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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 6 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 137bf72 Tuomas Tynkkynen: libdrm: Enable some ARM drivers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef08963 Tuomas Tynkkynen: mesa: Enable some ARM drivers...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7b8e93b Tuomas Tynkkynen: platforms.nix: Add aarch64 to mesaPlatforms
<justan0theruser> trying to install tensorflow, getting "protobuf-3.0.0-beta-2 not supported for interpreter python3.5m", how do I fix this?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to staging:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/staging 424cfe7 Tuomas Tynkkynen: Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into staging
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<avn> staging merge on the way?
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<corngood> In general, should I expect the staging branch to hit the binary cache?
<gchristensen> not really, corngood
<avn> corngood: if you live on master, better update before staging merged
<corngood> But that's the bleeding edge of what's built automatically?
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<avn> otherwise you will build chromium and other big stuff
<corngood> I was on master from like a month ago. Just rebase on staging
<corngood> *Rebased
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<corngood> So this is a merge from staging -> master?
<avn> No, I seen staging -> master merge, and it often mean then staging -> master is close
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<avn> I rebase my WIP on current master weekly usually
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<corngood> I was under the impression that staging would be built to the cache but not master. Is that right?
<corngood> Not expecting perfect coverage, but eventually...
<gchristensen> sorry?
<avn> corngood: I can't catch your thoughts. Staging need to let some stuff built/cached before merge into master (because folks who live on master won't bootstrap gcc/libc/stdenv
<avn> )
<corngood> Oh, so I totally had it backwards
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<gchristensen> staging is also sometimes used to pre-check some riskier changes
<avn> corngood: also sitting on staging, you can catch any major breakup in stdenv
<gchristensen> I would absolutely not recommend you run nixos off staging for any system you care about
<avn> I feel master is optimal, if you are contributing to nixpkgs, otherwise unstable is
<corngood> I was thinking master -> staging -> channels, as in 'staging for release '
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<gchristensen> staging is only used for certain types of changes
<gchristensen> but staging -> master -> stable
<corngood> I'll switch to master then, for what I'm doing now.
<corngood> Thanks
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<corngood> I've been asked to move stdenv changes to staging and now I fully understand why :)
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<gchristensen> ahh
<avn> corngood: actually because we won't build all stuff locally ;)
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<gchristensen> I wonder if staging will be necessary after build-all-prs is a regular thing
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] NeQuissimus pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ad6b79f Aneesh Agrawal: mosh: use ssh from nixpkgs
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 58dcda6 Tim Steinbach: Merge pull request #22235 from aneeshusa/mosh-use-ssh-from-nixpkgs...
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<eqyiel[m]> should libraries that are needed at runtime be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (makeWrapper) or propagatedBuildInputs?
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<gchristensen> I think (?) makeWrapper, but am not certain
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<eqyiel[m]> does it depend on whether the lib is a compile time dependency?
<eqyiel[m]> I think both are working, but then I read this and I'm not sure anymore
<eqyiel[m]> (not sure what's better practice I mean)
<gchristensen> are you sending it upstream?
<gchristensen> ie: are you looking to merge it in to nixpkgs?
<eqyiel[m]> potentially
<gchristensen> then pick one option which works and send the PR, and you'll likely get feedback if a different way is better :)
<maurer> eqyiel[m]: My understanding is that propagatedBuildInputs is exclusively for "this resource will be needed if you build against this library"
<maurer> eqyiel[m]: I'm not even sure if propagatedBuildInputs are gauranteed to be kept on the system tbh
<eqyiel[m]> gchristensen: maurer: great, thanks
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<maurer> eqyiel[m]: I will say that usually setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH manually isn't necessary - is what you're packaging using a language without nix support work done for it?
<pikajude> I'm getting a "hook reply: decline" from my server, even though it's been able to do remote builds in the past
<pikajude> how do i debug this again?
<maurer> (or a plugin-system, a plugin system would maybe need LD_LIBRARY_PATH too)
<eqyiel[m]> maurer: it's just the nextcloud client, strace tells me that it's looking for libgnome_keyring at runtime to see if it should offer to save passwords or not (and it's not finding it)
<eqyiel[m]> I guess it's a plugin, because it doesn't make the client stop working or anything
<gchristensen> you may just need to patchelf to include libgnome_keyring in
<maurer> tbh this seems like a fine place for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but gchristensen is by far my senior in nixos things
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<gchristensen> I mean I hardly know how stuff works that low in the stack. IMO just do what works, if (1) you discover a problem, we can try and fix it. and if (2) you submit it for inclusion to nixpkgs, someone who knows better than me may be able to give you a better answer (or agree what you did was correct)
<eqyiel[m]> OK, thanks for the advice - I'll try patchelf and try not to worry too much
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<gchristensen> garbas: around?
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<nhooyr> I'm pretty sure I asked this same question many months ago, but I forgot :(. Can I create a custom service without cloning nixpkgs? With options and stuff?
<gchristensen> sure
<gchristensen> add your custom module to imports = [ ./your-module.nix ]
<maurer> nhooyr: is an example of me making a system that uses a custom service that starts weechat in tmux
<nhooyr> ok, thanks I'll try to figure out what imports is and take a look at weechat-server
<gchristensen> nhooyr: you have a configuration.nix?
<nhooyr> yea ofcourse
<nhooyr> oh i see it
<gchristensen> you have a hardware-configuration.nix?
<nhooyr> at the top
<gchristensen> :)
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<nhooyr> I really need to read the entire manual, most of nix is magical to me still
<gchristensen> one bit at a time
<gchristensen> you'll get there
<nhooyr> I remember there was a documentation overhaul going on with the wiki, any progress on that?
<gchristensen> no :(
<nhooyr> damn, welp
<gchristensen> I mean
<gchristensen> maybe, I don't know, sorry, I meant to say I didn't know
<nhooyr> ah, ok
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<unlmtd[m]> avn: What are you talking about? What did I say I would do?
<unlmtd[m]> avn: I did go for a walk if that's what you meant
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<avn> unlmtd[m]: I falled out of context as well ;)
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<nhooyr> god dammit, someone just told me here how to have a declarative user envirnoment with .nixpkgs/config.nix but I forgot already. can someone tell me again please!
<nhooyr> in my defence, I had to restart my IRC client
<unlmtd[m]> nhooyr: matrix keeps the history of the room
<nhooyr> unlmtd[m]: I'm using an actual IRC client now :D
<unlmtd[m]> nhooyr: Yes I can see. Im just letting you know
<nhooyr> oh yea, I guess that works
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<nhooyr> thanks, turns out I didn't even need the logs, I found
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude created nvidia-vulkan (+1 new commit):
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/nvidia-vulkan ffc498c Jude Taylor: nvidia_x11: add missing vulkan files
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pikajude opened pull request #22247: Enable Vulkan for nvidia driver (master...nvidia-vulkan)
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<tippenein> shouldn't nixops deploy -d name allocate ec2 resources if that's my deploy method?
<tippenein> it says it was successful but there are no machines
<corngood> Anyone using mesa GL driver, did you know about `enableTextureFloats`? Took me a while to find that
<Benrob0329[m]> what does it do?
<corngood> Seems like it should be linked to something like `allowUnfree`. Maybe `idgafAboutPatents`?
<nhooyr> what exactly does pkgs.buildEnv do? I can't really find any docs for it
<corngood> It enables floating point textures. Without which you only get GL 3 profile.
<corngood> It's a patent thing, so I understand the default being false
<corngood> Though I think some other distros have turned it on by default
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<corngood> Possibly just arch afaict
<simpson> corngood: I'm not a lawyer. It is 100% a patent thing; Mesa's maintainers don't believe that they can safely enable it by default.
<simpson> corngood: If you want it, enable it; FP textures are basically not going to be visibly interesting most of the time.
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<simpson> I'm a GL luddite, though; I only want GL 2.0 plus some extensions. Or GL 2.1.
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<corngood> simpson: oh I did enable it ages ago. I was just mentioning it in case it helps someone. I do a lot of gaming and graphics dev so it's pretty important to me. Also floating the idea of controlling it with a top level config and/or documenting it.
<corngood> Maybe `config.iPromiseIDontLiveInAmerica = true`
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<M-Rym> Where can I find the x11 logfile for nixos? If I add a xserver.config section to my configuration then it seems to fail to start and I'd like to try to figure out why. It doesn't seem to be in /var/log/ which is where I've seen other distros mention it's stored?
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<nhooyr> M-Rym: try the journal
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<corngood> `journalctl -u display-manager`
<ryantrinkle> does anyone have something like dynamic53 (i.e. ddclient, but for AWS Route 53) packaged up for nixos?
<M-Rym> nhooyr: Corngood: Thanks, I'll have a reboot and see how it looks!
<simpson> corngood: Document it, sure, but don't get too ticked at the Mesa authors. We did what we thought was right.
<corngood> simpson: I'm not ticked at you or them. It's off on Ubuntu etc, and it's much easier to turn on in nixos.
<corngood> simpson: I just want to save someone wondering why GL 4 doesn't work. I'll try to do something for the manual at least when I get a chance.
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<nhooyr> what's the difference between modifying environment.systemPackages and installing a package with `nix-env -i` as root?
<M-Rym> So it seems like if i supply an xconfig (autogenerated from the nvidia settings application) and set `xserver.config = '' ... pasted ... '';` then the nvidia module/driver fails to load? Should I be appending to the config or something instead? (xserver.videoDrivers is still set to nvidia)
<corngood> Is there an `extraConfig`?
<corngood> Some modules have that and will concatenate it
<corngood> Whether it will cause problems having it concatenated I don't know. I'd suggest looking over the generated config
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<M-Rym> But I see now there's a bunch of other more finegrained config values I can use, so I'll give that a whirl since I really only need to edit the screen sections to get what I want (no tearing on boot!)
<corngood> Yeah it'll probably less painful that way
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<M-Rym> Just to close this off, looks like xconfigs are really dumb and having an extra Files section which was empty was making the module loads fail.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] taku0 opened pull request #22248: firefox-bin: Update sha512 hash (master...firefox-bin-51.0.1-hash)
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<tnks> does anyone know what's going on with cabal's "nix-style" new-build stuff?
<tnks> Is there plans to integrate it into nixpkg's Haskell infrastructure?
<tnks> (or is it already integrated?)
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<tippenein> woah, when I heard nixops deploys take a long time, I had noooo idea
<simpson> They do?
<tippenein> mine has been running for 45 minutes on "waiting for SSH"
<tippenein> the ec2 instance was created (i see it in the console) but apparently it's not done building
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<simpson> Oh, no idea about EC2. The GCE backend is about the speed that I'd expect.
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<nhooyr> how can I make a user local packageOverrides in ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix merge with the global packageOverrides in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix?
<nhooyr> instead of the user local packageOverrides overwriting the one in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
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<dmj`> nhooyr: why use two overrides?
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<nhooyr> dmj`: as a user I want to override some stuff just for me, but for my system I want to override some stuff that should apply to everyone.
<nhooyr> for me, I want the neovim package to build from master for my user and I want the global go package to build from master too.
<dmj`> when you install neovim, can you do so from a nixpkgs that has your config present
<dmj`> nix-env -iA neovim -f '<nhooyr>'
<dmj`> import <nhooyr> { config = customConfig; }
<dmj`> then you could just import customConfig from some location only you know about
<dmj`> or are you saying the overrides in /etc/nixos/configuration trump all
<nhooyr> yea
<nhooyr> trump all
<dmj`> oh :(
<dmj`> hmmm
<nhooyr> or well merge
<nhooyr> it's a function though so
<nhooyr> i'm not sure if that's even possible
<dmj`> It seems to me like config.nix should take precedence over what’s specific in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<dmj`> s/specific/specified
<nhooyr> yea it should, but it's not taking any precedence at all
<nhooyr> it's just overwriting packageOverrides in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<nhooyr> so the packageOverrides I specified in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix just doesn't apply anymore
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] gnidorah opened pull request #22251: rambox: 0.4.5 -> 0.5.3 (master...rambox)
<dmj`> nhooyr: does that happen for both users?
<dmj`> oh nvm, I see what’s happening
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<dmj`> so ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix is overriding
<dmj`> and all overrides specified in /etc/nix/configuration.nix are ignored
<dmj`> right?
<nhooyr> yup
<dmj`> that seems right to me
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<nhooyr> it seems right to me too, but I'd like to have my specified behaviour
<nhooyr> is there any way to change it?
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<dmj`> I assume both configs belong to the same nixpkgs, in which case I don’t think so
<dmj`> trying to think
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<dmj`> clever would know
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<nhooyr> yes, they do belong to the same nixpkgs. it's cool, no biggie. it's not causing any problems yet, hopefully clever gets on soon
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<unlmtd[m]> has anyone used an x240 thinkpad and got the middle-button scrolling to work?
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<garbas> gchristensen: pong
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<Dezgeg> anybody observed nixUnstable not working with some binary caches?
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<nhooyr> how can I add a build and runtime dependancy to a package? buildInputs only stays during building.
<viric> nhooyr: the $out is grepped for references to the buildInputs; only those referenced 'stay'
<viric> nhooyr: by full path
<nhooyr> viric: I'm confused, are you saying buildInputs should stay?
<viric> nhooyr: so if a package depends on "python", it will not reference python if it just says "python"
<nhooyr> what do you mean if it just "says"?
<viric> nhooyr: but if it stores the full path to python, it stays.
<nhooyr> oh i see
<viric> nhooyr: buildInputs become runtime inputs if there is a full path reference in the $out files
<nhooyr> I've got a python package that depends on another package at runtime. It doesn't reference the other package by full path, so how can I force this package to stay?
<viric> by "runtime inputs" I mean that nix will consider that $out does depend on those.
<viric> nhooyr: you can force it to stay by adding the full path reference somewhere; How would it find that other package, if not by full path? There is no other way
<viric> the full path reference is the only way for one package to refer to the other
<nhooyr> viric: I just needed to set `propagatedBuildInputs`
<nhooyr> it's working fine now
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] regnat opened pull request #22255: alot : 0.3.7 -> 0.5 (master...master)
<viric> AH
<viric> but that does not make those *runtime dependencies*!
<viric> It just makes the buildInputs of a buildInput to be also buildInputs
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<nhooyr> viric: in it says "if it is (also) a runtime dependency, then it should be added to propagatedBuildInputs" under python packages and Handling dependencies
<viric> Ah, maybe python is special then
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<nhooyr> yup.
<LnL> Propagated inputs end up in the package output so they are available at runtime
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<viric> LnL: that may be python. It's not any general rule. Is it?
<LnL> no it's part of stdenv.mkDerivation
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<LnL> python just needs most things as runtime dependencies
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<ronny> can anyone explain to me how those mirror://urls are resolved, its not exactly greppable
<viric> ronny: read inside build-support/fetchurl
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<ronny> viric: thanks, nice to see
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<chris|> I am trying to add an override to my local nixpkgs config that allows me to build mkvtoolnix with gui support. I added qt5.full to the buildInputs but I am still getting a "checking for Qt 5.2.0 or newer... no: not found by pkg-config
<chris|> what a I missing here?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nbp closed pull request #21888: Make services.xserver.xkbDir conflict free when overriden. (master...xkbDir)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] RonnyPfannschmidt opened pull request #22257: [wip} Proposal/fetchpypi generalized fetching from pypi (master...proposal/fetchpypi)
<chris|> okay, the issue seems to be that I needed to add qt to nativeBuildInputs. Followup question, since this seems undocumented: What is the difference between buildInputs and nativeBuildInputs?
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<khajvah> guys, I want to make a "service" out of my web app, where can I read about it?
<khajvah> I can't find how custom services are created in the docs
<nhooyr> khajvah: iirc, it's in the NixOS manual
<nhooyr> khajvah: a really simple way to do it would be to just create a systemd service
<khajvah> nhooyr: I want to be able to install it by declaring in the configuration
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<nhooyr> yea
<nhooyr> you can create systemd services in the configuration
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<khajvah> what about the configuration?
<nhooyr> what do you mean what about the configuration? what about it?
<khajvah> my app has its own config file.
<nhooyr> ok
<khajvah> I want to give configuration by nix expression
<nhooyr> you can do that
<khajvah> ok cool, thanks
<nhooyr> for more information on how to do that, you can also look at
<khajvah> nice
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<nhooyr> here is one of my own: it converts the options to a json file
<khajvah> btw, are you using NixOS in a production server? is it stable enough?
<nhooyr> I'm not part of any company, this is just my hobby
<nhooyr> from what I've read, it should be very stable
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<gchristensen> garbas: may I PM?
<gchristensen> khajvah: I use it in production for a few small companies, and another member of this community uses it for hundreds of thousands of production servers
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<gchristensen> khajvah_: I use it in production for a few small companies, and another member of this community uses it for hundreds of thousands of production servers
<gchristensen> and there are many others
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<mudri> Okay, so there's a good reason for not overriding xkeyboardconfig. :-S
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<nhooyr> I generated a json file from a nix expression for some options for a service. JSON first and then the nix expression. what's with all the _module stuff?
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<gchristensen> erm, why did you make it in to json?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] LnL7 pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a4b8a67 Anmol Sethi: fzf: from 0.15.9 to 0.16.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5e7221e Daiderd Jordan: Merge pull request #22224 from nhooyr/fzf...
<nhooyr> gchristensen: my server accepts a json file, so I have to convert the options to JSON
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<gchristensen> oh I see
<lhart> hi! Using Nixos for not that long, I have a question about nix-collect-garbage. When used with "nix-collect-garbage -d", does it keep or delete packages installed with nix-env -i? It seemed to me it didn't but on my current install, it only keeps packages declared in my configuration.nix... Is it expected? Thanks.
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<gchristensen> interesting, lhart, I just experienced the same thing.
<fpletz> lhart: that would be weird, are those packages you're missing still listed in the output of `nix-env -q`?
<lhart> no, not a trace of them
<fpletz> are you master or 16.09?
<gchristensen> I'm on 16.09. what are you on, lhart?
<lhart> I'm on unstable (master?).
<gchristensen> what does nixos-version output?
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<fpletz> well, that's bad :/
<gchristensen> yeah ...
* gchristensen starts writing a github issue
<LnL> gchristensen: works fine for me
<lhart> 17.03pre99626.f1ba2c8 (Gorilla) for me.
<gchristensen> lhart: how about nix-env --version ?
<gchristensen> fpletz: do you see the same behavior?
<gchristensen> or are you with LnL? LnL: nixos-version / nix-env --version?
<lhart> nix-env --version : nix-env (Nix) 1.11.6
<fpletz> currently garbing collecting… takes a while on my dev laptop :>
<LnL> gchristensen: 16.09.1589.4281374, I did an upgrade yesterday
<gchristensen> lhart: do you have a github handle?
<lhart> gchristensen: what do you mean?
<gchristensen> lhart: do you have a github account?
<fpletz> gchristensen: cannot reproduce it here, I'm on nix 1.11.6 on our nixpkgs fork, should be roughly the same as master as of yesterday
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<lhart> gchristensen: oh! yes. lprndn
<gchristensen> ok what do we have in common
<gchristensen> lhart: are you doing the nix-env -i & garbage collection as root? or as your user?
<gchristensen> ah ha! fpletz, LnL: did you test by collecting as your user, or as root?
<fpletz> as root and with -d
<gchristensen> ah! try it as your user
<LnL> I did it as the same user
<LnL> hmmm, I don't see a profiles symlink in /nix/var/nix/gcroots
<lhart> fpletz: It already happened to me a while ago (with plenty of upgrades since). Thought it was a mistake on my part. So it might not be linked to a recent update.
<lhart> gchristensen: always as a user
<LnL> (on nixos)
<fpletz> gchristensen: still no luck reproducing the problem
<gchristensen> ok I tried it as my user and it is broken, but when I did `nix-env -i jq; nix-collect-garbage -d` both as my user it was removed
<fpletz> this is really weird
<gchristensen> ... and when I did it as root, it worked as expected
<LnL> gchristensen: nix-store --gc --print-roots
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<LnL> that looks good
<fpletz> gchristensen: do you still have your user profile symlink? like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/fpletz/profile
<gchristensen> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/grahamc/profile -> profile-74-link
<nhooyr> weird bug o.O
<gchristensen> but /home/grahamc/.nix-profile -> .nix-profile-3-link ...
<LnL> gchristensen: what about the manifest.nix, does that container jq?
<LnL> that's not normal
<gchristensen> lhart: ls -la ~/.nix-profile
<fpletz> ~/.nix-profile -> /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/fpletz/profile
<LnL> gchristensen: do you have a bunch of .nix-profile links in hour homedir when install a new package?
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<gchristensen> sorry?
<lhart> gchristensen: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 24 déc. 23:53 /home/lprndn/.nix-profile -> .nix-profile-1-link
<LnL> gchristensen: ls -la ~ | grep .nix-profile
<gchristensen> lhart: can you do this, too? ls -la ~ | grep .nix-profile
<LnL> nix-env looks a where that symlink points to and uses that to manage the generations
<LnL> ~/.nix-profile-* are not in the gcroots
<LnL> so those get garbage collected
<gchristensen> .nix-profile-3-link-1-link looks like a bug to me ...
<lhart> (in case of)
<LnL> gchristensen: no because ~/.nix-profile points to .nix-profile-1-link
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<gchristensen> ah
<LnL> .nix-profile -> /.../profile -> /.../profile-1-link
<fpletz> interesting, did you both use that same home-dir on another distribution with nix before? :)
<fpletz> without the nix-daemon? :)
<gchristensen> I didn't, but I've very likely poked around in places and then didn't clean up
<lhart> no, clean fresh install with nix only.
<LnL> those profiles can be anywhere, but they won't be gcroots automatically
<gchristensen> so how do we fix this, and how did lhart get in to this bad spot?
<LnL> I think one of the nix-env operations might have done somethiing wrong
<gchristensen> lhart: do you by chance have a history of all the nix operations you've done?
<gchristensen> (since it is such a new system)
<LnL> gchristensen: lhart: mv $(readlink ~/.nix-profile) /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$(whoami)/profile
<LnL> gchristensen: lhart: ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$(whoami)/profile ~/.nix-profile
<gchristensen> mv: inter-device move failed: '.nix-profile-3-link' to '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/grahamc/profile/.nix-profile-3-link'; unable to remove target: Read-only file system
<LnL> huh
<lhart> gchristensen: hum I don't think. And by freshed, I meant something like a month... haha. Tried things but my operations where kinf of limited as I'm far from a power user. Mainly basic operations, nix-env -i and nixos-rebuild.
<LnL> oh it's trying to put the symlink inside of the profile instead of overwriting it
<gchristensen> oh hehe
<lhart> LnL: no errors here. Going for a test.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22260: bundler: 1.13.7 -> 1.14.3 (master...u/bundler)
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<lhart> LnL: hum still the same problem :/
<LnL> what do the symlinks look like now?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] matthiasbeyer opened pull request #22261: yaft: init at 0.2.9 (master...add-yaft)
<lhart> LnL: ls -la ~/.nix-profile ?
<LnL> yes
<lhart> LnL: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 24 déc. 23:53 /home/lprndn/.nix-profile -> .nix-profile-1-link
<LnL> did you do the ln -s /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$(whoami)/profile ~/.nix-profile part?
<gchristensen> I had to rm ~./nix-profile for that to work
<LnL> yeah or ln -sfn
<ronny> gmm
<lhart> LnL: tryed with ln -sfn and now it works. Thank you very much!
<gchristensen> <3 thank you, LnL! glad it works, lhart :)
<LnL> I'm still wondering how it ended up like that in the first place.
<gchristensen> same
<gchristensen> but I can't blame nix for mine... I very likely mucked it up
<ronny> LnL: i began with my fetchpypi streamlining, i'd love to get an oppinion on
<lhart> gchristensen: Thanks to you. Was a lot easier with someone who knew what he was doing haha.
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> welcome to #NixOS btw!
<lhart> Have a nice day everybody! On my way to reinstall everything..!
<LnL> ronny: going to grab some food, I'll look at it after
<ronny> LnL: enjoy
<gchristensen> enjoy!
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<gchristensen> clever: around? I have a thing I think you'd enjoy.
<globin> gchristensen: where is the code to the PHP webhook receiver?
<globin> gchristensen: cheers
<gchristensen> hydra-create-jobset is created as part of a patch applied to the hydra
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<rly> Man, I made sqliteman crash :/
<rly> Why can't people just make things which continue to work?
<rly> All the enterprise software always works, but the moment it is open-source the backside falls off it if you don't look for a second.
<rly> They even have this stupid dialog saying that if you can reproduce it, you should totally report it.
<gchristensen> LOL
<rly> Something which can be completely automated.
<rly> It's retarded.
<rly> Sorry for the rant.
<gchristensen> man, all software sucks. even enterprise. sometimes, especially enterprise.
<musicmatze> gchristensen: I always thought "enterprise" is a synonym for "sucks"? Java Sucks Beans. Distributed Sucks Environment. And so on ...
<Biappi> it sucks, but it works
<Biappi> compared to something that sucks and seldom works, i'm not sure if it's better or worse =)
<rly> musicmatze: I consider "enterprise" to be whatever has been implemented inhouse by experts designed to run forever.
<rly> musicmatze: And Java doesn't suck.
<rly> musicmatze: the language might not be Haskell, but the ecosystem is well developed.
<Biappi> maybe software will suck less in next generations, if people stop wearing computer science ignorance as badge of honour
<musicmatze> muhahhaha
<musicmatze> sorry, but I can't agree less! :-)
<rly> musicmatze: about what?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22262: terragrunt: 0.9.3 -> 0.9.6 (master...u/tg)
<musicmatze> That java does not suck. But I guess we're having different point of views here...
<rly> musicmatze: the interfaces suck, sure.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22263: colord-kde: 2016-02-24 -> 0.5.0 (master...u/colord)
<rly> musicmatze: but it's sort of nice that with a tiny bit of work it is really cross-platform.
<musicmatze> my POV is that the language sucks as hell... I cannot talk about the environment around the language - at least not much - so I do not have an opinion here (or a right to have an opinion)
<rly> musicmatze: then you have a very limited point of view.
<musicmatze> rly well... we had "cross-platform" applications here at my university that only worked on windows with IE ... so ... well..
<gchristensen> let's take this to #musicmatzeandrlydebatejavasfinerpoints
<rly> I'd not enjoy that.
<musicmatze> rly yes, I surely have a limited view on the whole thing! Never claimed something else.
<musicmatze> yes, we should probably stop this :-)
<rly> The fundamental problem is that stuff which doesn't work gets talked about.
<rly> It's like a heroic effort to run Ubuntu systems, so it gets lots of people talking about it and forming a community.
<rly> People who run CentOS just have it working and never touch their systems.
<rly> NixOS is not yet at that level, but for desktop systems it is.
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<avn> rly: but some things you do on nixos once, you should fix on centos each time ;)
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<hyphon81> hello
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #22264: usb-modeswitch: 2.2.1 -> 2.5.0 and nixos module (master...m/modeswitch)
<qknight> pierron_: there?
<hyphon81> I would like to add "/var/setuid-wrappers" to systemd Environment PATH. However, I couldn't...
<rly> avn: depends on how professional the deployment is, but on NixOS there is at least a sane base.
<qknight> pierron_: when i use the options system and i have a mkOption myservices with default value { services.httpd.enable=true; }; and i do inherit (cfg.myservices) services; inside config i get an error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position
<rly> I have some programs which automatically install programs based on need via Nix; the automatation takes me by surprise sometimes.
<qknight> pierron_: but i need to extend the services inside the config (the configuration) based on mkOption somehow
<rly> automation*
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<rly> sqlimiteman is really hilarious; apparently you can input an undefined sqlquery to the system.
<qknight> pierron_: in contrast, if i use a let nextcloud1 = { services.httpd.enable = true; }; and inside config i do: inherit (nextcloud1) services; it works and i see the httpd error that i didn't fill all required attributes
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<qknight> pierron_: so this seems to be a limitation of the nixos options system of some sort
<qknight> pierron_: i can provide a complete example if that helps you
<hyphon81> I attempted the option "<name>.path", but this added "/bin" after written strings.
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<hyphon81> I would like to use "sudo" command in the systemd running service. However, my attempted are all failed...
<gchristensen> huh
<gchristensen> hyphon81: why do you need to use sudo?
<gchristensen> what are you trying to do?
<hyphon81> I'm tying run the openstack nova-14.0.3. And, the nova-api command needs to use sudo command.
<gchristensen> do you knowwhy it needs the sudo command?
<gchristensen> I ask because this smells very strongly of an xy problem
<hyphon81> In the nova-api log, there are ERROR logs because "sudo nova-rootwrapper ..." was failed.
<hyphon81> And,
<gchristensen> ok, and can you paste the rest of your service definition?
<hyphon81> And, I can run nova-api command with command line.
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<hyphon81> However I can't run nova-api with systemctl start...
<manveru> trying to run kopanito in steam, i get "Uncaught Error: /steamrt/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found", any idea how to add this?
<hyphon81> = { description = "OpenStack Compute Service nova-api Daemon"; wantedBy = [ "" ]; after = [ "systemd-udev-settle.service" ]; preStart = '' if [ ! -d "/var/lib/nova/log" ]; then mkdir -p /var/lib/nova/log fi ''; #path = [ # #"/var/setuid-wrappers" # #pkgs.sudo #]; #environment = {
<hyphon81> Sorry, I failed paste.
<gchristensen> please use or
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2fdfb12 Robin Gloster: Revert "qgis: enableParallelBuilding"...
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<hyphon81> I pasted my code at the link.
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<hyphon81> I can run the nova-api command with command line. So, I'm guessing this is caused by the PATH.
<gchristensen> hyphon81: maybe try putting it in the PATH manually, like this:
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel opened pull request #22266: firefox-bin: update hashes for 51.0.1 (master...firefox-bin-hashes)
<hyphon81> gchristensen: Thank you! This code is running.
<hyphon81> Thank you! Now, I can run nova-14.0.3 applications with systemd.
<gchristensen> great!
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<hyphon81> Now, I'm attempting to construct OpenStack Newton with NixOS. Next, I will run the neutron and horizon.
<makefu> hyphon81: awesome, i will definitly check it out once done
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a8b6988 Pradeep Chhetri: zookeeper: 3.4.6 -> 3.4.9
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #22205: zookeeper: 3.4.6 -> 3.4.9 (master...zk)
<asymmetric> hey people, there's a PR introduciong a package, not merged yet. how can i add the repo to have the derivation on my machine?
<asymmetric> something with defexprs?
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<asymmetric> or nix-channels?
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<garbas> gchristensen: ofcourse ... probably for this async communication email is even better :)
<gchristensen> :)
<gchristensen> I think I dismissed it, but I was wondering if something like Discourse would be a better substitute for the wiki than moving stuff to the manual
<garbas> gchristensen: well forum (Discorse) is not really an alternative to wiki.
<garbas> it is more an alternative to mailing list. that would actually be a nice thing
<gchristensen> you can turn threads in to "wiki" pages
<gchristensen> ~somehow~
<ronny> gm garbas
<garbas> i think the problem is not the technology but people writing the content
<garbas> i have higher hopes for things like
<garbas> -
<ronny> garbas: can you take a look at
<gchristensen> I 99% agree
<hyphon81> I will upload my codes for OpenStack Newton at Github when I will run the neutron and the horizon. I wrote my .nix codes separated from "nixpkgs".
<garbas> ronny: i can look at it in 2-3h after i'm done with my running
<ronny> garbas: k, thx its in wait atm anyway ^^
<ronny> hmm
<ronny> is anyone working on a library ecosystem for nix ? it feels rather limiting that practically nixpkgs is the "rolling version" stdlib and no surrounding library system is accessible
<hodapp> hm, what sort of library ecosystem?
<hodapp> any kind of new mechanism, or just standardized nix expressions that are provided?
<asymmetric> or is there a way to do a one-click-install for a PR?
<hyphon81> asymmetric: What the package do you want?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vaibhavsagar opened pull request #22268: ihaskell: remove service configuration. (master...remove-ihaskell)
<ronny> hodapp: an reasonable way to integrate own libraries/pacakges sets with service definitions, versions and so on
<clever> gchristensen: neat
<clever> gchristensen: i have recently been switching another project over to github and been interested in the github hooks
<gchristensen> oh! clever!
<clever> gchristensen: looks like your plumbing files around the place?
<hyphon81> asymmetric: This package is still opened pull request. So, I think, we can't get polybar from nixpkgs.
<clever> gchristensen: oh, and related, socat supports ssl, and could be used to authenticate this kind of thing
<gchristensen> clever: I can't use socat
<gchristensen> but we have our own tooling in here to apply encryption / authentication
<clever> ah
<gchristensen> but yes, and in a way that it writes to all the nodes' disks at the same time, with backpressure, without overloading one server's NICs
<gchristensen> we call it a fast copy chain
<clever> only other improvement i can think of is multi-cast, but that requires special lan setup, and it lacks packet retry, so you would have to add that in yourself
<gchristensen> yeah
<asymmetric> hyphon81: well i can just copy the .nix definition manually and build it locally
<asymmetric> but i was hoping there was a more automated way
<asymmetric> there probably is
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<hyphon81> asymmetric: How do you install your .nix code now? And, how would you like to install it?
<asymmetric> i added the PR author's git repo as a remote, checked out the branch with the pr, and run nix-build -A polybar
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] qknight opened pull request #22269: httpd: added serviceExpression which extends the serviceType concept … (master...httpd_serviceExpression)
<asymmetric> i was wondering if there was a faster equivalent, say adding his repo as a channel
<gchristensen> clever: yeah the multi-cast method is _much_ harder, this will work even under fairly draconian policies
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<clever> gchristensen: i have had to try and fix multicast stuff before, and when you lack the docs, its pretty imposible
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #22270: firefox-bin: Add gpg verification to updater (master...firefox-bin-updater)
<gchristensen> ~173 commits until we break 100,000
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<hyphon81> Umm. I'm almost newbie in the NixOS. However, Can we add the Github repository to the nix-channel? I don't think so.
<clever> hyphon81: not directly, but you can use -I nixpkgs=foo to redirect any other nix tool to a given path or tar
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<pierron_> qknight: do you have an example in a pastebin?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe6c4eb Tom Doggett: gcalcli: init at 3.4.0
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #22208: gcalcli: init at 3.4.0 (master...gcalcli-3.4.0)
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<pierron_> qknight: "inherit (cfg.myservices) …" would certainly give you an infinite recursion if it defines attribute names which needs to be resolved.
<pierron_> qknight: which need to be resolved before visiting cfg.myservices
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee opened pull request #22272: git-hub: 0.10 -> 0.11.0 (master...bump/git-hub)
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<tnks> for nix-shell I have two environments. Is there a function to merge them together?
<tnks> for context, these are mkDerivations from the Haskell infrastructure, and I'm using the .env attribute.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5867045 Peter Hoeg: terragrunt: 0.9.3 -> 0.9.6
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<tokudan> is there a good way to fill directories like /srv/www/ in nixops without having the data available in the nix store?
<gchristensen> not really, but you ~could~ say, upload the files to a server and use `curl` on the target server to download it there ...?
<tokudan> hmm... just talking about a single server. better to upload them manually then
<tokudan> a somewhat crazy idea just came into my mind: encrypt a tar.gz with gpg, push that into the nix store, push the key through the key store and let the server decrypt and extract it on first run... probably not worth the effor through
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<simpson> You could do stuff like that.
<simpson> I ended up using a dedicated encrypted store, and only putting the keys in the Nix store. That was an acceptable compromise for me.
<tokudan> that works if you've got a server for that... I'm basically just using my laptop as my nixops master and got a server in a datacenter that I want to deploy using nixops
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 41a0d05 Robert Helgesson: git-hub: 0.10 -> 0.11.0...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master be08ada Robin Gloster: Merge pull request #22272 from rycee/bump/git-hub...
<tokudan> i guess the most sensible thing for me is keeping that part outside of nixops
<tokudan> thanks
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<simpson> tokudan: Well, in my case, the dedicated encrypted store is part of my deployment; I'm aggressively self-hosting.
<simpson> But sure.
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<gchristensen> tokudan: depends on how secret your secrets are :)
<tokudan> database passwords for a web application currently, so I don't want a world-readable /nix/store/abc-my-secret-passwords.conf ;)
<gchristensen> yeah the keys tooling of nixops makes good sense I think
<gchristensen> I've never used it. maybe I'll try it.
<simpson> Neither have I.
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<tokudan> currently i can just use rsync to dump the whole web app to my server, so that does the job and is a lot easier than letting nix do that, so I'll stick with that for now
<gchristensen> sounds probably fine
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<ronny> hmm
<ronny> anyone aware of a way to use a github *checkout* as source instead ofa pulled tarball?
<gchristensen> like you want to keep the .git?
<ronny> gchristensen: yeah, for stuff thats using setuptools_scm, its not exactly usefull to do otherwise
<ronny> (its a python build time dependency to infer version metadata for setuptools from the scm)
<gchristensen> use fetchgit and leaveDotGit=true
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 92cb10a Edward Tjörnhammar: i2pd: 2.10.0 -> 2.11.0
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<gchristensen> oh only with storeKeysOnMachine
<simpson> Single-digit issue!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] RonnyPfannschmidt opened pull request #22273: [experiment, wip] proposal - use wheels in pythonpath for bootstrapped pip (master...experiment-bootstrapped-pip)
<MichaelRaskin> simpson: on the other hand, that's not the first bugtracker
<simpson> MichaelRaskin: Ah, TIL.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] edwtjo pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e324c02 Edward Tjörnhammar: nixos: i2pd, follow redirect
<rly> MichaelRaskin: this is the sixth?
<MichaelRaskin> Second, I guess
<rly> MichaelRaskin: it was a joke.
<MichaelRaskin> I remember there was JIRA at some point
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<gchristensen> what was the joke?
<rly> gchristensen: have you seen The Matrix?
<obadz> is there a plan to backport linuxPackages_4_9 to stable ?
<gchristensen> yeah, but not in a long long time
<gchristensen> obadz: hmm not sure
<rly> gchristensen: the Architect says at some point that the Matrix Neo knows as the Matrix is actually the sixth version.
<sphalerite> It'll be in 17.03 though right?
<obadz> sphalerite: for sure
<rly> gchristensen: perhaps a bit too obscure for IRC.
<gchristensen> oh haha
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<obadz> gchristensen: i've cherry-picked the commits and am building now. Shall I push to 16.09 if they work fine?
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<gchristensen> obadz: maybe send a PR just in case?
<gchristensen> merge after a bit of no feedbac
<obadz> sounds like good advice
<obadz> when is the fork of 17.03 planned?
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<obadz> building kernels takes so freakin long, I love the fact that cherry-picking commits has such a low probability of failure
<gchristensen> I think ~soon
<ronny> hmm
<obadz> - 2017-02-27: branch off release-17.03 branch
<gchristensen> Feb 27
<ronny> then i have to hurry up with my python changes
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<ronny> i'd love to get pypi fetching into 17.03 as well as wheels in pythonpath bootstrapped pip
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<yorick> output path ‘/nix/store/9zqnq55hjfilwfgr76nsnbnhki1z4zg0-firefox-51.0.1.tar.bz2’ has sha512 hash ‘1fc3b7k7q5vgfh60vday517gdm7jlqpcgw0ab76qap8qc5n75phy1icav9cnsrb6ng81af1hiwwrlpfqn0p9h3qhf1phrscyn5pfjkj’ when ‘26whw47a54nam0gv6svyzdrjhycp8yk90pbl1l0pl9igqm4hvbrv9s4aq4bbgf02gsblig390g45gr9szw9wxvkmqsxg57g1bfx7gsq’ was expected
<yorick> huh
<gchristensen> yeah
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ca7a4ec Thomas Tuegel: firefox-bin: update hashes for 51.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 96f242b Graham Christensen: Merge pull request #22266 from ttuegel/firefox-bin-hashes...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc closed pull request #22248: firefox-bin: Update sha512 hash (master...firefox-bin-51.0.1-hash)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 0a9965a Thomas Tuegel: firefox-bin: update hashes for 51.0.1...
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<yorick> huh, I swear I looked for that
<yorick> but thanks
<gchristensen> you're welcome
<gchristensen> it is ok
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<digitalmentat> teh__, I fixed the issue you mentioned in comments
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 06a945f Allen Nelson: lsof working on darwin
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 71fa504 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #22217 from adnelson/lsof_darwin_fix...
<gchristensen> "what is nix? a build tool" garbas!++
<teh__> digitalmentat: ta, currently testing! Trying to get a list of specific concerns from stakeholders (like Domen) ASAP so we can avoid bitrot :)
<gchristensen> link?
<digitalmentat> teh__, I appreciate the help - I pulled an all nighter last night to get the improvements in and tested, so I'm dragging today
<garbas> gchristensen: +1 on the firefox-bin-updater change. what i have in my backlog still to do is to convert it into a mkDerivation so that i dont have to mess up with the PATH
<c0bw3b> gchristensen : curious noob here, what's the diff between build2 and build3 on firefox releases?
<gchristensen> cool, garbas
<gchristensen> garbas: would you mind perhaps a more sizable update to it, including shellcheck?
<gchristensen> c0bw3b: no idea, garbas is the friendly neighborhood mozilla release engineer
<garbas> gchristensen: if you have time otherwise i hope it doesnt rot in my todo :)
<gchristensen> don't put it on your todo
<gchristensen> I'll do it if I want
<garbas> c0bw3b: sometimes build have to be redone. there can be multiple reasons ... mostly because the build chain was fixed updated
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<gchristensen> garbas: this is a great talk, btw,
<garbas> gchristensen: i haven't watched it yet. i hope i wasn't too upfront. idea was to show was stopped me in the past when i was introducing nix
<c0bw3b> garbas : i see / thx
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<c0bw3b> LnL > updating nghttp2 would still trigger a mass-rebuild on darwin because curl depends on it and everything depend on curl IIRC you were trying to cleanup the env so this does not happen anymore
<gchristensen> "solve your own problems" this is how I got tumblr using nix
<LnL> c0bw3b: it shouldn't rebuild the stdenv anymore
<alphor> gchristensen: tumblr uses (some?) nix internally?
<LnL> c0bw3b: you can use vuncat's script to get an idea of the amount of packages that will rebuild
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<gchristensen> alphor: yeah, on the data team for testing some of our tooling
<c0bw3b> LnL > great! what is that vcunat script ?
<gchristensen> in ~3 days~ I implemented a test framework we expected would take several months to build
<LnL> c0bw3b: I don't think it's in nixpkgs yet
<alphor> ._. damn
<c0bw3b> LnL oh ok never looked at that PR before. Thx
<c0bw3b> s/PR/issue
<LnL> is there some way to make a systemd service only start at boot
<gchristensen> garbas: hehe do you use redshift?
<garbas> gchristensen: :) ah right. i didn't turn it off
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<tilpner> Can nix be configured to set the current timestamp on a result, instead of something in 1970?
<gchristensen> no because the timestamp isn't repeatable, so is impure
<tilpner> I'm trying to get nix to maintain my config files, and I looked at
<tilpner> The symlinking in the doesn't appear to work well with files that go into ~/.config, so I wondered if I could selectively rsync "newer" files over to my home directory
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<tilpner> I could make rsync ignore the mod-time, but only writing updated files would be even better
<tilpner> But I'm open to suggestions, so if anyone is successfully managing ~/.config, how do you do it?
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<gchristensen> maybe check out nix-home
<tilpner> gchristensen - What do you mean by that? Where can I find nix-home?
<gchristensen> ah, sorry --
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<tilpner> Oh, that looks good, thanks!
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] obadz opened pull request #22274: Backport Linux 4.9 to release-16.09 (release-16.09...linux-49-in-16.09)
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<tilpner> gchristensen - Are you using nix-home by any chance?
<gchristensen> no
<gchristensen> sorry :/ apathy, mostly :)
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<tilpner> Ah, okay
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<gchristensen> garbas: one thing I'm thinking about re: travis + s3 for artifacts is you're in a unique place where build artifacts can be put basically anywhere, as an open source company
<gchristensen> but my co would lose it if I started uploading artifacts to an s3 bucket without first coordinating and doing a meeting about it
<garbas> gchristensen: yes, once i sign them i will share them :)
<garbas> gchristensen: need to also get some nice domain. eg.
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<garbas> gchristensen: and thank you thank you for all the work with hydra+pr
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 1859949 Tuomas Tynkkynen: stdenv: make is64bit evaluate true on aarch64...
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<Dezgeg> heh, hilarious change which was still needed on aarch64 (and of course rebuilds the world)
<gchristensen> which makes ueueoh?
<gchristensen> ehh ....
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: what's that?
<Dezgeg> stdenv.is64bit was false
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<gchristensen> oops :D
<k0001> Anyone using Xmonad+XFCE care to share their config?
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<Benrob0329[m]> how would i pull in all of kde5?
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<Yaniel> just require any of its packages, the rest will follow
<Benrob0329[m]> but things like standard applications dont
<Benrob0329[m]> such as kde5.gwenview
<Benrob0329[m]> or kwallet
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fpletz pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0abc1a7 regnat: alot : 0.3.7 -> 0.5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel closed pull request #22245: dropbox: use `paxmark m` to fix Dropbox when grsecurity enabled (master...dropbox-grsecurity)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3f774f6 Peter Simons: hackage2nix: enable hydra builds for brick
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master c1c0cf3 Peter Simons: hackage-packages.nix: automatic Haskell package set update...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nthorne opened pull request #22275: bashdb: init at 4.4-0.92 (master...bashdb)
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<Mic92> does somebody now how I can a command when my nix-shell development environment was updated? I want to do something like a `make clean` when that happens.
<Mic92> *can run a command
<pikajude> hey Ralith, could i get a :+1: on
<Mic92> I can not do this from shellHook, because it does not have access to my dependencies
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<gchristensen> Mic92: you could "cache" based on the PATH created by buildINputs
<Ralith> pikajude: can you pastebin the contents of the json file? also, I assume this gets vulkan working for you?
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<pikajude> it does, yeah
<pikajude> the json file comes with the driver
<Ralith> yes, I am aware
<Mic92> gchristensen: what do you mean by `cache`?
<gchristensen> let me try and make a proof of concet
<pikajude> Ralith: give me a sec, i'm not at home with my nixos machine so i have to build the package on my server
<Ralith> weird lib name
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<pikajude> oh, i should probably add this patch to the builders for the legacy drivers
<pikajude> :|
<Mic92> gchristensen: mhm. an easier way is to save and compare the link target of $out. what I was actually looking for, was a I way to issue an command from shellHook having the dependencies from `buildInputs`
<gchristensen> sure
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<Mic92> a nested nix-shell might work
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Ralith opened pull request #22276: purple-hangouts-hg: 2016-10-01 -> 2016-12-22 (master...purple-hangouts)
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<justan0theruser> trying to install tensorflow, getting "protobuf-3.0.0-beta-2 not supported for interpreter python3.5m", how do I fix this?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #22219: RStudio: Optionally allow packages from custom R environment (master...master)
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<Mic92> justan0theruser: either this one or this one needs to be merged
<toogley> can i use systemd 232 with 16.09 ? the issue for it was changed about an hour ago
<Mic92> toogley: it will be availabel in 17.03
<Mic92> *available
<toogley> Mic92: i know, but i want to use it now :)
<toogley> Mic92: i guess it isn't possible?
<gchristensen> it isn't even in unstable yet, toogley
<Mic92> toogley: then you have to switch to unstable
<toogley> gchristensen: ah, okay
<toogley> gchristensen: hm, i guess i have to wait. thanks gchristensen and Mic92
<gchristensen> you're welcome
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<gchristensen> is there a way to get a tree of what needs to be built? I'd like to start from either a stdenv.mkDerivation or an attrset
<MichaelRaskin> dry run could be that
<MichaelRaskin> Or what do you mean?
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vcunat opened pull request #22277: Meta refactor (master...meta-refactor)
<MichaelRaskin> -q --graph on derivation could also be that
<gchristensen> hmm
<justan0theruser> Mic92: Why is tensorflow3.5 in the main channel if it isn't compatible with python3?
<justan0theruser> sorry, tensorflow for python3.5 I mean
<Mic92> justan0theruser: not tensorflow but the protobuf was marked as incompatible to python3
<justan0theruser> oh
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: I guess I don't know exactly what I want :/
<MichaelRaskin> ISO image expression also contains an option to get a build closure inside the Nix expression
<MichaelRaskin> If you want to have a build dependency _tree_ I have bad news for you!
<gchristensen> :P
<gchristensen> I suppose I want to make a pretty-printer for what needs to be built, vs. what is already fetched / built
<gchristensen> (ie: ignore what is already fetched / built0
<Ralith> Corngood: hey, are you the guy I worked with to get vulkan set up a few months ago
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<corngood> Yeah, probably
<Ralith> \o/
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you could -qR, --graph, ask what of qR is valid, then just grep -v every valid path from --graph
<gchristensen> hmm yes!
<Ralith> been seeing you around on matrix but didn't quite connect where I recognized you from until pikajude had me digging around in the old vulkan issues
<corngood> Ralith: yeah that's me. I haven't had a chance to do much vulkan stuff lately. I started working on updating the loader, and I'm doing the new release of amdgpu-pro at the moment
<corngood> Loader didn't trivially update unfortunately
<Ralith> we should make a point of trying to upstream those patches or we'll keep paying for that
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<corngood> Yeah, for sure.
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<Ralith> I'm willing to attempt to take the lead there if it'd help, though I assume I'll want to wait until you finish the update, if you plan to
<hodapp> yay, my PR was merged \o/
<hodapp> justan0theruser: speaking of Tensorflow what is GPU support like for it on NixOS? Do you know offhand?
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<tokudan> you'd think sourceforge wouldn't let their certificates expire when they use let's encrypt...
<corngood> Ralith: I've been pretty busy with work lately, so if you have time I'd appreciate it. It will probably be at least next weekend before I get a chance to do anything.
<corngood> Ralith: don't worry about the in progress update. I didn't do any actual work on it
<Ralith> okay, cool, I'll start there then
<Ralith> it'll make me feel better about having my name on the PR anyway
<corngood> Thanks. Let me know if I can help in any way.
<Ralith> will do!
<c74d> tokudan: that's not SourceForge, but rather some organization that mirrors SourceForge's hosted files (and SourceForge itself does have a fairly bad reputation nowadays)
<justan0theruser> hodapp: I have had no issues with my nvidia or intel drivers
<justan0theruser> I switched to propietary nvidia drivers however
<globin> niksnut: all i686 tests are failing with the new systemd:
<hodapp> justan0theruser: with Tensorflow and all?
<globin> niksnut: any idea?
<globin> or someone else with deeper systemd knowledge?
<tokudan> c74d, still some projects use sourceforge, like phppgadmin
<justan0theruser> hodapp: I am trying to get tensorflow to work. Works fine with theano though
<c74d> oh sure, plenty of projects use SourceForge
<justan0theruser> (the issue with tensorflow isn't the gpu support)
<justan0theruser> so why would this still give me the protobuf error from before?
<hodapp> justan0theruser: okay, good to know
<justan0theruser> 3.0.0 seems to have python3 support
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<justan0theruser> hmm, maybe I'll just use theano exclusively for now, until that fix is merged..
<gchristensen> garbas: I wish there was a better way to hook up nix-build to a traditional build system (travis, jenkins, etc.) which makes more sensible output.
<gchristensen> + a summary at the end
<gchristensen> MichaelRaskin: this is my _real_ goal
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<MichaelRaskin> I guess full implementation would include the build balancer that I dream of, too
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<gchristensen> maybe so
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<josePhoenix> Hmm, I am having trouble finding documentation on how to coerce an integer to a string
<josePhoenix> I have to supply mount options for exfat including uid= and gid=, and I'd like to construct those from, e.g., config.ids.gids.users
<gchristensen> "${toString yourvar}"
<josePhoenix> thanks!
<gchristensen> you're welcome!
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<tnks> man, figuring out a good way to merge environments is elluding me.
<tnks> I want to avoid a gross hack if I can.
<Fare> what kind of "merge" ?
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<tnks> Fare: I have a bunch of Haskell derivations, and they have a .env attribute for use with nix-shell.
<tnks> I'd like to have a Nix shell for all of them joined together.
<tnks> meaning it unifies all the environment variables.
<tnks> I feel it's possible (it's just sets of data, functions, and Nix is really expressive)
<tnks> but I'm not sure which way to go about it.
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<tnks> cabal2nix makes environment per cabal files.
<Fare> tnks: probably possible indeed
<tnks> but with cabal "new-build" I can build multiple projects at once.
<tnks> in one environment.
<tnks> I'd like to see if I can get that nicely automated.
<Fare> problem being, since the types are not documented, you'll have to reverse-engineer them.
<tnks> Fare: right, my problem exactly right now.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] veprbl opened pull request #22278: add applgrid, bump sherpa, add pyhepmc (master...sherpa_fix)
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<Fare> tnks: when programming in jsonnet (which is largely isomorphic to nix), I ended up writing my own library of runtime type checking.
<tnks> Fare: I can relate. I'm not there yet.
<Fare> Maybe it could be straightforwardly ported to Nix...
<Fare> trivial.nix includes an object system more or less isomorphic to jsonnet's, after all.
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<tnks> hmm. must. resist. yaks.
<teh__> digitalmentat: I've done another test and after the switch I still have `/var/setuid-wrappers` in PATH, I have a `/run/setuid-wrapper-dirs/setuid-wrappers.Yt4FHU8o9w/` with a few dead links in it, and `/run/wrappers/bin`
<teh__> digitalmentat: ah nevermind, the links aren't dead, they are setuids, it's just weird colouring in my shell
<teh__> digitalmentat: logging out and logging in I now have in my PATH: `/run/wrappers/bin:/run/wrappers/bin` (i.e. wrappers is in there twice)
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<teh__> digitalmentat: another issue is that my /run/wrappers/bin only has 3 entries (ping, ping6, dbus-daemon-launch-helper), but my /var/setuid-wrappers had 32
<josePhoenix> Hmm. I'm using exfat + FUSE to mount an external drive at /media, and my nixos-rebuild switch hangs on a failure to reload media.mount
<josePhoenix> It looks like perhaps it's not unmounting /media?
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<josePhoenix> if I do "umount /media" and "mount /media", I don't get the message about "fuse: mountpoint is not empty"
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] siddharthist opened pull request #22279: tetex: mark as broken, migrate packages to texlive (master...tetex)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga closed pull request #22263: colord-kde: 2016-02-24 -> 0.5.0 (master...u/colord)
<nhooyr> wow, there is a lot of progress on the move the wiki milestone!
<gchristensen> cool!
<nhooyr> btw, where can I check the status of a package update getting into nixos-unstable or nixos-unstable-small?
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<joachifm> nhooyr:
<gchristensen> or
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<nhooyr> now what?
<nhooyr> which one corresponds to which channel?
<gchristensen> go to nixos not nixpkgs
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<nhooyr> aha, thanks
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<gchristensen> and then you'll want trunk-combined
<nhooyr> yup, :+1:
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] kquick closed pull request #22243: Use Brick 0.17 because 0.16 is not compatible with vty_5_15 specified… (master...master)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 2eb8163 Niklas Thörne: bashdb: init at 4.4-0.92 (#22275)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22276: purple-hangouts-hg: 2016-10-01 -> 2016-12-22 (master...purple-hangouts)
<digitalmentat> teh__, that's weird, hmm
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #22251: rambox: 0.4.5 -> 0.5.3 (master...rambox)
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #22280: python*Packages.pytest: defaults to pytest_30 (master...pytest_defaults_to_30)
<nhooyr> gchristensen: as soon as these 3 jobs finish:, will that evalution's commit become the commit for nixos-unstable?
<joachifm> nhooyr: channels depend on tests passing as well
<nhooyr> ah
<nhooyr> so that means it won't get into the channel anyway because of all the failed tests
<joachifm> nhooyr: yep, that's why we sometimes go weeks without a new channel
<LnL> that shows you a nice overview of what version all the channels are
<nhooyr> LnL: that is useful thanks. joachifm: ah unfortunate.
<gchristensen> you might say fortunate we don't release broken versions
<nhooyr> that too :+1:
<Unode> hi all. I'm trying to get adb (android debug bridge) on nixos. To do so I was trying to get androidsdk on my system but as part of the dependency tree I see android-platform-tools-r25.0.1 which should provide adb. However I can't seem to find a package that provides android-platform-tools alone. Is there any way to get only this package and not the entirety of the androidsdk?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] zimbatm pushed 1 new commit to master:
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master d1b8b0d Peter Hoeg: bundler: 1.13.7 -> 1.14.3 (#22260)
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<gchristensen> hrm. will NIX_BUILD_HOOK take effect for nix builds using the daemon?
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<Unode> when a package provides dependencies that get built as individual .drv is it possible to target and build only those .drv before they are actually present in the store? I managed to nix-env -i /nix/store...package.drv but was wondering if I can do that without a full path to the store.
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<asymmetric> how do i get the sha256 of a repo that has no release?
<asymmetric> i mean, what do i hash when i
<asymmetric> when i'm using fetchgit ?
<asymmetric> has nix-prefetch-git been removed in favor of nix-prefetch-url ?
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<taktoa> For anyone in college who lives in the US (especially those who live in Illinois), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is holding a hackathon oriented towards getting people into open source development (, and I'm going to be mentoring people for Nix/NixOS/Haskell development. If you put "Nix" or "NixOS" into your application, there's a quite high chance you'll get accepted (I'm friends with one of
<taktoa> the organizers).
<garbas> asymmetric: you need to install nix-prefetch-scripts
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] vifino opened pull request #22281: wmutils-opt: init at v1.0 (master...master)
<garbas> then you have have access to all the nix-prefetch-* utils
<asymmetric> garbas: can i only install *-git ?
<garbas> asymmetric: try installing nix-prefetch-git
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<asymmetric> garbas: <3
<garbas> taktoa: can you write a line to in a comment
<taktoa> garbas: sure :)
<garbas> tnx!
<asymmetric> is there a way i can keep the configuration for a package i'm building in my main config.nix?
<asymmetric> if i leave it there when i do a nix-env -u, nix complains it cannot find the package in question (polybar), because it's only in my local nixpkgs
<asymmetric> not in the channel
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<digitalmentat> asymmetric, why not codify it in your system config and switch to the new configuration with nixos-rebuild switch?
<digitalmentat> that way you can inject it into the pkgs provided by the channel
<asymmetric> digitalmentat: i'm not on nixos yet :)
<digitalmentat> ahh
<digitalmentat> so alternatively you can specify an attribute and nix file
<digitalmentat> to nix-env
<digitalmentat> nix-env -iA mypackage myexpression.nix
<digitalmentat> or something like that
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<digitalmentat> you can bundle your own channel too if you want it available via NIX_PATH
<digitalmentat> but IMHO the other way is simpler and straight-forward
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<garbas> asymmetric: i usually wrap applications that i want to configure
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<garbas> asymmetric: and since you are using packageOverrides you can also have them installable via nix-env if put your config.nix to different machines
<tilpner> asymmetric - Does polybar have rendering issues for you too? :/
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<asymmetric> tilpner: what issues exactly? seems ok here, apart from fonts missing
<asymmetric> garbas: got any pointers on how to do that?
<garbas> asymmetric: can you point me to your config.nix and i'll mock the idea
<gchristensen> taktoa: champaign, eh?
<gchristensen> thinkingface.jpg
<tilpner> asymmetric - Apart from the tray, everything is single-colored for me. Maybe it's something about my polybar config, it's a little older
<asymmetric> tilpner: i'm using the default config with some very slight modifications for now, and colors are fine
<asymmetric> digitalmentat: do you know if i can pass a nix file to nix-build too?
<asymmetric> like nix-build -A polybar config.nix ?
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<digitalmentat> asymmetric, absolutely
<asymmetric> digitalmentat: i get `error: attribute ‘polybar’ in selection path ‘polybar’ not found`
<asymmetric> in config.nix
<digitalmentat> well, depends on what config.nix is
<asymmetric> it's in the gist i posted
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<digitalmentat> okay I see what's going on
<digitalmentat> so you shouldn't need to provide the -A attribute selection with this
<digitalmentat> asymmetric, so why aren't you adding the polybar pkg override to config.nix?
<taktoa> gchristensen: If you're interested in giving a talk / mentoring, let me know and I'll talk to the organizers. I think we are pretty much out of budget for flying mentors in, though.
<asymmetric> digitalmentat: you mean to my global one?
<digitalmentat> yes the config.nix you've linked to
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<gchristensen> taktoa: will you be aroundin a few minutes? I can't talk yet.
<taktoa> sure
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<asymmetric> because the package is not in any channel, so when i run nix-env -u, nix complains
<asymmetric> that i'm trying to override a package it knows nothing about
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<digitalmentat> where is the package derivation defined?
<asymmetric> on my clone of nixpkgs
<digitalmentat> so you can do this
<digitalmentat> I use this method to pull in many custom nixpkgs
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<digitalmentat> that's my own custom pkgs/default.nix for my nixos system but note the fetchFromGithub in the let binding?
<digitalmentat> that's pulling in the upstream master of nixpkgs so I can have *selective* access to packages from there without upgrading my whole system to unstable
<digitalmentat> so, you can do the same with your own fork of nixpkgs
<digitalmentat> fetchFromGithub your own fork, then use that to inject the polybar package into your local pkg overrides in config.nix
<digitalmentat> then you'll be able to `nix-env -i` it
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<tippenein> I have a similar issue to this:
<tippenein> My config is pretty similar as well, but I still can't get past waiting on SSH
<digitalmentat> asymmetric, alternatively, if you're trying to dev / debug this package I think there'd be a simpler way
<asymmetric> digitalmentat: i'm all ears :)
<digitalmentat> you can do that by specifying your nixpkgs path via -I optino
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jbaum98 opened pull request #22282: epstool: add new pacakge at version 3.08 (master...epstool)
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<digitalmentat> asymmetric, so you should be able to `nix-env -I nixpkgs=/path/to/fork -i polybar`
<digitalmentat> I think that will work
<asymmetric> it says "warning: Nix search path entry ‘~/code/nixpkgs/’ does not exist, ignoring"
<gchristensen> ok so apparently there needs to be a map of nixos community members, b/c we have a hotbed of people in Urbana, IL, USA
<asymmetric> nix-env -I=~/code/nixpkgs/ -i polybar
<garbas> asymmetric: something along this lines
<simpson> gchristensen: That might be a zero value for the geoip service that you're using.
<gchristensen> haha
<gchristensen> nope, taktoa tells me there are 4 people they know there, and I know a fifth.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] asymmetric opened pull request #22283: siji: init at 2016-05-14 (master...siji)