -qR $(nix-instantiate -A hello)
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<fpletz> has anybody already investigated why connection tracking helpers aren't loaded anymore? that's the reason the nat tests fail (though I'd vote for disabling conntrack helpers by default anyway \o/)
<LnL> there is (or was) an issue about that
<fpletz> oh, yeah, that firewall issue
<fpletz> but well, autoloading is broken now %)
<fpletz> maybe the default behaviour was changed in linux 4.9
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jpierre03 opened pull request #22033: qgis: 2.16.2 -> 2.18.3 (master...pr-qgis) https://git.io/vM7qo
<bennofs> pradeepch: I've played around with your example a little bit more (always wanted to learn about nixos containers :), so here is a complete nixos service that runs your app with systemd: https://gist.github.com/bennofs/de8098067940142af39971376352913a
<bennofs> pradeepch: the previous version I posted was really more of a "package"
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* joepie91 is up to 12kb of text so far
<the-kenny> Does anybody here see (in)frequent emacs25 crashes? For some reason my emacs started crashing randomly (mostly when refreshing some test on the screen, for example during `rgrep`)
<bennofs> the-kenny: haven't noticed that, at least not since I disabled EXWM :)
<jophish> LnL: That doesn't seem to work for me. I'm talking about dependencies necessary to perform the evaluation, so in this example I'd expect to see pkgs.hello in the list https://gist.github.com/72b6d59957e6e0b73a55326492072096
<the-kenny> bennofs: I'm not using that. I *suspect* it might have something to do with the font rendering, as I switched fonts a while back (and nothing else)
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<the-kenny> It's super annoying as it sometimes happens three times in 10minutes then not once for days
<jophish> As far as I know these are evaluated when they are required, and there's no program to print the list without running them
<bennofs> jophish: i suspect that in general, this is undecidable
<jophish> Which is understandable, as they could be arbitrarily dependent on other inputs
<bennofs> jophish: there might be multiple stages required
<jophish> exactly
<LnL> jophish: hello should be in the closure of the drv, but there's not really a way to get the attribute
<the-kenny> ...and the backtrace only names "libphtreaded" and many many questionmarks :)
<jophish> I'm just wondering for the hercules user experience. Can it be done better than hydra, where it just says "evaluating" for potentially quite a long time
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz opened pull request #22034: Disable conntrack helper autoloading by default (master...conntrack-helpers) https://git.io/vM7mY
<bennofs> LnL: there's ways to use hello *without* it appearing in the drv though, like comparing its store path to a fixed string and doing something different dependending on the results
<jophish> for example when I build my haskell packages they depend on cabal2nix for evaluation. It's much nicer for me as a human to build cabal2nix ahead of time and then build my haskell package
<LnL> bennofs: huh?
<bennofs> LnL: like: if "${hello}" == "blablabla" then ... else ...
<bennofs> LnL: then hello won't appear in the .drv
<bennofs> LnL: therefore, it's not part of the closure of the .drv
<jophish> what would be nice would be to get the "next" set of unbuild packages in order to advance the evaluation
<bennofs> jophish: nix has no support for that, so it is impossible apart from adding support for that to nix
<jophish> I suspected as much
<the-kenny> haha, fun: looks like some kind of race condition in re_search together with pthread :D http://p.tarn-vedra.de/emacs-segfault.txt.html
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<jophish> I wonder if it's possible to get a list of packages required after a successful evaluation
<bennofs> jophish: there's not enough info after evaluation i think, because evaluation creates a .drv and that .drv does not contain references to the paths required to build the .drv
<bennofs> s/build/produce
<jophish> gotcha
<bennofs> jophish: I'd be interested in this as well, since it is annoying that you cannot add roots for these dependencies. My haskell setup relies on cabal2nix at derivation time, so while I can add roots for all haskell deps cabal2nix always needs to be recompiled after gc
<jophish> Perhaps this wouldn't be too hard to add. What would need to happen would be to tell the builder that it's not allowed to build anything during evaluation, but it can put the desired derivation on stdout or some other channel to be picked up and built by another tool
<jophish> the builder can only advance when that appears in the store
<jophish> of course this sounds very error prine
<jophish> prone*
<bennofs> jophish: "not allowed to build anything during evaluation" isn't there already an option for that?
<jophish> yes, I think so
<bennofs> Ah, restrict-eval, but not sure if that's exactly that
<bennofs> restrict-eval
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<bennofs> If set to true, the Nix evaluator will not allow access to any files outside of the Nix search path (as
<bennofs> set via the NIX_PATH environment variable or the -I option). The default is false.
<jophish> is that the same one which prevents downloading unhashed inputs?
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<LnL> bennofs: I'm not sure if that happens in practice
<bennofs> LnL: that exact example probably not. But one could imagine using builtins.readFile on such a derivation and switching on the output
<jophish> bennofs: one solution to this would be to declare the evaluation-inputs ahead of time
<jophish> and not get them ad-hoc from nixpkgs inside the derivation
<bennofs> jophish: how would that look like?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #21909: rtags: 2.3 -> 2.8 (master...topic_rtags) https://git.io/vMwdz
<jophish> bennofs: just regular arguments I suppose
<jophish> they could have default values (which would do naughty building during evaluation)
<bennofs> jophish: ah and the arguments must be filled in by hydra/ci?
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<jophish> but tools such as hercules and hydra could be instructed to fill these in manually to give a more predictable evaluation time
<bennofs> jophish: so just like regular inputs?
<jophish> exactly
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<jophish> It could be a problem if the inputs the CI is instructed to supply differ from the defaults the developer is using
<bennofs> jophish: I don't like that. For example, it would be very difficult to feed in each cabal2nix'ed expression if you use cabal2nix at evaluation time in various places
<bennofs> jophish: I think this would quickly become way too huge to be usable
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<jophish> hmm, I'm not sure what you mean
<jophish> oh, I see
<jophish> there could be a half way house, where just cabal2nix is provided from outside
<bennofs> jophish: well assume you take nixpkgs. there's probably places deep in nixpkgs where cabal2nix may be used, and you'd have to thread all those expressions down to the usage sides
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<jophish> the intention is to make evaluation faster, not necessarily without any building (i.e. running cabal2nix)
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<jophish> hmm, that does sound like a pain
<bennofs> jophish: yeah, you could pass in last-eval and use last-eval instead of <nixpkgs> for getting the tools for import-from-derivation. That should avoid rebuilds where possible
<bennofs> the tools should be cached anyway
<bennofs> although that may change behaviour if the current evaluation includes a different version of the tool
<jophish> yeah, we have this scheme at work and it's not a huge problem aside from when we bump the nixpkgs version and evaluations take forever
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<jophish> bennofs: there is another solution: Make the output from nix-build easier for a machine to understand. Although the evalution would take just as long the CI server could say "evaluation in progress, currently building dependency xxx"
<jophish> and treat that output as any other build
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<bennofs> jophish: that boils down to: implement import-from-derivation properly inside nix, and not in the ad-hoc way it is right now
<bennofs> it would clearly be nice to have dry-run work for import-from-derivation
<jophish> and everything else: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1148
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<jophish> this is the flag you're looking for
<jophish> (it doesn't exist)
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<jophish> bennofs: how about this: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/666
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vM7O3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc8233a Tim Steinbach: kernel: 4.4.43 -> 4.4.44
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vM7OG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 858a4ac Tim Steinbach: kernel: 4.4.43 -> 4.4.44...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vM7O8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 a1672a2 Franz Pletz: linux: 4.1.36 -> 4.1.38...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 dc6a857 Franz Pletz: linux: 3.18.45 -> 3.18.47...
<joepie91> gchristensen: will probably be finishing my post tomorrow, I'm about halfway through and I've run out of energy for today :P
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #22035: rkt: 1.22.0 -> 1.23.0 (master...rkt_1_23_0) https://git.io/vM7O7
<gchristensen> joepie91: ok :)
<olejorgenb> How to use nix-build when developing? Ie. not having todo a full rebuild each time
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<bennofs> olejorgenb: use nix-shell instead of nix-build
<bennofs> (for developing)
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<asymmetric> hey folks, how would i remove a file from the source bundle in a derivation, so that it doesn't create conflicts at compile time?
<asymmetric> brute force attempt at resolving https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22026#issuecomment-274336839
<joepie91> when `nix-build`ing a package, how can I pass in values? specifically, I'm trying to update https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/games/factorio/default.nix which expects a `username` and `password` attribute being passed in
<joepie91> and the same for modifying the `mods`, I guess
<olejorgenb> bennofs: thanks (do you know it there's some function that call all phases necessesary? eg. configurePhase alone fails for autoconf packages)
<jophish> asymmetric: builtins.filterSource?
<olejorgenb> (worked calling the autoreconfhook manually though)
<joepie91> cc bennofs perhaps? :P
<bennofs> joepie91: nix-build --expr 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}); callPackage ./default.nix { username = "foo"; password = "bar"; }'
<joepie91> bennofs: makes sense, thanks
<asymmetric> jophish: thanks, i'll take a look.
<bennofs> joepie91: IMO, nix-build --expr should be the default and it should put 'import <nixpkgs> {}' into the scope by default. Or perhaps have a nix expr command to do that, like: nix expr 'callPackage ./default.nix { ... }'
<joepie91> completely unrelated question, is there a way to obtain what Nix thinks is the SHA256 hash of a file, *without* adding it to the store?
<bennofs> joepie91: so without nix-store --add-fixed?
<joepie91> yeah
<jophish> joepie91: nix-hash
<bennofs> ^^^ was about to say that .)
<joepie91> hmm. trying to reproduce the hash now, but failing so far...
<joepie91> sec
<asymmetric> jophish: can i use `builtins.filterSource` in the preBuild step?
<joepie91> hrm. --add-fixed seems to be missing from the nix-store manpage?
<asymmetric> in the docs i see it's used on src, but src in my case is coming from fetchgit, not a local path
<bennofs> joepie91: yeah seems to be missing. hmm
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<joepie91> not in the Nix manual either
<joepie91> plan C
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<joepie91> bennofs: and how do I resolve this when using nix-build --expr? https://gist.github.com/joepie91/6153c9e778be35aafe3cf2f7e77789f9
<joepie91> iirc I already have that
<joepie91> actually, let me double check that
<joepie91> yeah, I do
<bennofs> joepie91: in your ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix?
<jophish> asymmetric: I've got to go, sorry.
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<joepie91> bennofs: yeah
<bennofs> joepie91: if you only set it in configuration.nix, it won't apply to nix-build nor nix-env, just to nixos-rebuild
<bennofs> hmm that is weird...
<joepie91> I've run into this before
<joepie91> was unable to find a solution
<joepie91> bennofs: config.nix in question: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5fbb6923c7005cd58f8e5d22f0fb1233
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<Sonarpulse> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21915 first commit here causes an divergence with nix-env -qa
<Sonarpulse> and other tests
<Sonarpulse> no idea how to debug
<bennofs> joepie91: try nix-build --expr 'with (import <nixpkgs> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }); callPackage ./default.nix { username = "foo"; password = "bar"; releaseType = "alpha"; }'
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<joepie91> bennofs: that worked
<joepie91> bennofs: on to the next problem... :P
<bennofs> joepie91: is your NIXPKGS_CONFIG env variable set?
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<bennofs> also is $HOME set?
<joepie91> yes, $HOME is set and correct
<bennofs> does $NIXPKGS_CONFIG exist?
<bennofs> joepie91: if yes, then that files takes precendence
<joepie91> bennofs: it did, probably from previous experimentation.. I just added allowUnfree there and it worked
<joepie91> bennofs: removed it, and now it works as well, probably from the one in ~ this time
<bennofs> yeah
<joepie91> all of these things are good examples of things that should be documented in an obvious place :D
<joepie91> anyhow :P
<joepie91> I've just built the factorio from nixpkgs master to verify that the hashes are correcft
<joepie91> ie. not replaced by upstream
<joepie91> and it installed fine
<joepie91> however
<joepie91> alpha = authenticatedFetch { inherit url; sha256 = "0rgjdxdcqf9m3ghzr076q3xi1g01ix14jldjwn6jgnvggzqkph9l"; };
<joepie91> but...
<joepie91> this is what I get from the same file, downloaded manually: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/be9179ca3943d33f4531687996e8914d
<bennofs> joepie91: what does nix-prefetch-file file:///$PWD/factorio2.tar.gz print?
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<joepie91> bennofs: you mean nix-prefetch-url?
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<bennofs> joepie91: oh yes
<bennofs> hmm
<joepie91> ie. the one from the nixpkgs package
<joepie91> evidently the nix-hash output is incorrect for my purposes, but I have no idea why :P
<bennofs> joepie91: you need --flat it seems
<joepie91> aha!~
<joepie91> yes, now it matches
<bennofs> joepie91: fetch.nix has outputHashMode = "flat"
<joepie91> so, final command, for ad-hoc documentation purposes: nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 --flat factorio2.tar.gz
<bennofs> joepie91: the difference is that without flat, it first builds a NAR with the file and then hashes that I think
<joepie91> bennofs: I don't quite recall what a NAR is :P
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<gchristensen> Nix Archive, basically a reproducible tar
<bennofs> joepie91: like a tar archive but deterministic, so modification times are stripped and entries are sorted by name etc
<joepie91> right
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<joepie91> well
<joepie91> time to try and update this package...
<joepie91> anybody have any idea whether there's any progress on a Factorio mods channel? ref https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/games/factorio/mods.nix#L1-L4
<ronny> again, how can i take env vars or the hostname into account in configuration.nix?
<bennofs> ronny: you can get the hostname via config.networking.hostName
<bennofs> ...assuming you set that in your configuration.nix
<bennofs> ronny: otherwise, there is builtins.getENv
<bennofs> s/getENv/getEnv
<bennofs> ronny: also, builtins.readFile if you want to store the host-dependent info in some fixed location config file, or you could just format that file with nix syntax and directly `import` it
<gchristensen> I like that option best
<joepie91> alright, my updated package works
* joepie91 adds "make a PR" to to-do list for tomorrow
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<ronny> bennofs: the env one was empty
<ronny> bennofs: i am trying to get the current hostname to decide what configfile to include
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<ronny> (so i can manage the configurations of different computers all the same
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<bennofs> ronny: builtins.readFile "/etc/hostname" ?
<gchristensen> is the hostname not managed by nix though?
<gchristensen> domenkozar: can you restart all failed on 16.09?
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: alternatively, may I have permission to do that? :)
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<Myrl-saki> Is it possible to set src as a local directory?
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> src = ./.
<Myrl-saki> Oh cool.
<yeahboi> hello, how do I define a broadcast address?
<Myrl-saki> Oh wait, does fetchFromUrl (or something?) just create(and return a reference to) a directory on /nix
<gchristensen> yeah
<Myrl-saki> Oh lol
<Myrl-saki> Thanks.
<gchristensen> yeahboi: eh? isn't the broadcast just a calculation based on your IP and mask?
<LnL> yep, we store all the things in the store :)
<Unode> How do you run a nix wrapped binary through gdb in nixos?
<Unode> mpv was working fine yesterday but is segfaulting now. No clue why.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to gcc-6: https://git.io/vM7Zz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 87d85c1 Robin Gloster: dirac: fix build with gcc6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 2b51c41 Robin Gloster: freeimage: fix build with gcc6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 539564d Robin Gloster: libjack2: add patch to fix build with gcc6
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<clever> Unode: manualy read the wrapper, set the env variables in your shell, then run gdb on the original ELF
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<Unode> clever: ok thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #22021: buildRustPackage: use frozen cargo fetches (master...cargo) https://git.io/vMQns
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<yeahboi> gchristensen: my broadcast needs to be 192,168.1.1
<yeahboi> not
<yeahboi> nevermind... needed a default route
<gchristensen> that doesn't make sense, because broadcast addresses are specified by the IP & its mask
<yeahboi> >.<
<gchristensen> so would have a broadcast of
<gchristensen> is probably what you want :)
<yeahboi> yeah that too
<yeahboi> thanks
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<mzarella> nixos-rebuild switch failed just now
<mzarella> error: The option `networking.wireless.enable' has conflicting definitions, in `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/services/networking/networkmanager.nix' and `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix'
<mzarella> i searched for keywords in this error message, but i haven't been able to find this problem
<mzarella> what is the process of debugging it?
<fpletz> mzarella: there problem here is that the networkmanager module sets the networking.wireless.enable to another value than you do in your configuration
<fpletz> mzarella: IIRC networkmanger starts it's own wpra-supplicant, so networking.wireless.enable should be false
<fpletz> *wpa-supplicant
<mzarella> oh
<mzarella> i see there's an assertion that config.networking.wireless.enable be false
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<mzarella> thank you for that information fpletz
<fpletz> but the module also sets it to false anyways? it would be nicer if the assertion would be triggered before that other error/asserts in the module code
<mzarella> i was just going to read through networkmanager.nix and see if i could figure it out
<fpletz> let me have a look, this is a UX problem :)
<mzarella> but that answer hopefully saves me some time
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<mzarella> do i have to install the networkmanager on a per user basis?
<mzarella> i installed it using the root user
<mzarella> my understanding so far is that nix will install packages on a per user basis
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<mzarella> i guess not
<mzarella> one of the users was able to use the networkmanager
<mzarella> there are no global packages, right?
<MichaelRaskin> In NixOS there are
<Unode> clever: seems like I'm running without debug symbols and then: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18530 so I guess no point going there.
<clever> Unode: nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; enableDebugging hello;'
<clever> i believe
<LnL> man this keyboard lag is annoying, but I have no clue why it's happening
<Unode> clever: hum.. that starts a long compilation. From what I read on that issue and the related ones, I might still end up without useful information...
<clever> Unode: that function will altar the build flags to include debug symbols
<ronny> bennofs: is there a wa to make this configurable tho? (i#d like to build "vms" of different pc's i have)
<Unode> clever: I understand. I was just referencing that on the issue the reporter spent 2 days compiling and still didn't get usable symbols at the end.
<clever> in some packages, you need more override flags
<Unode> clever: thanks for all the info. I'll have a look.
<clever> Unode: and glancing at that issue you linked, i think he enabled the wrong option
<clever> i think he just set an env var for the entire system, that has no effect
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<Unode> I also did that. Managed to get debug symbols for glibc and that was about it
<Unode> but no worries.
<clever> though the eelco msg implies it should have worked, and given debug for EVERYTHING
<clever> the nix-build i gave only gives debug for the top level derivation you name
<clever> and no others
<clever> so less of a rebuild the world thing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to gcc-6: https://git.io/vM7cH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 292c03c Robin Gloster: ams-lv2: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 2ca70d5 Robin Gloster: apvlv: 0.1 -> 0.1.5
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 f6a46e0 Robin Gloster: acoustidFingerprinter: add patch to fix build with gcc6
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vM7CI
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master df0301f Franz Pletz: nixos/networkmanager: trigger assertion instead of error
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<moet> how can i query the nix attribute paths installed by configuration.nix?
<moet> if i do `nix-env -q` on my user, there's only one package (my "environment" package) and if i do the same on root, there's nothing listed.
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<fpletz> moet: you mean like the full system closure?
<fpletz> moet: nix-store --query --requisites /run/current-system
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<gchristensen> fpletz: little things like that remind me of just how stinkin' powerful nix is.
<moet> fpletz: cool! i'll read about the requisites option.
<moet> hmm. i don't see a `requisites` option anywhere on the nix-env manpape.
<moet> manpage* .. is it in another castle?
<gchristensen> it is nix-store not nix-env
<moet> oops. misread. that's one i haven't started using yet!
<fpletz> yeah, the nix commands are a bit confusing at first… but they do make sense! you're just not used to think like in the context of normal a package manager :)
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<aristid> argh this is a bit of a painful realization, even if no harm came to pass: i just noticed that my tarsnap cronjob made no archives from early 2016 to late 2016... in november it had fixed itself
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<gchristensen> :o
<aristid> there is a commit in nixpkgs around that time (september-november) about fixing something with tarsnap
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* gchristensen should probably set up backups before his computer dies
<gchristensen> "250 picodollars / byte-month" LOL
<bennofs> aristid: you need monitoring for your backups !
<gchristensen> aristid: does our tarsnap exclude /nix?
<aristid> gchristensen: i only backup $HOME
<gchristensen> ah
<aristid> to tarsnap that is
<aristid> tarsnap is rather expensive
<gchristensen> no kidding, especially at 250p$/b
<aristid> i think it also lists it in normal units nowadays
<aristid> gchristensen: i noticed today that i'm currently paying close to a dollar a day because my excludes ruleset had a problem :D
<gchristensen> heh
<bennofs> i don't even have anything important in $HOME, i treat $HOME as sort of user-level /etc and nearly everything is in git
<bennofs> (everything non-auto-generated)
<ronny> i wish i whas there already
<ronny> btw, anyone aware of a nice solution for storing provate photos, the google kinda backup is creepy
<gchristensen> put them on s3
<aristid> hmm, i wonder how easy it is to set up your own git-lfs server
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<viric> I use git-annex with multiple hard disks for media, restic for the rest, and multiple external hard disks, some remote.
<fpletz> aristid: have you tried git-annex?
<fpletz> oh :)
<aristid> fpletz: a long time ago, but it was too confusing
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<gchristensen> kde has a fancy tool for showing what is using up most space in your disk. anyone remember what that is?
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<mzarella> how can i delete generations that are no longer used?
<gchristensen> mzarella: `man nix-collect-garbage`
<mzarella> excellent, thanks
<aristid> gchristensen: no, but i like to use ncdu for that
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<gchristensen> nice, aristid!
<aristid> ncdu is actually a lot faster than du
* gchristensen collects garbage
<gchristensen> it is killing my computer, running ncdu :o
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<mzarella> ncdu looks nice
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<gchristensen> "61363.68 MiB freed"
<philipp[m]> ncdu is one of the first tool I install on every box. You can't install it, when you most need it.
<Ralith> til about ncdu
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] alibabzo opened pull request #22036: neofetch: init at 2.0.2 (master...init/neofetch) https://git.io/vM7lw
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<morsicus1> Hi there, i have a "failed to probe partition scheme "/boot": Input/output error" on my fresh install of nixos. I'm on USB stick with EFI and a /boot with 500 mo (vFAT)
<morsicus1> Any idea ?
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<LnL> the efi partition must be >512m
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<ronny> whats the correct way to use nix-shell in a shebang for python
<avn> folks, anyone who use ZFS -- https://gist.github.com/avnik/2d482eb1bf2455be07b7ca4f92572180 , does you have ideas whats happens?
<avn> can this happens, because my pool created over lvm/md volume?
<LnL> huh, I would not recommend doing that
<morsicus1> LnL i tried with 600MiB … Same issue :'(
<ronny> currently im using https://gist.github.com/RonnyPfannschmidt/9d535d37566cbeedf023508aaa9f644b, but that breaks, i tried various combinations
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<avn> LnL: migration configuration ;)
<LnL> morsicus1: not sure then, in this with the usb itself?
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<gchristensen> blah ... tarsnap is expensive for me
<swflint> Is there anything I should know about installing on an MMC?
<simpson> gchristensen: Yikes. That doesn't bode well for my pricing.
<gchristensen> simpson: what pricing?
<simpson> gchristensen: Pricing for the paid version of my backup offering. I can get relatively close to Tarsnap's pricing, but I have more overhead than him.
<gchristensen> oh I see
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<gchristensen> I dunno, I might not be representative :)
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<simpson> Certainly I don't think that $5/mo is a burden: https://helpers.matador.cloud/payment
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #22036: neofetch: init at 2.0.2 (master...init/neofetch) https://git.io/vM7lw
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<gchristensen> simpson: "If we discover this kind of data on the grid, we may choose to remove it:" how does this work and still be "nobody can read any given file"
<simpson> gchristensen: Good question! Most of that discovery is presumably aided by people who are unhappy with certain content on the grid. I can't go searching for it.
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<moet> i put an rfkill-unblock command in `powerManagement.powerUpCommands`, but i guess that's too early for rfkill: "stage-2-init: Can't open RFKILL control device: No such file or directory"
<moet> i'm currently searching `man configuration.nix` for a later hook..
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<gchristensen> simpson: is this like, honor system?
<simpson> gchristensen: No, it's cryptographically ensured. There's no way for me to find files without people sending me links to those files.
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<gchristensen> simpson: no I mean the payment process :)
<simpson> gchristensen: Oh. Uh, I'm keeping track of where the money goes, but the site really should show more status information.
<gchristensen> simpson: are you on "the cloud"? I have 50gb+ of data here. will $5/mo really cover your costs?
<gchristensen> I'm baffled, haha
<gchristensen> but am very interested
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jpierre03 opened pull request #22037: hubicfuse: 2.1.0 -> 3.0.0 (master...pr-hubicfuse) https://git.io/vM74n
<ronny> nm, i instead passed just all needed packages to nix-shell directly
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #22038: flannel service: fix enable expression (master...fix/flannel/service) https://git.io/vM740
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] offlinehacker pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM749
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cd9f709 Robert Helgesson: flannel service: fix enable expression...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 513a564 Jaka Hudoklin: Merge pull request #22038 from rycee/fix/flannel/service...
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<simpson> gchristensen: Next service to be introduced will let you provide a verifycap and cash, and I'll keep the verifycap alive for a while.
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<simpson> By default, it's the user's responsibility to ensure file liveness; I can't do it directly.
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<aristid> sifting through old archives, i just found a file with this name: nixos-0.1pre17393-i686-linux.iso
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<aristid> i think the 17393 is the SVN revision
<aristid> yup... "Date: Wed Sep 23 20:51:09 2009 +0000"
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<aristid> i think this was when i first tried nixos but quickly gave it up
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] alibabzo opened pull request #22039: msgpack-tools: init at 0.6 (master...init/msgpack-tools) https://git.io/vM7B2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #22039: msgpack-tools: init at 0.6 (master...init/msgpack-tools) https://git.io/vM7B2
<GiGa> Thank you folks for your help over the last few days
<GiGa> hoping that once I get up to speed I'll be able to contribute more
<gchristensen> simpson: it ins't clear to me what that means, or if it answers my question about $5 for 50GB
<simpson> gchristensen: I think that $5 would only keep 50 GB alive for a portion of a month. I'm not sure about exact amounts.
<Ralith> is there a standard procedure for reinstalling with NixOS in-place yet?
<gchristensen> simpson: interesting ... sounds like I should read up on Tahoe more ... is there a conversion rate of dollars to data?
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<Ralith> tahoe-lafs is super neat and I'm glad it's still alive
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<GiGa> The "patches" element in a recipe - is that what will be produced?
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<simpson> gchristensen: Still working on it. Basically data is very cheap for me to Just Store ($4/100GB/mo) but a little more expensive to constantly verify. I don't know how much is "a little more" yet.
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<gchristensen> simpson: should I use this now? / how much should I pay you / do you automatically bill
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vM70v
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging df67f58 Vladimír Čunát: gtk3: move gtk-update-icon-cache to the main output...
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<GiGa> Anyone know when BSDDB3 will be fixed in python3 ?
<GiGa> It's a dependency of GRAMPS 4,2,5 which I'm trying to upgrade the recipe for
<simpson> gchristensen: You can use it now for free https://matador.cloud/introducer.furl / when I have services worth paying for, I'll let you know / autopay is a deep trouble that I don't do yet.
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<GiGa> I'm trying to update a recipe for clementine, but every time I "nix-build -A clementine" in my working copy it completes instantly. Doing a "--version" shows me v1.2.3
<GiGa> I don't understand why it's not building what I've given it
<gchristensen> try nix-build . -A clementine
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<GiGa> Completes instantly - think I need to clear the store that links to ./result ?
<gchristensen> GiGa: have you changed the version and forgotten to update the hash of the fetch?
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<GiGa> gchristensen, thought I'd updated that. That helped, thanks
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<GiGa> gchristensen, think I'm out of my depth here then: "Hunk #1 FAILED at 158."
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<GiGa> This seems to be leaving a mess in /nix/store - does garbage collection sort that?
<mzarella> selector 'nixos.python35Packages.virtualenvwrapper' matches no derivations
<mzarella> selector 'python35Packages.virtualenvwrapper' matches no derivations
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<mzarella> nix-env -i python3.5-virtualenvwrapper-4.3
<mzarella> installing 'python3.5-virtualenvwrapper-4.3'
<mzarella> error: sphinx-1.2.3 not supported for interpreter python3.5m
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<mzarella> " it is simply not possible at this point to install virtualenvwrapper on Python 3.5 because of the currently defined dependencies. "
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<Judson> I'm trying to start up work on a Ruby project. When I run `bundle` I get 'mv: inter-device move failed: '/tmp/bundler20170122-8599-1j59etlpublic_suffix-2.0.5/cache/public_suffix-2.0.5.gem' to '/nix/store/dkx1rz5prdxslrwk4kxghj2ma2xhxn3m-bundler-1.11.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.1/cache/public_suffix-2.0.5.gem'; unable to remove target: Read-only file system'
<Judson> Which, sure, bundler is in /nix/store, but why is bundler trying to install there?
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<GiGa> Is there a way to make services.mysql.package use mariadb ?
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<gchristensen> Judson: try bundle install --path vendor
<gchristensen> GiGa: it does it by default
<GiGa> gchristensen, oh right, cool. Didn't want to suddenly find all of these tests were going to clog me up
<gchristensen> :)
<globin> openjdk :(
<gchristensen> globin: :(
<globin> + # These flags are required for GCC 6 builds as undefined behaviour in OpenJDK code
<globin> + # runs afoul of the more aggressive versions of these optimisations.
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<globin> + # Notably, value range propagation now assumes that the this pointer of C++
<globin> + # member functions is non-null.
<globin> + NO_DELETE_NULL_POINTER_CHECKS_CFLAG="-fno-delete-null-pointer-checks"
<gchristensen> :o
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<globin> wrt to that comment im genuinely astonished that openjdk didn't break with hardening o.O
<globin> s/im/I'm
<gchristensen> no kidding
<gchristensen> globin: do you have any reason to think I should wait on merging this? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21971 I was going to, but I'm getting itchy :)
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<globin> gchristensen: just never touched that code, I think the worst that can happen is an evaluation error %)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vM7z7
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 13d6681 Graham Christensen: release.nix: Only build Only build bootstrap tools when their system is supported
<globin> but should be fine
<gchristensen> haha cool, thank you :)
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<gchristensen> hopefully PRs finish by default now at https://prs.nix.gsc.io/project/nixos
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<globin> yeah I had heard you did something similar to us %)
<gchristensen> you've done something similar??
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<globin> gchristensen: yeah with domen and fpletz on a hackday in MUC: https://github.com/domenkozar/nixbot
<gchristensen> ahh yes
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<globin> but wasn't that ready and broke with a setuptools update
<globin> but I'd still like some general purpose webhook router for nixpkgs in flask/pyramid that can be extended, e.g. tracking patches, automated security notifications, PR testing, style checking etc.
<LnL> globin: oh that looks better then what I did
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<LnL> yeah
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<gchristensen> yeah
<globin> gchristensen: yeah we were hacking around with the declarative projects which worked quite well until it stopped working %)
<globin> but going to look at that in a few days
<LnL> yeah I was thinking about that first, but gchristensen or somebody else said that it's broken
<globin> https://github.com/mayflower/hydra-prs that was the jobset definitions with the prs.json getting the prs pushed to
<gchristensen> it seemed very hard to use
<gchristensen> whoa the queue is empty now, LnL
<LnL> nice!
<globin> gchristensen: you're based in the US right?
<gchristensen> globin: yeah, western MA
<globin> hmm :/
<gchristensen> what's up?
<globin> not that easy to get there from europe
<LnL> gchristensen: are the diffs a bit better now with the hook for master??
<gchristensen> hehe, no, it isn't. I'm hoping to get to Europe this summer for the next nixcon
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<gchristensen> LnL: let's find out ...
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<gchristensen> but hubicfuse did pass, so we can probably merge
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<LnL> I don't see it in there
<LnL> oh wait, it's an update
<Judson> Sorted out the bundler issue, but the bundix .nix files are giving me a problem:
<Judson> (that's from nix-shell --show-trace)
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<LnL> gchristensen: the passing jobs are things that started failing since that pr was created https://prs.nix.gsc.io/eval/264?filter=atlas&compare=261&full=
<gchristensen> interesting!
<gchristensen> it is spooky to me that we have 0 queued jobs
<LnL> that's not it, those on master failed because of a timeout
<LnL> but since you have a new jobset it gets retried there
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<LnL> gchristensen: check the diff again
<gchristensen> hmm neat
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<LnL> so it's just because of builds that fail sometimes
<gchristensen> by the way, globin, thank you for taking on the release manager position :)
<gchristensen> I think it is time to figure out closing jobsets
<LnL> I guess we could just restart failed builds once a day or something if the queue is empty anyway
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<moet> it seems my nixos doesn't run systemd-rfkill.service properly, and when i tried enabling it, it indicated that it isn't a unit which is meant to be directly enabled
<moet> i'm curious, does anyone know how nixos normally runs this unit? (to unblock/restore RF state on boot)
<nekroze> I have forked nixops as I would like to contribute and added my fork as a submodule to a nixops deployment I intend to test my changes with. I want to use my fork in the nix-shell described in the deployments default.nix but I cannot get it to build. It seems that the nixpkgs for nixops uses build artifacts and the release.nix in the nixops source is designed to build those artifacts on hydra, not locally.
<nekroze> Does anyone know how I can get this working?
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