<ToxicFrog> argh, I hate debugging nixprs
<ToxicFrog> "value is a list where a set was expected", ok, fine, but nowhere in the stack trace is any of my code
<ToxicFrog> So I have to manually walk through it and try to figure out where in my code it got the expression that it's blowing up on :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] nbp pushed 13 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMrOu
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f5dfe78 Nicolas B. Pierron: Add overlays mechanism to Nixpkgs....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 83f7d5f Nicolas B. Pierron: Add NixOS option 'nixpkgs.overlays' to set the argument of Nixpkgs.
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 6a83c31 Nicolas B. Pierron: Add missing line break in the release notes.
<pierron> crap I did a rebase & merge, instead of a squashing commits :/
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* ToxicFrog pokes nixops with a stick
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<ToxicFrog> So it looks like the first time I ran it, it sshed into the target machine as me, then generated a new keypair and started using that
<ToxicFrog> But events on the target have since invalidated that keypair
<ToxicFrog> How do I get it to generate a new one and/or not bother generating separate keys for nixops in general?
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<ToxicFrog> Argh. I'm in a state where nixops can't ssh into the machine because the keypair it generated is invalid, but I also can't delete the deployment state in nixops because "it still has resources"
<ToxicFrog> Ok, fixed that, but it's still not addressing the problem where my packageOverrides aren't getting applied
<ToxicFrog> ...are imports just not getting resolved at all? I can fill overrides.nix with syntax errors and 'nixos deploy' still runs
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<pikajude> can anyone build any part of rustUnstable?
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<pikajude> i can't because i have the sandbox enabled
<MoreTea> @pikajude, that's weird. I was able to do that ~1 or 2 weeks ago
<pikajude> nice
<pikajude> yeah, fails for me because it can't contact github.com
<pikajude> obviously, since networking is disabled in the sandbox
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<ToxicFrog> Ok, at least part of the problem was that I was editing the file on the wrong machine. Whoooops.
<ToxicFrog> Now I just need to figure out how to get the contents of /etc/nixos to reflect the state of the machine as described in nixops so that an errant "nixos-rebuild switch" doesn't completely hose everything
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<gchristensen> hrmm LnL it stopped :|
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<gchristensen> lol my hydra filled up 100GB in just a couple hours
<gchristensen> ok on to an s3 cache I go :)
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<irctc185> Hey all, if I have two different nixpgs, how do I install packages from both of them? Can I do this in the system environment?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] fstamour opened pull request #21917: stumpwm: 0.9.9 -> 1.0.0 (master...stumpwmv100) https://git.io/vMrct
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<hodapp> huh, I'm updating services.nginx.httpConfig (inside a container), but nowhere am I seeing nginx being run with this new configuration data
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<hodapp> 'systemctl status' on the container is showing nginx being run with some other configuration, likewise 'nixos-container root-login' and looking at what's running?
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<hodapp> yeah, if I don't run it inside a container, it's still just running nginx with what looks like the default configuration
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<scott> I'm having trouble with Spectacle, where the kipi plugins aren't available https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/7f4ad13ef62d2fe826eaad33bdea24890f0b7442#diff-090e70cc47d7ff42cb529d9dc6ee1af2R23
<scott> when I vary the value of this paths variable, nothing in the output seems to change https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/kde-frameworks/kde-wrapper.nix#L10
<scott> does anyone know what it's supposed to do?
<scott> this is the true version of spectacle.nix I'm using, the above was the commit that first added "paths =" https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/desktops/kde-5/applications/spectacle.nix#L24
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<hodapp> okay, I just set values for httpConfig, appendHttpConfig, config, and appendConfig... at no point does it ever appear to be running nginx with a configuration containing anything I put in those variables
<hodapp> however, it *is* paying attention to services.nginx.statusPage
<hodapp> I am really confused now
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<pikajude> ok, where's ld-linux on nixos
<pikajude> i can't find it
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<pikajude> ah, it's in glibc
<pikajude> okay, that's fine
<pikajude> what should I do if I want to run rustup? it's not packaged, and none of the rust packages will build at the moment
<pikajude> should I write a FHS env for it?
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<nekroze> Is it possible to just override a specific step in a package from nixpkgs? Like the buildPhase?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] solson opened pull request #21918: kdeWrapper: Fix XDG_DATA_DIRS/XDG_CONFIG_DIRS mixup. (master...kdewrapper-xdg-config-data-mixup) https://git.io/vMr8W
<scott> I solved the problem I was asking about above, details in the above PR
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peterhoeg opened pull request #21919: syncthing: 0.14.18 -> 0.14.19 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vMrBg
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<LnL> gchristensen: yeah, that's not going to be enough storage to build all the things
<pikajude> how do I enable the vulkan driver on my system?
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<Ralith> stable doesn't have a working vulkan stack
<Ralith> you need to be on unstable
<Ralith> and then it's just a matter of having a vulkan-supporting driver installed (intel and AMD do, not sure if nvidia's is wired up in NixOS in particular yet) and handling application dependencies as usual
<pikajude> oh ok, so it might not be
<pikajude> well, followup question
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<pikajude> when i launch a game with wine steam it changes my screen resolution and then launches the game
<pikajude> but when the game exits, my resolution doesn't get changed back
<pikajude> and even if I xrandr --auto my display it doesn't get the right aspect ratio
<Ralith> can't help you with that
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<LnL> pikajude: setting a resolution with xrandr might help
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<dweller> pikajude: set up virtual desktop in wine
<dweller> fullscreeen wine does that since begining of time
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] joachifm closed pull request #21919: syncthing: 0.14.18 -> 0.14.19 (master...u/st) https://git.io/vMrBg
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jansuchomel opened pull request #21921: vscode: 1.8.0 -> 1.8.1 (master...update-vscode) https://git.io/vMriX
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #21868: selenium-server-standalone: restore htmlunit-driver support (master...htmlunit-driver) https://git.io/vMVU5
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dezgeg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMr1R
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 08ddb16 Tuomas Tynkkynen: linux_testing: 4.10-rc2 -> 4.10-rc4
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMr1i
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 5d89ad0 Ignat Loskutov: datagrip: 2016.3 -> 2016.3.2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 88f05e9 Michael Raskin: Merge pull request #21908 from loskutov/datagrip...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMr1X
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 75175a0 Jan Suchomel: vscode: 1.8.0 -> 1.8.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master a6e183b Jan Suchomel: vscode: fix .desktop file
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 489e6ea Jörg Thalheim: Merge pull request #21921 from jansuchomel/update-vscode...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] 7c6f434c closed pull request #21917: stumpwm: 0.9.9 -> 1.0.0 (master...stumpwmv100) https://git.io/vMrct
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] FRidh force-pushed python-wip from 51b79c3 to 9116b62: https://git.io/vzaOS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/python-wip 9116b62 Frederik Rietdijk: pythonPackages.numpy: 1.11.3 -> 1.12.0
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #21900: haskell: add servant sphinx docs to build (master...servant-docs) https://git.io/vMw3J
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMrDW
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 546d0c0 Profpatsch: haskell: add doc outputs to with-packages-wrapper.nix...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 656707e Peter Simons: Merge pull request #21916 from Profpatsch/ghcWithPackages-docs...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] abbradar pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMrS6
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0c5966b Scott Olson: kdeWrapper: Fix XDG_{DATA,CONFIG}_DIRS mixup....
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 0abf358 Nikolay Amiantov: Merge pull request #21918 from solson/kdewrapper-xdg-config-data-mixup...
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #21922: [WIP] rust: add update script (master...rust) https://git.io/vMr9c
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<mg> anyone had problems with gpg2 lately? Suddenly gpg2/pass started to error out with "gpg: decryption failed: No secret key" on all decryptions
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<sphalerite> What's the procedure for cherry-picking a commit onto a release branch?#
<fadenb> /win 16
<fadenb> ooops
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 opened pull request #21924: Backport: gnupg: build with sqlite to enable TOFU (release-16.09...backport-tofu) https://git.io/vMrxq
<Profpatsch> peti: Do you think we should split the haddocks into their own output?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] jagajaga pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMrhr
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 3ba2293 Jordan Cran: vimPlugins: add typescript-vim, tsuquyomi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fe5cbf2 Arseniy Seroka: Merge pull request #21904 from instantepiphany/master...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Mic92 closed pull request #21864: dovecot: Fix sieve scripts (master...pjones/dovecot) https://git.io/vMaQZ
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMovJ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master ef0f4e7 Tristan Helmich: couchpotato: init at 3.0.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master e5f353d Tristan Helmich: couchpotato module: init
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<qknight> anyone using OpenDNSSEC on nixos?
<qknight> i didn't find it packaged so maybe someone has done that but not submitted the expression(s)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMoUS
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 5de9698 Aristid Breitkreuz: keybase: update 1.0.17 -> 1.0.18...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] dbalan opened pull request #21926: minio 20160821 -> 20161213 (master...minio-20161213) https://git.io/vMoUF
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMoT2
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 339313c Dhananjay Balan: minio: 20160821 -> 20161213...
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] globin closed pull request #21926: minio 20160821 -> 20161213 (master...minio-20161213) https://git.io/vMoUF
<LnL> gchristensen: perhaps you should remove --trigger until the issues are resolved
<gchristensen> sphalerite: which commit?
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<sphalerite> gchristensen: I just opened an issue and globin did it https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21925
<gchristensen> cool
<sphalerite> Is it possible for me to cherry-pick it myself and open a PR, or is that just as good?
<gchristensen> that can be very helpful
<gchristensen> when you cherry-pick, use `git cherry-pick -x`
<gchristensen> sphalerite: and these are the general guidelines I've been finding https://gist.github.com/grahamc/c60578c6e6928043d29a427361634df6#what-to-backport
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<sphalerite> cool, thanks
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<gchristensen> niksnut: I'm getting segfaults from hydra-queue-runner when trying to run it with an s3 store where the machine isn't in aws. does the s3-backed store support being passed in credentials other ways?
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<peti> Profpatsch: You mean in ghc-wrapper?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti pushed 2 new commits to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMotM
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 d84e9e7 Franz Pletz: gnupg: build with sqlite to enable TOFU...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 3224c6c Peter Simons: Merge pull request #21924 from Mic92/backport-tofu...
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<niksnut> gchristensen: yes, put them in ~/.aws/credentials
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<gchristensen> niksnut: where ~/ is the home of hydra-queue-runner? or which user?
<niksnut> /var/lib/hydra/queue-runner/.aws/credentials
<gchristensen> awesome, thank you
<domenkozar> can someone save my month
<domenkozar> and tell me
<domenkozar> why on one server, using vim allows right click of my terminal to paste text but on the other it doesn't?
<Dezgeg> non-X-enabled vim? no X forwarding?
<simpson> domenkozar: Do both vims have connections to your X server?
<simpson> Normally stuff like that, or :+ and :* only work when the vim and X server are on the same machine for me.
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<domenkozar> simpson: there is no X
<domenkozar> on both servers
<LnL> domenkozar: perhaps mouse support of screen/tmux that captures the mouse?
<domenkozar> both vim show -clipboard and -xterm-clipboard
<LnL> or is it pain ssh
<domenkozar> LnL: I can paste in terminal normally
<domenkozar> but context menu doesn't work when I open vim
<LnL> yeah that's what I mean, if tmux or vim has mouse support the event will be sent there instead
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<domenkozar> but I use tmux locally
<domenkozar> and on both servers without tmux
<domenkozar> and behaviour is different
<ben> different :set mouse values on either vim?
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<ben> different TERM env var values?
<domenkozar> I love you ben
<LnL> ^ that's the only thing I can think of then
<domenkozar> mouse=a
<domenkozar> broke things
<LnL> yeah
<domenkozar> but where is the difference of settings coming from?
<LnL> the same would happen if you use tmux on the server an enable mouse support there
<dramforever> Question: is this FHS thing well supported? https://nixos.org/wiki/FHS_environments
<LnL> my tmux uses my local clipboard so I just use that to copypaste stuff
<domenkozar> !m ben
<[0__0]> You're doing good work, ben!
<dramforever> I'm assuming it adds 'normal' directories /bin /usr and so on, locally to the process
<ben> \o/
<dramforever> but huh?
<domenkozar> I made a little dance, I hope you appreciate it
<domenkozar> :D
<domenkozar> I had to copy git hash
<domenkozar> echo hash > foo.nix
<domenkozar> then build
<domenkozar> copy sha,
<gchristensen> niksnut: hmm I still get segfaults. can you take a look at the back trace? https://gist.github.com/grahamc/3007454fa51ca83114a2937296f27fa3 I verified `awscli` can access the bucket, and indeed it can
<domenkozar> echo sha > foo.nix
<domenkozar> like a toddler :)
<dramforever> (STATUS: still trying out apps on nix in a virtualbox)
<goibhniu> dramforever: yep, it's used for steam support (AFAIK)
<gchristensen> niksnut: I'm running 16.09 with nixUnstable and hydra master
<LnL> niksnut: is there some way to use NIX_OTHER_STORES as the datastore for hydra so you can put it on another volume?
<dramforever> ooh, got it: 'place shell.nix into the game directory and launch the game via nix-shell.'
<dramforever> goibhniu: Thanks, I'll try for sure
<LnL> niksnut: you don't need to run anything on the master so the path of the store of hydra shouldn't matter
<goibhniu> dramforever: BTW beware of outdated content on the wiki, it's been frozen for years
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<Profpatsch> peti: For all packages (in generic-builder.nix)
<niksnut> gchristensen: what nixUnstable is that?
<gchristensen> niksnut: oh... maybe this is it: hydra is running nix-1.12pre4911_b30d1e7 and my system is actually running 1.11.4.
<niksnut> that's too old
<niksnut> hydra needs to be linked against at least d0a2db17d91931cfd8d60e93d30cee20d39762c8
<niksnut> I don't think the system version matters
<gchristensen> ahh right now I remember the patch you sent was for nix
<peti> Profpatsch: Sounds find to me.
<dramforever> goibhniu: What's the up-to-date documentation source?
<dramforever> The manual?
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<Profpatsch> peti: Ok, good.
<niksnut> LnL: don't think so
<Profpatsch> I hope that doesn’t break anything.
<niksnut> in any case NIX_OTHER_STORES is gone in Nix master
<Profpatsch> But well, if it does we’ll notice.
<Profpatsch> And ghcWithPackages uses both outputs now, so that should work.
<goibhniu> dramforever: yep, and in order to learn the nix language and how it all works there are some excellent blog posts http://lethalman.blogspot.de/search/label/nixpills and tutorials: https://nixcloud.io/tour
<simpson> Hm. Who was talking about running hydra-evaluator on its own? I have just under 2h and I'm going to solve this infinite recursion problem.
<niksnut> LnL: you may be able to set store_uri in hydra.conf to something like local?root=/prefix, but I haven't tested that
<LnL> the other stores feature isn't really important, just that the store hydra uses is in a different path
<LnL> that way you can use some external storage for that
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<LnL> domenkozar: so if you change that it'll still build stuff targeting /nix/store?
* domenkozar shrugs
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<niksnut> LnL: yes, however using file:/// will build a binary cache
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<niksnut> oh and you can't build on a file:/// store
<niksnut> so you need separate build machines
<LnL> gchristensen: ^ maybe the san idea might work with this?
<gchristensen> yeah maybe
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<LnL> and since it creates a cache you could serve it to the builders
<LnL> (unless that happens automatically)
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<domenkozar> my favourite error message
<domenkozar> error: infinite recursion encountered, at undefined position
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<simpson> Hm. i guess that I should see if I can update my Hydra.
<gchristensen> domenkozar: can you put together an index of hydras you know of and their configuration repos? :)
<simpson> I haven't been able to build a Hydra for many weeks; is that kind of situation normal? I'm trying right now with master to see if it's finally fixed...
<LnL> simpson: I have master running with two changes
<gchristensen> it is very helpful when figuring things out
<domenkozar> LnL: do submit them upstream :)
<domenkozar> at least make a WIP PR
<simpson> LnL: Related to the AWS SDK by chance?
<simpson> Is there a way to build Hydra without AWS support? I don't use that feature.
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<LnL> domenkozar: yeah, I'll also create a pr with the stuff for the pr support soon
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<LnL> and one of the changes is for nixpkgs and that's not in 16.09 but already in master
<simpson> Also, WTB a diffing tool for Nix closures, particularly for use with nixpkgs.
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<simpson> Hey, uh, possibly stupid question: How do I upgrade system.stateVersion? Do I just change it and never change it back?
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<gchristensen> simpson: "you don't" typically
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<simpson> gchristensen: So my 15.09 machines in the cloud, which are running a branch based on unstable... When do we stop supporting the 15.09 stateVersion?
<gchristensen> theoretically never
<simpson> Aha, so I just have to know this. Joy~
<LnL> I was wondering what that was actually used for
<simpson> And I suppose that if Hydra ever requires Pg 9.5+, then I'll just get a breakage at some point with no useful error message.
<LnL> shouldn't it be used for more stuff or not at all?
<gchristensen> I doubt it, many things can be gracefully upgraded
<gchristensen> host keys can't because then you think you're being MITM'd, and I'm not sure about this pgsql thing :)
<simpson> Well, at least now I know, and knowing is half the battle.
* simpson GI-JOE
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<dram_nixos> Uh, I think I'm still missing a tutorial on FHS envs
<dram_nixos> How do you find out what packages a binary needs?
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<simpson> dram_nixos: Hopefully they've documented it!
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<gchristensen> dram_nixos: best is probably the nixos manual
<gchristensen> oops, sorry dram_nixos
<dram_nixos> neither the nixos manual nor the nix one mentions FHS :/
<dram_nixos> (That's the emoticon the web browser gave me when search returned nothing)
<gchristensen> how about nixpkgs one? https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-fhs-environments
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<dram_nixos> Ah, thanks!
<gchristensen> you're welcome :) the manuals are split up in to logical chunks, but it can be hard to see wherethe lines are as a new person
<dram_nixos> Yeah, and it doesn't really say how to find all the packages it needs
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<simpson> dram_nixos: Sorry, I should have said more words. For a given binary, you're going to have to go look at the documentation from the binary's vendor.
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<simpson> You can use ldd on the binary to get hints about what kinds of libraries it needs. (Don't use ldd on untrusted binaries in a trusted context! It can run arbitrary code!)
<simpson> Also strace can tell you what kinds of files it's looking for or what kinds of subprocesses it's trying to run. (Again, unsafe.)
<dram_nixos> Oh ldd doesn't work normally but it works inside an FHS env
<gchristensen> niksnut: looks like I got it running
<dram_nixos> Anybody worked with netease-cloud-music before?
<dram_nixos> ldd gives 38 unique lines (according to sort -u | nl) with 'not found' in them :(
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<simpson> dram_nixos: Don't worry, many of those are probably from a single GUI toolkit. Pastebin?
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<LnL> gchristensen: nice! did you set it up with s3 or the other thing?
<gchristensen> LnL: yeah, I got s3 working :)
<LnL> hopefully it gets through the eval now
<gchristensen> LnL: with 400MBit/s up and 800MBit/s down, the locality of s3 isn't really my biggest concern :P
<dram_nixos> simpson, http://lpaste.net/351307
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<dram_nixos> Uh, edited
<simpson> dram_nixos: Try adding qt5 and see how much is left after that.
<LnL> gchristensen: I had another question about the build machines, what about the poor darwin people? :)
<gchristensen> LnL: yeah good question :P
<gchristensen> LnL: there aren't many "we host darwin machine" companies out there :/
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<LnL> I know, I wish apple would just change their stupid policy
<gchristensen> agreed
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<gchristensen> but if someone manages to get a rack of macs I'd happily hook it up
<dram_nixos> Before I did that, I added libX11 and it got down from 38 to 37. Added atk and 37 -> 36. Let's hope it ends at 0
<dram_nixos> :)
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<gchristensen> and actually lnl if someone manages to get a rack of systems running macOS/OSX I'd hook it up ;)
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<LnL> I'm still hoping copumpkin will get xnu working somehow
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<dram_nixos> Huh? still 36?
<dram_nixos> Did you mean qt5.full?
<edofic> Is anyone here using bower2nix / fetch-bower? I cannot download any bower packages if I run it inside nix-build . I even found an issue ( #18454) but it says it's fixed.
<dram_nixos> But it doesn't have the .so's
<copumpkin> :)
<dram_nixos> Can I search for package by file name?
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<LnL> copumpkin: if we have that we can also build all the prs for darwin
<dram_nixos> Because all I know about those libs are their file names
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<LnL> at least that's what I'm hoping
<dram_nixos> simpson, ^ :(
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<srk> hi, any idea why my grub configuration from /boot/grub.cfg is not loaded on boot? like if the different file was loaded on boot
<srk> fresh install, boot resides on /dev/sdb1, correctly mounted and updated from nixos
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Baughn opened pull request #21930: pam: Support Google Authenticator for OTPs (master...pam-googleauth) https://git.io/vMoEP
<gchristensen> the problems you find when starting a new hydra are fun ...
<gchristensen> "output path ‘/nix/store/ir3lsvgbzqsdms080l7hg59xrdfpvsfw-opengrok-0.12.1.tar.gz’ has sha256 hash ‘0z7kxr1faw7iziz27wk9aczw3aq4mp92r3f93kykqyrr6siqpbwa’ when ‘0ihaqgf1z2gsjmy2q96m0s07dpnh92j3ss3myiqjdsh9957fwg79’ was expected"
<dram_nixos> Gotta go to sleep :) Back to FHS tomorrow
<LnL> why can't people just leave their releases alone :p
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<gchristensen> output path ‘/nix/store/3r9qz960rinhnzm3pva500pjv0gwnpgg-qtbug-48321-dont-invalidate-backing-store.patch’ has sha256 hash ‘0m8p9g0vi1ywmgwb99rllqki4ljrxi07w93a87aza9cgnmcrav4q’ when ‘07vnndmvri73psz0nrs2hg0zw2i4b1k1igy2al6kwjbp7d5xpglr’ was expected too
<gchristensen> LnL: right? :P
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<gchristensen> I think I need to setup a statsd system to get the good info hydra emits
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<srk> ah, somehow there's another boot hidden on root that gets loaded first
<srk> how can I force grub to load grub.cfg from first (boot) partition? delete it from root?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bobvanderlinden opened pull request #21931: nginx: added serverName option for virtualHosts (master...pr-nginx-virtualhost-servername) https://git.io/vMozh
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] grahamc opened pull request #21932: [don't merge] qt55.qtbase: fix patch sha with fetchpatch instead of fetchurl (master...qt55-qtbase-fix-patch) https://git.io/vMo2o
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<gchristensen> simpson: may I PM?
<simpson> gchristensen: Sure.
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<cheshircat> Hello, I'm trying to deploy a python application on nixops, and I'm not sure how to write a nix package for my python app. It has a couple pypi dependencies and a python library and some scripts that call that python library. I'm developing just using a virtualenv, so I haven't figured out how to build it with nix yet
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<cheshircat> I've read the manual section on python packaging, but it's unclear how, in a standalone default.nix file, you record dependencies
<simpson> cheshircat: Well, to handle deps, you produce a Python that has all of your dependencies bundled, like this:
<simpson> env = pkgs.python27.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = with pkgs.python27Packages; [ flask twisted ]; };
<cheshircat> How would I put that into a default.nix?
<cheshircat> I've done development with nix-shell using python3.withPackages ( [ ... ] )
<simpson> And then you'd run your script with "${env}/bin/python your_app.py"
<simpson> Or e.g. "${env}/bin/twistd -n web --wsgi my.cool.wsgi.app" for running WSGI with Twisted Web.
<simpson> Do you want something standalone or with nixops?
<cheshircat> I want something with nixops
<cheshircat> As far as I could tell, that meant building it as a package
<cheshircat> but maybe I'm wrong?
<cheshircat> I have my scripts in the bin directory of my python package (which is properly packaged with setup.py etc.), so if I install the package with pip I get the scripts in my path, is there a way to do that with a nix package?
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Baughn closed pull request #21417: ddclient: Make it work. (master...master) https://git.io/vMfXG
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<simpson> cheshircat: I did something a little more direct: https://bpaste.net/show/0d0008b72558
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<simpson> If you install your package with buildPythonPackage, then you'll get your executable scripts in the right place, yes.
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] Baughn opened pull request #21933: ddclient: Don't include blank server= lines. (master...master) https://git.io/vMooU
<cheshircat> Sorry, but I'm not sure how to do dependencies with buildPythonPackage if I'm not in the toplevel python-packages.nix file where they just do with self; [ ... ]
<simpson> with python27.packages; [ ... ]
<cheshircat> Ah, thank you
<simpson> Er, sorry, with pkgs.python27Packages; [ ... ]
<simpson> Wasn't thinking.
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<MoreTea> @gchristensen, is this what I think that this is going to be https://github.com/grahamc/hydra-prs?
<cheshircat> So I have to have { ... buildPythonPackage, python3Packages ... }: as the top bit, and then for buildInputs = with python3Packages; [ ... ]
<gchristensen> MoreTea: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
<MoreTea> building PR's for nixpkgs on a real hydra? That would be awesome.
<gchristensen> we'll see how it goes :)
<simpson> cheshircat: Sounds about right.
<MoreTea> Do you plan to use a buildbot like Rust uses?
<cheshircat> OK! Thank you so much!
<gchristensen> MoreTea: what is that?
<simpson> cheshircat: Note that maybe this means that your project shouldn't get its own top-level default.nix but should just go into the top-level Python package list.
<simpson> But I don't really understand the structure that you're building.
<cheshircat> I'm not making a package to put into nixpkgs
<cheshircat> Maybe I should just use your thing with the env
<cheshircat> But I thought that you needed your thing to be a python package in order to get deployed to the servers...
<cheshircat> *nix package
<cheshircat> how do you get your script onto the server?
<simpson> In this case, my code is calling buildPythonPackage; in another case, I have a single file that I load with `mainApp = ./mainApp.py`
<cheshircat> Could you send me how you use buildPythonPackage?
<MoreTea> They basically have a GitHub bot that responds to '@'-mentions. They use it to test merges of branches in master, and then test the new master before they merge the commit in master. Only the bot merges stuff into master. That way, you will never have a master with broken tests
<gchristensen> interesting
<MoreTea> Basically they use it to work around the limited permissions available in GitHub.
<gchristensen> right now this is just an experiment, nothing official and nothing with merge rights
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<simpson> cheshircat: Basically buildPythonPackage { src = fetchfossil { ... }; ... }
<simpson> Nothing fancy.
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<cheshircat> OK
<MoreTea> Sure. But think of a workflow that would consist of 1) code review by someone, that would write a comment "@botname r+" to mark it as ready to merge, after which the bot would trigger a build on Hydra and report back the status. If it's green, the bot would automatically merge the PR.
<cheshircat> Well, I'll try some things, and hopefully they will work
<cheshircat> thank you for your help
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<MoreTea> I should look deeper into Hydra some time.
<gchristensen> MoreTea: that would be very cool:)
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixops] Nadrieril opened pull request #585: libvirt: Allow more complex network setups (master...libvirt-networking) https://git.io/vMoPq
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] leemachin opened pull request #21934: rubocop: init at 0.47.0 (master...rubocop) https://git.io/vMo9I
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<MaZ-> https://ptpb.pw/jeWn hmmmm... gotta be a nicer way to merge these configs im mkExtra but... brain isn't working :(
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMo5d
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master fec95a4 Svein Ove Aas: ddclient: Don't include blank server= lines.
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] rycee closed pull request #21933: ddclient: Don't include blank server= lines. (master...master) https://git.io/vMooU
<MoreTea> Any rust programmer here?
<MoreTea> I'm having some trouble with OpenSSL
<MoreTea> Ah, I forgot to add pkgconfig
<MoreTea> That helped ;)
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<pmahoney> i made a docker image with pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage (with null "from" image), and when i `docker run` it, there is no /proc filesystem, unlike, say, when i `docker run -ti busybox`. the thing i'm running is failing to read /proc/cpuinfo; not sure what to look for to make /proc behave like it does in busybox
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<HappyEnte> Hey is there any way to pass a nix-shell a command to run :)? Similar to sh -c?
<pmahoney> HappyEnte: --command ? see nix-shell --help
<pmahoney> or --run for non-interactive
<HappyEnte> pmahoney: works like a charm thank you very much :)
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<srk> pff, getting curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to cache.nixos.org:443
<srk> random failures.. how do you solve such thing?
<pmahoney> srk: hm, some nix programs read CURL_OPTS (spelling?) from the environment; you can try running with CURL_OPTS=-v
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<pmahoney> at least i thought; not finding the place where that happens...
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<srk> pmahoney: lol, it worked now
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<pmahoney> it may also be CURL_FLAGS or NIX_CURL_FLAGS (in case you ever need it)
<lverns> question: Say my packages has foo as one of its buildInputs. How do I interact with that foo in, say, the preConfigure stage?
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<lverns> That is, how do I use get the string "/nix/store/bigLongHash-foo/" in order to interact with the files stored there?
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<pmahoney> lverns: preConfigure = '' ls ${foo} '';
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<c0bw3b> ixxie : nice stickers! :p
<lverns> pmahoney: that works, thanks
<ixxie> c0bw3b: yeah, apparaently Nix Hydra also makes a 'hot guy alarm clock' as well as a variety of tamaguchi knock-offs (http://www.nixhydra.com/)
<LnL> ixxie: he switched careers, got tired of compiling stuff
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<c0bw3b> the job explicitly advertise a "diverse team making mobile games for a predominately female fan base"
<c0bw3b> so yheah was probably more interesting than mass rebuilding darwin again :p
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<maurerv6> So, the router at my local cafe evidently got an ipv6 uplink
<maurerv6> this would be fine, except for whatever reason, my (bog-default) nixos networking seems to see that it can get an ipv6 address
<maurerv6> and then not get a real ipv4 one
<maurerv6> instead opting for an ipv4LL address which is unrouted
<maurerv6> Apologies if this is easy to find the answer to normally, but right now I can basically only see stuff served off a select few sites (e.g. google.com, freenobe)
<maurerv6> since they need quad A records
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<pmahoney> to answer my original question, it seems you need to have "mount" command available in the docker image, and then you get a "/proc". not sure if that's true in general (what about all those "minimal" containers that have a single statically-compiled binary; do they not have "/proc"?)
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<moio`> hi! How do you guys declare the existence of other dotfiles inside your nix config? I mean, say you'd have a .xmonad or something and you want to sort of stick your nix config to that particular xmonad configuration.
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<lverns> maurerv6: oh that is painful. So `ip addr` only shows the ipv6 address?
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<maurerv6> lverns: No, it has both an ipv6 and an ipv4 address, but the ipv4 address is an ipv4LL address (e.g.
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<lverns> maurerv6: huh, I didn't even know there was such a thing. So... yeah, no idea how to fix that.
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<maurerv6> lverns: Do you know how to disable ipv6 in configuration.nix?
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<maurerv6> It's cool that I've got an ipv6 address and all, but I don't need one at the moment, and I kind of do need a v4 address
<maurerv6> (nixos cache is ipv6 acessible, which is A+)
<maurerv6> (but the manual is not)
<contrapumpkin> making some progress on rewriting NixOS image stuff
<contrapumpkin> if anyone's following
<contrapumpkin> unfortunately the nixos-install script is insufficient
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<lverns> maurerv6: according to the manual, you can try `networking.enableIPv6 = false;`
<contrapumpkin> running it locally seems to print out the path to the channel source
<contrapumpkin> ah I think I see
<contrapumpkin> niksnut? clever? :)
<contrapumpkin> is it only doing that because it might try to update the DB?
<contrapumpkin> perhaps some combination of NIX_DB_DIR and other vars to affect the store location?
<Dezgeg> maybe you can do some trickery to have <nixpkgs> copied to the builder store at eval time, then include it to the image's closure, then symlink manually
<contrapumpkin> already copying the store into the destination
<contrapumpkin> err, the channel
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<maurerv6> OK, nixos-rebuild switching, hopefully I land in ipv4land
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<Dezgeg> right, so then do that in the same step where the store paths are registered valid in the target db
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<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: and for https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/installer/tools/nixos-install.sh#L225, is that ever more than one path? in my case I was just going to put it into one store path
<contrapumpkin> (the $srcs instead of $src throws me off)
<Dezgeg> well, it's quoted there : nix-env -i "$srcs" so it shouldn't be...
<contrapumpkin> oh, true
<moio`> does someone know why this has no effect: environment.variables = { "MY_ENV_VAR" = "hello"; };
<gchristensen> moio`: did you start a new shell?
<moio`> yes
<gchristensen> hmm you may need to log out and back on?
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<Dezgeg> so that's already coded actually: nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/channel.nix
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<maurerv6> No dice
<maurerv6> It just only gets an ipv4LL
<maurerv6> others around me are able to access websites fine, so I don't think it's a broken router
<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: thanks
<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: I get the feeling that's already happening here somehow, because I get the "dumping big path" message every time I build
<contrapumpkin> but I'll track that down later I guess
<Dezgeg> probably yes
<moio`> @gchristensen really? The doc says "These variables will be set on shell initialisation."
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<gchristensen> moio`: I don't know, just trying to help :)
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<moio`> sure, just wanna avoid to log out ;-) this option is for system wide vars, maybe there is another one for individual users..
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<contrapumpkin> hmm, Dezgeg: error: path ‘/tmp/nix-build-nixos-disk-image.drv-0/root/nix/store/jzpfij4xi002lh244cl4y0a6cl3zc1hc-nixos-17.03.git.289782b’ does not exist and cannot be created
<contrapumpkin> but the path is there :/
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<Dezgeg> I guess it has the extra '/tmp/nix-build-nixos-disk-image.drv-0/root' in front?
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<contrapumpkin> well, I'm assembling the "target" rootfs inside a temp builder dir
<contrapumpkin> then I put it into an image
<Dezgeg> and run that nix-env in a buildInLinuxVM?
<contrapumpkin> nope
<Dezgeg> ohh
<contrapumpkin> the whole exercise is trying to avoid/minimize buildInLinuxVM
<contrapumpkin> because it's a complete slug on EC2 and other virtualized environments
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<Dezgeg> yeah I can understand
<contrapumpkin> I don't, but I was running with /tmp/nix-build-nixos-disk-image.drv-0/
<contrapumpkin> argh
<contrapumpkin> NIX_STORE_DIR=$root/nix/store nix-env
<contrapumpkin> is that not good enough?
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<Dezgeg> I think not, but maybe nix-store --dump | nix-store --restore works...
<contrapumpkin> hmm, how do you mean? I'm just trying to convince nix-env to create its symlink structure for my root channel
<contrapumpkin> actually populating the store seems fine
<Dezgeg> it probably expects /nix/store/jzpfij4xi002lh244cl4y0a6cl3zc1hc-nixos-17.03.git.289782b to be registered as a valid path in the target database
<contrapumpkin> oh!
<contrapumpkin> yes, you're probably right
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMKvR
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master dc0e5e1 Pascal Wittmann: udunits: 2.2.20 -> 2.2.21
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 21e3948 Pascal Wittmann: udunits: remove unused patch
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<Dezgeg> I wonder if it should just be hacked manually... because you don't want the symlink to start with '/tmp/nix-build-nixos-disk-image.drv-0/'
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<Dezgeg> which I suspect it would
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMKvQ
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master b280b6c Bjørn Forsman: lighttpd: 1.4.44 -> 1.4.45
<contrapumpkin> I suppose
<contrapumpkin> maybe I'll skip setting up the channel for now and make sure other stuff works
<Dezgeg> yeah
<contrapumpkin> also, do you know what's going on here? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix#L72-L73
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] bjornfor pushed 1 new commit to release-16.09: https://git.io/vMKvp
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/release-16.09 bb58438 Bjørn Forsman: lighttpd: 1.4.44 -> 1.4.45...
<Dezgeg> that is the /nix/var/nix/db creation step
<contrapumpkin> how does it know where to put it?
<contrapumpkin> oh, that's creating the db inside the build VM
<contrapumpkin> not in the target fs
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub created bitlbee-3.5 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vMKfL
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/bitlbee-3.5 2ba9a67 Pascal Wittmann: bitlbee: 3.4.2 -> 3.5
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<Dezgeg> yes
<Dezgeg> I suppose setting NIX_STATE_DIR does it (and not touching NIX_STORE_DIR)
<contrapumpkin> not NIX_DB_DIR?
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<Dezgeg> hm, my 1.12 manpage doesn't list that
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] pSub opened pull request #21937: bitlbee: 3.4.2 -> 3.5 (master...bitlbee-3.5) https://git.io/vMKfu
<contrapumpkin> oh
<contrapumpkin> maybe that died?
<contrapumpkin> anyway, STATE_DIR looks broader so I'll use that
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<Dezgeg> yes, NIX_DB_DIR was removed (since there was NIX_STATE_DIR before as well)
<contrapumpkin> makes sense
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] acowley opened pull request #21938: haskell-packages: fix purescript_0_10_5 deps (master...purescript) https://git.io/vMKJN
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<contrapumpkin> not sure how well the nix tools respect those environment variables...
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<LnL> aaah, why can't I give this bloody folder +x for my nfs mount
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<LnL> omg *facepalm*
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<johnw> how do I setup a custom package in config.nix that I would have otherwise installed as "npm install foo"?
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<Minoru> is there anything like Gentoo's "live packages" in NixOS? Live packages pull the latest revision from master branch whenever they're reinstalled. The closest thing I found is update-nix-fetchgit.
<contrapumpkin> Minoru: not really
<contrapumpkin> there are some ideas for how to do that, but nothing concrete right now
<contrapumpkin> without a controlled nondeterminism primitive, it sort of runs counter to how nix usually does things
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<simpson> Minoru: Out of curiosity, do you want this for a bunch of packages, or just for one package?
<schoppenhauer> hi. is it possible to create a nix-shell with an own instance of mysql? (I once managed to create one with its own postgres, but not sure whether this is possible with mysql, or whether it wouls be better to build a vm directly)
<Minoru> contrapumpkin: yeah, I thought it might be against nix's nature. What do I google to find those ideas you mention? Want to stay on top of things in this field.
<contrapumpkin> Minoru: most of the noise around it so far has been from me, on this ticket: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/520
<Minoru> simpson: just for one right now, but this might be expanded to something like 5 (which is roughly the number I had on Gentoo). Does that make a difference?
<simpson> Minoru: Only in that there's no way to scale maintaining lots of overridden versions.
<Minoru> contrapumpkin: thanks!
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<Minoru> simpson: you mean the situation where I use a live package to override some other package's dependency? Like if I wanted to use bleeding-edge GTK and build Gimp on top of it?
<Minoru> my use-cases for live packages have always been about user application, not stuff that some other packages depend on
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<Minoru> *applications
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<simpson> Minoru: I mean that the text file that contains your overriding Nix expression will grow linearly with the number of packages that you override.
<Minoru> ah. But I'm not overriding, I'm just providing a new version
<Minoru> if I totally copy Gentoo approach here, it will be version 9999
<Minoru> I notice some of Nix packages have dev versions that have timestamps as version numbers, like 20150101
<contrapumpkin> versions don't mean much in nixland
<Minoru> well, yeah
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<Minoru> OTOH without them me and you won't be able to share a machine and have two different instances of "live package" installed, build inputs being the same
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<Minoru> or maybe not. Depends on what that non-deterministic primitive takes into account when generating the hash
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<simpson> Just the inputs. The source files, the dependencies, the Nix expression defining the derivation.
<contrapumpkin> I imagine the nondeterministic one would behave more like a fixed-output derivation + some info
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] peti closed pull request #21938: haskell-packages: fix purescript_0_10_5 deps (master...purescript) https://git.io/vMKJN
<kier> when is nixos-unstable updated?
<Minoru> any problem can be solved with another layer of indirection :) Nondeterministic build could just generate a fixed-output derivation that NixOS already knows how to build
<contrapumpkin> Minoru: in principle, but we'd need explicit staging
<contrapumpkin> which is the direction I was going, but it's tricky
<Minoru> contrapumpkin: what's "explicit staging"?
<Minoru> or, rather, what's "staging" in this context?
<contrapumpkin> nix currently evaluates your expression, collects all the derivations that evaluation produces, and then downloads/builds all those derivation outputs
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<contrapumpkin> it can basically do all of that at once today
<contrapumpkin> with the thing we're saying, it doesn't know what to do (i.e., hashes) until after it's resolved the nondet derivation
<contrapumpkin> there's a sort of hacky thing today that allows you to import the result of a nix build into nix evaluation, but that then starts building in the middle of your evaluation and behaves strangely
<contrapumpkin> (and doesn't work well on hydra, etc.)
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<shlevy> Well
<shlevy> We need more than just staging
<Minoru> sounds like a nice way to write a deadlock
<shlevy> (I already implemented "redirects")
<shlevy> We also need state :)
<contrapumpkin> hi shlevy!
<contrapumpkin> yes :)
<contrapumpkin> I think I'm going to give up on using any of the nix tooling inside my builder
* contrapumpkin sighs
<shlevy> I sketched out some ideas for a new-and-improved store impl this weekend
<shlevy> I'll post them somewhere if I don't decide to write it myself :)
<contrapumpkin> I look forward to it!
<contrapumpkin> I hate programs that force me to chroot :(
<Minoru> state? Why? Also staging already sounds like state
<Minoru> or maybe a better question would be "what kind of state?"
<shlevy> If your nondet derivation pulls a git repo
<shlevy> You want to be able to keep a copy around for the next time you get the latest
<shlevy> Pulling nixpkgs fresh every time is no fun :)
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<contrapumpkin> shlevy: I have a sweet sweet tool
<contrapumpkin> that lets me copy stuff at ridonkulous speeds into partitioned disk images
<contrapumpkin> and now I'm trying to refactor the NixOS image creation process to not use VMs as much
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<contrapumpkin> proving to be quite a PITA though :)
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<Dezgeg> how are the end products used? is it used for the final thing with a user supplied config or something used for installing / bootstrapping;5u
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<Dezgeg> *?
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<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: either, really. Will try to come up with a better UI/UX later, but for now I'm just trying to replace https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix
<LnL> I don't understand, my darwin machine without a nix-daemon refuses to use my binary cache
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<Dezgeg> for latter, the livecd code which does stuff at the first boot could be used, but it's probably too ugly for the firt ase
<Dezgeg> *case
<contrapumpkin> yeah, I'd like the image to be a proper one
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<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] copumpkin pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vMKGi
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master f1a9bc3 Dan Peebles: lkl: init
<contrapumpkin> Dezgeg: that's the magic package :)
<Dezgeg> nice, I need to try that
<contrapumpkin> the tool inside it is called cptofs
<contrapumpkin> but I think I need to make another patch to it before it works perfectly for our needs
<contrapumpkin> (I already added symlink support which was missing before)
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<viric> contrapumpkin: by fs, what fs?
<contrapumpkin> any fs
<contrapumpkin> that linux kernel supports
<contrapumpkin> I've just been doing ext4 for now
<viric> frightening
<contrapumpkin> but it's literally just using the linux kernel implementation of the filesystems
<contrapumpkin> why?
<viric> does it loop mount and all that? Or you mean that it compiles and uses the kernel implementation in userland?
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<contrapumpkin> viric: the latter
<pmahoney> how would i add a pythonpackage to the PYTHONPATH used by https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/networking/dd-agent/default.nix ? using overrideDerivation to add to buildInputs seems to not effect PYTHONPATH (specifically, i want to add pycurl, which is required for using an http proxy)
<viric> contrapumpkin: ah ok
<contrapumpkin> viric: it's pretty awesome :)
<viric> years ago I wanted to use UML for such things
<contrapumpkin> yeah, this is a similar idea but as a library
<contrapumpkin> rather than trying to intercept
<viric> good
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<jack[m]> hello viric!
<viric> hej jack[m]
<jack[m]> I had some questions about cross-compiling for you, did you generate the rpi images by cross-comping, or native on the rpi?
<viric> native
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<jack[m]> Ahh. I wonder if I can set up hydra to get a QEMU to do that. Hrm.
<viric> clever and Dezgeg have hydras building for arm
<jack[m]> viric (IRC): do you have a link handy?
<jack[m]> (if they're public.. )
<contrapumpkin> omg it's clever
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<contrapumpkin> clever: I pushed up a package for lkl :)
<jack[m]> clever (IRC), Dezgeg (IRC): danke.
<clever> contrapumpkin: nice
<contrapumpkin> jack[m]: are you on some sort of IRC bridge? :)
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<jack[m]> contrapumpkin (IRC): Yeah, I'm talking to a matrix server.
<Ralith> matrix ftw
<Ralith> slightly weird bridge behavior aside
<contrapumpkin> what's this matrix thing I keep seeing? I wish it wouldn't act so weird on IRC
<jack[m]> contrapumpkin (IRC): http://matrix.org
<wrl> contrapumpkin: it's a post-irc post-xmpp federated chat protocol
<contrapumpkin> I think gchristensen banned someone a couple of weeks ago because their matrix server was doing annoying stuff on IRC
<contrapumpkin> ah
<Ralith> or https://riot.im/
<wrl> it's actually quite good but it needs some time to mature
<contrapumpkin> like, it doesn't seem crucial for it to add (IRC) to all of jack[m]'s highlights in here :)
<contrapumpkin> I'm assuming jack[m] isn't typing those out explicitly
<contrapumpkin> surely sounds good on paper though :)
<simpson> It's okay. It's not even close to as bad as Slack or Telegram gateways.
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<Ralith> yeah, sticking (IRC) on people's names was a mistake, which the official client actually has hardcoded workarounds for now
<Ralith> not sure why jack isn't benefiting from that
<wrl> Ralith: is riot the official client?
* jack[m] is using weechat right now, perhaps that has been fixed.
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<Ralith> wrl: riot is the official client family, yes
<Ralith> there's a lot of third party client efforts but none of them work very well yet
<Ralith> turns out post-IRC protocols take substantial investment to implement
<wrl> yeah
<wrl> yepppp
<wrl> and end to end crypto is hard
<wrl> not just the crypto, as it turns out!
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<philipp[m]> matrix gave me the best irc experience I've ever had.
<wrl> philipp[m]: yeah i've been thinking about effectively using it as a bouncer
<philipp[m]> Imagine: Searchable logs of the whole conversation across all my devices with one account.
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<eacameron> It doesn't appear that nix is building my haskell packages in parallel. It will build packages in parallel with each other, but not within a package. Do I need to change a setting? I'm building things from nixpkgs.
<contrapumpkin> eacameron: are you passing -j to it?
<contrapumpkin> oh
<contrapumpkin> --cores then
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<contrapumpkin> --cores affects concurrency levels inside a build, -j affects concurrent package builds
<eacameron> contrapumpkin: hmm...not directly (it's actually being built by nixops via remote systems)...is that a parameter to nix-build then?
<contrapumpkin> yup
<eacameron> contrapumpkin: what about nix-shell?
<contrapumpkin> same
<contrapumpkin> almost all nix tools take those two parameters
<eacameron> contrapumpkin: ah...hmmm interesting. I'll have to try it in conjunction with nixops
<contrapumpkin> that said, I've never tried it with nixops :)
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<cheshircat> Hello,
<cheshircat> Does anyone know how to make an arbitrary number of nixops machines?
<cheshircat> In the manual you have to name each one
<cheshircat> I want to have a parameter that controls how many I have
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<simpson> cheshircat: There's various tricks.
<simpson> You still have to name each one.
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<simpson> cheshircat: Actually, here's a question: What do you want to type after $(nixops ssh) in order to SSH into a particular one of these machines?
<cheshircat> simpson: you again! <3
<cheshircat> Oh, I suppose service-botn
<cheshircat> where n is the number
<symphorien> hello, I am trying to package paperwork on nixos, it is finally working except that no gtk icon is found, making the app unusable. How can I fix that ?
<cheshircat> are you saying there's a way of automatically generating attributes?
<Nadrieril> you can do anything in nix :)
<cheshircat> sounds like macros
<cheshircat> does nix have macros?
<simpson> cheshircat: Then you want builtins.listToAttrs.
<contrapumpkin> better than macros
<simpson> cheshircat: No need for macros.
<Nadrieril> for example lib.range gives you the list of numbers from a to b, then you can map over that and generate the entries for your machines
<contrapumpkin> it's just a function that produces a dictionary
<cheshircat> oh, and then you inherit that list or whatever?
<cheshircat> *that dict?
<Nadrieril> the nixops config is just a dictionnary, so you can generate that dictionary as you wish
<simpson> Or // it, sure.
<simpson> Nadrieril: "Attrset", please.
<Nadrieril> sry 0:)
<cheshircat> sweet, thanks!
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<symphorien> does anyone know how GTK icon theme work ?
<Nadrieril> cheshircat: off the top of my head, something like "builtins.listToAttrs (map (n: lib.nameValuePair "service-bot${n}" { <the config for the nth machine> }) (lib.range 1 5)" would give ou something like what you want
<simpson> Yep, that's about where I got too.
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<gchristensen> contrapumpkin, jack[m]: I banned someone because their client was parroting everything said in the channel
<gchristensen> contrapumpkin, jack[m]: they were on matrix or something like it. I unbanned them and it hasn't been an issue since :)
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<Ralith> sounds like they were running their own bridge and had it misconfigured
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<Ralith> mostly people use the official bridge, which seems to be working great
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<gchristensen> who knows
<gchristensen> I find their "(IRC)" thing slightly annoying but beyond that don't care
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<nekroze> It appears that VM's deployed to libvirt via nixops are not persistent across reboots. Is this by design?
<gchristensen> I doubt it, nekroze
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<nekroze> gchristensen: As did I but I am unable to change the VM's to autostart with virt-manager as they are transient aparently. I was thinking maybe the libvirt backend was for staging only thus non persistence would be less of an issue. but I am using it for production
<manveru> is there a good way to get the output of a program as a string?
<nekroze> manveru: depends where you need it. If its just a bash script you can place the comming in "$()" those parenthesis
<Nadrieril> the libvirt backend seems to be more like a PoC for now... it cannot do much serious stuff
<nekroze> Nadrieril: Yeah, I think I will need to contribute some code to it. I have managed to do quite a bit with it but much of that is in spite of its current implementation
<Nadrieril> nekroze: we should work together, I'm running into the same problems
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<nekroze> Nadrieril: I would be happy to. I have developed quite a set of modules to handle automated persistence pools and volumes, even rigged up a (not super pretty) way to define non nixops vm's and libvirt networks
<chpatrick> is it possible to depend on a non-nixpkgs package from github without making a submodule?
<manveru> nekroze: not sure how that should work... i'd like to get the value for an env var from executing an executable :|
<manveru> only way i can think of is mkDerivation, but that seems way overkill
<Nadrieril> I didn't go very far yet but I have a nice PR that allows more serious networking
<nekroze> manveru: from something already running?
<manveru> nekroze: i need to get the version from one of my dependencies and put it in an env var
<manveru> like X="$(some --version)"
<nekroze> manveru: is the dependency a nix package already?
<manveru> yes`
<simpson> Nadrieril: I like that PR.
<nekroze> Then you should be able to use MYENVVAR="$(${coolPkg}/bin/cool --version})"
<manveru> that works in bash, but not in nix
<manveru> i want to set it as the value of an env var for a systemd service in nixos
<chpatrick> how can I disable running tests for haskell packages?
<manveru> i'll see if there's something in the stdlib
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<nekroze> manveru: you should be able to do it if you set the variable in the service's script as that is run with bash (or a shell at least)
<pie_> does python27Packages.pygtk work for anyone?
<simpson> pie_: Isn't gi the thing to use these days?
<pie_> simpson, whats that?
<simpson> pie_: gobject-introspection.
<pie_> ok uh this is weird
<NixOS_GitHub> [nix] edolstra pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMKEV
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 40dfac9 Eelco Dolstra: nix-build: Use showManPage() and printVersion()
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 2b9d0a9 Eelco Dolstra: AutoDeleteArray -> std::unique_ptr...
<NixOS_GitHub> nix/master 8079ab8 Eelco Dolstra: AutoCloseDir: Use std::unique_ptr
<pie_> simpson, i have pygtk listed as a dep for whatever
<nekroze> Nadrieril: Not sure if I think that patch is the way to go. It already has a way to specify extra networks to connect the VM to, we should just add a way a to define libvirt networks with nixops and use that. Sadly it does add a virtio nic at the moment for the networks but we can fix that
<pie_> if i do nix-shell -p python27Packages.pygtk it works but not with nix-env -viA nixpkgs.pkgs.python27Packages.pygtk
<pie_> any idea why?
<Nadrieril> nekroze: it did only support network-type interfaces, and only those which use DHCP. I added other types of interfaces
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<Nadrieril> it may not be the best way still, but at least it is retrocompatible
<nekroze> Nadrieril: I meant the complex network patch, the mac and dhcp ones are nice options to have.
<pie_> also my PS1 and tab completion is broken in nix-shell :(
<nekroze> indeed
<pie_> simpson, i mean, is that a drop in replacement for pygtk?
<Nadrieril> well I needed something like that for my setup because I use bridging and static IPs. not sure how I could have been simpler, but I am open to ideas :)
<simpson> pie_: No. It's a replacement, I think?
<pie_> ah that doesnt help me then
<nekroze> Nadrieril: I am actually doing the same thing myself but I am using the libvirtXML options to inject it without changing nixops as of yet, but in replicating my deployment in a staging environment I found it much easier to define a diffent type of libvirt network (with dhcp to mock my lan for exmaple) rather then changing the VM.
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<nekroze> Nadrieril: Like I said, I am not sure or saying anything negative about your patch at all, I just think that defining libvirt networks themselves and having a list of networks the VM connects to could be more flexible
<nekroze> I will know more over the next week as I implement that in my own deploy
<Nadrieril> unfortunately I don't think I can define a libvirt network that does exactly like bridge does
<Nadrieril> hmm, ok
<Nadrieril> oh, you mean you want a declarative way to define libvirt networks ?
<Nadrieril> that would be super nice indeed
<nekroze> You can do a full bridge with a libvirt network, when exploring this I did one up for my bonded bridge network and libvirt handled it fine.
<Nadrieril> hmmm, I'll have to look into that thx
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<nekroze> Nadrieril: Yeah, fully declarative would be the goal. At the moment I am defining the XML in my nixops deployment and generating an idempotent systemd service to ensure the network exists but it should not be too hard to generate the xml as well
<Nadrieril> but that would be in the host configuration, wouldn't it ?
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<Nadrieril> ie completely independent of nixops
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<nekroze> Nadrieril: Yes, I am deploying my host as a targetEnv="none" as well to accomplish this but nixops should be able to do it as well. Just add some additional libvirt XML objects to be defined before defining a VM xml that depends on it
<Nadrieril> k, cool :)
<nekroze> I think it would be
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] ttuegel pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/vMKua
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 52232a6 Thomas Tuegel: startkde: run kbuildsycoca5...
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 69d6fc8 Thomas Tuegel: kde5.kcoreaddons: 5.30.0 -> 5.30.1
<NixOS_GitHub> nixpkgs/master 7d01fff Thomas Tuegel: kde5.applications: 16.12.0 -> 16.12.1
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<Nadrieril> nekroze: indeed, I just discovered https://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#examplesBridge
<Nadrieril> I will try to simplify my PR then
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] carlsverre opened pull request #21939: spotify: -> (master...update/spotify) https://git.io/vMKzt
<manveru> i basically just want a string like "7.3.1" in an env var in one of my derivations, i can do it this way, but it seems somewhat wrong :P
<NixOS_GitHub> [nixpkgs] lsix opened pull request #21940: gperf: 3.0.4 -> 3.1 (staging...update_gperf) https://git.io/vMKzu
<nekroze> Nadrieril: First thing I want to contribute is to use virtio for the disk and network devices I think
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<nekroze> manveru: That method was going to be my hacky suggestion. But in the installPhase you could have a line like "export ERTS_VSN="$(cat ${erts_vsn}/version)" and in the same way you could execute a command in there instead with a --version switch. Sucks as you would have to define this for each phase you want to use it but you could put in in a string in let before the derivation itself and have each phase pre
<nekroze> fixed by ` versionENV + "make" `
<nekroze> manveru: I am not sure if there is a better way around that. I feel like you should be able to add a version attribute to the derivation though and just use ${erts_vsn.version} but I am not sure if that is the case thought I think it should be if it isnt
<manveru> that'd be a way, yes
<manveru> at least to hide it a bit :)
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<nekroze> I wonder if you can set an attribute of a defferent machine in nixops... like `resources.machines.proxy.networking.useDHCP = false`...
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<nekroze> it appears not
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<nekroze> Nadrieril: Have you found the libvirt vm's to be non persistent? i am using my staging environment which uses nested libvirt so I cannot say for certain until the new parts for my production hardware arrive
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<Nadrieril> Indeed they are not
<Nadrieril> There are a few issues preventing them to be persistent, notably problems with image generation. I will try to look into that next
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<moio`> hi! is there a tool/function that serializes nix sets to json?