<clever> sphalerite: line 112-115 is where it decides between the default, and the one chosen in the display manager
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<clever> sphalerite: and 128-134 is about where it runs it
<clever> sphalerite: you can also use xprofile (line 98) or xsession (line 103) to imperatively override things for testing
<benzrf> what's nix's story for handling versions right now?
<benzrf> nothing built in, right? just different variables?
<sphalerite> clever: a lot of this looks like stuff that should be more up to the user than systemwide, no?
<clever> sphalerite: because xprofile gets sourced and the script continues, the user can inject variables into this context, and alter how the script behaves
<clever> sphalerite: and if xsession exists, all control is transfered to that and this script stops being an issue
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<sphalerite> aaah ok, neat. Thanks!
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<earldouglas> Is there a way to reuse an envrionment between Nix builds? E.g. if I use Make and my targets haven't changed, I'd like to optimize for speed by avoiding rebuilding unnecessarily.
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<gchristensen> ooh fpletz did you meet up with globin IRL
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #21773: jid: 0.6.1 -> 0.7.1 (master...update/pkgs/development/tools/jid) https://git.io/vM8xP
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<ertes> earldouglas: are you using nix-shell?
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<earldouglas> ertes: Mainly NixOps, but it'd be useful as well in nix-build and nix-shell
<fpletz> gchristensen: we're working for the same company %)
<copumpkin> earldouglas: there was some trick someone came up with a few months ago with using a separate output to cache stuff like that
<copumpkin> earldouglas: I don't remember the details though, and can't find it now
<ertes> earldouglas: you can't "rebuild" in the nix store, but you can use nix-shell to construct an environment that is similar to the build environment
<copumpkin> anyone else know what I'm talking about?
<gchristensen> fpletz: oh :) that makes it easy.
<gchristensen> fpletz: see my PM?
<ertes> earldouglas: if this is literally about the environment itself, then you can use a nix-instantiate trick, but it has a few caveats
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<ertes> earldouglas: build the environment: nix-instantiate shell.nix -Q --indirect --add-root `pwd`/shell.drv
<ertes> whoops, scratch the -Q… it's specific to my use case
<earldouglas> Ah, that looks promising. So then I can reuse `pwd`/shell.drv?
<ertes> yep, you can give nix-shell that file (via full path) instead of shell.nix
<earldouglas> Awesome, thanks a lot
<ertes> earldouglas: however, there is one major caveat: you need to use full paths to most things
<ertes> or figure out a separate way to also restore PATH and likely some other variables as well
<gchristensen> domenkozar: I'm very excited for your january 21st :)
<ertes> copumpkin: ^ you're probably talking about this =)
<copumpkin> ertes: nope
<copumpkin> it was using multiple outputs and feeding the second output back into a new attempted build
<copumpkin> or something like that
<ertes> ah, you mean to emulate 'make'?
<copumpkin> yup
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #21774: hub: 2.2.8 -> 2.2.9 (master...update/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/hub) https://git.io/vM4eY
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] benley pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vM4fN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master eae2a12 Benjamin Staffin: insync: add a note about trial and costing money
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<gchristensen> adding gpg verification to nixpkgs is hard, y'all
<gchristensen> down to 284 PRs, great work
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM4JF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a0e5cbb Eric Bailey: hub: 2.2.8 -> 2.2.9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 01e4059 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #21774 from yurrriq/update/pkgs/applications/version-management/git-and-tools/hub...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21772: subsurface: rev update for 4.5.97 (master...subsurface_beta_fix) https://git.io/vM8SZ
<justanotheruser> how should I install a pythonPackage that isn't in pypi or nix official channels
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21767: bundler: 1.13.6 -> 1.13.7 (master...bundler) https://git.io/vM8Jk
<justanotheruser> I only know how to get a tar.gz2 file
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #21771: kdeWrapper: postpone /share linking till final buildEnv (master...kde-wrapper) https://git.io/vM8o3
<copumpkin> justanotheruser: write a quick expression for it
<maurer> Anyone installed nixos on a NVMe drive? Anything I should be careful of when doing this?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21773: jid: 0.6.1 -> 0.7.1 (master...update/pkgs/development/tools/jid) https://git.io/vM8xP
<gchristensen> maurer: if you build _a lot_ it is good to put /nix on a different dis
<maurer> I only have nvme on this machine, so nix will end up living on there
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<gchristensen> maurer: well it should be fine, I just wouldn't use it as my main build machine
<gchristensen> (I build almost constantly, and really do mean "I" as in me)
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<justanotheruser> copumpkin: how do I do that for a file
<maurer> gchristensen: Why not?
<maurer> gchristensen: I'm asking because this device is a dev machine, I may not be building nixos itself all the time, but I will be building a lot
<leothrix> I'm trying to install dspam with the postgresql storage driver, but it looks like the nixpkgs only compiles dspam with pgsql support if withPgSQL is set - how do I do that in my configuration.nix?
<gchristensen> maurer: I'm not sure if it is any worse than other flash, but just concerns about wearing it out
<maurer> gchristensen: Ah, I've been doing all my builds on SSDs for a while, so if it's just the SSD concern, that's fine
<gchristensen> maurer: you should be fine :)
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<copumpkin> justanotheruser: check out pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix in nixpkgs and copy some of that buildPythonPackage stuff adjusting parts of it for your package
<copumpkin> there's probably a manual entry for it too
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<justanotheruser> I'll check it
<copumpkin> justanotheruser: or more specifically https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#developing-with-python
<copumpkin> justanotheruser: you'd replace the pkgs.fetchurl thing with the path to your tarball
<copumpkin> (or you can fetchurl it remotely if the tarball is remote)
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<justanotheruser> not sure I want to keep fetching, these guys don't like https :p
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<copumpkin> oh well it just tells nix where the file came from. It'll cache it locally by hash
<justanotheruser> yeah, if I set the hash correctly I guess it's a non-issue
<copumpkin> and if you don't it'll barf :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM4kw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master bd0d567 Lancelot SIX: pythonPackages.django_1_10: 1.10.4 -> 1.10.5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b70e5f2 Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #21675 from lsix/update_django_1_10...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #21065: owncloud: update minor versions (master...pkg.owncloud) https://git.io/v1oRO
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<fresheyeball> howdy
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<fresheyeball> I have a collision and don't know what to do
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<simpson> fresheyeball: Congratulations, I think. I haven't heard of a collision before.
<fresheyeball> re-he-he-hellly
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<fresheyeball> so basically I have two Haskell packages
<simpson> Oh wait. This isn't a hash collision, but a path collision, right? Where two packages provide the same file?
<fresheyeball> and they both have a binary that is called "example"
<fresheyeball> building path(s) ‘/nix/store/6hrnbw9y6zxjk57670cjlihly1088z8k-ghc-8.0.1’ collision between `/nix/store/m94z058wabfhbdwh7ldw8kahqs6n4vig-jose-' and `/nix/store/a50bd192lri81hkcj9sbpm13s0j3rfrz-servant-reflex-0.2/bin/example'
<fresheyeball> so... yeah
<fresheyeball> no idea what to do here
<puffnfresh> you can disable building the executables
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<fresheyeball> hey puffnfresh!
<fresheyeball> Long time!
<puffnfresh> hello
<puffnfresh> yeah, awesome to see you here
<fresheyeball> I told you I would get there
<fresheyeball> still lllllearning the things
<puffnfresh> woo <3
<fresheyeball> I do haskell full time now
<fresheyeball> its been awesome for my progress already
<puffnfresh> wow awesome
<fresheyeball> when we first meet, I really didn't know what I was talking about haha
<puffnfresh> I had a friend who worked with you somewhere
<puffnfresh> was it Logrhythm?
<fresheyeball> yeah
<fresheyeball> Matthew I think
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<fresheyeball> devops'y guy
<puffnfresh> yeah, small world
<puffnfresh> oh you're with Runar now?
<fresheyeball> yes
<puffnfresh> tiny world
<fresheyeball> but I've not talked to Runar much yet
<fresheyeball> I feel like I need more time, before I can absorb info from him
<fresheyeball> its a very small world
<fresheyeball> anyway though
<fresheyeball> this collision
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<fresheyeball> puffnfresh: how would I disable the building of executables?
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<puffnfresh> I've disabled libraries, I thought you could do executables, too
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<fresheyeball> well I need the code as a library
<fresheyeball> hmm
<fresheyeball> finding nix docs leaves something to be desired
<puffnfresh> there's at least 3 manuals
<puffnfresh> specific to Haskell
<puffnfresh> haskell.lib.disableSharedLibraries (haskell.lib.disableStaticLibraries haskellPackages.jose) # is this the answer?
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<fresheyeball> wont that just disable jose?
<puffnfresh> not the library
<puffnfresh> just the "example" executable
<puffnfresh> hopefully
<fresheyeball> let me try that
<fresheyeball> I'm still learning the synax of nix expressions
<fresheyeball> and there is no type system
<fresheyeball> so I'm might ask for a review
<fresheyeball> sec
<puffnfresh> yeah, it's tricky :(
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<puffnfresh> oh whooops you're right fresheyeball
<puffnfresh> I put libraries in there when I meant executables
<fresheyeball> haskell.lib.disableSharedExecutables (haskell.lib.disableStaticExecutables haskellPackages.jose); ?
<fresheyeball> ok so disableSharedExecutables is there but not disableStaticExecutables
<fresheyeball> building! we will see!
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<puffnfresh> fresheyeball: do you have nix-repl installed?
<fresheyeball> no...
<fresheyeball> educate my ass
<puffnfresh> haskell.lib.overrideCabal haskellPackages.jose (drv: { isExecutable = false; }) # can you install nix-repl and check this hash is different to haskellPackages.jose?
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<fresheyeball> oh interesting
<fresheyeball> I will do that after this build finishes
<puffnfresh> cool, I think your build will instead just make a statically linked executable, sadly
<puffnfresh> have to do the overrideCabal instead, I think
<fresheyeball> well it got further than it did last time
<puffnfresh> oh cool
<puffnfresh> jose is made by someone I know in Brisbane btw :)
<puffnfresh> minuscule world...
<fresheyeball> it really is
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<fresheyeball> ok yeah collision remains
<fresheyeball> reflex-dom' = haskell.lib.overrideCabal haskellPackages.reflex-dom (drv: { isExecutable = false; });
<fresheyeball> I did this instead, since I depend directly on reflex-dom but don't depend directly on jose
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<puffnfresh> ah yeah, does that work?
<fresheyeball> not sure yet
<fresheyeball> much curl occuring
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<fresheyeball> and it failed
<puffnfresh> urgh :(
<fresheyeball> Setup: Encountered missing dependencies: base >=4.7 && <4.9, template-haskell >=2.9 && <2.11, these >=0.4 && <0.7 builder for ‘/nix/store/iimqs719yfr74ywcwq4acsw14b1asyp0-reflex-0.4.0.drv’ failed with exit code 1
<fresheyeball> progress I think
<fresheyeball> though I am once again unsure of what to do now
<fresheyeball> puffnfresh: how the heck is the package missing deps now?
<fresheyeball> this is confusing
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<puffnfresh> I don't know that doesn't make a lot of sense to me
<fresheyeball> can I override jose for the dependency that uses it?
<puffnfresh> yeah, nixpkgs manual kinda shows you how to do it
<puffnfresh> haskellPackages.override or something
<fresheyeball> I'm trying it with overrideCabal
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM4WN
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4c43937 Franz Pletz: linux: 4.4.40 -> 4.4.41
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3b17823 Franz Pletz: linux: 4.8.16 -> 4.8.17
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6b01b22 Franz Pletz: linux: 4.9.1 -> 4.9.2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] yurrriq opened pull request #21775: erlangR19: 19.1.6 -> 19.2 (master...update/pkgs/development/interpreters/erlang/R19) https://git.io/vM48Z
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<nekroze> How do I do a compound if statement in nix? like (true && false)
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<simpson> nekroze: That might be it.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vM446
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a93416b Maximilian Güntner: pythonPackages.ipfsapi: init at 0.4.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 49640fc Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #21762 from mguentner/ipfsapi...
<simpson> nekroze: Yep, that's the right syntax.
<nekroze> simpson: thanks
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<xeviox> hi guys, is this the correct way to setup a "local" dev environment for haskell? -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29033580/how-do-i-use-the-new-haskell-ng-infrastructure-on-nixos
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<srhb> Can I make nix-env -qaP work with my git checkout when I'm not using channels (without specifying -f) ?
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<srhb> I assume I need to somehow set NIXPKGS in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
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<avn> xeviox: cabal2nix + nix-shell?
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<xeviox> avn: but cabal2nix enforces a pre-installed cabal, which I don't prefer..
<xeviox> (in case I understood it correctly)
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<avn> xeviox: cabal2nix generate shell.nix (or default.nix) for your project, from xxx.cabal, then you "enter" to this environment with nix-shell (and it have all preinstalled libraries)
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<xeviox> avn: ok, thanks :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #21776: terragrunt: init at 0.8.0 (master...p/terragrunt) https://git.io/vM4Rn
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<avn> xeviox: at least I prefer this way, because I rebuilt my system often. Some folks still use stack with nixos, it described in manual pages (but it assume that your libc never disappera, which happens when you rebuild/gc often)
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<viric> nix-store -q -roots PATH doesn't tell me any root for it, but the path appears in "nix-store --gc --print-live". What to do?
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<viric> ^ niksnut ?
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<LnL> viric: nix-store -q --referrers-closure
<viric> LnL: and?
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<LnL> one of those should be a root
<viric> those are store paths, not root
<viric> s
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<viric> Ah, with "-vvvvv" I get it says "got additional root ...."
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<viric> I had one process referring to a path
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<avn> viric: GC looks for running processes?
<viric> avn: yes
<viric> I didn't know
<avn> viric: actually it most correct behaviour ;)
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<viric> avn: I wish '--roots' printed them too, though. It's pretty confusing. (^ niksnut )
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<viric> maybe I'm outdated. nix 1.11
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<xeviox> how can I check my NixOS version?
<viric> run nixos-version
<xeviox> viric: thanks :D
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<LnL> viric: --roots? Isn't it nix-store --gc --print-roots
<viric> -q --roots PATH
<viric> and print-roots didn't include it either
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<jgeerds> "nix-channel --update" hangs with "unpacking channels...". Anyone knows how to fix this?
<jgeerds> (16.09 stable)
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<msd> Hey! Is sw_vers available as a package in NixOS?
<msd> Just had a PR come in that looks fine, except for an explicit substitution of /usr/bin/sw_vers for Darwin. Does this exist as a package, and if so, in which package does this exist?
<jgeerds> hmm.. some sort of DNS problems. Fixed it with a different nameserver
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<rly> How big is a nix installation on !NixOS? I.e. in terms of space usage.
<niksnut> $ nix path-info -S /nix/store/m8z91vpfxyszhjpq4wl8m1zwlqik4fkn-nix-1.11.5
<niksnut> /nix/store/m8z91vpfxyszhjpq4wl8m1zwlqik4fkn-nix-1.11.5 99088192
<niksnut> it will be smaller when using a native package (e.g. rpm)
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<domenkozar> rly: once we remove perl, 50MB less :)
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<pierron> copumpkin: we should avoid having default value which are defined based on config content, we should prefer mkDefault for such cases.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vM45H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3aca77a Jörg Thalheim: universal-ctags: 2016-12-17 -> 2017-01-08
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<LnL> pierron: makes sense, is there a difference apart from not being defined inside the option?
<pierron> LnL: yes, for generating documentation, you don't want to evaluate the config.
<pierron> LnL: and the default option is a special case which does not rely on priorities, so this is way less priority compare to any mkOverride.
<LnL> oh, so mkDefault overrides default?
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<rly> niksnut: how do I run "nix" on 16.09? Do I have to install nixos.nixUnstable or is there also another way to show sizes?
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 93197aa Vincent Laporte: mpd: fix on darwin...
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<niksnut> rly: on 16.0, you can do "du -sch $(nix-store -qR ...)"
<niksnut> *16.09
<gchristensen> clever, viric: do you know who all is an ARMey?
<gchristensen> cc fpletz and Dezgeg ^
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<gchristensen> I wonder if we should do a Nix User Survey like the git user survey / rust user survey
<gchristensen> might be helpful to see what people are liking / not liking / having trouble with / using nix for
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<LnL> niksnut: oh that's clever
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<LnL> gchristensen: I have nix installed on my nas, but I don't use it all that much
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5b9d806 Michael Raskin: mdadm4: init at 4.0...
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<Guest57887> hi! I'm trying to set up a simple cron job on my nic system. Shouldn't it be done by putting the following to the config:
<Guest57887> services.cron.systemCronJobs = "* * * * * ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/echo hi >> /home/m/tmp/log"; services.cron.enable = true;
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<Guest57887> it seems not to be executed every minute as expected
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<gchristensen> Guest57887: try services.cron.systemCronJobs = [ "* * * * * ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/echo hi >> /home/m/tmp/log" ]; services.cron.enable = true;
<gchristensen> Guest57887: and then, did you nixos-rebuild switch?
<Guest57887> oh, sorry. I did so, was acopy/paste mistake.
<Guest57887> yes, the rebuild succeeded.
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<Guest57887> cat /home/m/tmp/log; # No such file or directory
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<Guest57887> And crontab -l shows me 'no cron tab for..'; neither for me nor for root
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<dweller> wel, isnt that system crontab?
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<gchristensen> Guest57887: looks like you need to specify a user
<gchristensen> "* * * * * root ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/echo hi >> /home/m/tmp/log"
<gchristensen> based on the docs here: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#services.cron.systemcronjobs
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<Guest57887> great! that should be it!
<joko> Guest57887: you could also use systemd for cronjobs, although it requires more lines
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kamilchm closed pull request #19825: mesos module: add running tasks in service tests (master...mesos-tests) https://git.io/vPAzR
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<Guest57887> alright, the cron way works for now. maybe next time with systemd. thx
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<lassulus> is there any progress with netboot.xyz support? there is still this ticket open and I don't really see whats the holdup: https://github.com/antonym/netboot.xyz/issues/37
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<Guest57887> the simple sample cron worked. however, the thing I actually wanted to do does not. I'm not sure if it's Nix related. Anyways, maybe someone knows why this command does not work as a cron (it works from the shell though):
<Guest57887> "* * * * * root ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /home/m/trash/* -maxdepth 0 -cmin +1 -exec rm -rv {} \; >> /home/m/.cronlog"
<gchristensen> Guest57887: well you probably don't actually want that * in trash/*
<gchristensen> also you may want to use find's -delete option instead of the riskier rm
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: I added the * because otherwise it includes the directory ~/trash iteslf in the result.
<gchristensen> Guest57887: use -mindepth 1
<gchristensen> and remove the maxdepth 0 (or set it to 1 also) but you probably don't actually want to exec rm, since it can be unsafe, but actually want find's built-in way to delet efiles
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #21778: flashplayer: -> (master...flashplayer- https://git.io/vMBOW
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMBOz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ce11097 taku0: flashplayer: ->
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master aa53fc5 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21778 from taku0/flashplayer-
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #21776: terragrunt: init at 0.8.0 (master...p/terragrunt) https://git.io/vM4Rn
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBOF
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 11696e2 Vladimír Čunát: nixos networking.dnsExtensionMechanism = true; by default...
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<Guest57887> gchristensen>: Alright, I'm trying to figure this out. It turns out that there are several different things here: Whatever a good configuration of the find command will finally look like, even the simplest test has no effect: "* * * * * root ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /home/m/trash -exec echo {} \; >> /home/m/.cronlog"
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<gchristensen> Guest57887: stop using exec, try just: "* * * * * root ${pkgs.findutils}/bin/find /home/m/trash >> /home/m/.cronlog" and make .cronlog and chmod 777 fortesting
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBsn
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2da3d3 David McFarland: amdgpu-pro: 16.40 -> 16.50 (#21502)
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<exi> vozz: Sonarpulse i have a working rustNightly that is able to compile alacritty. Will try to send out PRs for both tonight
<Guest57887> gchristensen: Yes, when changing the rights it works..
<gchristensen> weird
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<pareidolia> Is there a way to enable separateDebugInfo for all packages installed in a user environment?
<magnetophon> sorry, I got disconnected..
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #21779: libsecret: add dev output (master...libsecret/multiple-outputs) https://git.io/vMBsh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMBGv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 fd1dbe5 taku0: flashplayer: ->
<Guest57887> gchristensen: When I delete the file. and let the cron run, the file is created but nothing is written to it. It has the rights -rw-r--r-- root root . After doing chmod 777 stuff gets written to it..
<gchristensen> I dunno, that seems weird
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<pareidolia> Or at least enable debugging symbols on the entire closure of a package
<pareidolia> Anyone?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBGx
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 98bcca8 Jörg Thalheim: gajim: enable omemo dependencies by default
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: No, I need to correct myselft. It has nothing to do with the rights! It behaves like this: On the first run of the cron, the file is created, but it starts writing to it only from the second run...
<Guest57887> which is ok finally, however still weird to me.
<gchristensen> ok
<gchristensen> please don't use exec rm though
<pareidolia> Anyone working with debug symbols here?
<Guest57887> gchristensen: I'm using find /home/m/trash -min-depth 1 -max-depth 1 . For the -delete option I would need a recursive flag, which I'm not sure if it exists..
<gchristensen> Guest57887: why use -max-depth 1 if you want to delete recursively?
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: Because I'm also using -ctime +30, which should only act on the top level of the trash dir.
<gchristensen> I see, well, be careful
<gchristensen> and understand that exec rm can do The Wrong Thing
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBZp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4fc0c15 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.sounddevice: 0.3.4 -> 0.36
<Guest57887> gchristensen: You know, I'm trying to have a trash folder, where I can move stuff in. But every day a cron should delete things from it that has been put there at a time older than one month ago.
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<gchristensen> yeah I understand
<gchristensen> makes sense
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<vozz> exi: Nice one!
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<magnetophon> I have a python pkg where the shebang was patched automatically when using python2, but it won't patch with python3. Any ideas?
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<magnetophon> gchristensen: thanks. the shebang is /usr/bin/python though. If it matters: it's a wrapped program.
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<Unode> hi gyus, is there any place where nix stores the information about which packages are installed and where they come from?
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<gchristensen> Unode: it sounds like you have another goal in mind and that this might be the X-Y problem. can you describe what your end goal is?
<Unode> Some months ago I created a nix tree rebuild on a different folder /nfs/share/nix and it's all working but today I got an error saying that one package couldn't be found in the store and the path printed referred to /nix instead of /nfs/share/nix, which shouldn't happen
<magnetophon> I've tried patching the script itself (before wrapping), the wrapper, and just doing nothing. the result is the same: the shebang reads "/usr/bin/python"
<dtz> magnetophon: might not be your issue, but is python3 in your buildInputs? patchShebangs only patches for interpreters on PATH iirc
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<magnetophon> dtz: thanks. yes it is.
<Unode> even nix-env --uninstall complains so I'm kind of stuck.
<gchristensen> Unode: perhaps nix-store --repair
<Unode> I'm running a nix-store --verify --check-contents but so far no errors.
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<Unode> actually, if I run nix-env to install multiple packages in a single instruction. Nix only creates one revision correct?
<Unode> I'm wondering if the profile just got messed up somehow.
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<dtz> magnetophon: oh, the python3 interpreter isn't installed as 'python' on linux/etc, so your shebang should be /usr/bin/python3 if you want python3 (and then the patchShebangs works)
<dtz> magnetophon: or /usr/bin/env python3 O:)
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<magnetophon> dtz: thanks. so I need to first manually sed it from python to python3, and then do patchshebangs?
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<dtz> that'd do the trick! Mostly AFAICT expecting 'python' to be 'python3' is the problem, arguably a bug with the python script.. so fixing it with sed/patch seems reasonable.
<dtz> (as opposed to manipulating the environment to provide a python=python3, which is another possibility)
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<dtz> (I think patchShebangs runs automatically as part of fixup or so, might not need to invoke manually?)
<magnetophon> dtz: the pkg in question is supposed to work with both 2 and 3, but has a bug with 2.
<dtz> oh, I'm no python guru just reading the docs O:). Not sure what the best way to support both would be. Anyway I'd just patch the script if it's a single .py file and be done with it :)
<dtz> while waiting for my code to compile.. oblig: http://xkcd.com/303/
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<gchristensen> I'm pretty sure I can do this: from a given derivation, query for all the derivations it depends on, somehow pass that to tar, and then transfer the tar to a non-nix machine and run the top level derivation. that is a thing I can do, right?
<magnetophon> dtz: thanks!
<pareidolia> Anyone doing gdb with debug symbols?
<dtz> magnetophon: np!
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<dtz> gchristensen: pretty sure, yeah! The Nix manual has some interesting mentions of doing that for generation of initrd and nixos installation iso
<dtz> exportReferencesGraph section
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<gchristensen> cool, thanks dtz!
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<dtz> Oh and you'll probably wanna make sure to unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the other host. Curious how well this works for you, please share what you find out :)
<dtz> And yeah also that's similar to docker image creation stuff folks are doing right?
<Avaq> Hey! I'm just learning to use nix-shell to build an environment to run some python code in, and one of the packages it requires is bitarray. This package is not defined in nixpkgs.python35Packages. What can I do?
<exi> Avaq: the usual but annoying answer is: package it yourself
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<exi> and create a pull request so we all benefit
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<exi> if it is on pypy, it should be pretty easy
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<exi> there is preexistant tooling for that
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<Avaq> exi: Thanks! :) Could you point me to this tooling? And maybe a resource which can explain what "package it yourself" entails?
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: it turned out that there is the option -execdir, which should be saver than -exec. So I'll use this. However, I'm having trouble putting the {} in the string describing the cron. I tried many variations: {} '{}' \"{}\" \{\} It's just being ignored! Anybody an idea how to properly escape this?
<gchristensen> Guest57887: I would recommend making a proper script that cron calls, instead of trying to make cron do it right
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: Yeah, maybe this would be better. it's just another level of complexity. Alright, maybe a silly question. Anyways: Where in the filesystem would you put something like this and how would it be referenced in the config? I mean in order to keep the declaration pure..
<gchristensen> it is simpler actually
<gchristensen> because you don't have to worry about weird quoting rules messing you up
<offlinehacker[m]> Avaq: look for pypi2nix from garbas
<offlinehacker[m]> Much better solution, mine is hackish
<Avaq> Thanks offlinehacker! Yours was generating the error: "Package ‘python-minimal-2.6.9’ in [path] is marked as broken, refusing to evaluate"
<gchristensen> Guest57887: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/728ffd2cb3c5c40d5681696e0b9a4a9e is how I'd do it, roughly
<exi> there are couple of packages already defined with "buildPythonPackage"
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<exi> these just require the data you see within to be filled out and it will download and package it automatically
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<offlinehacker[m]> Avaq: mine was failed attempt that once worked, but was overengineered
<exi> as bitarray is already on pypi, you might be lucky
<siarheit_> on nix/linux (but not nixos) what is supposed way to generate locales? my default is POSIX and glibcLocales does not install anything meaningful. i'd like to see at least en_GB.UTF-8 :)
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<offlinehacker[m]> Wheels solved Python packaging
<offlinehacker[m]> On nix
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<gchristensen> with npm2nix / buildNodePackage is there a way to patch a dependency?
<k0001> gchristensen: I've been bitten by that in node2nix. Maybe it's the same in npm2nix. (the answer seems to be "no")
<gchristensen> well damn
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<Guest57887> gchristensen: Alright! finally I got the thing working. for now the '' quotes did the job. But it's good to have the writeScript option. THX!
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<gchristensen> k0001: well ... you can modify dependencies.nix and add a preBuild hook, but a bit nasty
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBzP
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d35918 Thomas Tuegel: kdeWrapper: reformat propagated-user-env-packages
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<Avaq> Using Garbas' pypi2nix, I get "anonymous function at /nix/store/.../nixos/pkgs/top-level/python-packages.nix:1:1 called without required argument ‘self’" at ./requirements.nix:16:20
<garbas> i Avaq: current master only works with unstable branch
<garbas> Avaq: things are constantly changing in nixpkgs to be able to target all the version
<Avaq> I'm patient but confused. Should I checkout a specific commit, or go to the unstable branch you're talking about? The unstable branch of NixOS?
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<mckeankylej> If you have a nix file to build a haskell project generated from cabal2nix --shell is there a way to get a ghc-mod with those packages? All the examples I have seen have been for making a ghc-mod off of a global haskell package set.
<pikajude> mckeankylej: you could just add ghc-mod to the buildDepends in the file
<Avaq> garbas, what can I do?
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<garbas> Avaq: use unstable channel
<mckeankylej> pikajude: that works well hum now I just need to figure out how to tell emacs to use that version of ghc-mod
<garbas> Avaq: oh i see you are new. welcome! let me give you command for that
<garbas> Avaq: when calling nix-shell/nix-build add "-I nixpkgs=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/nixpkgs-unstable.tar.gz" to the command line
<Avaq> Whoo, seems to be working! Thanks garbas, offlinehacker! :D
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] exi opened pull request #21781: Add apache2 license (master...apache2-license) https://git.io/vMBV2
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor closed pull request #16027: WIP: nixos/geoip-databases: new service (master...geoip-service) https://git.io/voTX2
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor reopened pull request #16027: WIP: nixos/geoip-databases: new service (master...geoip-service) https://git.io/voTX2
<hodapp> hummm. I wonder if I could set up rstudio to let me override the R version with my own R wrapper
<hodapp> I haven't dug deep yet but don't various packages do this by making some dependent package an optional argument?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBwb
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e4fb2bb Franz Pletz: Revert "nixos/stage2: Check for each special mount individually and mount missing ones. (#21370)"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to staging: https://git.io/vMBrW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging db90ac6 Alexander Kahl: openldap: load configuration files from global sysconfdir /etc (#21648)
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<mudri> Does anyone else use XFCE with XMonad on NixOS? I've had this issue for a while: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18238
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<domenkozar> For those not subscribed to nix-dev, I'm stepping down as NixOS release manager, but globin will take over! :) http://lists.science.uu.nl/pipermail/nix-dev/2017-January/022464.html
<domenkozar> I'll be still around, just focusing on other things :)
<phorse> thanks for you work!
<goibhniu> Thanks so much, you did an amazing job!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] exi closed pull request #21781: Add apache2 license (master...apache2-license) https://git.io/vMBV2
<maurer> On nixos unstable, I'm getting an error installing pycrypto (as a dependency of nixops)
<maurer> Anyone know what's up?
<domenkozar> phorse: goibhniu thanks :)
<maurer> E AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_RSAobj'
<maurer> is the error it throws
<domenkozar> maurer: wait for channel update, this is fixed
<domenkozar> or use nixpkgs from git directly
<maurer> domenkozar: OK, that's why I asked rather than filing an issue immediately :P
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<unlmtd[m]> loadkeys colemak \\ cannot open file colemak
<unlmtd[m]> so no colemak on live cd?
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<maurer> mudri: Try disabling xfwm explicitly? That's what I had to do with xterm in order to successfully default to "none + xmonad"
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<k0001> Thank you both, domenkozar and globin :)
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<unlmtd[m]> it was colemak/en-latin9
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<mudri> maurer: thanks, I'll give that a go. Did you open an issue for your problem?
<mudri> And where can I explicitly disable it?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMB1U
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 451c223 Shea Levy: builtins.readFile: Put the references of the file, not those needed to realize the file, into the context
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] regnat opened pull request #582: libvirtd : Allow instanciating vms on a remote host (master...remote_qemu) https://git.io/vMB1r
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<magnetophon> I'm migrating a pkg from python2 to python3, and I keep getting: "collision between `/nix/store/mzvr9xm0lw0l092a1q2ai6d5wwzxj8w7-python3.5-setuptools-26.1.1/bin/.easy_install-wrapped' and `/nix/store/31ymcz2crgxaf05wfw1zqi2wlfcpc4ia-python2.7-setuptools-26.1.1/bin/.easy_install-wrapped'".
<gchristensen> whoa regnat !
<gchristensen> nice :D
<magnetophon> I've tried various variations on "nix-env --set-flag priority 15 python3.5-setuptools-26.1.1", but keep getting "error: selector ‘python3.5-setuptools-26.1.1’ matches no derivations"
<magnetophon> how do I find the correct pkg to prioritize?
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<magnetophon> or shoud I be doing something else entirely?
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<jp302> hello, I am trying to install a newer version of chromedriver, so I put this in my ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix http://pastebin.com/ephiVwq9
<jp302> but when I run a nix command I get the message 'error: undefined variable ‘fetchurl’ at /home/dozo/.nixpkgs/config.nix:7:16'
<jp302> what am I doing wrong?
<clever> jp302: use pkgs.fetchurl
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<regnat> gchristensen: Thanks :)
<jp302> thanks
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<maurer> mudri: I found the fix in an issue where someone else had the same problem, e.g. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/4300
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<maurer> mudri: services.xserver.windowManager.xfwm.enable = false;
<maurer> is what I am guessing might help
<edapa> Is there a way to use a directory as the source of a derivation without having to copy the whole think into the store every time you build?
<edapa> Obviously this would be impure, but it seems really useful for rapid prototyping
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<maurer> edapa: nix-shell --pure, followed by repeated invocations of buildPhase?
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<edapa> Does that drop you into a sort of nix-repl?
<mudri> maurer: I don't have a services.xserver.windowManager.xfwm, and I can't find any xfwm options in nixpkgs.
<maurer> mudri: dunno then, I was kinda guessing
<maurer> sorry
<mudri> Aah, fair enough.
<maurer> edapa: nix-shell will drop you into the environment the package would be built in
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<edapa> maurder: thanks. Is there a way I can change the buildPhase source while in the same shell?
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<LnL> is it just me or has it been very quiet in here today?
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<[0x4A6F]> Hey, what is the new way of patching and configuring your kernel. This does not work in 7ee897a https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-grsec-custom-kernel
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<dtz> hey so just wanted to check--is it still safe to just go ahead and nuke /nix/store/.links ? Trying to compare having store optimization enabled/not.. :)
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<dtz> and by "still" I mean "based on mailing list message I may have misinterpreted"..
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<dtz> (related: does 'ls -l /nix/store/.links' take.. 20+ minutes for anyone else/is that expected? O:))
<dtz> might need to requisition me an SSD xD
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<copumpkin> pierron: is there a "value is absent" notion in the module system?
<copumpkin> I want default = <something that will behave as if I left default out>
<pierron> copumpkin: then don't write default = …;
<copumpkin> is there no other way to do it? I want a conditional default
<copumpkin> and if something else isn't specified, I want there to be no default
<domenkozar> copumpkin: you mean assert if there is no value?
<pierron> copumpkin: please, not in the option section
<copumpkin> how do I achieve the same thing then?
<pierron> copumpkin: in the config section
<pierron> copumpkin: with mkDefault
<domenkozar> set default to null and assert if it's null
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<copumpkin> hmm
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<pierron> domenkozar: there is no need to do that, if there is no value, the module system will complain.
<domenkozar> well you want a nice error message
<domenkozar> like: you must set blabla.foo
<domenkozar> because reasons
<pierron> domenkozar: I think this is already the error message
<copumpkin> pierron: is there also a way to get ta batched list of missing values?
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<lassulus> is there a way, if I define multiple IPs per networking interface, to specify which IP should be the primary one?
<domenkozar> copumpkin: see nixos-option
<pierron> copumpkin: technically, yes, with difficulties.
<copumpkin> domenkozar: I mean in the error message
<copumpkin> it's kind of painful to have them trickle out
<copumpkin> say you define options.httpd.enable = true
<copumpkin> err, service
<copumpkin> then it'll complain about documentRoot not being set
<copumpkin> then you fix that, re-evaluate, it'll complain about adminAddress not being set
<copumpkin> keep going until it stops complaining
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<domenkozar> well it might be misleading to calculate that as sometimes you can set one of two options
<domenkozar> etc
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<copumpkin> just saying it's a bad user experience
<domenkozar> I do agree :)
<copumpkin> it's not at all obvious what you need to set
<copumpkin> ahead of time
<copumpkin> you need to scan for things that don't have defaults
<copumpkin> and hope that there isn't conditional logic anywhere
<domenkozar> copumpkin: I think this is more of documentation issue
<copumpkin> I don't really think so
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<domenkozar> there should be a working example somewhere
<copumpkin> this stuff should be easily discoverable for every service
<copumpkin> speaking of documentation, it'd be super cool if we could define "top-level" docs for a given nixos module
<domenkozar> we can
<copumpkin> how?
<domenkozar> meta.doc
<copumpkin> oh! where does that appear? I haven't seen that
<domenkozar> it appers in the manual
<copumpkin> no I mean are there examples of it in use in the current manual?
<domenkozar> git grep meta.doc
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<copumpkin> I'm talking about the other side of it
<copumpkin> e.g., https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/options.html#opt-services.postgresql.authentication
<copumpkin> I don't see it in there
<copumpkin> would be nice to group those with a header that includes meta.doc
<copumpkin> (postgresql includes meta.doc)
<domenkozar> yeah UX could be made better
<pierron> copumpkin: or add documentation to your enable option, to state that other option should be defined as well.
<pierron> copumpkin: There is no way to report multiple at once, because there is no way to continue meaningfully if we cannot resolve complete the resolution on of option.
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<leothrix> So, is it at all possible to pull out the path for a previously-written file that was written using pkgs.writeText? Something like `env."filename.conf"` or something?
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<copumpkin> pierron: :/
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<domenkozar> leothrix: the "return value" of that function is the path
<leothrix> domenkozar: indeed - the context here is that clamd is broken in 16.09 and I'm trying to work around this, I thought I may be able to override the service's ExecStart to correctly point at sbin/clamd but I need the config file path, which it writes out elsewhere in the module
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<leothrix> It's very hacky, if there's a better way to do it I'm all ears
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMBpO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 15ef9bc Michael Raskin: xsok: init at 1.02
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<pierron> domenkozar: For the security-update branch on Hydra, I guess I would have to see that with globin?
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<domenkozar> pierron: I can create the jobset if needed
<pierron> domenkozar: that would be awesome if I had a way to edit them to do the 2 branch story for generating the top-level file.
<pierron> domenkozar: to make a base and secure channel.
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<gchristensen> domenkozar: speaking of which, can you restart all failed on 16.09?
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<domenkozar> gchristensen: done
<fresheyeball> hello out there
<gchristensen> <3 thank you (getting ready for tomorrow's security roundup)
<fresheyeball> so I'm having an annoying problem
<fresheyeball> I have to packages that collide on an executable called "example"
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<fresheyeball> I altered one of them with haskell.lib.overrideCabal haskellPackages.reflex-dom (drv: { enableSharedExecutables = false; });
<abbradar> Hi all! Did anyone have any problems with accessing cache.nixos.org lately? I thought that it might be Russia-related problem but it turns out https doesn't work for me even under VPN. HTTP works OK, and so is HTTPS-over-CURL.
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<gchristensen> abbradar: things are okay from here (eastern USA)
<fresheyeball> an now it complains about Missing dependcies including base!
<abbradar> I think that it might be related to the new builtin Nix fetchurl somehow -- how can I force it to use our own fetchurl?
<abbradar> fetching path ‘/nix/store/vql7rjh2dm4g8qksj463axd23nappx3n-glibc-2.24-static’... <- this is native Nix fetchurl, correct?
<abbradar> Oh, wait, of course I can't -- it's about binary substitutions, not `fetchurl`
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<[0x4A6F]> Okay, building my kernel now.
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<lambdame> Hi, I tried to boot the latest Nixos graphical live CD on a Mac Pro, but I can't get to Xorg
<lambdame> `systemctl status display-manager` fails -> X server died during startup
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<lambdame> I wasn't able to find more verbose logs, where are them stored?
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<lambdame> I also tried `Xorg -configure` but NixOS doesn't like it beacuse it can't open the file /nix/store/[...]/var/log/Xorg.0.log
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<abbradar> _very_ strange. It works with curl but doesn't work with Nix (I've patched it to output verbose CURL logs)
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<abbradar> I'm also interested in where do IPv6 addresses come from given that my DNS doesn't return AAAA and I have only link IPv6 address
<abbradar> lambdame: IIRC we pipe X.org log into journald
<abbradar> try looking through `journalctl`
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<abbradar> gchristensen: do you have http_s_://cache.nixos.org in your binary-caches, not http:// -- and also, do you use unstable Nix?
<gchristensen> abbradar: I use https on both of my machines, and I don't use unstable Nix
<abbradar> Thanks. I'll try to test this in a VM with stable Nix next...
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<leothrix> Does anyone happen to know if there's a nixos mechanism to write/manage systemd override files? (eg. /etc/systemd/system/foo.service.d/override.conf)
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<abbradar`> leothrix: if you specify systemd.services.foo and foo.service is already there, override.conf will be used
<gchristensen> nixos typically doesn't use systemd override files
<gchristensen> oh!
<abbradar`> for example this is used to override upstream systemd files
<abbradar`> but yes, usually it's not used
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<abbradar`> On unstable it seems OK. Can anyone with unstable Nix and https://cache.nixos.org binary-cache confirm that it works for him/her (by it I mean downloading anything from the cache)?
<abbradar`> On stable*
<gchristensen> one example thing you could test with is nix-store -r /nix/store/n2yrn4xfj1kjwc9g8fmzyl5r1r5602jg-python2.7-markupsafe-0.23
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMRUi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a493b89 Jude Taylor: vimPlugins: add delimitMate
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f2713ce Jude Taylor: update reattach-to-user-namespace
<abbradar`> gchristensen: yep, doesn't work for me, thanks for a good example
<leothrix> Understood; I normally wouldn't but it's a weird case... I attempted to override ExecStart with systemd.services.foo.serviceConfig.ExecStart but got a defined multiple times error
<abbradar`> leothrix: that's how override.conf works, I think
<abbradar`> (it's because technically for oneshot services you _can_ have multiple ExecStarts)
<abbradar`> gchristensen: not only it doesn't work for me but I can't kill it either
<abbradar`> (only with SIGKILL)
<clever> leothrix: i believe you want systemd.services.foo.serviceConfig.ExecStart = lib.mkForce "bar"; if you want to bypass nixos's attempt at merging multiple definitions
<abbradar`> _but_ sudo nix-store -r /nix/store/n2yrn4xfj1kjwc9g8fmzyl5r1r5602jg-python2.7-markupsafe-0.23 --option binary-caches http://cache.nixos.org works. weird!
<gchristensen> abbradar`: are you being MITM'd? :)
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<abbradar`> gchristensen: yes I do (we have censorship implemented as MITM in Russia D:), but that's not the case -- curl https://... works
<gchristensen> abbradar`: different certificate files?
<abbradar`> gchristensen: nope, see logs -- they use the same /etc/ssl/...
<gchristensen> hrm
<abbradar`> I'll check again just to be sure
<gchristensen> abbradar`: nasty :(
<abbradar`> yep, curl works and has the right cert
<abbradar`> I think it's gdb time
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<gchristensen> abbradar: out of curiosity, what do you get when visiting https://revoked.badssl.com/ https://wrong.host.badssl.com/ https://expired.badssl.com/?
<abbradar> revoked... works, the others not. let me check in a more mainstream browser
<abbradar> chromium rejects revoked. too. I gonna report this as qutebrowser's bug
<gchristensen> russia's mitm implements this stuff? nice
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<gchristensen> "nice" as in "not the worst"
<abbradar> gchristensen: we don't have such a strict mitm... yet
<gchristensen> ahh ok
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<abbradar> we have a long black list, and some ISPs try to be more gentle and implement MITM to not block the whole IPs but just restricted pages
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<gchristensen> aye :/
<abbradar> I don't accept their cert so HTTPS doesn't work for me nevertheless, but HTTP does
<abbradar> I see this MITM a feature, not a bug ~_^
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* gchristensen stops down that road of questioning to avoid turning this political
<abbradar> yep, thanks
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<k0001> Hopefully this is not considered off-topic: If anyone in San Francisco is interested in a Systems/Infrastructure or Haskell role involving Nix, send me a message.
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<gchristensen> until there are enough jobs it gets spammy, I think it is cool :)
<savanni> And if there are enough jobs that it gets spammy, that's also a cool problem to have. :)
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<gchristensen> savanni: hows the fridged now locale working out for you?
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<savanni> I'm adapting. Turns out it really is the wind that kills me and not the cold.
<savanni> And I don't have a proper wind-proof coat yet.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMRIy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0300418 Vladimír Čunát: Merge branch 'staging'
<abbradar> gchristensen: reported bug at https://github.com/The-Compiler/qutebrowser/issues/2228, thanks again for the link!
<gchristensen> abbradar: sure thing! :)
<jophish_> copumpkin:
<gchristensen> savanni: pro tip: a good rain coat that fits outside your regular coat works wonders
<jophish_> oops, ignore that :)
<savanni> gchristensen: Yeah. Mine is in the shipping container that will arrive at the end of the month.
<gchristensen> ahh that ... yeah, you may want to go find something to tide you over in the mean time.
<savanni> I had thoughts about stuff I wanted to package for nix, and now can't remember any of them.
<gchristensen> also mittens :)
<savanni> Other than one of my own projects. Though I've a bit more work to do on it before I unleash it on others.
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<savanni> Oh, question. Any of y'all used the nixos.heroku derivation? I'm finding that it downloads an executable that isn't nixos compatible.
<savanni> Not the actual derivation, but the executable it downloads pulls an executable.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] domenkozar pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMRLB
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6462eb6 Domen Kožar: nodejs: set hiPrio for 6.x
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<LnL> woot staging merge :D
<avn> I rebuilt my system at good time then.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMRtv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f49c4f Jude Taylor: reattach-to-user-namespace: fix version
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<gchristensen> savanni: sure enough! how sneaky and devious and dirty!
<savanni> Okay, scratch my question. That's a problem with 16.09. The derivation in nixpkgs trunk doesn't have that problem.
<gchristensen> if you can find the patches fixing it, we can backport to 16.09
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<savanni> I'm likely migrating further onto the nixpkgs trunk... especially since I want to add to packaging.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #21785: clipster: use python3: (master...clipster) https://git.io/vMRtY
<gchristensen> *shrug* I add packages sometimes but still run 16.09
<savanni> Fair. I have no idea the current state of my user environment since I've installed things like digikam5 and zoom from master, and other stuff from 16.09 and have likely something strange happening.
<gchristensen> you probably don't need this, but, this is something I wrote about channels: https://gist.github.com/grahamc/c60578c6e6928043d29a427361634df6
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<tnks> some corporate fudddy duddy wants us to analyze the transitive closure of our Nix expressions looking for licencing information.
<tnks> I know how to use nix-store -R to get the transitive closure, but I don't know how to match that with the meta data I can get from nix-env.
<tnks> I don't know if that mapping is lost during nix-build.
<abbradar> I've opened https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1181, will downgrade to HTTP for now (given that packages are signed anyway)
<abbradar> gchristensen: thanks for help nevertheless!
<gchristensen> abbradar: yeah :) you're welcome!
<gchristensen> I have issues with https / nix in a corporate env too
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<gchristensen> but I haven't tried fixing the certs
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<abbradar> gchristensen: you mean HTTPS with Nix as a victim, or specifically HTTPS+Nix bundled problems?
<gchristensen> nix as a victim of mitm
<abbradar> yep, then a cause is at least known ^_^
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<gchristensen> :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] abbradar opened pull request #1182: Add environment variable to enable verbose CURL output (master...master) https://git.io/vMRqV
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] goetzst opened pull request #21786: youtube-dl: 2017.01.08 -> 2017.01.10 (master...youtube-dl) https://git.io/vMRq5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] magnetophon opened pull request #21787: rofi: 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1 (master...rofi) https://git.io/vMRmX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21786: youtube-dl: 2017.01.08 -> 2017.01.10 (master...youtube-dl) https://git.io/vMRq5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21787: rofi: 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1 (master...rofi) https://git.io/vMRmX
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMROE
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5143998 Bart Brouns: rofi: 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e9d3862 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21787 from magnetophon/rofi...
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<magnetophon> :) ^^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMR38
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 71160a4 Bart Brouns: clipster: use python3:...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dcfda19 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21785 from magnetophon/clipster...
<gchristensen> magnetophon: :)
<magnetophon> gchristensen: agreed: :)
<magnetophon> and thanks to Jörg Thalheim (anybody know his nick?)
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<Mic92> magnetophon: thats me
<magnetophon> Mic92: well, then: thank you!
<Mic92> you are welcome
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<abbradar> In case someone interested: here's a shell.nix for building OpenWrt in an FHS env: https://gist.github.com/abbradar/8bff35a747254410941e540689b16136
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<xwvvvvwx_> Hey :)
<xwvvvvwx_> I'm trying to package polybar (https://github.com/jaagr/polybar) for nixos
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<xwvvvvwx_> and I'm running into a strange error when building
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<xwvvvvwx_> You can see the full output here: https://gist.github.com/xwvvvvwx/74bdfafe35bbe8d8f521448b8dd09c73
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<xwvvvvwx_> but basically I get "<command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers" when building
<xwvvvvwx_> and if I look into the generated makefiles, I see that I have some defines set with include paths (e.g. `CXX_DEFINES = -D-I/nix/store/0c3f1zpjh84h3fqi3i9q1vadakvryids-xcb-util-wm-0.4.1-dev/include`)
<xwvvvvwx_> which I think is what is causing the error message
<simpson> xwvvvvwx_: In C++, this likely means that you've got a bad type definition; I'm looking at your full output.
<xwvvvvwx_> If I run the build in an ubuntu docker container I do not see this error, so I'm assuming this issue is related to nix
<simpson> xwvvvvwx_: Hm. I don't see anything obviously wrong in your output or setup.
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<xwvvvvwx_> I think the issue with with this CXX_DEFINES variable that gets set with Include paths
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: looks like bug in their configure or something likewise
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<xwvvvvwx_> maybe
<xwvvvvwx_> as I said if I run the build in an ubuntu container I do not see this error
<xwvvvvwx_> and the CXX_DEFINES macro in flags.make is empty (`CXX_DEFINES = `)
<xwvvvvwx_> So my feeling is that this is nix specific
<xwvvvvwx_> This is the contents of their build shell script: https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/blob/master/build.sh
<xwvvvvwx_> but nothing jumps out at me there
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<simpson> xwvvvvwx_: Ubuntu might have an older GCC than NixOS?
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: possible better to ignore build.sh, and let default nix/cmake stuff do the job
<xwvvvvwx_> But I think the issue is not with gcc, but rather with cmake
<avn> simpson: -D-I/nix/store/0c3f1.... looks it miss something and space after -D
<simpson> avn: Nice catch!
<xwvvvvwx_> Should those include paths even be in the CXX_Defines at all?
<xwvvvvwx_> I would expect them to be in CXX_INCLUDES
<xwvvvvwx_> on ubuntu CXX_DEFINES is empty
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: I think cmake/* stuff in this app is overengineered
<xwvvvvwx_> why do you say that?
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<avn> I got likewise error when I try package vcmi (I need finish and PR it), and it start works, when I kill some crap from Cmakelists and give standard stuff of cmake (and nixpkgs' wrappers) do the job
<xwvvvvwx_> what did you have to change?
<xwvvvvwx_> and is there a way to package this without modifying build scripts?
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: usually it works well, if package author don't override default cmake stuff for detecting paths and libs
<avn> In my case I got -DPLUGIN_DIR=/nix/store/..../lib/usr/lib/usr/lib/usr/lib/appname
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<vtomole> I'm getting a "please verify that you have Guile installed", but when i give a guile command i get the Guile REPL, so it is installed.
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<xwvvvvwx_> @avn interesting. and how did you resolve the issue?
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<avn> xwvvvvwx_: kill all smart logic, and let standard code do the job. I need to finish and PR that stuff.
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<dtz> looks like polybar plays awfully fast and loose with "definitions" and "cflags", don't immediately see an easy fix though :/
<dtz> maybe try an older cmake version? O:)
<avn> dtz: I not too pro in cmake to catch this also
<xwvvvvwx_> @dtz I'm pretty out of my depth in cmake once I get past add_subdirectory :D
<xwvvvvwx_> Could you give a bit more detail on what you mean by fast and loose?
<xwvvvvwx_> and why do you think an older cmake version would help?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #21788: apparmor: support for lxc profiles (master...apparmor) https://git.io/vMRla
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<avn> xwvvvvwx_: https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi/blob/develop/CMakeLists.txt#L198 in my case -- remove custom RPATH setting, and mangle some -D.... helps, but is not your case)
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<xwvvvvwx_> avn: thanks! :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] goetzst opened pull request #21789: mpv: 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0 (master...mpv) https://git.io/vMRlb
<dtz> target_compile_definitions sets COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property (https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/command/target_compile_definitions.html) which adds "-D" or whatever is needed to KEY=VALUE pairs (see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/prop_tgt/COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.html#prop_tgt:COMPILE_DEFINITIONS)
<xwvvvvwx_> dtz: interesting! :)
<xwvvvvwx_> thanks
<xwvvvvwx_> Does it make sense to try commenting this line out?
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: main point, cmake' setup hook in nixpkgs rely on standard logic of cmake, so tricks can break it
<dtz> now I haven't reproduced it but given that chain it sure /appears/ that they're just doing something wrong
<dtz> but if that's the case, why does it work elsewhere? Don't have good answer for that (yet)
<xwvvvvwx_> yes that is also confusing for me
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<xwvvvvwx_> on ubuntu the CXX_DEFINES flag is empty
<avn> dtz: I feel it some over-tricking to satisfy uglyness of some concrete distros, and it breaks somewhere
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<dtz> oh that's probably because the XDG cflags are empty on ubuntu--the default header search paths are used. However, on Nix we need to specify -I/nix/store/.../include/
<dtz> and so their mishandling of CFLAGS as definitions goes unnoticed because they don't have any CFLAGS xD :)
<xwvvvvwx_> what actually are CFLAGS?
<dtz> now FWIW build systems are /hard/, and often you don't realize a mistake or assumption until you get a bug report about it on your tracker xD.
<dtz> oh CFLAGS are typically meant to be "flags to pass the C compiler"
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<dtz> so like.. CFLAGS="-O3" or CFLAGS="-O0 -g" or something (if you're familiar with common gcc or clang arguments)
<dtz> definitions are preprocessor things
<dtz> so the XDG cflags are "-I/nix/store/...." but by pretending they're DEFINITIONS cmake helpfully prepends them with "-D" which is amusing but :(
<avn> -Dcrap=bullshit also usually goes to CFLAGS
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<dtz> apparently the definitions thing is neat for cross-platform since it can do "-Dcrap=bull" or "/D" (or something)? but yeah
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<xwvvvvwx_> thanks!
<xwvvvvwx_> super interesitng
<xwvvvvwx_> :)
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<avn> dtz: I try to make my code as portable as it can, but I never test in on win ;)
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<dtz> haha yeah me either, it's like the one platform I don't even try to be compatible for xD. Not out of hostility or anything, just... not expected! :)
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<avn> dtz: I code so long, so avoid problems and portability is deep in reflexes
<avn> dtz: I still write `if test ...` and `expr $x + $y || :` in shell, to avoid bugs in solaris 8 (lol)
<xwvvvvwx_> ok, so removing all the places where CFLAGS were set as definitions fixed the issue!
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<xwvvvvwx_> dtz: avn: thanks so much for all the help :)
<xwvvvvwx_> Whats the best way to proceed?
<avn> xwvvvvwx_: I hope it not break other stuff ;)
<xwvvvvwx_> open an issue on the polybar repo?
<xwvvvvwx_> hehe
<xwvvvvwx_> yes
<xwvvvvwx_> there is another build error now
<avn> issue is always good idea ;)
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<vtomole> Am trying to add it to configuration.nix, but thats probably not the problem sicne gcc works without me adding ti to the config file.......
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMRR6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9280174 Stefan Götz: mpv: 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d2d7740 Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21789 from goetzst/mpv...
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<kuznero> Hi All!
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<kuznero> How can I make such that when user mounts external drive this user could write to it in NixOS?
<Zeedox> Maybe I'm missing something completely obvious, but why does ´nix-env -q´ invoke less instead of printing to stdout? I'm guessing it's some env var of mine.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 opened pull request #21791: cairo related fixes (master...darwin-cairo-fixes) https://git.io/vMRuV
<magnetophon> Zeedox: it's the default nixos behaviour. It changed about a year ago.
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<shanemikel> has anybody been using nix to build custom haskell environments overriding package versions to suit, say, the Haskell Platform, or a Stackage Snapshot?
<nhooyr> If I have a server (this server has a nix package) that allows users to upload files, where should I be storing these files? somewhere in `/var/lib/myserver`? and should the server be responsible for creating this folder or should the package create it?
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<kuznero> Can anybody help making auto-mounted drives read-write in NixOS, please?
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<Zeedox> magnetophon: Is it possible to override, or should I just create a shell alias?
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<kuznero> Maybe something to do with setting up udisks2 service? Or marking current user with uid=1000? Or adding extraGroups [ ... disk ... ] ? Please advice
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<magnetophon> Zeedox: I think it can be changed, but I don't remember how, sorry.
<magnetophon> Zeedox: if google doesn't tell you, I'd ask here again tomorrow during European office hours (that's when this channel is the fullest)
<Zeedox> magnetophon: Yeah, I've been trying google for a while without luck. Thanks anyway.
<magnetophon> kuznero: I'd like to know too, but I haven't even found a good way of auto-mounting in the first place. ( without a full gnome/kde/etc ) How are you doing it?
<Zeedox> (Noob) I guess there aren't any human-friendly "wrappers" like git, brew, docker, apt? Seems I have to invoke the nix-* commands directly a lot.
<nhooyr> Zeedox: there is an open issue for that
<magnetophon> Zeedox: there's nox and nixos-scripts.
<Zeedox> Just running "nix-env" for example prints "error: ...", while most other programs output a short usage / "everyday" reminder.
<Zeedox> nhooyr: Aha, ok!
<Zeedox> magnetophon: I'll check them out.
<kuznero> magnetophon: I haven't really done anything to get it, I am just using Xfce with some plugins enabled (seems unrelated to auto mounting though)
<magnetophon> kuznero: ok, thanks
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<gchristensen> showing someone nix I wrote a 15 line long example with almost 50 lines of comments :|
<LnL> wow, we're at 277 prs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gpyh opened pull request #21792: zsh-autosuggestions: Init at 0.3.3 (master...zsh-autosuggestions) https://git.io/vMR2Q
<gchristensen> LnL: amazing, right? I don't know who did all that work
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<LnL> yeah same, is somebody merging in a lot of stuff or have the contributions gone down a little
<LnL> I think we had a *lot* of contributions last week
<gchristensen> many many many merges
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<gchristensen> the front page is all "hard" stuff!
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<gchristensen> yeah but its no https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/21787
<LnL> heh, the compression format changed it could have been easier
<gchristensen> hehe
<LnL> the first page goes back to 10 days ago, not sure how long it's been since that happend
<gchristensen> don't know
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<kuznero> .йгше
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<mr0no> How do I create a new profile? Doing nix-env --switch-profile /nix/var/nix/new-prof doesn't work. It just creates a broken symlink in ~/.nix-profile
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<ericbmerritt_> is there a way to use the nix language without nixpkgs? they seem to be heavily intertwined at the moment
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<simpson> ericbmerritt_: Sure, you can use Nix without nixpkgs. What's your goal? What are you building?
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<ericbmerritt_> I use terraform quite a lot at the moment. It's the least tragic of its competitors. I toy with the idea of replacing it and would love to do it using nix the language. (nixops takes a very different path than the one I am interested in and so isn't a very viable solution)
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<simpson> Okay. I'm not sure what Nix would do for you in a non-nixops situation, but you certainly can do it.
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<ericbmerritt_> nix the language would be something to build a nixops like thing in
<ericbmerritt_> essentially.
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<ericbmerritt_> just trying to get my mind around using nix the language to describe an orchestration environment
<simpson> Hm. I can't see that going well. Nix is a tool for building packages in a reproducibly-pure way. I'm not sure what it has to do with orchestration.
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<avn> ericbmerritt_: upcast can be a alternative, but it EC2 only
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<avn> (alternative for nixops)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 closed pull request #21791: cairo related fixes (master...darwin-cairo-fixes) https://git.io/vMRuV
<ericbmerritt_> avn upcast and nixops seem to both update a host in place not destroy the host and replace. which is what our infrastructure is based on
<ericbmerritt_> to be fair most follow that path
<simpson> ericbmerritt_: Why would you need immutable hosts?
<avn> ericbmerritt_: I think it just a feature, which need to be implemented, not a principal limitation ;)
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<avn> But I always liked idea of description of host, which can be hashed (and reproduced if needed), it can be expanded to collection of hosts (with GC removing hosts, which not more needed)
<ericbmerritt_> we configure everything declaratively and bake the images in place. no ssh on the hosts, no perfect snowflakes
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<avn> so you just build AMIs, then deploy from them separately?
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<ericbmerritt_> we build images, turn them into amis and then deploy them
<ericbmerritt_> nix is rather awesome for being able to do that
<avn> as I know, nixpkgs have some stuff inside to build AMIs
<avn> sadly I haven't practical expirience with nixops, only with some terraform
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<avn> (my past employers was not so risky to build stuff on nix)
<gchristensen> wtf google changes my emails and invalidates my gpg signatures
<Ralith> o_O
<Ralith> switch to fastmail?
<gchristensen> sorry, the ones I send to the security ML
<gchristensen> it adds the footer and stuff >.>