<chpatrick> pikajude: we are using 8.0.2
<pikajude> oh
<chpatrick> also we're getting a weird test failure that happens with nix-build but not cabal test
<chpatrick> probably related to hardening, but hardeningDisable is in the nix
<chpatrick> any ideas?
<chpatrick> ie. if we make a nix shell and cabal test it works, but if nix-build runs the test then it fail
<chpatrick> s
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<lambdamu> Judson: /nix/var can by moved with --localstatedir passed to configure when building nix from source
<Judson> lambdamu, if that happens, is there a way to determine where that directory is from inside?
<pikajude> chpatrick: what's the weird test failure
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<chpatrick> pikajude: it's to do with openblas
<chpatrick> blas64 = true in openblas's nix fixes it for some reason thoguh
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<lambdamu> Judson: the env var NIX_STATE_DIR is also respected, so if it is set you can take that info, I don't know if there is a way to query the compile time default
<lambdamu> Judson: but nix-env or nix-store might have some query command or spit it that info out on some occasion
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<Judson> Hm. nix-env and nix-store both refer to "prefix" but neither hint about how to determine it.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #23010: gnupg: include systemd user units in output (master...f/gpg) https://git.io/vD5jd
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<07EAABZ07> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg closed pull request #23010: gnupg: include systemd user units in output (master...f/gpg) https://git.io/vD5jd
<17SAAB8RQ> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vD5jF
<17SAAB8RQ> nixpkgs/master 9ca3cae Peter Hoeg: gnupg: include systemd user units in output
<17SAAB8RQ> nixpkgs/master 68f01b3 Peter Hoeg: Merge pull request #23010 from peterhoeg/f/gpg...
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<pikajude> nix idea: .nixignore file which determines what files in the given directory are imported into the store
<pikajude> wouldn't that be great
<Dezgeg> yup
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<Dezgeg> even nicer would be to just say 'use .gitignore as the exclusion file'
<pikajude> ln -s .gitignore .nixignore
<pikajude> would appreciate .gitignore support though to be honest
<Dezgeg> but then you need to be compatible with .gitignore syntax which wasn't exactly trivial
<pikajude> it's annoying right now
<pikajude> well, there's a spec fo rit
<pikajude> for it
<Dezgeg> a spec other than the code?
<Dezgeg> well, it did sound/look like to me that extracting that code from libgit2 would be license-compatible and possibly not even too terrible
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] anderspapitto opened pull request #23011: herbstluftwm module: add configFile option (master...herbstluft-config-file) https://git.io/vDdft
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<davidak> i saw the conversation of zimbatm and copumpkin on the ML about Monitoring, but don't know how to reply since i got the digest
<davidak> i have done some research and found https://github.com/firehol/netdata
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<davidak> it is a realtime, zero-configuration distributed monitoring that can send alerts since some versions
<davidak> i have planned to package it for NixOS to monitor my servers
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] florianjacob opened pull request #23012: mumin service: listen on IPv6 loopback as well (master...munin-ipv6) https://git.io/vDdfn
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<nanocoder> Hi, someone could help me with installing and configuring stack on nixos?
<nanocoder> stack installed ok i guess, but i cant do anything with it... it will not install ghc even if i configure it as stated both on nixos manual and stack manual
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<lambdamu> nanocoder: I have "nix: {enable: true}" in ~/.stack/config.yaml and stack uses nixpkgs ghc's with no problem so far
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<ndowens08> ok what is the correct way to enableOfficalBranding in firefox, tried it in configuration.nix and also config.nix but never have got it to work yet
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<mzarella> how can i install ghc 8.0.2?
<lambdamu> ndowens08: the config doesn't seem to get queried for an option, so you probably have to use packageOverrides
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<mzarella> i can see that ghc version 8.0.2 is available on github/NixOS/nixpkgs, but i don't see it when searching with nix-env -qaP '.*ghc.*'
<aszlig> mzarella: are you also on current nixpkgs master (not "unstable")?
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<lambdamu> mzarella: if so than nix-env -i ghc-8.0.2 does the trick
<aszlig> s/unstable/nixos-&/
<mzarella> aszlig: i donnot know which version of nixpkgs i am using
<lambdamu> mzarella: what does nix-channel --list say?
<mzarella> lambdamu: no output
<lambdamu> mzarella: and same command as sudo?
<aszlig> mzarella: are you on nixos or another distro?
<mzarella> the root user states nixos https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-16.09
<mzarella> aszlig: nixos
<aszlig> mzarella: okay, that's way older than master =)
<mzarella> oh
<mzarella> i would love to stay up to date
<aszlig> so if you want to keep your system on 16.09 you have two options:
<mzarella> i need to run nix-channel --update as the root user
<aszlig> git clone nixpkgs master and install from there
<mzarella> i guess
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<aszlig> or add the unstable channel as user
<mzarella> how might i add the unsable channel as the user?
<aszlig> via the latter all the packages you nix-env -iA will be based on that channel
<mzarella> nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
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<mzarella> i don't want to keep the system on 16.09
<aszlig> mzarella: that depends on which unstable channel you want, there is one for nixpkgs and nixos
<mzarella> i want ghc 8.0.2
<aszlig> mzarella: you can have both
<lambdamu> if you clone the repo i would use the nixpkgs-channels repo with the nixos-unstable branch though, otherwise it's compile all day long
<aszlig> mzarella: the difference between the nixos unstable channel and the one for nixpkgs is that the former only updates if all the nixos tests are passing
<mzarella> how do i get the nixos unstable channel?
<ndowens08> nix-channel -add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable nixos
<mzarella> as a root user or as the user that will be installing the package?
<ndowens08> can do it on both, i believe
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<aszlig> ndowens08: s/-add/-&/
<aszlig> but yes, you can do both
<ndowens08> lambdamu: i wrote it out like { packageOverrides = pkgs: rec { firfox = pkgs.firefox.override {enableOfficalBranding=true;};};} and it gives me attribute override missing
<aszlig> ndowens08: typo? -> firfox
<ndowens08> well not in my text :)
<ndowens08> typed that out in here, but spelled correctly in my config.nix
<lambdamu> try overrideAttrs
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<aszlig> ndowens08: the problem is that you got the wrapper
<aszlig> or not the wrapper itself, because that one has .override
<aszlig> try overriding firefox-unwrapped
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<mzarella> didn't meant to quit
<mzarella> thank you for the help
<mzarella> seems to be getting the version i was hoping to use
<ndowens08> aszlig: anonymous function at .... unexpected argument, well atleast it understands it i guess
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<aszlig> ndowens08: how does your packageOverrides look now?
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<aszlig> ndowens08: it's still saying firefox
<ndowens08> i tried unwrapped
<ndowens08> and gave unknown option/attribute for enableOfficalBranding for that one
<aszlig> packageOverrides = pkgs: { firefox-unwrapped = pkgs.firefox-unwrapped.override { enableOfficalBranding = true; }; };
<aszlig> ah...
<ndowens08> called with unexpected argument ‘enableOfficalBranding’
<aszlig> yeah, that's because the override should be really for the whole attrset... but that's not exposed :-/
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<aszlig> ndowens08: will look into that in a moment, need to fix something...
<ndowens08> aszlig: that's fine :) playing with it atm too :)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDdTo
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master edce2b7 aszlig: make-dbus-conf: Don't try to access network...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fc66840 aszlig: make-dbus-conf: Use libxslt.bin instead of .dev...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c5b2714 aszlig: dbus: Put DTDs into $out instead of $doc...
<aszlig> ndowens08: okay, this should work:
<aszlig> packageOverrides = pkgs: { firefox-unwrapped = pkgs.firefox-unwrapped.override { enableOfficialBranding = true; }; };
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<aszlig> the problem was that there was a typo in "officIal"
<aszlig> and i was wrong, the override IS for the whole attrset
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<ndowens08> downloading now, see if it works :)
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<ndowens08> and compiling, so yea should be working
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<lambdamu> check if --enable-official-branding is among the configure flags
<lambdamu> the last one actually
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<lambdamu> i don't think this works
<ndowens08> more promissing than before for me, so letting it compile :)
<lambdamu> aszlig: ok i accept that as proof, I'm confused though how it ends up there :D
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<aszlig> lambdamu: the firefox-unwrapped attribute is the result of callPackages
<lambdamu> i was under the impression that it had to be given as an argument here: http://lpaste.net/352739
<aszlig> and that one inserts an .override attribute for each attribute within that set
<aszlig> and the override is on the args of the toplevel attribute
<lambdamu> and since firefox-unwrapped is a result of the call is thought it would be fixed when firefox-unwrapped is inherited
<aszlig> lambdamu: yes, exactly these args are overridden
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<aszlig> lambdamu: look at callPackagesWith in lib/customisation.nix
<aszlig> the override is on origArgs
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<aszlig> which corresponds more or less to fn, which is the function returning the toplevel attrset
<aszlig> s/function/& or id/
<lambdamu> ok the callPackages is key, right?
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<lambdamu> i thought of it as a direct function call
<lambdamu> where enableOfficialBranding is applied for good
<aszlig> callPackage(s) is for importing the function and for injecting .override
<lambdamu> it defers the application of its arguments so to say?
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<lambdamu> i need to study that little dance in customisation.nix some more, thanks for the pointer
<aszlig> more or less, the .override is a fixpoint of the toplevel function
<ndowens08> yeah this stuff can get confusing :)
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<aszlig> okay, that's actually not really accurate as well, more like: .override "contains" the call of the function itself
<aszlig> so it's like f: args: (f args) // { override = newArgs: f (args // newArgs); }
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<aszlig> ... but with special handling if the result is a function, then it's using __functor
<aszlig> which in turn causes an attribute set to be callable
<aszlig> -> nix-instantiate --eval --strict -E 'let blah = { __functor = _: x: x + 1; foo = 111; }; in { called = blah 1; attrsetAccess = blah.foo; }'
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<aszlig> results in: { attrsetAccess = 111; called = 2; }
<lambdamu> whats with the _:
<lambdamu> ?
<pikajude> _: x: x + 1 is a two argument function
<pikajude> that ignores its first argument
<lambdamu> yes so blah 1 should discard the 1
<aszlig> yeah, the first in this case is the attrset itself
<pikajude> in __functor, the first argument is "self" and the second argument is, well, the argument
<aszlig> s/first/& argument/
<lambdamu> self being the rest of the argument like foo?
<pikajude> the first argument argument
<aszlig> good morning pikajude, btw =)
<pikajude> good morning
<aszlig> lambdamu: the attrset itself
<aszlig> see:
<aszlig> nix-instantiate --eval --strict -E 'let blah = { __functor = self: x: x + 1 + self.foo; foo = 111; }; in { called = blah 1; attrsetAccess = blah.foo; }'
<aszlig> -> { attrsetAccess = 111; called = 113; }
<lambdamu> ah perfect
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<lambdamu> that was my next question can the body which was x + 1 refer to foo
<lambdamu> apparently it can
<lambdamu> is every function or value a construct like this?
<aszlig> lambdamu: like what?
<lambdamu> an attrset keeping its arguments around
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<aszlig> not exactly sure what you meant, but no, in general this only applies if you have an attrset with a __functor attribute
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<aszlig> so what do you mean by "keeping its arguments around"?
<lambdamu> well i was thinking of closure
<lambdamu> i thought of __functor as some kind of thunk and __foo as a supplied argument
<aszlig> __foo?
<lambdamu> sorry i meant foo
<lambdamu> its getting late
<aszlig> __functor is a thunk but in terms of the attrset
<aszlig> like every other attribute
<aszlig> hehe, it's late here as well (04:07 AM)
<ndowens08> wow
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<aszlig> ... which means i'm still not sure what you mean exactly, sorry X-/
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<aszlig> ndowens08: but i'm a night owl... i usually sleep during the day
<ndowens08> aszlig: ah, well i have to get up at the time you stated lol
<aszlig> so in my personal timezone it's afternoon :-D
<ndowens08> it's like 9:09p here
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<lambdamu> aszlig: same timezone, i'm not exactly sure what i mean either, so thats no surprise, i'm trying to understand why this mix of a record and a function is nescessary or desirable
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<aszlig> ndowens08: ah, so it's CST?
<ndowens08> yup :)
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<ndowens08> See I know none of this stuff, as I am not a programmer at all, but i have 3 pkgs in the repo and one pending, hiawatha and first module i made for nixos;
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<aszlig> lambdamu: it's desirable in this particular case so that you can .override a package resulting in a function
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<ndowens08> SO i really dont understand what you two are talking about lol
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<aszlig> ndowens08: well, what's the specific case that you don't understand yet?
<aszlig> ... of course only if you want to understand it
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<ndowens08> the __functor attribute and all that lol too much like programming, where to understand it, really need to know programming
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<aszlig> because usually for packaging you usually won't run into a case where you want to use __functor
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<aszlig> ndowens08: ah, so at least good to hear that you can use nixos without a programming background :-)
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<ndowens08> yea i can look at how to do something like packaging and module and understand it, mostly :), that i can do it; some package managers are too complex to understand lol, can't think of an example of the one that i looked at and said no way heh
<ndowens08> Arch is the easiest to me, hmm maybe fedora is next, then this one and debian is sometimes a pain
<aszlig> ndowens08: you mean creating debian packages?
<ndowens08> aszlig: yup
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<aszlig> yeah, they contain a lot of "meta"-stuff you need to take care of
<ndowens08> yup, though there is one thing i wish to see eventually here, it is the uscan to check and notify maintainer of updates; aszlig
<ndowens08> which means every package here would have to include a .watch file that uscan uses
<aszlig> ndowens08: that's a topic which is in discussion for quite a while now
<ndowens08> aszlig: yup so far, i am using release-monitoring.org or so from fedora; suppose to notify me of changes in the nixos distro section
<unlmtd[m]> What is keeping more rust from appearing into the package collection? If I understand right it's hard to have cargo reuse packages? Anything else? Im playing with it but it's not giving me results yet.
<gchristensen> I made a little thing that makes prettier output for nix-build, to support non-hydra nix builders: https://travis-ci.org/grahamc/travis-nix-build/builds/203311988#L345
<gchristensen> garbas: ^ it is 1,000% less bad this time (also jophish_, LnL)
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<aszlig> ndowens08: well, there was nixpkgs monitor at some point, not sure however what's the current state on it (http://monitor.nixos.org/ seems to be down)
<ndowens08> aszlig: yeah last time i tried going there, it never loaded
<gchristensen> I can't wait for that to be automated and my weekly roundups to be _very_ boring :)
<ndowens08> gchristensen: what to be automated?
<gchristensen> updates, or maintainers being more prompt
<ndowens08> ah, well i updated mine recently, cosmetic and such, even one that wasnt mine lol
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdtY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a8c7387 Daniel Fullmer: gnupg21: Fix scdaemon for usb smartcards (#22891)...
<ndowens08> updated awesome to include hicolor-icon-theme so others that wanted to use 4.0 themes wouldnt have issue like i had
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<unlmtd[m]> anyone tried way-cooler (awesome wayland clone) on nixos?
<unlmtd[m]> im getting hooked to wayland for the glitchless graphics
<ndowens08> i havent really tried wayland
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<unlmtd[m]> ndowens08: dont, you wont be able to tolerate X if you do
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz closed pull request #22969: grub module: add extraInitrd option (master...extrainitrd) https://git.io/vD7AV
<unlmtd[m]> well, Im still on xmonad, because I have to more that want to
<ndowens08> unlmtd[m]: may not heed your warning lol
<unlmtd[m]> ya wayland is cool
<ndowens08> I couldnt get xmonad to work good for me, maybe b/c i am use to having a little more inital config on start, like i3 comes with i3bar and such, and config files found wouldnt work
<unlmtd[m]> samsung is leaking about the tizen 3.0 phone (Enlightement on pure wayland + full stack linux systemd phone)
<ndowens08> eh i will keep my iphone, got to where i hate anything like android; esp samsung lately
<unlmtd[m]> that means we should be able to maybe have a nixos phone. I wiped my android twice by accident and it sucks
<unlmtd[m]> well wayland makes cocoa look slow
<unlmtd[m]> so the darwin's dominance is in jeopardy with a full functionning wayland mobile
<ndowens08> aszlig: lol that override for firefox gives me overide missing when trying to install links2 while i wait for firefox to compile
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<aszlig> ndowens08: hm, those shouldn't be related, what's the exact error you're getting?
<ndowens08> error: attribute ‘override’ missing, at /home/ndowens/.nixpkgs/config.nix:3:11
<ndowens08> (use ‘--show-trace’ to show detailed location information)
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<aszlig> ndowens08: hm, how does config.nix look like now?
<ndowens08> packageOverrides = pkgs: {
<ndowens08> firefox = pkgs.firefox.override { enableOfficialBranding = true; };
<ndowens08> };
<ndowens08> }
<ndowens08> ofc about the packageOverrides is a {
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdtM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 252fbbf Arian van Putten: mattermost sevice: JoinsNamespaceOf for local pgsql (#22899)
<ndowens08> above*
<aszlig> ndowens08: err, it should be firefox-unwrapped
<ndowens08> figured i would try firefox again, which worked too, but why would it keep links2 from installing now?
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<ndowens08> hmm changed it to firefox-unwrapped worked
<ndowens08> weird lol
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<ndowens08> oh well, gotta go to bed and go to work tomorrow ':(
<ndowens08> cya tomorrow
<aszlig> ndowens08: it shouldn't work in both cases, because there is no .override in the firefox attribute, because "firefox" is not the browser itself but a wrapper
<ndowens08> aszlig: ah well it did for some reason lol, though it called unwrapped too
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* ndowens08 waves good night
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<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c23c2c5 florianjacob: munin service: listen on IPv6 loopback as well (#23012)...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDd4z
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 59d2eef Richard Larocque: openant: init at unstable-2017-02-11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 13884d6 Richard Larocque: antfs-cli: init at unstable-2017-02-11
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9d48d37 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #22713 from richardlarocque/antfs-cli...
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<jophish_> gchristensen: ooh, I'll take a look
<jophish_> sadly not much progress on my haskell version recently
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<xeviox> as far as I've understand the packages within a channel are updated from time to time. Is it possible to check if an update is available?
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<ilyaigpetrov> How to add rsyslog package to minimal_iso in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/16.09/nixos/release.nix ?
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<xeviox> is it possible to pin packages to a specific version in nix expressions? if not, how are reproducible builds are supported?
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<LnL> ilyaigpetrov: you can build a custom iso with nixos-rebuild build-iso -I nixos-config=/path/to/configuration.nix
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zraexy opened pull request #23014: bumblebee service: Fix pmMethod bbswitch check (master...zraexy-bumblebee-pmmethod) https://git.io/vDd21
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<LnL> xeviox: you can use fetchFromGitHub or https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/<commit>.tar.gz as your nixpkgs source
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<mbrgm> globin, fpletz: have you considered replacing simp_le as the client package for the ACME module at some point? I think there are much more popular, more active and far simpler clients out there (e.g. https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated)
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<xeviox> LnL: so best practice is to build your environment from source (e. g. compiler) if a specific version should be used?
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<LnL> you can mix and match different versions of nixpkgs
<globin> mbrgm: yes, just haven't done it yet
<mbrgm> globin: would you like a PR for that?
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<globin> mbr
<globin> mbrgm: sure :)
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<mbrgm> is there a way to pass arbitrary arguments to an imported nix file in the 'imports' list?
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<ilyaigpetrov> LnL: there is no option "build-iso", so I pasted `environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.rsyslog ];` inside release.nix
<ilyaigpetrov> I tried building master -- it fails on downloading vim8. Then I tried building 16.09 -- it fails on downloading wpa_supplicant
<ilyaigpetrov> mbrgm: I guess `import ./foo.nix { bar = 555 }`
<ilyaigpetrov> why building 16.09 fails on downloading wpa_sup ?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDd6X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ffe6935 Frederik Rietdijk: kile: 2016-10-24 -> 2017-02-09
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c79371b Frederik Rietdijk: kdeconnect: 1.0 -> 1.0.3
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDd6M
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc19ba7 Michael Alan Dorman: beets: enable gstreamer support...
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<fpletz> mbrgm: yeah, simp_le is not maintained anymore and dehydrated would also be my first choice
<fpletz> mbrgm: someone needs to do it :)
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<mbrgm> fpletz: ok, I'll see if I can pull this after work this week.
<sziszi> I'm officially gave up trying, so I'd like to ask for some help. I'm aware I have to use patchelf, and for the Telegram application it worked as expected. However, the app Wire (wire.com, it's 64bit AppImage) still says "No such file or directory" although I think I didn't miss any deps that readelf listed. How can I dig deeper into this?
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<LnL> ilyaigpetrov: oh, I thought that was a subcommand
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdPK
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f0de1dc Peter Simons: python-suseapi: add package at version 0.24-5-g9937e3b
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdXz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3175927 Peter Simons: python-suseapi: 'requests' isn't needed at build-time, but it's needed at run-time
<ilyaigpetrov> I want to build nixos from minimal cd, but fail due to insufficient free space -- how much do I need?
<symphorien> sziszi: maybe use strace ? strace -f -e open < command > if I remember correctly
<symphorien> you will know what cannot be opened
<sziszi> symphorien: thanks! I experimented with strace but I'm not that familiar with it, I'll try it out
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<fpletz> mbrgm: that would be cool :) note that it would probably be a good idea to keep backwards-compatibility as people have probably hardcoded the cert/key locations in some services
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdDi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fea71f8 Shea Levy: linux 4.10
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdDD
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 464529c Robin Gloster: simp_le: 2016-12-16 -> 0.1.1
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<sziszi> symphorien: still no "luck"
<sphalerite> sziszi: if it just says No such file or directory without a library name, it's not a library that's missing but the loader. Use the --set-interpreter flag on patchelf
<sphalerite> clever wrote this nice little thing for doing that https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/fcd3e6d18073804b9357a26c468aaa70
<sphalerite> sziszi: alternatively, build it from source
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<sziszi> sphalerite: I did set the interpreter
<chpatrick> is it possible to have a buildEnv that has the dependencies of haskell packages A and B without building either?
<sphalerite> sziszi: oh. In that case just try strace-ing it and look for ENOENT
<sziszi> execve("./wire-2.11.2685-x86_64.AppImage", ["./wire-2.11.2685-x86_64.AppImage"], [/* 61 vars */]) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
<sziszi> this is ridiculous...
<sziszi> wire... the fuck?!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #22116: cmus: fix darwin (master...darwin-cmus) https://git.io/vMNFE
<sziszi> time to look at the source
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<sziszi> when ldd says not a dynamic executable, it means it's not dynamically linked?
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<sphalerite> Yeah appimages are weird
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdHM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b191ac0 Shea Levy: Revert "linux 4.10"...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] shlevy pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdHj
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f454297 Shea Levy: linux 4.10
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 7 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDd7H
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 781022d Nikolay Amiantov: chromium.mkDerivation: use ninja from nativeBuildInputs...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3effe0b Nikolay Amiantov: chromium: export version
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b2eb9f4 Nikolay Amiantov: chromium.mkDerivation: run {pre,post}Configure...
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<sziszi> sphalerite: bloody hell, electron is the responsible for this I think
<sphalerite> electron sucks
<sziszi> and JS too
<sziszi> it can be awesome for the web
<sziszi> or for prototyping backends
<sziszi> but this "put JS EVERYWHERE" mentality is a plague
<wrl> amen!!!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDddq
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 070825d Robin Gloster: setcapWrapper: add support for setting permissions
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8f3e6fd Bjørn Forsman: nixos: add programs.wireshark option...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7ec5faa Robin Gloster: programs.wireshark: use setcap wrapper
<sziszi> PHP never was good ( but this was the only "tool" back then) got popular now people abusing it
<sziszi> JS fate will be similar as I see it now
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<sziszi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEpY9C49sqU Javascript: An Honest Preview
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar closed pull request #23014: bumblebee service: Fix pmMethod bbswitch check (master...zraexy-bumblebee-pmmethod) https://git.io/vDd21
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdbf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fee4330 Tuomas Tynkkynen: platforms.nix: Remove unnecessary kernelExtraConfig for ARMv7...
<sphalerite> sziszi: perl was around too
<sphalerite> Is it possible to install fonts for a user?
<sziszi> via nix-env?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdNv
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2c4d9c9 Lorenzo Manacorda: manual: Add link to config section (#22994)...
<sziszi> back then when I used a lot of custom/downloaded/etc fonts I utilized fontcache
<sziszi> ah, it was fc-cache
<sziszi> sphalerite: ^^
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] mdaiter opened pull request #23015: riak: change filename to appropriate version (master...riakUpgrade22) https://git.io/vDdN9
<sphalerite> I want them to be in the search path though, so they get loaded independent of any caching
<sphalerite> Would be nice if there's a way to get fontconfig to search relative to $HOME, but I'm not sure it is...
<sziszi> programs read the fontconfig's cache
<sziszi> that is the point
<sziszi> run 'fc-cache -v'
<sphalerite> yes, but I want to have the fonts survive the cache getting cleared or whatever
<sziszi> fontcache wont be empty
<sphalerite> oooh, it already does search ~/.nix-profile/share/fonts
<sphalerite> awesome
<sphalerite> thanks!
<sziszi> np
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<sziszi> but keep in mind if you install stuff on your own you have to run it
<sziszi> afaik postinstall of fonts update the cache but fixme
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nlewo opened pull request #23017: Robotframework (master...robotframework) https://git.io/vDdxY
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] aszlig pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDdx6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4daccf2 aszlig: systemd-boot: Make sure /etc/machine-id exists...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc31a1e aszlig: systemd-boot: Unlink loader.conf if it exists...
<gchristensen> jophish_: it is okay, this one works totally differently and is much less complicated
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDdp8
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d7f10f2 Peter Simons: python-osc: enable (install) bash completion
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<LnL> gchristensen: that talk about maintainers was pretty good
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<gchristensen> yeah, some good stuff in there
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<gchristensen> LnL: the part about "I need a maintainer, not a contributor, a maintainer"
<domenkozar> we're pretty good with that
<gchristensen> yeah
<gchristensen> it made me notice, say, pSub, very consistently tagging PRs
<gchristensen> (thank you, pSub :))
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<pSub> gchristensen: I can currently do this at work when waiting for long builds / tests :)
<gchristensen> hehe, I hear that :)
<copumpkin> tita
<copumpkin> LnL, gchristensen: which talk is that?
<copumpkin> not sure where that "tita" came from
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<LnL> pSub: it definitely helps, I sometimes don't notice/forget about issues without a darwin label for example
<LnL> urgh, my irc client is acting strange
<copumpkin> gchristensen: thanks!
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<gchristensen> you're welcome :)
<gchristensen> there are a ton of great talks at that conference, I've watched probably a dozen of their videos now
<LnL> copumpkin: what comment did you ping me about a few days ago?
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<copumpkin> hmm!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFvG
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e3eea0 Peter Simons: LTS Haskell 8.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8bc0ece Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
<copumpkin> oh, my response to your PR, but then I saw that you'd responded
<LnL> ah ok
<copumpkin> I dunno, my fear with the PR is that people won't understand why it doesn't work in many cases
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] domenkozar pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFvo
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master b856498 Linus Heckemann: Document toString better
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 5789b69 Domen Kožar: Merge pull request #1240 from lheckemann/tostring-doc...
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<gchristensen> which PR?
<LnL> right, I could just move it to libusb for now, but I think it should be propagated by the frameworks
<copumpkin> but propagating it from the frameworks still doesn't solve the reverse dependency issue
<LnL> yes but it does fix the broken libraries like libusb
<gchristensen> oh fancy
<copumpkin> LnL: what's your objection to the thing I was proposing?
<copumpkin> which would solve all of them and not require propagation
<LnL> if none of the dependencies use CF it can be solved without a wrapper
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFf4
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 9016be4 Guillaume Maudoux: qtikz: update to Qt5; remove ktikz
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7fa06b3 Thomas Tuegel: Merge pull request #22991 from layus/deprecate-kde4-ktikz...
<LnL> those cases could be fixed automatically by propagating the setup hook
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<copumpkin> the wrapper can still be made optional in a fixupPhase that traverses dependencies and looks for CF
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<LnL> we can't do something like that for a wrapper because that could break shebangs
<copumpkin> hmm, true
<copumpkin> we should probably make a "proper" wrapper someday
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<copumpkin> LnL: anyway, I don't know. I guess it's good that it makes more things work :)
<copumpkin> LnL: maybe add a comment to the hook script discussing (at a high level) when this will work and when it won't, perhaps linking to the PR for people who want more information?
<copumpkin> LnL: issue is just stuff like what johbo says; people are going to try to use it on things, and more often than not, something will import CF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFTt
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 326fa70 Gauthier POGAM--LE MONTAGNER: idea.webstorm: 2016.3.2 -> 2016.3.3
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69a0e9e Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #22985 from Kendos-Kenlen/master...
<gchristensen> giving the overwhelming silence on KDE4, maybe ttuegel should have given a shorter merge window
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDFTd
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 183eeb3 Robin Gloster: simp_le: fix meta.homepage
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<gchristensen> I have a service which always fails: systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0.service ...it has never worked. is there a way to disable it? like could I do `systemd.services."systemd-backlight@backlight:acpi_video0".enable = false;` or something?
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<LnL> I think so, nixos-option systemd.services.sshd.enable
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<gchristensen> hrmm I'll give that a go. I didn't think it'd be that obvious :|
<gchristensen> because of this unit, my computer has always been "degraded"
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<the-kenny> gchristensen: I think you can set wantedBy = [];
<copumpkin> gchristensen: I think it might show up as backlight@
<copumpkin> nothing after the @, but I don't know how that @ works
<gchristensen> I think it makes it a template, and you can be more specific after, or don't add anything after and apply to all of them
<copumpkin> ah okay
<gchristensen> I should commit to my nixos-config repo and push it :|
<gchristensen> "Latest commit 74b1298 on May 26, 2016" hehe
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<rfish> Hello there, I have a vagrant project that relies on the `hostmanager` plugin. This plugin tries to edit the `/etc/hosts` file to add hostnames, but the file is read-only on nix.
<rfish> I tried to setup an overlayfs to make the file editable, but it doesn't work. The `mount -l` shows me that the overlay is well settled, but the system still complain about /etc/hosts is read-only.
<rfish> Is there any nix-shell option I can use here to setup an environment with the /etc/hosts editable? Thanks
<the-kenny> You oculd use buildFHSUserEnv but the changes there will only be visible inside that environment.
<rfish> the-kenny: sounds good for my needs. thanks
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<copumpkin> niksnut: is there a simpler way that writing a derivation to get the behavior of exportReferencesGraph from the Nix CLI?
<copumpkin> i.e., nix-build -E 'with import ./. {}; runCommand "closure" { exportReferencesGraph = [ "x" hello ]; } "cp x $out"'
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<dtzWill> alias nix-export-refs='.....'? :P
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<jophish_> Is it possible to use musl as a libc when cross compiling?
<jophish_> using "musl" for the libc attribute of crossSystem fails as it's not a known libc
<copumpkin> not sure anyone's done the work to get it to fit nicely into the stdenv and build infrastructure
<copumpkin> it'd be nice to have a muslStdenv or something
<sphalerite> jophish_: the known libcs are in the libcCrossChooser attribute in all-packages.nix
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<jophish_> I'm cross compiling binaries for an embedded system, and it feels bad putting a 20MB glibc on there!
<copumpkin> jophish_: definitely related
<jophish_> sphalerite: gotcha, thanks. uclibc wouldn't be too bad but it doesn't work :(
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<jophish_> some spew about OABI and EABI incompatibility
<sphalerite> Oh yeah, I had problems with htat
<sphalerite> I fixed them, but it's an ugly hack, hang on I'll paste it for you
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<jophish_> sphalerite: oh great! thanks
<jophish_> ugh, netcat depends on my x86_64 glibc
<jophish_> 40MB!
<sphalerite> oh yeah, what I did was use uclibc-ng :p
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar opened pull request #23019: phpPackages: also default to 7.1 (master...php) https://git.io/vDFGa
<jaym_> what condition triggers a release of unstable?
<jaym_> is it the tested job?
<jophish_> sphalerite: I'll give that a try, doesn't look too hacky
<jophish_> (also, traceId is traceVal in lib/debug)
<mudri> I get an error when trying to use the Haskell queuelike package. Missing dependency base <4.8. http://lpaste.net/6168729285201756160
<jophish_> nix seems to have some aversion to calling things 'identity' :D
<mudri> What can I do about that?
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<jophish_> mudri: how are you getting this package?
<mudri> jophish_: I use ghcWithPackages. I'll find the Nix expression...
<jophish_> mudri: you might want to jailbreak that package. You can see me doing it here in my ~/nixpkgs/config.nix https://github.com/expipiplus1/dotfiles/blob/master/nixpkgs/config.nix#L13-L24
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<jophish_> sphalerite: do you have stdio.patch?
<sphalerite> jophish_: it's also on the gist
<sphalerite> not sure if you need it though
<jophish_> ok, I'll try without
<sphalerite> Can't remember if libiconv was necessary for uclibc-ng, or only for my (failed 😀) attempt to build nix
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<jophish_> mudri: you can do this http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/vqZJrkPI?nix
<LnL> libiconv might be required for darwin
<jophish_> however that still doesn't compile with a modern compiler.
<jophish_> as the MaybeT package is ancient (queuelike is really old too, 2009)
<jophish_> sphalerite: that seems to work, although netcat doesn't compile due to some missing code in uclibc
<jophish_> thanks though!
<mudri> Hmm, maybe I should use something else. I'm not tied to queuelike, but I haven't seen any alternatives yet.
<ilyaigpetrov> guys, what can I do with "invalid ownership on file" ‘/nix/store/...-perl-5.22.2/bin/perlbug while building nixos?
<copumpkin> as opposed to just putting the path directly into the nix expression?
<sphalerite> jophish_: you could try using busybox, I think that includes nc
<copumpkin> obadz: looks like you did that
<copumpkin> oh I see
<jophish_> drat, nc-gnu fails for a different reason
<jophish_> sphalerite: heh, I'm cross compiling a proper netcat because the busybox version doesn't have -l
<sphalerite> jophish_: or netcat-openbsd. I guess it makes sense that GNU netcat would rely on glibc
<sphalerite> oh right
<jophish_> mudri: sounds like a good plan. I've never needed queuelike :)
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<sphalerite> LnL: I doubt jophish_ 's embedded system is running Darwin, nor is my e-reader :D
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<jophish_> goodness me, busybox doesn't work with uclibc either!
<sphalerite> copumpkin: maybe because the
<sphalerite> oops
<sphalerite> I don't actually know :D
<sphalerite> jophish_: how is it not working? Not building?
<copumpkin> niksnut: hmm, my nix expression won't help if someone already has a raw store path
<jophish_> sphalerite: yeah, can't find utmpx.h
<copumpkin> niksnut: anyway, if you know of such a command, I'd really appreciate it :)
<abbradar> Hi all! Can anyone try to run `nix-build -A tests.installer.simple.x86_64-linux nixos/release.nix` on current master and see if it succeeds? I'm trying to debug https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/23020
<sphalerite> jophish_: haven't looked at it but there's a thread that might be helpful http://mhonarc.axis.se/dev-etrax/msg09518.html
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<jophish_> sphalerite: I might just leave it, I can afford 20MB on this device :)
<jophish_> This was mainly an academic exercise
<jophish_> heh, only two items in /nix/store on the device. Not often I can disambiguate a store path with one character
<sphalerite> :D
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<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: how do you build it? nixos-install/nixos-rebuild?
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<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: nix-build
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I'm going to try "nix-env -i perl-5.22.2"
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: do you have sandbox enabled
<abbradar> ?*
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: no, I have to reboot
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I guess I can install a VM
<abbradar> I think you can just switch/restart nix-daemon for a sandbox
<abbradar> (assuming you have enabled it)
<abbradar> oh, wait, first things first -- are you on NixOS host?
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I boot from live minimal cd, is it enabled there?
<jophish_> hmm, netcat doesn't seem to actually work!
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: no, I have to boot from minimal iso to try things
<abbradar> good. I don't remember exactly, what does systemctl status nix-daemon say?
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<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: it will take long time to try
<copumpkin> shlevy: hey hey, you around?
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: strange -- curious, why?
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I have to reboot from live iso and I have only one notebook
<abbradar> oh, got it
<abbradar> maybe someone remembers: can we `nixos-rebuild switch` on ISO?
<abbradar> I think there was a discussion on github some time ago but I don't recall much
<sphalerite> jophish_: also: busybox's nc does support -l. It's an optional feature though
<jophish_> sphalerite: yeah, just saw that
<jophish_> sadly not in the version on this board :(
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: why do we need a switch? Wiki says it is used after changing systemPackages
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: my idea was for you to enable nix.useSandbox right on the ISO
<sphalerite> oh right, but you could build busybox through nix? jophish_
<abbradar> useSandbox should remove much of build non-determinism, hopefully it'll resolve your issue
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: If I want to document a bug, how can I reproduce the error?
<jophish_> sphalerite: I'll try that
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<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: IIUC you just need to try building perl with a random change
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<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: `nix-env -i perl-5.22.2` ?
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: btw it's interesting why does it try to build perl in first place and not get it from cache
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: nix-build -A perl '<nixpkgs>' should work too
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<abbradar> I don't use nix-env much...
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I will try typing '<nixpkgs>' verbtim
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: maybe a vm would be simpler?
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<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: yes, I should try, but my CPU has no VT support
<chpatrick> do you know how we could speed up haskell nix-builds?
<chpatrick> we're using GHC 8.0.2 so it should be parallel in theory
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<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: ouch, then it may be too painful...
<chpatrick> but it's extremely slow
<chpatrick> compared to non-nix
<abbradar> chpatrick: unfortunately GHC is not deterministic
<jophish_> sphalerite: you're appealing to my desire to fiddle :)
<abbradar> so we have parallel builds disabled
<jophish_> also nixpkgs's busy can send but not listen
<jophish_> as in the -l flag is accepted, but doesn't actually work
<chpatrick> abbradar: in generic-builder.nix it says: enableParallelBuilding = (versionOlder "7.8" ghc.version && !hasActiveLibrary) || versionOlder "8.0.1" ghc.version;
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: I think you can see the whole dependency chain that requires perl in the github issue, that answers why perl is required so early
<chpatrick> so in theory it should be parallel on 8.0.2 right?
<abbradar> chpatrick: oh, nice, so interfaces non-determinism was fixed I think!
<abbradar> yes it should
<chpatrick> but it's still super slow
<abbradar> do you have nix.buildCores set?
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: actually you don't need to make those changes in the package!
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<abbradar> you can use a NixOS option instead: environment.etc."syslog.conf".text = "foobarbaz";
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: thank you, I just was seeking the shortest way
<abbradar> ilyaigpetrov: also see services.rsyslogd.defaultConfig and services.rsyslogd.extraConfig
<ilyaigpetrov> abbradar: ok, I guess I should look inside some rsyslog.nix sources
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<copumpkin> clever: you know of something that fits the bill? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1242
<jophish_> ah, working now. typical pebcak
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<sphalerite> jophish_: thanks ;)
<chpatrick> abbradar: seems like it does pass -j4
<chpatrick> but it still seems quite slow compared to cabal build
<abbradar> chpatrick: haddock builds and tests can take some time
<abbradar> or do you mean subjective raw compiling speed?
<LnL> copumpkin: isn't that the same as nix-store -qR or is that the db export?
<chpatrick> abbradar: yes, just for the libs
<abbradar> chpatrick: strange... not sure what else can be in the way
<copumpkin> LnL: it'll contain similar info, but not in the right format
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<copumpkin> LnL: i.e., -qR traverses the closure but doesn't include any information to reassemble on the other side
<clever> copumpkin: only thing i can think of is -qR that destroys the tree, and --query --tree that leaves you with ascii-art
<copumpkin> dammit :)
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<simpson> Good morning! Today I was thinking of fixing my bash completions. How does one do bash completions in NixOS?
<dtz> hmm there's a --graph?
<copumpkin> there is
<dtz> is it like tree in that it doesn't work with -R?
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<dtz> (yes)
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<dtz> lol nix-store -q --graph $(nix-store -q R $(nix-store -q --deriver /nix/store/path))
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<gchristensen> dtz: what about that?
<dtz> ah probably misses edges in nix-store -qR nevermind
<dtz> oh just trying to help compumpkin sorry
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<copumpkin> thanks :)
<copumpkin> it doesn't actually appear to be possible... which makes me sad
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<copumpkin> I _just_ need to be able to call store->makeValidityRegistration on a set of paths I specify
<copumpkin> but nothing exposes that
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rasendubi opened pull request #23021: pythonPackages.evdev: 0.4.7 -> 0.6.4 (master...python-evdev) https://git.io/vDF2u
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<copumpkin> # nix-store --export /nix/store/i4b00l3c5ip5m99vlsffgad4zhnldhp8-nixos-17.03pre-git | wc -c
<copumpkin> 49280224
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rafaeldff opened pull request #23022: idea-community: 2016.3.3 -> 2016.3.4 (master...update-idea) https://git.io/vDFac
<copumpkin> # du -sh /nix/store/i4b00l3c5ip5m99vlsffgad4zhnldhp8-nixos-17.03pre-git
<copumpkin> 105M/nix/store/i4b00l3c5ip5m99vlsffgad4zhnldhp8-nixos-17.03pre-git
<copumpkin> how is the serialization less than half the size of the original?
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<copumpkin> awfully quiet in here today :O
<pikajude> presidents day
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<copumpkin> sure but most Nixers are in europe
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<the-kenny> monday evening here ;)
<Dezgeg> probably 'du' rounds the size of each file up to the filesystem block size
<copumpkin> Dezgeg: oh yeah, and we have a ton of small files
<copumpkin> hmm
<Dezgeg> since it's well, the command to tell "disk usage" :)
<copumpkin> wow, didn't expect the waste to be so high
<chpatrick> is there a supported way to get the haskellBuildInputs of a derivation?
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<clever> copumpkin: saw the latest comment on the issue, i believe nixos-install just uses rsync and nix-store -qR to get the closure of nix into the chroot
<copumpkin> clever: nope, exportReferencesGraph
<clever> copumpkin: then it has enough to import a db backup (from exportGraph?) to get the db.nix updated
<copumpkin> it gets passed in explicitly to the nixos-install script
<copumpkin> I know off the top of my head because my question is driven my refactor of that script :P
<clever> oh
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<clever> i see, its using perl to parse the reference graph
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> and then passes the raw reference graph into nix-store --register-validity
<copumpkin> which is the hard part
<copumpkin> otherwise yeah I'd just use the output of -qR
<clever> yeah, and no hashes on that
<copumpkin> anyway, I'm just going to fork my logic
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<copumpkin> I'll simplify later if someone finds a way to do it
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<tnks> I've been using haskellPackages all this time... should I switch to haskellngPackages?
<ibrahims> hello people, how can i increase the file descriptor limits beyond 4096?
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<ibrahims> security.pam.loginLimits does not seem to be excepting more then that
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<copumpkin> obadz: your --closure argument to nixos-install is a big headache :)
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<ilyaigpetrov> I wrote my first .nix, what is the full path for config.services.rsyslogd.extraConfig ?
<ilyaigpetrov> how can I check my .nix before building the whole iso file?
<cransom> ilyaigpetrov: what do you mean by 'full path'? and what are you trying to check your expression for?
<ilyaigpetrov> cransom: this .nix file is for custom iso minimal installer, I need rsyslog to be enabled -- it's the only difference from official minimal iso
<ilyaigpetrov> cransom: full path is like environment.lib.config... < just a guess
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<ilyaigpetrov> cransom: I want to know any pitfalls before building the nixos, because building is slow and takes time
<cransom> ilyaigpetrov: config.services.rsyslogd.extraConfig is the full path, but if you are in a configuration.nix environment, you only need to specify services.rsyslogd.extraConfig
<cransom> ilyaigpetrov: if you are building from a checkout that has already been released, the compiles should be minimal and it will just download packages
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] chpatrick opened pull request #23023: Export haskellBuildInputs and systemBuildInputs for haskell packages. (master...export-haskell-inputs) https://git.io/vDFKs
<ilyaigpetrov> cransom: yes, I use release-16.09, it doesn't have rsyslog, I just need to add this, so I wrote this configuration.nix
<cransom> ilyaigpetrov: rsyslog will have a compiled version since you didn't change any of the parameters. the build will be as light as it could be, really
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<ilyaigpetrov> cransom: you mean minimal iso already has rsyslog inside? Ok, maybe, but I also changed one rsyslog config making it to log to filesystem
<cransom> ilyaigpetrov: no, i mean that hydra has already built rsyslog for release-16.09 and it is at cache.nixos.org waiting for you to download it. you won't need to compile it, but it will need to be added to your custom iso.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFiy
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ac8fabd Nikolay Amiantov: phpPackages: also default to 7.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 8697fb9 Robin Gloster: Merge pull request #23019 from abbradar/php...
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<Judson> Trying to determine the prefix that the current Nix system is built on in a ruby program, I'm doing (which ruby) and walking up the path until I find "store", assuming that store lives under the prefix. Is that the best way?
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<Judson> What I really need to do is determine whether I'm on a single-user system, which I'm doing by checking for write permission on the Nix DB directory.
<Judson> So if there's a good way to check *that* that'd be better.
<simpson> Judson: Wow, this is the first XY problem I've seen in a while where the Y is easier than the X.
<Judson> Plus, I recognized my own X!
<simpson> I guess I can't think of a better way offhand. What's this program do? Is it a frontend/wrapper around Nix?
<clever> Judson: there is another way, one min
<Judson> I'm trying to extend Bundix. The current released (but not nixpkgs) version uses a nix-build expression to find the shas for Gems. Which is rad if you can write to /nix/store - because then when you nix-env -i the bundlerEnv result, the gems are already downloaded. But fails utterly on a multi-user system.
<clever> nix-repl> builtins.storeDir
<clever> "/nix/store"
<clever> Judson: if you can eval a nix expression, this gives it to you?
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<simpson> clever: Wow, nice.
<Judson> Well, already using eval to do the gem fetch, so that seems completely legit.
<Judson> One sec while I look up the incantation I want...
<clever> Judson: and if your building something with nix, you can just pass ${builtins.storeDir} to configure at build-time
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<Judson> Sadly, I'm not.
<Judson> Basically, program needs to decide if it should directly fetch something with a bogus hash, or use nix-prefetch-url
<Judson> But `nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.storeDir'` => "/nix/store" does exactly what I need.
<Judson> Thanks, clever
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<Judson> And confirming my assumptions: if "/nix/store" then also "/nix/var/nix/db"? is "/nix" the NixOS prefix here, or is the prefix empty?
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<Heffalump> does nix-shell interpret things differently to myEnvFun? I'm moving from myEnvFun to nix-shell, same sets of dependencies and same nixpkgs snapshot, and seeing a bunch of things getting rebuilt, like bash, binutils
<copumpkin> Heffalump: nix-shell thinks of itself as a "build environment" for the given packages, so it currently pulls in a bunch of build dependencies that you might not otherwise have pulled in
<copumpkin> iirc
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<Heffalump> oh, I guess I'm implicitly switching to stdenv.mkDerivation from myEnvFun as part of this
<Heffalump> that probably explains it
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<simpson> Heffalump: Have you weighed in on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/18315 yet?
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<Heffalump> simpson: no, because I haven't found any fundamental reason that nix-shell won't work for me
<Heffalump> in the process of migrating I also discovered I can use import-from-derivation to pin each of my build environments to a specific nixpkgs version within the nix language itself (previously I was just using comments and nix-env -f to drive that manually)
<simpson> Heffalump: I think that success stories would be welcome too.
<copumpkin> Heffalump: yeah, I use that all the time for local development
<copumpkin> especially on shared projects
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<pierron> We should make sure that Nix becomes *the C++ package manager*.
<pierron> Or at least the backend of the it.
<Heffalump> it's kind of the backend of the new Haskell package manager (cabal new-build) but without providing the actual code
<pierron> One of the issue, would be to demonstrate it on Windows.
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<copumpkin> # rmdir test/var/empty
<copumpkin> rmdir: failed to remove 'test/var/empty': Operation not permitted
<copumpkin> I think the activation script put it there...
<copumpkin> oh, immutable bit perhaps
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vbgl pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDFpu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b634622 Vincent Laporte: compcert: 2.7.1 -> 3.0.1
<gchristensen> copumpkin: that has been fixed in unstable
<gchristensen> IIRC
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<copumpkin> hmm, I don't think so
<copumpkin> unless it was fixed in past ocuple of days
<copumpkin> not sure it needs fixing
<copumpkin> it was just marked as immutable
<copumpkin> ah, that's different though
<copumpkin> but I'll have to do something similar
<gchristensen> oh
<gchristensen> hrm
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh closed pull request #22061: python-protobuf: enable python3 and enable py3 tests (master...python3-protobuf) https://git.io/vM5bQ
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<romildo> I want to build a CMake project that uses LLVM. I have included llvmPackages.llvm in environment.systemPackages.
<clever> romildo: nix is designed such that you never need to install compilers like that
<clever> romildo: you want nix-shell -p llvmPackages.llvm
<romildo> CMake reports that the value of LLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS is /run/current-system/sw/include, but there is no LLVM header files there.
<romildo> clever, yes I know that. But I want it installed globally. It should work also, right?
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<clever> romildo: it wont be available inside nix builds, and it wont be able to find libraries
<clever> and header files are never installed globally
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDFhH
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f0f7543 Alexey Shmalko: pythonPackages.evdev: 0.4.7 -> 0.6.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 27bcb85 Frederik Rietdijk: Merge pull request #23021 from rasendubi/python-evdev...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDFjf
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1daf49c Rafael de F. Ferreira: idea-community: 2016.3.3 -> 2016.3.4
<copumpkin> for the VM tests, do we run the nix builds for the system closure _inside_ the VM?
<Dezgeg> no (except the installer tests use nixos-install)
<copumpkin> ah
<copumpkin> those happen to be the ones I'm running :)
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<copumpkin> thanks
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<romildo> clever, for nix builds I understand that the dependencies are always specified in the nix expression, right? So it is evaluated in an isolated environment. Because of that it never depends on systemPackages.
<radvendii> on unstable, I'm getting missing dependency errors for haskell and xmonad. Is this a known error? I don't see it on github issues
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] phile314 opened pull request #23024: cloud-init: 0.7.6 -> 0.7.9 + module improvements (master...cloud-init-update) https://git.io/vDFjW
<clever> romildo: yeah
<romildo> clever, but I am thinking that what is put in environment.systemPackages is ready available for use, without the need using nix-shell.
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<clever> romildo: the command will be available, but not its headers or libraries
<romildo> clever, it has worked this way for me for sometime. LLVM header files is the first one that fails.
<copumpkin> the installer tests are remarkably thorough
<romildo> clever, I was thinking that maybe the headers could have been packaged separately with the advent of multiple output, for instance.
<romildo> clever, so is it no the case?
<shlevy> Anyone here using matlab on nixos?
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<tnks> okay, I see there's no haskellngPackages, so I think I can ignore web sites saying things like "haskellPackages is deprecated for haskellngPackages"
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<maurer> Is there something like nix-shell -p for the local default.nix?
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<copumpkin> maurer: nix-shell -p "with import ./. {}; ..."
<copumpkin> :P
<copumpkin> but otherwise, no
<maurer> Ugh
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #23015: riak: change filename to appropriate version (master...riakUpgrade22) https://git.io/vDdN9
<copumpkin> I use it all the time like that, fwiw
<maurer> Sure, I was just hoping for something more ergonomic
<maurer> I guess I'll just make a wrapper script
<copumpkin> I think the upcoming new UI will have something for that
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<copumpkin> but the current one doesn't
<MichaelRaskin> Well, this is at least scriptable
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDbJT
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c302cb4 Franz Pletz: gitlab: 8.16.4 -> 8.16.6
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vDbJY
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 ec7a66c Franz Pletz: gitlab: 8.16.4 -> 8.16.6...
<romildo> I am getting the following error when building my C++ project with CMake:
<maurer> is there a clean way to override a particular package to build with clang?
<maurer> (I want to build a package with asan for a test)
<romildo> /nix/store/j9rvd004agvnddh80nr9gw950kjzdj6m-binutils-2.27/bin/ld: cannot find -ltinfo
<maurer> (but don't want to edit nixpkgs)
<romildo> Any clue?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin opened pull request #23026: [WIP] Refactor nixos-install to separate out filesystem build logic (master...nixos-install-wip) https://git.io/vDbUq
<maurer> LnL: Seems hard to use from out of tree, since the functions have already been applied to the packages, yeah?
<maurer> so I can't provide a fresh stdenv?
<LnL> maurer: foo.override { ... } should work
<maurer> OK
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<copumpkin> feedback welcome: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/23026
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<smw_> Hi, I am looking at getting a rpi3 or odroid-c2, does nixos work with either of those out of the box?
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<johbo> when I update a python package inside of python-packages.nix, should I move it to python-modules/PACKAGE/default.nix as well?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDbTw
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ffcb272 William Casarin: antimicro: 2.22 -> 2.23
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<maurer> LnL: sorry to keep bothering you, but is there a way for me to add CFLAGS with that given override only replaces arguments passed to the function?
<LnL> I think you can with foo.overrideAttrs (drv: { CFLAGS = ..; })
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<ndowens08> 287mur
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<eacameron> Has anyone documented the process of getting PCI compliance with NixOS servers? I'd imagine that at least some requirements are satisfied by default or very easy to satisfy with NixOS.
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<xwvvvvwx> Hi :)
<xwvvvvwx> sudo nixos-rebuild switch fails with "No space left on device" in systemd-boot-builder.py
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<xwvvvvwx> df shows that /boot is full (100% use)
<xwvvvvwx> What can I do to fix this?
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<cransom> xwvvvvwx: delete old profiles and garbage collect.
<xwvvvvwx> how do I delete old profiles?
<cransom> nix-collect-garbage -d will do that. keep in mind you can't rollback to anything earlier than the current system.
<maurer> LnL: Thanks, got it working
<LnL> override all the things :)
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<xwvvvvwx> cransom: worked, thanks!
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDbtk
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d9ae886 Ricardo M. Correia: nixos.openntpd: don't spam systemd journal...
<xwvvvvwx> out of curiosity what is /nix/store/trash for?
<copumpkin> xwvvvvwx: temporary storage during a GC
<xwvvvvwx> packages get moved there and then deleted?
<copumpkin> yeah I think so
<xwvvvvwx> why?
<xwvvvvwx> why not just delete directly?
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<copumpkin> basically, concurrency :)
<xwvvvvwx> interesting!
<xwvvvvwx> thanks :)
<xwvvvvwx> One more question
<xwvvvvwx> I have gc.auto = true and gc.dates = "03:15" in my configuration.nix
<xwvvvvwx> why did I have to run a manual gc?
<xwvvvvwx> Shouldn't nix just have taken care of this all by itself?
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<copumpkin> possible reasons: 1) you haven't run a `nixos-rebuild switch` since adding that 2) not sure if it runs if your machine is off during that period? 3) no idea :)
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<xwvvvvwx> :D
<xwvvvvwx> have for sure run nixos-rebuild switch
<xwvvvvwx> must be reason 2
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<xwvvvvwx> or 3 :D
<xwvvvvwx> I'll try changing the gc time
<xwvvvvwx> thanks for the help!
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<copumpkin> gc.automatic, right?
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<tnks> I'm about to write a function that recursively collects all dependencies from a derivation. Does that already exist somewhere?
<copumpkin> it's kind of tricky to do properly
<tnks> copumpkin: what's the tricky part?
<copumpkin> buildInputs and propagatedBuildInputs (and their native counterparts) aren't the only way you can depend on something
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<copumpkin> you could do something like buildCommand = ''${foo}/bin/foo haha";
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<copumpkin> foo wouldn't be a buildInput and so on, but would still be a dependency
<tnks> copumpkin: oh yeah, your right.
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<copumpkin> I've sometimes wanted a primop for that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDbq9
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1caecd7 Robert Helgesson: perl-Digest-CRC: 0.21 -> 0.22.2
<copumpkin> since Nix is tracking that internally
<copumpkin> I don't know how I'd do it without that, though
<tnks> but if I traversed all attributes of a derivation, keeping a set of visited derivations to avoid cycles, would I get even those dependencies?
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<tnks> for context, this is for a license-report my somewhat enterprise-oriented employer has asked for.
<copumpkin> if you dealt with .drv files, you'd probably get it all
<copumpkin> but you'd have to scan them for store paths
<copumpkin> but .drv files won't maintain license information
<srk> ohai. what's the current equivalent of this guide https://nixos.org/wiki/Install_NixOS_as_OpenVZ_guest ?
<srk> should I just look up newer nixos-bootstrap-archive builds?
<copumpkin> I'm not sure how I'd write license-report, but it would be cool to have
<copumpkin> Hydra currently has a "bail if unfree" method
<copumpkin> which works for a boolean test but not really for enumerating licenses
<tnks> copumpkin: my goal is to make this a two-part algorithm. I'm going to do a writeReferencesToFile to get all the nix-store paths.
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<johbo> tnks: i've been there some time ago
<johbo> it's a bit ugly, but it did work at some time
<tnks> and then I'm going to do this aggressive recursive derivation accumulation to get all the derivation.
<tnks> then I think I have all the information I need.
<srk> or can I just bootstrap nixos-16.09 from existing nixos?
<tnks> johbo: cool, looking now.
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<copumpkin> ah, johbo, you're doing the thing I said won't be fully accurate (but will generally be a good approximation)
<tnks> johbo: right, sounds like you're doing exactly what I had in mind.
<copumpkin> this seems like a handy tool to put in nixpkgs somewhere
<johbo> had a similar use case
<copumpkin> and perhaps eventually expand to get more accuracy
<tnks> copumpkin: but if I get my dependencies from writeReferencesToFile, I think that will be complete, right?
<johbo> dunno if it still works though, might need some tweaking
<copumpkin> tnks: that'll only give you runtime deps
<copumpkin> which might also be fine :)
<tnks> copumpkin: right, but I think that's a start for what they want.
<copumpkin> cool, then yes
<copumpkin> that one is complete
<tnks> I don't think they care about the license for glibc :)
<tnks> sorry, I mean cmake.
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<tnks> copumpkin: but it's easy for this to get hidden with statically compiled binaries.
<tnks> I have no solution for that.
<copumpkin> yeah, you'd need build-time dependencies for that
<copumpkin> well, you can do this externally to the nix language
<copumpkin> nix-store -qR on the output gives you the runtime dependencies of your derivation
<copumpkin> doing it on the .drv file gives you the build-time deps
<copumpkin> those will contain your static libraries too
<tnks> ah yeah.
<copumpkin> but it'll only print out a list of store paths
<copumpkin> so you still need to figure out which expressions they map to, to look up their licenses
<copumpkin> that's the part I don't know how to do
<tnks> a deep recursion of the derivation (all attributes) might not work?
<copumpkin> not necessarily
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<tnks> okay, I just thought that it would include the "inherit X Y;" on the derivation input.
<copumpkin> buildCommand = ''${someMagicFunction { some-arg = 5; }}/bin/magic hahaha screw you";
<tnks> but how would someMagicFunction know how to get back to /nix/store?
<copumpkin> someMagic function is a function that takes some arguments and returns a call to mkDerivation
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<copumpkin> someMagicFunction = { some-arg }: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "find-me-i-dare-you"; ... }
<tnks> oh, I see, the reference to /nix/store would be string interpolated into the string of the script?
<copumpkin> yeah
<copumpkin> nix would build it for you, and it should show up in the .drv
<copumpkin> and the stdenv.mkDerivation might even have a meta.license in it
<copumpkin> but it's not accessible alone anywhere else
<copumpkin> I'd post to the mailing list. It seems like we can approximate this in several ways, but it seems like a useful tool that many might want
<tnks> ah, I see, and then that interpolation loses the connection to the derivation, which has the license, and the whole point of this.
<copumpkin> and it's frustrating that in theory we have all the information to track it perfectly, but can't get at it easily
<copumpkin> yeah
<tnks> okay, I'm going to roll this "runtime-only" report for now; it will cover enough I think.
<tnks> there's also the "build with an empty /nix/store" option and look at what gets cached.
<copumpkin> still tough to map back to the nix (language)-level meta field
<tnks> totally.
<copumpkin> it might make sense to dump meta.license into $out/nix-support or something like that
<tnks> okay, mailing list it will be then.
<copumpkin> cool :) hope someone comes up with a good solution
<tnks> but we'd need to make that change for all derivations in nixpkgs, right?
<copumpkin> well, we'd make the change at the mkDerivation level
<copumpkin> so it would automatically dump it
<greymalkin> Nix saves the day again: Needed a 32-bit build of audacity (on 64-bit install) to use some old proprietary LADSPA plugins... no problem.
<yorick> "There are bots on Github that create pull requests to projects using CI replacing all code with bitcoin-mining code."
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vDb3l
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 4e4161c Robin Gloster: systemd: setup tmpfiles on switching configuration...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2f8aaf0 Robin Gloster: Merge pull request #22941 from mayflower/systemd-tmpfiles...
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<Ralith> really? that doesn't sound very effective
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<copumpkin> this is a boot log from a nixos installer test
<copumpkin> note that it times out at the end, and right before it, it prompts "proceed anyway? (y, N)"
<copumpkin> anyone know what asks that?
<copumpkin> looks like it's mkfs.extN?
<Dezgeg> yes
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<copumpkin> any idea why?
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<copumpkin> I didn't modify the partition/filesystem part of the install test
<copumpkin> only the actual nixos-install.sh
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<copumpkin> wak-work: you around? you're still listed as a maintainer for the installer tests, but maybe you want nothing to do with it :)
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<bgamari> Sonarpulse, Some day I'd love to pick your brains about cross compiling in Nix
<pikajude> i'm assuming this is way out of date, right https://nixos.org/wiki/CrossCompiling
<bgamari> yeah, I think it is
<bgamari> it was fairly up to date a few months ago
<bgamari> but Sonarpulse has done some work in this area recently
<ndowens08> how can i get rid of this: warning: name collision in input Nix expressions, skipping ‘/home/ndowens/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos’ only does it on my user account and not root; i only have one nix-channel
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<pikajude> i see
<pikajude> is linux the only supported build OS for cross compilation
<pikajude> or host OS
<pikajude> whichever one is doing the actual building
<Sonarpulse> hi
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, hi
<bgamari> and congrats
<pikajude> i see when trying to specify crossSystem, there are a bunch of evaluation errors
<bgamari> yeah
<Sonarpulse> uh oh
<bgamari> I'm generally confused by how one is supposed to sort of infinite recursions which cross compiling
<bgamari> I suspect this is my fault
<Sonarpulse> what branch?
<LnL> ndowens08: I think you have the nixos channel both for root and your user
<bgamari> and that forcedNativePackages has something to do with it
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, well, to be clear this isn't nixpkgs proper
<Sonarpulse> oh hmm?
<ndowens08> LnL: ah
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, this is https://github.com/bgamari/riscv.nix
<Sonarpulse> ok
<bgamari> which you will almost certainly find to be an atrocity; constructive criticism welcome
<LnL> ndowens08: if you look in ~/.nix-defexpr you'll probably find a channels_root that links to the channels of root, causing nix-env to find two versions
<bgamari> anyways, I've been having quite some difficulty porting it to the new cross compilation scheme
<ndowens08> Module creation question; i am creating a module for swaywm; since it uses wayland and is based on i3, do I need to use imports = (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "xserver" "windowManager" "i3" "enable"] looking at the i3 module to write it
<Sonarpulse> i.e. porting it to newer nixpkgs or porting it to my ghc-android?
<bgamari> in part because the intended function of forcedNativePackages is a bit unclear
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, to newer nixpkgs
<Sonarpulse> forcedNativePackages is silly
<Sonarpulse> I put it there to kind of preserve the hack
<Sonarpulse> initially I was treading carefully and wanting to preserve most/all hashes
<Sonarpulse> if you are working from the new way of doing things
<bgamari> ahh, so I likely shouldn't be using it at all in that case?
<Sonarpulse> yeah
<bgamari> alright
<Sonarpulse> it should do nothing
<Sonarpulse> if you use it correctly
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<Sonarpulse> / use the things that use it correctly
<Sonarpulse> but yeah no need to use it yoruself
<bgamari> lovely
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<bgamari> so if I understand correctly, derivations now cross-compile by default if in an environment with a crossSystem set?
<Sonarpulse> well crossSystem is just for determining the bootstrapping
<Sonarpulse> packages never refer to crossSystem
<Sonarpulse> packages refer to {boot,host,target}Platform
<bgamari> ahh
<Sonarpulse> pkgs/stdenv/default.nix
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<Sonarpulse> "chooses" to cross compile based on crossSystem
<copumpkin> argh, I have no idea why something is running mkfs twice here
<Kendos-Kenlen> Hi ! :)
<symphorien> how do I add plugins to vim with nixos ?
<bgamari> I see
<Sonarpulse> bgamari: from {local,system}System
<Sonarpulse> one gets three boostrapping stages
<Sonarpulse> local,local,local; local,local,cross; local,cross,cross
<Sonarpulse> where those are build, host, target pairs
<bgamari> so this explains a lot
<bgamari> I wasn't setting any of these
<Sonarpulse> I briefly, briefly sketched this in the manual but once I make localSystem a real thing I'll flush it ouot mroe
<bgamari> alright
<Sonarpulse> this is also why I lean towards "stage 1 libs" being built by stage 0" compiler
<bgamari> ahh
<Sonarpulse> that means stage 1 has same build+host everywhere
<Sonarpulse> and target is ignored for non-ghc
<bgamari> right, I suppose that makes sense
<Kendos-Kenlen> I have a little question. The idea package keeps old version of IntelliJ' based IDE. but most of them are older than 1 year and no longer updated. Why keeping them ? Can't we delete them?
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<Sonarpulse> bgamari: what is your timeline on getting that repo to work?
<Sonarpulse> cause I hope after tonight I'll be able to focus pretty hard on getting stuff upstream
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, oh, it's by no means critical
<bgamari> it's really just a pet project of mine
<Sonarpulse> ah ok
<Sonarpulse> yeah I see libffi, etc
<Sonarpulse> and well, I do want to use system libffi on nixpkgs just for cleanliness
<bgamari> indeed; it's all terribly hacked
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<Sonarpulse> well, nixpkgs is sloppy using internal libffi
<bgamari> it's the first thing that I've really done with nix
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<bgamari> Sonarpulse, in this case it was necessary since there is no upstream support for riscv
<Sonarpulse> sure, diving in the deep end! :)
<bgamari> I have a tendency to do that for some reason :)
<slyfox> :)
<Sonarpulse> very good habit :)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbedo closed pull request #20400: Update bioconductor and cran packages (master...master) https://git.io/vXimf
<bgamari> it's quite unclear to me how arguments would get propagated to stdenv/default.nix
<Sonarpulse> the platform ones?
<Sonarpulse> cause if so, me too! :)
<bgamari> top-level/default.nix appears to be the call-site
<bgamari> but it passes no arguments
<bgamari> heh
<Sonarpulse> oh hmm?
<Sonarpulse> let me check
<greymalkin> Would a fetchzip for a pkgsi686Packages.mkDerivation build be different than the fetchzip in a normal mkDerivation? my unpack phase is unable to find the zip at all.
<greymalkin> ?
<Sonarpulse> the stdenv stuff needs to be renamed after I do that
<Sonarpulse> see stdenv/booter.nix
<bgamari> ahhh
<bgamari> I see
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDbWl
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b87be6e Robert Helgesson: stix-two: init at 2.0.0
<Sonarpulse> especialy in my branch after I made it a "doubly linked list fold"
<Sonarpulse> :D
<bgamari> Sonarpulse, mm, I stumbled upon booter.nix
<Sonarpulse> stdenv dir should be renamed bootstrapping or stages or something like that
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<Sonarpulse> frankly, I don't like the idea of this "stdenv"
<gchristensen> Sonarpulse: nixos' stdenv?
<gchristensen> s/os/pkgs/
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<Sonarpulse> yeah
<Sonarpulse> stdenv is kind of monolithic
<Sonarpulse> kind of a dumping ground
<Sonarpulse> and also I have no idea how to route my *Platform to it
<romildo> Why can't CMake find the ncurses library in NixOS unstable? Failing test: https://gist.github.com/romildo/3b36e2f7873dcd19a423281666aac6dd. Any clues?
<Sonarpulse> since the stdenv is constructed before the stage
<Sonarpulse> I mean, I could just do some fixpoint and delay constructing the stdenv
<Sonarpulse> but this stuff is already complicated enough!! :)
<bgamari> indeed it has always been unclear to me precisely what stdenv *is*
<Sonarpulse> :_
<Sonarpulse> * :)
<Sonarpulse> stdenv is like 'build-essential
<Acou_Bass> guys, fresh install of nixos gives me error occurred in stage 1 of boot process, which must mount root filesystem on /mnt-root
<bgamari> that's a good definition
<Sonarpulse> but then what is mkDerivation doing that?
<Acou_Bass> is there any way to chroot in and fix this? XD
<Sonarpulse> s/that/there?
<bgamari> or at least satisfying to me
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<Sonarpulse> I forget who told me about that
<Sonarpulse> *made that analogy
<Sonarpulse> some github issue somewhere :)
<bgamari> heh
<srk> hmm
<srk> NIXOS_CONFIG=$(pwd)/configuration.nix nix-build '<nixos>' -A config.system.build.tarball
<srk> error: attribute ‘system’ in selection path ‘config.system.build.tarball’ not found
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<srk> trying to create nixos tarball for openvz from nixos
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<srk> aha, I actually need to install nixos package
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<ndowens08> well i wrote the module for sway but wont start from a DM or console, which stinks
<ndowens08> hmm there we go i thin
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<Acou_Bass> hmmm... apparently nixos does not like my wifi dongle, i get kernel panic when i try to load it
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #23029: albert: 0.8.11 -> 0.9.3 (master...upd.albert) https://git.io/vDbRL
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 14 new commits to staging: https://git.io/vDbRO
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 110f136 Vladimír Čunát: python*: upstream patches to fix with glibc-2.25...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 0ff2179 Vladimír Čunát: gnutls: use 3.5 and remove 3.4...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 09d02f7 Vladimír Čunát: Re-revert "Merge: glibc: 2.24 -> 2.25"...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ndowens opened pull request #23030: Swaywm: module (master...sway_module) https://git.io/vDbR8
<Nafai> so, uh, I've got an issue.
<Nafai> Since I did the last NixOS update, apparently sudo is no longer setuid
<Nafai> and I have forgotten my root password
<ndowens08> hmm was gonna say use rollback
<c74d> Nafai: sudo's setuid bit was intentionally unset; are you sure that it no longer works?
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<Nafai> $ sudo su -
<Nafai> sudo: /run/current-system/sw/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set
<c74d> oh
<Nafai> wait
<Nafai> I haven't rebooted since the last update I did, would that be a problem?
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<c74d> maybe
<Shados> Nafai: just relog
<c74d> I'd say rebooting can't hurt, but I'm not sure of that
<Shados> Should fix the issue
<Shados> I need a tool that will track in/out bandwidth use for a given if, and once the process is killed will dump the totals to stdout or a file. Anyone know of anything that can do this?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] romildo opened pull request #23031: nitrogen: 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 (master...upd.nitrogen) https://git.io/vDb0K
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vDb01
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 10d4857 Vladimír Čunát: xorg-server: use 1.18 branch on Darwin for now...
<Nafai> rebooting helped, thanks.
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<rycee[m]> Shados: Not sure of it can do exactly that but iftop may be a start.