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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMAOW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bdfe638 Joachim Fasting: tor: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0501e49 Joachim Fasting: electrum: 2.7.12 -> 2.7.18...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 482c67a Joachim Fasting: grsecurity: adapt new to mirror url structure
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] basvandijk opened pull request #22121: ghc: support building with integer-simple (master...ghc-integer-simple) https://git.io/vMAst
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22122: dropbox: 17.4.33 -> 18.4.32 (master...u/db) https://git.io/vMAs1
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22123: dropbox: 17.4.33 -> 18.4.32 (release-16.09...u/db_stable) https://git.io/vMAGI
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<shachaf> Maybe I can disable this with something like build-use-chroot = false? I don't see where to set that option.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22122: dropbox: 17.4.33 -> 18.4.32 (master...u/db) https://git.io/vMAs1
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22123: dropbox: 17.4.33 -> 18.4.32 (release-16.09...u/db_stable) https://git.io/vMAGI
<gchristensen> shachaf: /etc/nix/nix.conf I think?
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<shachaf> What if I'm just using nix as a user and I don't want to edit /etc?
<gchristensen> nix-build --option build-use-chroot false
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<shachaf> Now I need to figure out how to use nix-build to build a package that's referenced in ~/.nixkgs/config.nix
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<shachaf> Or how to specify the option directly.
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<shachaf> Apparently that --option can be passed to nix-env, but I get the same error in that case.
<shachaf> Hmm, no, build-use-chroot is already false. I was wrong.
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<shachaf> So I want to disable user namespaces, not chroot.
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<gchristensen> LnL: I'm anxious about starting to post links to hydra, since: https://prs.nix.gsc.io/eval/439?compare=437 is _still_ fairly nonsensical
<puffnfresh> so I'm fixing up a bug for Nix on Windows
<gchristensen> caddy passed okay, but why on earth did those packages start passing
<puffnfresh> Windows has a limitation that only 1 thing can have the Nix SQLite DB open at a time
<gchristensen> puffnfresh: nice!
<puffnfresh> so I'm trying to fix nix-shell so that it closes the DB after it opens it
<puffnfresh> we have a binding to derivationFromPath which opens it
<puffnfresh> how can I close it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMA8i
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 942a606 José Romildo Malaquias: terminology: 0.9.1 -> 1.0.0 (#22115)
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<gchristensen> yay 285 PRs
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<gchristensen> what do you think here, fpletz? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/22056 also, why are you awake at 3am? :)
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<fpletz> gchristensen: my sleeping pattern is unpredictable, even and especially for me %)
<fpletz> gchristensen: +1 on peterhoeg's last comment
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<gchristensen> oh I didn't see his reply :)
<MP2E> hello! I've been inactive for a good year but I'm back for the forseeable future! Would like to get right back to contributing, but since a fair amount of time has passed, are there new rules/guidelines for pushing changes to master or submitting pull requests?
<MP2E> I still have push access and there's a few packages I maintained that haven't been updated since then, would it be alright for me to push to master if I'm just version bumping them?
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<MP2E> just don't want to mess anything up or step on any toes
<gchristensen> MP2E: probably best to send PRs :)
<MP2E> alright
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz opened pull request #22124: frab: init at 2016-12-28 & module (master...feature/frab) https://git.io/vMABH
<gchristensen> but welcome back, MP2E!
<MP2E> thanks :)
<maurer> When I run nix-env -iA nixos.binutils, it gives me a package conflict for addr2line
<maurer> however
<maurer> addr2line is not on my path
<maurer> and the two packages it claims conflicts are binutils-2.27-dev and binutils-2.27
<maurer> neither of which are installed
<maurer> so I cannot set a priority on either of them
<maurer> what do I do to get it installed?
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<Rotaerk> peti_, hey
<Rotaerk> recently, I wanted to get a simple project to build against reflex, without using the reflex-frp platform, to see how difficult it would be using nix
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<Rotaerk> I'm trying to think of ways to simplify it...
<Rotaerk> one concern I have is that, in the first file (default.nix for my project), I had to replicate the configurations for some of the packages from configuration-common.nix
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<Rotaerk> is there any way the haskell stuff in nixpkgs could be reorganized such that those configurations are reusable a la carte?
<Rotaerk> for instance, instead of the configurations being something like: super: self: { somepkg = disableHardening super.somepkg ["fortify"]; otherpkg = super.somepkg.override { inherit (pkgs) blah; }; }
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<Rotaerk> they could be: self: { somepkg = super: disableHardening super.somepkg ["fortify"]; otherpkg = super: super.sotherpkg.override { inherit (pkgs) blah; }; }
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<Rotaerk> err no
<Rotaerk> self: { somepkg = super: disableHardening super ["fortify"]; otherpkg = super: super.override { inherit (pkgs) blah; }; }
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<Rotaerk> it just seems like quite the ordeal just specifying your project dependencies with nix...
<simpson> Rotaerk: Well, most languages aren't designed to work with Nix.
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<Rotaerk> it works fine if you're prepared to use the exact combination of packages within a given nixpkgs release, but otherwise, it's quite the hassle
<simpson> It's hard for me to not blame Cabal; it has had decades to stop being bad.
<Rotaerk> heh
<simpson> But I say that as somebody that is designing a language to work with Nix as its package manager, so.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMAuT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eebee95 Dan Peebles: apache-kafka service: change default brokerId to -1...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 95add2c Daniel Peebles: Merge pull request #22103 from copumpkin/automatic-kafka-broker-id...
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<nekroze> is there a way to merge two sets such that any lists in them with the same attribute name get joined as well?
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<benrob0329> Is it normal for standalone binaries to not run in Nix?
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<binarin> Rotaerk: I don't use ghcjs yet, but (with some caveats) plain ghc version builds with just stack and its nix integration - https://github.com/binarin/toshl-sync/blob/master/stack.yaml
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<binarin> benrob0329: Yes, it's expected - you need at least 'patchelf --set-interpreter' on that binary
<benrob0329> What would i set it to for the great majority of cases?
<Rotaerk> maybe I should try out using stack with nix integration... I was avoiding that because it seemed redundant with nix
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<binarin> benrob0329: While you can set it to some fixed value, it'll definitely break some time in the future. Proper way is to wrap it like this - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/filesystems/yandex-disk/default.nix and then install using regular methods
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<Rotaerk> nekroze, take a look at zipAttrsWith in <nixpkgs/lib/attrsets.nix>
<Rotaerk> that'll get you part of the way, at least
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<benrob0329> binarin thats a bit beyond me, is there an article or something i could read on it?
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<MP2E> benrob0329: https://nixos.org/wiki/How_to_package_closed-source_software even though the wiki is generally outdated, this page is still relevant!
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<MP2E> ah nice!
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<endformationage> maurer: I encountered the same recently. The problem is generally that one should not install something like binutils into the user env, but into a development env used by nix-shell.
<tippenein> anyone running nixos on chromebook?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar closed pull request #22118: ghc-8.0.2: remove unused fetchFilteredPatch function (master...ghc802-cleanup) https://git.io/vMAv1
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<benrob0329> Thanks guys, though having to create a custom package every time i want to play an Itch.io game is rather tedious
<Rotaerk> if I build this derivation, I get a folder containing a cabal repo cache...
<Rotaerk> but if I build it again, it just gives me the same thing, even if hackage has changed
<Rotaerk> is there some way to make it not use the cached one?
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<benrob0329> It would be nice if there was a script to patch the elf, and then patch the dependencies it detected
<benrob0329> Maybe a project for me one of these days
<benrob0329> Are there any C++ libraries for the Nix tools? (Eg to generate a package)
<benrob0329> Or a way of doing it in Nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar force-pushed osx-minimal-version from 9d4889b to 48d4a23: https://git.io/vMA6H
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/osx-minimal-version 48d4a23 Domen Kožar: bail out if macOS 10.9 or lower is used during installer
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar closed pull request #1199: Bail out if MacOS 10.9 or lower is used during installer (master...osx-minimal-version) https://git.io/vMN49
<maurer> endformationage: I see that you've left, but that's not actually a solution - I use binutils for non-dev work (e.g. reverse engineering)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar closed pull request #1202: Makefile.config.in: drop unused bsddiff_compat_include (master...no-bsddiff_compat_include) https://git.io/vMAJr
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<Rotaerk> hmm is a given derivation supposed to always produce the same result?
<Rotaerk> so it's malformed if the command that it runs can produce different results each time it's built?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMAib
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 93d0e4a Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.pytestdjango: 2.9.1 -> 3.1.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b6e5976 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django_guardian: 1.4.4 -> 1.4.6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 18b2c31 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.pytest_*: move to pkgs/development/python-modules
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMAPc
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c577155 Vincent Laporte: freealut: fix build on Darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 453a383 Vincent Laporte: ocamlPackages.mtime: init at 0.8.3...
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<handre> Hi everyone, new here, but was wondering if anyone can explain to me how I should be calculating the sha256 hash for a file to be used with fetchzip. No way that I tried calculating the hash gives me the correct answer. I want to calculate the hash on the archive before uploading it some where to be fetched later. This for example does not give the correct hash `nix-hash --flat --base32 --type sha256
<handre> blah.tar.xz`, am I missing something?
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<simpson> handre: Try nix-prefetch-url instead.
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<handre> I actually have tried that after uploading the file and its still not the same hash. I am fetching using prefetchzip though
<handre> I mean I am using fetchzip
<handre> and nix-prefetch-zip complains since the archive does not contain a single directory.
<handre> To clarify the archive contains a file and a directory at the top level not just a directory at the top level
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edwtjo opened pull request #1204: Add NIX_CURL_PROXY (master...nix-curl-proxy) https://git.io/vMASI
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 17 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMASQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4958485 zimbatm: ocamlPackages.ocaml_optcomp: update hash to sha256
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a17311a zimbatm: antlr3: point to version 3.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 38cc588 zimbatm: warsow: mark as broken...
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<simpson> handre: Ah, good.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #22125: lumina: 1.1.0-p1 -> 1.2.0-p1 (master...upd.lumina) https://git.io/vMAdv
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] thpham opened pull request #22126: Postgis 2.3.1 (master...postgis-2.3.1) https://git.io/vMAd4
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<LnL> gchristensen: yeah, I need to look at adding the relevant master eval again
<rly> Why do we have patch files for the ghc package? I.e. why are those not in the ghc tree?
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<LnL> you mean the patch for the NIX_GHC* environment variables?
<jophish> a couple of them have been to fix small things ahead of GHC HEAD
<jophish> there was one recently which made any ghc compiled program spit loads of "invalid argument" warnings when it was running
<jophish> ghc-no-madv-free.patch
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<rly> LnL: ok, so the intention is to get rid of those patch files again?
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<LnL> for things like that, yes
<LnL> but we have ghc versions back to 7.8.4 so we might still want those for that
<rly> My Nix is broken :( curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2)
<rly> Or it's just not robust.
<LnL> what nixpkgs version are you using?
<LnL> I've seen some stuff regarding curl and http2 on master recently
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<rly> LnL: this was during an upgrade to the latest 16.09 release branch. I don't know the exact treeish of before the upgrade.
<LnL> ah, those changes are probably not on 16.09
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<xeviox> can someone help me to install source-code-pro font? (https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/data/fonts/source-code-pro/default.nix)
<xeviox> I've added it to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix and rebuild switch
<rly> LnL: performance seems to have improved, though. I can get 100Mb/s now.
<xeviox> but seems its not there (no error was thrown and a rerun doesn't apply any changes)
<rly> LnL: although, if correctness isn't maintained that's not so useful.
<xeviox> I check for its existance using "$ fc-list | grep -i pro"
<rly> LnL: I am also not sure why I am building ocaml from source :/
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMAhx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4963b50 romildo: lumina: 1.1.0-p1 -> 1.2.0-p1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 87a3ee0 Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #22125 from romildo/upd.lumina...
<LnL> are you building from master / nixpkgs-unstable?
<rly> LnL: no
<rly> LnL: 16.09 channel git branch
<LnL> the release looks fine
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<LnL> the last build was 9h ago...
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<LnL> globin: domenkozar: can one of you trigger a release-16.09 eval
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<teh__> hey all - I'd like to help with reviewing and merging nixpkgs PRs on github. I'm https://github.com/teh/, I'm organising the London nixos meetup with zimbatm_, and I am maintaining several packages. What's the process for getting merge rights?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] cpages closed pull request #21552: opencv: 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 (with caveats) (master...opencv-3.2.0) https://git.io/vMtR4
<xeviox> do I have to do something special to install a font?
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<handre> xeviox: I did this to install fonts https://gist.github.com/HanStolpo/0b5085bdc906a9c3e2631b9dd52d6d0a maybe that will work for you
<goibhniu> hi teh__, you just need to ask ikwildrpepper (or globin?)
<handre> xeviox: that is in my configuration.nix just setting the relevant options worked for me
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<yorick> so ehm, trunk-combined is broken still
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<teh__> thanks goibhniu :)
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<LnL> teh__: also depends on your contribution history
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<gchristensen> LnL: was a 16.09 eval triggered?
<gchristensen> good morning
<LnL> morning :)
<LnL> I don't know, last one was over 9h ago when I asked
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<gchristensen> ok
<gchristensen> Roundup #19 is open: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/22128
<gchristensen> hard to believe we're up to #19 :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdorman opened pull request #22129: Automated emacs package updates (master...emacs-updates) https://git.io/vMxIw
<niksnut> gchristensen: great, thanks for all the fantastic work :-)
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<gchristensen> :) you're welcome!
<xeviox> handre: thanks, works well :D
<LnL> gchristensen: wow, 29 already?
<LnL> 19 I mean :)
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<LnL> niksnut: can you eval 16.09, I think it's supposed to be building stuff
<gchristensen> it evaluated, LnL
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<LnL> oh really?
<gchristensen> " 2017-01-25 13:05:21"
<LnL> strange...
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<teh__> LnL: anything specific you are looking for? I have https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/master?author=teh, and some other bits and bobs like the digitial ocean support for nixops.
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<LnL> LnL: I don't make the decision, but you've been contributing since 2014 so I expect you would get access if you asked
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxqn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 04ae7fe Graham Christensen: cvs: patch against CVE-2012-0804 (heap overflow)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMxq8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 4eb411c Graham Christensen: cvs: patch against CVE-2012-0804 (heap overflow)...
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<gchristensen> man gentoo really is digging up old stuff
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMxmt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 32ae22b Tim Steinbach: zulu: init at
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 05d7ece Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #22040 from NeQuissimus/zulu...
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<peikos> Can anybody please tell me how to mount a filesystem as a specific user using the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix? I tried passing uid and gid as options but these appear to be ignored. Could not find anything regarding user mount ownership on https://www.nixos.org/nixos/options.html, so is this a possible bug or is there a ideomatic way to accomplish this that I’m not aware of?
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<gchristensen> vcunat and michaelraskin have been just amazing lately
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yorickvP opened pull request #22130: streamlink: 0.0.2 -> 0.3.0 (master...master) https://git.io/vMxOE
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22131: WIP: Roundup #19 (master...roundup-19) https://git.io/vMx3J
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<khajvah> Hey guys. I have a question. Does `services` in configuration file have predefined choices? Where does it come from?
<gchristensen> khajvah: where does it come from, ie: how are they defined? or: what `services` options exist?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxs3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5229c6 Vladimír Čunát: t1lib: add a note about CVE fixes
<khajvah> gchristensen: both I guess
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<gchristensen> :) you can `man configuration.nix` to read about what already exists, or visit https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html
<khajvah> ok, thanks
<khajvah> so the point of services is that the configuration of the packages are done strictly by nix expressions?
<gchristensen> eya
<gchristensen> yea
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMxG6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a30e8db Vincent Laporte: coq: merge files 8.5.nix and 8.6.nix into default.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9b949be Vincent Laporte: coq: minor refactoring
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 798a871 Vincent Laporte: Coq: propagates the findlib package...
<khajvah> cool. One more question: is there a mechanism to define new configuration options for a custom package?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxZD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 42bf99e Vincent Laporte: coqPackages.{ssreflect,mathcomp}: fix build with Coq-8.6...
<gchristensen> sure, khajvah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxn8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d40b680 Vincent Laporte: coq-8.4: fix build of ssreflect and mathcomp
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 5 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMxcU
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 403fdd7 Franz Pletz: linux: remove canDisableNetfilterConntrackHelpers feature...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8322a12 Franz Pletz: firewall: disable conntrack helper autoloading by default...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2d9152d Franz Pletz: nixos/tests/nat: add test for conntrack helper autoloading
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<jophish> hi all
<ixxie> heya
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<jophish> I have a tree of packages { foo = mkDeriv...; sub = { bar = mkDer...; baz = mkDer...; }; };
<jophish> I'd like to make a derivation (probably using buildEnv) which depends on every derivation mentioned in that tree
<jophish> what's the idiomatic way of doing this?
<jophish> I could flatten them all myself, but I suspect theres a neater way
<gchristensen> buildEnv (attrValues ... )
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<jophish> gchristensen: are you sure, buildEnv needs attributes such as "name" and "paths'
<gchristensen> well, fine, my example isn't 100% correct, but look up attrValues and you will get you where you're going
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<jophish> ah, sorry. I didn't realise you meant lib.attrValues
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<gchristensen> ah :)
<gchristensen> sorry
<jophish> for some reason I thought you meant the package tree, despite me having attrsets.nix open in front of me
<gchristensen> I'm disappointed Stefan Huchler never got back to the ML about stable
<jophish> didn't realise that paths didn't have to be a flat list
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<jophish> so even: paths = [packageTree]; works
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<gchristensen> it does?
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<jophish> seems to
<jophish> after all, attrValues { foo = { bar = 1; baz = 2; }; } should return [{bar = 1; baz = 2;}]
<jophish> I really hope that's the case
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> not sure, but I think I misunderstood your initial question
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<dtzWill> hey so it appears I can do something like 'nix-env -i /nix/store/hash-name-goes-here' to 'install' a known output into my profile, which is very useful right now :). Is there a way to use nix-shell with a path like that?
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<ixxie> Say there is some code in a git repo which already has a default.nix; is there a neat way to add it to my configuration.nix?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMx4s
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d9987f3 Bob van der Linden: nginx: added serverName option for virtualHosts...
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<LnL> ixxie: you can just import it :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] wizeman opened pull request #22132: mkpasswd: make the package high priority (master...u/mkpasswd-hiprio) https://git.io/vMxB7
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<ixxie> oh cool LnL :) thanks
<LnL> ixxie: unstable = import (fetchurl { url = h"ttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; ... }) {}
<LnL> that also works for example
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<ixxie> LnL: you mean like let unstable = import .... in { environment.systemPackages = [ unstable ]; } ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMx0p
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 30c3fde Ricardo M. Correia: mkpasswd: make the package high priority...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxEE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d5fb4a Vladimír Čunát: knot-resolver: init at 1.2.0...
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<avn> Folks, if I move system /nix/store to zfs, better ot off `auto-optimize-store` in nix.conf?
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<gchristensen> probably
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 opened pull request #22133: top-level: no more need to expose `splicedPackages` (master...no-splice) https://git.io/vMxuG
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin closed pull request #22058: top-level: add asOf helper (master...asOf) https://git.io/vM5Mc
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ericson2314 closed pull request #22133: top-level: no more need to expose `splicedPackages` (master...no-splice) https://git.io/vMxuG
<propumpkin> avn: only if you have dedup enabled on your ZFS, I'd expect
<propumpkin> avn: I don't think it'll magically deduplicate your files for you
<avn> propumpkin: sure, dedup is enabled, and scrub planned regularry
<propumpkin> ah okay
<propumpkin> then yeah
<avn> (after kicking lvm from-under pool)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22134: WIP qemu: make qemu_28 default (master...qemu28) https://git.io/vMxzR
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<LnL> ixxie: with that you can use inherit (pkgs) hello; to override a package with the one from that nixpkgs revision
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<ixxie> LnL: this isn't in nixpkgs at all
<LnL> just using it as an example, you can fetch any repository and include its nix files :)
<ixxie> ah
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pradeepchhetri opened pull request #22135: Riemann: Updated to 0.2.12 (master...riemann) https://git.io/vMx6r
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<warbo> hello, is there a way to make a package which contains the dependencies of some other package?
<warbo> e.g. when I run "nix-shell" for package A, I get all of its dependencies, but not A itself
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<warbo> could I define a package B which, when installed, provides those same dependencies, but doesn't provide A?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxPg
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca7923f aszlig: nss: Provide a more stable URL for pkgconfig patch...
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<ixxie> warbo: I am not entirely sure but I think this is connected with the concept of a closure: http://lethalman.blogspot.fi/2014/07/nix-pill-3-enter-environment.html
<warbo> ixxie: hmm, that's useful for a commandline
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<warbo> I meant in the context of the Nix language
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<gchristensen> warbo: may I as what you're trying to accomplish?
<warbo> I suppose I could just take package A and replace its build command
<warbo> gchristensen: absolutely, as I may have an XY problem ;)
<gchristensen> ;)
<warbo> I have a bunch of packages, with various dependencies
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<warbo> and I want some way to run their test suites independently
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<gchristensen> sorry, accidentally closed the window, did I miss it?
<warbo> I have a bunch of packages, with various dependencies
<warbo> and I want some way to run their test suites independently
<gchristensen> so like as not part of the normal package build?
<warbo> yes
<gchristensen> are these your packageS?
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<warbo> yep
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<warbo> but some are generated via cabal2nix
<warbo> so I can't necessarily split the dependencies off into a separate definition
<warbo> although!
<warbo> builtins.functionArgs should tell me what I need
<gchristensen> you could have a flag in the package that defaults to false which toggles testing
<gchristensen> then you'd just need to callPackage ./yourpackage { test = true };
<warbo> hmm, similar to doCheck/dontCheck
<gchristensen> yeah, then the build + test is all in the same spot
<warbo> one reason I was trying to do them separately is that some packages have a "test.sh" script which doesn't use cabal
<warbo> but I suppose altering the check phase to run that is preferable to having a separate testing derivation
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22136: syncthing: 0.14.19 -> 0.14.21 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vMxyJ
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<pem_> Hi! what's the preferred way to deploy an application using a postgres database with nixops? Should my application create the database and user if missing?
<pem_> Should that be in the installPhase?
<pem_> Any examples appreciated
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<joachifm> pem_: that'd probably be best handled in a nixos module
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] svanderburg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMx99
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0f6eab5 Sander van der Burg: xcodeenv: make it work with Xcode 8.2.1
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<pem_> joachifm: you mean the module (presumably in the "implementation" (i.e. config) section) would call createuser, and then launch a number of CREATE IF NOT EXISTS?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMxHR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b79fa22 Robin Gloster: tests.installer: rely on swap.target in tests...
<joachifm> pem_: that'd be the general idea, there are a few ways you could do it
<yorick> so the asterisk in release-16.09 is marked as broken, and my server no longer builds. would it be acceptible to PR an update to a newer release in the same LTS branch? (13.6.0 -> 13.13.1)?
<joachifm> pem_: as a preStart or a separate unit, during system activation, &c
<pem_> joachifm: ok, thanks!
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<globin> pem_: you might want to look at gitlab for example
<yorick> it might also be possible to just move it to the certified LTS branch, that's on 13.8 now
<pem_> yorick: great suggestion, thanks
<yorick> pem_: you're welcome ;)
<yorick> pem_: I think you mean globin, though
<joachifm> yorick: if it's broken on 16.09, a backport to fix it makes sense to me
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<pem_> yorick, globin: right, sorry
<gchristensen> yorick, joachifm: the important thing is that the upgrade doesn't break other asterisk admins silently
<gchristensen> yorick: would you mind adding yourself as a maintainer of the asterisk package?
<gchristensen> yorick: when was 13.13.1 released?
<joachifm> gchristensen: should be okay though, if it doesn't work at all to begin with? I don't really know specifics about asterisk
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<yorick> gchristensen: I don't have commit rights and I plan to stay on 13 (nixos-unstable is on 14 now, maybe add an asterisk-lts package?)
<gchristensen> joachifm: no, because right now it will refuse to update, making it update and breaking their actual system is much worse.
<gchristensen> yorick: you don't need commit rights, it basically gives us a way to ping people who are knowledgeable
<yorick> grenade: 13.13.1 is from december 2016, they release one every two months
<joachifm> gchristensen: but how are they using asterisk on 16.09 if it is marked as broken?
<gchristensen> 13.13.1 sounds like a great and suitable update for master
<gchristensen> joachifm: because it was recently marked as broken
<joachifm> gchristensen: I see
<gchristensen> (I marked it as broken when I couldn't figure out how to fix it)
<yorick> grenade: master is at 14.1.2
<gchristensen> sorry
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22135: riemann: 0.2.9 -> 0.2.12 (master...riemann) https://git.io/vMx6r
<gchristensen> 13.13.1 sounds like a great and suitable update for 16.09
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] layus opened pull request #22137: python2Packages.legitfs: init at 0.3 (master...add-legitfs) https://git.io/vMx7l
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<gchristensen> yorick: I marked it as broken because I wasn't able to find anyone who was knowledgeable about it ... hoping someone would say "hey, why is this broken? can I fix it?" like you're doing now :)
<yorick> gchristensen: DerTim1 fixed it in master, they made quite a bit of good changes, they added themselves as maintainer. my only credentials are "forced to run it, otherwise unreachable by phone" for now
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<gchristensen> fair enough, I do appreciate you fixing up stable
<gchristensen> is 13.x actually a LTS branch?
<gchristensen> hmm then yes it could make sense to make an lts package ...
<yorick> also, looks like the hydra build is broken in master (it wants to download some network stuff)
<gchristensen> :(
<gchristensen> if you fix things, cc me on your PR? @grahamc
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<yorick> gchristensen: okay! I'll fix the 16.09 one and maybe make an lts package for master. not sure what to do about the hydra failure yet.
<gchristensen> yorick: when you submit a PR, you'll be able to find it building at https://prs.nix.gsc.io/jobset/nixos/pr-<PRNUMBER> like https://prs.nix.gsc.io/jobset/nixos/pr-22001
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<yorick> oh it's a compile flag they added
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<gchristensen> you're half way to being a maintainer already ;)
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<pi3r> Hi, I have a collision problem while running nix-shell: http://pastebin.com/jrSD1gKU
<pi3r> What can I do ?
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<propumpkin> niksnut: any idea what's going on here? http://hydra.nixos.org/build/46842428/nixlog/1 it says that /usr/bin/env is a bad interpreter, which surprises me
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<propumpkin> I thought /usr/bin/env was included in the sandbox
<Dezgeg> it is not
<propumpkin> is that new? I thought /usr/bin/env and /bin/sh were universal impurities
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<dancek> Hi! How can I test services (NixOS options) locally before submitting a pull request? I'm packaging https://github.com/jmesmon/illum and it should run as a service. The package builds already and the service definition is very similar to eg. thinkfan, but I couldn't find info about developing services/options in the documentation.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dtzWill opened pull request #22138: Add support for building Swift packages with deps (master...feature/swift-build-support) https://git.io/vMxpL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] svanderburg pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMxpY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 5839baa Sander van der Burg: xcodeenv: make it work with Xcode 8.2.1...
<propumpkin> so NixOS goes out of its way to create an impure /usr/bin/env but we don't put it into the sandbox? that seems odd
<propumpkin> I'm fine with saying that it's not going to be a part of the standard nix impurities, but it seems like we should be consistent
<dtzWill> TIL we have a /usr/bin/env lol
<ToxicFrog> I've been gradually porting all my random scripts in ~/bin/ to use /usr/bin/env bash rather than /bin/bash since moving to nix
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<dtzWill> patchShebangs ~
<dtzWill> :P
<dtzWill> (that's a joke, but probably bad idea to run it! Didn't mean maliciously O:))
<ToxicFrog> dtzWill: a lot of these scripts also need to work on not-NixOS machines :P
<dtzWill> haha sounds like they should have Nix installed on them, then! :D
<dtzWill> but yeah ._. it's not the best when trying to live in both worlds
<ToxicFrog> (I actually wish Nix put not just sh and env, but *all* installed shells, in both /bin and /usr/bin, so that less patching of one-off scripts from other users/distros was needed)
<ToxicFrog> (in practice having {/bin,/usr/bin}/{sh,bash,zsh,ksh,env} probably gets you 99% coverage or better)
<thoughtpolice> dtzWill: /usr/bin/env was a bit of contention at one point IIRC ("why bother when we patchShebangs anyway"), but it was inevitably decided that it's so common and standard enough that it helps. I use /usr/bin/env in all my scripts to help with that, too.
<ToxicFrog> (I'm also kind of surprised that Nix has separate /bin and /usr/bin)
<corngood> pi3r: it's pulling in two different derivations of scientific- gave you tried breaking down the lib/exec dependencies to find exactly what's causing it?
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<propumpkin> ToxicFrog: it only has /usr/bin because of env
<propumpkin> ToxicFrog: and only because everyone else puts it there
<warbo> ToxicFrog: IIRC /bin/bash won't work on Debian/Ubuntu after the switch to dash
<thoughtpolice> Yeah, that was the contentious point, IIRC.
<thoughtpolice> propumpkin: so are you the profunctor version of pumpkin, or
<ToxicFrog> propumpkin: right, but I mean, there's an increasing move to make /bin and /usr/bin the same dir (and in general to merge / and /usr, since the arguments for a separate /usr no longer really apply)
<propumpkin> thoughtpolice: yeah
<ToxicFrog> And in every distro I've used for years /bin/sh and /usr/bin/sh were the same file, ditto /bin/env and /usr/bin/env
<propumpkin> ToxicFrog: well, ours are just symlinks into the store, TBC
<ToxicFrog> And I've seen enough scripts that used /bin/env rather than /usr/bin/env and /usr/bin/sh rather than /bin/sh
<niksnut> propumpkin: /usr/bin/env is not included in our chroot iirc
<propumpkin> niksnut: yeah, I just filed an issue :) I was stumped!
<ToxicFrog> So it seems odd that Nix doesn't just have one /bin in the store and then make both /bin and /usr/bin symlinks to that same place
<propumpkin> niksnut: not saying that we should include it in the sandbox, just that we're inconsistent about whether it should exist or not
<niksnut> propumpkin == copumpkin?
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<propumpkin> yeah, sorry, I use different machines to IRC
<niksnut> too many pumpkins :-)
<gchristensen> == contrapumpkin
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<thoughtpolice> he isn't the real pumpkin. i admit, _i_ am the real propumpkin
<propumpkin> :O
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<dtzWill> ⊙_ʘ
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<propumpkin> https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1205 is the issue, FWIW
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar created installation-refresh (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vMpJs
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/installation-refresh 1a65d81 Domen Kožar: Install from closure: wording and fallback using .bash_profile...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar force-pushed installation-refresh from 1a65d81 to 706328f: https://git.io/vMpJd
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/installation-refresh 706328f Domen Kožar: Install from closure: wording and fallback using .bash_profile...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar opened pull request #1206: Install from closure: wording and fallback using .bash_profile (master...installation-refresh) https://git.io/vMpU8
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar force-pushed installation-refresh from 706328f to b59668f: https://git.io/vMpJd
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/installation-refresh b59668f Domen Kožar: Install from closure: wording and fallback using .bash_profile...
<domenkozar> a bit improved installation of nix: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/1206
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpUA
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cb30150 Robin Gloster: php: fix build in case mysql is not mariadb...
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<kriztw> I'm trying to package some python 2.7 packages, and I get a collision for '[..]/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tests/__init__.pyc'
<kriztw> Does anyone know why this happens? I've searched a bit but I haven't found anything resembling this problem.
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<Benrob0329[m]> Is Minetest 0.4.15 going to be in the next stable release?
<globin> niksnut: have you got any larger issues/version bumps you're wanting to have in 17.03? Especially nix or systemd
<globin> Benrob0329[m]: if it's on unstable prior to February 27, yes
<Benrob0329[m]> Ill have to make sure it get there if its not...
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<LnL> ToxicFrog: /bin/sh and /usr/bin/env are POSIX everything else isn't
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<BlessJah> on freebsd bash, if installed, will be at /usr/bin/bash, not sure about rest of bsd family
<maurer> When I run nix-env -iA nixos.binutils, it gives me a package conflict for addr2line. However, addr2line is not on my path, and the two packages it claims conflicts are binutils-2.27-dev and binutils-2.27, neither of which are installed, so I can't set a priority on either of them.
<maurer> What should I do to get binutils installed?
<corngood> Benrob0329: it's 0.4.14 in master and there are no PRs for it, so you could always make one.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpm8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 278bbe3 Vladimír Čunát: add kresd service with basic options...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMpmS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 3bdec6c Vladimír Čunát: add kresd service with basic options...
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<LnL> oh, that was never fixed?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpGP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2a939c4 Yorick van Pelt: streamlink: 0.0.2 -> 0.3.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpZv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 516760a Franz Pletz: nixos/acme: add random delay to timer...
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<gchristensen> nice, fpletz
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<fpletz> :)
<fpletz> we had some weird errors (not rate limiting) on cert renewal with lots of acme jobs at the same time
<fpletz> maybe a race condition in boulder %)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar force-pushed installation-refresh from b59668f to 02ea337: https://git.io/vMpJd
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/installation-refresh 02ea337 Domen Kožar: Install from closure: wording and fallback using .bash_profile...
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<yorick> gchristensen: should I add myself as maintainer on release-16.09 too?
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<gchristensen> yorick: yes please :)
<gchristensen> thank you so much :D
<yorick> man, I keep finding myself on github.com/nixos/nixos and then wondering why everything is old
<fresheyeball> what is a wayland?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22126: postgis: 2.2.1 -> 2.3.1 (master...postgis-2.3.1) https://git.io/vMAd4
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<Benrob0329[m]> is it possible to rename commits?
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<gchristensen> sorry?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #21095: fcrackzip: init at 1.0 (master...fcrackzip) https://git.io/v1KSl
<yorick> Benrob0329[m]: yes, if you haven't pushed them yet
<yorick> Benrob0329[m]: if it's your most recent commit, use git commit --amend
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<fresheyeball> ghc-mod check src/TaktFrontend/Widgets/LenzCriteria.hs
<fresheyeball> <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: /nix/store/wajs81irrfpzs1gfi6i299kaz83fvd18-errors-2.1.3/lib/ghc-8.0.2/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/libHSerrors-2.1.3-9CoBoiyBY47FfLTNvfqhY6-ghc8.0.2.so (/nix/store/wajs81irrfpzs1gfi6i299kaz83fvd18-errors-2.1.3/lib/ghc-8.0.2/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/libHSerrors-2.1.3-9CoBoiyBY47FfLTNvfqhY6-ghc8.0.2.so: undefined symbol: safezm0zi3zi10zm2JDkZZ3cOhkm66G5yxf9HAh_Safe_lastMayzuzdspolyzugo_info)
<fresheyeball> last time I saw something like this I blew away /nix and it went away
<fresheyeball> I don't want to have to do that!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benrob0329 opened pull request #22141: minetest 0.4.14 -> 0.4.15 (master...master) https://git.io/vMpWS
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<schoppenhauer> hi. I'd like to create (and maybe contribute) a small package for gbsplay, as it doesn't apparently exist yet. For a pull request, I have to build it against unstable. But I still want to use it on stable. What is the best way to do so?
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<niksnut> globin: not really - would be nice to get gcc 6 in, maybe systemd 232
<martinb> Hello. I want to install some software which requires a 32 bit JRE on a 64 bit system. Is there some place to read about how that would work?
<gchristensen> it'd be cool to ship a working hydra in 17.03
<globin> niksnut: I don't see us managing gcc6 sadly as that's a lot of manual work.. systemd 232 would be very nice but not sure how easy that'll be
<schoppenhauer> I mean, I can always nix-env -f ... -i, but is that a good way?
<srhb> schoppenhauer: That's fine, but you could also cherry pick it onto your own checkout of stable.
<niksnut> globin: probably easy, I'll have a look
<srhb> Assuming it actually works with stable. :)
<schoppenhauer> srhb: wah, cherrypicking … that's complicated. I think I will try -f …
<srhb> schoppenhauer: That's actually how I install everything, even things from stable.
<gchristensen> niksnut: do you have any nice ideas on telling people their version of nixpkgs is old?
<srhb> schoppenhauer: Well, everything in my user env. :)
<globin> niksnut: have you tried nix-daemon on nix 1.12, yet? last time I tried it went into some infinite loop, but didn't have the time yet to do some more extensive straceing/debugging..
<yorick> so nixos-rebuild on master doesn't have the ability to pass things to nix-copy-closure. I would like to pass -s --sig
<yorick> sign*
<schoppenhauer> are there "recommended packages"?
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<Benrob0329[m]> I do not believe so, but it would be really handy
<gchristensen> what types of things would be recommended?
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<Benrob0329[m]> libdvdcss for vlc, dvdauthor for kdenlive, etc
<srhb> Oh, like, you install one thing and get recommended others?
<srhb> Related things.
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<Benrob0329[m]> Yes, even just on the web interface would be handy
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<gchristensen> well installing libdvdcss and vlc would get you nowhere
<gchristensen> since vlc won't find libdvdcss
<gchristensen> that isn't really a concept nixos has
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<Benrob0329[m]> what do you mean VLC wont find libdvdcss?
<Benrob0329[m]> I have both and VLC plays dvds fine
<Benrob0329[m]> Kdenlive found dvdauthor as well after i installed it
<toogley> if i want all build dependencies to be installed i have to use nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' --attr neomutt right?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 5 new commits to gcc-6: https://git.io/vMpRe
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 563dd78 Robin Gloster: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into gcc-6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 6ce688c Robin Gloster: gnome3.gjs: 1.46 -> 1.47, use spidermonkey_31
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/gcc-6 9bf73bd Robin Gloster: html-tidy: 5.0.0 -> 5.2.0
<yorick> niksnut: what's the replacement for nix-copy-closure --sign gonna be?
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<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: I believe that if you uninstalled libdvdcss it would still play dvds
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<ixxie> I am trying to install a package from github into my config like this http://pastebin.com/8QTQeG6N - its not working because I cannot figure out how to use the default.nix in the repo
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 32 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vMp0f
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 17a344a Eelco Dolstra: binutils: Add lib output...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging d01d2db Eelco Dolstra: audiofile: Fix build on GCC 6...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0cb2538 Eelco Dolstra: memtest86+: Build with gcc 5...
<ixxie> (LnL - I didn't really understand your idea properly I think xD)
<LnL> the import?
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<yorick> ixxie: just do pkgs.callPackage (fetchFromGitHub { owner = "teozkr"; repo = "Sbtix"; rev = "..."; sha256="..."}) {}; instead of your mkDerivation
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<yorick> or maybe even just import (fetchFromGitHub ... )
<ixxie> ill give it a shot, thanks
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<toogley> hm.. is there a way to automatically install dependencies of a package?
<yorick> toogley: why do you want this?
<gchristensen> toogley: what exactly is your problem? nix installs run-time dependencies automatically. are you looking for build-time requirements?
<toogley> yorick: i want to develop a program and therefore want to install its build dependencies to be able to compile it
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<toogley> gchristensen: ah, yes. sry.
<yorick> toogley: yeah, nix-shell is the thing you want for that
<toogley> yorick: really? okay
<tikhon> How can I work with packages marked as "broken" in nix-repl? I have allow-broken = true in my config.nix, but it doesn't work when I do :l <nixpkgs> and try to access a package marked broken (haskell.packages.ghcjs in this case).
<LnL> yep, just declare the dependencies and run nix-shell :)
<yorick> toogley: the dependencies will be available in the nix-shell
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<teozkr> ixxie: bear in mind that sbtix is still very much alpha-quality, but I'd appreciate any feedback if/when it breaks :p
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<toogley> yorick: gchristensen thanks
<pierron_> garbas: How was your presentation yesterday?
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<ixxie> teozkr: yeah I saw that ^^ I am such a noob it will be a long while until it will be used in a real product
<pierron_> garbas: did you manage to convince everybody about the fact that Mozilla is entirely using NixOS now?
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<niksnut> yorick: nix copy
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<ixxie> hmmm nix can't find fetchFromGitHub ...
<gchristensen> pkgs.fetchFromGitHub?
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<jophish> What's the solution for this https://gist.github.com/51c10d3d8bf0670380be06981a10d427
<tikhon> okay, I ended up just doing nix = import <nixpkgs> { config = {...};} in my nix-repl
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<tikhon> but that seems a bit awkward
<jophish> (cannot import ... lacks a valid signature)
<jophish> I can never remember, this stops nix-channel --update too
<yorick> jophish: sudo
<jophish> yorick: oh, that's been my crappy workaround
<yorick> yeah, mine too
<jophish> I'm sure I had this working without have to use sudo a week ago
<ixxie> gchristensen: thanks (and /facepalm)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22136: syncthing: 0.14.19 -> 0.14.21 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vMxyJ
<ixxie> woo :) thanks everybody
<oleks> Hi, I'm trying to make the <gmp.h> and <mpfr.h> headers available on my system, but merely installing the gmp and mpfr packages doesn't work; how come?
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<oleks> ah, using nix-shell works
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<digitalmentat> teh__, ping
<teh__> digital
<teh__> sorry, autocomplete fail - digitalmentat: what did I miss?
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<Benrob0329[m]> is the steam icon broken for anyone else?
<digitalmentat> teh__, nothing just wanted you to know I'm here in the IRC channel :)
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<teh__> digitalmentat: ah, awesome! I missed your comment about your irc name :)
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<teh__> digitalmentat: currently installing a digital ocean machine to test
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<copumpkin> is there a nixos config option to set the nixpkgs that gets fed in via the pkgs argument?
<digitalmentat> yeah, thank you, that's a good idea - I'd at one point successfully built a small VM to test my original PR but that workflow has been giving me a lot of grief lately
<LnL> copumpkin: what do you mean?
<copumpkin> e.g., system.nixpkgs = /path/to/nixpkgs/clone
<digitalmentat> copumpkin, not that I know of, when we looked at it (because we're moving away from channel-managed nixpkgs) it threads it from NIX_PATH entirely
<LnL> no, but you could use packageOverrides
<gchristensen> :o smart
<LnL> nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: (import /path/to/nixpkgs {});
<LnL> I think that would work :)
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<teh__> digitalmentat: I doubt much will happen in the next hour, building a lot of stuff from source because it's basically master
<teh__> digitalmentat: I will continue discussion on the PR so you don't have to hang around and wait for me :)
<digitalmentat> nah no worries, I'm around - keeping it in the PR is good so we keep the knowledge threaded there but I'm around
<digitalmentat> I'm at work so can't spend much time writing any code but can chat async
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<copumpkin> LnL: cute :)
<Benrob0329[m]> Has anyone gotten Cuda working on NixOS?
<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: I got K80s and K40s running on nixos at one point
<LnL> copumpkin: but I think you probably just want to use -I nixpkgs=/path/to/nixpkgs instead
<teh__> Benrob0329[m]: I packaged the python tensorflow cuda and am running that - but it was super fiddly
<pierron_> garbas: zimbatm[m]: Nice audience.
<pierron_> ^ larger than the last London meetup :P
<teh__> pierron_: I still feel soo bad about that :/
<pierron_> teh__: Maybe, next time Rok comes back, I should follow him :P
<gchristensen> it is a shame compilers can't take advantage of cuda, I'd have a nice build server :P
<teh__> pierron_: I think it's more to do with the meetup group having grown to 120 people & it being during the week. We still had 40% no-shows
<fresheyeball> Still looking for help with this one
<fresheyeball> ghc-mod check src/TaktFrontend/Widgets/LenzCriteria.hs
<fresheyeball> <command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: /nix/store/wajs81irrfpzs1gfi6i299kaz83fvd18-errors-2.1.3/lib/ghc-8.0.2/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/libHSerrors-2.1.3-9CoBoiyBY47FfLTNvfqhY6-ghc8.0.2.so (/nix/store/wajs81irrfpzs1gfi6i299kaz83fvd18-errors-2.1.3/lib/ghc-8.0.2/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.0.2/libHSerrors-2.1.3-9CoBoiyBY47FfLTNvfqhY6-ghc8.0.2.so: undefined symbol: safezm0zi3zi10zm2JDkZZ3cOhkm66G5yxf9HAh_Safe_lastMayzuzdspolyzugo_info)
<tikhon> How do I override ghcjs packages in my config.nix? Is there something like haskellPackageOverrides for haskell.packages.ghcjs?
<fresheyeball> no clue how to recover from that
<Benrob0329[m]> gchristensen: thanks
<niksnut> Benrob0329[m]: sure, I use CUDA with Blender
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<Benrob0329[m]> niksnut: what is the general overview of setup?
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<yorick> yeah, mine too
<yorick> oh, wrong window
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<Benrob0329[m]> do proprietary packages not show up in the web search?
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<gchristensen> correct
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<Benrob0329[m]> Is there a way I can search them?
<teh__> digitalmentat: do you work with Gabriel?
<teh__> (asking because your nixpkgs is for awakenetworks)
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<k0001> If I'm running NixOS 16.09, is it a terrible idea to use a `nix` version newer than the one offered be NixOS 16.09 ?
<digitalmentat> teh__, yeah I do
<digitalmentat> yup :)
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<Benrob0329[m]> gchristensen: it doesn't appear that the nvidia options in configuration.nix are still valid, or is that just the web interface?
<gchristensen> k0001: I wouldn't recommend using nixUnstable at least
<toogley> when i try to build neomutt using nix-shell <nixpkgs> -A neomutt and cd neomutt && ./prepare i recieve this: http://ix.io/1R3r can i fix this locally somehow? or should i notify the maintainers about that?
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<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: sorry, which options?
<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: line 19?
<teh__> man, we require fontforge to build our man pages :)
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<maurer> specifically, the mailpath and homespool may be relevant to that error
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMprV
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 03ef04f Pascal Bach: install-device: permit root login with password...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01fd867 Pascal Bach: install-device: correct command to start sshd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a6968ad Pascal Bach: installing: document how to activate SSH during installation
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<pierron_> teh__: Thanks for the video :)
<toogley> maurer: thanks, i look into it
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<toogley> maurer: ah, it works. thanks
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<teh__> skillsmatter did the video for us :)
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<teh__> digitalmentat: did you rebase against current master? I got a build failure for an old sudo (1.8.17p1)
<digitalmentat> I did rebase against current master
<digitalmentat> it was a monster merge so it's definitely possible I got something wrong
<digitalmentat> lemme look real quick
<teh__> digitalmentat: hm, nah, I probably messed up along the way
<digitalmentat> teh__, yeah I don't see anything in my PR at all that would change the version of sudo
<teh__> digitalmentat: yea I messed up, apologies. We picked up a few new setuid programs that fail for the build
<teh__> (last sentence is a new issue)
<teh__> smokeping e.g.
<copumpkin> niksnut: curious, how long does a full run of the create-amis.sh script take you?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] sternenseemann opened pull request #22145: valadoc: 2016-10-09 -> 2016-11-11 (master...valadoc) https://git.io/vMp6N
<digitalmentat> teh__, ahh okay - do you have enough information to tweak those setuid programs and push a PR against my awakenetworks-org branch?
<Benrob0329[m]> gchristensen: yes
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<teh__> digitalmentat: I think so, thanks
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpiW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4f8b406 Kosyrev Serge: quodlibet: rename to quodlibet, quodlibet-without-gst-plugins...
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<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: it is because I'm making the service right there, it isn't a pre-existing option
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<Benrob0329[m]> gchristensen: ah, that makes sense
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<sphalerite> Is there a way to avoid nix-env -u upgrading some package? Specifically, I want to stick to nixos.mumble rather than nixos.mumble_git; these share a package name and as such nix-env -u will "upgrade" to mumble-git
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMpPL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cde8e89 Shaun Sharples: factorio: 0.13.20 -> 0.14.21
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7f35891 Shaun Sharples: factorio: settings moved from command-line options to server-settings.json
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 462ef74 Shaun Sharples: factorio: remove autosave-interval from command-line options
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpPG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d01b949 aszlig: nixos/doc/installing: Fix typo in <literal/>...
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<toogley> hm.. i did "nix-env -iA nixos.lua52Packages.lua nixos.lua52Packages.luastdlib" but my build tool still says that it can't find the header files https://paste.fedoraproject.org/536551/53772961/
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<toogley> although find can list the header files: /nix/store/7zss55adalz09wdk7spvrhzxyxx2za6q-lua-5.2.3/include/lua.h
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* ToxicFrog tries to figure out if they can build gnome3 on nix without libcaribou linked in
<ToxicFrog> ...more to the point, why can't I enable both KDE5 and gnome3 at the same time?
<ToxicFrog> The build fails with Adding hwdb files for package /nix/store/j7y2flk73668j2vk7w91ijl8zimkdc65-libmtp-1.1.11-bin
<ToxicFrog> ln: failed to create symbolic link 'etc/udev/hwdb.d/69-libmtp.hwdb': File exists
<ToxicFrog> builder for ‘/nix/store/w3hspvlrkwp1mc249i8z02vl06jnk6pv-hwdb.bin.drv’ failed with exit code 1
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<ToxicFrog> I should file a bug.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dasuxullebt opened pull request #22146: gbsplay: init at version 2016-12-17 (master...gbsplay) https://git.io/vMpDl
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<mbrgm> hey! when I'm executing `nix-prefetch-url https://bintray.com/openhab/mvn/download_file?file_path=org%2Fopenhab%2Fdistro%2Fopenhab%2F2.0.0%2Fopenhab-2.0.0.zip`, I'm getting this error: 'error: invalid character ‘%’ in name ‘download_file?file_path=org%2Fopenhab%2Fdistro%2Fopenhab%2F2.0.0%2Fopenhab-2.0.0.zip’'
<mbrgm> what can I do about that?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] aszlig closed pull request #124: Refactor SSH stuff into using paramiko. (master...paramiko) https://git.io/vMpyk
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #21311: services.logstash: default options, examples and address update (master...services/logstash) https://git.io/v1NQI
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<gchristensen> (I think I can talk about this out loud now) so a few weeks ago, during a Hack Week at work (tumblr), I made a test framework for testing our system for manipulating database topologies using NixOS, it spawns a dozen or so nixos containers running MySQL and using the `nixos/test` tooling runs fully automated shard configuration / cluster setup / teardown / splitting, and it looks like we'll be moving forward
<gchristensen> with using it in our CI :D :D :D
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<gchristensen> ikwildrpepper: ^ :)
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<avn> gchristensen: congreatz ;)
<avn> gchristensen: I will wait, when you start hiring (lol)
<gchristensen> hehe
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpSN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master cedca37 Pascal Wittmann: homebank: 5.1.2 -> 5.1.3
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<k0001> gchristensen: is this test framework (that is, the thing that spins the nixos containers) written in nix itself?
<gchristensen> k0001: it is exactly the same as the tests in nixpkgs, `nixos/tests` and the machine definitions have containers. so, yes :)
<martinb> Is there some kind of rpm or deb adapter that makes it easy to install some software from one of those installation packages into a NixOS system?
<k0001> gchristensen: nice. Only once i've tried to use that to run some tests that needed access to a Redis instance, but it looked like Redis was struggling to run inside the container. I should check if it's magically working now (you know... due to any upstream fixes :))
<gchristensen> ah
<gchristensen> I did need to increase memory and disk space alloted to the test vm
<Benrob0329[m]> martinb: that would be handy for eg Skype alpha
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMpHj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ed83ec1 Dan Peebles: lkl: fix impure reference to /usr/bin/env
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<tilpner> Does Hydra provide all the binary caches? Does it build just one/some configuration/-s for every package?
<tilpner> I'm wondering because I could save a lot of time by not building chromium if there was a configuration of chromium that included WiveVine and was already evaluated by Hydra
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] trofi opened pull request #1207: configure.ac: add --enable-vanilla-opt configure option (master...cxxflags) https://git.io/vMp7X
<gchristensen> tilpner: hydra doesn't do widevine because hydra doesn't build non-free stuff
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<pi3r> corngood: it is actually `trifecta` that triggers the collision
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<pi3r> I guess I am going to try another git ref of nixpkgs. Maybe something went wrong with this package at this specific commit
<tilpner> gchristensen - Oh, that is a very obvious explanation, now that I hear it. Building once per release might be fine, but what about people on unstable or master? Is there some way to say "but don't upgrade this one"?
<k0001> gchristensen: memory and disk weren't the issue in my case, not sure what was it. Nevermind, I'll go back to figuring this out some time soon.
<gchristensen> tilpner: unfortunately not simply, no
<mbrgm> is there a way to delete a specific path from the nix store?
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<k0001> gchristensen: do you use Hydra for CI, or do you use something else that just calls Nix ?
<zimbatm[m]> tilpner: if you don't care about free stuff, try the google-chrome package
<k0001> mbrgm: nix-store --delete /path/foo
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<gchristensen> k0001: right now we use something else which calls nix
<zimbatm[m]> It's already pre-compiled so don't have to wait as much
<gchristensen> yep
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMp5V
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f27fb8a Vladimír Čunát: knot-{dns,resolver}: try to fix on darwin...
<mbrgm> k0001: cannot delete path ‘/nix/store/22815bzv99clvd0pbr94dlwqwvxnzz8y-openhab-2.0.0’ since it is still alive
<tilpner> I don't really want to use Chrome, though I might reconsider if I ever switch to unstable/master, but thanks for the explanation and suggestion!
<gchristensen> I gave up and use google-chrome too
<gchristensen> I have no real reason to use chromium
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<k0001> mbrgm: `nix-store --gc --print-roots | grep /the/nix/store/path/you/are/trying/to/delete`. You should then make sure you delete that root before trying to run `nix-store --delete` on the path.
<mbrgm> k0001: ty
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<k0001> mbrgm: by root I mean a symlink to a /nix/store/path
<zimbatm[m]> I use google-chrome to watch Netflix and Firefox for the rest
<mbrgm> k0001: got it :)
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<zimbatm[m]> In general it makes sense to separate browsing profiles anyways for privacy and security reasons
<gchristensen> I do the same, though chrome has better profile support IMO
<gchristensen> in my experience * not opinion
<tilpner> I found a commit message from 2013 stating that NixOS containers are not perfectly isolated, as they expose(d) cgroups to the guest system. Is this still relevant? What could a malicious guest do to permanently damage or compromise the host?
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<tilpner> Well, the manual still says they are not isolated, so I won't use them for security
<LnL> I'm pretty sure that's still the case
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<LnL> but same goes for container services like docker
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<gchristensen> yeah ,containers is not a very good security product
<johnw> what ist he best separation technology, from a security standpoint?
<LnL> I've used docker to perform a password reset on my machine before :)
<gchristensen> depends on what your security matrix includes in terms of attackers and who you want to defend against..
<slyfox> KVM should be better that linux containers :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leenaars opened pull request #22147: Nikola CMS: init -> 7.8.3 (master...nikola) https://git.io/vMpFD
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<slyfox> s/that/than/
<tilpner> Is there a way to build a KVM "container" declaratively?
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<domenkozar> yeah, Nix
<gchristensen> domenkozar: did you see my news? :)
<gchristensen> from 45min ago
<domenkozar> nice!
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<domenkozar> good tools wins :-)
<gchristensen> :D
<tilpner> domenkozar - I meant a similar level of integrations as nixos containers have. Is that possible with KVM, or do you have to manually build an expression, then put that into a vm?
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<domenkozar> tilpner: you could achieve something similar with libvirtd, but it's currently not as easy
<domenkozar> gchristensen: congratz
<k0001> tilpner: using NixOps to deploy into a libvirt/kvm could work.
<k0001> (but that's probably not what you are asking for)
<domenkozar> blah my english is fubar, sleep time.
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: I am always surprised at how late the CETers are up
<gchristensen> I go to sleep before some of you, sometimes ;)
<tilpner> Declaring containers in your config files and having them updated automatically sounds very appealing. It shouldn't be too hard to automate the creation of a VM that can be deployed to
<domenkozar> we never give up
<MoreTea> it's just 23:02 over here in Amsterdam!
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<tilpner> k0001 - I'll look at NixOps, thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #22145: valadoc: 2016-10-09 -> 2016-11-11 (master...valadoc) https://git.io/vMp6N
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #22141: minetest 0.4.14 -> 0.4.15 (master...master) https://git.io/vMpWS
<globin> fpletz and I both don't share regular day/night rhythm with most other people around here \o/
<ToxicFrog> How do I add new options/variables on the fly?
<ToxicFrog> In configuration.nix and its imports, I mean.
<ToxicFrog> Like, say in configuration.nix I want something like "services.autossh.sessions.tunnel.extraArguments = '-R ${autossh_tunnel_port}:localhost:1234'"
<LnL> gchristensen: what news?
<ToxicFrog> And then define autossh_tunnel_port differently in other files, exactly one of which will be imported
<ToxicFrog> I tried just doing "autossh_tunnel_port = foo", but then 'nixos-rebuild' complains that there's no such option defined.
<ToxicFrog> I can use 'let', but that doesn't work across files.
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<ToxicFrog> And 'imports = []' doesn't let you pass arguments to the files being imported.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oleks opened pull request #22148: Add EUPL v1.1 license (master...oleks-licenses-eupl11) https://git.io/vMpN9
<yorick> qknight: there's a new influxdb version
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oleks closed pull request #22148: Add EUPL v1.1 license (master...oleks-licenses-eupl11) https://git.io/vMpN9
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] siddharthist opened pull request #22149: coqPackages.math-classes: init at 2016-06-08 (master...coq-math-classes) https://git.io/vMpAT
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<gchristensen> globin: shocking, and makes me feel extremely silly when I go to bed early at 9pm.
<LnL> oooh
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<LnL> something about that sounds familiar :)
<globin> gchristensen: instead we get up at ~11 am %)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oleks opened pull request #22150: license: add EUPL v1.1 license (master...oleks-licenses-eupl11) https://git.io/vMpAi
<gchristensen> globin: ah, yeah, I wake up at 6:30am :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oleks closed pull request #22150: license: add EUPL v1.1 license (master...oleks-licenses-eupl11) https://git.io/vMpAi
<gchristensen> globin: which ... I think ... puts us at almost exactly the same effective timezone.
<LnL> 11? I wish
<globin> that might be the same timezone for us then effectively %)
<gchristensen> hah!
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<yorick> how would one go about updating influxdb? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/tree/master/pkgs/servers/nosql/influxdb
<yorick> it uses go2nix and that's magical I think
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] oleks opened pull request #22151: licenses: add EUPL v1.1 license (master...licences-add-eupl11-license) https://git.io/vMpxC
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* jack[m] wonders why ghc allocates 1.0 TiB of virtual address space when it runs.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #22152: atom: 1.13.0 -> 1.13.1 (master...atom_1_13_1) https://git.io/vMppk
<yorick> jack[m]: why not?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus opened pull request #22153: ammonite-repl: 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2 (master...ammonite_0_8_2) https://git.io/vMppL
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<gchristensen> yorick: I think it would involve `go get` on influxdb with a GOPATH setup
<yorick> gchristensen: influxdb has some custom build script (and it fails to run and I don't understand go)
<gchristensen> then a `go build` and then `go2nix github.com/influxdb/influxdb` or whatever ... I think ...
<gchristensen> oh I have no idea then, I'm grasping at straws already
<yorick> I can ping cko in an issue
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz opened pull request #22154: phpfpm service: one service per pool for isolation (master...refactor/phpfpm-service-per-pool) https://git.io/vMppa
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<LnL> yorick: I'm not sure, but downloading the source and running go2nix might be enough
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<sphalerite> Which distro is best for replacing with nixOS?
<gchristensen> eh?
<LnL> any distro :D
<sphalerite> I mean replacing in-place
<sphalerite> I want to get a nixos VPS and the provider doesn't have any nixos images
<tilpner> Which provider?
<sphalerite> scaleway
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<corngood> Which provider?
<tilpner> Do they provide a rescue mode?
<LnL> I think ubuntu is probably used the most, but most things should work
<corngood> Mine let me boot from the ISO
<gchristensen> sphalerite: you should chat up clever :D
<sphalerite> as far as I can tell, no @tilpner
<sphalerite> They also don't seem to let me boot an ISO :(
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMph6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 98e830e oleks: licenses: add EUPL v1.1 license
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 15219fe Vladimír Čunát: licenses.eupl11: unify with the other licenses...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e635fdf Vladimír Čunát: Merge #22151: licenses: add EUPL v1.1
<sphalerite> but I can create an image from an existing server, so as long as I can replace one of the existing OSes with nixos in-place, I can make a nixos image
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat closed pull request #22151: licenses: add EUPL v1.1 license (master...licences-add-eupl11-license) https://git.io/vMpxC
<yorick> sphalerite: https://github.com/elitak/nixos-infect should work fairly well
<yorick> but might require some patching
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<LnL> talking about that, I was wondering if we have some tooling to do baremetal deployments like partitioning, ...
<gchristensen> LnL: my Packet.net takeovers do partitioning
<sphalerite> yorick: cool, thanks
<gchristensen> and aszlig's tooling for hetzner does too (but better)
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<sphalerite> Wasn't there something called nix-part or something that's in development?
<LnL> gchristensen: yeah I've seen some stuff about nixpart, but it wasn't very clear to me how it works
<gchristensen> LnL, sphalerite https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21403
<gchristensen> yeah
<LnL> do you have an example of what you did with packet?
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<grantwu> How do I uninstall TexLive?
<sphalerite> oh hey, they do have a rescue boot script
<grantwu> nix-env -iA nixpkgs.texlive.combined.scheme-full
<grantwu> I ran that command and I want to undo it ^
<sphalerite> nix-env -q to see the name of the result, nix-env -e <name> to remove it
<sphalerite> I think the name should be something like texlive-combined
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<yorick> nix-env can revert
<sphalerite> oh yeah, that's a neater options
<sphalerite> s/s$//
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<grantwu> yorick: How do I do that?
<sphalerite> nix-env --rollback
<grantwu> How do I see what each generation is...
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<grantwu> is nix-env -e supposed to just exit silently if it does nothing?
<sphalerite> nix-env --list-generations
<grantwu> nix-env -e asdfasdfasdf just exits silently, is this intended behavior?
<sphalerite> and yes, nix-env -e outputs a line for every package removed and ignores any it couldn't find
<grantwu> that's... ok
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<k0001> grantwu: also `ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profile*`
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<joepie91> (it's a Unity3D game)
<joepie91> anybody have any pointers?
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<joepie91> gchristensen: bother bother, maybe you have an idea? :P
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<MoreTea> how is it crashing exactly?
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<joepie91> MoreTea: try to run game, briefly black window, then crash
<joepie91> I don't have output besides what's in that gist, which originates from /tmp/rimworld_log
* ToxicFrog bangs their head against mkForce
<ToxicFrog> I can see examples in nixpkgs of passing mkForce a string, but when I try it complains it can't coerce the string to a set
<ToxicFrog> but it's just one string-typed option I want to override, not the whole thing
<MoreTea> joepie91, did you try `ldd` on the binary to see if you're missing any dependencies?
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<MoreTea> joepie91, found https://nixos.org/wiki/How_to_package_closed-source_software after some google fu. It's even about a unity game!
<LnL> ToxicFrog: I think you might be using it in the wrong place
<joepie91> MoreTea: huh. no idea why I didn't find that
<ToxicFrog> LnL: Probably, but it *looks* right
<joepie91> MoreTea: and `ldd` is a bit tricky because of the wrapper
<joepie91> ahhhh
<joepie91> the strace will probably work
<sphalerite> joepie91: try using strace to see if it's missing files. "strace -e open,stat EXECUTABLE 2>&1 | grep ENOENT" is usually helpful for me
<LnL> MoreTea: also compare the versions you are using now with those from the binary before it's patched
<ToxicFrog> (and I had it wrong, it's "cannot coerce set to string", not vice versa)
<ToxicFrog> error: cannot coerce a set to a string, at /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos/nixpkgs/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd-lib.nix:65:8
<ToxicFrog> The actual override is: systemd.services.autossh-ancilla-tunnel.serviceConfig = { Restart = mkForce "always"; }
<joepie91> hmmm.
<ToxicFrog> Which looks correct to me
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<LnL> ToxicFrog: is that inside a module config?
<joepie91> sphalerite: am I misreading this or is it missing glibc?
<sphalerite> joepie91: often path searches result in multiple failures which aren't a problem
<ToxicFrog> LnL: yes, inside config = {}
<sphalerite> joepie91: try grepping for libc.mo, you'll probably find that it does find it in the end
<sphalerite> considering that it searches for libc.so.6 and then libc.mo I'd guess that it's finding libc.so.7
<sphalerite> 6*
<sphalerite> joepie91: is that all the output you get before it crasehs?
<joepie91> not sure it does?
<joepie91> sphalerite: yes, but the last two gists are grepped
<joepie91> first one for ENOENT
<joepie91> second for libc
<sphalerite> open("/nix/store/kk71vkqipf30qc165718jmp0s8cggn2y-glibc-2.24/lib/libc.so.6", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3 <<< yep it does find libc.so.6
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<joepie91> right
<LnL> ToxicFrog: I've only used foo.bar = mkForce baz; but I think what you did should also work
<sphalerite> looks like it doesn't find libc.mo but that shouldn't be a problem
<sphalerite> If it's not missing files (ENOENT) after the libraries have been loaded, then I don't know what else it could be, sorry
* joepie91 does an attempt at shotgun debugging
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<sphalerite> Ugh, I don't think I can get this working neatly with scaleway. Does anyone have recommendations for VPS providers that do really small, cheap (thinking around 3€/mo) servers?
<joepie91> sphalerite: any particular requirements?
* joepie91 is the VPS advice guy
<sphalerite> nixos-friendliness :p
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<joepie91> sphalerite: hmm. most KVM VPS providers will add a NixOS ISO if you ask them for it
<joepie91> Afterburst definitely does but their KVM stuff isn't publicly available yet
<joepie91> and they're a bit more expensive too
<joepie91> sec
<joepie91> sphalerite: seems RamNode might: https://twitter.com/ramnode/status/303931702873554944
<joepie91> oh
<joepie91> they even have an older (14.12) NixOS ISO already available it seems
<joepie91> $3.50/mo is only 256MB RAM though
<sphalerite> hm these are all US-based
<joepie91> well, you didn't specify otherwise :P
<sphalerite> yeah I didn't think of it x)
<joepie91> sphalerite: looking for EU, then?
<joepie91> or elsewhere?
<joepie91> and just physical location of the server, or also company operating it?
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<corngood> I use vultr.com. It seems to have hosts in a lot of countries
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<corngood> $5/mo for 768MB/15GB
<gchristensen> sphalerite: I pay ... erm ... $0.007/hr for an AWS instance
<gchristensen> sphalerite: m1.medium on the spot market... means they could terminate it at any time, but they never have.
<sphalerite> oh yeah plus I have a load of AWS credit from hackathons
<gchristensen> so $5.04USD/mo
<sphalerite> so I wouldn't be paying for it in practice
<sphalerite> Yeah I should go with AWS
<sphalerite> forgot about that
<ToxicFrog> Hmm
<joepie91> US company though :P
<ToxicFrog> Let's say I have a directory containing the configuration.nix for some other system
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<joepie91> well
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<joepie91> half-US
<ToxicFrog> I want to extract a configuration value from the shell
<ToxicFrog> Can I do this with some use of nix-build -A or nix-instantiate -A?
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<gchristensen> anyone here know anyone using nixos on i686
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<sphalerite> joepie91: yeah but if I don't actually pay for it out of my funds it's a win :p
<joepie91> right :P
<sphalerite> gchristensen: I think I installed nixos on an old 32-bit machine at my uni's tech society
<sphalerite> I forget. But I definitely booted a 32-bit nixos CD on it, and at least that worked. Not sure if I installed it though
<sphalerite> Regardless, I may be doing so soon.
<gchristensen> really? you'll need 32bit support? interesting. what hardware?
<sphalerite> various ancient server machines that were donated to the society by companies that didn't need them anymore
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<gchristensen> hmm I see
<gchristensen> how do you feel about this, sphalerite? https://www.archlinux.org/news/phasing-out-i686-support/
<sphalerite> unsurprised
<sphalerite> it's a shame that old hardware ends up more or less going to waste of course
<joepie91> ex-housemate of mine was using a 32-bits laptop until about a year ago
<sphalerite> but then again, continuing to use it would be a waste of energy too
<joepie91> (mostly non-technical person, it ran an ancient version of Linux Mint)
<sphalerite> Linux only recently stopped supporting the original 386, didn't it?
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<joepie91> and indeed it does not seem to be missing anything :/
<schoppenhauer> hi. so I have to add changes to my pull request … I remember that I have to rebase it before I push the changes, right?
<sphalerite> joepie91: it could be something other than a library, missing data files or similar
<sphalerite> anything really
<sphalerite> but if it's not a missing file then it's probably an ABI incompatibility between the game and some library that it's using
<joepie91> sphalerite: including all opens/stats: https://gist.github.com/joepie91/ad38068f593ae251f208867f9cf9c748
<joepie91> anything that seems obviously off to you?
<sphalerite> nope
<sphalerite> Hm, it's not using many libraries
<sphalerite> Maybe it loads them dynamically
<joepie91> yeah, Unity is supposedly low-dep
<sphalerite> Ooh, try adding -f to the strace options. Maybe it loads them in another thread
<joepie91> sphalerite: hold on, miles of gdb outpuit
<joepie91> heh
<sphalerite> grep for ENOENT in that
<joepie91> hold on
<joepie91> improving my script a bit
<joepie91> (we can automate this! :P)
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<joepie91> (scroll for the MISSING section)
<joepie91> libudev...?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, that might be worth adding
<sphalerite> for hardware discovery, particularly gamepad
<sphalerite> s
<joepie91> think it might be the cause here?
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<sphalerite> It's possible but I don't think it's likely
<sphalerite> there are so many other things that could be missing
<sphalerite> I need to go to sleep, good luck with your search for the truth!
<joepie91> sphalerite: thanks for the help, these are some useful pointers :)
<sphalerite> np
<joepie91> sphalerite: IT STARTS!
<joepie91> it was libudev!
<joepie91> unbelievable, hah
<sphalerite> yay!
<joepie91> thanks so much :D
<joepie91> sphalerite: I should probably turn my strace filtering thing into an installable tool some day
<joepie91> it's just some duct-taped code right now
<sphalerite> yeah, and filter out the dupes between "found" and "missing"
<joepie91> sphalerite: there shouldn't be any
<joepie91> other than .so suffixes that is
<joepie91> not sure how standard that is
<sphalerite> oh right, yeah I missed the .so
<joepie91> might be a Mono thing
<sphalerite> yeah pretty sure it's mono
<joepie91> then again, I also added gdb detection, so... :P
<joepie91> like, 70% of the list was gdb stuff
<joepie91> because it auto-hooks into gdb once it crashes
<sphalerite> use a fuzzy match to list the likely candidates first :p
<joepie91> I might
<joepie91> I feel like this could make packaging a whole lot easier... <.<
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<Benrob0329[m]> How long is it generally between stable releases?
<sphalerite> 6 months iiuc
<sphalerite> similar release cycle to ubuntu
<sphalerite> except September and March rather than October and April
<Fare> has any of you succeeded in double-booting with Ubuntu?
<Fare> from NixOS ?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shanemikel opened pull request #22156: Add a script that "diffs" nix environment generations (master...master) https://git.io/vMhqJ
<sphalerite> Fare: I dual-booted with debian from nixos for a while (using systemd-boot)
<sphalerite> until I got rid of debian :)
<sphalerite> Should work just as well with ubuntu
<gchristensen> yeah .03 and .09
<gchristensen> Benrob0329[m]: ^