gchristensen changed the topic of #nixos-chat to: NixOS but much less topical || https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos-chat
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<samueldr> what the heck is going on with font rendering here????????? https://stuff.samueldr.com/screenshots/2020/11/20201125193403_65chr5gloab9wz0f1pb.png
<samueldr> it's in a PDF, baked-in by what produced it
<samueldr> I guess there must be some fontconfig magic missing from a basically empty fontconfig configuration file
<samueldr> not sure exactly which cargo-culted setting, but most likely hinting
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<infinisil> "Making an unpickable lock. Calling locksmiths"
<infinisil> Very impressive, I'll stay tuned for LockPickingLawyer's eventual picking attempt
<samueldr> watch it being defeated by last night's cold leftovers
<samueldr> (I haven't looked at your video)
<energizer> i think LPL just doesn't show the one he fails on
<energizer> bosnianbill shows his tho
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<infinisil> energizer: Really? You think LPL is a person that would hide his failures?
<energizer> infinisil: yes
<energizer> i'm not saying that's like a character defect or something
<infinisil> Very hard doubt
<energizer> just that's the kind of channel it is
<energizer> ie a "here's how to pick this lock" channel, not a "here's a lock i can't pick" channel
<infinisil> Where do you get that idea from that he's not showing locks he can't pick?
<energizer> there are a lot of hard-to-pick locks, and he doesn't have videos about them
<energizer> iow i'm not saying he's *hiding* them, just that he doesn't have videos about them
<infinisil> Oh okay
<infinisil> But then he's not hiding it, he's just not showing it on youtube
<gchristensen> a lot? :)
<infinisil> Though I did find at least this video of a lock he couldn't pick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV8QKZNFxLw
<gchristensen> oh yea the bowley.
<energizer> gchristensen: yeah there's an episode of LPL at BosnianBill's house where bill shows all his fails, and there's a lot
<jtojnar> re: linters, I should probably shill this mess https://github.com/jtojnar/nixpkgs-hammering
<jtojnar> mostly just handles stuff I commonly comment on in PRs and not a lot
<siraben> picking locks? hehe
<V> energizer: he has shown videos about things he hasn't managed to pick [yet]
<V> not going to check rn, but I believe it's the bowley I'm thinking of, ye
<siraben> Turns out the TSA looks are very easy to pick, fold a paperclip, insert, rotate and pull out
<siraben> or maybe it was a poor quality luggage lock, need to see
<siraben> s/looks/lock
<V> also, ooh
<V> LPL actually commented on that video
<V> >This is a really interesting project that shows promise. It's always fun to see what happens when fresh eyes look at a problem.
<V> >Shane and I just talked, and he'll be sending an improved version my way once it's ready. I look forward to seeing if I can come up with a creative approach to cracking this nut.
<V> the entire comment section is people talking about LPL
<V> unsurprising, I guess
<siraben> Jan Tojnar: what's nixpkgs-hammering do? isn't totally clear from the readme
<siraben> It's a linter?
<jtojnar> siraben yeah, I would consider it a linter
<gchristensen> wow nice
<samueldr> wow
<samueldr> I didn't know in which texlive package a thing was
<samueldr> scheme-full is still downloading
<samueldr> I don't know for how long, but it's been a while
<siraben> samueldr: I usually specify texlive with packages
<samueldr> >> I didn't know in which texlive package a thing was
<samueldr> I didn't think it would be *that* full :)
<siraben> Ah
<samueldr> (for those following from yesterday's adventures... yes I'm down into LaTeX)
<samueldr> though through pandoc as I'm a lazy boi
<V> haha
<V> my... condolences?
<V> ah, fair
<samueldr> the other "solution" I knew of... turns out it didn't work any better in practice if you need more than one page to make a PDF of
<samueldr> buggy as hell, and has limitations
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<eyJhb> infinisil: Not sure if you shared, but did you have a nice pavucontrol toggle of input sourge script?
<infinisil> eyJhb: Didn't share it, but I have one for output toggling
<infinisil> Though it should be easy to adjust for input
<eyJhb> Mind sharing it? :p
<eyJhb> I also meant output, sorry
<infinisil> Currently on my phone, remind me again in like an hour :P
<eyJhb> {^_^}: Get some more features damn you! \s
<eyJhb> I will try to remind myself to remind you infinisil :D
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<lukegb> farewell, matrix.org
<sphalerite> o7
<hexa-> so say we all
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<eyJhb> Sweet, thanks infinisil ! :)
<infinisil> :)
<eyJhb> infinisil++
<{^_^}> infinisil's karma got increased to 377
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<red[evilred]> lukegb (IRC): what happened to matrix.org?
<lukegb> red[evilred]: oh, the Freenode<->matrix bridge died and came back
<red[evilred]> ah
<red[evilred]> I run my own so ...
<red[evilred]> you're welcome to use mine as a backup if you want
<red[evilred]> I leave mine open until I get abuse
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<red[evilred]> (with the caveat that the matrix bridge does log everything in channels to a database and I've yet to really find anything to trim that logging to a reasonable level)
<red[evilred]> I don't do anything with it - but I'm all about transparency
<eyJhb> red[evilred]: * * * * * rm -rf /path/to/logs :D
<red[evilred]> in other words, don't join #bank_robbery_logs
<red[evilred]> maybe logs is teh wrong word
<red[evilred]> it stores channel data so that if a client logs out and logs back in they get to keep a certain amount of history
<red[evilred]> as their "irc puppet" never leaves
<red[evilred]> when you disconnect from matrix, you don't disconnect from irc
<ldlework> So I've been writing some Java lately, and this probably isn't the right crowd, but I don't see why people hate it so much.
<adisbladis> ldlework: It's boring and verbose. I don't hate it but it would rarely be my language of choice for anything.
<ldlework> I been doing Minecraft plugin writing, and it's just simple, has respectable generics, and just gets out of the way.
<adisbladis> But I agree. Java is pretty solid.
<sphalerite> ldlework: I think it's largely not because of the language itself but because of how it's used in ~~enterprise software~~
<ldlework> With IntelliJ's Idea, the experience is much like C#.
<adisbladis> sphalerite: Right
<ldlework> sphalerite: Yeah that's the meme that's kept me from it for 20 years.
<adisbladis> SomethingScrollerViewControllerPluginFactoryBean < this is what gave java a bad name
<ldlework> There are good DI frameworks for Java
<ldlework> So you probably wouldn't need such a factory.
<ldlework> Though, with DI you sometimes do!
<adisbladis> sphalerite: I was doing Android dev a couple of years back professionally. Java on Android is actually pretty nice for the most part.
<adisbladis> It's very different from enterprisey java
<V> ldlework: Java used to be worse. Java 8+ improved things a bunch, and development is going at a faster pace these days I feel?
<ldlework> Yeah I'm using Java 11 and it's got lambdas and type inference and shit.
<V> but also... the whole "it has a GC, it's bloated" meme crowd
<V> yeah, lambdas were an 8 feature
<adisbladis> V: Most languages have GC nowadays anyway
<ldlework> I'll admit though, when I work with C# and Java, I start immediately thinking in terms of type dependencies as services that are gonna get injected into each other and stuff.
<ldlework> lol even for minecraft plugins
<V> adisbladis: GC used to be slow, peoples beliefs didn't stay with the times
<V> GCs are insanely good these days
<ldlework> ur insanely gud these days
<V> am I
<ldlework> no one told you?!
<ldlework> i write the memos
<ldlework> no one reads them
<V> I think it's been a while since anyone said that, so clearly I was better in the past :p
<etu> ldlework: I didn't get the memo
<ldlework> typical!
<ldlework> sorry it's 7:30 AM and I've been writing Java all night...
<supersandro2000> I just looked into all-packages.nix and yeah sorting is well... not happening
<supersandro2000> maybe we should automate it or just abandon it
<averell> i think keeping thematically related stuff close and alphabetic order competed each other to death
<supersandro2000> I not saying that I might have put some misc tool into s with some scientific stuff
<supersandro2000> but yeah..
<supersandro2000> I would just do alphabetically and be done with it
<red[evilred]> ldlework (IRC): my main objection to Java is that it was a language designed to be cross platform so they compromised on so many things
<red[evilred]> then they went all JIT and broke a lot of the cross-platform promises
<red[evilred]> maybe much of the issue is less the language and more the implementation
<V> the old APIs are screwy, and there's so many of them
<red[evilred]> yeah, every language aquires cruft over the decades in the name of backwards compatibility.
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<lukegb> V: one day it might happen... one day.
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<nly> openbazaar installed from nix has messed up fonts
<nly> any remedies?
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<supersandro2000> Could I push to r-ryantm the entire time!?
<cole-h> You're a committer -- you can push to everybody's PRs.
<cole-h> (Though, typically, you shouldn't do so without permission........)
<supersandro2000> Even if they did not check that I am allowed?
<cole-h> Well, the default is that you're allowed
<cole-h> So if they uncheck it, no, you can't push
<supersandro2000> to push to the bot if fine I think. I can just fix darwin without yet another PR
<supersandro2000> good to know that
<supersandro2000> boy is this sometimes slow...
<infinisil> Yeah pushing to PR's is nice
<infinisil> I've also used this for when the PR is almost ready, but the author has gone quiet
<infinisil> Don't want this to hold up a good PR
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<hexa-> used this to enable tests in a r-ryantm pr
<hexa-> totally worth it
<hexa-> only checking out said branch and adding the remote is a bit cumbersome
<samueldr> you don't have to add a remote
<samueldr> git push git@github.com:owner/repo.git HEAD:theirbranchname
<samueldr> not sure about checking out though, I have a convoluted setup that does things in a weird way for checking out PRs
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<infinisil> I believe the new gh cli has a way to check it out while allowing pushing
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<gchristensen> I don't suppose anyone knows of a point in the OID hierarchy for uncoordinated, private use
<LinuxHackerman> gchristensen: just do it like krebsco with their IPv6 space http://krebsco.de/
<LinuxHackerman> choose an unallocated space and say "this is mine now!!"
<gchristensen> hah
<gchristensen> I think I might use which seems to be the OID for "some json"
<supersandro2000> force pushing a branch of r-ryantm takes 45 seconds. Why?
<makefu> LinuxHackerman: 42::/16 is a nice place to live in
<LinuxHackerman> makefu: it does sound nice
<makefu> it was persisted in wikipedia for a couple of months as "privately allocated network"
<gchristensen> hah
<makefu> it was there long enough for someone to include it into its presentation (google 42::/16 retiolum)
<gchristensen> several, it seem
<makefu> at least one which is quite prominent coming from a company called WatchGuard
<infinisil> :o
<cole-h> "Preparatory work towards being runnable on NixOS" 👀👀
<cole-h> Anybody have a word they like that's a synonym for "perpetuating"?
<joepie91> depending on context, 'enabling'?
<energizer> without context you'll have better luck with a thesaurus
<cole-h> Heh, sorry.
<cole-h> I'm looking for a word that conveys a kind of "loop" -- e.g. something that reinforces / bolsters its own existence.
<cole-h> (Not sure if that makes sense.)
<joepie91> {vicious,virtuous} cycle
<cole-h> I like it. joepie91++
<{^_^}> joepie91's karma got increased to 20
<cole-h> That phrase slipped my mind, thanks for reminding me :)
<joepie91> :)
<cirno-999> Perpetuating work towards being runnable on NixOS? :D
<cole-h> Heh, no.
<cole-h> Completely unrelated :P